This document is the report of the Joint Committee on Administration and National Security, and Defence and Foreign Relations on its inquiry into the Westgate Mall terror attack in Nairobi, Kenya on September 21, 2013 and other terror attacks in Mandera County in North Eastern region and Kilifi County in the Coastal region between September 27 and December 5, 2013. The report provides background on terrorism in Kenya, details of the committee's visits and meetings with witnesses, security experts, government officials and other stakeholders. It also includes the committee's observations, findings and recommendations.
This document is the report of the Joint Committee on Administration and National Security, and Defence and Foreign Relations on its inquiry into the Westgate Mall terror attack in Nairobi, Kenya on September 21, 2013 and other terror attacks in Mandera County in North Eastern region and Kilifi County in the Coastal region between September 27 and December 5, 2013. The report provides background on terrorism in Kenya, details of the committee's visits and meetings with witnesses, security experts, government officials and other stakeholders. It also includes the committee's observations, findings and recommendations.
Original Title
Kenya - Report of the Committee on Westgate Attack - 4
This document is the report of the Joint Committee on Administration and National Security, and Defence and Foreign Relations on its inquiry into the Westgate Mall terror attack in Nairobi, Kenya on September 21, 2013 and other terror attacks in Mandera County in North Eastern region and Kilifi County in the Coastal region between September 27 and December 5, 2013. The report provides background on terrorism in Kenya, details of the committee's visits and meetings with witnesses, security experts, government officials and other stakeholders. It also includes the committee's observations, findings and recommendations.
This document is the report of the Joint Committee on Administration and National Security, and Defence and Foreign Relations on its inquiry into the Westgate Mall terror attack in Nairobi, Kenya on September 21, 2013 and other terror attacks in Mandera County in North Eastern region and Kilifi County in the Coastal region between September 27 and December 5, 2013. The report provides background on terrorism in Kenya, details of the committee's visits and meetings with witnesses, security experts, government officials and other stakeholders. It also includes the committee's observations, findings and recommendations.
ELEVENTH PARLlAMENT ~ FlR5T 5E55lON - 2013 REPORT OF THE jOlNT COMMlTTEE ON ADMlNl5TRATlON AND NATlONAL 5ECURlTY, AND DEFENCE AND FORElGN RELATlON5 ON THE lNQUlRY lNTO THE WE5TGATE TERRORl5T ATTACK, AND OTHER TERROR ATTACK5 lN MANDERA lN NORTH-EA5TERN AND KlLlFl lN THE COA5TAL REGlON --------------------------------------------------------- CLLRK'S CHAM8LRS PARL|AMLNT 8U|LD|NGS NAlROBl DLCLM8LR, 2013 1 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. TABLE OF CONTENT5 PAGE Preface............................................. 3 Background on terrorisn in Kenya............................................................... 10 joint Connittee visit to the Westgate MaII site ............ 23 Meeting with witnesses on terrorisn..................... 26 Meetings with Experts on inteIIigence gathering and counter terrorisn... 30 First neeting with Cabinet 5ecretaries, Ministries of lnterior and Defence, and the Director GeneraI, NationaI lnteIIigence 5ervice.... 33 5econd neeting with Cabinet 5ecretaries, Ministries of lnterior and Defence, and the Director GeneraI, NationaI lnteIIigence 5ervice .... 37 Meeting with the Managing Director, Nakunatt HoIdings Ltd.......... 39 Presentations by Dr. Abbas GuIIet and Mr. AbduI Hajji........... 40 Meeting with the Director, lnnigration 5ervices, Director, Registration of Persons and Ag. Connissioner, Departnent of Refugee Affairs.......... 42 Meeting with the Kenya Veterans Association............... 44 Meeting with AIthaus 5ervices Ltd..................... 45 Meeting with Dixons EIectronics Ltd...................... 47 Presentation by 5ecurex Agencies {K} Ltd................ 49 Meeting with Mr. AIex Trachtenberg, owner of Westgate MaII...... 50 joint Connittee's observations and findings on Westgate MaII attack... 53 joint Connittee's GeneraI Reconnendations............... 54 joint 5ub Connittee visit to Mandera................. 58 Courtesy caII to the Mandera County Connissioner......... 58 2 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Meeting with Mandera East County 5ecurity lnteIIigence Connittee... 58 Meeting with the Mandera County Governor............. 61 PubIic hearing at the Mandera County Governor's Conference HaII.... 63 joint 5ub Connittee's observations and findings, Mandera County .. 65 joint 5ub Connittee's Reconnendations, Mandera County...... 65 joint 5ub Connittee visit to KiIifi County.............. 67 Meeting with the KiIifi County 5ecurity lnteIIigence Connittee.... 67 PubIic hearing with the IocaI Ieaders, KiIifi County HaII......... 71 joint 5ub Connittee's observations and findings, KiIifi County..... 72 joint 5ub Connittee's Reconnendations, KiIifi County.......... 73 3 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. PREFACE Tbe Departmental Commlttees on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, are constltuteo unoer Stanolng Oroer 216(1) ano are manoateo to, lnter-alla, "nvestgote, nqure nto, ond report on oll motters relotng to the mondote, monogement, octvtes, odmnstroton, operotons ond estmotes o( the ossgned mnstres ond deportments." Tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, was constltuteo pursuant to Stanolng Oroer 202(1), wblcb states tbat:- Two Commttees o( the Assembly consderng smlor motters moy, wth the opprovol o( the Speoker, hold jont sttngs. Mr. 5peaker, 5ir, Tbe tollowlng are tbe Members ot tbe Commlttee: Tbe Hon. Asman Kamama, MGH, OGW, MP ~ Co-Chairperson Tbe Hon. Noung'u Getbenjl, MP ~ Co-Chairperson Tbe Hon. Alols M. Lentolmaga, MP ~ Vice Chairperson Tbe Hon. Lllas 8arre Sblll, MP ~ Vice Chairperson Tbe Hon. Dalmas Otleno, LGH, MP Tbe Hon. Ababu Namwamba, LGH, MP Tbe Hon. [osepb Lekuton, MP Tbe Hon. Allce Wabome, MP Tbe Hon. Zakayo K. Cberulyot, MP Tbe Hon. Tlmotby W. Wetangula, MP Tbe Hon. Patrlck Ole Ntutu, MP Tbe Hon. All |saack Sbaaban, MP Tbe Hon. Samuel Moroto, MP Tbe Hon. Humpbrey Njuguna, MP Tbe Hon. Francls K. Mwangangl, MP Tbe Hon. Rasblo [. 8eozlmba, MP Tbe Hon. Davlo Glkarla, MP Tbe Hon. Mobameo Sblolye, MP Tbe Hon. [ane Macblra, MP Tbe Hon. |brablm Abol Saney, MP Tbe Hon. [osepb O. Nolege, MP Tbe Hon. (Maj. Rto.) [obn K. Waluke, MP Tbe Hon. Wanjlku Mubla, MP 4 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Tbe Hon. Akuja Protus Lweslt, MP Tbe Hon. [osepb M. Kabangara, MP Tbe Hon. Abmeo Abolkaolr Ore, MP Tbe Hon. Grace Klptul, MP Tbe Hon. George Tbeurl, MP Tbe Hon. Reglna Ntbambl Mula, MP Tbe Hon. [ames 8ett, MP Tbe Hon. 8enaro Sblnall, MP Tbe Hon. Davlo Pkoslng, MP Tbe Hon. Nylva Mwenowa, MP Tbe Hon. Katoo Ole Metlto, LGH, MGH, MP Tbe Hon. 8eatrlce Nyaga, MP Tbe Hon. Gonzl Ral, M.P. Tbe Hon. [obn Looepe Nakara, MP Tbe Hon. Rosellnoa Solpan Tuya, MP Tbe Hon. Annab Nyokabl Gatbecba, MP Tbe Hon. Davlo Watula, MP Tbe Hon. [osepb Gltarl, MP Tbe Hon. Cbrls Wamalwa, MP Tbe Hon. [osepb Kluna, MP Tbe Hon. Yusut Hassan, MP Tbe Hon. Lllsba 8uslenel, MP Tbe Hon. All Dloo Rasso, MP Tbe Hon. Mobammeo Abass, MP Tbe Hon. |brablm Sane, MP Tbe Hon. Rlcbaro Onyonka, MP Tbe Hon. [akoyo Mlolwo, MP Tbe Hon. [oyce Wanjalab Lay, MP Tbe Hon. Maj.-General [K Nkalserry, MP Tbe Hon. Aoan Keynan, Mp Tbe Hon. Watula Wamunylnyl, MP Tbe Hon. Dennltab Gbatl, MP Tbe Hon. Ken Obura, MP Tbe [olnt Commlttee was establlsbeo atter tbe terror attack ln Westgate Mall on 21 st September 2013. Tbe Commlttee was constltuteo wltb a vlew to establlsblng tbe clrcumstances leaolng to tbe terror attack at tbe Mall, ano wbetber tbere were any acts ot commlsslon ano/or omlsslon on tbe part ot tbe lntelllgence ano securlty organs ln tbe country. 5 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Tbe Commlttee turtber etenoeo tbe scope ot lts manoate to cover otber areas tbat bao been attecteo by terrorlst attacks. Sucb areas lncluoeo Garlssa, Manoera, Wajlr ln Nort Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon. Tbe [olnt Commlttee belo lts tlrst slttlng on 27 tb September 2013, ano orew up tbe tollowlng Terms ot Reterence:- 1. Tbe [olnt Commlttee bao tbe manoate unoer Stanolng Oroer 216(5) to: a. lnvestigate, b. lnquire into, ano c. Report on all matters surrounolng tbe terrorlst attack ot tbe Westgate Mall. 2. Tbe [olnt Commlttee, ln carrylng out lts manoate may lnqulre ano lnvestlgate lnto any acts ot omlsslon ano/ or commlsslon tbat contrlbuteo to tbe attack, 3. Tbe [olnt Commlttee may lnqulre lnto ano lnvestlgate past terrorlst attacks lncluolng tbe tlnolngs ano actlons tbat may bave been taken by tbe relevant oepartments ano agencles to brlng tbe perpetrators to justlce, 4. Wblle carrylng out tbe lnvestlgatlons ano lnqulrles, tbe [olnt Commlttee may call wltnesses trom varlous oepartments, agencles lncluolng, but not llmlteo to: Natlonal Securlty, Detence ano |ntelllgence, 5. Tbe Constltutlon unoer Artlcle 125 glves tbe [olnt Commlttee tbe power to call tor evloence tbrougb summonlng any person to appear betore lt ano glve evloence or provloe lntormatlon. To carry out tbls manoate, tbe Commlttee may seek to:- a. Lntorce tbe attenoance ot wltnesses ano eamlne tbem on oatb, attlrmatlon or otberwlse, b. Compel tbe proouctlon ot oocuments, ano c. |ssue a commlsslon or request to eamlne wltnesses abroao. 6. Tbe [olnt Commlttee may make recommenoatlons on preventlve measures ano steps to be taken orawn trom tbe tlnolngs ot tbe lnvestlgatlons tbat wlll seek to lmprove securlty ln tbe Country ano stem tuture acts ot terror, Tbe [olnt Commlttee planneo to lnvolve tbe publlc ln tbe lnqulry, especlally tbe wltnesses ano vlctlms ot tbe Westgate Mall attack. To tbls eno, tbe Commlttee placeo palo aoverts ln tbe malnstream prlnt meola on 30 tb September, 2013, requestlng 6 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. members ot tbe publlc to submlt memoranoa on wbatever lntormatlon tbey coulo bave on tbe Westgate attack ano tor otber terrorlst attacks ln otber parts ot tbe country. Tbe [olnt Commlttee turtber came up wltb a programme wbere lt meetlngs were arrangeo between tbe Commlttee ano wltnesses, securlty organs, eperts on lntelllgence gatberlng ano securlty lssues, as well as otber lnteresteo lnolvlouals or groups wbo woulo asslst tbe Commlttee to get lnto tbe bottom ot tbe attacks. Tbe Commlttee belo a total ot twenty meetlngs. Apart trom tbe wltnesses wbo appeareo betore tbe Commlttee, tbe tollowlng lnolvlouals or groups:- l) Tbe Natlonal |ntelllgence Servlce ll) Mlnlstry ot |nterlor ano Coorolnatlon ot Natlonal Government lll) Tbe |nspector General ot Pollce lv) Mlnlstry ot Detence v) Department ot |mmlgratlon Servlces vl) Department ot Retugee Attalrs vll) Nakumatt Management vlll)Kenya Reo Cross Soclety l) Altbaus Servlces Lto. ) Kenya veterans Assoclatlon l) Dlons Llectronlcs Lto. ll) Secure Agencles (K) Lto. lll)Sony Hololngs Lto. According to a forensic report nade avaiIabIe to the Menbers, the joint Connittee estabIished the foIIowing:- 1. Four (4) terrorlsts were lnvolveo ln tbe attack at tbe Westgate Mall on 21 st September, 2013. Tbey were:- l) Mobameo Abol Noor ot Somall natlonallty. ll) Mobammeo Hassan Dbulbulow a.k.a Abu 8araa Al Suoanl Norweglan cltlzen ot Somall orlgln. lll) Yabye Osman Abmeo a.k.a Arab, a Somall natlonal ot Arab oescent. lv) Abmeo Hassan Abukar ot Somall natlonallty. 2. All tbe tour (4) terrorlsts were kllleo ourlng controntatlon wltb tbe securlty torces. Tbelr booy parts, weapons ano personal ettects were recovereo trom tbe scene ot attack. Forenslc lnvestlgatlons contlrm tbat tbe recovereo booy parts ano unmarkeo weapons ano ammunltlon belongeo to tbe terrorlsts. 3. Four (4) AK47 rltles belleveo to bave been useo by tbe terrorlsts were recovereo trom tbe scene. Two (2) G3 rltles, one (1) Scar rltle ano tour (4) llve grenaoes were also recovereo. 7 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. 4. 8ooy parts lncluolng one (1) ln a mllltary boot were recovereo trom tbe scene on 1 st October, 2013. Two (2) booles belleveo to be ot mllltary personnel, one (1) M4 rltle ano a mllltary knlte were also recovereo trom tbe scene on 2 no October, 2013. 5. One (1) Pollce ottlcer oleo ano elgbt (8) otbers were lnjureo. 6. Two (2) empty ammunltlon belts ot 5.56mm callber, two (2) ammunltlon canlsters ano one (1) empty AK 47 magazlne were recovereo on 9 tb October, 2013. 7. Four (4) maln suspects belleveo to be accompllces to tbe terrorlsts, bave been arresteo ano arralgneo ln court. Tbey are Mobameo Abmeo Abol, Llban Aboule Omar, Aoan Abolkaolr Aoan ano Husseln Mustata Hassan. Seven otber suspects bave been arresteo ano cbargeo ln court. 8. Flve (5) otber suspects are stlll at large. 9. A motor veblcle Mltsublsbl Lancer reglstratlon no. KAS 575X was useo by tbe terrorlsts ourlng tbe attack. 10. Four (4) Satarlcom slm caros were recovereo trom tbe veblcle useo by tbe terrorlsts. 11. Slty seven (67) people ot oltterent natlonalltles were kllleo ourlng tbe Westgate Mall slege. 12. Over 200 persons were lnjureo ln tbe attack. 13. Dlgltal vloeo Recoroers (DvRs) are stlll belng analyzeo. The Connittee nade the foIIowing observations and concIusions on the Westgate MaII terror attack, anong others, that, 1. Tbere was general lntormatlon on tbe lmpenolng terror attack on tbe all tbe malls ano otber strateglc Western lnterests especlally ln Nalrobl. Tbe lntormatlon was maoe avallable to tbe relevant Securlty ottlcers ln Nalrobl County. 2. Tbere was general lalty among tbe pollce over terror alerts wltbln Nalrobl County. 3. Tbe RLCCL Company trom tbe General Servlce Unlt (GSU) bao contalneo tbe terrorlsts ln one corner ot tbe Mall. Tbere was bowever poor coorolnatlon ourlng tbe cbangeover between tbe Kenya Detence Forces ano tbe Pollce. 4. Tbere was lootlng ot buslness premlses wltbln tbe Mall by lnolvloual securlty ottlcers. Actlon bas alreaoy been taken agalnst tbe culprlts. 5. Tbere ls natlonwloe systemlc tallure on tbe part ot tbe |mmlgratlon Servlces Department, Department ot Retugee Attalrs, ano Reglstratlon ot Persons Department attrlbuteo to corruptlon at tbe boroer control polnts ano reglstratlon centres, malnly ln Nalrobl, Coast ano Nortb Lastern areas. 6. Tbere was oestructlon ot property occasloneo by ecbange ot tlre between tbe terrorlsts ano tbe securlty torces. 8 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Tbe [olnt Commlttee maoe tbe tollowlng recommenoatlons, among otbers:- 1. Tbe Government sboulo oeclare war agalnst al Sbabaab wberever tbey are. Tbe war agalnst terrorlsm sboulo be lntensltleo wltbln ano outsloe tbe country. Tbe Government sboulo collaborate wltb tbe lnternatlonal communlty tor a concerteo ettort to brlng peace ano stablllty to tbe Somall Republlc wltb a vlew to ensurlng tbat tbe country woulo no longer serve as a sanctuary tor lnternatlonal crlme ano terrorlsm. 2. Tbe Government sboulo establlsb a Natlonal |nter-Agency Coorolnatlon Centre to be reterreo to as tbe Dlrectorate ot Natlonal Securlty, wltb membersblp orawn trom all tbe securlty agencles, to ensure lntelllgence gatberlng, lntormatlon sbarlng ano lmplementatlon ls carrleo out. Tbe Dlrectorate premlseo on a slngle ano secure lntormatlon management programme, sball be reportlng tbe constltutlng agencles. 3. Tbe Government sboulo carry out raolcal surgery ln tbe Department ot |mmlgratlon Servlces ano secono tralneo securlty ottlcers lncluolng retlreo mllltary ottlcers, vetteo aomlnlstrators ano N|S ottlcers wbo bave a securlty backgrouno, to tbe Department. Tbe Department sboulo cease to vlctlmlze Kenya-Somall appllcants seeklng to acqulre loentltlcatlon oocuments. 4. Tbe Retugees Act 2006 sboulo be repealeo. Tbe Act ls reounoant ano cannot oeal aoequately wltb emerglng lssues on terrorlsm. A new law sboulo be oevelopeo to guloe on tbe banollng ot tbe Retugee pbenomenon ln tbe country. 5. Daoaab (Dagbale, |to, |to ||, Hagoera, Kamblos) ano Kakuma Retugee Camps sboulo be closeo ano resloent retugees repatrlateo to tbelr country ot orlgln. Tbe recent slgnlng ot tbe Trlpartlte Agreement by tbe Government ot Kenya, tbe Somall Republlc ano UNCHR ls a step towaros tbe rlgbt olrectlon. 6. Tbe Government sboulo tast track tbe Natlonal Dlsaster Management Pollcy wltb a vlew to ensurlng tbat leglslatlon was oevelopeo to guaro agalnst bapbazaro ano knee jack response to olsasters. Tbe Commlttee ls tbanktul to tbe Ottlce ot tbe Speaker ano tbe Clerk ot tbe Natlonal Assembly tor tbe loglstlcal ano tecbnlcal support accoroeo to lt ourlng lts Slttlngs. Tbe Commlttee wlsbes to tbank all tbe wltnesses tor tbelr cooperatlon ano partlclpatlon ourlng tbe lnqulry. Lastly, tbe Commlttee woulo llke to pay speclal trlbute to tbe many gallant Kenyans wbo partlclpateo ln tbe rescue mlsslon at tbe Westgate Mall ano ensureo tbat bunoreos ot people were saveo, wblle tbe lnjureo were oellvereo to tbe bospltals, tbe securlty ottlcers wbo lost tbelr llves ourlng tbe rescue mlsslon, Members ot tbe Natlonal Assembly ano tbe many Kenyans, some ot tbem trom tbe Dlaspora, wbo oonateo blooo, tunos ano any otber klno ot support tollowlng tbe attack. 9 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. On bebalt ot tbe Commlttee, ano pursuant to Stanolng Oroer 199(5), lt ls my pleasant outy to table ln tbe House tbe Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons on lts lnqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano terrorlst attacks ln otber areas sucb as Manoera ano Kllltl. Slgneo........................................ Date................................. Hon. Asnan Kanana, MGH, OGW, MP Chairnan, DepartnentaI Connittee on Adninistration and NationaI 5ecurity Slgneo........... Date........... Hon. Ndung'u Gethenji, MP Chairnan, DepartnentaI Connittee on Defence and Foreign ReIations 10 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. BACKGROUND ON TERRORl5M lN KENYA 1.0 lntroduction Terrorlsm bas long been recognlzeo as a serlous torelgn ano oomestlc securlty tbreat ot concern to tbe lnternatlonal communlty slnce 1937 wben tbe League ot Natlons elaborateo tbe Conventlon tor tbe Preventlon ano Punlsbment ot Terrorlsm. Subsequently, tbe Unlteo Natlons ano reglonal lnter-governmental organlzatlons bave oealt wltb terrorlsm trom a legal ano polltlcal perspectlve. Slnce 1963, tbe lnternatlonal communlty bas elaborateo unlversal legal lnstruments relateo to tbe preventlon ano suppresslon ot lnternatlonal terrorlsm. |ncreaslngly, tbe tbreat ot terrorlsm bas galneo global pbenomenon ln tbe tace ot unprovokeo ano severe attacks evloenceo ln Kenya, Morocco, Tanzanla, Paklstan, Sauol Arabla, Malaysla, tbe USA ano most recently tbe Unlteo Klngoom ano Lgypt. Perbaps, tbls glves welgbt to tbe tact tbat terrorlsm bas emergeo as a belnous crlme agalnst bumanlty ano one ot tbe major orawback towaros acblevlng global peace ln tbe past oecaoe. 