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May 2005 Journal of Dental Education 509

The Oral Health Information Suite (OHIS):

Its Use in the Management of Periodontal
Roy C. Page, D.D.S., Ph.D.; John A. Martin, D.D.S.; Carl F. Loeb, B.A.
Abstract: Health care costs continue to increase at a rapid rate. Dental costs alone have risen from $31.5 billion in 1990 to $70.3
billion in 2002, outpacing inflation by 160 percent. Payers for health care services have no means to evaluate the value of these
large expenditures. Quantified information is not available regarding a patients condition prior to and after treatment nor on the
probability of future disease. The absence of this information prevents dentists from responding effectively to challenges by
payers and patients, and specifically prevents dentists from effectively influencing the quality of periodontal care. We have
developed a user-friendly Internet-based technology that quantifies risk for periodontitis and periodontal disease severity and
extent and generates recommended treatments and interventions. A caries risk assessment tool has also been developed, and an
oral cancer assessment tool is being developed. This technology, designated the Oral Health Information Suite (OHIS),
provides quantitative information to the clinician and patient as an aid to diagnosis and to facilitate individual, needs-based
treatment planning. OHIS enables successful application of the wellness model of oral health care, which may be expected to
result in more uniform and accurate clinical decision making, improved oral health, reduction in the need for complex periodontal
therapy, reduction in oral health care costs, and improved clinician productivity and income. It also will permit patients to
become more involved in their oral health care, payers to quantify and predict their health care expenditures, dentists to experi-
ence an increase in trust and respect, and periodontists to be more properly consulted regarding periodontal care.
Dr. Roy C. Page is the director of the Regional Clinical Dental Research Center and professor emeritus in the Departments of
Pathology and Periodontics, School of Dentistry, University of Washington; Dr. John A. Martin is a periodontist in private
practice in State College, PA, and is the chief scientific officer at PreViser Inc., Mount Vernon, WA; and Mr. Carl F. Loeb is the
chief executive officer at PreViser Inc., Mount Vernon, WA. Direct correspondence and requests for reprints to Dr. Roy C. Page,
Department of Periodontics, University of Washington, Box 357480, Seattle, WA 98195; 206-543-5599 phone; 206-685-8024
fax; roypage@u.washington.edu.
Disclaimer: The authors acknowledge that they are employed by or have financial interests in PreViser, Inc. and the Oral Health
Information Suite.
Key words: periodontitis, risk assessment, periodontal diagnosis, treatment outcomes, prevention, cost of oral health care
he cost of health care including oral health
care in the United States is increasing at an
alarming rate. Managed care and other cost
containment efforts have delivered as much savings
as they are likely to be able to deliver. Health care
expenditures were $1.6 trillion in 2002, growing by
123 percent since 1990 during a period when infla-
tion rose by 36 percent. By 2013 this cost is pro-
jected to more than double to $3.4 trillion, yet again
more than three times faster than the projected infla-
tion rate.
Dental costs rose from $31.5 billion in 1990
to $70.3 billion in 2002, outpacing inflation by 160
About 75 percent of dental costs are directed
to treating and managing caries and periodontal dis-
According to the American Dental Associa-
tion, expenditures for periodontal services in 1999
totaled $14.3 billion, with $9.8 billion expended on
preventive procedures.
Payers for health care ser-
vices have initiated methods to examine the value of
these large expenditures,
but outcomes measurement
remains elusive for oral health care.
Patients can-
not evaluate the technical quality of care.
cannot evaluate treatment effectiveness in the con-
text of patient defined outcomes using true end-
Numerous experts have explained how these
deficiencies interfere with quality health care.
The Institute of Medicine defines health care quality
as the degree to which health services for individu-
als and populations increase the likelihood of desired
health outcomes and are consistent with current pro-
fessional knowledge.
Long-term studies by
Axelsson et al.
indicate that oral health care qual-
ity can be improved with a net savings of at least 50
percent when treatment is targeted to the needs of
each individual patient, based on their unique risk
and disease profile. Axelssons findings are consis-
tent with projected savings in medicine due to im-
proving quality.
