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Physical treatments of musculoskeletal pain syndromes

European J ournal Translational Myology 2010; 1 (4): 157-165

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Combination treatment of physical modalities in the treatment of
musculoskeletal pain syndromes: a prospective-controlled study
Karin Pieber* (1), Malvina Herceg* (1), Melanie Kienbauer (1), Roland Peceny (2),
Martina Grim-Stieger (2), Helmut Kern (2), Tatjana Paternostro-Sluga (1)
(1) Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Medical University of
Vienna, General Hospital Vienna; (2) Department of Physical Medicine,
Wilhelminenspital Vienna, Austria.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of combinations of several physical therapies in
the treatment of musculoskeletal pain syndromes by a prospective, controlled study. Forty
patients (5 men and 35 women, 18-80 years) with musculoskeletal pain syndrome were
included. Thirty patients were assigned to the intervention group and 10 patients to the control
group. The intervention group received a combination of physical therapies according to the
clinical needs (electrotherapy, fango packs, mud packs, ultrasound, massage, exercise therapy).
Treatment consisted of 10 sessions. The control group did not receive any physical therapy in
the waiting period. The intervention group was examined at the beginning and the end of the
treatment period. The control group was evaluated at the beginning and the end of the waiting
period (before their physical therapy treatment started). Main outcome measurements were:
Visual analogue scale for pain (VAS); Timed Get up and Go Test (TUG); Functional Reach
Test (FRT). In addition bodily, emotional and social functioning was accessed by selected
ICF-Items and items of the SF-36 health survey (SF-36). The main outcome measures showed
significant improvement in the intervention group compared to the control group. Furthermore,
ICF- and SF-36-Items also improved. In conclusion significant pain relief and improvement of
function was achieved by a combination treatment of physical therapies in patients with
musculoskeletal pain syndromes.
Key Words: physical modalities, musculoskeletal, pain, physical therapy, combination
European Journal Translational Myology 2010; 1 (4): 157-165
Musculoskeletal pain syndromes are a common
health problem. In Austria, the number of sick leave
days caused by musculoskeletal disorders was 8196907
days, including men and women, in 2007 [25]. This
has a great impact on Austrian economy. The treatment
of musculoskeletal pain syndromes is multimodal.
Beside pharmacological and surgical treatment
different types of physical therapies are applied.
Nonsurgical treatment contains of drug prescription,
local infiltration and various physical therapies, like
different forms of electrotherapy, thermotherapy,
massage therapies, exercise therapies, ultrasound and
more. In general combinations of different physical
modalities are used. The choice of treatment
combination depends on the clinical needs and
symptoms of the patient.
There are numerous studies dealing with the
physiological effects of physical modalities. The
analgesic effect of electrotherapy is probably based on
enhanced microcirculation [15], an increase in muscle
oxidative capacity [19], local release of
neurotransmitters such as serotonin [29], increased
mitochondrial ATP production [22], increased release
of endorphins [34] or anti-inflammatory effects [1].
The activation of the dorsal column is discussed as
another mechanism. The pain input is interrupted by
inhibitation of the C-fibres (gate control mechanism)
[30]. Mima et al. [20] found a decrease of human
motor cortex excitability by using high-frequency
Topical heat increases small non-myelinated C-fibre
activity that inhibits nociceptive signals in the spinal
cord and increases proprioception [7,17,26,27]. Heat
therapy may also stimulate various regions of the
brain, supporting psychosomatic effects [4,6]. The
benefit of the heat wrap is thus indirectly mediated in
the brain via skin warming, combined with the
physical support of body regions affected with pain.
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Additionally, the psychological effects of comfort and
relaxation have been associated with topical heat
therapy, extenuating central integration and coherence
of the pain experience [26].
Classic (Swedish) massage has a long history in the
treatment of musculoskeletal pain syndromes in
Europe [32]. Known effects like muscle relaxation, an
increase of the pain threshold and positive
psychological impact are possibly due to endorphin
release. It is also known to increase local blood flow
which could enhance clearance of local pain mediators
Exercise therapy has several direct and indirect effects.
Main effects are joint protection and unloading,
facilitation, inhibition, sensomotor, trophic and
functional adaptation, as well as change of behaviour
and psychological adaptation [12,24,18].
Pain can induce limitations in function, activity and