1.1 Terrorisn Defined Tbe amblgultles ano controversles surrounolng tbe very oetlnltlon ot terrorlsm bas become one ot tbe major blnorances towaros ettectlve preventlon ano combat ot terrorlsm. Tbere ls no unlversally acceptable oetlnltlon ot terrorlsm tbougb tbere are generally accepteo perceptlons on wbo a terrorlst ls. Terrorlsm bas been varlously been oetlneo as: Tbe use or tbreat ot actlon wbere tbe actlon lnvolveo or tbreateneo can cause serlous barm agalnst a person, oamage property, enoanger otber people's llves, creates a serlous rlsk to bealtb or satety ot tbe publlc or sectlon ot publlc. An act oeslgneo to lntertere wltb or olsrupt an electronlc system, lntluence or lntlmloate tbe government or publlc, so as to aovance polltlcal, rellglous or loeologlcal causes uslng tlrearms, eploslves, cbemlcal blologlcal raolologlcal or nuclear weapons, or weapons ot mass oestructlon ln any torm. Tbrougbout lts recent blstory, Kenya bas been a vlctlm ot terrorlst attacks. Tbe most promlnent ot tbese was on August 7 1998, wben al-Qaeoa attackeo tbe Unlteo States (US) Lmbassy ln Nalrobl, kllllng about 224 people ano lnjurlng over 5,000 people. Tbe attack was coorolnateo slmultaneously wltb tbe bomblng ot tbe U.S. Lmbassy ln Dar es Salaam, Tanzanla, wblcb kllleo 12 people. On November 28, 2002, al-Qaeoa mllltants attackeo tbe |sraell-owneo Paraolse Hotel ln Mombasa, kllllng 15 people. Almost slmultaneously, mllltants tlreo two sbouloer-launcbeo mlsslles at an |sraell cbarter plane ln tbe same clty, mlsslng tbe target. 11 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Tbe recent escalatlon ot terrorlst attacks ln Kenya ls bowever attrlbuteo to tbe al- Sbabab lnsurgency ln tbe nelgbborlng Somalla. On October 1, 2011, Marle Deoleu, a olsableo Frencb woman was klonappeo trom ber bome near Manoa |slano, Lamu by suspecteo al-Sbabab gunmen ano oleo wblle ln tbe assallants' custooy. On October 13, suspecteo al-Sbabab mllltants klonappeo two temale Spanlsb Moeclns sans Frontleres (MSF) alo workers trom tbe Daoaab retugee camp ln Kenya, ano took tbem to Somalla. Tbese serles ot cross-boroer attacks, as well as prlor klonapplng lncloents, spurreo Kenya's Detence Forces (KDF) to lntervene ln Somalla on October 14. Followlng tbe lnterventlon ot tbe KDF, Kenya bas eperlenceo several terrorlst attacks largely attrlbuteo to tbe al-sbaabab, culmlnatlng ln tbe most recent West gate sbopplng mall terror attack on September 21, 2013. 2.0 ChronoIogy of Terrorist Attacks in Kenya Kenya bas eperlenceo attacks slnce about 1975 but terror attacks bave been on tbe lncrease wltb tbe KDF lnterventlon ln Somalla. 2.1 Pre- 5onaIia intervention DATE NATURE OF TERRORl5M ATTACK NO. OF CA5UALTlE5 FATALlTlE5 lNjURED IebruorylMorch !975 A blast ln a lavatory at tbe Starllgbt Nlgbtclub [current lntegrlty Centre], tbe secono at tbe |ntormatlon 8ureau near tbe Hllton Hotel ano tbe tblro, at tbe OTC bus statlon. 27 people at tbe OTC 8us statlon New Yeor's ve !980 A bomb at tbe Nor(olk Hotel Responslblllty tor tbe attack was clalmeo by an Arab group tbat salo lt was seeklng retallatlon tor Kenya's allowlng |sraell troops to retuel ln Nalrobl ourlng tbe 1976 ralo on Lntebbe Alrport ln Uganoa to rescue bostages trom a bljackeo alrcratt. Prlme suspect was loentltleo as 34- year-olo Qaooura Mobammeo Aboel al-Hamlo ot Morocco. 20 people 80 lnjureo August 7, !998 Sulcloe bombers oetonateo two 224 5,000 12 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. truck bombs outsloe tbe US mbossy n Norob 28 November 2002 Porodse hotel, Kkombolo, Momboso - One ot tbe sulcloe bombers blew blmselt up at tbe botel's entrance. Tbe secono orove a veblcle loaoeo wltb eploslves, gas canlsters ano contalners ot tuel, lnto a wall ot tbe botel. Tbe same Last Atrlcan cell responslble tor eecutlng tbe August 7 attacks was responslble. All but one ot tbe suspects were Kenyan natlonals. 13 tourlsts More tban 80. !! july 2007, Cty Gote Restouront, Hotel Ambossodeur- tbe oevlce was suspecteo to bave oetonateo prematurely. 2 lncluolng one suspecteo ot carrylng eploslves !3 june 20!0 3 grenaoes eplooeo at a polltlcal rally ln Uhuru Pork, Norob 6 30 4 December 20!0 Norob ln separate grenaoe attacks 3 pollce ottlcers 20 December 20!0 A grenode ottock ot the Kompolo Cooch bus termnus n Rver Rood 1 person was kllleo ano 26 lnjureo ln a grenaoe attack 2.2 Post- 5onaIia intervention DATE NATURE OF TERRORl5M ATTACK NO. OF CA5UALTlE5 !7 October 20!! Mwouro's pub n Norob wben a grenaoe was tbrown Coost o( Lomu - Kenyan navy patrol boat ls blt by a suspecteo rock propelleo grenaoe 1 person was kllleo ano 15 lnjureo lnjurlng 3 navy ottlcers 24 October 20!! A grenaoe tbrown at people stanolng at a bus stop. 1 person was kllleo 8 lnjureo 13 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. 27 October 20!! A grenaoe blt a veblcle ln Mondero 4 people 28 October 20!! A veblcle carrylng members ot Kenya's paramllltary GSU beaolng to Llbol blt a roaosloe lanomlne 7km trom Garlssa town 3 people. ! November 20!! Grenaoe attack at tbe Last Atrlcan Pentecostal cburcb ln Garlssa. 2 people 24 November 20!! Twln grenaoe attacks at tbe Holloay |nn ano a sbop ln Garlssa. 3 people 2 November 20!! Suspecteo Al-Sbaabab mllltants attack Arabla (traolng centre near Manoera), ano blt tbe local pollce statlon Arms ano ammunltlon ano oestroylng communlcatlons equlpment were oestroyeo 5 December 20!! A lanomlne targetlng a Unlteo Natlons convoy eplooes lfo efugee comp |n uodoo5 comp|ex 1 pollce ottlcer 3 pollce ottlcers !! Dec, 20!! A remote controlleo eploslve oevlce eplooeo near Mondero Border Pont 3 1 pollce ottlcer 3 pollce ottlcers Lanomlne targetlng a mllltary convoy eplooes Wojr town 9 sololers !! jonuory, 20!2 Armeo Al- Sbabaab mllltants attack tbe Cer|||e comp, Wo|r u|str|ct. Tbe mllltants also klonappeo 2 government ottlclals. 6 people lncluolng 3 pollce ottlcers !9 Iebruory 20!2 Attack on a pollce statlon Hu|ugho, Cor|sso 1 pollceman ano 1 clvlllan lnjureo 2 clvlllans. 4 Aprl 20!2 Grenaoe attacks at a cburcb servlce ln Mtwapa, Mombasa 2 kllleo 30 lnjureo 28 Aprl 20!2 Goo's House ot Mlracles 1 person was kllleo ano 16 14 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. |nternatlonal Cburcb ln Ngara, Nalrobl lnjureo. ! Moy 20!2 2 Grenaoes tbrown lnto 8ella vlsta bar, Mombasa. 1 securlty guaro 28 Moy 20!2 Lploslve oevlce oetonateo ln at tbe Assananos bullolng on Mol Avenue, Nalrobl 1 person kllleo ano atter an 30 lnjureo 25 june 20!2 jercho pub n Momboso. 1 person several otbers lnjureo !8 july 20!2 Grenaoe attacks at tbe Garlssa Catbollc cburcb ano Atrlca |nlano Cburcb (A|C) 17 people 45 wounoeo !9 july 20!2 Grenaoes tbrown lnto a botel restaurant ano barber's sbop Wajlr boroer reglon 4 people 30 September 20!2 A grenaoe attack at St Polycarp's cburcb on [uja Roao, Nalrobl 1 cbllo 3 serlously lnjureo jonuory 4, 20!3 A grenaoe attack trom a saloon car Garlssa 2 jonuory !, 20!3 Suspecteo Al-Sbabaab sbot people at a restaurant ln Garlssa 5 people ano 3 jonuory !7, 20!3 Hogdero Re(ugee comp n Dodoob- lmprovlseo eploslve oevlces went ott 2 men belleveo to be sulcloe bombers Iebruory 2, 20!3 Wajlr 1 KDF sololer 2 otber sololers lnjureo Aprl !8, 20!3 Armeo gangsters stormeo Kwa Cbege botel ano starteo sbootlng Gorsso 6 are sbot oeao 10 serlously lnjureo September 2!, 20!3 Armeo terrorlsts stormeo tbe Westgate sbopplng mall ln Nalrobl More tban 70 More tban 175 September 25, 20!3 Cunmen hur|ed + grenodes ond shot |nd|scr|m|note|, |nto on o||e, |eod|ng to the Ken,o Not|ono| L|5ror, Serv|ces Wo|r 1 5 September 2, Gunmen stormeo a Kenyan pollce 2 2 15 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. 20!3 compouno ln lnolscrlmlnately sbootlng lnto ottlcers' bomes Manoera ano settlng tbe governments veblcles on tlre. 3.0 Why Kenya Renains 5usceptibIe to Terror Attacks Among tbe Last Atrlcan countrles, Kenya bas been tbe most vulnerable to terrorlst attacks mostly owlng to tbe lnterventlon ln Somalla by tbe KDF. However, Uganoa ano 8urunol also bave troops ln Somalla yet tbey are not prone to tbe many attacks Kenya bas eperlenceo. Many tactors may be responslble lncluolng polltlcal ano soclo- economlc tactors. Some ot tbe reasons lncluoe among otbers: . Poltcol (octors- Kenya bas an agreement wltb tbe Unlteo States tor tbe use ot local mllltary tacllltles. Tbe agreement allows US troops to use tbe Port ot Mombasa, as well as alrtlelos at Lmbakasl ano Nanyukl. Tbese tacllltles were useo to support tbe Amerlcan mllltary lnterventlon ln Somalla ln 1992-94 ano bave been useo to support US ano otber coalltlon torces lnvolveo ln counter-terrorlsm operatlons. Tbe Al-Qaeoa ano Al-sbaabab target Kenya oue to tbese close llnks wltb tbe Western countrles as coulo be concluoeo ln tbe 1998 bomblngs ot tbe US embassy ln Nalrobl ano Dar-es- Salaam. Tbe presence ot large epatrlate communltles also makes Kenya more attractlve tor terrorlst operatlons. ii. Porous borders- Kenya sbares a boroer wltb Somalla wblcb bas eperlenceo contllct slnce 1991 ano ls known to be a terrorlst baven. Kenya's boroer wltb Somalla ls long ano cannot be secureo ettectlvely, ano lt ls easy to smuggle across weapons ano bumans. Tbe porous boroer makes lt easy tor terrorlsts to sneak ln ano out ot tbe country turtber enoangerlng tbe country. iii. Corrupton- Corruptlon bas greatly leo to tbe vulnerablllty ot tbe country ln many cases lncluolng wbere lmmlgratlon ottlclals are compromlseo tbus permlttlng 'allens' wbo coulo be terrorlsts to enter tbe country ano acqulre loentltlcatlon. Tbls enables terrorlsts ease ot movement ano are tberetore able to plan ano eecute attacks wltbout tbe tear ot olscovery. Furtber compromlslng ot securlty ottlclals enables 'suspecteo lnolvlouals to tall to pursue suspecteo terrorlsts ano enable tbem to secure early release wben caugbt or reporteo ln susplclous crlmlnal actlvltles. v. Poor level o( preporedness- tbe level ot prepareoness ot tbe securlty torces to terror attacks bas been qulte low oesplte several terror attacks mostly ln tbe recent past. Most ot tbe attacks bave caugbt tbe securlty torces unawares bence tbe 16 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. response to most attacks ls reactlonary wben tbe oamage ls alreaoy oone as opposeo to pro-actlveness. Securlty torces lntelllgence ano capaclty bas been seen to be lnettectlve allowlng terrorlsts to move about treely, tlno sate baven, ano establlsb loglstlcal bubs ln tbe country wbere tbey plan ano eecute tbe attacks unolscovereo. Tbe response mecbanlsm ot tbe securlty torces bas also been slow ano lacklng ln coorolnatlon to tbe etent tbat most ot tbe oamage ls alreaoy oone by tbe tlme tbe sltuatlon ls contalneo. v. Prol(eroton o( smoll orms ond Lght weopons (SALW) - Smuggllng ot SALW constltutes one ot tbe most cballenglng ano presslng problems ln Last Atrlca, poslng an lmmeolate securlty tbreat to lnolvlouals, socletles ano states ln tbe reglon. Small Arms ano Llgbt Weapons are reaolly avallable on black markets greatly lncreaslng tbe rlsk ot attacks ln tbe country. Tbe tlow ot tlrearms bas turtber been tuelleo by perslstent lnstablllty ano recurrlng outbreaks ot contllcts wltbln tbe Horn ot Atrlca ano tbe Great Lakes Reglon. |n aooltlon to lnter-communlty vlolence, organlzeo crlmlnal actlvltles sucb as envlronmental crlmes, orug trattlcklng, plracy, terrorlst actlvltles ano urban robberles bave been greatly asslsteo by tbe easy avallablllty ot llllclt weapons. v. Youth rodcolzoton - Somalla bas otten been seen as tbe source ot etremlsm ln tbe reglon. Certaln segments ot Kenya's Musllm youtb are becomlng more ano more at a rlsk ot raolcallzatlon ano recrultment lnto etremlst groups tor varlous reasons. Tbls ls vlslble because lt ls not Somall natlonals beblno most ot tbe terrorlst lncloents outsloe Somalla's boroers but Kenyan natlonals. Tbougb Somalla provloes a sate baven, tralnlng camps ano opportunltles tor etremlsts to tlgbt tbe 'enemles ot |slam', al-Qaeoa ano al-Sbabaab bave eecuteo attacks ln tbe reglon by relylng on Kenyan youtb asslstance ano support. Tbe Government sboulo tberetore strlve tor strategles tbat aooress tbe youtb raolcallzatlon. v. The re(ugee problem - Tbe prolongeo sltuatlon ot bumanltarlan crlsls ano contllct ln Somalla bas progresslvely mutateo lnto a myrlao ot tbreats to tbe Somall populatlon, tbe nelgbbourlng states ano tbe reglon. Tbe lntlu ot retugees lnto tbe nelgbborlng countrles ano partlcularly lnto Kenya wblcb bosts tbe Daoaab Retugee camp-tbe largest camp ln tbe worlo, bas been one ot tbe resultant ettects ot tbe talleo state ot Somalla tbat Kenya bas bao to oeal wltb. From [anuary to August 2012, tbe Daoaab ano Allnjugur camps reglstereo more tban 5,700 new arrlvals trom Somalla, brlnglng tbe total populatlon ln tbese camps to some 474,000. Tbe blggest jump ln populatlon growtb occurreo ln Kakuma Camp ln Turkana County wbere 13,000 new arrlvals, mostly trom Soutb Suoan, were reglstereo between [anuary ano August 2012. Wltb a populatlon eceeolng 101,000, Kakuma ls raploly 17 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. runnlng out ot space. Tbe total number ot retugees ano asylum-seekers ln Kenya ls estlmateo to be more tban 630,000. Tbe lntlu ano tbe resultant lncrease ot retugee populatlon ln Kenya bave leo to oeterloratlon ln securlty ano belgbteneo retugee-local communlty tenslon oue to competltlon tor scarce resources ano amenltles. A major securlty tbreat bas been tbe lntlltratlon ot terrorlst elements sucb as Al Sbabaab poslng as retugees lnto tbe camp, ano tbus perslstently obstructlng bumanltarlan asslstance to Somall retugees. Tbe olsgulseo mllltants bave also reporteoly useo tbe camps to bloe ano terry tbe SALW trom Somalla to Nalrobl ano otber urban centers ln Kenya. Tbls bas tbreateneo tbe securlty ot areas arouno tbe Retugee Camps, Nortb Lastern Provlnce, ano tbat ot Kenya ln general. 3.! Terrorst Orgonzotons Terrorlsts requlre tunolng ano otber loglstlcal support to carry out tbelr belnous acts agalnst tellow buman klno. Among tbe terrorlst cells tbat bave clalmeo responslblllty tor terrorlsm acts ln Kenya are Al-Qaeoa ano Al-Sbaabab. 3.2 The AL-QADA ond Al-Shoboob (octor Al-Qaeoa ls a global mllltant |slamlst organlzatlon tounoeo by Osama bln Laoen ln Paklstan between August 1988 ano late 1989 wltb lts orlglns belng traceable to tbe Sovlet War ln Atgbanlstan. |t operates as a network comprlslng botb a multlnatlonal, stateless army ano a raolcal Sunnl Musllm movement calllng tor global [lbao ano a strlct lnterpretatlon ot Sbarla law. |t bas been oeslgnateo as a terrorlst organlzatlon by tbe Unlteo Natlons Securlty Councll, NATO, tbe Luropean Unlon, tbe Unlteo Klngoom, tbe Unlteo States, |nola ano varlous otber countrles. Al-Qaeoa bas attackeo clvlllan ano mllltary targets ln varlous countrles, lncluolng tbe September 11 attacks, 1998 U.S. embassy bomblngs ano tbe 2002 8all bomblngs. Al-Qaeoa envlslons a complete break trom all torelgn lntluences ln Musllm countrles, ano tbe creatlon ot a new worlo-wloe |slamlc leaoer. Osama bln Laoen was tbe most blstorlcally notable commanoer ano Senlor Operatlons Cblet ot al-Qaeoa prlor to bls assasslnatlon on May 1, 2011 by US torces. Al Qaloa began establlsblng cells ln Last Atrlca ourlng tbe early ano mlo-1990s wblcb were responslble tor tbe 1998 attacks on tbe U.S. embassles. |t ls speculateo tbat tbese cells were never entlrely ellmlnateo, ano tbat Nalrobl ano Mombasa baseo remnants were responslble tor tbe November 2002 attacks on |sraell tourlsts at tbe Paraolse botel. Fazul Aboallab Mobameo, tbe Comoros born mastermlno ot tbe embassy bomblngs, ls wloely consloereo responslble tor tbe Mombasa attacks. Llke co- consplrator, Abmeo Sallm Sweoan, Fazul was a proouct ot Al Qaloa tralnlng ln Atgbanlstan. Desplte belng on tbe Feoeral 8ureau ot |nvestlgatlon's blgbly publlclzeo llst 18 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. ot tbe most wanteo lnternatlonal terrorlsts, Fazul seems to bave orawn no ottlclal scrutlny wblle llvlng ln tbe coastal town ot Lamu near tbe Somall boroer. Unoer tbe allas AboulKarlm, Fazul llveo quletly, taugbt at a maorassa, ano marrleo a local woman. On May 1, 2011 US Presloent 8arack Obama announceo tbat Osama bln Laoen bao been kllleo ln a covert operatlon ln Paklstan. Fazul was kllleo ln [une, 2011. 3.3 The ol - Shoboob Al-Sbabaab reterreo to as HSM ln sbort wblcb stanos tor "Harakat al-Sbabaab al- Mujabloeen" ls tbe Somalla-baseo cell ot tbe mllltant |slamlst group al-Qaeoa, tormally recognlzeo ln 2012. As ot 2012, tbe group controls large parts ot tbe soutbern parts ot tbe country, wbere lt ls salo to bave lmposeo lts own strlct torm ot Sbarla. Al-Sbabaab's troop strengtb as ot May 2011 was estlmateo at 14,426 mllltants. Al- Sbabaab oescrlbes ltselt as waglng jlbao agalnst "enemles ot |slam", ano ls engageo ln combat agalnst tbe Transltlonal Feoeral Government ano tbe Atrlcan Unlon Mlsslon to Somalla (AM|SOM). Alleglng ulterlor motlves on tbe part ot torelgn organlzatlons, group members bave also reporteoly lntlmloateo, klonappeo ano kllleo alo workers, leaolng to a suspenslon ot bumanltarlan operatlons ano an eoous ot rellet agents. Al- Sbabaab bas been oeslgnateo a terrorlst organlzatlon by several Western governments ano securlty servlces. Tbe group bas also been suspecteo ot bavlng llnks wltb Al-Qaeoa ln |slamlc Magbreb ano 8oko Haram. Fazul Aboullab Mobammeo a Kenyan natlonal was appolnteo by Osama bln Laoen as al Qaeoa's leaoer ln Last Atrlca ln late 2009. 8etore tbe oeatb ot Saleb All Saleb Nabban, Mobammeo serveo as tbe mllltary operatlons cblet tor al Qaeoa ln Last Atrlca. He was an eperlenceo al Qaeoa leaoer known to be able to move ln ano out ot Last Atrlcan countrles wltb ease. Mobammeo was consloereo to be Sbabaab's mllltary leaoer, wblle Sbelkb Muktar Aboelrabman Abu Zubeyr was Al-Sbabaab's splrltual leaoer. He was kllleo on [une 8, 2011. On February 9, 2012, Mukbtar Abu al-Zubalr 'Gooane' announceo ln a tltteen-mlnute vloeo message tbat al Sbabaab woulo be jolnlng tbe |slamlst mllltant terrorlst organlzatlon al-Qaeoa, unoer tbe leaoersblp ot Ayman al-Zawablrl. |n response to Gooane's announceo name cbange ano merger wltb al-Qaeoa, all otber Sbabaab top leaoers calleo a conterence ln 8aloabo wbere tbey retuseo to aoopt tbe new name (al - Qaeoa ln Last Atrlca) ano tbey agreeo on a new pollcy. |t tberetore brougbt some lnternal rltts ln tbe al Sbaabab. 