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What Happened?: God Made Man Upright?

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*February 17-23
God Made Man Upright?
What Happened?
Read for This Weeks Study: Ecclesiastes 7.
Memory Text: Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made
man upright; but they have sought out many inventions
(Ecclesiastes 7:29).
n reference to women in Paris feeding birds with pieces of bread
a bit chewed and soggy, the poet Rainer Rilke wrote: It does
them good to think that their saliva is getting out into the world a
little, that the small birds will fly off with the taste of it in their
mouths, even though a moment later they naturally forget it again.
Talk about hebel. What a sad example of human beings seeking for
meaning and purpose in the wrong place. As humans, we do seek for
meaning, for purpose, for direction, and sometimes in some strange
ways, too. Here we are, in this world, with so many variables, so many
options, so many paths to choose from. How do we know which ones
are right?
This week we will study Ecclesiastes 7. The first 14 verses read like
Proverbs, short pithy little sayings about morality, life, inequity, injus-
tice, wisdom, and so forth. Though not always easy to understand,
they are filled with the kind of wisdom we expect from the man whose
wisdom even Jesus referred to. The rest of the chapter sounds more
like Ecclesiastesthe older, bitter Solomon who, even in his angst,
still has plenty of wisdom to share.
This chapter, like the whole book, deals with more questions about
life. Taken with the Bible as a whole, Ecclesiastes 7 shows that the
right answers can be found only in the God who has created us,
redeemed us, and thus has given us the meaning and purpose that so
many often seek in such useless and unsatisfactory places.
*Study this weeks lesson to prepare for Sabbath, February 24.
SUNDAY February 18
A Good Name
A good name is better than precious ointment, and the day of
death than the day of ones birth (Eccles. 7:1).
The original Hebrew here has a play on words that you cant see in
translation. The word for name (shm) is very close to the word for
ointment or oil (shmn). Its one of those linguistic and poetic
devices that, while maybe not full of deep and hidden meaning, gave
the original language a force and beauty that, unfortunately, is lost in
At first glance this verse, especially the last part, seems like more
of Solomons pessimism: better to not have been born than to live and
see all the evil done under the sun; better to have died in childbirth
than to live, and so forth. Ecclesiastes 7:1, however, seems to be say-
ing something else. The key, perhaps, is in the first part of the verse.
Whats the basic message that Solomon is saying in the first half of
Ecclesiastes 7:1? See also Prov. 22:1; Dan. 6:5; 1 Tim. 3:2, 10.
This part is obvious, the value of a good reputation. What comes
next in the text easily fits in. Frenchman Jean-Paul Sartre argued that
a persons life is basically defined by that persons death, in the sense
that at death its finished. No more changes, no more potential, no
more growth. Youre nothing more than what you were when you died.
In a sense, thats correct. Our opportunities to get a good name, to
have a good character, and to be a positive influence in this world and
for Gods kingdom are over once we die. Character is formed here, not
in the grave. Our chance for salvation is now, not after death.
Thus, in a sense, this verse is really about priorities. A good name
will last; an evil, wicked person will be here and gone, perhaps like
the fragrance of ointment. How important then that we are careful
with our time, that we prioritize our actions. What things do we do that
will have a lasting, even eternal, impact for good, in contrast to the
things that will one day be long gone and forgotten? Certainly some-
thing worth thinking about.
What are you doing with your own time? If you had to stand
before God and give an account for the past 24 hours of your
time, how would you fare?
I Have to Teach Tomorrow . . .
Key Text: Ecclesiastes 7:29
Teach the Class to:
Know: Gods narrow way, while not always obvious, will get us to our
final destination.
Feel: The antipathy between worldly ways and lasting spiritual values.
Do: Discipline yourself to living godly lives in Christ Jesus.
Lesson Outline:
I. Dealing With Lifes Inequities (Eccles. 7:1-26)

What is meant by Solomons counsel, Do not say, Why were the old
days better than these? (Eccles. 7:10, NIV)? How should Christians bal-
ance their fondness for the past with facing the challenges of the present?
Give examples.

In verse 15, Solomon puts his finger on one of the classic examples of
lifes inequities. List three contemporary examples of this phenomenon, and
state the scriptural truth to cling to in order to help you work through it.

Solomons statement in Ecclesiastes 7:20 is remarkably similar to

Pauls statements in Romans 3:10-12 and 7:5-20. If we cant trust in our
own righteousness, in whose can we trust? Explain briefly how you came
to this understanding.
II. Staying the Course (Eccles. 7:27-29)

Countless detours and diversions would keep us from fulfilling Gods

plan for our lives. What detours are particularly dangerous to Christians?

