This document provides an overview of colon health and the benefits of in-home enemas. It discusses the anatomy and functions of the colon, how an imbalanced intestinal ecosystem can lead to dysbiosis and parasitic overgrowth, and the various ways enemas can help address this by reducing toxic load, providing room for the colon to heal, and alleviating constipation. Enemas are presented as an effective self-care approach for colon cleansing and optimal health.
This document provides an overview of colon health and the benefits of in-home enemas. It discusses the anatomy and functions of the colon, how an imbalanced intestinal ecosystem can lead to dysbiosis and parasitic overgrowth, and the various ways enemas can help address this by reducing toxic load, providing room for the colon to heal, and alleviating constipation. Enemas are presented as an effective self-care approach for colon cleansing and optimal health.
This document provides an overview of colon health and the benefits of in-home enemas. It discusses the anatomy and functions of the colon, how an imbalanced intestinal ecosystem can lead to dysbiosis and parasitic overgrowth, and the various ways enemas can help address this by reducing toxic load, providing room for the colon to heal, and alleviating constipation. Enemas are presented as an effective self-care approach for colon cleansing and optimal health.
This document provides an overview of colon health and the benefits of in-home enemas. It discusses the anatomy and functions of the colon, how an imbalanced intestinal ecosystem can lead to dysbiosis and parasitic overgrowth, and the various ways enemas can help address this by reducing toxic load, providing room for the colon to heal, and alleviating constipation. Enemas are presented as an effective self-care approach for colon cleansing and optimal health.
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Colonic Health with In Home Enemas
By Kristina Amelong, CNC, CT Certified Nutritional Consultant Internationally Certified Colon Hydro-theraist !ounder of the "timal Health Center Coyright #$$1 %y the "timal Health Center All rights reser&ed' This %oo(, or any arts thereof, may not %e used or reroduced in any manner without the written ermission of the "timal Health Center, #1)* Atwood A&e', +adison, ,I )-.$/ www'colonichealth'com, www'enema%ag'com The Purpose of this Booklet This %oo(let is a %rief introduction to the intelligent and gentle use of enemas for in-home colon cleansing' In this %oo(let, you will %e guided to effecti&ely use this self-hel aroach to colon cleansing and otimal health' ,ith this in mind, remem%er that none of this ad&ice should in any way %e a su%stitute for the medical ad&ice of your doctor' 0lease consult your doctor %efore you em%ar( on any health rogram' What is the Function of the Colon? To understand the otential &alues of enemas, one must ha&e at least an elementary understanding of the function of the colon' +ost eole (now &ery little a%out the colon' +any of us &iew it as little more than our %ody1s solid waste elimination tu%e2you might say a %iological sewage ie which, wor(ing right, dums into our toilets' It is widely thought that as long as you mo&e your %owels on a regular to semi-regular %asis, your colon is functioning fine' The Anatomy of the Colon: The colon is located in the lower a%domen %etween the cecum and the rectum' It is a%out fi&e feet long in adults' Its main arts are called the ascending, trans&erse, descending and sigmoid colon' The cecum and its e3tension, the aendi3, contain &ery high concentrations of %acteria' The ascending and trans&erse sections of the colon are the sites of re-a%sortion and secretory acti&ities' 4e-a%sortion of water and sodium and other minerals, dehydrates the colon content' The descending and sigmoid sections are sites of storage for fecal matter' The sigmoid 5oins the rectum, a muscular ca&ity with the a%ility to stimulate defecation' The Inside Scoop: Ideally, with the well functioning digesti&e roerties of the stomach and small intestine, waste matter is deli&ered to the colon in amounts and tyes that suort a %alanced intestinal ecosystem' This ecosystem includes as many as four %illion %acteria and yeast organisms and is (nown as our intestinal flora' Ideally, these micro%es are resent in a state of %alance, ha&ing a sym%iotic 6mutually %eneficial7 relationshi with their human host' "ne of their rimary functions is to digest food matter as it mo&es through our digesti&e tract' As our waste mo&es through our colons it diminishes while the num%er of micro%es and their wastes increase' It is through this rocess that the %ul( of our stool is formed' The