1. Probability of failure analysis in risk-based inspection (RBI) is determined by a blend of qualitative and quantitative assessments, including knowledge of operating history, inspection plans, and possible material deteriorations.
2. The probability of failure and deterioration rates are assessed based on grouping equipment by similar materials, processes, and environments. Published data and experience with other similar equipment can also be used when no inspection data is available.
3. Consequence analysis aids in risk ranking of equipment and understanding potential impacts. It focuses on acute toxic risks rather than chronic low-level risks. Risk is calculated as the product of probability and consequences.
1. Probability of failure analysis in risk-based inspection (RBI) is determined by a blend of qualitative and quantitative assessments, including knowledge of operating history, inspection plans, and possible material deteriorations.
2. The probability of failure and deterioration rates are assessed based on grouping equipment by similar materials, processes, and environments. Published data and experience with other similar equipment can also be used when no inspection data is available.
3. Consequence analysis aids in risk ranking of equipment and understanding potential impacts. It focuses on acute toxic risks rather than chronic low-level risks. Risk is calculated as the product of probability and consequences.
1. Probability of failure analysis in risk-based inspection (RBI) is determined by a blend of qualitative and quantitative assessments, including knowledge of operating history, inspection plans, and possible material deteriorations.
2. The probability of failure and deterioration rates are assessed based on grouping equipment by similar materials, processes, and environments. Published data and experience with other similar equipment can also be used when no inspection data is available.
3. Consequence analysis aids in risk ranking of equipment and understanding potential impacts. It focuses on acute toxic risks rather than chronic low-level risks. Risk is calculated as the product of probability and consequences.
1. Probability of failure analysis in risk-based inspection (RBI) is determined by a blend of qualitative and quantitative assessments, including knowledge of operating history, inspection plans, and possible material deteriorations.
2. The probability of failure and deterioration rates are assessed based on grouping equipment by similar materials, processes, and environments. Published data and experience with other similar equipment can also be used when no inspection data is available.
3. Consequence analysis aids in risk ranking of equipment and understanding potential impacts. It focuses on acute toxic risks rather than chronic low-level risks. Risk is calculated as the product of probability and consequences.
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Risk Based Inspection Question Bank
1. Probability of failure analysis is made from
a) loss of containment that occurs due to deterioration mechanism b) Consequences of the failure c) Done ust !ith pre"ious e#perience. d) $ll the abo"e. %. Probability of failure is normally e#pressed a) &ust as details b) 'entioned in frequency c) Cannot be measured (. Qualitati"e analysis is done and the out come !ill be a) )#act number b) *i+h, medium and lo! or ran+e c) -nly in report. .. In RBI most of the probability assessment !ill be a) -nly quality assessment b) -nly quantity assessment c) Blend of quality and quantity assessment. /. Qualitati"e assessment is done on the basis of a) 0no!led+e of operatin+ *istory, b) Inspection plans c) Possible material deteriorations. d) $ll the abo"e. 1. In +eneral the probability of failure is determined by a) Deterioration mechanism b) )ffecti"eness of inspection pro+ram c) Consequence detailed d) $ 2 B 3. Deterioration susceptibility and rate can be done a) By +roupin+ the same material of construction4similar process4en"ironment. b) 5ot possible to +roup under any circumstances. c) By random inspection method. 6. Deterioration for specific process equipment is not a"ailable, this can be sourced from a) Published data b) )#perience !ith other similar equipment. c) Pre"ious inspection data. d) $ll the abo"e. Risk Based Inspection Question Bank 7. If the material of construction and internal4e#ternal conditions are the same a) Inspection results can be related from one equipment can be related to the other equipment. b) 8e cannot do that, since !e donot kno! about it. c) 5eed to consult )quipment )n+ineer for final decision. 