participation. All these aspects are represented in the
ICF (International classification of functioning,
disability and health) [33]. Therefore functioning is an
important outcome measurement for pain treatment.
Furthermore psychological effects have to be
mentioned. This is especially important for patients
with chronic pain. For the assessment of the health-
related quality of life the SF-36 health survey is a
widely accepted generic instrument [3].
There are several studies dealing with treatment of low
back pain and musculoskeletal problems using
different physical modalities as single treatment
compared with other therapy options or placebo. For
single treatment options there is varying evidence. In a
Cochrane review Hayden et al. [14] described an
evidence level B for exercise therapy for the treatment
of chronic low back pain. In another Cochrane review
Furlan et al. [10] described an evidence level C for
massage therapy for the treatment of low back pain.
Watson [31] reviewed the current concepts in
electrotherapy in the management of musculoskeletal
and neurological problems and found that combined
with other physical therapies it is likely to achieve the
most significant results. J ohnson et al. evaluated the
effect of electrical nerve stimulation (ENS) on chronic
musculoskeletal pain in a meta-analysis. The results
indicate that ENS is an effective treatment modality
[16]. In a Cochrane review Gadsby et al. found
evidence that TENS reduces pain and improves range
of motion in chronic back pain patients, at least in the
short term [11]. Nadler et al. [21] were able to show
positive effects of continuous low-level heat wrap
therapy versus oral pain medication in the treatment of
acute nonspecific low back pain.
The European Guidelines for the management of
chronic non-specific low back pain [2] recommend
further investigation of combinations of physical
treatments. Therefore, the aim of this study was to
evaluate the effect of a treatment combination of
several physical therapies in the treatment of
musculoskeletal pain syndromes.
Materials and Methods
Forty patients (35 women and 5 men, age 18-80 years)
were included in this prospective, controlled study.
Patients were suffering from the following
musculoskeletal pain syndromes: back pain including
radicular and pseudoradicular syndromes as well as
musculoskeletal pain affecting the extremities.
Patients, who did not understand German language,
patients with psychiatric illness or substance-abuse,
patients with dementia, pain caused by malignancy,
osteoporosis, rheumatic inflammatory disease, trauma
or fractures were excluded. Outpatients of the
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
Medical University of Vienna, General Hospital were
consecutively included into the study. The patients,
who could start their physical therapy treatment
immediately, were assigned to the intervention group
(group A). The patients of the waiting list were
assigned to the control group (group B).
The intervention group received a combination of
physical therapies according to the clinical needs. The
combination treatment consisted of 3 out of 5 different
types of physical therapies: electrotherapy
(transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, (pulsed)
low frequency stimulation, iontophoresis), heat (mud
packs or fango packs), ultrasound, massage and
exercise therapy. Physical therapies were chosen
according to the clinical needs. One treatment session
lasted between 60 and 90 minutes. Overall treatment
consisted of 10 sessions and lasted up to 4 weeks.
The control group included patients on the waiting list.
They did not receive any physical therapy in the
waiting period which lasted 2 weeks. Their physical
therapy treatment started afterwards.
All participants gave written informed consent to
participate in the study.
Patient characteristics
In the intervention group 6 patients reported acute pain,
5 patients subacute and 19 patients chronic pain. In the
control group 1 patient were suffering from subacute
pain and 9 patients from chronic pain. In the
intervention group pain was reported at the cervical
spine, shoulder/shoulder girdle and lumbar spine. Pain
at the lumbar spine was sometimes combined with pain
of hip and knee. Pain at the cervical spine was
sometimes combined with pain of shoulder and
shoulder girdle. In the control group the pain location
was reported similar to the intervention group with
pain at cervical spine, shoulder/shoulder girdle,
thoracic spine and lumbar spine. Pain of elbow, hand,
hip, knee or foot was not reported. In the intervention
Physical treatments of musculoskeletal pain syndromes
European J ournal Translational Myology 2010; 1 (4): 157-165
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Characteristics Intervention group n=30 Control group n=10
Age 52.1 years 47.5 years
Sex 5:25 (m:f) 0:10 (m:f)
Height 168.3 cm 166.7 cm
Weight 70.9 kg 69.1 kg

25.1 24.7

Table 1. Patient characteristics. The patients mean age, sex, height, weight, and body mass index are shown (m=male,
f=female, BMI=Body-Mass Index; cm=centimetres; kg=kilograms).

