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Ansys CFX - Reference Guide

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The document provides an overview and reference guide for using ANSYS CFX software for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling and simulation.

The document aims to guide users on how to operate the ANSYS CFX Launcher interface and navigate the various menus and functions to set up and run CFD simulations.

The document covers topics such as the CFX Launcher interface, pre-processing tools for geometry cleanup and meshing, physical modeling options for setting up simulations, and post-processing capabilities for analyzing results.

ANSYS CFX Reference Guide

275 Technology Drive
Canonsburg, PA 15317
(T) 724-746-3304
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Release 13.0
November 2010
ANSYS, Inc. is
certified to ISO

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Table of Contents
1. CFX Launcher .......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. The Launcher Interface ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1. Menu Bar ................................................................................................................................. 1 File Menu ........................................................................................................................ 1 Save As ................................................................................................................... 1 Quit ........................................................................................................................ 1 Edit Menu ....................................................................................................................... 2 Clear ....................................................................................................................... 2 Find ........................................................................................................................ 2 Options .................................................................................................................. 2 User Interface Style ........................................................................................ 2 Application Font and Text Window Font .......................................................... 2 CFX Menu ....................................................................................................................... 2 CFX-Pre .................................................................................................................. 2 CFX-Solver Manager ............................................................................................... 2 CFD-Post ................................................................................................................ 2 Other CFX Applications ........................................................................................... 2 Show Menu ..................................................................................................................... 3 Show Installation .................................................................................................... 3 Show All ................................................................................................................. 3 Show System .......................................................................................................... 3 Show Variables ....................................................................................................... 3 Show Patches ......................................................................................................... 3 Tools Menu ...................................................................................................................... 3 ANSYS License Manager .......................................................................................... 3 Command Line ....................................................................................................... 3 Configure User Startup Files (UNIX only) .................................................................. 4 Edit File .................................................................................................................. 4 Edit Site-wide Configuration File ............................................................................. 4 User Menu ....................................................................................................................... 4 Help Menu ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.2. Tool Bar .................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.3. Working Directory Selector ....................................................................................................... 4
1.1.4. Output Window ....................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Customizing the Launcher ................................................................................................................ 5
1.2.1. CCL Structure ........................................................................................................................... 5 GROUP ............................................................................................................................ 5 APPLICATION ................................................................................................................... 6 Including Environment Variables ............................................................................. 7 DIVIDER ........................................................................................................................... 8
1.2.2. Example: Adding the Windows Calculator ................................................................................. 8
2. Volume Mesh Import API ........................................................................................................................ 9
2.1. Valid Mesh Elements in CFX ............................................................................................................... 9
2.2. Creating a Custom Mesh Import Executable for CFX-Pre ................................................................... 10
2.2.1. Compiling Code with the Mesh Import API ............................................................................. 11 Compiler Flags ............................................................................................................... 11
2.2.2. Linking Code with the Mesh Import API .................................................................................. 11 Linking a Customized C Mesh Import Executable on a UNIX Platform .............................. 12 Linking a Customized Fortran Mesh Import Executable on a UNIX Platform ..................... 12 Linking a Customized Mesh Import Executable on a 32-bit Windows Platform ................. 12
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


