The document provides an overview of Oracle's Application Integration Architecture (AIA) Foundation Pack for Partners and includes questions and answers on various Oracle products and technologies. Key topics covered include the AIA Foundation Pack components, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 highlights, pricing models, and best practices for handling objections.
The document provides an overview of Oracle's Application Integration Architecture (AIA) Foundation Pack for Partners and includes questions and answers on various Oracle products and technologies. Key topics covered include the AIA Foundation Pack components, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 highlights, pricing models, and best practices for handling objections.
Original Description:
Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1 Financial Management Sales Specialist Assessment
The document provides an overview of Oracle's Application Integration Architecture (AIA) Foundation Pack for Partners and includes questions and answers on various Oracle products and technologies. Key topics covered include the AIA Foundation Pack components, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 highlights, pricing models, and best practices for handling objections.
The document provides an overview of Oracle's Application Integration Architecture (AIA) Foundation Pack for Partners and includes questions and answers on various Oracle products and technologies. Key topics covered include the AIA Foundation Pack components, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 highlights, pricing models, and best practices for handling objections.
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The document discusses Oracle's Application Integration Architecture (AIA) suite and highlights of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 and 12.1, including new features, technologies, and enhancements to improve the user experience.
The three key products that make up Application Integration Architecture (AIA) are Oracle SOA Suite, Oracle BPM Suite, and Oracle B2B.
Changes made to improve the user experience in EBS R12 include redesigning key existing transactions to reduce keystrokes and clicks, drawing from best practices of acquisitions like PeopleSoft.
ction to AIA Foundation Pack for Partners
(Answer all questions in this section) 1. Complete the following statement, Oracle's BPA suite allows Business Users or Analyst to ______________ Business Processes !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 2. Application &ntegration Architecture (A&A) consists of ' (ey Pro)ucts Please select all three !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points Partner Ordering For Oracle Partners (Answer all questions in this section) 3. *ow shoul) you engage the +uote to Or)er ,eam for questions- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 Higligts (Answer all questions in this section) !. &n #%.%, Oracle /ourcing on 0eman) allows organi1ation to optimi1e their strategic sourcing programs 2y pro$i)ing3 !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) ". 4hich are the mo)ules that can 2e )eploye) in a stan)alone manner in 5B/ #%.%- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 Higligts (Answer all questions in this section) #. User Pro)ucti$ity (it (UP() is useful for new implementations only !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points $. &n #elease %., we too" 2est practice user e6perience techniques from acquisitions li"e People/oft an) re)esigne) "ey e6isting transactions to re)uce "eystro"es an) clic"s !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points R12.1 Readiness% Position and &e'o Financials (Answer all questions in this section) (. 4hat is the current state of more Accounts Paya2le &n$oice Processing- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) ). 4hy are 778 of the glo2al C5Os saying the le$el of comple6ity in their organi1ations ha$e increase)- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 1*. 4hat )oes /hare) /er$ice Centres )o- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 + 12.1% ,ecnolog- Higligts (Answer all questions in this section) 11. Oracle Business &ntelligence Pu2lisher creates a more pro)ucti$e en$ironment for 2usiness users 2y !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 12. 4hat is Oracle &ntegration #epository- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 13. 4hich are the 9alue Propositions from the Application ,echnology perspecti$e- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 1!. Oracle /ecure 5nterprise /earch (/5/) allows users search an) fin) what they are loo"ing for in the 5B/ #%.% without "nowing the location !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points O.erco'e Selling O/stacles using Pa-'ent Solutions (Answer all questions in this section) 1". A payment plan is not only a tactical tool for o$ercoming a customer o2stacle, 2ut can also 2e use) proacti$ely to remo$e the large upfront commitment an) the 2u)getary effects of your offer, create a path to the financial 2uyer, an) mitigate a reseller's cre)it an) collections ris" !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points O.erco'e Selling O/stacles using Pa-'ent Solutions (Answer all questions in this section) 1#. Oracle Partners ha$e access to the same payment plan offerings that Oracle sales teams use an) can offer payments not only on Oracle resell 2ut also on their own pro)ucts an) ser$ices- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points Oracle E-Business Suite Financials Release 12.1 Higligts (Answer all questions in this section) 1$. *ow )oes Oracle :inancials support the ;lo2al /hare) /er$ice Operations- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 1(. 