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All University Degrees

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The document lists many common degree abbreviations used in Commonwealth universities.

Degrees ranging from Associate degrees to Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees are listed with their abbreviations.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is mentioned as the highest degree.


Commonwealth University Degree Abbreviations
The Iollowing list oI degree abbreviations and corresponding titles is restricted to
degrees awarded by Commonwealth institutions with chapters in the Yearbook up to
1994 and since 1999, and any degree-granting institutions Iederated to or aIIiliated
with them.
AA Associate in Arts
AM Associate oI Music
AMusD Doctor oI Musical Arts
AMusM Master oI Musical Arts
ASc Associate in Science
BA Bachelor oI Arts/Bachelieres Arts
BAA Bachelier en Administration des AIIaires
Bachelor oI Business Administration
Bachelor oI Applied Arts: And., Ryerson
BA(Administration) Bachelor oI Arts (Public Administration)
BA(Arch) Bachelor oI Arts (Architecture)
BA(ArchStud) Bachelor oI Arts (Architectural Studies)
BA(ArchStudies) Bachelor oI Arts in Architectural Studies
BA(ArtHistCur) Bachelor oI Arts (Art History and Curatorship)
BA(AsSt) Bachelor oI Arts (Asian Studies)
BA(AustS) Bachelor oI Arts (Australian Studies)
BA(AustSt) Bachelor oI Arts (Australian Studies)
BAcc Bachelor oI Accountancy/Accounting
BAcct Bachelor oI Accounting
BAcct(IS) Bachelor oI Accounting (InIormation Systems)
BA(CeramDes) Bachelor oI Arts (Ceramic Design)
BA(Coll) Bachelor oI Arts (Collegiate)
BA(Com) Bachelor oI Arts in Commerce
BA(CombStuds) Bachelor oI Arts in Combined Studies
BA(Comm) Bachelor oI Arts in Communication
BA(CommStud) Bachelor oI Communication Studies
BA(CommStuds) Bachelor oI Arts (Communication Studies)
BACS Bachelor oI Arts Community Studies
BAD Bachelier en Art dramatique
Bachelor in Dramatic Art
BBA Bachelor oI Business Administration
BA(Dance)BEd Bachelor oI Arts (Dance) Bachelor oI Education: New South
BAdEd Bachelor oI Adult Education
BA(Des) Bachelor oI Arts (Design)
BA(DevS) Bachelor oI Arts (Development Studies)
BAdm Bachelier en Administration
Bachelor in Administration
BAdmin Bachelor oI Administration
BAdmnSt Bachelor oI Administrative Studies
BAdVocEd Bachelor oI Adult and Vocational Education
BAdVocTeach Bachelor oI Adult and Vocational Teaching
BA(Econ) Bachelor oI Arts in Economic and Social Studies
BAEd Bachelor oI Arts Education/Bachelor oI Arts in or with
BA(Ed) Bachelor oI Arts (Education)/Bachelor oI Arts in or
with Education
BA(EdTheatre) Bachelor oI Arts (Educational Theatre)
BA(Educ) Bachelor oI Arts (Education)
BA(EducStudies) Bachelor oI Arts in Educational Studies
BAgEc Bachelor oI Agricultural Economics
BA(EurS) Bachelor oI Arts (European Studies)
BA(EurSt) Bachelor oI Arts (European Studies)
BA(EurStud) Bachelor oI Arts (European Studies)
BA(FA) Bachelor oI Arts (Fine Art)
BA(GenStud) Bachelor oI Arts in General Studies
BAgr Bachelor oI Agriculture
BA(GraphDesign) Bachelor oI Arts (Graphic Design)
BAgrEc Bachelor oI Agricultural Economics
BAgrEcon Bachelor oI Agricultural Economics
BAgribus Bachelor oI Agribusiness
BAgric Bachelor oI Agriculture
BAgricAdmin Bachelor oI Agriculture Administration
BAgricEd Bachelor oI Agricultural Education
BAgric(Ed) Bachelor oI Agricultural (Education)
BAgricSc Bachelor oI Agricultural Science(s)
BAgricTech Bachelor oI Agricultural Technology
BAgricultureTech Bachelor oI Agricultural Technology
BAgrSc Bachelor oI Agricultural Science
BAgSc Bachelor oI Agricultural Science
BA(HumServ) Bachelor oI Arts (Human Services)
BAL Bachelor oI Academic Law
BA(Lang) Bachelor oI Arts in Languages
BA(Langs) Bachelor oI Arts (Languages)
BALaw Bachelor oI Academic Law
BALibraryScience Bachelor oI Arts in Library Science
BALS Bachelor oI Arts with Library Studies
BA(LS) Bachelor oI Arts (Library Science)
BAMS Ayurvedacharya Bachelor oI Medicine and Surgery:
Bachelor oI Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery: B'lore.,
DAV, Vikram
Bachelor oI Ayurveda with Medicine and Surgery: Jiw.
Bachelor oI Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery
Bachelor oI Ayurved with Modern Medicine and
Surgery: RDV
BAMus Bachelor oI Arts in Music
BA(Mus) Bachelor oI Arts in Music
BA(NatTour) Bachelor oI Arts (Nature Tourism)
BAnim Bachelor oI Animation: GriII.
BAnimSc Bachelor oI Animal Science
BAO Bachelor oI Obstetrics
BA(OL) Bachelor oI Arts (Oriental Learning)
BAP Bachelier en Architecture paysagiste |Bachelor oI
Landscape Architecture|
BA(Ph) Bachelier es Arts avec mention en Philosophie
|Bachelor oI Arts with Honours in Philosophy|
BA(PolS) Bachelor oI Arts (Policy Studies)
BA(PolSt) Bachelor oI Arts (Police Studies)
BAppComp Bachelor oI Applied Computing
BApplSc Bachelor oI Applied Science
BAppPsych Bachelor oI Applied Psychology
BAppS Bachelor oI Applied Science
BAppSc Bachelor oI Applied Science
BAppSc Bachelor oI Applied Science in Environmental Studies:
James Cook
BAppSc(Ag) Bachelor oI Applied Science (Agriculture)
BAppSc(Agr) Bachelor oI Applied Science in Agriculture
BAppSc(Biol&ChemTech) Bachelor oI Applied Science (Biological and Chemical
BAppSc(ConsSci) Bachelor oI Applied Science (Consumer Science)
BAppSc(DevDis) Bachelor oI Applied Science (Developmental
BAppSc(DisSt) Bachelor oI Applied Science (Disability Studies)
BAppSc(EAM) Bachelor oI Applied Science (Environmental
Assessment and Management)
BAppSc(Hort) Bachelor oI Applied Science in Horticulture
BappSci Bachelor oI Applied Science
BAppSc(MedRadTech) Bachelor oI Applied Science (Medical Radiation
BAppSc(NRMan't) Bachelor oI Applied Science (Natural Resources
BAppSc(SpPath) Bachelor oI Applied Science (Speech Pathology)
BAPrEd Bachelor oI Arts Primary Education
BA(PubAdmin) Bachelor oI Arts in Public Administration
BARB Bachelor oI Arabic
BArc Bachelor oI Architecture
BArch Bachelor oI Architectural Studies/Bachelor oI
Architecture/Bachelier en Architecture
BArchBldg Bachelor oI Architecture and Building
BArchSt Bachelor oI Architectural Studies
BArchStud Bachelor oI Architectural Studies
BArtEd Bachelor oI Art Education
BArtsS Bachelor oI Arts and Science
BArtTh Bachelor oI Art Theory
BAS Bachelor oI Administrative Studies/Architectural
BASc Bachelor oI Applied Science
Bachelor oI Arts and Sciences: Leth.
BASc(CompTech) Bachelor oI Applied Science (Computer Technology)
BASc(MatlEng) Bachelor oI Applied Science (Materials Engineering)
BA(Sec) Bachelor oI Arts (Secretaryship)
BAsianSt Bachelor oI Asian Studies
BAsianStudies Bachelor oI Asian Studies
BA(SocSc) Bachelor oI Arts (Social Science)
BA(SW) Bachelor oI Arts in Social Work
BAustSt Bachelor oI Australian Studies
BAV Bachelier en Arts visuels |Bachelor oI Visual Arts|
BA(VisArt) Bachelor oI Visual Art
BA(VisArts) Bachelor oI Arts (Visual Arts)
BAvn Bachelor oI Aviation
BAvnStud Bachelor oI Aviation Studies
BA(withQTS) Bachelor oI Arts (with QualiIied Teacher Status)
BBA Bachelor oI Business Administration
BBA(Acc&Fin) Bachelor oI Business Administration (Accountancy and
BBA(Law) Bachelor oI Business Administration (Law)
BBAM Bachelor oI Business Administration and Management
BBE Bachelor oI Business Economics
BBehavSc Bachelor oI Behavioural Science
BBehSc Bachelor oI Behavioural Science
BBg&IntFin Bachelor oI Banking and International Finance
BBiomedSc Bachelor oI Biomedical Science
BBiomedicSci Bachelor oI Biomedical Science
BBiot Bachelor oI Biotechnology
BBioTech Bachelor oI Biotechnology
BBld Bachelor oI Building
BBldg Bachelor oI Building
BBldgSurv Bachelor oI Building Surveying
BBldSurv Bachelor oI Building Surveying
BBM Bachelor oI Banking Management: Madr.
Bachelor oI Business Management
BBMedSc Bachelor oI Biomedical Sciences
BBS Bachelor oI Business Studies
BBS&CompSc Bachelor oI Business Studies and Computing Science
BBSc Bachelor oI Behavioural Science: La Trobe
Bachelor oI Building Science: Well.
BBuild Bachelor oI Building
Bachelor oI Applied Science (Building Construction
Management): RMIT
BBuildSurv Bachelor oI Building Surveying
BBus Bachelor oI Business
BBus(AgCom) Bachelor oI Business (Agricultural Commerce)
BBus(AsiaPacSt) Bachelor oI Business (Asia-PaciIic Studies)
BBusCom Bachelor oI Business Communication
BBus(EntDev) Bachelor oI Business (Enterprise Development)
BBus(HospMan) Bachelor oI Business (Hospitality Management)
BBusMgt Bachelor oI Business (Management)
BBus(Mktg) Bachelor oI Business (Marketing)
BBus(Multi) Bachelor oI Business (Multidiscipline)
BBusSt Bachelor oI Business Studies
BBusStud Bachelor oI Business Studies
BBusSys Bachelor oI Business Systems
BBus(Tour&Hosp) Bachelor oI Business (Tourism and Hospitality)
BBus(TourMan) Bachelor oI Business (Tourism Management)
BCA Bachelor oI Commerce and Administration: Well.
Bachelor oI Computer Applications: MCN Journ.
Bachelor oI Creative Arts: S.Qld., W'gong.
BCApSc Bachelor oI Consumer and Applied Sciences
BCar Bachelor oI Cartography
BCB Bachelor oI Computing and Business
BCBE Bachelor oI Commerce in Business Economics
BCE Bachelor oI Civil Engineering
BCE&M Bachelor oI Construction, Engineering and
BCEd Bachelor oI Christian Education
BCh Bachelor oI Surgery
BChD Bachelor oI Dental Surgery
BChE Bachelor oI Chemical Engineering
BChemEngg Bachelor oI Chemical Engineering
BChir Bachelor oI Surgery
BCIS Bachelor oI Computer InIormation Science
BCJ Bachelor oI Communication and Journalism
BCL Bachelor oI Canon Law: Ott., St Paul(Ott.)
Bachelor oI Civil Law
BCM Bachelor oI Commerce and Management: Lincoln (NZ)
Bachelor oI Computer and Mathematical Sciences:
BCMS Bachelor oI Computing and Mathematical Sciences
BCogSc Bachelor oI Cognitive Science
BCom Bachelor oI Commerce/Bachelier en
Commerce/Bachelieres Sciences commerciales
BCom(Acctg) Bachelor oI Commerce (Accounting)
BCom(Ag) Bachelor oI Commerce (Agricultural)
BCom&Arts Bachelor oI Commerce and Arts
BCom(CorpFin) Bachelor oI Commerce (Corporate Finance)
BCom(Ed) Bachelor oI Commerce (Education)
BComEng Bachelor oI Communication Engineering
BCom(H&IM) Bachelor oI Commerce (Hotel and Institutional
BCom(Hort) Bachelor oI Commerce (Horticultural)
BCom(LiberalStud) Bachelor oI Commerce (Liberal Studies)
BComm Bachelor oI Commerce/Baccalaureat en Commerce
BCom(Mngmnt) Bachelor oI Commerce (Management)
BCommEdCommDev Bachelor oI Community Education and Community
BCom(Mktg) Bachelor oI Commerce (Marketing)
BCommStudies Bachelor oI Communication Studies
BComn Bachelor oI Communication
BComp Bachelor oI Computing
BComp(InIoSys) Bachelor oI Computing (InIormation Systems)
BCompSc Bachelor oI Computer/Computing Science
BCompSc&Engg Bachelor oI Computer Science and Engineering
BCompSc(Ed) Bachelor oI Computer Science with Education
BCompSysEng Bachelor oI Computer Systems Engineering
BComputerAppl Bachelor oI Computer Applications
BCom(VPM) Bachelor oI Commerce (Valuation and Property
BConstMgt&Econ Bachelor oI Construction Management and Economics
BConstrEco Bachelor oI Applied Science (Construction
BConstTechnol Bachelor oI Construction Technology
BCop Bachelor oI Co-operation
BCoun Bachelor oI Counselling
BCouns Bachelor oI Counselling
BCS Bachelor oI Child Study: Mt.St.Vin.
Bachelor oI Contemporary Studies: S.Qld.
