ISSN 1995-6665 Pages 174 - 181 Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Japanese Manufacturing Techniques and Practices: An Indian Perspective a Department of Business Administration, ty (AMU), Aligarh-202002, India.
Abstract Jamal A. Farooquie a,* , Asit B. Mohapatra b
Aligarh Muslim Universi b Reliance Retail , Mumbai ,India. With rapid advancement in technology and availability of workforce at reasonable wages, India is becoming a preferred locati ufacturing companies from all over the world. The manufacturing sector in India has witnessed a growth of about 15 percent during the year 2007. Japanese techniques like kaizen, quality circles, total productive maintenance, and just-i and c of the India adapt and c and c impro such
Keywords: Indian Manufacturing; Japanese Manufacturing Techniqu on for man n-time, etc. have been implemented worldwide by various manufacturing organizations to improve their performance ompetitiveness. The extent of success achieved has, however, been influenced significantly by the structure and culture organization concerned and the country as well. The present article attempts to study the experiences of a few selected n manufacturing organizations, operating in and around New Delhi region, regarding the implementation and ability of popular Japanese manufacturing techniques and practices. A structured questionnaire containing both open lose-ended questions is used for data collection. The results are obtained using descriptive analysis, hypothesis testing, orrelation analysis. Though implementation of Japanese manufacturing techniques and practices (JMTPs) has resulted in vement of various production-related dimensions and other benefits, there is still a need to understand how to harbor techniques and practices for the long-term growth and benefit of the organizations on the whole. 2009 Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. All rights reserved es and Practices; Productivity; Competitiveness. 1. Introduction *
important role in the economy of every nation. In India, manufacturing accounts for about 17% manu from perce innov mana work India aspec impro scena on th opera comp A ols and techniques, Japan has conceive pract and c just-i main
Manufacturing plays an of the GDP and 12% of employment. Indian facturing sector shares three-fourths of all exports India [1]. There has been a growth of around 15 nt in this sector in the year 2007. Product and process ations, technological developments, improved gerial skills, and the availability of low cost force are the potential competitive capabilities of s manufacturing. There are, however, several other ts, which the country needs to address in order to ve its competitiveness in the global manufacturing rio. Industries all over the world have been focusing e technological and managerial dimensions of their tions to improve their performance and etitiveness. part from such to d and evolved many other techniques and ices for improving the organizations performance ompetitiveness. Kaizen (continuous improvement), n-time (kanban), quality circles, total productive tenance, poka-yoke, zero defects, and cellular
* Corr e techniques and practices that have been adapted by industries, particularly m co th ex an an d u al an o re ad Ja m su an turing ranks 2 , just after Japanese man T an co st (T (T im esponding author. manufacturing, etc. are among thos anufacturing ones, in various developed and developing untries. The culture of the organization concerned and at of the country, however, have a strong bearing on the tent to which these Japanese manufacturing techniques d practices (JMTPs) make their impact as desired. Ford d Honeycutt [2], in a comprehensive article, have iscussed the relevance of the culture of a country in nderstanding the countrys business practices. They have so established that corporate culture is company-specific, d therefore generalization of any company-specific bservations can be misleading. It is, perhaps, for this ason why researchers have been addressing issues like option, implementation, and effectiveness of various panese techniques and management practices in the anufacturing sector of different countries. Examples of ch studies include that in the USA, Singapore, Korea, d Scotland [3-6]. The Indian manufac nd ufacturing, in terms of Deming awards per country. here are about 13 companies that have won this award d many others are ISO-9000 certified [7]. Till the last uple of years of the 20 th century, however, practices like atistical process control (SPC), total quality management QM), just-in-time (JIT), total productive maintenance PM), cellular manufacturing, and continuous provement either failed to serve their purposes in the 2009 Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. All rights reserved - Volume 3, Number 3 (ISSN 1995-6665) 175 Indian manufacturing organizations or to even receive any attention from this sector [8]. In this context, and as inspired by the findings like that of Ford and Honeycutt [2], the authors have made an attem manu he implementation and effective techn autho pract 2. So Th the Japanese practices under study and nt literature. Kaizen (KZN) is based reduc safety