When asked to give a reason for our faith, how do you answer?
Summary: It often seems as though life offers more questions than answers. Yet
salvation is still a remarkably simple proposition.
STEP 1Motivate!
Just for Teachers: Step 1 of the Natural Learning Cycle links the
Learning Cycle
MONDAY February 19
House of Feasting, House of Mourning
The Baptists have a saying: He has just enough religion to make
himself miserable. Everyone, probably, has seen those types. Perhaps
they were the ones Jesus referred to in Matthew 6:16, those who
walked around with a sad countenance in order to show everyone
just how holy they were.
Yet, a quick reading of Ecclesiastes 7:2-6 could give one the impres-
sion that this attitude is what religion should be about. Its better to be
mourning than feasting, better to be sorrowing than laughing, and so
forth. How does all that fit in with the whole concept of joy in
the Lord, of rejoicing in Christ (Lev. 23:40, Pss. 5:11, 149:2, Phil. 4:4,
1 Thess. 5:16)?
If you read these verses in Ecclesiastes 7 carefully, theres a hint in
them that helps put all this in perspective.
Look carefully at verse 2, the last few phrases. What point is Solomon
making here that helps us understand his basic message in verses
In a sense, Solomon is repeating the idea touched on in yesterdays
lesson. No matter how much feasting you do, in the end theres always
mourning because, in the end, we all die. The wise understand this.
They understand the gravity of the human situation and that feasting
and laughter, while they have their place, need to be understood in the
larger context of life as a whole. Our lives dont end in a feast; they
end in mourning. Our lives dont end in laughter; they end in sadness.
Fools go along, oblivious to the end that ultimately awaits them. One
day, instead of laughter, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Read Luke 12:41-48. In what ways is that giving the same message
talked about above?
As Christians, how do we find the right balance? After all, the
great controversy is a serious thing. It is, literally, a matter of not
just life but eternal life. How do we balance this important truth
with the fact that we are to rejoice in the Lord? Or are these
ideas not contradictory at all? Bring your answer to class.
Learning Cycle
learners experiences to the lesson. Help your class members answer
this question: Why is this lesson important to me?
What comes to mind when someone uses the word character? To some it
might mean a unique personalitya real character. To others, a person in
a story or film might come to mind. It can also imply a persons true nature.
Consider This: What is meant by the words Christian character?
Why is it important to be a person of character? What can we do to
develop godly character?
What would be a good test of character in a financial setting? What
would be a good test of character morally? What about ethically, in
business? socially? spiritually?
STEP 2Explore!
Just for Teachers: This step of the Natural Learning Cycle presents
information learners can use to help them better understand the les-
son. Help your class members answer this question: What do I need to
know from Gods Word?
Bible Commentary
I. Solomons Deductions
So far in the book of Ecclesiastes we have covered what might be consid-
ered the prologue (Eccles. 1:1-11) in which the writer stated his theme.
Then we covered a major section (Eccles. 1:12 to 6:12) in which he
attempted to prove his theme.
Now we are beginning the second large section (Eccles. 7:1 to 12:8) in
which the preacher makes deductions based on his previous observations.
(We can consider Ecclesiastes 12:9-14 as the epilogue).
(Review Ecclesiastes 7 with the class.)
Consider This: What are some of the deductions that the preacher
may be drawing from this chapter?
Take suggestions from the class and review the following examples.
Verses 1-12: Life is all meaningless, but some experiences may be better
TUESDAY February 20
Patience and Pride
Weve already looked at the first six verses of Ecclesiastes 7. Today
well finish this first section, which is composed of short proverblike
ReadEcclesiastes 7:7-14. What points is Solomon making? Which
ones speak clearest to you, personally; that is, which touch you in
a sensitive area?
Theres a lot of wisdom to choose from packed in here. Verse 7, for
instance, about a bribe corrupting the heart, touches on a key spir-
itual point: One compromise leads to another. Its saying not that a
corrupt heart takes a bribe but that a bribe corrupts the heart. What
a powerful warning to us all about what sin does to the soul.
Look at verse 9. What point is being made there? What do these other
texts add to that message? Matt. 5:22; 18:21, 22; Rom. 12:19-21.
Look at verse 12. How is wisdom a protection? How does wisdom
preserve life? See also Prov. 1:7, 9:10, Col. 1:28, James 3:13-18.
Howdo you understand the meaning of verse 14? See Phil. 4:11-13.
How well are you doing in these areas? What things need to be
changed in your life? Anger, compromise, lack of trust? How
crucial to get on your knees before the Lord and seek the things
He freely offers through Jesus.
Learning Cycle
for us than others. Sorrow is better than laughter because it is more real-
istic and will lead to less disappointment.
Verses 13, 14: We dont have control over our future, so we should accept
good and bad as they come, enjoying the good.
Verses 15-22: Since there is no righteous person, it is best to avoid
extremes. Trying to be too good in our own effort leads to guilt. Trying to