Intervention group Control group p-value VAS
pain Mean (SD) Median (range) Mean (SD) Median (range)
Baseline 5.65 (2.19) 5.5 (1.0-9.0) 6.15 (1.86) 6.25 (3.0-8.5)
Follow-up 3.76 (2.49) 3.5 (0-10.0) 6.3 (1.65) 6.3 (4.0-9.0)

DIFF-VAS -1.89 (2.37) 0.15 (1.62) 0.016

Table 2: VAS score pain. VAS score for pain at baseline and follow-up assessment and difference of VAS scores is
shown for both groups (SD=standard deviation; DIFF-VAS=Difference of VAS Scores).
group 46.7% (14 patients) and in the control group
60% (6 patients) used pain medication (NSAR,
opioids) on a regular basis. 20-27% of the patients in
both groups have also tried other treatment options like
acupuncture or Thai chi. In the intervention group 10%
of the patients never had physical therapies before.
20% of the patients had one treatment series before
(one series has ten treatment sessions). 53.3% already
had more than 2 series and 16.7% had even more than
of 4 series of physical therapies. In the control group
all patients had physical therapies before. 30% even
had more than 4 series of physical therapies. The
current living and working situation in the intervention
group was as follows: 10 patients were employed, 3
patients unemployed, 11 were in retirement and 6 on
sick leave. In the control group 8 patients were
employed, 1 patient was unemployed and 1 in
Outcome Measures
Patients were examined twice (baseline and follow-up).
In the intervention group outcome measures were
evaluated before and after the treatment period which
lasted for about 4 weeks. The control group was
examined at the beginning and at the end of the waiting
period (before their physical therapy treatment started).
The waiting period lasted for 2 weeks. Pain was
measured using the visual analogue scale (VAS). The
patients had to indicate the current pain situation.
Functional Reach Test (FRT) [8] is a simple measure
of balance. The patients stood and reached forward as
far as possible, using a fixed base of support. The
Physical treatments of musculoskeletal pain syndromes
European J ournal Translational Myology 2010; 1 (4): 157-165
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Intervention group Control group p-value FRT
in cm Mean (SD) Median (range) Mean (SD) Median (range)
Baseline 26.59 (7.0) 24.75 (15.5-44.5) 24.75 (5.94) 23.0 (17.5-37.5)
Follow-up 29.68 (7.97) 27.75 (13.5-47.0) 23.15 (6.28) 21.5 (16.5-35.5)

DIFF-FRT 3.09 (4.39) -1.6 (1.85) 0.002

Table 3: Functional Reach Test. Results of the FRT at baseline and follow-up assessment and difference of FRT scoring
are shown (FRT=Functional Reach Test; SD=standard deviation; cm=centimetres; DIFF-FRT= difference of FRT

Intervention group Control group p-value TUG
in sec Mean (SD) Median (range) Mean (SD) Median (range)
Baseline 9.22 (1.76) 9.28 (5.18-13.27) 8.08 (0.83) 7.83 (7.1-9.5)
Follow-up 8.35 (1.72) 8.42 (4.81-12.18) 8.47 (0.98) 8.28 (7.5-10.23)