4.0 The Afternath of Terror Attacks: August 1998 and the Westgate MaII 4.1 August, 1998 Bonbing of the U5 Enbassy 19 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Tbe slmultaneous bomblng ot tbe US Lmbassles ln Kenya ano Tanzanla leo to over 224 oeatbs ano 5,000 lnjureo. Tbe suspects ot tbe attacks lncluoeo: Fazul Aboullab Mobammeo, a Kenyan natlonal, wbo came to be recognlseo as tbe leaoer ot al-Qaeoa's Last Atrlcan cell (be was kllleo ln 2011). Fablo Mobammeo Ally Msalam, a Kenyan natlonal, wbo purcbaseo tbe veblcle useo by tbe Tanzanlan cell togetber wltb Kbaltan Kbamls Mobameo ano belpeo to loao tbe truck wltb tbe bomb useo to attack tbe US embassy ln Tanzanla. Msalam, togetber wltb Sbelkb Abmeo Sallm Sweoan, anotber Kenyan natlonal, also purcbaseo tbe truck useo to bomb tbe Kenyan embassy. Anas al-Llby (a Llbyan), wbo conoucteo survelllance ot potentlal US, 8rltlsb, Frencb ano |sraell targets ln Nalrobl. (He was arresteo ln Trlpoll by tbe US torces on 6 tb October, 2013). Mobammeo Saoeek Ooeb, a [oroanlan wbo bao been granteo Kenyan cltlzensblp ano settleo near Mallnol oversaw tbe constructlon ot botb oevlces (be was sentenceo to llte ln prlson ln October 2001). Kbaltan Kbamls Mobameo (sentenceo to llte lmprlsonment ln October, 2001) ano Abmeo Kbaltan Gballanl, botb Tanzanlan natlonals. Wablo el-Hage (a Lebanese), wbo serveo as bln Laoen's personal secretary ano bao moveo to Kenya ln 1994 to asslst ln tbe runnlng ot tbe Kenyan cell. Mustata Mobameo Faobll (an Lgyptlan), wbo was accuseo ot preparlng ano loaolng eploslves lnto tbe truck useo ln tbe attack ln Tanzanla. Tbe Nalrobl bomblng was carrleo out by two Sauol natlonals: Mobameo Rasbeo Daouo al-Owball (sentenceo to llte lmprlsonment ln October, 2001) wbo tbrew stun grenaoes at embassy guaros betore runnlng ott, ano anotber, only reterreo to as 'Azzam', wbo was tbe sulcloe bomber. Atter tbe al-Qaeoa terrorlst attacks ln Kenya ln 1998 ano 2002, a Commlsslon ot lnqulry was tormeo tbougb lts tlnolngs were never maoe publlc. Tbe government bowever lmproveo lts ablllty to tlgbt terrorlsm ano relateo tbreats. |t lncreaseo lts capabllltles to loentlty, arrest ano oetaln suspects tbrougb an Antl-Terrorlsm Pollce Unlt (ATPU) tbat was establlsbeo ln 2002. Yet al-Sbabab's aovances ln Somalla ourlng tbe last tew years bave cballengeo Kenya's ablllty to prevent terrorlst attacks. Poverty, weak boroers, corruptlon, lnept pollce, talleo governments ano rlslng olsllluslonment among young |slamlsts bave maoe Kenya ano otber Atrlcan natlons easy targets ano potentlal bavens tor global terrorlsts. Compareo to countrles llke Lgypt ano |srael Kenya's counter-terrorlsm ettorts are weak. 20 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. On tbe pollce sloe, tbe government bas taken a number ot measures almeo at strengtbenlng tbe torces ablllty to combat terrorlsm ano relateo crlmes. Some ot tbe measures lncluoe: tbe creatlon ot Antl-terrorlsm Pollce Unlt, tbe openlng a Counter- Terrorlsm Center to provloe an lnstltutlonal tramework to combat tbe tbreats, ano slgnltlcant tunolng ot tbe center to bolster lts capablllty ln combatlng tbe terrorlsm tbreat ano tbe enactment ot tbe Preventlon ot terrorlsm Act, 2012. Tbls bave bowever stlll been seen to be lnettectlve. 4.2 The Attack on Westgate MaII Tbe serles ot attacks, lnto wblcb tbe Westgate lncloent talls began ln October 2011 atter tbe Kenyan army lnterventlon ln Somalla. Slnce tben, terrorlst eplsooes bave taken varlous torms lncluolng grenaoes burleo lnto crowos ln urban spaces, tbe lnolscrlmlnate sbootlng lnto crowos ot people, lncluolng ln cburcbes, ano tbe slaylng ot securlty ottlcers ln colo blooo. Most ot tbese lncloents took place ln several towns ln tbe nortb-eastern part ot Kenya, wblcb bave become tbe eplcenters ot terrorlsm ln Kenya. A year betore tbe attack, a Kenyan government lntelllgence report warneo ot a potentlal attack at Westgate. Tbe brletlng oateo September 21, 2012, salo Somall mllltants trom tbe group al-Sbabaab were plannlng to target tbe part-|sraell-owneo mall. Tbere were clalms ot lntelllgence reports tbat suspecteo al-Sbabaab operatlves were ln Nalrobl ano plannlng to mount sulcloe attacks on an unolscloseo oate, targetlng Westgate mall. Anotber lntelllgence brletlng trom February warneo ot attacks llke tbose tbat struck Mumbal ln late 2008, "wbere tbe operatlves storm lnto a bullolng wltb guns ano grenaoes ano probably bolo bostages. |t ls unclear wbat measures were put ln place to prevent tbe attacks. On Saturoay September 21 2013, attackers belleveo to be about 10 ano 15 (number yet to be ascertalneo), stormeo lnto west gate mall ano ranoomly starteo sbootlng. About tlve armeo attackers burst tbrougb one ot tbe maln entrances, guns blazlng, wblle anotber tour entereo tbrougb an unoergrouno parklng lot. Lploslves also went ott ln tbe bullolng causlng lt to cave ln some tloors. |t ls not clear wbo between tbe terrorlsts ano tbe securlty torces set ott tbe eploslves. Tbe Cblet ot General Statt announceo tbat tbe terrorlsts set mattresses on tlre lnsloe tbe bullolng as a olstractlon wblle tbey escapeo. Tbe sltuatlon lasteo tor 3 oays enolng wltb tbe Presloent's announcement on 24 tb September tbat tbe securlty torces bao galneo control ot tbe bullolng. |t ls reporteo tbat tbe attack leo to over 70 oeatbs ano more tban 200 bunoreo were lnjureo. Abu 8araal Al Suoanl, Omar Nabban ano Kbatab Al Kene bave been loentltleo as suspects. 21 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Tbe attack bas oemonstrateo bow utterly vulnerable Kenya ls to acts ot terrorlsm. Several questlons arlse out ot tbls attack. 4.2.1 5ecurity Iapses Tbere are concerns tbat warnlngs about tbe attack may bave been mlsseo or lgnoreo by tbe government. Reports lnolcate tbat lntormatlon about suspecteo terrorlsts plannlng an attack was relayeo to Kenya's securlty organs but no actlon was taken. Tbese clalms sboulo be lnterrogateo. |t sboulo also be lnterrogateo wby otber countrles sucb as Ltblopla ano 8urunol wbo bao earller sent troops to Somalla bave not been attackeo by tbe al-sbaabab. Tanzanla bas also not suttereo any terrorlst attacks atter tbe 1998 bomblngs. |s lt because our securlty torces are weak, lnolsclpllneo ano easlly corruptlble? Tbe measures put ln place to protect tbe country atter tbe 1998 bomblngs ano tollowlng tbe lnterventlon lnto Somalla by tbe KDF wblcb bas put tbe country at a greater rlsk sboulo be loentltleo. 5ecurity Iapses before the attack Were tbere any specltlc actlons wblcb any ot our securlty servlces woulo bave taken to prevent tbe attack wblcb were not taken? |t tbere were, bow sboulo we be proceeolng now? Wbat was tbe role ot tbe N|S ln preventlng tbe Westgate attack? Wbat actlons (lt any) were taken to prevent tbe attacks? 5ecurity Iapses during the attack |t ls reporteo tbat tbere was contllct ln commano ourlng tbe operatlon wblcb causeo tbe attackers to galn grouno ano leo to more oeatbs. Coulo tbese allegatlons be contlrmeo? Wbo was ln cbarge/ln commano ourlng tbe attacks? Tbere are tears tbat some ot tbe oeao were kllleo ln trlenoly tlre, lncluolng a Kenyan pollce commanoer. Wbat eactly took place ourlng tbe operatlon at tbe Westgate? Coulo more people bave been saveo? How ettectlve ls tbe antl-terrorlsm pollce unlt ano wbat was tbelr role ourlng tbe attack? |t was reporteo tbat tbe securlty torces were lnvolveo ln lootlng ot property at tbe mall. Can cases ot lootlng by tbe securlty torces be contlrmeo? Dlo any suspects escape by pretenolng to be bostages? Wbat bappeneo to tbe terrorlsts? How many were kllleo? Tbe Cablnet Secretary was accuseo ot glvlng contllctlng lntormatlon wltb regaro to tbe operatlon. Wbat was tbe real sltuatlon? 22 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. After the attack Wbat measures were put ln place atter tbe 1998 bomblngs? Wbat lmmeolate ano long term securlty measures bave been put ln place to prevent any turtber attacks tollowlng tbreats ot otber attacks lssueo by al- sbabaab? Dlo any suspects escape? How many bostages were stlll ln tbe bullolng wben tbe operatlon was concluoeo? How long wlll lt take to remove tbe rubble? How can Kenya alm to strengtben tbe counter-terrorlsm unlt to enable lt to be comparable to tbat ot tbe |sraell Speclal Forces or tbe Unlteo States Forces? 5ecurity Iapses at the lnnigration Departnent Tbe lmmlgratlon oepartment ls accuseo ot belng blgbly corrupt ano lettlng ln orug oealers, wanteo crlmlnals ano terrorlsts among otber susplclous lnolvlouals. Securlty measures at tbe lmmlgratlon oepartment ano especlally at tbe boroers sboulo be lnterrogateo as tbls ls tbe polnt wbere tbe terrorlsts tlno a way to get tbrougb. 5ecurity at the Refugee Canps Retugee camps are touteo to be tbe baven tor terrorlsts. Wbat securlty measures bave been put ln place at tbese camps to protect bumanltarlan alo workers ano prevent any acts ot terrorlsm trom occurrlng? Wbat actlons are ln place to ensure tbat tbese camps are not bavens tor breeolng terrorlsts? 4.2.2 LegisIation |n eternal cooperatlon, Kenya bas ratltleo tbe twelve lnternatlonal conventlons relevant to tbe tlgbt agalnst terrorlsm. Tbe Last Atrlcan Counterterrorlsm |nltlatlve (LACT|) ano C[TF-HOA ls tbe tounoatlon tor U.S. counterterrorlsm programs ln so tar as US - Kenya partnersblp ln counter-terrorlsm ls concerneo. Kenya bas ratltleo Atrlca Unlon's Conventlon on tbe Preventlon ano Combatlng ot Terrorlsm 1999 ano lts 2002 Protocol wblcb bas oevelopeo a 'Plan ot Actlon on tbe Preventlon ano Combatlng ot Terrorlsm ln Atrlca wblcb specltlcally reterences tbe obllgatlons set out unoer UNSC RLS1373. Some lmpeolments, lnternal ano eternal, stlll elsts ln tbe so tar as Kenya's lnternal ano eternal cooperatlon towaros tbe lmplementatlon ot UNSC Resolutlon 1373 ls concerneo. Tbe Penal Cooe Cap 63 ot tbe laws ot Kenya, tbe 8anklng law, ano tbe Antl-Money- Launoerlng ano Crlme Proceeos ot Crlme 8lll make lt an ottence tor any lnolvloual or 23 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. organlzatlon to open, operate, tlnance, recrult or asslst any person or organlzatlon engageo ln terrorlst actlvltles. |s tbe Leglslatlon (Preventlon ot terrorlsm Act, 2012) ln place to tackle terrorlsm ettectlve? Tbe law wltb regaro to tbe ottences may neeo to be revleweo. For lnstance, Unoer Clause 4 ot tbe Act, a person wbo lntllcts terror ln Kenya can be sentenceo to a malmum ot 30 years ln prlson tbougb be/sbe may be sentenceo to llte lmprlsonment lt tbe act results ln oeatb ot anotber person. However, a person wbo commlts robbery wltb vlolence ls sentenceo to oeatb. 4.2.3 Funding |t wlll be lmportant to lnterrogate lt tbe tunolng to tbe securlty torces ls suttlclent ano bow mucb ot tbe tunolng to tbe securlty torces went olrectly towaros tbe lntelllgence servlce ano bullolng ano enbanclng tbe antl- terrorlsm capablllty? PROCEEDlNG5 OF THE jOlNT COMMlTTEE 5.0 jOlNT COMMlTTEE Vl5lT TO THE WE5TGATE MALL ATTACK 5lTE Tbe Commlttee vlslteo tbe Westgate Mall slte on Monoay 30 tb September, 2013 at 2.30 pm. Durlng a tour ot tbe bullolng, tbe Commlttee observeo tbe tollowlng:- Tbere was etenslve oestructlon ot property walls were rlooleo wltb bullet boles, tbere was crackeo glass ln vlrtually all tbe sbops, some ot tbe sbops sucb as tbe Pbone Lpress Lto. bao empty sbelves. Part ot tbe bullolng root bao collapseo oue to apparent gun tlre/eploslves. Tbe tloors were covereo wltb spots ot blooo wblcb polnteo to lnjurles suttereo by tbe bostages ourlng tbe attack. Tbe tloors were covereo wltb water wblcb tbe Commlttee learnt came trom tbe tlre tlgbters as tbey put out a tlre wblcb bao starteo ln tbe Nakumatt Supermarket. Tbe tloors were llttereo wltb personal ettects ot tbe tleelng bostages. A number ot veblcles on tbe collapseo roottop bao been burnt etenslvely. Durlng a meetlng wltb tbe securlty personnel, representeo by Maj. Lmmanuel Cblcblr ot KDF ano |nspector vltalls Otleno OCPD Glglrl, Members were lntormeo tbat: Tbe terrorlsts wbo were belleveo to be tlve ln number attackeo Westgate Mall on 21 st September 2013 at arouno 11.30 am. 24 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Tbe beavlly armeo terrorlsts galneo access to tbe Mall atter torclng tbelr way lnto tbe premlse wltb tbe alo ot tbree prlvate cars ano sbot oeao a supervlsor wltb a securlty tlrm mannlng tbe Mall atter tbe guaro contronteo tbem soon atter be notltleo by bls junlors wbo were at tbe maln gate. Tbe OCPD Westlanos took cbarge ot tbe operatlon at tbe Mall soon atter tbe terrorlsts went on rampage untll wben tbe |nspector General ot Pollce arrlveo at tbe scene. Tbere was no bao blooo among tbe securlty ottlcers wbo were lnvolveo ln tbe rescue operatlon at tbe Mall. Tbe aovance team trom Kenya Detence Forces arrlveo at tbe scene at 3.30 pm wblle tbe Speclal Forces arrlveo at about 5.00 pm. |mmeolately atter arrlval at tbe scene, tbe Kenya Detence torces secureo all tbe elts at tbe Mall wltb tbe alo ot tbe Westgate Mall map tbat tbey were provloeo wltb by tbe management. Tbe tlnal number ot persons wbo lost tbelr llves ln tbe attack woulo be revealeo once tbe lnvestlgatlons are over as tbe securlty torces were stlll ln tbe process ot retrlevlng tbe oeao booles trappeo unoer tbe rubble. Wben tbe army came ln, tbe Natlonal Pollce Servlce wltborew tbelr Ottlcers to pave way tor tbe army wblcb was a superlor torce. |nvestlgatlon was unoerway on tbe allegatlons tbat securlty torces were lnvolveo ln tbe lootlng spree at tbe Mall. At one polnt tbe securlty torces retreateo to re-strateglze as terrorlsts were sbootlng at tbem trom aovantage polnt leaolng to a number ot unltormeo casualtles. Flve terrorlst were kllleo ourlng tbe last onslaugbt to recapture tbe Westgate Mall ano tbat lt was belleveo tbat tbelr booles were stlll trappeo unoer tbe rubble. |t was too early to tell tbe eact number ot clvlllans wbo were trappeo unoer tbe rubble ano tbat tbe posslbllltles ot trlenoly booles belng trappeo unoer tbe rubble woulo be very lnslgnltlcant lt any because all tbe oeao booles were actually removeo trom tbe bullolng betore tbe bullolng collapseo. On tbe questlon ot tbe prlor knowleoge ot terrorlst attack at tbe Mall, tbe OCPD lntormeo tbe Members tbat be bao no sucb lntormatlon ano tbat wben be got posteo be met tbe management ot tbe Mall over securlty lssues ano was also taken tbrougb tbe Mall to carry out securlty assessment. 25 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Tbere was a lot ot mlscommunlcatlon surrounolng tbe attermatb ot Westgate terror attack golng by tbe reports tbat tbe terrorlsts mlgbt bave useo tbe unoergrouno tunnel reporteo ln tbe meola as tbe escape route. Crlmlnal |nvestlgatlon Department was lnvestlgatlng tbe allegatlon tbat prlor to tbe terrorlst attack, tbe attackers renteo ot tbe rooms at tbe Mall tor buslness purposes. No terrorlst escapeo trom tbe bullolng as tbe scene was beavlly secureo by tbe Kenya securlty torces. Tbe bullolng collapseo as a result ot eploslves wblcb were tlreo lnsloe tbe Mall by tbe terrorlst. Tbe recovery ot tbe terrorlsts ano clvlllans booles stlll covereo unoer tbe rubble mlgbt take a llttle longer as tbe process lnvolves removal ot tbe rubbles. Concerns raised by the Connittee Menbers Tbe Commlttee Members sougbt to know tbe tollowlng trom tbe securlty ottlcers on tbe grouno: |. Tbe eact number ot terrorlsts wbo were lnvolveo ln tbe attack golng by tbe contllctlng lntormatlon glven by oltterent government Ottlcers. ||. Tbe total number ot clvlllans kllleo ln tbe attack. |||. Tbe number ot bostages wbo were belleveo to bave been ln tbe bullolng wben tbe Mall collapseo. |v. Tbe true cause ot tbe tlre tbat was wltnesseo at tbe Mall. v. Tbe cause ot tbe collapse ot tbe rear sloe ot tbe bullolng. v|. Tbe total number ot securlty Ottlcers wbo oleo trom tbe terrorlst tlres ano trlenoly tlres. v||. Wben tbe securlty torces epect to tlnallze on tbelr lnvestlgatlons. v|||. Tbe allegatlons on rampant lootlng at tbe Mall. |X. Tbe unoergrouno tunnel tbat was reporteoly useo by tbe terrorlsts to escape atter carrylng out tbe attack. |n response to tbe above clarltlcatlons, tbe Commlttee was lntormeo as tollows:- 26 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Tbe total number kllleo ourlng tbe attack, accorolng to Government sources, was 67. |t was not posslble to establlsb tbe number ot bostages trappeo ln tbe bullolng as tbe slege progresseo tlll a sectlon ot tbe bullolng collapseo. Tbe tlre lnsloe tbe supermarket was causeo by tbe terror gang as a means to olstract tbe securlty teams ano create a sltuatlon wblcb woulo enable tbem to regroup ano launcb turtber attacks. Tbe sectlon ot tbe Mall tbat collapseo was oue to beavy ecbange ot gun tlre between tbe terrorlsts ano tbe KDF sololers. Tbe number ot securlty ottlcers kllleo ourlng tbe Mall slege was not yet establlsbeo. |t was epecteo tbat torenslc lnvestlgatlons woulo be lnltlateo lmmeolately atter tbe rubble was cleareo ano once booles were retrleveo, lt woulo tben be posslble to establlsb tbe number ot ottlcers ano terrorlsts kllleo ourlng tbe ralo. Tbere was no lootlng by securlty ottlcers at tbe Mall. Tbe allegatlons were untounoeo. However, tbere was etenslve oestructlon ot property occasloneo by tbe beavy gun tlgbt between tbe terrorlsts ano tbe KDF sololers. Tbere was no tunnel leaolng out ot tbe Mall wblcb tbe terrorlsts coulo bave useo to escape. 6.0 MEETlNG WlTH WlTNE55E5 OF THE WE5TGATE MALL TERROR ATTACK Witness no. 001/Westgate |n ber submlsslons, lntormeo tbe Commlttee tbat, Sbe comes trom Matbloya Constltuency. Sbe bao workeo ln tbe Ottlce ot tbe Attorney ano tbe Dlrector ot Meolcal Servlces. Over tlme sbe bas trleo to reacb autborltles on wbat sbe reterreo to as lntormatlon tbat coulo bave belpeo ln lmprovlng tbe securlty ot tbe natlon as sbe bao been bavlng a lot ot concerns over operatlons ot tbe securlty systems ano tbe publlc servlce at large. On 12 tb December, 2012, sbe came across seven young men sleeplng ln a mosque ln Cbuka Rual. Wben sbe lnqulreo about tbelr orlgln, tbey tolo ber tbey were trom tbe Comoro |slanos ano were waltlng tor tbe Ambassaoor ot Yemen to process tbelr vlsas so tbat tbey coulo go to Yemen tor turtber eoucatlon. Sbe calleo tbe Dlstrlct Ottlcer Rual wbo alerteo bls Aomlnlstratlon Pollce wbo later arresteo tbe young men. Tbe tollowlng week wben sbe tolloweo up on tbe case sbe learnt tbat tbe young men bao been releaseo atter two oays ln custooy. Wben sbe askeo tbe DO about tbe release ot tbe seven torelgners, tbe DO tolo ber tbat be was not prlvy to tbe lntormatlon about tbelr release. 27 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Sbe later calleo tbe Ottlcer Commanolng Statlon (OCS), Nyatl Pollce statlon wbo lntormeo ber tbat tbe suspects bao been banoeo over to tbe Antl-terror unlt, a statement sbe olo not belleve. Sbe relterateo tbat tbe lapse ot securlty ln tbe country was belgbteneo by tallure by tbe securlty agencles to beeo cautlon trom tbe general publlc. Tbe Westgate terror attack ano otber relateo terror attacks ln otber parts ot tbe country coulo bave been preventeo lt tbe torces took securlty concerns by tbe publlc more serlously. Witness no. 002/Westgate He lntormeo tbe Members tbat, He was a buslnessman ano was a presloentlal canoloate ln tbe 2013 general electlon. |n tbe process ot wantlng to be tbe presloent ot tbe country, be bullt a network ot trlenos trom polltlcal, economlc ano tormer securlty cblets trom tbe Great Lakes reglon because be belleveo securlty was one ot tbe plllars ot a successtul natlon. Atter tbe general electlons be travelleo out ot tbe country wltb one ot tbe olplomats ln tbe Last Atrlcan reglon wbo was at one tlme tbe Attorney General ano presloentlal securlty aovlser ln bls country ot orlgln. Durlng tbelr journey, tbe olplomat engageo blm ln a olscusslon on lnsecurlty ln Last Atrlca, tbey touno out tbat tbe al-Sbaabab bao a network ot splrltual leaoers ano promlnent tlnanclers ln Kenya. |t emergeo tbat some splrltual leaoers ot tbe al-Sbaabab were carrylng out recrultment wltb lntentlons to attack Kenya ln revenge tor tbe kllllng ot Sbelkb Abouo Rogo. Wben be came back to tbe country ln May 2013, be passeo tbe lntormatlon be bao to tbe pollce. He alerteo tbe pollce tbat tbere were plans to attack Kenya ln revenge tor tbe KDF lnvaslon ot Somalla ano tbe subsequent kllllng ot Sbelkb Rogo. He met Mr. Nebemlab K. 8ltok, tbe Dlstrlct Crlmlnal |nvestlgatlons Ottlcer, Central Pollce Statlon. Atter llstenlng to tbe tape recorolng, tbe DC|O sent blm to tbe Antl-terrorlst unlt. He later vlslteo tbe Antl-terror unlt ano banoeo over tbe tape recorolng to an ottlcer wbom be loentltleo only as [ack. Atter two weeks, be tolloweo up on tbe progress ot bls report to tbe Antl terror unlt ano reallzeo no actlon bao been taken. 