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08 Comp Sample Xi

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Sample Paper - 2008

Class- XI
Subject Computer Science
Max Marks 70 Duration 3 hrs
Note:- All questions are compulsory
Figures to right indicate ull marks
!se c"" as programming language
#his question paper contains 3$ questions
a&Name any ' internal Dos commands ( )
*& +hat are ,ild cards ( )
c& Deine operating system ( )
a& +hat stylistic guidelines may *e ollo,ed to design a good program ( )
*& +hat do you mean *y syntax error( Mention any ) syntax errors occurring in
any cpp program 3
c&-i.e dierent stages o program de.elopment ( 3
d& +hy are logical errors harder to locate ( )
a& /ndia $) a is correct or incorrect .aria*le name in cpp $
*& +hich loop is an exit control loop in c"" ( $
c& Deine an array $
d&Function deinition in cpp is ollo,ed *y 0 1 semicolon&2 #rue or False $
e& +hat does ollo,ing unction prototype means )
a& .oid indsum1int 34int&
*& int .alue1int x4int y4 int r56&0
& +hat output does ollo,ing code ragment produce )
int stock7 859 $04))4$64$)4$:;0
int total500
or1int /500 /<60 ""/&
9 i1stock7/8=$6&
g& An array emp7)08 contains the num*er o employees >oined in dierent years 2
+rite a short program to ind the num*er o years in ,hich no employee >oined
h& ?.aluate x5""y ")y i y5@ 3
i& -i.e name o header iles to ,hich ollo,ing in*uilt unctions *elong to )
$& exit1& )& strcmp1 & 3& ceil '& a*s1 &
>& +hat ,ill *e output o ollo,ing code 3
int sum1int arr784 int siAe&
int main1 &
9 int .al7859 $4346474B4$$4$34$64$74$B;0
int s$504s)500
cout<<s$<<C D<<s)0
return 0
int sum1int arr784 int siAe&
9 or1int /504s504/<siAe0""/&
return s0
k& ?xplain output o ollo,ing program 3
.oid execute1int 3x4int y5)00&
9 int temp5x"y0
x"5temp0 i1yF5)00&
cout<<temp<<C D<<x<<C D<<y0
.oid main1 &
9 int a5604 *5)00
execute1*&0 cout<<a<<*<<CGnC0
execute1a4*&0 cout<<a<<*<<CGnC0
l& +rite a cpp program to generate i*onicci series '
m& Find syntax errors i any in ollo,ing program1 Assume all header iles are
present& )
main1 &
9 int sum1int4int4int&
int sum1int a4 int *4 int c&0
9 int d0
n& Find syntax error1s& i any in ollo,ing program 1 Assume all header iles are
present& )
9 int c0
s,itch1 c &0
case $26: 9 cout<<C /ndia is greatGnC0
; *reak0
HcaseI ): 9 cout<<C helloGnC0
; *reak0
; JJ end o main
; JJ end o s,itch
o& Design your o,n unction to compute length o string1 do not use ready made
unction& '
p& Konstruct unction prototype or descriptions gi.en *elo, '
a& rar*1 & takes no argument and has no return .alue
*& mains1 & takes a loat argument and returns an integer
c& sum1 & takes an int array and int .alue and returns a long result
d& check1 & takes a string argument and returns a long result
q& List ' key,ords o c"" )
r& +rite a cpp program to compute simple interest )
s& +hat is dierence *et,een J and M operators in c"" ( )
a& Kon.ert 1)B:@6&
to 1(&
*& Kon.ert 1$00$0$$$$0$00&
to 1(&: $
c& ?xplain ink>et printer )
d& ?xplain Kache memory 3
e&?xplain passi.e heat sinking )

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