This document provides details about a food tracking application business. It discusses the industry, customers and their needs, products and services, suppliers and partners, strategy, and key business processes. The business aims to provide a smartphone app that tracks food products to give consumers detailed information and allow for quick reimbursement if products are contaminated. The industry is described as having high buyer power, low supplier power, and high competition among existing players. Updating product information and debugging errors are identified as important business processes.
This document provides details about a food tracking application business. It discusses the industry, customers and their needs, products and services, suppliers and partners, strategy, and key business processes. The business aims to provide a smartphone app that tracks food products to give consumers detailed information and allow for quick reimbursement if products are contaminated. The industry is described as having high buyer power, low supplier power, and high competition among existing players. Updating product information and debugging errors are identified as important business processes.
This document provides details about a food tracking application business. It discusses the industry, customers and their needs, products and services, suppliers and partners, strategy, and key business processes. The business aims to provide a smartphone app that tracks food products to give consumers detailed information and allow for quick reimbursement if products are contaminated. The industry is described as having high buyer power, low supplier power, and high competition among existing players. Updating product information and debugging errors are identified as important business processes.
This document provides details about a food tracking application business. It discusses the industry, customers and their needs, products and services, suppliers and partners, strategy, and key business processes. The business aims to provide a smartphone app that tracks food products to give consumers detailed information and allow for quick reimbursement if products are contaminated. The industry is described as having high buyer power, low supplier power, and high competition among existing players. Updating product information and debugging errors are identified as important business processes.
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Name Yuseon Choi NetID Ycho203 Group Number: 343 Website Link: Tutorial Details Tutor: Day: Time: Olivia Friday 09am Time Spent on Assignment: 25 hours Word Count: 1649
2 FOOD TRACKING APPLICATION INDUSTRY INTRODUCTION Awareness of food safety issue is growing rapidly each year all over the world. Millions of people are suffering under food-bourne illnesses and the rate is increasing significantly . The reason for this could be that todays process of food industry invlove a lot more complex operations. The most of food industries mass produce their products and transport theirs to different countries or regions. Thus this will lead to contaminated food to spread around the world at unprecedented rates. To prevent food-bourne illness, we have created smart phone application that tracks the food products to provide the product details and health risks to customers. We have focused this application to provide detailed information of the product to customers and being able to remove all the product immediatedly if it is contaminated 3. BUSINESS SECTION 3.1 Vision To make a better world for people where eveyone can live without worrying about food safety issues by using everyday accessible smart phone food tracking application. 3.2 Industry Analysis: Food Tracking application industry Industry: Food Tracking application industry. This industry makes application that can track food products to get detailed information of the food products to prevent food-bourne illness. Force: High/Low: Justification: Buyer power: High There are 34 different products in food tracing application industry. As there are many different
3 products that buyers can choose, buyers are very sensitive about the change of prices. Because this is application industry, the customer can change switch products for free. As the main customers would be households, grocery wholesalers and restaurants, they would have high knowledge regarding groceries, so they would look for the supplier who produce higher quality of the product. Therefore, buyer power is high. (Capterra,2013) Supplier power: Low There are many suppliers in this industry, which means that consumers have many choices to buy. This application industry does not incur switching cost when customers choose to change the product from another. Awareness of food safety issue will cause customers to require higher quality and differentiated products than others. In order to success in this industry, the business have to provide differentiated product from other markets in terms of accessibility, high quality of products, customer service. Therefore, the supplier power would be low. (Capterra,2013) Threat of new entrants: High Entry barriers of this industry is low. It requires cheap costs to set up the company and relatively low capital is required. Thus, many new entrants will enter this industry.