The purpose of this article is to present the case
supporting transition from the repair to the wellness
510 Journal of Dental Education Volume 69, Number 5
model of oral health care and to describe the require-
ment for quantitative assessment and expression of
disease risk and status for this transition to occur.
We then describe an oral health information system,
the Oral Health Information Suite (OHIS)

that can
provide the necessary information. The OHIS is com-
prised of related products for the major oral health
conditions. The description of the clinical applica-
tion of OHIS will center on transition to the wellness
model in the management of periodontal disease. Use
of the tool is expected to enable a value measure-
ment for oral health care, determine treatment effec-
tiveness, improve oral health, and stabilize or lower
the cost of care while simultaneously increasing cli-
nician productivity.
Rationale and Need for the
The Wellness Model of Dental Care
Dental caries and periodontal disease are the
major causes of tooth loss.
Until roughly the
1970s, virtually all children and adults in the United
States had dental caries, and almost all adults devel-
oped periodontal disease.
As shown in Figure 1,
in the 1950s approximately 80 percent of children
thirteen to fifteen years of age had gingivitis. Peri-
odontitis was observed to begin in the late teenage
years and to increase almost linearly until early
middle age after which close to 100 percent of the
adult population under sixty years was affected. Tooth
loss began in the late teenage years and increased lin-
early through age sixty. Virtually all children and adults
also manifested dental caries. Both diseases were ubiq-
uitous throughout the dentulous population.
Traditionally, management of both diseases has
been based on the repair model of care under which
the clinicians goal was to diagnose the problems and
resolve them via treatment. Treatments were empiri-
cal and basically the same for all patients. The con-
cepts that host factors are important in the patho-
physiology of periodontitis and that individuals may
vary greatly in their level of risk had not been con-
ceived until the 1970s. Preventive measures were
largely ignored and later, when they were used, they
were not applied uniformly throughout the popula-
tion. It was in this environment that third party payer
plans to finance dental care in the United States were
Figure 1. Prevalence of gingivitis and periodontitis in the 1950s
Gingivitis (open circle); Periodontitis (open triangle); Tooth Mortality (closed circle)
Source: Adapted from Marshall-Day CD, Stephens RG, Quigley LF Jr. Periodontal disease: prevalence and incidence.
J Periodontol 1955;26:185-203.
May 2005 Journal of Dental Education 511
developed. The first plan was developed and mar-
keted by Washington Dental Service (WDS) in 1954
in the State of Washington; plans developed subse-
quently by other carriers were based on the WDS
model. Under these plans, all covered individuals in
a given plan paid the same premium, and all received
the same level and intensity of care.
Knowledge about the nature of caries and pe-
riodontal disease has increased enormously since the
1970s, resulting in changing diagnostic and treatment
paradigms. The evidence demonstrates that although
periodontal disease and caries are infectious, bacte-
ria alone are insufficient. A susceptible host is also
essential for disease to occur. Susceptibility and risk
for disease vary greatly from one individual to an-
other, and major factors that place individuals at risk
have been identified.
Disease prevalence has changed markedly in
recent decades. Caries and periodontal disease are
no longer uniformly distributed in the population.
While approximately 35 percent of Americans thirty
to ninety years of age have periodontitis, the disease
is moderate to severe in only about 13 percent.
surprising observations were made through the Na-
tional Caries Prevention Program conducted from
1977 to 1982.
Examiners reported that 50 percent
of children were caries free and that 60 percent of
caries occurred in 20 percent of children. Recent in-
formation indicates that 85 percent of caries is found
in about 15 percent of children in Washington State.
Information derived from WDS claims reimburse-
ment requests from providing dentists revealed that
65 percent of the total restorative costs were incurred
by 23 percent of patients. Seventy percent of costs
for patients aged five to nineteen were incurred by
12 percent of patients, and 60 percent of costs for
patients aged thirty-five to sixty-four years were in-
curred by 11 percent of the patients. This and other
evidence shows that about 10 percent of children and
10 percent of adults manifest high caries suscepti-
Thus, both periodontitis and caries are
now stratified in the population.