DIFF-TUG -0.87 (1.46) 0.39 (0.58) 0.012

Table 4: Timed up and Go Test. Results of the TUG at baseline and follow-up assessment and the difference of TUG
scoring are shown (TUG= Timed up and Go Test; SD=standard deviation; sec=seconds; DIFF-FRT=difference of
TUG scoring).
distance between arm's length and maximal forward
reach was noted. Subjects were given three trials. Their
performance was recorded and averaged. The Timed
Get up and Go Test (TUG) [23] measures the time
taken (in seconds) to rise from a chair, walk three
meters, turn, walk back and sit again at a self
determined comfortable speed (as fast as possible).
Pain characteristics (duration and localisation) were
assessed. The duration of pain was divided into acute
(<3 months), subacute (3-6 months) and chronic (>6
months) Additionally pain location was described:
cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine,
shoulder/shoulder girdle, elbow, hand, hip, knee and
foot. The survey also included current pain medication
and whether physical therapies or other treatment
options like acupuncture were utilized so far. The
current living and working situation (employment,
retirement, or sick leave) was also part of the survey.
Patients were asked to describe their general health
perception with: excellent/very good, good, fair/ poor.
To assess quality of life selected items of the SF-36
were used: Items dealing with bodily pain, reported
health transition, role emotional and social functioning,
were selected. To assess limitations in activities of
daily living the following ICF-Items were used:
Changing and maintaining body position (d429),
walking and moving (d469), caring for body parts
(d520), dressing (d540), acquisition of goods and
services (d620), preparing meals (d630), acquiring,
keeping and terminating a job (d845). The grading for
existing limitations was 1 and 0 for no limitations. At
the end of the treatment period the intervention group
was asked to grade the effect of the treatment
(improved, unchanged, and worsened).
Statistical Analysis
Normal distribution was tested by the Kolmogorov-
Physical treatments of musculoskeletal pain syndromes
European J ournal Translational Myology 2010; 1 (4): 157-165
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Intervention group Control group General
Baseline Follow-up Baseline Follow-up
very good
1 (3.3%) 6 (20%) 0 0
Good 9 (30%) 17 (56.7%) 2 (20%) 1 (10%)
Fair/poor 20 (66.7%) 7 (23.3%) 8 (80%) 9 (90%)

Table 5: General health perception. Results of the number of patients whose general health perception has changed are
Smirnov Test. We compared the differences of
parameters between the two dates of examination by
the unpaired t-Test. Significance level was set at 0.05.
Pain characteristics, ICF-Items, and SF-36-Items were
evaluated descriptively.
Patient characteristics
Thirty patients were assigned to the intervention group
(group A) and 10 patients to the control group (group
B). Patients age, sex, height, weight, and body mass
index are listed in table 1.
Visual Analogue Scale
VAS score at baseline and follow-up assessment is
shown in table 2 for both groups. Comparing group A
and B the difference of VAS scoring between the two
examinations was significant (p=0.016). In the
intervention group pain was reduced (mean value and
SD at baseline 5.65 2.19, at follow-up 3.76 2.49),
whereas in the control group an increase from 6.15
1.86 to 6.3 1.65 (mean values and SD) was found.
Functional Reach Test
Results of the FRT at baseline and follow-up
assessment are shown in table 3 for both groups.
Comparing group A and B the difference of FRT
scoring between the two examinations was significant
(p=0.002). Patients in the intervention group improved
from 26.59 7.0 cm to 29.68 7.97 cm (mean values
and SD) in the FRT. The control group showed a
decrease from 24.75 5.94 cm to 23.15 6.28 cm
(mean values and SD).
Timed up and Go Test
Results of the TUG at baseline and follow-up
assessment are shown in table 4 for both groups.
Comparing group A and B the difference of TUG
scoring between the two examinations was significant
(p=0.012). The intervention group improved from 9.22
1.76 sec. at baseline to 8.35 1.72 sec. (mean values
and SD) at follow-up. The control group worsened
from 8.08 0.83 sec. at baseline to 8.47 0.98 sec.
(mean values and SD) at follow-up.
General health perception
Table 5 shows the results of the patients general
health perception. In the intervention group there was
an improvement after therapy. In the control group
there was no change in health perception. One patients
general health perception worsened.
Selected items of the SF-36
Bodily pain
At baseline, in the intervention group 60% of the
patients reported a moderate limitation, 36.7% felt
extremely limited and 3.3% were not limited at all. At
baseline, in the control group there was an even
distribution between patients who felt extremely
limited and those who felt moderately limited.
At follow-up, in the intervention group there was an
improvement. Only 13.3% felt extremely limited.
Eighty percent were moderately limited and 6.7% were
not limited at all. In the control group there was a
change for the worse at follow-up. Seventy percent
reported extreme limitation, and 30% were moderately
Reported health transition
Table 6 shows the impact on the reported health
transition compared to one year ago. At baseline, in the
intervention group 10% reported improvement in
health transition compared to one year ago, 26.7%
reported no change and 63.4% a reduction in health
Physical treatments of musculoskeletal pain syndromes
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Intervention group Control group Reported general transition
Baseline Follow-up Baseline Follow-up
Much better now than a year
1 (3.3%) 3 (10%) 0 0
Somewhat better now than a
year ago
2 (6.7%) 6 (20%) 0 0
About the same as one year
8 (26.7%) 6 (20%) 1 (10%) 1 (10%)
Somewhat worse now than
one year ago
8 (26.7%) 10 (33.3%) 5 (50%) 1 (10%)
Much worse now than one
year ago
11 (36.7%) 5 (16.7%) 4 (40%) 8 (80%)

