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Lets All Be Brave

Copyright 2014 by Annie F. Downs
This title is also available as a Zondervan ebook.
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Zondervan, 3900 Sparks Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Downs, Annie F., 1980
Lets all be brave : living life with everything you have / Annie F. Downs.
pages cm
ISBN 978-0-310-33795-9 (softcover)
1. Christian life. I. Title.
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Holy Bible,
New International Version, NIV. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica,
Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Scripture quotations marked MSG are taken from The Message. Copyright 1993,
1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing
Any Internet addresses (websites, blogs, etc.) and telephone numbers in this book
are offered as a resource. They are not intended in any way to be or imply an
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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
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reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher.
Cover design: hand-lettering and illustration: Kristi SmithJuicebox Designs
Interior illustration: Kristi SmithJuicebox Designs
Interior design: Beth Shagene
First Printing June 2014 / Printed in the United States of America

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a note from the author. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
an honest moment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
just start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
believe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
nashville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
edinburgh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
your people . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
your talents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
your words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
say yes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
say no. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
hold on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
let go. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
at home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
around the world . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
every day you have. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
everything you have. . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
the why. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
the rhythm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
jesus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
good-bye. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
thank you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
sounds good to me. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205

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an ho ne t mo ment

March 2013
My dining room table, Nashville, Tennessee
Im not brave. I lack courage. Im thirty-three years old, and I sometimes cry when I leave my
parents home in Georgia to drive back to my little brick
house in Nashville. I have never jumped out of a plane, and
I only ride roller coasters when Im trying to impress a boy.
Some people live for an adrenaline rush. I live for a
sugar rush.
I dont think it is fun to risk, to gamble, to possibly lose.
I like safety, smart choices, and learning the easy way. Tell
me its a bad idea and Im going to believe you.
A few months ago, my friend Lyndsays car ran out of
gas. (Something that does not happen to me because I do
not let my gas gauge go below a quarter of a tank. I never
once saw the low gas light come on in my first car. I dont
know if it even worked. Never risked it.) But Lyndsay is a


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natural-born risker, and she pushes that two-door coupe to
its gassy limits.
So her car coasted into Nicholes parking lot, and Lyndsay carefully directed it into a slot. It was out of gas, out of
fumes, literally just rolling because the wheels are round.
Before sitting down for dinner with Nichole, Lyndsay called
her boyfriend, who brought over a can of gas. While she was
still at the table, he filled up her tank with a few gallons of
gas and then drove home. When she was ready to leave, her
car worked fine.
Lyndsay told me the next day, That did not hurt enough
for me not to do that again.
Shes the valedictorian at the School of Learning the
Hard Way. And she wears it like a Ms. Tennessee sash and
Thats how risk takers roll. That is not how I roll.
But I want to be brave.
And Im going to ask you to be brave too, even if you,
like me, dont take to it naturally. Im here to ask you to
please do that thing in your heart that scares you to death.
To make that move or leap or step or sound you wouldnt
have made a week ago.
There is no formula and there are no rules. There is the
Bible, our guidebook for all things, but other than that,
being brave is organic and spiritual and a unique journey
for each person.
I wont be making a list of brave things you should do. I
wont be saying, Here is exactly what courage looks like or
If you want to really risk in a way that impacts the people
around you, do these particular things. I dont think that

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an honest moment
works. I dont think you need me to tell you what to do.
I think you know. I think you just need a little pregame
warm-up. A little something to oomph you along. An understanding of the map you are holding.

I had lunch with my friends Chris and Jimmy this week,

and we were talking about this very subject. And Chris said,
Courage implies action, like you are going somewhere or
going to do something. Courage. Maps. Movement. We
talked about what it means to be on your map and off your
map and whether theres a map at all.
I left that barbecue lunch buzzing with hope and ideas.
I love talking about what courage looks like (probably more
than I like actually living it). I think an appreciation for
brave p
eople and brave moments has been in me forever. To
this day, my favorite Steven Curtis Chapman song is Burn
the Ships from way back in the mid-90s. Its a song about
Spaniards sailing for Mexico in 1519, and upon arrival and
in the midst of many hardships they wished they could go
back. Instead they decided to burn their ships. Stay there
forever. And figure out what that life would hold.
That stuck with me when I first heard the song as an
awkward middle schoolersometimes you set sail without
a view of the destination, trusting the tools youve got. And
once you get there, you stay. You move forward, not backward. You burn your ships.
In my mind, when I think about you and me and where
we are going, I see ships sailing and maps waving in the

