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Prof Dr dr Suhartono SpPS
Betsoy scrotum crott
May 18, 2000
The New England Journal of Medicine
, M.D., P
.D., D
J. B
, M.D., D.S
., A
D. K
, M.D., P
P. D
, M.D., P
E. C
, M.D.,
E. L
, M.D.,
056 S
There is debate about whether the
initial treatment for patients with Parkinsons disease
should be levodopa or a dopamine agonist.
In this prospective, randomized, double-
blind study, we compared the safety and efficacy of
the dopamine D2receptor agonist ropinirole with
that of levodopa over a period of five years in 268 pa-
tients with early Parkinsons disease. If symptoms
were not adequately controlled by the assigned study
medication, patients could receive supplementary
levodopa, administered in an open-label fashion. The
primary outcome measure was the occurrence of
Eighty-five of the 179 patients in the ro-
pinirole group (47 percent) and 45 of the 89 patients
in the levodopa group (51 percent) completed all
five years of the study. In the ropinirole group, 29 of
the 85 patients (34 percent) received no levodopa
supplementation. The analysis of the time to dyski-
nesia showed a significant difference in favor of ro-
pinirole (hazard ratio for remaining free of dyskine-
sia, 2.82; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.78 to 4.44;
P<0.001). At five years, the cumulative incidence of
dyskinesia (excluding the three patients who had
dyskinesia at base line), regardless of levodopa sup-
plementation, was 20 percent (36 of 177 patients) in
the ropinirole group and 45 percent (40 of 88 pa-
tients) in the levodopa group. There was no signifi-
cant difference between the two groups in the mean
change in scores for activities of daily living among
those who completed the study. Adverse events led
to the early withdrawal from the study of 48 of 179
patients in the ropinirole group (27 percent) and 29
of 89 patients in the levodopa group (33 percent).
The mean (SD) daily doses given by the end of the
study were 16.56.6 mg of ropinirole (plus 427221
mg of levodopa in patients who received supple-
mentation) and 753398 mg of levodopa (including
Early Parkinsons disease can be man-
aged successfully for up to five years with a reduced
risk of dyskinesia by initiating treatment with ropini-
role alone and supplementing it with levodopa if nec-
essary. (N Engl J Med 2000;342:1484-91.)
2000, Massachusetts Medical Society.
From the Clinical Investigation Center, Neuropharmacology Unit,
INSERM Unit 455, University Hospital, Toulouse, France (O.R.); the
Division of Neuroscience, Imperial College School of Medicine, Hammer-
smith Hospital, London (D.J.B.); the Department of Neurology, Tel Aviv
University Medical School, Ramat Aviv, Israel (A.D.K.); the Department
of Neurology, General Hospital Middelheim, Born-Bunge Foundation,
and University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium (P.P.D.); the Department of
Neurology, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom
(C.E.C.); and the Department of Medicine (Neurology), University of To-
ronto and Toronto Western Hospital, Toronto (A.E.L.). Address reprint re-
quests to Dr. Rascol at the Service de Pharmacologie Medicale et Clinique,
Facult de Mdecine, 37 Alles Jules-Guesde, 31073 Toulouse CEDEX,
France, or at rascol@cict.fr.
*The investigators who participated in the study are listed in the Appendix.
LTHOUGH the antiparkinsonian effect of
the dopamine precursor levodopa was first
demonstrated 30 years ago,
and that of
dopamine D2receptor agonists more than
25 years ago,
the most appropriate time to begin
these two treatments in patients with Parkinsons dis-
ease remains controversial.
Some neurologists pro-
mote the early use of levodopa, emphasizing the rapid
symptomatic benefit
and the possible reduction in
mortality that the drug provides.
Others, more con-
cerned about the potential neurotoxicity
and the
long-term complications, such as dyskinesia, associ-
ated with the use of levodopa,
encourage the ear-
ly use of dopamine agonists. This long-standing con-
troversy remains largely unresolved,
although recent
data suggest that initiating treatment with a dopa-
mine agonist confers some advantage.
