Research Article
Effects of Du Meridian Moxibustion Combined with Mild
Moxibustion on Female Pelvic Floor Myofascial Pain Syndrome: A
Retrospective Cohort Study
Yehong Wei ,1 Xufeng Chen,2 Tianyu Wang,3 Xianna Dong,4 and Zheng Zhu 5
Nursing Department, Te Second Afliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou 310005, China
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hangzhou TCM Hospital, Hangzhou 310005, China
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Te Second Afliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University,
Hangzhou 310005, China
TCM Nursing Clinic, Te Second Afliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou 310005, China
Department of Urologic Surgery, Te Second Afliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University,
Hangzhou 310005, China
Received 8 August 2022; Revised 28 October 2022; Accepted 3 November 2022; Published 15 November 2022
Copyright © 2022 Yehong Wei et al. Tis is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Objective. Tis study aimed to investigate the efcacy and safety of moxibustion in the treatment of pelvic foor myofascial pain
syndrome. Methods. A total of 80 women with pelvic foor myofascial pain syndrome (cold coagulation and blood stasis type) were
included in this retrospective study and divided into a moxibustion group and a drug treatment group. Patients who received
Celebrex oral analgesia, health education, and lifestyle improvement were included in the drug treatment group. Te patients that
received Du meridian moxibustion combined with mild moxibustion, health education, and lifestyle improvement were included
in the moxibustion group. Te comparison of pelvic pain, the TCM clinical symptom score, and the curative efect was made
between the two groups before treatment and after 1–3 weeks of treatment, respectively. Results. An intragroup comparison
showed a stepwise decrease in the VAS score and the TCM clinical symptom score of the two groups during the treatment. An
intergroup comparison revealed that the VAS score of the moxibustion group was lower than that of the drug treatment group,
while TCM clinical symptoms and clinical efcacy signifcantly improved in the moxibustion group compared to those in the drug
treatment group (P < 0.05). Conclusion. Du meridian moxibustion combined with mild moxibustion alleviates pelvic foor
myofascial pain syndrome, thus helping improve women’s quality of life and providing patients with a more efective and safer
treatment plan.
behavior and daily life of patients due to the prolonged department of a tertiary A-level-integrated traditional
course and repeated pain that may cause the dysfunction of Chinese and Western medicine hospital between March 1,
related tissues. Currently, no clear guidelines are available 2019, and September 30, 2020. According to the diagnostic
for the treatment of this disease, while Western medicine criteria issued by the guiding principles for the clinical study
usually focuses on drug treatment, and the treatment such as of new Chinese medicine, patients diagnosed with pelvic
using NSAID is limited by obvious side efects and poor foor myofascial pain syndrome were divided into the
patient compliance [5]. Furthermore, the relative risk of moxibustion group and the drug treatment group according
Celebrex, a drug commonly used in clinics, was under- to the treatment. When the patient seeks medical treatment,
estimated [6]. Terefore, it is urgent to fnd an easily drug therapy or moxibustion therapy is chosen based on the
implemented treatment scheme with a stable curative efect patient’s preference and the doctor’s recommendation.
and high patient compliance for patients with pelvic foor Eighty patients with valid data after screening were eligible
myofascial pain syndrome. A number of treatment options for this retrospective study. Te patients that received
including low intensity shock wave therapy [7], myofascial Celebrex oral analgesia, health education, and lifestyle im-
physiotherapy [8, 9], pelvic foor exercise [10], and other provement were included in the drug treatment group
physical therapy have been shown to have certain curative (n � 40). Te patients that received Du meridian mox-
efects on pelvic foor myofascial pain syndrome. However, ibustion combined with mild moxibustion were included in
physical therapy highly relies on the location, intensity, and the moxibustion group (n � 40).
frequency with obvious individual diferences of patients Tis study was approved by the Ethics Review Com-
and the lack of unifed evidence-based medical mittee of the Second Afliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese
evidence [11]. Medical University (2022-LW-005-01) and performed in
According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (as revised in
theory, Yang and Qi are driving forces of human biological 2013).
