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Sustainable Development of Arid Zones in Peru Based On The Sustainable Use of Algarrobo (Prosopis SP.) Forests

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Sustainable development of arid zones in Peru

based on the sustainable use of algarrobo (Prosopis sp.) forests

Gastn Cruz, Nora Grados, Luis Albn
Universidad de Piura, P.O. Box 353, Piura, Peru
!"ail# $%ruz&ude'.edu.'e
(ebsite# ))).ude'.edu.'e*inv!des*+!in$en*ind!sis*"es,'-..t"
/.e Peruvian al$arrobo 0Prosopis tree1 'la-s a ver- i"'ortant role in t.e
subsisten%e o+ rural 'o'ulations, su''l-in$ +ire)ood, %onstru%tion )ood and +eed.
2o)ever, over!ex'loitation o+ t.e +orest durin$ de%ades %aused a severe
deserti+i%ation. /.e extre"e l Ni3o rain+all in 4563 led to a re"ar7able natural
re$eneration o+ Prosopis +orests and "otivated lo%al resear%.es to start a 'ro8e%t at
t.e Universidad de Piura.
/.is 'a'er )ill 'resent t.e various a%tivities done and ex'eri%en%es $ained )it.in
t.e 'ro8e%t alon$ 49 -ears, in%ludin$ ex%.an$es )it. uro'ean resear%. %enters,
+or"ation o+ lo%al s%ientists, divul$ation o+ results and s.arin$ ex'erien%es and tas7s
)it. national or$anizations, et%. :t is ex'e%ted t.at t.is 'a'er )ill serve as a base +or
dis%ussion on t.e e++orts and re,uests +or stren$t.enin$ resear%. %a'a%ities in t.e
;out. and t.e Nort. and 'artners.i's bet)een t.e".
<ro" t.e be$innin$ t.e 'ro8e%t .as been interdis%i'linar- arti%ulated, on t)o lines o+
a%tion# rebuildin$ +orests, and addin$ value to +orest 'rodu%ts. :n t.e "aturation
sta$e o+ t.e 'ro8e%t, te%.nolo$ies +or seed treat"ent and extensive re+orestation )as
tested in t.e +ield )it. %o""unal 'arti%i'ation durin$ t.e 4556 l Ni3o rain+all event,
).ile ne) +ood 'rodu%ts +ro" Prosopis +ruit )ere develo'ed and lo%al s"all
enter'rises s'ontaneusl- start to 'rodu%e t.e" +or t.e Peruvian "ar7et.
1. IN!"#$%I"N
1.1 he problem
/.e Provin%e o+ Piura in Nort.ern Peru is %.ara%terised b- tro'i%al se"iarid %li"ati%
%onditions. /.e natural ve$etation in%ludes vast extensions o+ algarrobo (Prosopis
pallida and Prosopis juliflora) +orests 0<i$ure 41. /.e +ruits o+ t.e algarrobo !%alled
algarroba- are traditionall- used as livesto%7 +eed and +or t.e 'rodu%tion o+
algarrobina, a 'o'ular s-ru'. Algarrobo )ood is also a''re%iated as +ire)ood or +or
t.e 'rodu%tion o+ %.ar%oal or ti"ber used +or 'ri"itive buildin$s, +en%in$ 'osts, et%.
<i$ure 4. Al$arrobo trees near Piura
;everal +a%tors .ave lead to a dra"ati% s.rin7in$ o+ t.e algarrobo +orests durin$ t.e
last de%ades. /.e %.ar%oal industr- denuded vast tra%7s o+ land durin$ t.e +irst .al+
o+ t.e %entur-. :n t.e se%ond .al+, t.e urban "ar7et +or +ire)ood and %.ar%oal .as
been and re"ains 'artiall- res'onsible +or "u%. o+ t.e su%%eedin$ de$radation
0Perevolots7- 4554, Cuba ;alerno 45561. =urin$ t.e last de%ades, as a
%onse,uen%e o+ t.e .i$.land!lo)land "i$ration 'ro%ess, nu"erous un%ontrolled
settle"ents, usuall- )it.out an- drin7in$ )ater and 'o)er su''l- and under extre"e
'overt- %onditions, .ave 'roli+erated in t.e re$ion. Algarrobos are t.e onl- sour%e o+
+ire)ood +or t.e in.abitants in t.ese settle"ents. And t.e natural re+orestation is
stron$l- .a"'ered b- over$razin$ o+ do"esti% $oats around t.e settle"ents. Goats
+eed "ainl- on t.e algarroba and on -oun$ algarrobo trees, usuall- t.e onl-
ve$etation in t.e surroundin$ desert.
