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13 Fat Releasing Foods To Lose Weight Fast: Protein

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13 Fat Releasing Foods to Lose Weight Fast

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Im fond of this macronutrient powerhouse for so many reasons: It promotes healthy skin, hair, nails, bones,
and muscle. Its also a fabulous weight-loss aid, according to a 2005 study from ri!ona "tate #ni$ersity.
%rotein increased satiety &satisfaction and feelings of fullness' and increased after-meal calorie burn. In other
words, eating protein-rich meals, rather than higher-carbohydrate ones, leads to more satisfaction, less hunger,
and more fat burn. I lo$e that: three benefits in one. (arlier research also found that people following higher-
protein diets generally decrease their food intake by an a$erage of )0 percent &about 200 calories'.
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2. Vitamin C
2ou$e heard for years to stock up on your 3 to fend off colds, but are you aware of
the $itamins reputation as a weight-loss aid4 *esearch suggests that the bodies of
folks who are deficient in $itamin 3 cling more stubbornly to fat. In 2005, researchers
in 6uebec re$iewed a stack of studies to find what they called 7unsuspected
determinants of obesity.8
9heir re$iew linked less-than-ideal intakes of particular micronutrients to an increased
likelihood of being o$erweight. 9hey identified deficiencies in $itamin 3, !inc,
magnesium, and $itamin ( as risk factors for ha$ing a higher percentage of body fat
and belly fat.
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3. Honey
9his natural sweetener has also shown great promise in animal studies for reducing
weight gain and body fat when substituted for sugar. <nown to ha$e antibacterial,
anti$iral, and antifungal properties, honey boasts wide-ranging health benefits. It may
impro$e blood sugar control and immunity, and its an effecti$e cough suppressant.
Learn more about The Digest Diet
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13 Fat Releasing Foods to Lose Weight Fast
Read more: http://www.rd.com/slideshows/13-fat-releasing-foods-to-lose-
4. Cocoa
If youre like me, you welcome any new e.cuse to add more chocolate to your life.
3ocoa contains more phenolic antio.idants than most foods. =ust look at this list of
benefits from a recent study done at the 2ale-?riffin %re$ention *esearch 3enter by
@a$id A. <at!, B@, and his colleagues: 73ocoa can protect ner$es from inCury and
inflammation, protect the skin from o.idati$e damage from #D radiation E and ha$e
beneficial effects on satiety, cogniti$e function, and mood.8
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5. Vinegar
9he surprise here4 9he $inegar that comes along for the ride in salad dressing also
helps you feel full. *esearch has shown that $inegar can lessen the glycemic effect of
a meal &meaning it tends not to spike your blood sugar', which has been linked to
satiety that reduces food intake. Dinegar may also pre$ent body-fat accumulation,
according to a 200F animal study by =apanese researchers. Bice that were fed acetic
acid, the main component of $inegar, for si. weeks accumulated less body fat.
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6. Fiber
9hroughout the years, $arious weight-loss researchers ha$e recommended starting a
meal with a salad to sta$e off hunger and ensure that you dont o$ereat. :ut why does
this work e.actly4 Gne reason is that salads are a great source of fiber: lettuce greens,
carrots, tomatoes, and the like all ha$e plenty of this macronutrient. 0ibers effects on
increasing feelings of satiety are well documented.
Hhether you eat fiber and $inegar together or not, know that they are great tools to
ha$e on hand whene$er you feel the need to tame your appetite and turn on fat
burning controls. If youre not a fan of salad, there are plenty of other sources.
13 Fat Releasing Foods to Lose Weight Fast
Read more: http://www.rd.com/slideshows/13-fat-releasing-foods-to-lose-
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. Coconut !i"# $. P%F&s# an' (. )%F&s
Coconut !i"
Hhile 9he @igest @iet recommends keeping saturated fat intake to under )0 percent
of total calories, one source sits at the top of the 7should enCoy8 list: coconut oil.
