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I R 436 Reading List

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MSc International Relations Theory 2013-14: IR436

Theories of
International Relations

Course Convenor
Dr George Lawson
Room: CLM 5.12 (5
Floor, Clement House)
e-mail: g.lawson@lse.ac.uk
tel: 020 7955 6028
Office hours: Wednesdays 2-3pm, Wednesdays 5-6pm sign up via LSE for You
Support Staff: Adnan Khan, Room: CLM 6.11, email: a.khan16@lse.ac.uk

Mondays 11am-12pm, STC.S78
Tuesdays 10-11am, NAB 1.07 (N.B. these only run during weeks 1-3, Autumn Term)
Professor Chris Brown (CJB)
Professor Barry Buzan (BB)
Professor Kimberly Hutchings (KH)
Dr George Lawson (GL)
Professor Iver Neumann (IBN)

Group 1: Wednesdays 3-5pm, Room 32L.G.24
Group 2 Michaelmas Term: Wednesdays 10am-12pm, Room CLM.3.06
Group 2 Lent Term: Mondays 3-5pm, Room TW2.1.01
Group 3: Tuesdays 11am-1pm, Room OLD.3.24

This course is a graduate-level introduction to International Relations (IR) theory. It is
structured around three core engagements: IR as a branch of philosophical knowledge; IR as
a social science; and IR as a dimension of actual existing world politics. The course surveys
both mainstream and critical approaches to the subject, examining how these theories
conceptualize the international as a field of study. The course explicitly relates IR to
cognate disciplines, reflects critically on the conceptual frameworks and modes of analysis
used by IR theories, and studies the co-constitutive relationship between the theory and
practice of international relations.

The course has four main aims:
To enable students to assess the contributions and shortcomings of both mainstream
and critical IR theories.

To interrogate how the international has been constructed as a field of study.

To connect IR with debates, both methodological and theoretical, that have been
germane to the formation of social science as a whole.

To demonstrate how theory provides a road map, toolkit or lens by which to examine
international events and processes.

By the end of the course, students will:
Evaluate the advantages and difficulties of IR theories both in comparison to each
other and vis--vis schemas drawn from other disciplines.

Discuss critically, and write knowledgeably about, major IR theories, relating these
both to contemporary events and historical processes.

Possess the means to show how theory and practice intertwine in constituting
mainstream and critical IR theories.

Learn how to think and write critically about key debates in contemporary IR theory.

Teaching methods
IR 436 is the core course for both the MSc International Relations Theory and the MSc
International Relations Research. The course consists of 23 lectures and 20 seminars. Two
revision classes will be held in Summer Term details to be announced later in the year.

There are two main teaching methods used on the course: lectures and seminars.
Lectures: lectures provide an overview of a particular topic. The course is structured
in three sections. We begin with two tasks: theorising theory and theorising the
international. The former is an introduction to how to think about doing theory; the
latter explores the ways in which IR theorists have conceptualised the international
as a field of study. The second section of the course examines both mainstream and
critical approaches to the subject, applying these theories to key concepts in the
discipline. The final part of the course focuses on philosophy of science and
philosophy of history, paying attention to how these underpin and sometimes
undermine IR theories.

Although no previous knowledge of IR theory is assumed, it is worth remembering
that this is a graduate level course. As such, preparation even for lectures is vital.
We suggest that you do some reading before the lectures and, in addition, strengthen
your knowledge of IR theory by attending lectures in related courses such as The
Structure of International Society (IR100) and International Politics (IR410).

Seminars: There are 20 seminars starting in the first week of Autumn Term. The
course guide outlines texts that are required reading each week. These are intended to
provide a basis for class discussion, to introduce key concepts and issues, and to act as
a starting point for more advanced, independent enquiry of particular topics. These
texts should be digested ahead of the seminars.

Attendance at seminars is compulsory. If you do need to miss a seminar, please notify
your class teacher ahead of time. While you are not expected to have prior knowledge
of the material we will be discussing, it is important that you are keen, active and
involved participants in the course as a whole. This means reading every week,
thinking about the topics involved, working hard on the presentations, and generally
playing your part in making the seminar an enjoyable, stimulating environment.

Most of the time, seminars will consist of three core elements:
o There will be a brief presentation (10 minutes) by one or two members of the
group. Presentations should be based on the key questions listed under the
weekly topics. Please note that presentation handouts should be circulated to
the group twenty-four hours before the seminar takes place.

o A discussant will comment briefly (no more than 5 minutes) on the topic at
hand, raising issues not addressed by the presenter, offering an alternative
view or, perhaps, discussing an additional question included in this course
guide. Presenters and discussants should work together to ensure that their
work is complementary.

o The class will have a discussion based on the material presented. This will
vary in form from week to week, ranging from a general conversation to
smaller group work and, on occasion, written assignments.

Begin presentations by setting out the question you are addressing and explaining why it is
important. Outline your perspective clearly and identify issues for discussion. Do not merely
read out a pre-prepared script, but, using a clear structure, talk through your argument. This
makes the presentation more enjoyable to listen to, develops valuable presentation skills and
ensures that you know your material. Presenters should also prepare a handout (e.g. outlining
the main points covered by the talk) for classmates to download. You are welcome to use
PowerPoint, Prezi and other such programmes.

Formative assessment the course has four forms of formative assessment:
Diagnostic test: all students will take a diagnostic test on Wednesday 9
October in
order to gauge your familiarity with core concepts and themes used on the course. The
test will be assessed by advisers with feedback provided verbally to students. Please
note that no preparation is required for this test and it does not constitute a part of
your final grade.

Essays: you will write three essays (2,000-2,500 words) during the course of the year.
The first, due in week 6 of Autumn Term (Wednesday 13
November), should engage
with the texts used to set up the course and its central concerns: how to do theory
and how to conceptualize IR as a field of enquiry. The second, due in week 2 of
Spring Term (Wednesday 22
January), should be an assessment of mainstream
theories and concepts. The final essay, due in week 8 of Spring Term (Wednesday 5

March), should interrogate critical approaches to the subject. Please note that these
essays can be used in the development of your summative essay.

Outline: it is encouraged, but not necessary, to provide an outline of your summative
essay to your seminar leader. If you do so, please note that the outline should be 2-3
pages long and consist of: a question/title; an overview of your argument; a draft
structure; and an indicative reading list. This is a chance to see how your ideas are
developing, assess whether the argument is hanging together and receive some
thoughts about what, if any, gaps need to be filled.

Verbal: all students will conduct at least one presentation and take one turn as
discussant during the second section of the course i.e. weeks 4-16. Class teachers will
provide feedback on presentations. In addition, all students are expected to contribute
regularly to seminar discussions.

Summative assessment the course has two forms of summative assessment:
Long essay: 50% of the final grade is drawn from a long essay (4,000 words) due in
week 2 of Summer Term (Wednesday 7
May). We are open about both topics and
methods. Essays should, of course, engage with a theoretical question, issue or puzzle,
although this will be interpreted liberally in order to maximise independence of
thought and creativity of research. Class teachers and advisors will provide guidance
on the long essay during the year.

Exam: during Summer Term (probably in early June), students will sit a two hour
unseen exam. This exam constitutes 50% of your final grade. Last years exam is
provided at the back of this reading list. You can provide copies of the exams from
previous years in the library. Two revision sessions relating to the exam will be held
early in Summer Term. Once again, advisors and class teachers will provide guidance
on the exam during the year.

Essay writing
Essay topics should be drawn from the questions listed under each topic or from prior
discussion with class teachers. Essays should be typed, double spaced and printed on A4
paper. They should outline a sustained argument answering a specific question, backing up
claims and refuting counter positions with examples and evidence. Essays should also include
footnotes (where appropriate) and a bibliography. As a basic guide, we suggest reading and
absorbing between 6-10 texts (articles, chapters and books) for each essay.

Please place formative essays in the pigeonhole of your class teacher, located on the 6
of Clement House, by 5pm on the deadline day. Instruction regarding the summative essay
will be circulated nearer the time. Deadlines for the assignments are:
Essay 1 (doing theory; theorising the international): Wednesday 13
Essay 2 (mainstream theories): Wednesday 22
Essay 3 (critical theories): Wednesday 5
Long essay: Wednesday 7

Plagiarism is the most serious offence in academic work. All summatively assessed work, as
well as some formatively assessed work, will be checked against plagiarism software. The
department takes plagiarism seriously and the penalties are severe. Plagiarised work will, at
minimum, be awarded a mark of zero, and you may be denied a degree. If your referencing
(or lack thereof) makes it difficult for examiners to identify clearly where you draw on the
work of others and in what form you do so, you have committed plagiarism, even if this was
not your intent. Drawing on the work of others includes, but is not limited to, direct use of
others formulations and paraphrasing of their formulations without due referencing. The
work of others includes text and illustrations from books, newspapers, journals, essays,
reports and the Internet. It is also an offence to plagiarise your own work (e.g. by submitting
the same text for two different pieces of summative work).