19. :ailure mode can primarily affects the a) 'a+nitude b) Consequences c) $ 2 B 11. 5o deterioration found in the inspection pro+ram but still failure can occur under the follo!in+ conditions. a) Durin+ plant construction period. b) $s a result of chan+e or process upset condition. c) $ll the abo"e. 1%. $queous chloride solution is carried into a sensiti;ed stainless steel "essel, the follo!in+ crackin+ mechanism takes "ery rapidly dependin+ on temperature. a) <ulphide stress corrosion crackin+ b) =eak can occur c) Chloride stress corrosion crackin+. 1(. If operatin+ condition ha"e chan+ed, deterioration rates based on inspection data from the pre"ious operatin+ conditions a) >alid till the equipment e#ists !ith any chan+e b) 'ay not be "alid. c) Can be "alid !ith some correction by en+ineers. 1.. )ffecti"e inspection pro+ram can be deri"ed for RBI from a) Proper 5D) method best suited for deterioration mechanism b) Inspection co"era+e c) Inspection frequency d) $ll the abo"e 1/. In RBI pro+ram discrimination bet!een equipment items on the basis of si+nificance of potential failures. a) :ailure analysis b) Determinin+ failure modes c) Consequence analysis d) $ 2 B 11. Consequence side of the risk equation is normally mana+ed by a) Inspection alone b) Process safety personnel c) 'ana+ement. d) B 2 C Risk Based Inspection Question Bank 13. Consequence analysis !ill aid in preparation of a) Risk rankin+ of equipment b) ?o understand the probability of failures c) ?o understand about equipment history 16. 'ethod used for consequence analysis should demonstrate the ability to pro"ide a) &ust an analysis b) 5o out put is required c) ?he required le"el of discrimination bet!een hi+her and lo!er consequence equipment items. 17. =oss of containment is a) =oss of fluid to the e#ternal en"ironment. b) Container loss at the port authority. c) Risk related to containers. d) B 2 C %9. 8hich of the follo!in+ measures are not co"ered under consequence analysis@ a) <afety b) Cost c) $ffected area d) )n"ironment dama+e e) 5one of the abo"e. %1. $ffected area in the consequence analysis is a) ?he amount of surface area that e#perience an effect +reater than pre limitin+ "alue. b) ?he amount of surface area that e#perience an effect lesser than pre limitin+ "alue c) $rea near the failure area. d) 5one of the abo"e. %%. RBI pro+ram typically focuses on a) acute to#ic risks that create immediate dan+er rather than chronic risks from lo! le"el e#posure. b) -nly deals the chronic risks. c) =o! le"el risks and less to#ic consequences. %(. RBI pro+ram !ill not consider the follo!in+ release of common liquids such as a) *ot!ater, <team b) $cids c) Caustics. d) 5one of the abo"e. Risk Based Inspection Question Bank %.. ?he main Production consequences for RBI are a) :inancial. b) :ailures. c) )quipment deterioration %/. 'aintenance impact in RBI pro+ram !ill be +enerally be measured in monitory terms and typically includes a) Repair b) )quipment replacement. c) $ 2 B %1. Risk is calculated as product of a) Probability A consequences b) Consequence A rate of deterioration c) =ife of equipment A consequences %3. Bsers across the !orld !ill refer for more information on Risk acceptance. a) $<') sec >III b) $PI /37, fitness for purpose. c) $ comparison of criteria for acceptance of Risk by Pressure "essel research council. d) 5one of the abo"e. %6. Inspection and maintenance plannin+ usin+ risk assessment !ill follo! a) Items4 equipment require inspection b) Inspection ?echnique c) )#tent of inspection. d) $ll the abo"e. %7. <ensiti"e analysis !ill help in impro"in+ the risk anlysis. a) Quality and accuracy b) Benefit cannot be achie"ed. c) 8ill drastically ad"erse the quality and accuracy. (9. Ceneral !ay of communicatin+ the risk analysis is a) Risk analysis comprehensi"e report b) Bsin+ a risk matri# c) ?his is confidential and to be used by only team. (1. Different !ei+htin+ is +i"en to consequence cate+ory than probability a) 8ill symmetrical matri# b) 8ill be asymmetrical matri# c) *a"in+ no relation !ith the indi"idual !ei+htin+. (%. Risks that are ud+ed acceptable durin+ RBI analysis a) 5o miti+ation may be required and no further action necessary. b) Inspection monitorin+ is required. c) Ree"aluation is to be done about the facts by a team. Risk Based Inspection Question Bank ((. :ollo!in+ are the !ays of risk miti+ation durin+ RBI 'ana+ement a) By Inspection4condition monitorin+. b) Consequence miti+ation c) Probability of miti+ation d) $ll the abo"e.