been comm well [ Th all fo add v roduct [11]. JIT applies primarily to repetitiv succe produ as im impro labou reduc mater [14]. Q many fits for various work environments such as control comp probl Litera [15] qualit produ pract manu the ef the p The docum every to w envir Th focuses on effective work place organiza simpl value safety (sort) (stand Exch loss chang devel effectiveness in many companies by reducing changeover times from hours to minutes. The Japanese concept Poka-yoke (PKYK), mistake- proofing, is oriented towards both finding and correcting p m s, namely, elim , d th Z im im q p th im m pr o M re m th b ap re 3. of operations and r of organizations. Many orga JM co o m p b P m cr o (U M ti in co in fo o re n ementation statu im o ef an o v JM co pt to study the present scenario of Indian facturing with reference to t ness of some popular Japanese manufacturing iques and practices. This has further helped the rs assess the adaptability of these techniques and ices in the Indian context. me Previous Studies is section explains briefly manufacturing techniques and presents a brief overview releva on making small changes on a regular basis - ing waste and continuously improving productivity, , and effectiveness. While Kaizen has historically applied in manufacturing settings, it is now becoming on to find it applied to service business processes as 9, 10]. e basic principle of Just-in-Time (JIT) is to eliminate rms of waste, and is defined as anything that does not alue to the p e manufacturing. Research has shown that ssful implementation of the JIT philosophy can ce significant benefits for manufacturing firms such proving quality, minimizing levels of inventory, ving relationships with suppliers [12], reducing the r turnover rate, reducing manufacturing lead times, ing set-up time [13], reducing operations and ials handling costs, and maximizing the use of space uality Circle (QC) is a management tool that has bene and improvement of quality, more effective any communication, utilization of employees em solving capabilities, and more job involvement. ture presents numerous studies such as those by Park and Mandal et al. [16], on quality circles and other y related practices. Better quality and enhanced ctivity have been among the major benefits of icing QCs. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a facturing program designed primarily to maximize fectiveness of equipment throughout its entire life by articipation and motivation of the entire workforce. benefits from implementing TPM have been well ented at numerous plants. TPM management brings one, from equipment designer to operators, together ork under an autonomous and small group onment [17]. e 5-S Philosophy tion and standardized work procedures. 5-S ifies work environment and reduces waste and non- activity while improving quality, efficiency and . The five Ss in the Japanese language are Seiri , Seiton (set-in-order), Seiso (shine), Seiketsu ardize), and Shitsuke (sustain). Single Minute ange of Dies (SMED) is an approach to reduce the of output quantity and quality that occurs due to eovers and set-up activities. The method has been oped in Japan by Shigeo Shingo and has proven its roblems as close to the source as possible. There are six istake-proofing principles or method ination, replacement, prevention, facilitation etection, and mitigation. Process improvement is among e major outcomes of poka-yoke implementation [18]. ero Defect (ZD) method endorses continuous provement. The ZDs objectives are limited to quality provement, whereas, QCs aim at improvement in uality, methods, morale, and motivation. The focus of ZD rograms is to produce as little defectives as possible, eoretically no defectives. A Work Improvement Team (WIT) is formed to prove the work processes in an organization. There are ultiple reasons, anything from improving quality of oducts to that of processes or systems, etc., for which an rganization chooses to implement WITs. Cellular anufacturing (CM) is a philosophy that attempts to cognize and exploit similarities among components to be anufactured and to group them into families based on ese similarities in shapes, production processes, or on oth [19]. Comprehensive reviews of different cell design proaches and their features are presented by several searchers including that by Mansouri et al. [20]. Objectives and Methodology Manufacturing covers a large variety products and hence a huge numbe nizations, out of this population, use one or more TPs. Since these organizations are scattered all over the untry, and also a true sampling frame of such rganizations was not available, judgmental sampling ethod has been used to draw the sample with the help of ersonal references of the authors and the professional odies in the country like CII and ASSOCHAM. resuming that larger organizations can provide us with ore useful data, annual turnover was chosen as the iterion to select the sample companies. Manufacturing rganizations with an annual turnover of Rs. 1 billion S$ 20 million) and above are included in the study. oreover, administrative and other limitations, like that of me and cost, restrict the scope of this study to the