Ahprn Getting Involved in Research A Pocket Guide 0 0 0
Ahprn Getting Involved in Research A Pocket Guide 0 0 0
Ahprn Getting Involved in Research A Pocket Guide 0 0 0
involved in
a pocket guide
Edited by
Ann P Moore & Philippa Lyon
Getting involved in research
a pocket guide
Edited by Ann P Moore and Philippa Lyon
Copyright The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and The National Physiotherapy Research Network 2009.
National Physiotherapy Research Network - a pocket guide
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide
ISBN: 978-1-904400-26-4
Foreword Jill Higgins 6
Acknowledgments 8
Part One: Engaging in research
1.1 Introduction 10
Ann Moore
1.2 How to start 14
Maria Stokes, Anne Bruton
1.3 Searching and appraising the literature 20
Andrea Peace
1.4 Deciding on the right research approach 26
Graham Stew
1.5 Which research methods to use? 32
Graham Stew
1.6 Research ethics and governance 40
Elizabeth White and Helen Hampson
1.7 Collaboration and multidisciplinary research 48
Gail Mountain
1.8 Applying for research funding 54
Sue Mawson
1.9 Collecting good quality data 60
Anne Bruton and Caroline Ellis-Hill
1.10 Analysis of data 66
Julius Sim
1.11 Strategies for dissemination of research 72
Krysia Dziedzic
1.12 Writing for publication 80
Philippa Lyon
1.13 Writing for scientic publications: tips from an editor 86
Michele Harms
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 4
1.14 Integrating your own research into practice 92
Mindy Cairns
1.15 Using evidence in practice 100
Bernadette Henderson
1.16 Creating and sustaining supportive environments for research 108
Lisa Roberts and Stuart Fraser
1.17 Mentorship: an overview 113
Claudia Fellmer
1.18 Mentorship schemes: an example 120
Adam Garrow
Part Two: Developing research skills and expertise
through education and career pathways
2.1 Developing a research career pathway 124
Gabrielle Rankin
2.2 The new graduates rst steps into research 133
Suzanne McDonough and David Baxter
2.3 Registering on a Professional Doctorate programme 138
Nikki Petty
2.4 Registering on a traditional PhD programme 142
Liz Cousins
2.5 Life after completing a PhD 151
Brona McDowell
2.6 The route from novice to Principal Investigator 156
Di Newham
2.7 A senior physiotherapist with a postgraduate masters degree: 160
developing research interests
Janet Deane
2.8 Contract research staff roles 160
Sally Singh
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 5
2.9 A junior contract researcher 164
Rupert Kerrell
2.10 A clinical researcher 170
Rhoda Allison
2.11 An experienced researcher 174
Nadine E Foster
2.12 A lecturer 180
Lorna Paul
2.13 A researching consultant 186
Laura Finucane
2.14 Leading clinical research 192
Jeremy Lewis
2.15 Research-oriented manager 196
Fiona Ottewell
Glossary 200
Brief Biographies of Contributors 210
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 6
Research and the use of evidence to determine what we do, why and how we do it, is
fundamental to the provision of high quality physiotherapy.
Physiotherapy, along with other allied health professions, is well placed to lead high
quality evidence-based health and well-being services, and ensure excellence in patient
care. However, there are areas where the evidence base for physiotherapy practice is
less robust and it was this need to invest in the development of the evidence base, and
therefore the capacity for research within the profession, that prompted the Chartered
Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) to fund the establishment of the National Physiotherapy
Research Network.
It is true to say that the physiotherapy research community and the CSP have not
always seen eye to eye, and as in most cases of disagreement, much was the result of
each party not understanding the other.
This book is a tangible demonstration of the journey that both the CSP and the
physiotherapy research community have taken towards increasingly understanding the
needs and demands of the other. In 2004 the CSP took the decision to appoint a team
of individuals from four different universities to lead the grass root development of
research capacity. Some four years later the National Physiotherapy Research Network
is well established, with 20 regional hubs covering the whole of the UK and two hubs
in Southern Ireland.
The creation of this book mirrors the commitment and professionalism of all concerned
in the development and implementation of the NPRN, who have given substantial
time, knowledge and support to enable individuals to engage with research both, as
researchers and as users of research. It is testament to the altruistic vision of the NPRN
that this book is designed to help develop physiotherapy as a profession as well as
develop the individual physiotherapist or other allied health professional.
The book is in two parts. In part one there is straightforward guidance on the various
aspects of the research process from how to start and decide on the right approach
to ethics and applying for funding. There is a useful section on multidisciplinary
research and collaboration a must do in the current integrated health and well-
being environment plus how to get good quality data and what to do with it. As
a profession physiotherapy is not as good as it might be on implementation of the
evidence base so part one culminates with sections on publication, dissemination and
using research in your own practice.
Dr Jill Higgins Director of Practice and Development
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 7
Part two addresses how to embark upon a career as a researcher and various authors
share their personal stories of how the journeys they have made have contributed to
the evidence for physiotherapy. This book is different from other research texts, giving
as it does personal stories from physiotherapy researchers about how to succeed in
research. The book does not profess to give all the answers, but does put research and
the development of the evidence base for practice into the real world context of the
physiotherapy practitioner. It aims to assist all those already engaged in, or who are
thinking about engaging in research, to nd the most successful path.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 8
The achievements of the National Physiotherapy Research Network (NPRN) in
supporting and encouraging clinicians to engage with research have been made
through the expertise, dedication and goodwill of a group of researchers and clinicians.
These researchers have freely given their time, knowledge and skills in the interests
of developing physiotherapy research capacity in the UK. It is indicative of the loyalty
and farsightedness of the physiotherapy profession and other AHPs that a voluntary
organisation such as NPRN can be created and sustained. The efforts of those involved
in NPRN are made in the interest of producing research that will underpin the evidence
base for the future.
We would like to give our warmest thanks and appreciation to all the contributors to this
book who have, in the spirit of NPRN, contributed their work out of goodwill. In many
cases, these authors have given personal insights and described their own experiences,
as well as summarising key points and pieces of advice on their particular topic area.
We hope that this shared experience encourages and supports other colleagues to step
further into the world of research, and to contribute to the continual strengthening of
AHPs as researching professions.
Ann Moore and Philippa Lyon
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 9
Research is a high-hat word that scares a lot of people. It
neednt... it is nothing but a state of mind, a friendly welcoming
attitude to change. It is the problem-solving mind. It is the
composer mind instead of the ddler mind. It is the tomorrow
mind instead of the yesterday mind. (Kettering CF 1961)
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 10
A warm welcome to this tome! It is with great pleasure that on behalf of the National
Physiotherapy Research Network (NPRN) Core Executive, I introduce this book which has
received voluntary contributions from 40 authors who are all researchers and many of
whom are highly experienced researchers, eminent in their elds of practice and/or their
research areas.
The NPRN was established in 2004 as a result of a funding initiative by the Chartered Society
of Physiotherapy (CSP). The initiative was designed to enhance physiotherapy research
capacity and capability in the UK. Four Core Executive members, Di Newham, Julius Sim,
Maureen Simmons (now replaced by Maria Stokes) and myself, Ann Moore, put forward a
proposal to the CSP to develop a UK-wide network of research hubs to facilitate support
and nurture physiotherapy research and the use of evidence in practice. The proposal was
successful and the network began its development with the employment of Philippa Lyon
as the NPRN Research Ofcer. We have been delighted with the rapid development of 20
research hubs in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, and also the inclusion of
two hubs in Southern Ireland. Each of the hubs works within a different model to suit local
needs and expertise, and they are all facilitated by an experienced researcher, or a team of
experienced researchers. (Please see the Appendix of this handbook for more information
relating to the NPRN support hubs, together with useful contact numbers.) Many of the NPRN
hubs have gone from strength to strength, holding regular events and meetings which are
attended by physiotherapists, but also increasingly by other allied health professionals, and
to this end there is a proposal to develop the network further to become the Allied Health
Professions Research Network, supporting all allied health professionals interested in research
at grass roots level and engendering cooperation and collaboration to fulll a shared purpose,
the development of a sound and accessible evidence base for healthcare practice.
Why is research important and why should any health professional get involved in
research? As health professionals we all wish to offer the highest quality of care to our
patients, the best quality teaching and learning experiences for our students and present
strong coherent information to managers and commissioners of our services. The only way
we can full stakeholders needs is by producing strong and meaningful evidence on which
to base our care, our interaction with patients, our service delivery, our cost-effectiveness
calculations and our curricula.
Bailey once dened research as any activity undertaken to increase knowledge. It is the
systematic investigation of a problem, issue or question. (Bailey DM, 1991) This is a great
denition as it really indicates that research can occur at a range of levels, through a range
of activities, using a spectrum of approaches and methods.
1.1 Introduction
Ann Moore
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 11
A characteristic of research is that it challenges the status quo, for example,
research ndings may indicate that a well known, well used treatment modality is
not as effective as everybody thinks. This can be seen as a tremendous challenge
for some individuals, but importantly contextual issues are key and just because
a treatment modality has been found to be less effective, it doesnt mean that it
should necessarily be abandoned. The research needs to be examined closely for
rigour and clinical applicability to ascertain if the ndings are meaningful for the
said situation. The research may indicate that perhaps we need to know more about
how a treatment can be best applied, ie in terms of dosage and frequency and
perhaps rigour of application, or does it mean that this type of treatment appears
to suit patients with particular demographic/clinical proles? Perhaps the clinical
expertise of those delivering the treatment in the study could be challenged and
perhaps the outcomes were not measured at appropriate times. So as you can see,
research can not only be challenging, but often also leads to a sequence of further
questions which can stimulate debate and further research work. Research is also
creative, is systematic and fascinating because it enables the researcher to think
creatively about how the research could be carried out, using of course recognised
frameworks and approaches. It necessitates the researcher to delve deeply into the
supporting literature, resulting often in new knowledge for the individual concerned.
The research process can trigger new thoughts about how, when and for how long
treatment should be applied, what adjuncts to treatment can be used and, who
should be involved in the study. In other words who are the real stakeholders in this
Research ultimately can lead to changes in what treatments are delivered, how they
are delivered, who delivers them, who should receive such treatment and when
they should receive it. Research using qualitative methods can also enable us to
understand in greater depth our treatment approaches, our examination approaches
and, our communication skills from patients and other stakeholders perspectives.
We can then begin to understand how patients feel about participating in their
own self management and what types of treatment and approaches they feel are
of benet and why this is the case. Increasingly, mixed methods approaches are
being undertaken, which as well as exploring the effectiveness of treatments from
a quantitative perspective, also help us to understand why they were or were not
effective from the patients perspective. But research isnt just about collecting
information or data from participants in a systematic way. It can also involve
reviewing the literature systematically, the result of which would be a systematic
review. Examples of different types of research are given throughout the text.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 12
The book is presented in two sections: Section 1 deals with the research process and
each chapter reects a different stage in this process; Section 2, on the other hand,
contains chapters in which researchers at different stages of career development, and
having different roles in academic/clinical communities, talk about their experiences
of research and their individual growth as researchers. We are indebted to all the
contributors to this book who have done so to support the National Physiotherapy
Research Network activities. The short biographies of the contributors bear witness to
their personal development and growth as researchers and make interesting reading in
parallel with their written contributions.
The production of this book is a non prot-making venture for the editors and authors
and any prot made from sales will be used to support research activities within
the National Physiotherapy Research Network. We do hope you enjoy reading the
handbook and reecting on the content and we hope it may inspire you to play a
bigger part in your local research culture, whether you are a student, a clinician, a
researcher, a lecturer or a manager.
Some therapists feel demoralised and threatened by their own perceived lack of
research skills. If you feel this way you are not alone! But dont be disheartened.
We have a large evidence base to construct and really only clinicians know what
meaningful research questions need to be answered to support clinical practice. So it
is important that all clinicians engage in research at a range of levels, bearing in mind
that not every clinician can fully engage in collecting research data. There just isnt
time or the resources to do so.
This book was conceived by the Core Executive of the National Physiotherapy
Research Network and is designed to whet your appetite in terms of getting involved
in research. The chapters are purposely brief and to the point, but written in what we
hope is a user-friendly manner. The book is not designed to be a denitive research
textbook. There are many texts available on the market today which would full the
denitive text remit. A number of these texts are referenced within this handbook. This
handbook then is more of a guide to stimulate and hopefully enthuse the would-be
research student or the would-be researcher, whether based in clinical practice or in
academia. Many of the stand-alone chapters carry useful references, but also reference
to further information to deepen knowledge gained. A glossary of terms is provided at
the end of the handbook for clarication of perhaps less familiar terms.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 13
Anyone can be involved in research at a number of different levels, whether it is
helping to develop a research question, helping with designing research, collecting
data, helping with the analysis or the interpretation of the analysis of data, taking
part in the dissemination of research, implementing research into clinical practice or
incorporating research into teaching and learning experiences. You dont have to be
an expert to be involved in research and as your expertise grows you can be involved
in more elements of research. The chapters in this book will show you how you can be
involved and how research careers and responsibilities are focused. The quotation by
Kettering at the beginning of this book couldnt be more apt for this context. So dont
be afraid to get involved in research, have courage and let your interest in research
ow positively into involvement in research. Why not start today!
Bailey D. M 1991 Research for the Health Professional a practical guide. FA Davis
Company, Philadelphia
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 14
Routes to starting ~ research pathway ~ proposal preparation ~ precautions
Routes to starting
Before starting any activity, it helps to have a reasonably good idea about what you
think you want to achieve. This does not mean you cannot change your mind later, but
is a good starting point. Research activity is no different. So, rstly you need to ask
Why do I want to get involved in research?
The answers to this basic question can be many and varied, but the advice in this
chapter will relate to the more common reasons:
There is a clinical problem/question I want to be able to answer.
I want to work towards a postgraduate qualication (MSc/PhD/DClinP and so on)
I enjoyed the research I did while training and would like to do some more, but do
not have sufcient time or condence to develop independent research
I did not gain any practical experience of research while training but like the idea of
getting involved.
You may have other, more personal, reasons: for example you think it will help you get
promotion; you like the idea of seeing your name in print; you want to move into a
research career it really doesnt matter what matters is that you get started. After
a while, we hope you will want to do research because you discover it is productive,
challenging and exciting.
The rst thing to realise is that you cannot start out in research on your own. Whom
you contact rst may vary depending on your research requirements. So, for the
situations mentioned above:
If you want to answer a particular clinical question, you need to nd a mentor who
has sufcient research experience to guide you through the process. Depending
on where you work, this may be a physiotherapy (or other health professional)
colleague, or a local academic.
If you want to work towards a higher degree or other postgraduate qualication,
you need to check out university websites or contact university departments.
If you want to do research but do not have sufcient time or skills for a complete
project, you could think about getting involved with research projects that
are already up and running. To nd out about these, you could contact your
local Research Support Unit (RSU)/Research Design Service (RDS) or National
How to start
Maria Stokes and Anne Bruton
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 15
Physiotherapy Research Network (NPRN) hub, consult the National Research
Register (NRR; website address listed in further information) or look at the website
of your local university to nd out what is going on in your geographical area.
Think about what skills you might have to offer an existing project; perhaps clinical
skills, assisting with literature searching, analysing results. Also be clear about
what you can reasonably expect from your involvement, such as being a named
author or included in the acknowledgments of a paper. This needs to be negotiated
appropriately before you begin any actual involvement.
Common pathway for all research in the early phases
regardless of aim, methodology or scale of the study
Large scale
clinical trial
or study
Develop research question and/or hypothesis
Establish originality search literature
Strategy choice of methodological approach, design and methods
Peer/supervisor/mentor discussion
Possible collaboration
Proposal development
Ethical approval
Insurance cover
Early phase
of any research
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 16
Common pathway
All research has a common pathway in the early phases (see Figure 1):
Research question and/or hypothesis: The rst (and sometimes the most difcult)
step is to dene the question/s that you hope to answer as precisely as possible. This
may appear to be a fairly straightforward process but it can take several weeks to
rene your initial question. Example: you might start off by asking Does breathing
retraining help people with asthma? After much thinking and discussion you might
expand your question to make it more specic, such as: How does four weeks of daily
Papworth breathing retraining affect health-related quality of life and symptom control
in people with mild to moderate asthma, compared with daily exercise on a cycle
ergometer? You would then rene it further and further until you end up with your
nal version, but try to keep it simple and clear.
Originality: You need to establish if this question has been posed/answered
before. It is not ethical to do research if the answer is already known and has been
demonstrated conclusively. This is fairly rare in physiotherapy research. Repeating
studies to conrm previous ndings (for example in a different setting) is usually
acceptable. This is where a thorough literature search is essential. If the question has
not been addressed at all, then either you have an amazingly novel idea or there is
a reason no one has tried (for example too difcult; unethical; too expensive). More
commonly you nd some people have answered a piece of your question but not
enough to give clinical certainty.
Strategy: You need to work out how to answer your research question that is
what method to use. The choice of qualitative or quantitative methods, or mixed
methodology, will depend on the question posed.
Peer discussion/collaboration: Start to share your ideas with friends/colleagues/
mentor/supervisor and get as much feedback as possible. Try not to take their criticisms
personally they are trying to help you. Explore possible collaboration with relevant
colleagues in your own or other disciplines. Collaborative research is likely to be more
productive than single investigator efforts, particularly if you collaborate with more
experienced researchers than yourself.
Resources: Work out how long you think the research will take and how much it will
cost can you nd the time and money within your own department/private practice,
or do you need to seek external funding? There is very little scope for unfunded
research in the health service. Do you need a research assistant to collect the data?
Statistical support may be necessary to help with the study design, and plans for
data management and statistical analysis. Access to statistical support requires good
planning and needs to be arranged at an early stage. It may be too late to go to a
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 17
statistician with data, as they may not have been collected appropriately for being
processed and presented in a meaningful way.
Work out a timetable for the project and remember it is not just for the data collection
period. You also need to allow time for:
- Literature review: ongoing throughout, not just at the beginning.
- Preparing paperwork/databases for data collection.
- Research governance (website address listed below): formal peer review of your protocol,
submitting for ethical approval, waiting for ethical approval, insurance cover and so on.
- Recruitment: it is an unwritten law that as soon as you start to study something, the
whole population with that problem seems to disappear always expect recruitment
to be much slower than you originally anticipated.
- Delays: absence through illness/annual leave may affect you or others on whom
progress of the study depends.
- Post-data collection: data analysis and writing up.
Proposal preparation: see next section.
Funding: see chapter 1.8.
Proposal preparation
A research proposal is essentially a statement of intent the plan or roadmap to inform
yourself and others (ethics committees, R&D departments, potential funders and so on)
about what you are going to do. Before writing the proposal, nd out the submission
deadlines for your local ethics committee and whether the proposal must rst be
approved by your Head of Department and/or institution before submission.
Once the details of the protocol in your proposal are nalised you are committed to
following them precisely any deviation is a very serious matter as it renders you liable
to losing your insurance and indemnity cover, the study being halted and results not being
publishable. This is why it is so important to get it right before you start. If you wish to make
changes to your protocol, you may only do so by requesting approval for amendments from
the ethics committee (and research governance ofce for insurance cover) and waiting for
written approval before you change anything. It is advisable to familiarise yourself with
research governance requirements which aim to ensure that health and social care research
is conducted to high scientic and ethical standards (see website address below). Research
proposals generally follow a common format with the headings in Box 1 and useful
references include: Portney & Watkins (2000), Sim and Wright (2000).
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 18
Writing a research proposal
Title reects what you are planning to do
Summary/abstract brief outline of the study
Lay description: brief outline of the study in language that an adult
with a reading age of 14 years or above would understand
Background/introduction set the scene that is introduce the topic and
why it needs to be studied. Give a brief literature review of relevant previous
work and highlight the gap in knowledge that your research will ll
Aims/objectives/hypotheses aims are essentially the big research question/s.
Objectives are the steps you need to take to achieve the overall aim. Some
quantitative research lends itself to forming hypotheses statements
that are testable (usually statistically)
Signicance state relevance of the study to the subject population and/
or health services in general and/or scientic knowledge. May include:
improvements in care/treatment; benet to health and/or quality of life;
market potential
Methods subject population, inclusion/exclusion criteria, sample size, how
you will recruit; research design (type of study for example experimental,
qualitative); equipment/instrumentation; protocol that is data collection process
from recruitment to completion; data analysis plans; dissemination of ndings
Ethical considerations how subjects will be recruited, discomfort to
subjects, known side effects of treatment and how these will be minimised,
any inconvenience to patients/relatives and so on
Governance issues for example taking up NHS staff time, disruption
to ward routine
Time scale see above. Use a ow chart if possible
Brief CV of investigators usually one page qualications, previous
and present positions, membership of scientic societies, research funding,
number of publications
Costs staff, equipment, travel and so on
References to the literature.
In addition to the protocol, ethics committees will also expect there to be appendices,
including examples of any questionnaires, data collection forms, consent forms, participant
information sheets, recruitment letters/posters/emails.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 19
Most people involved in research are ethical and honest. However, if you have some
good new research ideas you may need to be cautious about how freely you share them.
Intellectual property (often shortened to IP) is a term to describe your original ideas and this
IP is owned by your institution, as part of research governance (see further information).
You need to protect your IP in the same way that you might protect any other valuable
possessions. If all you want is to get your research question answered, then this may not
worry you. However, if you want to try to obtain funding and then publish your ndings it
is exasperating to nd someone else has taken your ideas and done so rst. After initial
discussion of an idea in principle, a Condentiality Agreement is often drawn up between
parties and if the idea develops into a project, a Collaboration Agreement may be signed.
Protection of IP is most important for ideas with commercial potential and advice can be
sought from your local research governance ofce, usually based in the RSU/RDS.
First steps are always hard but the hardest part is making the decision that you will start.
Trying to go it alone is not advisable and you are likely to give up very quickly. Those of
us experienced in research know how much we depend on each other. There are formal
networks like the NPRN ready to help you and there are informal networks that you can
help create within your own department/area. Academic researchers are not failed clinicians
living in ivory towers but are useful resources who can work with you to help you achieve
what you want. Although there are one or two sharks in the pool of academia, there are
many more dolphins around who genuinely want to help increase research capacity within
the allied health professions.
Reference list
Portney LG, Watkins MP. Editors (2000) Foundations of Clinical Research: Applications to
Practice. 2nd edn. Prentice-Hall Health. London.
Sim J, Wright C. (2000) Research in Health Care: Concepts, Designs and Methods.
Stanley Thornes Ltd. Cheltenham.
Further information
National Research Register: www.nrr.nhs.uk
Research governance Framework for Health and Social Care: www.dh.gov.uk/en/
Ethical Issues: www.nres.npsa.nhs.uk
Ethics Application Forms: www.myresearchproject.org.uk
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 20
Searching the literature ~ appraising the literature ~ time management ~ reference list
~ further information
Searching the literature
Why search the literature?
There are many reasons why you should conduct a literature search including:
To scope the quantity of published literature on the subject you are interested in
To locate relevant background reading to help you focus your thinking, and ultimately
your research question.
To reveal identical research to your proposed study, thereby preventing you
reinventing the wheel.
To identify high quality journal articles that will inform your research.
To discover similar research to highlight potential future research partners.
Dening your research question
The PICO system (Richardson et al, 1995) is an evidence-based model for creating clinical
research questions. It encourages the researcher to break down a clinical scenario into
a question which can be answered typically through a combination of reviewing the
relevant literature, and undertaking some original research.
A research scenario could be elderly men experiencing falls; should this be treated
through exercise classes or individual home visits? This could be broken down, using the
PICO system, into the following elements:
the patient or population (who?)
elderly men.
the intervention (what?)
exercise classes.
1.3 Searching and appraising the literature
Andrea Peace
Why search the literature?
Dening your research question
The need for a search strategy
Sources to search
Saving/organising your search results
Documenting/reusing your search strategy
Support with the literature searching process
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 21
the comparison (optional)
home visits.
the outcome (how is it measured?)
reduced incidence of falls.
The ECLIPSE system (Wildridge and Bell, 2002) is a tool to help break down health
management/policy scenarios into concepts, which can form the basis of your search:
Reduction of waiting times in a musculoskeletal physiotherapy outpatient service.
Client group
People with musculoskeletal injuries.
Hospital outpatients.
Reduced waiting times; increased patient satisfaction; increased job satisfaction;
increased efciency.
Musculoskeletal physiotherapy outpatients.
In both the PICO and ECLIPSE models, the individual elements of the broken-down
scenario form the building blocks of your literature search.
The need for a search strategy
Bearing in mind that there is an enormous body of published literature in the medical/
health eld, you need to formulate a search strategy to ensure you retrieve only literature
that is relevant to your research question.
Questions to consider when drawing up the strategy:
What question are you trying to answer?
Using a model like PICO or ECLIPSE what individual elements make up this question?
you need to use these to identify a list of keywords to search in combination to
retrieve the relevant literature.
Are alternative terms and spellings relevant? for example physical therapy; physiotherapy.
Is date of publication relevant? by using a publication date limit, your search will
capture literature published within your specied timeframe.
Is the scope of the research context specic (for example UK health system)?
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 22
consider using a place of publication limit within your search.
Is language important? for example if you can only read English or there is no
funding available for translating articles then consider applying an English only
language limitation within your search.
Is research methodology important? for example you want to retrieve only
randomised control trials or systematic reviews, and not individual case studies, then
consider excluding certain types of methodology from your search.
Individual bibliographic databases vary considerably in terms of how they allow the
user to input the search strategy (that is how you can combine your keywords and
apply limits). Investing some time in reading the online help facility before conducting a
search of an individual database or library catalogue is critical to ensure you retrieve only
relevant references.
Sources to search
The next step is to choose appropriate sources to search for relevant published literature.
The sources chosen will vary depending on the subject in question. General health
bibliographic databases like Medline, CINAHL or the Cochrane Library tackle a wide
range of subjects, whereas databases like Pedro, or OTSeeker bring together research
from one discipline (in this case physiotherapy, and occupational therapy respectively).
Library catalogues also provide a useful resource particularly in locating books and
reports on the subject in question. Finally, the internet is a good place to search for
government reports, statistics, and reports from other healthcare research organisations.
However, internet search engines are generally a poor alternative to bibliographic
databases when searching for high quality research.
Saving/organising your search results
Most bibliographic databases allow you to mark references of interest to save, email or
print. When undertaking research that will result in an extensive reference list, it is good
practice to save the references within a personal bibliographic software package (for
example Endnote, Reference Manager or Procite). These packages allow you to sort and
format references in a particular referencing style (for example Vancouver, Harvard). They
can integrate with your word-processing software to insert references within the text,
and compile an automatic bibliography saving valuable time in the publishing process.
Documenting/reusing your search strategy
Most bibliographic databases provide an option to save (and rerun) search strategies.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 23
This feature records the combination of terms and limits you used to run your search.
This is useful as you may be required to publish your search strategy as part of your
research ndings. Also, using your saved search strategy you can run repeat searches at
specied intervals to collect newly published literature on your research question in a
consistent manner.
Support with the literature searching process
Developing skills takes time and effort, but improves with practice; this is the same
with literature searching. If you are struggling, ask a librarian to review your draft
search strategy. They should be able to point out any omissions, suggest alternative
keywords, recommend and train you to search appropriate bibliographic databases,
and advise on downloading, storing and manipulating records in a personal bibliographic
software package.
Appraising the literature
Why appraise the literature?
Once the literature search is complete, it is important to examine the quality and validity
of the information located. Critical appraisal is the process of systematically assessing
research evidence to decide on the relative quality of the results and recommendations.
Depending on the outcome of each critical appraisal, you will either include or exclude
each article from your literature review based on whether you feel the article is good
enough to help inform your research.
The advantages of using critical appraisal in the research process
The advantages are that it:
provides an objective assessment of the usefulness of individual pieces of research
helps you to manage information overload by eliminating certain studies from being
considered in your research
aids decision making regarding whether to take published research evidence and put it
into practice.
Why appraise the literature?
The advantages of using critical appraisal in the research process
Tools to carry out critical appraisal
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 24
Tools to carry out critical appraisal
There has been much investment in creating free critical appraisal tools; these usually
take the form of a standardised questionnaire, which lead you to reect on different
aspects of the research (for example research design, bias and so on).
Different tools exist to critically appraise articles that use different types of research
methodology. You need to identify the type of research described in the article you want
to review (for example systematic review), and then search for a systematic review critical
appraisal tool.
The following free resources are available to help aid your critical appraisal:
AGREE instrument (appraisal tool for assessing clinical guidelines):
Critical Appraisal Skills Programme Appraisal Tools (includes tools to review: systematic
reviews; randomised controlled trials; economic evaluation studies; cohort studies;
qualitative research; case control studies; diagnostic test studies):
Time management
Searching and appraising the literature can be time consuming. Not only is there a
search strategy to develop and run in a variety of sources, time also needs to be built
in for ordering your selected references (this may take several weeks if they have to
come from other libraries). Time also needs to be allocated to critically appraising your
selected references, so give enough time to each of these steps in your research project
plan. However this time is an investment, and your research should reap the benets by
considering only relevant and high quality research in its considerations.
Reference list
Richardson WS, Wilson MC, Nishikawa J, Hayward RS. (1995) The well-built clinical
question: a key to evidence-based decisions. ACP Journal Club 123: A12-A13.
Wildridge V, Bell L. (2002) How CLIP became ECLIPSE: a mnemonic to assist in searching
for health policy/management information. Health Information and Libraries Journal 19:
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 25
Further information
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. (2007) CSP guide to literature searching, 3rd
edition. The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, London. Please note this is a CSP
member only publication available via the CSP website http://www.csp.org.uk
National Library for Health Knowledge Management Specialist Library (n.d.). Search
strategy used to nd content for the Knowledge Management Specialist Library.
aspx?resID=101412. An example of a PICO saved search strategy that has been run
on a bibliographic database.
South Central Healthcare Librarians. (2007) The Literature Search Process:
Protocols for Researchers, 2nd edition. Thames Valley Health Libraries Network,
Thames Valley. http://www.library.nhs.uk/knowledgemanagement/Page.
Booth A, Brice A (2004) Appraising the evidence. In: Booth A, Brice A (eds) Evidence-
based practice for Information Professionals. Facet Publishing, London, 104-119.
University of Shefeld School of Health and Related Research (n.d.). Critical appraisal
and using the literature, Shefeld. http://www.shef.ac.uk/scharr/ir/units/critapp/
An online tutorial covering the basics of critical appraisal.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 26
Research paradigms ~ methodologies ~ conclusions ~ recommended reading
Having selected your research question (see 1.2), and identied what your aims
are (that is what you want your research to produce as an outcome), the next issue
is to think about the best approach for your study. In other words, what design or
general strategy will be the most appropriate for nding the answers to your research
question? These strategies are also known as methodologies.
How do you nd the best methodology?
Start with your research question!
What are you asking? The wording of your question will usually indicate what the
answers will look like.
Knowing what you want your research to do helps you to identify the correct approach.
If little is known about your research topic, and it has not been researched much, if at
all, then you might need to describe, interpret or explain. This type of reasoning, from
the particular to the general, is known as induction.
As our knowledge of a subject increases we are able to predict relationships between the
variables in our study, and make an educated guess as to the outcome of our research
an hypothesis. So if the knowledge base is already established and you are building
upon previous studies, your research may well need to predict, offer some evidence or
evaluate. This reasoning, from the general to the particular, is known as deduction.
Our understanding of any subject requires both inductive and deductive
reasoning, as each is needed to complement the other at different stages of
knowledge development.
1.4 Deciding on the right research approach
Graham Stew
Research can do several things, depending
on the type of question asked. It can:
Offer some evidence
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 27
Research paradigms
A paradigm is simply a way of looking at the world... a theoretical lens or perspective.
Working within a research paradigm means having certain ideas of what reality
(ontology) and knowledge (epistemology) mean.
This is not the place to go deeply into these issues, but all researchers need to
ask themselves where they stand in relation to these philosophical questions. For
example, do you believe that we create our own realities through interpreting our
experience, and that knowledge is therefore subjective and relative? Or do you feel
that the world exists independently of the observer, and that knowledge is out there,
waiting to be discovered?
Broadly speaking, the rst position falls within the interpretivist paradigm, while the
second would be within a positivist paradigm.
Both paradigms may use common methods of data collection (that is questionnaires),
and the data may be both qualitative and quantitative in any research study.
There needs to be a comfortable t between the paradigm and research question
adopted; between the researchers worldview and the type of reasoning to be used.
But enough of philosophy!... lets consider some practical examples of research studies.
Within each research paradigm there is a wide and bewildering array of
methodologies, but we will focus on six common designs in this chapter.
Lets take low back pain as an example of a research topic to illustrate these
methodologies. Its a subject that is relevant to therapists everywhere, and you might
think that a sound body of knowledge already exists on this subject. However it could
be equally argued that an individuals experience of, and response to, back pain is
unique and non-generalisable. Everything depends on the question you are asking as a
researcher (... and of course your paradigm!).
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 28
Here are six specic methodologies, related to different research questions, and the six
purposes of research:
Research seeking to describe may ask:
What is the prevalence of low back pain among retired nurses?
A survey design is a specic approach to collecting social data. It involves collecting
the same data from cases in a sample, and may use questionnaires, structured
interviews, telephone interviews and medical records.
Research that describes and interprets will ask patients:
Can you tell me about your experience of back pain?
Phenomenology as a research methodology seeks to describe the lived experience
of individuals, with a view to increasing our understanding of a phenomenon.
Hermeneutic phenomenology also interprets the patients accounts, developing themes
or essences to present shared meanings. Data are normally collected through in-depth
individual interviews and sometimes participants diaries.
Grounded Theory
Research that seeks to create a theory which answers the question:
What coping strategies do back pain patients adopt?
Grounded theory seeks to develop a model or theory to explain a social process, in
this case, how back pain patients cope with their problem. Data are collected through
a range of methods which might include focus group and individual interviews,
questionnaires and documentary analysis. Analysis of data proceeds through a process
of constant comparison, generating categories which form a conceptual framework or
substantive theory.
Correlational study
Research which seeks to predict may ask:
Is there a correlation between certain symptoms of low back pain and Body Mass Index?
A correlational study is a systematic investigation of relationships between two or
more variables within the research topic, and does not seek to examine cause and
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 29
effect. Data from the variables are collected and compared to detect signicant
statistical relationships.
Randomised controlled trials
Research seeking to test an hypothesis might ask:
Does technique A produce better outcome measures in low back pain patients than
technique B?
Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are often accepted as the gold standard for
comparing different therapeutic modalities. The random allocation of patients avoids
a selection bias and clear inclusion and exclusion criteria maintain the focus of the
study. The credibility of results is further enhanced by using independent investigators,
blinding techniques and validated research tools for data collection.
Action research
Research which seeks to evaluate, implement and develop healthcare services might
How can services for low back pain patients be improved?
Action research aims to improve practice, through a longitudinal study of
implementation and evaluation of changes, often within a collaborative team
approach. Data are collected throughout the process by methods such as interviews,
observation and questionnaire.
As you can see the actual methods for collecting data are common across a wide range
of research methodologies, and both qualitative and quantitative data can be used in
one study to complement each other and strengthen the ndings.
It is easy to become confused and overwhelmed by the variety of methodologies you
will nd in research textbooks. The simple solution is to be guided by your research
question and aims. Remind yourself repeatedly of what you are trying to nd out,
what you are aiming to achieve, and what your answers are likely to look like. This
will (i) keep you on track to accomplish your aims, (ii) help you choose the appropriate
methodology and methods for collecting and analysing your data, and (iii) guide you in
presenting your ndings.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 30
Choosing the right approach in research is like nding the right tools to do the job...
everything else falls into place, and the rest is easy!
Further information
Clough P, Nutbrown C. (2007) A Students Guide to Methodology. 2nd Edn.
Sage, London.
Creswell JW. (2007) Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design. 2nd Edn. Sage, London.
Crotty M. (2004) The Foundations of Social Research. Sage, London.
OLeary Z. (2005) Researching Real-World Problems Sage, London.
Phelps R, Fisher K, & Ellis A. (2007) Organising and Managing your
Research: A practical guide for Postgraduates. Sage, London.
Potter S (ed). (2006) Doing Postgraduate Research. 2nd. Edn. Sage, London.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 31
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 32
Which research methods to use?
Graham Stew
Revisit your research question ~ questionnaires ~ interviews ~ focus groups ~
observation ~ documentary analysis ~experiments ~ conclusion
Once you have developed your research question and chosen the appropriate
methodology, or overall design, you will now want to consider how to collect the
information (the data) you need. These techniques for collecting data will be your
research methods.
First, revisit your research question!
A clear question will indicate the type of information you need to answer it.
The rst four questions above relate to issues of access and sampling. Access involves
knowing where the information is, and how to negotiate your way into the eld.
If you are researching your own practice and workplace, then access is usually
straightforward, but otherwise you will need to know who to approach for approval
(the so-called gatekeepers). You will also need to know when and for how long you
plan to collect your data. Sampling requires decisions about who has the information
you need, and may involve either probability or purposive sampling (see glossary).
The fth bullet point above refers to the choice of methods of data collection. Both
qualitative and quantitative data (words and numbers) may be collected within any
research paradigm or design; they can complement each other and in many cases
strengthen a piece of research.
Then ask yourself :
Where can I nd this information?
Will this information come from people, equipment,
documents, and so on?
If from people, who specically?
When can I collect this information?
How is this information to be collected and stored?
Finally, what methods of analysis will be used?
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 33
Lets take each in turn, dene them, and comment on their advantages and
These include measurement scales and can be posted to your respondents, sent by
email, or administered face-to-face. Questionnaires may be:
wholly closed-ended, with every question having a xed range of alternative
responses, or;
open-ended, with very broad questions designed to elicit the respondents own
views rather than their responses to a pre-specied range of answers, or;
a mixture of the two.