increasing %ul( of the stool, in turn, stimulates eristalsis--the wa&e-li(e motion of the colonic musculature, which hels the colon to eliminate all wastes roerly' "ur digesti&e system has e&ol&ed with these organisms' In %alanced 8uantities, their waste roducts are not to3ic to our %odies9 in fact, some are e&en %eneficial to us' The meta%olism and death of some of our intestinal flora is a useful source for some &itamins such as the B-comle3 &itamins and &itamin K' Microes Turned Parasites: :nfortunately, our e&olutionary a%ility to adat has not (et ace with our life-style choices and societal tendencies' Conse8uently a &ariety of stressful conditions ha&e undermined the %iologically %alanced system descri%ed a%o&e' ;uch conditions include< diets dominated %y high-car%ohydrate, highly rocessed and ac(aged, chemically laden, low-nutrient and low fi%er foods, stressful occuations and lifestyles9 e3osure to %irth control, alcohol, anti%iotics, steroids and other drugs9 and e3osure to a wide &ariety of hysical and emotional stress, as well as an accelerated rate of contamination and destruction of all earthly en&ironments' In other words, your diet, en&ironment, life style, and genetic ma(e-u determine the health of your colon' The e3act way in which the a%o&e mentioned conditions contri%ute to a comromised digesti&e system is %eyond the scoe of this %oo(let' 6Although, I ha&e written a%out this su%5ect and many others more e3tensi&ely in my C= Boo(, Ten =ays to "timal Health' htt<>>www'colonichealth'com>1$day'htm
The %rief e3lanation of what haens to the digesti&e system is that any and all of these factors can lead to an im%alanced intestinal ecosystem a condition (nown as dys%iosis' In this o&ergrowth state, certain micro-organisms that e3ist in most humans normally actually %ecome arasitic and cause disease states in the following ways< 1' "&ergrowth organisms can cause structural damage to the intestinal mucosa there%y diminishing its a%ility to eliminate wastes and maintain a %lood %arrier for &arious micro%ial and dietary wastes' #' The waste roducts of many of these organisms are to3ic 6esecially when the colon %lood %arrier has %ecome eroded %y cellular damage'7 The to3ic wastes lace an increased to3ic load on the %ody' This in turn adds further stress to an already struggling system' "&er-growths of certain organisms 6%acterial, fungal or yeast7 can lead to &ery serious intestinal comlications with a wide array of symtoms which may include< gas, %lotting, craming, ain, indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, constiation as well as %odily ro%lems not ?o%&iously@ associated with the colon 6heart irregularities, num%ness, tingling, 5oint and muscle ain, fatigue, sinus and resiratory ro%lems, chemical sensiti&ities, hormonal im%alances, headaches, &ision ro%lems, etcA7 In other words, when your colon is in a state of dys%iosis, it may not %e your colon that feels sic( %ut rather some other art of your %ody' -' ,hen a %ody is struggling with a to3ic colon, it is less caa%le to com%at these o&er-growth micro%es and less a%le to re&ent their migration to areas of the %ody which are e&en less tolerant to their e3istence' An e3amle of this is when these organisms interfere with the ileocecal &al&e resulting in its %eing stuc( oen' ,hen this haens, these organisms can migrate into the small intestines where they end u cometing with the host for nutrients' 6!or most eole an already nutrient-oor diet ma(es this situation e&en worse'7 Common symtoms of this situation include inflammatory ro%lems of the stomach and small intestines as well as structural ro%lems with the sinal column' Why !nemas? ,ell, %ecause for many of us, they wor(' There is much de%ate a%out the effects of colon cleansing or of a colon that is chronically sluggish and full of stool' +y rofessional e3erience is that eole feel mar(edly %etter when they eliminate at least a foot to two feet of well formed stool each and e&ery day' +ost of us aren1t doing this on our own' Therefore, using water in order to healthfully stimulate the natural contractions of the colon to e3el waste and arasitic organisms ro&es itself to %ring a higher state of health to many eole' ,hat follows are some theories as to why so many eole find that they heal faster and feel %etter as a result of enemas or colon theray' 1' !nemas "educe the Microial #oad ,hen a colon is in a state of dys%iosis 6this is much more common then you might thin(7 ta(ing an enema can dramatically reduce the to3ic load of the o&er-growth 6arasitic7 micro-organism1s and their waste' $% !nemas #i&hten the '!