PennWell designates this activity for 2 Continuing Educational Credits
Published: April 2011 Expiry: March 2014 Earn 2 CE credits This course was written for dentists, dental hygienists, and assistants. Instrumentation for the Treatment of Periodontal Disease Peer-Reviewed Publication Written by Timothy Donley DDS, MSD This course has been made possible through an unrestricted educational grant. The cost of this CE course is $49.00 for 2 CE credits. Cancellation/Refund Policy: Any participant who is not 100% satisfied with this course can request a full refund by contacting PennWell in writing. 2 Educational Objectives The overall goal of this course is to provide the reader with information on nonsurgical periodontal therapy and instru- mentation of periodontal sites. Upon completion of this course, the clinician will be able to do the following: 1. List and describe the prevalence of periodontitis in the population 2. Describe the periodontal disease process 3. List and describe the associations between oral and systemic health 4. List and describe therapeutic options for the treatment of periodontal disease 5. List and describe the mechanism by which ultrasonic instrumentation works 6. List and describe insert tip selection for periodontal sites and the rationale for their selection Abstract The initiation and progression of periodontal disease re- quires the presence of bacterial accumulations. Once peri- odontal disease exists, its progression depends on the host response. In order to treat periodontal disease, the bioflm must be disrupted and all hard and soft deposits removed from the tooth surfaces. In order to thoroughly remove deposits and debris without removing excessive tooth structure, instruments must be selected that are suitable for the intended site and technique. The selected debridement method should offer predictable results independent of operator skill level; be effcient to perform clinically, well tolerated by patients and cost effective; and have a low po- tential for adverse side effects. Introduction Periodontitis is common, with mild to moderate forms affecting 30% to 50% of adults and the severe generalized form affecting 5% to 15% of all adults in the United States. 1
More recent data suggests that the prevalence of periodon- titis in the United States may actually be much greater than previously estimated. 2 Periodontitis seen in youth and early adulthood can probably be classifed as aggressive periodontitis, and some degree of clinical attachment loss (CAL) in youth is well documented in population studies. 3
Bacterial accumulations on the teeth are essential for the initiation and progression of periodontitis. This microbial infection is followed by a host-mediated destruction of con- nective and bone tissues caused by hyperactivated immune- infammatory response. 4 The net result of the host response to initiating periodontal pathogenic bacteria is destruction of periodontal tissues and systemic interactions. Despite great understanding of the potential therapeutic beneft of host modulation, effective interruption of periodontal bac- teria remains the cornerstone of effective periodontal disease intervention. Advances in debridement devices and tech- niques, as discussed below, can enhance a clinicians abil- ity to successfully manage periodontal disease. Emerging information linking oral infammation with serious, chronic diseases of aging underscores the importance of effective periodontal therapy. More effective approaches aimed at helping patients achieve and then maintain a preferred level of oral health can pay dividends to overall health. Periodontal Disease Process Periodontitis, viewed for years as primarily the outcome from infection, is now seen as resulting from a complex interplay between bacterial infection and the host response, often modifed by behavioral factors. The host response is now seen as a key factor in the clinical expression of periodontitis, with only some 20% of periodontal diseases now attributed to bacterial variance. Additionally, genetic variance may be responsible for up to 50% of periodontal disease expression. 5 The clinical diagnosis of periodontitis historically has required evidence of loss of connective tissue surrounding the teeth and bone loss detected by radiography. For many years, clinical probing depth mea- surement was the primary factor used to determine which sites were in need of periodontal therapy. Current knowl- edge of the role that infammation plays in the etiology of many systemic diseases suggests that incorporating other assessments into periodontal treatment decision pathways may be important. The destruction of periodontal tissues leads to deepening of the sulci adjacent to teeth, resulting in the formation of periodontal pockets. Despite the aware- ness that infammatory mediators of oral origin can affect other body disease processes, periodontal therapy has been aimed almost exclusively at achieving and then maintain- ing pocket depths that the clinician considers accessible for the patient and for professional debridement efforts. While there is little doubt that reduction in probing depth improves access to subgingival areas, focusing the management of periodontal disease solely on pocket depth may not be suffcient. Medical research underscores the important role that infammation in the body plays in the development and progression of many of the serious, chronic diseases of aging. Emerging evidence continues to suggest that the mouth can be a signifcant source of infam- mation when periodontal disease persists. 