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Holy Trinity Parish Catechetical & Youth Ministry Volunteer Application

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Holy Trinity Parish

Catechetical & Youth Ministry

Volunteer Application
Personal Information
Your Full Name
Street Address

Home Telephone

Cell Telephone

Work Telephone

Email Address

Are You Registered at Holy Trinity Parish? Yes No

Other Parish: ___________________________________

Marital Status

Place of Marriage


Date of Marriage

Widow / Widower

Name of Spouse


Area of Interest
PSR Catechist

PSR Office Staff / Records

Sunday Preschool Catechist

Jr. High Team

PSR Safety & Security

Sr. High Team

PSR Substitute

Youth Ministry Assistant

Other: _________________________________________________________________________

Education, Employment & Memberships

What is the highest level of education you have achieved?
Grade School Middle School High School College / University Graduate School
Please list any Degrees: ___________________________________________________________
Are you employed Yes No If yes, name of Employer: ________________________________________
Job Description / Position: ___________________________________________________________
How long have you been with this employer? _____________________
Are you a member of any clubs, associations, or organizations? Yes No
If yes, please list: ___________________________________________________________________________

Catechetical & Youth Ministry Volunteer Application, Page 2 Name: _____________________________________________

Qualifications & Background

1. Are you a fully initiated Catholic (received Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion)?..

Yes No

2. Do you go to Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation?........................................

Yes No

3. Are there areas of Church teaching with which you disagree?........................................

Yes No

4. If married, are you validly married according to the Catholic Church?.............................

Yes No

5. If you have children, have you had them baptized and are you ensuring they receive
religious education and reception of Sacraments of Initiation?.........................................

Yes No

6. Do you have any teaching experience?...........................................................................

Yes No

7. Have you taken classes in catechetics or youth ministry?...............................................

Yes No

8. Have you lived in Ohio for the past five years?................................................................

Yes No

9. Have you ever been arrested or convicted of a crime?....................................................

Yes No

10. Are you able to commit to serve for one year?................................................................

Yes No

11. If married, does your spouse support your decision to server your parish?.....................

Yes No

12. Have you volunteered at any other parish?.....................................................................

Yes No

13. Are you certified in First Aid, CPR or the AED?...............................................................

Yes No

14. Have you attended the VIRTUS workshop?...................................................................

Yes No

15. Are you willing to complete the steps toward compliance with diocesan policies for the
protection of children and youth?....................................................................................

Yes No

Please provide copies of the reference form to three persons who would be willing to complete them on your
behalf. Once completed and returned to you, attach your references to this volunteer application.

This form can may be dropped off at the Parish Office during office hours, mailed to the parish
address, or placed in a plain envelope marked Parish Office and dropped into the collection basket
at Mass. Please be sure to enclose your References. The DRE or Youth Minister will then contact you
for an initial appointment.
rev. 9/10

Holy Trinity Parish

Catechetical & Youth Ministry
Volunteer Applicant Reference Form
Applicants Name: ___________________________________________________________
The above person is applying to become a volunteer in one of our parish catechetical and/or
youth ministry programs. As a volunteer, the applicant would have contact, custody or control
of children and youth. As part of our pre-service screening, we request three references from
each applicant. Your assistance as a reference will help us determine whether the applicant is
able and suited to work with children.

1. What is your relationship to the applicant? _____________________________________________

2. How long have you known this person? _______________________________________________
3. What qualities does the applicant possess that would make him or her a good volunteer in a
program for children?
4. Is this applicant able to relate well with children?
5. Would you have the applicant volunteer in a program in which your children were participating?
Yes No

If no, why?


After completion, please place this form in a plain, sealed envelope and return it to the applicant. If you prefer,
this form can be mailed directly to Holy Trinity Church, ATT: Roger Camp, 33601 Detroit Road, Avon, Ohio
44011. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Roger Camp, Director of Religious Education, at (440)
937-5363. Thank you for your time and assistance.

Reference Name: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________________

Daytime Telephone Number: _________________________________________________________________

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