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Mohannad Hlayel: Qualifications' Summary

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Palestine: +970 56 8080 360

KSA: +966 536 182 610
Kuwait: +965 98 068 246
"wel#e $ea%s o& '%o(%essi#e e)'e%ien*e in in&o%mation se*u%it$+ *om'ute% netwo%s+ s$stem administ%ation+
t%ainin( and ," mana(ement!
-i#e%se e)'e%ien*e in im'lementin( ,S. 27001 standa%d a*%oss the /iddle 0ast+ hel'in( *ustome%s in
tele*ommuni*ations+ &inan*ial+ oil and (o#e%nmental se*to%s a*hie#e and maintain ,S. 27001 *e%ti&i*ation status!
1ood nowled(e o& %is mana(ement &%amewo%s and in&o%mation se*u%it$ 2est '%a*ti*es in*ludin( .3"A40+ ,S.
31000+ ,S. 27005+ 5is ," and 6,S" (uidelines!
/aste%7s de(%ee in in&o%mation and *ommuni*ation s$stems se*u%it$ &%om the 5o$al ,nstitute o& "e*hnolo($ 8
/ulti'le '%o&essional *e%ti&i*ates in*ludin( 3,SSP+ ,S. 27001 9A+ ,S. 27001 9,+ 1,SP+ 1S93+ ,",98:+ 3.;,"8:+
/3S0+ 336A and 3<S83:S!
An a#id %eade%+ =ui* lea%ne% and %elentless nowled(e seee%!
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
/!Sc. in Information and Communication Syt!m S!curity 2009
An-Najah National University, Nalus, !alestine
".Sc. in E#!ctrica# En$in!!rin$
P5.:0SS,.6A9 0>P05,0630
IT Security "onsultancy # Training, Amman, $ordan
Senio% ,n&o%mation Se*u%it$ 3onsultant ( Train!r S!). %&'% * May %&'+
0sta2lished and su'e%#ised the im'lementation o& ,S. 27001 ,S/S? su**ess&ull$
leadin( *ustome%s to a*hie#e and maintain ,S. 27001 *e%ti&i*ation status!
3a%%ied out 2usiness im'a*t anal$sis and se*u%it$ %is assessment &o% *ustome%s in
oil+ tele*ommuni*ations+ &inan*ial and (o#e%nmental se*to%s!
3ondu*ted inte%nal audits and se*u%it$ %e#iews &o% ," Se*u%it$ 3@" *ustome%s!
-e#elo'ed in&o%mation se*u%it$ 'oli*ies+ '%o*edu%es and *on&i(u%ation 2aselines!
Pa%ti*i'ated in teams o& s'e*ialised '%o&essionals to de#elo' 2usiness *ontinuit$
Assisted ," Se*u%it$ 3@" *ustome%s at '%e'a%in( %e=uests &o% '%o'osals &o%
in&o%mation se*u%it$ solutions and se%#i*es!
Assisted ," Se*u%it$ 3@" *lients at desi(nin( and im'lementin( te*hni*al se*u%it$
Pe%&o%med 'enet%ation tests and #ulne%a2ilit$ s*ans!
-e#elo'ed se*u%it$ t%ainin( *ou%ses mate%ial!
-eli#e%ed se*u%it$ awa%eness sessions and *losu%e '%esentations to *ustome%s7
:o%mulated te*hni*al and &inan*ial '%oAe*t '%o'osals!
5amallah+ Palestine
00970 56 8080 360
!alestine Telecommunications %rou& , Ramallah, !alestine
Senio% Information S!curity En$in!!r , Offic!r -u#y %&&. *Au$ut %&'%
3%eated an in&o%mation se*u%it$ st%ate(i* 'lans and dete%mined %e*ommended
te*hnolo(ies to su''o%t the 'lans!
/ana(ed the esta2lishment and im'lementation o& ,S. 27001 ,S/S '%o(%amme!
9ed and su'e%#ised the esta2lishment and im'lementation o& ,S. 27001 ,S/S
3ondu*ted o%(anisation8wide and s$stem8s'e*i&i* se*u%it$ %is assessments and
*%eated %is t%eatment 'lans!
-e#elo'ed+ su'e%#ised the im'lementation o& and %e(ula%l$ %e#iewed se*u%it$
'oli*ies and '%o*edu%es+ in a**o%dan*e with ,S. 27001 standa%d %e=ui%ements!
-e&ined and *olle*ted in&o%mation se*u%it$ met%i*s to ena2le *ontinuous
im'%o#ement o& se*u%it$ '%o*esses and *ont%ols!
-eli#e%ed se*u%it$ awa%eness t%ainin( sessions!