Bachelor oI Christian Studies: Redeemer RCC
Bachelor oI Computer Science
Bachelor oI Corporate Science: Pondicherry
BCSc Bachelor oI Computer Science
BCSE Bachelor oI Computer Science and Engineering
BCST Bachelor oI Computer Science and Technology
BCSW Bachelor oI Clinical Social Work
BCulT Bachelor oI Cultural Tourism
BCur Baccalaureus Curationis (Nursing)
BCur(IetA) Baccalaureus Curationis (Nursing) (Institutionis et
BCW Bachelor oI Community WelIare
BD Bachelor oI Divinity
Bachelor oI Drama: Marath.
BDA Bachelor oI Development Administration
BDance Bachelor oI Dance
BDC Bachelier en Droit canonique |Bachelor oI Canon Law|
BDentSt Bachelor oI Dental Studies
BDentTher Bachelor oI Dental Therapy
BDes Bachelor oI Design
BDesign Bachelor oI Design
BDesSt Bachelor oI Design Studies
BDesTech Bachelor oI Design Technology
BDevS Bachelor oI Development Studies
BDevSc Bachelor oI Development Science
BDI Bachelier en Design industriel |Bachelor oI Industrial
BDS Bachelor oI Dental Surgery
BDSc Bachelor oI Dental Science
BE Bachelor oI Engineering
Bachelor oI Microelectronic Engineering: GriII.
Bachelor oI Science in Engineering: Sask.
BEAD Bachelor oI Education aIter Degree
BE(Ag) Bachelor oI Engineering (Agriculture)/Bachelor oI
Engineering in Agriculture
BE&A Bachelor oI Architecture and Civil Engineering
BE(App) Bachelor oI Engineering (Applied)
BEc Bachelor oI Economics
BEc(Acc) Bachelor oI Economics (Accounting)
BE(Chem) Bachelor oI Engineering (Chemical Engineering)
BE-Com Bachelor oI Electronic Commerce
BEcon Bachelor oI Economics
BEcon(Ed) Bachelor oI Economics (Education)
BEcon&Fin Bachelor oI Economics and Finance
BEconSc Bachelor oI Economic Science
BECS Bachelor oI Early Childhood Studies
BEc(SocSc) Bachelor oI Economics (Social Sciences)
BED Bachelor oI Environmental Design
BEd Bachelor oI Education/Bachelier en |ac|Education
BEd(AD) Bachelor oI Education (AIter Degree)
BEd(Coll) Bachelor oI Education (Collegiate)
BEd(I) Bachelor oI Education (In-Service)
BEd(JP/P) Bachelor oI Education (Junior Primary/Primary): Flin.
BEd(LangEd) Bachelor oI Education (Language Education)
Bachelier en Pedagogie: Ste-Anne
BEd(Prim) Bachelor oI Education (Primary)
BEDS Bachelor oI Environmental Design Studies
BEd(Sc) Bachelor oI Education (Secondary)
BEd(Sec) Bachelor oI Education (Secondary)
BEd(SecSc) Bachelor oI Education (Secondary Science): Flin.
BEd(SpecEd) Bachelor oI Education (Special Education)
BEdSt Bachelor oI Education(al) Studies
BEdStud Bachelor oI Educational Studies
BEd(Tchg) Bachelor oI Education (Teaching)
BEdTech Bachelor oI Education in Technology
BEd(TESL) Bachelor oI Education (Teaching oI English as a
Second Language)
BEd(UP/LS) Bachelor oI Education (Upper Primary/Lower
BEE Bachelor oI Ecology and Environmental Science: Jain
Bachelor oI Electrical Engineering: Jad.,
BEEL Bachelor oI Engineering in Electrical Engineering
BE(Electronics) Bachelor oI Engineering (Electronics)
BE(FireEngg) Bachelor oI Engineering (Fire Engineering)
BEM Bachelor oI Environmental Management
BEMP Bachelor oI Engineering in Mineral Process
BenEd Baccalaureat en Education |Bachelor oI Education|
BEng Bachelor oI Engineering/Bachelier en G|ac|enie
BEng(Civil) Bachelor oI Engineering (Civil)
BEng&Com Bachelor oI Engineering and Commerce
BEng(CompEng) Bachelor oI Engineering (Computer Engineering)
BEng(Elec) Bachelor oI Engineering (Electrical)
BEng(Elect) Bachelor oI Engineering (Electrical)
BEng(MatlEng) Bachelor oI Engineering (Materials Engineering)
BEng(Mech) Bachelor oI Engineering (Mechanical)
BEngMgt Bachelor oI Engineering and Management
BEngSoc Bachelor oI Engineering and Society
BEngTech Bachelor oI Engineering Technology
BENL Bachelor oI English
BEntMgt Bachelor oI Enterprise Management
BEnvDes Bachelor oI Environmental Design
BEnvEng Bachelor oI Environmental Engineering
BEnvMan Bachelor oI Environmental Management
BEnvMgmt Bachelor oI Environmental Management
BEnvMgt Bachelor oI Environmental Management
BEnvPlan Bachelor oI Environmental Planning
BEnvSc Bachelor oI Environmental Science
BEnvSci Bachelor oI Environmental Science
BEnvTech Bachelor oI Environmental Technology
BEP Bachelier enEducation physique |Bachelor oI Physical
BEPast Bachelier enEtudes pastorales |Bachelor in Pastoral
BES Bachelor oI Electronic Science: Madr.
Bachelor oI Environmental Science/Studies
BesA Baccalaureates Arts |Bachelor oI Arts|
BESc Bachelor oI Engineering Science
BesSc Baccalaureates Sciences |Bachelor oI Science|
BETech Bachelor oI Engineering Technology
BETelE Bachelor oI Electronics and Tele-communication
BExSc Bachelor oI Exercise Science: GriII.
BFA Bachelor oI Fine Art(s)/Bachelier en Arts Visuels
BFA(AH) Bachelor oI Fine Arts in Art History
BFA(ApplArts) Bachelor oI Fine Arts (Applied Arts)
BFarm Bachelor oI Farming
BFin Bachelor oI Finance
BFinAdmin Bachelor oI Financial Administration
BFine Bachelor oI Fine Arts
BFineArts Bachelor oI Fine Arts
BFNAL Bachelor oI First Nations and Aboriginal Counselling:
BFoodSc&Tech Bachelor oI Food Science and Technology
BFor Bachelor oI Forestry
BForestry Bachelor oI Forestry
BForSc Bachelor oI Forestry Science/Forest Science
BFSc Bachelor oI Fisheries Science/Fishery Science
BGL Bachelor oI General Law(s)/Bachelor oI Laws
BGP Bachelier en Gestion des Peches |Bachelor oI Fisheries
BGS Bachelor oI General Studies
BH Bachelor oI Health
BHA Bachelor oI Health Administration
BHB Bachelor oI Human Biology
BHE Bachelor oI Home Economics: Br.Col.
Bachelor oI Human Ecology: Mt.St.Vin.
BHealthSc Bachelor oI Health Sciences(s)
BHealthSc(Nurs) Bachelor oI Health Science (Nursing)
BHEcol Bachelor oI Human Ecology
BHJ Bachelor oI Human Justice
BHK Bachelor oI Human Kinetics
BHlthInIoMan Bachelor oI Health InIormation Management
BHlthSc Bachelor oI Health Science
Bachelor oI Health Science in Nursing: NE
BHlthSc(Nurs) Bachelor oI Health Science in Nursing
BHlthSc(NursSt) Bachelor oI Health Sciences (Nursing Studies)
BHM Bachelor in Hospitality Management: N.Territory
Bachelor oI Hotel Management: M'lore.
BHMS Bachelor oI Homoeopathic/Homoeopathy Medicine and
Surgery/Homoeopathic Medical Science, etc.
BHomeEcon(Ed) Bachelor oI Home Economics (Education)
BHoMgt Bachelor oI Hotel Management
BHort Bachelor oI Horticulture
BHortSc Bachelor oI Horticultural Science
BHos Bachelor oI Hospitality
BHRD Bachelor oI Human Resources Development
BHRM Bachelor oI Human Resources Management
BHS Bachelor oI Health Science
BHSc Bachelor oI Health Science(s)
Bachelor oI Home Science
BHSc(Nut&Diet) Bachelor oI Health Science (Nutrition and Dietetics)
BHSHM Bachelor oI Health Science in Human Movement
BHSM Bachelor oI Health Services Management
BHum Bachelor oI Humanities
BHumanMovement Bachelor oI Human Movement
BHuServ Bachelor oI Human Services
BIA Baccalaureat en InIormatique appliquee |Bachelor in
Data Sciences|
BIB Bachelor oI International Business
BID Bachelor oI Industrial Design: Car.
Bachelor oI Interior Design: Manit.
BIndDes Bachelor oI Industrial Design
BIndgHlth Bachelor oI Indigenous Health
BIndonS Bachelor oI Indonesian Studies
BIndSc Bachelor oI Industrial Science
BIndustrialDesign Bachelor oI Industrial Design
BInI Bachelor oI InIormatics
BInIEnv Bachelor oI InIormation Environments
BInIoSc Bachelor oI InIormation Science
BInIoSys Bachelor oI InIormation Systems
BInIoTech Bachelor oI InIormation Technology: C.Qld., Qld.UT
Bachelor oI InIormation Technology and
Communication: W'gong.
BInITech Bachelor oI InIormation Technology
BIng Bachelier en Ingenierie/Genie |Bachelor oI
BIntAIIMgmt Bachelor oI International AIIairs Management
BIntBus Bachelor oI International Business
BIntDes Bachelor oI Interior Design
BInterComp Bachelor oI Internet Computing
BIntFin Bachelor oI International Finance
BIntSt Bachelor oI International Studies
BIS Bachelor oI Independent Studies: Wat.
Bachelor oI InIormation Systems: St FX
Bachelor oI Islamic Studies: NU Malaysia
BISW Bachelor oI Indian Social Work
BIT Bachelor oI InIormation Technology
BIur Baccalaureus Iuris |Bachelor oI Law|
BJ Bachelor oI Journalism
BJ&MC Bachelor oI Journalism and Mass Communication
BJapS Bachelor oI Japanese Studies
BJC Bachelor oI Journalism and Communication
BJMC Bachelor oI Journalism and Mass Communication
BJourn Bachelor oI Journalism
BJuris Bachelor oI Jurisprudence
BJus&Soc Bachelor oI Justice and Society
BKin Bachelor oI Kinesiology
BL Bachelor oI Law(s)
Bachelier en Loisirs |Bachelor oI Leisure Studies|:
BLA Bachelor oI Landscape Architecture
BLabSt Bachelor oI Labour Studies
BL&A Bachelor oI Laws and Arts
BL&CMS Bachelor oI Laws and Computing and Mathematical
BL&IS Bachelor oI Library and InIormation Science
BL&ISc Bachelor oI Library and InIormation Science
BL&MS Bachelor oI Laws and Management Studies
BLandArch Bachelor oI Applied Science (Landscape Architecture):
Bachelor oI Landscape Architecture: Manc.Met.
BLandInI Bachelor oI Applied Science (Landscape InIormation)
BLandResSc Bachelor oI Land Resource Science
BL&Sc Bachelor oI Laws and Science
BL&Sc(Tech) Bachelor oI Laws and Science (Technology)
BL&SocSc Bachelor oI Laws and Social Sciences
BLArch Bachelor oI Landscape Architecture
BLC Baccalaureus Legum Civilum |Bachelor oI Civil Law|
BLD Bachelor oI Landscape Design
BLE Bachelor oI Labour Education: Colombo
Bachelor oI Land Economy: Aberd.
BLegS Bachelor oI Legal Studies
BLeisSt Bachelor oI Leisure Studies
BLeSt Bachelor oI Leisure Studies
BLib Bachelor oI Library Science
BLib&InISc Bachelor oI Library and InIormation Science
BLibISc Bachelor oI Library and InIormation Science
BLibSc Bachelor oI Library Science
BLibSc&Documentation Bachelor oI Library Science and Documentation
BLibSt Bachelor oI Liberal Studies
BLIM Bachelor oI Library and InIormation Management
BLing Bachelor oI Linguistics
BLIS Bachelor in Library and InIormation Studies: Bot., PNG
Bachelor oI Library (and) InIormation Science
BLISc Bachelor oI Library (and) InIormation Science(s)
BLit Bachelor oI Literature
BLitt Bachelor oI Letters: Birm., Deakin, Melb., W. Aust.
Bachelor oI Literature
BLittComm Bachelor oI Literature and Communication
BLM Bachelor oI Labour Management
BLPA Bachelor oI Legal Policy and Administration
BLS Bachelor oI Legal Studies: La Trobe
Bachelor oI Leisure Studies: Waik.
Bachelor oI Library Science/Studies
BLSc Bachelor oI Library Science
BLST Bachelor oI Land Studies
BLT Bachelor oI Laboratory Technology
BM Bachelor oI Medicine*
BMA Bachelor oI Musical Arts
BMalS Bachelor oI Malay Studies
BMath Bachelor oI Mathematics
BMathComp Bachelor oI Mathematics and Computing
BMC Bachelor oI Mass Communication
BMCJ Bachelor oI Mass Communication and Journalism
BME Bachelor oI Biomedical Engineering: Osm.
Bachelor oI Mechanical Engineering
BMEd Bachelor oI Mathematics Education
BMed Bachelor oI Medicine
BMedBiol Bachelor oI Medical Biology
BMediaSt Bachelor oI Media Studies
BMedSc Bachelor oI Medical Science/Bachelier en Sciences
*At most universities the MB is awarded only in conjunction with a degree oI
Bachelor oI Surgery (eg MB BS), but Ior the purposes oI this list such degrees have
been shown separately.