activities. However, pelvic foor myofascial pain syndrome
shows the irregular movement of Yang and Qi[12]. Te
governor vessel runs in the middle of the back of the human 2.2. Selection and Screening Criteria. Patients were di-
body, which plays an important role in regulating Qi and agnosed with pelvic foor myofascial pain syndrome if they
blood of the Yang meridians in the whole body [13]. Te met the following criteria [3]: disease diferentiation in
conception vessel is of great signifcance to pelvic foor Western medicine and patients sufered from chronic pelvic
muscles. Moxibustion is a form of treatment derived from pain for at least 3–6 months and had one or more pain
TCM, which is widely applied to clinical practice [14]. trigger points in the pelvic foor muscle and fascia. Objective
Burning of moxa on the governor vessel pulse was involved organic diseases were excluded by a laboratory test, imaging,
in moxibustion treatment. Te warm efect of moxibustion and physical examination; (2) having a history of sexual life;
on the governor vessel can promote blood circulation, and syndrome diferentiation of traditional Chinese medi-
remove stasis, and relieve pain [15, 16]. Moreover, several cine. Pelvic foor myofascial pain syndrome is characterized
traditional Chinese medicines, such as Asarum sieboldii, by the main symptoms, including hidden pains in the
Rhizoma Chuanxiong, and Angelica sinensis pubescens perineum, suprapubic bone, and lower abdomen, based on
governor’s moxibustion powder, show a signifcant efect on the description of the main and secondary symptoms of
dispersing cold, relieving pain, and promoting blood cir- CPPS in the guiding principles for the clinical study of new
culation and Qi circulation, which causes an increase in the Chinese medicine [12]. Secondary symptoms of pelvic foor
body temperature. Additionally, moxibustion instrument myofascial pain syndrome include (a) urinary tract irrita-
can provide warm stimulation for pelvic myofascial pain, tion, (b) loose stool, (c) enlarged cold pain in the perineum
and the warm efect of moxibustion is transmitted to the and lower abdomen, and (d) traditional Chinese medicine,
focus via the Ren channel, thereby facilitating the treatment which is divided into two types: cold coagulation and blood
of the disease. Moxibustion has the characteristics of a po- stasis, accompanied by the cool foot, heart, and tongue. Te
tential curative efect, convenience, low cost, and safety. tongue coating is white and dark, there are ecchymosis spots
Moxibustion has the potential to perform as a supplemen- on it, and the pulse string is heavy. Te diagnosis was made if
tary intervention for long-term health care of patients with patients had the main symptom as well as two or more
pelvic foor myofascial pain syndrome. So far, there is no secondary symptoms.
evaluation evidence of moxibustion for the treatment of Inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) aged 18–56 years;
pelvic foor myofascial pain syndrome. Terefore, this study (2) cold coagulation and blood stasis type based on TCM
conducted a retrospective study and analysis on Du me- syndrome diferentiation and classifcation, with clear
ridian moxibustion and mild moxibustion for the treatment consciousness and availability for clinical data collection and
of pelvic foor myofascial pain syndrome. scoring with the scale. No disease-related medications were
given within 1 month.
2. Materials and Methods Exclusion criteria were as follows: (1) those complicated
with diseases of the lumbar spine, digestive system, kidneys,
2.1. General Information. Te study included 132 patients or urinary tract stones; (2) those with open wounds, skin
with pelvic foor myofascial pain syndrome who received infections, ulcers, and so forth; (3) pregnant or lactating
moxibustion or drug therapy in the urology or obstetrics women; (4) those with severe primary diseases and mental
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 3
horizontal line was drawn on the paper. Te left-most side of each interval were made by the Mann–Whitney U test.
the horizontal line indicates painlessness (score of 0), and Statistical signifcance was considered at P < 0.05.
the right-most side indicates severe pain (score of 10). Te
middle part of the line corresponds to varying degrees of 3. Results
pain. Patients were asked to mark the transverse line
according to their self-feeling, and the degree of pain was 3.1. Participants and Baseline Characteristics. Data from 80
classifed as follows: 0–2, comfort; 3-4, slight discomfort; 5-6, patients were included in the analysis. As shown in Table 1,
moderate discomfort; 7-8, severe discomfort; and 9-10, there were no statistically signifcant diferences in baseline
extreme discomfort. data, such as age, the degree of education, and the course of
disease, between the two groups.