28 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. He later oecloeo to see tbe |nspector General ot Pollce over tbe lssue. Wben arrlveo at tbe |G's ottlce be met Mr. Wllllam Okelo, tbe Cblet ot Statt at tbe Natlonal Pollce Servlce, wbom be gave tbe tape recorolng. He also volunteereo more recorolng captureo wltb bls spy camera pen on people wbo were olsgruntleo wltb tbe outcome ot tbe Marcb 2013 general electlon. Atter oellberatlons on tbe contents ot tbe lntormatlon be bao, Mr. Okelo promlseo to pass on tbe lntormatlon to tbe |G ano later call on blm on tbe progress ot tbe lnvestlgatlon. Atter a week, be requesteo a colleague to tollow up tbe case as be was travelllng. Tbere was no response trom tbe |G'S ottlce. Wben be came back trom tbe salo trlp, be maoe lnqulrles about tbe case but reallzeo tbat notblng bao been oone. He belleveo tbat bao tbe securlty cblets acteo on tbe lntormatlon be provloeo, tbe Westgate terror attack woulo bave been averteo. He turtber recommenoeo to tbe Commlttee tbat lnter-taltb beallng ano reconclllatlon sboulo be unoertaken ln oroer to brlng tbe country togetber. Witness no. 003/Westgate Tbe wltness stateo as tollows, He was a Kenyan worklng wltb Able Cltlzens Network, a rellet agency oeallng wltb olsaster management ano response. On tbe oay ot tbe terror attack, be was at Panganl watcblng Tv wben a colleague ot bls calleo blm over tbe terror attack ano tbey oecloeo to rusb to tbe scene at arouno 1.30 pm. On arrlval tbey touno a lot ot oeao booles at tbe parklng. Tbey oecloeo to look tor survlvors. All tbls wblle, be was ln coorolnatlon wltb Mr. Abbas Gullet ano tbe Ngara OCPD Mr. Anamwe. At arouno 4 pm, tbe KDF team arrlveo at tbe scene. An ecbange ot trlenoly tlre ensueo oue to, accorolng to blm, lack ot coorolnatlon. Tbls resulteo to tbe oeatb ot one RLCCL unlt ottlcer. One KDF sololer was also burt. Atter tbe sbootlng lncloent, be lett tbe scene to re-strateglse. Wltb tbe belp ot Aomlnlstratlon pollce trom Kabete pollce statlon tbey manageo to rescue tbe last group wbo were blolng ln tbe colo room at arouno 8 pm. Tbe rescueo bostages salo tbat tbe terrorlsts were ln black unltorm but later cbangeo to yellow attlre. Tbe attackers oemanoeo to know tbe rellglon ot tbe bostages, separatlng Cbrlstlans trom Musllms. Tbey kllleo tbe Cbrlstlans. 29 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Tbe rescue operatlon was resumeo tbe tollowlng mornlng as KDF personnel calleo ott tbe nlgbt ottenslve oue to tallure ot tbe llgbtlng system at tbe Mall. On Monoay 23 ro September 2013, KDF sololers engageo ln a relentless gun tlgbt wltb tbe terrorlsts. He belleveo tbat KDF llt tbe tlre at tbe Nakumatt Supermarket ln oroer to olstract ano tlusb out tbe attackers trom tbelr bloeout. Wben be enqulreo trom KDF sololers on tbe torcblng ot tbe supermarket, be was oroereo to leave tbe scene because be was not part ot tbe rescue operatlon. Accorolng to blm, KDF lntertereo wltb tbe operatlon tbat tbe RLCCL squao woulo bave tlnlsbeo by Saturoay evenlng. Response to Connittee's concerns |n response to lssues ralseo by tbe Commlttee, be lntormeo tbe Members tbat, He was not ln any loentltlable attlre commonly won by rescuers ourlng tbe rescue operatlons but was alloweo to joln tbe rescue team by tbe OCPD Panganl, Mr. Samuel Anamplu wbom be personally knew, ano Mr. Abbas Gullet wbo be bao workeo wltb betore ln otber rescue operatlons. He bao partlclpateo ln a number ot rescue mlsslons betore sucb as tbe 1998 bomb blast Nalrobl, tbe Nyamaklma trageoy ot 2006 ano tbe Tsavo traln crasb. On bow be came to know tbe number ot tbe people wbo were unaccounteo tor, be bao reao about tbe upoates ln tbe newspapers. He bao converteo lnto |slam ln 2011 because bls colleagues Able Cltlzens Network were all Musllms ano tbat be worsblps at tbe Panganl mosque. He runs a prlvate butcbery at Panganl wbere be earns a llvlng wblle be works voluntarlly at tbe Able Cltlzens Network. He olo not see tbe terrorlsts lnsloe tbe Mall. He olo not wltness any lootlng by tbe KDF sololers, neltber olo be see tbem launcblng bano propelleo mlsslles, as be was not alloweo lnto tbe Mall atter KDF took over. Tbe Members resolveo tbat backgrouno cbeck be oone on wltness no. 3, tor tbe reason tbat bls statements were contraolctory. 30 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. |t was turtber resolveo tbat a tborougb vettlng be oone on tbe wltnesses wbo woulo be appearlng betore tbe Commlttee to ascertaln tbelr creolblllty. 7.0 PRE5ENTATlON5 BY EXPERT5 ON COUNTER-TERRORl5M AND lNTELLlGENCE GATHERlNG Tbe eperts took tbe Members tbrougb tbe tollowlng key polnts almeo at lmprovlng securlty ot tbe natlon, |.|ntelllgence ano oata collectlon: Tbere was neeo to malmlze oata collectlon to enbance securlty tbrougb lntelllgence gatberlng. ||.|ntelllgence sbarlng wltbln ano across securlty agencles: Tbls ls a core tunctlon ot all securlty organs ano must be encourageo. |||.Haroenlng strateglc lnstallatlons: Tbe Commlttee bearo tbat many lnstallatlons llke Government laboratorles were not aoequately secureo poslng a tbreat to natlonal securlty. Tbere was no proper management ano control on purcbase ot cbemlcals tbat are useo tor maklng tertlllzers. |v.Publlc lnvolvement ano support tor better pollclng: Tbe publlc are not aoequately engageo on securlty lssues. New proposals llke tbe n,um5o kum| lnltlatlve neeos to be strengtbeneo as lt bas proveo successtul ln otber countrles v.Role ot counter terrorlsm Center: Tbe Center sboulo be tully operatlonallzeo ano utlllzeo. v|.|ntegrlty wltbln securlty servlces: Tbere ls neeo to pay more attentlon to vettlng ot securlty ottlcers. Fallure to punlsb ottenoers oents tbe lmage ot tbe securlty agencles. v||.Tbe neeo to promote ettectlve overslgbt: Tbe securlty ottlcers neeo to be maoe accountable tor tbelr actlons ano at tbe same tlme tunoeo aoequately ln oroer to tackle crlme. Commlttee ln cbarge ot securlty sboulo also bave an overslgbt on bow membersblp ot tbe Securlty Councll ls structureo. v|||.8etter coorolnatlon ot securlty: Tbe Government neeos to come up wltb tbe provlslons tor speclal securlty aovlsers to guloe tbe Presloent on securlty relateo lssues. |X.Tbe neeo to tlno an lntertace between tbe Natlonal |ntelllgence Servlce ano tbe Mllltary |ntelllgence: All otber lntelllgence servlces sucb as tbe Kenya Revenue Autborlty, tbe Kenya Wllollte Servlce, tbe Kenya Pollce Servlce, etc sboulo be coorolnateo towaros a secureo country wltbout puttlng empbasls only on tbe Natlonal |ntelllgence Servlce. |ntelllgence gatberlng neeos to be centrallzeo ano strlngent reportlng ano accountablllty establlsbeo. X.Tbere ls neeo tor tbe Natlonal Assembly to come up wltb leglslatlons on manoatory overslgbt over tbe securlty oockets. Tbe Commlttee Members ralseo tbe tollowlng lssues trom tbe eperts, 31 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Wbat woulo bave been tbe loeal commano structure ourlng tbe Westgate Mall rescue operatlon? Wbat role tbe Army, tbe Alr Force ano Navy plays ln ensurlng natlonal securlty? Wby tbe numbers ot youtb belng recrulteo lnto terrorlsm actlvltles bas lncreaseo over tbe years. Wbetber tbere was a law tbat elsts on coorolnatlon ano collaboratlon between tbe securlty organs ourlng response to emergencles. Wbat ls tbe communlcatlon structure between tbe Kenya Detence Forces ano tbe Natlonal Pollce Servlce? Wbetber tbere was bao blooo between tbe Kenya Detence Forces ano tbe Natlonal Pollce Servlce tbat compllcateo tbe rescue operatlons ano resulteo lnto lost ot llves trom tbe trlenoly tlre. Wblcb securlty organ, ln tbelr oplnlon, sboulo appear tlrst betore tbe Commlttee? |t a tramework coulo be oevelopeo on bow Kenyans ot gooo wlll can belp ln rescue mlsslons as wltnesseo trom tbe members ot tbe Aslan communlty ano bow tbey can be tacllltateo wltb llte savlng materlals llke bullet proot vests ourlng sucb operatlons. Responses to Menbers' concerns, Tbe Commlttee Members were lntormeo tbat:- Tbe Kenya Detence Forces ougbt not to bave been oeployeo ln Westgate Mall as tbe RLCCL squao bao alreaoy plnneo oown tbe terrorlsts by tbe tlme tbe KDF sololers arrlveo at tbe scene ot attacks. |nvolvement ot tbe mllltary sboulo be a last resort oeclslon especlally lt tbere ls eternal tbreat to a natlon's securlty. Most youtb are lureo lnto terrorlst actlvltles as a result ot economlc barosblps bence tbe urgent neeo to aooress poverty. Tbere's neeo to pay attentlon to tbe contet wblle employlng tbe N,um5o Kum| lnltlatlve as lt ls unllkely to work best ln all estates tor lnstance ln tbe up-market resloentlal areas wbere people leao very prlvate llves. Tbe Presloentlal olrectlve to bave tbe |nspector General to take commano ot tbe Westgate Mall operatlon was proper. Tbe Cblet ot tbe Kenya Detence Forces sboulo bave orolnary consulteo wltb tbe |nspector General ot Pollce ano sboulo bave wltbbelo tbe oeployment ot KDF. 32 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Tbe constltutlon too glves tbe KDF powers to supplement tbe servlces ot tbe pollce wltbln our boroers but tbls must be ln llne wltb tbe vlenna agreement. All securlty agents bave counter terrorlsm unlts bence tbere ls neeo to sbare lntormatlon amongst tbe agencles ln oroer to aovance natlonal securlty. Poor coorolnatlon ano brlnkmansblp resulteo lnto poor management ot tbe Westgate Mall rescue operatlon. Tbe Natlonal |ntelllgence Servlce sboulo appear tlrst betore tbe Commlttee ln oroer tor tbe Members to gatber as mucb lntormatlon as posslble on wbo olo not pertorm tbelr outles as requlreo. Tbls woulo enable tbe Commlttee to tlelo questlons ano seek clarltlcatlons on acts ot commlsslon ano/or omlsslon by tbe securlty agencles. The Way Forward Tbe Natlonal Securlty Councll neeos to be revleweo ano auolteo ln oroer to enbance ettlclency ano accountablllty wltbln tbe securlty torces. Tbe securlty sector retorm agenoa sboulo be pursueo ln oroer to create an enabllng envlronment tor vlbrant lnstltutlons. Tbe securlty agencles sboulo be glven aoequate tunolng lt tbe war agalnst terrorlsm ano lnsecurlty wltbln our boroers ls to be reallzeo. Tbe natlonal programme tor e-servlce ottlcers sboulo be put ln place to curb cases ot lnsecurlty brougbt about by tbe e-servlce men wbo take up to crlmlnal actlvltles upon olsmlssal trom tbe torce. Tbe prlvate securlty sector ano tbe Natlonal Pollce Servlce sboulo work togetber towaros a secureo Natlon. Tbe prlvate securlty sector sboulo also be regulateo. To tbat ettect, tbe Prlvate Securlty 8lll, 2012 sboulo be tast trackeo. Communlty pollclng, tbrougb tbe N,um5o Kum| lnltlatlve, sboulo be strengtbeneo. Tbe prlsons oepartments sboulo work towaros retormlng ottenoers. Tbe prlsons sboulo not be breeolng grounos tor prlsoners to turn lnto baro core crlmlnals. Tbe [uolclary sboulo meet lts obllgatlons ln tbe war agalnst terrorlsm. Stltter penaltles on terrorlsts sboulo be encourageo to oeter new ottenoers trom gettlng recrulteo lnto terrorlsm actlvltles. 33 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Tbe Government sboulo provloe employment opportunltles to tbe youtb so tbat tbey can be actlvely ano posltlvely engageo tor tbem to bave no lole tlme to partlclpate ln terrorlst actlvltles. Formulatlon ot tbe Natlonal Securlty Pollcy, tbe Crlme Management Strategy Paper ano tbe Natlonal Dlsaster Management ano Response Dratt Pollcy oocument sboulo be tast trackeo ano operatlonallzeo. 7.1 FlR5T MEETlNG WlTH CABlNET 5ECRETARlE5 FOR lNTERlOR AND COORDlNATlON OF NATlONAL GOVERNMENT, AND DEFENCE, AND DlRECTOR GENERAL, NATlONAL lNTELLlGENCE 5ERVlCE Tbe representatlves trom tbe Mlnlstry ot Detence, |nterlor ano Coorolnatlon ot Natlonal Government ano tbe Natlonal |ntelllgence Servlce maoe elaborate presentatlons to tbe Commlttee concernlng tbe Westgate Mall attack as well as otber terrorlst attacks ln tbe Country. Tbe presentatlons lncluoeo: A backgrouno on terrorlst actlvlty ln tbe Country up to oate, A oetalleo presentatlon on tbe operatlons ot tbe Securlty agencles ln avertlng tbe terrorlst actlvltles, An ln oeptb presentatlon on tbe Westgate Mall oroeal ano tbe metboo ln wblcb tbe attack was banoleo by tbe multl-agency operatlon lncluolng tbe cballenges eperlenceo ln avertlng tbe rlsk. 7.1.1 Presentation by the Director GeneraI, NationaI lnteIIigence 5ervice Tbe Dlrector General, Natlonal |ntelllgence Servlce, ln tormeo tbe Commlttee as tollows, Kenya bas borne tbe brunt ot a serles ot terrorlst attacks sucb as tbe Nortolk botel bomblng ln 1980, tbe US Lmbassy blast ot 1998, tbe Klkambala attack ln 2002 ano tbe Westgate Mall attack ot September 2013. N|S bao also tolleo some planneo terrorlst attacks ln tbe country. Several terrorlsts bave been loentltleo ano arrests bave been maoe wblle otbers are on tbe run. An assortment ot arms ano ammunltlon, bomb maklng materlals, sulcloe bomb vests bave been recovereo ourlng ralos on suspecteo terrorlst abooes. Over 300 al-Amnlyat, tbe al Sbabaab lntelllgence wlng, bave been olspatcbeo to Kenya slnce 2011 to conouct covert survelllance ano carry out attacks. 34 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. About 500 Kenyans bave been recrulteo lnto al Sbabaab. Tbe recrults are malnly unemployeo youtb, mostly ot Musllm taltb ano reslolng ln tbe slum nelgbbourbooos sucb as tbe Majengo area ot Nalrobl. Over 200 Kenyan youtb bave been tlgbtlng alongsloe al-Sbabaab slnce 2009. Some bave come back to tbe country ano are engageo ln crlmlnal actlvltles, wblle otbers remalneo ln Somalla. Plans on Westgate attack were conoucteo between Kakuma retugee camp ano Lastlelgb Tblro ano Sltb Street ln Nalrobl. Tbe Mall bao been loentltleo as a posslble target by 2011. An lntelllgence report was glven to tbe Westgate Mall Management ln 2011. Survelllance ot tbe Mall by terrorlsts lntensltleo ln 2012. Flnal preparatlons on tbe attack were oone ln [une 2013, ano belgbteneo ln September 20 tb tbrougb 21 st September wben tbe attack was eecuteo. N|S accesseo tbe CCTv tootage tor purposes ot constructlng tbe events leaolng to tbe attack ano ln loentltylng tbe attackers. |nvestlgatlons stlll on-golng ano a number ot llnks bave been pleceo togetber wblle planners ano tbe actual attackers bave been loentltleo. Terrorlst attacks were stlll belng planneo on several strateglc areas ln tbe country. Some ot tbe attackers are reaoy to ole tor tbelr cause. Tbey are tralneo tor lntelllgence gatberlng ano counter lntelllgence ano bave epertlse ln assembllng bombs. Tbey come trom an array ot oltterent communltles ln tbe country. Tbe Natlonal |ntelllgence Servlce bas put up certaln measures to counter terrorlsm. Tbey are worklng closely wltb all tbe otber securlty agencles. Tbe lnstablllty ln Somalla contlnues to provloe a breeolng grouno tor terrorlsts. Tbere ls neeo tor appralsal ot tbe counter terrorlsm strategy. Tbere ls urgent neeo to aooress vulnerabllltles, lncluolng accelerateo peace ettorts ln Somalla. 7.1.2 Presentation by the Ministry of Defence Tbe Cablnet Secretary ano ber team trom tbe Mlnlstry ot Detence maoe ber presentatlon to tbe Commlttee ano lntormeo tbe Members tbat:- Tbe Kenya Detence Forces ls establlsbeo unoer Artlcle 241(1) ot tbe Constltutlon. Tbe Detence Forces were oeployeo to tbe Westgate Mall scene pursuant to Artlcle 241(3)(b) wblcb states tbat tbe Detence Forces sball asslst ano cooperate wltb otber 35 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. autborltles ln sltuatlons ot emergency or olsaster, ano report to tbe Natlonal Assembly wbenever oeployeo ln sucb clrcumstances. Tbe Mlnlstry by oeploylng troops to Westgate Mall was tberetore wltbln tbe law. Tbe KDF sololers useo proportlonate torce to respono to tbe emergency sltuatlon at Westgate Mall. Tbe operatlon starteo arouno 3pm on Saturoay 21 st September, 2013. Tbe KDF sololers ecbangeo wbat was reterreo to as 'trlenoly tlre' wltb tbe Pollce RLCCL squao. As a result, one member ot tbe squao was kllleo wblle a KDF sololer was burt. Tbe sololers moveo trom tloor to tloor as lnolcateo on orawlngs ano arcbltectural oeslgns ot tbe Westgate Mall were olsplayeo, lnolcatlng Tbe operatlon was conoucteo tor tbree oays untll tbe sltuatlon was brougbt to control on Monoay 23 ro September, 2013. 7.1.3 Presentation by the NationaI PoIice 5ervice Tbe Dlrector, Crlmlnal |nvestlgatlon Department, lntormeo tbe Commlttee tbat, Tbe attackers, belleveo to be ot Somall orlgln, arrlveo at Westgate at arouno 12.30 pm ln a saloon car reglstratlon number KAS 575X. Tbe GSU RLCCL Company ano Aomlnlstratlon Pollce arrlveo tlrst at tbe scene ano were able to pln oown tbe terrorlsts by about 4 pm. Tbe KDF Rangers Strlke Force (RSF) arrlveo at tbe scene. Tbe Pollce unlts were wltborawn to let tbe KDF sololers to take cbarge. Tbe controntatlon contlnueo to Monoay 23 ro October, 2013, wben tbe terrorlsts were suboueo. Forenslc lnvestlgatlons starteo. Durlng tbe attack, slty seven (67) persons lost tbelr llves wblle 237 otbers were lnjureo. |nvestlgatlons were tbereatter starteo. Several suspects were arresteo. Otber persons are belng pursueo lncluolng persons wbo were lnvolveo ln tbe purcbase ot tbe veblcle tbat transporteo tbe attackers to tbe scene. Forty seven (47) arrests bave been maoe, Twenty tbree (23) bave been releaseo wblle elgbteen (18) are stlll ln custooy. Some booy parts, belleveo to be tbose ot tbe tour terrorlsts ano tour AK 47 rltles, were touno at tbe scene ot attack. 36 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Tbe Pollce maoe tbe tollowlng observatlons:- Tbe attackers were malnly orawn trom tbe Kakuma Retugee Camp. Loglstlcal preparatlons were oone by Kenyan Somalls baseo on tbe Tblro ano Sltb Streets ln Lastlelgb. Tbe attackers bao contact wltb tbe outsloe worlo wltb several calls belng maoe to Somalla ano Norway. Tbe maln cballenge tbat tbe lnvestlgatlons were taceo wltb on DNA protlllng ls tbat tbere ls no oatabase avallable DNA oatabase to compare wltb. Lven atter tbe torenslc lnvestlgatlons are out, tbere ls no leglslatlon ln place to enable tor tbe creatlon ot a vlable DNA oata base. Mrs. Grace Kalnol, wblle presentlng on tbe terrorlst attacks ln otber areas, lntormeo tbe Commlttee tbat, Tbe botspots wbere attacks bave occurreo lncluoe Manoera, Wajlr, Moyale, Garlssa ln Nortb Lastern, Tana Rlver ln Lastern, Mombasa ln tbe Coast Provlnce, ano 8ungoma ano 8usla ln tbe Western reglon. Tbe al Sbabaab mllltlas are belleveo to be beblno tbe attacks ln Nortb Lastern. Tbe outlaweo Mombasa Republlcan Councll (MRC) ls responslble tor attacks at tbe Coast, wblle contllcts ln tbe Lastern area especlally ln Tana Rlver ano ln Western reglon are polltlcally lnstlgateo. Contllcts bave also been tuelleo by cattle rustllng especlally among Communltles llvlng wltbln tbe Upper Rltt sucb as tbe Samburus ano tbe Turkanas. Several arrests bave been maoe ano tbe sltuatlon ln most ot tbese areas bas now normallzeo. 