The document discusses hidden hostility, deception, and unsound doctrines that appear acceptable. It argues that democracy is a pagan doctrine being used to promote the new world order. True freedom comes only through faith in Jesus Christ and his blood, not through any political system like democracy.
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The document discusses hidden hostility, deception, and unsound doctrines that appear acceptable. It argues that democracy is a pagan doctrine being used to promote the new world order. True freedom comes only through faith in Jesus Christ and his blood, not through any political system like democracy.
The document discusses hidden hostility, deception, and unsound doctrines that appear acceptable. It argues that democracy is a pagan doctrine being used to promote the new world order. True freedom comes only through faith in Jesus Christ and his blood, not through any political system like democracy.
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The document discusses hidden hostility, deception, and unsound doctrines that appear acceptable. It argues that democracy is a pagan doctrine being used to promote the new world order. True freedom comes only through faith in Jesus Christ and his blood, not through any political system like democracy.
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Exposing pagan principlities, powers and doctrines of demons.
Hostility toward the body of Christ is not just a hostility that strikes the flesh only. How hostile is deception? How well hidden is, and unnoticed is that which strikes the soul and the spirit ? How destructive is ignorance to this form of hostility ? How suductively have we been conditioned to believe in that which pagan principlities, powers and doctrines of demons , made unsound doctrines sound, acceptably sound ? How hostile is a flattering tongue, or ear tickling messages, or smooth and pleasant words ? How can you resist what you cannot discern? A violent hostile tongue of dedeption is accepted with open arms by a people that have been leavened by a gospel of pleasure, prosperity and the good life. To be lead away from, that which He has prepared to come , for all who say they eagerly await His appearing, is a hostile act of violence. Those who knowingly and willfully misdirect, are the most violent hostile ones I know, and they laugh at the ones, who by now should have thier senses trained, to discern between the holy and profane. Just as it is written, they are no longer accustom to the words of righteousness. The pagan doctrine of democracy/republic is the doctrine used to promote the agenda of the new world order, the one world government, Novus Ordo Seclorum . The stratigic use of democracy, by the god of this world , the ruler of this age, the prince of the powers of the air, the one whom the whole world lies in the power of is so ignored, it's crazy, and My people love it so, but what will they do in the end. The word declares that we war not, our stuggle is not aginst flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Yet, we as a nation do just the opposite, we believe in our own way. We are our own god. The weapons of our warfare have become carnal. Democracy has nothing to do with freedom, because democracy is not of Christ, it is pagan pure and simple. The people are not sovereign supreme power, and freedom does not come by nor through guns, bullets and bombs. To believe that freedom comes through any other source outside of the blood of Jesus, is a religious devil because , religion is a devil in and of itself. Religion produces , or tries to produce what is equal to Jesus, that is what religion is, not just what one believes in. Jesus is living and active, quick and powerful sharper than a double edge sword... religion cannot and never will be, nor produce any equal, NEVER!!! The church and the government are hand and glove and have produced a fruit, that in the end, when the advesary comes will demand his rightful fruit of his six- thousand-year effort. This will be the end of those who rule on their authority, who have believed the lie of the prophets that you can be as God. This is democracy, that cries out peace and safety (security). Freedom comes through the blood of His cross, peace and safety comes through the Spirit of life, grace and power, from above , not through carnal weapon of warfare which are from below. The striking of the flesh we resist, but the striking of the spirit and soul we enjoy because it tickles the ear. The smooth words of a flattering tongue we ignore. Freedom from above is true freedom. I am free through the blood of His cross and any other form of freedom is valueless. My freedom was obtained and retained before I was in my mothers womb. The doctrine of democracy is being preached ferverently by our own leaders in the church and abroad, as a means of freedom, peace and safety, and refuse to see, hear or perceive what the Spirit is explicity saying to the church, that this doctrine is a noose, that is tightening gradually around their neck. When the disciples asked Jesus to disclose to them when will these things be, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age? The first thing out of the King of glorys mouth was see that no one misleads you, or deceives you, this reference is to what will be happening in our time, from the striking the flesh to the striking of the spirit and soul. Disclosing to those with ears to hear, and eyes to see, and hearts to perceive that what was obvious, was not the problem, but the not so obvious, that which appears and seems to be trustworthy. The teaching that would come forth in the end, the ear tickleing, flattering doctrines of demons.That which we know to be evil is not all