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ERM Risk Catalog

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The document discusses various types of external, strategic and IT risks that companies may face.

Some of the external environmental risks discussed include capital availability risk, catastrophic loss risk, competitor risk, customer wants risk, financial markets risk, industry risk, legal risk, regulatory risk, sensitivity risk, shareholder expectations risk, sovereign/political risk and technological innovation risk.

Some of the strategic risks discussed include alignment risk, board effectiveness risk, business model risk, business portfolio risk and catastrophic risk.


Environment risk arises when there are external forces that can affect a companys performance, or
make its choices regarding its strategies, operations, customer and supplier relationships, organizational
structure or financing obsolete or ineffective. These forces are outside managements ability to control.
Capital Availability Risk: The Company does not have efficient access to the capital it needs to
fuel its growth, execute its strategies, and generate future financial returns.
Catastrophic Loss Risk: The inability to sustain operations, provide essential products and
services, or recover operating costs as a result of a major disaster.
Competitor Risk: Major competitors or new entrants to the market take actions to establish and
sustain competitive advantage over the company or even threaten its ability to survive.
Customer Wants Risk: The Company is not aware that customer needs and wants change. Such
needs and wants may apply to desired quality, willingness to pay and/or speed of execution.
Financial Markets Risk: Financial markets risk is defined as exposure to changes in the earnings
capacity or economic value of the firm as a result of changes in financial market variables (e.g.,
currency rates). These changes affect income, expense or balance sheet values.
Industry Risk: The risk that the industry will lose its attractiveness due to changes in the key
factors for competitive success within the industry, capabilities of existing and potential
competitors, and companys strengths and weaknesses relative to competitors.
Legal Risk: The risk that a company's transactions, contractual agreements and specific
strategies and activities are not enforceable under applicable law.
Regulatory Risk: Changes in regulations and actions by national or local regulators can result in
increased competitive pressures and significantly affect a company's ability to efficiently
conduct business.
Sensitivity Risk: Sensitivity risk results when management commits the company's resources and
expected cash flows from future operations to such an extent that it reduces the company's
tolerance for (or ability to withstand) changes in environmental forces that are totally beyond its
Shareholder Expectations Risk: The risk of failing to manage shareholder expectations, resulting
in a decline in investor confidence that may impair the company's ability to efficiently raise
capital and reduce stock evaluations over time.
Sovereign/Political Risk: The risk of adverse consequences through political actions in a country
in which a company has made significant investments (a major project, for example), is
dependent on a significant volume of business or has entered into an agreement with a counter
party subject to the laws of that country.
Technological Innovation Risk: The organization is not leveraging advancements in technology in
its business model to achieve or sustain competitive advantage or is exposed to the actions of
competitors or substitutes that do leverage technology to attain superior quality, cost and/or
time performance in their products, services and processes.

Alignment Risk: The objectives and performance measures of the company's business processes
are not aligned with its overall business objectives and strategies. The objectives and measures
do not focus people on the right things and lead to conflicting, uncoordinated activities.
Board Effectiveness Risk: The board does not constructively engage management and provide
anticipatory, proactive and interactive oversight of the companys activities and affairs, with
integrity, vision, common sense and unquestioned independence.
Business Model Risk: The organization has an obsolete business model and doesn't recognize it
and/or lacks the information needed to make an up-to-date assessment of its current model and
build a compelling business case for modifying that model on a timely basis.
Business Portfolio Risk: The risk that a firm will not maximize business performance by
effectively prioritizing its products or balancing its businesses in a strategic context.
Catastrophic Loss Risk: The risk that a majornatural or man-madedisaster could threaten
the companys ability to sustain operations, provide essential products and services or recover
operating costs.
Compensation Risk: The risk that compensation and additional incentives are inadequate to
maintain the human capital required to sustain and grow the business.
Competition Risk: The risk that actions of the companys competitors or new entrants to the
market threaten competitive advantage.
Customer Satisfaction Risk: The risk that a lack of appropriate focus on customers needs and
wants threatens the companys ability to meet or exceed customer expectations, resulting in
poor customer retention.
Environmental Scan Risk: The failure to monitor and stay in touch with a rapidly changing
environment resulting in obsolete business strategies.
Ethical Behavior Risk: The organization, through its actions or inaction, demonstrates that it is
not committed to ethical and responsible business behavior.