The golden rule for avoiding plagiarism is to ensure that examiners can be in no doubt as to
which parts of your work are your own formulations and which are drawn from other sources.
To ensure this, when presenting the views and work of others, include an acknowledgement
of the source of the material. For example, As Waltz (1979) has shown. Also make sure to
give the full details of the work cited in your bibliography. If you quote text verbatim, place
the sentence in inverted commas and provide the appropriate reference. For example, It is
not possible to understand world politics simply by looking inside states (Waltz 1979: 65).
Once again, make sure to give the full details of the work cited in your bibliography. If you
want to cite the work of another author at length, set the quoted text apart from your own text
(e.g. by indenting a paragraph) and identify it by using inverted commas and adding a
reference as above. If you want to use references to third party sources you have found in a
text, include a full reference. For example, Considerations of security subordinate economic
gain to political interest (Waltz 1979, cited in Moravcsik 1993: 129). In this instance,
include bibliographical details for each work.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand the rules on plagiarism and do not
submit plagiarised work. The failure of seminar leaders to detect breaches of these rules in
formative or summative essays does not constitute an endorsement implicit or explicit of
your referencing. You must read the school regulations and, if you have any questions,
consult your seminar leaders and/or personal advisor. For further guidance on how to avoid
plagiarism and how to reference, see:

Richard Pears and Graham Shields, Cite Them Right: The Essential Guide to
Referencing and Plagiarism (London: Pear Tree Books, 2008);
LSEs regulations on plagiarism:
the librarys training sessions on referencing:
the IR subject guide on the library website:

Moodle is the web-based location for IR436 course materials. Moodle can be accessed via the
Welcome to LSE Moodle quick link on the current students page of the LSE website.
Students need to self-register via the link on the Moodle homepage in order to gain access to
the IR436 site. Help in using the system is available online, and the Teaching and Learning
Centre runs tutorials that you can and should make use of.

The IR436 Moodle site contains an electronic version of the course guide, lecture handouts
and slides, web links and news of upcoming events. We have tried to ensure that all essential
readings are available electronically, although this should not be assumed and does not serve
as a substitute for visiting the library! There is also an IR436 e-pack consisting of scanned
readings that are not otherwise available electronically. Your views on the site are welcome
please direct feedback and queries to Adnan Khan (a.khan16@lse.ac.uk)

Textbooks and journals
Although there is no single textbook assigned for this course, it will be worth purchasing the
following three books, particularly if you havent studied IR before.

Chris Brown and Kirsten Ainley, Understanding International Relations, (4
London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009) organised usefully around issues/topics rather
than isms.

Scott Burchill et al (eds.), Theories of International Relations 4
ed. (London:
Palgrave, 2009) solid ism-based textbook pitched at quite a high level. Includes
chapters on subjects such as historical sociology, international political theory and
green politics as well as the usual suspects.

Patrick Jackson, The Conduct of Inquiry in International Relations (London:
Routledge, 2010) especially useful for the first part of the course (doing theory)
and the third section on philosophy of science.

Three useful (although more expensive) reference texts would also be worth tracking down:

Martin Griffiths (ed.), Encyclopaedia of International Relations and Global Politics
(London: Routledge, 2007) comprehensive contributions on a wide range of

Walter Carlsnaes, Thomas Risse and Beth Simmons (eds.), Handbook of International
Relations (London: Sage, 2004) wide-ranging in scope and containing some
important, if often complex, contributions from leading thinkers in the field.

Christian Reus-Smit and Duncan Snidal (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International
Relations (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010) as with the Carlsnaes et al
handbook, a wide-ranging book containing some important contributions.

It might also be worth buying a copy of the Penguin Dictionary of International Relations,
edited by Graham Evans and Jeffrey Newnham, which contains further information on the
main concepts and terms we use on the course.

It is important to keep up to date with debates in the field through the major journals, all of
which are available electronically. International Organization and International Security are
the premier US journals. Please note that these journals are, in the main, gateways to
mainstream approaches they are interesting as much for what they omit as for what they
cover. International Studies Quarterly is the house journal of the International Studies
Association. It provides an alternative showcase for mainstream theories, while self-
consciously seeking to build bridges between various approaches.

The main non-US journals are the European Journal of International Relations, which is
mostly (but by no means exclusively) associated with constructivism and post-positivism; the

Review of International Studies, a well-established general journal published by the British
International Studies Association (and currently based at LSE); International Affairs, another
good general journal, although more geared at empirical enquiry than theoretical work; and
Millennium, a self-styled avant-garde journal edited by research students at LSE (N.B. the
Millennium Editorial Board is open to all MSc students in the department as such it is a
valuable way to get to know the best (and worst) of cutting-edge IR theory). International
Political Sociology is also worth looking at for (mainly) critical articles. International
Theory, edited by Alex Wendt and Duncan Snidal, is a newish journal devoted to the ways in
which IR fits with and rubs up against cognate modes of enquiry.

Websites and blogs
There are an increasing number of blogs devoted to international studies, some of which
repay regular visits. The principal IR blog is probably Foreign Policy, containing news and
views from a number of noted scholars, including Stephen Walt, one of the worlds pre-
eminent realists, and Dan Drezner, an IPE specialist (www.foreignpolicy.com). The Duck of
Minerva (http://duckofminerva.blogspot.com/) is a collective venture established by a
younger crowd of IR scholars. The disorder of things is a group blog set-up by an even
younger, and altogether more radical, collective: (http://thedisorderofthings.wordpress.com/).
e-International Relations (http://www.e-ir.info/) is a solid, student-friendly site.

Other useful websites include http://globetrotter.berkeley.edu/conversations/, the front-page
for the University of California, Berkeleys conversations with history TV programme. The
site contains interviews with some of the leading figures in IR theory including Kenneth
Waltz, John Mearsheimer, Stephen Krasner and Robert Keohane. http://www.theory-
talks.org/ has a number of interesting interviews, including those with Barry Buzan, Cynthia
Enloe, Patrick Jackson and Jennifer Mitzen. The World Affairs Journal provides up-to-date
commentary on international affairs: http://www.worldaffairsjournal.org/;
http://www.opendemocracy.net/ is a global conversation that includes discussion of issues
ranging from security to social justice.

The main UK think-tanks working on international affairs are Chatham House
(http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/), the IISS (http://www.iiss.org/), RUSI
(http://www.rusi.org/) and the European Council on Foreign Relations (http://www.ecfr.eu/).
http://www.brookings.edu/ is the online home of the Brookings Institution, perhaps the main
think-tank in the United States devoted to international studies. The more disturbed amongst
you may be interested in the suicide attack database hosted by the University of Chicago
(http://cpost.uchicago.edu/search.php). Not for the fainthearted

Obviously, this is just the tip of a substantial iceberg. The key point is that websites, blogs
and social media are an increasingly common and powerful means of conducting, and
thinking about, IR theory. So make sure that you are part of the conversation.

List of Lectures

Autumn Term
Part 1 Theorising theory; theorising the international
7 October International Relations vs. international relations (GL)
8 October What do we study? (IBN)
14 October Angell & Mackinder on the international in the early C20th (GL)
15 October What is theory? (IBN)
21 October Slaughter & Mearsheimer on the international in the early C21st (GL)
22 October Two ways of doing theory (IBN)


Part 2 Theories of International Relations
Mainstream approaches
28 October Realism (CJB)
4 November Anarchy (CJB)
11 November Liberalism and neoliberal institutionalism (CJB)
18 November Liberalism 3.0 (CJB)
25 November Constructivism (CJB)
2 December The English School (BB)
9 December Sovereignty (KH)

Spring Term
Critical approaches
13 January Marxism and critical theory (GL)
20 January Empire (GL)
27 January Post-structuralism (KH)
3 February Power (KH)
10 February Feminism (KH)
17 February Security (KH)

Part 3: Theorising theory
24 February Philosophy of Science I: Knowledge and certainty (KH)
3 March Philosophy of Science II: Pluralism and paradigms (KH)
10 March Philosophy of History I: Context (GL)
17 March Philosophy of History II: Narrative (GL)

Summer Term
We will also hold two revision sessions in Summer Term, most likely in weeks 2 and 3 of
term. Details will be forwarded to you nearer the time.

Topics: Overview, reading and key questions
It is not intended that students read all the references listed under each topic below. Essential
readings are exactly that essential. Other important works are marked with an asterisk (*)
and are usually held in the Course Collection and/or available electronically.

Autumn Term
Part 1: Doing theory, theorising the international
The first section of the course has two parts: three lectures explore what it means to do
theory; three more lectures examine how a range of scholars from different times and starting
points imagine the international. This helps to illuminate one of the central concerns of the
course: is there something distinctive about IR, and if so, what is it?

Doing theory
Week 1 What do we study?
The objects of study in IR range from states to ideas, and from war to political economy. This
lecture discusses what kind of phenomena these are. Taking its cue from Emile Durkheim,
the lecture argues that objects of study in IR are best understood as social facts. The lecture
pays particular attention to what it means to call a state a social fact.

Week 2 What is theory?
Doing theory is to stylize. Theory may be grand or less grand. Theory may vary as to its
area of validity. Theory may depend on the concepts of the researcher or of those being
studied. The lecture introduces these distinctions and gives examples from the analysis of
power, with discussions about Michel Foucaults approach featuring prominently.

Week 3 Two ways of doing theory: ideal types and conceptual history
This lecture outlines two ways of doing theory. The first stems from Max Webers notion of
ideal types. Ideal-types do not have any direct counterpart in social reality and cannot be used
for hypotheses testing. The second arises from Reinhart Kosellecks understanding of
conceptual history. The lecture argues that conceptual history is well suited to analysing
changes in what might broadly be called discourse analysis.