6 The entrance of bacteria, bacterial byproducts and infammatory mediators released orally in response to the pathogenic periodontal bacteria can enter the bloodstream. Infammation of peri- odontal tissues can have adverse effects beyond loss of periodontal attachment and bone. 7 Thus, in addition to management of probing depths, it seems prudent for oral infammation to take on added diagnostic and therapeutic signifcance in the management of periodontal disease. The following therapeutic approach is based on assessment of patient, tooth and site risk factors. The intent is to more effectively target therapy to improve patients oral and overall health. 3 Focusing the management of periodontal disease solely on pocket depth may not be sufficient. Which Patients to Treat Environmental and genetic factors, as well as acquired risk factors, accelerate destructive infammatory processes in periodontitis. 8 The following non-oral risk factors associate strongly with increased risk for periodontitis and disease severity: tobacco use, diabetes mellitus, family history, mental stress and depression, obesity, and osteoporosis. 9
Realizing that risk factors for periodontal disease can make eradication of periodontal disease more diffcult, more ag- gressive therapy is considered for patients who have known periodontal disease risk factors. Table 1. Non-oral risk factors for periodontal disease Tobacco use Diabetes mellitus Family history Mental stress Depression Obesity Osteoporosis In similar fashion, adverse associations have been identi- fed between periodontal disease and diabetes, cardiovascu- lar disease, preterm low-birth-weight deliveries, respiratory diseases, certain cancers, kidney diseases and other systemic conditions. 10 It certainly seems advisable to treat more ag- gressively those patients who have other risk factors for the conditions that can be affected by periodontal infamma- tion. Allowing periodontal infammation to persist in such patients will only add to their systemic disease risk. Rather than applying a basic therapeutic approach to all patients, determining if patients presenting for dental care have any of the factors indicating increased risk for periodontal disease severity and/or any of the other known risk factors for systemic diseases that can be affected when periodontal disease persists can be used to formulate a therapeutic ap- proach proportionate to the level of risk. Table 2. Adverse associations with periodontal disease Diabetes mellitus Cardiovascular disease Respiratory disease Certain cancers Renal disease Preterm low-birth-weight deliveries Which Sites to Treat Clinical and radiographic fndings are commonly used to determine a patients periodontal status. Often treatment resources are directed primarily to sites where probing depth has increased (where disease progression has already occurred). Diagnostic fndings offering predictive value would allow the direction of treatment resources to sites at which breakdown was imminent. Bleeding on probing (BOP) is among the clinical signs used to predict disease progression. 11 Yet there is general agreement that an isolated incidence of BOP at a site is a poor predictor of disease ac- tivity at that site. 12 The predictive value of BOP increases substantially when BOP is persistent. Sites that continue to demonstrate BOP (at successive reevaluation visits) are more likely to break down. 13 In addition to signaling im- pending destructive activity, BOP is strongly correlated with gingival infammation. 14 Gingival infammation is typically expressed clinically as redness, edema and/or bleeding. While preventing adverse changes in pocket depth has merit, the overwhelming evidence confrming the adverse relationship between oral infammation and systemic disease suggests that elimination of infammation should also be a goal of therapy. In addition to sites at which increases in probing depth are noted, those sites with persistent bleeding on probing or where other clinical signs of infammation are found should be priority candidates for therapeutic attention. Sites with increases in probing depth, persistent bleeding on probing or where other clinical signs of inflammation are found should be priority candidates for therapeutic attention. Which Treatments Bacterial bioflm accumulations on the teeth are essential to the initiation and progression of periodontitis. 15 Although periodontitis begins with a microbial infection, it is the host-mediated infammatory response that causes clinically signifcant connective tissue and bone destruction. 16 Long- term clinical studies have clearly demonstrated that the reg- ular and effective removal of bacterial bioflms on the teeth can prevent periodontitis. 17 Suppressing the host response has also been shown to play a critical adjunctive therapeutic role. 18 Dietary alterations intended to reduce the infamma- tory response have also been shown to be of beneft in peri- odontal therapy. 19 Yet mechanical disruption of the bioflm remains the foundational approach for the resolution of infammatory periodontal diseases. Bioflm disruption can be accomplished by mechanical means (hand instrumenta- tion and/or ultrasonic instrumentation), systemic and local administration of targeted antibiotics, and laser-generated energy. 