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Jurnal Parkinson Oni

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Professor of Neurology, Chief, Center for Parkinsons Disease

and Movement Disorders, Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine,
University of Miami, Miami, FL

Managing the patient with newly diagnosed

Parkinson disease
The treatment of early Parkinson disease (PD) is generally
symptomatic, although therapy that also offers neuroprotection in early-stage PD would be welcomed. Levodopa remains the most effective agent for relief of PD
symptoms, but chronic levodopa therapy is associated
with motor fluctuations and dyskinesias, and clinicians
may therefore opt to postpone its use. Alternatives to
levodopa in early PD include monoamine oxidase (MAO)-B
inhibitors, amantadine, and dopamine agonists. MAO-B
inhibitors have only mild symptomatic effects. Amantadine
is associated with improvement in functional disability
and, in a subset of PD patients, a robust symptomatic
improvement. Dopamine agonists improve symptoms and
may have a neuroprotective effect. Partial dopamine agonists, adenosine A2A-receptor antagonists, and safinamide
are symptomatic therapies that are under investigation.
Neuroprotective strategies under study include enhancement of mitochondrial function, antiinflammatory
mechanisms, calcium channel blockade, and uric acid
elevation. Deep brain stimulation may slow cognitive and
motor decline when used in early PD. Stem cell therapy
and gene therapy are still under investigation.

arkinson disease (PD) is a slowly progressive

neurodegenerative disorder. Early PD, or stage 1
or 2 on the Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating
Scale (UPDRS), is characterized by mild symptoms, minimal to mild disability, and lack of postural
instability or cognitive decline. The goal of therapy in
PD is to help patients retain functional independence
for as long as possible. Therapeutic choices in early
PD are guided by the effect of symptoms on function
Dr. Singer reported receiving grant support from Boehringer Ingelheim and
Teva Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; and advisory committee or review panel membership for Lundbeck.
This article is based on Dr. Singers presentation at The Annual Therapy Symposium on Movement Disorders for the Modern Clinician held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on January 29, 2011. The article was drafted by Cleveland Clinic
Journal of Medicine staff and was then reviewed, revised, and approved by
Dr. Singer.

and quality of life, consideration of complications

associated with long-term levodopa, the likelihood of
response fluctuations to levodopa, and the potential for
a neuroprotective effect.


Dopaminergic replacement therapy with levodopa is a
legitimate choice for the treatment of early PD. Use of
carbidopa-levodopa has been shown to slow the progression of PD in a dose-dependent manner as evidenced
by a decrease in total score on the UPDRS in patients
with early PD who were randomly assigned to receive
carbidopa-levodopa compared with those who received
a placebo.1
Alternatives to levodopa
There are several reasons to choose an alternative to
levodopa for the treatment of early PD. The first is to
postpone the development of levodopa-induced dyskinesias, which are linked to duration of levodopa treatment
and total exposure to levodopa. The second is postponement of the wearing-off effect; that is, the reemergence
of symptoms that occurs in some patients before their
next scheduled dose of levodopa. Such reasoning applies
to early PD patients with minimal or no disability and
in particularto young-onset PD patients who tend to
develop vigorous dyskinesias and dramatic wearing-off
phenomena. Pharmacologic alternatives to levodopa in
early PD include monoamine oxidase (MAO)-B inhibitors, amantadine, and dopamine agonists.
MAO-B inhibitors. Two MAO-B inhibitors are
approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for
the treatment of PD: rasagiline and selegiline. These
agents have a mildly symptomatic effect. In the Attenuation of Disease Progression with Azilect Given Oncedaily (ADAGIO) trial, use of rasagiline at doses of 1
and 2 mg/d slowed the rate of worsening of the UPDRS
score compared with placebo in patients with untreated
PD (Figure 1).2 Patients were randomly assigned to an
early-start group (rasagiline, 1 or 2 mg/d, or placebo for
72 weeks) or a late-start group (placebo for 36 weeks
followed by rasagiline, 1 or 2 mg/d, or placebo for 36
weeks). The rate of change in the UPDRS score was