Expectation Risk: The risk that shareholders, customers, revenue authorities or other
stakeholders have expectations that exceed the company's capacity to fulfill.
Geographic Dispersion Risk: The risk that the concentration of certain aspects of the business
causes the company to be overly dependent on certain geographic markets.
Governance Risk: The risk that the organizations governance processes do not comply with legal
requirements or stakeholder expectations and that the board of directors fails to provide
adequate monitoring and oversight of executive management activities.
Hostile Takeover Risk: The risk that the company becomes the acquisition target of a competing
Image and Branding Risk: The risk that a company may lose customers, key employees or its
ability to compete, due to perceptions that it does not deal fairly with customers, suppliers and
stakeholders, or know how to manage its business.
Industry Risk: The risk that changes in opportunities and threats affecting the industry (e.g.,
consolidation or regulation) threaten the attractiveness or long-term viability of the industry.
Innovation Risk: The risk that the company does not invest in new products and is unable to
respond quickly to new sources of demand.
Investment Valuation /Evaluation Risk: Management does not have sufficient financial
information to make informed short-term and long-term investment decisions and link the risks
accepted to the capital at risk. Management and key decision-makers are unable to reliably
measure the value of a specific business or any of its significant segments in a strategic context.
Investor Relations Risk: The risk that misrepresentations of company activities through media,
crisis or employee communications jeopardizes investor confidence in the company.
Life Cycle Risk: An organization's approach to managing the movement of its product lines and
evolution of its industry along the life cycle (e.g., start-up, growth, maturity and decline)
threatens the ultimate success of its business strategies.
Management Turnover Risk: The risk that unanticipated turnover coupled with an inadequate
succession plan stalls company activity, interrupts strategic vision or lowers productive output.
Market Decline Risk: The risk that advances or changes in technology, the business environment,
and/or consumer habits will drastically shrink the number of customers who utilize the
companys services.
Measurement (Strategy) Risk: Occurs when overall organizational performance measures focus
primarily on near-term financial results or are not consistent with and do not support business
Merger & Acquisition Risk: The risk that the organization engages in a merger and acquisition
process that improperly values and prices a target, lacks sufficient due diligence and/or executes
Offering Evolution Risk: The risk that new products and services are constantly introduced and
that the introduction of these products and services, if not managed successfully, could have a
material adverse affect on the business.
Organization Structure Risk: The Companys organizational structure does not support change or
the company's business strategies.
Organizational Culture Risk: The organizations culture does not encourage managers to
realistically portray the potential outcomes of transactions, deals, investments and projects and
understand and portray the full picture for decision makers. The organization experiences
dysfunctional behavior because managers are either risk averse or incented to take risks beyond
the organizations risk appetite.
Oversaturation Risk: The risk that the company has/will unknowingly oversaturate a particular
Planning Risk: the Companys business strategies are not driven by creative and intuitive input
or based on current assumptions about the external environment resulting in strategies that are
out-of-date and unfocused.
Pricing Risk: The risk that a product, good and/or service is severely under or overpriced and
causes the company to miss out on potential profits.
Process Risk: The risk that business processes are not clearly defined, are poorly aligned with
business objectives and strategies, do not satisfy customer needs, dilute shareholder wealth, or
expose assets to misappropriation or misuse.
Product Demand Risk: The risk that a scenario arises in which the company cannot meet the
product demands of its customers and the company loses out on potential revenue.
Regulatory Risk: The risk that changing regulations threaten the companys competitive position
and capacity to conduct business.
Reputation Risk: The risk of loss of brand image such that the company will be unable to operate
in the marketplace.
Reputation Risk: The risk that negative publicity regarding an institutions business practices will
lead to a loss of revenue or litigation.
Resource Allocation Risk: The Companys resource allocation process does not establish and
sustain competitive advantage or maximize returns for shareholders.
Sovereign/Political Risk: The risk that adverse political actions threaten resources and future
cash flows in countries where the company invests significantly.
Staff Bench Strength Risk: The risk that the company does not have an employee talent pool
deep enough to absorb staff departures.
Stakeholder Relations Risk: A decline in investor confidence may impair a company's ability to
efficiently raise capital. The company will not have the same efficient access as competitors to
the capital it needs to fuel its growth, execute its strategies, and generate future financial
Strategic Initiatives Risk: The risk that failures to align new initiatives, planning and execution
with established company vision and direction lead to the misapplication of company resources.