Table 6: Reported general transition. The number and percentage of patients who noticed an impact on the reported
health transition compared to one year ago is shown.

Intervention group Control group
Baseline Follow-up Baseline Follow-up
Cut down the amount of time
you spent on work or other
15 (50%) 13 (43.3%) 6 (60%) 4 (40%)
Accomplished less than you
would like
11 (36.7%) 6 (20%) 3 (30%)0 5 (50%)
Didn't do work or other
activities as carefully as usual
4 (13.3%) 11 (36.7%) 1 (10%) 1 (10%)

Table 7: Role emotional. The number and percentage of patients who noticed change on the impact of emotional
problems on work or other daily activities is shown.
transition compared to one year ago. At baseline, in the
control group 0% reported improvement in health
transition compared to one year ago, 10% reported no
change and 90% a reduction in health transition
compared to one year ago. At follow-up, in the
intervention group 30% reported improvement in
health transition compared to one year ago, 20%
reported no change and 50% a reduction in health
transition compared to one year ago. At follow-up, in
the control group 0% reported improvement in health
transition compared to one year ago, 10% reported no
change and 90% a reduction in health transition
compared to one year ago.
Role emotional
Table 7 shows the change on the impact of emotional
problems on work or other daily activities. Fifty
percent of the intervention group and 60% of the
control group reported that they had to cut down the
amount of time they spent on work or other activities at
baseline, whereas 43.3% of the intervention group and
40% of the control group did so at follow-up. In the
intervention group 36.7 % and 30% of the control
group reported that they accomplished less than they
would like at baseline, whereas 20% of the
intervention group and 50% of the control group did so
at follow-up. In the intervention group 13.3 % and
Physical treatments of musculoskeletal pain syndromes
European J ournal Translational Myology 2010; 1 (4): 157-165
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Intervention group Control group
Baseline Follow-up Baseline Follow-up
ICF d429 20 9 7 7
ICF d469 15 6 2 2
ICF d520 6 3 0 0
ICF d540 10 4 5 3
ICF d620 10 4 4 4
ICF d630 0 0 0 0
ICF d845 16 5 8 8