/.is 'ro%ess o+ de+orestation and 'ro$ressive deserti+i%ation .as a ne$ative i"'a%t
on t.e so%ial and e%ono"i% environ"ent o+ t.e re$ion, and also on t.e e%os-ste".
<or t.e algarrobo +orests t.e"selves, a +urt.er 'ro$ress o+ t.e de+orestation 'ro%ess
)ould lead to an irreversible loss o+ $eneti% variet- )it. its %orres'ondin$ ne$ative
i"'a%t on its +uture survival.
1.&. he local research institution
stablis.ed in 45>5, t.e Universidad de Piura 0U=P1 is a 'rivate, non!'ro+it!"a7in$
institution, )it. %urrentl- +ive +a%ulties, about 4?@ tea%.in$ and resear%. 'ersonnel
and 3@@@ students.
Be$innin$ in t.e "id ei$.ties t.e U=P started an interdis%i'linar- resear%.
'ro$ra""e around t.e algarrobo +orests and t.e derivatives o+ t.e algarroba. /.is
'ro$ra""e .ad t)o "a8or ob8e%tives. <irst to i"'rove t.e algarrobo re+orestation
te%.nolo$- under Peruvian %onditions in order to redu%e its %osts and to in%rease its
e++i%ien%- ).en used durin$ t.e re%urrent l Ni3o events. And se%ond to develo'
ne) +ood 'rodu%ts based on t.e algarroba +ruit in order to "a7e t.e algarrobo
+orests "ore attra%tive +or t.e 'o'ulation and t.us to en%oura$e a s)i+t +ro" t.e
usual 'redator- attitudes to)ards sustainable +orestr- 'ra%ti%es.
/.e "a8or results obtained so +ar b- t.is resear%. 'ro$ra""e are ex'lained in t.e
+ollo)in$ %.a'ter. A s-nt.esis o+ its ob8e%tives, %o"'onents and "ilestones is
illustrated in /able 4.
/able 4. Aesear%. areas o+ t.e 'ro8e%t
=e+orestation, due to ex%esive Prosopis +uel)ood extra%tion
!)S)A!%+ APP!"A%+)S " +) P!"'()*
!eforestation ,alorisation of fruit
Co"'onents - e++i%ient, lo) %ost te%.ni,ues
- +ield trials, "onitorin$
- +orest "ana$e"ent
- ne) +ood 'rodu%ts
- "ar7et develo'"ent
- edu%ation * trainin$
:nstitutes involved :nstitute o+ 2-drolo$- Laborator- o+ C.e"istr-
456B Pro8e%t be$in Plantation o+ ?@ 2a
0+irst ti"e dire%t +ro" seeds1
Nutritional %.ara%terisation,
se'aration o+ +ruit 'arts
455@ Pro8e%t develo'in$ Plantation o+ B@ 2a
Conitorin$ o+ 'rodu%tion
<orest "ana$e"ent
=evelo'"ent o+ ne) +ood
4555 Pro8e%t )ell establis.ed =evelo'"ent o+ a 're!
$er"ination "et.od +or seeds
Aerial so)in$ trials
Canual so)in$
Pilot!'lant 'ro%esses
/e%.nolo$- trans+er to s"all
?@@@ Pro8e%t "aturation xtensive
Geneti% i"'rove"ent
;tudies on +ine!ti"ber
'rodu%tion and "ar7et
Car7et studies +or ne) 'rodu%ts
National standards +or t.e
/rainin$ and edu%ation
&. P!"-)% #)S%!IPI"N
&.1 !esearch on algarrobo reforestation technolog.
A +irst '.ase o+ t.is resear%. 'ro$ra""e )as %arried out bet)een 456B and 4553.