(ternal) To(ic #oad too* +ost of us are constantly %eing assaulted %y to3ic su%stances in our en&ironments' In the form of disinfectants, deodoriBers, fragrances, esticides, aints and &arnishes, her%icides, out-gassing of carets, furniture and construction materials, the e3haust from %urning fossil fuels, dryer sheets, industrial cleaners, etcAwe are all %eing dealt a hea&y dose of to3ic chemicals' +ost of us ne&er realiBe this %ecause our %odies ha&e e&ol&ed with a &ery sohisticated deto3ification system' But, o&er the years all of us are dramatically affected %y this daily onslaught of to3ins' Enemas and other forms of cleansing, lay a crucial role in the healing rocess %ecause when we cleanse the colon 6which is a (ey layer in our deto3ification system7 the load of to3ins that the %ody has to deal with is su%stantially diminished' ,ith fewer to3ins to deto3ify, the %ody, as a whole, is under less stress and can de&ote more of its energy to healing and maintaining health' +% !nemas Allo, for more "oom to -ro, % % % and .eal* ,hen the &olume of the colon is reduced, the o&erall ressure within the a%dominal>el&ic area is reduced' Cust thin( a%out how your a%domen feels when you ha&e eaten more than you should ha&e and your stomach has %ecome o&er distended' If you1&e e&er had a gut full of stool 6and most of us ha&e7 you (now that the effect is anything %ut leasant' ,hat a relief it can %e to decrease e&en slightly the fullness of one1s a%domen' The %enefits of emtying one1s colon go %eyond an increased sense of lightness and well-%eing' Ta(ing ressure off neigh%oring organs 6there%y gi&ing them %etter conditions to heal with7, enhancing %lood-flow to the entire a%dominal>el&ic region and, reducing strain to the hi 5oints and the lum%ar sinal column are all e3cellent ad&antages to (eeing one1s colon less full' !or those of us who ha&e had chronic or acute stress to our colon itself, eriods of diminished ressure are &ery imortant for a healing colon' And, as I will ela%orate later, enemas are a great way to deli&er theraeutic su%stances such as oli&e oil or aloe &era 5uice, to the interior wall of your colon' /% Constipation is .ard on 0s% In the :';', la3ati&es and stool softeners are the two %iggest selling medications, #nd only to ain relie&ers' Constiation is 8uite common in our modern world for eole of all ages' ;o is colon cancer' In fact, colon cancer is the second most common tye of cancer in the :nited ;tates' +any scientific studies ha&e shown that there is an increased ris( of colon cancer in eole who are chronically constiated' The connection %etween %owel disease and constiation seems to %e related to the fact that constiation dramatically reduces what is called the %owel transit time, or the time that it ta(es food to go from the mouth, through the digesti&e system and out as stool as a so called ?%owel mo&ement@' The National Institute of Health reorts that the ?normal@ range of %owel mo&ements in a wee( ranges from three to twenty one' This range shows 5ust how e3tremely constiated many of us are' At the e3treme ends of this ?normal range@ you ha&e %owel transit times ranging from fifty-si3 to eight hoursD Among most natural health ractitioners, it is felt that the otimal %owel transit time is %etween 1# -1* hours' ;low %owel transit times raise the ris( of colon diseases and contri%ute to health ro%lems in art %y increasing the amount of time that the colon content is a&aila%le for re-a%sortion into the %ody' Ei(e all mucous mem%ranes, the interior surface of the colon is a%le to a%sor% certain su%stances' The longer food and micro%ial waste sit in contact with the colon wall the more oortunity there is for stagnation, urification and re-a%sortion of these wastes' It is also (nown that stool often contains many carcinogenic materials that when remain in contact with the colon wall romote cancer of the colon' 1% !nemas 2s% #a(ati2es: A -entler Approach to,ards .ealth% It doesn1t ta(e much to con&ince most eole that constiation is hard on us 6esecially anyone who struggles with it to any degree'7 And it1s not surrising that la3ati&es and stool softeners ha&e %ecome a multi-%illion dollar industry' ,e li&e fast-aced, stressful li&es and it1s easy to romote and caitaliBe on the con&enience of ta(ing ills rather than doing enemas' Howe&er, la3ati&es act on the central ner&ous system, as well as the colonic musculature and easily create a %iochemical im%alance in the %ody' "&eruse of some la3ati&es has caused damage to the ner&es, muscles, and tissues of the intestines and colon' In contrast, enemas gently and effecti&ely cleanse the colon' They hel to gi&e the colon the rest it needs while imro&ing colonic muscle tone' Fes, enemas do increase the tone of the muscles' Ea3ati&es do not' Enemas