20 The chosen methodology is most often driven by the clinicians personal preference. However, the selected debridement method should offer predictable results inde- 4 pendent of operator skill level; be effcient to perform clini- cally, well tolerated by patients and cost effective; and have a low potential for adverse side effects. Mechanical disruption of the biofilm remains the foundational approach for the resolution of inflammatory periodontal diseases. Therapeutic Options Periodontal therapy had long been focused on removal of visible plaque and clinically detectable calculus. The pathogens that initiate periodontal disease were thought to be deeply embedded in the cementum of subgingival root surfaces. For many years, the intention of mechanical debridement was the deliberate removal of the cementum, which was assumed to be pathogen laden. Increased dentinal hypersensitivity 21 and pulpitis 22,23 have been reported as un- desirable side effects of excessive cementum removal. In the past two decades, studies have demonstrated that endotoxin is more superfcially associated with the cementum. Thus, deliberate cementum removal is not necessary and may not even be prudent. While not conclusive, current research suggests that preserving cementum can improve the degree of periodontal regeneration. 24 In this regard, the consensus report from the 1996 World Workshop in Periodontics states that intentional cementum removal should not be included in current periodontal debridement techniques for the pur- pose of removing toxic substances from the root surface. 25
More recently, the American Academy of Periodontology added that the goal of periodontal instrumentation is to ef- fectively remove plaque and calculus, while causing the least amount of root surface damage. 26
Current research suggests that preserving cementum can improve the degree of periodontal regeneration. When used properly, similar clinical outcomes can be achieved with hand curettes and ultrasonic instrumenta- tion. 26 However, the inherent operator variability due to the design and use of a bladed instrument makes achieving therapeutic root debridement less predictable with manual curette use. For a curette to actively remove bioflm without excessive removal of cementum, an adequate working edge must be created and maintained throughout the procedure. Additionally, that sharpened working edge has to be posi- tioned against the root at the precise angle that permits the working portion of the instrument to engage the root in a way such that the movement of the instrument in a coro- nal direction will result in sheer force suffcient to remove endotoxin. Finally, the level of force applied during the working stroke needs to be suffcient to dislodge endotoxin from the surface without excessive cementum removal. With ultrasonic instrumentation, positioning the working portion of the instrument and applying suffcient force to selectively dislodge endotoxin is less operator-dependent. The cylindrical shape of most ultrasonic inserts is also more conducive to bioflm removal (better conforms to the sur- face) than the linear cutting edge of bladed instruments that were really designed for effective calculus removal. Inherent operator variability makes achieving thera- peutic root debridement more predictable with ultrasonic instrumentation than with manual curette use. Ultrasonic Scaling There are two categories of ultrasonic instrumentation: mag- netostrictive and piezo. These categories differ in the way they are powered, which was thought to result in differing patterns of tip movement. Piezo devices, powered by a crystal, were believed to result in tip movement that is linear. Thus, only the sides of piezo-driven tips were thought to provide active debridement. The dimensional change in the metal stack of a magnetostrictive-driven insert was thought to be elliptical, with all sides of the tip capable of removing bioflm. The early studies suggesting this fundamental difference in tip motion were performed without load applied to the insert tips. Sub- sequent laser vibrotomy-based studies have demonstrated that as soon as the insert tip is loaded (placed against a tooth surface), both piezo- and magnetostrictive-driven instrument tips have elliptical patterns of movement. 27 Thus, anecdotal claims of increased root trauma with magnetostrictive devices compared to piezo devices due to the magnetostrictive tip banging into the root in multiple directions are unfounded. In reality, both piezo- and magnetostrictive-driven tips move in similar fashion once under any load. Indeed, the degree of damage to root surfaces via ultrasonic instrumentation is a factor of tip shape, lateral force, angulation and power setting regardless of the method of ultrasound generation. In other words, magnetostrictive, piezo and even hand curettes are all capable of inducing root damage. However, by using a preferred tip, at a preferred angulation, and using a preferred level of lateral force at a preferred power setting, the risk of root surface damage can be eliminated for all methods. 27 Tip angulation may be the primary determinant in causing root damage. Forces generated with a magnetostrictive-driven tip were lowest when the tip was parallel to the tooth surface and increased to its maximum point as the tip was moved ninety degrees to the tooth surface. 28 In contrast, forces from a piezo-driven tip increased and then peaked when the tip was moved to forty-fve degrees to the tooth surface. 29 In other words, piezo is more technique-sensitive in terms of minimizing root damage. 5 Additionally, the degree of root substance removal via ultrasonic devices is signifcantly infuenced by the tip designs, increasing for wider scaler tips as compared to narrow, probe-shaped inserts. 30 Thus, a suitable magneto- strictive-driven insert used at proper settings is less likely to result in root damage than a piezo-driven insert. The degree of root substance removal via ultrasonic devices is significantly influenced by the tip designs, increasing for wider scaler tips as compared to narrow, probe-shaped inserts. Cavitation The removal of plaque and calculus from the tooth surface had originally been attributed mainly to the vibratory ac- tion of the probe tip. Walmsley theorized in 1984 that while the primary deposit removal action by ultrasonics is me- chanical, cavitation activity causes fracture of the attached deposits through the resultant shock waves. 31 Despite con- ficting laboratory fndings and no reliable way to evaluate the clinical effects of ultrasonic cavitation, the force cre- ated via ultrasonic induced cavitation may be suffcient to disrupt the bioflm environment, thereby facilitating the mechanical removal of periodontopathic bacteria. 32