Potential advantages
Questionnaires are a useful means of getting data from a relatively large number of
people or from a representative sample of that population. Therefore they are very
efcient in terms of your use of time and effort.
Respondents may feel that they can say what they really think if the questionnaire
can be completed in privacy and anonymously (especially if you are known to them
or might be thought to have a vested interest in their answers).
Questionnaires are also, usually, quicker to code and analyse than interviews.
Potential disadvantages
Questionnaires may be a quicker method of collecting data and the format
may facilitate data analysis, but the design of a good questionnaire with clear
instructions and unambiguous questions can take a long time.
There are many methods of data collection,
and this chapter can only address the most
common ones, which are:
Focus groups
Documentary analysis
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 34
You may not always know that your carefully constructed questionnaire is not asking
the right questions until you start analysing the data, i.e. when it is too late to do
anything about it. Pilot your questionnaire if you can. At the very least send it to
some colleagues for comment.
There is a risk that few completed questionnaires are returned a low response rate
is common.
Respondents may think there is one correct answer and try to nd out what this
might be sometimes there is a sense of trying to please the researcher.
These are conversations with a purpose (usually face-to-face or by telephone) which
are planned around a set of questions or themes. The degree to which interviews
are structured can vary greatly. They can be highly structured (and then resemble a
verbal questionnaire). They might be semi-structured, comprising a set of open-ended
questions but often with follow-up probes and prompts; or they can be relatively
unstructured a list of themes or topics or headings which can be adjusted to each
Potential advantages
Provides an opportunity for the interviewee to give a more detailed response than in
a questionnaire.
The data will usually be richer with more contextual information than the data
provided by a questionnaire.
An interview is a particularly useful tool if you are trying to understand the
experiences and actions of each respondent.
It provides an opportunity to probe respondents views in ways that might be
difcult to plan for in advance.
Potential disadvantages
The interview is a time-consuming method if you do not have any help in collecting
data from a relatively large sample of respondents.
The full transcription of interviews takes a lot of time. A one-hour tape-recorded
interview takes about 810 hours to transcribe.
Good interviewing requires expertise and experience. It requires, for example, good
listening skills; body language that encourages the interviewee to relax and talk; a
capacity to ask useful questions, perhaps take notes and yet maintain eye contact;
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 35
an ability to prompt people who are not very responsive; knowing just how long to
allow a silence to continue before intervening; an ability to probe sensitive areas
and issues; being able to think on your feet and be exible in your questioning.
Focus groups
Originally used in market research, this method is now often used in healthcare
research. Designed to elicit opinions and attitudes from groups of 6-10 people, focus
groups tend to be used in conjunction with other research methods.
Potential advantages
A cost-effective technique for exploring a groups views without imposing your own
agenda on them too strongly.
Provides opportunities to explore the thinking behind the kinds of responses which
might have been given to a questionnaire, without opting for the more time-
consuming option of one-to-one interviews.
In the early stages of a project it can be a useful means of identifying issues or areas
of interest that could be followed up using other methods.
Potential disadvantages
Difcult to follow-up the views of individuals during the group discussion, especially
on topics which may be sensitive.
There may be a need to explore individual experiences more deeply following the
focus group. (If it was possible why not opt for face-to-face interviews in the rst
This method can be heavily inuenced by the dynamics of the group. One or two
people can easily dominate the proceedings if they have clear views and are
articulate; others may feel inhibited. It is possible as a facilitator to counter this
tendency but it takes experience and self-condence.
It may be difcult to tease out what is being said when more than one person
speaks at any one time.
This is the systematic description of events and behaviours in their natural social
setting. Observation can be highly structured (with coding schemes, checklists and
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 36
category systems), or relatively unstructured (taking notes or keeping a diary). As an
observer you may be participating in the activities, or be a detached y on the wall.
Crucial to the success of observation as a method is knowing exactly what it is you
need to observe, and how to record these data.
Potential advantages
It is one of the most direct research techniques. You are not asking people what they
would do or think; you are watching what they do and listening to what they say.
Used in combination with questionnaires or interviews, observation can therefore
provide useful insights into the extent to which there is a correspondence or
discrepancy between what people say and what they actually do.
Potential disadvantages
It is easy to underestimate the effect of your presence on the situation and
behaviour being observed, and gaining informed consent can be a challenge with
large numbers of people.
It is very time consuming... how many times do you need to observe a situation or a
group before you can describe with condence what is really happening?
The analysis of observational data can be difcult and often open to very different
Documentary analysis
You can make use of a wide range of documents related to your research question,
including clinical records, minutes of meetings, memoranda, letters, diaries,
administrative records; and so on.
Potential advantages
Documents enable you to investigate the background and context of the situation
and the specic problem which interests you.
Documentary analysis is a useful means of analysing the ofcial view and accessing
the ofcial record of events, decisions and plans.
A useful means of evaluating the extent to which the rhetoric (or the policy) is
actually put into practice.
Potential disadvantages
Documentary analysis, if it is to be systematic, can be time consuming.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 37
There is little guidance available from experienced researchers on how to analyse
some kinds of documents.
Documents require a critical reading similar to the skills employed by the historian
when analysing primary sources. Documents have to be interpreted as well as read
and this calls for expertise and experience.
The key feature of any experiment is that the researcher controls and manipulates
the conditions under which the effects of a change or intervention can be measured.
Cohen et al (2000:211) provide a useful brief description of experimental method in
the natural sciences:
Imagine that we have been transported to a laboratory to investigate the properties of a new
wonder fertiliser that farmers could use on their cereal crops, let us say wheat. The scientist
would take the bag of wheat seed and randomly split it into two equal parts. One part would
be the grain under normal existing conditions controlled and measured amounts of soil,
warmth, water and light and no other factors. This would be called the control group. The
other part would be grown under the same conditions the same controlled and measured
amounts of soil, warmth and light as the control group but, additionally, the new wonder
fertiliser. Then, four months later, the two groups are examined and their growth measured.
The control group has grown half a metre and each ear of wheat is in place but the seeds are
small. The experimental group, by contrast has grown half a metre as well but has signicantly
more seeds on each ear, the seeds are larger, fuller and more robust.
The key features of the experiment are:
An experimental group and a control group.
Random allocation to each group to eliminate the possibility that any variables not
thought to be crucial to the experiment might have any unintended effects.
Identication of key variables that will have some effect.
Control of these key variables.
The application of the special treatment to the experimental group but not the
control group.
Measurement of the effect of the treatment and comparison of the outcomes for the
two groups.
Will this classical experimental design still work when the subjects of the experiment
are people rather than wheat seeds?
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 38
The experiment is still the norm in medical research and is widely used in all forms
of psychology, research into healthcare and, to a lesser extent, research into social
care. One particular form of the experimental design, the randomised controlled trial
(through which, for instance, new drugs and forms of medical treatment are tested) is
still generally regarded in those disciplines as the gold standard of research.
In each case the experiment is designed in such a way that it reduces the likelihood
that the prior knowledge of the subjects, the practitioners and the researchers taking
part in the trial might unduly inuence the results of the experiment.
However, in many social situations it is simply not practical (or sensible) to try to
control all of the possible variables that might inuence the outcomes of a specic
change or intervention. Indeed, in some instances it would also be unethical to use a
controlled experiment if, for instance, the subjects were not in a position to give their
informed consent to participation in the experiment or if participation meant that they
might suffer or be treated unfairly or if the experiment required them to do something
illegal or immoral. Also, in the real world, it may not be possible to assign people
randomly to either the experimental or the control group.
In such circumstances some researchers have introduced the idea of a quasi-
experiment. Perhaps the most common kinds of quasi-experiment employed in social
research are where the researchers collect data that enable them to compare the same
subjects before and after an intervention or change has been introduced.
Therefore the quasi-experiment retains the element of comparison which is so central
to the experimental research design but subjects are seldom allocated to their groups
and, if they are, this is rarely done randomly. In practice, in most quasi-experiments
the researcher does not have any control at all over the so-called control group (or
reference or comparator group).
Ultimately the central question for any researcher opting for a quasi-experimental
design will be: Am I comparing like with like? If the answer is: I believe so then
the follow-up question will inevitably be: How do I know?. Also, it is easy to
underestimate the amount of time and resources that experimental methods require!
There are a variety of different kinds of quasi-experimental research design and each
has its own advantages and disadvantages. Rather than outline all of them here it is
recommended that you read chapter 4 in Robson (1993).
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 39
Additionally, if you are interested in the relative advantages and disadvantages of
experimental and quasi-experimental designs for research in healthcare, see Chapter 3 in
Gomm & Davies (2000).
This chapter has introduced you to a number of common research methods ... its now up
to you to decide which of them will be of use in answering your own research questions.
Remember that by using more than one method or data source you will strengthen your
studys rigour and credibility ... this is known as triangulation.
Cohen L, Manion L & Morrison K. (2000), Research Methods in Education. 5th edn.
Routledge/Falmer, London.
Gomm R & Davies C. (2000), Using Evidence in Health and Social Care, Sage, London.
Robson C. (1993), Real World Research, Blackwell, Oxford.
Further information
Regarding relevant reading for quantitative methods, you might wish to look at:
Bowling A. (2002) Research Methods in Health: investigating health and health
services. (2nd. edn) Open University Press, Maidenhead.
And for qualitative approaches:
Creswell JW. (2007) Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design. 2nd edn. Sage, London.
More generally, you might like to read:
Blaxter L, Hughes C & Tight M. (1996), How to Research, Open University Press,
Bowling A. (2002) Research Methods in Health: investigating health and health
services. (2nd edn) Open University Press, Maidenhead.
Creswell JW & Plano Clark V. (2007) Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods
Research. Sage, California.
Hicks CM. (1999) Research Methods for Clinical Therapists: Applied Project Design and
Analysis. (3rd edn). Churchill and Livingstone Harcourt Brace and Co. Edinburgh.
OLeary Z. (2004) The Essential Guide to Doing Research Sage, London.
Wilkinson D. (ed.) (2000) The Researchers Toolkit. Routledge/Falmer, London.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 48
Collaboration and multidisciplinary research
Gail Mountain
Why research into multidisciplinary work? ~ who should do research into services ~ how
does applied research differ? ~ which professions can be engaged in applied research?
~ involvement of end users and their carers ~ benets of working with researchers from
other backgrounds ~ learning from previous multidisciplinary research projects ~ getting
The whole is usually greater than the sum of the parts...
There are many research questions which are specic to our professional practice;
for example the effectiveness of physiotherapy interventions. Research neglect of
allied health professions in the past resulted in very little evidence being generated
to support practice. However, the situation is now improving to meet the demand for
evidence-based practice and value for money.
Why research into multidisciplinary work?
Undertaking research to examine the individual contributions of certain professional
groups is important but in the complex world of healthcare delivery, professionals
rarely work in isolation. As a consequence, research questions are often concerned with
services or issues that span a number of disciplines and are not the sole province of
one profession.
Case example 1
Research regarding the effectiveness of rehabilitation for people following stroke will
need to take the following into account:
The service infrastructure.
What is delivered to each patient and their carer and for how long.
The contribution of each member of the multidisciplinary team.
The overall service as experienced by the individual user and their carer.
Measurement of the outcomes of rehabilitation for users and their carers.
The costs of the service.
The impact of the whole multidisciplinary team and the environment within which they
operate will have to be examined. In this example it would be difcult to separate the
contributions of physiotherapists from that of other multidisciplinary team members.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 49
Who should do research into services like rehabilitation?
From the late 1990s onwards, policy makers became increasingly aware of the
potential value of rehabilitation services. This interest was accompanied by nancial
resources for research. One example of this was the research commissioned nationally
into intermediate care services. The investment led to academic researchers becoming
engaged in research into rehabilitation services. Projects similar to the one described
in case example 1 have most frequently been undertaken by social scientists and
other academic researchers. Thus, physiotherapists and others became the subjects of
research rather than being engaged in the research process themselves. These projects
often led to ndings of a policy or academic orientation with less value for practice.
Most recently, the importance of applied research has been recognised. This examines
questions of importance to those engaged in service delivery and to service users and
their carers. This form of research often involves testing new interventions or ideas
and is therefore ideally conducted by those with a good understanding of clinical
practice and the needs of those using the service. As a consequence, the contribution
which can be made by individuals with research training combined with a professional
background such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy and nursing is being
increasingly recognised.
How does applied research differ from
other forms of research?
As applied research is about getting answers to questions rather than generating
knowledge, it centralises the questions and concerns of those working in, and using
services. These questions and concerns are then taken forward through the research
process, which will utilise the clinical skills, experiences and professional networks of
the researchers.
Case example 2
Research which aims to design functional and aesthetically attractive assistive
technology for people with disabilities will need to take account of:
The opinions of people with disabilities regarding what they need to help them as
well as what they consider to be desirable.
The views of their carers.
The views of professionals who are responsible for prescribing assistive technologies.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 50
These perspectives will be used to create prototype technologies by designers and
technologists which users and carers and professionals will then be asked to test and
give their feedback on. Designers will produce successive prototype devices until all
stakeholders (users, carers and professionals) are in agreement about what is safe, t
for purpose and acceptable. This process is called an iterative design process.
Which professions can be engaged in applied research?
As case example 2 illustrates, conducting successful applied research will often
involve a multidisciplinary team of researchers, from what can appear to be disparate
professional groups. Researchers from professions like engineering, design and
computing are realising that the involvement of clinical researchers can assist them to
produce devices and other research products which people will want to use.
Case example 3
A large project to develop and test technology for home-based stroke rehabilitation
was led by therapy researchers. It involved researchers from the following professions:
Occupational therapy
Medical physics
Movement science
The project also engaged with user advocacy groups and practitioners working in
clinical practice and industry.
What about the involvement of end users and their carers?
One of the cornerstones of applied health research is the active involvement of people
using health services and their carers. End users and their carers can be involved in
research in the following ways:
As commissioners of research; identifying research questions and advising on what
should be funded.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 51
As advisors to research projects; for example as a member of a project steering
As participants; providing information to researchers (this is the most familiar form
of involvement).
As researchers, following specic training; users can be involved in identifying
research questions, collecting data and analysing data.
In case examples 2 and 3, users will be acting as participants and as advisors.
Case example 4
A project has been commissioned by the Expert Patient Programme (EPP) (the
employees of which are all service users) to devise and test the feasibility of a self
management programme for people with dementia and their carers. The project
protocol is being written by an occupational therapist and a member of the EPP (who
also has mental health problems). The feasibility of the programme of work will involve
occupational therapy, psychology, psychiatry and user advocacy organisations. A person
with dementia has agreed to join the steering group as an advisor.
More information about user involvement in research can be obtained from
What are the benets of working with
researchers from other backgrounds?
The benets of well conducted, collaborative, multidisciplinary research are proven to
be signicant. It can enable a whole range of ideas and perspectives to be brought to
bear to address a research problem. For example:
The specic contributions of each discipline group.
Sharing of methodological approaches.
Expanding the communities to engage in the research.
Multidisciplinary research also challenges old ways of thinking. In particular,
the involvement of end users in research can question both academic and professional
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 52
What has been learnt from
previous multidisciplinary research projects?
There a number of ways in which multidisciplinary research can be facilitated:
Use of professional jargon must be limited. It is all too easy to lapse into
professional jargon which is not understood by others outside the professional
group. When a multidisciplinary group of researchers work together this effect can
be magnied if a common language is not adopted.
Good systems of communication must be established that are based in the use of a
common language. The need to communicate and meet together on a regular basis
increases with the greater diversity of groups included in any project.
All researchers must maintain an open mind regarding what might be achieved.
These ways of working have much in common with good practice for involving users
and carers.
How do I get involved?
The current focus upon applied multidisciplinary research and upon research which is
focused upon helping people with long-term conditions to live independently means
that it is has never been a better time for therapists to get involved. Involvement can
Acting as a clinical partner; for example providing researchers with your clinical
expertise, providing access to patients and assisting with the collection of data.
Facilitating the dissemination and implementation of the results of research through
professional networks.
Assisting end users and carers to be involved in the research process.
Additionally, a small but increasing number of therapists will be motivated to become
more centrally involved in the research process. This is a very rewarding and exciting
area to work in. Some suggestions of how this might be achieved are as follows:
Enrol for a higher degree in research so that you have the necessary academic
credentials in addition to your clinical qualication.
Attend multidisciplinary research conferences rather than professional events; one
example is the Society for Research into Rehabilitation (www.srr.org.uk).
Keep appraised of current research in your area of interest and identify established
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 53
research groups.
Engage in any opportunities to be a clinical partner in a research project, as
previously described.
Keep alert for small funding opportunities, particularly those from Research Councils.
Allow yourself to think creatively of new ideas and possibilities for research.
Identify researchers with the correct background to support you with funding
applications and with other associated activities.
Publish and get your name known.
Finally, remember...
Multidisciplinary groups of researchers who are engaged in applied research need
people like you to make their ideas a working reality.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 54
Funding schemes ~ targeting your research funding proposal ~ writing a proposal ~
factors for a successful submission ~ sources of further information
The aims of this chapter are to help you to:
Describe various funding schemes for applied clinical research.
Target your research proposals to the most appropriate scheme.
Write your proposals for an appropriate submission.
Explore factors that contribute to a successful submission.
Provide sources of further information to help you develop high quality bids.
Sources of funding
In 2006 the Department of Health published the new NHS research strategy in a
document entitled Best Research for Best Health. The strategy represented a huge
change in the way research would be funded in England with the existing Research and
Development levy (Support for Science and Priorities and Needs) ceasing from 2006/7. All
current funding being withdrawn in a transition period to be completed in 2009/10. The
National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) was created to hold all the research funding
for programmes (Figure 1), infrastructure, faculty and systems.
Many of these grants, such as the programme grants and the Health Technology
Assessment (HTA) and Service Delivery and Organisation (SDO) grants, are very
prestigious awards for teams of researchers from the NHS and academia with impressive
track records for research. They are not therefore appropriate for novice researchers.
However, one NIHR programme is a responsive funding scheme called Research for
Patient Benet (RfPB). Allied health professionals are in a unique position to apply
for this funding as they play a pivotal role providing front-line services and support to
patients and carers. This enables them to have patient-focused insights into the kind of
research described within the brief for the RfPB programme; research that will offer the
greatest benets to patient care.
The RfPB programme is:
Located in the NIHR, coordinated through the central commissioning facility (CCF).
Regionally implemented via ten regional commissioning panels covering government
ofce regions.
Budgeted proportionally to regional populations.
1.8 Applying for research funding
Sue Mawson
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 55
Has a national budget that will build up to 25 million per annum over the next
three years.
Projects can last up to 36 months with a budget of up to 250,000.
The programme is intended to support research that is relevant to the day-to-day practice
of health service staff and capable of showing a demonstrable impact on the health
or healthcare of service users. Proposals that have emerged from interactions with
patients/service user experience, and which have been developed with them and other
agencies like voluntary bodies/public, are particularly welcomed. The funding is inclusive
of qualitative and quantitative methods, unlike other funding streams such as the HTA
programme, which is specically for randomised controlled trials.
NIHR research
Translating research evidence into NHS practice
Research Centres
Programme Grants
Healthcare Technology Cooperatives
Health Technology Assessment
Research for Innovation,
Speculation and Creativity
New & Emerging
Applications of Technology
Health Technology
Basic research
(Biomedical, population,
social sciences and
engineering &
Effectiveness and
for NHS
Adoption into
the service
Proof of concept Efcacy
Service Delivery and Organisation
Research for Patient Benet
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 56
Research council grants
The Medical Research Council (MRC) is the most prestigious council designed to support
biomedical science research in UK universities and NHS Trusts. Research grants do not
cover research involving randomised trials of clinical treatments and the success rate is
very low for the allied health professional (AHP) group. However, other research councils
have proved very appropriate for a number of physiotherapy and occupational therapy
researchers in the UK, for example, the Engineering and Physical Science Research
Council (EPSRC). This body has a specic remit to support health research, particularly
in the areas of quality of life for older people, technologies for rehabilitation of people
with long-term conditions, dementia and nutrition. The EPSRC particularly favours
multidisciplinary applications from engineers (medical physicists), computer scientists
and healthcare professionals. While operating a responsive model funding stream, the
council frequently has specic priority calls for health-related research. www.epsrc.org
Depending on the type of research, other research councils may be relevant; links to all
research council websites can be found at http://www.rcuk.ac.uk/default.htm
Charitable foundations
The BUPA Foundation is probably the most well known charitable organisation, funding
research in the areas of surgery, preventative health, mental health in older people and
health at work. Another source of funding is the Dunhill Medical Trust for research into
elderly care, and the Health Foundation, which has various funding schemes. There are
also disease-specic schemes such as the Multiple Sclerosis Society awards, which are
very appropriate for AHP applications.
While there are a number of research funding sources, carefully targeting your
application to the most appropriate scheme will inevitabley increase your chances
of success.
Writing a successful proposal
While application forms may vary from funding stream to funding stream, there are some
important points to consider when writing a proposal to undertake a research project.
Most research and development departments in NHS organisations have guidelines for
proposal writing, as all proposals have to undergo an independent scientic review (ISR)
prior to submission for ethics approval.
All proposals should have a literature review or background section, which provides the
clinical and scientic justication for the study. Here you should include evidence of the
clinical signicance of the proposed work, whether this work has been carried out before,
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 57
and how the proposal ts into the dened needs of the funding call. The application
reviewer should feel condent that the research team are fully aware of relevant
literature and ongoing studies in the area. When doing your literature review be mindful
of the National Research Register that contains all current research activity
There should then follow a clearly dened and answerable question based on the
literature section. Your proposal should then contain a clear statement of objectives
and a demonstration that the design of the project is appropriate to meet those
objectives (http://www.trentrdsu.org.uk). For example if your objectives are to:
Investigate patient views using a questionnaire or to Assess the effectiveness of a clinical
specialists on patient care
You must also answer the following questions in your proposal:
Investigate patient views using a questionnaire
Assess the effectiveness of a clinical specialists on patient care
How? On what? Why? Type?
How? Performing what role?
Measured in terms of?
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 58
A successful bid will always provide a good justication for the research design chosen:
You will also be expected to outline how the project will be managed. This should involve
steering group meetings including not only the project team, but also someone to represent
the patient group under investigation. For example, if you are studying the effects of a
balance training intervention on falls frequency in a care home, it is quite useful to work
with your local Age Concern group, inviting them to review your application and be on your
project steering group.
One area where you will certainly need help is with costing the bid. NHS Trusts and
universities have teams who can work on this with you and it is advisable to always seek
help from the start. While you will know what you require in terms of a research assistant,
travel costs and dissemination costs, the complexity lies in the need to identify excess
treatment costs, the annual up lift for ination and of course the thorny issue of overheads.
Most NHS organisations will have their own overhead, which usually runs at around 30 per
cent; however, universities now have to use what is called a full economic cost model (FEC),
which virtually doubles the stafng costs in the bid.
In your application you should also demonstrate that current research governance
frameworks and procedures for ethics approval have been followed. For more information on
these processes, see the following websites:
National Research Ethics Service based within the National Patient Safety Agency (http://
Department of Health for Research Governance Framework (http://www.dh.gov.
Research design needs to match research question
Quantitative study Qualitative study
Patient population Sampling strategy
Outcome measures validity
and reliability
Method semi structured interviews,
diaries, focus groups
Sample size and its basis Data collection
Descriptive and inferential statistics Analytical process
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 59
Medical Research Council Guidance on ethics and best practice (http://www.mrc.
Ten top tips for successful bid writing
1 Read the application form and guidance notes many times, highlighting with a marker
pen key words and the submission deadline.
2 Dont reinvent the wheel: the reviewers are all experts in the eld and they will be up to
date with current and previous work in the area.
3 Seriously consider public/patient involvement (http://www.invo.org.uk).
4 Work with academic partners: most reviewers will expect this. However dont just go for
the big names; you must clearly identify the role of the partners in the project.
5 Get advice from a statistician and a health economist if appropriate, and tell the reviewer
in the text where and how the advice was sought.
6 When describing the dissemination process, dont just talk about conferences and
journal articles. Try to demonstrate how you will inuence not only practitioners, but
also policy makers.
7 Make sure your costings are correct.
8 Dont dismiss pilot work, pre-pilot work or clinical audits that may have been done prior
to your application. Tell the reader what you have done in the background section.
9 Outcomes should be patient focused where possible, using well-designed
outcome measures.
10 Dont panic! There are plenty of people to help, many of whom need your clinical
expertise to provide important clinical questions.
Sources of further information
Each strategic health authority has within it a research support unit (soon to become project
support units) and these can be hugely helpful in writing research applications: see http://
www.trentrdsu.org.uk for an example of an RSU. Also remember that your local university
may have a clinical trial support unit (CTSU) and that local healthcare organisations may be
able to offer help and support in writing a good, scientically rigorous and potential clinically
benecial research application.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 60
GIGO ~ data collection ~ sampling procedures ~ information to be collected ~ recording
the data ~ data storage
The term garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) is one of the great truisms of the computer
age, meaning that if unreliable, inaccurate or inappropriate data are entered into any
system, the resulting output will inevitably be unreliable, inaccurate or inappropriate.
In other words, the quality of your analysis, ndings and ultimate conclusions will be
directly dependent on the quality of the data you collect.
Data collection
Collecting data is sometimes considered the most enjoyable or exciting stage of
research and can involve anything from observing behaviour to conducting interviews,
sending out questionnaires or taking measurements. There are a few general points:
It is better to collect small amounts of good quality data than large amounts of
Seek advice consider having an advisory group for the project.
Set up and keep to a timetable for the study.
Maintain good, clear records and organise your data (that is coded, dated and so on).
Be clear as to why you are collecting data and how you are going to use the data
you collect. Check back to your research questions to be sure that analysing the
data you collect will produce some answers to your questions.
Beware of any biases: yours and/or other researchers.
Be aware that you can affect something just by observing/measuring it hence the
need for rigorous standardisation. Your data collection procedure must follow the
protocol approved by the ethics committee.
Set up clear procedures for managing the data (for example entering databases,
ling paper records).
Be scrupulous in your approach to the data, even if it is not coming up with the
answers you wanted or expected.
Minimise the number of people who have access to your data.
1.9 Collecting good quality data
(quantative, qualitative and mixed)
Anne Bruton and Caroline Ellis-Hill
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 61
Sampling procedures
In quantitative research, the aim is to sample individuals who will be representative of a
particular population so that results can be generalisable. The population to be studied is
therefore carefully dened and described and, ideally, a random sample is attempted that
is each individual in the population has an equal chance of being selected. Sample size
is determined using statistical formulae to ensure inferences can be drawn with some
condence. In qualitative research the aim is to generate data from a specic group of
participants and describe the context (for example setting, participant characteristics,
interviewer) in sufcient detail to allow others to judge the theoretical generalisability of
the data. The qualitative researcher often selects a small number of individuals to provide
in-depth information. The exact number will depend on the approach used for example
narrative, case study, grounded theory, ethnography, phenomenology.
Information to be collected
Whether you choose quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods of data collection will
depend on the research question and the focus of the research, that is a researchers or
participants perspective. If you want to know how much exion a new knee replacement
gives women aged 6570 years, then you need to collect numerical measurements
for example of joint angles. If you want to know about their experience of having a
knee replacement, then you need some form of discourse. Mixed method studies use
both qualitative and quantitative techniques, either as distinct components or explicitly
integrated. Quantitative techniques obtain numerical data to measure performance or
attitude, which can be subjected to statistical tests. Qualitative techniques, on the other
hand, obtain data about experiences and feelings. Do not assume that quantitative data
are more reliable or valid than qualitative data, this is not the case it all depends on
how they are collected, recorded and interpreted.
Recording the data
Data collection involves systematically gathering and recording this information so that it
can be stored and analysed by an individual or by a team. In quantitative research, ideally
a different person should analyse the data from the one who collected it, to avoid bias
and potential for inappropriate data manipulation. If this is not possible, data should be
coded so that the person measuring it is blinded to its source. In qualitative research it is
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 62
helpful if the same person does both. Always pilot your research protocol to see if it as
practicable as you think it is, and to identify any areas that need change.
Quantitative data
A standardised, detailed step-by-step data collection procedure from recruitment to
completion should be written and adhered to consistently.
Any equipment/measurement tool/questionnaire used should be both reliable and
valid. It should have previously been validated for the specic population you wish to
study. If your work is exploratory/ground-breaking this may not be possible, but you
should then be doing reliability/validity studies before using the tool in your research.
Precision is not the same as accuracy just because you can measure something to
three decimal places does not make it true (or useful).
Any equipment/measurement tool used should be calibrated and serviced regularly so
that performance is optimal and the results can be trusted.
A standard operating procedure (a specic guide for usage) should be produced for all
equipment (in some cases this might be the manufacturers instruction manual).
All raw data should be recorded and retained in indexed laboratory notebooks with
permanent binding and numbered pages or in an electronic notebook dedicated to
that purpose. Records in notebooks should be entered as soon as possible after the
data are collected, identied and dated. Subsequent modications or additions to
records should also be clearly identied and dated.
Qualitative data
Ensure that your data collection and analysis are consistent with your underlying
methodological and philosophical assumptions.
A detailed step-by-step data collection procedure from recruitment to completion
should be written and adhered to consistently.
As well as transcriptions from either interviews or observations, eldnotes are helpful
in describing the context of the interaction. A reective diary can be used to note your
personal inuence on data collection and analysis.
Make sure that any recording equipment is functioning correctly. Check regularly.
Individuals vary in their ability to articulate their thoughts and ideas. Practise and
Quantitative data
Qualitative data
Mixed methods data
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 63
rene your interview techniques, to facilitate participants accounts and to create
quality data with them.
Aim to begin analysing your data as soon as possible after collection.
Increase credibility by asking more than one person to analyse a small amount of data
to ensure that alternative interpretations are not overlooked and can be included in
the analysis.
Mixed methods data
In a mixed method study, quantitative and qualitative data will either be collected
concurrently or sequentially. Concurrent strategies have been employed to validate one
form of data with another, to transform data for comparison, or to address different types
of questions. Sequential strategies involve collecting data in an iterative process whereby
data collected in one phase contribute to data collected in the next. Qualitative data will
provide a deeper understanding of survey responses, and statistical analysis can be used
to provide detailed assessment of patterns of responses. However, the analytic process of
combining qualitative and survey data can be time consuming and expensive.
Whether you use concurrent or sequential methods, you need to use rigorous
quantitative and qualitative procedures, as above.
It is common practice (but not essential) to use the same group of participants for both
the quantitative and qualitative components, to make convergence/comparison of the
data more straightforward; however, sample sizes are likely to differ.
If data are collected concurrently, be aware of potential for bias whereby one form of
data collection may confound data from another form.
If data are collected sequentially, you have to decide how you will select results from
one phase for examination in more detail in another phase, for example what criteria
will you use for this choice?
Data storage
Maintaining condentiality of all data collected during any research project is essential.
All personal information should be encoded or anonymised as far as is possible and be
consistent with the needs of the study. If you are not going to use the information, do
not collect and record it.
Appropriate and secure storage of all primary data is of paramount importance, for
the protection of your participants and you as a researcher. Clear rights and levels of
access to the data should be specied at the outset of any research project. Data should
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 64
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 65
be stored safely with appropriate back up and contingency plans in the event of loss,
damage or unauthorised access to the data. Wherever possible a complete duplicate set
of the original data should be retained. Your data must be retained and archived in their
original raw form, as a precaution, particularly as published results may be challenged
by others. Your institution will have guidelines stating for how long this should be (often
1015 years).
And nally...
Some key questions to ask yourself while collecting data:
Why am I collecting these data?
Am I sure that I am recording reliable and valid information?
Am I following the standardised protocol approved by an ethics committee?
Are my data being securely stored during the data collection process?
Further information
Creswell JW. (2002) Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods
Approaches (2nd Edn). Sage Publications, Inc, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Sim J and Wright C. (2000) Research in Health Care: Concepts, Designs and Methods.
Nelson Thornes Ltd, Cheltenham.
Jenkins S et al (1997) The Researching Therapist: A Practical Guide to Planning,
Performing and Communicating Research. Churchill Livingstone, New York.
Sapsford R and Judd V. (2006) Data Collection and Analysis (2nd Edition). Sage
Publications Ltd, London.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 66
Data preparation ~ choosing a strategy for quantitative analysis ~ reporting quantitative
analyses ~ choosing a strategy for qualitative analysis ~ conclusion
The process of data analysis should tie in logically with the philosophical perspective
within which a study is situated, the research questions or hypotheses that have
been developed, the overall design of the study, and the specic methods of data
collection that are to be employed. It is important, therefore, to take account of the
intended method of analysis when rst planning a study, so that data are collected in a
sufcient form, and maybe also in sufcient quantity, to facilitate subsequent analysis,
and in particular to ensure that certain methods of analysis are not foreclosed by
inappropriate decisions at the level of study design or data collection.
Data preparation
Appropriate data preparation is a prerequisite for any type of analysis. Quantitative
data should be entered into an appropriate statistical package. This should preferably
be a specialist statistical package (for example MINITAB, SPSS, STATA) rather than a
more general spreadsheet package with statistical functions (for example Excel), as
the analytical capabilities of the latter may be limited. The data must be cleaned (for
example incorrect or out-of-range values corrected, missing values identied) and,
where appropriate, recoded and transformed (for example items in a multi-item scale
added to provide a summative score).
Whereas there is little merit in conducting quantitative analyses by hand, a reasoned
choice may be made between manual and computer-aided analysis for qualitative
data analysis, according to the particular approach to be taken to the analysis, the
quantity of data to be analysed, and the personal preference of the researcher. In either
case, most qualitative data will require transcription. N-Vivo is a popular package for
qualitative analysis, but others are available. Whichever is chosen, it is important to
remember that the interpretive element of analysis must remain with the researcher,
and that while the computer can facilitate, and to some extent enhance, this process, it
cannot replace it.
Analysis of data
Julius Sim
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 67
Choosing a strategy for quantitative analysis
For quantitative data, appropriate descriptive analyses will always be required; when
hypotheses are to be tested or when sample data (statistics) are used to estimate
corresponding properties of the population (parameters), inferential analyses will be
required in addition.
In either case, clarity as to the level of measurement viz. nominal, ordinal, interval,
or ratio of each variable is required. The distinction between interval and ratio
measurement is rarely of concern in terms of selecting techniques and procedures, but
other distinctions such as between nominal and ordinal, or between ordinal and
interval/ratio are normally important.
Some important principles relating to descriptive analysis are:
Descriptive summaries and graphics must be chosen with regard to the level of
measurement of the data (Table 1).
As a measure of central tendency, the mean and median should be accompanied by
a measure of dispersion (standard deviation and interquartile range, respectively).
Percentages should be accompanied by the numbers on which they are based.
Be wary of presenting percentages of percentages, as readers will nd these
Use graphs judiciously, and only where these will be more informative than a textual
Use terminology carefully for example specify a mode, mean or median, not
an average, as these are all types of average; distinguish between the situation in
which there are two or more variables and that in which there are two or more sets
of scores on a single variable.
For inferential analysis, it is important to determine the statistical hypotheses to be
tested before inspecting the data. This will help to limit the number of analyses and
prevent data dredging. This, in turn, will control the Type 1 error rate (the false
positive rate, or more technically, the probability that one or more null hypotheses will
be incorrectly rejected).
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 68
Other important decisions to be made in advance include:
The probability value that marks the threshold for statistical signicance, for example
p 0.05. This is referred to as alpha, and represents the probability of a Type 1 error.
Whether sets of values are related or unrelated. If two or more sets of scores come from
the same sample of individuals, or from groups that have been matched on one or more
characteristics, values are related; if they come from two or more unmatched groups of
individuals, they are unrelated.
Whether a parametric or (when available) a nonparametric test is to be used (Table 2).
Parametric tests make certain assumptions as to the nature and distribution of the data
to which they are applied; nonparametric tests make fewer or no such assumptions. These
assumptions should be checked before a choice is made between these types of test.
Whether a 1-sided (1-tailed) or a 2-sided (2-tailed) hypothesis test is to be used. A 2-tailed
test seeks a signicant effect in whatever direction, whereas a 1-tailed test focuses on an
effect in a specied direction. 1-tailed tests are problematic on a number of grounds, and
are best avoided.
The power of a statistical test is the probability that it will detect as signicant an effect
that exists in the sample (more technically, the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis
when it is false). Sample size is the principal determinant of statistical power, and should
be determined at the outset of a study and built into its design. At the point of analysis,
therefore, sample size is usually pre-determined. Be wary, however, of planning analyses
(for example on subgroups) that are likely to have little power, as these will probably be
Examples of appropriate descriptive statistics
and graphs for differing levels of measurement
Level of Appropriate Appropriate
measurement descriptive statistics graphical display
Nominal Mode Bar chart; pie chart
Ordinal Median; interquartile range Bar chart; boxplot
Interval/ratio Mean; standard deviation Histogram; stem-and-leaf plot;
(median and interquartile error plot; boxplot; bar chart
range for skewed distibutions) (for counts or percentages, but
never for mean values)
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 69
Examples of some parametric tests and their
nonparametric counterparts
Parametric test Nonparametric test
Pearson correlation coefcient Spearman correlation coefcient
Unrelated t test Wilcoxon rank sum test
Related t test Wilcoxon signed-ranks test
Oneway analysis of variance Kruskal Wallis test
Repeated measures analysis of variance Friedman test
Factorial analysis of variance None
inconclusive. The failure to reject a false null hypothesis is referred to as a Type 2 error, and is
the complement of statistical power, for example if a study has power of 0.90, there is a Type
2 error rate of 0.10.
When designing a quantitative study that is likely to involve more than the most basic
analyses, it is worth seeking the advice of a statistician. This should be done at an early stage,
as decisions made in relation to the design of a study will have implications for its analysis, and
inappropriate choices at this point may either facilitate or foreclose subsequent analyses.