are a much more natural and healthy way for your %ody to ha&e assistance in remo&ing waste' 3% A Penny Sa2ed % % % +y grandmother (new the most economical way to do 5ust a%out e&erything' Ei(e many who li&ed and thri&ed through the deression and the wars, she ne&er sent a dime she didn1t need to' ;he wasn1t much for medicine, ?A %ig waste of moneyD@ she1d say' 6In fact, it was all I could do to get her to ta(e calcium and &itamin C when she %ro(e her hi in her eighties'7 But grandma always had an enema %ag in her %athroom closet and if she wasn1t ?feeling u to snuff,@ you (now that %ag got some use and she swore she felt %etter' I thin(, for Grandma, the fact that she could gi&e them to herself and not send another dime 6e3cet for a %it of ta water7 was as much her aeal to enemas as was their theraeutic effects' 4% A -ift for Someone Special % % % 5and company6
,ith the right attitude and actions an enema can %e a multi-faceted gem of a gift to you' ,hen it comes down to it, the finest gift that we can gi&e oursel&es is the gift of ta(ing e3cellent care of our %odies' ,hen we do, we get more of our true Bestful sel&es, and so does the rest of the world' It1s that simle' In addition, the actual act of gi&ing oneself an enema can %e e3tremely leasant, I will ela%orate more on this oint in the ne3t section'
The Basics Principles for Successful !nemas 7% -i2e yourself space 5physically and psycholo&ically6 to treat yourself to an enema% As I said a%o&e, it is a gift you deser&e to en5oy it to the fullest' It is a time for healing' =o what you ha&e to do to ma(e it yours' I can ma(e some suggestions in this regard, %ut this is the most indi&idual asect to the enema as a theraeutic e3erience' !or some it means setting u a comforta%le, rotected lace, turning off the hone and answering machine, utting on some music or watching a fa&orite tele&ision show' !or others, enema time is a time to share a healing e3erience with someone as you gi&e each other an enema' There is no right way to set u your enema9 howe&er I do %elie&e it is &ery helful to calm your mind, rela3 as much as ossi%le and let your mind wor( with the healing and cleansing owers of your enema' $% Take your time' This is e3tremely imortant' The slower you gently add the water to your colon the %etter' By doing so, you enhance your a%ility to deli&er water farther into the colon - ideally all the way to the cecum' 64emem%er, the cecum is an area with a &ery high concentration of %acteria'7 If you don1t go slowly enough you will 8uic(ly stimulate the rectum and sigmoid colon which are triggered to e&acuate with increased ressure' This tendency is common and its occurrence should not discourage you' In order to a&oid this, I highly recommend that you allow only H cu to 1 cu of water into your colon er H minute to one minute' If your sigmoid>rectal area is stimulated easily, there is nothing wrong with going to the toilet and then starting o&er again' In fact, each time you add water you will %e adding it to an emtier colon and you will %e a%le to get water farther into the colon' +% Be pleased ,ith yourself' =eciding to ta(e charge of your lower digesti&e tract 6health7 is no small thing' Though it doesn1t ha&e to %e hard to gi&e oneself an enema on a regular %asis, or as needed, %ut it can %e a %it more challenging to con&entional thin(ing, lifestyles and feelings' Fou can %e roud of this commitment to your health' Fou are using a non- in&asi&e, non-addicti&e, economical and effecti&e self-hel tool for internal cleansing and healing' ,hate&er your results, %e leased and (now that they will imro&e with your e3erience and health' .o, to Take an !nema There is no one right way, lace or time to gi&e oneself an enema' I encourage eole to try different situations in order to find out what wor(s %est for them indi&idually' The following are some %asic stes and suggestions that will hel eole who are new to enemas< 1'7 ;et u a comforta%le lace' +y ersonal reference is on my %athroom floor' I1m comforta%le on this firm surface' !or me a small %lan(et and a coule towels ro&ide all the adding and suort I need' ;ome of my clients refer to lie in their %eds, while others fa&or a %athtu% full of hot water' Fou might want to get yourself some chu3 ads to rotect any surface you are lying on or to a&oid soiling any of your towels or linens' 6Go to www'enema%ag'com for all sulies that are mentioned in this te3t such as chu3 ads'7 #'7 Before you fill the %ag, ma(e sure that the clam is securely closed' -'7 !ill your enema %ag with warm, filtered water enema' I strongly recommend using water that has %een run through a re&erse osmosis filter' If you do not ha&e a re&erse osmosis