Surface-Specific Tips and Device Settings Clearly, contact between the active portion of an ultrasonic insert at a preferred power level, proper angulation to the tooth surface and minimal force is essential for adequate bioflm interruption. Tip selection should be based on the type of deposit and the anatomy of the surface to be debrided. The type of deposit encountered at a site should determine the amplitude (power level) needed for effcient removal. The force behind the tip movement is infuenced by the diameter of the tip and the stroke range, with wider-diameter tips (standard) producing greater force for effcient removal of heavy or tenacious calculus and slim- diameter tips producing a lower level of force appropriate for effcient removal of light/soft deposits. The anatomy of the treatment site should then determine the shape of tip that will maximize contact of the active area with the root surface for thorough deposit removal. Tip selection should be based on the type of deposit and the anatomy of the surface to be debrided. A wide range of available magnetostrictive inserts permits a preferred two-stage approach to instrumenta- tion. The objective of the frst stage scaling is to reduce moderate-to-heavy calculus/stain deposits. To accomplish this most effciently, a standard-diameter insert/tip and a higher level of power should be used. The objective of the second stage debridement is the defnitive removal of all the light calculus and stain deposits that remain, as well as defnitive removal of bioflm and endotoxin. Slim inserts are ideal for the second stage and can reach pocket areas deeper than 4 mm and furcation areas, provided an appropriately designed tip is used for the sites anatomy. The use of slim insert tips also helps tactile identifca- tion of root morphology or remaining deposits, as the tip diameter is very similar to that of a periodontal probe. Data obtained from probing similarly can be obtained from the DEPOSIT AND ROOT ANATOMY INSERT SELECTION INSERT SETTINGS Type of Deposit Root Anatomy Power Setting Light/ Biofilm Moderate Heavy Straight Curved Type Low Low- Medium Low- High X X X (supragingivally) X (supragingivally) Standard #3/Beavertail X X X X X (4mm) Standard #10 X X X X X (4mm) Standard #100 X X X X X (4mm) Standard #1000/Triplebend X X X X X (4mm) Slimline #10 X X X X X Slimline Right or Left X X X X X (4mm) Slimline #1000 X X X X (4mm) THINSert X X X X X SofTip (implant insert) X X X X (w/surgical procedure) X (w/surgical procedure) DiamondCoat X Table 3. Magnetostrictive ultrasonic insert tip selection 6 slim insert during use. Slim-insert use also allows bioflm removal without excessive cementum removal, thus reduc- ing the likelihood of post-instrumentation dentinal hyper- sensitivity. It is still prudent to use an explorer specifcally designed for calculus detection (ODU 11/12) following any scaling procedure. To complement root anatomy, right and left inserts are used to fully access the full root circum- ference in deep pockets, and by rotating the tip, full access to the roof of furcations can also be achieved. Figure 1. Insert tip designs FSI 10 FSI 100 FSI 1000 THINSert FSI SLI 1000 FSI SLI FSI SLI FSI SLI Implant straight Right Left Insert
Designs with curved tips, straight tips and optimized line angulations enable full pocket access ergonomically. New designs with line-angle adaptation have also improved the ability to access interproximal and subgingival areas, offering effcient removal of deposits with a slim-tip insert while maximizing patient comfort. A beveled edge design at the working end of the insert tip also helps the effciency of deposit removal, as the ultrasonic energy is specifcally targeted to each of the four corners rather than on the full circumference of a rounded working end. Standard Diameter Inserts The wider diameter and longer stroke range of standard inserts provide a range of force (amplitude) appropriate for the effcient reduction of moderate to heavy and/or tenacious calculus and stain deposits. The degree of force is further defned by the power setting of the scaling unit. The lowest power setting at which effcacy (removal/reduction of deposit) is achieved effciently should be utilized. Tip designs available in standard diameter are straight with differing number of bends and include the #10, #100, #1000, and #3 (beavertail design). It is important to keep in mind that the objective of the scaling stage when heavier deposits are present is to reduce those deposits to a lesser degree. Hence, a straight insert provides a suffcient degree of contact to engage and reduce calcifed deposits /stain, even in areas of more complex anatomy. The #10 and #100 designs are similarly cylindrical in shape, with the #10 having one bend in the shank and the #100 having two bends in the shank. The length of either of these inserts is