BMedSci Bachelor oI Medical Science
BMetE Bachelor oI Metallurgical Engineering
BMgmt Bachelor oI Management
BMgmtwithEd Bachelor oI Management with Education
BMgt Bachelor oI Management
BMgt(Acc) Bachelor oI Management (Accountancy)
BMgt(HR) Bachelor oI Management (Human Resources)
BMid Bachelor oI MidwiIery
BMin Bachelor oI Ministry
BMinSc Bachelor oI Mineral Sciences
BM(Jazz) Bachelor oI Music (Jazz)
BMLS Bachelor oI Medical Laboratory Science
BMLSc Bachelor oI Medical Laboratory Science
BMLT Bachelor oI Medical Laboratory Technology
BMm Bachelor oI Multimedia: GriII.
BMM Bachelor oI Multimedia
BMMedia Bachelor oI Marketing and the Media
BMMgt Bachelor oI ManuIacturing Management
BMR Bachelor oI Mental Retardation
BMR(OT) Bachelor oI Medical Rehabilitation (Occupational
BMR(PT) Bachelor oI Medical Rehabilitation (Physical
BMRSc Bachelor oI Medical Record Science
BMS Bachelor oI Management Studies: Waik.
Bachelor oI Mobility Science Ior the Disabled: Madr.
BMSc Bachelor oI Medical Science
BMT Bachelor oI Music Therapy
BMus Bachelor oI Music/Bachelier en Musique
BMusA Bachelor oI Musical Arts
BMusComp Bachelor oI Music (Composition)
BMusEd Bachelor oI Music Education
BMus(Ed) Bachelor oI Music (Education)
BMusEduc Bachelor oI Music (Music Education)
BMus(Education) Bachelor oI Music (Education)
BMusHist Bachelor oI Music (History)
BMusic Bachelor oI Music
BMus(MusEd) Bachelor oI Music in Music Education
BMusPerI Bachelor oI Music (PerIormance)
BMus(PerI) Bachelor oI Music (PerIormance)
BMusT Bachelor oI Music Teaching
BMusTeach Bachelor oI Music Teaching
BMusTh Bachelor oI Music Therapy
BN Bachelor oI Nursing
BNatRes Bachelor oI Natural Resources
BNg Bachelor oI Nursing
BNMT Bachelor oI Nuclear Medicine Technology
BNRS Bachelor oI Natural Resource Science
BNSc Bachelor oI Nursing Science(s)
BNsg Bachelor oI Nursing
BNsg(Psych) Bachelor oI Nursing (Psychiatric)
BNurs Bachelor oI Nursing/Nursing Studies
BNursing Bachelor oI Nursing
BNutDiet Bachelor oI Nutrition and Dietetics
BNYS Bachelor oI Naturopathy and Yogic Science(s)
BOA Bachelor oI OIIice Administration
BOccTher Bachelor oI Occupational Therapy
BOccThy Bachelor oI Occupational Therapy
BOL Bachelor oI Oriental Learning
BOM Bachelor oI OIIice Management
BOptom Bachelor oI Optometry
BOrth&OphthalSc Bachelor oI Orthoptics and Ophthalmic Sciences
BOT Bachelor oI Occupational Therapy
BPA Bachelor oI PerIorming Arts
Bachelor oI Public Administration
BPAS Bachelor oI Physical Activity Studies
BPD Bachelor oI Planning and Design
BPE Bachelor oI Petroleum Engineering: Tech.U.Malaysia
Bachelor oI Physical Education
BPEd Bachelor oI Physical Education
BPES Bachelor oI Physical Education and Sports/Sports
BPH Bachelor oI Public Health
BPh Bachelier en Philosophie |Bachelor oI Philosophy|
BPharm Bachelor oI Pharmacy/Bachelier en Pharmacie
BPharma Bachelor oI Pharmacy
BPharmacy Bachelor oI Pharmacy
BPHE Bachelor oI Physical and Health Education/Bachelier en
Education physique et Hygiene
BPhEd Bachelor oI Physical Education
BPhil Bachelor oI Philosophy
BPhil(As/St) Bachelor oI Philosophy (Asian Studies)
BPhil(Ed) Bachelor oI Philosophy (Education)/Bachelor oI
Philosophy in education
BPhoto Bachelor oI Photography
BPhotog Bachelor oI Photography
BPhT Bachelor oI Physio-Therapy
BPhty Bachelor oI Physiotherapy
BPhysio Bachelor oI Physiotherapy
BPhysiotherapy Bachelor oI Physiotherapy
BPI Bachelor oI Planning
BPL Bachelor oI Personnel Leadership
BPlan Bachelor oI Planning
BPod Bachelor oI Podiatry
BPolicing Bachelor oI Policing
BPopMus Bachelor oI Popular Music
BPP Bachelor in Physical Planning
BPPE Bachelor oI Power Plant Engineering
BPR Bachelor oI Public Relations
BPR&TM Bachelor oI Parks, Recreation and Tourism
BPrimEd Bachelor oI Primary Education
BPrintE Bachelor oI Printing Engineering
BProc Bacculaureus Procurationis
BProdE Bachelor oI Production Engineering
BProISt Bachelor oI ProIessional Studies
BProp Bachelor oI Property
BPropMgt Bachelor oI Property Management
BPs Bachelier en Psychologie |Bachelor oI Psychology|
BPsych Bachelor oI Psychology
BPT Bachelor oI Physical Therapy: Manit.
Bachelor oI Physiotherapy: Pondicherry
BPubAdmin Bachelor oI Public Administration
BQSurv Bachelor oI Quantity Surveying
BRad Bachelor oI Radiology
BRec Bachelor oI Recreation
BRI Bachelor oI Religions oI India
BRLS Bachelor oI Recreation and Leisure Studies
BRM Bachelor oI Recreation Management
BRP Bachelor oI Regional Planning
BRS Bachelor oI Recreation Studies: Manit.
Bachelor oI Resource Studies: Lincoln (NZ)
Bachelor oI Rural Studies
BRSc Bachelor oI Rehabilitation Science
BRTP Bachelor oI Regional and Town Planning
BRTT Bachelor oI Respiratory Therapy Technology
BRurSc Bachelor oI Rural Science
BRurScEd Bachelor oI Rural Science Education
BS Bachelor oI Science: BITS
Bachelor oI Surgery*
BSA Bachelor oI Science in Agriculture
BSAgribus Bachelor oI Science in Agribusiness
BSAM Bachelor oI Shuddha Ayurvedic Medicine
BSc Bachelor oI Science/Bachelier |gr|es Sciences
BScA Bachelieres Sciences Appliquees |Bachelor oI Applied
BSc(Acc&FinMgt) Bachelor oI Science (Accounancy and Financial
BSc(Acct) Bachelor oI Science in Accounting
BSc(Accty&Fin) Bachelor oI Science (Accountancy and Finance)
BSc(ActuarSc) Bachelor oI Science (Actuarial Science)
BScAdmin Bachelor oI Science in Administration
BSc(AE) Bachelor oI Science in Agricultural Engineering
*At most universities an MB is awarded only in conjuction with a degree oI Bachelor
oI Surgery (eg. MB BS) but Ior the purposes oI this list, such degrees have been
shown separately
BScAg Bachelor oI Science (in) Agriculture
BSc(Ag) Bachelor oI Agricultural Science: Purv.
Bachelor oI Science (Agriculture)/Bachelor oI Science
in Agriculture
BScAg&AH Bachelor oI Science Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
BScAgEcon Bachelor oI Science in Agricultural Economics
BSc(AgEd) Bachelor oI Science (Agricultural Education)
BSc(AgEngg) Bachelor oI Science in Agricultural Engineering
BSc(AgEngg&Tech) Bachelor oI Science (Agricultural Engineering and
BScAgr Bachelor oI Science in Agriculture
BSc(Agr) Bachelor oI Science in Agriculture
BSc(AgrEng) Bachelor oI Science in Agricultural Engineering
BScAgri Bachelor oI Science in Agriculture
BSc(Agri) Bachelor oI Science (Agriculture)/Bachelor oI Science
in Agriculture
BScAgric Bachelor oI Science (in) Agriculture
BSc(Agric) Bachelor oI Science (Agriculture)/Bachelor oI Science
in Agriculture
BScAgricEd Bachelor oI Science in Agricultural Education
BScAgricEng Bachelor oI Science in Agricultural Engineering
BSc(AgricEng) Bachelor oI Science (Agriculture Engineering)/Bachelor
oI Science in Agricultural Engineering
BSc(AgricEngin) Bachelor oI Science in Agricultural Engineering
BScAgricTech Bachelor oI Science (Agriculture Technology)
BSc(AgriEngg) Bachelor oI Science in Agricultural Engineering
BScAH Bachelor oI Science in Animal Husbandry
BSc(AnSc) Bachelor oI Science (Animal Science)
BScApp Bachelor oI Applied Science
BScArch Bachelor oI Science in Architecture
BSc(Arch) Bachelor oI Science (Architecture)
BSc(ASR) Bachelor oI Science (Audiology and Speech
BSc(BE) Bachelor oI Science, Built Environment
BSc(BiomedicalSc) Bachelor oI Science in Biomedical Sciences
BSc(BiomedSc) Bachelor oI Science (Biomedical Science)
BSc(Biotech&CellBiol) Bachelor oI Science (Biotechnology and Cell Biology)
BScBldg Bachelor oI Science in Building
BSc(Bldg) Bachelor oI Science (Building)
BSc(BuildingTech) Bachelor oI Science in Building Technology
BSc(BusAdm) Bachelor oI Science in Business Administration
BSc(C&B) Bachelor oI Science in Co-operation and Banking
BSc(CE) Bachelor oI Science in Civil Engineering
BScChemEng Bachelor oI Science in Chemical Engineering
BSc(ChemEngg) Bachelor oI Science in Chemical Engineering
BSc(ChemSc) Bachelor oI Science (Chemical Science)
BSc(ChemTech) Bachelor oI Science in Chemical Technology
BScCivEng Bachelor oI Science in Civil Engineering
BSc(CompE) Bachelor oI Science in Engineering (Computer
BScCompSci Bachelor oI Science in Computer Science
BSc(ComputerSc) Bachelor oI Science in Computer Science
BSc(ConsBiolEcol) Bachelor oI Science (Conservation Biology and
BSc(Const&PropStudies) Bachelor oI Sciences (Construction and Property
BSc(CS) Bachelor oI Science in Computer Science
BScD Bachelor oI Science in Dentistry
BSc(DA) Bachelor oI Science in Data Analysis
BScDent Bachelor oI Science in Dentistry
BSc(Dent) Bachelor oI Science (Dental)
BScDentSc Bachelor oI Science in Dental Science)
BSc(DentSci) Bachelor oI Science (Dental Science)
BScDiet Bachelor oI Science in Dietetics
BSc(Diet) Bachelor oI Science (Dietetics)
BSc(Dietet) Bachelor oI Science in Dietetics
BScDT Bachelor oI Science Dairy Technolgy
BSc(DT) Bachelor oI Science (Dairy Technology)
BScE Bachelor oI Science in Engineering
BScE&Eeng Bachelor oI Science in Electronics and Electrical
BSc(EarthSc) Bachelor oI Science (Earth Sciences)
BScEcon Bachelor in the Faculty oI Economic and Social
Studies/Bachelor oI Science Economics
BSc(Econ) Bachelor oI Science (Economics)/Bachelor oI Science
in Economics
BScEd Bachelor oI Science Education/Bachelor oI Science in
or with Education
BSc(Ed) Bachelor oI Science (Education)/Bachelor oI Science in
or with Education
BSc(Educ) Bachelor oI Science (Education)
BSc(EE) Bachelor oI Science in Electrical Engineering
BSc(Elect) Bachelor oI Science in Electronics
BScEng Bachelor oI Science Engineering
BSc(Eng) Bachelor oI Science (Engineering)/Bachelor oI Science
in Engineering/Bachelor oI Science oI Engineering
BScEngg Bachelor oI Science in Engineering
BSc(Engg) Bachelor oI Science (Engineering)/Bachelor oI Science
(Engineering and Technology)/Bachelor oI Science (in)
BScEngin Bachelor oI Science in Engineering
BSc(Engin) Bachelor oI Science (Engineering)/Bachelor oI Science
in Engineering
BSc(Env) Bachelor oI Science in Environmental Science
BSc(EnvironHealth) Bachelor oI Science in Environmental Health
BScEstMan Bachelor oI Science in Estate Management
BSc(EstMgt) Bachelor oI Science (Estate Management)
BSc(EstMgt&Valn) Bachelor oI Science in Estate Management and
BScF Bachelor oI Science in Forestry/Baccalaur|ac|eat en
Sciences Iorestieres |Bachelor in Forestry|
BSc(F&T) Bachelor oI Science in Food Science and Technology
BScFE Bachelor oI Science in Forest Engineering
BScFisheries Bachelor oI Science in Fisheries
BScFoodSc Bachelor oI Science in Food Science
BSc(FoodSci) Bachelor oI Science (Food Science)
BSc(For) Bachelor oI Science (Forestry)/Bachelor oI Science in
BScForSc Bachelor oI Science in Forestry Science
BSc(FSc) Bachelor oI Science in Food Science
BSc(FSc&Tech) Bachelor oI Science (Food Science and Technology)
BSc(GE) Bachelor oI Science in Geological Engineering
BSc(Geophys) Bachelor oI Science (Geophysical Sciences)
BSc(HB) Bachelor oI Science in Human Biology
BSc(HBP) Bachelor oI Science (Housing, Building and Planning)
BSc(HCE) Bachelor oI Science in Health Care Ethics
BSc(HE) Bachelor oI Science in Human Ecology
BSc(HEc) Bachelor oI Science (Home Economics)/Bachelor oI
Science in Home Economics
BSc(HEd) Bachelor oI Science (in Health Education)
BSc(HK) Bachelor oI Science in Human Kinetics
BSc(Home) Bachelor oI Science (Home)
BScHomeEcon Bachelor oI Science in Home Economics
BSc(HomeEcon) Bachelor oI Science in Home Economics
BSc(HomeEcon&HumanNutr)Bachelor oI Science (Home Economics and Human
BScHomeEconEd Bachelor oI Science in Home Economics Education
BScHomeSc Bachelor oI Science in Home Science