Data from
studies of monkeys treated with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-
1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine have demonstrated that
dopamine agonists are less likely than levodopa to
induce dyskinesia in animals that have not been ex-
posed to levodopa.
Because dyskinesia is one of the
most debilitating effects of levodopa therapy, we stud-
ied the incidence of dyskinesia associated with the
two treatments in a large, prospective, randomized,
five-year study.
Ropinirole is a nonergot-derived D2-like dopa-
mine-receptor agonist that is effective in the treat-
ment of early
and late
Parkinsons disease.
The effectiveness of ropinirole in the treatment of ear-
ly Parkinsons disease has already been demonstrated
through a planned interim analysis of the data from
the study described here, conducted six months after
the study was begun, in which the primary end point
was the score for motor function on the Unified Par-
kinsons Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS).
We present
here the results of the final five-year analysis, in which
The New England Journal of Medicine
Downloaded from nejm.org at THUERINGER UNIVERSITAETS-UND on November 19, 2012. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Copyright 2000 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Volume 342 Number 20
the primary outcome measure was the incidence of
Study Population
A total of 268 patients were enrolled at 30 centers (in Europe,
Israel, and Canada). All patients were 30 years of age or older,
had a clinical diagnosis of Parkinsons disease
with a Hoehn
Yahr rating of stage 1 through 3 (with stage 1 indicating unilat-
eral, early disease and stage 3 more advanced, bilateral disease),
and required dopaminergic therapy. Prior short-term treatment
with levodopa or dopamine agonists was limited to a maximum
of six weeks and had to be discontinued at least two weeks before
entry into the study.
Patients were excluded if they had severe dizziness or fainting,
severe systemic disease, major psychosis, severe dementia, alco-
holism or drug dependence, or a contraindication to levodopa. In
addition, treatment with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor within
two weeks before entry (with the exception of selegiline) or pre-
vious treatment with ropinirole were reasons for exclusion.
Study Design
This prospective, randomized, double-blind study was designed
to compare the risk of dyskinesia in early Parkinsons disease among
patients treated with ropinirole (Requip, SmithKline Beecham,
Philadelphia) with that among patients treated with a combina-
tion of levodopa and benserazide (Madopa, HoffmannLaRoche,
Nutley, N.J.; referred to hereafter as levodopa) over a period of
five years. Random treatment assignment was performed with a
ropinirole-to-levodopa ratio of 2:1. Benserazide has been shown
previously to have properties that are similar to those of carbidopa
(used with levodopa in Sinemet [Dupont Merck, Wilmington,
Del.]) in blocking dopa decarboxylase in the periphery.
ing of the study was maintained with the use of a double-dummy
technique. Sealed copies of the randomization code were held by
the principal investigator at each site and by the study sponsor.
Patients underwent a single-blind placebo run-in period lasting
seven days to demonstrate at least 80 percent compliance with
taking study medication. Patients were then randomized (with
stratification according to whether they were receiving concomi-
tant selegiline therapy), and assessments were performed at week-
ly intervals for the first month, every two weeks for the next two
months, every month up to six months, and every two months
The study was conducted in accordance with Good Clinical
Practices guidelines and the Declaration of Helsinki. The proto-
col was approved by an ethics committee at each center, and writ-
ten informed consent was obtained from each patient.
Both ropinirole and levodopa were taken orally in tablet form.
The dose of study medication was adjusted weekly as required,
with 13 possible increasing dose levels. Ropinirole therapy was
initiated (dose level 1) at 0.75 mg per day (0.25 mg three times
daily) and levodopa therapy at 50 mg once daily plus placebo
twice daily. The maximal daily doses of study medication allowed
(dose level 13) were 24 mg of ropinirole per day (8 mg three
times daily) and 1200 mg of levodopa per day (400 mg three times
daily). Investigators were encouraged to treat patients only with
the assigned study medication. Patients whose symptoms were
not adequately controlled by the adjustment of study medication
alone (i.e., those with recurrent, persistent, or functional disabili-
ty), despite use of the highest tolerated dose, could be given sup-
plementary levodopa in open-label fashion. No other antiparkin-
sonian therapies were permitted after the start of the study.