2.5.2. TCM Clinical Symptom Scoring. TCM clinical
symptom scoring was performed according to the expres- 3.2. Primary Outcomes. As summarized in Table 2, Figure 3,
sion of TCM clinical symptoms of the disease in the guiding and Figure S1, VAS scores of pelvic foor myofascial pain
principles for clinical research of new traditional Chinese syndrome were correlated with treatment and time (P < 0.05).
medicine. Te scores were assessed based on abdominal Moreover, there were signifcant diferences in the scores
perineum and lumbar sacral pain, aggravation of pain in between the two groups at each time point after treatment,
cold weather, fear of cold in the lower perineum, frequent indicating that the main efect of treatment measures and time
micturition or poor micturition, and urethral pricking pain on VAS scores of pelvic foor myofascial pain syndrome is
with urination. TCM clinical symptom scores were cate- remarkable (P < 0.05).
gorized into four groups: 0, none; 2, occasional; 4, some-
times; and 6, often. 3.3. Secondary Outcomes. As shown in Table 3 and Figure 4,
the TCM syndrome score of pelvic foor myofascial pain
2.5.3. Evaluation of the Efcacy Index. To evaluate the cu- syndrome was correlated with treatment and time (P < 0.05).
rative efect, the curative efect index was calculated after Moreover, there were signifcant diferences in TCM
3 weeks of treatment as follows [19]: curative efect symptom scores between the two groups at each time point
index � ((TCM clinical symptom score before treat- after treatment, indicating that the main efect of treatment
ment—TCM clinical symptom score after treatment)/TCM measures and time on TCM symptom scores is pronounced
clinical symptom score before treatment) × 100%. Te cu- (P < 0.05).
rative efect index was used to defne the curative efect as
follows: no less than 95%, clinically cured; 70%–95%, 3.4. Exploratory Outcomes. As presented in Table 4, al-
markedly efective; 30%–70%, efective; and less than 30%, though both the drug treatment and moxibustion groups
inefective. had favorable curative efects, the curative efect of the
All of the above information and data were extracted moxibustion group was signifcantly better than that of the
during the patient’s treatment period. Assessors did not drug treatment group (P < 0.05).
intentionally guide the patient’s preference during the
evaluation process.
3.5. Adverse Reaction. Adverse reactions included skin al-
lergy, scald, pain, and other discomforts. No serious adverse
2.6. Statistical Analysis. Data were statistically processed by events occurred during the intervention period in both
using SPSS 22.0 software. Te homogeneity of data between groups.
the two groups was tested. Te measurement data and
counting data were analyzed using the sample t-test and χ 2 4. Discussion
test, respectively. Te generalized linear model (GLM) for
the repeated measure ANOVA test was used to determine Tis study was based on the study of the efects of per-
the longitudinal variation in total samples. Group com- forming Du meridian moxibustion with mild moxibustion
parisons between the VAS score and TCM symptom score at on urinary, bowel, and sexual function in women with pelvic
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 5
Estimated Marginal Means
Week0 Week1 Week2 Week3
Drug treatment group
Moxibustion group
Figure 3: Te line chart of VAS scores of patients with diferent treatment methods over time. VAS, visual analog scale/score.
foor myofascial pain syndrome, and when data were occurred during 3 weeks of treatment, and safety can be
compiled, it was found that Du meridian moxibustion with guaranteed. Tis fnding is consistent with those of the
mild moxibustion positively reduced the patients’ pain and previous reports [20].
TCM clinical symptoms. In this study, we showed that As a common gynecological disease, CPPS has a serious
a more signifcant decrease in VAS pain scores or TCM impact on the social behavior and daily life of patients due to
symptom scores during the treatment was found in the the prolonged disease course and repeated pain. Pelvic foor
moxibustion group than that in the drug treatment group, myofascial pain afects both women and men and has been
while the curative efect in the moxibustion group was found to be caused by potential weakness, overuse, trauma
signifcantly better than that in the drug treatment group. (i.e., vaginal delivery, especially perineal laceration or ob-
Tese observations indicated that compared with oral ad- stetric anal sphincter injury) or compensatory injury by
ministration of Celebrex and therapeutic lifestyle change, complex and diverse mechanisms, characterized by pressure
moxibustion treatment can be more conducive to alleviating points [21, 22]. Te myofascial tenderness point can not only
uncomfortable symptoms of patients with pelvic foor limit the activity of local tissues but also cause pain at the
myofascial pain syndrome. Meanwhile, no adverse reactions primary site and distant area. In order to relieve pelvic pain,
6 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Week0 Week1 Week2 Week3
Drug treatment group
Moxibustion group
Figure 4: Te line chart of TCM scores of patients with diferent treatment methods over time.