Reporting quantitative analyses
When reporting the results of hypothesis tests, certain principles should be followed:
State the value of alpha to be used at the outset (for example statistical signicance was
set at p 0.05, 2-tailed), and then report actual p values from individual tests.
When reporting statistical tests, you should report the test statistic, the degrees of freedom
or sample size (as appropriate), and the p value for example for a t test: t = 2.347; df =
742; p = 0.019, or for a correlation coefcient: r = 0.097, n = 239, p = 0.136.
As well as the information from a statistical test, give the magnitude and direction of
an effect, for example ... the mean score in Group A exceeded that in Group B (mean difference
= 7.9)....
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 70
Use accurate terminology for example a hypothesis is either rejected or retained, but it
is not proved; procedures, not data, should be described as parametric or nonparametric; be
clear as to whether ndings are statistically signicant, clinically signicant, both, or neither.
Where summaries such as means or proportions are presented as estimates of the corresponding
parameter in the population, a condence interval (CI) should be quoted. This indicates a range
of plausible values for the population value, given that this is unlikely to correspond precisely
to the sample estimate. However, CIs are not appropriate for a simple descriptive summary of
the sample.
Note that individual journals may have specic requirements as to how statistical analyses
are reported. For statistical tests, for example, a journal may not require the test statistic to be
reported, only the p value.
Choosing a strategy for qualitative analysis
Different approaches exist to the analysis of qualitative data and it is neither desirable nor
possible to specify a single appropriate method. As a general principle, the method of analysis
selected should relate to the philosophical and theoretical perspectives and the methodological
principles that underlie the study.
That said, it is possible to distinguish two common, broad approaches to qualitative
data analysis:
Thematic content analysis: this involves a search for recurrent ideas or meanings in the
data, which are then placed within themes or categories. The purpose is to identify elements of
commonality within the data that can be used to construct an interpretive framework. A balance
is struck between establishing such commonality and maintaining a sense of the individuality of
particular participants accounts.
Narrative analysis: the emphasis here is more on constructing a story within the accounts
of individual participants. Often, the aim is to explore a persons biography, or life history,
through one or more extended one-to-one interviews. While theoretical connections are often
made between narratives, the concern is less with identifying commonality than in thematic
content analysis.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 71
Although, as previously mentioned, there is no orthodoxy in the analysis of qualitative data, the
following principles command a reasonable degree of acceptance:
Avoid a simple statement of the data, and attempt to move to a more interpretive (though
not unduly speculative) level of analysis, so as to generate insights with implications for a
theoretical understanding of the issues or topics being researched.
Provide sufcient raw data, for example in the form of quotations, to justify the interpretation
of the data. It may be useful to link quotations to (anonymised) individuals.
Be alert to, and report, data that may not t emerging insights; it is easy otherwise only to
nd what you expect to see in terms of conclusions that have already been formulated.
Place the data analysis within a broader social, institutional or environmental context, so
that the analysis does not become disembodied from its natural context. In the process of
contextualising your data, be careful to preserve the anonymity of individual participants.
Strive for reexivity an acknowledgment of the role played by the researcher, with his or
her particular experiences, perceptions and values, in both the creation and analysis of
qualitative data.
If appropriate, rene or test your interpretation of the data with one or more other
researchers. Similarly, your insights can be shared with your informants, to see if they nd
them to be a plausible interpretation of what they said (respondent validation).
Good data analysis relies on a judicious and theoretically informed choice of appropriate
methods. Above all, it must link to the questions or hypotheses that form the basis of the study,
and the results of data analysis must be presented in a way that is clear and intelligible.
Further information
Argyrous G. (2005) Statistics for Research, with a Guide to SPSS, 2nd edn. Sage, London.
Armitage P, Berry G, Matthews JNS. (2002) Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 4th edn.
Blackwell Science, Oxford.
Banister P, Burman E, Parker I, Taylor M, Tindall C. (1994) Qualitative Methods in Psychology: a
Research Guide. Open University Press, Buckingham, 142159.
Freeman JV, Walters SJ, Campbell MJ. (2007) How to Display Data. Blackwell, Oxford.
Roberts B. (2002) Biographical Research. Open University Press, Buckingham.
Silverman D. (2004) Doing Qualitative Research: a Practical Handbook, 2nd edn. Sage, London.
Sim J, Wright C. (2000) Research in Health Care: Concepts, Designs and Methods. Nelson
Thornes, Cheltenham.
Strauss A, Corbin J. (2008) Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for
Developing Grounded Theory. 3rd edn. Sage, Thousand Oaks.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 72
The research question ~ the protocol ~ research ndings ~ research publication ~
dissemination to the wider audience ~ implementation ~ knowledge translation
The aim of this chapter is to present a range of strategies that could be used to
disseminate research. The strategies are based on different stages of the research
process with examples to illustrate each stage.
Dissemination is an important element of the research process and should not be
reserved only for the conference style dissemination of results. Dissemination is about
effective communication of research ndings to a range of key stakeholders, for example
fellow colleagues, health professionals, researchers, patients, the public, policymakers and
Figure 1 illustrates the different stages of a research cycle and it is within each of the
stages that the dissemination of research should be considered. The cycle is particularly
relevant to the randomised controlled trial but qualitative designs, and other quantitative
designs such as epidemiological studies and observational studies, could be mapped
on a similar cycle. Each stage of the research process will be illustrated by examples of
dissemination activity.
The research question
Once a research question has been formulated then dissemination of the question to
key stakeholders is essential. John Tukey said that an approximate answer to the right
question is worth a great deal more than an exact answer to the wrong question. To
ensure that the right question is being addressed, it is important to share this question
with service managers and the research team, including statisticians and health
economists, health professionals and user representatives, that is patients and the public.
The key elements to discuss are the population to be recruited to the study, the
intervention to be delivered, the comparator against which the intervention will be tested
and the outcome measures.
1.11 Strategies for dissemination of research
Krysia Dziedzic
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 73
One way of disseminating the research question is by developing a clinical advisory group
that comprises patients, members of the public, health professionals and researchers. A
small workshop or oral presentation with discussion of the issues may be the best way to
gain consensus on the importance of the question and to determine whether this is the
right question to be addressed at this time.
The protocol
The protocol will describe how the research question will be answered. The protocol can
be disseminated via posters to clinical departments and general practices. It has become
more common to publish the study protocol, for example, in open access journals (Peat
et al, 2006; Lamb et al, 2007; Myers et al, 2007).
Stages of the research cycle
The study
The protocol
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 74
The study
Throughout the study, particularly if it is long-term, it is important to disseminate the
progress of the study to key individuals. Dissemination of the conduct of the study will
ensure best practice in undertaking the research.
A brief newsletter can be an effective way to communicate with practitioners, to provide
an update on such matters as the number of participants recruited to the study, and any
additional information of importance. This will help to keep the momentum of the study
going and, in particular, assist recruitment, which is always the biggest challenge.
Clinical advisory group meetings or workshops for practitioners can be held throughout
the study to update people about progress, highlight areas of good practice and discuss
issues that may be causing difculties.
A clinical trial may have a Data Monitoring Committee, who will require six-monthly
updates on the trials progress. This will take the form of a trial monitoring report. The
Arthritis Research Campaign (www.arc.org.uk) has a template that is recommended
for use in arc-funded studies.
Research ndings
Analysis of the study will produce the research ndings. These will be discussed initially
within the research team, for example by the principal investigator, study co-ordinator,
statistician and health economist. Once the research team is clear that all the appropriate
analyses have been undertaken then the research ndings need to be disseminated to the
wider group, which may include other members of the research team, health professionals
involved, therapy managers and participant representatives. Dissemination to this group will
enhance the interpretation of the research ndings prior to further dissemination.
A common method used to disseminate ndings is presentation at local, national or
international conferences. Follow the conference instructions carefully to increase the
chances of having an abstract accepted. The choice is often oral or poster presentation and
clear guidance on the format for these will be given. An example of an abstract template
and a poster template can be seen in Figures 2 and 3. It is not usual to submit the same
abstract to multiple conferences. However, should you wish to submit the same research
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 75
to more than one conference, contact the organising committee or refer to their guidance
on what they will and will not accept. Different aspects of the same research study can be
presented in different abstracts. The challenge is to identify which conference to target with
which piece of work. Feedback at the conference will enable further discussion about the
interpretation of the ndings and help to prepare the study for publication.
Example template of an abstract
Title: The XXXX Study
Authors: 1,
1. Afliations
Funding and acknowledgements
Institutions logos Title
Funding logos Authors
1. Afliations
Methods: Trial follow-up
Table/graph of results
Flow chart
The participants
The physiotherapists
The GPs and their staff
Funding agency
Methods: Trial recruitment
Contact details email and address
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 76
A medical illustration department should be consulted early on for help with the
production of posters. Images and other material will need to be prepared in a format
that will enable reproduction. Handouts relating to a poster can be distributed at the
conference, but it is usual to decline any requests by the conference organisers for
presentations to be put on a website or CD for universal distribution; such requests
should be declined if this is unpublished work.
Always practise your oral presentations with friends and colleagues before the conference.
Get them to pose you questions that might be asked. Novice presenters may wish to
consider targeting specic conferences that have a reputation for being very supportive
and encouraging for rst timers, for example, the Physiotherapy Research Society.
Remember that attendance at conferences costs money and opportunities to fund this
should be sought through various channels.
Research publication
A guide for publication is covered in the following chapter. In choosing the right journal
to submit to, consider seeking advice to make the right choice and plan carefully for
There is a whole range of journals that might be considered when deciding where to
publish. High quality international peer reviewed journals have high impact factors (high
quality and citation) but also have very high rejection rates. The manuscripts accepted
here often have multiple authors. Authors may have contributed to the conception and
design of the study, the writing of the original research proposal, the data collection,
the analysis and interpretation of data, the drafting of the manuscript, the process of
revising it critically and its nal approval. A national journal may be more applicable if
your ndings are not relevant to an international audience. A journal targeting specic
healthcare practitioners may be preferred if you want to convey your ndings to groups
of health professionals in particular.
Good physiotherapy evidence depends on the quality of the research and communicating
the ndings to others. However the skill of writing papers is frequently overlooked. Many
published studies are reported poorly despite the efforts of researchers, editors and
peer reviewers. Reporting guidelines exist (for example CONSORT, STARD) but they are
still not widely used by physiotherapists. A new international initiative, the EQUATOR
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 77
Network, aims to improve the reliability of publications by enhancing the reporting of
health research (http://www.equator-network.org/).
Once your study has been published in a scientic journal then the next step of
dissemination can be undertaken.
Dissemination to the wider audience
If the study has had external funding, the funding body may wish to disseminate the
ndings to a lay audience and may contact you for a press release. This press release will
be sent to professional newsletters and local press to generate interest about the study.
Writing a lay perspective of the research ndings will be useful. The dissemination of
results to the research participants can be undertaken through a variety of means, for
example, posters in general practices and letters to individual participants.
At this stage your research publication may be picked up by authors of clinical evidence
papers, clinical practice guidelines, evidence-based practice groups (for example
Stevenson et al, 2007) and opinion leaders. Practitioners and researchers often work
closely to appraise the evidence and generate local practice guidelines. No single method
works best, but active methods are far more effective than passive ones.
Knowledge translation
There has been a recent move to consider how knowledge can be translated from
evidence into practice and to shorten the journey between the dissemination of research
ndings and changes in practice (Davis et al, 2003).
One of the key differences in dissemination at this level is dialogue with policy
makers and commissioners. These stakeholders are used to action and require simple,
straightforward messages that can be interpreted speedily into a plan for service delivery.
Knowledge translation is an interdisciplinary process. It will engage researchers from
a variety of backgrounds, as knowledge translation requires methodologically diverse
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 78
designs. It involves the public, patients, clinicians and researchers. The Canadian
government has been very keen to address this, and models of good practice are being
adopted in the UK.
Dissemination strategies need to be considered at all stages of the research process in
order to ensure effective translation of research into clinical practice. Different strategies
include posters, oral presentations, workshops, focus groups, publications in scientic
journals, publications in the popular press and communication with a wide range of
stakeholders in the health economy, including commissioners of research, clinical opinion
leaders, patients and the public. Optimal dissemination requires a team approach and a
multiplicity of strategies.
The stages of the research cycle can be useful to signpost the important elements of
dissemination. Different research designs may need a different approach and this should
also be considered.
The novice researcher may begin in an arena of relative security and then with experience
progress to presenting at international conferences and publishing in a range of journals
to reach different audiences.
Thanks to Hilary Jones for assistance with the manuscript for this chapter.
Reference list
Davis D, Evans M, Jadad A, Perrier L, Rath D, Ryan D, Sibbald G, Straus S,Rappolt S,
Wowk M, Zwarenstein M (2003). The case for knowledge translation: shortening the
journey from evidence to effect. British Medical Journal 327(7405): 33-5.
Lamb SE, Lall R, Hansen Z, Withers EJ, Grifths FE, Szczepura A, Barlow J, Underwood
MR (2007). The back skills training trial (BeST) team; design considerations in a clinical
trial of a cognitive behavioural intervention for the management of low back pain in
primary care: back skills training trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 8: 14.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 79
Myers H, Nicholls E, Handy J, Peat G, Thomas E, Duncan R, Wood L, Marshall M,
Tyson C, Hay E, Dziedzic K (2007). The clinical assessment study of the hand (CAS-HA):
a prospective study of musculoskeletal hand problems in the general population. BMC
Musculoskeletal Disorders 8: 85.
Peat G, Thomas E, Handy J, Wood L, Dziedzic K, Myers H, Wilkie R, Duncan R,
Hay E, Hill J, Lacey R, Croft P (2006). The knee clinical assessment study-CAS(K). A
prospective study of knee pain and knee osteoarthritis in the general population:
baseline recruitment and retention at 18 months. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 7: 30.
Stevenson K, Bird L, Sarigiovannis P, Dziedzic K, Foster NE, Graham C (2007). A new
multidisciplinary approach to integrating best evidence into musculoskeletal practice.
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13(5): 703-8.
Further information:
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 80
Types of article ~ selecting a journal ~ writing and editing ~ submission and the peer
review process
Types of article
Case study
A case study is a detailed description of the application of a treatment to a specic
clinical use. This type of article enables you to write directly about your practice, and
can be particularly useful as a rst step if you are relatively new to writing
for publication.
Publishing from a thesis
If you have completed a masters or doctoral thesis, there may be the potential to
produce articles from it. Thesis material for an article needs to be carefully selected and
prepared so that it stands as a piece of work in its own right, not just as an excerpt
from your thesis.
Research paper
Original research into a particular topic or question should be presented as a scientic
research paper. This requires a range of basic research skills. A research paper should
always include an introduction, a description of the methods you have used, the results
and a discussion of the signicance of the results.
Systematic review
A review examines the evidence on a particular topic or question by rst identifying
what evidence exists, then summarising and providing a critique of it. Systematic
reviews are considered to be the best quality, and are based on a specic methodology
and structure. Reviews do not simply provide descriptions of existing material, but offer
analysis, including issues and implications for practice and further research.
1.12 Writing for publication
Philippa Lyon
The case study
Publication from a research thesis
The research paper
The review or systematic review
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 81
Selecting a journal
Each journal has a specic scope, for example a particular clinical specialty or
methodology, and a description of this is normally included in the journal. Some
journals also favour particular types of articles. It is very important to take account
of this to ensure you are producing your article for the most appropriate publication.
Journals also employ a range of different house styles and layouts and you need to
prepare your article with this in mind. Scanning through sample article titles and
abstracts in a particular journal, and consulting the journals instructions to authors,
will help you identify whether your article is likely to t.
Journal quality is variable. The most widely used quantitative measure of journal quality
is the impact factor. This measures the citations to science and social science journals
as indexed and calculated by the Institute of Scientic Information (ISI). Impact factors
are published annually and whilst there is some debate about their reliability, they are
extensively used as indicators of the quality of a journal and the research contained
within it.
Advice and support
When considering which journal to submit an article to, in addition to seeking advice
from experienced researchers or clinical/special interest groups, you can also try
sending an abstract to the editor for feedback on its suitability.
Fitting the journal scope and style
Assessing journal quality
Advice and guidance
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 82
Writing and editing
Clarify the precise aim of your article before you begin to write. If you are fairly new to
writing for publication, try to nd a clinical or educational mentor to provide you with
some support and advice.
Check the style of the journal you have selected and the format required for your article
type. You need to be clear before you start on:
word limits (for each section and for the whole article).
title and keywords guidance.
abstract style.
format, including headings/sub-headings for the article.
referencing style.
If you are writing as part of a team, be clear what each member of the team is
responsible for in the writing up, what the deadlines are and how co-authors will be
listed in the nal article. The order of co-author names is sometimes organised according
to the degree of involvement by each author and journals can ask for a covering letter
giving details of this, or for a contributors statement, as part of the article.
Before writing, estimate roughly how many words you can apportion to each section of
your article. Ensure also that you have sufcient knowledge of literature on the topic in
question, and that you can make reference to this where relevant.
Writing techniques
If you have not had extensive experience of writing for publication, read through a
selection of articles in your chosen journal and consider the style of writing used. This can
vary in the degree of formality and amount of background knowledge assumed.
Writing techniques
Writing style
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 83
Using the guidance provided by the journal on article format, make a plan of the key points to
be made in your piece against the required headings and sub-headings.
Consider who the readers of your chosen journal are, and keep their needs in mind as you
write. Ensure all sections of your article follow on logically from one another. Read through
drafts of your work as you write and redraft to improve the overall coherence.
Writing style
Keep sentences as short and clear as possible.
In many cases, journals will expect articles to be written from an impersonal standpoint, using the
third person and the past tense (for example The research project showed that .. rather than
I showed that ..). However, you should always check the specic requirements in the
instructions to authors, as there are some variations, especially in relation to the preferred style
for writing up qualitative as opposed to quantitative research.
Avoid jargon, and be consistent in the use of abbreviations and referencing (journal house style).
The author is responsible for checking the spelling, grammar and accuracy of an article
submitted to a journal. In particular, the editing process should pick up:
any inaccurate statements or assumptions.
points that have been inadequately explained or justied.
sections or points that are in an illogical order.
typographical or spelling mistakes.
grammatical errors.
redundant words and phrases.
any sources or funding bodies that have not been acknowledged.
any copyright permissions that have not been fully cleared.
any missing, incomplete or inconsistent references.
any of the journals style or format requirements that have not been met.
Submission and peer review
Submission to journals is usually electronic, via a customised submission system, but you should
always check the requirements of the particular journal you are submitting to. Check that you
provide everything required and ensure everything is in the required format and clearly labelled.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 84
The process of peer review (see Figure 1)
Following an acknowledgment from the journal you have submitted your article to,
the journal editor will send your manuscript to reviewers. There will usually be at least
two reviewers.
Once the reviewers have considered your manuscript, they will make a report and one of
three recommendations to the journal editor. Note that:
It is possible for an article to be rejected outright if it is of insufcient quality, is not
offering anything new, has a poor standard of presentation or does not sit within the
journals scope. In this case, it is possible to take account of the criticisms and consider
revising and resubmitting your article to an alternative journal.
Many articles are accepted subject to major or minor amendments.
Articles are very rarely accepted unconditionally.
If you have been asked to make amendments to your article, these should be completed
and returned to the editor with a summary of the changes made in a covering letter. If
any of the requested changes have not been made, the reasons for this should also be
explained. Very complex or poorly executed changes may be passed by the editor back to
the reviewers for a nal decision.
Once a nal decision has been made to publish an article, a letter of acceptance is sent
by the editor. At this point, the author is usually asked to sign over copyright to the
journal and to check the proofs.
A nal note
It is worth remembering that the whole process, from submission through to publication,
can be very lengthy. It is also important to note that if you are rejected, while it can be
very disappointing, the process of writing and submitting for publication is valuable for
your continuing professional development, and the reports provided by peer reviewers
on your work can give you extremely useful information for your future growth as a
Further information
Many academic journal publishing companies have guides to writing for publication
check websites for the publisher of your target journal.
There are searchable databases of journals on the ISI Web of Knowledge Service for
UK Education. This may be accessible via an educational institution or your employer,
and can be found at: http://wok.mimas.ac.uk/.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 85
There are further useful guides to writing up and writing for publication in the
following texts:
Denscombe M. 2003 Writing up the research, Chapter 15, p284-298, The Good
Research Guide, 2nd edition Open University Press, Maidenhead.
Hicks, C M. 1999 Writing up the research for publication, p115-122, Research
Methods for Clinical Therapists, 3rd edition Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.
The peer review process
Journal acknowledges
receipt of manuscript
If accepted,
article is prepared
for publication
Decision made and
author informed
Article is sent
for review
Reviewers consider
and make their report
If article rejected,
process ends
Author makes changes
and re-submits
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 86
Format ~ language ~ illustrations ~ revisions ~ data reduction ~ permissions ~
authorship ~ peer review
Having a paper published in a scientic, and preferably peer-reviewed journal is the
aspiration of most researchers and scientists. Publications add to the credibility of both
the work and the authors.
Format and structure
When submitting a paper for publication, rst impressions are very important and a
paper can stand or fall by its abstract. Take as much care over the front page of your
manuscript as you would over your CV. Some editors make their initial decision to
reject based on the abstract alone, consequently if the author has failed to follow the
guidelines to authors about the length, structure or content, the paper can be rejected
without further consideration. If the guidelines for authors ask for a structured abstract
under the headings Objectives, Design, Participants and so on it would be inadvisable to
submit an abstract with the headings Background, Introduction, Results, Conclusion.
An article that is visually pleasing, has a sound and logical structure and contains the
appropriate information under well thought-out headings will help convince the editor
and reviewers that you, the author, are both conscientious and professional. Authors can
fall foul of journal preferences, sometimes in spite of conducting a sound study. While
many reviewers and editors may look at the value of the work beyond these issues and
allow resubmission of a revised paper, you should not depend upon this and endeavour
to submit your best work from the outset.
Before submission, consider the title of the paper very carefully. The PICO (population/
intervention/comparison/outcome) format can help ensure that all the important pieces
1.13 Writing for scientic publications:
tips from an editor
Michele Harms
Format and structure
Language, grammar and translation
Figures and illustrations
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 87
of information are contained (see Table 1). This acronym helps you to combine the
key aspects of a clinical scenario into a title, a clinical question or a research topic for
formulating a proposal, which can also be used to dene a search strategy.
Your title might be: Is cognitive behavioural therapy more effective than no treatment
in improving quality of life in people with a history of chronic low back pain? This
format will only apply to certain styles of paper and it is worth scanning the titles of
your intended journal to ensure your title conforms to an appropriate style. It is also
a useful technique to clarify the style of paper at the end of the title, for example:
Physical therapy to reduce the effect of respiratory viruses: a systematic review.
Language, grammar and translation
Many journals support the campaign for plain English (www.plainenglish.
co.uk), and encourage contributors to use straightforward, uncomplicated language.
Authors can make the mistake of describing what can be complex approaches
or methodologies, in equally complex language. If they havent given up already,
the reader may struggle to understand the language without even contemplating
the underlying concept that the author wishes to convey. If English is not your
rst language, consider a co-author whose rst language is English, or at least
ask someone to proofread your paper, who not only has the language skills but
understands the subject matter. Try to make your article concise and make every word
count. Think hard about what really needs to be in the paper to get your message
across accurately and what can be left out. Balance the word count so that the paper is
not discussion heavy or focused solely on the introduction. Give serious consideration
to collaboration with a senior author, so you can benet from their expertise in writing
for publication. The ability to write clearly and concisely can take many years to perfect.
Patient/Population Intervention Comparison/ Outcome
Parkinsons disease Balance training Exercise Frequency of falls
Chronic low Cognitive No treatment Quality of life
back pain behavioural therapy
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 88
Illustrations and gures
Graphs tend to be submitted in a standard format. Generally they are produced in a
software package like Excel (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, USA) or SPSS (SPSS Inc
Chicago USA). While the format can be tailored appropriately to the data, papers are
often submitted with graphs in the default format which may be due to the authors
unfamiliarity with the software. This is most easily seen in graphs where, for example,
the accuracy of measurement is to the nearest whole number, yet the axis of the graph
is labelled to two decimal places, the default format for some software. Familiarity
with the software will allow modications to be made reasonably easily. To see how
the graph will look in published form, it should be reduced to the size it will appear
in print. You will then be able to judge whether the axis labels and titles are in an
appropriate sized font to be legible when reduced to the nal size.
The quality of illustrations is also important. A photograph by a colleague without
attention to lighting, focus, framing and background for instance, gives an
unprofessional feel which tends to reect upon the paper as a whole. The advent
of digital cameras and electronic manipulation has resulted in an improvement in
image quality. However it may still be advisable to use an experienced photographer.
Alternatively, if a high quality image cannot be obtained, consider asking an illustrator
to provide a suitable diagram or possibly omit the image altogether.
Considerations in the writing process
Read, re-draft and revise
One of the most frustrating lessons to learn from writing a paper is the endless cycle
of re-writing, revising and editing when preparing a manuscript for submission. Once
the author has nished this cycle it is wise to ask several people to read the paper
and comment honestly. It takes a good friend or colleague to critique frankly and
their criticisms should be met with gratitude rather than annoyance! Ask a colleague
Read, re-draft and revise
Data reduction
Peer review as a positive experience
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 89
from a different background to read your paper and comment on areas they dont
understand. While someone outside the target audience may not understand subject
specic information, they should be able to comment on ease of reading, explanation
of key concepts and so on. Ask a peer, someone from the target audience, to read your
manuscript to determine suitability and level of understanding. Ask an experienced
author to comment and make recommendations. Try to be as technically correct as
possible not only by conforming to the guidelines for authors, but by painstakingly
checking reference lists are complete and accurate.
Data reduction
Where data are part of a paper, the key to presentation is simplicity and transparency.
Complex data analyses are occasionally justied, but they are often hard to understand
and can mask true patterns (or lack of) in the data. Present summarised data in
the simplest form to introduce the results before and after scores are often more
telling than change scores for example. Means or medians with appropriate measures
of condence are universally acceptable. If the data is not normally distributed,
or is ordinal (ordered categories) then use nonparametric analyses. When there is
justication for more complex tests, these should not preclude the presentation of the
basic, transparent data.
Before submitting a paper, you will need to consider whether any approvals are
necessary. Where photographs of individuals are to be included, you may need to
obtain their written consent. Covering the eyes is not sufcient to assure anonymity.
Case histories generally require the written permission of the person featured, stating
that they have seen the paper and agree that it can be submitted for publication,
even in the absence of a photograph. This is because they often deal with rare or
unusual cases, again making it difcult to guarantee anonymity. Where illustrations are
reproduced from other sources, permission from the copyright holder should be sought.
The point at which a paper is submitted for publication is not the appropriate time to
seek ethical approval for a study. On occasions where papers are submitted and the
appropriate approval for the research has not been granted, it may be possible for
the author to obtain retrospective approval. However, any research involving human
subjects requires approval or waiver from an appropriate ethical body and this should
be granted before undertaking the work and not at the point of submission
for publication.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 90
Most journals have fairly strict guidelines to dene who qualies as an author. This is
based on making a signicant contribution to the paper and on standing as guarantor
for the integrity of the work. If you are new to writing for publication, consider
working with a senior author. Not only will you benet from their experience, but their
involvement will add credibility to your work.
Seeing peer review as a positive experience
Receiving reviews can be a disheartening experience, as even the most seasoned
author will tell you. But it is important to remember that it is rare to receive such useful
feedback as that provided through peer review. If you receive full reviews, try not to
take the criticism personally but appreciate that the reviewers have not only read, but
taken time to understand and comment upon your work.
When receiving criticism of a paper you have nurtured, the rst response is often to
be defensive. When the reviewer misunderstands a point, it is natural to blame them
for their ignorance, rather than to accept that you have written something that is not
easily understood. A second reading will often show you what you left out, or why it
has been misinterpreted.
There are courses on writing for publication which take the new author through this
iterative process. Guidelines are also available for authors and mentors to guide a
programme of academic writing in order to produce a succinct paper (Murray 2007).
However, writing is a skill that can be learnt and developed and with time, having
nurtured your ability to write convincing and cohesive arguments, you will also have
the skills to become a reviewer.
Murray R, Newton M. 2007 Facilitating writing for publication, Physiotherapy,
Further information
Lyon, P. (2007) Hints and tips on how to write for publication in academic and
professional journals Elsevier: Oxford.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 91
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 92
Integrating your own research into practice
Mindy Cairns
Implementation versus dissemination ~ change management ~ barriers to evidence-
based practice ~ re-evaluation ~ evaluation of implementation ~ further information
This chapter covers the issues surrounding integrating your own, and other peoples,
research into routine clinical practice. It builds on previous chapters detailing the
concepts of dissemination and evidence-based practice and provides guidance for how
research can be successfully integrated into practice including change management
and implementation, associated barriers and re-evaluation.
So you are nally there, the ultimate goal; project nished, you have your answers;
now what? Far from being the end of the journey in terms of research this is where the
hard work begins. Whether returning to clinical practice after completing your BSc, MSc
or PhD research project or after completion of a work-based project, the issue is always
the same; how do you integrate research into practice?
Implementation versus dissemination
At the end of your research process there is always the inevitable dissemination
strategy (see chapter 1.11). However dissemination implies a somewhat
passive process where research ndings simply reach practitioners as opposed
to implementation where ndings are actually incorporated into practice. Put
simply dissemination is about raising the awareness of research ndings while
implementation is concerned with change in practice (NHS, 1999; Herbert et al, 2001).
Interventions designed to change the behaviours of healthcare workers to be more in
line with the current evidence base can be categorised into two broad headings:
Educational approaches
Educational approaches can be passive, such as distribution of educational material,
conferences, didactic lectures or manual and electronic reminders, or more active
such as educational outreach work, interactive education and audit and feedback.
Organisational or nancially based approaches
Including nancial incentives or penalties, to promote adherence to guidelines/
evidence based treatment processes (Freemantle, 2000).
Educational interventions generally have shown little effect on change in behaviour
with multifaceted approaches incorporating a number of modalities recommended to
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 93
be more effective than single modalities (Grimshaw et al, 2004). When attempting
to translate research into practice, consensus from researchers has suggested 10
potentially effective elements to successful implementation (van Tulder et al, 2002):
1 Clear and strong evidence base.
2 Content of the messages.
3 Clear messages.
4 Consistent messages across professions.
5 Communication with stakeholders.
6 Clear sense of ownership (multiprofessional and public included).
7 Charismatic leadership.
8 Continuity of care as a background issue.
9 Continuous education: specic and practical.
10 Continuous evaluation.
These elements may be useful to consider when integrating your own research into
practice but fundamentally what is central to successful integration is that the desired
change in behaviour is successfully achieved.
Change management
As identied above, the aim of dissemination and implementation is to change
behaviours; put simply you may want therapists to stop what they are doing and
modify their practice according to your research ndings. In attempting to translate
your work into clinical practice you are requiring colleagues to undertake a process of
change, and to sign up to your research. Numerous theories of change management
exist and although a full commentary on all models is outside the scope of this chapter,
Passive dissemination alone is unlikely to result in changed behaviour.
No one intervention/implementation strategy is effective under all conditions.
Multifaceted interventions which target barriers to change are most likely to
be effective.
(NHS, 1999)
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 94
summary knowledge of key concepts will be of use when attempting to integrate your
research into practice.
Three types of change processes have been identied that are helpful as an overview
to change management (Ackerman, 1997; Iles & Sutherland, 2001):
A frequently cited model of transitional change is that suggested by Lewin (1951)
and incorporates three distinct phases: un-freezing, moving and re-freezing. Initially
an individual or organization, for instance an outpatient department, identies or
realises that there is a need for change. This may be in response to the publication of
Translating theory into practice relies on a process of change.
Change can often be unwelcome, challenging and disturbing for many.
Understanding the concepts of change management may help integrating
research into practice.
Developmental change
- Aims to enhance or correct aspects of an organisation (or practice) often by
building on existing strengths.
- Can be either planned or emerge and is incremental.
Planned or transitional change
- Aims to achieve a known state that is different from the present one and is
planned but episodic.
Transformational change
- Major changes in the assumption of organisation and individuals; may result
in signicant changes in structure, processes, culture and strategy within the
- A process of continuing learning and encouraging new patterns of thinking.
(Miller, 2000)
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 95
compelling new research evidence (hopefully your own!), triggered by patient or carer
feedback or by questions raised within daily clinical practice. This stage is unfreezing.
The second stage, moving, requires active involvement of the individuals or group
to change behaviour for example clinical practice, in order to successfully achieve
the agreed goal. The nal stage, re-freezing is achieved when the desired change in
practice has occurred and a new culture has been established (Lewin, 1951).
Anecdotally, many therapists returning to clinical practice after completing further
studies or research report difculties in engaging colleagues to adopt changes in
practice in response to research ndings. In this case a developmental change process
could be an ideal starting point when attempting to translate your own research
ndings into practice. As research knowledge is certainly a strength within the
workplace, a developmental change process may allow therapists to initiate and
develop a more evidence-based culture within the workplace. Similarly the continual
learning and encouraging new patterns of thinking embedded within transformational
change would seem to t very closely with continuing professional development and
the development of clinical reasoning that is key to professional autonomy.
So if the theory of dissemination, implementation and change management in relation
to research ndings is relatively clear, why is research evidence not always used in
Barriers why is evidence not used in practice?
It is widely accepted that there are distinct gaps between what research ndings
indicate is best practice and actual clinical practice. Certainly in the area of low
back pain, numerous published evidence-based guidelines (CSAG, 1994; RCGP, 1996;
The specic processes by which change occurs will vary in different situations.
Change incorporates a number of reasoned steps and normally one step needs
to be fully achieved before the next one can be successful.
Identifying potential barriers to change is essential for successful,
sustained change.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 96
Burton & Waddell, 1998; Koes et al, 2001; Staal et al, 2003; van Tulder et al, 2004)
have not resulted in the translation of research into actual clinical practice (Foster
et al, 1999; Gracey et al, 2002; Rebain et al, 2003). The causes for these gaps have
been reasonably well researched and a number of barriers to the implementation of
research ndings identied:
Individuals and organisations will respond differently to proposed changes and will
also identify different barriers. Assessment tools such as the BARRIERS to Research
Utilization Scale (Funk et al, 1995) are available to assist in identifying potential
barriers. As implementation strategies designed to address specic barriers are more
likely to be effective than a generic approach (NHS, 1999), identifying potential barriers
should be top of the list when implementing research!
So, you have identied and addressed the barriers to change, actively implemented
your research ndings, it is now important to evaluate (NHS, 1999; Herbert et al, 2001).
How you do this will depend on the anticipated effect of any change (see Figure 1).
Barriers to evidence-based practice
Research skills
limited critical appraisal skills.
limited understanding of statistics.
limited understanding of the research process.
Implementation of research ndings
poor dissemination/accessibility of research ndings.
lack of clarity of the anticipated outcomes of using research.
Organisational culture
lack of time and/or culture of doing rather than questioning.
lack of resources.
lack of access to training.
resistance to change.
perceived lack of support from other health professionals and/or managers.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 97
It may be that your aim was to increase the use of evidence in practice (process).
Alternatively, or hopefully in addition, your aim may be improved patient outcome
(outcome). It is important to be clear regarding your aims as integrating research into
practice may have differential effects on process and outcome. For example, active
strategies to implement clinical guidelines on physiotherapy for low back pain have
demonstrated moderate effects on adherence to the guidelines (Bekkering et al, 2005a)
but showed no effect on patient outcome (Bekkering et al, 2005b).
Change can often be challenging and changing practice is no exception. In the era
of evidence-based practice it is important that therapists embrace new research
and incorporate it into their own practice. An understanding of the stages of
change management should help facilitate the integration of research into practice.
Acknowledging and identifying potential obstacles or barriers to change is vital if
change is to be successfully achieved. Just as Rome wasnt built in a day, so change
isnt made in a day. The integration of research into practice should be viewed as a
process and as such will take time, but should be worth it in the end.
Reference list
Ackerman L. (1997) Development, transition or transformation: the question of
change in organisations. Jossey Bass, San Francisco.
Bekkering GE, Hendriks HJ, van Tulder MW, Knol DL, Hoeijenbos M, Oostendorp RA
Evaluation of implementation depends on the aim
change through use
of research ndings
Audit: Extent to which
therapist engages with
the steps of evidence-
based practice
Change in performance
(process): for example
specic change
in practice
Change at patient
level (outcome):
change in clinical outcome
for example pain levels
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 98
& Bouter LM. (2005a) Effect on the process of care of an active strategy to
implement clinical guidelines on physiotherapy for low back pain: a cluster
randomised controlled trial. Quality and Safety in Healthcare. 14, 107-112.
Bekkering GE, van Tulder MW, Hendriks EJ, Koopmanschap MA, Knol DL, Bouter LM
& Oostendorp RA. (2005b) Implementation of clinical guidelines on physical therapy
for patients with low back pain: randomized trial comparing patient outcomes after
a standard and active implementation strategy. Physical Therapy. 85, 544-555.
Burton A & Waddell G. (1998) Clinical guidelines in the management of low back
pain. Baillieres Clinical Rheumatology. 12, 17-35.
CSAG. (1994) Clinical Standards Advisory Group on Low Back Pain. Her Majestys
Stationary Ofce. London.
Foster NE, Thompson KA, Baxter GD & Allen JM. (1999) Management of nonspecic
low back pain by physiotherapists in Britain and Ireland. A descriptive questionnaire
of current clinical practice. Spine 24, 1332-1342.
Freemantle N. (2000) Implementation strategies. Family Practitioner 17 Suppl 1, S7-10.
Funk SG, Tornquist EM & Champagne MT. (1995) Barriers and facilitators of research
utilization. An integrative review. Nursing Clinics of North America 30, 395-407.