ANSYS CFX Reference Guide Linking a Customized Mesh Import Executable on a 64-bit Windows Platform ................. 12
2.3. Details of the Mesh Import API ........................................................................................................ 12
2.3.1. Defined Constants .................................................................................................................. 13 Element Types ............................................................................................................... 13 Region Types ................................................................................................................. 13
2.3.2. Initialization Routines ............................................................................................................. 14 cfxImportStatus ............................................................................................................. 14 cfxImportInit ................................................................................................................. 14 cfxImportTest ................................................................................................................ 14
2.3.3. Termination Routines ............................................................................................................. 15 cfxImportDone .............................................................................................................. 15 cfxImportTotals ............................................................................................................. 15
2.3.4. Error Handling Routines ......................................................................................................... 15 cfxImportError ............................................................................................................... 15 cfxImportFatal ............................................................................................................... 16
2.3.5. Node Routines ....................................................................................................................... 16 cfxImportNode .............................................................................................................. 16 cfxImportGetNode ........................................................................................................ 16 cfxImportNodeList ......................................................................................................... 16
2.3.6. Element Routines ................................................................................................................... 16 cfxImportElement .......................................................................................................... 16 cfxImportGetElement .................................................................................................... 18 cfxImportElementList .................................................................................................... 18 cfxImportGetFace .......................................................................................................... 18 cfxImportFindFace ......................................................................................................... 19
2.3.7. Primitive Region Routines ....................................................................................................... 19 cfxImportBegReg .......................................................................................................... 19 cfxImportAddReg .......................................................................................................... 20 cfxImportEndReg .......................................................................................................... 20 cfxImportRegion ........................................................................................................... 20 cfxImportRegionList ...................................................................................................... 20 cfxImportGetRegion ...................................................................................................... 20
2.3.8. Composite Regions Routines .................................................................................................. 21 cfxImportBegCompRegion ............................................................................................ 21 cfxImportAddCompRegComponents ............................................................................. 21 cfxImportEndCompReg ................................................................................................. 21 cfxImportCompositeRegion ........................................................................................... 21
2.3.9. Explicit Node Pairing .............................................................................................................. 21 cfxImportMap ............................................................................................................... 21
2.3.10. Fortran Interface .................................................................................................................. 22 cfxinit .......................................................................................................................... 22 cfxtest ......................................................................................................................... 22 cfxunit ......................................................................................................................... 22 cfxwarn ....................................................................................................................... 22 cfxfatl .......................................................................................................................... 22 cfxdone ....................................................................................................................... 22 cfxnode ....................................................................................................................... 23 cfxnodg ....................................................................................................................... 23 cfxnods ....................................................................................................................... 23 cfxelem ..................................................................................................................... 23 cfxeleg ...................................................................................................................... 23 cfxeles ....................................................................................................................... 23


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

ANSYS CFX Reference Guide cfxfacd ...................................................................................................................... 23 cfxface ....................................................................................................................... 24 cfxffac ....................................................................................................................... 24 cfxregn ...................................................................................................................... 24 cfxregb ...................................................................................................................... 24 cfxrega ...................................................................................................................... 24 cfxrege ...................................................................................................................... 24 cfxregs ...................................................................................................................... 24 cfxregg ...................................................................................................................... 25 cfxcmpb .................................................................................................................... 25 cfxcmpa .................................................................................................................... 25 cfxcmpe .................................................................................................................... 25
2.3.11. Unsupported Routines Previously Available in the API ........................................................... 25
2.4. An Example of a Customized C Program for Importing Meshes into CFX-Pre ..................................... 26
2.5. Import Programs ............................................................................................................................ 30
2.5.1. ANSYS .................................................................................................................................... 31
2.5.2. CFX Def/Res ........................................................................................................................... 31
2.5.3. CFX-4 ..................................................................................................................................... 31
2.5.4. CFX-5.1 .................................................................................................................................. 32
2.5.5. CFX-TfC .................................................................................................................................. 33
2.5.6. CGNS ..................................................................................................................................... 34 SplitCGNS.exe ................................................................................................................ 34
2.5.7. ANSYS FLUENT ....................................................................................................................... 34
2.5.8. GridPro/az3000 ...................................................................................................................... 35
2.5.9. I-DEAS ................................................................................................................................... 35
2.5.10. ICEM CFX ............................................................................................................................. 36
2.5.11. PATRAN ................................................................................................................................ 36
2.5.12. NASTRAN ............................................................................................................................. 36
2.5.13. CFX-TASCflow ...................................................................................................................... 36
3. Mesh and Results Export API ................................................................................................................ 39
3.1. Creating a Customized Export Program ........................................................................................... 39
3.1.1. An Example of an Export Program .......................................................................................... 40 File Header .................................................................................................................... 40 Allowed Arguments ....................................................................................................... 40 Main Program Initialization ............................................................................................ 40 Checking File Names ..................................................................................................... 42 Opening the CFX Results File ......................................................................................... 42 Timestep Setup ............................................................................................................. 43 Geometry File Output .................................................................................................... 44 Template Results File ..................................................................................................... 46 Creating Files with Results for Each Variable ................................................................... 47
3.1.2. Example of Output Produced ................................................................................................. 48 example.geom .............................................................................................................. 49 example.res ................................................................................................................... 49 example.s01 .................................................................................................................. 50
3.1.3. Source Code for getargs.c ....................................................................................................... 50
3.2. Compiling Code with the Mesh and Results Export API .................................................................... 51
3.2.1. Compiler Flags ....................................................................................................................... 51
3.3. Linking Code with the Mesh and Results Export API ......................................................................... 51
3.3.1. UNIX ...................................................................................................................................... 52
3.3.2. Windows (32-bit) .................................................................................................................... 52
3.3.3. Windows (64-bit) .................................................................................................................... 52
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ANSYS CFX Reference Guide