Further reading
There are no particular readings you need to do for these sessions. However, the following
will be used to inform the lectures, all of which can be found in the library:
Emile Durkheim (1982) The Rules of Sociological Method (London: Free Press). See also
Michel Foucault (1991) Discipline and Punish (London: Penguin).
Patrick Jackson (2011) The Conduct of Inquiry in International Relations (London:
Helge Jordheim and Iver B. Neumann (2011) Empire, Imperialism and Conceptual History,
Journal of International Relations and Development 14(2): 153-185.
Reinhart Koselleck et al (2002) The Practice of Conceptual History (Palo Alto: Stanford
University Press).
Max Weber (1918) Science as a Vocation (Wissenschaft als Beruf), available at:

Key questions
What does it mean to do theory?
What makes a theory more or less successful?

Theorising the international
Week 1 Introduction: International Relations and international relations
Before the discipline of International Relations, there was the study of international relations i.e.
the influence of external practices, ideas and institutions on societies around the world. This
lecture provides an overview of the deep roots of international relations. Its main point is that
international relations has a longer, deeper and broader history than that of modern Europe.
Taking this longer lens provides us with a surer basis for thinking about the present international
system and about the institutionalisation of IR as a discipline.

Essential reading
Benjamin de Carvalho, Halvard Leira and John Hobson (2011) The Myths That Your
Teachers Still Tell You about 1648 and 1919, Millennium 39(3): 735-758.
Barry Buzan and George Lawson (2013) The Global Transformation, International Studies
Quarterly 57(3). Also see the responses by Musgrave and Nexon, Phillips, and Chase-
Dunn in the same issue.

Further reading
C.A. Bayly (2004) The Birth of the Modern World (Oxford: Blackwell).
James Belich (2009) Replenishing the Earth (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
* Barry Buzan and Richard Little (2002) Why International Relations Has Failed as an
Intellectual Project and What to Do About It, Millennium 30(1): 19-39.
Barry Buzan and Richard Little (2000) International Systems in World History (Oxford:
Oxford University Press): especially parts II and III.
European Journal of International Relations (2013), Special Issue: The End of International
Relations Theory? 19(3). See especially the editors introduction to the special issue.
Stanley Hoffman (1987) An American Social Science: IR in Stanley Hoffman ed., Janus
and Minerva: Essays in International Relations (Boulder: Westview): 3-24.
* Kenneth Pomeranz (2000) The Great Divergence (Princeton: Princeton University Press).
* Robbie Shilliam (2011) The Perilous but Unavoidable Terrain of the Non-West in Robbie
Shilliam ed., IR and Non-Western Thought (London: Routledge): 12-26.
Arlene Tickner and David Blaney eds. (2012) Thinking IR Differently (London: Routledge).

Key questions
What is International Relations? Is it different from international relations?
Can we speak of international relations before 1648 or 1919?
The major weakness of mainstream IR theory is that it is heavily and unconsciously
shaped by the narrow historical experience of modern Europe. Do you agree?

Week 2 Angell and Mackinder on the international in the early 20
This lecture explores two contrasting approaches to theorising IR in the early 20
Both Angell and Mackinder wrote before IR was institutionalised as an academic discipline.
Nevertheless, both outlined what they saw as the distinctive features of the international,
both in order to establish a basis on which international politics could be explained and in
order to influence policy making. Whereas Angell saw the international as acquiring a new
form in the early 20
century, Mackinder argued that there were long-standing forces that
shaped international politics. And whereas Angell argued that scholars of international
relations should learn from political economy, Mackinder argued that they should draw
primarily from geography and history. Interestingly, both Angell and Mackinder were deeply
immersed in debates about empire, race and civilization, considered to be the foundations of
international order in the early part of the 20

Essential reading
Angell, Norman (1912) The Influence of Credit Upon International Relations, in The
Foundations of International Polity (London: Heinemann).
Mackinder, H. J. (1904) The Geographical Pivot of History, The Geographical Journal, 23
(4): 421-437.

Further reading
David Armitage (2013) Foundations of Modern International Thought (Cambridge: CUP).
Lucian Ashworth (2011) Halford Mackinder, Geopolitics and the Reality of the League of
Nations, European Journal of International Relations 17(2): 279-301.
Duncan Bell (ed.) (2007) Victorian Visions of Global Order (Cambridge: CUP).
* John Hobson (2012) The Eurocentric Conception of World Politics (Cambridge: CUP).
* Brian Schmidt (2002) Anarchy, World Politics and the Birth of a Discipline, International
Relations 16(1): 9-31.
* Robert Vitalis (2005) Birth of a Discipline in: Long and Schmidt, Imperialism and
Internationalism in the Discipline of IR (State University of New York Press): 159-182.
Srdjan Vucetic (2011) The Anglosphere (Palo Alto: Stanford University Press).

Key questions
In what sense do Angell and Mackinder provide a theory of the international?
How relevant are the arguments of Angell and Mackinder to 21
century concerns?

Week 3 Slaughter and Mearsheimer on the international in the 21
This lecture examines two contrasting attempts to specify what international politics means
from the perspective of IR as an established social science in the early part of the 21
Anne-Marie Slaughter, a former adviser to President Obama, picks up some of Angells
themes in arguing that IR needs to meet the demands of an interdependent, networked world.
John Mearsheimer, like Mackinder, stresses the importance of perennial (particularly
geopolitical) themes to the make-up and practice of international relations. Which of these
visions is more compelling? And why?

Essential reading
Anne-Marie Slaughter (2009) Power in the Networked Century, Foreign Affairs 88(1): 94-
John Mearsheimer (2011) Imperial by Design, The National Interest, Jan-Feb: 16-34.

Further reading
See the interview with Slaughter at: http://thebrowser.com/interviews/anne-marie-slaughter-
on-21st-century-foreign-policy and her contribution to a recent report on US grand strategy:
http://www.cnas.org/americaspath. To get an up-to-date sense of Slaughters thinking, have a
trawl through her tweets (http://twitter.com/SlaughterAM) and blogs
(http://www.theatlantic.com/anne-marie-slaughter/). A longer version of Mearsheimers
article can be found in his Tragedy of Great Power Politics (Norton, 2001). A shorter version
can be found in Newsweek: http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2008/12/30/pull-those-

Key questions
Do the analyses of Slaughter and Mearsheimer have anything in common?
What distinguishes the ways in which Slaughter and Mearsheimer theorise the
international from the views of Angell and Mackinder?

Part 2 Theories of International Relations
The second part of the course uses thirteen sessions in order to explore the principal theories
of International Relations. Most of the time, theories are covered in two sessions. In the first
week, lectures provide a general introduction to a particular approach. In the second week,
lectures tackle an issue/theme/concept of core concern to the theory. At all times, we will be
asking two linked questions: 1. How well or not do these concepts/issues map onto
existing IR theories?; 2. How close are the links between the concepts and issues we use to
understand/explain/describe the world, and actual events and processes in world politics?

Week 4 Realism and neorealism
The roots of realism can be found in texts by Thucydides, Augustine, Machiavelli, Hobbes,
Rousseau and many others, but as a fully-fledged theory of international relations it is a
twentieth century product. In the 1930s and 1940s, realism took the form of a critique of
idealism/utopianism, and came to be the dominant approach in IR; the American classical
realists, Niebuhr, Kennan and especially Morgenthau are central to this process. The recent
revival of classical realism is, in part, a response to the rise of structural realism, the subject
of the next session.

Essential reading
Extracts From Thucydides, Peloponnesian War, Machiavelli The Prince and Hobbes,
Leviathan in Chris Brown, Terry Nardin, and N.J. Rengger (eds.), International
Relations in Political Thought (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002).
Chris Brown (2012) The Practice Turn, Phronesis and Classical Realism, Millennium 40(3).
Michael Williams (2004) Why Ideas Matter in IR: Morgenthau, Classical Realism, and the
Moral Construction of Power Politics, International Organization 58(4): 633-665.

Further reading
The Classical Realists
* E.H. Carr, The Twenty Years Crisis (especially the 2001 edition edited by Michael Cox)
Hans J. Morgenthau, Scientific Man and Power Politics (1947)
* Hans J. Morgenthau, Politics Among Nations (any edition up to 5
George Kennan, American Diplomacy (1952)
Reinhold Niebuhr, Moral Man and Immoral Society (1932)

Major Commentaries on the Classical Realists
Christoph Frei, Hans J. Morgenthau: An Intellectual Biography (2001).
Jonathan Haslam, No Virtue Like Necessity: Realist Thought since Machiavelli (2002).
Joel Rosenthal, Righteous Realists (1991).
Michael Williams, The Realist Tradition and the Limits of International Relations (2005).
* Michael Williams (ed.), Realism Reconsidered (2007).
* Nicolas Guilhot ed. The Invention of International Relations Theory (2011)

Part of the revival of classical realism focuses on the importance of the notion of tragedy.
See especially the essays in: International Relations 17(4) 2003, 19(3) 2005, & 21(1)
2007, now published as: Toni Erskine and Ned Lebow eds. Tragedy and IR (2012).
* John Mearsheimer, The Tragedy of Great Power Politics (New York: Norton, 2001).
Reviewed in: Brian C. Schmidt, Realism as Tragedy, Review of International Studies,
30(2004), 427-441.
* Richard Ned Lebow, The Tragic Vision of Politics (Cambridge, 2003). Also see Lebows
Cultural Theory of International Relations (Cambridge, 2008).