7.2 5ECOND MEETlNG WlTH THE CABlNET 5ECRETARlE5 FOR lNTERlOR AND COORDlNATlON OF NATlONAL GOVERNMENT, AND DEFENCE, AND DlRECTOR GENERAL, NATlONAL lNTELLlGENCE 5ERVlCE 37 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Followlng tbe prevlous meetlng wltb tbe Securlty Cblets, tbe Mlnlstry ot Detense maoe a presentatlon seeklng to clear tbe allegatlons tbat bao been maoe by tbe meola tbrougb televlslon program '[lcbo Pevu'. Tbe presentatlon sougbt to respono to tbe vloeos sbown by tbe program justltylng wby tbe Kenya Detence Forces were seen leavlng trom Nakumatt wltb plastlc sbopplng bags. Tbe Members ot tbe Commlttee sougbt tbe tollowlng clarltlcatlons trom tbe Securlty Cblets: l) Wbetber tbere was any contllct between tbe securlty agencles, tbat ls, tbe N|S, tbe Mlnlstry ot |nterlor ano tbe Mlnlstry ot Detence, ll) Wbetber tbe N|S lntelllgence lntormatlon on tbe lmpenolng attack at Westgate Mall was sbareo wltb tbe otber securlty agencles, lll) Reasons as to wby KDF olo not recoro statements ot tbe otber tlnanclal lnstltutlons wltbln Westgate, lv) Tbe number ot terrorlsts wbo were kllleo, v) Wbetber tbere was any banoover between tbe pollce ano tbe army, vl) Wbat lntormeo tbe oeclslon tor KDF to lntervene ln tbe attack, vll) Wbetber tbe country ls well equlppeo to banole sucb an attack, more specltlcally ln terms ot manpower, vlll)Wbetber tbere are any operatlonal guloellnes tor a multl-agency operatlon, l) Wbetber tbere ls a natlonal securlty pollcy, ) Wbat was tbe source ot tbe tlre wltbln tbe supermarket, l) Wbat causeo a sectlon ot tbe bullolng to collapse. Tbe Dlrector General N|S responoeo to tbe concerns ralseo by Members, as tollows: l) |ntelllgence on tbe posslblllty ot tbe attack was relayeo as early as Aprll 2011, ano certaln areas were pronounceo as belng prlmary targets, among wblcb tbe Westgate Mall was part ot tbe mentloneo targets, ll) |ntormatlon about tbe lntentlon to alr tbe '[lcbo Pevu' vloeo cllp was attalneo by N|S, ano ettorts were maoe by tbe Servlce to prevent tbe alrlng ot tbe cllp. However tbe cllp was stlll alreo. Tbls only re-empbaslzes tbe tact tbat tbe manoate ot tbe N|S ls very llmlteo baseo on tbe Act passeo by Parllament. Nevertbeless, tbere are plans to ensure tbat actlon ls taken agalnst tbe persons wbo alreo tbe cllp. lll) Tbe lntormatlon glven by tbe Hon. Senator Mlke 'Sonko' was not relayeo to tbe N|S, wblcb presents anotber cballenge tbe N|S ls eperlenclng, tbat ls, tbe tlow ot lntormatlon between tbe securlty agencles ano bow to aooress tbe creolblllty ot sucb lntormatlon. |n aooltlon to tbls, tbere ls also a cballenge ln tbe gatberlng ot lntelllgence lntormatlon. 38 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. lv) Deallng wltb terrorlsm requlres a multl-agency ettort wblcb justltles wby all tbe Securlty agencles came togetber to oeal wltb tbe attack, above all, tbere ls neeo tor a natlonal ettort to mltlgate sucb tbreats trom occurrlng. v) Consloeratlons sboulo also be maoe regarolng tbe resources allocateo to tbe Pollce ln oeallng wltb sucb matters, tbat ls, tbere ls an obvlous ano serlous sbortage ot resources sucb as securlty apparatus, wblcb ls crltlcal ln banollng sucb tbreats. vl) Tbe lmportance ot bavlng a clear unoerstanolng ot tbe role ot N|S wblcb ls prlmarlly to asslst, support ano co-operate wltb otber natlonal organs or agencles ln tbe eerclse ot tbelr powers ano olscbarge ot tbelr tunctlons. Aooltlonally, tbere ls neeo to appreclate tbat tbe N|S bas no publlc volce ano can tberetore not oeteno or justlty any allegatlons maoe by tbe publlc about tbe N|S. Tbe |nspector General maoe tbe tollowlng remarks ln response to tbe clarltlcatlons sougbt by tbe Members: l) Tbere was no banoover between tbe pollce ano KDF as tbe operatlon was belng carrleo out by a multl-agency unlt. Nevertbeless, KDF bao tbe blesslng ot tbe Kenya Pollce Servlce to take over tbe operatlon. ll) |n tbe lnltlal stages ot tbe attack, tlve (5) ottlcers were lnjureo ano one (1) kllleo. He stateo tbat tbere was no trlenoly tlre between tbe pollce ano tbe KDF. lll) He turtber clarltleo tbat tbe country ooes bave a Natlonal Securlty Pollcy. Tbe Cablnet Secretary tor Detence ano tbe Cblet ot tbe Detence Forces lntormeo tbe Commlttee tbat: l) Tbe rlgbt persons were sent ln to oeal wltb tbe attack, as sucb, Speclal Forces wbo bave been tralneo ln all manner ot operatlons were tlown ln trom Gllgll. ll) Tbe tlre was llt by tbe terrorlst as a way to try ano escape trom tbe bullolng, wblcb leo to tbe oestructlon ot tbe bullolng. lll) Tbe oeclslon ot KDF to lntervene ln tbe attack was lntormeo by tbe Constltutlon ot Kenya 2010 unoer Artlcle 241 (3) (b) wblcb requlres tbe KDF to asslst ano cooperate wltb otber autborltles ln sltuatlons ot emergency or olsaster, ano report to tbe Natlonal Assembly wbenever oeployeo ln sucb clrcumstances. Tbe Dlrector ot Crlmlnal |nvestlgatlon Department maoe tbe tollowlng clarltlcatlons: l) Tbat baseo on tbe statements trom tbe KDF, lt ls belleveo tbat all tbe terrorlsts were kllleo ln tbe attack, ll) Tbat tbere ls neeo to establlsb tbe evloentlary tbresbolo wben oeallng wltb certaln terrorlst cases. 39 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. 8.0 MEETlNG WlTH THE MANAGlNG DlRECTOR, NAKUMATT HOLDlNG5 LlMlTED Mr. Atul Sbab, tbe Managlng Dlrector, Nakumatt Hololngs Lto. Ano bls team, lntormeo tbe Members tbat, Nakumatt lost tbree members ot statt ln tbe trageoy wblle two were lnjureo. Tbe Nakumatt Supermarket CCTv Cameras were banoeo over to N|S. Tbe Management bao not recelveo tbe DvR's yet. One ot tbe attackers was clearly ot Somall orlgln ourlng an encounter lnsloe tbe Supermarket. Tbe terrorlst oroereo tbe pollce ottlcer wbo was escortlng tbem to surrenoer bls gun betore sbootlng blm. Tbe Management lost everytblng ln tbe sbop tbrougb tbe tlre wbose cause was yet to be establlsbeo. Tbe Management coulo not tell wbetber tbere was lootlng at tbe sbop as everytblng was bao been razeo oown. Llgbt mllllon sbllllngs was retrleveo trom tbe vaults. Tbe amount ot casb sale tor Frloay ano Saturoay coulo not be accounteo tor as all tbe casb counters got burnt. Response to issues raised by the Connittee Tbe Management was not aware ot any lmmlnent attack at tbe Mall. Tbe Mall was manageo by tbe Altbaus Servlces Llmlteo. Tbere were strlngent securlty measures at tbe supermarket. Four armeo prlvate securlty guaros were statloneo at tbe entrance ot tbe Mall ln aooltlon to unltormeo ottlcers wbo were mannlng banks. Furtber all Nakumatt employees unoergo olsaster management tralnlng. On bow tbe KTN journallst acqulreo Nakumatt Supermarket CCTv tootage, tbe MD stateo tbat CCTv cameras were ln tbe possesslon ot tbe Natlonal |ntelllgence Servlce. Tbere was only one entrance to tbe colo room wltb no elt bence tbe terrorlsts coulo not bave escapeo tbrougb Nakumatt supermarket colo room as allegeo Tbe management was yet to recelve any answer concernlng tbe cause ot tlre tbat gutteo oown tbe supermarket. Tbe value ot stock lost at Westgate Nakumatt brancb was Ksbs. 1.6 bllllon ln aooltlon to tbree veblcles tbat also got burnt. 40 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Tbe Supermarket terrorlst was lnsureo agalnst acts ot terrorlsm, tor 60 ot tbe total cover. Lveryone was evacuateo trom tbe bullolng betore tbe bullolng collapseo. All tbelr emergency elts were openeo atter attacks were reporteo. Tbe lmpact ot tbe terror attack bao renoereo tbe brancb workers jobless. However, tbe attecteo workers woulo not be lalo ott. Tbe Management was not aware ot any brlet glven to tbe caretaker about any lmmlnent attack at tbe Mall. Sucb lntormatlon coulo bave been cbannelleo to tbe owners ot tbe bullolng. Tbe paper bags seen belng carrleo away by KDF sololers were lnoeeo trom tbe supermarket but tbey coulo not tell tbe contents. He also contlrmeo tbat tbe bullolng was owneo by |sraell lnvestors. Tbere were a total ot 64 CCTv cameras at tbe supermarket ano 4 DvR macblnes at tbe Managers ottlce. Power was swltcbeo ott at arouno mlo-oay on Monoay 23 ro September 2013 maklng lt olttlcult to know wbat bappeneo at tbe atter tbat. Tbe Management was oeeply concerneo on value ot property lost at tbe brancb ano regretteo tbe loss woulo bave been preventeo bao rescue operatlon been coorolnateo properly. Tbe MD also lntormeo tbe Members tbat pollce cblets were aovlseo over tbe posslblllty ot lncreaslng more pollce ottlcers mannlng tbe malls ln varlous parts ot tbe country. A response was yet to be recelveo. 9.0 PRE5ENTATlON5 BY DR. ABBA5 GULLET AND MR. ABDUL HAjjl 9.1 Dr. Abbas GuIIet |n bls presentatlon, be lntormeo tbe Members tbat, He recelveo a pbone call trom a colleague at 12.35 pm ano later anotber call at 12.40 pm trom Reo Cross Lmergency Center lntormlng blm ot tbe attack. On arrlval at Westgate, be oecloeo to coorolnate tbe removal tbe wounoeo persons to tbe bospltal. As tbe bostages came oown stalrs tbey were screeneo but tbere was no tlme to carry out verltlcatlon cbecks on tbelr loentltlcatlon. He was not ln a posltlon to 41 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. contlrm tbe allegatlon tbat one ot tbe terrorlsts cbangeo bls clotbes ano lett wltb tbe bostages. 8y 5.00 pm tbe terrorlsts bao been contlneo lnsloe Nakumatt supermarket by tbe RLCCL squao. Tbe arrlval ot tbe KDF ano tbe subsequent wltborawal ot tbe RLCCL squao gave tbe terrorlsts tlme to regroup. Tbe lntormatlon on tbe mlsslng persons was provloeo to Reo Cross by relatlves ano was subject to verltlcatlon. Tbe Government provloeo up-oates on tbe number ot llves lost. |t was not tbe lntentlon ot tbe Reo Cross to contraolct tbe Government. He olo not see any ot tbe terrorlsts wblle ln tbe Mall neltber coulo be tell tbelr numbers. He relleo on lntormatlon glven by tbe sboppers wbo put tbe number between 4-6 attackers. Reo Cross bao no access to Nakumatt supermarket CCTv tootage. Tbe only cllps tbat were avallable were trom tbe meola bouses. He coulo not tell wbo between tbe terrorlsts ano tbe KDF ottlcers sbot oeao tbe RLCCL squao ottlcer. He bao not wltnesseo any lootlng by KDF sololers or anyone else. However, tbere were a lot ot supplles ot water ano tooo trom well wlsbers. He coulo not tell tbe cause ot tlre at tbe Nakumatt Supermarket ano tbe subsequent tall ot part ot tbe bullolng. Tbere was lnoeeo no smootb bano over between tbe KDF ottlcers ano tbe RLCCL squao ourlng cbange ot commano. Tbere was no clear communlcatlon ano coorolnatlon. Tbe country was not aoequately prepareo tor olsaster management. Tbe response to emergencles ls usually olsjolnteo ano lacklng proper emergency response mecbanlsms. For lnstance tbere are no emergency blooo banks or aoequate tacllltles tor storage. 9.2 Mr. AbduI Hajji |n bls presentatlon, Mr. Hajjl lntormeo tbe Members tbat, He recelveo a call trom bls brotber wbo was at tbe Westgate Mall lntormlng blm ot tbe attack ano lmmeolately rusbeo to tbe scene. He jolneo a group tbe armeo Aslan communlty rescuers. Tbe group galneo entry lnto tbe Mall tbrougb tbe [ava cat ano began tbelr rescue mlsslon. 42 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. As tbey were movlng to grouno tloor, tbey encountereo reslstance trom tbe terrorlsts. |n tbe process one ot tbe plaln clotbes pollce ottlcer was sbot. On tbe grouno tloor tbey were jolneo by pollce ottlcers wbo lobbeo tear gas canlsters at tbe terrorlsts lnto tbe Nakumatt supermarket wbere tbe terrorlsts were sbootlng trom. Tbe rescue took a turn wltb tbe arrlval ot tbe KDF ottlcers wbo requesteo tbem to stay away. Tbere was no coorolnateo cbange over between tbe KDF ano tbe RLCCL squao as tbe KDF only askeo tbem tbe locatlon ot tbe terrorlsts ano moveo ln. Durlng tbe rescue operatlon tbat be partlclpateo ln, all tbe propertles were secureo ano tbe owners were evacuateo. Tbere was no lootlng at tbe tlme. Tbe clalms ot lootlng came a oay later. He was not aware tbat tbere was an unoergrouno tunnel leaolng out ot tbe Mall. He olo not see tbe 'wblte' terrorlst. Tbe rescueo bostages clalmeo to bave seen tour terrorlsts. He belleveo tbat tbe RLCCL squao coulo bave suboueo tbe terrorlsts even wltbout tbe asslstance ot tbe mllltary. 10.0 MEETlNG WlTH THE DlRECTOR OF lMMlGRATlON, REGl5TRAR OF PER5ON5, DlRECTOR, NATlONAL REGl5TRATlON BUREAU AND AG. COMMl55lONER, DEPARTMENT OF REFUGEE AFFAlR5 |n ber presentatlon, tbe Dlrector ot tbe |mmlgratlon Department lntormeo tbe Members tbat, Wben sbe assumeo tbe posltlon, sbe lnvlteo tbe Ltblcs ano Antl-Corruptlon Commlsslon to conouct a torenslc auolt ot tbe wbole Department. Arlslng trom prellmlnary results ot tbls torenslc auolt, twenty ottlcers trom tbe Department bao been lnterolcteo awaltlng tbe outcome ot turtber lnvestlgatlons. Tblrteen otber ottlcers bao been askeo to step asloe to allow lnvestlgatlons to be carrleo out. Tbe Natlonal Reglstratlon 8ureau bas establlsbeo crlme control mecbanlsms almeo at curblng vlces assoclateo wltb torelgners wbo reglster lllegally as Kenyan natlonals. |ssuance ot |D caros to retugees ls a process lnvolvlng a vettlng commlttee tbat ls composeo ot vlllage eloers, tbe local cblet, OCPD ano lmmlgratlon ottlclals. Tbe blggest cballenge taceo ln tbe lssuance ot reglstratlon oocuments ls tbe lntegrlty ot statt. Some lmmlgratlon ottlclals take brlbes ano reglster allens wbo bave no proper retugee status. 43 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Plans are atoot to conoense all reglstratlon lntormatlon lnto one cblp tbat wlll contaln lntormatlon llke loentltlcatlon oetalls, blrtb lntormatlon, cltlzensblp, etc. Tbe Reglstrar ot Persons lntormeo tbe Commlttee Members tbat tbere are many cases ot late reglstratlon wblcb presents a major cballenge to tbe eerclse. People ot questlonable natlonalltles take aovantage ot tbls lapse. A campalgn to sensltlze people on reglstratlon bas been batcbeo. Tbls ls almeo at preventlng lncloents ot late reglstratlon. Tbe actlng Commlssloner, Department ot Retugee Attalrs lntormeo tbe Commlttee tbat:- Tbe Department was createo by an act ot Parllament. Tbe Department ottloaoeo some ot tbe work ot tbe Unlteo Natlons Hlgb Commlsslon on Human Rlgbts [UNHCR]. Tbe retugee problem bas been eacerbateo by tbe Somall war. However, a trlpartlte agreement woulo soon be slgneo between tbe Government, UNHCR ano tbe Somall to epatrlate retugees back to Somalla. Tbe Commlttee epresseo concerns tbat tbere was a buge lntlu ot retugees ln tbe country, some ot wbom olo not quallty as genulne retugees. Otber Kenyans bao sougbt retugee status ln oroer to enjoy amenltles ottereo lnsloe tbe camps. Otber retugees bave stayeo wltbln tbe camps tor long. Members were ot tbe vlew tbat retugees coulo be olstrlbuteo to otber countrles wblcb were stable. Tbere were lnstances also wbere some ot tbe torelgners bao acqulreo masslve propertles ln questlonable clrcumstances. Some ot tbe propertles are belleveo to bave been acqulreo tbrougb money launoerlng. Tbe Dlrector, Department ot Clvll Reglstratlon, stateo tbat tbe Department lackeo aoequate veblcle tor reglstratlon ottlcers to move trom one reglstratlon centre to tbe otber. Furtber, tbere were lnaoequate personnel to carry out reglstratlon over tbe vast areas ln tbe Nortb Lastern reglon. Tbe Kenya Somall boroer ls wloe ano long. Tbe boroer control polnts are tewer bence lmmlgrants tlno tbelr way lnto tbe country tbrougb lllegal entry polnts. |ntormatlon on vlsa appllcatlon ls relayeo to N|S tor verltlcatlon. Tbere ls bowever neeo to computerlze most ot tbe actlvltles ot tbe Reglstratlon Department so as to reouce oemano tor manpower, ano also lnstances ot corruptlon ano trauoulent lncloents. Tbe Department ot |mmlgratlon Servlces bao rolleo a programme to bave tbe securlty teatures on tblro generatlon |D caros enbanceo. All |D caros appllcatlons are processeo at tbe Natlonal Reglstratlon 8ureau. 8uogetary constralnts bave attecteo operatlons ln 44 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. tbe varlous lmmlgratlon Departments wltb tbe 2013-2014 buoget bavlng been reouceo by balt. Proposals are belng maoe to capture blo oata ot cblloren automatlcally by age 12 ano later lssue tbem wltb |Ds once tbey attaln 18 years. |t ls oeslreo tbat eventually everyone ls lssueo wltb tblro generatlon |D caros as soon as tunos are avalleo to complete tbe project. Procurement processes bave belo oown progress on remooelllng tbe Departments. Some strloes bave been bowever maoe, sucb as rolllng out ot tbe tblro generatlon |D caros programme, establlsbment ot tbe e-vlsa management systems, creatlon ot a central oata base, etc. Tbe Government sboulo be calleo upon to repatrlate retugees back to tbelr country ot orlgln. To tbls eno, plans were at an aovanceo level to slgn a trlpartlte agreement between tbe Government ot Kenya, tbe Somall Republlc ano tbe UNHCR. Tbere was neeo to ameno tbe Forelgn Natlonals Management Act, 2012. Cablnet memos proposlng cbanges ln pollcy ano law regarolng retugees bao been tormulateo ano were awaltlng approval. Tbe Retugees Act 2006 sboulo be repealeo. 11.0 MEETlNG WlTH THE KENYA VETERAN5 A55OClATlON Tbe Cbalrman ano members ot tbe Kenya veterans Assoclatlon lntormeo tbe Commlttee tbat:- Tbe Westgate Mall slege was a culmlnatlon ot tactors, ranglng trom tbe KDF entry lnto Somalla, to retallatory acts by tbe al Sbabaab cells oue to Kenya's sustalneo war agalnst terrorlsm. Repeallng ot tbe Armeo Forces Act to replace lt wltb tbe Kenya Detence Forces Act, 2012, openeo up many loopboles ln tbe Armeo Forces. For lnstance, Sectlon 9(2)(b) ot tbe KDF Act transters autborlty ot tbe Presloent over tbe Armeo Forces to tbe Cblet ot tbe Detence Forces. |n tbe new set up, tbe Cblet ot tbe Detence Forces bas power to oeploy torces. Tbls ls ultra vlres to Artlcle 131(1)(c) ot tbe Constltutlon. Sectlon 227(2) ot tbe repealeo Armeo Forces Act bestoweo upon Servlce Commanoers powers to control, aomlnlster, supply, use ot arms ano lnspectlon ot troops on completlon ot an operatlon. Tbls bas been revokeo by tbe new law. Tbe sololers woulo bave orolnary been lnspecteo atter tbe Westgate operatlon tbus removlng any cbances ot lootlng. 45 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Unoer tbe new law, tbe Army Commanoer lacks a legal basls to set up a Court Martlal tor errant sololers. Tbls ls because Part |X wblcb establlsbes guloellnes on settlng up a Court Martlal are agalnst Artlcle 169(1)(c) ot tbe Constltutlon. Tbe tormer law gave tbe Cblet ot Armeo Forces autborlty to appolnt a Court Martlal. For lnstance, an ottlcer, once be gets a summary olsmlssal, cannot be prosecuteo ano jalleo. Tbe Westgate lncloent was an emergency ano not a normal operatlon. Tbe army responoeo wltb unnecessary tull torce. |t was not pruoent to oeploy tbe Army to Westgate. Tbe RLCCL team bao alreaoy taken control ot tbe sltuatlon betore tbe Army came. Tbe Westgate lncloent requlreo counter lnsurgence response wblcb was wltbln tbe purvlew ot tbe pollce. Tbe |mmlgratlon Department sboulo be belo responslble tor reglsterlng allens wltbout verltlcatlon or lnslgbt lnto tbelr backgrounos. |t ls necessary to set up one ellte squao to respono to emergency cases llke terrorlsm. Tbere sboulo also be one Commano Centre set up tor response to olsaster. 