Logical Fallacies Infographic
Logical Fallacies Infographic
Logical Fallacies Infographic
They're like tricks or illusions of thought, and they're often very sneakily used by politicians, the media, and others to fool people.
Dont be fooled! This poster has been designed to help you identify and call out dodgy logic wherever it may raise its ugly, incoherent head. If you see someone committing a logical fallacy online, link them to the relevant fallacy
to school them in thinky awesomeness e.g. yourlogicalfallacyis.com/strawman. More in-depth explanations and examples of these fallacies can also be found at the website.
This poster is published under a Creative Commons No Derivative Works license 2012 by Jesse Richardson. You are free to print, copy, and redistribute this artwork, including printing and selling for prot, with the binding proviso that you reproduce it in full so that others may share alike. This poster can be downloaded as a high resolution pdf from the website for printing at various sizes.
Misrepresenting or
exaggerating someones
argument to make it easier
to attack.
Cherry-picking data clusters
to suit an argument, or nding
a pattern to t a presumption.
Attacking your opponents
character or personal traits
instead of engaging with
their argument.
Asking a question that has an
assumption built into it so that
it cant be answered without
appearing guilty.
Believing that runs occur to
statistically independent
phenomena such as roulette
wheel spins.
Appealing to popularity or the
fact that many people do
something as an attempted
form of validation.
Where two alternative states
are presented as the only
possibilities, when in fact more
possibilities exist.
A circular argument in which
the conclusion is included in
the premise.
Using the opinion or position
of an authority gure, or
institution of authority, in
place of an actual argument.
Making the argument that
because something is natural
it is therefore valid, justied,
inevitable, or ideal.
Assuming that whats true
about one part of something
has to be applied to all,
or other, parts of it.
Using personal experience or
an isolated example instead of
a valid argument, especially to
dismiss statistics.
Making what could be called
an appeal to purity as a way to
dismiss relevant criticisms or
aws of an argument.
Saying that a compromise,
or middle point, between two
extremes is the truth.
Judging something good
or bad on the basis of where
it comes from, or from
whom it comes.
Using double meanings
or ambiguities of language
to mislead or misrepresent
the truth.
Presuming that a real or
perceived relationship
between things means that
one is the cause of the other.
Presuming that because a
claim has been poorly argued,
or a fallacy has been made,
that it is necessarily wrong.
Manipulating an emotional
response in place of a valid or
compelling argument.
Avoiding having to engage
with criticism by turning it
back on the accuser -
answering them with criticism.
Saying that the burden of proof
lies not with the person
making the claim, but with
someone else to disprove.
Saying that because one nds
something difcult to
understand that its therefore
not true.
Moving the goalposts or
making up exceptions when a
claim is shown to be false.
Asserting that if we allow
A to happen, then Z will
consequently happen too,
therefore A should not happen.