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Config3 Vendor Master

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Configuration for Vendor master

Define Chart of account

Path : Financial accounting(new) > General ledger accounting (new) > Master data > G/L
accounts > Preparations > Edit Chart of Accounts List
code: !"#$
%t defines the structure of G/L accounts& %t is a list of G/L accounts used '( one or )ore
co)pan( codes& %n that Chart of account (ou ha*e to specif( the length of G/L accounts&
here are three t(pes of Chart of Account are there&
#& !perati*e Chart of Accounts
+& Group of Chart of Accounts
$& Countr( Chart of Accounts&
#& !perati*e Chart of Accounts is a Chart of Account (ou use for the co)pan( code&
+& For different chart of accounts (operati*e C!A) for different co)pan( code, (ou can
group the chart of account into one chart of account for internal reporting, 'ut cross
co)pan( code controlling is not possi'le, 'ecause of different chart of account for
different co)pan( code&

$& For different countr( (ou can ha*e different reporting s(ste)& so for different co)pan(
code (ou can ha*e different co)pan( code, 'ut can ha*e sa)e !perati*e Chart of
account, so cross co)pan( code controlling is possi'le&
Assign Chart of accounts to Company Code
Path : Financial accounting > General ledger accounting > Master data > G/L accounts >
Preparations > Assign co)pan( code to chart of accounts
code: OB62
Define GL account group
%n order to organi-e and )anage a large nu)'er of G/L Accounts 'etter, the( are
arranged in account group& .hen creating a G/L account, (ou )ust specif( an account
he accounts of an account group nor)all( ha*e si)ilar 'usiness functions& /ou could,
for e0a)ple ha*e an account group for cash accounts, one for E0penses accounts, one for
re*enue accounts, and one for other 'alance sheet accounts etc&
he account group deter)ines:
the inter*al in which the account nu)'er )ust 'e
which fields are re1uired and optional entries when creating and changing )aster records
which fields are suppressed when creating and changing )aster data&
%t ena'les (ou to control the la(out of screens&
/ou use account groups to co)'ine accounts according to the a'o*e criteria (for
e0a)ple, a P2L account group, asset account group and )aterial account group)&
Account groups for G/L accounts are 'ased on the chart of accounts&
Standard settings
Account groups are defined for the standard charts of accounts&
Chec3 and change the standard account groups as needed& %f (ou set up (our own charts
of accounts, (ou )ust specif( account groups for the)&
Path : Financial accounting > General ledger accounting > Master data > G/L accounts >
Preparations > 4efine account group
code: !"45
Define Vendor account group
When you create a vendor master record, you are required to enter an account group. The
account group determines:
How numbers are assigned (externally by you or internally by the system) and the
number range rom which they are assigned
Whether the vendor is a one!time vendor
Which ields appear on the screen and whether the user can or must ma"e an entry
Whether there are any other levels on which data can be retained below the purchasing
organi#ation level (site and$or vendor sub!range), and i so, what these are
Which partner procedures are valid
Whether article deault data is to be passed on to article master records and$or
purchasing inormation records%
&n 'ustomi#ing, you deine the account groups that are to be available.
One-Time Vendors
(ou can create special one!time master records or vendors rom which you only order goods
once or very rarely.
)or example, you order merchandise rom a dierent vendor, because your
preerred vendor cannot deliver. &n this case, you store the inormation on the
vendor in a one!time vendor master record.
When you create a one!time vendor master record, you have to enter a one!time account group.
The vendor!speciic ields are then switched o. &normation that the system usually provides as
deault data when you create documents does not appear and has to be entered manually.
*nli"e other master records, one!time master records are used or a number o dierent vendors
so that you do not have to create an unnecessarily large number o master records. This is why
no vendor!speciic data is stored in the master record. When you create a purchasing document
using a one!time vendor, the system automatically branches to a master data screen or you to
enter vendor!speciic data such as name, address, or ban" details. This inormation is then stored
in the document.
+i"e other master records, one!time vendor master records can be displayed, bloc"ed or deleted.
ath ! Logistics general > "usiness partner > 6endors > Control > 4efine Account
groups and fields selection (*endor)
"code! !M7G
artner Determination procedure
Partner Roles in Purchasing
The ,usiness -artner .vendor. can assume dierent roles in its dealings with another enterprise.
/ccordingly, in a procurement transaction, the vendor is irst the ordering address, then the
supplier of goods, then the invoicing party, and inally the payee. )or this reason, several
partner roles (partner unctions) can be assigned to the vendor.
0ne or more o these roles can also be assumed by other vendors. This data is used in the
associated downstream logistics and accounting unctions.
The ollowing partner roles are used in 11:
2endor (+))
0rdering address (,/)
3oods supplier (W+)
&nvoicing party (45)
Define artner #o$es
ath ! Materials )anage)ent > purchasing > partner deter)ination > partner roles >
4efine partner roles
Define ermissi%$e artner #o$es per Account Group
(ou can speciy that certain vendors may only serve as an ordering address, not as an invoicing party
Path: 1aterials management 6 purchasing 6 partner determination 6 partner roles 6 7eine
-ermissible -artner 4oles per /ccount 3roup
Define artner Schemas
&n this step, you deine partner determination schemas.
-artner schemas allow you to group various partner roles. (ou can speciy that certain roles in a schema
are mandatory, i.e. cannot be changed ater entry.
Path: 1aterials management 6 purchasing 6 partner determination 6 -artner 5ettings in 2endor
1aster 4ecord 6 7eine -artner 5chemas

Assign artner Schemas to Account Groups
Path: 1aterials management 6 purchasing 6 partner determination 6 -artner 5ettings in 2endor
1aster 4ecord 6 /ssign -artner 5chemas to /ccount 3roups
Vendor master num%er range
Define Numer Ranges for Vendor !aster Records
&n this step, you deine the number intervals o the numer ranges or vendor master records.
When a vendor master record is created, a unique number identiying the master record is assigned. The
number comes rom the number range provided or the account group.
There are two ways in which numbers can be assigned:
&nternal number assignment
Here the 5/- 4$8 5ystem automatically assigns a consecutive number rom the number range
9xternal number assignment
Here you speciy a number rom the external number range
:. To deine a number range, you must insert a new number interval:
o 5peciy an alphanumeric "ey with a maximum o two characters.
o 5peciy the limits o the number interval. The individual number intervals must not overlap.
9ach number may thereore occur only once.
o 1ar" the number range i it is intended or external number assignment.
;. Then store the "ey o the number range in the account group table (see #Define "ccount
$roups and Field %election for Vendors#).
"code: !M78
Assign *endor account group to nu)'er range(direct transaction !"A7)
Contro$ the Vendor &aster 'ie$ds
ath! 7P9!> Financial Accounting(:ew)> Accounts 9ecei*a'le and Accounts Pa(a'le;
>6endor Accounts>Master 4ata;>Preparations for Creating 6endor Master 4ata>
4efine Account Groups with 7creen La(out (6endors)
code: !"4$
code: !"4$
#econci$iation account
9econ account is used to get the total of the su';ledger postings& %n 7AP 6endor /
Custo)er&&&& accounts are ter)ed as 7u';ledger accounts and all these su' ledger accounts
will 'e assigned to a particular recon account&
%t is a General Ledger Account which connects su'ledger to )ain ledger for instant
infor)ation& For e0& At a particular point of ti)e, (ou want 3now total *endor
outstanding a)ount, (ou don<t need to total all *endor 'alances separatel(, this
infor)ation a*aila'le in general ledger of *endor reconciliation account&
code: F7==

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