system many find that a shower filter is con&enient' The temerature should %e aro3imately 1$$-1$/ degrees !' Cold water will cause the colonic musculature to contract, reducing the amount of fluid that you can ta(e in' ;ome eole li(e to use an enema %ag with a wide oening and hang it from their showerhead' ,ith their water turned on &ery low, they can ha&e a continuous flow for a rolonged enema sessions' /'7 Eu%ricate the ti of the noBBle with a non-etroleum lu%ricant li(e ;uer ;al&e or KF Celly' I encourage that you use lu%ricants li(e ;uer ;al&e, as they contain theraeutic su%stances for the rectal tissues and not man-made chemicals that do irritate sensiti&e tissues' )'7 There are a &ariety of ositions that one can assume to %egin an enema' +ost eole find it easiest to lie flat on their %ac(s with their (nees fle3ed and their legs ele&ated' 6!rom this osition one can raise their legs o&erhead into a artial or full shoulder stand' This osition allows gra&ity to mo&e water farther along the colon' !or those less agile, a illow under the his can %e as effecti&e'
I'7 "en the tu%ing clam &ery slowly and let a &ery small amount 6aro3imately H cu7 of water into your colon, wait, wait, rela3, rest and when ready, add another H cu' This is &ery imortant for a successful enema' If you add water too 8uic(ly, you will simulate the sigmoid and the rectum to cram, ma(ing it &ery hard to get water further into the colon' If this haens, emty your %owels on the toilet and try again' In order to achie&e a full cleansing of the entire colon, you are most often going to need to ta(e a full two 8uarts of water into your colon one-three times' In other words, for the most theraeutic %enefits that colon cleansing has to offer, ta(e a series of enemas each time you ta(e ?an enema@' ;ome eole find that they do e&en %etter when they ta(e more that # 8uarts of water during one fill' This is why we ha&e enema %ags that hold three and four 8uarts for sale on www'enema%ag'com' .'7 It is helful to massage the colon to assist the flow of the enema solution' This hels to relie&e ressure and get water around any fecal matter' +assage your colon from the %ottom left corner of your a%domen toward your chest 6descending colon7, across to the uer right 6trans&erse colon7 and down the right side 6ascending colon7' I find it helful to use small circular motions' ,hen releasing stool, massage your a%domen in the oosite direction' 6Note< :sing Castor "il on your %elly for massage %rings many healing %enefits' I highly recommend its use %efore you ta(e an enema or at night %efore you go to %ed'7 *'7 A word of warning< The li8uid that you ut into your colon may not all come out the first time that you release on the toilet' Treat all urges to ?ass gas@ as a otential release of %owel contents and ta(e the roer recautions' This is esecially true when enemas are used to imlant theraeutic agents that you (ee in your colon for a rolonged eriod' Positions: =ifferent eole find that different ositions wor( %etter for them and I would concur that the (ind of osition that you assume for your enemas could %e influenced %y a wide &ariety of indi&idual factors including one1s anatomy, strength, agility, and symtoms' Below are three of the most common enema ositions' I would encourage you to e3eriment with your own %ody and see what wor(s %est for you' Commonly Asked 8uestions .o, should I e(pect to feel after an enema? "f course for each erson this is going to %e different' +ost eole reort feeling ?emty, light, or cleaned out'@ It is not uncommon to feel rela3ed and may%e e&en tired, while other eole reort feeling energiBed and refreshed' .o, much time should an enema take? Again, this &aries from erson to erson and the goal at the time' E&en a 8uic( enema that only cleanses the lower colon is &astly %etter than sending the day constiated' ,hen I1m feeling tight on time, I can do a 8uic( enema in a%out 1$ minutes' To really gi&e your colon the cleansing that it deser&es, I recommend ta(ing an hour or more for a series of enemas so that you can cleanse more, if not all, of the colon' Where can I &et enema e9uipment? ;ome harmacies will stoc( the %asic enema %ag' !or a wider selection of high 8uality enema %ags and e8uiment, I recommend that you &isit our we%sites< www'enema%ags'com ' www'colonichealth'com' I don:t ha2e anythin& to han& an enema a& from in my athroom; ,hat do I do? +ost, if not all, enema %ags come with a hoo( that is designed to hoo( o&er the shower curtain rod' This hoo( can also %e hoo(ed o&er a shower head, towel %ar, a hoo( or nail in the wall, or a door (no%' ;tands are also a&aila%le on our we%site< www'enema%ags'com' Are there i&&er enema a&s?