Key questions
Forget the so-called roots of realism; realism is a twentieth century doctrine
with no relevant antecedents. Discuss
How central to realist thought is a view of politics as necessarily tragic?

Week 5 Anarchy
In the 1970s, Kenneth Waltz became the (reluctant?) progenitor of neo- or structural realism,
re-orienting realism around the notion of anarchy. Structural realism divides into offensive
realism, defensive realism and neo-classical realism. Somewhat unintentionally, the turn
to structural realism has revived interest in classical realist thought.

Essential reading
Kenneth Waltz, Theory of International Politics (1979), Chapters 5 & 6.
- Realist Thought and Neorealist Theory, Journal of International Affairs 44 (1990) 21-37.
- Structural Realism after the Cold War, International Security 25(1) (2000) 5-41.
- Why Iran Should Get the Bomb, Foreign Affairs (July/August) (2012). Also see the
replies by Colin Kahl, John Mearsheimer and Waltz in later issues.

Further reading
* Kenneth Waltz, The Emerging Structure of International Politics, International Security
18 (1993) 44-79.
* An Interview with Kenneth Waltz (conducted by Fred Halliday and Justin Rosenberg)
Review of International Studies 24 (1998): 371-386.
International Relations Special Issue: The King of Thought: Theory, The Subject and Waltz
Part I, Vol. 23(2) 2009 and Part II, Vol. 23(3) 2009, published with additional material
as: Ken Booth ed. (2011) Realism and World Politics (London: Routledge).
Conversation with Kenneth Waltz: http://globetrotter.berkeley.edu/people3/Waltz/waltz-

Offensive vs. Defensive realism
Michael Brown et al eds. The Perils of Anarchy (MIT, 1995).
Michael Brown et al eds. Offense, Defence and War (MIT, 2004).

Neoclassical Realism
Gideon Rose, Neoclassical Realism and Theories of Foreign Policy, World Politics 51(1)
1998: 144-172.
Steve Lobell et al, Neoclassical Realism, the State, and Foreign Policy (Cambridge: 2009).
* Randall Schweller, Unanswered Threats (Princeton, 2006).

Much recent attention has focused on:
Charles L. Glaser, A Rational Theory of International Politics (Princeton, 2010). For a
discussion of this text (and others), see: Chris Brown, Realism: Rational and
Reasonable, International Affairs 88(4) 2012. At the APSA Conference in 2010,
Glasers book was the subject of a roundtable featuring John Mearsheimer, Randall
Schweller and others. An expanded version of the roundtable was published in Security
Studies 20(3) 2011. More entertainingly, the original discussion can be found here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsQW0dLoYGs for Mearsheimer
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cXSeIPiFGQ for Schweller
http://media.elliott.gwu.edu/video/93 for Glasers reply.

Key questions
IR theory must, by necessity, start with a theory of anarchy. Do you agree?
Are there important differences between the visions of realism offered by classical
and structural realists?
Is realism rational?

Week 6 Liberalism and neoliberal institutionalism
Classical liberalism rests on a variety of sources, Kant, Cobden and Mill being particularly
important. Contra most branches of realism, international behaviour is linked to regime-type,
and republics/liberal democracies are taken to be less warlike than monarchies/authoritarian
regimes, although modern democratic peace theory suggests that liberal regimes are only
peaceful in their dealings with each other. In the 20
century liberalism has been associated
with the promotion of international institutions; the modern version of liberalism (liberal
institutionalism or neoliberalism) is related to neorealism, but based on a more optimistic
reading of the anarchy problematic.

Essential reading
Kant Perpetual Peace, Cobden Political Writings and Mill A Few Words on Non-
Intervention in Chris Brown, Terry Nardin and N.J. Rengger (eds.), International
Relations in Political Thought (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002).
Michael Doyle (1986) Liberalism and World Politics, American Political Science Review
80: 1151-1170.
Robert Axelrod and Robert Keohane (1985) Achieving Cooperation under Anarchy:
Strategies and Institutions, World Politics 38: 226-254.
Beate Jahn (2010) Liberal Internationalism: From Ideology to Empirical Theory And Back
Again, International Theory 1(3) 409-438. Also see the debate between Moravcsik and
Jahn in International Theory 2(1) (2011).

Further reading
Classical liberalism
* Michael Doyle Kant, Liberal Legacies and Foreign Policy, Parts I and II, Philosophy and
Public Affairs (12) (1983): 205-235 and 323-353.
Stanley Hoffmann, Liberalism and International Affairs, in Janus and Minerva: Essays in
the Theory and Practice of International Politics, Chapter 18.
* Beate Jahn, Kant, Mill and Illiberal Legacies in International Affairs, International
Organization (2005): 177-207.
Edwind van der Haar, Classical Liberalism and IR Theory (Macmillan, 2009).
Michael J. Smith (1992) Liberalism in Terry Nardin & David Mapel eds. Traditions of
International Ethics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).

Neoliberal institutionalism
* Joseph Grieco, Anarchy and the Limits of Cooperation: A Realist Critique of the Newest
Liberal Institutionalism, International Organization (42) (1988): 485-508.
Robert O. Keohane After Hegemony (Princeton, 1984).
Robert Keohane and Lisa Martin, Institutional Theory as a Research Program in Elman and
Elman eds., Progress in International Relations Theory (MIT, 2003): 71-107.
* Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye, Power and Interdependence (1977).
John J. Mearsheimer The False Promise of International Institutions International Security
19 (1994/5): 5-49.
* Andrew Moravcsik, Taking Preferences Seriously: A Liberal Theory of International
Politics International Organization 51(4) (1997): 513-553.


Democratic peace
* Tarak Barkawi and Mark Laffey (1999) The Imperial Peace: Democracy, Force and
Globalization, European Journal of International Relations 5(4): 403-434.
* Michael Brown et al eds. Debating the Democratic Peace (MIT, 1996)
Jack Levy (1988) Domestic Politics and War, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 18(4): 653-
John MacMillan (2012) Hollow Promises? Critical Materialism and the Contradictions of the
Democratic Peace, International Theory 4(3): 331-366.
Michael Mann (1999) The Darkside of Democracy: The Modern Tradition of Ethnic and
Political Cleansing, New Left Review 235 (May-June): 18-45.
Edward Mansfield and Jack Snyder (1995) Democratization and The Danger Of War,
International Security, 20(1): 5-38.
* Bruce Russett, Grasping the Democratic Peace (1993)

Key questions
Is liberalism in IR better seen as a theory or as an ideology?
When and why do states co-operate?
Critically assess the argument that democratic states will not go to war with each
other. Illustrate your argument with examples.

Week 7 Liberalism 3.0
The events of the last two decades, and especially of the two terms of George W. Bushs
presidency, have raised questions for the liberal conception of international relations. The
charge often made is that the neo-conservative vision of the world is, in effect, a modern
version of Wilsonian liberal internationalism (hard Wilsonianism to use a phrase of Max
Boots.) One response to this is G. John Ikenberrys notion of Liberalism 3.0; another is
Daniel Deudneys notion of republican security theory.

Essential reading
G. John Ikenberry (2011) Liberal Leviathan (Princeton University Press). An abridged
version of the books argument can be found here: The Future of the Liberal World
Order: Internationalism after America, Foreign Affairs, 90(3) 2011: 56-68.
G. John Ikenberry (2009) Liberal Internationalism 3.0 Perspectives on Politics 7(1): 71-89.
Daniel Deudney (2004) Publius before Kant: Federal-Republican Security and Democratic
Peace, European Journal of International Relations 10(3): 315-356.

Further reading
- Liberal Order and Imperial Ambition (2006) collects his essays from before 1994.
* - After Victory (Princeton, 2001)
- American Power and the Empire of Capitalist Democracy (2001) Review of International
Studies 27: 191-212.
- For various unpublished papers and recent publications see Ikenberrys website:

Ikenberry has worked closely with Daniel Deudney in the past. See:
Daniel Deudney and John Ikenberry, The Myth of Autocratic Revival, Foreign Affairs
Jan/Feb 2009.
- The Nature and Sources of Liberal International Order, Review of International Studies
25(1999): 179-196.


But Deudneys take on these matters is now a little different. See:
* Daniel Deudney, Bounding Power (2007).
- The Philadelphia System: Sovereignty, Arms Control, and Balance of Power in the
American States-Union, 1787-1861, International Organization 49(2) (1995): 191-228.

For a less sanguine take on the future of liberalism, see:
* Azar Gat (2007) The Return of Authoritarian Great Powers, Foreign Affairs 86(4): 59-69.
Also see: Debate: Which Way is History Marching (Gat, Deudney, Ikenberry,
Inglehart, Welzel) Foreign Affairs (July/August) 2009.
Chris Brown (2010) Rules and Norms in a Post-Western World, in: Oliver Kessler et al ed.,
Rules, Politics and Knowledge (New York: Macmillan).
George Lawson (2010) The What, Where and When of the Global 1989, in: George
Lawson et al eds., The Global 1989 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).