Gracey JH, McDonough SM & Baxter GD. (2002) Physiotherapy management of low
back pain: a survey of current practice in northern Ireland. Spine 27, 406-411.
Grimshaw JM, Thomas RE, MacLennan G, Fraser C, Ramsay CR, Vale L, Whitty
P, Eccles MP, Matowe L, Shirran L, Wensing M, Dijkstra R & Donaldson C. (2004)
Effectiveness and efciency of guideline dissemination and implementation
strategies. Health Technology Assessment 8, iii-iv, 1-72.
Herbert R, Sherrington C, Maher C & Moseley A. (2001) Evidence-based practice
- imperfect but necessary. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 17.
Iles V & Sutherland K. (2001) Managing Change in the NHS: A review for healthcare
managers, professionals and researchers: National Co-ordinating Centre for NHS
Service Delivery and Organisation R&D.
Koes BW, van Tulder MW, Ostelo R, Kim Burton A & Waddell G. (2001) Clinical
guidelines for the management of low back pain in primary care: an international
comparison. Spine 26, 2504-2513; discussion 2513-2504.
Lewin K. (1951) Field Theory in Social Science. Harper Row. New York.
Miller D. (2000) Leading an empowered organisation. Creative Healthcare
Management Inc. Minneapolis, USA.
NHS. (1999) NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination: Getting evidence into
practice Effective Health Care 5.
RCGP. (1996) Clinical guidelines for the management of acute low back pain. Royal
College of General Practitioners. London.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 99
Rebain R, Baxter G & McDonough S. (2003) The passive straight leg raising test in
the diagnosis and treatment of lumbar disc herniation: a survey of United kingdom
osteopathic opinion and clinical practice. Spine 28, 1717-1724.
Staal JB, Hlobil H, van Tulder MW, Waddell G, Burton AK, Koes BW & van Mechelen
W. (2003) Occupational health guidelines for the management of low back pain: an
international comparison. Occupational and Environment Medicine. 60, 618-626.
van Tulder MW, Croft PR, van Splunteren P, Miedema HS, Underwood MR, Hendriks
HJ, Wyatt ME & Borkan JM. (2002) Disseminating and implementing the results of
back pain research in primary care. Spine 27, E121-127.
van Tulder MW, Tuut M, Pennick V, Bombardier C & Assendelft WJ. (2004) Quality of
primary care guidelines for acute low back pain. Spine. 29, E357-362.
Further information
Iles V & Sutherland K. (2001) Managing Change in the NHS: A review for healthcare
managers, professionals and researchers: National Co-ordinating Centre for NHS
Service Delivery and Organisation R&D.
NHS. (1999) NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination: Getting evidence into
practice. Effective Health Care 5.
Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care Group. http://www.epoc.
cochrane.org/en/index.html and http://www.unc.edu/depts/rsc/funk/
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 100
Professional knowledge ~ evidence-based practice ~ sources of information ~ how
relevant is the evidence to my everyday practice ~ how valid is the evidence? ~ how
much time do I have? ~ closing the evidence/practice gap
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is an approach to healthcare wherein health professionals
use the best evidence possible, i.e. the most appropriate information available, to make
clinical decisions for individual patients. EBP values, enhances and builds on clinical
expertise, knowledge of disease mechanisms, and pathophysiology. It involves complex
and conscientious decision making based not only on the available evidence but also
on patient characteristics, situations and preferences. It recognises that healthcare is
individualised and ever changing and involves uncertainties and probabilities. Ultimately
EBP is the formalisation of the care process that the best clinicians have practised for
generations. (McKibbon, 1998).
Put more simply, Evidence based clinical practice is an approach to decision making in which
the clinician uses the best evidence available, in consultation with the patient, to decide upon
the option which suits that patient best (Gray, 1997).
Many different types of knowledge inform clinical decisions and practice. Every
therapeutic encounter is unique and as such requires healthcare practitioners to select
the most relevant and appropriate knowledge for that particular individual and situation.
Take a moment and reect on the last patient you treated. What did you do? Why did you
choose one treatment rather than another? What were your decisions based upon? What
particular types of knowledge guided your practice?... Difcult isnt it?
Professional knowledge
There are different types of professional knowledge, including propositional knowledge
and personal knowledge.
Propositional knowledge is research based and develops theories to explain events and
predict outcomes. It is included in educational programmes, examinations and courses
and undergoes quality control by academics, educationalists and editors, and through
peer review and debate. Propositional knowledge is explicit in that it can be fully and
1.15 Using evidence in practice
Bernadette Henderson
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 101
clearly expressed or demonstrated. It is processed consciously. Propositional knowledge
includes basic sciences, applied science and technical skills.
Personal knowledge is the complex cognitive store each individual clinician brings to
a therapeutic encounter that allows them to think, reason and perform. It includes
personalised propositional knowledge, experiential knowledge and personal knowledge
of the particular patient and of oneself. Skill, competency and expertise are a part of this
knowledge. Personal knowledge can be explicit where conscious intellectual activities
such as thinking, reasoning, remembering and imagining can be expressed or tacit where
the thinking behind decisions and actions cannot be openly expressed or explained.
The different types of knowledge are interconnected. Professional practice knowledge
encompasses a complete appreciation of the specialised knowledge base and the ability
to know how and when to apply this knowledge through past experience and codes of
professional conduct (Eraut, 1985).
Evidence-based practice
Evidence-based practice involves systematically nding, appraising and acting on
evidence of effectiveness. We all intend our clinical practice to be informed by the
best available evidence. However, with the overwhelming, ever-increasing volume
and accessibility of health-related information available to healthcare practitioners,
transferring evidence into practice is a very real problem. A number of complicated
Professional knowledge (Eraut, 1992) includes:
Propositional knowledge (knowing that) including academic knowledge and
ideas derived from other professionals.
Process knowledge (knowing how) including skilled action and deliberative
analysis in decision making, problem solving and planning.
Personal knowledge including experiences, personal theories and memories.
Ethical principles or socialisation into the professional approach, including
gaining a sense of professional identity.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 102
questions need to be considered by clinicians in order to translate what we know into
what we do.
What do we believe is reliable and relevant evidence in any particular situation?
Where do we access timely, trustworthy information?
How do we incorporate and demonstrate it in practice?
Many problems in clinical practice cannot be resolved by applying exclusively
propositional knowledge to make objective judgments. Day to day problems faced by
clinicians are often unique and frequently require experience, intuition and creativity to
be used in making a decision. The ideal situation is to have informed clinical decisions,
based on reliable and relevant information about the risks, benets and costs of the
available alternatives, applied in our daily practice. How, then, to attempt to sort through
the complex and sometimes inconsistent array of evidence available, in order for the
clinician and the patient to decide which interventions are appropriate for their care.
Sources of information
There are a variety of sources of information available:
Text books.
Original studies in journals.
Nationally and internationally produced pre-appraised evidence.
National and local clinical guidelines.
National and local experts.
All sources have their own strengths and weaknesses, but three interacting attributes
have been proposed in assessing the usefulness of information (MeReC Brieng, 2004).
Usefulness of information = relevance x validity
time to locate and interpret
How relevant is the evidence to my everyday practice?
Consider how applicable the evidence is to everyday practice. Judge the relevance of the
information in the light of your specic practice question. Using the COFF acronym can
help you decide on relevance (Maskrey et al, 2005):
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 103
C does the article require me to change my practice?
O are the outcomes measured going to make my patients either live longer or live better.
F is the intervention feasible to do in my practice.
F do I see patients frequently who have the condition looked at in the paper.
If no is the answer to any of these questions, then the information is unlikely to be useful.
How valid is the evidence?
Sackett et al (2000) introduced a hierarchy which categorises evidence in order of validity
from strongest to weakest. This placed systematic reviews of randomised controlled trials
(RCTs) as the strongest level of evidence (see Table 1).
Adapted from Sackett et al (2000).
How close to the truth is this information, can I trust this evidence? This is an important
question for all practitioners to ask. Critical appraisal assesses the validity of primary
sources of evidence and is an essential part of evidence-based practice. User-friendly
Levels of evidence for interventions
Level of
evidence Type of study
1a Systematic reviews of randomised controlled trials (RCTs)
1b Individual RCTs with narrow condence interval
2a Systematic reviews of cohort studies
2b Individual cohort studies and low-quality RCTs
3a Systematic reviews of case-controlled studies
3b Case-controlled studies
4 Case series and poor-quality cohort and case-control studies
5 Expert opinion
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 104
guides and worksheets to facilitate critical appraisal are easily available with a computer
key stroke (see Table 2 for examples).
How much time do I have?
You need to consider the time it will take to locate and accurately interpret information.
There is a presumption that clinicians can regularly critically appraise clinical papers to
inform their practice. Conscientious critical appraisal is difcult, time consuming and
often not practical for busy healthcare professionals. It is often preferable to use pre-
appraised summaries of evidence and guidance from reliable sources, where the task of
critical appraisal has already been completed, in preference to primary sources (see Table
3 for examples). These sources use rigorous methods and the most robust evidence. There
is no need to assess the validity of the information as this has already been performed.
Nationally and internationally produced practice guidelines provide recommendations
based on research evidence. Consensus by experts is incorporated into guideline
development when evidence is lacking. Using available high quality pre-appraised
evidence and guidelines allows clinicians time to consider and discuss the implications
on their practice and to be able to apply valid evidence to the benet of patients.
Alternatively primary sources of evidence using literature searches can be used in specic
cases as long as the information is viewed in the context of the wider evidence base.
Critical appraisal guidelines, worksheets and weblinks
Bandolier www.jr2.ox.ac.uk/bandolier
Public Health Resource Unit www.phru.nhs.uk/Pages/PHD/resources.htm
Centre for Evidence Based www.cebm.net/?o=1023
Scottish Intercollegiate http://www.sign.ac.uk/guidelines/fulltext/50/annexc.html
Guidelines Network
Physiotherapy Evidence http://www.pedro.fhs.usyd.edu.au/
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 105
Closing the evidence/practice gap
The classic steps involved in evidence-based practice are:
1 A clinical question or problem arises out of the care of a patient.
2 Construct a well dened clinical question from the case.
3 Decide on how much time you have available to gather evidence, select the most
appropriate sources to explore.
4 Conduct a search using the most appropriate resources.
5 Appraise that evidence for its validity (that is closeness to the truth) and relevance
(that is applicability in clinical practice).
6 Integrate that evidence with clinical practice and patient preferences and apply it to
7 Evaluate your performance with the patient.
However, it is often difcult to address the numerous and diverse questions that arise in
clinical practice using this process. A variety of different methods can be used to ensure
that evidence is incorporated into clinical practice.
Sources of pre-appraised summaries
of evidence and guidance with weblinks
Bandolier www.jr2.ox.ac.uk/bandolier
Cochrane Library www.cochrane.org/
National Institute for Clinical Excellence http://www.nice.org.uk/
Centre for Evidence Based Medicine www.cebm.net/?o=1123
at Oxford
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines http://www.sign.ac.uk/guidelines/http://
Network www.sign.ac.uk/guidelines/index.html
Physiotherapy Evidence Database http://www.pedro.fhs.usyd.edu.au/
Up-to-Date http://www.uptodate.com/)
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 106
Continuous professional development (CPD)
CPD provides a framework for linking evidence with practice. Formally identifying sources of
knowledge and evidence, critically reecting on that evidence and describing how practice
is inuenced claries and formalises the link. CPD offers the opportunity to plan, act, record
and review knowledge and its impact on practice.
Journal clubs
Journal clubs can full a number of functions: keeping up with literature, promoting
evidence-based practice, demonstrating continuous professional development and learning
critical appraisal skills. It is important to have one person who takes responsibility for the
Peer discussion
Results from practitioner research should be shared and collaborative reection encouraged.
Question practice: create a culture where you incessantly question yourself and those
around you. Constantly exchange opinion, expertise and information.
Observation of and reection on practice by peers and senior staff, including peers from
other specialties and healthcare professions, will encourage knowledge and skills transfer.
Regularly present case study reviews of both common and unique cases. Evaluate and
discuss outcomes from interventions.
Clinical guidelines
If national guidelines are not available, produce your own locally. Organise interested
others, review the relevant literature, obtain expert opinion, discuss your own current
practice and develop a guideline.
IT skills
Easily accessible computers and computer searching skills are necessary for evidence to be
available instantaneously.
Knowledge brokers
Dialogue between researchers and practitioners about how to put research ndings into
practice is rare. A knowledge broker is a person who facilitates the creation, sharing and
use of knowledge in an organisation.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 107
Attributes and skills of a knowledge broker
Entrepreneurial (networking, problem-solving, innovating).
Trusted and credible.
Clear communicator.
Understands the cultures of both the research and decision-making environments.
Able to nd and assess relevant research in a variety of formats.
Facilitates, mediates and negotiates.
Understands the principles of adult learning.
The development of a knowledge broker in therapy services or clinical directorates would
enable theoretical and practical knowledge transfer and help narrow the gap between what
we know and what we do.
Reference list
Eraut, M. (1985) Knowledge creation and knowledge use in professional contexts.
Studies in Higher Education, 10(2),117-133.
Eraut, M. (1992) Developing the knowledge base: a process perspective on
professional education. In Learning to Effect ed Barnett, R, pp 98-118. Open
University Press, Buckingham, UK and the Society for Research into Higher Education.
Gray, JAM. (1997) Evidence-based healthcare: how to make health policy and
management decisions. Churchill Livingstone, London.
Maskrey N, Peglar S, Underhill J. (2005) Working smarter with information [eLetter].
Rapid response to BMJ 2005;331:352. Available from: http//bmj.bmjjournals.
McKibbon KA (1998). Evidence-based practice. Bulletin of the Medical Library
Association 86 (3): 396-401.
MeReC Brieng (2004). Using evidence to guide practice. Issue number 30. Available
from: http://www.npc.co.uk/MeReC_Briengs/brieng2004.htm
Sackett DL, Straus SE, Richardson WS, Rosenberg W and Haynes B.R. (2000) Evidence-
based Medicine: How to Practice and Teach EBM. 2nd edn. Churchill Livingstone Inc,
Edinburgh, Scotland.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 108
Increasing scholarly output ~ getting started: what support is needed? ~ sustaining a
research culture ~ the clinicians perspective ~ next steps
When clinicians have key research questions and academics have scholarly experience
and contacts, together they can be a formidable team. If every physiotherapy
department had an objective to increase its scholarly output, this would greatly
strengthen the evidence base and status of the profession. This chapter provides some
practical suggestions of how this vision can become a reality, based on the experience
of one NHS physiotherapy department.
Increasing scholarly output
In September 2004, a lecturer from the School of Health Professions and Rehabilitation
Sciences at the University of Southampton was seconded for nine hours per week to
Southampton University Hospitals trust over a three-year period. The aim of this role,
funded by the trust, was to facilitate scholarly activity across the physiotherapy service,
by supporting clinicians to:
Complete service evaluations.
Undertake audits.
Register for higher degrees.
Deliver poster and platform presentations at local/national/international
Submit papers for publication to peer-reviewed journals.
Submit grant applications.
Build links with the Research & Development Support Unit (RDSU), academic
community and National Physiotherapy Research Network (NPRN) local hub.
The most important criterion for the clinicians was enthusiasm, since Nothing great
was ever achieved without enthusiasm (Ralph Waldo Emerson [18031882] ). The
rst step in getting the process started was to identify clinicians to nurture who were
already engaged in any of the above activities, or who were planning to within the
next year. To help identify these staff, a questionnaire was developed (freely available
by contacting the rst author: L.C.Roberts@soton.ac.uk) and given to every member of
staff from technical instructor to manager. The aims of the questionnaire were to:
Determine the status of scholarly activity that already existed in the department.
Identify the key clinicians to nurture.
Establish the help that staff perceived they needed to deliver their scholarly outputs.
1.16 Creating and sustaining supportive
environments for research
Lisa Roberts and Stuart Fraser
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 109
Getting started what support is needed?
From the questionnaire results, clinicians who expressed interest in any of these areas
met with the research mentor to develop an action plan for the resources and support
they needed, together with the timescale and milestones for completion.
Having identied the key clinicians, the next initiative involved forming peer support
groups of 46 clinicians who met every 34 weeks over lunchtime, as staff perceived
this was a good time to stand back from clinical work and legitimately pause to think.
At these meetings, members outlined their activities, reported on progress and used
the skills and experiences of the group to help overcome barriers. A strength of the
group structure was that the physiotherapists came from a range of clinical elds. Each
group was set up with a timeline for supporting members until they had fullled their
ambitions; the groups were not set up to last indenitely.
Alongside the peer groups, a range of additional support was offered, including:
Helping access appropriate research courses offered by the RDSU and externally.
Reviewing and providing feedback on:
- Abstracts for conferences
- Grant applications
- Thesis chapters
- Reports
- Drafts of papers
- Travel award applications.
Guidance for producing posters.
An environment of critical friends for practising oral presentations.
Lobbying the Directorate to purchase the software SPSS (The Statistical Package for
the Social Sciences).
Encouraging membership of external networks, guideline development groups and so on.
Circulating information of interest on courses, seminars, research jobs and sources of
potential funding.
Uptake of this support and the pace of delivery were determined by the clinicians as
they integrated the scholarly activities into their working lives. They negotiated time
away from the clinical coal-face with varying degrees of success and this signicantly
affected their outputs.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 110
The Southampton team was on a mission to create a research culture within the
physiotherapy department. Many clinicians view research as a bit like going to the
dentist: we know its good for us, its likely to hurt a bit and its denitely something
that everyone else should do! This culture needs to change.
Sustaining a research culture
Research is not just for those who aspire to be consultants or educators; it cannot be
left to a handful of physiotherapists within the academic community. To ensure that
research has direct clinical relevance, who better to get involved than the clinicians
directly involved in patient care?
In this example, staff were supported (from technical instructor grade through to
band 8 superintendents and clinical specialists) wherever they were in their research
journey. One of the most important groups to target were the clinicians who had
completed a Masters degree and had not disseminated the ndings at national or
international level. All too often, the end goal had been successful completion of the
thesis and graduation, after which staff had then run out of steam when it came to
disseminating their work. All offers of help for staff at this level were particularly well
Developing a research culture is however, not just about the attitudes and abilities of the
clinical staff; they will require practical support from managers, such as dedicated time
at work to undertake scholarly activity. This remains a major barrier within the NHS and
needs to be adequately resourced to ensure that research is not perceived as some sort
of hobby, with which staff engage in their own time. If they are expected to undertake
this work as part of their Agenda for Change remit, time needs to be protected to
enable this to happen, just as it would for clinical requirements. As staff got underway
on their individual projects, scholarly successes were celebrated within sections and at
departmental meetings. This raised the prole of these activities and already the culture
was starting to change as some clinicians were on the road to research.
Research is relevant to all levels of clinicians
Dedicated time at work is needed to undertake scholarly activity
Celebrate your departments scholarly successes
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 111
The clinicians perspective: Stuarts story
Sitting on a stage at the World Confederation for Physical Therapy conference in Vancouver,
looking at approximately 300 other therapists, waiting to hear my presentation, I couldnt help
wondering How on earth did I get here?
Eighteen months earlier, I found myself saying I wanted to do something more challenging.
Should I do an MSc, clinical doctorate or a smaller piece of research? I thought Id put a toe in
the water and start with a literature review. I already had a topic relating to my clinical practice
and, as I thought, a simple question: What was cauda equina syndrome?
With the help of a research mentor, I got through the initially daunting task of conducting a
literature search. After accessing a vast number of articles, two colleagues helped review them
and we developed a framework to structure the data. Regular meetings at this stage were vital
to ensure that all articles were reviewed consistently.
It quickly became apparent that my simple research was turning into an epic task: the
framework had ballooned from a few pages to 25! I felt like I was sinking and it was hard
to remain enthusiastic. Ongoing advice and encouragement became a life-raft however, and
allowed the data to be processed in smaller, more manageable pieces.
It also dawned on me that this work was producing unexpected ndings as there was little
consistency in the denition and clinical presentation of cauda equina syndrome. Fuelled by
this revelation and newfound belief in my work, I was encouraged to share the ndings with
other clinicians and so presented them at a national, inter-professional spinal conference. By
now, I was certainly feeling more challenged! This work was well received, giving me a new
burst of energy. I further developed the framework and submitted an abstract to the world
conference. Hearing it had been accepted was a fantastic feeling my simple literature
review was now going to an international audience and I was off to Canada!
So what has the research experience taught me? As a clinician its easy to nd a research
question in an aspect of your work that you enjoy. Even a small piece of research can at times
appear the size of a mountain, so mentoring and teamwork along with protected time are
essential. When you are steering in uncharted waters, you may encounter some rough seas.
Undertaking research will however, challenge you, change your clinical practice and open up
new horizons. Keep believing in what you are doing and there can be great rewards at the end
of the research rainbow!
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 112
Next steps
You too could undertake a research journey. If you have a topic, either from a BSc/MSc
assignment or your current clinical practice; and the enthusiasm to turn it into a paper
or presentation our top tips are:
Dont go it alone: Team up with colleagues who have some experience of presenting
and publishing.
Make contact with your local RDSU and NPRN hub.
Work out how you are going to protect time in your schedule to make it happen.
Plan a strategy of actions and identify the resources you will need. Remember,
asking for help is a strength, not a weakness.
Talk to your managers about possibilities for peer support groups, mentoring
opportunities and protected time. You never know what this may lead to.
Be prepared to step outside your comfort zone. This step could change the way you
practise and think, and inspire others to ground their practice in evidence.
Go for it! This could open the door into a whole new world for you. As Albert
Einstein said: In the middle of difculty lies opportunity. Good luck!
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 113
Denition of mentoring ~ mentoring functions ~ types of mentoring relationships ~
key recommendations
Mentoring is a relationship in which a person with advanced experience (the mentor),
through encouragement and guidance, invests time, know-how and effort in increasing
and improving another persons (the mentees) knowledge and skills, and consequently
their professional and personal growth (Kram, 1983; Fagenson-Eland et al, 2005).
It should be a mutual relationship in which the mentor also benets from personal and
professional growth, and from the satisfaction of challenging and making a difference to
someone elses development (Clutterbuck, 2004).
The third, often less noticeable, stakeholder taking an interest in successful mentoring,
is the organisation. Mentoring relationships which involve individuals in different
departments or organisations can provide useful networking opportunities, and lead to
increased creativity due to shared and better utilised knowledge. Knowledge sharing can
vastly improve the way an organisation is run, and increase organisational effectiveness
(Burke et al, 1993; Ragins, 1999).
Mentoring functions
Mentoring is generally an integrated approach, comprising a number of functions.
Traditionally these have been categorised into career and psychological functions: the
former enabling mentees to gain organisational exposure and learn how to achieve
promotions; the latter providing role modelling and counselling resulting in an increased
sense of competence, effectiveness and self-worth (Fowler and OGorman, 2005).
However, recent ndings indicate that this clear-cut division between different types of
mentoring function cannot be maintained.
Mentorship: an overview
Claudia Fellmer
The term mentor is said to originate in Greek legend, where Ulysses
entrusted the education of his son Telemachus to the wise counsellor Mentor
(actually the Goddess Athena in disguise) for the duration of his voyage.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 114
Fowler and OGorman (2005) identied eight distinct functions of mentoring.
Their work reassessed previous ndings (for example the pioneering work by Kram 1980
and 1985; and the work by Ragins (1990) and McFarlin (1990) and they conducted their
own mixed methods study. The results revealed a more convincing analysis than the
traditional view that there were only two main functions, and also showed that mentees
and mentors share similar perceptions about mentoring functions. (See Figure 1 below).
Facilitating learning
In the clinical and academic environment most people have a lot of experience
and expertise in a few specic areas. However, as soon as they cross the boundaries to
Personal and emotional involves psychological counselling, acceptance and
guidance conrmation
Coaching develops ideas, expands knowledge into a particular
direction and is fairly directive (for example mentor
describes own experience)
Advocacy the mentor promotes the mentee within networks and
the organisational hierarchy (though only with a
marginal degree of protection as the current
organisational climate does not perceive this as
guidance benecial to the mentee)
Career development career guidance and advice on options with limited
facilitation conict of interest (as mentor is not the line manager)
Role modelling the attitudes, values and behaviour of the mentor
provide a standard to emulate
Strategies and systems sharing understanding and knowledge of informal and
advice organisational-political processes, provide access to
information mostly available through higher-level
members of the organisation
Learning facilitation provides feedback to the mentee after a particular task,
reection on experience (meta-skills of self-reection)
Friendship social support network
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 115
a new topic, or new methodology, they have little knowledge. They assume
the paradoxical status of expert novices.
The best way forward for mentors is to provide mentees with what can be called maieutic
support: this is where mentors aim not to provide the solutions, but rather to help their mentees
to learn how to get to the solution. The maieutic method was rst described by ancient Greek
scholar Socrates to dene a process by which a mentor assists a mentee to become fully
conscious of ideas already latent in the mind (cf. online Oxford English Dictionary). The mentor
should therefore strive to be non-directive and yet stretching in her/his guidance.
Overarching mentoring styles
A matrix of overarching mentoring functions can be developed along the two dimensions,
who is in charge? (from directive to non-directive) and what does the individual need?
(from stretching/challenging to nurturing). From these dimensions the four basic styles of
helping emerge: coaching, guiding, counselling and networking.
(Clutterbuck, 2004)
Different styles in different environments
There are signicant cultural differences in relation to mentoring. Clutterbuck
(2004) distinguishes developmental mentoring from sponsoring mentoring.
The former emphasises empowerment and personal accountability for the mentee,
and an even balance of all four styles of mentoring. Sponsoring mentoring, on the
other hand, prioritises the effective use of power and inuence by the mentor,
predominately through guidance and counselling. Preferences for one style or the
other relate both to the wider culture (for example the UK shows a preference
towards developmental mentoring compared to the USA) and the internal
organisational environment (strongly hierarchical structures favour sponsoring styles).
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 116
The developmental-sponsoring balance is also determined by the status of the
individual relationship, and will change over time.
Types of mentoring relationships
Informal versus formal systems
The manner in which mentoring relationships are established and conducted is referred
to as formal or informal. Formal relationships emerge when an organisation is attempting
to establish them by bringing mentors and mentees together systematically. The criteria
for this tend to be based on mentor expertise, mentee needs, a system of guidelines and
rules and also, often, on a set of organisational expectations (outcomes).
By contrast, informal relationships are initiated by individuals and are based on mutual
liking and rapport before they focus on areas of expertise. Here, meetings take place as
and when required by the partners within the mentoring relationship. It is also suggested
that the quality (or effectiveness) of the informal mentoring relationship is higher: the
mentoring partners personalities and related cognitive styles may be a better match
because they have not been assigned to each other (Armstrong et al., 2002; Ragins
and Cotton, 1999). There are a number of benets and disadvantages to formally and
informally established mentoring relationships (see Figure 2) (Niehoff, 2006).
Several studies assessing the benets of informal versus formal mentoring suggest a
signicant advantage for informal mentoring relationships. However, organisations
wishing to establish a mentoring scheme may have to take the formal route for a number
of years. Once a mentoring culture has developed, this may allow a transition to more
informal routes.
Multiple mentors and peer mentoring
Traditionally the mentoring relationship is dened as a dyad: a mentee has one mentor,
replicating a student-teacher relationship. However, the more recent emphasis on
networks has led to studies dening mentoring in terms of peers: mentees support
one another, and mentors often support other mentors in selected areas of expertise.
Furthermore, mentees can have other mentors alongside their primary mentor across
the hierarchical levels, such as peers, subordinates or other superiors, both within and
outside the organisation. This idea of the network also recognises the fact that mentoring
relationships will shift and change over time, and are by no means set in stone.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 117
Informal v formal mentoring
Informal mentoring Formal mentoring
Volitional, develops spontaneously Develops with organisational assistance/
intervention (voluntary assignment possible)
Participants have choice of selection Participants may have some choice in
(mutual identication) selection
Interpersonal comfort: personality allowed to Personality may be considered, but if so have
an inuence on selection, for example by a third party
a chemistry that sparks Allocation through a third party is easier
for people new to an organisation (for
example in an induction period), as they
lack the inside knowledge and potential
mentors do not know them yet
Often no structured guidelines Organisation provides guidelines and
training (clearer understanding of what is
expected and how to achieve these goals)
Develop on basis of perceived competence Assigned on expertise as perceived by
of mentor and perceived performance organisation/a co-ordinator or on basis of
potential of mentee (diamond in the rough) application forms
Goals and expectations evolve over Goals specied at start
time to adapt to specic needs positive aspects of having an external
force which disciplines adherence to
self-set goals
Meet when needed and desired Meetings scheduled and time allotted
Carry no explicit rewards or sanctions Explicit rewards or sanctions
Long in duration, on average 36 years Short in duration on average 6 months to
1 year
Mentees tend to receive more career
development support (sponsoring, coaching,
exposure, challenging assignments, protection)
Higher occurrence of psychosocial functions
(for example friendship, social support, role
modelling, acceptance)
Mentees experience greater satisfaction with
their mentors
(Ragins and Cotton 1999; Niehoff 2006)
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 118
Key recommendations
Organisational level
organisations keen to enhance their effectiveness should foster a mentoring culture.
develop guidelines, preferably semi-formal, to support mentees and mentors.
facilitate mentoring training.
introduce a mentoring culture through a period of primarily formal processes and then
allow transfer to informal.
encourage peer and multiple relationships.
have process/contact person if things go wrong.
Relationship level
each relationship sets its own rules regarding the level of formality (frequency, style of
meetings, outputs) in correspondence with the organisational guidelines.
mentees are given a choice of mentor.
to avoid a conict of interests, a mentor must not be the line manager of the mentee.
mentoring relationships are exible and not permanent.
consider use of mentors external to the organisation.
Reference list
Allen TD and Poteet ML (1999) Developing effective mentoring relationships:
Strategies from the mentors viewpoint, Career Development Quarterly, vol.
48, pp.59-73; referenced in Fowler and OGorman (2005).
Armstrong SJ, Allinson CW and HayesJ. (2002), Formal mentoring systems: an
examination of the effects of mentor/protg cognitive styles on the mentoring
process, Journal of Management Studies, vol. 39, no. 8, pp.1111-37.
Burke RJ, McKeen CA and McKeena C. (1993), Correlates of mentoring in
organizations: The mentors perspective, Psychological Reports, vol. 72, pp.883-96.
Clutterbuck D. (2004), Everyone needs a mentor: Fostering talent in your
organisation, 4th edition, London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Career
Fagenson-Eland, EA, Baugh SG and Lankau MJ. (2005), Seeing eye to eye: A dyadic
investigation into the effect of relational demography on perceptions of mentoring
activities, Career Development International, vol. 10, no. 6/7, pp.460-77.
Fowler JL and OGorman JG. (2005), Mentoring functions: A contemporary view of
the perceptions of mentees and mentors, British Journal of Management, vol. 16,
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 119
Kram KE. (1980), Mentoring at work: Developmental relationships in managerial
career, unpublished PhD thesis Yale University, New Haven, USA.
Kram KE. (1985), Mentoring at work: Developmental relationships in organizational
life, Scott, Foresman, Glenview, IL, USA.
Megginson D and Clutterbuck D. (2006), Creating a coaching culture, Industrial and
Commercial Training, vol. 38, no. 5, pp.232-37.
Niehoff BP. (2006), Personality predictors of participation as a mentor, Career
Development International, vol. 11, no. 4, pp.321-333.
Ragins BR. (1999), Where do we go from here and how do we get there?
Methodological issues in conducting research on diversity and mentoring
relationships, in: Murrell AJ, Crosby FJ and Ely RJ. (eds.), Mentoring Dilemmas:
Developmental relationships within multicultural organizations, pp.227-47, Mahwah,
NJ, USA: Erlbaum; referenced in Fowler and OGorman (2005).
Ragins BR and Cotton JL. (1999), Mentor functions and outcomes: A comparison
of men and women in formal and informal mentoring relationships, Journal
of Applied Psychology, vol. 84, no. 4, pp.529-550.
Ragins BR and McFarlin. (1990) Perceptions of mentor roles in cross-gender
mentoring relationships. Journal of Vocational Behaviour vol. 37: 321-339.
Further information
Scheck McAlearney A. (2005), Exploring mentoring and leadership development in
health care organizations, Career Development International, vol. 10, no. 6/7, pp.493-
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 120
Introduction ~ the Training and Mentorship (TRAM) scheme ~ TRAM applicants ~
modications of TRAM ~ further information
Health Research and Development North Wests Training
and Mentorship scheme (TRAM): an introduction
In the previous section, the approach to mentoring as an activity conducted by a person (the
mentor) for another person (the mentee) was discussed. It is generally agreed that the objective
of the mentoring process is to promote individual development with the help of the experience,
knowledge and advice of the designated mentor. It is also acknowledged that mentoring is
not a one-off event . Individuals will often require different kinds of mentoring from different
people at key stages of their career as a researcher, particularly when reviewing their career
It is also important that any NHS scheme is both appropriate to meet the needs of individuals,
and compatible with the overall aims and objectives of the local healthcare institution and
ultimately the Department of Health.
This section presents an outline of an innovative mentorship scheme, and shows how the
scheme has been adapted to meet the requirements of the ever changing NHS. It may be a
useful example on which other mentoring schemes can be modelled.
There are a number of examples of generic mentoring schemes in the NHS, including the Get a
Guru scheme in the East Midlands (NHS, 2007) and the North West Mentoring Scheme (Greater
Manchester Strategic Health Authority, 2005). Although there is already a mentoring scheme
to guide and support medically-qualied researchers who are interested in developing their
research leadership potential (Academy of Medical Sciences, 2008), similar schemes are not yet
widely available to other healthcare professions.
To address this need, Health Research and Development North West (R&D NoW) introduced a
competitive research Training and Mentorship (TRAM) scheme.
R&D NoW is a partnership between the universities of Lancaster, Liverpool and Salford and a
member of the national network of Research and Development Support Units (RDSUs) funded
by the Department of Health (DH). RDSUs are being replaced by the Research Design Services
(RDS) (NHS NIHR, 2008) and will have an important new role in supporting applications for
research funding, such as the Research for Patient Benet Scheme (RfPB) (NHS NIHR, 2007), as
well as other external funding bids.
1.18 Mentorship schemes: an example
Adam Garrow
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 121
The Training and Mentorship (TRAM) Scheme
On entering the scheme, each of the TRAM Fellows have a meeting with one of the Directors
at Health R&D NoW, all of whom are lead researchers at the three host universities. During this
meeting, the Fellows are able to discuss their general aims and objectives, and their training
and mentoring needs. Since the scheme was designed to attract research-active health care
professionals, the TRAM Fellows usually have a good idea about who they would like as a
mentor. A key role of the R&D NoW Director therefore involves ensuring the suitability of the
proposed mentor, and arranging the rst formal mentoring appointment between the mentor
and mentee.
At this initial meeting, the mentor and mentee draw up an outline Personal Development Plan
(PDP) for the Fellowship. The PDP is an opportunity for the TRAM Fellows to focus their ideas
and document their specic training and mentoring needs. The PDP also provides a record of
how the individual develops as a researcher within the scheme. Throughout the scheme the
TRAM Fellows are also encouraged to provide feedback to Health R&D NoW, with comments
and suggestions on how the scheme could be improved. In this way, the TRAM scheme
attempts to address both individual needs, and the wider needs of the NHS.
TRAM applicants
The TRAM scheme has attracted applications from a wide variety of healthcare professional
backgrounds, including physiotherapy, palliative care, dentistry and nursing. Not surprisingly, the
individual training needs are equally varied, with the Fellows wishing to develop an expertise
in qualitative and quantitative research methods, dissemination skills and the writing of grant
proposals. Mentoring, however, is at the heart of the TRAM scheme, and the success of the
scheme depends on the Fellows establishing a close and equal working relationship with their
appointed mentors. There are many ways the TRAM Fellows benet from the knowledge and
expertise of their mentor. Some benets, such as advising and directing the Fellows to the most
appropriate training course, are obvious and measurable; others are less tangible, but equally
important in helping the Fellows focus their research ambitions and plan their future research
career. A good example of this is the opportunity to establish links with the Clinical Research
Networks and develop and discuss research ideas with other healthcare professionals in the
North West of England. In this way, rather than being considered as simply a year-long training
award, the intention of the TRAM scheme is to provide the Fellows with a rm platform from
which they can launch their future research career.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 122
Modications of TRAM to match new National
Institute of Health Research (NIHR) objectives
Initially the TRAM scheme concentrated on methodological issues, where individual Fellows identied
a specic need for qualitative or quantitative training. Another vitally important skill needed by
healthcare researchers is the ability to develop high quality research proposals for external funding
applications. Researchers writing their rst application soon discover that preparing a funding bid
is time consuming, complex, frustrating and if, after an enormous amount of effort the application
is rejected, deeply disheartening. The National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) has introduced
a great variety of funding initiatives. Some funding, such as the New and Emerging Applications of
Technology (NEAT) awards and the programme grants for allied research (NHS NIHR, 2007) are for
substantial amounts of money, and are probably more suited to applicants from established research
groups or researchers familiar with the conduct of multiple centre studies. On the other hand, the
Research for Patient Benet Scheme (RfPB) (NHS NIHR, 2008) is likely to be more attractive to
healthcare professionals of all disciplines. It is specically designed to support research related to the
everyday practice of health service staff and to have a demonstrable impact on users of the service.
However, the national rejection rate in the rst two calls was very high. Feedback from RfPB
commissioning panels suggested that, although many of the applications contained excellent ideas
with potential for real patient benet, many of the projects could not be funded because of important
methodological aws. RfPB panels also commented that proposals could have been strengthened by
specialist advice and guidance. This will be part of the new role of the Research Design Services when
they become fully operational in October 2008, and is also available from NPRN hubs.
