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Use Caution When Managing Views: See Also

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Developing Efficient SQL Statements

11-14 Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide

With nested loop joins, the joins all happen through the join indexes, the indexes
on the primary or foreign keys used to connect that table to an earlier table in the
join tree. Rarely do you use the indexes on the non-join conditions, except for the
driving table. Thus, after taba is chosen as the driving table, use the indexes on
b.key1 and c.key2 to drive into tabb and tabc, respectively.
2. Choose the best join order, driving to the best unused filters earliest.
The work of the following join can be reduced by first joining to the table with the
best still-unused filter. Thus, if "bcol BETWEEN ..." is more restrictive (rejects a
higher percentage of the rows seen) than "ccol BETWEEN ...", the last join can be
made easier (with fewer rows) if tabb is joined before tabc.
3. You can use the ORDERED or STAR hint to force the join order.
Use Caution When Managing Views
Be careful when joining views, when performing outer joins to views, and when
reusing an existing view for a new purpose.
Use Caution When Joining Complex Views Joins to complex views are not recommended,
particularly joins from one complex view to another. Often this results in the entire
view being instantiated, and then the query is run against the view data.
For example, the following statement creates a view that lists employees and
SELECT d.department_id, d.department_name, d.location_id,
e.employee_id, e.last_name, e.first_name, e.salary, e.job_id
FROM departments d
,employees e
WHERE e.department_id (+) = d.department_id;
The following query finds employees in a specified state:
SELECT v.last_name, v.first_name, l.state_province
FROM locations l, emp_dept v
WHERE l.state_province = 'California'
AND v.location_id = l.location_id (+);
In the following plan table output, note that the emp_dept view is instantiated:
| Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes| Cost | Pstart| Pstop |
| SELECT STATEMENT | | | | | | |
| FILTER | | | | | | |
| NESTED LOOPS OUTER | | | | | | |
| VIEW |EMP_DEPT | | | | | |
| NESTED LOOPS OUTER | | | | | | |
See Also: "Hints for Join Orders" on page 16-4
Developing Efficient SQL Statements
SQL Tuning Overview 11-15
Do Not Recycle Views Beware of writing a view for one purpose and then using it for
other purposes to which it might be ill-suited. Querying from a view requires all tables
from the view to be accessed for the data to be returned. Before reusing a view,
determine whether all tables in the view need to be accessed to return the data. If not,
then do not use the view. Instead, use the base table(s), or if necessary, define a new
view. The goal is to refer to the minimum number of tables and views necessary to
return the required data.
Consider the following example:
SELECT department_name
FROM emp_dept
WHERE department_id = 10;
The entire view is first instantiated by performing a join of the employees and
departments tables and then aggregating the data. However, you can obtain
department_name and department_id directly from the departments table. It is
inefficient to obtain this information by querying the emp_dept view.
Use Caution When Unnesting Subqueries Subquery unnesting merges the body of the
subquery into the body of the statement that contains it, allowing the optimizer to
consider them together when evaluating access paths and joins.
Use Caution When Performing Outer Joins to Views In the case of an outer join to a
multi-table view, the query optimizer (in Release 8.1.6 and later) can drive from an
outer join column, if an equality predicate is defined on it.
An outer join within a view is problematic because the performance implications of the
outer join are not visible.
Store Intermediate Results
Intermediate, or staging, tables are quite common in relational database systems,
because they temporarily store some intermediate results. In many applications they
are useful, but Oracle requires additional resources to create them. Always consider
whether the benefit they could bring is more than the cost to create them. Avoid
staging tables when the information is not reused multiple times.
Some additional considerations:
Storing intermediate results in staging tables could improve application
performance. In general, whenever an intermediate result is usable by multiple
following queries, it is worthwhile to store it in a staging table. The benefit of not
retrieving data multiple times with a complex statement already at the second
usage of the intermediate result is better than the cost to materialize it.
Long and complex queries are hard to understand and optimize. Staging tables
can break a complicated SQL statement into several smaller statements, and then
store the result of each step.
Consider using materialized views. These are precomputed tables comprising
aggregated or joined data from fact and possibly dimension tables.