4 (bsaikrishna, 2011) Threat of substitutes: Low There is no substitute for this industry. It is impossible to find out detailed information about specific products immediately if they are not using food tracking application. Also contaminated food cannot be found and removed before it causes serious food-bourne illness. Therefore, threat of substitutes will be low. (Intelex, 2013). Rivalry among existing competitors: High The competition is fierce within the industry. Companies try to make and develop better qulaity of product in order to provide more detailed information of the food products and make faster and easier process of reimbursement. It is really important the product to be recognised as reliable and convenient to customers. (GFTC, 2012). Overall attractiveness of the industry: Food tracking application industry is overall NOT attractive industry. First, customers are sensitive about changes in price for using the product from this industry. Therefore the industry has to set and maintain the price to be low. Second, a threat of new entrance is high. It is easy to enter this industry. This means that many companies who have new technology can enter this market easily so that rivarly among competitors will be more fierced. The company has to have innovative technology and customer friendly service in order to success in this industry. However, threat of substitutes of this indusry is low. This implies that if a company produce reliable and delivers
5 a high values to customers, this will bring back great profit to the company. Overall, it is not attractive industry to enter unless the company has confident to deliver high value to the customers. 3.3 Customers and Thei r Needs Customers would be any size of restaurants, wholesalers and individuals. They want to know whether the food product is safe to buy (or sell) or not. Also, if the product is contaminated, consumers would want to know the fact before the contaminated food cause any serious consequences. The customers would expect this applications to cut off complex reimbursement processes for them. 3.4 The Product and Service This food tracking application industry provides the products detail, specific place of origin, health risks and environmental standards. When the product is contaminated, the application should be trace the purchase record so that they can warn individuals by automatic text or application notification and reimburse the price of product back to customers. 3.5 Suppliers and Partners This application should state specific product details for the most of food products. Therefore, this industry has to have ability to inform all the specific details about the product such as where the product comes from and the environmental standards etc. Therefore, partners for our company would be food manufacturing company such as Tip Top. The other partner would be farmers such as dairy farms. As raw materials would be the most important thing for food manufacturing process, we need to get information about conditions of raw materials such as milk cows or crops. The suppliers of the industry would be software developing company such as CH2MHILL. As our company has to store immense amount of data about food products and customers details so we need a supplier who can develop and manage their information management system in secure. The second supplier would be the application store such as Apple and Google. Our company produces a smart phone application to make customers easily access
6 to food products information that they want. Therefore, as we realize the app through the app store, companies such as google and apple would be another suppliers. 3.6 Strategy: Focused l ow cost Food recall smart phone application industry's strategy is a focused low cost. Consumers for this app's industry is mainly households, and grocery wholesalers as this app only support food products. The cost strategy is low because this smart phone app industry requires relatively less cost to enter and operate in this industry. The overall strategy is therefore Focused low cost. 3.7 Value Chain Activity: service after sale. The most important value chain activity for this business is service after sale (service). This company is a technology based. Errors and bugs occur in system quite frequently. The company must fix any error occurred and able to maintain the system. Also we must keep information up-to-date for existing list of food products and new products information. The service after sale is the most crucial activity that the company can be recognized by customers whether the product provides reliable and accurate information for them or not, in order to satisfy their needs. Therefore, a customer service is the most important value chain activity for the company as being customer centric is part of our vision 3.8 Business Processes 3.8.1. UPDATING PROCESS The main functions of this application is to provide detailed information about food products and make automatic reimbursement of contaminated food products to customers. Therefore, the application should collect the customers personal information including credit details and up-to-date transaction information to inform the conditions of food that they purchased. Also, all the information of food products has to be up-to-date to inform the customers accurate and newest information. Therefore, updating information of food products and customers information are crucial for this application.
7 UPDATING PROCESS MODEL Start Request Received for information about food product Yes Got information about the requested product? Get the information by investigating or Request information to partners No Provide information Yes Collect Feedbacks from customers FINISH No
3.8.2. DEBUGGING PROCESS As application is based on technology, errors and bugs occur on system quite frequently. Therefore, the company has to receive report about errors and able to fix it as soon as possible through technology processes.