To ensure compatibility with the new RDS brief, Health RDS NoW now provides support and
mentoring to all local researchers to help them prepare proposals for RfPB and other national, peer-
reviewed funding competitions in health or social care research. Instead of general research methods
training, the emphasis will now concentrate on specic components of an application such as
medical ethics, user involvement and the principles of full economic costing. At the heart of the new
organisation in the North West, is a team of Senior Research Advisers (SRAs) who are established
NHS or academic researchers with a successful record of securing awards through the NIHR, and
other external funding sources. Researchers preparing bids can now obtain general advice about
the funding schemes and the application process through their local Research Design Service ofce
and specialist advice from the Senior Research Advisers. If necessary, this can be supplemented by a
team of Research Design Advisers for focused methodological and statistical advice. The ultimate aim
of the process is to improve the quality of grant applications and, therefore, increase the chances of
success. For healthcare professionals who do not yet have the necessary experience to be a Principal
Investigator, an important role of the RDS will be to pull together a project research team with the
breadth and depth of experience required to submit a successful grant application. In this way,
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 123
healthcare professionals will be able to develop a portfolio of projects while working alongside
a team of experienced researchers and, through this experience, ultimately become Principal
Investigators in their own right.
This supplementary section on mentoring provided an example of a mentoring scheme that brings
together the ambitious aims and objectives of the NHS and the personal research aspirations
of healthcare professionals. Since its inception, the scheme has needed to adapt to meet both
the contractual obligations of the Research Design Services and the stated aim of the NHS. In
the future, the NHS will require healthcare professionals across all disciplines to develop greater
expertise in research. This will be supported in a variety of ways including, through a variety of
competitively funded personal development opportunities administered through the NHS Research
Capacity Development Programme (NHS NIHR, 2007).
Recognising that grant applications need to be of high quality to stand a good chance of success,
the NIHR now provides healthcare professionals with the advice and support they need to put
together well-designed applications to personal development schemes, as well as responsive mode
funding schemes such as Research for Patient Benet. Although this kind of targeted support was
previously restricted to NHS researchers working in the North West of England, it is now becoming
available nationally through the new Research Design Services although the way the service is
delivered may vary from region to region.
Reference list
The Academy of Medical Sciences. (2008) Mentoring Programme [online]. Available from
Greater Manchester Strategic Health Authority. (2005). The North West Mentoring Scheme
[online]. Available from http://www.gmsha.nhs.uk/mentoring/index.html
The NHS Improvement Network East Midlands. (2007). Get a Guru [online]. Available
from http://www.tin.nhs.uk/get-a-guru
NHS National Institute for Health Research. (2007). NIHR Calls and Proposals [online].
Available from http://www.nihr-ccf.org.uk/site/callsproposals/default.cfm
NHS National Institute for Health Research. (2007). National Coordinating Centre for
Research Capacity Development [online]. Available from http://www.nccrcd.nhs.uk/
NHS National Institute for Health Research. (2008). The Research Design Services (RDS)
[online] Available from http://www.nihr-ccf.org.uk/site/programmes/rfpb/
NHS National Institute for Health Research. (2008). The Research for Patient Benet (RfPB)
Programme [online]. Available from http://www.nihr-ccf.org.uk/site/programmes/
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 124
Developing a research career pathway
Gabrielle Rankin
Introduction ~ career frameworks and pathways ~ what you need to know about
research jobs ~ combined roles ~ key research policies ~ choosing your research topic(s)
~ research training ~ mentors and networking
Physiotherapy and the other AHPs are emergent professions with respect to academic
development and research. Degrees were rst awarded to British physiotherapists
in 1979 and around that same time a couple of physiotherapists became the rst
to be awarded PhDs in subjects related to physiotherapy. It is only since September
1993 that physiotherapy has been an all degree entry profession in the UK. Research
careers for AHPs are not yet well established but this is changing and clearer research
pathways are starting to evolve.
In planning a research career you should understand the main career path options.
These are mapped out in career frameworks. You need to know what a job entails and
the requirements for different job roles. You should also be aware of the bigger picture
what is happening in the health and education sectors that may inuence research
career options.
Once you have considered where you want to go you can plan how to get there.
Think about what research areas interest you and how you can build up your research
experience and training. The best advice you can get is from those who have already
developed a research career a mentor and networking are invaluable.
Career frameworks and pathways
Healthcare Framework
Higher Education Framework
Health and Education Framework
The main frameworks are for healthcare, higher education and combined pathways. In
some sectors, for example, industry and private practice, research career pathways are
less well dened.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 125
Healthcare Framework
Skills for Health have developed a generic framework, the Career Framework for
Health. A number of other more specic frameworks have been developed, including
one for AHPs www.skillsforhealth.org.uk.
Key concepts to understand:
There are nine progressive levels within the framework with levels ve to nine being
relevant for qualied physiotherapists. It is important to note that framework levels do
not directly correspond to the nine NHS pay bands (see below).
Job roles are described in terms of knowledge, skills and competences. These can be
thought of as transferable currency and allow more exible career options within
Career pathways are being developed around care pathways and priority patient/user
groups rather than clinical specialities or professions. An example of how research
knowledge, skills and competences may be integrated into pathways is the Public
Health Skills and Career Framework www.phru.nhs.uk.
Higher Education Framework
The Higher Education Framework Agreement for the Modernisation of Pay
Structures is the national grading and pay framework for all staff working in higher
education institutes. Within the Framework there are examples of career pathways for
academic staff which all have ve levels. In the research pathway the levels are broadly
described as:
Level 1 Assist in research activity
Level 2 Carry out research as an individual or team member
Level 3 Conducting research programmes
Level 4 Leading research teams
Level 5 Development and overall management of research programmes
A national library of academic role proles at each level has been developed to
describe the demands and responsibilities of staff who have a research role or who
have combined teaching and research roles www.ucea.ac.uk
Health and Education Framework
The Strategic Learning and Research Advisory Group (StLaR) was established by the
Departments of Health and for Education and Skills and has looked at the human
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 126
resources (HR) issues faced by researchers and educators working in health and social
care. Their HR plan addresses some of the problems of joint employment and also has
exemplar career pathways www.stlarhr.org.uk
What you need to know about research jobs
Job descriptions and person specications
Agenda for Change (AfC)
The Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF)
Comparison of HEI and NHS pathways
Job adverts
Job descriptions and person specications
Every HEI research post will have a job description including main duties and
responsibilities and a person specication including the required qualications,
training, knowledge, skills and experience.
NHS job descriptions are becoming more complex and require an understanding of
competences, the KSF and AfC.
Competences describe the work activities that need to be carried out to achieve a
particular purpose, the quality standards to which these activities need to be performed
and the knowledge and skills needed to carry out these activities
Within the Career Framework for Health competences are nationally recognised and
transferable across all sectors of healthcare NHS, independent and voluntary.
Groups or suites of competences have been developed for different service areas and
disciplines. There is a suite of 16 research and development (R&D) competences and it
is useful to look at the description for each of these www.skillsforhealth.org.uk
Each competence is also linked to the Knowledge and Skills Framework (see below).
Agenda for Change (AfC)
This is the pay system for all NHS staff except doctors, dentists and most senior
managers. National job proles have been developed for clinical researchers, AHPs
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 127
(consultants) and for physiotherapists. Each prole has a title and pay banding. There
are nine incremental pay bands from Band 1 to Band 9 with Band 8 having four ranges
AD. You will nd it particularly helpful to look at the research proles which have
been published at Bands 6, 7, 8A and 8B-C-D www.nhsemployers.org
The Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF)
The KSF is part of AfC and describes the knowledge and skills that healthcare
practitioners apply in their roles. It also includes an annual system of review and
development for staff which identies learning and development needs and is the
mechanism through which pay progression operates.
Each NHS post has a job description and a KSF post outline setting out how
knowledge and skills should be applied in the role. A national library of proles is
available at www.e-ksf.org
It is not yet clear how the NHS Career Framework will link to educational qualications.
There is a knowledge, training and experience section in each AfC prole which
indicates what qualications are required. In relation to the HEI pathway levels, those
working at level 1 would normally be undertaking a PhD and at level 2 would normally
have a PhD or three years research experience or an MSc and two years research
Job adverts
Frontline and the CSP website advertise a relatively small number of research posts.
National press the Education Guardian (Tuesdays) and Times Higher Education
Internet www.jobs.ac.uk, www.jobs.nhs.uk, www.jobs.guardian.co.uk
Website vacancy pages for specic trusts or HEIs.
Combined roles
Consultant posts
Clinical academic posts
Key issues
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 128
Lecturer posts offer combined teaching and research roles (see chapter 2.12).
More recently, combined research, teaching and clinical posts have been developed.
Consultant posts
The consultant role consists of four inter-related core functions expert practice;
professional leadership and consultancy; education and professional development;
practice and service development, research and evaluation. More details can be found
in a CSP information paper: Physiotherapy Consultant (NHS): Role, Attributes and
Guidance for Establishing Posts PA56 2002 www.csp.org.uk
Clinical academic posts
These are joint posts where a university, a trust or in some cases both are the employer.
Lecturer practitioner posts combine teaching, clinical and research roles.
Currently there are relatively few posts which combine clinical and research roles but
this is likely to change as increasingly, NHS research funding is awarded to Trust and
HEI partnerships and especially when recommendations from the UKCRC nurses report
are implemented for AHPs (see below).
Key issues
Clinical academic posts can be very attractive but there are a number of potential
issues especially if you have two employers:
Combined roles
Is the job description realistic?
Is it clear what percentage of time should be devoted to each role and how it will be
divided is there any exibility in this?
Is time for different roles protected in any way?
Will you have resources for training to develop knowledge and skills in each role?
Are there adequate facilities and infrastructure to support you in all your roles?
Joint contracts
Will you be employed by the NHS/HEI or both ?
Permanent or xed term contract? (xed term more common with HEI employer).
Grading and salary.
Pension arrangements.
Appraisal and staff development systems.
Look at the StLaR HR plan (see above).
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 129
Key research policies
NHS strategy.
Department of Health.
UK Clinical Research Collaboration (UKCRC) clinical academic careers.
Higher Education Funding Councils.
Policy documents are daunting for most people but whatever career pathway you
are considering, you are more likely to be successful with some political awareness. It
helps to be familiar with government research strategies. Look at executive summaries
for key messages and consider the potential implications for you and other AHP
researchers. Each of the four UK countries have different policies which can differ
signicantly. Important websites for each country are given below. Frontline, the CSP
website www.csp.org.uk and interactive website www.interactivecsp.org.uk and
your NPRN hub will also alert you to major developments.
NHS strategy
Lord Darzis review, Our NHS, our future the NHS Next Stage Review will have a huge
impact on the services that the NHS delivers. Although it primarily addresses the NHS
in England it is likely that the other UK countries will implement recommendations
within the report. The interim report was published in October 2007 and the nal
report published in July 2008.
What do you need to know?
NHS priorities you are not likely to get NHS research funding if your research areas
do not align with these priorities www.ournhs.nhs.uk
Department of Health
Best Research for Best Health is the research strategy for England and led to the
development of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).
What do you need to know?
The NIHR website has information about all NHS research funding www.nihr.ac.uk
Clinical research networks set up to support research studies and promote
patient and public involvement in health research Cancer, Dementias and
Neurodegenerative diseases, Diabetes, Medicines for Children, Mental Health and
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 130
Stroke; Primary Care and Comprehensive Clinical Research Networks Research posts
and training programmes are available through these networks www.ukcrn.org.uk
The research capacity development programme Research Training (PhD), Post-
Doctoral, Career Development and Senior Research Fellowships www.nccrcd.org.uk
For Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales the relevant websites are www.dhsspsni.
gov.uk/ahp_research www.sehd.scot.nhs.uk/cso www.word.wales.gov.uk
UKCRC clinical academic careers
Developing the best research professionals Qualied graduate nurses: recommendations for
preparing and supporting clinical academic nurses of the future is a report that addresses
training and career pathways for nurses combining clinical and academic roles.
What do you need to know?
If you are considering a combined clinical academic career look at the
recommendations in the report. It is likely that the recommendations will also be
implemented and funded for AHPs in the near future www.nccrcd.org.uk
Higher Education Funding Councils
Each of the four UK countries has a Council which funds the research infrastructure in
HEIs and the salaries of permanent academic staff. The quality of research in research
departments of each HEI is regularly rated, currently through the research assessment
exercises (RAE) but in the future using the Research Excellence Framework (REF). This
determines how funding is allocated to each department.
What do you need to know?
How will the quality of your research be assessed? www.hefce.ac.uk/research
(England), www.delni.gov.uk (Nothern Ireland follow links to further and higher
education), www.sfc.ac.uk (Scotland), www.hefcw.ac.uk (Wales).
How well has a specic research department done in previous RAEs? www.rae.ac.uk
Choosing your research topic(s)
If you have a clinical background you will probably want to undertake research
which relates to your clinical interests especially if you are considering a career with
combined roles.
However, bear in mind that research posts and funding are relatively scarce. You may
need to think about applying for studentships or research posts in areas that are not
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 131
your rst choice. If your research interests do not fall within the research priorities
of the main research funders it will be much harder to nd funding to pursue your
Look at the research themes in the HEIs, research centres and networks located in your
area. It will be easier to access expertise and resources if your research ts within their
programmes. If you have very specic and narrow research interests you may need to
be prepared to move locations.
Above all, you need to feel inspired by the research projects you are involved in!
Research training
Information on training.
Training for research or combined roles.
Information on training
Database of more than 500 post-qualifying programmes of interest to
physiotherapists www.csp.org.uk
CSP information papers:
Registering for a research degree RES 04 October 2001 this has tips about
choosing the right university and department
Masters Level Programmes Within Postqualifying Physiotherapy Education: SP
Criteria and Expectations QA 03 2003
Professional and taught doctorates CSP criteria and expectations QA 04 2005.
Databases of research degrees, short courses, workshops and conferences with
specic AHP editions www.rdlearning.org.uk
Websites of specic HEIs what are their research themes and projects, how many
research staff and doctoral students?
Databases for Fellowships and Studentships, AHPs, funding from government,
professional bodies and research councils www.rdfunding.org.uk
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 132
Training for research or combined roles
Before choosing a research degree programme it is important to consider the amount
of research training provided and practical research undertaken especially in different
doctoral programmes. Currently the eligibility criteria for some postdoctoral research
fellowships stipulate that you must have a PhD rather than professional or taught
doctorate. University websites may provide details about the structure and delivery
of their programmes, also request their programme handbook. If possible, speak to
someone currently undertaking the programme.
Mentors and networking
The different things you need to be aware of and consider in planning a career in
healthcare research can be overwhelming.
Having access to a mentor is extremely useful. A mentor will support and assist you in
your personal and professional development and provide career guidance. For more
information see the CSP information paper Mentoring: an overview CSP35 2005
Mentoring can be formal or informal. Mentoring schemes are starting to be developed
as part of research training programmes. If you do not have access to a formal
mentoring scheme you may be able to get help from your local NPRN hub.
Networking will play an essential part in developing your career. Make use of any
relevant research or clinical networks, including multidisciplinary and international
networks. Conferences are a great way of making new contacts and most researchers
are very happy to be emailed and to discuss their research.
Seize any opportunity to talk to others who have already embarked on a research
career. Reading this book is a good starting point!
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 133
Using evidence to support practice ~ further research training ~ masters programmes ~
PhD training ~ making the right networks ~pump priming funding ~ prioritise research
Once qualied, there are a variety of routes through which you can get involved in
research, depending on your career aspirations. You may be interested at this stage in
looking at the information compiled by the Department of Health (DH) via the Strategic
Learning and Research (StLaR) Group, which describes different possible career routes
in clinical and academic settings (see www.stlarhr.org.uk for more information).
Be proactive: use evidence to support practice
Remember that through your undergraduate training you already have the necessary
skills in how to ask a research question, and to appraise the pertinent literature. You
should take the opportunity to practise and rene these skills, perhaps through a
formal literature review. Is there an aspect of your practice about which you are unsure:
for example, is it clear that a certain treatment is effective, or how should you best
administer the treatment? Use your training to look at the literature in order to try and
answer such questions. At this stage is will be helpful to involve your colleagues in this
process, for example:
Offer to present your research question at an in-service training session or NPRN
event. It may help you establish a network of colleagues with interests in this area,
or help you rene your question.
Speak to academic colleagues where you trained as an undergraduate.
Present any ndings from your review within your clinical setting; or
If appropriate, consider presenting your ndings at a suitable research conference
[Physiotherapy Research Society (PRS), Rehabilitation and Therapy Research Society
(RTRS), CSP congress].
By taking this type of approach, it will help you to realise whether you would like to get
advanced training in reviewing the literature. At this stage, there is a range of options: you
could apply to undertake a postgraduate course (for example, a Masters programme will
usually incorporate teaching in advanced research skills); you could access training via the
Cochrane library; or in Ireland (North and South) you can apply for a Cochrane Fellowship,
which provides two years of funding to buy you out of your clinical post for two days
per week. This provides the necessary training to carry out a Cochrane review. In order
to apply for a fellowship you must have an established link with a Cochrane group, plus
university academic support (see the section on making networks below).
2.2 The new graduates rst steps into research
Suzanne McDonough and David Baxter
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 134
Other potential sources of funding include the CSP Physiotherapy Research Foundation
(PRF). This specically runs a scheme of funding for novice researchers; again, you need
to have established a network before you apply for funding.
Further research training
The CSP keeps details of more than 500 postqualifying programmes of interest to
physiotherapists. You can use the CSPs postqualifying programmes database to
conduct an online search by geographic region or subject area (see: http://www.csp.
postqualifyingprogrammes.cfm). This provides information on postgraduate
certicates, diplomas and masters programmes.
Masters programmes
(for example, Masters of Clinical Research)
The Masters of Clinical Research was developed in response to the need for tailored
postgraduate research education for physiotherapists and other professionals working
in the health service (http://prospectus.ulster.ac.uk/course/?id=4410). The
Northern Ireland (NI) R&D ofce provides bursaries (includes costs for fees and
research expenses) for healthcare professionals who wish to apply for this course, if
they are working in the health service in Northern Ireland. A key module on this course
is on clinical research techniques, the outcome of which is the submission of a research
proposal. This module is taken partly by distance (e-learning) and partly by university
attendance, and provides a grounding for anyone in need of expert guidance on
writing a research proposal (perhaps for a PhD fellowship application; see below).
PhD training
PhD scholarships
PhD scholarships are normally for three years full time. Universities may be offered
a number of government-funded PhD scholarships (which include a tax free amount
for subsistence (12,000) plus fees and an annual stipend for training, approximately
1,000) for which physiotherapists can apply. Normally awards are very competitive,
and will be awarded to the students with the best degree qualications. Masters level
qualications can improve an applicants chances of being awarded a PhD scholarship,
especially if they are in a similar eld of study. Some universities may have separate
awards on offer, for example: the university-funded Vice Chancellor Scholarship Scheme
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 135
at the University of Ulster or studentships resulting from the awards of external grant
funding to the university from charities, industry and so on.
PhD fellowship schemes
If you are employed in the health service, the relevant NHS Research and Development
(R&D) ofce may provide funding for you to complete a PhD, at a suitable collaborating
academic institution, for either three years on a full-time basis or ve years on a
part-time basis. The fellowship normally pays your health service salary, your PhD
fees and training expenses. These fellowships are very competitive and require
submission of a full research proposal for the PhD (in Northern Ireland, http://www.
For some schemes you will need to ensure that you have already made a link with at
least one academic supervisor who is willing to supervise your PhD. This person can
also help guide you in writing your research proposal and thus increase your chances
of getting the fellowship. A recent initiative in Northern Ireland by the R&D ofce
has been the establishment of learning sets which aim to provide expert academic
guidance, to nursing and therapy clinicians, on the completion of their research
proposal and fellowship form.
Information on PhD-funded vacancies can be accessed via the following website:
http://www.jobs.ac.uk/jobtype/student/ Some of these PhDs will be in
departments or groups led by physiotherapists; others may not, but the topic area may
be very relevant to physiotherapy practice, so they are worth exploring.
You could also obtain information from your local university. Normally, funded
scholarships are advertised at the beginning of the year for a September/October start.
However if you can self-fund, it may be possible to apply for PhD training at any time
of the year. Note that practice varies from one university to another.
Making the right networks
It is very important to remember that the strongest clinical research is always done in
teams; it is unlikely that it is even possible for an individual to carry out high quality
clinical research alone. So you need to think about how you can make networks with
colleagues both inside your own department, and elsewhere in your clinical setting.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 136
Consider the following:
Think about local academic centres that can provide expert research guidance, and
which may already be carrying out research in your area of interest.
Try to establish what research is being carried out in your own department. Do
you have a joint appointment with the local university? If so, this person should
be able to guide you to appropriate academic contacts. Are there people in your
department who are carrying out a research project? Speak to them and nd out
how they did it: it may be that they are on a PhD fellowship (see PhD training above)
or completing a masters.
Another good starting point would be your hospital R&D ofce which should be able
to help you identify people to network with on site.
Try your NHS R&D ofce which can let you know if there are already established
networks in your area. For example in Northern Ireland, the NI R&D ofce supports
a number of Recognised Research Groups (RRGs), one of which is the Trauma
and Rehabilitation RRG. Membership of this RRG is open to all and contains
academics and clinicians from a wide range of disciplines, including physiotherapists.
Information about this RRG can be found at http://www.centralservicesagency.
com/display/rdo_research_groups. It provides an excellent forum for a novice
researcher to get involved with more established clinical researchers, who are
usually more than willing to provide mentorship.
Other ways of making networks are to join a research society (such as the
Physiotherapy Research Society (PRS), or to become part a support network such as
the National Physiotherapy Research Network (NPRN).
Pump priming funding
Success in achieving research funding depends upon an established track record in
funding. So how do you get funding if you have no track record and no real research
experience? Again the key is to network with an experienced research team, and make
sure you are aware of funding specically targeted at novice researchers. There are
many organisations which specically aim to provide small amounts of funding for
novice researchers who are working within an experienced team of researchers.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 137
This funding is sometimes called seed or pump prime funding as the idea is to enable
a novice researcher to complete some exploratory work that could then be used as the
basis of a further, larger grant application. In physiotherapy the CSPs PRF takes on this
role. The PRF provides ring-fenced funding for novice members of the CSP to carry out
their rst piece of funded research. Other sources of pump priming can be found at RD
info (http://www.rdinfo.org.uk/); it helps to search this site under your clinical area
of interest. Many charitable organisations, clinical support groups or CSP special interest
groups will be able to fund small projects (1,0005,000) to get you going!
Prioritise research
Unless you are extremely disciplined about identifying time to do research as part
of your clinical post, it is very unlikely that you will be successful. There are several
ways that you can improve your chances of being successful in setting aside some
time for research:
Get a small grant to cover some of your clinical time so that you can dedicate this
time to your research (see pump prime funding).
Discuss with your line manager any strategies that the department has in place to
support clinical research. Discuss the possibilities of setting up joint appointments
with the local university to support clinical research.
Apply to do a masters programme, as this will give you a structured target to work
towards and will help you prioritise your time. You may be able to negotiate some
time off from your manager to support attendance at a masters programme.
Apply for a fellowship to complete your MPhil or PhD on a full-time or part-
time basis.
Apply for funds to complete a professional doctorate: these are usually
part-time programmes.
Reference list
Research Training in the Healthcare Professions. Report produced by the UK
Council for Graduate Education (2003). http://www.ukcge.ac.uk/NR/rdonlyres/
Strategic Learning and Research (StLaR) HR Plan Project. Supporting learning and
research in health and social care. http://www.stlarhr.org.uk
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 138
What is a professional doctorate? ~ the programme ~ managing your time ~
assessment ~ nancing your studies ~ a personal experience
What is a professional doctorate?
It is a doctoral research degree, equivalent to a PhD, which aims to develop
researching professionals. Doctoral programmes around the country vary in their
format and structure.
How is the programme delivered?
Programmes are usually delivered part-time with yearly cohorts of students. The
programme normally lasts between four to six years.
Will the programme be just for physiotherapists?
Student cohorts are usually from a variety of health professions such as nursing,
midwifery, occupational therapy, podiatry, and physiotherapy. In addition, students
may be working in a variety of practice settings, including clinical, management and
higher education.
How is the programme structured?
Programmes are usually structured around regular study days and this provides the
educational arm to the professional doctorate. Later on in the programme the student
starts the research arm to the doctorate, with the allocation of a research supervisor
and regular supervisory meetings.
What happens on study days?
The student cohort meets regularly together for study days lasting one or two days.
During this time there may be teaching and discussion sessions on particular aspects
underpinning research, such as methodology, methods, ethics and data analysis, as
well as action learning sets and tutorial support. It may also include computer and
library support sessions to support electronic literature searches, referencing software,
data analysis software and guidance on creating long documents.
What happens between study days?
You need to study on your own!
2.3 Registering on a professional
doctorate programme
Nikki Petty
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 139
How do I manage my time?
Being organised with your time and making the doctorate a priority is probably one
of the most important things you need to do. Careful consideration of how you can
maintain a healthy work-life balance is needed to sustain the level of effort required
over the prolonged period of time.
You probably need to nd about one day a week to study consistently over the four-
year period; towards the end of the programme when youre writing up the thesis
you may need to nd extended periods of time. If you are employed you may need
to negotiate time from your employer and it is worth being well prepared for this
discussion. As you progress through the programme you may need to renegotiate your
time. Being exible, assertive and resilient will all facilitate this process.
How is the doctorate assessed?
There are usually written assignments given at particular stages of the programme
and students may be supported by an advisor. As an example one programme has four
assignments. The rst is identifying a researchable problem (6,000 words); second
is exploring appropriate methodologies (8,000 words); third is a small scale pilot
study (12,000 words) and the fourth is the nal thesis of a research study involving
professional practice (50,000 words) followed by a viva. The student receives doctoral
credits after successful completion of each assignment and this nally adds up to the
doctoral award with 540 credits. This staged feedback helps to develop the students
competence and condence as researchers as they move towards the nal hurdle of
the thesis and viva.
What will the professional doctorate do for me?
Doctoral programmes will enable you to become a competent researcher in your
professional practice and therefore enhance your skills in generating research
knowledge relevant to practice and in using evidence-informed practice. To achieve
this, the programme will provide an educational package that will develop your
research knowledge and skills and with the support of supervisors, you will then
research an aspect of your professional practice.
Am I eligible to apply?
Normally, if you are a chartered physiotherapist with HPC registration, have gained a
few years of professional experience, and have a masters-level degree then you are
able to apply. You dont normally have to know your research topic before coming onto
the course, but being able to discuss your ideas will be necessary at interview.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 140
What are the nancial costs?
There are a variety of costs involved including:
annual cost for the programme.
travel and accommodation costs to attend the study days and supervisory meetings.
purchasing books and articles.
costs related to carrying out the research, for example digital recorders.
professional proofreader.
printing and binding the thesis.
Are there any grants available to me to do a professional doctorate?
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) offers educational grants, as do
clinical interest groups such as the Manipulation Association of Chartered Society of
Physiotherapists (MACP). Contact the organisation to gain up-to-date information and
guidance on applying for a grant.
Where are professional doctorate programmes run for physiotherapists?
The rst named professional doctorate in physiotherapy in the UK was set up in 2003
in the School of Health Professions, University of Brighton. Since then a number of
courses have sprung up around the country. A Google search or a search of the CSP
website will readily identify the current courses available.
A personal experience of completing
a professional doctorate in physiotherapy
I can summarise the whole experience by saying it was a fantastic mid-life refreshment.
I had been enjoying my work in higher education for 12 years, teaching undergraduate
and postgraduate students. I had become fascinated by postgraduate teaching and
the way students changed during the MSc neuromusculoskeletal physiotherapy
course at the University of Brighton. Having spent years reecting on my own teaching
practice, I wanted to explore and research the process from the students point of view.
My career and professional aspirations were centred on the process of learning and
teaching, this was what I really enjoyed doing at work. As I knew that a professional
doctorate would help me research my practice within higher education, it was more
attractive to me than a PhD. I was also attracted to the structure and format, with
progressive assignments that provided clear feedback on my development. The peer
cohort group of health professionals provided a broader perspective, an opportunity for
friendships, and much needed emotional support!
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 141
Looking back at the course now, I can honestly say the structure and format did what
I expected it to do. The progressive assignments gave focus to studying and a gradual
step-by-step sense of development. One unexpected surprise was that once I handed in
an assignment, I completely switched off from my studying until I received my mark; it
was as if all my motivation and drive had been put on hold. This provided some respite
and also enabled me to do some rather major DIY projects around the house, including
redecoration of my study! Getting the pass mark and thorough feedback on an
assignment then boosted my condence; it also gave plenty of food for thought that
got me back into studying. After the third assignment, there was a subtle difference as
I realised the nal assignment was now the big THESIS!
Im writing this chapter while still completing the professional doctorate programme.
I am at the moment writing chapters of the thesis and hope to complete within a
total of ve academic years. I cant tell you yet how the nal part of writing goes or
what the viva was like; those are stories for another time. But for now I can honestly
say it has been the best learning experience I have ever had. I would wholeheartedly
recommend this sort of programme to you.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 142
What is a traditional PhD? ~ the programme ~ supervision ~ funding ~ ethics ~ the key
stages ~ how it can contribute to career development ~ a personal view
What is a traditional PhD?
A traditional PhD is a higher degree achieved through the completion of an original
piece of research, the writing up of this research as a thesis, and nally an oral defence
of your work with other academics. A PhD is effectively a qualication in research,
which shows that the individual who has successfully completed a PhD is capable of
carrying out independent research.
How is the programme delivered?
PhDs can be completed on either a full or part-time basis. Typically, a full-time PhD
is expected to last for three years, while part-time PhDs are normally expected to be
completed in up to six years.
What is the role of a supervisor?
When you register on a traditional PhD programme, you will be allocated a supervisor,
or a team of supervisors. Their role is to oversee your programme of research, guide
you through the processes involved, working to keep your PhD on track. They are
there to ensure that your research, critical thinking and written work are of the
standard required for doctoral study. In addition to academic work, they may help with
administrative issues and personal support. They are not however there to do the PhD
for you, and the onus is on the individual registered for the PhD to take the steps that
are required for the successful completion of the thesis.
What qualications are required?
The minimum requirement is usually a 1st or 2:1 in an undergraduate degree.
A masters degree is not essential, although it may well be advantageous in an
application for a PhD, as it provides evidence of academic work at a higher level.
How do I start on a traditional PhD?
Funded PhDs are occasionally advertised locally or through the relevant professional
press. However, if you are interested in doing a self-funded PhD your rst port of call
should be a university department. Although you may well have some ideas of what
you might want to research as your PhD, early discussions with a potential supervisor
2.4 Registering on a traditional PhD programme
Liz Cousins
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 143
will help ascertain the feasibility of your plans. Even if you dont have any specic ideas
for research that you want to incorporate into a PhD, lecturers in the university know
where their expertise lies and what facilities are available at the university. Discussion
with them may well lead into the development of a project that could form the basis
of a PhD.
Funding for PhD
Funding for a PhD may come from internal sources at the university, or as part of a
successful bid for a research grant from an external source. Funding for a full-time
PhD is typically for a three-year period. Even if there is no available funding for a PhD
when you rst contact a potential supervisor, it may be that support for a research
degree could be included as part of a future funding bid. This is another reason why, if
youre considering undertaking a PhD, it is worth contacting potential supervisors (or
departments) as a rst step, rather than waiting for a PhD programme to be advertised.
Alternatively, students can self-fund.
All research involving people will need some sort of ethical approval. As
physiotherapists, the original piece of research for your PhD may well involve patients
within the NHS, and this will require ethical approval from NRES. The processes
of gaining ethical approval are discussed in another chapter of this book, but it
is worth noting that the time taken to get through these processes should not be
underestimated. It is not unheard of for these procedures to take more than a year to
complete: a substantial length of time if you only have funding for three years of study.
However the systems are becoming more streamlined and your supervisors will be able
to advise you throughout the process.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 144
What can I expect during a traditional PhD programme?
A typical PhD programme can be subdivided into several parts, as follows:
formal research training.
background reading.
formulation of a research proposal and designing the study.
gaining necessary ethical approvals.
The rst part of a traditional PhD is incredibly important. Errors made at this stage
(for example in the design of your study) cannot always be rectied later. It is very
important to gain thorough background knowledge of the literature and to explore
facilities available to you at the university and how these can be incorporated into
your research. For example, what equipment is available for you to use during your
data collection? Alternatively, what equipment or resources may need to be acquired,
or what software packages are around that you may want to use in the subsequent
analysis of this data? It is therefore possible that even if you begin your PhD study with
a clear idea of the research you want to undertake, it may be some time before you
actually begin the research studies themselves.
Data collection and analysis
Once the preliminary work is completed, the actual research study (or studies) can
be undertaken.
Writing up
This is the translation of the entire research project into one cohesive document that
can subsequently be examined.
A PhD is awarded after the successful completion of a written thesis and a viva voce
(oral) examination, by at least two chosen examiners. There is always at least one
examiner who is external to the university at which youre registered, and sometimes
all the examiners will be external. Essentially, the examiners will discuss the thesis
with you in depth. There is no single standard format for a viva, but the examiners
will seek to ask you questions about the research, your chosen methodologies, and to
explore your conclusions. Above all they will need to conrm that the work submitted
is indeed your work, and that the appropriate level has been achieved. Following
the viva the examiners may recommend you for the awarding of a PhD outright, or
following minor changes to the thesis. They can also ask for major revisions of the
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 145
thesis to be completed before they will recommend that it be passed. It is also possible
to be awarded an MPhil instead of a PhD under certain circumstances, or to be failed
Are there any other formal processes I need to go
through as part of a traditional PhD?
There are a number of formal processes you need to go through as part of a traditional
PhD, which have to be completed before you can even submit your thesis. A PhD is a
higher degree with a specic aim of research training. As such, it is expected that students
registered for a PhD will also undergo courses, during their programme of study, that will
contribute to their research training. In some universities it is compulsory to complete
a certain number of credits in taught modules that contribute to the students research
training (for example research methods or statistics). If you have already completed a
masters degree, or stand alone M-level modules, this may contribute to your research
training, and you may nd you dont need to get as many credits as a PhD student who
only has an undergraduate degree. The opportunity to undertake specic courses in areas
relevant to your research is an excellent one, and even if your specic university does not
require completion of such modules, it is highly recommended. Usually, the majority of
the formal research training that you undertake would be completed within the rst year
of doctoral study. In addition to the above formal research training that you may have to
undertake, there is often a transfer process that students have to go through, this being
the ofcial conversion of the students registration status from that of MPhil/PhD, to that
of PhD. In order to achieve this transfer of status, the student has to demonstrate that
they are suitable for, and capable of successfully completing a doctoral study, and that
the thesis will achieve doctoral level. The exact process students have to go through will
vary depending on the university at which they are registered, but will normally include a
piece of written work based on the research done to date, and a viva. The transfer process
usually takes place at the end of the rst year of full-time study, and is taken very seriously
by universities who consider it an important part of the PhD.
How can a traditional PhD contribute
to career development?
A PhD is obviously a valuable (and sometimes essential) qualication to have if you
want to pursue a career in academia or research. A PhD can also make a considerable
contribution to a clinical career. The PhD leads to greater understanding of a specic
area, but there are many skills broader than this which would have a direct inuence
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 146
on clinical work, for example the ability to analyse and understand the clinical
processes you go through, the questioning that becomes second nature as part of
a PhD, and the ability to appraise literature and apply it to clinical situations. In a
world demanding evidence-based practice, these skills are invaluable. Additionally,
successful completion of a PhD demonstrates the ability to work independently and the
organisational skills that are essential to all areas of work.
Personal view
Prior to my PhD I was working as a lead practitioner in neurology and rehabilitation
in a district general hospital. My motivation in going into research was to understand
more fully the clinical work I was doing, and the changes that I saw in the patients
we treated. The PhD I am currently undertaking had received internal funding from
the university, and was advertised in the national physiotherapy press. It was in an
area that I was particularly interested in, so I approached the supervisor for more
information. I didnt have a masters degree, and any research experience was limited
to my undergraduate degree, so I have to admit to being shocked to be offered the
studentship! It does go to show however, that all applications will be considered by
a university. The journey through this PhD has certainly been challenging, yet it is
also the most rewarding and exciting work I have done to date. Low points for me
were getting the ethical approval necessary to begin one of my research studies: it
took me more than a year just to be allowed to start! A direct consequence of this
was an enforced delay to my studies. Highlights would have to be data collecting and
working with the participants on the studies. Their interest and enthusiasm for the
research never ceased to amaze me, and their dedication to the various projects was
astounding. At the present time, my data collection has been completed, and I am now
in the process of analysing the work and writing the thesis. While I do not yet know
where this PhD will lead me career-wise, I am condent that the research skills I have
learnt over the past few years will be useful, and that I will be able to fully integrate
them into whichever job I end up in.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 147
As a physiotherapist on rotation ~ in a joint research appointment ~ as a clinical
researcher ~ a personal perspective - rewards and challenges
Completing my PhD
Completing a PhD can open up many new avenues regarding career direction, many of which
are discussed within the chapters of this book. I enrolled on a full-time PhD studentship
directly after completing my undergraduate degree and on completion of my thesis, worked
as a physiotherapist within the NHS. I then spent three years in a joint research appointment
and for the last seven years have worked as a clinical researcher, primarily in the area of
paediatric orthopaedics. In this chapter I have been asked to share my experience of life after
completing a PhD. Many others will have had a very different experience.