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Amantadine. In an early study of 54

patients with PD, functional disability
scores improved significantly with administration of amantadine 200 to 300 mg/d
compared with placebo.4 A small subset
patients, perhaps 20% or less, who

treated with amantadine experience

symptom improvement. Side effects

include hallucinations,

edema, livedo reticularis, and anticholin1

ergic effects. A more recently discovered

potential side effect is corneal edema.
Dopamine agonists. Pramipexole (immeEarly-start


[IR] and extended-release
[ER]), and ropinirole IR and ER are dopa3
mine agonists that have demonstrated
36 42 48 54 60 66 72
disease-modifying effects and efficacy in
improving PD symptoms.
Pramipexole ER administered once daily
in early PD was shown to be superior to
placebo on the mean UPDRS total score.5
Ropinirole ER produced mean plasma concentrations over 24 hours similar to those
achieved with ropinirole IR, and showed

noninferiority to ropinirole IR on efficacy

measures in patients with de novo PD.5

The effective dosage range of pramipex1

ole ER in early PD is 0.375 to 4.5 mg/d.

Side effects include hallucinations, edema,

excessive diurnal somnolence, and impulse

control disorders (ie, pathologic gambling,
hypersexuality, excessive craving for
sweets). Compared with pramipexole IR,
36 42 48 54 60 66 72
compliance is enhanced with the ER forWeek
mulation because of ease of administration,
but this formulation also is more expensive.
In early PD, the effective dosage range
FIGURE 1. Rasagiline at doses of 1 mg/day (A) and 2 mg/day (B) slowed the rate
of ropinirole ER is 8 to 12 mg/d.6 The side
of worsening of the Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) score compared
effects are the same as with pramipexole
with placebo in patients with untreated Parkinson disease.2
ER with the same compliance advantage
Reprinted with permission from The New England Journal of Medicine (Olanow CW, et al. A double-blind,
and cost disadvantage compared with the
delayed-start trial of rasagiline in Parkinsons disease. N Engl J Med 2009; 361:12681278).
Copyright 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
IR formulation.
Research indicates that dopamine agonists may have a neuroprotective effect. In two large
slowed significantly with early treatment with rasagiline
clinical trials in which patients with PD were followed
at a dosage of 1 mg/d, but not at 2 mg/d. Because the
with an imaging marker of dopamine neuronal degenhierarchical primary end points for the ADAGIO trial
eration (using single-photon emission computed tomogwere met only for the cohort receiving 1 mg of rasagiline
raphy or positron emission tomography), recipients of
early, it remains inconclusive whether rasagiline has a
pramipexole7 or ropinirole8 showed slower neuronal
neuroprotective effect.
deterioration compared with levodopa recipients. A
In a placebo-controlled study of selegiline in de novo
counterargument to the neuroprotective theory is that
early-phase PD, Plhagen et al showed that selegiline
these differences between the dopamine agonists and
monotherapy delayed the need for levodopa. When
levodopa reflect neurotoxicity of levodopa rather than
used in combination with levodopa, selegiline was able
neuroprotection by dopamine agonists. The absence of
to slow the progression of PD as measured by the change
a placebo comparison in both trials adds to the difficulty
in UPDRS total score.3

Mean change in UPDRS score (points)

Mean change in UPDRS score (points)






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in drawing a conclusion, as some critics ascribed the

differences between groups to downregulation of tracer
binding with levodopa.
Nonergoline dopamine agonist. Transdermal rotigotine is a nonergot D1/D2/D3 agonist. Higher doses produce higher plasma levels of rotigotine, which remain
steady over the 24-hour dosing interval.9 Transdermal
rotigotine has demonstrated effectiveness in early PD in
several clinical trials.10,11 The patch, applied once daily,
provides a constant release of medication. Removing
the patch immediately interrupts drug administration.
Rotigotine patches must be refrigerated to prevent
crystallization, a requirement that has delayed the
products arrival on the market. The patch is reputed
to be difficult to peel from its backing and apply. Skin
reactions are a side effect, and nonergot side effects are
possible. Despite these drawbacks, transdermal rotigotine represents a convenient option for perioperative
management of PD and in patients with dysphagia.
Exercise. Exercise has symptomatic and possibly
neuroprotective benefits in PD, supporting its use as
an additional medical measure. Evidence supports the
value of treadmill walking and high-impact exercise
in improving stride length, quality of life, and motor
response to levodopa.