BSc(HomeSc) Bachelor oI Home Science: Vikram
Bachelor oI Science (Home Science)/Bachelor oI
Science in Home Science
BSc(HomeSci) Bachelor oI Science (Home Science)
BSc(Hort) Bachelor oI Science (Horticulture)/Bachelor oI Science
in Horticulture
BSc(Hort&Vit) Bachelor oI Science (Horticulture and Viticulture)
BSc(HS) Bachelor oI Science (Home Science)
BSc(HSc) Bachelor oI Science (Home Science)/Bachelor oI Home
BSci Bachelor oI Science
BSc(IE) Bachelor oI Science in Engineering (Industrial
BSc(IndArts) Bachelor oI Science (Industrial Arts)
BScInI Baccalaureat en Sciences inIirmieres |Bachelor oI
Nursing Science|
BSc(IntRel) Bachelor oI Science in International Relations
BSc(Kin) Bachelor oI Science (Kinesiology)
BSc(LabMed) Bachelor oI Science (Laboratory Medicine)
BSc(LMgt) Bachelor oI Science (Land Management)
BScLS Bachelor oI Science with Library Studies
BSc(LS) Bachelor oI Science (Library Science)
BScM Bachelor oI Science (Medical)
BSc(MarSc) Bachelor oI Science (Marine Science)
BSc(Maths/Stats) Bachelor oI Science (Mathematics/Statistics)
BSc(ME) Bachelor oI Science in Mechanical Engineering
BScMechEng Bachelor oI Science in Mechanical Engineering
BSc(Med) Bachelor oI Science in Medicine/Bachelor oI Science
BScMedSc Bachelor oI Science in Medical Sciences
BSc(MedSc) Bachelor oI Science (Medical Sciences)
BSc(MedSci) Bachelor oI Science (Medical Sciences)
BScMetEng Bachelor oI Science in Metallurgical and Materials
BSc(MLT) Bachelor oI Science in Medical Laboratory
Technology/Bachelor oI Science (Medical Laboratory
BScN Bachelor oI Science in Nursing/Bachelor oI Science
(Nursing)/Baccalaureat en Science inIirmieres
BSc(N) Bachelor oI Science in Nursing/Bachelor oI Science
BSc(NatResMgt) Bachelor oI Science in Natural Resource Management
BSc(NCS) Bachelor oI Science in Nutrition and Consumer Studies
BSc(Neuro) Bachelor oI Science (Neuroscience)
BScNurs Bachelor oI Science Nursing
BSc(Nutr) Bachelor oI Science in Nutrition/Bachelor oI Science
(Nutrition)/Baccalaureates Sciences (Nutrition)
BSc(NutrSc) Bachelor oI Science in Nutritional Sciences
BSc(OccTher) Bachelor oI Science in Occupational Therapy
BS(Communication) Bachelor oI Science (Communication)
BSComputer Bachelor oI Computer Science
BScOptom Bachelor oI Science in Optometry
BScOT Bachelor oI Science Occupational Therapy
BSc(OT) Bachelor oI Science in Occupational Therapy/Bachelor
oI Science (Occupational Therapy)
BScPharm Bachelor oI Science in Pharmacy
BSc(Pharm) Bachelor oI Science (Pharmacy)
BScPhm Bachelor oI Science in Pharmacy
BSc(PHS) Bachelor oI Science (Physical Education, Health
Sciences and Sports)
BScPhysEd Bachelor oI Science in Physical Education
BScPhysio Bachelor oI Science in Physiotherapy
BSc(Physio) Bachelor oI Science Physiotherapy
BSc(PhysTher) Bachelor oI Science in Physical Therapy
BScPN Bachelor oI Science in Psychiatric Nursing
BScPolAd Bachelor oI Science Politics and Administration
BScPolAdmin Bachelor oI Science Politics and Administration
BSc(Pol&AdminStudies) Bachelor oI Science (Political and Administrative
BSc(PolSc) Bachelor oI Science (Political Science)
BSc(ProdEngg) Bachelor oI Science in Production Engineering
BScPsych Bachelor oI Science Psychology
BSc(Psych) Bachelor oI Science (Psychology)
BScPsych&CompSc Bachelor oI Science Psychology and Computing
BSc(Psychol) Bachelor oI Science (Psychology)
BScPT Bachelor oI Science Physiotherapy
BSc(PT) Bachelor oI Science in Physical Therapy/Bachelor oI
Science (Physical Therapy)
BSc(PubAdm) Bachelor oI Science in Public Administration
BScQtySurv Bachelor oI Science in Quantity Surveying
BSc(RDS) Bachelor oI Science (Rural Development Science)
BSc(Rem) Bachelor oI Science (Resource and Environmental
BScrPr Bachelor oI Science in Screen Production in Digital
Media: GriII.
BScRUP Bachelor oI Science in Rural and Urban Planning
BSc(Seri) Bachelor oI Science (Sericulture)
BScSoc Bachelor oI Science Sociology/Bachelier en Sciences
sociales |Bachelor oI Social Sciences|
BSc(Soc) Bachelor oI Science (Sociology)
BScSocRehab Bachelor oI Science Social Rehabilitation
BSc(SocSc) Bachelor oI Science (Social Science)/Bachelor oI
Science (Social Sciences)
BSc(SocScs) Bachelor oI Science (Social Sciences)
BSc(SocWk) Bachelor oI Science (Social Work)
BSc(SpaceSc) Bachelor oI Science (Space Science)
BSc(Sp&HearSc) Bachelor oI Science in Speech in Hearing Sciences
BScST Bachelor oI Science Speech Therapy
BScSurv Bachelor oI Science Survey
BSc(Surv) Bachelor oI Science (Surveying)
BScTech Bachelor oI Science Technology
BSc(Tech) Bachelor oI Science (Technology)
BScTechEd Bachelor oI Science in Technical Education
BSc(TechEd) Bachelor oI Science (Technical Education)
BScTech(MgtTech) Bachelor oI Science Technology (Management
BScTech(Textiles) Bachelor oI Science in Textiles Technology
BSc(TP) Bachelor oI Science in Town Planning
BSc(Vet) Bachelor oI Science (Veterinary)
BSc(VetSc) Bachelor oI Science in Veterinary Science
BSc(VetSci) Bachelor oI Science (Veterinary Science)
BScWoodSc Bachelor oI Science in Wood Science
BSc(WoolSc) Bachelor oI Science in Wool Science
BSEd Bachelor oI Science (with) Education
Bachelor oI Special Education: JMI
BS(Env) Bachelor oI Science (Environment)
BServSoc Bachelier en Service social |Bachelor oI Social Work|
BSecEd Bachelor oI Secondary Education
BSF Bachelor oI Science in Forestry
Bachelor oI Science in Food Science: Acad.
BSG Bachelor oI Science (General): Acad.
BSH Bachelor oI Science in Nutrition and Home Economics
BSH&PE Bachelor oI Sports Humanities and Physical Education
BSL Bachelor oI Science in Language/Bachelier en Science
du Langage
BSLT Bachelor oI Speech and Language Therapy
BSM Bachelor oI Sport Management
BSN Bachelor oI Science in Nursing
Bachelor oI Science in Nutrition: Acad.
BSocAdmin Bachelor oI Social Administration
BSocPg Bachelor oI Social Planing
BSocSc Bachelor oI Social Science(s)/Bachelier en Sciences
BSocSci Bachelor oI Social Science(s)
BSocSc(Govt&Laws) Bachelor oI Social Science (Government and Laws)
BSocWelI Bachelor oI Social WelIare
BSocWk Bachelor oI Social Work
BSocWorkMgt Bachelor oI Social Work Management
BSP Bachelor oI Science in Pharmacy
BSPE Bachelor oI Science in Physical Education
BSpecEd Bachelor oI Special Education
BSpEd Bachelor oI Special Education
BSp&HTher Bachelor oI Speech and Hearing Therapy
BSpPath Bachelor oI Speech Pathology
BSpSc Bachelor oI Sports Science
BSResEcon Bachelor oI Science in Resource Economics
BSS Bachelor oI Social Science(s)
Bachelier en Service social |Bachelor oI Social Work|:
BSSc Bachelor oI Social Science
BStat Bachelor oI Statistics
BSurv Bachelor oI Surveying
BSW Bachelor oI Social WelIare/Bachelor oI Social
Work/Bachelier en Service social
BT Bachelor oI Teaching
Bachelor oI Theatre: James Cook
BTA Bachelor oI Theatre Arts
BTch Bachelor oI Teaching
BTchg Bachelor oI Teaching
BTeach Bachelor oI Teaching
BTeach(EC) Bachelor oI Teaching (Early Childhood)
BTeach(FET) Bachelor oI Teaching (Further Education and Training)
BTech Bachelor oI Technology
Bachelor oI Technology (Dairy Technology): NDRI
BTech(AgEngg) Bachelor oI Technology (Agricultural Engineering)
BTech(AgrEngg) Bachelor oI Technology (Agricultural
Engineering)/Bachelor oI Technology in Agricultural
BTech(AgriEngg) Bachelor oI Technology (Agricultural Engineering)
BTech(AgrilEngg) Bachelor oI Technology(Agricultural Engineering)
BTech(Aquaculture) Bachelor oI Technology (Aquaculture)
BTech(Biotech) Bachelor oI Technology (Biotechnology)
BTechEd Bachelor oI Technical/Technological/Technology
BTech(Ed) Bachelor oI Technology with Education
BTech(Ecot) Bachelor oI Technology (Ecotourism)
BTechFAA Bachelor oI Technology (Fine and Applied Arts)
BTech(Forens&AnalytChem)Bachelor oI Technology (Forensic and Analytical
BTech(HomeSc) Bachelor oI Technology (Home Science)
BTech(IndDesign) Bachelor oI Technology (Industrial Design)
BTechMan Bachelor oI Technology Management
BTechManag Bachelor oI Technology Management
BTechMgmt Bachelor oI Technology Management
BTechnol Bachelor oI Technology
BTech(Text) Bachelor oI Technology (Textiles)
BTechURP Bachelor oI Technology (Urban and Regional
BText Bachelor oI Textiles
BTextE Bachelor oI Textile Engineering
BText(Engg) Bachelor oI Textiles (Engineering)
BText(Tech) Bachelor oI Textiles (Technology)
BTh Bachelor oI Theology/Bachelier en Th|ac|eologie
BTheol Bachelor oI Theology
BTHM Bachelor oI Tourism and Hospitality Management
BThO Bachelor oI Occupational Therapy
BThPast Bachelor oI Theologie pastorale |Bachelor in Pastoral
BTour Bachelor oI Tourism
BTP Bachelor oI Town and Country Planning: Manc.
Bachelor oI Town Planning: NSW
BTrad Bachelier en Traduction |Bachelor oI Translation|
BTRP Bachelor oI Town and Regional Planning
BTS Bachelor oI Tourism Studies: Brock
BTSM Bachelor oI Tourism and Services Management
BUMS Bachelor oI Unani and Master oI Surgery: BBA Bihar
Bachelor oI Unani Medicine and Surgery
BUniv Bachelor oI the University
BUrbRegPlan Bachelor oI Urban and Regional Planning
BURP, BU&RP Bachelor oI Urban and Regional Planning
BVA Bachelor oI Visual Arts
BVBiol Bachelor oI Veterinary Biology
BVetMed Bachelor oI Veterinary Medicine
BVisSc Bachelor oI Vision Science
BVM Bachelor oI Veterinary Medicine
BVM&S Bachelor oI Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
BVMS Bachelor oI Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
BVocEd Bachelor oI Vocational Education
BVocEd&Train Bachelor oI Vocational Education and Training
BVSc Bachelor oI Veterinary Science
BVSc&AH Bachelor oI Veterinary Science(s) and Animal
BV/TE Bachelor oI Vocational/Technical Education
BV/TEAD Bachelor oI Vocational/Technical Education aIter
ChB*Bachelor oI Surgery
|t16|*|I2|See|I1| Iootnote on p.000
ChM Master oI Surgery
ClinPsyD Doctor oI Clinical Psychology
CM** Master oI Surgery
|t16||su|as||as||Awarded only in conjunction with the degree oI MD.
D|dd| Doctor oI the University
|t16||dd|Appears only in the Iorm Hon.D (Honorary Doctor)
DA Doctor oI Arts/Docteur |gr|es Arts
DAgrSc Doctor oI Agricultural Science
DAppSc Doctor oI Applied Science
DArch Doctor oI Architecture
DArt Doctor oI Art
DArts&Science Doctor oI Arts and Science
DBA Doctor oI Business Administration
DC Doctor oI Chiropractic
DCA Doctor oI Creative Arts
DCh Doctor oI Surgery
DChD Doctor oI Dental Surgery
DCL Doctor oI Canon Law: St John's(Manit.), St Paul(Ott.)
Doctor oI Civil Law(s)/Docteur en Droit civil
DClinPsy Doctor oI Clinical Psychology
DClinPsych Doctor oI Clinical Psychology
DClinPsychol Doctor oI Clinical Psychology
DCnL Doctor oI Canon Law
DCom Doctor oI Commerce
DComm Doctor oI Commerce
DCounPsych Doctor oI Counselling Psychology
DD Doctor oI Divinity
DDC Doctorate en Droit canonique |Doctor in Canon Law|
DDent Doctor oI Dentistry
DDes Doctor oI Design
DDM Doctor oI Dental Medicine
DDS Doctor oI Dental Surgery
DDSc Doctor oI Dental Science
DE Doctor oI Engineering
DEc Doctor oI Economics
DEcon Doctor oI Economics/Docteur en |ac|Economie
DEd Doctor oI Education
DEduc Doctor oI Education
DEng Doctor oI Engineering
DEngg Doctor oI Engineering
DenHist Docteur en Histoire |Doctor in History|
DenHum Docteur en Humanite |Doctor in Humanities|
DES Doctor oI Environmental Studies
D|gr|esLDocteur |gr|es Lettres |sl|Doctor oI Letters|sr|
DFA Doctor oI Fine Arts
DForSc Doctor oI Forest Science
DHumanities Doctor oI Humanities
DHumL Doctor oI Humane Letters
DJur Doctor oI Jurisprudence
DLetters Doctor oI Letters
DLit Doctor oI Letters: Benin, Dib.