Fes, Enema %ags come in a &ariety of siBes, styles, and colors' Chec( out our selection at< www'enema%ag'com' Why doesn:t my doctor recommend enemas; ut rather la(ati2es? I1m not sure, %ut my %est guess is that the doctors and medical esta%lishments are influenced and dri&en to a large e3tent %y the harmaceutical industry and what is most financially rofita%le' Enemas are an ine3ensi&e and self-hel aroach to health'
.o, can I &et out those lack <ropey< thin&s I=2e seen pictures of? The %lac( ?roey@ things are roduce when certain sulemental %inding minerals such as Bentonite are ta(en' In com%ination with cleansing fasts, these agents are e3cellent at ulling accumulated wastes out of the colon walls so that they can %e eliminated' 6;ee Ji-Tra-To3 Kit in 0roducts section'7 Also, in my C= %oo(, Ten =ays to "timal Health, I ha&e laid out an easy to use -) day cleansing lan that will roduce these ?roes@'
Are enemas dan&erous?
No, enemas are e3tremely safe for almost e&eryone' If you are concerned, lease contact Kristina Amelong at the "timal Health Center' >oes an enema ,ash out the healthy acteria and if so ho, can I replace them? Ei(e our mouths and s(in, our colon has a micro%ial ecosystem with as many as four %illion micro%es' Enemas are not going to wie out all of the healthy %acteria any more than ta(ing a %ath or %rushing your teeth is going to eliminate your healthy s(in or oral flora' I do recommend that all eole ta(e a daily ro%iotic 6"rtho Biotic or a similar roduct7 regardless of whether or not they are ta(ing enemas' This will hel to ma3imiBe the health the internal ecosystem' I also recommend that you imlant Bifidonate to grow a healthy colon flora' >oes the enema ,ash out electrolytes or mineralsK This should not %e a ro%lem with normal>moderate enema use' !or dietary and stress related reasons, most eole are deficient in a num%er of electrolytes 6minerals7 e&en if they don1t ta(e enemas' I am much more concerned a%out dramatically %oosting the nutrient &alue in our diets than worrying a%out the small amounts of electrolytes that may or may not %e lost during an enema' !or this urose, I ha&e written my C= %oo(, Ten =ays to "timal Health, which is a -) day cleansing rogram that will %ring you a new standard of health' htt<>>www'colonichealth'com>1$day'htm' In addition to this, I ha&e researched widely in order to ro&ide regular enema users with Ei&ing !uel, a sulemental drin(, which will ro&ide you will the daily sulemental nutritional re8uirements needed while doing regular enemas' Can one do too many enemas? Fes' The num%er of enemas that a erson can>should do is a &ery indi&idual thing' I thin( that most eole can ?listen to their %ody@ on this one' I do (now many eole who ha&e ta(en daily enemas for years due to a oor functioning colon and don1t feel well unless they do this' Howe&er, if you ha&e a concern that you might %e doing too many enemas, I would encourage you to contact me ersonally for further consultation' 1% !nema "ecipes +ost commonly, ?an enema@ refers to the ractice of infusing li8uid into the colon and then releasing it' Another way to use enema %ags is to ?imlant@ certain su%stances with a desired theraeutic goal into the colon' ,ith an ?imlant@ you actually (ee the solution in your colon for a eriod of time, there%y allowing the colon wall to remain in contact with the solution for a longer eriod' The scoe of this %oo(let does not include the wide &ariety of theraeutic imlants or enema recies that are ut forth %y enema and imlant enthusiasts' Ten =ays to "timal Health goes into more detail on this su%5ect' It is my goal here to simly introduce the toic and gi&e you information a%out a coule (ey recies that I encourage e&eryone to use' !irst of all, for your first enema in a series, I would add eermint to the water' Add si3 to eight dros the highest 8uality oil to each 8uart of water' This will increase the effecti&eness of the enema and not irritate the colon as soa does' ;econd of all, adding coffee to your second enema is a great tool for deto3ification' I would only use organic coffee Add 1 ts-1 cu of already %rewed 6the li8uid and not the grounds7 coffee into one 8uart of water' After a coffee enema, you do not want to feel the ?