Planned and su'e%#ised #ulne%a2ilit$ mana(ement a*ti#ities!
Pa%tne%ed with teams o& a''li*ation and netwo% a%*hite*ts to e#aluate+ desi(n and
im'lement #a%ious te*hni*al se*u%it$ solutions!
Assisted with %e#iewin( and %edesi(nin( the se*u%it$ a%*hite*tu%e o& *ustome%s7
3ondu*ted we2 a''li*ation and netwo% #ulne%a2ilit$ assessments!
A*ted as an in&o%mation se*u%it$ su2Ae*t matte% e)'e%t+ '%o#ided ad#i*e on te*hni*al
se*u%it$ and *om'lian*e issues!
P%e'a%ed 5:Ps+ e#aluated '%o'osals and wo%ed *losel$ with '%o*u%ement to
a*=ui%e se*u%it$ '%odu*ts+ se%#i*es and solutions!
P%e'a%ed and deli#e%ed '%odu*t and solution '%o'osals to senio% mana(ement and
te*hni*al sta&&!
Ara American University, $enin, !alestine
3om'ute% 3ent%e /ana(e% and S$stems Administ%ato% May %&&/ * Au$. %&&0
5est%u*tu%ed the uni#e%sit$7s 9A6+ addin( %edundant 2a*2one lins and
mana(ea2le hi(h8end *o%e swit*hes!
,nt%odu*ed anti8s'am and mana(ed anti#i%us solutions+ as well as se%#e% ha%denin(
and .S *on&i(u%ation 2aselines!
/ana(ed the netwo%+ '%o(%ammin( and hel' des teams!
3%eated 3om'ute% 3ent%e7s 'lans+ 2ud(ets and annual %e'o%ts!
-esi(ned and administe%ed Bindows A*ti#e -i%e*to%$ domains!
-esi(ned+ im'lemented and administe%ed mail+ -6S+ -C3P and '%o)$ se%#e%s+
unde% Bindows and 9inu) 'lat&o%ms!
,nstalled+ *on&i(u%ed and maintained netwo% %oute%s+ swit*hes+ &i%ewalls and
5amallah+ Palestine
00970 56 8080 360
wi%eless a**ess 'oints!
/onito%ed and anal$sed se%#e% and netwo% 'e%&o%man*e!
National Institute for Information Technology, Ramallah, !alestine
/3S0 and 6etwo%in( "%aine% No1. %&&2 * May. %&&/
-eli#e%ed /3S0 2003 and netwo%in( essentials t%ainin( sessions!
,nstalled+ *on&i(u%ed and su'e%#ised hands8on la2s!
!alestine !olytechnic University, 'eron, !alestine
6etwo% Administ%ato% Au$. %&&3 * Au$. %&&2
,nt%odu*ed A*ti#e -i%e*to%$ domains+ d$nami* ,P add%essin(+ &i%ewalls+ '%i#ate ,P
add%essin( and '%o)$ se%#e%s!
Si(ni&i*antl$ im'%o#ed netwo% 'e%&o%man*e 2$ u'(%adin( the hu282ased netwo%
into a swit*hed+ multi8la$e%ed netwo%!
5edu*ed t%ou2leshootin( time 2$ *%eatin( and maintainin( a**u%ate and
*om'%ehensi#e do*umentation &o% se%#e%s+ netwo% de#i*es and netwo%
-esi(ned+ im'lemented and administe%ed e8mail+ -6S+ -C3P+ Be2 and :ile
,nstalled+ *on&i(u%ed and maintained the uni#e%sit$7s &i%ewall+ swit*hes and %oute%s!
/onito%ed and anal$sed se%#e% and netwo% 'e%&o%man*e!
Nalus Secondary (ocational School, Nalus, !alestine
3om'ute% "ea*he% and 3om'ute% 9a2! Su'e%#iso%
No1. %&&% * Au$. %&&3
-eli#e%ed *lasses *o#e%in( the 2asi*s o& ele*t%i*al *i%*uits+ ele*t%oni*s and
Su'e%#ised *om'ute% maintenan*e and '%o(%ammin( la2s!
P5.:0SS,.6A9 305",:,3A"0S
C!rtifi!d Information Syt!m S!curity 4rof!iona# * CISS4
5IAC S!curity L!ad!r6i) C!rtificat! * 5SLC
5IAC C!rtifi!d S!curity 4rof!iona# * 5IS4
ISO %0&&' L!ad Auditor
ISO %0&&' L!ad Im)#!m!nt!r
CO"IT +.' Foundation
ITIL 73 Foundation
Microoft C!rtifi!d Syt!m En$in!!r * MCSE
Cico C!rtifi!d N!t8or9 Aociat! * CCNA
Cico Fir!8a## S)!cia#it * CQS:CFS
5amallah+ Palestine
00970 56 8080 360
A%a2i* D 6ati#e
0n(lish D :luent
:%en*h D ,nte%mediate
A#aila2le u'on %e=uest!

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