there is, that is evil. The persecution of those in the natural is real and to belittle I dare not, the persecution of deception and misleading are just as real by way of doctrines of demons, dare not belittle likewise. It is the foxes that spoil the vine, the bug on the fruit that leavens the whole lump. As the beloved Stephen went down speaking out against those who were in love with Rome and what they were providing and representing, then so shall America ; Sodom sister, the daughter of Babylon, the revived Roman Empire, the Leopard, the Bear and the Lion. all in one. Democracy is their god. Democracy is a religious doctrine, and religion can never produce liberty. It is when we have a love for the fear of the Lord and His holiness in Jesus and His grace through faith, praying in the Spirit that we shall be able to stand against the schemes of the devil, and have liberty and freedom from the day that shall come suddenly like a trap upon all those who swell on the face of all the earth. When the spirit and soul is struck long enough with deception, unsound doctrines begin to sound acceptabley sound and eventually are believed to be trustworthy; lies, made to appear righteous. Democracy is a doctrine that, with all the deception of wickedness, has conditioned society and the church at large to believe in a all is well freedom, that is dwindling, dissolving and dissappearing. It is a conditioning agent to condition the people to receive with open arms the NOVUS ORDO SECOLRUM. It is the blinding balm of ignorance, that which allures by way of, You surely shall not die, shall be like God knowing good and evil. Oh you who work lawlessness,..."You hypocrites, rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying 'This people honors Me with their lips but their heart are far from Me. 'But in vain they do worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.'" The teachings of men, the what's right in your own sight doctrine, Even so you too outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. This doctrine of democracy can and will rob the body of Christ, if allowed to do so, our stranger and alien status of a peculair people, who's kingdom is also, not of this world, the kingdom of God within us. I am some what perplexed by the blindness of the church to see that this doctrine and precepts of men, is not, but is thought to be of God. I mean no offence, but unflinchly make no apology for the forskin of my eyes, ears and heart being removed by truth so that I might see, hear and understand what is being disclosed to me by the Spirit of life, grace and power. We, the body of Christ are to be on guard against every form of deceit, and examine everything carefully and hold fast to that which is good. Avoiding all apperances of evil. And as... we encourage one another while we can still call it today, let it be without a flattering tongue, but not lacking kindness, forgiving, but not mislead. The path of destruction many will find. But few will find the path of the narrow way that leads to the small gate that enters into eternal life. And the Door to that city is Jesus and Him alone... Let us go out to Him, outside the camp bearing His reproach. For here we do not have a lasting city, but are seeking the city which is to come... a kingdom not made by hands. A kingdom,... of where His government shall have no end... this hidden hostility must come to an end. There are those that may wonder why I don't speak out against Communisim. Because it is obvious, that it is a doctrine of demons. That which is , not so obvious must be recognized as just as evil as, that which is known to be evil, because that thing that appears to be trustworthy, needs to be tested to see if it has appeared as righteous but is found a wolf in sheeps clothing. Is freedom obtained and retained through the blood of His cross or through democracy? The two are in oppostion to one another. Democracy is what's right in the sight of men; ' follow the rule of law' and the law of God becomes secondary, the rule of law being the doctrines and precepts of men. What's right in the sight of God is what He sees in His only begotton Son, through the blood of His cross. As I observe how the kingdoms of men have become their own God, believeing themselves to be or to have sovereign, supreme power I understand why He who is sovereign, supreme power has at the right time brought down the behest of men. The difference this time is, this is the closing of the age of the behest of men, the first Adam and the kingdom that is coming is that of Christ, it is time for the Last Adam, He who is the sovereign supreme power... and of His government there shall be no end...the kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, no longer a kingdom of eating and drinking, buying and selling, building and planting. Lucifer could not be just, the light bearer of God his creator, but wanted to be God and this has been his attack ever since, on the behest of men, You shall be like God knowing good and evil... self is the anti-christ, not a man but many. This is what Jesus made reference to when He disclosed to His disciples, Let no one deceive you/mislead you... to endevor to be like God is to have as your father, the devil, the hidden hostility, that appears to be trustworthy, the flattering ear tickling message of democracy, the smooth and pleasant broad way that leads to destruction. We cannot be as God knowing good and evil. Never !!! One tragic thing among the behest of men is the non-belief. Demons prove themselves to smarter than men in general, because they believe and tremble and fear when men are arrogrant and full of self. Demons can't repent, men can and won't. Because being accountable to anyone outside of themself is unacceptable.