%uBB@ of the caffeine in the coffee' If you do, you are using too much coffee' :sing a colon tu%e will %ring the coffee to the lace in the colon where it will deli&er the most theraeutic %enefits' I recommend a -$L colon tu%e' Hold solution for 1$- #$ minutes' How often you ta(e a coffee enema deends on the indi&idual' +onthly to daily 6for a theraeutic time eriod7 is fine' Coffee stimulates the gall%ladder to roduce and release %ile, which in turn remo&es to3ins from the %ody' The coffee also stimulates the li&er to roduce enBymes that deto3ify the %ody' !or your third enema in a series, this imlant is the most effecti&e that I ha&e found for healing a chronically inflamed colon and it has heled to end years of chronic constiation for many of my clients' The ?ptimal .ealth Center Implant: Ei(e most imlants, this one will wor( %est after you ha&e ta(en a water enema and cleansed the colon' !ill enema %ag with< H-1 cu organic oli&e oil H-1 cu organic aloe &era 5uice The contents of four 1$$$mg +;+ casules +i3 well and slowly infuse into the colon' "ememer; take it slo,% It may ta(e you as long as half an hour to emty the contents of the %ag or you may not %e a%le to ta(e the whole amount' Ta(e in what you can and hold it as long as you can' This solution will soothe and heal the intestinal lining during inflammation as well as lu%ricate the colon for %etter functioning' !or this imlant, I recommend an enema %uc(et or the #)$$ cc clear %ag' In addition, a -$@ colon tu%e is helful to deli&er the su%stance to a lace in your colon where it is easier to retain this imlant for many hours if not an entire day' Tips for successful implants % % % After infusing the imlant and remo&ing the tu%e from your rectum9 and %efore standing u, lift your %uttoc(s off the ground and e3tend your legs into a full or artial shoulder stand' This will allow gra&ity to further mo&e the li8uid into your colon 6not recommended if you ha&en1t tried this %efore or if you are not agile7' Try to retain this imlant for at least 1 hour and to u to se&eral hours if you can' If you cleanse your colon well %efore the imlant and infuse it slowly, you should %e a%le to hold in this solution for se&eral hours' If an urge to e&acuate ersists, do so' ;ome eole find it more con&enient to go to %ed with this infusion in' =oing so allows the imlant to ha&e a otentially rolonged eriod of contact with the colon lining' If you try this aroach, secial recautions should %e ta(en to rotect your %edding and mattress, 6chu3 ad7 as an in&oluntary lea(age of the solution is common during slee' !ollowing an imlant, don1t %e fooled %y the urge to ?ass gas@' To do so could cause a %it of a mess' If you must ass gas, and you still want to retain the imlant, lie on your %ac( in the (nee-chest osition for one minute' Hold a iece of toilet aer o&er the anus allowing the gas to escae while you retain as much of the solution as ossi%le' If you are a%le to hold an imlant in for more than an hour, it is not common for small amounts of oil to come out when ?assing gas@ for u to twel&e hours after the imlant' ;ome of my clients ha&e found that if you ta(e a warm %ath during or right after you infuse an imlant, in a somewhat floating %ody, the colon can do a %etter 5o% of distri%uting the solution' This reortedly has made it easier to retain the imlant 3% >iet; Supplements; !(ercise and "est This %oo(let is an introduction into the ?%asics@ a%out what I call ?Colonic Health@ and how one can use enemas as one of the tools to achie&e otimal health' Though it is limited in scoe, I feel that it is imortant to oint out and stress that the use of enemas is 5ust one of many tools and considerations to ta(e &ery seriously when wor(ing for otimal health for the entire %ody' There are four (ey areas that I would 5ust li(e to mention %efore concluding this %oo(let - they are diet for your meta%olic tye, sulements targeted to your meta%olic tye, e3ercise and rest' ,hat follows is an e3tremely %rief introduction to the rincials that guide my rogram for otimal health' !or more in deth information, lease e3lore my we%site< www'colonichealth'com' "r e3lore my C= %oo(, Ten =ays to "timal Health' >iet: !ood is a%solutely your %est medicine' There is no drug or sulement or cleansing rogram that can influence your health as rofoundly as your diet' Also, there is no one Mright1 diet for all eole< we are all %iochemically