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breeze and forks in the road. I see airplane arcs on tiny television screens and I see navigational tools strewn across a
I see action. Movement. Travel.
X marks the spot, but its not about the X. (Also, its not
about your ex.) Its about getting there. Its about the brave
things you have to do between here and there to make
you the person your X deserves. (Again, not what your ex
deserves. You have got to get over him or her.)
But heres the problem: Im known for getting lost. I cannot be trusted to lead if we need to get from here to there.
So if youre on a journey or an expedition or an adventure,
Im going to get you lost.
If I had my pickings of what flaws to be known for, Id
go for something like too pretty or too nice. Instead its
usually too directionally challenged to be in charge at this
moment. (Or any moment of travel, really.) Mama always
said Id marry a mapmakerit would be the only way to
balance out the deficit in my skill set. So any cartographers
out there, give a girl a call.
I love maps. Before Siri would talk to me on my iPhone
and tell me when to turn right and when to turn left and
redirect me because somehow I had still missed the turn, I
had a lot of maps in my car. I still have a few because, you
know, Im me and I get lost and I cant get too much directional assistance.
I need maps. And so do you. Maps of the mall because,
seriously, I just need to pop into Gap for a breezy white cardigan. Maps of the airport because Atlantas airport is practically its own city. Maps of your town and maps of your

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state. Maps of the places youve been that you never want
to forget and maps of the places you want to go to.
Your life, start to finish, is a map. And we are HERE.
Thats all I know. I dont know where youve been and I
dont know where your map will take you. I only know there
will be moments when you feel like the map has turned or
changed and moments when you realize youve read this
map wrong all along. You will crumple it up and throw it
down, only to return to it for direction once you finish your
cryfest. I get it. I know.
But its your map. Not my map. Or my cousins map.
Or your spouses map. Its yours. And there is something
so sweet about God doing life that way. Giving you your
own rivers to cross and mountains to climb and forks in
the roads of your life that I will never come to. You get to
be brave right there, in each of those places. Bravery begets
bravery. If youll be brave, Ill be brave. And when I am
brave, you feel like you can be too. We are holding hands
and I promise I wont let go.
Lets all be brave.


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just st art

March 2013
Mountain Brook Starbucks, Birmingham, Alabama
I think the hardest thing about writing is
the blank page. Or computer screen. Its said to be a writer
is to have homework every day for the rest of your life. You
remember that feeling, dont you? When you have a paper
to write or an assignment to turn in and you know you can
do it if you can just. get. started. I find the same to be true
if Im creating a presentation for a conference Im speaking
at or if Im trying to write a message on a Fathers Day card.
I know what I want to say. I just often dont know where to
My favorite hamburger in Nashville is the turkey burger
with a gluten-free bun at Burger Up in 12South. Its always
cooked perfectly, and they have this honey mustard aioli
that will just bless you. The owner of Burger Up is Miranda.
Shes a bit of a legend in our neighborhood for taking a boring stretch of street and adding some substantial eateries. I

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wrote my first book almost solely at her coffee shop, Frothy
Monkey. Next came Burger Up and then a sandwich shop,
and now? Josephine.
Josephine, the newest restaurant to situate itself on
12 Avenue South, hasnt even opened yet, but everyone in
our neighborhood is buzzing about it. Theyre going to have
a Sunday brunch that is pretty much all the permission I
need to eat nowhere else after church except right there in
one of her perfectly made booths.
Every time I run into Miranda on the street or in Burger
Up, I ask how Josephine is coming along. She always tells
me about another decision she has madet he style of
patio furniture, the foods she has traveled across the country looking for, the right chef to bring to town, the kind of
napkins and cutlery.
Every decision requires her to start somewhere. The
menu was blank. The walls were blank. Even the title of the
restaurant was blank. But one day she made that first decision toward offering us a new neighborhood favorite, and
once things got started, they havent stopped. Her courage
shows up as community tables, delicious food, and warm
hearts all up and down the neighborhood thoroughfare.
Im flying to Minneapolis today. Travel is a major part
of my life and job right now, which means fewer turkey
burgers from Burger Up, but luckily, on an airplane seems
to be where I get lots of writing done. Sitting in a window
seat with my laptop open and All Sons & Daughters pouring
truth into my earsthis is prime writing time for me.
As Im buzzing over some farmland (Im guessing somewhere in Iowa), Im thinking about how hard it is to start,