Hhy4 9his sweet, rich oil was shown to do some pretty nifty things for abdominally
obese women in a 200F study out of :ra!il, including decreasing their waist
circumference, increasing beneficial 1@A &high-density lipoprotein' cholesterol and
impro$ing the ratio of 7bad8 A@A &low-density lipoprotein' to 7good8 1@A
cholesterol. nd in populations where coconut oil is commonly eaten, high
cholesterol le$els and heart disease are not common.
In 200/, I unco$ered e.citing research suggesting that monounsaturated fatty acids, or
B#0s, helped people store less belly fat. (ating a diet rich in oli$es, oli$e oil, nuts
and seeds, dark chocolate, and a$ocado has kept my belly lean and my energy up for
yearsI 9hese healthy fats are a mainstay of my diet.
@uring my di$e into the current research, I came across a small study from the
;etherlands that suggests we should also enCoy polyunsaturated fatty acids, or
%#0s, found in fish and in many nuts and seeds. In this study, consumption of a
high ratio of %#0s to saturated fats led to a higher resting metabolism, as well as a
greater diet-induced calorie burn.
:ut one clarification: Gur focus will be primarily on long-chain n-, %#0s,
commonly known as omega-,s. *esearchers theori!e that the weight-loss benefits of
omega-,s may be a result of their anti-inflammatory effects &inflammation in the body
has been strongly linked to obesity'. I also lo$e the fact that these healthy fats are
associated with protection from cardio$ascular disease and enhanced mood.
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13 Fat Releasing Foods to Lose Weight Fast
Read more: http://www.rd.com/slideshows/13-fat-releasing-foods-to-lose-
*+. ,es-eratro"
"o many people ha$e asked me if its G< to ha$e a drink when trying to lose weight.
Aisten up, friends, as this glass is for youI
Bany studies show that a small glass of wine a day is good for your health.
*esearchers credit the antiaging properties of res$eratrol &found in red grapes,
mulberries, and peanuts' in red wine. ;ow cutting-edge research suggests this
antio.idant is a fat releaser too.
In one large study of more than )F,000 women of normal weight, light to moderate
drinkers had less weight gain and less risk of becoming o$erweight than those who
drank no alcohol. In se$eral animal studies, researchers ha$e demonstrated that
moderate alcohol consumption does not promote weight gain.
nd in another separate animal study done in 200/, researchers found that res$eratrol
impro$ed e.ercise endurance as well as protected against obesity and insulin
resistance, a precursor to diabetes.
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**. Ca"cium an' *2. Dairy
2our mom told you to drink your milk because its calcium was good for your bones.
Hhat she probably didnt know: 9hat same calcium also helps control your hunger.
*esearch shows that people who dont consume enough of this bone-building mineral
ha$e a greater fat mass and less control of their appetiteJtwo things 9he @igest @iet
can help you re$erse.
2es, dairy is an e.cellent source of calcium, but I$e singled it out because studies
ha$e found that dairy sources of calcium are markedly more effecti$e in accelerating
fat loss than other sources. *esearchers theori!e that other ingredients in dairy act
synergistically with the calcium. &I lo$e the two-for-one nature of this fat releaserI'
In one study out of the #ni$ersity of 9ennessee, researchers showed that eating three
13 Fat Releasing Foods to Lose Weight Fast
Read more: http://www.rd.com/slideshows/13-fat-releasing-foods-to-lose-
ser$ings of dairy daily significantly reduced body fat in obese subCects. nd if
subCects restricted calories while consuming the same dairy ser$ings, fat and weight
loss accelerated.
9heres moreI great study done in 20)0 indicated that drinking fat-free milk
immediately after whole-body resistance training and again one hour after the
workout allowed participants to increase fat loss, gain greater muscle and strength,
and strengthen bones by reducing bone cell turno$er. @rink milk and get all these
ama!ing benefits4 "ign me upI
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*3. .uinoa
Im keen on Kuinoa for many reasons: 9his ancient grain is a nutritional powerhouse,
chock-full of protein, amino acids, phytosterols, and $itamin (. study published in
20)) points to its promise as a fat inhibitor. nimals fed supplements containing a
Kuinoa-seed e.tract had less body fat, lower body weight, and decreased appetite.
lso, Kuinoa is $ersatile and can be made into crackers, side dishes, and hot cereals.
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