12.0 MEETlNG WlTH ALTHAU5 5ERVlCE5 LTD. Durlng ber presentatlon, Ms. Slmml Cbanoa, Altbaus Servlces Lto. Property Manager, lntormeo tbe Commlttee tbat:- Tbe Mall commenceo lts operatlons on 1 st [uly 2007 unoer tbe management ot Knlgbt Frank Llmlteo up to 30 tb September 2012 wben Altbaus Servlces Lto. took over. Slnce tbe attack, tbe bullolng was placeo unoer securlty agencles tbat commenceo torenslc auolt at tbe slte. Tbe management etenoeo tull cooperatlon to tbe government to ensure jolnt approacb ano capaclty bullolng on lssues ot terrorlsm ano securlty. 8otb tbe management ano tbe prlvate securlty tlrms bao conoucteo eploslves ano counter terrorlsm tralnlng to tbe employees wbo were cbargeo wltb tbe responslblllty ot guarolng tbe Mall. An ettectlve CCTv monltorlng system was lnstalleo trom commencement at all strateglc places ano was monltoreo on a twenty bour basls. Tbe Mall bao substantlally lnvesteo on matters ot securlty slnce lts openlng ln 2007. At tbe tlme ot tbe attack, tbe Mall was belng manneo by Secure Agencles (K) Llmlteo tbat was awaroeo tbe contract by Knlgbt Frank Kenya Llmlteo, wbo were tben managlng tbe Mall. 46 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. All tbe slttlng tenants ecept |mperlal 8ank were orlglnal tenants wbo reneweo tbelr leases subsequent to October 2012 wben sbe took over trom tbe management ot tbe Mall. No terrorlst renteo space wltbln tbe bullolng. Tbe management carrleo out a comprebenslve evaluatlon betore lettlng out space to any lnolvloual tenant. Tbe allegatlon tbat terrorlsts bao renteo a sbop at tbe Mall was spreao by tbe meola. Tbe Mall was stlll ln tbe banos ot state organs ano all tbe lntormatlon concernlng loss ot llves, lnjurles ano oamages suttereo ourlng tbe attack coulo only be avalleo tbrougb tbe state. Tbere was no tunnel out ot or lnto tbe bullolng. However tbere was a oralnage system out ot tbe bullolng. Tbe matter ot an elstlng tunnel out ot tbe bullolng was a tlctlon tbat was createo by tbe meola. Responses to issues raised by the Menbers |n response to lssues ralseo by tbe Commlttee Members, tbe property Manager responoeo as tollows:- Westgate Mall ls owneo by Sony Hololngs Llmlteo wbose Dlrectors are Ale Tracbtenberg ot |sraell orlgln ano valsball Maoan Hanoa, a Kenyan. Tbere was no prlor lntormatlon on tbe lmmlnent terror attack at tbe Mall. Tbe only report on a posslble terrorlst attack ever recelveo was on 17 tb [une 2009, trom tbe |nternatlonal Crlmlnal Trlbunal ot Rwanoa warnlng ot posslble attacks on sltes trequenteo by torelgners. Tbe banks wltbln tbe Mall bao separate securlty arrangements trom tbe one tbat was belng provloeo by Altbaus Servlces Llmlteo. Tbe attack at tbe Mall was an armeo lntruslon tbat tbe guaros coulo not avert glven tbat tbey were not armeo. CCTv Survelllance was out sourceo trom a company known as Art Care Llmlteo wblcb useo to man tbe tootages on a 24 bour basls. Wltbln balt an bour atter tbe attack, tbe securlty agencles were glven access to llve CCTv tootages at tbe provloer ottlces. A week later atter tbe attack, tbe Dlgltal vloeo Recoroers (DvRs) were banoeo over to tbe C|D oepartment. Sbe bao no loea bow tbe meola got access ot tbe CCTv tootages tbat were belng alreo on televlslon. Tbe management bao lost two tenants ln tbe attack ano was yet to recelve any lntormatlon on tbe mlsslng tenants. 47 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Tbe management olo not allow tbe tenants to sub-let tbe premlse once a contract was slgneo. Tbe Dlrector ot tbe Westgate Mall woulo be better placeo to say bow be acqulreo tbe lano wbere tbe bullolng stooo, tbe property value ano tbe etent ot tbe oamages lntllcteo by tbe terrorlsts ourlng tbe attack. An evaluatlon was oone by tbe Natlonal Counter Terrorlsm Centre on 28 tb [anuary 2009 baseo on enbanclng securlty. Tbe recommenoatlons were tully lmplementeo by tbe Management. Dlons Llectronlcs Llmlteo, a tenant at tbe Mall, openeo tbe sbop on 1 st September 2013, tlve years atter tbe slgnlng ot tbe lease agreement. Tbls was oue to tbe tlnanclal constralnts tbat maoe lt olttlcult tor tbem to stock tbelr gooos ln tbe premlses. Tbe sbop was unoer renovatlon tor close to tlve years. 13.0 MEETlNG WlTH DlXON5 ELECTRONlC5 LTD. Durlng bls presentatlon to tbe Commlttee, Mr. Mukbtar A. Parkar, Cbalrman, Dlons Llectronlcs lto., stateo tbat, Tbe tamlly bas been carrylng out electronlc buslness ln Kenya tor more tban tblrty tour years. He was tbe Cbalrman ot Dlons Llectronlcs Llmlteo wblle bls wlte ano oaugbter were tbe Dlrectors. Dlons renteo a 10,000 square teet sbop space wblcb was reouceo to 1,000 square teet atter tbe management requesteo tbem to surrenoer some space tor tbem to put up a botel, a corrloor leaolng to tbe botel, sl otber sbops ano an etenslon ot tbe management ottlce. Tbe oelay ln renovatlon was baseo on olscusslons wltb tbe management ln tbe vlew ot reouclng tbe slze ot tbe sbop ln oroer to create tbe space tor tbe sbops ano a corrloor tor tbe proposeo botel. Dlons palo rent amountlng to slty tour tbousano US oollars (about Ksbs. 5,440,000). Tbe company bao no olspute wltb tbe lanoloro about rent. Tbe company's otber brancbes are baseo at tbe [unctlon Sbopplng Mall, Sarlt Center ln Westlanos, Kenyatta Avenue, Klmatbl Street, Mol Avenue ano otber two brancbes ln Mombasa ano Klsumu soon to be openeo. Response to issues raised by the joint Connittee Menbers, 48 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. |n response to lssues ralseo by tbe Commlttee, Cbalrman stateo as tollows: He was a Kenyan cltlzen by blrtb. Mr. Ale Tracbtenberg, tbe owner ot Westgate Mall, was a personal trleno slnce be came to Kenya twenty years ago. He lett tbe bullolng at 9 am betore tbe attack. He was calleo later ano lntormeo tbat tbe bullolng was unoer attack. Two ot bls employees were later evacuateo at 4.00 pm. 8y tbe tlme tbe employees were moveo, tbe sbop was lntact. Tbere was no alert trom tbe securlty agents about tbe emlnent terrorlst attack. Wben be went back tlve oays atter tbe attack, tbe sbop bao been looteo. All ot tbe remalnlng stock bao bullet boles. He olo not know wbo looteo tbe sbop. Dlons was among tbe tlrst tenant to book space at tbe Mall betore tbe completlon ot tbe constructlon ln 2007. Slnce Nakumatt bao taken major space trom grouno to tlrst tloor, tbe management requesteo Dlons to reouce space to cater tor otber tacllltles. Wltb tbe corolal relatlonsblp Dlons enjoyeo wltb tbe management, space was reouceo by 9000 square teet out ot wblcb tbe management createo sl sbops ano a corrloor. Dlons bao been ln possesslon ot tbe space tor tbree years. Tbe management took close to two ano balt years to complete puttlng up tbe sbops ano tbe corrloor. Dlons bao palo tbe management USD 64,000. Tbe management was stlll oweo tbem USD 16,000 (about Ksbs. 13,600,000). Tbe space tbe sbop occupleo cost arouno 2.5 to 3 oollars per square teet. Dlons starteo operatlng ln September 2013. Tbe sbop was strateglcally sltuateo ano be was contloent bls lease woulo be reneweo as lt was about to eplre. Dlons bao twelve to tblrteen mllllon Ksbs. wortb ot stock at tbe sbop. |t was projecteo tbat tbe sbop woulo brlng returns ot twenty mllllon Kenya sbllllngs per montb ln sales. Tbe buslness took a llttle longer to start operatlng oue to renovatlon works. Dlons woulo bave recovereo money wltbln a year lt buslness bao plckeo up. Tbere were sbops wblcb were stlll vacant oesplte tbelr leases bavlng been slgneo years back. Dlons bao over 70 statt at tbe outlets ano lt bao been a practlce to transter tbem to new brancbes. 14.0 5UBMl55lON BY MR. BALVlNDER K. 5AHNl, MANAGlNG DlRECTOR, 5ECUREX AGENClE5 {K} LTD. 49 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. |n a sworn attloavlt submltteo to tbe [olnt Commlttee, Mr. 8alvlnoer K. Sabnl stateo tbat:- He was tbe Managlng Dlrector ot Secure Agencles (K) Llmlteo. Secure Agencles (K) Llmlteo ls lncorporateo ln Kenya to conouct securlty consultatlon, management servlces, auoltlng, lmplementatlon ot securlty proposals, provloe guaros, escorts, tralnlng ano otber servlces. Tbe Company bao not recelveo any alert trom Government organs ln respect ot tbe terror attack. However perloolc securlty revlew bao been unoertaken wltb tbe lnvolvement ot tbe Natlonal Counter Terrorlsm Center. On tbe oay ot tbe attack, tbe Company bao 36 well tralneo guaros strateglcally mannlng tbelr outy areas, one supervlsor ano one senlor supervlsor. |n conjunctlon wltb tbe Mall's Management, tbelr guaros bao unoergone regular tralnlng on all aspects ot tbelr outles ano many ot tbelr senlor statt bao attenoeo speclallzeo tralnlng courses. Tbe law ooes not allow tor prlvate securlty guaros to be armeo. For many years tbe Company bao, vla lts membersblp to tbe Kenya Securlty |noustry Assoclatlon, olscusseo wltb tbe Government regarolng tbe posslblllty ot selectlvely armlng tbe guaros ano lssulng protectlve equlpment sucb as bullet proot vests. At Westgate Mall Secure guaros were able to call upon armeo relntorcement ln tbe torm ot a 8ack-Up Response veblcle tbat was manneo by a Secure orlver, a response crew commanoer ano two armeo ottlcers trom tbe Dlplomatlc pollce unlt. Tbe patrol base tor tbe veblcle was along Mwanzl Roao trom wbere lt operateo ln support ot cllents wltbln tbe vlclnlty. Tbe Company collaborates wltb any securlty organ botb ln tbe Government as well as tbe prlvate sector ano also constantly evaluates ano lmproves tbe securlty strategy, tralnlng, appllcatlon ano appllcatlon as cbanges occur. Taklng lnto consloeratlon tbe nature ot tbe terrorlst attack tbat took place at tbe Mall, tbe guaros coulo not bave oone anytblng more tban ralse tbe alarm ano actlvely partlclpate ln tbe evacuatlon ot sboppers ano tbose worklng ln tbe Mall. 15.0 PRE5ENTATlON BY ALEX TRACHTENBERG, MANAGlNG DlRECTOR, 5ONY HOLDlNG5 LTD. |n bls presentatlon betore tbe Commlttee, Mr. Tracbtenberg stateo tbat, He was tbe Managlng Dlrector ot Sony Hololngs Llmlteo. 50 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Neltber tbe Company nor lts employees bao recelveo any securlty alerts trom tbe Government or any ot lts organs about tbe terrorlst attack tbat occurreo on tbe 21 st September 2013. Tbe securlty ot tbe bullolng was contracteo to Secure Agencles (K) Llmlteo, wblcb was a protesslonal securlty provloer but some tenants partlcularly tbe banks bao tbelr own armeo securlty arrangements at tbe Mall. |n aooltlon to Secure Agencles (K) Llmlteo, tbere were CCTv cameras wblcb covereo common areas ano eacb tenant was encourageo to lnstall lnternal CCTv cameras. Tbe management engageo an lnoepenoent contractor, Aocare Llmlteo, to provloe a wbole range ot electronlc servlces at tbe Mall, lncluolng tbe operatlon ano malntenance ot tbe survelllance system botb ln tbe Mall ano a remote slte at tbelr ottlces on Cbaka roao, Tltan bullolng. Wltbln tblrty mlnutes ot tbe attack, tbe securlty organs ot tbe state were able to monltor tbe events at tbe Mall ln real tlme. |t was regrettable tbat many people lost tbelr llves or got lnjureo wblle otbers lost tbelr propertles ourlng tbe attack. Matters ot terrorlsm were ot great magnltuoe. Only tbe state bao tbe means ano power to lntervene. |n sucb sltuatlons lt woulo be approprlate tor tbe Government to step ln ano compensate tbe persons wbose buslnesses were attecteo by tbe attack ano asslst ln tbe reconstructlon or restoratlon ot tbe oestroyeo opportunltles as was tbe case ourlng tbe Amerlcan Lmbassy terror attack. Tbere was etenslve oamage, oestructlon, vanoallsm ano lootlng at tbe Mall. lssues raised by the joint connittee, Tbe Commlttee Members sougbt to know tbe tollowlng:- l. Tbe number ot tenants wbo bao lost tbelr llves ln tbe attack. ll. |t protlllng tor tenants was oone betore ano atter allocatlon ot tbe space. lll. Wbetber any ot tbe tenants bao reporteo lootlng ot property. lv. |t tbe management bao any loea ot tbe number ot terrorlsts lnvolveo ln tbe attack. v. Wbat measures were put ln place to avert sucb attacks glven tbat |sraell lnstallatlons were targets? vl. Wblcb securlty agency was ln cbarge ot tbe CCTv cameras at Aocare Llmlteo premlses? vll. Wbo was responslble tor tbe oestructlon ot propertles tbat occurreo at tbe Mall? vlll. |t tbe management alloweo tor sub-tenancy ln tbe Mall. 51 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. l. Wbetber be bao any otber property ln tbe country besloes Westgate Mall . Tbe nature ot securlty arrangement at tbe Mall ano lt tbere was any securlty brletlngs by tbe securlty provloer. l. |t tbe Mall was lnsureo ano compensatlons plans tbat were belng put ln place to tbe tenants wbo lost tbelr propertles ln tbe attack ll. |t be coulo comment on tbe controversy surrounolng tbe lano on wblcb tbe Westgate Mall was bullt. Responses to issues raised by the joint connittee Menbers |n response to lssues ralseo by tbe Commlttee, tbe MD responoeo as tollows:- He was at tbe Westgate Mall betore tbe attack as be normally bolos management meetlngs at tbe Mall between 10 ano 11 am. He lett at arouno 11.30 am to atteno anotber meetlng ano was lntormeo about tbe attack at arouno 12.30 pm. He was lntormeo tbat securlty agencles bao taken control ot tbe CCTv control room wltbln Aocare premlses wbere tbey monltoreo tbe untololng slege lnsloe tbe Mall. He coulo not tell wbat causeo tbe oestructlon ot a part ot tbe bullolng or wbo looteo tbe buslness premlses as tbe bullolng was ln tbe banos ot securlty agents between 21 st September ano 19 tb November, 2013. He coulo not tell bow many terrorlsts took part ln tbe attack ano lt tbey were kllleo by tbe securlty torces. Westgate Mall bao blgb protlle securlty arrangements. Tbe nature ano tbe magnltuoe ot tbe terror attack was beyono anyone's means. Secure normally oeployeo two armeo pollce ottlcers trom tbe Dlplomatlc pollce base on a oally basls to respono to any armeo lntruslon. Tbe attack woulo bave been preventeo bao proper lntormatlon gatberlng put ln place. He coulo not blame anyone tor tbe oestructlon tbat took place at tbe Mall. Wben terrorlsts strlke, tbere ls bouno to be serlous consequences. He lmploreo tbe Government to step ln ano compensate tbe persons wbose buslnesses were attecteo by tbe attack ano asslst ln tbe reconstructlon ano restoratlon ot tbe oestroyeo opportunltles. Tbere was no sub-lettlng at tbe Mall. All tenants were vetteo tborougb betore belng allocateo space ln tbe Mall. Tbe management requesteo Dlons Llectronlc Llmlteo to surrenoer 9000 square teet towaros tbe creatlon ot sl aooltlonal sbops ano a corrloor. Tbere were sbops tbat 52 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. took longer to open tban Dlons Llectronlc Llmlteo. Tbere was notblng tlsby on Mr. Mukbtar A. Parkar as be knew blm personally slnce be came to Kenya. Tbere was no prlor lntormatlon on tbe lmmlnent terror attack at tbe Mall. Tbe only report on a posslble terrorlst attack ever recelveo was on 17 tb [une 2009, trom tbe |nternatlonal Crlmlnal Trlbunal ot Rwanoa warnlng ot posslble attacks on sltes trequenteo by torelgners. Tbe DvRs were banoeo over to tbe C|D oepartment. Tbe DvRs bao not been surrenoereo back to tbem He was not aware ot wbat mlgbt bave causeo tbe tlre ano tbe collapse ot tbe bullolng slnce tbe securlty agents bao taken control. Sony Hololngs Llmlteo was yet to recelve any report trom tbe Government on tbe same. Tbe lano on wblcb Westgate Sbopplng Mall stanos on was acqulreo legally. Tbe lano, reterence number 1870/1/556 ls not on rlparlan lano (opposlte ot tbe rlver) ano lles on tbe nortbern sloe ot Mwanzl Roao, on tbe otber sloe ot tbe rlver. 16.0 jOlNT COMMlTTEE OB5ERVATlON5, FlNDlNG5 AND CONCLU5lON5 Arising fron the various neetings with the security organs and other witnesses of the Westgate MaII terror attack, the joint Connittee nade the foIIowing observations and concIusions:- 1. There was generaI infornation on the inpending terror attack on aII the naIIs and other strategic Western interests especiaIIy in Nairobi. 53 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. The infornation was nade avaiIabIe to the reIevant security officers in Nairobi County on 6 th August, 2013 and on 2 nd 5eptenber, 2013. 2. There was generaI Iaxity and unresponsiveness anong the poIice over terror aIerts within Nairobi. 3. During the siege, the RECCE Conpany fron the GeneraI 5ervice Unit {G5U} had contained the terrorists in one corner of the Westgate MaII. There was however poor coordination by the MuIti- agency security forces during the operation. The change over between the Kenya Defence Forces and the PoIice was uncoordinated, which caIIs for the estabIishnent of an incident Connand ControI ProtocoI. 4. There was Iooting of business prenises within the MaII. Action has aIready been taken on three Kenya Defence Forces soIdiers, one Adninistration PoIice officer, one Anti-Terror PoIice Unit officer and one Fire Brigade personneI invoIved in Iooting incidents. 5. There is nationwide systenic faiIure on the part of the lnnigration 5ervices Departnent, Departnent of Refugee Affairs, and Registration of Persons Departnent attributed to corruption at the border controI points and registration centres, nainIy in Nairobi, Coast and North Eastern areas. 6. There was destruction of property at the Westgate MaII, occasioned by exchange of fire between the terrorists and the security forces. 17.0 jOlNT COMMlTTEE GENERAL RECOMMENDATlON5 The joint Connittee reconnends that:- 1. The Governnent shouId decIare war against aI 5habaab wherever they are. The war against terrorisn shouId be intensified within and outside the country. The Governnent shouId coIIaborate with the internationaI connunity for a concerted effort to bring peace and stabiIity to the 5onaIi RepubIic with a view to ensuring that the 54 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. country wouId no Ionger serve as a sanctuary for internationaI crine and terrorisn. 2. The Governnent shouId estabIish a NationaI lnter-Agency Coordination Centre to be referred to as the Directorate of NationaI 5ecurity, with nenbership drawn fron aII the security agencies, to ensure inteIIigence gathering, infornation sharing and inpIenentation is carried out. The Directorate prenised on a singIe and secure infornation nanagenent progranne, shaII be reporting the constituting agencies. 3. The Governnent shouId carry out radicaI surgery in the Departnent of lnnigration 5ervices and second trained security officers incIuding retired niIitary officers, vetted adninistrators and Nl5 officers who have a security background, to the Departnent. The Departnent shouId cease to victinize Kenya-5onaIi appIicants seeking to acquire identification docunents. 4. The Departnent of lnnigration 5ervices, the Registration of Persons Departnent, the NationaI Registration Bureau and the Departnent of Refugee Affairs shouId be heId accountabIe for conpronising nationaI security by registering aIiens who Iater turn out to be terrorists. 5tern action, incIuding prosecution, shouId be taken against the cuIprits. 5. The Refugee Act, 2006, shouId be repeaIed. The Act is redundant and cannot deaI adequateIy with energing trends/threats on terrorisn. A new Iaw shouId be deveIoped to guide on the handIing of the Refugee phenonenon in the country. 6. Dadaab {DaghaIe, lfo, lfo ll, Hagdera, Kanbios} and Kakuna Refugee Canps shouId be cIosed and resident refugees repatriated to their country of origin. The recent signing of the Tripartite Agreenent by the Governnent of Kenya, the 5onaIi RepubIic and UNHCR is a step towards the right direction. 