suffcient to enable contact of the active portion of the tip (terminal 4mm) to moderate-heavy sub- gingival calculus in deeper pockets. The #1000, or triple bend, design features a third bend in the shank to facilitate adaptation around line angles and interproximally, as well as a beveled active area. This beveled edge design at the working end of the insert tip increases the effciency of deposit removal as the ultrasonic energy is specifcally targeted to each of the four corners rather than on the full circumference of a rounded working end. (Figures 2-4). With the length of the tip being reduced by the third bend in the shank, access to deep subgingival calculus with the #1000 is limited and better accessed by the #10 or #100. The #3 design, commonly recognized as the beavertail, is indicated for the breaking of heavy ridges of supragin- gival calculus and/or stain, most commonly on the lingual surfaces of the mandibular anterior teeth. Unlike the other inserts which utilize the terminal 4 mm of tip as the active area, the active area of the beavertail is the terminal edge of the tip, and is indicated for supragingival use only. Figure 2. Triple bend insert tip Note the applicability of this insert for line angles Figure 3. THINSert tip lower left anterior quadrant Note the applicability of this insert tip to debride multiple flat surface areas 7 Figure 4. THINSert tip lower left posterior area lingually Slim Diameter Inserts Slim diameter inserts are available with either straight or curved shanks. Indicated for the defnitive debridement of surfaces with fat or minimal contour, straight slim inserts include the popular #10 design as well as a newly available #1000 or tri- ple bend design. As with the standard #10, the length of the slim #10 facilitates access to the depth of the pocket while the straight yet cylindrical shape conforms to relatively fat or minimally contoured surfaces, maximizing contact and therefore, disruption of bioflm. The beveled tip and triple bends of the Slimline 1000 insert improve adaptation at line angles and access to in- terproximal and subgingival surfaces, offering the clinician an option for effcient debridement of minimally contoured surfaces while maximizing patient comfort For defnitive debridement of more complex root anatomy, as found in posterior roots, curved right and left inserts are needed to maximize access to and contact with contoured surfaces, and by rotating the curved tip, full ac- cess to the roof of furcations can also be achieved. Ultra Slim Diameter Inserts An ultra slim #10 insert with a 9 backbend (Cavitron THINSert) is available to facilitate thorough debridement of fat/minimally contoured surfaces where access with the slim #10 is limited due to tight contacts or relatively tight tissue. This insert is particularly useful for regular maintenance care (bioflm interruption) of patients with no signifcant hard deposits and minimal pocket depth (only relatively fat root surface involvement). Patient Comfort Patient comfort with the chosen method of debridement is essential. Tools to objectively measure patient pain percep- tions in dentistry are lacking. Despite anecdotal claims to the contrary, there does not seem to be any signifcant difference in comfort levels of patients exposed to magnetostrictive or piezo devices. 33 Periodontal debridement, especially during the maintenance phase of therapy, typically requires relatively short working times at various sites throughout the mouth. For such procedures, traditional local anesthetic injections may not be the most suitable way to manage pain. Topical anesthetics that can allow for an adequate level of pain con- trol without a needle injection may offer advantages. Indeed, patients are more likely to accept treatment with effective pain management, which increases comfort while reducing anxiety, yet a signifcant number of patients fear injections. 34 Thus, the appropriate use of needle-free anesthetics serves two pur- poses pain management as well as reduced fear and anxiety compared to the use of local anesthetics. Topical anesthetics are convenient, but they offer short-duration anesthesia with variable pain control 35 and must thus be selected judiciously. A further option is the use of a locally applied noninjectable anesthetic containing 2.5 percent lidocaine and 2.5 percent prilocaine. This gel is syringed directly into the site of the pocket using a blunt cannula (without injecting it into the tissues) where site-specifc anesthesia is then obtained. This anesthetic has been found to provide a level of anesthesia com- parable to traditional injection anesthesia but without use of a needle, for twenty minutes duration and without lingering anesthesia following completion of the procedure. 36,37,38 Summary Periodontitis is now seen as resulting from a complex interplay between bacterial infection and host response, often modifed by behavioral factors, with the host response playing a key role. The overwhelming evidence confrming the adverse relationship between oral infammation and systemic disease suggests that elimination of infammation should be a goal of therapy in addition to preventing adverse changes in pocket depths and further clinical attachment loss. Mechanical dis- ruption of the bioflm remains the foundational approach for the resolution of infammatory periodontal diseases. Although similar clinical outcomes can be achieved with hand curettes and ultrasonic instrumentation, operator variability makes achieving therapeutic root debridement more predictable with ultrasonic instrumentation. Contact between the active por- tion of an ultrasonic insert at a preferred power level, proper angulation to the tooth surface and minimal force is essential for adequate bioflm interruption. Care should be taken to se- lect tips that are appropriate based on the type of deposit and the anatomy of the surface to be debrided. References 1 Burt B; Research, Science and Therapy Committee of the American Academy of Periodontology. Position paper: epidemiology of periodontal diseases. J Periodontol. 