/.e :nstitute +or 2-drolo$- o+ t.e U=P %arried out a re+orestation 'ro8e%t su''orted
b- an U $rant t.at led to a 'ilot re+orestation o+ 6@ .e%tares o+ t.e U=P %a"'us
usin$ algarrobo seeds and dro'!irri$ation te%.nolo$-. /.is +irst '.ase allo)ed to
develo' i"'roved "et.ods +or t.e lar$e s%ale 'rodu%tion o+ seeds as )ell as +or t.e
'lantin$ o+ seeds and t.eir subse,uent 'rote%tion 0Carabias et al. 4559, D<P 4556,
Caselli and Carabias 4556, Eera /udela et al. 45561. /.ese 6@ re+orested .e%tares
are t.e onl- algarrobo 'lantation %urrentl- existin$ in Peru.
:n a se%ond '.ase 0455B!45551 +inan%ed b- t.e U, t.e ;)iss A$en%- +or
=evelo'"ent and Coo'eration and t.e Le"an <oundation 0NGO1, seed 're!
treat"ent and %oatin$ te%.ni,ues .ave been develo'ed. Usin$ 're!treated seeds
.as allo)ed to a%.ieve a ??F and 56F o+ seedlin$ establis."ent 3 and 9 da-s a+ter
seedin$ %o"'ared )it. @.@F and >@F res'e%tivel- usin$ untreated seeds. Coatin$
o+ 're!treated seeds allo)s to 'rovide '.-si%al 'rote%tion and .u"idit- +or t.e seeds
).en used +or aerial so)in$ 0Eera /udela et al. 4556, Anon-"ous 4555a1. =i++erent
'lantin$ te%.ni,ues .ave been su%%ess+ull- tested in s"all and lar$e s%ale +ield
trials, and +irst ex'eri"ents )it. aerial so)in$ .ave also been run. Plans +or +uture
resear%. in%lude t.e identi+i%ation, sele%tion, and re'rodu%tion o+ "ore 'rodu%tive
and resistant algarrobo varieties as a sour%e o+ seeds +or +uture re+orestation, as
)ell as t.e stud- o+ t.e 'rodu%tivit- o+ algarrobo 'lantations +or t.e 'rodu%tion o+
ti"ber and ot.er )ood derivatives.
&.& !esearch on food products from algarroba
:n a -ear!lon$ %oo'eration )it. various international institutions 0/able ?1 'artiall-
+inan%ed b- an U ;/=3!Pro8e%t, t.e C.e"istr- Laborator- o+ t.e U=P .as
investi$ated t.e basi% te%.ni%al and nutritional 'ro'erties o+ t.e Peruvian algarroba
+ruit and .as develo'ed a series o+ ne) algarroba derivatives. /.ese ne) 'rodu%ts
in%lude algarroba!based G%o++eeG, +lour, soluble 'o)der, $u", et%. 0Cruz 456>,
Grados et al. 4553, Bravo et al. 455B, Grados and Cruz 455>, Bravo et al. 4556,
Auiz et al. 4556, Cruz 45551. A 'ilot 'lant +or t.e 'rodu%tion o+ t.ese derivatives is
no) available at t.e U=P.
<urt.er resear%. )or7 .as been devoted to investi$ate t.e 'ro'er %onditions +or
stora$e o+ algarroba!'ods. :+ not 'ro'erl- sto%7ed, inse%ts or +un$i "a- s'oil t.e
).ole .arvest. Aesear%. .as led to t.e develo'"ent o+ various alternative lo)!%ost
)are.ouse "odels t.at %an be used under rural %onditions.
:n addition to t.e resear%. and develo'"ent )or7, si$ni+i%ant e++ort .as been
devoted to 'ro"ote t.is derivatives )it.in t.e lo%al industr- as )ell as in trainin$ and
advisin$ interested 'rodu%ers. As a result, several lo%al industries, in%ludin$ rural
"i%ro!%o"'anies are alread- 'rodu%in$ and su%%ess+ull- sellin$ so"e o+ t.e ne)
'rodu%ts 0<i$ure ?1. Current resear%. +o%us on t.e develo'"ent and 'ro"otion o+
ne) +oods and re%i'es based on algarroba derivatives.
Algarroba!based 'rodu%ts
<i$ure ?. Produ%ts +ro" al$arroba
As a result o+ its leaders.i' in t.e +ield o+ +ood derivatives o+ t.e algarroba in PerH
t.e U=P .as ta7en over t.e res'onsibilit- +or t.eir standardisation )it.in
:N=COP:, t.e Peruvian ;tandardisation Co""ittee.