See Also: Oracle Database Data Warehousing Guide for an
explanation of the dangers with subquery unnesting
See Also: Oracle Database Data Warehousing Guide for detailed
information on using materialized views
Developing Efficient SQL Statements
11-16 Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide
Restructuring the Indexes
Often, there is a beneficial impact on performance by restructuring indexes. This can
involve the following:
Remove nonselective indexes to speed the DML.
Index performance-critical access paths.
Consider reordering columns in existing concatenated indexes.
Add columns to the index to improve selectivity.
Do not use indexes as a panacea. Application developers sometimes think that
performance will improve if they create more indexes. If a single programmer creates
an appropriate index, then this might indeed improve the application's performance.
However, if 50 programmers each create an index, then application performance will
probably be hampered.
Modifying or Disabling Triggers and Constraints
Using triggers consumes system resources. If you use too many triggers, then you can
find that performance is adversely affected and you might need to modify or disable
Restructuring the Data
After restructuring the indexes and the statement, you can consider restructuring the
Introduce derived values. Avoid GROUP BY in response-critical code.
Review your data design. Change the design of your system if it can improve
Consider partitioning, if appropriate.
Maintaining Execution Plans Over Time
You can maintain the existing execution plan of SQL statements over time either using
stored statistics or stored SQL execution plans. Storing optimizer statistics for tables
will apply to all SQL statements that refer to those tables. Storing an execution plan
(that is, plan stability) maintains the plan for a single SQL statement. If both statistics
and a stored plan are available for a SQL statement, then the optimizer uses the stored
Visiting Data as Few Times as Possible
Applications should try to access each row only once. This reduces network traffic and
reduces database load. Consider doing the following:
Combine Multiples Scans with CASE Statements
Use DML with RETURNING Clause
Modify All the Data Needed in One Statement
See Also:
Chapter 14, "Managing Optimizer Statistics"
Chapter 18, "Using Plan Stability"
Developing Efficient SQL Statements
SQL Tuning Overview 11-17
Combine Multiples Scans with CASE Statements
Often, it is necessary to calculate different aggregates on various sets of tables. Usually,
this is done with multiple scans on the table, but it is easy to calculate all the
aggregates with one single scan. Eliminating n-1 scans can greatly improve
Combining multiple scans into one scan can be done by moving the WHERE condition
of each scan into a CASE statement, which filters the data for the aggregation. For each
aggregation, there could be another column that retrieves the data.
The following example asks for the count of all employees who earn less then 2000,
between 2000 and 4000, and more than 4000 each month. This can be done with three
separate queries:
FROM employees
WHERE salary < 2000;
FROM employees
WHERE salary BETWEEN 2000 AND 4000;
FROM employees
WHERE salary>4000;
However, it is more efficient to run the entire query in a single statement. Each number
is calculated as one column. The count uses a filter with the CASE statement to count
only the rows where the condition is valid. For example:
THEN 1 ELSE null END) count1,
THEN 1 ELSE null END) count2,
COUNT (CASE WHEN salary > 4000
THEN 1 ELSE null END) count3
FROM employees;
This is a very simple example. The ranges could be overlapping, the functions for the
aggregates could be different, and so on.
Use DML with RETURNING Clause
When appropriate, use INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE... RETURNING to select and
modify data with a single call. This technique improves performance by reducing the
number of calls to the database.
Modify All the Data Needed in One Statement
When possible, use array processing. This means that an array of bind variable values
is passed to Oracle for repeated execution. This is appropriate for iterative processes in
which multiple rows of a set are subject to the same operation.
For example:
FOR pos_rec IN (SELECT *
FROM order_positions
See Also: Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for syntax on
the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements
Developing Efficient SQL Statements
11-18 Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide
WHERE order_id = :id) LOOP
DELETE FROM order_positions
WHERE order_id = pos_rec.order_id AND
order_position = pos_rec.order_position;
WHERE order_id = :id;
Alternatively, you could define a cascading constraint on orders. In the previous
example, one SELECT and n DELETEs are executed. When a user issues the DELETE on
orders DELETE FROM orders WHERE order_id = :id, the database automatically
deletes the positions with a single DELETE statement.