uni8ue' The standard American diet is fit for its acronym 6;A= In addition, cleansing your %ody will not roduce the long-term %enefits that you are loo(ing for without eating the diet that is right for your meta%olic tye' Because of this, diet is always the first ste in a cleansing rogram' Supplement: +ost eole will simly do %etter when they get more nutrients then it is ossi%le to get from food alone, I recommend that all eole ta(e a high 8uality ro%iotic, fish oil and ground fla3' After this, what sulements you need deend on your meta%olic tye' Certain &itamins, minerals and natural e3tracts clearly can %e used to enhance healing, %oost immunity, assist with deto3ification and elimination, and otimiBe all %odily functions' We all a&ree@!(ercise is Aey* In some ways it seems silly to e&en say it' Fou (now it' I (now it' ,e all (now it' 4egular e3ercise is one of the most imortant things that you can do for your entire %ody' It is ?(ey@ for roer elimination and for that matter, the well-%eing of the entire %ody' Anyone serious a%out feeling their %est has got to %uild in at least a minimal amount of e3ercise' This e3ercise should, at the &ery least, include< Ndaily stretching from head to toe, and Nmoderately raising one1s heart rate for at least #$ minutes at least --/ times>wee(' "est is the Best ,e all need it' And most of us get way too little of it' +a(e time in your day to gi&e yourself the rest you need' !eel roud of yourself if you can ta(e a na' Go to %ed early and wa(e u when y our %ody is ready to rise' If at all ossi%le, a&oid alarm cloc(s' +ost of us would do a lot %etter if we got to slee %y 1$<$$'m' and slet for at least eight hours2e&ery night' ;lee is crucial for maintaining a healthy %ody' =o yourself a fa&or 2go to %ed early' In closin&: Enemas are not dangerous, dirty, weird or wrong' As this %oo(let has ointed out in a num%er of ways, enemas are a gentle and intelligent way to assist your colon to heal and function otimally' !or a num%er of reasons, enemas ha&e fallen out of fa&or with the u%lic and are 5ust now ma(ing a come%ac( as an alternati&e to more medically oriented inter&entions' "ne of the most imortant things to (ee at the center of this come%ac( is the thoughtful and safe care that you gi&e to your enema e8uiment' ,hat follows are some guidelines that will romote a ositi&e, safe and healthy return of the in-home enema' !or the safety of you and your lo&ed ones, we as( that you ta(e them &ery seriously' 1' Ne&er force, ressure or coerce someone to ta(e an enema' To do so, esecially with a young child, could lead to &ery ainful emotions %ecoming attached to enemas' #' Ne&er share enema %ags, tu%ing or tis with others 6esecially7 tis' ;haring enema e8uiment is the reason that many eole ha&e gotten sic( doing enemas' -' Clean your e8uiment immediately after each enema' :se hot soay water and %e sure to rinse all arts well' Hang %ag and tu%ing so that all water can drain from them' Enema %ags and tu%ing should ne&er %e stored with moisture inside them as this will enhance micro%ial growth' 0articular attentions should %e aid to cleaning the ti or noBBle' I recommend designating a tiny %rush 6a tooth %rush or a taered %a%y %ottle nile %rush wor( well7 and your ti %rush' ,hen clean and dry, store them in clearly mar(ed containers so that they don1t get confused with someone else1s ti or %rush' N /' =on1t hide or %e ashamed of your enema e8uiment' Fou can and should feel roud of the way that you care for your %ody' It is nothing to %e ashamed of' Ha&ing an oen and comforta%le attitude towards enemas will hel others to learn of this amaBing way to romote otimal health' The "timal Health Center %elie&es that we are in the early days of a eole1s mo&ement to reclaim our ower in the arts of healing and intelligent li&ing' ,e1re roud of the art we are laying and we in&ite you to %e a art of our wor( in any way that you can' 0lease write or e- mail us with your stories, 8uestions, disco&eries, testimonials, etc' Ne&er underestimate the ower of sharing your e3eriences' They insire us and add a great deal to our feelings of connectedness' Than( you for caring a%out yourself so much that you sought out this information' And than( you for your %usiness' !or otimal health and the healing of the earth, Kristina Amelong, CNC, CT