3.4. Details of the Mesh Export API ........................................................................................................ 52
3.4.1. Defined Constants and Structures ........................................................................................... 53 Element Types ............................................................................................................... 53 Volume List Types .......................................................................................................... 53 Region List Types ........................................................................................................... 53 Count Entries ................................................................................................................. 53 Node Data Structure ...................................................................................................... 54 Element Data Structure .................................................................................................. 54
3.4.2. Initialization and Error Routines .............................................................................................. 54 cfxExportInit .................................................................................................................. 54 cfxExportDone .............................................................................................................. 54 cfxExportError ............................................................................................................... 55 cfxExportFatal ............................................................................................................... 55
3.4.3. Zone Routines ........................................................................................................................ 55 cfxExportZoneCount ..................................................................................................... 55 cfxExportZoneSet .......................................................................................................... 55 cfxExportZoneGet ......................................................................................................... 55 cfxExportZoneFree ........................................................................................................ 56 cfxExportZoneIsRotating ............................................................................................... 56 cfxExportZoneMotionAction .......................................................................................... 56
3.4.4. Node Routines ....................................................................................................................... 56 cfxExportNodeCount ..................................................................................................... 56 cfxExportNodeList ......................................................................................................... 57 cfxExportNodeGet ......................................................................................................... 57 cfxExportNodeFree ........................................................................................................ 57
3.4.5. Element Routines ................................................................................................................... 57 cfxExportElementCount ................................................................................................. 57 cfxExportElementList ..................................................................................................... 57 cfxExportElementGet ..................................................................................................... 58 cfxExportElementFree ................................................................................................... 58
3.4.6. Region Routines ..................................................................................................................... 59 cfxExportRegionCount .................................................................................................. 59 cfxExportRegionSize ...................................................................................................... 59 cfxExportRegionName ................................................................................................... 59 cfxExportRegionList ....................................................................................................... 59 cfxExportRegionGet ...................................................................................................... 59 cfxExportRegionFree ..................................................................................................... 60
3.4.7. Face Routines ......................................................................................................................... 60 cfxExportFaceNodes ...................................................................................................... 60
3.4.8. Volume Routines .................................................................................................................... 61 cfxExportVolumeCount .................................................................................................. 61 cfxExportVolumeSize ..................................................................................................... 61 cfxExportVolumeName .................................................................................................. 61 cfxExportVolumeList ...................................................................................................... 62 cfxExportVolumeGet ..................................................................................................... 62 cfxExportVolumeFree .................................................................................................... 62
3.4.9. Boundary Condition Routines ................................................................................................. 62 cfxExportBoundaryCount .............................................................................................. 62 cfxExportBoundaryName ............................................................................................... 62 cfxExportBoundaryType ................................................................................................ 63 cfxExportBoundarySize .................................................................................................. 63 cfxExportBoundaryList .................................................................................................. 63