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just start
whether its a new book, a new restaurant, or any other
dream you may have. To start the journey toward that
thing ... I dont know what it is for you, but its not a journey to courage. The moment you take that first step, the
moment you start, little seeds of courage, the ones I believe
are already planted there right now, begin to sprout in your
heart. You arent headed out to find courage. Its in you, it
is blooming, and it is with you as you travel and say yes to
things that seem scary. Remember, its not only the X that
matters; its getting there.
At my home church, the high school students host and
run the middle school retreat. Its a really neat experience.
As an adult leader a few years ago, I loved watching my sister Sally, an eighteen-year-old senior, be the retreat director. She nailed it. It was the only middle school retreat I
ever attended, but Im pretty sure she was the best retreat
director ever. The coolest part about being an adult leader
was I literally just had to supervise, not really plan or lead.
It was awesome.
We were at one of those retreat centers that have cabins
and bunk beds and two showers for every twenty p
and it was as rustic as you are picturing.
And I loved it. Yes, I absolutely love retreats. You know
why? I love when all my friends are trapped in the same
place for days at a time. Is that weird?
On the Saturday night of this middle school retreat, I
crawled into my little twin bunk, shoved up next to another
twin bunk, and closed my eyes. It wasnt thirty seconds
later that I felt someone tap my shoulder.
Because we are a people who love to prank, I was

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sure I was about to (1) be sprayed in the face with some
sort of liquid or (2) get to participate in pranking someone else. Instead, it was Mallory, another senior helping
lead the retreat. Because it was March, Mallory was just a
few months from graduating and heading off to Auburn
She asked me to scoot over, so I did. I was worriedIs
something sad? Something wrong? To snuggle up next to
your leader in a twin bed means that something isnt right.
So I lay there on my side as Mallory stared up at the springs
on the bunk above us. Light from the moon barely snuck in
through the curtains, but it was enough for me to watch as
she was obviously wrestling with something in her heart.
I dont want to go to Auburn, she whispered, and I
heard the tears dripping onto my pillow. I waited, thinking
she had more to say. When she didnt, I responded.
Okay, Mal. You dont have to.
I think, she stammered slowly, I want to be a missionary. I want to go to YWAM. Her voice was still shaky.
Okay, Mal. You can do that. I said it quietly. I wanted
it to fall softly into her heart. Of course, I wasnt her parent or the final decision maker in her life, but I knew all
that would shake out. She didnt need me to help her figure
out how it would work out; she needed me to tell her that
it could. I know what it is to need to say the brave thing,
whether it actually works or not. To just start the process.
Mallory didnt begin her journey toward courage right
there. That little glow of courage was growing in her heart
for days, maybe weeks. And then in the hours and minutes

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before she actually got up out of her bed, it grew feet, didnt
it? Feet that brought her to me.
Somewhere, at some point, she started being brave
probably before she even realized it. It wasnt when she told
me. It was long before, when something in her heart began
to beat with a different rhythm.
You just have to start, my friend. That thing that is
whispering on your insides? That conversation you need to
have or that place you need to go? That job you want to try
or that ministry you want to attempt? That major you want
to pick at college or that mission trip you want to go on?
Youve got to start somewhere.
So do.
Tell somebody you want to be brave.

Today I volunteer as a leader for the college ministry at my

church. It is one of the greatest joys of my life. I love that
after four years of living in Nashville, virtually blind to the
college scene (besides noting the massive decline in traffic
during the summers), those students are now one of my
favorite reasons for living in this town.
Each Sunday night after the serv ice ends, we head
together to the gym and eat cereal. Yep, cereal. College students totally dig it. Its hilarious. Our pastor, Pete Wilson,
and I have a little game we like to play. We stand behind
the cereal table and try to guess which cereal the students
will pick. There are usually six or so optionsthe staples
like Honey Nut Cheerios and Frosted Flakes and the classics
like Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Lucky Charms, and then