2005;76:140619. 2 Eke PI, Thornton-Evans GO, Wei L, Borgnakke WS, Dye BA. Accuracy of NHANES periodontal examination protocols. J Dent Res. 2010 Nov;89(11):120813. 3 Burt B; Research, Science and Therapy Committee of the American Academy of Periodontology. Position paper: epidemiology of periodontal diseases. J Periodontol. 2005;76:140619. 4 Kornman KS, Page RC, Tonetti MS. The host response to the microbial challenge in periodontitis: assembling the players. Periodontol. 2000. 1997;14:3353. 8 5 Page RC, Offenbacher S, Schroeder HE, Seymour GJ, Kornman KS. Advances in the pathogenesis of periodontitis: summary of developments, clinical implications and future directions. Periodontol. 2000. 1997;14:21648. 6 Williams RC. Understanding and managing periodontal diseases: a notable past, a promising future. J Periodontol. 2008 Aug;79(8 Suppl):15529. 7 Seymour GJ, Ford PJ, Cullinan MP, Leishman S, Yamazaki K. Relationship between periodontal infections and systemic disease. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2007 Oct;13 Suppl 4:310. 8 Schutte DW, Donley TG. Determining periodontal risk factors in patients presenting for dental care. J Dent Hyg. 1996 Nov- Dec;70(6):2304. 9 Friedewald VE, Kornman KS, Beck JD, Genco R, Goldfne A, Libby P, et al. The American Journal of Cardiology and Journal of Periodontology Editors Consensus: periodontitis and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Am J Cardiol. 2009 Jul 1;104(1):5968. 10 Seymour GJ, Ford PJ, Cullinan MP, Leishman S, Yamazaki K. Relationship between periodontal infections and systemic disease. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2007 Oct;13 Suppl 4:310. 11 Newbrun E. Indices to measure gingival bleeding. J Periodontol. 1996;67:55561. 12 Lang NP, Joss A, Orsanic T, Gusberti FA, Siegrist BE. Bleeding on Probing. A predictor for the progression of periodontal disease? J Clin Periodontol. 1986;13(6)5906. 13 Schtzle M, Le H, Brgin W, Anerud A, Boysen H, Lang NP. Clinical course of chronic periodontitis. I. Role of gingivitis. J Clin Periodontol. 2003;30:887901. 14 Chaves ES, Wood RC, Jones AA, Newbold DA, Manwell MA, Kornman KS. Relationship of bleeding on probing and gingival index bleeding as clinical parameters of gingival infammation. J Clin Periodontol. 1993;20(2):13943. 15 Schaudinn C, Gorur A, Keller D, Sedghizadeh PP, Costerton JW. Periodontitis: an archetypical bioflm disease. J Am Dent Assoc. 2009;140(8):97886. 16 Kornman KS, Page RC, Tonetti MS. The host response to the microbial challenge in periodontitis: assembling the players. Periodontol. 2000. 1997;14:3353. 17 Axelsson P, Lindhe J. Effect of controlled oral hygiene procedures on caries and periodontal disease in adults. Results after 6 years. J Clin Periodontol. 1981;8:23948. 18 Preshaw PM, Hefti AF, Jepsen S, Etienne D, Walker C, Bradshaw MH. Subantimicrobial dose doxycycline as adjunctive treatment for periodontitis. A review. J Clin Periodontol. 2004;31:697707. 19 Chapple IL. Potential mechanisms underpinning the nutritional modulation of periodontal infammation. J Am Dent Assoc. 2009;140:178. 20 Research, Science and Therapy Committee of the American Academy of Periodontology. Treatment of plaque-induced gingivitis, chronic periodontitis, and other clinical conditions. J Periodontol. 2001;72:17901800. 21 von Troil B, Needleman I, Sanz M. A systematic review of the prevalence of root sensitivity following periodontal therapy. J Clin Periodontol. 2002;29 Suppl 3:173-7. 22 Axelsson P. New ideas and advancing technology in prevention and non-surgical treatment of periodontal disease. Int Dent J. 1993 Jun;43(3):223-38. 23 Wong R, Hirsch RS, Clarke NG. Endodontic effects of root planing in humans. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1989 Aug;5(4):193-6. 24 Gonalves PF, Lima LL, Sallum EA, Casati MZ, Nociti FH Jr. Root cementum may modulate gene expression during periodontal regeneration: a preliminary study in humans. J Periodontol. 2008 Feb;79(2):32331. 25 Cobb CM. Non-surgical pocket therapy: mechanical. Ann Periodontol. 1996;1:44390. 26 Drisko CL, Cochran DL, Blieden T, Bouwsma OJ, Cohen RE, Damoulis P, et al. Position paper: sonic and ultrasonic scalers in periodontics. Research, Science and Therapy Committee of the American Academy of Periodontology. J Periodontol. 2000;71:17921801. 27 Lea SC, Walmsley D. Mechano-physical and biophysical properties of power-driven scalers: driving the future of powered instrument design and evaluation. Periodontol. 2000. 2009;51:6378. 28 Flemmig TF, Petersilka GJ, Mehl A, Hickel R, Klaiber B. Working parameters of a magnetostrictive scaler infuencing root surface removal in vitro. J Periodontol. 2009;69:54753. 29 Flemmig TF, Petersilka GJ, Mehl A, Hickel R, Klaiber B. The effect of working parameters on root surface removal using a piezoelectric ultrasonic scaler in vitro. J Clin Periodontol. 1998;25:15863. 30 Jepsen S, Ayna M, Hedderich J, Eberhard J. Signifcant infuence of scaler tip design on root substance loss resulting from ultrasonic scaling: a laserproflometric in vitro study. J Clin Periodontol. 2004;31(11):10036. 31 Walmsley AD, Laird WR, Williams AR. A model system to demonstrate the role of cavitational activity in ultrasonic scaling. J Dent Res. 1984;63(9):11625. 