The implications of the rise of China are central to the Liberalism 3.0 thesis:
Martin Jacques, When China Rules the World (2009) is alarmist;
Henry Kissinger, On China (2011) is more unperturbed;
Stefan Halper, The Beijing Consensus (2010) is more scholarly;
Arne Westads Restless Empire (2012) widens the story;
David Shambaugh, China Goes Global (2013) is better than the above;
And more interesting than any of these is: Yan Xuetong, Ancient Chinese Thought: Modern
Chinese Power (Princeton, 2011)

Key questions
How successful is Ikenberrys attempt to develop a new strand of liberal IR theory?
Is the world becoming more liberal?
Does the rise of China threaten the development of a liberal world order?

Week 8 Constructivism
The meaning and nature of constructivism are contested. The most prominent constructivist
from the perspective of mainstream IR theory is Alexander Wendt. At the other end of the
spectrum is Friedrich Kratochwil. Between these two extremes lie figures such as Harald
Mller, Thomas Risse and Emmanuel Adler. Tim Dunne provides a link between
constructivism and the English School.

Essential reading
Alexander Wendt (1992) Anarchy is What States Make of It: The Social Construction of
Power Politics, International Organization 46(2): 391-426.
Friedrich Kratochwil (2000) Constructing a New Orthodoxy? Millennium 29(1): 73-101.
Thomas Risse (2000) Lets Argue, International Organization 54(1): 1-41.
Tim Dunne (1995) The Social Construction of International Society, European Journal of
International Relations 1(3): 367-389.

Further readings
Alexander Wendt, Social Theory of International Politics (1999), especially Chapter 1
- * The State as Person in International Theory, Review of International Studies 30(2)
(2004): 289-316.
- Why a World State is Inevitable, EJIR 9(4) (2003): 491-542.

- Flatland: Quantum Mind and the International System in: Mathias Albert, Lars Cederman
and Alex Wendt eds. New Systems Theories of International Politics (2011). Wendts
book project on quantum theory and IR is described at
- Alexander Wendt and Raymond Duvall (2008) Sovereignty and the UFO, Political Theory
36(4) 607-633.

Critical constructivism
Friedrich Kratochwil, Rules, Norms and Decisions (1989).
- * Sovereignty: Myth, Organized Hypocrisy, or Generative Grammar? (unpublished paper,
available on Moodle) [Stephen Krasner, Sovereignty: Organized Hypocrisy (Princeton,
1999) Chapters 1 & 8 is the target of this paper].
- Rethinking the Inter in International Politics Millennium 35(3) (2007): 495-511.
* Nicholas Onuf (1989) World of Our Making (Cambridge: CUP).

Middle way constructivism
Emanuel Adler (1997) Seizing the Middle Ground, European Journal of International
Relations (3): 319-364.
Stefano Guzzini and Anna Leander eds. Constructivism and IR (Routledge, 2006). See the
review by J.F. Keeley, Alex Wendt as Explorer, Millennium (2007) 35: 417-430.
* Harald Mller (2004) Arguing, Bargaining and All That, European Journal of
International Relations 10(3): 395-435.

Realist constructivism
These writers are essentially providing a constructivist version of liberal theory. Pointing in a
different direction is:
Samuel Barkin Realist Constructivism (Cambridge, 2010);
- Realist Constructivism and Realist-Constructivism, International Studies Review 6(2)
(2004): 337-352.

Applying constructivism
Barnett, Michael and Martha Finnemore (2004) Rules for the World (Ithaca: Cornell UP).
Finnemore, Martha (2003) The Purpose of Intervention (Ithaca: Cornell University Press).
* Jackson, Patrick (2007) Civilizing the Enemy (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press).
Nexon, Daniel (2009) The Struggle for Power in Early Modern Europe (Princeton: Princeton
University Press).
* Phillips, Andrew (2011) War, Religion and Empire (Cambridge: CUP).
Philpott, Daniel (2001) Revolutions in Sovereignty (Princeton: Princeton University Press).
Price, Richard (2007) The Chemical Weapons Taboo (Ithaca: Cornell University Press).
* Reus-Smit, Chris (2013) Individual Rights and the Making of the International System
(Cambridge: CUP).
* Ruggie, J.G. (1998) Constructing the World Polity (London: Routledge), Introduction.
Tannenwald, Nina (2007) The Nuclear Taboo (Cambridge: CUP).
Towns, Ann (2010) Women and States (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).

Key questions
Is there a single constructivist approach to the study of world politics?
What is more important to understanding world politics: the logic of consequences,
the logic of appropriateness, or the logic of arguing?
How effectively can constructivism explain actual international relations?

Week 9 The English School
This lecture begins by reviewing the classical English school pluralism of Bull, Wight and
their successors. It then explores three additional threads that run through the fabric of
English school theory alongside, and in debate with, this pluralist core. The first is historical.
This work concentrates on: a comparison of different international societies; the general
evolution of international society in world history; and the specific, coercive story of the
expansion of European international society. The second thread is solidarism. Solidarists take
a progressive view of international relations, denying the pluralist assumption that
coexistence provides the limits of international society. They have made particular play of
human rights and their work is strongly connected to normative theory. The third thread is the
debate between structural and normative readings of English school theory: is the framework
of the three traditions fundamentally a normative debate, or can it also be constructed as a
way of looking at the evolution and interplay of macro-scale social structures? This structural
framing questions the linkage of solidarism to human rights, brings in the economic sector
generally neglected by the English school, and focuses on institutions as social structures.
This approach also builds links to constructivism, though without seeing the English School
simply as a precursor to it.

Essential readings
Buzan, Barry (2010) Culture and International Society, International Affairs 86(1): 1-25.
Clark, Ian (2009) Towards an English School Theory of Hegemony, European Journal of
International Relations, 15(2): 203-228.
Suzuki, Shogo (2005) Japans Socialization into Janus-Faced European International
Society, European Journal of International Relations, 11(1): 137-164.
Zhang, Yongjin (1991) China's Entry into International Society, Review of International
Studies 17(1): 3-16.

Further readings
Bull, Hedley (1977) The Anarchical Society (London: Palgrave), especially pp. 3-21.
* Buzan, Barry (2004) From International to World Society? (Cambridge: CUP).
* Buzan, Barry (2001) The English School: An Underexploited Resource in IR, Review of
International Studies, 27(3): 471-488.
Dunne, Tim (1995) The Social Construction of International Society, European Journal of
International Relations 1:3, 367-389.
Gong, Gerritt (1984) The Standard of 'Civilization' in International Society (Clarendon).
* Linklater, Andrew and Hidemi Suganami (2006) The English School of International
Relations: A Contemporary Reassessment (Cambridge: CUP).
Vincent, John (1986), Human Rights and International Relations (Cambridge, CUP).
Watson, Adam (1992) The Evolution of International Society (London, Routledge).
* Watson, Adam (1990) Systems of States, Review of International Studies, 16(2): 99-109.
* Wheeler, Nicholas (1992) Pluralist and Solidarist Conceptions of International Society,
Millennium 21(3): 463-487.
Wheeler, Nicholas (2000) Saving Strangers (Oxford, Oxford University Press).
Wight, Martin (1991) The Three Traditions (Leicester: Leicester University Press).
* N.B. http://www.leeds.ac.uk/polis/englishschool/ is the online home of the English School,
containing articles, papers, and a bibliography of English School resources.

Key questions
Critically assess solidarist and pluralist visions of the English School.
Is the English School best seen as a form of proto-constructivism?
Does the English School provide a convincing grand narrative for IR?


Week 10 Sovereignty
Realism, Liberalism, Constructivism and English School theory offer contrasting, sometimes
overlapping, frameworks for explaining international politics. For all of them, however, a
distinctive feature of the international is the institution of sovereignty. This lecture
demonstrates how the theoretical perspectives explored in previous weeks give us different
ways of understanding how sovereignty works as a constitutive feature of international
relations: in materialist/rationalist or in legal/interpretive terms. We also ask how much any
of these approaches tells us about the relationship between sovereignty and changing forms
of international order.

Essential readings
Stephen Krasner (1995) Compromizing Westphalia, International Security 20(3): 115-151.
Robert Jackson (1999) Sovereignty in World Politics, Political Studies 47(3): 431-456.
Alexander Wendt and Daniel Friedheim (2005) Hierarchy Under Anarchy, International
Organization 49(4): 689-721.

Further readings
Bartelson, Jens (1995) A Genealogy of Sovereignty (New York: Cambridge University Press).
* Biersteker, Thomas and Weber, Cynthia (eds.) (1996) State Sovereignty as Social Construct
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
Hashmi, Sohail (ed.) (1997) State Sovereignty (University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State
University Press). See in particular, Philpott, Ideas and the Evolution of Sovereignty.
Hinsley, R. H. (1986) Sovereignty (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
* Jackson, Robert (1990) Quasi-States (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
Jackson, Robert (ed.) (1999) Sovereignty at the Millennium (Oxford: Blackwell).
* Krasner, Stephen (1999) Sovereignty: Organized Hypocrisy? (Princeton University Press).
* Osiander, Andreas (2001) Sovereignty, International Relations, and the Westphalian
Myth, International Organization 55(2): 251-287.