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there are the wild cards that trade out, like Capn Crunch
and Reeses Puffs, for example.
Here is how the game is played. A new young college guy
will come over to the countertop lined with cereal and milk
and supplies, pick up a bowl, and well introduce ourselves.
Im Annie. This is Pastor Pete. Whats your name? And the
startled student will say, Uh, John.
I smile and continue. John, were so glad youre here.
Now, Pastor Pete and I have a little competition going. Wed
like for you to look at the six cereal options and pick the one
you want. BUT. Dont say it out loud. Just think it. And then
wed like to guess what you are going to pick. You ready?
Have the cereal in your mind?
At this point, the student is usually quasi-entertained
(because Im obnoxious and Pete is really cool) and wants
to play along, so he picks which one he would likeand
we guess.
Cinnamon Toast Crunch? Its usually my go-to guess.
Nope, John replies.
Capn Crunch Berries? Pastor Pete makes a left-field
Yep! John says, and fills his bowl.
Now Ill tell you this, Pastor Pete has a pretty solid
guessing percentage. But Id like to have a formal investigation initiated because I am almost 100 percent sure that at
least half the guesses Pastor Pete gets right are because the
student changes his mind based on what the pastor thinks
the kid wants.
And just so you know, I get about one out of every eight

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cereal guesses right. Terrible winning percentage, I know.
But they dont lie for me like they do for Pastor Pete.
Also, on a personal note, this is my favorite time of the
Sunday night events. I get to talk to every student and connect with him or her week after week. As silly as it sounds,
this is a big part of my ministry, and I love it.
Last week, Pastor Pete was out of town, so a new volunteer, Paul, stood with me at the cereal table. I tell Paul how
Pastor Pete and I have this little guessing thing we do, and
I suggest he and I try it for a little while. So we start guessing some of the students cereal choices. Im totally off my
game and go 0 for 7 right off the bat, which leads to a lot of
students rolling their eyes and my confidence going down
the drain. Ouch.
Paul and I decide to take a break from guessing. We just
start chatting as the students keep getting cerealwhen,
out of the corner of my eye, I see one of my college buddies,
Will, mix Cocoa Puffs and Cheerios, and I think that is just
a crime against all things cereal. I turn my head, point my
finger, and say, No sir, Will, that is gross! Because apparently I believe Im allowed to guess and judge cereal choices.
A few minutes later, as Paul and I continue to chat, he
looks at me and says, I dont know that Ive ever told anyone this, but I think I want to write a book.
And there is the moment, right there among college
kids and sugary carbs and inappropriate cereal combos. The
moment when courage stopped bubbling only on the inside.
The moment when Paul believed enough in himself and in
the God who made him that he took a step of courage. He

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I didnt plan to write books. Todays call to courage? I need

to finish writing this book and be willing to write about
some things I dont want to share but feel nudged by God to
do so. But in 2006, when this whole journey began for me,
it looked like eight pages.
I had to start somewhere.
The day I finished Beth Moores Believing God study, I
sat down at my computer and pounded out an eight-page
document of my life as a storytellerfrom a childhood full
of exaggeration to an adult life of wanting to be full of truth
but telling the BEST stories. I wrote about how God was
revealing to me, through Mrs. Beths teaching, that this
was the direction my life was about to go.
Gods brave moment for me that day in February 2006
was to write out what I was feeling with regard to sharing
stories. He knows me. He knows you. He knows we need
dreams in pieces because we would be too scared of the
whole puzzle. Had I known Id be an author and a speaker
back then, I probably would have crawled under my covers
and stayed there for a year or five. Im here today because of
the little starts and the brave moments dotted throughout
my writing career that have grown into this.
I think of King David, way back when hes a kid checking on his brothers in the battle against the Philistines.
When he gets there, everyone is scared to death of Goliath,
this beast of a man who is fighting for the other army.
Young David the shepherd tells King Saul hell go


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against Goliath. Everyone is stunned because David is a
kid and the rest of the Israelite army, full of adult dudes,
is afraid of him. Davids response shows us the importance
of the daily steps of courage that lead to the bigger story.
But David said to Saul, Your servant has been
keeping his fathers sheep. When a lion or a bear came
and carried off a sheep from the flock, I went after it,
struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth. When
it turned on me, I seized it by its hair, struck it and
killed it. Your servant has killed both the lion and the
bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of
them, because he has defied the armies of the living
God. The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the
lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the
hand of this Philistine.
Saul said to David, Go, and the Lord be with you.
1Samuel 17:3437

And go he did! You can read what happened in this epic

battle between David and Goliath in the rest of 1Samuel
17. Its worth a read, even if youve known the story your
whole life.
David, as a shepherd boy, fought a lion. And a bear. And
rescued his sheep. He never killed the lion in preparation
for the bear. He didnt kill the bear in preparation for Goliath. He just chose to be brave at every turnto do his job
and protect the sheep. And as the challenges grew in scope,
so did Davids belief in the ways God had uniquely created
him, and more importantly, David believed wholly in who


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God is and in the reality that David had a role to play on
this planet that would require courage. Just like me. Just
like you.