32 Lea SC, Walmsley D. Mechano-physical and biophysical properties of power-driven scalers: driving the future of powered instrument design and evaluation. Periodontol. 2000. 2009;51:6378. 33 Kocher T, Rodemerk B, Fanghnel J, Meissner G. Pain during prophylaxis treatment elicited by two power-driven instruments. J Clin Periodontol. 2005;32:5358. 34 Crawford S, Niessen L, Wong S, Dowling E. Quantifcation of patient fears regarding dental injections and patient perceptions of a local noninjectable anesthetic gel. Compendium. 2005;26(2) Suppl 1:114. 35 Carr, MP, Horton, JE. Clinical evaluation and comparison of 2 topical anesthetics for pain cause by needle sticks and scaling and root planing. J Periodontol. 2001;72(4):47984. 36 van Steenberghe D, Bercy P, De Boever J, Adriaens P, Geers L, Hendrickx E, et al. Patient evaluation of a novel non-injectable anesthetic gel: a multicenter crossover study comparing the gel to infltration anesthesia during scaling and root planing. J Periodontol. 2004;75(11):14718. 37 Al-Melh, MA, Andersson, L, Behbehani, E. Reduction of pain from needle stick in the oral mucosa by topical anesthetics: a comparative study between lidocaine/prilocaine and benzocaine. J Clin Dent. 2005;16(2):536. 38 Magnusson I, Geurs NC, Harris PA, Hefti AF, Mariotti AJ, Mauriello SM, Soler L, Offenbacher S. Intrapocket anesthesia for scaling and root planing in pain-sensitive patients. J Periodontol. 2003;74(5):597602. Author Profile Timothy Donley DDS, MSD Dr. Timothy Donley is currently in the private practice of periodontics and implantology in Bowling Green, KY. After graduating from the University of Notre Dame, Georgetown University School of Dentistry and completing a general practice residency, he practiced general dentistry. He then returned to Indiana University where he received his Masters Degree in Periodontics. Dr. Donley is the former editor of the Journal of the Kentucky Dental Association and is an adjunct professor of Periodontics at Western Kentucky University. His course is part of the ADA Seminar Series. Dentistry To- day recently listed him among the Leaders in Continuing Education. He lectures and publishes frequently on topics of interest to clinical dentists and hygienists. Disclaimer The author(s) of this course has/have no commercial ties with the sponsors or the providers of the unrestricted educational grant for this course. Reader Feedback We encourage your comments on this or any PennWell course. For your convenience, an online feedback form is available at 9 Questions Online Completion Use this page to review the questions and answers. Return to and sign in. If you have not previously purchased the program select it from the Online Courses listing and complete the online purchase. Once purchased the exam will be added to your Archives page where a Take Exam link will be provided. Click on the Take Exam link, complete all the program questions and submit your answers. An immediate grade report will be provided and upon receiving a passing grade your Verifcation Form will be provided immediately for viewing and/or printing. Verifcation Forms can be viewed and/or printed anytime in the future by returning to the site, sign in and return to your Archives Page. 1. Mild to moderate forms of periodontitis affect _________ of adults. a. 10% to 30% b. 20% to 40% c. 30% to 50% d. none of the above 2. Severe generalized periodontitis affects _________ of adults. a. 3% to 12% b. 4% to 15% c. 5% to 15% d. 5% to 20% 3. The host-mediated destruction of con- nective and bone tissues in periodontitis is caused by a _________ response. a. hypoactivated immune-protective b. hyperactivated immune-protective c. hypoactivated immune-infammatory d. hyperactivated immune-infammatory 4. _________ remains the cornerstone of effective periodontal disease intervention. a. Effective intercession of periodontal bacteria b. Effective interruption of periodontal bacteria c. Removal of infected cementum d. none of the above 5. Periodontitis is now seen as _________. a. resulting from a complex interplay between bacterial infection and host response b. primarily the outcome from infection c. primarily the outcome from infammation d. a and b 6. _________ of periodontal diseases now attributed to bacterial variance. a. 10 percent b. 20 percent c. 30 percent d. none of the above 7. The role of genetic variance in periodontal disease is now known to be _________. a. nonexistent b. insignifcant c. signifcant d. none of the above 8. Focusing the management of periodontal disease solely on pocket depth _________. a. is suffcient b. is key c. may not be suffcient d. none of the above 9. _______ released orally in response to the pathogenic periodontal bacteria can enter the bloodstream. a. Bacteria b. Infammatory mediators c. Bacterial byproducts d. all of the above 10. _________ factors accelerate destructive infammatory processes in periodontitis. a. Acquired risk b. Environmental c. Genetic d. all of the above 11. _______ is strongly associated with increased risk for periodontitis and disease severity. a. Tobacco use b. Osteoporosis c. Obesity d. all of the above 12. _________ is not a non-oral risk factor for periodontal disease. a. Diabetes mellitus b. Depression c. Pulmonary embolism d. Mental stress 13. A therapeutic approach for periodontal disease should be developed _________ the level of risk. a. regardless of b. disproportionate to c. proportionate to d. a and c 14. There is general agreement that an isolated incidence of bleeding on probing at a site is _________ of