/. IN%!)AS)# !)S)A!%+ %APA%I0
/.1 A research pro1ect built up from local needs and local resources
Alt.ou$. t.e de+orestation 'roble" )as al)a-s evident +or all 'eo'le and aut.orities
and involves a lar$e 'art o+ t.e rural 'o'ulation, t.e onl- "easure to +i$.t it )as t.e
'ro.ibition o+ %uttin$ t.e trees and %o""er%ialise )ood and %.ar%oal, ).i%. in t.e
'ra%ti%e is not observed.
<irst resear%. )or7s on algarrobo at U=P see"ed 'ioneer, innovative, t.ou$.t
t.e- )ere ver- si"'le, su%. ba%.elor de$ree t.esis, but done )it. lon$!ter"
t.in7in$. /.e involve"ent o+ -oun$ 08ust $raduated1 lo%al resear%.ers )as de%isive
to "antain t.e ent.usias" even in t.e di++i%ulties, to build a solid tea" even i+ not
-et s'e%ialised. Later on, t.e lo%al resear%.es %arried out 'ost!$raduate studies,
o+ten )it. dissertation t.e"es on t.e to'i% algarrobo.
/.&. %reating ne2 contacts
Biblio$ra'.i% in+or"ation )as s%ar%e +or t.e +irst studies, and %o""uni%ation )it.
t.e sour%es )as t.en 'ossible onl- b- "ail, o+ten )it. no ans)er. <ortunatel-, sin%e
+ro" t.e be$innin$ t.e results )ere sou$.t to be 'resented in international s%ienti+i%
"eetin$s. An :nternational Con+eren%e on Proso'is in Brazil 0Cruz 45661 )as t.e
)indo) to "a7e t.e +irst %onta%ts )it. or$anisations, s%ientists and 'ro8e%ts )or7in$
on Prosopis in ot.er realities around t.e )orld.
<or"al %ollaboration )it. t.e" be$an, +or exa"'le, b- as7in$ +or re+eren%es,
a''l-in$ to$et.er to s'e%i+i% 'ro$ra""es o+ %oo'eration a$en%ies, or b- as7in$
t.e" +or .el' on so"e anal-ses. Cutual trust and 'atien%e .ave 'ro$ressivel- built
a $ood relations.i'. (.enever 'ossible, %ollaborators )ere invited to visit t.e
U=P, and t.is .as resulted in a better 7no)led$e o+ t.e .u"an ,ualities o+ t.e
)or7 tea" and to $et rid o+ 're8udi%es.
/.ere )as a stron$ %o""it"ent on t.e 'art o+ lo%al s%ientists to )or7 to$et.er to
raise t.eir a%.ieve"ents in resear%. to t.e level o+ t.eir 'artners o+ industrialised
/able ?. ;ele%ted exa"'les o+ resear%. 'artners.i' in t.is 'ro8e%t
3or4 topics *a1or results 5unding
/2 Iuri%. ! ;)itzerland
0:nstitute o+ <ood ;%ien%e1
C.ara%terisation o+
+ruit su$ars and
seed $u"
@? ;%ienti+i%
@4 Peruvian
s%ientist obtain
P..=. de$ree
C2 <ederal O++i%e
+or du%ation and
Conse8o ;u'erior de
:nvesti$a%iones CientJ+i%as !
;'ain 0:nstituto del <rJo ! =e'. de
C.ara%terisation o+
+ibres and s-ru's
+ro" t.e +ruit
@B ;%ienti+i%
Conta%t )it.
Coo'eration A$en%-
2enr- =oubleda- Aesear%.
Asso%iation ! United Din$do"
x%.an$e o+
in+or"ation and
ex'erien%es on
Co!aut.orin$ o+ an
international data
base, a te%.ni%al
"anual and a
UD =e'art"ent <or
Universidad Na%ional de ;antia$o
del stero ! Ar$entine
i"'rove"ent o+
/i"ber te%.nolo$-
ex%.an$e o+
U ! Pro8e%t
:nternational Proso'is Asso%iation
! based in Brazil.
