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Tata Institute of Social Sciences V.N. Purav Marg, Deonar, Mumbai 400 088 (A Deemed University Under Section 3 of The UGC Act, 1956)

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V.N. Purav Marg, Deonar, Mumbai 400 0

!A Deeme" Univer#i$% Un"er Se&$ion ' o( $)e U*C A&$, +,-./
Application Sequence Numbe
Can!i!ate Name "

Can!i!ate$% %i&natue 'it( !ate
Mo"e o( E0am Compute )a%e!
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Near Incom Tax Golambar 142, Road No.-10, West Of SBI Bank Shree Krishna Nagar
Patna Bihar India - 800001
ACME Institute Of Information Technology
1* Can!i!ate% ae a!+i%e! to be pe%ent at t(ei e%pecti+e e,am cente% one (ou pio to t(e commencement o- t(e e,am in o!e
to &et t(ei a!mit ca!% c(ec.e! an! c(ec. t(ei %eatin& aan&ement* T(o%e '(o epot a-te 2* /0 PM 'ill not be allo'e! to
appea -o t(e 'itten te%t* Can!i!ate% (a+e to ca0 a +ali! ID poo- 1pan ca!2 pa%%pot2 !i+e$% licen%e3 alon& 'it( t(ei a!mit
ca!%* Ca0in& a +ali! ID poo- i% a mu%t an! can!i!ate% comin& -o t(e te%t 'it(out it 'ill not be allo'e! to 'ite t(e te%t*
2* Ar$i&2e# NOT 3ermi$$e" in#i"e $)e E0amina$ion 4a22 5
1* Plea%e !o not bin& boo.%2 note%2 loo%e %(eet%2 an0 t0pe o- calculato2 calculato 'atc(2 mat(ematical an! !a'in&
in%tument%2 lo& table%2 map %tencil% o %li!e ule% in%i!e t(e Te%t 4all*
2* Plea%e note t(at mobi2e6&e22 3)one#, 3ager# or an% o$)er &ommuni&a$ion "evi&e ae N5T allo'e! in%i!e t(e
pemi%e% '(ee t(e AICAT i% bein& con!ucte!* Can!i!ate% ae a!+i%e!2 in t(ei o'n intee%t2 not to bin& an0 o- t(e%e
item% to t(e AICAT +enue2 a% aan&ement% -o %a-e.eepin& cannot be a%%ue! 6 &uaantee!* MO7ILE P4ONES
/* C on"u&$ in $)e Te#$ 4a22
1* Plea%e ea! an! abi!e b0 t(e in%tuction% e&a!in& t(e con!uct in t(e te%t (all at t(e be&innin& o- t(e compute ba%e!
2* No can!i!ate %(all loo. 6 cop0 -om t(e compute monito o- an0 ot(e can!i!ate2 no pemit (i%6(e compute
monito to be copie! -om2 no attempt to &i+e o obtain ie&ula a%%i%tance o- an0 !e%ciption*
/* I- an0 can!i!ate mi%be(a+e% o in!ul&e% in !i%o!el0 o impope con!uct %uc( a% (aa%%ment o- Supe+i%o0 Sta--2
(e6%(e 'ill en!e (im%el-6(e%el- liable -o !i%ciplina0 action an! 'ill be pemanentl0 bae! -om ta.in& t(e te%t an!
a%.e! to lea+e t(e 4all*
4* A"mi$ Car"# 9i$)ou$ P)o$o#
Can!i!ate% '(o &ot t(ei a!mit ca!% 'it(out p(oto %(oul! a--i, t(ei pa%%pot %i7e p(oto% an! &et it atte%te! b0 pincipal o- a
colle&e o (ea!ma%te o- (i&( %c(ool% o banc( mana&e o- an0 &o+enment-o'ne! ban.% o !octo%6a!+ocate%6 en&inee%
'o.in& 'it( cental6%tate &o+enment o--ice%* Can!i!ate% ca0in& a!mit ca! 9i$)ou$ a$$e#$a$ion on $)e 3)o$o# 9i22 no$ be
a22o9e" to appea -o t(e te%t*
8* Can!i!ate% comin& 'it(out A!mit Ca! o 'it(out %uppotin& !ocument% li%te! in t(e a!mit ca! 'ill not be allo'e! to appea
-o 'itten te%t*
9* Can!i!ate% '(o (a+e pai! b0 ca%( an! (a+e uploa!e! t(e $PMRDF Cop0$ o- t(e c(allan ae eque%te! to ca0 t(e oi&inal 'it(
t(em -o +ei-ication*
:* Can!i!ate% mu%t %i&n on t(e atten!ance %(eet a% it i% t(e onl0 poo- to claim (i%6(e pe%ence in t(e te%t*
;* T(e eli&ibilit0 citeia -o %election a% a PMRD Fello' %(all be t(e -ollo'in&"
1* All applicant% a&e! bet'een 22-2: 0ea% at t(e time o- application 1t(o%e bon on o be-oe /0t( No+embe 1<<1 an!
bon on o a-te 1%t Decembe1<;83 ae eli&ible* Fo SC an! ST Can!i!ate%" A -i+e 0ea a&e ela,ation i% applicable
in ca%e o- can!i!ate% belon&in& to SC6ST cate&o0 - t(e ma,imum a&e at t(e time o- application i% /2 0ea% 1t(o%e
bon on o be-oe /0t( No+embe 1<<1 an! bon on o a-te 1%t Decembe 1<;13 ae eli&ible*
2* At t(e minimum a &a!uate -om a eco&ni7e! uni+e%it06in%titute 'it( a -ou-0ea !e&ee cou%e2 inclu!in& t(o%e li.e
A&icultue2 Animal 4u%ban!02 =n&ineein&2 >a'2 Me!icine etc*2 o a po%t-&a!uate -om a eco&ni7e! ?ni+e%it06
In%titute 1in ca%e o- a &a!uate (ol!in& !e&ee o- a cou%e !uation o- t(ee 0ea% o le%%3* T(o%e 'it( !e&ee -om
uni+e%itie% out%i!e In!ia t(at ae eco&ni%e! b0 A%%ociation o- In!ian ?ni+e%itie% ae eli&ible* 5nl0 t(o%e can!i!ate%
'(o (a+e complete! all equiement% an! ecei+e! !e&ee ae eli&ible*
/* At lea%t 80@ ma.% in t(e a&&e&ate at t(e &a!uate o Po%t-&a!uate le+el2 '(ic(e+e i% quali-0in&*
An0 in-in&ement o- in%tuction%6eli&ibilit0 equiement% b0 t(e can!i!ate% at an0 point %(all entail !i%ciplina0 action inclu!in&
cancellation o- t(e pe%ent Te%t an! !i%mi%%al -om t(e -ello'%(ip %election poce%%*A Fo an0 queie% plea%e call t(e (elp!e%.
numbe" 022-28828282 1;AM-;PM Mon-Sat3*

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