DEBUGGING PROCESS MODEL Start Receive errors reports from customers Solve the issue and respond customer New issue generated? Investigate the issue Yes Confirm with customer Error Report Technological Analysis Fix the issue Solved? No Resolve solution Yes No FINISH
9 3.9 Functionalities 3.9.1. UPDATING PROCESS Keeping track of customers Updating food products information 3.9.2. DEBUGGING PROCESS Developing products Receiving error reports 3.10 Systems
3.10. 1. PRODUCT ASSEMBLY SYSTEM The system identifies and analyses any problem occurred within the software of the product. This system is crucial for the product as it is directly related to operation of the product. 3.10. 2. UPDATING SYSTEM This system takes orders from customers. As this application cannot have all the information of every existing food products, this application can update information of new products when customer request for a new information or application finds out a new product from customers transactions. This system will update newest information of the product regularly by requesting our partners for information. 3.10. 3. CUSTOMER INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM This system stores our customers personal and transaction details in order to inform and make reimbursement when the product that they purchased, were contaminated. This system efficiently manage customers information and reduce the time it taken to go through the process of informing customers and reimburse the products.
10 3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems
Value Chain Activity Processes Functionalities Specific Information System(s) Broad Information System(s)
Bavarian bergkase fromage queso 1. Updating Process 1. Keeping track of customers
2. Updating food products information Customer information management system
Updating system Customer relationship management system
Collaboration system 2. Debugging Process 1. Developing products
2. Receiving error reports Product assembly system
Product assembly system Decision Support system
Decision support system
11 CONCLUSION Nowadays, food-bourne illness is a rapid growing worldwide health problem issue. This is caused by lack of information that customers can get for their food products. However, this application wil inform customers about where the product comes from, when it has been made, hows the condition and environmental standards etc. as much as details possible for the food product. Tracking food products also can figure out whether the product is contaminated or not by checking the conditions of food manufacturing places. Therefore, this food tracking application industry will eventually reduce food-borne illness health issue. REFERENCES
1. Food and Beverage - Environmental, Safety & Quality Software by Intelex. (n.d.). Food and Beverage - Environmental, Safety & Quality Software by Intelex. Retrieved May 25, 2014, from 20industry.aspx?source=h%2B1cla%2ByaKH2gBG7oq333j7XO5mbbrBX0e%2Bc5eyTx UqtgRkbML1ZLPnWkvIcf2lHurdpQmUdaw7qQa0mJrIUrg%3D%3D&utm_source=Capt erra&utm_medium=Directory+Listing&utm_content=Capterra+Food+Traceability+Di re 2. Foodborne diseases. (n.d.). WHO. Retrieved May 25, 2014, from 3. Making the consumer part of the supply chain. (n.d.). Food Engineering. Retrieved May 25, 2014, from making-the-consumer-part-of-the-supply-chain 4. Top Food Traceability Software Products. (n.d.). Top Food Traceability Software. Retrieved May 25, 2014, from 5. Mobile apps high potential and low entry barrier. (n.d.). Brandalyzer. Retrieved May 26, 2014, from %E2%80%93-high-potential-and-low-entry-barrier/ 6. Report November 2012. (n.d.). GFTC. Retrieved May 26, 2014, from
S.110 Business Systems: Deliverable 2: Business Section 2014 Name Marthalena Heather Netid Group Number: Website Link: Tutorial Details Tutor: Day: Time: Time Spent On Assignment: Word Count: 1641
Instant ebooks textbook Practical Data Science with Hadoop and Spark Designing and Building Effective Analytics at Scale Addison Wesley Data Analytics 1st Edition Ofer Mendelevitch download all chapters
S.110 Business Systems: Deliverable 2: Business Section 2014 Name Marthalena Heather Netid Group Number: Website Link: Tutorial Details Tutor: Day: Time: Time Spent On Assignment: Word Count: 1641
Instant ebooks textbook Practical Data Science with Hadoop and Spark Designing and Building Effective Analytics at Scale Addison Wesley Data Analytics 1st Edition Ofer Mendelevitch download all chapters