/rans+er o+
te%.nolo$- to Brazil
Parti%i'ation in
%on+eren%es and
/./. 'asic and applied research
/.e 'ro8e%t %o"bines basi% resear%. 0l Ni3o "onitorin$ studies, +ruit %.e"i%al
%.ara%terisation, environ"ental issues1 )it. resear%. oriented to)ards %on%rete
$oals 0re+orestation te%.ni,ues, develo'"ent and "ar7etin$ o+ +ood 'rodu%ts1
/.e ex'loitation o+ algarrobo +orests and +ruits .ad to be .ar"onized )it. so%ial and
environ"ental %riteria. /o ensure t.at all t.e relevant so%ial issues )ill be ta7en into
a%%ount, U=P )or7s )it. lo%al NGOs.
Besides lo%al s%ienti+i% resear%., a lon$!ter" business t.in7in$ and entre'reneurial
"entalit- o+ t.e 'o'ulation )as sou$.t, in order to a%.ieve )ealt. %reation and
sustainable develo'"ent. du%ation o+ t.e rural 'o'ulation, introdu%tion o+
environ"ental te%.nolo$ies and trainin$ in 'rodu%tive a%tivities )ere also as'e%ts
ta7en into a%%ount.
/.6. Interaction 2ith local institutions
=es'ite o+ several %ollaborative ex%.an$es 0/able 31, "ore on a 'ersonal level t.an
on institutional basis, di++i%ulties )ere +ound in buildin$ trust relations.i's )it.
Peruvian or$anisations. <or exa"'le, 'ro'osals done to "inistries en%ountered no
ans)er or no e++e%tive su''ort.
:n $eneral, it %ould be said t.at t.e relations.i' o+ t.e 'ro8e%t )it. national
universities and $overn"ent bodies .as not -et been a%.ieved satis+a%tor-, unli7e
)it. international 'artners.
/able 3. :ntera%tion )it. lo%al or$anisations
"rganisation -oint activities 7 !esults
Central Peruana de ;ervi%ios ;.arin$ ex'erien%es in algarroba stora$e
U=P 'rovided algarroba 'rodu%ts sa"'les
2ei+er Pro8e%t
C:A2A;!Peru C:A2A; %arried out sensibilisation o+ rural 'eo'le involved in a
U=P re+orestation 'ro8e%t
Aso%ia%in de Ca"'esinos
Nuevo ;an Ei%ente
Pro8e%t to i"'rove t.e stora$e and %o""er%ialisation +o algarroba
"'resa ;anta CarJa de Lo%uto /e%.ni%al assistan%e to t.is "i%ro!enter'rise
Advise in "ar7etin$
:N=COP: Lo%al %o""ittee +or )ritin$ standards +or algarroba 'rodu%ts
PAONAA 0National Pro$ra""e
+or <ood Aid1
/rainin$ o+ )o"en $rou's in 'ro%essin$ al$arroba, en.an%in$ its
/.8. Sharing information and dissemination of results
/.e interest o+ t.e 'ro8e%t tea" and t.eir %ollaborators, to in%rease t.e $eneral
a)areness o+ t.e i"'ortan%e o+ Nort.!;out. resear%. 'artners.i's )it. devel'in$
%ountries )as a%7no)led$ed b- several 'ress arti%les 0e.$ Carabias et al. 4559,
<re-vo$el 4559, Caselli and Carabias 45561
On t.e ot.er .and, t.ere )ere onl- +e) s%ienti+i% 'ubli%ations in international
8ournals. Cost results )ere disse"inated t.rou$. 'arti%i'ation in lo%al and re$ional
%on$resses. Publication in bot. national and international s%ienti+i% 8ournals is
bein$ no) vi$orousl- 'ursued )it. t.e su''ort o+ and in %o!aut.ors.i' )it. external
Currentl-, t.e :nternet +a%ilities allo) to establis. a lot o+ %onta%ts and to 'arti%i'ate
in lists o+ dis%ussion. A Prosopis international list, 'ro"oted b- =r. Peter <el7er
0+or"erl- at /exas AKC, no) at ;antia$o del stero in Ar$entine1, resulted in a
su%%ess+ul )or7s.o' in (as.in$ton =C, ).i%. started a lot o+ ne) 'artners.i's and
%on+ir"ed t.e i"'ortan%e o+ Prosopis in arid lands 0<el7er and Coss 455>1.