See Also: Oracle Database Administrator's Guide or Oracle Database
Heterogeneous Connectivity User's Guide for information on tuning
distributed queries
Automatic SQL Tuning 12-1
Automatic SQL Tuning
This chapter discusses Oracle automatic SQL tuning features.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Automatic SQL Tuning Overview
SQL Tuning Advisor
SQL Tuning Sets
SQL Profiles
SQL Tuning Information Views
Automatic SQL Tuning Overview
Automatic SQL Tuning is a new capability of the query optimizer that automates the
entire SQL tuning process. Using the newly enhanced query optimizer to tune SQL
statements, the automatic process replaces manual SQL tuning, which is a complex,
repetitive, and time-consuming function. The Automatic SQL Tuning features are
exposed to the user with the SQL Tuning Advisor.
This section covers the following topics:
Query Optimizer Modes
Types of Tuning Analysis
Query Optimizer Modes
The enhanced query optimizer has two modes:
Normal mode
Tuning mode
Normal mode
In normal mode, the optimizer compiles the SQL and generates an execution plan. The
normal mode of the optimizer generates a reasonable execution plan for the vast
majority of SQL statements. Under normal mode the optimizer operates with very
strict time constraints, usually a fraction of a second, during which it must find a good
execution plan.
See Also: Oracle Database 2 Day DBA for information on
monitoring and tuning SQL statements
Automatic SQL Tuning Overview
12-2 Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide
Tuning mode
In tuning mode, the optimizer performs additional analysis to check whether the
execution plan produced under normal mode can be further improved. The output of
the query optimizer is not an execution plan, but a series of actions, along with their
rationale and expected benefit for producing a significantly superior plan. When called
under the tuning mode, the optimizer is referred to as the Automatic Tuning
Optimizer. The tuning performed by the Automatic Tuning Optimizer is called
Automatic SQL Tuning.
Under tuning mode, the optimizer can take several minutes to tune a single statement.
It is both time and resource intensive to invoke the Automatic Tuning Optimizer every
time a query has to be hard-parsed. The Automatic Tuning Optimizer is meant to be
used for complex and high-load SQL statements that have non-trivial impact on the
entire system. The Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) proactively
identifies high-load SQL statements which are good candidates for Automatic SQL
Tuning. See Chapter 6, "Automatic Performance Diagnostics".
Types of Tuning Analysis
Automatic SQL Tuning includes four types of tuning analysis:
Statistics Analysis
SQL Profiling
Access Path Analysis
SQL Structure Analysis
Statistics Analysis
The query optimizer relies on object statistics to generate execution plans. If these
statistics are stale or missing, the optimizer does not have the necessary information it
needs and can generate poor execution plans. The Automatic Tuning Optimizer checks
each query object for missing or stale statistics, and produces two types of output:
Recommendations to gather relevant statistics for objects with stale or no statistics.
Because optimizer statistics are automatically collected and refreshed, this
problem may be encountered only when automatic optimizer statistics collection
has been turned off. See "Automatic Statistics Gathering" on page 14-2.
Auxiliary information in the form of statistics for objects with no statistics, and
statistic adjustment factor for objects with stale statistics.
This auxiliary information is stored in an object called a SQL Profile.
SQL Profiling
The query optimizer can sometimes produce inaccurate estimates about an attribute of
a statement due to lack of information, leading to poor execution plans. Traditionally,
users have corrected this problem by manually adding hints to the application code to
guide the optimizer into making correct decisions. For packaged applications,
changing application code is not an option and the only alternative available is to log a
bug with the application vendor and wait for a fix.
Automatic SQL Tuning deals with this problem with its SQL Profiling capability. The
Automatic Tuning Optimizer creates a profile of the SQL statement called a SQL
Profile, consisting of auxiliary statistics specific to that statement. The query optimizer
under normal mode makes estimates about cardinality, selectivity, and cost that can
sometimes be off by a significant amount resulting in poor execution plans. SQL
Automatic SQL Tuning Overview
Automatic SQL Tuning 12-3
Profile addresses this problem by collecting additional information using sampling
and partial execution techniques to verify and, if necessary, adjust these estimates.
During SQL Profiling, the Automatic Tuning Optimizer also uses execution history
information of the SQL statement to appropriately set optimizer parameter settings,
such as changing the OPTIMIZER_MODE initialization parameter setting from ALL_
ROWS to FIRST_ROWS for that SQL statement.