Approaches to prevention and treatment plan-
ning and the third party payment plans that reim-
burse for these interventions have not kept pace with
the advances in knowledge and changes in disease
distribution. Patients at high risk are not receiving
the interventions they require to remain healthy; pre-
ventive measures continue to be applied uniformly
to the entire population regardless of need; and treat-
ments provided are not tailored to individual needs.
A significant proportion of treatments and preven-
tive measures now being provided appear to be ei-
ther inappropriate or not needed.
These condi-
tions fuel the escalating costs for oral health care.
Both dental caries and periodontitis are pre-
ventable diseases. Using the wellness or needs-based
model of care and beginning in 1971-72, Axelsson
et al. conducted studies on a test group of 375 pa-
tients and 180 controls enrolled into three age groups.
For the first six years they provided intensive instruc-
tion and training in oral hygiene and frequent dental
visits. Subsequently, risk was assessed based on pa-
tient response to the intensive and uniformly applied
preventive interventions and provided individual,
needs-based care based on that risk assessment. Fo-
cusing care based on disease severity and risk re-
sulted in a 98 percent decrease in new caries lesions
and periodontitis by greater than 95 percent. Reduc-
tions of this magnitude were maintained over the
entire thirty-year period, and tooth loss averaged 0.6
teeth per patient over the thirty years.
studies demonstrate clearly that both caries and pe-
riodontitis are preventable diseases. Identifying risk
factors and undertaking measures that maximally
reduce risk are the hallmarks of the wellness in con-
trast to the repair model of care. The wellness model
of care guides the clinician and the patient toward a
health care strategy based on risk reduction and dis-
ease prevention. The wellness approach results in
improved oral health, reduction in the need for com-
plex therapy, and a significant reduction in the cost
of health care.
The Nature of Risk
In a given patient, most practitioners under-
standably but incorrectly equate risk for periodonti-
tis with the extent and severity of periodontal dis-
ease, with patients having no disease assumed to be
at low risk of disease. Risk for periodontitis and dis-
ease extent and severity are two entirely different
entities. Risk predicts the disease state at some fu-
ture point in time, or the rate at which a current dis-
ease state will likely progress. Severe disease logi-
cally implies high risk. However, an individual can,
in fact, be at high risk for periodontal disease and
have little clinical or radiographic evidence of dis-
ease. An example would be a twenty-five-year-old
poorly controlled diabetic patient who is a heavy to-
bacco smoker and has one 5mm pocket that bleeds
on probing and one defective restoration. Addition-
ally, an individual can have periodontitis, especially
512 Journal of Dental Education Volume 69, Number 5
of mild or moderate severity, but be at low risk. An
example would be a previously untreated sixty-one-
year-old patient who formerly smoked heavily and
has generalized 2mm crestal bone loss and 7mm
pockets affecting all posterior teeth.
The proportion of the adult population at risk
for periodontitis is considerably larger than the pro-
portion that actually has the disease at any given point
in time. As determined in the NHANES-III national
study, approximately 35 percent of American adults
between the ages of thirty and ninety years have pe-
riodontal disease.
Most of these, about 22 percent,
have a mild stage of disease, while only about 13
percent have moderate to severe disease. When the
same data set was examined by age cohort, a different
picture emerged. The uppermost curve in Figure 2
shows the proportion of the population by age co-
hort who do not have periodontitis. At the youngest
age cohort, 75-80 percent or more of the population
do not have periodontal disease. This percentage
decreases linearly with increasing age until at age
eighty-five to ninety years when about 40 percent
still do not have periodontal disease. Thus, 60 per-
cent of the population is at risk of developing peri-
odontitis. As shown by the middle and lowermost
curves respectively by age eighty-five to ninety years,
about 35 percent of the population has developed
mild periodontitis, and 25 percent has developed
moderate to advanced periodontitis for a total of 60
percent. This 25 percent differs from the 13 percent
prevalence rate stated above because the 13 percent
is the average prevalence for all age groups. Thus,
about 40 percent of the population is at low risk, while
about 35 percent are at moderate risk and 25 percent
are at higher risk.