Doctor oI Literature
DLit(Ed) Doctor oI Literature (Education)
DLitt Doctor oI Letters
Doctor oI Letters ('earned' degree) or Doctor oI
Literature (hon. degree): Madr., Sask.
Doctor oI Literature: R.Bhar., S.Bank
Doctor oI Literature |Desikottama: VB|
Doctor oI Literatures: Laur.
DLitt(Ayurved) Doctor oI Literature (Ayurved)
DLittS Doctor oI Sacred Letters
DLS Doctor oI Sacred Letters
DM Doctor oI Medicine
DMA Doctor oI Musical Arts
DMath Doctor oI Mathematics
DMD Doctor oI Dental Medicine/Docteur en Medecine
DMedSc Doctor oI Medical Science
DMet Doctor oI Metallurgy
DMid Doctor oI MidwiIery
DMin Doctor oI Ministry
DMus Doctor oI Music/Docteur en Musique
DMV Docteur en Medecine veterinaire |Doctor oI Veterinary
DN Doctor oI Nursing
DNatRes Doctor oI Natural Resources
DNurs Doctor oI Nursing
DOL Doctor oI Oriental Learning
DOrgDyn Doctor oI Organisational Dynamics
DPaed Doctor oI Educational Studies
DPE Doctor oI Physical Education
DPh Doctor oI Philosophy/Docteur en Philosophie
DPharm Doctor oI Pharmacy
DPhil Doctor oI Philosophy
DPL Doctor oI Personnel Leadership
DPolSc Doctor in Political Science/Docteur en Sciences
DProI Doctor oI ProIessional Studies
DPs Docteur en Psychologie |Doctor oI Psychology|
DPsych Doctor oI Psychology
DPsychol Doctor oI Psychology
DPublicHealth Doctor oI Public Health
Dr Doctor
DResMgt Doctor oI Resource Management
DrFA Doctor oI Fine Arts
DrPH Doctor oI Public Health
DRurSc Doctor oI Rural Science
DS Doctor oI Surgery
DSc Doctor oI Science/Docteures Sciences
DScAdm Docteur en Sciences de l'Administration |Doctor oI
Business Administration|
DScAgr Doctor oI Science in Agriculture
DSc(Agric) Doctor oI Science in Agriculture
DScBusAd Doctor oI Science in Business Administration
DSc(BusAd) Doctor oI Science (Business Administration)
DScDiet Docteur en Sciences dietetiques |Doctor oI Science in
DScEcon Doctor in the Faculty oI Economic and Social Studies:
Doctor oI Science in Economics: Syd.
DSc(Econ) Doctor oI Science (Economics)/Doctor oI Science in
DSc(Eng) Doctor oI Science (Engineering)
DSc(Engg) Doctor oI Science (Engineering)
DScFor Doctor oI Science in Forestry/Docteur en Sciences
DScience Doctor oI Science
DSc(Med) Doctor oI Science (Medicine)
DScMil Doctor oI Military Science
DSc(PH) Doctor oI Science (Public Health)
DScSoc Docteur en Sciences sociales |Doctor oI Social
DSc(SocSci) Doctor oI Science in Social Sciences
DScTech Doctor oI Technical Science
DSLitt Doctor oI Sacred Letters
DSocSc Doctor oI Social Science(s)
DSSc Doctor oI Social Science
DST Doctor oI Sacred Theology
DSurg Doctor oI Surgery
DSW Doctor oI Social Work
DTech Doctor oI Technology
Doctor oI Technology and Engineering: Kanpur
DTh Doctor oI Theology/Docteur en Theologie
DU Doctor oI the University/Docteur de l'Universite
DUniv Doctor oI the University
DVetMed Doctor oI Veterinary Medicine
DVetSc Doctor oI Veterinary Science
DVM Doctor oI Veterinary Medicine
DVM&S Doctor oI Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
DVMS Doctor oI Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
DVS Doctor oI Veterinary Surgery
DVSc Doctor oI Veterinary Science
EdD Doctor oI Education
EMBSEuropean Master in Business Studies: Wales
EngD Doctor oI Engineering
EngDipEngineering Diplomate
IMBA Master oI International Business Administration
IntlMBA International Master oI Business Administration
JSD Juris Scientiae Doctor |Doctor in the Science oI Law|
LHD Doctor oI Humane Letters
LitD Doctor oI Literature
LittD Doctor oI Letters
Doctor oI Literature: Auck., Otago
LLB Bachelor oI Law General, Bachelor oI Law
ProIessional: Bundel.
Bachelor oI Law(s)/Bachelier en Droit
Bachelor oI Legislative Law: G.Ghasidas, Kuvempu
Bachelier en Droit coutumier |Bachelor oI Common
Law|: Moncton
LLB/LP Bachelor oI Law and Legal Practice: Flin.
LLD Doctor oI Law(s)/Docteur en Droit
LLL Licentiate oI Law/Licencie en Droit
LLM Master oI Law(s)/Maitre en Droit
LLM(Comm) Master oI Laws (Commercial)
LLM(Comp) Master oI Laws (Companies and Securities)
LLM(Env) Master oI Laws (Environmental)
LLM(HR) Master oI Laws (Human Rights)
LLM(PRCCommL) Master oI Laws (Peoples Republic oI China
Commercial Law)
LScCompt Licencie en Sciences comptables |Licentiate oI
LTh Licencie en Theologie |Licentiate or Master oI
MA Master oI Arts/Maitre es Arts
MAAdmin Master oI Arts in Administration
MAAncHist Master oI Arts in Ancient History
MAAppL Master oI Arts in Applied Linguistics
MA(ApplLing) Master oI Arts (Applied Linguistics)
MA(AppSocRes) Master oI Arts (Applied Social Research)
MA(AppSocSci) Master oI Arts (Applied Social Science)
MA(ArtGall&MusStud) Master oI Arts (Art Gallery and Museum Studies)
MAASL Master oI Arabic as a Second Language
MAAustSt Master oI Arts in Australian Studies
MAC Master oI Art Conservation
MAcc Master oI Accountancy/Accounting
Master oI Business (Accountancy): RMIT
MA(ChineseStud) Master oI Arts (Chinese Studies)
MA(CL) Master oI Arts in Canon Law
MACTLL Master oI Arts in Computers, Technology and
Language Learning
MA(DC) Maitre es Arts en Droit canonique |Master oI Arts in
Canon Law|
MadEd Master oI Adult Education
MA(DevSt) Master oI Arts in Development Studies
MAdmin Master oI Administration
MAdminLead Master oI Administrative Leadership
MA(Drama/ScreenSt) Master oI Arts (Drama/Screen Studies)
MA(DS) Master oI Arts in Development Studies
MAdVocTeach Master oI Adult and Vocational Teaching
MA(Econ) Master oI Arts in Economic and Social Studies
MA(Econ)Soc Master oI Arts in Economic and Social Studies in
MAEd Master oI Arts in Education/Maitre es Arts en
MA(Ed) Master oI Arts (Education)/Master oI Arts in Education
MA(EdMgt) Master oI Arts (Educational Management)
MA(EnglLang) Master oI Arts (English Language)
MA(EngStud) Master oI Arts (English Studies)
MA(EnvirImpAssMan) Master oI Arts (Environmental Impact Assessment and
MAEPM Master oI Arts (Educational Planning and Management)
MAES Master oI Applied Environmental Studies
MA(FA) Master oI Arts (Fine Arts)
MAg Master oI Agriculture
MAgedServMgt Master oI Aged Services Management
MAgr Master oI Agriculture
MAgrEc Master oI Agricultural Economics
MAgrEcon Master oI Agricultural Economics
MAgrEconSt Master oI Agricultural Economic Studies
MAgric Master oI Agriculture
MAgricAdmin Master oI Agricultural Administration
MAgricSc Master oI Agricultural Science
MAgrS Master oI Agricultural Studies
MAgrSc Master oI Agricultural Science
MAgrSt Master oI Agricultural Studies
MAgSc Master oI Agricultural Science
MA(HE) Master oI Arts in Human Ecology
MA(HEcEd) Master oI Arts in Home Economics Education
MAHistSt Master oI Arts in Historical Studies
MA(IntRel) Master oI Arts (International Relations)
MAJIT Master oI Arts in Japanese Interpreting and Translation
MA(JusSt) Master oI Arts (Justice Studies)
MAL Master oI Arts in Liberal Studies
MA(Lang) Master oI Arts in Languages
MA(LD) Master oI Arts (Landscape Design)/in Landscape
MA(LM) Master oI Arts in Landscape Management
MAM Master oI Administrative Management
MA(Miss) Master oI Arts in Mission Studies/Maitre es Arts en
Sciences missionnaires
MAnaes Master oI Anaesthesiology
MAP Maitre en Administration publique |aster oI Public
MA(Ph) Master oI Arts in Philosophy/Maitre es Arts en
MAPhil Master oI Arts in Philosophy
MAppComp Master oI Applied Computing
MAppEc Master oI Applied Economics
MAppFin Master oI Applied Finance
MAppliedEconomics Master oI Applied Economics
MAppLing Master oI Applied Linguistics
MA(AppLing) Master oI Arts (Applied Linguistics)
MAppL(LT) Master oI Arts in Applied Linguistics (Language
MApplSc Master oI Applied Science
MApplSci Master oI Applied Science in Aquaculture
MAppL(TESOL) Master oI Arts in Applied Linguistics (TESOL)
MAppPsych Master oI Applied Psychology
MAppSc Master oI Applied Science
MAppSci Master oI Applied Science
MAppSci(OHS) Master oI Applied Science (Occupational Health and
MAppStat Master oI Applied Statistics
MAPs Maitre es Arts en Psychologie |Master oI Arts in
MAQ Master oI Aquaculture
MAq Master oI Aquaculture
MArAd Master oI Archive Administration
MArch Master oI Architecture/Maitre en Architecture
MArchDes Master oI Architectural Design
MArchivAdmin Master oI Archives Administration
MArchSt Master oI Architectural Studies
MArchStudies Master oI Architectural Studies
MARLSt Master oI Arts in Russian Language Studies
MArt Master oI Art
MArtEd Master oI Art Education
MArtTh Master oI Art Theory
MAS Master oI Applied Statistics/Architectural Studies
Master oI Archival Studies: Br.Col.
MASA Master oI Advanced Studies in Architecture
MASc Master oI Applied Science(s)/Maitre es Sciences
Master oI Ayurvedic Science: Poona
MA(SEAsianStud) Master oI Arts (South East Asian Studies)
MA(SocSci) Master oI Arts (Social Sciences)
MA(SP) Master oI Arts in School Psychology
MAStRel Master oI Arts in Studies in Religion
MAStTh Master oI Arts in Studies in Theology
MA(SW) Master oI Arts (Social Work)
MAT Master oI Arts in Teaching
Master oI Teaching (French): Dal.
MA(T) Master oI Arts in Teaching
MATDR Maitre en Amenagement du Territoire et Developement
regional |Master in Land Planning and Regional
MA(Th) Master oI Arts in Theology/Maitre es Arts en Theologie
MA(Theol) Master oI Arts in Theology
MAud Master oI Audiology
MA(UrbDesReg) Master oI Arts (Urban Design and Regeneration)
MA(UrbPlanDev) Master oI Arts (Urban Planning and Development)
MAustStudies Master oI Australian Studies
MAvMgt Master oI Aviation Management
MA(WomSt) Master oI Arts (Women's Studies)
MB *Bachelor oI Medicine
|t16|* At most universities the MB is awarded only in conjunction with a degree oI
Bachelor oI Surgery (|I2|eg|I1| MB BS), but Ior the purposes oI this list such degrees
have been shown separately.
MBA Master oI Business Administration/Maitre en
Administration/Maitre en Administration
d'AIIaires/Maitre en Administration des AIIaires
Master oI Business Management: Purv.
MBA(Acc) Master oI Business Administration (Accountancy)
MBA(B&F) Master oI Business Administration (Banking and
MBA(BusLaw) Master oI Business Administration (Business Law)
MBAcc Master oI Business and Accounting
MBA(HosptyMgt) Master oI Business Administration (Hospitality
MBA(HTM) Master oI Business Administration (Hospitality and
Tourism Management)
MBA(MgtoIIT) Master oI Business Administration (Management oI
InIormation Technology)
MBA(MOT) Master oI Business Administration (Management oI
MBankFin Master oI Banking and Finance
MBA(StratMgt) Master oI Business Administration (Strategic
MBdgSc Master oI Building Science
MBE Master oI Business Education
MBEM Master oI Building Engineering and Management
MBEnv Master oI the Built Environment: Technol.Syd.
Master oI the Built Environment (Building
Conservation): NSW
MBF Master oI Business Finance
MBioeth Master oI Bioethics
MBiomedE Master oI Biomedical Engineering
MBiotech Master oI Biotechnology
MBIS Master in Business InIormation Systems
MBJ Master oI Broadcast Journalism
MBldg Master oI Building
MBldgSc Master oI Building Science
MBM Master oI Bank Management: Alagappa
Master oI Business Management
MBS Master oI Business Statistics: Alld.
Master oI Business Studies
MBSc Master oI Behavioural Science: La Trobe
Master oI Building Science: Well.