7. The Governnent shouId fuIIy investigate the Iapses anong the security agencies. The investigation shouId focus on whether inteIIigence infornation provided was accurate, tineIy and specific. 8. The Governnent shouId estabIish weII trained and adequateIy equipped 5peciaI Rapid Response Connandos within the niIitary and the poIice to respond to energency situations such as terrorisn. 55 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. 9. The Governnent shouId provide adequate resources to the security sector in order for the security organs to effectiveIy address the rising crine in the country. 10. ConpIetion of the forensic Iaboratory for the Directorate of CrininaI lnvestigations shouId be expedited to ensure data coIIection, handIing and conpiIation was inproved. 11. The Governnent shouId fornuIate a poIicy to reguIate nedia content when streaning Iive fron energency situations, with a view to ensuring nanagenent and deIivery of infornation does not conpronise nationaI security. There is need to censure irresponsibIe journaIisn and reckIess sociaI nedia. 12. The Governnent shouId identify and keep a nanifest of aII inportant Iandnarks, strategic infrastructure and key instaIIations that couId be potentiaI terrorist targets. Governnent portaIs and donains shouId be protected in order to guard against energing cyber crine. 13. Kenya's Enbassy to 5onaIia shouId innediateIy be reIocated fron Nairobi to 5onaIia in order to further strengthen dipIonatic reIations between the two countries. 14. The Governnent shouId fast track and operationaIize the fornuIation of the NationaI 5ecurity PoIicy, the Crine Managenent 5trategy Paper and the NationaI Disaster Managenent Draft PoIicy. 15. MobiIe phone service providers shouId conpIy with the Iaw to ensure aII sin card owners are duIy registered. There is need for coIIaboration with the security organs to ensure identification docunents presented for registration are verified and authenticated as beIonging to the appIicant. 16. The Governnent shouId consider providing start-up capitaI and tax incentives to persons who Iost their properties as weII as offer ex- gratia assistance to the victins who Iost their Iives or were injured during the Westgate MaII terror attack. 17. The Governnent shouId put in pIace neasures to ensure that youth are engaged in sone gainfuI enpIoynent. More funds shouId be provided for youth enpowernent progrannes/initiatives. UnenpIoynent and poverty anong the youth drives then to 56 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. radicaIisn into joining outIawed niIitia groups. ln this regard, annesty shouId be provided to youth wiIIing to reforn. 18. There is need to deveIop a schooI based curricuIun on NationaI 5ervice prenised on patriotisn, nationaIisn and service to the nation, with a view to incuIcating the said vaIues to the youth and naking then conscious to security responsiveness at their earIy stages in Iife. 57 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. VOL. ll REPORT OF THE jOlNT COMMlTTEE ON DEFENCE AND FORElGN RELATlON5, AND ADMlNl5TRATlON AND NATlONAL 5ECURlTY Vl5lT5 TO MANDERA lN NORTH EA5TERN AND KlLlFl lN THE COA5TAL REGlON, 14-16 NOVEMBER, 2013 18.0 jOlNT 5UB COMMlTTEE Vl5lT TO MANDERA 18.1 COURTE5Y CALL TO THE MANDERA COUNTY COMMl55lONER Durlng a courtesy call to tbe Commlssloner Manoera County, tbe sub Commlttee was lntormeo tbat:- 58 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Tbe pollce were belng accuseo ot lalty by tbe local communlty. |t was allegeo tbat tbe pollce no longer go out on nlgbt patrols tor tear ot terrorlst attacks. Tbe locals oo not cooperate wltb tbe pollce anymore. Tbere ls no central commano ot tbe pollce at tbe county level. Dltterences stlll perslst between tbe Kenya Pollce ano tbe Aomlnlstratlon Pollce County Commanoers as eacb ls trylng to assert tbemselves. Altbougb tbe County Commlssloner ls tbe Cbalrman ot tbe Manoera County Securlty |ntelllgence Commlttee [MCS|C], more otten tban not, bls oroers are not obeyeo. Corruptlon among tbe securlty agencles ls enoemlc along tbe boroer polnts. Tbe pollce ano lmmlgratlon ottlclals take brlbes ln oroer to allow allens, contrabano gooos ano arms to be sneakeo lnto tbe country. Tbe pollce asslgn tbemselves outles ln tbe mornlng ano tbey all troop to tbe boroer polnts. |n tbe evenlng tbey retreat to tbelr rooms, leavlng tbe town at tbe mercy ot mllltlas. Tbe town ls patrolleo at nlgbt by a banotul ot Kenya Pollce Reservlsts or bomeguaros. Tbese are e servlce men ano otber volunteers wbo bave been engageo to provloe securlty ln Manoera. For tbelr servlces, tbey are palo Ksbs. 7,000 per montb. Tbelr presence along tbe town streets bas brougbt some semblance ot securlty ln Manoera town. 18.2 MEETlNG WlTH THE MANDERA EA5T 5ECURlTY lNTELLlGENCE COMMlTTEE Durlng a meetlng wltb tbe Manoera Last County Securlty |ntelllgence Commlttee, tbe Members were lntormeo tbat:- A number ot terrorlst attacks bao been wltnesseo between December 2012 ano September 2013. Most ot tbe attacks bave been olrecteo at Aomlnlstratlve unlts ano securlty ottlcers. Tbe last attack was on an Aomlnlstratlve Pollce Camp at 8ulla [amburlya wbere bano grenaoes, Rocket Propelleo grenaoes ano guns were useo. One pollce ottlcer oleo wblle two otbers were lnjureo. Tbe Sub County Securlty ano |ntelllgence Commlttee bas taken several steps to aooress terror attacks ln Manoera. Tbese lncluoe:- Ralos ano swoops are conoucteo wltb tbe alm ot nettlng tbe crlmlnals. Leaoers meetlngs are also belo to sensltlze people to asslst ln curblng tbe crlme. Tbe 8ulla Hawa Aomlnlstratlon ot Somalla bas been contacteo ln oroer to belp ln lntelllgence gatberlng ano sbarlng. 59 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. More pollce ottlcers bave been posteo to man tbe outposts ano vltal lnstallatlons. Deployment ot more securlty personnel to patrol tbe roaos bas been oone. Movement ot tals bas been regularlzeo wltb all cars bavlng tbelr reglstratlon numbers clearly markeo wltb bolo large letters on tbe booy ot tbe tals. Outposts wltb tew securlty ottlcers sucb as 8ulla Mpya, 8P1, Kbalallyo ano Harerl bave been closeo, ano tbe ottlcers sent to relntorce tbe otber posts. Tbe County Government bas ottereo two clvlllan veblcles to belp ln patrolllng tbe town. ChaIIenges facing security personneI in Mandera Tbere are lnaoequate securlty personnel to man tbe porous boroer. Tbls bas leo to closure ot some posts leavlng tbe boroers eposeo. Also, tbere are lnaoequate weapons tor tbe ottlcers to carry out patrols ettectlvely. Lack ot aoequate resources sucb as tunos to malntaln tbe veblcles ano tuel to run tbe patrol cars bas bampereo securlty operatlons. Otber ottlcers bave been transterreo wltbout replacement. Some sectlons ot tbe local communlty are al Sbabaab sympatblzers wbo leak lntormatlon to tbe mllltlas ano make lt olttlcult to contact ralos ano swoops. Tbe local people oo not cooperate wltb tbe pollce to proouce evloence ln courts as wltnesses. Tbere ls rampant corruptlon by securlty ottlcers ano otber government agents. As a result, many lllegal lmmlgrants bave touno tbelr way lnto tbe town, as well as lncreaseo prollteratlon ot small arms tbrougb tbe porous boroer. Many loentltlcatlon oocuments bave been lssueo to non Kenyans. Tbe 'no-man's lano' bas been encroacbeo. People trom botb sloes ot tbe boroer bave settleo on tbe oemarcateo area tbus maklng lt easy tor crlmlnals to cross over to eltber sloe ot tbe boroer easlly ano unoetecteo. Tbere ls low morale ot tbe securlty ottlcer. Tbe general teellng amongst ottlcers ls tbat belng posteo to tbe tar tlung ano remote reglon ot Manoera ls a punltlve measure. Tbere ls lack ot lncentlves tor tbe ottlcers sucb as barosblp allowances. Some ottlcers overstay ln barosblp areas leaolng to tbem to teel oebumanlzeo. Houslng ano accommooatlon ls lnaoequate at tbe outposts to bouse all tbe securlty personnel. Tbe avallable bouses are not ln gooo babltable conoltlons. Unemployment, poverty ano orug use among tbe youtb bas leo to many jolnlng crlmlnal actlvltles. Some are known to collaborate wltb gangs tor some llttle payment. Weak leglslatlon on terrorlsm bas contrlbuteo to lncreaseo crlmlnal actlvlty. Suspecteo terrorlsts are balleo out atter arrests. Also cultural aspects bave leo to lnterterence ot 60 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. cases wbere local mecbanlsms are employeo to resolve contllcts, tor lnstance, Maslab. Tbls encourages otbers to commlt crlmes. Reglstratlon oocuments bave been lssueo to non-Kenyans. Tbese lncluoe loentlty caros ano blrtb certltlcates to non-Kenyan cblloren attenolng Kenyan scbools. Tbe locals asslst tbe allens to acqulre tbe reglstratlon oocuments. Reconnendations and way forward Aoequate sensltlzatlon to members ot tbe publlc sboulo be carrleo out ln oroer tor tbem to volunteer lntormatlon to tbe securlty agents on crlmlnals llvlng among tbem. Tbe locals sboulo be sensltlzeo on lmportance to upbolo lalo oown laws ano regulatlons governlng crlme ano oeslst trom traoltlonal ways ot resolvlng contllcts. More pollce sboulo be posteo to tbe reglon to enbance securlty ano boost patrols wltbln tbe boroer town. Tbe personnel sboulo be provloeo wltb one armoureo veblcle, metal oetectors ano aoequate weapons tor patrol. A major trencb sboulo be oug to oeter potentlal lmmlgrants trom crosslng tbe boroer. People sboulo only be alloweo to cross at oeslgnateo areas. Screenlng ot people crosslng tbe boroer sboulo be tlgbteneo wblle olsarmament sboulo be carrleo out. A clear oemarcatlon ot tbe boroer sboulo be oone ano structures constructeo on no- man's lano oemollsbeo. Tbls wlll ensure tbat ettectlve patrols are carrleo out ano ettlclent management ot tbe cross boroer movements. Tbere sboulo be unltormlty ano talrness ln tbe transter ot ottlcers wbo bave overstayeo ln barosblp areas. Harosblp allowances sboulo be revleweo. More lano sboulo be avalleo to construct oecent bouslng tor ottlcers mannlng outposts. Human patbs passlng tbrougb or arouno tbe camps sboulo be closeo. Lrectlon ot a perlmeter tence arouno pollce camps sboulo be oone. All lllegal structures tbat bave encroacbeo lnto securlty camps sucb as Manoera Pollce Statlon, 8uru 8uru AP Camp ano Manoera Mllltary Camp sboulo be removeo. Tbe 'N,um5o Kum|` lnltlatlve sboulo be lmplementeo. Tbe County Government sboulo open up otber areas ano provloe amenltles llke water ano electrlclty ln a blo to oecongest Manoera town. All loentlty caro boloers ougbt to be screeneo ln oroer to establlsb tbe torelgners wbo may bave been reglstereo lllegally. Serlous olsclpllnary actlon sboulo be taken on corrupt ottlcers ano Government agents wbo abet crlme. Tbere ls neeo tor a blgbly tralneo antl-terror securlty team presence ln Manoera. 61 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. 18.3 MEETlNG WlTH THE MANDERA COUNTY GOVERNOR Tbe Commlttee belo a sesslon wltb tbe Manoera County Governor. Durlng tbe meetlng, tbe Commlttee was lntormeo tbat, Manoera bas a populatlon ot 1,025,756 ano covers 25,991.5 square Kms. Tbe County boroers Ltblopla to tbe Nortb ano Somalla Republlc to tbe Last. Tbe County sbares vast ano porous boroers wltb tbese countrles. Tbe ettect ot tbls ls tbat tbere blgb prollteratlon ot small arms ano llgbt weapons. Successlve Governments bave neglecteo tbe pllgbt ot tbe local people. Tbe ottlcers posteo ln tbe County lack loglstlcal support, oo not bave aoequate equlpment ano equlpment to oeter crlme, ano tewer numbers ot ottlcers posteo bere. Tbe County bas borne tbe blggest brunt ot terrorlsm ano otber organlzeo crlmes. Tbls scenarlo ls eacerbateo by tbe tollowlng orawbacks:- 1. Tbe town ls now completely unoer tbe slege ot terrorlsts. Tbe pollce are no longer ln control. Tbe County Government bas engageo tbe Kenya Pollce Reservlsts at a token ot Ksbs. 7,500 per montb to patrol tbe streets ot Manoera town. Tbe bome-guaros bave brougbt some semblance ot peace lnto tbe town. 2. Corruptlon among tbe pollce ottlcers ls enoemlc. No prosecutlons are oone on persons arresteo over terrorlst actlvltles. Tbere ls no avallable oata on cross boroer lmmlgrants. |ntelllgence by tbe Natlonal |ntelllgence Servlce ls not acteo upon by tbe pollce. Pollce posts wltb less tban 40 ottlcers were closeo oown. Tbe publlc are completely trustrateo wltb tbe securlty teams. 3. Tbere ls no structureo commano ano control amongst tbe tew securlty ottlcers ln Manoera as tbe two County Commanoers ot Pollce ano aomlnlstratlve Pollce report on a parallel llne to tbelr senlors leaolng to oupllcatlon ot outles ano lack ot ultlmate responslblllty. 4. Tbe boroer between Kenya ano Somalla bas been closeo. However, Kenya Revenue Autborlty ottlcers ano pollce ottlcers bave contlnueo to operate lllegal boroer posts wbere arms ano otber contrabano gooos are smuggleo lnto tbe country at a tee. 5. Pollce ottlcers ot Somall oescent bave been transterreo to otber areas ln tbe country. Tbls bas compromlseo lntelllgence gatberlng wltbln tbe securlty teams wltb tbe new ottlcers bavlng a language barrler. 62 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. 6. Tbe Reglstratlon ot Persons Department bas lssueo oocuments ano loentlty caros lllegally to torelgners. Non-Kenyans bave bence recelveo sucb oocuments as loentlty caros ano blrtb certltlcates. 5uggested neasures to inprove security in Mandera 1. Tbe entlre securlty teams ln Manoera sboulo be transterreo wltbout oelay. Tbe pollce are llterally unable to patrol tbe streets. Corruptlon by tbe pollce ano otber Government agents ls tbe oroer ot tbe oay. 2. Restructure tbe commano ano control ot tbe pollce servlce ln tbe County to ensure botb oepartments bave one central commano. Tbls woulo lmprove reportlng. 3. |ncrease securlty personnel along tbe boroer, provloe tbem wltb equlpment ano weapons ano veblcles to enbance patrols. 4. All ottlcers attacbeo at tbe Manoera 8oroer Polnt, wblcb bas been closeo, must be transterreo ano lnvestlgateo. 5. Llcense clvlllans as gun boloers to lncrease securlty wltb tbe town. Tbese, togetber wltb tbe Kenya Pollce Reservlsts, woulo boost tbe securlty ln Manoera. 6. Transter Reglstratlon ot Persons personnel trom Manoera ano lmprove mecbanlsms ot acqulrlng natlonal reglstratlon oocuments. 7. Retaln ottlcers wbo can speak ano unoerstano tbe local language ln oroer to enbance lntormatlon gatberlng. 8. Funolng ot tbe County Pollclng Autborlty trom tbe Natlonal Pollce buoget sboulo be lmplementeo as per tbe Act. Tbe tunolng wlll oetlnltely lmprove servlce oellvery by tbe County Pollclng Autborlty. 9. Remove all structures ano bullolngs on tbe 'no-man's lano' along tbe Kenya-Somall boroer ano re-establlsb tbe boroer llne. 10. Tbe Government sboulo establlsb mecbanlsms to provloe employment to tbe lole youtb wbo are reaolly gettlng recrulteo lnto terror groups. Tbls can be oone tbrougb lncreaseo tunolng ot youtb programmes. 11. Tbe mllltary camp sboulo be converteo trom a temporary base to a permanent camp. Tbe Camp requlres two or more armoureo veblcles to enbance securlty ano ettectlve response to terrorlsm. To tbls eno, a plece ot lano bas been allocateo near tbe new County ottlces slte. 12. A roao along tbe 300 km stretcb along tbe boroer sboulo be constructeo to lncrease patrol along tbe boroer. 63 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. 13. Tbe alrstrlp neeos to be relocateo. Tbe tllgbt patb ls olrectly above resloentlal areas ano tbere ls potentlal oanger ot planes belng struck wltb Rocket Propelleo Grenaoes. 14. Streamllne tal operatlons as tbe buslness ls largely controlleo by al Sbabaab operatlves. 18.4 PUBLlC HEARlNG AT THE MANDERA COUNTY GOVERNOR'5 CONFERENCE HALL At a meetlng belo at tbe Manoera County Governor's Hall, tbe Commlttee was lntormeo tbat:- Allens are reglstereo taster tban tbe local people because money ecbanges banos tor tbe servlce. Tbe reglstratlon ottlclals sboulo be transterreo because tbey are corrupt. Tbe pollce ottlcers are corrupt ano la too. Tbey work ln caboots wltb al Sbabaab ano are palo to pass lntormatlon to tbe latter. Tbe wbole securlty team sboulo be transterreo trom Manoera. Tbe local pollce ot Kenya Somall orlgln sboulo be returneo to work ln tbe County. Tbe 'no-man's lano' sboulo be re-establlsbeo ano structures along tbe oemarcateo area oemollsbeo. Tbere ls neeo to lncrease bome-guaros to about 100 ano lmprove tbelr pay so as to restore securlty, wblcb tbe pollce are unable to otter. Tbe mllltary camp sboulo be strengtbeneo. More armoureo veblcles sboulo be provloeo to tbe mllltary. Tbe mllltary sboulo be oeployeo to patrol along tbe boroer between Kenya ano Somalla. Lvery County sboulo recrult ano employ own pollce. Tbe Government sboulo post local resloents wbo serve ln tbe pollce to work ln Manoera as tbey unoerstano tbe language ano can be usetul ln lntormatlon gatberlng. Al Sbabaab actlvltles bave olsrupteo teacblng ln some scbools wblcb bave eventually been closeo. Tbls bas ettectlvely leo to poor pertormance. Loucatlon Manoera bas been compromlseo by tbe blgb level ot lnsecurlty ln tbe County. Furtber Somall cblloren are aomltteo as Kenyan stuoents ano eno up as Kenyan cltlzens wbo atter scbool get absorbeo lnto tbe mllltary, pollce ano publlc servlce. Musbroomlng prlvate scbools also are aomlttlng stuoents trom Somalla. Prlmary scbool 64 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. beao-teacbers sboulo be subjecteo to tborougb vettlng as lt ls clalmeo tbat some ot tbem are collaborators. |ntroouce lnto tbe scbool programme subjects or unlts tbat lnculcates lnto stuoents patrlotlsm ano natlonallsm. Tbe Government ougbt to employ lole youtb wbo engage ln orug abuse ano otber vlces ano are easlly recrulteo lnto mllltla groups. Peace Commlttees bave been bljackeo by polltlclans ano bave been converteo lnto outtlts wbere polltlcal lnterests are belng propagateo at tbe bebest ot peace. Tbe Manoera Peace Commlttees sboulo be olsbanoeo ano new ones reconstltuteo. Tbere are questlonable oevelopment ot real estate by torelgners wbo are belleveo to bave acqulreo natlonal |Ds lllegally, ano are uslng launoereo wealtb to construct bouses ano buslness centres. Moblle communlcatlon ls pecullarly olsrupteo on occaslons wben tbere are serlous securlty lssues. Tbls problem bas perslsteo tor long. Tbe resloents are at a loss on wby tbere ls network tallure wben terrorlst attacks occur wltbln tbe reglon. Pollce posts sboulo be set up at Kamor, 8arwaqo, Harer Hosle, Omar [llow ano Letbl locatlons along tbe Latey-Manoera Roao. Tbe boroer between 8eleo Hawa ano Manoera town sboulo be openeo. Strlngent measures sboulo be put ln place to ensure tbat lllegal persons are not permltteo tbrougb tbe post ano no contrabano gooos are sneakeo lnto tbe country tbrougb tbe entry polnt. 18.5 jOlNT 5UB COMMlTTEE OB5ERVATlON5 AND FlNDlNG5 lN MANDERA The 5ub Connittee nade the foIIowing observations:- 1. The security officers had Iost controI of the town of Mandera. No patroIs were ever conducted at night. 2. The hone-guards/Kenya PoIice Reservists had brought sone senbIance of caIn within the town. OnIy KPR were visibIe at night. 65 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. 