The output of this type of analysis is a recommendation to accept the SQL Profile. A
SQL Profile, once accepted, is stored persistently in the data dictionary. Note that the
SQL Profile is specific to a particular query. If accepted, the optimizer under normal
mode uses the information in the SQL Profile in conjunction with regular database
statistics when generating an execution plan. The availability of the additional
information makes it possible to produce well-tuned plans for corresponding SQL
statement without requiring any change to the application code.
The scope of a SQL Profile can be controlled by the CATEGORY profile attribute. This
attribute determines which user sessions can apply the profile. You can view the
CATEGORY attribute for a SQL Profile in CATEGORY column of the DBA_SQL_
PROFILES view. By default, all profiles are created in the DEFAULT category. This
means that all user sessions where the SQLTUNE_CATEGORY initialization parameter is
set to DEFAULT can use the profile.
By altering the category of a SQL profile, you can determine which sessions are
affected by the creation of a profile. For example, by setting the category of a SQL
Profile to DEV, only those users sessions where the SQLTUNE_CATEGORY initialization
parameter is set to DEV can use the profile. All other sessions do not have access to the
SQL Profile and execution plans for SQL statements are not impacted by the SQL
profile. This technique enables you to test a SQL Profile in a restricted environment
before making it available to other user sessions.
It is important to note that the SQL Profile does not freeze the execution plan of a SQL
statement, as done by stored outlines. As tables grow or indexes are created or
dropped, the execution plan can change with the same SQL Profile. The information
stored in it continues to be relevant even as the data distribution or access path of the
corresponding statement change. However, over a long period of time, its content can
become outdated and would have to be regenerated. This can be done by running
Automatic SQL Tuning again on the same statement to regenerate the SQL Profile.
SQL Profiles apply to the following statement types:
SELECT statements
UPDATE statements
INSERT statements (only with a SELECT clause)
DELETE statements
CREATE TABLE statements (only with the AS SELECT clause)
MERGE statements (the update or insert operations)
A complete set of functions are provided for management of SQL Profiles. See "SQL
Profiles" on page 12-13.
See Also: Oracle Database Reference for information on the
SQLTUNE_CATEGORY initialization parameter
SQL Tuning Advisor
12-4 Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide
Access Path Analysis
Indexes can tremendously enhance performance of a SQL statement by reducing the
need for full table scans on large tables. Effective indexing is a common tuning
technique. The Automatic Tuning Optimizer also explores whether a new index can
significantly enhance the performance of a query. If such an index is identified, it
recommends its creation.
Because the Automatic Tuning Optimizer does not analyze how its index
recommendation can affect the entire SQL workload, it also recommends running a the
SQLAccess Advisor utility on the SQL statement along with a representative SQL
workload. The SQLAccess Advisor looks at the impact of creating an index on the
entire SQL workload before making any recommendations. See "Automatic SQL
Tuning Features" on page 11-5.
SQL Structure Analysis
The Automatic Tuning Optimizer identifies common problems with structure of SQL
statements than can lead to poor performance. These could be syntactic, semantic, or
design problems with the statement. In each of these cases the Automatic Tuning
Optimizer makes relevant suggestions to restructure the SQL statements. The
alternative suggested is similar, but not equivalent, to the original statement.
For example, the optimizer may suggest to replace UNION operator with UNION ALL or
to replace NOT IN with NOT EXISTS. An application developer can then determine if
the advice is applicable to their situation or not. For instance, if the schema design is
such that there is no possibility of producing duplicates, then the UNION ALL operator
is much more efficient than the UNION operator. These changes require a good
understanding of the data properties and should be implemented only after careful
SQL Tuning Advisor
The Automatic SQL Tuning capabilities are exposed through a server utility called the
SQL Tuning Advisor. The SQL Tuning Advisor takes one or more SQL statements as
an input and invokes the Automatic Tuning Optimizer to perform SQL tuning on the
statements. The output of the SQL Tuning Advisor is in the form of an advice or
recommendations, along with a rationale for each recommendation and its expected
benefit. The recommendation relates to collection of statistics on objects, creation of
new indexes, restructuring of the SQL statement, or creation of SQL Profile. A user can
choose to accept the recommendation to complete the tuning of the SQL statements.
The SQL Tuning Advisor input can be a single SQL statement or a set of statements.
For tuning multiple statements, a SQL Tuning Set (STS) has to be first created. An STS
is a database object that stores SQL statements along with their execution context. An
STS can be created manually using command line APIs or automatically using Oracle
Enterprise Manager. See "SQL Tuning Sets" on page 12-9.