regions and around New Delhi. A preliminary survey was also nducted to finalize the list of the JMTPs to be included the study. Data availability has been the major criterion r this selection. Non-inclusion of the JMTPs that are left ut of the study does not seem to affect the validity and liability of the findings, as previous researchers too have ot necessarily considered all of them together. This study aims to determine (i) the impl s of JMTPs and their effectiveness, (ii) the relative portance of various triggers, facilitators, barriers, utputs, and benefits and also their effect on JMTPs fectiveness, (iii) the effect of those triggers, facilitators, d barriers along with the stage of JMTPs development n the benefits and outputs, (iv) the correlation among the arious variables of the study, and (v) adaptability of TPs in the Indian context. A structured questionnaire, nsisting of 15 items, was designed to collect data. The 2009 Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. All rights reserved - Volume 3, Number 3 (ISSN 1995-6665) 176 questionnaire, along with a brief write up was sent to the executives of 170 companies, selected through the above- mentioned procedure and criteria. With a low response rate of about 32 percent, 54 completed questionnaires were receiv result regre corre the ne 4. An Th deal with s. Next six questions are the JMTPs and their impleme (10-1 variab outpu respo 4.1. O A loyees (54%), 2500-4999 (32%), a The a exhib Rs. 1 and R annua millio the fa dispo techn two-t they comp that f organ best g playe Franc havin count (15 o with joint 3-5 y 4.2. I impleme imple effect findin in m TPM adopt indus repor respo [22] that the art of designing the right strategy for implementing JIT is still debatable. 5S, being oriented towards a healthy work atmosphere and based on behavioral changes, rather than physical ones, has been re R au fo at th li th p
ea th coll Z st re im d to th q
co te Be ab (2 th JM th b JM co ch cu w in ar & o th st
n b h im an K eing an important resulting parameter of JMT fo b ef v tu si h d ed back and of them, 35 were found valid. The s are obtained by using descriptive analysis, multiple ssion method to test hypotheses, and coefficient of lation. Percentage in fraction has been rounded off to arest number while analyzing the data. alysis and Findings e first three questions in the questionnaire the profile of the organization designed to collect data on ntation and effectiveness. Another set of questions 4) has been used for gathering information on les like triggers, facilitators, barriers, benefits, and ts. The last question invites opinions of the ndents on adaptation of JMTPs in the Indian context. rganizations Profile ccording to the number of employees, the sample into three classes - those organizations can be classified employing less than 2500 emp nd those with 5000 or more employees (14%). nnual turnover-wise distribution of the organizations it that the majority (37%) have annual turnovers of 0 billion or above, 11% each with Rs. 7.5-10 billion s. 5-7.5 billion, 18% with Rs. 2.5-5 billion, and the l turnover of the remaining 23% has been Rs. 10-25 n. This pattern could have emerged possibly due to ct that organizations that have more resources at their sal are more flexible in experimenting with iques and practices other than traditional ones. Nearly hirds of the organizations (66%) have reported that have a joint venture with at least one foreign any. This figure may be interpreted as an indication oreign tie-ups could be one of the reasons for which izations adopt a JMTP to align themselves with the lobal practices, as also to compete with their global rs. The foreign partners belong to the countries like e, Japan, Germany, USA, and UK. The organizations g just 1-2 years old joint venture with any foreign ry, and those with no such tie-ups account for 43% ut of 35). Around 35% have been operating jointly a foreign company for over 10 years. The age of the venture for 14% of the companies has been between ears, and that of the remaining 8% is 6-10 years. mplementation and Effectiveness of JMTPs Table 1 presents the distribution of the organizations nting various JMTPs, the length of mentation, the stage of development, and the iveness (in terms of mean score) of each JMTP. The gs reveal that 5-S and KZN have been implemented ost of the organizations, followed by WITS, QCs, , and JIT. PKYK and SMED are, however, rarely ed by Indian manufacturers. A survey of 34 tries conducted in 2002 by Kumar and Garg [21] has ted a positive attitude of around 60 percent of the ndents towards JIT implementation. A recent study on JIT practices in Indian manufacturing concludes latively inexpensive to implement than other JMTPs. ane et al. [23] has found companies, particularly in tomobile sector, using 5S effectively as a stepping-stone r JIT implementation. The low usage of SMED may be tributed to the nature of business under which most of e Indian companies operate where, unless the production mits of the company are stretched beyond compliance, e targets necessitate faster changeovers of machinery and roduction setup. Thus, SMED was not found suitable. This can been observed from Table 