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ANSYS CFX Reference Guide cfxExportBoundaryGet .................................................................................................. 63 cfxExportBoundaryFree ................................................................................................. 64
3.4.10. Variable Routines .................................................................................................................. 64 cfxExportVariableCount ............................................................................................... 64 cfxExportVariableSize .................................................................................................. 64 cfxExportVariableName ............................................................................................... 64 cfxExportVariableList ................................................................................................... 65 cfxExportVariableGet ................................................................................................... 65 cfxExportVariableFree .................................................................................................. 65
4. Remeshing Guide .................................................................................................................................. 67
4.1. User Defined Remeshing ................................................................................................................. 68
4.1.1. Remeshing with Key-Frame Meshes ........................................................................................ 69
4.1.2. Remeshing with Automatic Geometry Extraction .................................................................... 69
4.2. ICEM CFD Replay Remeshing ........................................................................................................... 70
4.2.1. Steps to Set Up a Simulation Using ICEM CFD Replay Remeshing ............................................. 71
4.3. Directory Structure and Files Used During Remeshing ..................................................................... 72
4.4. Additional Considerations ............................................................................................................... 73
4.4.1. Mesh Re-Initialization During Remeshing ................................................................................ 73
4.4.2. Software License Handling ..................................................................................................... 73
5. Reference Guide for Mesh Deformation and Fluid-Structure Interaction ............................................ 75
5.1. Mesh Deformation .......................................................................................................................... 75
5.1.1. Mesh Folding: Negative Sector and Element Volumes .............................................................. 75
5.1.2. Applying Large Displacements Gradually ................................................................................ 75
5.1.3. Consistency of Mesh Motion Specifications ............................................................................. 76
5.1.4. Solving the Mesh Displacement Equations and Updating Mesh Coordinates ........................... 76
5.1.5. Mesh Displacement vs. Total Mesh Displacement .................................................................... 76
5.1.6. Simulation Restart Behavior .................................................................................................... 76
5.2. Fluid Structure Interaction .............................................................................................................. 77
5.2.1. Unidirectional (One-Way) FSI .................................................................................................. 77 Using CFX Only .............................................................................................................. 77 Using CFX and the Mechanical Application .................................................................... 77 Importing Data from the Mechanical Application Solver ........................................ 77 Export Data to Other ANSYS Software Products ..................................................... 78 Mechanical Import/Export Example: One-Way FSI Data Transfer ............................. 78 Using CFX and Other CAE Software ................................................................................ 78
5.2.2. Bidirectional (Two-Way) FSI .................................................................................................... 79 Using CFX Only .............................................................................................................. 79 Using CFX and the Mechanical Application .................................................................... 79 Using CFX and Other CAE Software ................................................................................ 81
6. CFX Best Practices Guide for Numerical Accuracy ................................................................................ 83
6.1. An Approach to Error Identification, Estimation and Validation ......................................................... 83
6.2. Definition of Errors in CFD Simulations ............................................................................................ 84
6.2.1. Numerical Errors .................................................................................................................... 85 Solution Errors ............................................................................................................... 85 Spatial Discretization Errors ........................................................................................... 86 Time Discretization Errors .............................................................................................. 86 Iteration Errors .............................................................................................................. 88 Round-off Error .............................................................................................................. 88 Solution Error Estimation ............................................................................................... 88
6.2.2. Modeling Errors ..................................................................................................................... 91
6.2.3. User Errors ............................................................................................................................. 92
6.2.4. Application Uncertainties ....................................................................................................... 93
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ANSYS CFX Reference Guide