As a physiotherapist on rotation
Job-hunting in the NHS isnt necessarily any easier with a PhD, especially if one has gone
straight into a research programme as a new graduate. A doctorate counts for little when
competing against new graduates well versed in interview techniques and in this respect,
being out of the loop for three years isnt an advantage! Alternatively, whilst completing
a PhD, maintaining ones clinical skills by undertaking part-time work in the evenings and
at weekends, is to be recommended. It allows one to maintain, practise and become more
procient in the clinical skills gained during training and keep abreast of any changes in
practice. It is also an advantage when looking for more senior posts further down the line.
In a joint research appointment
Joint research appointments are one form of clinical academic posts formed as a
partnership between an NHS trust and a university. These posts allow for clinical time
within a specialist clinical service and research time, often on a designated research project.
A limited amount of teaching is often included within the job description. There are many
positive aspects to these types of posts. The intrinsic link with a university provides much of
the academic support that is necessary for getting a research project started; writing grants,
gaining ethical approval and so on, while the link with the trust makes it easier to liaise
with relevant clinical staff, obtain research sponsorship and access patients for recruitment.
Working on a university site also affords one the camaraderie of other colleagues working
in similar areas of rehabilitation research.
Life after completing a PhD
Brona McDowell
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 148
On the negative side, the roles and responsibilities within these posts are often vast,
and having designated time for each is often unrealistic, particularly as the post evolves.
If teaching duties are written into the contract this also takes away from the time that
can be dedicated to research, particularly within the rst year. Being responsible to two
line managers, with regard to job performance and staff appraisal, can also at times be
challenging, particularly if research priorities differ. University-held contracts are more
commonly xed term and thus job security may be an additional concern. Regardless, these
types of posts offer an excellent way of getting a foothold in research while, at the same
time, maintaining ones clinical skills. They also provide a useful stepping-stone for anyone
interested in pursuing a more permanent academic career.
As a clinical researcher
These types of posts can take many forms and my own experience comes from working
as a clinical specialist with some dedicated time for research activity. On a weekly, and
often daily basis, time is juggled between clinical and research responsibilities, and the
time dedicated to each will often depend on the specic post. Vying for large research
grants relies on having a substantial research portfolio, thus the early years may often be
spent carrying out small pilot and feasibility studies. For many, this will involve collecting
the data oneself, although local research awards/bursaries and smaller grants may enable
the recruitment of another clinician/researcher to assist. Compared with posts linked to
academic institutions, life as a clinical researcher can be a more isolated one, especially
if there are no other clinical researchers within the department and limited research
structures within the trust. There are number of ways of easing this and getting your
research kick-started:
Maintain any existing links with academic partners and work at establishing new
ones. Such links are vital when competing for large external sources of funding and
supervising potential research students.
Join a local recognised research group or network that has research themes relevant
to your area. These groups can provide much needed support and access to
small amounts of funding.
Avail yourself of any support networks in your area. Many NHS regions now have
established clinical research and trials units: these units often provide clinical
researchers with one-to-one advice on designing a project, working out a statistical
plan, writing a grant proposal and gaining ethical approval. They also run courses that
may be of benet.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 149
Make links with other clinical research centres that may potentially act as collaborators
on future research projects. If working as a sole clinical specialist in a geographical
region, such links are important and are best achieved by attending conferences
of mutual interest.
Ever-increasing bureaucracy has made life as a clinical researcher more demanding and
more rigorous guidelines contained within the Research Governance Framework, pertaining
to Good Clinical Practice, ethical approval and research sponsorship, has made research
a less attractive option for many clinicians. Despite this, it still represents an interesting
career option for anyone who really loves working as a clinician but also has an interest in
conducting research.
A personal perspective rewards and challenges
A career in research offers many challenges, not least because the goals keep changing.
For example, within the eld of rehabilitation medicine, concepts such as participation
and quality of life present a whole new challenge in terms of assessing outcome. For
many, including myself, this forms much of the appeal. Many days spent in research are
frustrating; sorting out administration, wading through data or writing a paper that just
doesnt seem to be going anywhere, while other days are rewarding; receiving ethical
approval, getting a paper accepted for publication or positive feedback from patients and
their families. By far, one of the most rewarding aspects of the job has been supervising
students, and I have now supervised several colleagues through to completion of MPhil
and PhD study through close links with local Universities. Juggling a career in research
with having a family has denitely been one of my greatest challenges, not least because
I work part-time. In order to maintain an adequate research portfolio, many tasks, such as
reviewing papers, grants and theses, often have to be taken home: attending conferences
and meetings also means time spent away from the family.
Carrying out a PhD has allowed me to follow an altogether different career path than any I
would have envisioned as an undergraduate and, even though my thesis was not in an area
of personal interest, I thoroughly valued the research training it provided. I used my years
working as a junior physiotherapist to identify a clinical area of interest and, for the last ten
years, have undertaken a clinical role within the eld of gait analysis and a research role,
primarily in the area of paediatric orthopaedics. Working in a joint research appointment
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 150
was an excellent way of getting involved in clinical research, while, working within the NHS
has afforded me greater job security and the exibility to work part-time. Within the health
service I have also had the added benet of line management that has promoted research
within the department and offered good impartial advice and support when needed; this
has been an invaluable resource over the years. I continue to enjoy my clinical remit, which
mainly involves the assessment of children with disabilities, and hope that the research
contribution I make in this eld over the years will in some way contribute to a better
knowledge base, improved rehabilitation methods and a better lifestyle in this population
of young people.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 151
What is a Principal Investigator (PI)? ~ what is a PI responsible for? ~ what is a novice
researcher? ~ what are the possible routes from novice researcher to PI ~ PhD ~
postdoctoral work?
What is a Principal Investigator?
The term Principal Investigator (PI) refers to a senior researcher who takes the lead
role in a particular research project and they are always identied on a grant
application to fund research. They will have been instrumental in developing the
original idea, bringing the collaborators together, developing the protocol and writing
grant applications.
PIs are usually regarded as leading experts in their eld and at least will be well
known in their eld as a result of their research publications, presentations at meeting
and perhaps authorship of books or chapters in books. They have built up over a
number of years a curriculum vitae (CV) that shows a considerable number of research
publications in the form of original research papers in well respected journals and
abstracts from presentations at meetings and also having been awarded research
funding either as the PI or a named applicant.
What is a PI responsible for?
A PI often has a number of research projects active at any one time, are most if not
all of these will have funding. They will be leading a team of people involving PhD
students and postdoctoral workers. As a result of their previous work they will have
built up a number of collaborators. They will be constantly seeking new collaborators
as research ideas develop and change, often demanding the expertise of people from
other disciplines.
When a project is running the PI has overall responsibility for it. This covers every
aspect of the project from subject recruitment to the preparation of publications. If
a project funds research staff or students the PI is also responsible for them and will
usually be their line manager. If a PhD student is involved in the project the PI will
normally be one of their supervisors.
2.6 The route from novice to
Principal Investigator
Di Newham
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 152
All but the smallest research projects require funding and all grant applications require
a named PI. Usually there are a number of other named applicants who are colleagues
of the applicant and who have a clearly dened role, and perhaps different types
of expertise in the research itself. They will also have been involved developing the
research question, design and preparation of the application.
Some people working in a clinical setting may well have years of research experience
that involved working on projects for which they were neither the PI nor a named
applicant. Some of these could be undertaken without any specic research
funding. The driver in this situation is the interest in the research itself and usually
publishing the ndings, but the role of PI may not be viewed as an important goal or
achievement. The situation in universities is different as academic staff are expected
to achieve PI status in order to be able to attract research funding and build up their
teams of PhD students, research assistants and postdoctoral researchers.
What is a novice researcher?
A novice researcher is someone who wishes to be involved in research but who has
little or no research knowledge, experience or skills. Clinicians who have qualied with
university degrees will usually have undertaken a research project which will give some
insight and direct experience of research but cannot equip anyone to the stage of
being able to be an independent researcher, let alone a PI. Novice researchers and PIs
are essentially at opposite ends of the spectrum of research expertise. There are many
steps from one to the other and naturally not all researchers will choose to move to the
PI end of the spectrum.
What are the possible routes from
novice researcher to PI?
The purpose of this chapter is to provide some information about ways to move from
the position of a novice researcher towards that of a PI. There is no single route for
this, although there is a traditional one for people in academic university departments.
The key for progression is the acquisition of research skills and knowledge that
enable an individual to have good, original research ideas that they can work up into
questions and protocols that will generate data worthy of publication and able to
attract research funding. This will inevitably involve collaboration with others, often
from different disciplines or with specic skills or knowledge.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 153
The traditional, formal academic route towards becoming a PI is hierarchical and
involves the achievement of a good classication undergraduate degree followed by
postgraduate study at the level of masters then PhD work and nally postdoctoral
experience. In this model the PhD and postdoctoral work is done on a full-time
basis and supported by research grants obtained by the PhD supervisor. Those at
postdoctoral level will start to be involved in submitting research grants which could
involve being a named researcher whose salary will be paid by the grant as well as
being a named applicant.
This route is not necessarily followed by allied health professionals who wish to
develop their research career, perhaps to the level of PI. Many graduates wish to gain
some clinical experience before pursuing their research activities. During this time they
may well become involved in local research projects, gaining valuable experience and
perhaps becoming an author on the resulting publications. They may wish to follow
CPD activities that are research related and may involve studying at masters level
on individual modules or for a masters degree, either full or part-time. Professional
doctorates are a more recent way of gaining relevant experience and knowledge.
Which ever route is followed, the constant and key issue is the need for mentors
who are already at the PI stage or close to it. Formal mentoring is undertaken by the
supervisors of masters and doctoral work although informal mentoring and support
by people with more experience is essential for all researchers. This includes
experienced PIs who are usually very aware of the importance of input from those
with greater experience.
Normally a PI will have been awarded a PhD some years previously and in the intervening
time will have continued to develop their research career by being involved in grant
applications and publishing their research ndings. This provides the opportunity to
develop the skills and expertise to become an independent researcher. These can be
developed more informally over a number of years of research experience, but the formal
supervision and requirements for the award of a PhD provide a nationally recognised
standard of research knowledge and experience as well as a commitment to developing a
research career, whether this is in a clinical or academic setting.
In well established subjects in universities a PhD is the minimum qualication for an
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 154
academic post in a university. In the newly emerging academic disciplines, such as
the allied health professions there still relatively few people with a PhD, although the
number of people with this qualication is steadily rising in physiotherapy. This is a
healthy sign of the academic development of the profession.
When physiotherapy rst became a graduate entry profession, there were not
enough physiotherapists with a PhD to ll the academic posts in university
departments of physiotherapy. In the more research oriented institutions staff were
frequently appointed on the basis of their academic/research potential and were
expected to obtain a PhD as part of their employment conditions. As the number of
physiotherapists with a PhD increases, this qualication is being increasingly seen as a
basic requirement for a university position.
For those who wish to develop their research career in a clinical setting a PhD still
has some advantages. One reason is that it is an academic currency indicating an
agreed level of intellectual ability along with an accepted level of research skills and
experience. The people from other disciplines that they are working with will most
likely have a PhD and, rightly or wrongly, may think that someone who does not is less
skilled and working at a lower level.
PhD studies involve the equivalent of three years full-time research or six years
part-time, writing a thesis and an oral examination with at least two examiners (see
chapters 2.4 and 2.5). They are an early step on the path from novice researcher to PI.
While some publications usually result from the research undertaken, the individual will
have worked under close supervision at all stages of the programme.
The award of a PhD does not mean that people have the necessary skills and
experience to immediately become a PI. To be able to undertake this role normally
takes a further few years of active research and the establishment of a reputation in
the particular eld.
Postdoctoral work
Having acquired basic research training as part of their PhD studies, a career researcher
needs to consolidate their knowledge and experience. This still involves working with
one or more PIs whose experience is necessary in a mentoring role and who are in a
position to be able to attract research funding so that the research can continue.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 155
The postdoctoral researcher has more autonomy than a PhD student and indeed they
are often involved in working with and supporting such students and less experienced
researchers. Formal supervision of PhD students is not normally undertaken until
someone has several years of postdoctoral research experience. Even then they should
only take on a secondary supervisory role while the primary one is taken by someone
with previous experience of PhD supervision.
This can be done in the more formal and traditional way by working full-time in the
position of postdoctoral researcher. This invariably involves working on a project for
which funding has been acquired by someone well established as a PI and in this case
the project will have been fully worked up for the grant application.
Alternatively the postdoctoral worker may have been involved in the formulation of
the research question and development of the project and also perhaps writing
funding applications.
Essentially the two options are to continue working with the same group of people
involved in the PhD work or to join another group. There is no xed position on
which route is best. However working with another group of people does offer the
opportunity for experience of different research approaches and methodologies along
with the possibility of learning new techniques.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 156
What is a postgraduate masters degree ~ course structure ~ why begin an MSc ~
developing research interests ~ the research question ~ the research proposal ~ how can
I develop research interests beyond the MSc ~ researcher skills ~ can I combine research
and clinical work?
What is a postgraduate masters degree?
A postgraduate masters degree or MSc is designed to enable physiotherapists and other allied
professionals to develop their full professional, educational and research potential within their
clinical eld.
The postgraduate masters degree develops an advanced knowledge of the research base that
underpins current practice, and renes existing practical skills through clinical placement and
supervised practical sessions with expert clinicians. It also develops existing analytical and
reective skills, which enable one to formulate and carry out an independent research study
with condence.
All of these skills, in the current climate of evidence-based practice and professional
accountability, help ensure the highest standard of healthcare and professional satisfaction.
The entry requirements vary from university to university but it is usually best to have
approximately four to ve years of clinical experience before applying, in order to gain the
maximum benet. This is largely because MSc programmes assume a certain baseline level of
knowledge and clinical experience, which is then used as a platform to develop expertise or
masters level knowledge in a given area.
What is the usual course structure?
An MSc is usually structured around several distinct modules but this may vary depending on
the university. In my experience, the programme consisted of both obligatory and optional
modules, comprising of a mixture of theoretical and practical units, which meant that there
was plenty of opportunity to indulge and explore areas of personal interest.
Why begin an MSc?
As a physiotherapist with a background in science, I wished to engage these two aspects
of my past and present. Working as a clinician in physiotherapy, as in other allied health
2.7 A senior physiotherapist with a postgraduate
masters degree: developing research interests
Janet Deane
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 157
professions, one nds oneself continually asking questions for which there are not
always answers.
Increasingly, during rotations as a junior and senior physiotherapist, I found myself asking
questions and trying to establish possible answers. Although I found continuing professional
development sessions, teaching and engaging in various mini-research projects interesting,
there came a point in my career where I felt a further academic challenge was necessary, in
order to gain specialist knowledge, develop advanced research skills and progress in my career.
By completing an MSc in advanced musculoskeletal physiotherapy, I was able to explore
personal research interests freely while developing my full potential within the eld of
musculoskeletal physiotherapy.
Developing research interests
Research interests can develop from the smallest idea or thought. Most allied health
professionals nd that their best ideas are conceived while treating patients, attending lectures
or simply through reading or discussing research with colleagues.
As a junior practitioner or novice, it is common to be hesitant in expressing ideas or questions
because one feels that the knowledge of respected colleagues is far greater. However, be
assured that all questions and ideas are valuable and it is only through asking these questions
that the profession evolves, research interests develop and healthcare improves.
How do I develop an idea into a research question?
Firstly, in my experience, the main problems people encounter when rst developing an idea is
the failure to develop a simple, achievable research question. One can collect endless data in
haste to proceed with a project, but without a concise, specic and achievable objective, the
data collected may be largely useless.
Secondly, I have found it very important to develop a research question in an area in which
you have a real interest. Although, this seems intuitive, it is this interest that you will nd
carries you through the ups and downs of your research study and motivates and drives you
forwards even when you feel like giving up.
On the MSc programme I undertook at University College London, I was encouraged to
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 158
develop a research question shortly after beginning the course. I found that by establishing a
concise question early on, it narrowed the subsequent literature review I had to carry out. This
in turn meant I could develop a succinct research proposal ready for peer and ethical review in
good time, so that I was capable of committing myself fully to the other modules required by
my programme.
Before you can proceed with your study, a peer review or evaluation of your proposal is
required by an expert in the eld, in order to determine whether the study is relevant and
realistic. It is also vital to go through the necessary ethical approval processes. Depending on
the nature of your study, applications for ethical approval might be considered by a university
committee, or by an NHS research ethics committees. Approval can take up to six months to
obtain, emphasising again the necessity of organisation and forward planning.
What happens after a research proposal has been approved?
After your proposal has been given approval the wheels are then set in motion for you to
begin your study. Again, being realistic with the initial protocol is important, especially on a
full-time MSc programme.
On a full time programme you have approximately six months from the conception of the idea
to research completion and write up. This means that commitment and determination are
required in large quantities. I found that in order to keep on top of it all, it was important to
consistently chip away at it rather than leaving it all to the last minute, which may lead to a lot
of unnecessary panic close to the nal examinations.
How can I develop research interests beyond the MSc?
Since qualifying, I have become a member of various clinical interest groups and have regular
contact with physiotherapists who have similar clinical interests. This can really help to foster
new ideas and provides a supportive environment in which you can progress as a researcher.
Through the MSc programme it is possible to develop a diverse network of clinical contacts,
which becomes extremely useful in the world of research. It is largely through these people
that you become aware of job opportunities, ideas for career progression and may even be
approached to assist with other projects.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 159
Since completing my MSc I have taken on a research physiotherapist post at Imperial
College, which means that I now work with a team of researchers on a large clinical study. In
this position I am surrounded by healthcare professionals from different backgrounds who are
taking part in a range of projects: this means I continue to learn as a researcher almost
by osmosis!
What skills do I require to become a researcher?
In my experience, a researcher requires an inquisitive and methodical nature, a supportive
environment, courage and a lot of persistence!
A deep interest in the subject matter being researched also helps. As I have mentioned before,
it is this interest that drives you to completion, particularly with larger studies.
I strongly believe that we, as physiotherapists, are continuously researching and therefore
have a lot of the required skills. The only difculty is that because we do it on a daily basis we
do not always credit our ideas or small projects as research. As a result our innovation goes
unnoticed as we do not feel equipped to voice our ndings and take it to the next level.
The MSc, in my opinion, helps to grow the condence required to develop a research idea or
interest into a research study: one that might be presented and published. The experience of
this process certainly forms a solid base from which a career in research can be built.
Can I combine research and clinical work?
It is possible to work as a full or part-time researcher in the allied health professions.
At present, I combine my work as a research physiotherapist with that of a private
musculoskeletal practitioner. I nd this has achieved the right balance for me as I am able to
apply evolving research ndings to my current clinical work and at the same time use my work
as a clinician to generate new research ideas.
In time to come I might seek further challenges in the form of a PhD, and even become a full-
time researcher, but for now I feel quite content to enjoy the diversity that my current career as
a physiotherapist offers me.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 160
Junior contract researcher ~ senior contract researcher ~ professor of physiotherapy ~
lecturer ~ clinical researcher ~ research consultant ~ the research-orientated manager
This chapter will dene the roles and responsibilities of various contract research
roles. Traditionally these have been accommodated within universities, but there are
emerging roles as either joint appointments with NHS organisations or for research to
be hosted by the healthcare provider with supervision from within that organisation.
Frequently these posts are offered as a xed-term contract.
Each role will be explored separately but there will be common themes to allow
comparison and progression through the research hierarchy. These will include the
required experience for the posts, supervisory skills and leadership qualities.
Junior contract researcher
These posts are usually associated with a specic project for which there is funding and
the details of the project formulated. The post will be supervised by a senior researcher.
The post will usually require the holder to have a good honours degree (at least a
2:1) or a relevant professional qualication. It is advantageous to have some clinical
experience/knowledge of the subject area. Frequently these posts involve routine data
collection and data entry. These tasks carry considerable responsibility and work is
frequently completed independently. Good keyboard and limited data interpretation
skills would be required with a working knowledge of computerised statistical analysis
programmes. The post holder should have the necessary writing skills to compose
abstracts and be developing presentation skills.
Senior contract researcher
Senior researchers are required to have a good degree and relevant professional
experience in the area of the project. The researcher at this level would be expected
to demonstrate a detailed knowledge of the subject area being investigated and
have some research experience. This experience would be beyond that acquired at
undergraduate level and possibly acquired formally as a junior contract researcher or
clinical researcher. The researcher at this level should be able to write protocols and
operationalise them, including overseeing the ethics procedure. The post would require
the holder to establish and guarantee quality assurance procedures and ensure the
2.8 Contract research staff roles
Sally Singh
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 161
integrity of the data in accordance with data protection legislation. Consequently
the senior researcher should be able to generate data and conduct the appropriate
analysis of a sufcient standard to generate abstracts for presentation at local, national
or international conferences. This would necessitate good analytical and writing skills.
This person should have the skills to write research reports and prepare manuscripts.
In addition the role would require input to the development of new research ideas and
the preparation of research proposals. The post is supervised but should allow the post
holder to develop their own supervisory and leadership skills. The senior researcher
should also be developing research networks within the UK and beyond.
Professor of Physiotherapy
A Professor of Physiotherapy has overall responsibility for a programme of research.
Inevitably the role requires the post holder to hold a PhD and have signicant clinical
and research experience in the specied area of research. This should be supported by
an extensive publication record, of original research in peer-reviewed journals. This is
supported by other research outputs including editorials, reviews and book chapters.
This post requires demonstrable presentation skills with experience at national
and international conferences and thus the post holder should carry a national/
international reputation. In addition to presenting at signicant meetings a Professor
should be required to chair sessions of scientic presentations and facilitate productive
and concise discussions. The professor attracts important research project funding.
The role also requires the ability to manage a team of research staff. The post holder
should also be a strong team leader and motivator of the research staff. The role also
carries responsibility to supervise students registered for higher degrees (PhD, MPhil)
and assist senior researchers to develop their supervisory skills, grant writing skills and
national reputation. Beyond immediate research commitments the professor is required
to participate in departmental and faculty research development and participate in
national professional bodies/societies.
Within university departments lecturers are employed with a signicant teaching
responsibility however the department normally has a commitment to contribute to
the overall research output of the university. This can be achieved in a number of
ways, usually through dedicated scholarly activity; the physiotherapy lecturer may be
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 162
encouraged to complete a PhD and so pursue an area of individual interest. Many
lecturers/senior lecturers manage masters modules and have the opportunity to
coordinate research projects and nally physiotherapy undergraduates may complete a
research project supervised by a lecturer. To full these research obligations a lecturer
must have the skills to understand and supervise the research process as well as
providing pastoral support for the students. A lecturer should be able to contribute and
develop reports/publications to disseminate the ndings.
Clinical researcher
A clinical researcher is usually based within a healthcare organisation and can also be
a permanent post. Interestingly many of the higher clinical grades within the agenda
for change schedule require there to be some research activity.
Physiotherapists can be employed to completely pre-dened clinical trials sponsored
by a pharmaceutical or equipment company under strict guidance from the company
funding the research. However, this is a very different role to an independent clinical
researcher. This type of research role, while not developing an independent research
project does allow an introduction to the rigours of measurement and data collection.
A clinical researcher often has a pre-dened commitment to research, often in
the region of 50 per cent. The clinical researcher is both a clinical expert and
an independent researcher. The research projects are usually embedded into a
physiotherapy service, and meet all the requirements of the local ethics committee and
conform to good clinical practice guidelines.
Research consultant
A research consultant, as implied is employed as a consultant to pre-dened research
projects and time contributed to the project is costed accordingly. The consultant
researcher has an established track record in the area of research and is acknowledged
as an expert in that area. The skills required for this include excellent communication
skills, writing skills and report writing. The clients may request that the consultant is
involved in the dissemination of results and therefore excellent presentation skills are
required to give information in a number of formats.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 163
Research orientated manager
A research manager usually has one of two roles, either associated with a larger
research department or specically employed on a specic research project grant. The
more general research managers are employed within NHS research and development
(R&D) ofces or within university research departments. An NHS research managers
primary responsibility is to ensure that any research activity has the necessary ethics
committee and NHS R&D approval and the research staff on the project conform to
good clinical practice (GCP) guidelines. Research managers are knowledgeable about
research funding opportunities through research councils, charities and the National
Institute for Health Research. Generally the role of a research manager is to assist
safe and ethically responsible care.
participant recruitment.
advancing to code of ethics and institutional guidelines.
annual/nal research reports are written.
nancial monitoring meets the required standards.
If a research manager is employed to a specic project it is likely they will have
additional responsibility for the recruitment process of staff to the project.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 164
Types of contract and their implications ~ scope of work ~ experience and skills needed
~ skills developed ~ options post-contract
Working as a junior contract researcher is highly rewarding and exciting. It can offer
you the opportunity to continue working with a clinical focus, giving you the chance
to develop new skills that can be used in the clinical setting (if you decide to return to
clinical work) or it can provide you with a sound base to continue as a researcher.
Types of contracts and their implications
Fixed or on-going
A contract may be a xed term that is nishing after a specied time or on-going. An
on-going contract may occur as the project evolves. In this case additional funding may
be requested, and if successful, the project will continue.
Once you are working in a particular location there may be opportunities to work on
different research projects once your original contract has ended.
Length of contract
As a junior contract researcher there are a number of options regarding the length of
your employment. It could be a short-term contract lasting approximately six months or
a longer contract (for more in-depth studies) lasting around three years.
Longer contracts for a single piece of work are unlikely although you may be
working as a junior researcher while completing a PhD, in which case the contract
could be longer.
Often the funding for the project has been secured prior to your employment by a more
senior researcher. Your title might therefore reect that you are working for someone
else so you maybe employed as a research assistant or research associate.
2.9 A junior contract researcher
Rupert Kerrell
Fixed or on-going
Length of contract
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 165
Scope of work
Types of research
The type of research completed normally ts into one of two categories, qualitative or
quantitative; however some research may contain a combination of the two. Bowling
and Ebrahim (2007) describe qualitative methods as:
the collection of narratives, interviews, focus groups.... which can provide rich insights into
the experience of individuals, the meaning and interpretation of those experiences, and the
likely relationships between different factors. (p7).
Conversely quantitative methods have:
hypotheses that are constructed and tested in experiments that take place in tightly controlled
conditions, and outcomes are measured with high precision.
Bowling and Ebrahim, 2007 (p6).
Whichever type of research is being completed they all involve the collecting of some
data and this could be done in a number of ways including interview, questionnaire,
measurement/instrumentation or observation.
Places to work
The places where you could work are varied, and include hospital settings such as
physiotherapy departments, joint therapies departments (for example physiotherapy,
occupational therapy and speech and language), clinical specialist areas, and so on.
There may also be opportunities in other healthcare areas such as in the community,
primary care trusts and GP surgeries.
You could also be employed by universities, within uni-professional or multi-
professional settings (for example allied health professions departments). Within
universities there could be vacancies within more specialised areas such as the
biomechanics department, involving a laboratory-based setting.
Types of research
Places to work
Junior contract
researcher role
Further qualications
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 166
The junior contract researcher role
When working as a junior contract researcher you may be involved in a wide range
of studies. It may include collecting data from subjects for a more senior researcher;
or it may, depending on your skills, involve analysing data that has already been
collected, completing an audit within a hospital department or evaluating a particular
aspect of treatment.
In most cases you will have a supervisor with overall responsibility for the project,
who has a good grounding and knowledge of the research process and project
management. They may also have a range of contacts for you to make use of if there
are areas in which you need specialist skills or knowledge (for example statistics).
The amount of patient or client contact varies greatly between different projects,
and is inuenced by the type of project you are doing. For example, data collection
via measurement probably involves more direct contact than analysing completed
Further qualications
In some contracts there may be opportunities to gain further formal qualications
while working on the project, for example a masters degree, an MPhil or doctorate.
Experiences and skills needed
Formal qualications
Many junior researcher jobs do not require any qualications other than a pre-
registration qualication (normally a BSc). However your options as a contract
researcher could be increased if you have an MSc.
Completing a Masters degree develops skills useful to a researcher, such as the ability
to critically appraise journal articles (useful when completing literature searches and
reviews). A postgraduate degree should also provide you with an opportunity to
complete a research project and therefore gain experience in, for example, considering
Formal qualications
Previous experience
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 167
ethical issues and gaining research governance approval, using different types of
analysis and writing reports.
Previous experience
While there are junior research jobs that do not require an MSc, having some previous
experience in any type of research or audit increases your understanding of the
research process, and is very useful.
Prior to working as a junior researcher it is preferable that you have a sound clinical
base. It is usual to have been working at Band 6 level (or equivalent) prior to starting,
or to be in your rst Band 6 job having worked clinically for at least 12 months.
Skills developed
There could be a number of reasons why you may want to work as a junior
contract researcher: to experience another facet of physiotherapy professional life;
to develop research skills; or to start a career in research and add to the evidence base
for physiotherapy.
Informal skills
There are many skills that you will develop while working as a junior contract
researcher which may be new to you. Such skills can have a direct benet on your
clinical work (if you return to that eld) or be very useful as you continue your research
Although all physiotherapists and AHPs practise within a professional and ethical code
of conduct, you now have to consider formally the ethical aspects of your research
project. In the majority of cases this means completing an ethics application form and
then submitting this to the hospital, university, local or regional ethics committee.
In order to complete this form successfully you need to clearly demonstrate that a
number of issues have been addressed. These include ensuring that: informed consent
Informal skills
Formal qualications
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 168
is gained; participants will be protected at all stages of the project; discomfort for
participants is minimised; privacy is maintained; and that it is clear who will actually
benet from the research being completed.
You new role may mean that, although you might be part of a bigger project team, you
are in reality mainly working as a lone researcher. Working to deadlines and not on
throughput (for example the number of patients you have seen) could be different from
your previous clinical work. In a researcher role you have to meet targets and deadlines
for the project (often set out in a Gantt chart: another skill you may acquire!). This
often requires greater exibility in your work patterns and schedule. You need to be
self-disciplined and self-motivated: there are quieter periods, as well as busy periods,
where to meet deadlines work needs to be completed in the evenings or at weekends.
There is normally an expectation that the results of the project need to be disseminated
either via publication or presentation. By writing articles for publication you will
develop your writing style. This differs, depending on the journal you are writing for. For
example, writing a piece for Frontline is different from writing an article for The Lancet
or Physiotherapy.
In order to present your ndings at conferences successfully, you need to decide how
and what to present. Many conferences offer opportunities to present papers, lead
roundtable discussions, complete a poster, and so on. The skills needed for each of
these are different and develop the more you present.
Formal qualications
You may nish your time as a junior contract researcher with a formal qualication
this depends on what was agreed at the beginning of the contract. If, as part of
the project, you have completed an MSc or PhD this is a formal recognition of your
continuing professional development and may result in further career opportunities
and, in some cases, better pay.
You may not have the opportunity (or inclination) to complete a PhD during the project
in which case you there may be an opportunity to register for an MPhil which is a
research degree, requiring the completion of a thesis.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 169
After your junior researcher contract ends
Following your time as a junior researcher you may continue working in research, and
with the skills you have developed you could take on more responsibility on other
projects and/or prepare bids to secure funding for your own projects.
You may wish to return to clinical work, where you will be able to utilise the skills
you have recently developed such as critical analysis, time management, working to
deadlines and being able to nd, digest and present pertinent information.
The short-term nature of this role gives you the chance to gain some research
experience before fully committing to it for your future career. You get the opportunity
to work with seasoned researchers and develop skills that can be used in a wide
variety of health settings. Working as a junior contract researcher provides you with an
ideal opportunity to either start your research career, or to see what it is really like to
work in research.
Bowling A, Ebrahim S. Handbook of Health Research Methods: investigation,
measurement and analysis (2007) . Open University Press, Maidenhead.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 170
Role of the clinical researcher ~ opportunities for clinical research ~ conducting clinical
research ~implementing clinical research ~ a personal experience of clinical research
Role of the clinical researcher
Clinical researchers are generally those conducting research into subjects directly related
to clinical practice. Many of these individuals combine a role participating in research
activity with responsibilities for clinical practice.
The advantages of combining the roles are signicant. Frontline clinicians are well placed
to pose appropriate and relevant questions for research and ensure it is grounded
in reality and potential patient benet. Equally, involvement of clinicians in research
works to raise standards across clinical practice: there is a positive correlation between
achievement of high ratings on the Healthcare Commission Quality Ratings (2006) and
NHS organisations involvement in research activity.
As academic institutions make closer links with healthcare providers, and with the
development of Local Research Networks, there are more opportunities to combine roles
and bring research activity directly into the workplace.
Opportunities for clinical research
All research needs to be adequately funded. This includes funding for researchers time,
clerical support and sundries. There are a number of potential sources of funding and
support available to aspiring researchers:
Links with academic partners.
Research networks.
Other grants.
Links with academic partners
Its probably fair to say that while academic institutions have access to staff skilled in
research planning and design, providers of clinical services have access to specialised
clinicians and the patient population. Therefore, partnerships between the two
are advantageous to both, and aspiring researchers may nd it useful to establish
partnerships with local academic departments as a rst step.
2.10 A clinical researcher
Rhoda Allison
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 171
Research networks
In 2006 national research funding streams were reviewed and reallocated (DH, 2006).
One consequence of this was the development of National Clinical Research Networks,
which were built around improving research capacity in particular clinical areas such as
cancer, diabetes and stroke. Each National Network supports a number of Local Research
Networks which are funded to undertake research on nationally adopted studies. Ideas
are generated or approved via Clinical Studies Groups and are then fed down to local
level where local networks can choose which studies from a portfolio they participate
in. The networks are usually partnerships between NHS organisations and Research
Institutions, and their success is measured by rates of recruitment into clinical trials.
Development of local networks has led to the development of many more clinical
research roles in NHS trusts which can potentially be full-time or part-time and thus
combined with clinical roles. These include opportunities for novices as well as more
experienced researchers, and networks can generate their own ideas and submit these
for adoption to the Clinical Studies Groups. This has been a signicant opportunity for
front line healthcare staff to become engaged in nationally funded research projects.
Many charities linked to particular conditions such as Arthritis Care have research funds,
although bids are very competitive and the reputation of the research team would be a
major factor in allocating the funds. Some of these organisations offer particular funds
to support Allied Health Professionals for example the Stroke Association offers several
bursaries for AHPs to undertake doctorate studies each year.
The Department of Health also offers Researcher Development Awards which have
been secured by Allied Health Professionals for doctorate studies. These funds are
contestable, so again the academic support available would be a factor in being a
successful applicant.
The Research for Patient Benet Programme is an NHS nationally co-ordinated funding
stream for research commissioned on a regional basis. Each region receives funds based on
size of population and allocates grants for research evaluating different interventions and
methods of service delivery. The programme accepts applications several times each year.
In addition, there are still some funding streams for research outside the formal clinical
research networks so there is still potential to apply to NHS R&D departments for support
with projects.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 172
Conducting clinical research
All NHS organisations follow research governance and ethical approval processes. If you
work within the NHS your local research and development lead will be able to advise you
of these processes. They may also be able to advise on other support available as being a
lone researcher in a department can be quite an isolated role.
Implementing research
Although designing and conducting research is a skilful task, it would all be for nothing
if good quality research ndings are not used to change clinical practice. Systematic
reviews can be used to develop clinical guidelines, although there are many areas for
practice where there is insufcient quality evidence to guide this process and consensus
among clinicians is still used to develop less robust evidence-based clinical guidance
tools. Lead clinicians have a responsibility to review the best evidence and guidelines
available and to ensure these are implemented in organisations. Clinical audit should be
used to measure the success of these strategies.
A personal experience of clinical research
Since my rst job as a junior physiotherapist I have been interested in the potential for
conducting research in the clinical setting, as well as implementing research ndings.
However, my aspirations became more focused while working in New Zealand when I
was fortunate to have a role as professional lead of an acute and community provider
and was in a position to build relationships with local academic partners. Together we
were successful in bidding for grants to be able to conduct fairly small projects evaluating
interventions in the clinical setting.
After returning to the UK, I again sought out local academic partners and was able to
work with staff from the local university conducting a small project to begin with, but
then bidding for larger funds. Throughout this time, my job plan did not contain dedicated
research time and it was a constant challenge to make time for this within a busy clinical
role. However, we worked with the local university to set up a funded project where one
of our clinicians has funding for research one day per week for a specic project.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 173
I became a consultant physiotherapist three years ago and now have dedicated research
time within my job plan. We have conducted pilot projects comparing interventions in
stroke, and I applied for a small grant from the Primary Care Research Network which
helped fund a project on secondary prevention of stroke but more importantly introduced
me to the Primary Care Division of the local Medical School. They were able to support
me with the project and we are now involved in discussions about potential for further
research. I am the Rehabilitation Lead for the Peninsular Local Research Network and
have worked with the steering group to ensure we have a balance selection of studies
including some with rehabilitation focus as well as acute.
Throughout my career my time spent on research has always been much less than my
time in clinical practice and its always a challenge to balance the two. There are real
benets however and I enjoy the ability to work across both. For clinicians who do not
have dedicated research time, the responsibility for implementing research ndings
can not be overlooked. The CSP produce a number of evidence-based products as do
many condition focused groups such as the Intercollegiate Working Party for Stroke.
Implementation and audit of clinical guidelines or direct research ndings is just as
important as actually conducting research.
Reecting on my own experience, there are two key messages I would give to any
aspiring clinical researcher. First, that everything takes much more time than you imagine.
This applies to every part of the process, so you need to be realistic about
what you will achieve. Second, the value of developing partnerships is essential to
conducting clinical research, and if this is your interest I would recommend seeking
out either local champions within your own organisation or in academic organisations
who can support you.
Reference list
Department of Health. Best Research for Best Health. A New National Health Research
Strategy. (2006). The NHS contribution to health research in England: a consultation.
DOH London.
Healthcare Commission. Results of the annual health check 2005/2006. (2006).
Healthcare Commission, London.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 174
Developing your research path beyond initial research training ~ following that research
path as an experienced researcher ~ developing as a research leader ~ example ~ a nal
An experienced researcher in physiotherapy is not simple to dene. It is probably
better to view the development of research experience as a continuum, rather than
to focus on any single denition. At one end of the continuum is the early career
researcher who has just completed their initial research training, for example a PhD.