Financial risk can occur if the company fails to provide adequate liquidity to meet the firms obligations
or manages financial risks in a manner that is inconsistent with the firms business objectives. Its severity
depends on a number of factors, which include the firms size, industry, financial position (e.g.
public/private, leverage, free cash flow to equity, etc.), and the direction of the market as a whole.
Accounting Information Risk: Financial accounting information used to manage business
processes is not properly integrated with nonfinancial information focused on customer
satisfaction, measuring quality, reducing cycle time and increasing efficiency. The result is a
myopic, short-term fixation on manipulating the outputs of business processes to achieve
financial targets, rather than fulfilling customer expectations by controlling and improving
Accounting Information Risk: The risk that accounting is not performed in accordance with
prescribed accounting rules and regulations, there are issues with respect to the accuracy and
completeness of data, accruals are inappropriate and/or not properly supported and account
reconciliations are not current or accurate, leading to poor reporting standards.
Budget & Planning Risk: The risk that non-existent, unrealistic, irrelevant or unreliable budget
and planning information for the company may cause inappropriate financial decisions.
Budget and Planning Risk: Budgets and business plans are not realistic, based on appropriate
assumptions, based on cost drivers and performance measures, accepted by key managers, or
used as a monitoring tool.
Cash Flow Risk: Actual losses incurred as a result of the inability to fund the operational or
financial obligations of the business.
Collateral Risk: This is the risk that the value of an asset provided as collateral for a loan,
receivable, or commitment to perform may be partially or totally lost.
Commodity Risk: The risk that uncertainties of future market values and of the size of the future
income, caused by the fluctuation in the prices of commodities will cause volatility in the
companys cost base.
Commodity Risk: This can be a financial market risk if a company chooses an investment as part
of a diversification strategy for managing investment risk. From the industrial perspective,
commodity risk is the exposure to fluctuations in prices of commodity-based materials or
products (e.g., gold, energy, copper, coffee).
Concentration Risk: Exposure to loss as a result of the inability to access cash in a timely manner
due to the inability to liquidate exposures without moving the market, unusual market
conditions, use of proprietary financial products, or excessive reliance on a small number of
funding sources.
Concentration Risk: Inappropriate emphasis of sales volume or revenues on a single customer,
industry sector, or other economic segment leads to exposure to excessive loss.
Contract Commitment Risk: The Company does not have information that effectively tracks
contractual commitments outstanding at a point in time, so that the financial implications of
decisions to enter into incremental commitments can be appropriately considered by decision
Covenant Risk: The risk that continual misses of bank covenants will either cause the company
to pay additional money to amend or cause the bank to take specific measures against the
Credit Concentration Risk: The risk that concentrations build within our portfolio, putting us in a
position where a downturn in one or two industries could have a serious impact on our financial
Credit Risk: The exposure to actual loss or opportunity cost as a result of default (or other failure
to perform) by an economic or legal entity (the debtor) with which the company does business.
Credit Risk: The risk that the exposure to actual loss as a result of a default (or other failure to
perform) by an economic or legal entity with which the company does business causes a loss of
revenue for the company.
Currency Risk: The exposure to fluctuations in exchange rates may arise as a result of business
activity in foreign markets and investment in securities, which are issued by overseas entities or
are denominated in a foreign currency.
Default Risk: A counterparty will be unable to fulfill its obligations.
Equity Risk: The exposure to fluctuations in the income stream and/or value of equity ownership
in an incorporated entity.
Equity Risk: The risk that the companys investments will depreciate because of stock market
dynamics causing the organization to lose value.
Financial Controls Risk: The risk that the companys system of internal controls over financial
reporting (e.g., SOX Controls) is not effective and thus could result in external financial reports
that are not current, complete, or accurate.
Financial Health/Economic Uncertainty Risk: The risk that economic factors beyond company
control will have a negative impact on financial results and/or the ability to achieve objectives.
Financial Instrument Risk: Financial market risk can vary depending upon the particular segment
of the market to which the holder of a financial instrument is exposed, or the way in which the
exposure is structured.
Financial Reporting Evaluation Risk: Financial reports issued to existing and prospective
investors and lenders include material misstatements or omit material facts, making them
Financial Reporting Evaluation Risk: The risk that failure to accumulate relevant and reliable
external and internal information to assess whether adjustments to or disclosures in financial
statements are required may result in the issuance of misleading financial reports.