be too wicked will certainly lead to death or destruction.
Verses 23-29: Even though Solomons wisdom was not able to figure
everything out, it was obvious that the moral insight of wisdom was
preferable to the moral perversion of folly.
II. The Importance of Character
Sundays portion of the lesson focused on character. Rather than just giv-
ing another example of pessimism when he talks about death, Solomon is
perhaps indicating that ones death, when ones character is as developed
as it is going to be, is preferable to ones birth, when life and character are
an untested and blank slate.
Consider This: How does one go about developing this good name,
or character?
When Christ was here on earth, He did not deal in abstract theories, but
in that which is essential to the development of character; that which will
enlarge mans capacity for knowing God, and increase his power to do
good. He spoke of those truths that relate to the conduct of life and that
unite man with eternity.Ellen G. White, Education, p. 81.
1. Qualities that make up character are grown, developed, trained over time.
2. Our development of character is part of Gods larger plan to redeem us
and restore us to His image.
3. He outlines this plan in Romans 5:1-8. (Read Romans 5:1-8 with your
4. We can rejoice about the relationship we already have with God by faith
in Jesus (vss. 1, 2).
5. We can rejoice about the training program God is working out in our lives.
Consider This: What are the four main steps of this character train-
ing program? (vss. 3, 4). Why does character development always begin
February 21
Our Fallen NaturesPart One
Read Ecclesiastes 7:15-21. Which of the verses below best describe
the basic message in there?
(a) 1 Cor. 13:13 (b) Gal. 6:2 (c) Rom. 3:10
Solomon here paints a fairly negative picture of humanity. Though
one could be tempted just to chalk it up to more of his basic pes-
simism, its not so simple.
At the beginning of the Enlightenment, in seventeenth-century
Europe, humans began bursting at the seams with new knowledge.
Amid this new understanding of the world was the great hope in
human perfection. Sure, the world has been bad, and people have been
bad, but now that we are gaining new knowledge and a greater under-
standing of the world, ignorance will be defeated, and humanity will
improve and move steadily toward the path of moral perfection.
Things so progressed that by the beginning of the twentieth century
people believed that through the discoveries of science and through
new technology humanity would soon learn to conquer all the things
that had caused it so much trouble. We would, through our machines,
devices, and inventions, overcome disease, overcome natural calami-
ties, overcome hatred and war.
Think about events over the past century. How well did science ful-
fill the grand hopes that people had for it? See also Matthew 24.
Things didnt turn out quite as expected, did they? Though we
gained new knowledge, our sinful human natures got the best of us,
and so much of that knowledge and new power gained has been a
source of evil and suffering. Power and knowledge in and of them-
selves arent necessarily good or bad. Its what people do with them.
The ruler of a powerful country has a lot of power. He can use that
power to build houses or bomb them. What we need isnt so much new
knowledge or power but hearts molded in the image and character of
God; otherwise, knowledge and power can be used for evil.
All of us, to one degree or another, have some knowledge and
some power. How are you using it? For good, for Gods glory?
Or are you exploiting it for less-than-honorable purposes? Be
honest with yourself, no matter how painful.
Learning Cycle
with suffering? Why does most human development tend to begin in suf-
fering? (Consider the saying no pain, no gain.)
STEP 3Practice!
Just for Teachers: This step of the learning cycle will assist you in
helping your class members find the answer to the following question:
How can I practice the information I just learned?
(Ask the class to find scriptural support for the items below. A few texts are
suggested to begin.)
When we find that character is lacking, we might want to look at the fol-
1. poor control of our mouths (Prov. 15:18, James 3:5);
2. poor control of our minds (Luke 12:29, Rom. 8:7, Phil. 4:8);
3. poor models (Prov. 7:22, Ezek. 33:31).
When we find that character is lacking, we should emphasize:
1. good mouth control (Prov. 16:32, James 1:19);
2. good mind control (Prov. 23:7, Rom. 8:6, Phil 4:8);
3. good models (Isa. 26:3, Phil. 2:5-18).
Consider This: What guidelines for living a good life could you
draw from this chapter (or look ahead through the rest of the book for
Solomons deductions) to share with an unbelieving friend?
STEP 4Apply!
Just for Teachers: In this fourth and final step of the Natural
Learning Cycle, you will want to encourage class members to make a
life response to the lesson. Help them answer this question: With
Gods help, what can I do with what I have learned from this lesson?
As the class members examine the following passages, ask them to iden-
tify what each passage says contributes to a joyful life, and write it on a
piece of paper. Then discuss as a class how each member can sow that seed
in his or her own or a friends life this week.
Romans 15:30-32, NIV: I urge you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ
and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God
for me. Pray that I may be rescued from the unbelievers in Judea and that
my service in Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints there, so that by