At the other end is the research leader, who has the skills, track record, experience
and vision to lead an active group of researchers capable of competing at national
and international levels of research. An experienced researcher is a potential future
research leader, although clearly not all experienced researchers will progress in
this way. This chapter summarises key challenges in, and recommendations for, the
development of a career as an experienced researcher.
Developing your research path beyond
initial research training
Once you have obtained your research training through, for example, a PhD
programme, you are likely to have developed expertise in a reasonably narrow topic
area and/or research methodology. In order to progress as a researcher, you will need
to develop your own research path beyond this initial research training.
There are different challenges at each stage of a research career. While there is
no single ideal approach in developing a research path to become an experienced
researcher, this is most likely to require a degree of exibility about your topic area
and/or research methodologies. Some of the most successful experienced researchers
are those who, while retaining and further developing their original topic area,
proceed to:
broaden their expertise to t with institutional, national and international
research priorities.
develop or work with strong collaborative teams, comprising individuals with
different but complementary expertise and skills.
invest considerable time and energy in developing research capacity and capability
in others so that, over time, they build and support a critical mass of more junior
researchers to support their research programmes.
2.11 An experienced researcher
Nadine E Foster
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 175
One of the most critical points in your career path, determining whether and how you
will progress as an experienced researcher, is the postdoctoral period. A major concern
is that although there are increasing numbers of physiotherapists completing research
degrees, few go on to develop as experienced researchers, capable of competing in
research at national and international level with colleagues from other disciplines. There
are many potential reasons for this, including the historical lack of specic postdoctoral
funding opportunities and the unfortunate inexibility of many physiotherapy careers
in the past. In order to increase the chances of a positive postdoctoral period, or
equivalent, that will support you to develop as an experienced researcher:
actively seek working environments that support your research development.
secure support and mentorship from more experienced researchers, either within or
outside of your own research area or discipline, that can provide you with not only
research guidance but also sound advice on career planning.
if you do not have a supportive environment at your place of work, seek that
support through individuals or networks externally and/or seriously consider moving
to a more supportive environment.
actively seek out established, or build new, collaborative networks for your
research. Include those who are more experienced in your eld and whose track
record in publication and successful grant application can serve to both inspire and
challenge you.
apply for dedicated postdoctoral or equivalent funding, to support you to develop
your expertise and skills further. Be prepared for several knock-backs in that process.
view the years following your initial research training or research degree as a period
of consolidation and growth and seek out opportunities that will deepen your
expertise. Not all of these activities will be positive, or lead to worthwhile research
avenues or collaborations, but many will, and may provide important learning
Following that research path as
an experienced researcher
There are many different examples of career paths that result in physiotherapists
working in experienced research roles: within academia, clinical settings, industry or
a combination of these. Increased exibility and specic funding for opportunities to
combine research with clinical and/or educational roles is likely to support a growing
cadre of physiotherapists to develop as experienced researchers, as well as ensure that
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 176
the research is relevant to and embedded within practice. In addition to building on
the previous suggestions for the postdoctoral or equivalent period, more experienced
researchers are likely to:
demonstrate a broadening of research expertise across related topic areas and
research methodologies.
focus on a small number of areas of key expertise, yet also be sufciently exible to
t with research group, institutional, national and international research priorities.
develop or work with strong collaborative teams comprising individuals with
different but complementary expertise and skills, such as clinical specialties, health
services research, health economics and statistics.
demonstrate increasing project management skills that ensure the research is
successfully delivered within the available resources.
develop research capacity and capability in others, including guiding more junior
research staff, such as postdoctoral physiotherapists, in their career development.
develop and support research programmes rather than discrete research projects.
meet the universal expectations of research excellence, including those of research
publications, successful grant applications and supervision of research students
and staff.
understand that considerable breadth of experience is needed to be competitive
at national and international levels, particularly in gaining the most competitive
research funding.
contribute increasingly to external research initiatives, reviewing others research
and becoming involved in funding committees and other research decision-making
One of the key challenges faced by those who have developed successful records of
research achievement, is the risk of increasing levels of administrative workload that
serve to constrain and diminish further research achievement and excellence. Key
actions that can support the experienced researcher through these challenges include:
securing further career development funding, in addition to programme and project
specic funding, that protects the experienced researchers time for focused research
careful career planning and guidance, including the contribution of respected
mentor(s) and formal research leadership training.
working within a unit or group with sufcient infrastructure support, so that the
administrative burden can be minimised and time protected for grant writing,
publication and research activities.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 177
Developing as a research leader
The goal of some experienced researchers in physiotherapy will be to progress
as research leaders. They will build research teams that are capable of success in
the delivery of research programmes, as required by the demands of national and
international competition. While there are many different routes to increasing your
levels of autonomy and independence and becoming a research leader, there are a
number of common attributes:
a clear and long-term contribution to research development and capacity in a
chosen eld.
an increasing role in the strategic decisions about the research programmes to
which different research teams contribute.
an increasing responsibility for the overall quality of research programmes
and the contribution they make, including responding to external quality
assessment activities.
an increasing accountability for the direction and nancial support of research
programmes and associated research staff to their institutions and funding bodies.
an increasing accountability for the t of the research groups activity with
institutional research ambitions and resources.
the leadership of teams comprising varied professional backgrounds and areas of
expertise, including contract research staff, postgraduate research students and
administrative and support staff.
a nationally or internationally recognised research record and a clear research vision
that can inspire and challenge more junior staff.
My research career was inspired by a positive experience as an undergraduate
physiotherapist, when I was able to conduct a small but clinically based research
project. From there, I combined a small clinical workload alongside a doctoral
programme of research within a supportive research environment, enriched by
colleagues across different research disciplines and experiences. My early postdoctoral
years were spent gaining experience in education and administration combined
with developing my research depth and breadth. This included building research
collaborations in different directions: some of these were short-lived but others
continue to thrive. Supervising and developing others in research has been, and still is,
a particularly rewarding experience.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 178
My current post is based within a dedicated university research centre, funded
through a Department of Health Career Scientist Award managed by the National Co-
ordinating Centre for Research Capacity Development (NCCRCD), now replaced by the
NIHR Senior Research Fellowship. I have ve years of funding to deliver a programme
of research and develop research teams and collaborative partnerships within the
programme. I am a principal investigator for this research programme and for several
projects, leading the research teams within each. My role includes securing new grant
income to support and extend the research activity, including funding for the staff
employed in research posts, liaising with stakeholders including clinicians, NHS trust
managers and patients, and contributing to the strategic decisions about the future of
the research programmes to t with institutional priorities and agendas.
Maintaining and developing my own research expertise and publication track record is
a continuing priority, alongside a small teaching and administrative workload. I have a
key role in the supervision of more junior researchers from a range of clinical and non-
clinical backgrounds. This includes the full range of research activities from protocol
development, ethical and research approvals, project management and completion,
presentation and publication, grant writing, reviewing and supervision. An important
part of my current role involves research team building and management, developing
research capacity and collaborations, and attracting signicant further research
funding. External activities include involvement in research and professional societies,
organising conferences, grant and research paper reviewing and making decisions
about research funding through committee memberships nationally and internationally.
A nal note
It is worth viewing a research career in physiotherapy as just that, a full and long-
term career. For those who enter a research career early and go on to develop as an
experienced researcher, this can mean more or less a whole working life of research
activity and experience. Seeing the big picture will help to motivate you in those times
when rejected papers or grant applications, or other negative experiences, drain your
enthusiasm and threaten your tenacity. Time and effort in building particularly good
postdoctoral experience will provide you with a range of skills and experiences to draw
on, and will help you meet the demands of a role as an experienced researcher.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 179
Further information
There are courses available on research team leadership, such as those from the
Leadership Foundation for Higher Education, see www.lfue.ac.uk/support/rtl/
and courses on leadership in general that can support your own personal and career
development, such as those from the Kings Fund, see www.kingsfund.org.
There are online resources to support the leadership development of principal
investigators. For example, see www.le.ac.uk/researchleader/
Research Excellence Framework. See www.hefce.ac.uk/research/assessment/
Funding to support postdoctoral programmes and career research programmes are
increasingly available. For example, the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)
offers postdoctoral fellowships, career development fellowships and senior research
fellowships, see www.nccrcd.nhs.uk/nihrfellow
For information about the UK Clinical Research Collaborations initiative on
Developing the best research professionals see www.ukcrc.org/activities/
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 180
Introduction ~ opportunities for lecturers to be involved in research ~ university
perspective on lecturers involvement in research ~ challenges for lecturers being
research active ~ conclusion
Although research is not always explicitly stated in the main roles and remits of a lecturer
it is highly embedded and implicit within the role. Lecturers are involved in research at a
number of different levels: from using research evidence to underpin teaching, through
to leading large scale multicentre trials. This chapter will discuss how lecturers interact
with the research process and what opportunities and challenges are faced by lecturers
in undertaking research.
Opportunities for lecturers to be involved in research
Physiotherapy prides itself on, wherever possible, delivering services which are of
high quality and evidence-based. When teaching students, whether undergraduate or
postgraduate, the theory and practice delivered must be current and evidence-based.
This means the lecturer must have a good critical understanding of the research process
and be able to apply that knowledge to the teaching in their own specialised area, e.g.
paediatrics, womens health. The lecturer must therefore have a rm understanding
of literature searching, systems of critical appraisal, the levels of evidence, the
process of undertaking and publishing a systematic review, the formation, limitations,
implementation and evaluation of evidence-based guidelines, the different sources of
guidelines, the concepts of clinical effectiveness, clinical governance and the national
service frameworks. Thus, while some lecturers may not necessarily be actively involved in
research projects, they must have a rm grounding in the research process and the use of
research in clinical practice.
At another level, lecturers are generally involved in the supervision of student projects
and dissertations. In a well-organised department, the expectation would be that the
lecturer would propose a number of student projects that are aligned to their own
research interests. This is mutually benecial for both the student and supervisor for three
main reasons: rst, the student can undertake a project that may be laboratory-based
but with a clinical application; second, the student should have a better supervisory
experience, as the supervisor knows the topic and is better able to guide and support
2.12 A Lecturer
Lorna Paul
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 181
the student; and third, the supervisor may obtain some useful data with the student.
This might, for example, be used as pilot data for a larger study, for publication in a peer
reviewed journal or be submitted as a conference abstract. Thus, although the lecturer
might not be carrying out the project personally, they must have a good understanding
of it and sufcient research skills to supervise the student undertaking the project. A well
conducted piece of student research not only benets the student, perhaps encouraging
them to consider research as part of their future career, but it may also enhance the
research portfolio of the supervisor and ultimately the prole of the host university and
the students workplace.
Lecturers may also be studying towards a higher degree or, depending on the level of
expertise of the lecturer, they may be involved in the supervision of students studying
towards a PhD or even postdoctoral research assistants or fellows. The number of
physiotherapists with, or studying towards, a PhD is steadily increasing. PhD students
undertake a larger scale research project which must make some original contribution to
the existing knowledge in the chosen specialist area. A PhD takes a minimum of three
years (full-time) to complete, and as such, represents a signicant commitment of time
and effort by both the student, and their supervisor(s). Supervising PhD students can be a
very satisfying experience: the lecturer sees their student growing in skills and condence
over the course of their study. The reverse, of course, can also be true if the close
relationship between PhD student and supervisor becomes fraught and difcult, although
the latter situation tends to be the exception rather than the norm.
So lecturers are involved in using research and research ndings to underpin
their teaching and they supervise students undertaking research projects at both
undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Many lecturers also have personal research
interests which they wish to pursue. Universities, often referred to as higher education
institutions (HEIs), usually have good infrastructure in place to help support and develop
lecturers undertaking research.
Generally within a university setting there is an established research hierarchy in place
from vice-principals to deans and senior professors. These senior researchers have the
experience and expertise to support, supervise and/or mentor more novice researchers
such as lecturers. The diversity of staff within universities means expertise may be
available in a range of research methodologies, both qualitative and quantitative. There
may be good opportunity for inter- or cross-disciplinary collaboration, for example with
other allied health care professionals, or other professional groups, such as those with
expertise in computing. Statistical and health economics support may also be available
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 182
within the HEIs. In terms of facilities, HEIs generally have good computing and library
facilities and may have other specialised facilities such as movement laboratories. In
economic terms, being part of an academic department may open up research funding
opportunities both internal and external to the university, and fee waivers are often
available for academic staff undertaking higher degrees such as PhDs.
University perspective on lecturers
involvement in research
Universities use the term research active to describe academic staff who, as the name
suggests, are actively involved in research! In real terms this means someone who is
publishing research papers, supervising PhD students and securing grant income to
undertake research. It is critically important for universities to have a high percentage
of research active academic staff and research generally features quite highly within
the mission statements of most universities. University departments are set targets
Examples of performance indicators for research
Academic papers published Postgraduate students
Number of papers Number
Impact factor of Journal Funding source external or internal
Grant income Percentage of staff who are research
Total amount active in terms of
Full economic cost recovery Publications
Source charity, funding Grants
councils, commercial Postgraduate student supervision
Conference papers Other esteem indicators
Keynote address Membership of national/international
National and international committees
Membership of grant awarding panels
Journal editor or membership of
editorial boards
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 183
or key performance indicators (KPIs) which are aligned to the university mission
statement. There are targets for many areas of academic performance such
as the quality of teaching and the student experience, and metrics will be developed
in relation to the KPIs on which the department will report its research activity.
There are a number of different metrics; however, some possible components are
shown in Table 1.
Universities also strive to show success in the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE),
soon to become the Research Excellence Framework (REF). The RAE is conducted
jointly by the Higher Education Funding Councils of England, Scotland, Wales and the
Department for Employment and Learning in Northern Ireland. The format of the RAE
changes with each assessment exercise, but generally involves HEIs submitting a report
of their research, in a specic format, to a discipline-based external panel for review.
Through this process a grade is awarded, and depending on the grade, additional
funding may be obtained. The most recent RAE occurred in 2008 and the metrics used
for judging the quality of each submission were similar to those reported in Table 1,
although the research environment, support and facilities were also considered.
Challenges for lecturers in being research active
While there are increasing opportunities for lecturers to become involved in research
there are, unsurprisingly, challenges as well. The main barrier to lecturers being
involved in research is the old enemy time! As would be expected from the title
of the post, the main roles and remits of a Lecturer are concerned with teaching.
Thus the primary focus is preparing material and teaching at undergraduate and
postgraduate level. Other roles and remits, however, will include development and
delivery of continuing professional development courses, setting and marking student
assessments, student advice and pastoral support, clinical visits and supervision,
course or module leadership, coordination roles, meetings and committee membership.
In addition there will probably be a time limited requirement to complete a formal
teaching qualication to at least postgraduate certicate level. Issues such as stafng
levels and staff/student ratios also have an impact on the amount of time possible
for research. Some universities are known to place more emphasis on their research
output and as such have strategies in place to allow staff more time for research
activities. In comparison, other universities, tend to be more teaching focused.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 184
There may be other challenges facing lecturers involved in research, for example if the
research interests of a lecturer are not congruent with the research themes within the
department or faculty. Table 2 provides a summary of possible barriers and drivers to a
lecturers involvement with research.
Examples of drivers and barriers
to lecturers being involved in research
Personal attributes Personal attributes
Self motivation and drive Lack of interest or ideas
Career progression Lack of research skills
Need to add to professional Scepticism
evidence base Lack of knowledge of current clinical
Would like to register for PhD problems
Lack of a PhD
Departmental issues Departmental issues
Good support for research Lack of time
including mentoring, resources High teaching and administrative
Research issues included in workload
Personal Performance Review Lack of resources
Quality Enhancement Poor research infrastructure
Research interests not congruent with
current research themes
University issues University issues
Research Assessment Exercise Physiotherapy often in teaching
Opportunities for collaboration focused institutions
Other factors Other factors
Funding opportunities Personal life and interests
Political and social drivers and Difculty in obtaining external funding
policy documents especially as a novice researcher
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 185
So what drives those of us who are, or have been lecturers, to work long into the night
to hit the deadline for a research grant application or to nalise the abstract for a
conference, or a paper for publication? It is difcult to say denitively, but we have all
done it on a regular basis. It may be the drive for future promotion within the research
eld, or it may be peer pressure from others in the research team to hit the deadlines!
More probably the motivation comes from the buzz when the rst data comes through
on a project, from seeing your paper in print, from receiving the letter of award for your
grant application or the acknowledgement of the contribution of your paper or work to
the formation of a systematic review or guideline. Ultimately the motivation and drive is
the realisation that your work has, to a greater or lesser extent, added to the evidence
base which in the end will benet the patient, client or carer.
Further information
Research Assessment Exercise: http://www.rae.ac.uk/
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 186
The four functions of the consultant role ~ expert clinical practice ~ professional
leadership ~ education and professional development ~ practice and service
development, research and evaluation ~ examples of how consultants inuence clinical
practice through the use of evidence
The Allied Health Professional (AHP) consultant came into existence in 2000 as part of
the NHS Plan: New Consultant posts will provide better outcomes for patients, by retaining
clinical excellence within the service. (DH, 2000)
This new role recognises the contribution that AHPs make to the healthcare of the
nation. The role was developed to drive the NHS plan by redesigning services and
developing protocols for service development. There are four inter-related functions that
underpin the consultant role, and clinical expertise is at the core.
Until recently, therapists wanting to stay in a clinically-focused role in the NHS were
unable to do so and often ended up in managerial posts. This resulted in a loss of clinical
2.13 A researching consultant
Laura Finucane
Education &
Expert Practice
& Service
Research &
Leadership &
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 187
expertise (van Griensven, 2007). The development of consultants, clinical specialists and
extended scope practitioners has ensured a much needed clinical pathway.
The four functions of the consultant role
Expert clinical practice
This is achieved by the consultants continuation as a clinical expert and the
implementation of evidence-based best practice. One of the main roles for a consultant
is to act as a clinical champion within their eld. Their responsibility is to deliver a whole-
system, patient-focused approach through best practice. The creation of protocols of care,
and design of care pathways through an evidence base, is an integral part of the role.
Professional leadership (supporting function)
The consultant is an effective leader who can challenge current structures, leading
to the development of strategic plans: ultimately they can drive change and redesign
services. The role provides expert opinion, based on best practice at trust level, in order to
inuence and deliver the clinical governance agenda.
Education and professional development (supporting function)
The role helps to facilitate the development of individuals continuing professional
development, by providing an environment that supports learning. The consultant acts
as a mentor. In some cases the consultant teaches at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
in their given eld and may lecture or publish research in professional journals. The
consultant is responsible for facilitating others to reach their full potential, providing an
environment which promotes a learning culture within the organisation.
Practice and service development, research and evaluation
(supporting function)
The role of the consultant is to ensure that services are based on the best
available evidence.
Consultants are well placed to undertake and facilitate research that can enhance
the evidence base by identifying where further research is needed. All consultants
demonstrate masters level knowledge as a minimum requirement, with some having
completed doctorates or being in the process of doing so. There is a strong role in
developing partnerships with HEIs.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 188
Although the consultant is expected to demonstrate competencies within each of
these areas, the weighting will vary from post to post and in the main this is driven by
local needs (Stevenson, 2003). The role of researcher may not be one of the strongest
elements in many posts, yet it probably underpins all the roles the consultant is expected
to full. For example, a clinical expert requires a knowledge base of best practice and
best evidence. It also requires the ability to challenge current thinking and evaluate
the evidence base through further research, and to interpret and disseminate national
guidelines to others in a meaningful way to enhance practice at all levels.
There are a number of posts that have protected time allocated to research activity.
This may be because the post has been developed in conjunction with universities who
contribute nancially to the post and consequently have control over the amount of
time allocated for research. These posts are few and far between but are nonetheless
important and valuable in contributing to the body of knowledge.
However, the majority of posts are not able to spend time researching as this is not
the main function of the post. Although there is probably an expectation on the part of
managers that the consultant carries out research in some capacity, it is not necessarily
supported in terms of designated time. It is perhaps sometimes perceived as a low
priority for the role. This tends not to be the opinion of the consultants themselves, who
feel their contribution to research is important, however small. Research is not just about
clinical trials: contributions to the body of research can be achieved in many different
ways. A considerable number of clinicians are undertaking higher level degrees, and
the consultant has the opportunity to inuence areas of research at this level. Support
through development of ideas and mentorship of research projects are an integral aspect
of the role, and can help to develop services and ultimately to enhance practice. For
example, they might evaluate a new outcome tool that screens patients, ensuring they
receive the appropriate treatment in a timely manner.
A number of consultants have been involved in the development of a broad range of
national guidelines, such as those for Parkinsons disease and low back pain, or the
Musculoskeletal Service Framework (DoH 2006). The contribution to professional guidelines
and protocols of care ensure that therapists have a voice and representation (Keilty and
Bott, 2006). The current government 18-week pathway target has substantial implications
for the delivery of musculoskeletal services. At a national level there is representation by a
consultant, who provides expert opinion to the DoH in the development of pathways. At a
local level, consultants are inuencing pathways to ensure that the best practice is at the
heart of these targets. This expert opinion is based on knowledge of best practice.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 189
Examples of how consultants inuence
clinical practice through the use of evidence
Evidence-based practice is a core part of any therapists role. One of the roles of
the consultant is to continually evaluate and challenge the evidence and interpret
its meaning, while facilitating practitioners appropriate use of the evidence.
In 2003 a consultant physiotherapist set up a Clinically Appraised Topics group
(CATS) in response to questions posed by clinicians. The idea was to be able to
answer questions that come up on a daily basis. Issues posed, such as the use of
eccentric versus concentric exercises in Achilles tendonopathies, were evaluated
through literature searches and appraisal of the evidence. The research appraisal
was conducted by clinicians. This innovative practice has encouraged clinicians to
evaluate the evidence and transfer it into practice. Clinicians involved in the group
felt their appraisal skills had been enhanced and they were able to influence their
everyday practice.
My own personal experience of fulfilling the research function of the post has
been challenging. The current priority to meet local health needs has meant that a
formal research component has not always been possible. Because I recognise the
importance of having some research involvement, I felt I wanted to undertake it in
some capacity. Part of the skill of a consultant is having the ability to incorporate
it, despite having an abundance of other commitments.
My current activity involves the interpretation of national guidelines such as
those on low back pain and whiplash, making it meaningful for staff at a clinical
level. Postgraduate courses are partly funded through the trust, and I support
postgraduate students in a clinical capacity and with their masters dissertations.
This has allowed application to practice by identifying areas of research that
would benefit the needs of the local economy, as well as adding to the evidence
My involvement with the South East Musculoskeletal Research and Audit
Clinical Academic Collaborative group has contributed to my role. The purpose
of the group is to work in collaboration with other hospitals at a clinical level
to address topical issues. It provides a forum for clinicians to be active in
research and to present their audits in a supportive environment. This has
helped to develop a research culture and identify areas that are both important
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 190
clinically and locally to the health economy. In the context of this group, I have
personally been involved in a research project evaluating the incidence of sinister
spinal pathologies. It is rewarding that this piece of work will be presented as
a research paper at an international conference and a paper submitted to a
professional journal.
At a national level I am a member of the executive committee for the Manipulative
Association of the Chartered Physiotherapists (MACP). The MACP contributes to
numerous governmental consultations regarding the future of research in the NHS,
specifically in relation to Allied Health Professionals, and to proposed changes in
the way ethical approval for research is sought. The MACP is also actively involved
in the National Physiotherapy Research Network and the CSP Physiotherapy
Guideline Programme review.
The MACP financially supports the undertaking and dissemination of research at
all levels encouraging members to be involved with research.
My affiliation to the University of Brighton as a visiting fellow means that a
clinical academic partnership has been developed and there is the potential to
explore collaborative work. It is also an opportunity to support valuable research,
through activities such as data collection.
Despite the time challenges and funding for this function, the role of research
is clearly a subject that encompasses all areas of any consultants post.
Achieving this role as a researcher practitioner is not always easy, with many
other aspects of the role taking priority particularly in this time of change.
Despite these challenges the importance of research is strongly recognised
within the consultant role. The ability to be flexible and creative with the time
available will help to influence research at many different levels, which can be
extremely rewarding.
Reference list
Department of Health. Meeting the challenge: a strategy for allied health
professions (2000).
Department of Health. (2006). Musculoskeletal Service Framework.
Keilty SEJ, Bott J. Opportunities in acute and chronic respiratory physiotherapy:
Recent developments in the UK. Physical Therapy Reviews 11:44-48 (2006).
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 191
Stevenson K. A New Dawn: A consultant physiotherapist in musculoskeletal disease.
Musculoskeletal Care. 1 1 65-70 (2003).
Van Griensven H. Consultant Physiotherapists - Whats in a name? Primary care
Today, 8 March/April (2007). www.primarycaretoday.co.uk
Further information
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Physiotherapy Consultant (NHS): Role,
Attributes and guidance for establishing posts. PA56 (2002).
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 192
The purpose of clinical research ~ how to determine if clinical research is necessary ~
evidence-based practice ~ implementing a clinical research programme ~ developing
a research programme ~ staging clinical research ~ research and ethics committees ~
funding ~ the clinical research cycle ~ translating clinical research
Clinical research
The purpose of clinical research
The primary aim of clinical research programmes is typically to nd methods of improving
the quality of healthcare that can be offered to individual patients within the local
health environment. This can then inform the wider national and international healthcare
communities so that the ndings, if relevant, may be translated into their healthcare
communities. Clinical research has the power to improve the health of individuals and
societies. Without clinical research, we wouldnt know that smoking has a devastating
effect on health, or that heart disease and nutrition are linked or that bed rest is
inappropriate for mechanical back pain.
How to determine if clinical research is necessary
At a clinical level the most robust method of determining if research is required is to
review and critically appraise the available and existing body of research knowledge
in a specic area of clinical practice. This is to determine if the available information
can guide clinical practice in a vigorous and meaningful manner, and relates both to
the assessment and management of specic conditions. If the available evidence does
not provide the information to direct clinical practice, then clinical research is not only
necessary but obligatory.
At a personal level you only need to ask the following question to determine if clinical
research is required: Would I be happy if [insert the name of someone you love or care
for] had this outcome following this treatment? if your answer is no then on-going
research is required.
Evidence-based practice
Our aim must be to develop better methods of assessment and management through
a variety of research approaches. However, we must also acknowledge that the current
body of research knowledge is not complete, and it would be inappropriate to discard
areas of clinical practice because of a lack of evidence, unless the available evidence or
experience suggested that the practice in question may be detrimental to an individual.
2.14 Leading clinical research
Jeremy Lewis
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 193
Clinical practice therefore should be based on the best available research evidence, the
knowledge and experience of the clinician, the wishes, desires and beliefs of the patients,
and the economic consequences of the practice. As our research knowledge grows this
information may be used to better educate clinicians, healthcare communities, society
and individual patients, and as a result our clinical practice, over time, will change.
Leading clinical research
Implementing a clinical research programme
In conjunction with other relevant individuals and groups it is the responsibility of the
individual leading a programme of research to implement a relevant and sustainable
clinical research programme. It is impossible to do everything all at once and it is therefore
necessary to develop a graduated programme that takes into account all the available
resources including: the strengths and weaknesses of all the individuals that will be
involved; time; funding; equipment; management and organisational requirements;
appropriate research patients; and research priorities. Those leading clinical research may
be responsible for research within a specialty, sub-specialty, multi-disciplinary department,
or research across a number of professions, organisations or countries.
Developing a research programme
It is essential for all relevant individuals and groups to meet to determine:
Is there a need for clinical research?
Is there a desire to proceed with research?
What is the main purpose of the planned research?
what are the potential benets of the planned research?
Are there sufcient resources for the research?
What are the research priorities, how can they be achieved and in what order?
Is it necessary to work collaboratively with others in the organisation, and how can
this be achieved?
Is it necessary to collaborate with others nationally and/or internationally and how can
this be achieved?
After these decisions have been made and a research plan decided upon it is essential
that a robust critical appraisal of the available research evidence and grey literature
is performed to fully inform the research procedure. Before embarking on any clinical
study it is crucial to review the existing research to identify what level of evidence is
currently available and where deciencies exist. Although not always possible, this review
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 194
process ideally should take the form of a systematic review. When a deciency has been
identied, a clinical research programme can be instigated.
Staging clinical research
Clinical research should build on existing knowledge or clinical beliefs, and may progress
through many stages depending on the available resources and level of pre-existing
knowledge. These stages may include: single case studies, case series, cohort studies and
randomised controlled trails. Clinical studies may also involve determining the reliability
and validity of clinical assessment procedures. Frequently pilot or preparatory studies
need to be conducted before the larger more denitive study. These preparatory studies
help to identify the feasibility of the larger study including the method of conducting
the nal study. Pilot studies are performed to investigate the reliability and amount of
error associated with the measurement methods that will be used in the denitive study.
Additionally these studies help to inform the research team how many subjects will need
to be recruited into the nal study. It is important that the research lead determines the
research priorities and sequence to devise a strategy following discussion with those
involved in the investigations.
Research and ethics committees
No research should proceed unless it has been peer-reviewed locally and by independent
national and possibly international experts in the eld. Ideally user involvement will
form part of the review process to gain insight into how the relevant users of the
research (patients, clinicians, health groups and agencies) perceive the proposal and
potential outcomes. Formal submission to the local, regional or national research and
development and ethics committees is mandatory. Their advice and guidance may be
sought in preparing the research. It is the responsibility of the research lead to ensure
that all the appropriate stages and milestones including appropriate training, submission,
reviews, changes to the research protocol and understanding of the legal requirements of
research have been complied with.
In the majority of cases research cannot progress unless adequate funding is secured.
Funding is available from a variety of sources depending on the type of clinical research
being planned. Costing a study can be very complicated and the guidance of healthcare
economists, advisors and accountants is often required. This is to be certain that all the
direct and obvious, and less obvious costs of a specic study or programme of research
are accounted for. To participate in clinical studies clinicians generally require time to:
conceptualise the investigation, perform a robust review of the literature, apply for grants,
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 195
prepare and submit the study to ethics, participate in pre-project and research training
programmes, perform the activities required of the investigation, analyse the data, write
up the investigation and disseminate the ndings. All these activities generally involve
a loss of normal clinical time. This loss needs to be factored into the grant application
so that a locum therapist or short-term contract position can be paid for so there is no
real loss of clinical time as a result of the investigation. Another responsibility of the
research lead is too identify appropriate sources of funding for specic investigations,
write grant applications, support and guide others in writing their own grant applications,
and identify groups to collaborate with in developing a grant application for a stand
alone study or a programme of research. A research account will need to be set up with
safeguards to ensure funds are spent appropriately and that the research remains within
its set budget.
The clinical research cycle
When developing a clinical research programme the research leader will ideally have
established a short, medium and long-term plan that identies the investigations that
will be conducted (i) locally (within and across departments), (ii) regionally and nationally,
and (iii) internationally. One component of the research will be used to inform the next
stage and the cycle will continue adding to the body of knowledge required to inform
and improve clinical practice.
Translating clinical research
An essential role for the research leader is to ensure that the ndings of clinical research
are disseminated locally and, if appropriate, nationally and internationally. There are
many ways that research may be disseminated. Often this is the hardest stage of the
research cycle, as implementing change is very complicated and fraught with difculty: it
requires a chapter dedicated just to this issue. To demonstrate the difculty of this stage
is actually quite simple. We already know that a certain amount of physical exercise per
week is very benecial to a number of systems in the body as well as for psychological
health. Published research in the areas of nutrition and weight control, smoking, and
balancing work and leisure, attests to the potential for substantial improvements in the
health of individuals and societies. There is little evidence that these relatively simple
messages have been disseminated and implemented robustly. Therefore disseminating
and implementing the ndings of clinical research is a responsibility for everyone involved
in the research process.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 196
The benets of research to the manager ~ a research-orientated culture - facilitating
staff involvement in audit projects or journal clubs ~ being responsible for a team of
research therapists ~ how to sustain capacity for research ~ how to support the research
Does evidence-based practice (EBP)
mean better care for patients?
Does the existence of research necessarily result in better care for patients? There is little data
to indicate that the answer to this is yes. In fact, there is more data suggesting that research
evidence is often known, yet commonly ignored (Cochrane, 1976). However, for every pathway
or protocol that has been drawn up, there will have been a piece of work examining the
evidence to support that practice. Given that the protocols/pathways will have been drawn up
to improve or streamline services this, at its most basic, will have improved patient care.
What is in it for me as a manager?
A manager or team leader has to be able to nd a balance between quality and quantity
of care. Robust evidence to support the best quality of care usually demonstrates the most
effective use of resources in the long run. The team leader that harnesses this evidence can
ensure a combination of effectiveness and efciency (Porter and Teisberg, 2006). Using best
practice should also result in increased productivity.
A manager has to be able to ensure that the various clinical governance requirements that
exist in the healthcare environment of the 21st century are met in full. If research capacity is
carefully managed, meeting the needs of your organisations clinical governance programme
becomes part of the daily business of your department. The facilitation of a research culture
in which teams search and learn together is also a signicant recruitment and retention tool
(Borrill et al, 2001; West et al, 2002).
What will the research-orientated manager
look for in therapists?
An existing or aspiring member of staff must be enthusiastic about research and use
references in their presentations and at interview. They should also be aware of any research
2.15 A research-oriented manager
Fiona Ottewell
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 197
publications by interview panel members or key stakeholders, and understand what the key
research issues are for the therapy team.
How to support research in the clinical environment
There are many ways in which research can be promoted within the clinical environment.
The suggestions below will all potentially help research become part of the therapy teams
culture and help to withstand the call for efciencies and cost improvements:
Protected time: set a standard for protected time for continuing professional
development (CPD), including for research. This will be valuable even if it is not met 100
per cent of the time;
Audit: set a robust audit programme. This should be led by senior staff and undertaken
by assistants and rotational staff, as well as senior colleagues;
Projects (PDSA): many audit or change projects have the potential to become action
research projects;
Masters projects: clinical leadership within therapy teams is important. The research-
orientated manager should plan to have at least 1 per cent of their stafng resource
undergoing masters training every three years;
Use of EBP roles: identify senior staff for these roles and designate 30 per cent of their
work time to evidence-based practice.
Cost-free Continuing Professional Development
and publishing opportunities
Cochrane collaboration: encourage staff who have completed masters degrees to
retain their skills by participating in Cochrane reviews. This is free CPD (other than the
time required) and your department may even get some backll for the time;
Systematic reviews of the literature: allied health professional bodies will
periodically call for volunteers to participate in a review of the evidence. This is a
wonderful opportunity for staff to network and receive freshly published evidence, and
will ensure that your department is up-to-date with best practice;
Clinical supervision of masters projects: encourage staff who have masters
qualications to retain their research skills. This can be done, for example, through
collaborative arrangements with a local university. This might help identify research
questions or provide masters student project supervision;
Clinical collaboration within multi-site trials: encourage staff to seek opportunities
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 198
to engage with multi-centre trial work, in collaboration with medical, clinical and
academic peers.
Employment of research posts: funding such posts is challenging, but possible if done in
collaboration with medical colleagues. Use your professional bodys sample post outlines as
a template to build new job descriptions, and submit them to your local job evaluation panel
to identify the banding.
How to disseminate research evidence
All the evidence in the world is of limited use if it is not disseminated and acted upon. This
is dependent upon culture, the strength of the evidence and effective clinical leadership
(Rycroft-Malone et al, 2004; Kitson, 2007). The following needs to be taken into account:
Culture: a culture which is open and has a positive attitude to learning is one in which
research evidence will be disseminated;
Evidence: the strength of the evidence must be rigorously analysed and its signicance
to clinical practice assessed;
Leadership: this is essential to demonstrate best practice, ensure that time is ring-
fenced for CPD, allow effective learning to occur and monitor the implementation of that
learning, until it has become part of the standard practice within the department.
How to sustain a capacity for research
within a clinical environment
The competing demands within a clinical context represent a signicant challenge. The
needs of patients must come rst, but the needs of patients will not be met in the long term
without good governance arrangements and the evidence to support the practice. Realistic
goals must be set for a sustainable level of research, and a pragmatic attitude to what
research is and how it can be used to contribute to the operational and strategic needs of
the therapy team.
How to sustain the research therapist
There are relatively few therapists employed in a clinical context who carry out research for
the majority of their working week. These post holders are frequently in an isolated position.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 199
As such it is recommended that:
performance metrics are agreed and regularly assessed.
mentorship is arranged.
publications are encouraged.
presentation at national and internal events is encouraged.
effective support networking with other research professionals is provided.
career development opportunities are investigated in collaboration with academic
While being a research-oriented manager has many challenges, there are more than enough
benets to make it worthwhile to embrace research and use it to inform better patient care,
better staff retention and better governance arrangements. In summary, the benets are
greater than the sum of the parts and if approached realistically, research can add value to
the workings of therapy teams of the 21st century.
Reference list
Borrill C et al. (2001) The Effectiveness of Health Care Teams in the National Health
Service. Aston centre for Health Service Organisational Research, University of
Cochrane A. (1976) Effectiveness and Efciency. The Nufeld Trust. London
Kitson A. (2007) What inuences the use of research. Clinical Practice Nursing Research
July/August Vol 56 no 4. Supplement: July/August 2007. Pages S1-S3
Porter M, Teisberg E. (2006) Redening Health Care: Creating Value-based Competition
on Results. Harvard Business School Press, Boston.
Rycroft-Malone J et al. (2004) An exploration of the factors that inuence the
implementation of evidence into practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing 13 (8), 913924.
West M et al. (2002). The link between management of employees and patient
mortality in acute hospitals. International Journal of Human Resource Management,
13 (8), 1299-1310.