Master in Business Science: Manc.
MBSI Maitre en Bibliotheconomie et Sciences de
l'InIormation |Master in Librarianship and InIormation
MBuild Master oI Building
MBuildSurv Master oI Building Surveying
MBus Master oI Business
MBus(Acc) Master oI Business (Accounting)
MBus(Bkg&Fin) Master oI Business (Banking and Finance)
MBus(InIoTec) Master oI Business (InIormation Technology)
MBus(IT) Master oI Business (InIormation Technology)
MBus(MIgMgt) Master oI Business (ManuIacturing Management)
MBus(Mktg) Master oI Business (Marketing)
MBus(Res) Master oI Business (Research)
MBusSys Master oI Business Systems
MCA Master oI Commerce and Administration: Well.
Master oI Communication Arts: Ib.
Master oI Computer Application(s)/Master oI Computer
Science and Application(s)
Master oI Correctional Administration/Maitre en
Administration correctionnelle: Ott.
Master oI Creative Arts: James Cook, W'gong.
MCApSc Master oI Consumer and Applied Sciences
MCC Master oI Community Care
MCCCL Master oI Communications, Culture and Cyber Law
MCD Master oI Civic Design: Liv.
Master oI Clinical Dentistry: Brist.
MCDH Master oI Community Dental Health
MCE Master oI Civil Engineering
MCEd Master oI Continuing Education
MCH Master oI Community Health
MCh Master oI Plastic Surgery: Delhi, Nag.
Master oI Surgery/Magister Chirurgiae/Master oI
Chirurgery, Chirurgy, etc.
MChE Master oI Chemical Engineering
MChem Master oI Chemistry
MChemEng Master oI Chemical Engineering
MChemEngg Master oI Chemical Engineering
MChemPhys Master oI Chemical Physics
MChemPST Master oI Chemistry, Polymer Science and Technology
MChir Master oI Surgery
MChiroprac Master oI Chiropractic
MCJ Master oI Communication and Journalism
MCL Master oI Canon Law: Ott., St Paul(Ott.)
Master oI Civil Law: McG.
Master oI Commercial Law: Macq.
Master oI Comparative Law: Qld., Delhi, IIU(Malaysia)
MClD Master oI Clinical Dentistry
MClinAudiology Master oI Clinical Audiology
MClinB Master oI Clinical Biochemistry
MClinN Master oI Clinical Nursing
MClinPharm Master oI Clinical Pharmacy
MClinPrac Master oI Applied Science (Clinical Practice)
MClinPsych Master oI Clinical Psychology
MClinPsychol Master oI Clinical Psychology
MClinRehab Master oI Clinical Rehabilitation
MClinSc Master oI Clinical Science
MClSc Master oI Clinical Science
MCM Master oI Commerce and Management: Lincoln (NZ)
Master oI Computer Management: Shiv.
MCMS Master oI Computing and Mathematical Sciences
MCN Master oI Community Nutrition
MCogSc Master oI Cognitive Science
MCom Master oI Commerce
MCom(Ag) Master oI Commerce (Agricultural)
MComDent Master oI Community Dentistry
MComHlth Master oI Community Health
MComLaw Master oI Commercial Law
MCommH Master oI Community Health
MComms Master oI Communications
MCommStudies Master oI Communication Studies
MComN Master oI Community Nursing
MComnDes Master oI Communication Design
MComp Master oI Computing
MCompLaw Master oI Comparative Law
MCompSc Master oI Computer Science
MCompSc&Engg Master oI Computer Science and Engineering
MCompStud Master oI Computing Studies
MComputerScience Master oI Computer Science
MConSc Master oI Conservation Science
MConstMgt Master oI Construction Management
MCorporateLaw Master oI Corporate Law
MCouns Master oI Counselling
MCounsHS Master oI Counselling and Human Services
MCP Master oI City Planning
MCPP Master oI Child Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
MCPR Master oI Communication and Public Relations
MCrim Master oI Criminology
MCrimJust Master oI Criminal Justice
MCritCareN Master oI Critical Care Nursing
MCRP Master oI City and Regional Planning
MCS Master oI Communications Studies: Calg.
Master oI Computer Science
Master oI Corporate Secretaryship: Alagappa
MCS-CC Master oI Computer Sciences -- Conversion
McurrSt Master oI Curriculum Studies
MD Doctor oI Medicine/Docteur en M|ac|edecine
Doctor oI Medicine and Surgery: Malta
MDA Master oI DeIence Administration
MDance Master oI Dance
MD(Ay) Doctor oI Medicine (Ayurved)/Doctor oI Medicine
(Ayurveda)/Doctor oI Medicine in Ayurveda
MD(Ayu) Doctor oI Medicine (Ayurved)/Doctor oI Medicine in
MD(Ayur) Doctor oI Medicine (Ayurved)/(Ayurvedic)
MDC Master oI Developmental Communication: Gujar.
Maitre en Droit canonique/Master in Canon Law
MD(Card) Doctor oI Medicine (Cardiology)
MDE Master oI Development Economics
MDeIStudies Master oI DeIence Studies
MDent Master oI Dentistry
MDentSc Master oI Dental Science
MDentSci Master oI Dental Science
MDes Master oI Design
Master oI Design (Industrial Design): RMIT
MDes(Eng) Master oI Design (Engineering)
MDesign Master oI Design
MDesSc Master oI Design Science
MDesSt Master oI Design Studies
MDevAdmin Master oI Development Administration
MDevPlg Master oI Development Planning
MDevStud Master oI Development Studies
MD(IlmulAdvia) Doctor oI Unani Medicine (Ilmul Advia)
MDisSt Master oI Disability Studies
MDistEd Master oI Distance Education
MDiv Master oI Divinity
MD(KulliyatwaIlmulAmraz) Doctor oI Unani Medicine (Kulliyat-wa-Ilmul Amraz)
MDM Master oI Development
MD(Moalijat) Doctor oI Unani Medicine (Moalijat)
MDP Master oI Development Planning
MDR Master oI Dispute Resolution
MDS Master oI Dental Science(s): MDU, Panjab
Master oI Dental Surgery
Master oI Development Studies: Deakin
MDSc Master oI Dental Science
ME Master oI Engineering
ME(Ag) Master oI Engineering (Agriculture)
MEarthSci Master oI Earth Science
MEASL Master oI English as a Second Language
MEB Master oI European Business
MEBA Master oI European Business Administration
MEBS Master oI European Business Studies
MEc Master oI Economics/Maitre en Economie
MEC Master oI Electronic Commerce
MEcDev Master oI Economics oI Development
MECh Master oI Early Childhood
ME(Chem) Master oI Engineering (Chemical)/(Chemical
MEcon Master oI Economics
MEconGeol Master oI Economic Geology
MEconSt Master oI Economic Studies
MEc(SocSc) Master oI Economics (Social Sciences)
MEd Master oI Education/Maitre en Education
MEdAd Master oI Educational Administration
MEdAdmin Master oI Educational Administration
MEdAppLing Master oI Education in Applied Linguistics
MEdCA Master oI Education in Creative Arts
MEd(Engl) Master oI Education (English)
MEDes Master oI Environmental Design
MEdLeadership Master oI Educational Leadership
MEdM Master oI Educational Management
MEdMan Master oI Educational Management
MEdMgt Master oI Educational Management
MEdPsych Master oI Educational Psychology
MEd(PTE) Master oI Education (Primary Teacher Education)
MEDS Master oI Environmental Design Studies
MEd(SpecEd) Master oI Education (Special Education)
MEdSt Master oI Educational Studies
MEdStud Master oI Education/Educational Studies
MEdStudies Master oI Educational Studies
MEd(TDC) Master oI Education (Tutors Ior Diploma Colleges)
MEdWk Master oI Education and Work
MEE Master oI Electrical Engineering
MEFE Master oI Engineering in Fire Engineering
MEI Master oI Enterprise Innovation
MEM Master oI Engineering Management: Technol.Syd.,
Master oI Environment Management: Shiv.
MEmergN Master oI Emergency Nursing
MenEd Maitrise en Education |Master oI Education|
MEng Master oI Engineering/Maitrise d'Ingenieur
MEng&Man Master oI Engineering and Management
MEng(CIM) Master oI Engineering (Computer Integrated
MEngg Master oI Engineering
MEngin Master oI Engineering
MEng(IT&T) Master oI Engineering (InIormation Technology and
MEngMgmt Master oI Engineering Management
MEngSc Master oI Engineering Science
MEngSci Master oI Engineering Science
MEngSt Master oI Engineering Studies
MEntInn Master oI Enterprise Innovation
MEntInnov Master oI Enterprise Innovation
MEnv Maitre en Environnement |Master oI Environmental
MEnvCH Master oI Environmental and Community Health
MEnvCommHealth Master oI Environmental and Community Health
MEnvDes Master oI Environmental Design
MEnvEd Master oI Environmental Education
MEnvEngSc Master oI Environmental Engineering Science
MEnvironmentalManagementMaster oI Environmental Management
MEnvLocGovLaw Master oI Environmental and Local Government Law
MEnvMan Master oI Environmental Management
MEnvMgt Master oI Environmental Management
MEnvPlan Master oI Environmental Planning
MEnvPlanning Master oI Environmental Planning
MEnvSc Master oI Environmental Science
MEnvSci Master oI Environmental Science
MEnvSt Master oI Environmental Studies
MEnvStud Master oI Environmental Studies
MEnvStudies Master oI Environmental Studies
MEP Master oI Environmental Planning
MEPA Master oI Educational Policy and Administration
ME(PH) Master oI Engineering (Public Health)
ME(Res) Master oI Engineering (Research)
MErg Master oI Ergonomics
MES Master oI Engineering Studies: Syd.
Master oI Environmental Science
Master oI Environmental Studies: Dal.
MESc Master oI Engineering Science
MESL Master oI English as a Second Language
METelE Master oI Electronics and Telecommunication
METM Master oI Engineering and Technology Management
MEUP Master oI Engineering/Urban and Rural Planning
MEx&SpSc Master oI Exercise and Sports Sciences
MF Master oI Forestry
MFA Master oI Finance and Accounting: Kakatiya
Master oI Fine Art(s)
MFacMgt Master oI Facilities Management
MFAMM Master oI Food and Agriculture Marketing Management
MFamMed Master oI Family Medicine
MFamTher Master oI Family Therapy
MFASt Master oI Fine Art Studies
MFC Master oI Financial Control
Master oI Finance and Control: Alig.
MFE Master oI Forest Engineering
MFin Master oI Business (Finance)
MFine Master oI Fine Arts
MFineArts Master oI Fine Arts
MFinServLaw Master oI Financial Services Law
MFisc Maitre en Fiscalite |Master oI Taxation|
MFM Master oI Family Medicine: Monash
Master oI Financial Management
MFor Master oI Forestry
MForenSc Master oI Forensic Science
MForSc Master oI Forest/Forestry Science
MFr Maitre en Francais |Master in French|
MFSc Master oI Fisheries/Fishery Science
MGeog Master oI Geography
MGeol Master oI Geology
MGeophys Master oI Geophysics
MGeoscience Master oI Geoscience
MGer Master oI Gerontology
MGeront Master oI Gerontology
MGerontN Master oI Gerontological Nursing
MGiItEd Master oI GiIted Education
MGIS Master oI Geographical InIormation Systems
MGO Master oI Gynaecology and Obstetrics
MGP Master oI General Practice
MGuidCouns Master oI Guidance and Counselling
MH Master oI Housing
MHA Master oI Health Administration: Br.Col., Curtin, NSW
Master oI Hospital Administration/Maitre en
Administration hospitaliere
MHAIS Master oI Health Administration and InIormation
MHB Master oI Human Biology
MHE Master oI Human Ecology
MHealSc Master oI Health Sciences
MHealthSc(Nurs) Master oI Health Science (Nursing)
MHigherEd Master oI Higher Education
MHist Master oI History
MHK Master oI Human Kinetics
MHLaw Master oI Health Law
MHlthAdmin Master oI Health Administration
MHlthLaw Master oI Health Law
MHlthSc Master oI Health Science
MHlthSc(PrimHlthCare) Master oI Health Science (Primary Health Care)
MHlthServMgmt Master oI Health Services Management
MHM Master oI Health Management
MHMHS Master oI Human Movement in Health Science
MHMS Master oI Human Movement Studies
MHoMgt Master oI Hospitality Management
MHomeEcon Master oI Home Economics
MHortSc Master oI Horticultural Science
MHosp Master oI Hospitality
MHospMgt Master oI Hospitality Management
MHospPharm Master oI Hospital Pharmacy
MHP Master oI Health Planning
MHPEd Master oI Health Personnel Education
MHRM Master oI Human Resource Management
MHSA Master oI Health Services Administration
MHSc Master oI Health Science(s)
Master oI Home Science
Master oI Home Science and Home Management: Dr
MHSM Master oI Health Services Management
MHum Master oI Humanities
MHumNut Master oI Human Nutrition
MHumNutDiet Master oI Human Nutrition and Dietetics
MHuServ Master oI Human Services
MI Maitre en InIormatique |Master oI Computer Science|
MIB Master oI International Business
MIBA Master oI International Business Administration
MIBM Master oI International Business Management
MID Master oI Industrial Design
MIEF Master oI International Economics and Finance
MILD Master oI International Law and Diplomacy
MILR Master oI Industrial and Labour Relations
MIndEmpRel Master oI Industrial and Employee Relations
MIndRel Master oI Industrial Relations
MIndustrialEd Master oI Industrial Education
MInI Master oI InIormatics
MInImSystems Master oI InIormation Systems
MInIoMgt Master oI InIormation Management
MInIoTech Master oI InIormation Technology and Communication
MInIoTech(ProI) Master oI InIormation Technology (ProIessional)
MInIoTech(Res) Master oI InIormation Technology (Research)
MInISc Master oI InIormation Science
MInISys Master oI InIormation Systems
MInITech Master oI InIormation Technology
MInITechSt Master oI InIormation Technology Studies
MIng Maitre en Ingenierie |Master oI Engineering|
MInstrTech Master oI Instructional Technology
MIntAcc Master oI International Accounting
MIntBus Master oI International Business
MIntBusAdmin Master oI International Business Administration
MIntH Master oI International Health: GriII.