4hat are the ma<or initiati$es in the #%. impro$e) :inancials Architecture !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 1). 4hich statement is correct- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 2*. Oracle #ecei$a2les impro$es the Cash :low an) &ncrease 5fficiency 2y !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) A00lications Pricing Presentation (Answer all questions in this section) 21. 4hich of Oracle=s applications pricing mo)els pro$i)es en) users the a2ility to create custom 2un)les 2ase) on their specific user nee)s- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 22. 4hich of Oracle=s applications pricing mo)els allows en)>users to license the )esire) pro)ucts for their entire organi1ation without ha$ing to "eep trac" of specific user licenses, ser$ers or )eployment locations- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 23. 4hich of Oracle=s applications pricing mo)els is its tra)itional a la carte mo)el an) is positione) as the cost effecti$e mo)el for en) users who are implementing a limite) num2er of Oracle pro)ucts for a limite) num2er of use- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points Oracle Pricing 1alculator 1all (Answer all questions in this section) 2!. 4hat are some of the "ey features of the Oracle Partner Pricing Calculator- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 2". 4hen using the Oracle Pricing Calculator partners shoul) always first chec" to see if there is a newer price list a$aila2le to le$erage from the tool- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 &eli.ering 3alue in 4ncertain ,i'es (Answer all questions in this section) 2#. ,he ;lo2al :inancial Architecture in #%. inclu)es to following new features____- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 2$. Benefits )eri$e) from the new ;lo2al :inancial Architecture in #%. inclu)e(s)___- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) &istri/uting Full 4se 5icenses for A00lication 0rogra's (Answer all questions in this section) 2(. 4hich of the following statements are true- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 2). Please choose the most accurate statement from the following regar)ing the )istri2ution of technical support 2y a partner !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 3*. Please choose the most accurate statement regar)ing the :ull Use Program 0istri2ution Agreement from the following3 !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points Oracle6s O0en 7arket 7odel 8O779 (Answer all questions in this section) 31. A net>new opportunity is )efine) as an opportunity at the_____- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 32. :or an O!! #esale opportunity registere) 2y an authori1e) #eseller an) accepte) 2y Oracle, in situations where customer requests a quote from Oracle, the Oracle fiel) sales can- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points O/:ection Handling I (Answer all questions in this section) 33. 4hat are three "ey 2est practices in han)ling prospect or customer o2<ections- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 3!. Prospects or customers will 2e a2le to mo$e to Oracle :usion from their Oracle Applications Unlimite) application offering when they feel the timing is right- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 1. 4hat information are partners require) to inclu)e on their or)er with the en) user- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 2. 4hich two statements are true if the partner )oes not license their en) users pursuant to a license agreement- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 3. Please choose the most accurate statement from the following regar)ing the )istri2ution of technical support 2y a partner !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points Partner Ordering For Oracle Partners (Answer all questions in this section) !. *ow shoul) you engage the +uote to Or)er ,eam for questions- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 + 12.1% ,ecnolog- Higligts (Answer all questions in this section) ". 4hat )i) we change aesthetically to impro$e 2etter user e6perience !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) #. 4hat is Oracle &ntegration #epository- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points $. *ow can the B& applications 2e )eploye) !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) (. Oracle Business &ntelligence Pu2lisher creates a more pro)ucti$e en$ironment for 2usiness users 2y !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) Oracle Pricing 1alculator 1all (Answer all questions in this section) ). 4hen using the Oracle Pricing Calculator partners shoul) always first chec" to see if there is a newer price list a$aila2le to le$erage from the tool- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 1*. 4hat are some of the "ey features of the Oracle Partner Pricing Calculator- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 11. Application &ntegration Architecture (A&A) consists of ' (ey Pro)ucts Please select all three !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 12. Application &ntegration Architecture (A&A) :oun)ation Pac" inclu)es the following core infrastructure tools /elect all the tools !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points O/:ection Handling I (Answer all questions in this section) 13. 4hat are the two 2est ways for to han)le a prospect or customer=s concern or o2<ection that ?Oracle is too 2ig, too large an) too comple6 for mi)si1e) customers=- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 1!. 