6.2.5. Software Errors ...................................................................................................................... 93
6.3. General Best Practice Guidelines ..................................................................................................... 93
6.3.1. Avoiding User Errors ............................................................................................................... 93
6.3.2. Geometry Generation ............................................................................................................ 94
6.3.3. Grid Generation ..................................................................................................................... 94
6.3.4. Model Selection and Application ............................................................................................ 95 Turbulence Models ........................................................................................................ 96 One-equation Models ........................................................................................... 96 Two-equation Models ........................................................................................... 97 Second Moment Closure (SMC) Models ................................................................. 97 Large Eddy Simulation Models .............................................................................. 97 Wall Boundary Conditions ..................................................................................... 98 Wall Function Boundary Conditions .............................................................. 98 Integration to the wall (low-Reynolds number formulation) ........................... 99 Mixed formulation (automatic near-wall treatment) ...................................... 99 Recommendations for Model Selection ......................................................... 99 Heat Transfer Models ..................................................................................................... 99 Multi-Phase Models ..................................................................................................... 100
6.3.5. Reduction of Application Uncertainties ................................................................................. 100
6.3.6. CFD Simulation .................................................................................................................... 101 Target Variables ........................................................................................................... 101 Minimizing Iteration Errors ........................................................................................... 101 Minimizing Spatial Discretization Errors ........................................................................ 102 Minimizing Time Discretization Errors ........................................................................... 102 Avoiding Round-Off Errors ........................................................................................... 103
6.3.7. Handling Software Errors ...................................................................................................... 103
6.4. Selection and Evaluation of Experimental Data .............................................................................. 103
6.4.1. Verification Experiments ....................................................................................................... 104 Description .................................................................................................................. 104 Requirements .............................................................................................................. 104
6.4.2. Validation Experiments ......................................................................................................... 104 Description .................................................................................................................. 105 Requirements .............................................................................................................. 105
6.4.3. Demonstration Experiments ................................................................................................. 106 Description .................................................................................................................. 106 Requirements .............................................................................................................. 106
7. CFX Best Practices Guide for Cavitation .............................................................................................. 109
7.1. Liquid Pumps ................................................................................................................................ 109
7.1.1. Pump Performance without Cavitation ................................................................................. 109
7.1.2. Pump Performance with Cavitation ....................................................................................... 110
7.1.3. Procedure for Plotting Performance Curve ............................................................................ 111
7.1.4. Setup ................................................................................................................................... 111
7.1.5. Convergence Tips ................................................................................................................. 112
7.1.6. Post-Processing .................................................................................................................... 112
8. CFX Best Practices Guide for Combustion ........................................................................................... 113
8.1. Gas Turbine Combustors ............................................................................................................... 113
8.1.1. Setup ................................................................................................................................... 113 Steady State vs. Transient ............................................................................................. 113 Turbulence Model ........................................................................................................ 113 Reference Pressure ...................................................................................................... 113 Combustion Model ...................................................................................................... 113
8.1.2. Reactions ............................................................................................................................. 114


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ANSYS CFX Reference Guide

8.1.3. Convergence Tips ................................................................................................................. 114
8.1.4. Post-Processing .................................................................................................................... 115
8.2. Combustion Modeling in HVAC cases ............................................................................................ 115
8.2.1. Setup ................................................................................................................................... 115
8.2.2. Convergence tips ................................................................................................................. 116
8.2.3. Post-processing .................................................................................................................... 116
9. CFX Best Practices Guide for HVAC ..................................................................................................... 117
9.1. HVAC Simulations ......................................................................................................................... 117
9.1.1. Setting Up HVAC Simulations ................................................................................................ 117 Buoyancy .................................................................................................................... 117 Thermal Radiation ....................................................................................................... 118 Thermal Radiation Model .................................................................................... 118 Spectral Model .................................................................................................... 118 Scattering Model ................................................................................................ 118 CHT (Conjugate Heat Transfer) Domains ....................................................................... 119 Mesh Quality ............................................................................................................... 119 Fans ............................................................................................................................ 119 Thermostats ................................................................................................................ 120 Collections of Objects .................................................................................................. 120
9.2. Convergence Tips ......................................................................................................................... 120
10. CFX Best Practices Guide for Multiphase .......................................................................................... 121
10.1. Bubble Columns ......................................................................................................................... 121
10.1.1. Setup ................................................................................................................................. 121
10.1.2. Convergence Tips ............................................................................................................... 122
10.1.3. Post-Processing .................................................................................................................. 122
10.2. Mixing Vessels ............................................................................................................................. 122
10.2.1. Setup ................................................................................................................................. 122
10.3. Free Surface Applications ............................................................................................................ 122
10.3.1. Setup ................................................................................................................................. 122
10.3.2. Convergence Tips ............................................................................................................... 123
11. CFX Best Practices Guide for Turbomachinery .................................................................................. 125
11.1. Gas Compressors and Turbines .................................................................................................... 125
11.1.1. Setup for Simulations of Gas Compressors and Turbines ...................................................... 125
11.1.2. Convergence Tips ............................................................................................................... 125
11.1.3. Post-Processing .................................................................................................................. 126
11.2. Liquid Pumps and Turbines ......................................................................................................... 127
11.2.1. Setup for Simulations of Liquid Pumps and Turbines ........................................................... 127
11.2.2. Convergence Tips ............................................................................................................... 127
11.2.3. Post-Processing .................................................................................................................. 127
11.3. Fans and Blowers ........................................................................................................................ 128
11.3.1. Setup for Simulations of Fans and Blowers .......................................................................... 128
11.3.2. Convergence Tips ............................................................................................................... 128
11.3.3. Post-Processing .................................................................................................................. 128
11.4. Frame Change Models ................................................................................................................. 129
11.4.1. Frozen Rotor ....................................................................................................................... 129
11.4.2. Stage ................................................................................................................................. 129
11.4.3. Transient Rotor-Stator ......................................................................................................... 130
11.5. Domain Interface Setup .............................................................................................................. 130
11.5.1. General Considerations ...................................................................................................... 130
11.5.2. Case 1: Impeller/Volute ....................................................................................................... 130
11.5.3. Case 2: Step Change Between Rotor and Stator ................................................................... 131
11.5.4. Case 3: Blade Passage at or Close to the Edge of a Domain ................................................... 131
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ANSYS CFX Reference Guide