MIntHsgSc Master oI International Housing Science
MIntHsgSci Master oI International Housing Science
MIntLaw Master oI International Law
MIntMed Master oI Internal Medicine
MIntS Master oI International Studies
MIntSocDev Master oI International Social Development
MIR Master oI Industrial Relations
MIRel Master oI Industrial Relations
MIRPM Master oI Industrial Relations and Personnel
MIS Master oI InIormation Science: Tor.
Master oI InIormation Systems: C.Qld.
Master oI International Studies: Birm.
Master oI Islamic Studies: NU Malaysia
MISCA Master oI InIormation Science and Computer
MJ Master oI Journalism
MJMC Master oI Journalism and Mass Communication
MJS Master oI Japanese Studies: W.Aust.
Master oI Journalism Studies: Gujar.
MJourn Master oI Journalism
MJur Master oI Jurisprudence
ML Master oI Law(s)
MKine Master oI Kinesiology
MLA Master oI Landscape Architecture
MLandArch Master oI Landscape Architecture
ML&ISc Master oI Library and InIormation Science
MLandResSc Master oI Land Resource Science
MLandResSt Master oI Land Resource Studies
MLandscapeArch Master oI Landscape Architecture
MLang Master oI Language
MLangEng Master oI Language Engineering
MLangTrans Master oI Language Translation
MLAP Master oI Landscape Architecture and Planning
MLArch Master oI Landscape Architecture
MLaw(PubLaw) Master oI Laws (Public Law)
MLD Master oI Landscape Design
MLegalSc Master oI Legal Science
MLegSt Master oI Legal Studies
MLegalStudies Master oI Legal Studies
MLib Master oI Librarianship
MLib&InIoSt Master oI Library and InIormation Studies
MLib&InISc Master oI Library and InIormation Science
MLib&ISc Master oI Library and InIormation Science
MLibISc Master oI Library and InIormation Science
MLibSc Master oI Library and InIormation Science: Kashmir
Master oI Library Science
MLibSc&Documentation Master oI Library Science and Documentation
MLing Master oI Linguistics
MLIS Master oI Library (and) InIormation Science/Studies
MLISc Master oI Library (and) InIormation Science(s)
MLitSt Master oI Literary Studies
MLitt Master oI Letters
Master oI Literature: Auck., Otago, Punjabi
MLitt(CultStud) Master oI Letters (Cultural Studies): C.Qld.
MLLP Master oI Law and Legal Practice
MLLR Master oI Labour Law and Relations
MLM Master oI Labour Management
MLocalGovt Master oI Local Government
MLS Master oI Labour Studies: Mumbai
Master oI Library Science/Studies
MLSc Master oI Library Science
MLW Master oI Labour WelIare
MM Master oI Medicine
Master oI Management: McG.
MMalS Master oI Malay Studies
MMan Master oI Management
MManipPhty Master oI Manipulative Physiotherapy
MManPhysio Master oI Manipulative Physiotherapy
MMarkMgt Master oI Marketing Management
MMassComm Master oI Mass Communication
MMath Master oI Mathematics
MMath&Phys Master oI Mathematics and Physics
MMatSc Master oI Materials Science
MMatSci Master oI Materials Science
MMC Master oI Mass Communication
MMCJ Master oI Journalism and Mass Communication
MME Master oI Mechanical Engineering
MMEd Master oI Mathematics Education
MM Master oI Medicine
MMedEd Master oI Medical Education
MMEd(FamilyMed) Master oI Medicine (Family Medicine)
MMEd(ObstandGynae) Master oI Medicine (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
MMEd(Paed) Master oI Medicine (Paediatrics)
MMEd(PH) Master oI Medicine (Public Health)
MMedSc Master oI Medical Science(s)
Master oI Medical Science in Addiction Studies:
MMedSci Master oI Medical Science(s)
MMEd(Surg) Master oI Medicine (Surgery)
MMEE Master oI Mineral Energy and Economics
MMentalHealth Master oI Mental Health
MMET Master oI Mineral Exploration Technologies
MMet Master oI Metallurgy
MMetE Master oI Metallurgical Engineering
MMFT Master oI Marriage and Family Therapy
MMgmt Master oI Management
MMgt Master oI Management
MMgtEc Master oI Management Economics
MMgt(HRM) Master oI Management (Human Resource
MMH Master oI Mental Health
MMid Master oI MidwiIery
MMinEng Master oI Minerals Engineering
MMinMgmt Master oI Mining Management
MMinSc Master oI Mineral Sciences
MMkt Master oI Marketing
MMktg Master oI Marketing
MMLS Master oI Modern Language Studies
MMM Master oI Marine Management: Dal.
Master oI Marketing Management: Bom.
Master in Material Management: RDV
MMS Master oI Management Science: Poona
Master oI Management Studies
MMSc Master oI Medical Science
MMSt Master oI Museum Studies
MMS(Tech) Master oI Management Studies in Technology
MMus Master oI Music/Ma|ci|itre en Musique
Master oI Music or Master oI Musicology: IKSV
MMusEd Master oI Music Education
MMusic Master oI Music
MMusicology Master oI Musicology
MMusPerI Master oI Music in PerIormance
MMusSt Master oI Music Studies
MMusStud Master oI Museum Studies
MN Master oI Nursing
MNatRes Master oI Natural Resources
MND Master oI Nutrition and Dietetics
MNLeadership Master oI Nursing Leadership
MNRM Master oI Natural Resources Management
MNS Master oI Nursing Studies: La Trobe
Master oI Nutritional Science: Flin.
MNSc Master oI Nursing Science
MNsg Master oI Nursing
MNStud Master oI Nursing Studies
MNurs Master oI Nursing
MNursing Master oI Nursing
MNutDiet Master oI Nutrition and Dietetics
MNutrDiet Master oI Nutrition and Dietetics
MNutrSc Master oI Nutritional Science
MO Master oI Obstetrics: Calc.
Master oI Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Dib.
MOA Maitre en Orthophonie et Audiologie |Master oI Speech
Therapy and Audiology|
MObGyn Master oI Obstetrics and Gynaecology
MObstetGynaec Master oI Obstetrics and Gynaecology
MOccHlth Master oI Occupational Health
MOccTher Master oI Occupational Therapy
MOccThy Master oI Occupational Therapy
MOccupationalTherapy Master oI Occupational Therapy
MOG Master oI Obstetrics and Gynaecology
MOGE Master oI Oil and Gas Engineering
MOHS Master oI Occupational Health and SaIety
MOL Master oI Oriental Learning
MOptom Master oI Optometry
MOrgPsych Master oI Organisational Psychology
MOrth Master oI Orthopaedics
MP Master oI Planning
MPA Master oI PerIorming Arts: Baroda, Hyd.
Master oI Public Administration
Master oI Public AIIairs: Winn.
MPaed Master oI Paediatrics
MPaeds Master oI Paediatrics
MPalCare Master oI Palliative Care
MPallCareN Master oI Palliative Care Nursing
MPath Master oI Pathology
MPE Master oI Petroleum Engineering: Tech.U.Malaysia
Master oI Physical Education
MPEd Master oI Physical Education
MPES Master oI Physical Education and Sports (Science)
MPH Master oI Public Health
Master oI Public Health (Health Education): Dhaka
MPharm Master oI Pharmacy
MPharmacy Master oI Pharmacy
MPHC Master oI Primary Health Care
MPHE Master oI Physical and Health Education
MPhEd Master oI Physical Education
MPhil Master oI Philosophy
MPhilArch Master oI Philosphy in Architecture
MPhil(Ed) Master oI Philosophy (Education)
MPhil(Eng) Master oI Philosophy (Engineering)
MPhil(HDM) Master oI Philosophy (Housing Development and
MPhilQS Master oI Philosophy in Quantity Surveying
MPhilURP Master oI Philosophy in Urban and Regional Planning
MPHist Master oI Public History
MPhty Master oI Physiotherapy
MPhtySt Master oI Physiotherapy Studies
MPhys Master in/oI Physics
MPhysio Master oI Physiotherapy
MPL Master oI Personnel Leadership
MPl Master oI Urban and Regional Planning
MPlan Master oI Planning
MPlanning Master oI Planning
MPM Master oI Personnel Management: Pune
Master oI Pest Management: S.Fraser
Master oI Project Management: NSW
Master oI Psychological Medicine: Malaya, NSW
Master oI Public Management: Alta., Macq., Syd.
MPM&IR Master oI Personnel Management and Industrial
MPMgt Master oI Project Management
MPol Master oI Policy
MPolAdmin Master oI Policy and Administration
MPolLaw Master oI Policy and Law
MPopHlth Master oI Population Health
MPopHumRes Master oI Population and Human Resources
MPOSc Master oI Oceanic and Polar Science
MPP Master oI Politics and Public Policy: Macq.
Master oI Public Policy
MPR&TM Master oI Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management
MProdE Master oI Production Engineering
MProI Master oI ProIessional Studies
MProIAc Master oI ProIessional Accounting
MProIAcc Master oI ProIessional Accounting
MProIEthics Master oI ProIessional Ethics
MProIPrac(IT) Master oI ProIessional Practice (InIormation
MProp Master oI Property
MPS Master oI Policy Studies: Brist., NSW
Master oI Population Studies: Internat. IIPS(Mumbai)
Master oI Psychoanalytic Studies: Monash
MPs Master oI Psychology/Maitre en Psychologie
MPSt Master oI Planning Studies
MPSW Master oI Psychiatric Social Work
MPsy Master oI Psychology
MPsych Master oI Psychology
MPsychClin Master oI Clinical Psychology
MPsych(Clin) Master oI Psychology (Clinical)
MPsych(CliniPsych) Master oI Psychology (Clinical Psychology)
MPsych(ClinNeuroPsych) Master oI Psychology (Clinical Neuropsychology)
MPsychEd Master oI Educational Psychology
MPsych(Ed) Master oI Psychology (Educational)
MPsych(HlthPsych) Master oI Psychology (Health Psychology)
MPsychMed Master oI Psychological Medicine
MPsychol Master oI Psychology
MPsychol(Org) Master oI Psychology (Organisational)
MPsychOrg Master oI Organisational Psychology
MPsychother Master oI Psychotherapy
MPTh Master oI Physiotherapy
MPubAd Master oI Public Administration
MPubAdmin Master oI Public Administration
MPublicAdmin Master oI Public Administration
MPublicHealth Master oI Public Health
MPublPol Master oI Public Policy
MPubMgmt Master oI Public Management
MPubPol Master oI Public Policy
MPubPol&Admin Master oI Public Policy and Administration
MQual Master oI Quality
MRad Master oI Radiology
MRE Master oI Religious Education
MRec Master oI Recreation
MREd Master oI Religious Education
MRegSc Master oI Regional Science
MRehab Master oI Rehabilitation
MRehabCling Master oI Rehabilitation Counselling
MRehabMed Master oI Rehabilitation Medicine
MRemHlthPrac Master oI Remote Health Practice
MRepSc Master oI Reproductive Science
MRes Master oI Research
MResSc Master oI Resource Science
MRKH Master in Revealed Knowledge and Heritage
MRM Master oI Resource Management
MRP Master oI Regional Planning
MR&RM Master oI Rural and Remote Planning
MRRP Master oI Regional and Resource Planning
MRS Master oI Resource Studies: Lincoln(NZ)
Master oI Rural Studies: S.Guj.
MRSc Master oI Rehabilitation Science
MRTP Master oI Regional and Town Planning
MRuralDevelopment Master oI Rural Development
MRurMgmt Master oI Rural Management
MRurSc Master oI Rural Science
MS Master oI Science: Ag.U.Malaysia, BITS, IIT Madras,
Nehru Tech.
Master oI Science or Master oI Surgery: Pondicherry
Master oI Surgery
MSA Master oI Service Administration
MSaIetySc Master oI SaIety Science
MSc Master oI Science/Maitre es Sciences
MScA Maitre es Sciences appliquees |Master oI Applied
Science|/Master oI Science (Applied)
MSc(Adm) Maitre es Sciences (Administration)|Master oI Science
MScAg Master oI Science (in) Agriculture
MSc(Ag) Master oI Agricultural Science: Purv.