Financial Systems Risk: The risk that some essential financial transactions are subject to
breakdown or inaccuracies resulting in errors or delay.
Foreign Currency Risk: The risk that the company suffers monetary loss due to an adverse
movement in foreign exchange rates stemming from transactions.
Funding Risk: The risk that a loss of higher funding or a lack of funds to finance a project
prevents a project from reaching completion.
Interest Rate Risk: The risk that interest rates deviate from their expected value resulting in
lower-than-expected investment yields, higher-than-expected borrowing or product costs, or
deterioration of the firms competitive position in its industry.
Interest Rate Risk: The risk that the company suffers losses or incurs higher costs because of the
variability of interest rates bore by an interest-bearing asset, such as a loan or a bond.
Liquidity Risk: The exposure to loss as a result of the inability to meet cash flow obligations in a
timely and cost-effective manner. Liquidity risk often arises as a result of an investment portfolio
with a cash flow and/or maturity profile, which differs from the underlying cash flows dictated
by the company's operating requirements and other obligations.
Liquidity Risk: The risk that insufficient liquidity (either through cash generated, cash on hand or
access to credit) may cause the company to default on a financial obligation (such as supplier
payments or payroll).
Opportunity Cost Risk: The use of funds in a manner that leads to the loss of economic value,
including time value losses, transaction costs due to inappropriate or inefficient management of
cash flows and other causes of loss of value.
Pension Fund Risk: Pension funds are not actuarially sound, e.g., they are insufficient to satisfy
benefit obligations defined by the plan.
Price Risk: The exposure of earnings or net worth to changes in market factors (e.g., interest
rates, currency rates), which affect income, expense or balance sheet values.
Product/Service Pricing Risk: The Companys price is more than customers are willing to pay or
does not cover production and distribution costs.
Regulatory Reporting Risk: Reports of operating and financial information required by regulatory
agencies are incomplete, inaccurate, or untimely, exposing the company to fines, penalties and
Segregation of Duties and Internal Control Risk: The risk that adequate segregation of duties and
internal controls are not in place to ensure the integrity of information and to prevent/detect
Settlement Risk: In financial terms, this risk arises when financial counterparties effect their
payments to each other at different times or in different locations. In a non-financial context,
settlement risk describes the risk of unexpected costs and/or administrative inconvenience
associated with the failure to deliver payment in the right place at the right time.
Taxation Risk: Significant transactions of the company have adverse tax consequences that could
have been avoided had they been structured differently. Failure to comply with all tax
regulations (e.g. payment and filing requirements) creates risks.
Taxation Risk: The risk that failure to accumulate and consider relevant tax information may
result in non-compliance with tax regulations, adverse tax consequences and/or missed cost-
savings opportunities that could have been avoided had transactions been structured

Authority/Limit Risk: The risk that people either make decisions or take actions that are not
within their explicit responsibility or control or fail to take responsibility for those things for
which they are accountable. Failure to establish or enforce limits on personnel actions may
cause employees to commit unauthorized, illegal or unethical acts or assume unauthorized or
unacceptable business risks.
Change Readiness Risk: The people within the organization are unable to implement process
and product/service improvements quickly enough to keep pace with changes in the
Communications Risk: Communication channels (top-down and bottom-up or cross-functional)
within the organization are ineffective and result in messages that are inconsistent with
authorized responsibilities or established measures.
Employee Fraud and Third Party Fraud Risk: Fraudulent activities perpetrated by employees,
customers, suppliers, agents, brokers or third-party administrators against the organization for
personal gain expose the organization to financial loss.
Empowerment Risk: The risk that managers and employees are not properly lead, do not know
what to do (or how to do it) when they need to do it, exceed the boundaries of their defined
authorities, do not have the resources, training and tools necessary to make effective decisions
or are given incentives to do the wrong thing.
Illegal Acts Risk: Managers and employees individually or in collusion commit illegal acts, placing
the company, its directors and officers at risk to the consequences of their actions.
Integrity Risk: The risk of management fraud, employee fraud, and illegal and unauthorized acts,
any or all of which could lead to reputation degradation in the marketplace or even financial
Leadership Risk: The risk that the people responsible for the important business processes do
not or cannot provide the leadership, vision, and support necessary to help employees be
effective and successful in their jobs.
Management Fraud Risk: Management issues misleading financial statements with intent to
deceive the investing public and the external auditor or engages in bribes, kickbacks, influence
payments and other schemes for the benefit of the company.