This section cover the following topics related to the SQL Tuning Advisor:
Input Sources
Tuning Options
Advisor Output
Using SQL Tuning Advisor APIs
SQL Tuning Advisor
Automatic SQL Tuning 12-5
Input Sources
The input for the SQL Tuning Advisor can come from several sources. These input
sources include:
Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor
The primary input source is the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM).
By default, ADDM runs proactively once every hour and analyzes key statistics
gathered by the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) over the last hour to
identify any performance problems including high-load SQL statements. If a
high-load SQL is identified, ADDM recommends running SQL Tuning Advisor on
the SQL. See "Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor" on page 6-2.
High-load SQL statements
The second most important input source is the high-load SQL statements captured
in Automatic Workload Repository (AWR). The AWR takes regular snapshots of
the system activity including high-load SQL statements ranked by relevant
statistics, such as CPU consumption and wait time. A user can view the AWR and
identify the high-load SQL of interest and run SQL Tuning Advisor on them. By
default, the AWR retains data for the last seven days. This means that any
high-load SQL that ran within the retention period of the AWR can be located and
tuned using this feature. See "Overview of the Automatic Workload Repository"
on page 5-7.
Cursor cache
The third likely source of input is the cursor cache. This source is used for tuning
recent SQL statements that are yet to be captured in the AWR. The cursor cache
and AWR together provide the capability to identify and tune high-load SQL
statements from the current time going as far back as the AWR retention allows,
which by default is at least 7 days.
SQL Tuning Set
Another possible input source for the SQL Tuning Advisor is the SQL Tuning Set.
A SQL Tuning Set (STS) is a database object that stores SQL statements along with
their execution context. An STS can include SQL statements that are yet to be
deployed, with the goal of measuring their individual performance, or identifying
the ones whose performance falls short of expectation. When a set of SQL
statements are used as input, a SQL Tuning Set (STS) has to be first constructed
and stored. See "SQL Tuning Sets" on page 12-9.
Tuning Options
SQL Tuning Advisor provides options to manage the scope and duration of a tuning
task. The scope of a tuning task can be set to limited or comprehensive.
If the limited option is chosen, the SQL Tuning Advisor produces
recommendations based on statistics checks, access path analysis, and SQL
structure analysis. SQL Profile recommendations are not generated.
If the comprehensive option is selected, the SQL Tuning Advisor carries out all the
analysis it performs under limited scope plus SQL Profiling. With the
comprehensive option you can also specify a time limit for the tuning task, which
by default is 30 minutes.
SQL Tuning Advisor
12-6 Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide
Advisor Output
After analyzing the SQL statements, the SQL Tuning Advisor provides advice on
optimizing the execution plan, the rationale for the proposed optimization, the
estimated performance benefit, and the command to implement the advice. You
simply have to choose whether or not to accept the recommendations to optimize the
SQL statements.
Using SQL Tuning Advisor APIs
The recommended interface for running the SQL Tuning Advisor is the Oracle
Enterprise Manager. Whenever possible, you should run the SQL Tuning Advisor
using Oracle Enterprise Manager, as described in the Oracle Database 2 Day +
Performance Tuning Guide. If Oracle Enterprise Manager is unavailable, you can run the
SQL Tuning Advisor using procedures in the DBMS_SQLTUNE package. To use the
APIs, the user must be granted specific privileges.
Running SQL Tuning Advisor using DBMS_SQLTUNE package is a multi-step process:
1. Create a SQL Tuning Set (if tuning multiple SQL statements)
2. Create a SQL tuning task
3. Execute a SQL tuning task
4. Display the results of a SQL tuning task
5. Implement recommendations as appropriate
A SQL tuning task can be created for a single SQL statement. For tuning multiple
statements, a SQL Tuning Set (STS) has to be first created. An STS is a database object
that stores SQL statements along with their execution context. An STS can be created
manually using command line APIs or automatically using Oracle Enterprise
Manager. See "SQL Tuning Sets" on page 12-9.
Figure 121 shows the steps involved when running the SQL Tuning Advisor using
the DBMS_SQLTUNE package.
See Also: Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for
information on the security model for the DBMS_SQLTUNE package

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