Ive dreamed of this book for a long time. I want to tell two
stories with my life.

1. God made you on purpose.

2. God made you to be brave.

In 2006, I wasnt dreaming of writing books. I could

barely imagine writing out the story of how I wanted to tell
stories! Then I started a blog that took courage every day to
write. Then I wrote a Bible study for a group of high school
girls who came over to my house on Monday nights. Then
those printed-out lessons became Perfectly Unique, a book
read by thousands of girls around the world. And then came
my next book, Speak Love. And now we are here. You and I.
And we are fighting against the fear.
My lion.
My bear.
My Goliath.
Oh my.
David wasnt done after Goliath. I am not done being
brave either. Neither are you, I hope.
My prayer for you today is that you will open the eyes of
your heart to the map and the next brave thing and the step
you need to start. Tell someone your dream. Maybe even
at the bottom of this page, or in the margin, you can write


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that first step. Make that first move to research or learn or
pray about the thing that is like a God-struck match lit on
your insides.
Maybe for you, its writing a note. Singing a song. Making a phone call. Having a conversation. Composing a story.
Writing a check. Booking that trip. Sending an email. Going
on a date. Reading a book. Signing up.
Im trying to list as many options as possible, but you
know the thing God is doing in your life better than I do. Its
time to get quiet before the Lord and ask him what it looks
like for you to live a life of courage today. To start.
Just start.

By the way, Mallory didnt go to Auburn. She went to Australia with YWAM. We would often skype and talk about
that day at the middle school retreat when God changed
everything in her plans. After completing her course, Mallory came back home and married a great, godly guy, and
now they have a daughter. They are missionaries in the
Middle East. Every day they tell p
eople about Jesus in a
country that is closed to Christianity.
Just look at that. Look what her courage started.
And I can tell you firsthand that the moments of my
greatest fearsthose times when I was sure I was going to
wimp out under the pressure of it allhave also been the
open doors to the greatest changes in my life. So I step out,
full of fear, but trusting that God is on the other side in new
and wonderful ways. And so far? He always is.


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be liev e

October 2012
12South Frothy Monkey Coffee Shop, Nashville, Tennessee
I have a lot of respect for tennis players.
Tennis players like themselves a lot. They have a strut. A
swag. They may play for a tennis team, but when it is time
to swing the racquet, its just one. Alone. Dont hear me saying they are self-centered. Thats not (always) true. What I
am saying is that tennis players are confident enough in
themselves that they are willing to walk out on a court
alone and win. Alone.
I grew up playing soccer. I adore soccer. Im one girl on a
field of eleven. I can play and have an impact, but if we lose
the game, I can look around the field like, Sheesh, girls.
What just happened there? Because, you know, it couldnt
be my fault. Ahem.
Im about to get my brag on. Prepare yourself.
Im a good soccer player. In my prime, I could kick a soccer ball with a decent amount of power. Once in high school

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I slammed one from center field that bounced off the crossbar of the goal with a ping that could be heard anywhere on
the field. Coach Moser jumped up and down like crazy. I
remember it like it was yesterday.
Its not often that a coach celebrates a missed goal.
So either he was the best coach in the world (because his
enthusiasm obviously stuck with me) or he never ever
expected me to score so he knew that moment was the best
it was going to get.
Well go with the idea that he was the best coach in the
I loved playing for Coach Moser because he always
trusted me to make good decisions on the field, and he
relied on me for strong throw-ins and stronger leadership.
But when it came time to take penalty kicks, I didnt do it.
He never asked. I never volunteered. (For you non-soccer
lovers out there, penalty kicks are when one player takes
one shot, unguarded, against the other teams goalie.) In
nineteen seasons of team play, I took zero penalty kicks.
Even though I would have scored. Probably. At least once.
Ive never been afraid to be the center of attention,
unless I can fail. Then Im the one hiding behind, well, anything bigger than me.
Now as an adult, reflecting back on my soccer glory
days, I can see the root of the problem. I didnt love me.
I didnt believe in myself. I didnt think I could do it. And
even more deeply? I didnt believe I could mess up and still
be loved. I didnt think I could succeed, but I also didnt have
the courage to fail. I had less confidence than any other girl

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on that field, certainly less than the goalie on the other
team. So it was always team play for meshare the wins,
share the losses.
But Im not that girl anymore. Im not the happy-onthe-outside-insecure-for-days-on-the-inside girl. The lies
are gone (for the most part), and instead I see the truth
of how God made me and who he made me to be. I dont
fear failure because it doesnt define me. Neither do my successes. I used to want to hide in the moments that asked me
to be brave.
Now I want to take a penalty kick.