Outsourcing Risk: Outside service providers do not act within their defined limits of authority
and do not perform in a manner consistent with the values, strategies and objectives of the
Performance Incentives Risk: Unrealistic, subjective or unclear performance measures may
cause managers and employees to act in a manner that is inconsistent with the company's
business objectives, strategies, ethical standards and prudent business practice.
Succession Planning Risk: Leadership talent within the organization is not sufficiently developed
to provide for orderly succession in the future.
Unauthorized Use Risk: The Companys employees (or others) use its physical and financial
assets for unauthorized or unethical purposes.

Operational Risks
Alignment Risk: The risk that company fails to align business process objectives and
performance measures with enterprise-wide and/or operating unit objectives and strategies,
resulting in conflicting, uncoordinated activities throughout the organization.
Authority Risk: The risk that failure to establish authority or enforce limits on personnel actions
may cause employees to commit unauthorized or unethical acts, or to assume unauthorized or
unacceptable risks.
Business Interruption Risk: the Companys capability to continue critical operations and
processes may be highly dependent on availability of certain raw materials, information
technologies, skilled labor and other resources.
Capacity Risk: The effective productive capacity of the plant is not fully utilized, resulting in
spreading fixed costs over fewer units and creating higher unit costs and lower unit margins or
the capacity does not fulfill customer needs resulting in a loss of business.
Capacity Risk: The risk that the implementation of the policy or project will exceed the
company's management capacity.
Change Readiness Risk: The risk that the company is unable to implement process and
product/service improvements quickly enough to meet business requirements.
Channel Effectiveness Risk: Poorly performing or positioned distribution channels threaten the
organizations capacity to access current and potential customers/end users effectively and
Communications Risk: The risk that ineffective communication channels may result in messages
that are inconsistent with authorized responsibilities or established performance measures.
Compliance Risk: As a result of a flaw in design or operation or due to human error, oversight or
indifference, the company's processes do not meet customer requirements the first time or do
not comply with prescribed procedures and policies. Compliance risk can also result in failure to
conform with laws and regulations at the international, country, state and local level that apply
to a business process.
Contract Information Risk: The risk that insufficient or inadequate information is collected to
track contract commitments and to perform effective contract management.
Customer Satisfaction Risk: The Companys processes do not consistently meet or exceed
customer expectations due to a lack of focus on the customer.
Cycle Time Risk: Elapsed time between the start and completion of a business process (or
activity within a process) is too long because of redundant, unnecessary and irrelevant steps.
Efficiency Risk: The process is inefficient in satisfying valid customer requirements resulting in
higher than competitive costs.
Efficiency Risk: The risk that inefficient operations threaten companys ability to provide service
at or below competitor cost levels.
Employee/Third Party Fraud Risk: The risk that fraudulent activities perpetrated by employees,
customers or suppliers, agents, brokers or third-party administrators against company for
personal gain (misappropriation of physical, financial or information assets) exposes the
company to financial loss.
Environmental Risk: Environmental risks expose companies to potentially enormous liabilities.
The exposure is twofold -- (1) liability to third parties for bodily injury or property damage
caused by the pollution, and (2) liability to governments or third parties for the cost of removing
pollutants plus severe punitive damages.
Executive Certification Risk: Failure to accumulate sufficient, relevant and reliable information to
assess the design and operating effectiveness of disclosure controls and procedures, resulting in
material information not being disclosed timely to certifying officers and in public reports
Health and Safety Risk: These risks expose a company to potentially significant workers'
compensation liabilities, financial loss, and negative publicity. Firms and their managers could
find themselves criminally liable for failure to provide a safe working environment for their
Human Resources Risk: The personnel responsible for managing and controlling an organization
or a business process do not possess the requisite knowledge, skills and experience needed to
ensure that critical business objectives are achieved and significant business risks are reduced to
an acceptable level.
Institutional Knowledge Risk: The risk that processes for capturing and institutionalizing learning
across company are either non-existent or ineffective, resulting in poor performance.
Internal Control Evaluation Risk: Failure to accumulate sufficient relevant and reliable
information to assess the design and operating effectiveness of internal control over financial
reporting, resulting in inaccurate assertions by management in the internal control report.
Knowledge Capital Risk: Processes for capturing and institutionalizing learning across the
organization are either nonexistent or ineffective, resulting in slow response time, high costs,
repeated mistakes, slow competence development, constraints on growth and unmotivated
Leadership Risk: The risk that supervisors fail to perceive, diagnose or address employees'
performance problems on a timely basis.
