Assignment Table of Task Specifications
Assignment Table of Task Specifications
Assignment Table of Task Specifications
1.Individually, write an essay about your experience in attending this course.
2.Your essay should be about 250 words. The following should be included in you
!hat are the challenges you have to overco"e during the course #
!hat new $nowledge heve u gained fro" yhis course#
%ow has this $nowledge affected you as a teacher#
In what ways will this new gaine $nowledge change your professional views#
Design and technology courses have been offered to me is
something I want for today. I therefore do not waste the opportunity that
has been in front of the eye at the moment. I will study hard and eager to
become excellent in this course.
But to achieve all of this will certainly face challenges. The main
challenges are in terms of financial problems. classes for this course will
be held twice on Saturday and Sunday of each month. To travel as far
as I repeated from Ipoh to Kuala Lumpur would have financial
problems. But I was preparing to address this problem by providing
monthly funds to solve this problem.
nother challenge I faced was the use of new machines found in
the wood wor!shop at pro"ect completion. ll these machines re#uire
some time for me to learn and with the help of wor!shop assistants I
finally managed to learn all the techni#ues and s!ills needed to use the
There are a lot of new !nowledge that I gained through out my first
semester in this course. mong them is a new sub"ect that I$ve
never learned before% such as &T'()*+% ,BT ()*)% ,BT()*-. It is
a core sub"ect for this course and I need to try to get excellent
results. mong other new !nowledge is to use machine wood found in
the wor!shop. all the machines had been used for wood to help
complete the pro"ect this semester coursewor!.
To sum up all the new !nowledge I was able to use as a school
teacher soon. s an example of the new sub"ects that I have learned
during this course can I apply to students in the sub"ect of Kemahiran
.idup Bersepadu /K.B0% which is associated in the syllabus. In addition
to the new machine I can also insert as well as methods of teaching and
learning for students when they ma!e wood pro"ects for course
wor!. This all could indirectly increase the #uality of my teaching as a
teacher and a good performance increase for me. &'02 words(