Classical readings
There is a vast literature on sovereignty in western though. See:
Extracts from Bodin (16
century), Hobbes and Grotius (17
century), Vattel and Rousseau
century), Hegel and Mill (19
century) in: Chris Brown et al eds. (2002)
International Relations In Political Thought (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
In the 20
century, the German jurist Carl Schmitt introduced a decisionist understanding of
- Political Theology (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press)
- The Concept of the Political (Chicago: University of Chicago Press)
- The Nomos of the Earth (New York: Telos)

The dark side of sovereignty: European colonialism and decolonisation
* Anghie, Antony (2004) Imperialism, Sovereignty and the Making of International Law
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
* Grovogui, Siba (1996) Sovereigns, Quasi-Sovereigns and Africans (Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota Press).
Hobson, John (2004) The Eastern Origins of Western Civilization (Cambridge: CUP).
Inayatullah, Naeem and David Blaney (2004) International Relations and the Problem of
Difference (London: Routledge)
* Keene, Eddie (2002) Beyond the Anarchical Society: Grotius, Colonialism and Order in
World Politics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).

Key questions
What makes a state a state for the purposes of International Relations?
If sovereignty is organized hypocrisy, what difference does that make to theorising
international politics?
Is sovereignty a source of equality or inequality in international affairs?

Spring Term
Critical Approaches
This section of the course assesses the challenges posed to mainstream IR theory by critical
approaches to the subject. Although there is considerable variation both within and between
the schools of thought we examine, they form part of a collective attempt to broaden and
deepen IR both in terms of its methods and its empirical focus.

Week 11 Marxism and critical theory
Critical theorists draw on a long line of scholarship that extends from Marx and Gramsci via
the Frankfurt School to modern day theorists such as Immanuel Wallerstein and, in IR,
Robert Cox and Justin Rosenberg. For critical scholars, world politics is marked by
historically constituted inequalities between core and periphery, north and south, developed
and underdeveloped. To that end, liberal and realist approaches are seen as ideologies of
inequality. Rather than focusing on anarchy, Marxist theorists examine the social relations
that underpin geopolitical systems. Such a commitment leads to debates about the
hierarchical nature of international affairs. It also leads to attempts to construct a social
theory of the international.

Essential reading
Cox, Robert (1981) Social Forces, States and World Order: Beyond International Relations
Theory, Millennium 10(2): 126-155.
Rosenberg, Justin (2006) Why Is There No International Historical Sociology? European
Journal of International Relations 12(3): 307-340.
Wallerstein, Immanuel (1995) The Inter-State Structure of the Modern World System, in:
Steve Smith, Ken Booth and Marysia Zalewski (eds.), International Theory: Positivism
and Beyond (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 87-107.

Further readings
Arrighi, Giovanni (2010) The Long Twentieth Century (London: Verso).
* Anievas, Alex ed. (2009) Marxism and World Politics (London: Routledge).
Frank, Andre Gunder (1966) The Development of Underdevelopment, Monthly Review,
18(4): 17-31.
Gill, Stephen (1995) Globalisation, Market Civilisation and Disciplinary Neo-liberalism,
Millennium 24(3): 399-423.
* Halliday, Fred (1994) A Necessary Encounter: Historical Materialism and International
Relations, in: Fred Halliday, Rethinking IR (Basingstoke: MacMillan): 47-73.
Jahn, Beate (1998) One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: Critical Theory as the Latest Edition
of Liberal Idealism, Millennium 27(3): 613-642.
* Rosenberg, Justin (2010) Basic Problems in the Theory of Uneven and Combined
Development, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 23(1): 165-189.
* Rosenberg, Justin (1994) The Empire of Civil Society (London: Verso), Chapters 1 and 5.
Teschke, Benno (2003) The Myth of 1648 (London: Verso).
Wallerstein, Immanuel (1974) The Rise and Future Demise of the World Capitalist System,
Comparative Studies in Society and History 16(4): 387-415.

The debate on hierarchy
Clark, Ian (2011) Hegemony in International Society (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
* Cox, Robert (1983), Gramsci, Hegemony and IR, Millennium 12(2): 162-175.
Gilpin, Robert (1981) War and Change in World Politics (Cambridge: CUP).
* Hobson, John and Jason Sharman (2005) The Enduring Place of Hierarchy in World
Politics, European Journal of International Relations 11(1): 63-98.
* Lake, David (2007) Escape from the State-of-Nature: Authority and Hierarchy in World
Politics, International Security 32(1): 47-79.
Donnelly, Jack (2006) Sovereign Inequalities and Hierarchy in Anarchy, European Journal
of International Relations 12(2): 139-170.

Key questions
What is critical about critical IR theory?
Capitalism not anarchy is the defining feature of the international system. Discuss.
What is the significance of understanding world politics as a realm of hierarchy?

Week 12 Empire
Most IR scholars accept that the modern states system emerged from a system of empires,
even if they disagree about when and how this process took place. Fewer scholars accept that
imperial legacies and practices continue to constitute core features of contemporary
international relations. More often than not, empire is seen as a normative term rather than as
an analytical tool. This lecture explores the political, economic and cultural components of
empire, and assesses the extent to which imperial relations continue to underpin
contemporary market, governance and legal regimes.

Essential readings
Barkawi, Tarak (2010) Empire and Order in International Relations and Security Studies,
in: Bob Denemark ed. The International Studies Encyclopedia (New York: Blackwell).
Hobson, John (2007) Is Critical Theory Always for the White West and for Western
Imperialism? Review of International Studies 33(S1): 91-107.
Vitalis, Robert (2010) The Noble American Science of Imperial Relations and Its Laws of
Race Development, Comparative Studies in Society and History 52(4): 909-938.

Further readings
Brewer, Anthony (1980) Marxist Theories of Imperialism (London: Routledge).
Burbank, Jane and Frederick Cooper (2010) Empires in World History (Princeton: Princeton
University Press).
* Darwin, John (2007) The Rise and Fall of Global Empires, 1400-2000 (London: Penguin).
* Gallagher, John and Ronald Robinson (1953) The Imperialism of Free Trade, The
Economic History Review 6(1): 1-15.
Galtung, Johan (1971) A Structural Theory of Imperialism, Journal of Peace Research, 13:
81-94. Also see: Johan Galtung (1980) A Structural Theory of Imperialism: Ten Years
Later, Millennium 9(3): 181-196.
* Go, Julian (2011) Patterns of Empire (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
Hardt, Michael and Antonio Negri (2000) Empire (Cambridge, Harvard University Press).
* Long, David and Brian Schmidt eds. (2005) Imperialism and Internationalism in the
Discipline of International Relations (New York, SUNY).
Mann, Michael (2004) The First Failed Empire of the 21
Century, Review of International
Studies 30(4): 631-653.
Mann, Michael (2012) The Sources of Social Power, Vol. 3: Global Empires and Revolution
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).


Key questions
Are international relations better understood as imperial relations?
To what extent is the discipline of International Relations an imperial discipline?
How useful is the concept of empire for understanding contemporary international

Week 13 Poststructuralism
This lecture maps out major developments in IR theory coming under the heading of
poststructuralism. The lecture examines the arguments underlying poststructuralist critiques of
realist, liberal, English School, constructivist and critical theories, and their origins in the work
of thinkers like Derrida and Foucault. It looks critically and comparatively at different versions
of poststructuralism, exploring the implications of poststructuralist ideas for the meaning of the
international, and for making explanatory and normative claims about international politics.

Essential reading
Ashley, R. and Walker, R. B. J. eds. (1990) Speaking the Language of Exile, International
Studies Quarterly 34(3).
Campbell, D. (1998) MetaBosnia, Review of International Studies 24: 261-281.

Further reading
Ashley, R. (1996) The Achievements of Post-Structuralism in Smith, Booth & Zalewski (eds.),
International Theory: positivism and beyond (Cambridge, CUP).
* Ashley, R. K. (1989) Untying the Sovereign State: A Double Reading of the Anarchy
Problematique, Millennium 17: 227-286.
Bulley, D. (2006) Negotiating Ethics, Review of International Studies, 32(4): 645-663.
* Campbell, D. (1992) Writing Security (Manchester: Manchester University Press).
* Der Derian, J. (1992), Antidiplomacy: Spies, Terror, Speed and War (Oxford: Blackwell).
Der Derian, J. and Shapiro, M. (eds.), International/Intertextual Relations (Lexington, 1989).
Dillon, M. & Neal, A. (2008) Foucault on Politics, Security and War (London: Palgrave).
Doty, R. (1996) Imperial Encounters (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press).
Edkins,J. and Zehfuss, M. (2005)Generalising the International, Review of International
Studies, 31(3): 451-472.
* Inayatullah, N. and D. Blaney (2004) IR and the Problem of Difference (London: Routledge).
Laidi, Z. (1998) A World Without Meaning (London: Routledge).
Shapiro, M. (1992) Reading the Postmodern Polity (University of Minnesota Press).
* Walker, R. B. J. (1993) Inside/Outside (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).

Key questions
What do poststructuralists mean by critique?
How persuasive is the poststructuralist critique of realism?
Is poststructuralism just another version of constructivism?