Management Fraud Risk: The risk that intentional misstatement of financial statements or
misrepresentation of the companys capabilities or intentions may adversely affect
stakeholders decisions.
Measurement (Operations) Risk: Process performance measures do not provide a reliable
portrayal of operating performance and do not accurately reflect reality. The measures do not
provide relevant information for decision making because they are not informative,
understandable, believable, actionable, or indicators of change.
Measurement Risk: The risk that non-existent, irrelevant and/or unreliable non-financial
measures may cause erroneous assessments of and conclusions about operational performance.
Operations Risk: The risk that operations are inefficient and ineffective in satisfying customers
and achieving the companys quality cost and time objectives.
Outsourcing Risk: The risk that outsourcing company activities to third parties may result in third
parties not acting within the intended limits of their authority.
Partnering Risk: Inefficient or ineffective alliance, joint venture, affiliate and other external
relationships affect the organizations capability to compete. These uncertainties arise due to
choosing the wrong partner, poor execution, receiving more value than is given (ultimately
resulting in loss of a partner) and failing to capitalize on partnering opportunities.
Partnering Risk: The risk that an inefficient or ineffective alliance, joint venture, affiliate and
other external relationships affect the companys capability to compete.
Performance Gap Risk: A business process does not perform at a world-class level because the
practices designed into the process are inferior.
Performance Gap Risk: The risk company performance suffers in terms of quality, cost and/or
cycle time due to inferior operating practices.
Product Development Risk: The productivity of the product development process is significantly
less than more innovative competitors who are able to achieve higher productivity through a
stronger customer focus, concentrating focused resources and faster cycle time.
Product Development Risk: The risk that poor planning and execution during the product
development lifecycle (i.e. strategy, development, partnering, security and release) may result in
an inferior finished good and/or service.
Product/Service Failure Risk: The Companys operations create risk of customers receiving faulty
or nonperforming products or services.
Sales and Marketing Risk: The risk that misaligned marketing strategy may hinder the companys
ability to complete the sales cycle.
Scalability Risk: The inability to operate differently and more efficiently at larger volumes or
amortize costs over greater sales volume, resulting in diseconomies of scale that threaten the
firms ability to generate competitive profit margins.
Sourcing Risk: The fewer the alternative sources of energy, metals and other key commodities
and raw materials used in a company's operations, the greater the risks of shortages and higher
costs. These risks can significantly affect the company's capability to provide competitively
priced products and services to customers at the time they are wanted.
Supply Chain Risk: The risk that a breakdown in the movement of goods and information
between the organization and its suppliers and customers reduces performance.
Team Satisfaction Risk: The risk that team satisfaction declines causing poor team morale, work
ethic, and lack of productivity.
Trademark/Brand Erosion Risk: The risk that a trademark or brand will lose its value. A
trademark is a word, symbol or device -- or any combination of these -- that identifies a product
or service and distinguishes that product or service from the products or services of

Antitrust/Fair Competition Risk: The risk that the company violates legislation which limits the
growth and use of monopoly power that interferes with a competitive market system.
Compliance (Regulatory & Other) Risk: The risk that non-compliance with customer
requirements, prescribed organizational policies and procedures or laws may result in poor
performance or legal action.
Consumer Protection/Product Safety Risk: The risk that statutes enacted to safeguard consumer
rights through safety standards, consumer access to information and/or prevention of deceptive
marketing are not being adhered to.
Environment, Health & Safety Risk: The risk that an actual or potential threat of adverse effects
on living organisms and the environment may arise as a result of the organization's and
employees activities.
Ethics Risk: The risk that the written/unwritten codes of principles and values that govern
decisions and actions within the company and with business partners are not being followed.
Failure to Act Risk: The risk that the company or company employees are aware of a
transgression and fail to report it due to either an unwillingness to come forward or the lack of
an adequate, anonymous reporting mechanism.
Governance Risk: The risk that failure to create organizational transparency by defining the
mechanisms the company uses to ensure that its constituents follow established processes and
policies may create a corporate culture of noncompliance and unaccountability.
Government Relations Risk: The risk that the participation of the company or its employees in
unlawful practices with regards to illicitly influencing the decisions made by the government,
legislators and/or officials, or organized groups may lead to legal action against the organization.