Table 8: ICF-Items. The number of patients who noticed change of limitations on daily life according to selected ICF-
Items is shown (ICF=International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health; d429=changing and
maintaining body position; d469=walking and moving; d520=caring for body parts; d540=dressing; d620=acquisition
of goods and services; d630=preparing meals; d845=acquiring, keeping and terminating a job).
10% of the control group reported that they did not do
work or other activities as carefully as usual at
baseline, whereas 36.7% of the intervention group and
10% of the control group did so at follow-up.
Social functioning
At baseline, in the intervention group 50% of the
patients were not limited at all, 37.7% were slightly
and 13.3% were moderately limited in their social
activities. In the control group 80% were not limited at
all and 20% were slightly limited in their social
activities at baseline.
At follow-up, in the intervention group 63.3% were not
limited at all, 30% were slightly and 6.7% were
moderately limited in their social activities. In the
control group 60% were not limited at all and 40%
were slightly limited at follow-up.
Table 8 shows the change of limitations on daily life
according to selected ICF-Items. The intervention
group improved in all items that showed limitations at
baseline evaluation. In the control group only 1 item
(d450 dressing) showed improvement in limitations,
whereas 6 items showed no change.
Subjective success/effect of therapy
At the end of the treatment period in the intervention
group 73.3% reported an improvement, 26.7% reported
no change of complaints.
In our study we evaluated the effect of combined physical
therapies in patients with musculoskeletal pain syndromes.
The main outcome measurements, VAS for pain assessment,
FRT and TUG for functional assessment showed significant
improvements in the intervention group compared to the
control group. Functional restoration, especially with regard
to vocational rehabilitation, is an important goal in the
treatment of patients with musculoskeletal pain syndromes
and may be sometimes even more important than pain relief
itself. That is why these validated measurement tools were
used to perform simple tests regarding function (FRT as a
measure of balance performance and TUG as a basic
evaluation of functional mobility) in addition to recording
changes in pain.
Our patients improvements in pain and function are also
reflected in an improvement in the ICF and SF 36 items. It
may be assumed that pain reduction leads to improved
mobility and improved performance in the activities of daily
living. This may improve the mental situation as well as
social integration with potential positive effects on pain
The observation period differed between the two groups. In
the intervention group it lasted up to 4 weeks, whereas in the
control group it lasted 2 weeks. Even though the observation
period between the two groups was different, the control
group worsened during the observation period and showed
no spontaneous remission.
Our clinical experience shows, that by using a combination
of physical therapies good results can be achieved in patients
with musculoskeletal pain syndromes. When looking at the
literature dealing with physical therapy treatment,
publications are predominantly testing single physical
therapy interventions. This is also stated by the European
Guidelines for the management of chronic non-specific low
back pain [2] and they recommend studies evaluating
combination treatment of physical therapies. Therefore we
decided to examine the effect of the combination of physical
modalities for the treatment of patients with musculoskeletal
pain syndromes. The selection of our treatment modalities
was made according to the clinical needs of our patients.
Physical treatments of musculoskeletal pain syndromes
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Musculoskeletal pain syndromes have different etiologies.
Pain or functional loss may present in a similar way, even so
in one patient it is due to beginning osteoarthrosis whereas in
the other patient it is due to muscle weakness. Even so the
clinical presentation is similar, the treatment strategy will be
different. Moreover, patients differ in work load, fitness,
biomechanical preconditions, and gender [5] which are
important factors in choosing the adequate form of treatment.
Similar findings to our results were shown by a Norwegian
research group. In a randomised single-blind multicenter
study by Torstensen et al., results of a group with combined
physical therapy and a group with medical exercise therapy
was superior to self-exercise by walking in regard to pain and
patients satisfaction in patients with chronic low back pain.
The group with combined physical therapy was superior to
the medical exercise group regarding costs due to sick leave
[28]. Hansen et al. [13] compared a group with dynamic back
exercise to a group with combined physical therapy as well
as a placebo group. Both intervention groups were superior
to the placebo group. Subgroup analysis showed a higher
benefit for men with high working loads from combined
physical therapies and a higher benefit for women with
sedentary job functions from additional dynamic back
exercise. These results stress the importance of selecting
treatment regimens according to the clinical needs of the
Significant pain relief (p=0.016) and improvement of
function (p=0.002) was achieved by a combination treatment
of physical therapies in patients with musculoskeletal pain
syndromes. To identify which single treatment or
combination is more effective than another will be the
subject of further studies with a larger sample size and
* K Pieber und M Herceg contributed equally to the
Corresponding Author
Tatjana Paternostro-Sluga, Waehringer Guertel 18-20,
1090 Vienna, Austria
Email: tatjana.paternostro-sluga@akhwien.at
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Physical treatments of musculoskeletal pain syndromes
European J ournal Translational Myology 2010; 1 (4): 157-165

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