Partial dopamine agonists
Pardoprunox is a partial dopamine agonist with full
5-HT1Aagonist activity. A partial dopamine agonist
acts in two ways: (1) It stimulates dopamine production
in brain regions with low dopamine tone, and (2) it
has dopamine antagonist activity under circumstances
of high dopamine sensitivity, theoretically avoiding
overstimulation of dopamine receptors. Because it
inhibits excessive dopamine effect, pardoprunox may
prevent dyskinesia. In addition, because pardoprunox
has serotonin agonist activity, it may also act as an
In a phase 2 study, significantly more patients randomized to pardoprunox had a 30% or greater reduction
in UPDRS motor score compared with placebo at endof-dose titration (35.8% for pardoprunox vs 15.7% for
placebo; P = .0065) and at end point (50.7% for pardoprunox vs 15.7% for placebo; P < .0001).12
Adenosine A2A-receptor antagonists
Adenosine A2A receptors are located in the basal ganglia, primarily on gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)
mediated enkephalin-expressing medium spiny neurons
in the striatum. These receptors modulate dopamine
transmission by opposing D2-receptor activity. The D2
pathway is an indirect pathway that promotes suppression of unnecessary movement.

Two A2A-receptor antagonists have demonstrated

efficacy in clinical trials. Vipadenant has been proven
effective as monotherapy in phase 2 clinical trials. Preladenant has been shown to improve off time as an
adjunct to levodopa without increasing dyskinesia.

Safinamide, currently in phase 3 clinical trials, has three
mechanisms of action. It is an inhibitor of dopamine
reuptake, a reversible inhibitor of MAO-B, and an
inhibitor of excessive glutamate release. The addition of
safinamide to a stable dose of a single dopamine agonist
in patients with early PD resulted in improvement of
motor symptoms and cognitive function.13,14
Four neuroprotective strategies are under study: enhanced
mitochondrial function, antiinflammatory mechanisms,
calcium channel blockade, and uric acid elevation.
Enhanced mitochondrial function
Creatine has generated interest as a disease-modifying
agent in response to preclinical data showing that it
could enhance mitochondrial function and prevent
mitochondrial loss in the brain in models of PD. Creatine is now the subject of a large phase 3 National
Institutes of Healthsponsored clinical trial in patients
with early-stage PD.15
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ 10) exhibited a trend for neuroprotection at 1,200 mg/d, lowering the total mean UPDRS
score compared with placebo in a 16-month study.16 Current efforts are directed at determining whether 1,200 or
2,400 mg/d of CoQ10 are neuroprotective. A nanoparticulate form of CoQ10, 100 mg three times a day, has been
shown to produce plasma levels of CoQ10 equivalent to
those produced by 1,200-mg doses of the standard form.17
CoQ10 is free of symptomatic effects.
Antiinflammatory mechanisms
Parkinson disease may have an important inflammatory
component. A meta-analysis of seven studies showed an
overall hazard ratio of 0.85 for development of PD in
users of nonaspirin nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), with each of the seven studies demonstrating a hazard ratio less than 1.18 A similar meta-analysis
showed no such association.19 Further study is warranted.
The antidiabetic agent pioglitazone, shown in mice to
prevent dopaminergic nigral cell loss, has been entered
into a phase 2 clinical trial to assess its antiinflammatory
properties in PD.
Calcium channel blockade
A sustained-release formulation of isradipine, an L-type
calcium channel blocker, is being studied in a phase 2


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life expectancy

14 Base case


Delayed STN DBS





Annual rate of progression of motor decline (per year)

life expectancy

14 Base case






Annual rate of progression of motor decline (per year)

FIGURE 2. In a comparison of early versus late subthalamic nucleus

deep brain stimulation (STN DBS), the annual rate of progression of
both cognitive (A) and motor (B) decline was slower when STN DBS
was administered earlier in the course of Parkinson disease (PD).
Late STN DBS is favored if the annual rate of motor progression is
greater than 25%, but this is an unrealistic scenario for PD.21
Reprinted with permission from Movement Disorders (Espay AJ, et al.
Early versus delayed bilateral subthalamic deep brain stimulation for
Parkinsons disease: a decision analysis. Mov Disord 2010; 25:14561463).
Copyright 2010 Movement Disorder Society.

clinical trial for the treatment of early PD; experimental

evidence in animals suggests that it may be neuroprotective against PD.