Further information
Developing the Best Research Professionals. Report of the UKCRC Subcommittee for
Nurses in Clinical Research. HMSO, London.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 200
Alpha the threshold probability value for statistical signicance
(for example an alpha of p 0.01 means that an obtained
p value at or below this level from a statistical test will
denote statistical signicance in respect of this test.
Alternative hypothesis an assumption that an effect or other statistical
relationship exists in the population (for example
that the population mean difference is greater or
less than zero, that there is a non-zero positive or
negative population correlation coefcient, or that
the population odds ratio is other than unity).
A two-tailed (two-sided) alternative hypothesis states
that an effect exists but does not specify its direction
(for example it predicts a non-zero mean difference
that may be either positive or negative), whereas a
one-tailed (one-sided) alternative hypothesis
predicts a specic direction for an effect. If a statistical
test rejects the null hypothesis, the alternative
hypothesis is retained.
Central tendency measures of central tendency (such as the mode,
median or mean) are averages, and indicate the typical
value in a set of data. A set of data can only have
one mean or median value, but may have more than
one mode.
Clinical guidelines published guidelines based on the best available
evidence (usually randomised controlled trials).
Designed to inform clinical practice.
Cognitive styles an individuals preferred way of perceiving/organising/
using information to solve problems (for example one
widely known cognitive style test is the Myers-Briggs Type
Condence interval a range of values on either side of the sample statistic,
which we can be condent (for example 95 per cent
condent in the case of a 95 per cent condence
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 201
interval) embraces the true population value. The
condence interval reects the precision of the sample
statistic as an estimate of the population parameter.
Continuous professional CPD provides a framework for linking evidence with
development (CPD) practice. Formally identifying sources of knowledge and
evidence, critically reecting on that evidence and
describing how practice is inuenced claries and
formalises the link. CPD offers the opportunity to plan,
act, record and review knowledge and its impact on
Deduction reasoning from the general to the specic or from a
general premise to a particular situation.
Descriptive statistics procedures that describe the statistical properties of a
sample of observations.
Dispersion measures of dispersion indicate the variability of a
set of data measured at an ordinal, interval or ratio
level, and include the range, interquartile range and
standard deviation.
Epistemology the branch of philosophy dealing with the ways in
which knowledge of the world can be gained and
Ethical research requires an approach that offers the greatest benet to
the greatest number of people, and minimises the
potential for harm for participants, researchers and
Experiment A research method used to establish cause-and-effect
relationships between the independent and dependent
variables by means of manipulation of variables, control
and randomisation. A true experiment involves the
random allocation of participants to experimental and
control groups, manipulation of the independent
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 202
variable, and the introduction of a control group (for
comparison purposes). Participants are assessed before
and after the manipulation of the independent variable
in order to assess its effect on the dependent variable
(the outcome).
Field notes notes taken by researchers to record unstructured
observations they make in the eld and their
interpretation of those observations.
Focus group an interview conducted with a small group of people to
explore their ideas on a particular topic.
Hermeneutics the study of meaning in actions, situations or objects.
Hypothesis a tentative answer to a research question, expressed in
the form of a prediction about the relationships
between two or more variables.
Induction reasoning from the specic to the general, where
particular instances are observed and then combined
into a larger theoretical statement.
Inferential statistics procedures used on sample data that estimate, or test
hypothesis relating to, a statistical property (parameter)
of the population from which the sample of
observations was drawn. Statistical tests and the use of
condence intervals are inferential procedures.
Interpretivism the belief that researchers in their analysis of data must
include the meanings that individuals give to events
and behaviour.
Interview a method of data collection involving an interviewer
asking questions of another person (a respondent)
either face-to-face or over the telephone.
Structured interview
the interviewer asks the respondents the same
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 203
questions using an interview schedule a formal
instrument that species the precise wording and
ordering of all the questions to be asked of each
Semi- or unstructured interview
the researcher asks open-ended questions which give
the respondent considerable freedom to talk freely on
the topic and to inuence the direction of the interview
since there is no predetermined plan about the specic
information to be gathered from those being
Levels of measurement a classication used to indicate the level of information
within a variable, with the following categories:
nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio. A nominal variable,
for example, only contains information on category
membership, whereas an ordinal variable contains in
addition information on rank ordering.
Likert scale a method used to measure attitudes, which involves
respondents indicating their degree of agreement or
disagreement with a series of statements. Scores are
summed to give a composite measure of attitudes.
Methodology the design and overall strategy for a research study,
including the theoretical perspective held by the
Methods the actual processes used to collect data (for example
interviews, questionnaires).
Mixed methods refers to research investigations that measure both
quantitative data (for example how often a person
breathes per minute) as well as collect and analyse
qualitative data (for example interview or
questionnaire about how the person feels when
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 204
Nonparametric statistics statistical tests and other inferential procedures that
make no or minimal assumptions about population
Null hypothesis an assumption or prediction that an effect or other
statistical relationship does not exist in the population
(for examplethat the population mean difference is zero,
that the population correlation coefcient is zero, or that
the population odds ratio is unity). Statistical tests seek
to reject the null hypothesis, in favour of the alternative
Observation a method of data collection in which data are gathered
through visual observations.
Structured observation
the researcher determines at the outset precisely what
behaviours are to be observed and typically uses a
standardised checklist to record the frequency with
which those behaviours are observed over a specied
time period.
Unstructured observation
the researcher uses direct observation to record
behaviours as they occur, with no preconceived ideas of
what will be seen; there is no predetermined plan about
what will be observed.
Ontology the branch of philosophy concerned with questions of
what exists, or questions of being and reality.
Organisational how well an organisation is run, how effectively people
effectiveness are communicating and implementing their ideas and
Organisational exposure when staff become noticed beyond their immediate line
manager and colleagues through interacting with other
departments and so on.
Paradigm a set of beliefs, values and techniques, shared by the
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 205
members of a given community, and constituting a
Parametric statistics statistical tests and other inferential procedures that
make certain assumptions about population parameters,
and whose appropriate use depends upon these
assumptions being satised.
Peer mentee/mentor a person on the same or a very similar level of
knowledge and experience.
Phenomenology an inductive, descriptive methodology developed from
phenomenological philosophy for the purpose of
describing experiences as they are lived by individuals.
Positivism the belief that knowledge of the world can be
detached from personal meaning and ethical
Population parameter the value of a certain statistical property of a population
(for example population mean, population correlation
coefcient, population proportion). The population
parameter is xed but unknown, and is therefore
estimated by a sample statistic.
Probability value most commonly, the p value from a statistical test,
which indicates the probability that an effect of at least
the observed magnitude would occur if the null
hypothesis were true. A small p value therefore
constitutes evidence against the null hypothesis, and if
the p value lies at or below alpha, the null hypothesis is
Qualitative refers to forms of data, data collection and data
analysis that give priority to meaning over
Quantitative refers to forms of data, data collection and data
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 206
analysis that give priority to measurement
over meaning.
Quasi-experiment a type of experimental design where random
assignment to groups is not employed for either ethical
or practical reasons, but certain methods of control are
employed and the independent variable is manipulated.
Research governance describes the regulations, principles and standards of
good practice that exist to achieve, and continuously
improve, research quality. Research governance is one
of the core standards for healthcare organisations.
Research Governance outlines the principles of good governance that apply
Framework to all research within the remit of the Secretary of State
for Health, the mechanisms and monitoring
arrangements that exist to ensure the standards are
Sample statistic the value of a certain statistical property of a sample
(for example sample mean, sample correlation
coefcient, sample proportion). The sample statistic
is known because it can be measured, but being subject
to random sampling error will vary from sample to
sample from the same population. The sample statistic
serves as an estimate of the corresponding population
Sampling the process of selecting a subgroup of a population to
represent the entire population. There are several
different types of sampling, including:
Probability sampling (random sampling)
this method gives each eligible element/unit an equal
chance of being selected in the sample; random
procedures are employed to select a sample using a
sampling frame.
Purposive sampling
as its name would suggest, purposive sampling is about
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 207
selecting a particular sample on purpose, and is often
used in qualitative research. The dimensions or factors
according to which the sample is drawn up are
analytically and theoretically linked to the research
question(s) being addressed.
Systematic sampling
a probability sampling strategy involving the selection
of participants randomly drawn from a population at
xed intervals (for example every 20th name from a
sampling frame).
Cluster sampling
a probability sampling strategy involving successive
sampling of units (or clusters); the units sample
progress from larger ones to smaller ones (e.g. health
authority/health board, trust, senior managers).
Convenience sampling (also referred to as accidental
a non-probability sampling strategy that uses the most
easily accessible people (or objects) to participate in a
Quota sampling
a non-probability sampling strategy where the
researcher identies the various strata of a population
and ensures that all these strata are proportionately
represented within the sample to increase its
Snowball sampling
a non-probability sampling strategy whereby referrals
from earlier participants are used to gather the required
number of participants.
Theoretical sampling
the selection of individuals within a naturalistic research
study, based on emerging ndings as the study
progresses to ensure that key issues are adequately
Statistical power the probability that a statistical test will detect as
signicant an effect of a stated magnitude, where such
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 208
an effect exists; for example the probability of rejecting
a false null hypothesis. Sample size is normally the most
important determinant of statistical power.
Statistical signicance a statistically signicant nding is one that causes the
corresponding null hypothesis to be rejected in a
statistical test. The observed effect is taken to
correspond to a real effect in the population (rather
than being simply the effect of a random sampling error
from a population in which no such corresponding
effect exists).
Triangulation this term is used in a research context to describe the
use of a variety of data sources or methods to examine
a specic phenomenon either simultaneously or
sequentially in order to produce a more accurate
account of the phenomenon under investigation.
Type 1 error the probability of a false positive in a statistical test;
that is the probability of rejecting a true null hypothesis.
The Type 1 error rate is alpha, the chosen threshold for
statistical signicance.
Type 2 error the probability of a false negative in a statistical test;
that is the probability of failing to reject a false null
hypothesis. The Type 2 error rate is beta, and is the
complement of statistical power (that is if beta is 0.10,
power is 0.90).
Variables qualities or properties of persons, things or situations
that change or can take different values in different
cases and are manipulated or measured in research.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 209
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 210
Brief biographies of contributors
Rhoda Allison
Rhoda Allison is Consultant Therapist for Stroke at Devon PCT and an Honorary Research
Fellow at the Primary Care Department of the Peninsula Medical School. She combines a
clinical role as lead for Stroke Rehabilitation and Spasticity management, with research.
She has a particular interest in health promotion and user involvement, and has been
involved in both quantitative and qualitative research studies. She is currently involved
in conducting an action research project looking at secondary prevention advice for
people after stroke. She was previously a member of the CSPs Research and Clinical
Effectiveness Committee, and the Clinical Guidelines Endorsement Panel, and is currently
the invited expert for physiotherapy for the Clinical Guidelines Development Group for
the NICE guideline for Acute Stroke and TIA.
David Baxter
David Baxter is Professor and Dean of the School of Physiotherapy, University of
Otago, New Zealand. He completed an honours degree in physiotherapy in 1987, and
his doctorate (DPhil) in 1991 at the University of Ulster, where he subsequently held
various positions including Head of Research Graduate School and Head of School of
Rehabilitation Sciences before moving to Otago in 2005. Davids areas of teaching
interest include electrophysical agents, research methods, and pain management. His
research interests are varied and include the non-pharmacological management of
musculoskeletal pain (particularly low back pain), laser therapy, and complementary
and alternative medicine. During his career he has achieved recognition for his research
on physiotherapy and rehabilitation, as part of which he has authored or edited two
books, four book chapters, and 100 full papers in peer-reviewed scientic and clinical
journals. He is Editor-in-Chief of Physical Therapy Reviews, the only review journal in the
eld, and is an editorial board member for several other international journals. David
has a particular interest in graduate research training, and has supervised 37 PhDs to
successful completion. He was previously a member of the UK Council for Graduate
Educations Executive Council, and acted as convenor for the Councils Working Group on
Research Training in the Healthcare Professions, which reported in 2003.
Anne Bruton
After working clinically as a specialist respiratory physiotherapist, Anne Bruton undertook
a second degree in Biological Anthropology at the University of Cambridge, acquiring
First Class honours. Anne joined the School of Health Professions and Rehabilitation
Sciences (SHPRS), University of Southampton in 1994 as a Lecturer in Physiotherapy
and her health research career began in 1997 when she was awarded a Department
of Health Research Studentship to undertake a full-time PhD. Her thesis was entitled
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 211
The evaluation and application of a new measure of inspiratory muscle function.
Subsequently she was awarded a Department of Health Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
(20036) for a research programme entitled Investigations into the physiological
basis for Buteyko breathing training and its effectiveness as complementary therapy
for patients with asthma. She is currently Reader in Respiratory Rehabilitation at the
University of Southampton and Deputy Director of Research for SHPRS. She is Chair
of the CSP Research & Clinical Effectiveness Group and sits on several other national
respiratory and research committees.
Mindy Cairns
Mindy is Senior Lecturer and Research Lead for Physiotherapy at the University of
Hertfordshire. She qualied in 1991 as a physiotherapist from Guys Hospital and initially
worked at St Bartholomews Hospital, London. After specialising in neuromusculoskeletal
physiotherapy, she undertook a full-time MSc (Manipulative Therapy) at Coventry
University and gained MACP membership in 1997. Following this, she took a clinical
research post at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Birmingham and completed her PhD in
2002. She has presented and published her research work nationally and internationally
and continues to be involved in clinical research. Mindy has taught extensively as a
visiting lecturer on MSc courses and been involved in developing masters level modules
within the MSc neuromusculoskeletal framework at UH. Her clinical and research
interests include spinal stability in the management of low back pain, outcome measures
and clinically based therapy research. She has been Research Ofcer for the MACP
since 2002.
Elizabeth Cousins
Elizabeth Cousins qualied as a physiotherapist in 1993 from the
Manchester Royal Inrmary School of Physiotherapy. Since graduating,
she has worked in various hospitals in Manchester and the West Midlands,
specialising in neurological rehabilitation. She is currently undertaking
a PhD full-time at the University of Keele, where she is researching
aspects of the recovery of grip post stroke.
Janet Deane
Janet qualied with an honours degree in physiotherapy from Kings College, London in
2001. Since qualifying Janet has worked at Guys and St Thomas hospital. As a Senior
Physiotherapist she contributed to various specialist areas of musculoskeletal care as well
as the undergraduate physiotherapy teaching programme at Kings College London. In
2006, Janet completed an MSc in Advanced Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation at University
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 212
College London and qualied as a member of the Manipulative Association of Chartered
Physiotherapists. During this time she developed a specialist interest in hypermobility
and injuries related to the performing arts and worked with the British Association of
Performing Arts Medicine (BAPAM). Janet currently works in the private sector and as a
research physiotherapist at Imperial College London.
Krysia Dziedzic
Krysia Dziedzic qualied as a physiotherapist at Manchester Royal Inrmary (1982). She
began her clinical career at Withington (Manchester), later moving to Sevenoaks and
then to the Medway Hospitals (Kent) specialising in rheumatology and hand therapy. She
then moved to the Staffordshire Rheumatology Centre, Stoke on Trent, to a rheumatology
research post. She completed a PhD at Keele University (1997) and became a Senior
Research Fellow and West Midlands Physiotherapy Clinical Trialist in the Primary Care
Musculoskeletal Research Centre (Keele University). She was appointed ARC Senior
Lecturer in Physiotherapy. Her research portfolio includes applied clinical studies in
osteoarthritis. She has held a number of positions related to Rheumatology including:
President British Health Professionals in Rheumatology (20022004) Steering Committee
member National Electronic Library for Health/Musculoskeletal branch (2003-2005),
Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance (ARMA) coordinator Osteoarthritis Standards
of Care (20022005). Participated in two EULAR guidelines for the management and
diagnosis of hand osteoarthritis (20052007). Guideline Development Group Member
NICE Osteoarthritis guidelines (20062008).Currently she is a member of the ARC
Research and Academic Capacity Committee
Caroline Ellis-Hill
Caroline Ellis-Hill is currently a Senior Lecturer at the School of Health Professions and
Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Southampton. She has been working in the eld of
qualitative research since 1994 when she started her PhD entitled New world, new rules:
life narratives and changes in self concept in the rst year after stroke which was funded
by a Department of Health Research Studentship, awarded in 1998. She has worked
on several research studies involving qualitative research using methodologies such as
narrative approaches, focus groups, grounded theory and Delphi techniques in areas
related to long-term conditions such as Parkinsons disease, stroke and spinal cord injury.
Claudia Fellmer
Claudia Fellmer obtained her rst academic degree in Germany and then moved to
Southampton, UK to complete a PhD in Cultural and Film Studies, while teaching
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 213
in the Modern Languages Department. In 2004, she joined the School of Health
Professions and Rehabilitation Sciences (since July 2008 School of Health Sciences) at
the University of Southampton as Research Manager. Her day-to-day business involved
the administration of research related tasks, such as ethics committees, grant application
preparations, preparing reports on the schools research prole, supporting the running
of conferences and looking after the student life cycle for the doctorate programmes.
In 2007 she obtained an MBA; her dissertation investigated research mentoring in an
academic environment. While this book was being completed she took up a post with
Southampton University Hospitals NHS trust working as Research Governance and
Quality Assurance Manager.
Laura Finucane
Laura qualied as a physiotherapist in 1996 from Brunel University. In 2003 she
completed her MSc in Manipulative Physiotherapy at Brighton University. She completed
her dissertation on cardiovascular tness and low back pain. Since 2006 she has worked
as a Consultant Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist specialising in spinal conditions and
is the clinical lead for three musculoskeletal interface services. As a visiting fellow of
the University of Brighton she examines Masters students and is a mentor to students
undertaking MACP placements. As a member of the Professional Executive Committee
for Surrey PCT she is a clinical champion for health improvement. She is also involved in
redesigning Orthopaedic services across the PCT. Laura is a member of the Manipulation
Association of Chartered Physiotherapist (MACP) executive committee where she is the
International Federation of Manual Therapists (IFOMT) member organisation delegate.
She is involved in the South East Thames musculoskeletal research group which helps to
facilitate research locally. She is a reviewer for Manual Therapy Journal.
Nadine Foster
One of the senior academic team in the Clinical Trials Unit of the Arthritis Research
Campaign National Primary Care Centre at Keele University, Nadine is a physiotherapist
whose research activity is focused on musculoskeletal healthcare. Her research includes
clinical trials in the eld of low back pain and knee pain, with specic interests in
evidence-based practice in primary care, patients and practitioners attitudes about
pain and the process of care for patients. Her portfolio of research includes studies
of the effectiveness of interventions across the spectrum of physiotherapists, general
practitioners, osteopaths and chiropractors. With a track record of more than 10 million
research funding and 50 full paper publications, she has supervised 12 MSc/MMedSci
and six PhD students to completion. She lectures on the MSc Neuromusculoskeletal
Healthcare programme and MSc Pain Sciences and Management programmes at Keele
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 214
University. Previously she was the research representative on the CSPs governing council
and her current post is funded through a primary care career scientist award from the
National Insitute of Health Research (NIHR), to deliver a programme of research on
musculoskeletal problems.
Stuart Fraser
Stuart graduated from the University of Southampton in 1999 with a BSc in
Physiotherapy. He initially worked in Worthing Hospital before moving to Southampton
University Hospitals trust, where he currently works as a senior clinician in the Wessex
Neurological Centre, a regional neurological and neurosurgical unit. He has lectured on
BSc and MSc physiotherapy courses and presented research on Cauda Equina Syndrome
at the Society for Back Pain Research and at the 2007 World Confederation for Physical
Therapy conference in Vancouver. Stuarts current research interests are in red ags and
Cauda Equina Syndrome.
Adam Garrow
After working as a full-time podiatrist in the NHS for eight years, Dr Garrow embarked
on his research career on completion of an MSc in Medical Research Methods at
Loughborough of Technology. He was awarded his PhD in Epidemiology at the Arthritis
Research Campaign (ARC) Epidemiology Research Unit at the University of Manchester.
In 2002 he moved from musculoskeletal disease to diabetes and worked for 5 years
as a Research Fellow at the Manchester Diabetes Centre, specialising on lower limb
diabetic complications, before taking up his current research position at the University of
Salford. Dr Garrow currently works for Health RDS NoW and part of his role is to support
NHS researchers who would like to submit research grant and research fellowship
applications. He is also developing an interest in Complementary and Alternative
Medicine (CAM) and has recently secured NIHR funding to carry out CAM randomised
controlled trials in diabetes and cancer.
Helen Hampson
Helen Hampson is a Research & Development Ofcer at the College of Occupational
Therapists. Helen joined the college in 2006 to take a lead role in ensuring the activities
of the college and its business groups fulll research governance requirements, and
provide an expert resource on research governance for the membership. In her previous
role at St Bartholomews School of Nursing & Midwifery, City University, Helen led the
schools research administration ofce, and successfully completed an MSc in Social
Research Methods.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 215
Michele Harms
Michele Harms is the Editor in Chief of Physiotherapy Journal. She is a member of
the Council of Science Editors and a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society. She acts
as a reviewer for a number of other journals including the British Medical Journal,
Rheumatology, Clinical Biomechanics and Manual Therapy Journal. She completed an
MSc in Ergonomics at Loughborough University and went on to study for her PhD with
the University of London. Her areas of research interest have been varied and included
orthopaedics, cardiac rehabilitation and musculoskeletal medicine. She is particularly
interested in research design and statistics.
Bernadette Henderson
Bernadette Henderson is currently practising as an Advanced Clinical Practitioner in
Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy, and is the Clinical Governance Lead for Therapies and
Dietetics, at Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust. Bernadette completed her MSc
in Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy (Distinction) at University College London in 1997
and then led the Cardiorespiratory MSc programme at UCL from 19992004. Bernadette
is currently in the fourth year of her professional doctorate at Brighton University, her
research study is entitled Experienced cardiorespiratory physiotherapists understandings
of their interactive behaviour with chronically breathless patients.
Rupert Kerrell
Rupert Kerrell graduated from Brunel University College in 1998. He returned there
in 2000 to study part-time for his MSc in Neurorehabilitation which he successfully
completed in 2003. During this time he worked for St. Georges Hospital NHS trust
mainly in the neurology department completing rotations in neurology, neurosurgery,
neurorehabilitation and acute stroke. He continued to work as a Senior I in elderly
rehabilitation and acute geriatrics before leaving the NHS in 2005 to work as a research
assistant. The research project (which lasted 212 years) evaluated a number of new
courses designed to train pre-registration allied health professionals (occupational
therapists, physiotherapists, diagnostic and therapeutic radiographers) at two
London universities. Since October 2007 he has been working as a Senior Lecturer in
Occupational Therapy in the Department of Allied Health Professions at Canterbury Christ
Church University.
Jeremy Lewis
Jeremy Lewis is research lead for the Therapy Department at Chelsea and Westminster
Hospital, London. He is also a consultant physiotherapist at St Georges Hospital in
London and is a visiting reader at St Georges, University of London. Jeremy has lead
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 216
clinical research in the areas of musculoskeletal disease, gerontology, cardio-respiratory
physiotherapy, patients with burns injuries, hand therapy and hypermobility syndromes.
His main area of research interest is rotator cuff pathology and shoulder pain. He is
currently supervising a number of PhD and MSc students and is a member of the senior
researchers forum at the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.
Philippa Lyon
Philippa Lyon was Research Ofcer to the National Physiotherapy Research Network from
20052008, promoting the network and coordinating and supporting the 20 regional
research hubs. Prior to this she had a number of years experience working in university
research support and management, and a parallel career in research and teaching in her
own eld of English Literature. She wrote a number of reports and articles on research
capacity building in the therapy professions while in her post as NPRN Research Ofcer.
Brona McDowell
Brona McDowell joined the Gait Analysis Service at Musgrave Park Hospital in 1998
and currently works as a Clinical Specialist. As well as undertaking a clinical role within
the laboratory, she has been involved in several research projects that have focused
on children with myelomeningocele and cerebral palsy (CP). A randomised placebo-
controlled trial assessing the efcacy of electrical stimulation for strengthening muscle
in children with CP was completed in 2003 and current research focuses on population
studies of the (i) mild to moderately and (ii) severely involved children with this condition.
Within these studies, orthopaedic problems, gait (as applicable), functional ability,
participation and service provision have been key areas of focus. She has acheived 25
full paper publications, has supervised one MPhil and two PhD students through to
completion of their work, and sits on the editorial board of the journals Gait and Posture
and Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatric Research.
Sue Mawson
Sue Mawson is Professor of Rehabilitation in the Centre for Health and Social Care
Research. She joined the university in November 1991 to undertake a funded doctorate
in the area of stroke rehabilitation. This research completed in 1997, was jointly funded
by the Shefeld Teaching Hospitals NHS trust. Dr. Mawson qualied as a physiotherapist
working predominantly in adult and child neurological rehabilitation. She is Research
Lead for the Professional Services Directorate at Shefeld Teaching Hospitals representing
the AHPs at both a local and national level. Prof Mawsons research focuses on improving
the quality of life of people with neurological problems, particularly through exploration
of the effectiveness of rehabilitative interventions. Her particular area of interest has
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 217
been in the quantication of patient-centred goals working with the TELER methods of
outcome measurements to developing valid and reliable ways of demonstrating efcient
and effective intervention strategies. Prof Mawson currently has four full-time and
two part-time PhD students working on neurological, musculoskeletal and respiratory
rehabilitation and falls prevention. Her research work, funded predominantly through the
Engineering and Physical Science Research Council, has capitalised on new innovations
in sensor and digital technologies and involves interdisciplinary work, integrating clinical
rehabilitation researchers with engineering, design, mecatronics, informatics and digital
media specialists. This work has been driven by the needs of people with long-term
conditions, identifying new ways of motivating and supporting them through the self-
management of rehabilitation goals using technology innovations. The SMART 1 project,
which commenced in 2003, was awarded 670K funding and has now led to a formal
collaboration with Philips electronics, Aachen, Germany, and two further projects. Target,
to further develop the SMART prototypes in preparation for clinical testing and SMART 2
extending the concept of self-management in stroke rehabilitation to self-management
of Chronic Pain interventions and Chronic Heart Failure care (EPSRC 2.9 million).
Suzanne McDonough
Suzanne McDonough is Professor of Health and Rehabilitation at the University of Ulster,
Northern Ireland. She is a physiotherapist by background and she was awarded her PhD
in the area of neurophysiology in 1995 and a higher diploma in healthcare (acupuncture)
in 2002. She has published widely in her areas of expertise and has published several
chapters on electrotherapy in key textbooks for example Electrotherapy: Evidence Based
Practice (2008), and Animal Physiotherapy. Assessment, Treatment and Rehabilitation
of Animals (2007). She has also recently published a chapter on acupuncture in
Complementary Therapies for Physical Therapy. A Clinical Decision Making Approach
published by Elsevier in 2008. She has obtained funding from a variety of prestigious
external agencies and is currently completing several clinical trials on musculoskeletal
pain, one of which is investigating the effects of acupuncture as an adjunct to an exercise
programme in people with low back pain. Her research interests include electrotherapy/
acupuncture and developing technologies used for musculoskeletal and neurological
rehabilitation. She has played a key role in helping to develop research in physiotherapy.
She teaches clinical research techniques at undergraduate and postgraduate level and
has supervised 14 PhD students to completion. She is part of the research group at the
University of Ulster who were
top rated for physiotherapy research in the last two research assessment exercises
(1996 and 2001).
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 218
Ann Moore
Ann qualied as a physiotherapist from Coventry School of Physiotherapy in 1973 and
worked clinically until 1977. She then undertook a teaching course at Wolverhampton
Polytechnic and specialised in musculoskeletal physiotherapy, becoming a member of the
MACP in 1979. In 1980 she took up a teaching/research post at Coventry Polytechnic
and later registered for a PhD programme on exercise and low back pain. She completed
her PhD in 1989 and moved to the University of Brighton in 1991
where she is now Director of the Clinical Research Centre for Health Professions and
Professor of Physiotherapy. She has more than 100 peer review publications and is a
frequently invited keynote speaker at national and international conferences. Ann has
been an active researcher since 1980 with interests in musculoskeletal physiotherapy,
patients experiences, standardised data collection, as well as pedagogic research.
She has supervised a number of PhD students to completion. Ann is currently Chair of the
National Physiotherapy Research Network Core Executive and Executive Editor of Manual
Therapy Journal.
Gail Mountain
Professor Gail Mountain is an academic occupational therapist with over 13 years
experience as a practitioner and manager in services for older people and people with
mental health problems. She embarked upon a research career in 1987, working at the
University of Leeds. During this time Gail also obtained an MPhil in social psychology.
She then moved to the University of York. A three-year return to the health service in
1991 was followed by employment as a researcher at the Nufeld Institute for Health,
University of Leeds where she also obtained her doctorate. In 1998, Gail was employed
as the rst Research and Development ofcer at the College of Occupational Therapists,
UK. In 2001 she moved to Shefeld Hallam University to lead research across nursing,
allied health and social work. She was Director of the Centre for Health and Social Care
Research at Shefeld Hallam University from 2003 to the beginning of 2008, and is now
the Director of the Smart Consortium, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council.
Di Newham
Di Newham (PhD FCSP) is currently Director of the multidisciplinary Division of Applied
Biomedical Research at Kings College London (KCL). Prior to that she was Head of the
Academic Department of Physiotherapy at KCL from 19891993. That post followed
more than ten years working in full-time research in the Departments of Medicine and
Physiology at University College London. After qualication as a physiotherapist she
specialised in musculoskeletal and neurological physiotherapy. She has published more
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 219
than 100 original research papers and been awarded research funding totalling in excess
of 2m. She has been a member of research and strategic committees of a number of
medical research charities and is part of the Core Executive of the NPRN. Her research
interests focus on skeletal muscle function, ageing and rehabilitation.
Fiona Ottewell
As Head of Physiotherapy Gateshead Health NHS Foundation trust Fiona ensures the
operational management and clinical governance of the department (113 WTE). She
has led processes for Quality Improvement and Patient Experience within the Therapies
Directorate. She has also been the NHS EMPLOYERS AHP/HCS Policy Board representative
and represented NHS Employers on the Skills for Health Allied Health Professions Career
Framework Strategy Group. In addition Fiona sat on the new working party for the
modernisation of healthcare professionals. She has also been a Healthcare Commission
Clinical Advisor, undertaken one review of a PCT for CHI in 20032004 and been a
clinical advisor on several cases. She represents the trust at a local, regional and national
level. One of the recent highlights in her career was to recruit a research physiotherapist
in partnership with her trusts orthopaedic department and the local university.
Lorna Paul
Lorna Paul (PhD MPhil BSc) worked as a lecturer in physiotherapy at Glasgow Caledonian
University for more than 13 years Lorna has recently taken up the post of Reader within
Nursing and Health Care at the University of Glasgow. Her research interests include the
measurement of function, multiple sclerosis, diabetes and chronic fatigue syndrome. She
is one of the two coordinators of the West of Scotland hub of the National Physiotherapy
Research Network and is a member of the Research and Clinical Effectiveness Committee
of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.
Andrea Peace
Andrea Peace (BA, MA, MCLIP) is Head of Professional Policy and Information at the
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Andrea is a chartered library and information
professional and has worked in the health information eld for the last 13 years,
previously in the university sector as a faculty librarian/site manager, and for the last
six years at the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy where she manages the library
and information service. Andrea is a member of the executive committee for the
Consortium of Health Independent Libraries in London (CHILL) which exists to provide
the independent health libraries in the London area with opportunities to improve their
services through mutual communication and cooperation.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 220
Nikki Petty
Nikki Petty qualied as a chartered physiotherapist from Newcastle Polytechnic in 1979.
She completed a graduate diploma in Manipulative Therapy in Melbourne Australia and
later completed a research dissertation to gain an MSc from Coventry University. She is
currently Principal Lecturer at the School of Health Professions, University of Brighton.
She teaches neuromusculoskeletal physiotherapy at undergraduate and postgraduate
level and is course leader for the MSc Neuromusculoskeletal Physiotherapy. She has
written two successful textbooks on neuromusculoskeletal examination and assessment,
and neuromusculoskeletal treatment and management. She has a number of research
publications mostly related to the application of spinal accessory movements within the
eld of neuromusculoskeletal physiotherapy. She is on the international advisory board
of Manual Therapy, an international journal of musculoskeletal therapy and has served on
the advisory board of the Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy. She acts as
a reviewer for both peer reviewed journals. She has presented widely at conferences
in the UK and abroad, with several as an invited speaker. She is currently a member
of the MACP Executive Committee, and Chair and founder member of the MACP
Committee for Education and Approval. At the time of press, she is in the nal stages
of completing her Professional Doctorate in Physiotherapy at the University of Brighton.
The research study is within her professional practice as an educator and is focused on
the learning transition of neuromusculoskeletal physiotherapists towards criticality of
practice knowledge.
Gabrielle Rankin
Gabrielle Rankin works three days as a research adviser at the CSP and two days in
clinical practice. As a research adviser, her main roles are to support and advise members
on all aspects of research, to promote physiotherapy research and to inuence relevant
health research policy. Gabrielle works in close collaboration with the NPRN and also
with the other allied health professions. She sits on the Core Executive of the NRPN
and on the Research Forum for Allied Health Professions. Clinical and research interests
are in the eld of musculoskeletal physiotherapy. Specic areas of interest that she
has published in are rehabilitative ultrasound imaging which was the topic of her PhD,
muscle rehabilitation, ergonomics and the classication and management of low back
pain. Gabrielle is an associate editor of Physiotherapy and a member of the International
Advisory Board of Manual Therapy Journal.
Lisa Roberts
Lisa Roberts trained at St Thomas Hospital, London, and has worked at Southampton
university since 1989. She is a senior lecturer at the University of Southampton and
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 221
superintendent physiotherapist at Southampton University Hospitals trust, working in the
musculoskeletal outpatient department. Her PhD was in control issues and low back pain
and her current research interests are back pain, communication, clinical reasoning, red
ags, self-report outcome measures and ethical reasoning. Lisa is a trustee and member
of the Research Committee of BackCare (formerly the National Back Pain Association);
vice-chair of the Southampton Branch of BackCare, secretary for the Society for Back Pain
Research; and provides a link with clinicians in the Southampton Hub of the National
Physiotherapy Research Network.
Julius Sim
Julius Sim (BA MSc(Soc) MSc(Stat) PhD) is Professor of Health Care Research at Keele
University, where he teaches statistics and research methods to postgraduate students.
He is currently involved in research in musculoskeletal pain, social gerontology and
applied ethics. Julius is a member of the Core Executive of the National Physiotherapy
Research Network.
Sally Singh
Professor Sally Singh is based at Coventry University, in the School of Physiotherapy
(Faculty of Health and Life Sciences) and at the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS
Trust. She was awarded her PhD in 1993 and since that time has been involved in the
development of Pulmonary and Cardiac Rehabilitation Services. Her research interests
initially focused on the development of robust outcome measures to evaluate these
complex interventions. More recently research activity has focused upon service delivery
models and the application of exercise therapy in the acute setting. The physiological
and metabolic response to exercise in patients with chronic cardio-respiratory disease
is also of interest to the research group and some recent publications have explored
this. She is an editor of a journal and associate editor of Physiotherapy. She is Vice
Chair of the Research and Clinical Effectiveness Committee for the Chartered Society of
Physiotherapy. She has just completed a term as Chair of the American Thoracic Society
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Group and is the incoming Chair of the European Respiratory
Society Pulmonary Rehabilitation Group.
Graham Stew
Graham Stew is a Principal Lecturer in the School of Health Professions at the University
of Brighton, and also Programme Leader for the Professional Doctorate in Health and
Social Care. He has a background in mental health nursing and education, and enjoys
teaching most aspects of the research process. Having gained general and mental health
nursing qualications in 1974, and worked within therapeutic communities in London
and Cambridge, he moved into nurse education in 1982 and university teaching in 1988,
gaining his DPhil in education in 1994. Grahams current academic and research interests
include: practitioner research methodologies; reective practice; interprofessional
education and the teaching of mindfulness meditation.
Maria Stokes
Professor Maria Stokes (PhD MCSP) began a career in research two years after qualifying
as a physiotherapist, studying for a PhD (CNAA) in Neuromuscular Physiology at
the Nufeld Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Department of Zoology at the
University of Oxford. As a postdoctoral research fellow in Clinical Physiology at the
Department of Medicine, University of Liverpool, she investigated the physiological
mechanisms of muscle weakness and fatigue. She spent four years as a senior lecturer
in the Department of Physiotherapy, University of Queensland, Australia, focusing more
on developing investigative techniques, specically ultrasound imaging of muscle and
mechanomyography (muscle sounds). She then returned to England as Director of
Research & Development at the Royal Hospital for Neurodisability, Putney, London,
where she continued her previous research interests, which extended to brain-computer
interfacing (BCI) technology. Maria took up her current post in 2004 as Professor
in Neuromuscular Rehabilitation and Director of Research in the School of Health
Professions and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Southampton. Her research
focuses on physiological mechanisms of muscle function in healthy populations and
people with musculoskeletal disorders, and neurological conditions. She leads the
Schools Musculoskeletal Research Theme, but much of her research activity overlaps with
the Neurorehabilitation Theme. Maria has published her research widely in the scientic
literature and has also published four books. Maria is a member of the Core Executive of
the National Physiotherapy Research Network.
Elizabeth White
Elizabeth completed her PhD in Social Policy in 1997, and has been Head of Research
and Development at the College of Occupational Therapists since 2003. Her remit
includes the strategic promotion of occupational therapy R&D, development of the United
Kingdom Occupational Therapy Research Foundation and facilitating research activity
among the colleges membership. She represents the profession on the NICE Partners
Council, the SDO Programme Board, is a member of the Research Forum for Allied Health
Professions and represents the RFAHP on the National Physiotherapy Research Network
Core executive.
National Physiotherapy Research Network a pocket guide 222