My parents have a pond on their property, and all during

my growing-up years we fished that pond. In fact, twenty
years later, my mom still has the fish I caught with a jiggly
plastic worm lure hanging on her wall. (I know. The fact
that she still has that ten-pound bass from the 1980s hanging in the living room shows how much she sacrifices lovely
dcor and the respect of her friends to display her childrens
When Dad would take my sisters and me fishing, we
had our own poles, oars, and life jackets, and we sang songs.
I remember a song about a girl wearing a bikini to school,
and I remember singing about Petes dragon.
But the song I still sing sometimes is about an ant.
The song is called High Hopes, made famous by Frank
Sinatra. Apparently my dad wanted a fishing boat full of
crooners. Ill summarize the song for you, only because
I cant sing in these pages. (Honestly, anytime we are

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together, feel free to request the ant song. I love it. Ill sing
ityou probably wont even have to ask.) The verses talk
of animals that have to do the impossible, such as an ant
that has to move a rubber tree plant, a large, treelike potted plant with big, waxy leaves. The chorus goes like this:
But hes got high hopes hes got high apple pie in the sky
hopes. And then the song reminds us that anytime we get
low and are tempted to let go, we need to remember the
antOops! There goes another rubber tree plant.*
Ants cant move potted plants. Its just not possible.
But what the ant knew is that your muscles dont always
determine what you can do. Your heart does. He believed in
himself in a way I often dont. And because of who his heart
said he was, he did things that were impossible. Courage is
believing. Then courage becomes action, doing.

One of the beautiful things about Hollywood these days

is that some people are sending the right message. While
there is an overwhelming amount of godless, discouraging,
and sinful images flashing before our minds, we do see a
few glimmers of hope.
I like it when TV ads remind us to believe in ourselves
and be confident we can do anything we want to do. Youve
seen the ones Im talking aboutan NBC star sits awkwardly on the arm of a couch and says into the camera, You
know those dreams you have? You can do them. Believe in
yourself. And then the NBC ding ding ding jingle plays as
*High Hopes, music by Jimmy Van Heusen, lyrics by Sammy Cahn.


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a star crosses the screen. The more you know, p
eople. The
more you know.
Heres something I know: I shouldnt believe in me, at
least not in the way they think I should. Ive been me long
enough to know that I am not someone to be believed in.
I screw up. I hurt p
eoples feelings. I care too much about
some things and not enough about others.
I get lost. I am not perfect. And I dont want to pour my
hope or trust into someone as faulty as myself.
So while Im grateful for what Hollywood is saying, I
dont think it is totally true.
I believe in the me God made and in the me God can
make. I believe he made me on purpose and didnt make any
mistakes when it came to my creation. I believe he is doing a
good work in me, and in you. And that though I am flawed,
God is loving me and refining me and reminding me that
God in me is where I can place my trust.
And that is the place where I find my courage. Its like
if you drive down This Is How God Made Me Road until
it intersects with This Is Who God Can Make Me Avenue,
there is a pile of courage waiting there. (I swore I wouldnt
do cheesy map-related sentences like this, but can I just this
The better you know you, the better you can find that
intersection and the better you can resist temptation to sin
or wimp out. I know my tendencies and fears, and I also
know my gifts and hopes. Its where those meet that I often
find God cheering for me to make the brave choice.
You have to believe in the One who made you. I am

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c onfident in who God made me, but certain I couldnt do
this lifeor be braveon my own.
God is perfect (we are not). He sees the big picture (we
do not). He knows everything (we do not). So I choose to
believe in thisthat I am who I am on purpose, that the
One who made me has a purpose and has unconditional
love for me and those in my life.
Im not saying if I had believed these truths in high
school I would have been the highest scoring defender in
the history of my schools soccer program. Believing God
about who you are doesnt make you a superhero or an
All-American athlete or a rock star.
But if I would have believed these thingsreally
believed them at my coreI would have been brave enough
to try. Coach Moser might have called on me for a penalty
kick. I might have been willing to take a few shots. To risk
failure. To just try.