Figure 3 focuses on the portion of the popula-
tion who are at risk for periodontitis. At age thirty to
thirty-five years, a negligible percentage of persons
have periodontitis, but about 60 percent of the popu-
lation is at risk for the disease even though they may
have no clinical or radiographic manifestations of
periodontitis. With increasing cohort age, the per-
centage of the population having periodontitis in-
creases, and the proportion who are at risk but do
not have disease decreases. A significant current
problem in dentistry is that we are unable to distin-
guish between those individuals who will develop
periodontitis (or dental caries) and those who will
not. Our goal has been to develop technology that
permits identification of individuals at high risk to
Figure 2. Proportions of the American population who do not develop periodontitis (triangles), who develop mild
periodontitis (squares), and who develop moderate to advanced periodontitis (diamonds) by age cohort, based on
the NHANES III data set
Source: Adapted from Albander JM, Brunelle JA, Kingman A. Destructive periodontal disease in adults 30 years of age and
older in the United States 1988-1994. J Periodontol 1999;70:113-29.
May 2005 Journal of Dental Education 513
enable application of preventive interventions prior
to the onset of disease.
Traditionally, diagnosis of periodontitis has
been determined using two sources of data. These
are clinical and radiographic conditions and patient
history. As illustrated in Figure 4a, when levels of
risk are not considered, three patients with the same
clinical and radiographic conditions and comparable
histories appear to have the same diagnosis, and all
three would appear to require the same treatment plan.
When the level of risk is considered in the diagnostic
equation, as shown in Figure 4b, the same three pa-
Figure 3. Changes in the proportion of individuals who were at risk for developing periodontitis but did not yet
manifest disease (purple), those who were at risk and developed disease (blue), and those who were not at risk and
did not develop disease (white) by age cohort. Based on the NHANES III data set.
Source: Adapted from Albander JM, Brunelle JA, Kingman A. Destructive periodontal disease in adults 30 years of age and
older in the United States 1988-1994. J Periodontol 1999;70:113-29.
Figure 4b. Diagnosis when level of risk is included
along with clinical and radiographic conditions and
patient history for the same three patients seen in
Figure 4a who now appear to require different
Figure 4a. Traditional diagnosis of periodontitis based
on clinical and radiographic conditions and patient
history without consideration of risk for three
patients who all appear to have the same diagnosis
and therefore will require the same treatment

514 Journal of Dental Education Volume 69, Number 5
tients are likely to require three different treatment
plans. Even though each presents with the same clini-
cal signs and symptoms, the patient with the lowest
risk may require only scaling and root planing with
recalls at six-month or longer intervals; the patient at
moderate risk may require scaling and root planing
with surgery in some areas followed by four-month
recalls; and the high-risk patient may require referral
to a periodontist, scaling and root planing, more ag-
gressive and extensive surgery, and shorter recall in-
tervals. It is clear that disease extent and severity are
not the same as risk and that diagnosis and treatment
planning in the absence of risk information may re-
sult in over- or undertreatment of a significant pro-
portion of patients. As demonstrated in the Axelsson
research, matching the intensity of intervention with
the risk profile of the patient can significantly reduce
disease incidence across the entire population.
The wellness model of care is relatively new
to dentistry and to periodontics, and its application
requires an accurate and valid assessment of risk.
Factors that enhance risk for periodontitis have been
identified, and some such as tobacco smoking have
been investigated extensively.
However, most den-
tists and periodontists are not trained or experienced
in risk assessment or in using interventions aimed at
risk reduction in prevention and management of pe-
riodontal diseases. Practitioners are generally aware
of factors such as tobacco smoking that enhance risk
and the fact that their patients differ greatly in sus-
ceptibility for periodontitis. Furthermore, they gen-
erally collect the information required for risk as-
However, tools for quantification of risk
previously have not been available. Consequently,
as currently performed, risk assessment consists of
identifying risk factors an individual patient may
manifest during the examination and history taking
process, and then making a subjective, qualitative
judgment as to the magnitude and role these factors
may be playing in the disease process. The evidence
shows, however, that these subjective evaluations of
risk, even when performed by expert clinicians, are
of questionable value due in part to the complex ef-
fect of interactions among risk factors. Assessing risk
is a complex task. Risk factors vary greatly in their
relative importance, and the importance of a given
factor may vary from one patient to another because
risk factors are interactive and synergistic, not addi-
tive. Consequently, it should come as no surprise that
qualitative assessment of risk by subjective expert
judgment may yield less than ideal results.