Week 14 Power
One of the major contributions claimed by poststructuralist international theory is that it
incorporates a more adequate conception of power than other perspectives. This lecture
explores and assesses the value of poststructuralist conceptions of power in relation to other
ways of conceiving power, focusing in particular on the comparative strengths and
weaknesses of Weberian and Marxist approaches as opposed to poststructuralist conceptions.

Essential Reading
Barnett, M. & Duvall, R. Power in International Politics, International Organization 59(1)
2005: 39-75.
Barnett, M. & Duvall, R. (eds.) Power in Global Governance (Cambridge: 2005). See in
particular: R. Lipschutz, Global Civil Society and Global Governmentality.
Berenskoetter, F. & Williams, M. J. (eds) Power in World Politics, previously published as a
special issue of Millennium 33(3) 2005. See in particular: J. Sterling-Folker & R. E.
Shinko, Discourses of Power; and J. Nye, Notes for a Soft Power Approach.

Further Reading
Baldwin, D. Power and International Relations in W. Carlsnaes, T. Risse & B. Simmons
(eds.) Handbook of International Relations (London: Sage, 2004).
Brooks, S. G. & Wohlforth, W. C. Power, Globalization and the End of the Cold War,
International Security, 25(3) 2000-2001: 5-53.
* Foucault, M. Power, Volume 3 of the Essential Works of Foucault, ed. J. D. Faubion (New
York: New Press, 2000). See, in particular, Truth and Power, Governmentality and
Omnes et Singulatim: Towards a Critique of Political Reason.
Guzzini, S. Structural Power: The Limits of Neorealist Power Analysis, International
Organization 47(3) 1993: 443-478.
Haugaard, M. Power: A Reader (New York: Manchester University Press, 2002).
* Hirst, P. The Eighty Years Crisis, 1919-1999: Power, Review of International Studies
24(Special Issue) 1998: 133-148.
Little, R. The Balance of Power in World Politics (Cambridge: CUP, 2007).
* Lukes, S. Power: A Radical View (London: Palgrave, 2004) N.B. worth getting hold of the
substantially updated second edition.
Neumann, I. B. & Sending, O. J. (2006) The International as Governmentality, Millennium
35(3): 677-702.
* Nye, J. Soft Power (New York: Public Affairs, 2004).

Key questions
Can poststructuralist and realist ideas about power ever be compatible?
Is the concept of govenmentality useful for understanding power in global
Is there any relation between Nyes notion of soft power and governmentality?

Week 15 Feminism
This lecture maps out the contribution of feminist scholarship to IR theory. It explores the
distinctive claims of feminism, its critique of mainstream IR theories and its overlaps and
tensions with constructivism, critical theory and post-structuralism. It also distinguishes
between strands of feminist theory and the claim of some constructivist thinkers that it is
possible to incorporate gender into IR theory without feminism.

Essential reading
Carpenter, Charli (2002) Gender Theory in World Politics: Contributions of a Nonfeminist
Standpoint, International Studies Review 4(3): 152-165.
Enloe, C. Gender Makes the World Go Round, Chapter 1, Bananas, Beaches and Bases.
Jones, A. (1996) Does Gender Make the World Go Round? Feminist Critiques of
International Relations, Review of International Studies, 22(4): 405-429.
Squires, J & Weldes, J. (2007) Beyond Being Marginal: Gender and International Relations
in Britain, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 9(2): 185-203.

Further reading
Are Women Transforming IR? Politics and Gender, 4(1) 2008: 121-180.
Hutchings, K. Contrast and Continuity in Feminist IR, Millennium, 37(1) 2008: 97-106.
* Keohane, R, Tickner, J. A. et al Conversations between IR and Feminist Theory,
International Studies Quarterly, 42(1), 1998: 191-210.
Steans, J. Engaging from the Margins, British Journal of Politics and International
Relations, 5(3), 2003: 428-454.
Youngs, G. Feminist IR: Contradiction in Terms?, International Affairs 80(1) 2004: 101-14.

Secondary Reading
Cohn, C., Sex and Death in the Rational World of Defense Intellectuals, Signs 12(4) 1987.
* Elshtain, J. B., Women and War (Brighton: Harvester Press, 1987). See also: Women and
War: Ten Years On, Review of International Studies, 24(4), 1998.
* Goldstein, J. War and Gender (Cambridge, CUP, 2001)
Hooper, C. Manly States (New York, Columbia University Press, 2001).
Hutchings, K., The Personal is International In: Lennon & Whitford (eds.) Knowing the
Difference: Feminist Perspectives in Epistemology (London: Routledge, 1994).
* Hutchings, K., Towards a Feminist International Ethics Review of International Studies,
26, Special Issue, (December 2000), 111-130.
Parpart, J and Zalewski, M. (eds.), The Man Question in IR (Boulder: Westview, 1998).
Parpart, J. & Zalewski, M. (eds) Rethinking the Man Question (London: Zed, 2008).
Shepherd, Laura J. (ed.) (2010) Gender Matters in Global Politics (London: Routledge)
Steans, J. Gender and International Relations (Cambridge: Polity, 1998)
* Sylvester, C., Feminist Theory and IR in a Postmodern Era (Cambridge: 1994).
* Tickner, J. A What is your Research Program? Some Feminist Answers to International
Relations Methodological Questions, International Studies Quarterly 49(1), 2005: 1-21.
Whitworth, S., Feminism and International Relations (London: Macmillan, 1994).
* Zalewski, M. Do We Understand Each Other Yet? Troubling feminist encounters within
International Relations, British Journal of Politics and IR, 9(2), 2007: 302-312.

Key questions
What is distinctive about feminist critiques of mainstream IR theory?
Can the concept of gender be divorced from feminist theory?

Week 16 Security
Peace, war and security studies have been one of the areas of IR theory where feminists have
had most to say. In this lecture we examine feminist critiques of how security is understood
in both mainstream and critical theories. We also explore how feminist insights change the
agenda of security studies, consider the strengths and weaknesses of feminist arguments, and
examine how they fit with contemporary developments in the theorization of security.

Essential reading
Hansen, L. (2000) The Little Mermaids Security Dilemma and the Absence of Gender in
the Copenhagen School, Millennium 29(2): 285-306.
MacKenzie, M. (2009)Securitization and Desecuritization: Female soldiers and the
reconstruction of women in post-conflict Sierra Leone, Security Studies 18: 241-261.
Sjoberg, L. (2009) Introduction to Security Studies: Feminist Contributions, Security
Studies 18: 183-213.
Wilcox, L. (2009) Gendering the Cult of the Offensive, Security Studies 18: 214-240.

Further reading
Blanchard, E. Gender and the Development of Feminist Security Theory, Signs 28(4) 2003.
Buck, L., Gallant, N. & Nossal, K., Sanctions as a Gendered Instrument of Statecraft,
Review of International Studies, 24(1) 1998.
* Buzan, B. and O. Waever (2009) Macrosecuritisation and Security Constellations, Review
of International Studies 35(2): 253-276.
Buzan, B. and Hansen, L. (2009) The Evolution of International Security Studies (CUP).
* Carpenter, Charli (2005) Women, Children and Other Vulnerable Groups, International
Studies Quarterly, 49(2).
Cockburn, C. & Zarkov, D. (eds) Militaries, masculinities and international peacekeeping
(London: Lawrence & Wishart, 2002).
Jones, A. Gendercide and Genocide, Journal of Genocide Research, 2(2), 2000: 185-211.
Kirby, Paul (2013) How is Rape a Weapon of War?, European Journal of International
Relations 19(4).
* Security Dialogue (2011) Special Issue on the Politics of Securitization, Security
Dialogue 42(4).
Shepherd, L. (2008) To Save Succeeding Generations from the Scourge of War, Review of
International Studies 34(2): 293-311.
* Whitworth, S. & Mazurana, D. Women, Peace and Security: Secretary Generals Report
Whitworth, S. (2004) Men, Militarism and UN Peacekeeping (Boulder: Lynne Rienner).
Young, I. M. (2003) The Logic of Masculinist Protection, Signs 29(2).

Key questions
How would you define security from a feminist point of view?
Can the Copenhagen school accommodate feminist critiques?
Do feminist and realist ideas of security have anything in common?

Part 3 Theorising theory
The final section of the course explores the theory of theory, i.e. the concerns with issues of
objectivity and truth, causation and chance, and power and knowledge that lie behind social
scientific enquiry. The first two sessions look at whether social sciences, including IR, can be
approached in a way comparable to natural sciences. The latter two sessions look at the use
and abuse of history in social scientific research, focusing on how concepts such as context
and narrative help to build bridges between the two enterprises.

Week 17 Philosophy of Science I: Knowledge and certainty
This lecture provides an overview of debates about the nature of scientific knowledge and
how these have been taken up in IR, focusing on issues of causation and prediction.
Perspectives covered include: those who read causation in Humean terms; those who deny
the relevance of causal models for the social sciences; and those who argue for a different,
more complex, model of causation as the means to generate a scientific IR.

Essential reading
Almond, G. & Genco, S. J. Clouds, Clocks and the Study of Politics, World Politics 29(4)
1977: 489-522.
Kurki, Milja (2006) Causes of a Divided Discipline Review of International Studies 32(2):
Wendt, Alexander (1998) On Constitution and Causation in International Relations, Review
of International Studies, 24(Special Issue): 101-117.