/.9. Impact of the pro1ect
A )ide diversit- o+ algarroba 'rodu%ts .ave been develo'ed in t.is 'ro8e%t. /.is .as
been t.e basis to be$in to ex'lore "ar7ets. Currentl-, "ar7et investi$ations are bein$
done in Piura +or Prosopis %o++ee substitute and algarroba!%oo7ies, )it. 'arti%i'ation o+
students. Plans to 'ro"ote t.e %onsu"'tion o+ algarroba!'rodu%ts %ould in%lude t.e
'ubli%ation o+ a re%i'e!boo7 +or s-ru', 'ul' +lour and soluble 'o)der, as )ell as
ex.ibition and testin$ %a"'ai$ns.
x'andin$ t.e "ar7ets and loo7in$ +or a )ider ran$e o+ 'rodu%ts are ver- i"'ortant
ste's to)ard t.e +uture +or Prosopis in Latin A"eri%a. Bot. as'e%ts s.ould intera%t,
involvin$ te%.ni%al and "ar7etin$ ,uestions.
;everal lo%al NGOs and s"all %o"'anies .ave as7ed U=P +or trainin$ %ourses on
al$arroba 'ro%essin$. Ae%entl-, also 'rivate a$ri%ultural .ave s.o)n interest in
'ur%.ase i"'roved seed, 'lantation te%.ni,ues.
8. "$("":: *ANA;IN; %"*P()< P!";!A**)S
/.e 'ast resear%. a%tivities o+ t.e U=P in t.e +ield o+ algarrobo re+orestation and
algarroba derivatives )ere alread- %arried out b- its di++erent de'art"ents, ).i%.
.ave develo' o)n %a'a%ities and te%.nolo$ies in a s'irit o+ inter!dis%i'linar-
%oo'eration and %olle$ialit- su%. as t.e one 'ro"oted b- t.e Guidelines for
Research in Partnership with Developing Countries 0D<P, 45561.
Eie)in$ t.e o''ortunit- to a''l- t.is ex'erien%e into 'ro8e%ts )it. "ore so%ial and
environ"ental i"'a%t, U=P .as re%entl- %reated t.e Unidad de Proectos
A!bientales 0UPAL nviron"ental Pro8e%ts Unit1.
2o)ever t.e- .ave little ex'erien%e in "ana$in$ %o"'lex 'ro$ra""es, and
t.ere+ore U=P is tr-in$ to set u' a pilot pro1ect in t.e "edio Piura re$ion build u'
t.ese ex'ertise )it. t.e su''ort +ro" ot.er a%ade"i% institutions )it. ex'erien%e in
t.e 'lannin$ and i"'le"entation o+ su%. %o"'lex develo'"ent 'ro$ra""es.
;u''ort b- ex'erien%ed 'artners is es'e%iall- sou$.t durin$ t.e initial anal-ti%al and
'lannin$ '.ase, as )ell as +or t.e de+inition and a''li%ation o+ 'ro8e%t "ana$e"ent
and "onitorin$ tools to $uide t.e 'ro$ra""e t.rou$. t.e di++erent '.ases o+ its
(.ile operational leadership o+ ea%. %o"'onent o+ t.e 'ilot 'ro8e%t %ould be
assu"ed b- t.e res'e%tive involved de'art"ent o+ U=P, t.e ).ole 'ro$ra""e
%ould be "ana$ed b- a $lobal Programme +ead )it. stron$ "ana$erial and
%o""uni%ation s7ills, %a'able o+ 7ee'in$ t.e ti"etables, o+ assurin$ e++i%ient
resour%e "ana$e"ent, and res'onsible +or t.e %oordination and t.e %ontrol o+ t.e
a%tivities o+ t.e di++erent tea"s.
9. !)5)!)N%)S
Anon.mous. 4555a. Pro$ra""e 'ilote de re+orestation extensive dMAlgarrobos 0Prosopis
juliflora1 en rN$ion dNserti,ue. PNrou ! AN$ion de GAAU. uro'ean Co""ission. <inal
Ae'ort, A'ril 4555. Co'- available on re,uest at #ondation du $e!an, CP ?5>, C2!4?44
GenOve 4?.
'ravo (= ;rados N and Saura>%ali?to 5. 455B. Co"'osition and 'otential uses o+
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'ravo (= ;rados N and Saura>%ali?to 5. 4556. C.ara%terisation o+ s-ru's and dietar-
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Pro$ra"a 'iloto de re+oresta%in extensiva %on algarrobo 0Prosopis juliflora1 en re$in
desNrti%a. 0Pilot 'ro$ra""e +or extensive re+orestation )it. algarrobo ... in an desert
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