A study was designed and conducted by
Persson et al.
to evaluate the validity of qualitative
risk assessment performed by expert clinicians. A
study group of 107 patients was assembled to have
the broadest possible range of risk for periodontitis,
and a periodontal examination was performed on
each. The examination data were entered into a peri-
odontal risk calculator (described in the next section),
and a risk score on a scale of 1 (lowest risk) to 5
calculated for each subject. The records of these pa-
tients were then evaluated by two expert groups of
periodontists (N=15) and one expert group of gen-
eral dentists (N=36) who assigned a risk score to each
patient using the scale of 1 to 5. The scores assigned
by the expert evaluator groups were compared with
one another and with calculated risk scores, and inter-
evaluator and inter-group variation was determined.
A very large inter-evaluator variation was ob-
served in all three expert evaluator groups, and the
greatest was for the general dentists (Figure 5). For
both groups of periodontal experts, the percentage
of patients placed in risk groups three and four clus-
tered around the scores assigned by the risk calcula-
tor. The same was true of risk group one although
the range was somewhat greater. Fourteen of fifteen
periodontists placed fewer patients in risk group five
than the periodontal risk assessment tool, and all fif-
teen placed more patients in risk group two than the
risk assessment tool. These data suggest that both
periodontist groups significantly underestimated risk,
especially for high-risk patients. Percentages of sub-
jects assigned to each of the risk groups by general
dentists were spread over the entire scale. Risk as-
sessment by expert clinician opinion appears to be
too variable to be clinically useful in diagnosis and
treatment planning for periodontitis. These observa-
tions clearly demonstrate the need for more objec-
tive quantitative ways to assess risk for periodonti-
tis. The periodontal assessment component of the

appears to satisfy that need.
The Oral Health Information
Suite (OHIS)
OHIS (PreViser, Inc., Mount Vernon, WA;
www.previser.com) is an information system pro-
tected under U.S. Patent #6,484,144. The system is
comprised of a suite of related tools for the major
oral health conditions including caries, periodontal
May 2005 Journal of Dental Education 515
disease, and oral cancer. The periodontal and caries
tools are developed and available for use, and the
oral cancer tool is in development. OHIS is unique
for clinical dentistry by virtue of quantifying the risk
for future disease in addition to quantifying the cur-
rent periodontal disease state. These features provide
the means to measure oral health care and determine
its value. This aspect alone can facilitate cost reduc-
tion and quality improvement. Objective measure-
ment of outcomes is a mandatory first step in an ef-
fort to improve any aspect of a system of health care.
The wellness model, by its focus on preventing dis-
ease, is enabled by our assessment of risk and dis-
ease status and generation of needs-based treatment
plans. Use of the tool can reduce oral health care
costs and improve the quality of care. The design
principles that guided development of the OHIS have
been reported.
OHIS is shown diagrammatically in Figure 6.
Thorough clinical and radiographic examinations are
conducted including medical and dental histories with
specific questions concerning risk factors for oral dis-
ease. As indicated by the uppermost arrow, diagnos-
tic and demographic data and the patient and pro-
vider objectives are entered into the assessment tool
appropriate for the disease state under consideration
(periodontal disease, dental caries, or oral cancer).
Using periodontal disease to illustrate, a diagnosis is
made (as described below), and a risk score and a
disease score are calculated. Based on these scores
and the published literature, needs-based treatments
for the particular patients set of conditions are se-
lected from the library of all possible treatments.
Treatments and interventions are ranked and color-
coded as those most likely to be successful, those
less likely, and those unlikely to be successful. The
recommended treatment plan is evaluated and modi-
fied by the dentist and patient to their satisfaction,
and the treatments and interventions are performed.