Key questions
To what extent is social science concerned with providing causal explanations?
How important is prediction to the study of world politics?
Can there be a social science without positivism?

Week 18 Philosophy of Science II: Pluralism and paradigms
This lecture traces the take up in IR of the Kuhnian notion of paradigms. It examines the
difficulties of adapting Kuhn's argument to IR theories and assesses recent arguments which
suggest that IR should embrace methodological pluralism. The lecture also examines one of
the most entrenched meta-theoretical problems in IR the agent-structure problem and
how some scholarship has attempted to resolve this through a turn to critical realism.

Essential reading
Kuhn, T. Logic of Discovery or Psychology of Research? and Reflections on my Critics in
Alan Musgrave and Imre Lakatos eds. Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge
(Cambridge: 1970). See also the chapters by Popper, Lakatos and Feyerabend.
Lake, David, Why isms Are Evil, International Studies Quarterly 55(2) 2011: 465-480.
Wight, C. IR: A Science Without Positivism, Ch. 1 in Agents, Structures and International
Relations: Politics as Ontology (Cambridge: CUP, 2006).

Further readings for weeks 17 and 18
* Bueno de Mesquita, B. Predicting Politics (Ohio State: 2002), Ch. 1.
Chernoff, F. The Power of International Theory (London: Routledge, 2005).
* Elman, C. and M.F. Elman eds. Progress in IR Theory (MIT: 2003). Also see the theory
talk with Miriam Elman: http://www.theory-talks.org/2009/07/theory-talk-32.html
* Jackson, P. The Conduct of Inquiry in International Relations (Routledge: 2010).
Gaddis, J. International Relations Theory and the End of the Cold War, International
Security, Vol. 17, No. 3, Winter 1992/3, pp. 5-58.
Hollis, M. & Smith, S. The International System, Ch. 5 of Explaining and Understanding in
International Relations (Oxford: 1991).
* Jackson, Patrick and Daniel Nexon, Paradigmatic Faults in IR Theory, International
Studies Quarterly 53(4) 2009: 907-930.
Keohane, R. O. International Institutions: Two Approaches, International Studies
Quarterly, Vol. 32, 1988, pp. 379-396
* Knorr, K & Rosenau, J. (eds) Contending Approaches to International Politics (Princeton,
1969). See especially the contributions by Bull and Singer.
Kuhn, T. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 2
Ed (Chicago: 1970).
Kurki, M. and H. Suganami, Towards the Politics of Causal Explanation, International
Theory 4(3) 2012: 400-429
Monteiro, N. P. & Ruby, K. G. IR and the False Promise of Philosophical Foundations,
International Theory 1(1) 2009: 15-48.
Singer, D. The Level of Analysis Problem in International Relations in Knorr & Verba (eds)
The International System: Theoretical Essays (Princeton, 1961)
Smith, S. Singing Our World Into Existence, International Studies Quarterly, 48(3) 2004:
Wendt, A. Bridging the theory/meta-theory gap in international relations, Review of
International Studies, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1991, pp. 383-392.
* Wendt, A. The Agent-Structure Problem in International Relations Theory, International
Organization, Vol. 41, No. 3, 1987, pp. 335-370.
* Wight, C. (1999) They Shoot Dead Horses Dont They?, EJIR 5(1): 109-142.

Key questions
What is a paradigm and can we know the world without one?
Are isms evil?
Is it possible to resolve the agent-structure problem?

Week 19 Context
In some respects, history has always been a core feature of international studies. On both
sides of the Atlantic, leading figures in the discipline such as E.H. Carr, Hans Morgenthau,
Martin Wight and Stanley Hoffman employed history as a means of illuminating their
research. And, since the end of the Cold War, the prominence of history has risen with the
emergence or reconvening of historically oriented research programmes such as
constructivism, neo-classical realism and the English School. However, much of this
literature either deliberately or otherwise operates under the guise of a well-entrenched
binary: political scientists do the theory, historians do the spadework. This lecture
problematizes this set-up, asking what it is we mean when we talk about history in IR. Along
the way, special attention is given to the role of context as developed by the Cambridge
School of intellectual historians.

Essential readings
Skinner, Quentin (1988) Meaning and Understanding in the History of Ideas, in: James
Tully (ed.), Meaning and Context: Quentin Skinner and his Critics (Princeton, NJ).
Also see Skinners reply to my critics in the same book.
Schroeder, Paul (1994) Historical Reality and Neo-Realist Theory, International Security
19(1): 108-148. Also see Elman and Elmans, Second Look, International Security
20(1): 182-193 and Schroeders reply in the same volume, pp. 194-196.
Lawson, Stephanie (2008) Political Studies and the Contextual Turn, Political Studies
56(3): 584-603.

Further readings
* Bell, Duncan (2009) Writing the World: Disciplinary History and Beyond, International
Affairs 85(1): 3-22.
* Carr, E.H. (1967) What is History? (London: Vintage).
* Elman, Colin and Miriam Elman (eds.) (2001) Bridges and Boundaries (Cambridge, MA:
MIT), especially the chapters by John Lewis Gaddis and Richard Ned Lebow.
Evans, Richard (1997) In Defence of History (London: Granta).
* Gaddis, John Lewis (1996) History, Science and the Study of International Relations, in
Ngaire Woods (ed.), Explaining International Relations Since 1945, pp. 32-48.
* Goodin, Robert and Charles Tilly (2006) It Depends, in: Robert Goodin and Charles Tilly
(eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Contextual Political Analysis, pp. 3-34.
Hobson, John and George Lawson (2008) What is History in IR? Millennium 37(2): 415-
435. Also see the essays by Chris Reus Smit and Eddie Keane in the same forum.
Holden, Gerard (2002) Who Contextualises the Contextualisers? Review of International
Studies 28(2): 253-270.
Lustick, Ian (1996) History, Historiography and Political Science, American Political
Science Review 90(3): 605-618.
Pierson, Paul (2004) Politics in Time (Princeton: Princeton University Press).
Sartori, Giovanni (1975) Concept Misinformation in Comparative Politics, American
Political Science Review 64(4): 1033-1053.
* Vaughan-Williams, Nick (2005) International Relations and the Problem of History,
Millennium 34(1): 115-136.

Key questions
What is the best way of combining theory and history?
It depends (Goodin and Tilly). Does it?
Are there any dangers in the turn to context in IR?

Week 20 Narrative
This lecture looks at the work of narrative historians and eventful sociologists who
attempt to theorise contingency, chance and uncertainty without losing track of the broader
dynamics, processes and sequences that make up historical development. Regardless of
sometimes stark disagreements over epistemology, subject matter and sensibility, the lecture
examines whether enduring links can be established between history and social theory by
acknowledging that history is a form of social theory, and that social theory is necessarily

Core readings
Lawson, George (2012) The Eternal Divide? History and International Relations, European
Journal of International Relations 18(2): 203-226.
Roberts, Geoffrey (2006) History, Theory and the Narrative Turn in International Relations,
Review of International Studies 32(4): 703-714.
Sewell, William (1996) Three Temporalities: Toward an Eventful Sociology, in Terrence J.
McDonald (ed.) The Historic Turn in the Human Sciences, pp. 245-280.

Further readings
Abbott, Andrew (1992) From Causes to Events: Notes on Narrative Positivism,
Sociological Methods & Research, 20(4): 428-455.
Bleiker, Roland and Brigg, Morgan (2010) Autoethnography and International Relations,
Review of International Studies 36(3): 777-818.
Humphreys, Adam (2011) The Heuristic Application of Explanatory Theories in IR,
European Journal of International Relations, 17(2): 257-277.
* Jackson, Patrick (2006) The Present as History, in Robert Goodin and Charles Tilly (eds.),
The Oxford Handbook on Contextual Political Analysis, pp. 490-505.
Kratochwil, Friedrich (2006) History, Action and Identity, European Journal of
International Relations 12(1): 5-29.
Lebow, Ned (2009) Forbidden Fruit (Princeton: Princeton University Press).
Sewell, William (2005) Logics of History (Chicago: University of Chicago Press).
* Stone, Lawrence (1979) The Revival of Narrative, Past and Present 85(1): 3-24.
* Suganami, Hidemi (1999) Agents, Structures, Narratives, European Journal of
International Relations 5(3): 365-386.
Tilly, Charles (2006) Why? (Princeton: Princeton University Press).
* White, Hayden (1974) Metahistory (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press).

Key questions
Is history a social science?
Does narrative act as a useful bridge between history and IR?
Can we speak of an eternal divide between history and social science?

Summer 2013 examination

Theories of International Relations

Suitable for all candidates

Instructions to candidates

Time allowed: 2 hours

This paper contains eight questions. Answer two questions. All questions will be
given equal weight (50%).

1. I am mindful not only of our strengths and capabilities, but also of our
limitations (Barack Obama). Does President Obamas statement capture the
core concern of realist IR theory?

2. Does liberal IR theory rely on a Eurocentric account of historical progress?

3. Security is what states make of it. Is this right?

4. The English School has little understanding of power beyond the celebration
of great power privilege. Discuss.

5. Does empire serve as a useful tool of analysis in contemporary IR?

6. The problem with feminism in IR is that it does not constitute a distinct
research programme. Do you agree?

7. To what extent can IR theories transcend the context in which they are

8. Is all IR theory normative?

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