I became a Christian at a very young age. Five years old. I

grew up attending youth group and being really involved
in every activity I couldfrom being in a small group to
being in choir to working Mothers Morning Out in the
Actually, we spent a lot of time hanging around Marietta First United Methodist Church in the summers. Wed
bug the youth pastors, film videos for summer camp, hang
out in the Sunday school rooms, play basketball in the gym,
and walk to lunch at Wendys. As a teen, my church friends

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were my best friends, and most of my favorite memories
from that season of life involve those p
eople and that place.
In all the teaching and training and time spent in
church, at some point in my younger years, my theology got
skewed and I started to believe that Christians somehow
got rankednot based on their sin or their bank accounts,
but based on their calling.
You want to be a missionary? You get 5 out of 5 stars.
Top notch. Cream of the crop.
You want to be a Hollywood movie star? You get 1 out
of 5 stars because, you know, youll probably be really rich
and famous, and that just cant be Christian. Or you want
to have a normal job at a bank? Okay, thats 2 out of 5 stars,
because you can witness to p
eople in the drive-through.
Sorry you arent 5 out of 5, but you are still totally a Chris
tian; you just arent sacrificing as much as the missionary.
God still loves you so much, but you just arent as awesome
or something.
Every other job or calling falls somewhere in this range.
My little confused Christian mind was sure that God ranked
people like this. I dont know where I got this idea. It wasnt
a lesson taught in my tenth-grade Sunday school class or
something my parents instructed us on over dinner. But I
remember how it felt.

My sister Tatum got saved when she was eleven. I was thirteen then. So I had been on the Jesus train for a while, but
it was all new to her. And Ill tell you what, Tatum had one

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of those conversions where the old Tatum was really gone
and a whole new Tatum was there. It was amazing.
And pretty soon after she got saved, she knew she
wanted to be a missionary.
And suddenly, I was a second-class Christian. She was
new and I was old hat. She was really brave and I was really
normal. I wanted to teach elementary school. She wanted to
live in a hut. And most likely, she was going to be really hot
and sweaty in whatever mission field she chose.
I hate being hot. I always thought missionaries ended
up in really hot climates. So I decided missionary work was
not for me and resigned myself to the fact that I was never
going to be as good at being a Christian as Tatum was.
I could work as hard as I could, maybe even get 4.5 out
of 5 stars if I taught school in really dangerous areas or
worked a lot of extra hours, but unfortunately, Id never be
at the top.
Just to be clear. My theology was super off, and this
whole line of thinking is wrong wrong wrong. I see that
now, but as an impressionable child, seeing certain professions celebrated repeatedly in the church skewed my view
a bit. I dont think it was intentional, but at some point, a
conversation going on around me infiltrated my thoughts
and bled into my understanding of God and his plan for
my life.

As I grew up and began to see Christianity with much more

clarity, I learned a few things:

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1. Not every place on the planet is hot, so not every

missionary is moving to a hot climate. Noted.

2. If we were all missionaries, the world would not

work right. Who would pray for them? Financially
support them? Give them a comfortable home to
return to after a year on the field?

3. God doesnt ask all of us to be foreign missionaries.

He asks us to be us.

4. And who says what you are doing right now right here
isnt Gods work?

Thats why we have to believe that God made us each on

purpose. If we are each as unique as the Bible says we are,
then our calls to courage are each equally unique.
Tatums call to courage at one time looked like moving
around the world and sharing about Jesus. My call to courage has looked different. For a while, it was teaching. For
a season, it was coaching. Then it was moving and writing
and speaking. And there are more calls to come that are
specific for me.
But if I embrace them and step into them as they come,
I can change the world.
So can you.
We each just have to be brave in our own ways.
Maybe you do want to be a missionary in a foreign country. My friend, that is brave. It really is. But so is being a
stay-at-home mom. And so is being a counselor. Or a professional athlete. Or a writer. Or an event planner. Or a
Courage looks different for each of us.

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If we want to see God glorified all over the world, we
need to be brave enough to see courage in all its different
forms. And we need to do the thing. I cant see into your life
to tell you what that thing is todaybut I know enough
to understand that the brave decisions you make at fifteen
affect the brave choices you make at twenty-fiveand
they are different from the brave moments you face at thirty-five and fifty-five.
To see yourself the way God sees you is the first step in being
If you are seeing yourself the way God sees you, then
you can see your strengths and weaknesses. And you can
see they are different from mine. You can see the unique
ways you are wired and the rare combination of qualities
and desires that make you uniquely you.
And you, my friend, have a unique call to be brave.
So when you hear me say, Believe in yourself, this is
what I want you to think about. Dont believe in yourself in
such a way that you think you can accomplish anything on
your own. You cant. To believe in yourself means to believe
that God made you and there is no one like you, that you
have a unique call to courage, and that you can do the thing
that is staring you in the face. Got it? Lets list it.
Believing in yourself, as we want to define it here, is
actually to believe:

1. God made you on purpose and unique.

2. God has called you to be brave.
3. God will equip you to do it.

To believe in the One who calls you to be brave is to


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admit that you, like me, are prone to get lost and that Jesus
is the way, the truth, and the life.
Were going to explore a lot of sides of courage. Like
peering at some sort of kaleidoscope crystal, no two p
are going to see the same thing when they look for a brave
moment. God is that creative.
Its not your job to see the same refraction of light and
color on the wall. Its your job to be brave enough to look
through the kaleidoscope, even if what you see surprises

When I think about courage, I think about Gideon. The one

from the Bible. (I dont know another Gideon, but I figured
you might, so just to be safe, I wanted to go ahead and clear
that up for us. Youre welcome.)
In Judges 6, all the Israelites are misbehaving in serious
waysthe kind of ways that separate them from God. The
Lord gives them over to their enemies, and they are living
in fearhiding away and being defeated and robbed all
over the place. Then the Israelites begin to cry out to God
for rescue (classic move, Israelites, classic). God decides to
show mercy and deliver them, defeating the other armies
by using the Israelite army. And Gideon, this little unlikely
guy, is about to have a unique call to courage.
Starting in Judges 6:11, we see Gideon threshing his
wheat while hiding out in a winepress (instead of separating the wheat in a normal public place). An angel of the Lord
appears and says, The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.
This statement surprises Gideon because, well, hes hiding,

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which is not your typical mighty warrior behavior. But
the Lord tells Gideon that Gideon is the guy who will lead
the army to save Israel from the Midianites. When he hears
this, Gideon immediately starts explaining to God why he
is the wrong guy for the jobhis is the weakest clan and
he is the weakest of the weakest clan. But God knows. God
knows hes picked the right guy and tells Gideon as much.
(You can read the whole story in Judges 6:1116.)
Poor guy. Do you hear what he is saying? Gideon is the
runt of the litter, pretty much. And the runt isnt supposed
to lead.
But that isnt the way God works.
Gideon is a unique man with a unique call to courage.
And if you keep reading, youll see that God really pushes
Gideon to be brave as he shrinks Gideons army from a
respectable thirty thousand-plus men to a mere three hundred men. How many on the opposing side? Judges 7:12
says they were thick as locusts. Yikes.
Youve got to read the whole story, because the way the
Lord rescues the p
eople and defeats the other armies using
just three hundred men is totally fascinating. (Check out
Judges 67.)
And our buddy Gideon? He leads them. The self-labeled
runt, who was once too scared to even thresh wheat on a
public threshing floor, was now the leader of an army
a victorious army at that. God believed in Gideon. It took
some convincing, but Gideon began to believe in Gideon
and in who God made Gideon. And then? In that moment?
Gideon was brave.
God believes in you too. He believes in all the ways he

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made you unique. He believes in all the dreams bubbling in
your heart. He believes in your ability to take hold of the
tiny ledge that is your next call to courage.
I believe in you too. I believe you have picked up this
book for a reason. You want to be brave. In your middle
placeI like to call it the knower, somewhere between
your chest and your backboneyou know you want to be
You arent the runt. You arent a subpar Christian. You
havent sinned your way out of your calling, and you havent
lost your chance to make a difference for Christ.
You are one of a kind, made on purpose, deeply loved,
and called to be courageous.


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Living Life with Everything You Have
By Annie F. Downs
Annie Downs admits shes not exactly the bravest girl in the
world. She still cries sometimes when she leaves her parents
home in Georgia, shes never jumped out of a plane, and she
only rides roller coasters to impress boys. But Annie knows that
courage resides inside each and every one of us, and shes on a
mission to triumph over her own fears while encouraging the
reader to do the same.
As a single young woman, writer, speaker, and blogger, Annie
Downs shares her journey toward bravery with honesty and
humor. Using wonderful stories from her own life, contemporary
real-life examples, and fascinating historical and biblical
references, Annie encourages readers to grab hold of the brave
life that they desperately desire. How often does fear hold us
back from the very things we most want to taste, touch, and
experience? The call to be brave isnt just for one personits for
everyone. Lets All Be Brave is more than a book, its a battle cry.
Annie challenges us to live boldly, she calls us to step into those
places that require courage, and she gives us the help to take
the next step forward---even when its scary.

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