4hat are three "ey 2est practices in han)ling prospect or customer o2<ections- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) O.erco'e Selling O/stacles using Pa-'ent Solutions (Answer all questions in this section) 1". As )iscusse) a payment plan can 2e use) as a reactionary or tactical tool to remo$e o2stacles in your sales cycle 4hat are the signals from your customer or prospect that show a payment plan may 2e nee)e)- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 11. Application &ntegration Architecture (A&A) consists of ' (ey Pro)ucts Please select all three !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 12. Application &ntegration Architecture (A&A) :oun)ation Pac" inclu)es the following core infrastructure tools /elect all the tools !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points O/:ection Handling I (Answer all questions in this section) 13. 4hat are the two 2est ways for to han)le a prospect or customer=s concern or o2<ection that ?Oracle is too 2ig, too large an) too comple6 for mi)si1e) customers=- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 1!. 4hat are three "ey 2est practices in han)ling prospect or customer o2<ections- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) O.erco'e Selling O/stacles using Pa-'ent Solutions (Answer all questions in this section) 1". As )iscusse) a payment plan can 2e use) as a reactionary or tactical tool to remo$e o2stacles in your sales cycle 4hat are the signals from your customer or prospect that show a payment plan may 2e nee)e)- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 1#. 4hat is the /trategic 9alue of /elling with payments- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 &eli.ering 3alue in 4ncertain ,i'es (Answer all questions in this section) 1$. ,he following mo)ules may e6ist as /tan)alone /olutions that le$erage of %%i%@ 5>Business /uite !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 1(. 5>Business /uite #%. focuse) mainly on___- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) Oracle E-Business Suite Financials Release 12.1 Higligts (Answer all questions in this section) 1). &n ;eneral Ae)ger, we ha$e focuse) on simplifying maintenance an) streamlining processing !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 2*. &n #elease %.% we support payments ma)e to other parties on 2ehalf of the suppliers which is referre) to as ,hir) Party Payments !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 21. 4hat is "ey agen)a for :inance- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 22. *ow )oes Oracle :inancials support the ;lo2al /hare) /er$ice Operations- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) R12.1 Readiness% Position and &e'o Financials (Answer all questions in this section) 23. 4hat are the features in Oracle :inancials that support &:#/- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 2!. 4hat is the current state of more Accounts Paya2le &n$oice Processing- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 2". *ow can we minimi1e our o$erall cost of recei$a2les financing costs- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 2#. &n #elease %., we too" 2est practice user e6perience techniques from acquisitions li"e People/oft an) re)esigne) "ey e6isting transactions to re)uce "eystro"es an) clic"s !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 2$. 4hich are the mo)ules that can 2e )eploye) in a stan)alone manner in 5B/ #%.%- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 2(. 4e ha$e streamline) the sourcing an) On Boar)ing of ,alent 2y intro)ucing the following3 !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 2). 4hich applicationBmo)ule can help retailers or anyone with many 2ranches (eg 2an"s) to ha$e a single source of truth for location information- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points Oracle6s O0en 7arket 7odel 8O779 (Answer all questions in this section) 3*. A net>new opportunity is )efine) as an opportunity at the_____- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 31. :or an O!! #esale opportunity registere) 2y an authori1e) #eseller an) accepte) 2y Oracle, in situations where customer requests a quote from Oracle, the Oracle fiel) sales can- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points A00lications Pricing Presentation (Answer all questions in this section) 32. ,he Oracle 5>Business 0iscount for partners )istri2uting Oracle Applications to mi)si1e en) users is_____- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 33. 4hich of Oracle=s applications pricing mo)els allows en)>users to license the )esire) pro)ucts for their entire organi1ation without ha$ing to "eep trac" of specific user licenses, ser$ers or )eployment locations- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 3!. 4hich of Oracle=s applications pricing mo)els pro$i)es en) users the a2ility to create custom 2un)les 2ase) on their specific user nee)s- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 1. Oracle #ecei$a2les impro$es the Cash :low an) &ncrease 5fficiency 2y !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 2. *ow )oes Oracle :inancials support the ;lo2al /hare) /er$ice Operations- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 3. 4hat are the ma<or initiati$es in the #%. impro$e) :inancials Architecture !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) !. &n ;eneral Ae)ger, we ha$e focuse) on simplifying maintenance an) streamlining processing !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points &istri/uting Full 4se 5icenses for A00lication 0rogra's (Answer all questions in this section) ". 4hich of the following statements are true- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) #. Please choose the most accurate statement regar)ing the :ull Use Program 0istri2ution Agreement from the following3 !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points $. 