11.5.5. Case 4: Impeller Leakage ..................................................................................................... 132
11.5.6. Case 5: Domain Interface Near Zone of Reversed Flow ......................................................... 133
12. CFX Command Language (CCL) ......................................................................................................... 135
12.1. CFX Command Language (CCL) Syntax ........................................................................................ 135
12.1.1. Basic Terminology .............................................................................................................. 135
12.1.2. The Data Hierarchy ............................................................................................................. 136
12.1.3. Simple Syntax Details ......................................................................................................... 136 Case Sensitivity .......................................................................................................... 136 CCL Names Definition ................................................................................................ 137 Indentation ............................................................................................................... 137 End of Line Comment Character ................................................................................. 137 Continuation Character .............................................................................................. 137 Named Objects .......................................................................................................... 137 Singleton Objects ...................................................................................................... 137 Parameters ................................................................................................................ 137 Lists ........................................................................................................................... 138 Parameter Values ..................................................................................................... 138 String .............................................................................................................. 138 String List ........................................................................................................ 138 Integer ............................................................................................................ 138 Integer List ...................................................................................................... 139 Real ................................................................................................................ 139 Real List .......................................................................................................... 139 Logical ............................................................................................................ 139 Logical List ...................................................................................................... 139 Escape Character ..................................................................................................... 139
13. CFX Expression Language (CEL) ........................................................................................................ 141
13.1. CEL Fundamentals ...................................................................................................................... 141
13.1.1. Values and Expressions ....................................................................................................... 141 Using Locators in Expressions ..................................................................................... 142
13.1.2. CFX Expression Language Statements ................................................................................. 142 Use of Constants ........................................................................................................ 143 Expression Syntax ...................................................................................................... 143 Multiple-Line Expressions .......................................................................................... 143
13.2. CEL Operators, Constants, and Expressions ................................................................................... 144
13.2.1. CEL Operators .................................................................................................................... 144
13.2.2. Conditional if Statement ..................................................................................................... 145
13.2.3. CEL Constants .................................................................................................................... 146
13.2.4. Using Expressions ............................................................................................................... 146 Use of Offset Temperature .......................................................................................... 146
13.3. CEL Examples .............................................................................................................................. 147
13.3.1. Example: Reynolds Number Dependent Viscosity ................................................................ 147
13.3.2. Example: Feedback to Control Inlet Temperature ................................................................. 148
13.3.3. Examples: Using Expressions in ANSYS CFD-Post ................................................................. 149
13.4. CEL Technical Details ................................................................................................................... 149
14. Functions in ANSYS CFX .................................................................................................................... 151
14.1. CEL Mathematical Functions ....................................................................................................... 151
14.2. Quantitative CEL Functions in ANSYS CFX .................................................................................... 152
14.3. Functions Involving Coordinates ................................................................................................. 155
14.4. CEL Functions with Multiphase Flow ............................................................................................ 155
14.5. Quantitative Function List ........................................................................................................... 156
14.5.1. area ................................................................................................................................... 160