On re-examination following treatment, post-treat-
ment risk and disease assessments are performed.
Changes in risk and disease state are automatically
analyzed by the system and are used to update the
risk and disease scores as well as to refine and im-
prove, over time, the selection of the most appropri-
ate treatments for any given set of conditions. The
system allows a broad view of the patients oral
health, creates a range of appropriate treatment op-
tions that address the full view of the patient, and
self-corrects treatment recommendations as actual
health outcomes are compared to predicted outcomes.
This information is intended to aid the clinician in
making diagnoses and formulating treatment plans.
It is not a substitute for the clinicians experience
and clinical judgment.
The Periodontal Assessment
The Periodontal Assessment Tool (PAT) is an
integral part of the OHIS. The development and vali-
dation of the PAT and the information required for
its use have been reported.
Following the input
of only twenty-three items taken from a routine pe-
riodontal examination, the system generates linguis-
tic and numeric periodontal diagnoses and a risk score
for future disease, and prepares a report in two ver-
sionsone for the dentists clinical documentation
and another for the patient. The traditional documen-
tation of six pocket depth measurements per tooth
has been reduced to the deepest pocket for each sex-
tant. Our method further simplifies clinical documen-
tation and improves reproducibility by using catego-
ries of <5 mm, 5-7 mm, and >7 mm for pocket depth
measurements. PAT also requires the greatest distance
of the bone crest to the cemento-enamel junction
determined from radiographs, again using one mea-
surement for each sextant and three categories: <2
mm, 2-4 mm, and >4 mm. Detailed information on
use of the tool is included with the software in the
users guide and has been published.
Figure 7 shows the section of the clinical re-
port that lists the risk and disease state scores along
with their change over time, providing an easily un-
derstood means to assess care. The risk score ranges
from 1 (lowest risk) to 5 (highest risk) based on the
patients unique set of risk factors and patient his-
The disease state score is reported using a
range of 1 (health) to 100 (most severe periodontitis)
based on the distribution of sextants with a specific
diagnosis of health, gingivitis, and beginning, mod-
erate, and severe periodontitis. Our method quanti-
tatively differentiates between levels of disease within
standard nomenclature and provides a uniform sys-
tem to compare patients regardless of the number of
teeth present. A traditional text-linguistic diagnosis
is included with the numeric score. Language limits
the description of periodontal disease to seventeen
types of severity and extent, whereas the numeric
score increases the range nearly sixfold.
The direc-
516 Journal of Dental Education Volume 69, Number 5
tion and magnitude of change in
the disease and risk scores over
time are especially meaningful and
valuable to the clinician and the
Figure 7 also shows the sec-
tion of the report that lists inter-
ventions that may be needed; these
are grouped by clinical condition.
These interventions are stack
ranked and color coded as those in-
terventions that, based on current
standards of care, are deemed to
be generally most effective, those
that may be effective and those less
likely to be effective. These treat-
ment options can be printed or
omitted from the patient report if
desired. Included in the report but
not shown is a recommendation on
the number of visits per year
needed to maintain health, com-
ments on oral hygiene, tobacco
smoking and diabetes mellitus, and
access to free online tutorials that
are available for additional patient
education about their conditions
and treatment.
Changes in the risk and dis-
ease scores over time reveal effec-
tiveness of treatment and provide
a powerful method to continually
and dynamically select the best
treatment. The report affords the
patient a means to understand the
effects of their treatment choices
and thereby facilitates informed
consent and improved compliance.
The risk score or its change and
disease score or its change can be
of considerable value to the gen-
eral dentist and patient in deter-
mining whether and when to seek
care from the periodontist.
Validity and accuracy of risk
scores calculated using the tool
were determined from the clinical
records and radiographs of 523
subjects enrolled in the VA Dental
Longitudinal Study of Oral Health
and Disease covering a period of
fifteen years.