taking drugs is often the frst choice. Celebrex, commonly achieving the efect of removing cold, dampness, and pain
used in our department to treat CPPS, is a nonsteroidal anti- [25]. As expected, a more signifcant decrease in the TCM
infammatory drug with analgesic and anti-infammatory symptom scores was identifed in the moxibustion group
efects, and it can inhibit prostaglandin production by than that in the drug treatment group.
inhibiting cyclooxygenase-2 [23] and relieve pelvic pain, Studies have shown [26, 27] that the onset of pelvic
which can avoid the severe gastrointestinal side efects of myofascial pain syndrome results from excessive activity of
traditional NSAIDs. In the present study, three weeks of local pelvic muscles, which causes tissue hypoxia and is-
treatment with Celebrex led to a decrease in VAS scores of chemia as well as the accumulation of lactic acids, thereby
patients in both groups as well as in TCM symptom scores. forming a myofascial pain trigger point. It has been shown
Te reduction in the VAS was more pronounced in the drug that the myofascial trigger point is the cause of many
treatment group of this study than that in previous studies nonorganic pain syndromes of neuromuscular fbers [28].
on male patients [24], and the reason may be attributed to Myofascial trigger points are similar to Ashi acupoints,
the good sensitivity of the patients to the drug assessed from which “consider pain to be acupoints” in traditional
the time of their frst dose of Celebrex. However, the long- Chinese medicine acupuncture and moxibustion. Of the
term use of Celebrex is not a good choice. Notably, we 255 trigger points proposed by Simons and Tavell, 194
observed more signifcant pain relief in the moxibustion (76%) have the same pain involved route as the meridian
group than in the drug treatment group according to the direction of the corresponding acupoint [29]. Modern
VAS scores. On the basis of the theory of traditional Chinese research studies have demonstrated that local stimulation
medicine, moxibustion treatment on the governor pulse can of myofascial trigger points exerts positive efects on im-
regulate the cold state of patients as a whole, for the governor proving local blood circulation and eliminating pain and
pulse starts from the pelvic cavity and commands the Yang other symptoms [30].
Qi of the whole body. For the CPPS (the type of cold co- Tis study presents a number of strengths. First, in the
agulation and blood stasis) included in this study, it takes moxibustion group, the moxibustion instrument was
meridians as carriers to stimulate human Yang, warm the employed to perform mild moxibustion at the pelvic
pelvic cavity, and activate blood circulation, thereby myofascial trigger point, the corresponding acupoints or
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 7
Ashi points in the pelvic cavity, which is a convenient and editing the manuscript. Xufeng Chen was responsible
treatment that can be carried out without professional for writing and editing the manuscript. Tianyu Wang was
doctors. Its warmth and heat efect can efectively alleviate responsible for data collection, data analysis, and writing and
local cold and coagulation stagnation, reduce tissue hyp- editing the manuscript. Zheng Zhu was responsible for
oxia caused by excessive activity of local muscles in the project development, data collection, and writing and
pelvic cavity, and relax the surrounding muscles, thereby editing the manuscript.
accelerating local metabolism, promoting the excretion of
metabolites and pain-causing factors, and relieving local Acknowledgments
pain. Second, the moxibustion instrument has infrared
treatment function. Although this study did not explore the Tis study was supported by the Zhejiang Province Tradi-
role of infrared in the treatment of pelvic foor myofascial tional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Project
pain, a number of studies have shown [8, 31, 32] that under Grant (No. 2020ZB112).
infrared radiation is conducive to reducing pain. Consis-
tently, we found that moxibustion at the trigger points of Supplementary Materials
the governor vessel meridian and pelvic myofascial was
more efective than Celebrex treatment and lifestyle change Figure S1. Reduction in VAS scores of patients with diferent
in patients with pelvic foor myofascial pain syndrome treatment methods over time. VAS, visual analog scale/
(Table 4). Besides, this study is the frst to treat CPPS score. (Supplementary Materials)
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