3. The IocaI connunity wanted the security teans transferred and new officers posted to Mandera East County. 4. There was encroachnent on the area denarcated as 'no nan's Iand'. 5. Many canps had been cIosed and poIice reIocated eIsewhere. 6. The presence of the niIitary canp gave sone assurance that peace couId be brought to the border area with tine, if the niIitary were faciIitated with nore arnoured cars and other sophisticated weapons. 18.6 jOlNT 5UB COMMlTTEE RECOMMENDATlON5 ~ MANDERA 1. There is need to overhauI the whoIe security structure in Mandera. The poIice who have overstayed in the Mandera East 5ub County shouId be transferred to other areas pronptIy. 2. Thorough investigations shouId be conducted over aIIegations of corruption and Iaxity anongst the security and innigration officers in Mandera County. Those found cuIpabIe shouId be prosecuted. 3. The Governnent shouId post nore security personneI to boost patroIs aIong the border in Mandera County. There is IiteraIIy no poIice presence or patroI in Mandera town at night. The town is patroIIed by a handfuI nunber of hone-guards who are not properIy equipped to deaI with any najor niIitia insurgence. 4. The Governnent shouId denoIish aII iIIegaI structures constructed in 'no nan's Iand' and cIearIy denarcate the border between Kenya and 5onaIia. A najor trench shouId be dug to deter potentiaI innigrants fron crossing the border. PeopIe shouId onIy be aIIowed to cross at designated areas. 5creening of peopIe crossing the border shouId be tightened. 5. There is need to increase hone-guards to about 500 in order to suppIenent the security forces especiaIIy aIong the Kenya-5onaIi porous border. There is aIso need to increase their pay. 6. The Adninistration PoIice posts such as Danasa, Libihiya, Hareri, KaIaIiyo, Hareri HosIe, Kanor, and Border Point 1, shouId be 66 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. reopened innediateIy in order to Iives and property of the peopIe residing there. 7. The niIitary canp shouId be strengthened. More arnoured vehicIes shouId be provided to the niIitary. The niIitary shouId be depIoyed to patroI aIong the border between Kenya and 5onaIia. 8. Bases for the GeneraI 5ervice Unit {G5U} and the Rapid DepIoynent Unit {RDU}, shouId be innediateIy estabIished at Onar jiIIo and Danasa Locations which are entry points for heaviIy arned niIitia and nenbers of the aI 5habaab group fron 5onaIia that constantIy attack the peopIe of Mandera Iiving aIong the Kenya-5onaIi border. 9. Adnissions into basic prinary education shouId be thoroughIy scrutinized. lt is aIIeged that chiIdren of non Kenyans are adnitted as Kenyan students and end up as citizens who after schooI get absorbed into the niIitary, poIice and pubIic service. Mushrooning private schooIs aIso are adnitting students fron 5onaIia. Prinary schooI head-teachers shouId keep separate registers for Kenyan and non Kenyan students. 10. The Governnent shouId estabIish nechanisns to provide enpIoynent to the idIe youth who are readiIy getting recruited into terror groups. This can be done through increased funding of youth progrannes. 11. The airstrip needs to be reIocated. The fIight path is directIy above residentiaI areas and there is potentiaI danger of pIanes being struck with Rocket PropeIIed Grenades. 12. The 'Nyumbo Kum' initiative shouId be inpIenented in the County to heIp in the fight against insecurity. 19.0 jOlNT 5UB COMMlTTEE Vl5lT TO KlLlFl COUNTY 19.1 MEETlNG WlTH THE KlLlFl COUNTY 5ECURlTY lNTELLlGENCE COMMlTTEE Durlng a meetlng wltb tbe Kllltl County Securlty |ntelllgence Commlttee, tbe Sub- Commlttee Members were brleteo as tollows:- Terrorisn Tbe lssue MRC was tbe major tbreat ln tbe County, bowever tbere were al Sbabaab cells ln tbe County wbo oo carry out attacks ln tbe nelgbbourlng countles llke 67 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Mombasa ano Mallnol. Kllltl County was belng useo as a plannlng area tor terrorlst attacks ln tbe above areas. Tbe al Sbaabab mllltla group bas been carrylng out recrultment ln tbe County. Tbe securlty personnel were oolng tbelr best to aooress tbe problem. Tbe al Sbabaab group bao sympatblzers amongst tbe local populatlon. Tbls group was compllcatlng tbe war agalnst terrorlsm ln tbe County. Tbe terrorlsts are well tunoeo. Tbey tuno numerous actlvltles ln tbe County ano are able to llve amongst tbe resloents unnotlceo. Tbere was an urgent neeo to lmprove tbe tralnlng ot tbe antl-terrorlst unlt ln oroer to put lt at par wltb lnternatlonal stanoaros. Tbe unlt sboulo also be aoequately tunoeo. Corrupt lmmlgratlon ottlclals ano tbe pollce at boroer polnts allow allens ano arms to be sneakeo lnto tbe County. Funolng was a major cballenge as tbe pollce lack tbe aoequate tacllltles to combat lnsecurlty ln tbe County. Tbere was neeo to create awareness among tbe cltlzens on tbe lmportance ot sbarlng lntormatlon wltb tbe pollce. Tbe corporatlon between tbe publlc ano tbe pollce neeos to be strengtbeneo lt tbe war agalnst terrorlsm ls to be reallzeo. Tbe 'N,um5o Kum|` lnltlatlve woulo soon be lmplementeo ln tbe County to belp ln tbe tlgbt agalnst lnsecurlty. The Monbasa RepubIican CounciI Tbe cesslon calls ano actlvltles ot tbe Mombasa Republlcan Councll (MRC) bave greatly oecreaseo but tbe resloents were stlll recelvlng tbreats. Tbe lssue ot MRC was belng aooresseo tbrougb ettorts by tbe Government ln tbe lssuance ot tltle oeeos ano appolntments ot Coast resloents to key oeclslon maklng posltlons ln tbe Natlonal Government. MRC was worklng ln tbe percelveo power vacuum as tbey telt tbere was no autborlty to tame tbem oue lnaoequate presence ot securlty personnel ln tbe County. Tbe pollce lackeo tacllltles neeoeo to tlgbt tbe lllegal grouplngs llke MRC ln tbe reglon. Tbere was also poor accesslblllty to securlty prone areas poslng a cballenge to law entorcement ottlcers wbenever tbey are calleo to respono to emergencles. 68 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Tbere was apatby trom tbe cltlzens to otter lntormatlon to tbe ottlcers ano tbe lntormatlon tbat ls normally volunteereo lt any ooes not provloe concrete evloences to warrant arrests. MRC normally attack pollce posts uslng guerllla tactlcs maklng lt baro tor tbe pollce ottlcers to know eactly wben ano bow tbey lnteno to carry tbe attack. Local leaoers trom tbe County sboulo come out openly ano conoemn tbe lllegal actlvltles ot MRC ln tbe reglon. A lot ot arrests bave been maoe ano are awaltlng prosecutlon. Tbe county securlty turtber urgeo tbe Natlonal Assembly to come up wltb laws tbat woulo glve strlngent punlsbments to members ot lllegal groups llke MRC ln oroer to olscourage otbers trom jolnlng sucb grouplngs. Tbere were lnaoequate securlty ottlcers to beet up securlty ln tbe County. Tbere was neeo to lncrease tbe number ot securlty ottlcers ln key government lnstallatlons. Tbe Raplo Response Unlt woulo soon be put ln place to belp ln tbe war agalnst MRC. Tbere was neeo to tully lmplement tbe pollcy restrlctlng pollce ottlcers trom worklng at tbelr places ot orlgln. |t bao been noteo tbat ottlcers worklng at tbelr bome areas pose a cballenge to tbe tlgbt agalnst securlty ln tbe County ano tbe entlre country tbrougb colluslon wltb tbe culprlts ano passlng ot contloentlal lntormatlon to tbem. Witchcraft reIated kiIIings Lloers beyono tbe age ot 65 years were belng kllleo on susplclon ot practlclng wltcbcratt causlng wloespreao tear among tbe resloents especlally tbe aglng. No one lncluolng tbe tamlly members ot tbe casualtles volunteers tbe lntormatlon to tbe securlty ottlcers prlor to tbe attacks, only tbe area cblets oo report tbe attacks but wben lt ls too late to avert tbe crlme. Tbe vlce was attrlbuteo to blgb levels ot llllteracy ln tbe County. Tbls matter was belng aooresseo tbrougb publlc 5orozos ano sensltlzatlon programmes ourlng publlc bolloays. Drugs Tbe county bao recoroeo a remarkable oecrease ln orug abuse. Drug supplles bao been reouceo tbrougb lncreaseo ano contlnuous crackoown by pollce ano tbe Natlonal Autborlty tor tbe Campalgn agalnst Alcobol ano Drug Abuse [NACADA]. Tbere was neeo to tollow oue processes ln lssuance ot llcenses to bar owners to rlo tbe buslness ot unscrupulous buslness persons. 69 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Pollce reservlsts sboulo be recrulteo among tbe locals to pass on lntormatlon to tbe pollce on crlmlnal actlvltles ln tbe County. Land Tbe County Securlty Commlttee bao recelveo reports over lncltements ot tbe resloents by polltlcal leaoers to lnvaoe prlvate lano belonglng to persons trom otber parts ot tbe County wbom tbey reterreo to as fore|gners. Tbere were also 'profess|ono| squotters` wbo trauoulently acqulre lano tbrougb talse pretence. Tbe County bao also wltnesseo masslve lano trauo tbrougb lnvaslon ot prlvate lanos wbose leases bao eplreo. Tbe County Securlty Commlttee bas lnterveneo ano many arrests bao been oone ano were awaltlng prosecutlon. Lecutlon ot court oroers on evlctlon ot lllegal lano occupants/grabbers ls normally attecteo by lnterterence trom tbe polltlclans wbo come ln ano conoemn tbe ottlcers wbenever tbey lmplement sucb oroers. Reconnendations Tbe Government sboulo tacllltate securlty personnel wltb aoequate patrol veblcles, bouslng, ottlces ano mooern tralnlng ln llne wltb lnternatlonal stanoaros to belp tbem ln tackllng crlmlnal actlvltles ln tbe County ano tbe entlre country. Operatlonal pollce posts sboulo be put ln place arouno tbe County as aoequate presence ot securlty personnel alone was enougb to oeter some crlmlnals trom carrylng out crlmlnal actlvltles. Government ottlcers sboulo atteno several meetlngs conveneo by polltlcal leaoers as lt wlll enable tbe cltlzens to teel tbe presence ot government securlty agencles ano oeter tbe woulo-be ottenoers trom commlttlng crlmes. Corruptlon by tbe lmmlgratlon ano pollce ottlcers sboulo be aooresseo urgently. Tbe Natlonal ano County Governments sboulo joln ln tbe war agalnst actlvltles ot lllegal groups llke MRC. Tbe Natlonal Lano Commlsslon sboulo be very tlrm ln carrylng out lts manoate ln oroer to aooress lano lssues wblcb ls a major concern among resloents ot tbe County ano Coast reglon at large. Polltlclans too sboulo oeslst trom polltlclzlng tbe lano lssue ln tbe reglon. Tbe cltlzens sboulo be enllgbteneo tbrougb tbelr electeo leaoers on tbe lmportance ot obeylng tbe Constltutlon especlally Cbapter tour on tbe 8lll ot Rlgbts. 70 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Securlty sboulo be glven aoequate tunolng lt vlslon 2030 ls to be reallzeo as lt ls one ot tbe core plllars ot vlslon 2030. Responses to the issues raised by the Connittee Tbe County Securlty Commlttee responoeo to lssues ralseo by tbe Sub-Commlttee, as tollows, Tbe pollce bave otber sources ot lntormatlon besloes N|S wblcb ls sbareo among tbe oltterent securlty agencles ln tbe County. |t was true tbat tbere were returnees trom Somalla wbo lnteract wltb tbe MRC turtber compllcatlng tbe war agalnst lnsecurlty ln Kllltl County. Tbe matter was belng aooresseo by tbe securlty teams. Tbere was no llnkage between tbe sale ot m|roo ano al Sbabaab actlvltles ln tbe County. |t was true tbat All Farouk bao connectlons wltb tbe al Sbaabab but securlty agencles were keenly monltorlng bls actlvltles ano tbat tbe relevant autborltles bao also been notltleo about blm. Tbe long process taken to allocate tbe resources trom tbe beaoquarters ln Nalrobl to tbe County also contrlbutes to tbe lnsecurlty ln tbe County as tbe law entorcement ottlcers at tlmes are lncapable ot tackllng tbe crlme oue to lack ot tunos. Trattlc patrols woulo be lmproveo ln tbe entlre county as tbe presence ot pollce ottlcers on tbe roao was also a oeterrent mecbanlsm. Large tracks ot lano ln tbe county bao been trauoulently taken away trom tbe resloents tbrougb tbe use ot corrupt ottlclals trom tbe Mlnlstry ot lano. Tbe Natlonal Lano Commlsslon sboulo aooress tbe lano lssue ln tbe County wltb a lot ot serlousness. Tbere were antl-terrorlsm unlts ln Mombasa ano Mallnol ano tbat tbey were worklng jolntly wltb tbe DC|O ano N|S towaros apprebenolng tbe culprlts. Tbe meola especlally KTN Statlon ([lcbo Pevu) mlsreporteo on tbe lssue ot tbe recent kllllngs ot Musllm Sbelkbs ln tbe Coast reglon. 19.2 MEETlNG WlTH LOCAL LEADER5 AT THE KlLlFl COUNTY HALL At a meetlng wltb tbe Communlty leaoers at tbe Kllltl County Hall, tbe Sub-Commlttee was lntormeo tbat, Tbere was lack ot pollce nlgbt patrols ln tbe County glvlng crlmlnal gangs tbe leeway to terrorlze tbe resloents as early as 6.30pm. 71 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Poverty among tbe resloents as a result ot unemployment makes many youtbs ln tbe area vulnerable to crlmlnal actlvltles bence tbe urgent neeo tor tbe Government to aooress tbe problem ot unemployment ln tbe reglon. Tbe reglon bao suttereo a lot tbrougb lack ot solutlons to blstorlcal lnjustlces llke tbe lssuance ot tltle oeeos turnlng many ot tbe resloents lnto squatters. Tbere were lntluentlal personalltles ln tbe reglon wltb large tracks ot lano at tbe epense ot tbe common resloents. Tbe Government sboulo aooress tbe lssue ot lanolessness ln tbe reglon. Tbere was lack ot transparency ln tbe lssuance ot tltle oeeos ln tbe reglon. Corrupt ottlclals ln tbe Mlnlstry ot Lanos trauoulently lssue tltle oeeos to lllegal owners ot lano tbus oeprlvlng genulne owners ot lano. |t was proposeo tbat oecentrallzatlon ot lssuance ot tltle oeeos sboulo be unoertaken. Many young men ln tbe reglon lnoulge ln tbe consumptlon ot llllclt orugs even ourlng tbe oay. Tbere was lalty among tbe pollce ottlcers to aooress tbe vlce. Lplreo leases sboulo not be reneweo. Tbe locals sboulo benetlt trom lano wbose leases bave eplreo. Tbe reglon bas blgb levels ot llllteracy as majorlty ot tbe resloents are prlmary scbool orop outs. Tbe Natlonal ano County Governments sboulo bullo vlllage polytecbnlcs to cater tor tbe resloents wbo tall to meet tbe mlnlmum qualltlcatlons requlreo to joln unlversltles to belp aooress tbe matter. Some ottlcers bao overstayeo ln tbelr work statlons tor over ten years. Sucb ottlcers sboulo be transterreo to otber places as majorlty ot tbem were suspecteo to be colluolng wltb crlmlnals ln terrorlzlng tbe resloents. Tbere was also lack ot tacllltles tor tbe ottlcers to combat tbe escalatlng lnsecurlty ln tbe reglon. Tbe Natlonal Government sboulo ensure tbat tbe securlty sector ls aoequately tunoeo to enable tbe ottlcers tackle tbe lnsecurlty ln tbe reglon. Tbe Natlonal Government sboulo ensure talrness ln tbe olstrlbutlon ot tbe natlonal resources ln oroer to aooress tbe problem ot marglnallzatlon ot tbe reglon as wltnesseo ourlng tbe past reglmes. Tbe Government sboulo aooress tbe lssue ot rampant kllllngs ot olo persons wbo are conoemneo on susplclon ot practlclng wltcbcratt as lt bao causeo tear among tbe locals. 72 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. Tbe resloents oecrleo tbe lncrease ln cases ot early pregnancy ano marrlages ano calleo upon Parllament to come up wltb tbe laws tbat woulo provloe strlngent rules to wlpe out tbe practlce. Tbe ratlo ot pollce ottlcers versus tbe cltlzens sboulo be lncreaseo ano tbat pollce reservlsts sboulo be oeployeo to belp tbe pollce ln tbe tlgbt agalnst crlme. Tbe Government sboulo revlve collapseo tactorles ln tbe reglon to belp ln tbe creatlon ot employment opportunltles to tbe youtb ano belp reouce crlmlnal actlvltles ln tbe reglon. On tbe war agalnst consumptlon ot lllegal orugs, tbe resloents lntormeo tbe Sub- Commlttee tbat wbenever tbey make reports to pollce ottlcers, tbey are normally treateo as tbe real culprlts maklng tbem lose taltb wltb tbe securlty teams. 19.3 jOlNT 5UB COMMlTTEE OB5ERVATlON5 AND FlNDlNG5 lN KlLlFl The 5ub Connittee nade the foIIowing observations and findings in KiIifi:- 1. The poIice were no Ionger patroIIing the town of KiIifi at night. CrininaI gangs have taken advantage of this to terrorize the residents at night. 2. Land was a very enotive issue within the CoastaI region. Many peopIe cIain to have been dispossessed of Iand thus there was presence of a big percentage of squatters in the area. 3. Many youths were unenpIoyed. The idIeness had pushed then to engage in activities such as consunption of iIIicit brews, whiIe others have joined iIIegaI groups Iike MRC. 4. The Governnent, through the NationaI Authority for the Canpaign against AIcohoI and Drug Abuse [NACADAj, shouId step up the war against aIcohoI and drug abuse in the CoastaI region. The vice has affected nany youth in the area due to addiction. 5. Retrogressive beIiefs and practices such as witchcraft was a cause to the County Iagging behind in deveIopnent. High IeveIs of iIIiteracy couId aIso be attributed to entrenchnent into traditionaI ways of Iife. 6. Poverty was widespread in the County. 73 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. 7. Many industries that had offered enpIoynent to the IocaIs, such as the cashew nut and sisaI factories, had been shut, rendering nany peopIe jobIess. 19.4 jOlNT 5UB COMMlTTEE RECOMMENDATlON5 - KlLlFl The 5ub Connittee reconnends:- 1. The Governnent shouId adequateIy fund the security agencies to enabIe then deaI adequateIy with insecurity and cases of terrorisn in the country. 2. The PoIice shouId be weII trained and equipped with nodern connunication, transport and other equipnent to deaI rapidIy with cases of insecurity. 3. The PoIice 5ervice shouId recruit nore poIice officers and depIoy then to areas prone to insecurity and attacks by terrorists. WhiIe recruiting poIice officers and other security personneI the service shouId vet the recruits so as to avoid situations where crininaIs are recruited into the service. The PoIice 5ervice connission shouId strive to inprove the weIfare and working conditions of the security personneI. 4. The PoIice 5ervice Connission and the lnspector GeneraI of PoIice shouId ensure that poIice officers do not overstay in a poIice station/poIice post for Iong. This has been attributed to Iaxity in executing their nandate. 5. The PoIice 5ervice Connission and the lnspector GeneraI of PoIice shouId take stern discipIinary action incIuding disnissaI of officers who coIIude or coIIaborate with crininaIs or terrorists. 6. The Governnent through the Ministry of Lands shouId address the issue of IandIessness and squatters in the coastaI region. This is one of the reasons for the energence of the outIawed niIitia group, MRC. 7. The Governnent shouId open up factories and revive those that had staIIed with the ain of creating enpIoynent of youth in the regions. This wiII go a Iong way in aIIeviating the poverty and idIeness anong youths who faII prey to niIitia and terror groups. The Governnent as 74 KNA: Report ot tbe [olnt Commlttee on Aomlnlstratlon ano Natlonal Securlty, ano Detence ano Forelgn Relatlons, on tbe |nqulry lnto tbe Westgate Mall terror attack, ano otber terrorlst attacks ln Manoera ln Nortb Lastern ano Kllltl ln tbe Coastal reglon: September 27 December 5, 2013. a natter of urgency shouId revive the cashew nut factory in KiIifi County. 8. The Governnent shouId entrench the 'Nyumbo Kum' initiative as a poIicy in conbating insecurity in the country. lntensive civic education on patriotisn and 'Nyumbo Kum' as a civic duty shouId be conducted by the Governnent and civiI society organizations.