Illegal Acts Risk: The risk that illegal acts committed by managers or employees expose the
company to fines, sanctions and the loss of customers profits, reputation, supply chain and/or
business partners, etc.
Import & Export Practices Risk: The risk that failure to adhere to laws and customs regulating
the practice of shipping goods, products and supplies into and out of the country may expose
the organization to legal action.
Incentive Risk: The risk that incentive plans encourage behavior that maximizes individual
compensation while negatively impacting corporate results (e.g. win bonuses encouraging low
margins business).
Intellectual Property Risk: The risk that threats associated with the companys intellectual
property portfolio, including copyright infringement/piracy, industrial espionage, patent
infringement, trademark and trade secret infringement, misappropriation of proprietary
information and open source software, may rob the company of revenue generating sources.
Labor/Staff Risk: The risk that failure by the company to protect the rights of the employees,
including but not limited to violations in child labor, disability, employment discrimination,
forced labor, health and benefit, immigration, medical leave, employee privacy, retaliation,
sexual or other harassment, union organizing and/or unfair wage laws, may result in legal action
against the organization.
Legal Risk: The risk that changing laws threaten capacity to consummate important transactions,
enforce contractual agreements or implement specific strategies and activities, resulting in lost
business for the company.
Product Liability Risk: The risk that a product failure will cause harm to a customer and bring a
product liability lawsuit, resulting in lost business for the company, the inability to market and
sell a product or products or a significant cash outlay to satisfy customer claims.
Regulatory Reporting Risk: The risk that incomplete, inaccurate and/or untimely reporting of
required financial and operating information to regulatory agencies may expose company to
fines, penalties or sanctions.

Access Risk: Access risk includes the risk that access to information (data or programs) or
systems will be inappropriately granted or refused. It encompasses the risks of improper
segregation of duties, risks associated with the integrity of data and databases and risks
associated with information confidentiality.
Availability Risk: The risk that information will not be available when needed. This includes risks
such as loss of communications (e.g., cut cables, telephone system outage, satellite loss), loss of
basic processing capability (e.g., fire, flood, electrical outage) and operational difficulties (e.g.,
disk drive breakdown, operator errors).
Business Continuity Risk: The risk that the business could not recover in a timely fashion in a
disaster recovery situation.
Change Management Risk: IT system changes are not implemented rapidly enough to meet new
business needs demanded by the marketplace.
Data Center Vendor Risk: The risk that the company relies too heavily on third parties to
perform critical infrastructure maintenance.
Information Access Risk: The risk that failure to adequately restrict access to information (data
or programs), which may result in unauthorized knowledge and use of confidential information,
or overly restricting access to information may preclude personnel from performing their
assigned responsibilities effectively and efficiently.
Information for Decision-Making Risk: The risk that information used to support strategic,
operational and financial decisions is not relevant or reliable. This risk relates to the usability
and timeliness of information that is either created or summarized by processes and application
systems or a failure to understand information needs.
Information Quality Risk: Irrelevant or erroneous information is produced which may adversely
affect users' decisions. Conversely, needed information is not produced or made available in a
timely manner.
Information Technology Risk: The risk that the information technologies used in the business are
not efficiently and effectively supporting the current and future needs of the business or
threaten the companys ability to sustain the operation of critical business processes.
Infrastructure Risk: The risk that the company does not have the information and technology
infrastructure (e.g. hardware, networks, software, people and processes) it needs to effectively
protect/support the current and future information requirements of the business in an efficient,
cost-effective and well-controlled fashion.
Infrastructure Risk: The risk that the organization does not have an effective information
technology infrastructure (e.g., hardware, networks, software, people and processes) to
effectively support the current and future needs of the business in an efficient, cost-effective
and well-controlled fashion.
Integrity Risk: The risk that the authorization, completeness and accuracy of transactions as they
are entered into, processed by, summarized by and reported by the various application systems
are compromised due to inadequate recording structures.
Integrity Risk: This risk encompasses all of the risks associated with the authorization,
completeness, and accuracy of transactions as they are entered into, processed by, summarized
by and reported on by the various application systems deployed by an organization.
Network/System Failure Risk: The risk that the information network/system suffers from
inability to operate to specification or produce the desired output
Technology Innovation Risk: The risk that the company is not leveraging or making the
investment into advancements in technology to achieve or sustain a competitive advantage in
products, services and processes.

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