1 that almost in ch case the majority of organizations had been practicing e JMTP for over two years (at the time of data ection). Moreover, most of the JMTPs in use, except D, PKYK, and SMED, are found in their well-developed age of implementation. While investigating the spondents understanding of the various stages of plementing JMTPs, their explanation was that a well- eveloped stage is achieved when the practice has been tally internalized or institutionalized, which means even e shop floor workers know and practice the JMTP in uestion. As far as the effectiveness of these techniques is ncerned, Kaizen was rated as the most effective chnique with mean as 4.27 followed by 5-S (3.65). sides these, JMTPs that were found to obtain scores ove the median were TPM (2.78), WITs (2.56) and QCs .51). The respondents were asked to explain the factors ey took into account when assessing the effectiveness of TPs. A clear-cut response format was not found due to e complexities involved in measuring the intangible enefits of JMTPs. Number of people participating in the TP, monetary benefits like cost cutting, material nsumption, productivity, lead-time and output, and ange in work culture like employees becoming more stomer-oriented and taking on more responsibilities ere, however, found as the key considerations. The most effective techniques among all the JMTPs under study e CM and JIT. A possible reason for low implementation effectiveness of JIT could be that many of the suppliers f the organizations in question are small-scale firms, and ey do not have the capability and resources to match the rict requirements laid down by JIT. The findings also indicate that a given JMTP does not ecessarily score high on the effectiveness scale despite it eing well-developed. For example, the practice of QCs as been developed well in 73 percent of the organizations plementing it as against 66 percent in the case of Kaizen d 5-S. QCs however, have not been as effective as aizen and 5-S. Effectiveness b P implementation, a null hypothesis (H01) was rmed to investigate the statistical relationship, if any, etween the effectiveness of a JMTP and the combined fect of four relevant independent variables. These ariables are stages of development of the JMTPs, annual rnover, facilitators to JMTPs implementation, and the ze of the organization (number of employees). The null ypothesis was stated as the coefficient of multiple etermination in the population is zero. This is equivalent 2009 Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. All rights reserved - Volume 3, Number 3 (ISSN 1995-6665)
177 Table 1. Implementation and Effectiveness of JMTPs. revi fer to able al Tab Statistic For abb ations pl re section 2. T 2. Statistic les. Multiple regre H 0 1 H 0 3 ssion H 0 2 Multiple R R Adjusted R
Std. Erro 0.29
1.0908 0.3
0.108 0.021 0.661 0. 0.131 0.016 0.299
r 7 28
F Reg Res Reg es Reg Res test R D. Sum of
Me 4
0.8 35.6
1.1 4 1.6
0. 13. 0 4 0. 0 30 2 o.f.
sqs an sq 7 64 30
96 90
33 544 30
5 29
. 678
to saying that the coe of e dep t variable in the multiple regression equation is equal to zero. Th F statistics. At 5 found overa effect happe overa JMTP 4.3. T ors, Barriers, Outputs, and Benefits its initiat impo litera need cost, produ share this w joint Japan ntory core (me res as 4.48, 4.22 and 4, respectively) on a 5-point scale of importance. Whereas, p sh si re ti o im sc
im in in li in to tr were found reluctant in mentioning barri u re p b Length of Implementation Stage of Development JMTP No. of Orgns. Up to 1 year 1 2 years developed th Introductory Effectiveness Score fficient ach in enden e hypothesis is tested using multiple regression and % level of significance, the hypothesis is statistically accepted (Table 2). This means the ll effect of the four independent variables on the iveness of JMTPs is insignificant. This might have ned due to either insufficient data or the fact that the ll culture of an organization matters a lot in how s perform. riggers, Facilitat Triggers of any process are the factors responsible for ion. The major factors that have been considered rtant, based on this study and as extracted from the ture, for the initiation of various JMTPs include the (a) to reduce manufacturing cycle time, production waste, and inventory, and (b) to improve on ction flexibility, size of the organization, and market . Initiatives were also taken to implement JMTPs, as as insisted by the customers or by the presence of a venture with a foreign company, particularly from . The need to reduce waste, production cost, and resence of a joint venture, concern over declining market are, and customers insistence were rated on the lower de of the scale with mean scores as 2.58, 2.48, and 2.29, spectively. The aim of reducing manufacturing cycle me, enhancing production flexibility, or right sizing an rganization, has played an important role in JMTPs plementation, but scoring only between 4 and 3 on the ale. Eight factors were considered as facilitators in the pl inve has s d high an sco ementation of various JMTPs. In order of their creasing importance (on a 5-point scale), the factors are centives given to employees, organizational structure, nking