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ANSYS CFX Reference Guide Tools > Command Editor Example .............................................................................. 161 Tools > Function Calculator Example .......................................................................... 161
14.5.2. areaAve .............................................................................................................................. 161 Tools > Command Editor Example .............................................................................. 161 Tools > Function Calculator Examples ......................................................................... 161
14.5.3. areaInt ............................................................................................................................... 162 Tools > Command Editor Example .............................................................................. 162 Tools > Function Calculator Examples ......................................................................... 162
14.5.4. ave ..................................................................................................................................... 163 Tools > Command Editor Example .............................................................................. 163 Tools > Function Calculator Example .......................................................................... 163
14.5.5. count ................................................................................................................................. 164 Tools > Command Editor Example .............................................................................. 164 Tools > Function Calculator Example .......................................................................... 164
14.5.6. countTrue .......................................................................................................................... 164 > Command Editor Examples ............................................................................. 164 Tools > Function Calculator Example .......................................................................... 164
14.5.7. force .................................................................................................................................. 165 Tools > Command Editor Example .............................................................................. 165 Tools > Function Calculator Examples ......................................................................... 165
14.5.8. forceNorm .......................................................................................................................... 166 Tools > Command Editor Example .............................................................................. 166 Tools > Function Calculator Example .......................................................................... 166
14.5.9. inside ................................................................................................................................. 166 Tools > Command Editor Example .............................................................................. 167
14.5.10. length .............................................................................................................................. 167 Tools > Command Editor Example ............................................................................ 167 Tools > Function Calculator Example ........................................................................ 167
14.5.11. lengthAve ........................................................................................................................ 167 Tools > Command Editor Example ............................................................................ 168 Tools > Function Calculator Example ........................................................................ 168
14.5.12. lengthInt .......................................................................................................................... 168 Tools > Command Editor Example ............................................................................ 168
14.5.13. mass ................................................................................................................................ 168 Tools > Command Editor Example ............................................................................ 168
14.5.14. massAve ........................................................................................................................... 168 Tools > Command Editor Example ............................................................................ 168
14.5.15. massFlow ......................................................................................................................... 168 Mass Flow Sign Convention ...................................................................................... 169 Tools > Command Editor Example ............................................................................ 169 Tools > Function Calculator Example ........................................................................ 169
14.5.16. massFlowAve ................................................................................................................... 169 Tools > Command Editor Example ............................................................................ 170 Tools > Function Calculator Example ........................................................................ 170
14.5.17. massFlowAveAbs .............................................................................................................. 170
14.5.18. Advanced Mass Flow Considerations ................................................................................. 171
14.5.19. Mass Flow Technical Note ................................................................................................. 171
14.5.20. massFlowInt ..................................................................................................................... 172 Tools > Command Editor Example ............................................................................ 172 Tools > Function Calculator Example ........................................................................ 173
14.5.21. massInt ............................................................................................................................ 173 Tools > Command Editor Example ............................................................................ 173
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14.5.22. maxVal ............................................................................................................................. 173 Tools > Command Editor Example ............................................................................ 173 Tools > Function Calculator Example ........................................................................ 173
14.5.23. minVal .............................................................................................................................. 173 Tools > Command Editor Example ............................................................................ 174 Tools > Function Calculator Example ........................................................................ 174
14.5.24. probe ............................................................................................................................... 174 Tools > Command Editor Example ............................................................................ 174 Tools > Function Calculator Example ........................................................................ 174
14.5.25. rbstate ............................................................................................................................. 174 Expressions Details View Example ............................................................................ 175
14.5.26. rmsAve ............................................................................................................................. 175 Tools > Command Editor Example ............................................................................ 175
14.5.27. sum .................................................................................................................................. 175 Tools > Command Editor Example ............................................................................ 175 Tools > Function Calculator Example ........................................................................ 176
14.5.28. torque .............................................................................................................................. 176 Tools > Command Editor Example ............................................................................ 176 Tools > Function Calculator Example ........................................................................ 176
14.5.29. volume ............................................................................................................................. 176 Tools > Command Editor Example ............................................................................ 176 Tools > Function Calculator Example ........................................................................ 176
14.5.30. volumeAve ....................................................................................................................... 177 Tools > Command Editor Example ............................................................................ 177 Tools > Function Calculator Example ........................................................................ 177
14.5.31. volumeInt ........................................................................................................................ 177 Tools > Command Editor Example ............................................................................ 177 Tools > Function Calculator Example ........................................................................ 177
15. Variables in ANSYS CFX ..................................................................................................................... 179
15.1. Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values ...................................................................................... 179
15.1.1. Solid-Fluid Interface Variable Values .................................................................................... 180 Conservative Values at 1:1 Interface ............................................................................ 180 Hybrid Values at 1:1 Interface ..................................................................................... 180 Conservative Values on a GGI Interface ....................................................................... 181 Hybrid Values on a GGI Interface ................................................................................ 181
15.2. List of Field Variables ................................................................................................................... 181
15.2.1. Common Variables Relevant for Most CFD Calculations ....................................................... 182
15.2.2. Variables Relevant for Turbulent Flows ................................................................................ 185
15.2.3. Variables Relevant for Buoyant Flow .................................................................................... 187
15.2.4. Variables Relevant for Compressible Flow ............................................................................ 187
15.2.5. Variables Relevant for Particle Tracking ................................................................................ 187
15.2.6. Variables Relevant for Calculations with a Rotating Frame of Reference ................................ 188
15.2.7. Variables Relevant for Parallel Calculations .......................................................................... 188
15.2.8. Variables Relevant for Multicomponent Calculations ........................................................... 189
15.2.9. Variables Relevant for Multiphase Calculations .................................................................... 189
15.2.10. Variables Relevant for Radiation Calculations ..................................................................... 190
15.2.11. Variables for Total Enthalpies, Temperatures, and Pressures ................................................ 191
15.2.12. Variables and Predefined Expressions Available in CEL Expressions .................................... 191 System Variable Prefixes ........................................................................................... 198 CEL Variables r and theta .......................................................................................... 198 CEL Variable rNoDim ................................................................................................ 199 CEL Variable "subdomain" and CEL Function "inside" ................................................. 199


