Proverbs 1
Proverbs 1
Proverbs 1
Proverbs 1
Proverbs should call us not simply to know the right things, but
to know the right person, Jesus Christ, who says “Come follow
Our Plan
This morning we begin our study of this wonderful book. Many
have never sat through a series on Proverbs. One reason for the
neglect of it is the way the book reads. Often one Proverb appears
unrelated to the next. The disjointed nature of it makes it hard to
preach though verse by verse.
But we’ve decided to do what many have faithfully done; that is,
preach through the first 9 chapters (which form a unit) verse by
verse, and then consider five “subject studies" in a topical fashion,
pulling various verses from chapters 10-31 together around a
Chapter 1
• In the opening chapter, we find the title, the goal, and the motto
of Proverbs – in verses 1-7.
• Then we have an illustration of how one should apply wisdom
in verses 8-19.
• Then the chapter ends with an invitation to live in relationship
to wisdom.
7 Characteristics of Proverbs
Solomon isn’t the only human author of the book. There are other
writers (eg., Agur, King Lemuel, Sayings of the Wise); and the
men of Hezekiah copied some of the sayings of Solomon. But even
so, the book has a royal backdrop. Several proverbs address
appropriate behavior for those in the royal court (see Prov 16, 31).
But we all know that every king failed to live wisely, and rule
justly, including Solomon. He died a fool.
The message of the Old Testament is clear: we need another King.
And that’s what we have with David’s greatest Son, Jesus Christ.
Jesus created the world with wisdom, astonished people with his
wisdom in his incarnation, as a child, grew in wisdom, and then
taught with unparalleled wisdom (Lk 2:46; 2:51-52;).
Two applications:
He is reigning now, but that reign isn’t totally fulfilled yet (cf.,
Ps 72). We are waiting for his ultimate reign.
Isaiah 11
You should write Isaiah 11 out to the side of the opening of
Proverbs spot see he Messianic dynamic. Notice the
similarities in terms between Isaiah 11:1-4, and Proverbs 1:1-7
The same word is used for the skillful workers that helped build
the tabernacle in Exodus 28, 31 (cf., Prov 22:29).
• Everyone likes the idea of wisdom, but we don't like the idea
of being rebuked. Yet that's part of it.
Decision Making? We are often paralyzed to make decisions
because we don't have this discretion and insight.
You need Scripture, Wise Counsel, Prayer, and Observation
according to Proverbs to obtain Guidance. Scripture (the law; tie it
around your neck-- see 10:8); Counsel (more later); Prayer (James
1:5); Observation (look at the sluggard, look at the lizard, dog,
lion, ant)...
Common Paths that Don't work without this grid, most don't
have a Bible in their process, or they lack another one:
• "List the Pros and Cons." That never works if you don't use the
Bible, or receive rebuke from godly counsel, because you can
weight the evidence how ever you want. You can convince
yourself to have an affair ("he's my soul mate"; or to punch
someone ("it's righteous anger"). The "teachable" find guidance.
Therefore, wisdom is multi-dimensional. It involves practical,
insightful, ethical, and relational dimensions.
Solomon wants the whole nation to live wisely, and for the King
to show the way.
The first seven chapters are addressed to a “son” but a broader
audience is in view.
This verse is like the motto of the book, and it appears in various
places (1:29; 2:5; 9:10).
Apart from God, there is no wisdom. The wise person knows God.
The Messiah promised in Isaiah 11 who feared God, and did his
commands perfectly.
Psalm 130 says that if God kept a record of sins, no one could
stand, but with Him there is forgiveness … that you may be
feared (3-4). Think about this. The forgiveness received through
Christ should cause us to stand in awe of Him.
The foundational truth for today’s world is “follow your heart.”
Proverbs 20:9 asks, “Who can say, ‘I have made my heart pure; I
am clean from my sin’?” The implied answer is: “No one can keep
their heart pure!”
I love how Proverbs 14 puts it “The fear of the Lord is the fountain
of life that one may turn away from the snares of death” (27).
Out of this fountain springs real life. Fear God and find a life
worth living.
In verses 8-9, both the Father and mother are giving instructions;
that’s the ideal.
Notice this familial feel to the book. Look at 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, 5:1, 6:1,
6:20, 7:1. Then see 10:1
• So kids, if you have Christian parents, listen to them. Learn
God’s Word from them. Be thankful for them.
• Parents, realize that you have a weighty responsibility for
teaching them God’s ways.
• Teach them not just the truths, but teach them with the heart
of the Father and mother here – they are pleading and urging
their kids with compassion and discipline to follow God’s
The first subject that the parents bring up to their son is simple:
don’t join a gang. It’s an interesting place to start, huh? It makes
sense in light of this whole book because this is actually an
emphasis throughout: who you hang out with matters.
1) In verses 11-14, they point out a hypothetical invitation from
evil men “Come with us…” This gang is inviting the son to
prey on the innocent; to murder and rob, getting rich at
someone else's expense.
2) In verses 10 and 15, the parents tell their son to reject such
invitations. “Do not consent” (10), and “Do not walk in the
way with them, hold back your feet from their paths” (15).
Lots of references to "the path" in Proverbs
3) In verses 16-20, the parents give the reasons for rejecting their
invitation. They don't won't their son to destroy his life. They
will get caught in their own traps. They are going to ambush
"What does it benefit to gain the whole world and lose your soul?"
Who Do You Hang With? You will hang with some crowd
Wisdom is a Person
Throughout the first nine chapters the question is “Will you listen
to Lady Wisdom or Lady Folly?” Wisdom is a person.
Notice the phrases, “her voice,” “she cries out,” “she speaks” (1:20-
21) in the city, striking up the image of the city gates, where the
elders of the city gather together.
• Wisdom is at the center of public life.
• She is like an evangelist, prophet, poet and counselor.
If he does listen to Woman Wisdom, then she will pour out the
Spirit on him (23). Tremendous blessing is promised to those
who respond to Wisdom
Chapter 8
This relational dimension of wisdom is elevated in chapter 8,
where wisdom carries a similarity to Christ himself.
Not only did Jesus participate in creation (Heb 1; Col 1; John 1),
but also Jesus is the wisdom of God (1 Cor 1:24, 30). Further, Jesus
points to himself as "Woman Wisdom" (Matt 11:19; Luke 7:35).
By knowing him and being made like him you are enabled to
walk in the Proverbs in 10-31.
You can go the way of death and destruction or you can dwell
“secure,” and not fear death, by turning to Jesus. Choose life, my
• Royal Origin: Kings (Solomon to Jesus)
• An overall purpose: to impart wisdom
• A universal audience: everyone
• A foundational truth: Fear God
• A familial responsibility: teach your kids
• A communal emphasis: hang w right people
• A relational question: will you live in relationship to wisdom or
at age 18, and in his book My God is Real said that he entered the
invited to a college Bible study. A student ask him, “In all that you
In all of that you know, do you know God? Come to Jesus who
says, “This is eternal life that they may know God, and Jesus