business goals to JMTPs, organizational and dividual discipline, internal & external benchmarking, p management initiatives, effective communication, and aining programs. The respondents ers to JMTPs implementation. This hesitation can be nderstood because identification of any such factor may flect some negative aspects of their organizations olicies. Five factors are, however, considered by them as arriers to JMTPs implementation. Resistance from 2 years Over Well Grow KZN 29 (83 5 (18%) %) 19 (66%) 6%) %) 3 (10%) 21 (72 8 (28%) 2 ( 4.27 JIT (46 3 (19 2 ( 11 (6 9 ( 6 ( 16 %) %) 12%) 9%) 56%) 38%) 1 (6%) 1.91 QCS 22 (63%) 3 (14 2 ( 17 ( 1 5 ( 2.51 %) 9%) 77%) 6 (73%) 23%) 1 (4%) TPM (5 (2 2 (1 13 8 9 19 4%) 4 1%) 1%) (68%) (39%) (50%) 2 (11%) 2.78 5-S (9 9 6 (1 23 21 7 32 1%) 3 ( %) 9%) (72%) (66%) (22%) 4 (12%) 3.65 SMED (20 NI 2 (2 5 ( 1 6 7 %) L 9%) 71%) (20%) (80%) NIL 1.10 PKYK (3 (9 2 (1 8 ( 7 3 11 1%) 1 %) 8%) 73%) (64%) (27%) 1 (9%) 1.65 ZDS (3 (23 3 (2 7 ( 5 7 13 7%) 3 %) 3%) 54%) (38%) (54%) 1 (8%) 1.32 WITS 69%) 13%) 3 (13%) 18 ( 17 ( 7 ( 24 ( 3 ( 74%) 68%) 32%) NIL 2.56 CM 37%) 30%) 1 (8 8 ( 7 ( 5 ( 13 ( 4 ( %) 62%) 54%) 38%) 1 (8%) 1.20 2009 Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. All rights reserved - Volume 3, Number 3 (ISSN 1995-6665) 178 employees and lack of expertise have emerged out as the two most obstructing factors with their respective mean scores as 2.32 and 2.12 on a 5-point rating scale. The other barriers that have been found relatively less influential are chang perce comm repor exam conte as a v O meas of qu natur as ob scale mater requi decre one o result delive JMTP Fa Organization culture, the manner in which a JMTP is implemented, and whether an organization is public, private, national, or multinational, are examples of those variables. Figure 1. Responses on output. Figure 2. Responses on benefits.
th v b d si o th re p es required in the organizational structure (2.03), ived cost of implementation (1.97), and lack of itment at the top management level (1.90). Literature ts several barriers in JMTP adoption in India. For ple, regarding implementation of TPM in the Indian xt, a study [24] finds TPM by no means an easy task ariety of internal and external barriers exist. utcomes of JMTPs implementation have been ured in the form of production-related outputs (more antitative nature) and benefits (more of qualitative e). Figure 1 presents the mean score of each output, tained through the responses measured on a 5-point . Inventory levels, overtime requirements, raw ials consumption, maintenance costs, workforce rements, and manufacturing cycle time have ased marginally or significantly as a result of using r more JMTPs. On the other hand, JMTPs have ed in the improvement of product quality, on-time ries, and output per shift. A worldwide scenario of ese production and manufacturing techniques has presented by Blakemore [25], and is supporting the gs of this study. Higher quality levels, lower costs horter production times are highlighted as the major mes of implementing such techniques all over, ding the countries like USA, France, Australia, China ermany. e respondents were also asked to show their degree reement on a similar 5-point Likert scale with the en Japan been findin and s outco inclu and G Th of ag statem practi organ coord take amon quali and m numb decre ts regarding the benefits of the JMTPs being ced in their organizations. The results indicate that izations have experienced improvement in team ination, employees efficiency, employees ability to initiatives, work culture, sense of responsibility g the employees, employees motivation and morale, ty consciousness, customer-orientation, profit margin, arket share. Employee turnover, absenteeism, and er of complaints from the customers were found asing in the organizations practicing one or more s (Figure 2). ctors responsible for taking an initiative to ment a JMTP and imple imple but e possi have JMTP seem regar were for H barrie outpu and F four statis do no relati inade study for facilitating or obstructing this mentation may be diverse for different organizations, ach organization looks forward to many returns as ble. It is quite rational to assume that such factors some effect on how productive and beneficial a is. Statistical investigation to this effect, therefore, s to be justified at this juncture. Two null hypotheses ding outputs and benefits, H 0 2 and H 0 3 respectively, formulated and tested on the same lines, as was done 0 1. The combined effect of the facilitators, triggers, rs, and stage of development is examined on the ts and benefits separately, using multiple regression statistic. It is found that the combined effect of the variables on the outputs and the benefits are tically insignificant (Table 2). The results, however, t appear to be in line with a non-statistically assumed onship among such variables. Apart from the quacy of data, leaving many other variables out of the may have a significant bearing on these results. 