February 22
Our Fallen NaturesPart Two
In Ecclesiastes 7:15-27, Solomon utters a litany of human woe.
Read verse 15. What is Solomon complaining about here? How valid
is this complaint?
This verse, however, isnt the first time he has talked about this. What
does he say in Ecclesiastes 3:16, 17 that helps us understand what
is going on here?
Perhaps most striking are his words in Ecclesiastes 7:20, which
sound very close to Paul in Romans 3:10 (There is none righteous,
no, not one) or John in 1 John 1:10 (If we say that we have not
sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.). Though
Christians are often derided for their pessimistic and negative
views of humanity, all one has to do is look at the world, both its his-
tory and its present condition, to get verification for its teaching about
the sinful state of humanity. You might need faith to believe in a lot of
what Christianity teaches, but the fallen nature of humanity isnt one.
Readverse 26. What in Solomons background would have caused
him to say this? 1 Kings 11:1-4.
Though Solomon is obviously pointing to certain kind of women
(compare with Prov. 18:22), the important message goes far beyond
gender: Be careful of anyone whom the devil can use to ensnare you
and turn you away from the Lord.
Perhaps the most striking verse in this chapter is the last one, verse
29. How quickly it captures the human condition. God made us holy,
and we have become unholy. Solomons life, in a sense, could be used
as an example of this principle. Sure, he was never sinless, but he
started out on the right track. The Hebrew word translated upright is
a common word for straight or right and is often used to describe
human actions (Deut. 6:18; 1 Kings 22:43; 2 Kings 18:3; Job 1:1, 8).
However upright he was at the start, he eventually wandered away.
Read 2 Corinthians 13:5. Are you in the faith? How do you jus-
tify your answer?
Learning Cycle
Gods will I may come to you with joy and together with you be
Romans 16:19 (NIV): Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I am
full of joy over you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and
innocent about what is evil.
2 Corinthians 1:232:4 (NIV): I call God as my witness that it was in order
to spare you that I did not return to Corinth. Not that we lord it over your
faith, but we work with you for your joy, because it is by faith you stand
firm. So I made up my mind that I would not make another painful visit to
you. For if I grieve you, who is left to make me glad but you whom I have
grieved? I wrote as I did so that when I came I should not be distressed by
those who ought to make me rejoice. I had confidence in all of you, that
you would all share my joy. For I wrote you out of great distress and
anguish of heart and with many tears, not to grieve you but to let you know
the depth of my love for you.
Consider This: In what way can you relate each of these ideas about
joy to the overall concept of living a life of character?
Decide on three of the seeds of joy just discussed that you need most
to plant in your life right now. Why? How can you plant them?
Central Concept: A meaningful life in Christ is marked by growth
in character and a sense of joy.
Invite a class member to close with prayer.
February 23
Further Study: Ellen G. White, Child Guidance, p. 166;
Testimonies for the Church, vol. 4, p. 606; Testimonies for the Church,
vol. 8, p. 86; see also Mind, Character, and Personality.
True education does not ignore the value of scientific knowledge or
literary acquirements; but above information it values power; above
power, goodness; above intellectual acquirements, character. The world
does not so much need men of great intellect as of noble character. It
needs men in whom ability is controlled by steadfast principle.
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. The
tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright (Proverbs 4:7; 15:2). True
education imparts this wisdom. It teaches the best use not only of one
but of all our powers and acquirements. Thus it covers the whole cir-
cle of obligationto ourselves, to the world, and to God.
Character building is the most important work ever entrusted to
human beings; and never before was its diligent study so important
as now. Never was any previous generation called to meet issues so
momentous; never before were young men and young women con-
fronted by perils so great as confront them today.Ellen G. White,
Education, p. 225.
Discussion Questions:
G As a class, go over your answers for Mondays study.
G Talk about the Ellen G. White quote above. Notice specifically
the first paragraph. How does it fit in with some of the things
that we have studied this week? Why does character matter, espe-
cially among those who have a lot of power?
G The lesson touched upon the question of influence and how
the wives of Solomon led him astray. The question of influence
and peer pressure is especially crucial for young people, many of
whom have been seriously led astray by wrong friends. As a
church, what can you do to help your young people avoid the
wrong influences? What things can your church do to provide
them with better alternatives?
G As a class, read aloud the Rilke quote from Sabbath after-
noon. What does it say to you about the human need for meaning
and purpose? How does our faith answer these needs? Also, how
can we better share what we have been given with those who seek
meaning in the most meaningless of things?

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