Uric acid elevation

Urate concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid predicts
progression of PD, with higher levels associated with
slower progression of disease.20 Urate may delay oxidative destruction of dopaminergic neurons that occurs
with progression of PD. Pharmacologic elevation of uric
acid is being explored as a treatment option in PD.
Deep brain stimulation
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is currently used as a treatment for advanced PD (patients suffering from levodopainduced motor complications), but it might also slow
the progression of cognitive and motor decline in earlier
stages of PD. The annual rate of progression of both cognitive and motor decline was slower when DBS was administered earlier in the course of PD (off time on levodopa
of about 2 hours) versus in a later stage of PD (off time on
levodopa of about 4 hours) (Figure 2).21 The strategy is
being tested further in clinical trials of early PD.


Stem cell therapy

Stem cells obtained from blastocytes, fibroblasts, bone
marrow, or the adult, embryonic, or fetal central nervous system through molecular alchemy can form
dopaminergic neuroblasts. Given the high cost and
potential risks of stem cell therapy, it must be proven
superior to DBS to be considered an option for early PD.
Several practical problems act as hurdles to successful
stem cell therapy. Efficient generation of dopamineproducing neurons and successful grafting are required.
Tumor growth is a risk. Involuntary movements have
been observed in some patients who received fetal
implants. A limitation of stem cell therapy is that it will
only affect those aspects of PD that are dependent on
Gene therapy
Gene delivery of the growth factor analogue adenoassociated type-2 vector (AAV2)-neurturin has been
investigated in patients with advanced PD. When surgically placed inside a neuron, neurturin enhances neuron
vitality, enabling it to better fight oxidative stress and
other attacks. It fared no better than sham surgery on
changes in UPDRS motor score at 12 months in a randomized trial.22 A few patients enrolled in this trial have
been followed for longer than 12 months, at which time
the mean change in motor scores appears to favor the
group assigned to gene delivery of AAV2-neurturin. A
phase 1/2 trial is investigating the safety and efficacy of
bilateral intraputaminal and intranigral administration
of neurturin.
Levodopa is a legitimate choice for the treatment of
early PD. Two MAO-B inhibitors, rasagiline and selegiline, have a symptomatic effect.
Long-acting oral and transdermal dopamine agonists
are effective symptomatic therapies, but they also have
an interesting array of side effects, making levodopa a
reasonable alternative treatment sooner or later despite
its dyskinetic effect. Potential neuroprotective effects
remain to be identified.
Amantadine is sometimes overlooked as an option
for treating early PD, but it has some special side effects
including leg edema, livedo reticularis, and corneal
edema. Amantadine does not cause orthostatic hypotension and is free of the side effects of excessive diurnal somnolence and impulse control disorders that are
prevalent with dopamine agonists.
In the future, partial dopamine agonists and adenosine
antagonists may provide us with additional symptomatic
therapies. CoQ10, creatine, calcium channel blockers,
and inosine, as well as NSAIDs, are being actively studied as potential disease-modifying agents. Further studies are likely to come from the use of NSAIDs.

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Early DBS is a new avenue of investigation as a

potential disease modifier. Stem cells are still being
studied and limitations of sufficient production and
potential tumor growth, among others, have delayed the
institution of clinical trials. Gene therapy is an interesting additional treatment modality in active research.

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22. Marks WJ Jr, Bartus RT, Siffert J, et al. Gene delivery of AAV2neurturin for Parkinsons disease: a double-blind, randomised, controlled trial. Lancet Neur 2010; 9:11641172.

Correspondence: Carlos Singer, MD, Center for Parkinsons Disease and

Movement Disorders, Clinical Research Building, Leonard M. Miller School
of Medicine, University of Miami, 1120 NW 14th Street, 13th Floor, Miami, FL
33136; CSinger@med.miami.edu


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