4.4. Correlations Finally, a correlation analysis is conducted to determine e mutual relationships and their directions among the ariables involved in the study. Triggers, facilitators, arriers, effectiveness, outputs, benefits, stage of evelopment, age of the joint venture, annual turnover, and ze of the organization have been considered for this part f the analysis. At 5 % or better level of significance, only ree relationships were found significant. These lationships are between benefits and outputs (0.417, <0.05); age of joint venture and stage of development 2009 Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. All rights reserved - Volume 3, Number 3 (ISSN 1995-6665) 179 (0.499, p<0.01); and annual turnover and barriers (0.467, p<0.01). A significant positive correlation between the outputs and benefits of JMTPs seems to be justified, as these variables are, in fact, two different forms of the result imple A stage also me direction. Reasoning behind t which home India with foreig for JM two f prese some meas that t the im the el A JMTP correlated and that JMTP comp adver out o resist level, domi this is turno adapt 5. Conclusions The manufacturing sector is so vast and diversified that the findi with canno study reaso study manu plann and p impro below Improved product quality, increased on-time deliveries, and reduced inventory levels have been the major outputs of JMTPs implementation. Team spirit, quality consciousness, and attitude towards work have also
e any of JMTPs. is ccessful
an is h b th fo JM th su R [1 anufacturing Competitiveness Council. The ategy for manufacturing report. New Delhi; Mar ss in Singapore. International Journal of Operations stry. in the Data for g futures employee
s that an organization achieves through mentation of JMTPs. ge of the joint venture in an organization and the of development of the JMTPs implemented there are found to co-vary in the sa his relationship may be that a foreign partner, has already reaped the benefits of JMTPs in its country, attempts to inculcate the same culture in the n company, too. However, in the section that deals triggers, it was revealed that a joint venture with a n company has not been a major factor responsible TPs implementation in the Indian companies. These indings related to a possible relationship between the nce of a joint venture and JMTPs effectiveness reflect contradiction. The importance of a joint venture was ured along with eight other factors. So it is possible his factor scores relatively lower than some others on portance scale. This argument is supposed to remove ement of contradiction referred above. nnual turnover of an organization and barriers to s implementation are surprisingly found too with a +ve sign. Apparently, going for a , even on an experimental basis, is easier for a any with a high turnover as it can safely absorb se (financial) results, if any. On the other hand, three f the five barriers identified in this study, namely, ance from employees, lack of commitment at the top and fear of organizational changes, might be more nating as barriers in companies with high turnover. If true, it may be accepted that the higher the annual ver the stronger are the obstructions in JMTPs ation. ngs of any study, based on a small sample and the inclusion of only a limited number of variables, t be safely generalized for the whole sector. This also has a limited scope of application for the same ns. It is, however, believed that the findings of this shall be useful as suggestive guidelines for those facturing organizations in the country that are ing to implement Japanese manufacturing techniques ractices in order to enhance their productivity and ve competitiveness. The major findings are listed . 5-S is the most widely used techniques followed by Kaizen. Effectiveness-wise, it is the other way round. JIT and CM are on the lower end of the effectiveness scale. The need to reduce waste, production cost, and inventory has triggered the implementation of JMTPs in most of the cases. Resistance from employees and lack of expertise have emerged out as the major barriers to JMTPs implementation, whereas training programs and effective communication channels have facilitated the implementation process most. improved. The combined effect of the stage of development, annual turnover, facilitators, and size of the organization on effectiveness of a JMTP are insignificant. The facilitators, triggers, barriers, and stage of development combined together do not mak significant effect on the outputs and benefits he correlations T between benefits and outputs; age of joint venture and stage of development; annual turnover and barriers are found positive and significant. Based on the analysis and interpretation of the data, th may be concluded that achieving su implementation of Japanese techniques and practices is not sue for Indian manufacturing. The issue is, however, ow to harbor such practices for the long-term growth and enefit of the organizations on the whole. The study, erefore, recommends that organizations intending to go r any JMTP should first understand the need to use that TP and its application, prepare for its adaptation, and en identify the ways and measures required for its ccessful implementation. eferences ] National M national str 2006. [2] J.B. Ford, E.D. 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