Data from the
Figure 5. Percentages of subjects assigned to risk score groups 1 (low risk)
through 5 (high risk) by the Periodontal Assessment Tool (white triangle) and
percentages of total subjects assigned by each expert evaluator in Group A
(10 periodontists) (blue diamond), Group B (5 periodontists) (green closed
circle), and Group C (36 general dentists) (purple open circle) and the
evaluator group consensus (average) scores (red triangle)
Source: Adapted from Persson GR, Mancl LA, Martin JA, Page RC. Assessing
periodontal disease risk. J Am Dent Assoc 2003;134:575-82. Reproduced with
Figure 6. Diagram of the components and their relationships of the Oral
Health Information Suite (OHIS)
Patient & Provider
& Diagnostic Data
Risk and Disease
Risk and Disease
Treatment Updater Treatment
Treatment Plans
May 2005 Journal of Dental Education 517
baseline examinations were entered into the Peri-
odontal Assessment Tool, and a risk score for peri-
odontal deterioration was calculated for each sub-
ject. Actual periodontal status in terms of alveolar
bone loss determined using digitized radiographs, and
tooth loss determined from the clinical records, were
assessed at years three, nine, and fifteen. The strength
of the association between the risk prediction and
actual outcome was determined statistically.
The calculated risk scores were strong predic-
tors of future periodontal status measured as wors-
ening severity and extent of alveolar bone loss and
Figure 7. Section of the clinical report showing risk and disease scores and their change over time, along with
treatment recommendations
518 Journal of Dental Education Volume 69, Number 5
Figure 9. Mean (+-standard error) tooth loss from baseline for risk groups 2 through 5, defined as the percentage of
teeth present at baseline that were subsequently extracted
Source: Page RC, Krall EA, Martin JA, Mancl LA, Garcia RI. Validity and accuracy of a risk calculator in predicting periodontal
disease. J Am Dent Assoc 2002;133:569-76. Reproduced with permission.
Figure 8. Mean (+- standard error) alveolar bone loss from baseline for risk groups 2 through 5, at sites exceeding the
threshold of 2 percent loss of alveolar bone height for all sites that could be compared
Source: Page RC, Krall EA, Martin JA, Mancl LA, Garcia RI. Validity and accuracy of a risk calculator in predicting periodontal
disease. J Am Dent Assoc 2002;133:569-76. Reproduced with permission.
May 2005 Journal of Dental Education 519
tooth loss, especially loss of periodontally affected
teeth. Over the entire fifteen-year period risk scores
consistently ranked patient groups from least to most
alveolar bone loss (Figure 8) and tooth loss (Figure
9). Risk groups differed greatly from one another.
By year 3, the incidence rate of bone loss of risk
group 5 was 3.7-fold greater than for risk group 2;
and by year 15, loss of periodontally affected teeth
was 22.7-fold greater than for risk group 2 (p<0.001).
As compared to a risk score of 2, the relative risk
(RR) for any tooth loss was RR=3.2 for risk score of
3, RR=4.5 for risk score of 4, and RR=10.6 for risk
score of 5. Risk scores calculated by the periodontal
assessment tool using information gathered during a
standard periodontal examination predicted future pe-
riodontal status with a high level of accuracy and
The OHIS is an information system that com-
piles, analyzes, and quantifies clinical information
about current oral health status, interventions needed,
and treatment outcomes, be they beneficial or detri-
mental, that are attributable to treatment and behav-
ioral decisions. The OHIS satisfies the need for a
quantitative way to assess risk for periodontitis as
well as providing, for the first time, quantification
of periodontal status and changes in status over time.
This is very powerful information for all stakehold-
ers. It provides patients with a superior understand-
ing of their oral health condition and the interven-
tions recommended. The patient and clinician benefit
from the objective measures of the outcomes and
effectiveness of the interventions chosen. It permits
payers of health care services to determine the value
of health improvements achieved relative to the funds
expended. Use of the OHIS enables a transition from
the repair to the wellness model of dental care. The
wellness model guides the clinician and patient to-
ward a health care strategy based on risk reduction
and disease prevention. Use of the wellness model
over time may be expected to result in improved oral
health, reduction in the need for complex therapy,
and stabilization or reduction in oral health care costs.
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