4hat information are partners require) to inclu)e on their or)er with the en) user- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) O.erco'e Selling O/stacles using Pa-'ent Solutions (Answer all questions in this section) (. Oracle Partners ha$e access to the same payment plan offerings that Oracle sales teams use an) can offer payments not only on Oracle resell 2ut also on their own pro)ucts an) ser$ices- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points ). 4hat is the /trategic 9alue of /elling with payments- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points R12.1 Readiness% Position and &e'o Financials (Answer all questions in this section) 1*. *ow )oes Oracle Paya2les impro$e the Procure>to>Pay process- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 11. 4hat are the common 2usiness practices to re)uce costs- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 12. 4hat are the features in Oracle :inancials that support &:#/- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) Oracle Pricing 1alculator 1all (Answer all questions in this section) 13. 4hat are some of the "ey features of the Oracle Partner Pricing Calculator- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 1!. 4hen using the Oracle Pricing Calculator partners shoul) always first chec" to see if there is a newer price list a$aila2le to le$erage from the tool- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 Higligts (Answer all questions in this section) 1". User Pro)ucti$ity (it (UP() is useful for new implementations only !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 1#. &n a))ition to the o$erall upgra)e $alue proposition, Oracle 2uilt solutions in #elease %.% in a way that can 2e implemente) in a stan) alone or mo)ular fashion !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 1$. ,he new an) impro$e) glo2al financials architecture also ena2les centrali1e) a)ministration of glo2al share) ser$ices !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 1(. 4hich area(s) )i) Oracle focus on in the 5B/ #%. release- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) A00lications Pricing Presentation (Answer all questions in this section) 1). 4hich of Oracle=s applications pricing mo)els is its tra)itional a la carte mo)el an) is positione) as the cost effecti$e mo)el for en) users who are implementing a limite) num2er of Oracle pro)ucts for a limite) num2er of use- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 2*. ,he Oracle 5>Business 0iscount for partners )istri2uting Oracle Applications to mi)si1e en) users is_____- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 21. 4hich of Oracle=s applications pricing mo)els allows en)>users to license the )esire) pro)ucts for their entire organi1ation without ha$ing to "eep trac" of specific user licenses, ser$ers or )eployment locations- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 &eli.ering 3alue in 4ncertain ,i'es (Answer all questions in this section) 22. ,he ;lo2al :inancial Architecture in #%. inclu)es to following new features____- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 23. Benefits )eri$e) from the new ;lo2al :inancial Architecture in #%. inclu)e(s)___- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) O/:ection Handling I (Answer all questions in this section) 2!. Prospects or customers will 2e a2le to mo$e to Oracle :usion from their Oracle Applications Unlimite) application offering when they feel the timing is right- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 2". 4hat are the two 2est ways for to han)le a prospect or customer=s concern or o2<ection that ?Oracle is too 2ig, too large an) too comple6 for mi)si1e) customers=- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 2#. 4hen shoul) you engage the +uote to Or)er team at Oracle Corporation- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 + 12.1% ,ecnolog- Higligts (Answer all questions in this section) 2$. *ow can the B& applications 2e )eploye) !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 2(. 4hich are the 9alue Propositions from the Application ,echnology perspecti$e- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 2). 4hat is Oracle &ntegration #epository- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 3*. 4hat )i) we change aesthetically to impro$e 2etter user e6perience !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points (Choose all correct answers) 31. Application &ntegration Architecture (A&A) :oun)ation Pac" inclu)es the following core infrastructure tools /elect all the tools !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 32. Application &ntegration Architecture (A&A) consists of ' (ey Pro)ucts Please select all three !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points Oracle6s O0en 7arket 7odel 8O779 (Answer all questions in this section) 33. :or an O!! #esale opportunity registere) 2y an authori1e) #eseller an) accepte) 2y Oracle, in situations where customer requests a quote from Oracle, the Oracle fiel) sales can- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 3!. A net>new opportunity is )efine) as an opportunity at the_____- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 1. As )iscusse) a payment plan can 2e use) as a reactionary or tactical tool to remo$e o2stacles in your sales cycle 4hat are the signals from your customer or prospect that show a payment plan may 2e nee)e)- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 1$. Oracle )efines a mi)si1e company as_____- !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points 3!. A prospect may o2<ect that Oracle Application screens are too comple6 an) painful to na$igate 4hat are the "ey items that can 2e )one in a )emo to a$oi) this possi2le o2<ection- (select all that apply) !ar" for #e$iew (%) Points