disease activity at that site. a. an excellent predictor b. a good predictor c. a poor predictor d. a detractor 15. The predictive value of BOP increases substantially when BOP is _______. a. transient b. random c. persistent d. any of the above 16. Sites at which _________ are found should be priority candidates for therapeutic attention. a. increases in probing depth b. persistent bleeding on probing c. clinical signs of infammation other than bleeding on probing d. all of the above 17. Suppressing the _________ has also been shown to play a critical adjunctive therapeutic role. a. thyroid gland b. host response c. antigen profle d. a and b 18. Dietary alterations intended to reduce the infammatory response have also been shown to be _______ in periodontal therapy. a. of no beneft b. of beneft c. detrimental d. none of the above 19. Bioflm disruption can be accomplished by _________. a. mechanical means b. systemic and local administration of targeted antibiotics c. laser-generated energy d. all of the above 20. The selected debridement method should _________. a. be effcient to perform clinically b. be well tolerated by patients c. have a low potential for adverse side effects d. all of the above 21. Excessive cementum removal during instrumentation has been reported to result in _______. a. dentinal hypersensitivity b. enamel loss c. pulpitis d. a and c 22. According to the Academy of Periodontology, the goal of periodontal instrumentation is to _________. a. effectively remove plaque b. effectively remove calculus c. cause the least amount of root surface damage d. all of the above 23. Laser vibrotomy-based studies have demonstrated that as soon as the insert tip is loaded (placed against a tooth surface), _________. a. piezo driven instrument tips have elliptical patterns of movement b. magnetostrictive instrument tips have elliptical patterns of movement c. piezo driven instrument tips have vertical patterns of movement d. a and b 24. The risk of root surface can be eliminated during ultrasonic instrumentation by using a preferred _________. a. tip b. angulation c. lateral force at a preferred power setting d. all of the above 25. Tools to objectively measure patient pain perceptions in dentistry are _______. a. effective b. ineffective c. lacking d. none of the above 26. Slim probe-like insert tips remove _______ wider diameter insert tips. a. more root surface than b. the same amount of root surface as c. less root surface than d. none of the above 27. Walmsley theorized that cavitation activity causes _______ of the attached deposits. a. abrasion b. fracture c. erosion d. a and b 28. ____ of the bioflm remains the foundational approach for the resolution of infammatory periodontal diseases. a. Mechanical disruption b. Chemical disruption c. Genetic disruption d. all of the above 29. The objective of the second stage of instrumentation is the defnitive removal of all _______. a. heavy calculus, stain deposits, and bioflm b. endotoxins c. light calculus and stain deposits, bioflm and endotoxins d. a and b 30. It is prudent to use _________ spe- cifcally designed for calculus detection following any scaling procedure. a. a slim-tip insert b. an explorer c. a curette d. none of the above Notes 10 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY ANSWER SHEET FOR ADDITIONAL PARTICIPANTS. For IMMEDIATE results, go to to take tests online. Answer sheets can be faxed with credit card payment to (440) 845-3447, (216) 398-7922, or (216) 255-6619. 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Renewal Date: Requirements for successful completion of the course and to obtain dental continuing education credits: 1) Read the entire course. 2) Complete all information above. 3) Complete answer sheets in either pen or pencil. 4) Mark only one answer for each question. 5) A score of 70% on this test will earn you 2 CE credits. 6) Complete the Course Evaluation below. 7) Make check payable to PennWell Corp. For Questions Call 216.398.7822 Educational Objectives 1. List and describe the prevalence of periodontitis in the population 2. Describe the periodontal disease process 3. List and describe the associations between oral and systemic health 4. List and describe therapeutic options 5. List and describe the mechanism by which ultrasonic instrumentation works 6. List and describe tip selection for periodontal sites and the rationale for their selection Course Evaluation Please evaluate this course by responding to the following statements, using a scale of Excellent = 5 to Poor = 0. 1. Were the individual course objectives met? Objective #1: Yes No Objective #3: Yes No Objective #2: Yes No Objective #4: Yes No Objective #5: Yes No Objective #6: Yes No 2. To what extent were the course objectives accomplished overall? 5 4 3 2 1 0 3. Please rate your personal mastery of the course objectives. 5 4 3 2 1 0 4. How would you rate the objectives and educational methods? 5 4 3 2 1 0 5. How do you rate the authors grasp of the topic? 5 4 3 2 1 0 6. Please rate the instructors efectiveness. 5 4 3 2 1 0 7. Was the overall administration of the course efective? 5 4 3 2 1 0 8. Do you feel that the references were adequate? Yes No 9. Would you participate in a similar program on a diferent topic? Yes No 10. 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George Laskaris - Dimitris Tatakis - Eleana Stoufi - Periodontal Manifestations of Local and Systemic Diseases - Color Atlas and Text-Springer Nature (2023)
George Laskaris - Dimitris Tatakis - Eleana Stoufi - Periodontal Manifestations of Local and Systemic Diseases - Color Atlas and Text-Springer Nature (2023)