Master oI Science (Agriculture)/Master oI Science in
MSc(AgEcon) Master oI Science in Agricultural Economics
MSc(AgExtEd) Master oI Science in Agricultural Extension Education
MScAgr Master oI Science in Agriculture
MScAgri Master oI Science in Agriculture
MSc(Agri) Master oI Science (Agriculture)/Master oI Science in
MScAgric Master oI Science in Agriculture
MSc(Agric) Master oI Science (Agriculture)/Master oI Science in
MSc(AgricEcon) Master oI Science (Agriculture Economics)
MSc(AgricEng) Master oI Science, Agricultural Engineering/Master oI
Science (Agriculture Engineering)
MSc(AgriEngg) Master oI Science in Agricultural Engineering
MSc(AgStat) Master oI Science (Agricultural Statistics)/Master oI
Science in Agricultural Statistics
MSc(AirportEng) Master oI Science (Airport Engineering)
MSc(AH) Master oI Science (Animal Husbandry)
MScApp Master oI Applied Science
MSc(ApplFin) Master oI Science (Applied Finance)
MScAppMinGeol Master oI Applied Science in Mining Geology
MScAppPG&G Master oI Applied Science in Petroleum Geology and
MSc(Arch) Master oI Science (Architecture)
MSc(Arch)(Cons) Master oI Science (Architecture) (Conservation)
MSc(ASR) Master oI Science (Audiology and Speech
MSc(Biotech) Master oI Science (Biotechnology)
MSc(BuildingTech) Master oI Science in Building Technology
MSc(BusAdmin) Master oI Science in Business Administration
MSc(C&B) Master oI Science in Co-operation and Banking
MSc(CeramicEngg) Master oI Science (Ceramic Engineering)
MScChem Master oI Science in Chemistry
MSc(ChemEng) Master oI Science (Chemical Engineering)
MSc(CivilEng) Master oI Science (Civil Engineering)
MSc(Comm&CompNetworking)Master oI Science (Communications and Computer
MSc(Comm&NetworkSyst) Master oI Science (Communications and Network
MSc(Comp&InIoSci) Master oI Science (Computer and InIormation Sciences)
MSc(CompContr&Autom) Master oI Science (Computer Control & Automation)
MSc(CompSc) Master oI Science (Computer Science)
MSc(CS) Master oI Science in Computer Science
MScD Master oI Dental Science: Wales
Maitre en Sciences domestiques |Master oI Home
Economics|: Moncton
MScDent Master oI Science in Dentistry
MSc(Dent) Master oI Science (Dentistry)
MScDentSc Master oI Science in Dental Science
MSc(DP) Master oI Science in Development Planning
MSc(DSc) Master oI Science (Dairy Science)
MSc(DT) Master oI Science (Dairy Technology)
MScE Master oI Science in Engineering
MSc(EcolMgt) Master oI Science (Ecological Management)
MScEcon Master in the Faculty oI Economic and Social Studies
MSc(Econ) Master oI Science (Economics)/Master oI Science in
MScEd Master oI Science Education/Master oI Science in
MSc(Ed) Master oI Science in or with Education
MSc(EdPsych) Master oI Science in Educational Psychology
MSc(ElectEng) Master oI Science (Electrical Engineering)
MScEng Master oI Science in Engineering
MSc(Eng) Master oI Science, Engineering/Master oI Science
(Engineering)/Master oI Science in Engineering
MScEngg Master oI Science in Engineering
MSc(Engg) Master oI Science Engineering/Master oI Science
(Engineering)/Master oI Science in Engineering
MSc(Engin) Master oI Science (Engineering)/Master oI Science in
MScEngSc Master oI Science in Engineering Science
MSc(EnvMan) Master oI Science (Environmental Management)
MSc(EnvMgt) Master oI Science (Environmental Management)
MSc(EnvSc) Master oI Science (Environmental Science)
MSc(EstMgt) Master oI Science (Estate Management)
MScF Master oI Science in Forestry
MScFE Master oI Science in Forest Engineering
MSc(FinEng) Master oI Science (Financial Engineering)
MScFoodSc Master oI Science in Food Science
MScFor Master oI Science in Forestry
MSc(For) Master oI Science (Forestry)/Master oI Science in
MScForSc Master oI Science in Forestry Science
MSc(Geol) Master oI Science, Geology
MSc(GeotechEng) Master oI Science (Geotechnical Engineering)
MSc(HlthServMgmt) Master oI Health Services Management
MSchMgt Master oI School Management
MScHomeEcon Master oI Science in Home Economics
MSc(HomeSc) Master oI Science (Home Science)
MSc(Hort) Master oI Science in Horticulture
MSc(HRM) Master oI Science (Human Resource Management)
MSc(HS) Master oI Science (Home Science)
MSc(HSc) Master oI Home Science
MScHydWRes Master oI Science in Hydrology and Water Resources
MSc(Immunol) Master oI Science (Immunology)
MSc(IndDes) Master oI Science (Industrial Design)
MSc(IndEng) Master oI Science (Industrial Engineering)
MSc(InIoStudies) Master oI Science (InIormation Studies)
MSc(Int'lConstrMgt) Master oI Science (International Construction
MSc(IT) Master oI Science (InIormation Technology)
MSc(Kin) Master oI Science (Kinesiology)
MSc(Log) Master oI Science (Logistics)
MSc(ManagerialEcons) Master oI Science (Managerial Economics)
MSc(MatSciEng) Master oI Science (MaterialsScience Engineering)
MSc(Mech&ProcoIMatl) Master oI Science (Mechanics and Processing oI
MSc(MechEng) Master oI Science (Mechanical Engineering)
MSc(Med) Master oI Science in Medicine/Master oI Science
(Medical)/Master oI Science (Medicine)
MSc(Med&HealthPhysics) Master oI Science (Medical and Health Physics)
MSc(MedicalSci) Master oI Science (Medical Science)
MScMedSc Master oI Science in Medical Science
MSc(Mgt) Master oI Science (Management)
MSc(Microbiol) Master oI Science (Microbiology)
MScN Master oI Science in Nursing
MSc(NatResMgt) Master oI Science in Natural Resource Management
MS(Communication) Master oI Science (Communication)
MScOptom Master oI Science in Optometry
MS(ORL) Master oI Otorhinolaryngology
MS(Ortho) Master oI Orthopaedic Surgery
MSc(OT) Master oI Science (Occupational Therapy)
MSc(PalCare) Master oI Science (Palliative Care)
MSc(PetrolG&G) Master oI Science in Petroleum Geology and
MSc(Pharm) Master oI Science (Pharmacy)
MSc(PHC) Master oI Science (Primary Health Care)
MScPhm Master oI Science in Pharmacy
MScPhysio Master oI Science in Physiotherapy
MScPl Master oI Science in Urban and Regional Planning
MSc(ProjectMgt) Master oI Science (Project Management)
MSc(Prop&MainMgt) Master oI Science (Property and Maintenance
MSc(PSc) Master oI Science (Poultry Science)
MSc(Psychol) Master oI Science (Psychology)
MSc(PT) Master oI Science (Physical Therapy)
MSc(RealEst) Master oI Science (Real Estate)
MScSante Maitrise es sciences de la sante |Master oI Health
MSc(Seri) Master oI Science (Sericulture)
MScSoc Master oI Science and Society
MScSt Master oI Science/ScientiIic Studies
MScStud Master oI ScientiIic Studies
MSc(T) Master oI Science in Teaching
MScTDC Master oI Science in Tropical Disease Control
MScTech Master oI Science Technology: I.Sch.Mines
Master oI Science and Technology: Nehru Tech.
Master oI Technical Science: SheII.
MSc(Tech) Master oI Science and Technology: S.Venkat.
Master oI Science in Technology/Master oI Science
MSc(Text) Master oI Science (Textiles)
MSc(TranspSys&Mgt) Master oI Science (Transport Systems and
MSc(UrbanPlan) Master oI Science (Urban Planning)
MSc(VetMed) Master oI Science in Veterinary Medicine
MSc(VetSc) Master oI Science (Veterinary Science)
MSc(VetSci) Master oI Science (Veterinary Science)
MSc(Virol) Master oI Science (Virology)
MScWoodSc Master oI Science in Wood Science
MSD Doctor oI Mediaeval Studies
MSEd Master oI Science Education
MSEng Master oI SoItware Engineering
MServSoc Maitre en Service social |Master oI Social Work|
MSI Master oI Sciences oI InIormation: Montr.
MSignLang(Interp) Master oI Sign Language (Interpreting)
MSignLang(Ling) Master oI Sign Language (Linguistics)
MSIS Master oI Spatial InIormation Science
MSLP Master oI Speech-Language Pathology
MSN Master oI Science in Nursing
MS(O&G) Master oI Surgery (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
MSocAdmin Master oI Social Administration
MSocHlth Master oI Social Health
MSocPol Master oI Social Policy
MSocSc Master oI Social Science(s)
MSocSci Master oI Social Sciences
MSocSci(ApplEcons) Master oI Social Sciences (Applied Economics)
MSocSci(ApplPsych) Master oI Social Sciences (Applied Psychology)
MSocSci(ApplSociology) Master oI Social Sciences (Applied Sociology)
MSocSci(Econs) Master oI Social Sciences (Economics)
MSocWk Master oI Social Work
MSoItEng Master oI SoItware Engineering
MSoItwareEngineering Master oI SoItware Engineering
MS(Ophthal) Master oI Surgery (Ophthalmology)
MSOrth Master oI Surgery in Orthopaedics
MSPD Master oI Social Planning and Development
MSpecEd Master oI Special Education
MSpEd Master oI Special Education
MSportPhty Master oI Sports Physiotherapy
MSportPhysio Master oI Sports Physiotherapy
MSpPath Master oI Speech Pathology
MSS Master oI Social Science(s)
MSSc Master oI Social Science
Master oI Surgical Science: Dund.
MSt Master oI Studies
MStat Master oI Statistics
MStats Master oI Statistics
MStatSc Master oI Statistical Science
MStatSci Master oI Statistical Science
MSUP Master oI Applied Science/Urban and Regional
MSurg Master oI Surgery
MSur(Ortho) Master oI Surgery (Orthopaedic)
MSurv Master oI Surveying
MSurv&Map Master oI Surveying and Mapping
MSurvSc Master oI Surveying Science
MSW Master oI Social Work
MSWAP Master oI Social WelIare Administration and Planning
MTA Master oI Tourism Administration
MTax Master oI Taxation
Master oI Taxation Law: Technol.Syd.
MTaxLaw Master oI Taxation Law
MTaxS Master oI Taxation Studies
MTaxStud Master oI Taxation Studies
MTeach Master oI Teaching
MTeach(EC) Master oI Teaching (Early Childhood)
MTeach(Pri) Master oI Teaching (Primary)
MTeach(Sec) Master oI Teaching (Secondary)
MTeach Master oI Technology
Master oI Technology (Materials Science): Malaya
MTech(Agri) Master oI Technology (Agricultural)
MTech(AgriEngg) Master oI Technology (Agricultural Engineering)
MTech(AgrilEngg) Master oI Technology (Agricultural Engineering)
MTech(CIM) Master oI Technology (Computer Integrated
MTechEd Master oI Technical Education
MTech(IPS) Master oI Technology (Integrated Power Systems)
MTechMgt Master oI Technology Management
MTech(PHE) Master oI Technology in Public Health Engineering
MTESOL Master oI Teaching English to Speakers oI Other
MText Master oI Textiles
MText(Engg) Master oI Textiles (Engineering)
MTH Master oI Tropical Health
MTh Master oI Theology/Ma|ci|itre en Th|ac|eologie
MTheol Master oI Theology
MThPast Maitre en Theologie pastorale |Master in Pastoral
MThSt Master oI Theological Studies
MTM Master in the Teaching oI Mathematics: C'dia.
Master oI Technology Management: H-W, Strath.,
Master oI Transport Management: Syd.
MTour Master oI Tourism
MTourMgt Master oI Tourism Management
MTP Master oI Town and Country Planning: Anna, Manc.
Master oI Town Planning
MTPl Master oI Town Planning
MTropMed Master oI Tropical Medicine
MTropPaed Master oI Tropical Paediatrics
MTRP, MT&RP Master oI Town and Regional Planning
MTS Master oI Theological Studies
Master oI Tourism Studies: Brock
MTT Master oI Theatre and Television: Punjabi
Master oI Timber Technology: C.Qld.
MTVM Master oI Tropical Veterinary Medicine
MUD Master oI Urban Design
MUniv Master oI the University
MUP Master oI Urban Planning
MUrb Maitre en Urbanisme |Master oI Town Planning|
MUrbanDesign Master oI Urban Design
MUrb&RegPlg Master oI Urban and Regional Planning
MUrbDes Master oI Urban Design
MUrbPolPlan Master oI Social Science (Urban Policy and Planning)
MUrbRegPlan Master oI Urban and Regional Planning
MURP Master oI Urban and Regional Planning
MusB Bachelor oI Music
MusBac Bachelor oI Music
MusD Doctor oI Music
MusDoc Doctor oI Music
MusM Master oI Music
MusMPerI Master oI Music in PerIormance
MusM(PerI) Master oI Music (PerIormance)
MV Master oI Valuation
MVA Master oI Visual Arts
MVen Master oI Venereology
MVetClinStud Master oI Veterinary Clinical Studies
MVetSc Master oI Veterinary Science
MVetStud Master oI Veterinary Studies
MVM Master oI Veterinary Medicine
MVPH Master oI Veterinary Public Health
MVS Master oI Veterinary Science: Ag.U.Malaysia
Master oI Veterinary Studies
Master oI Vocational Studies: BITS
MVSc Master oI Veterinary Science
MVSc&AH Master oI Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry
MVSt Master oI Veterinary Studies
MV/TE Master oI Vocational/Technical Education
MWH Master oI Women's Health
MWldMgt Master oI WildliIe Management
MWoodSc Master oI Wood Science
MWSP Master oI WelIare Studies and Practice
OD Doctor oI Optometry/Docteur en Optom|ac|etrie
PharmD Doctor oI Pharmacy
PhD Doctor oI Philosophy/Docteur en
Philosophie/Philosophiae Doctor
PhD(Bus) Doctor oI Philosophy (Business)
PhD(Edu) Doctor oI Philosophy (Education)
PhD(Med) Doctor oI Philosophy (Medicine)
PhD(Th) Doctor oI Philosophy in Theology/Doctorat en
PhilM Master oI Philosophy
PhysioD Doctor oI Physiotherapy
ScD Doctor oI Science
ScEdD Doctor oI Science Education
SJD Doctor oI Juridical Science: Qld.UT, Syd., Tor.
Doctor oI Legal Science: Bond, Technol. Syd.
STB Bachelor oI Sacred Theology
STL Licentiate in Sacred Theology/Licence en Sacree
SThL Licentiate in Theology
STM Master oI Sacred Theology
ThD Doctor oI Theology
ThM Master oI Theology
TDC Three-Year Degree Course
VetMB Bachelor oI Veterinary Medicine

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