Domperidone was permitted according to the normal practice at
each individual study center, to control severe dizziness, nausea, or
Clinical Assessments
Dyskinesia (the incidence of which was assessed in patients be-
fore withdrawal from the study or until completion of the study)
was considered to be present if a patient had a score of 1 or more
(on a scale from 0 to 4, where a score of 0 indicates no dyskinesia
and a score of 4 indicates dyskinesia during most waking hours)
on item 32 of the UPDRS
(Duration: what proportion of the
waking day are dyskinesias present?) or if dyskinesia was report-
ed as an adverse event. In addition, all reports of adverse events
consisting of abnormal movements considered to be dyskinesia
were reviewed before the randomization code was broken.
Additional Variables
Disabling dyskinesia was defined as a score of 1 or more on
items 32 and 33 of the UPDRS (How disabling are the dyski-
The scores for activities of daily living and motor function were
measured with the use of parts II and III of the UPDRS (items
5 through 17 [range of possible scores, 0 to 52, where 0 indicates
no disability and 52 indicates maximal impairment] and items 18
through 31 [range of possible scores, 0 to 108, where 0 indicates
no disability and 108 indicates maximal impairment]), respective-
ly, for the patients who completed the study.
Wearing off (defined as periods of increased severity of par-
kinsonian symptoms as medication wears off ) was assessed by re-
viewing the data from patients who reported increases in the du-
ration of time awake and in an off period on item 39 of the
UPDRS. Freezing when walking was assessed by reviewing re-
sponses to item 14 of the UPDRS.
Safety and Tolerability of the Drugs
Adverse events were assessed in a standard manner by the in-
vestigator. Neuropsychiatric adverse events (i.e., hallucinations, con-
fusion, d
elirium, psychosis, illusion, delusion, depersonalization,
personality disorder, abnormal thinking, amnesia, dementia, im-
paired concentration, and other related events, as defined by the
World Health Organization) were the only predetermined meas-
ures of safety in the statistical analyses.
Statistical Analysis
We planned to enroll 240 patients into the study (160 randomly
assigned to ropinirole and 80 to levodopa); this number was cal-
culated on the assumption of an underlying rate of response to
treatment of 85 percent. Samples of 110 patients in the ropinirole
group and 55 in the levodopa group who could be evaluated at the
six-month interim analysis
provided the study with an 80 percent
chance of demonstrating equivalent efficacy in the two groups
(with a 90 percent confidence interval), on the assumption that the
response rate in the levodopa group would not be more than 15
percent higher than that in the ropinirole group. It was anticipated
that 30 patients in the ropinirole group and 50 in the levodopa
group would complete all five years (predicted withdrawal rates, 30
percent and 10 percent per year, respectively). These numbers of
patients provided the study with 88 percent power to detect a dif-
ference (P<0.05) in the incidence of dyskinesia between the two
groups, assuming an incidence of 5 percent in the ropinirole group
and an incidence of 30 percent in the levodopa group.
All analyses (except those based on the scores for activities of
daily living and motor function) were performed on an intention-
to-treat basis and include all randomized patients who had at least
one assessment after receiving study medication. Patients were
not followed up for assessment of dyskinesia after withdrawal
from the study.
The rates of dyskinesia and disabling dyskinesia in the two
groups were compared with the use of the Cox proportional-haz-
ards model
in an analysis of failure time (time to an episode of
dyskinesia or disabling dyskinesia). KaplanMeier curves,
The New England Journal of Medicine
Downloaded from nejm.org at THUERINGER UNIVERSITAETS-UND on November 19, 2012. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Copyright 2000 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.