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ANSYS CFX Reference Guide Timestep, Timestep Interval, and Iteration Number Variables ..................................... 199 Steady-State Runs ........................................................................................... 199 Transient Runs ................................................................................................. 200 ANSYS Multi-field Runs .................................................................................... 200 Expression Names .................................................................................................... 200 Scalar Expressions .................................................................................................... 200 Expression Properties ............................................................................................... 200 Available and Unavailable Variables .......................................................................... 201
15.3. Particle Variables Generated by the Solver ................................................................................... 201
15.3.1. Particle Track Variables ........................................................................................................ 202
15.3.2. Droplet Breakup Variable .................................................................................................... 204
15.3.3. Multi-component Particle Variable ...................................................................................... 204
15.3.4. Particle Field Variables ........................................................................................................ 204 Particle Sources into the Coupled Fluid Phase ............................................................. 204 Particle Radiation Variables ........................................................................................ 205 Particle Vertex Variables ............................................................................................. 206 Variable Calculations ......................................................................................... 207 Particle Boundary Vertex Variables .............................................................................. 208 Particle RMS Variables ................................................................................................ 209 Variable Calculations ......................................................................................... 210
15.4. Miscellaneous Variables ............................................................................................................... 210
16. ANSYS FLUENT Field Variables Listed by Category ........................................................................... 221
17. Power Syntax in ANSYS CFX .............................................................................................................. 233
17.1. Examples of Power Syntax ........................................................................................................... 233
17.1.1. Example 1: Print the Value of the Pressure Drop Through a Pipe ........................................... 234
17.1.2. Example 2: Using a for Loop ................................................................................................ 234
17.1.3. Example 3: Creating a Simple Subroutine ............................................................................ 235
17.1.4. Example 4: Creating a Complex Quantitative Subroutine ..................................................... 235
17.2. Predefined Power Syntax Subroutines ......................................................................................... 237
17.2.1. Power Syntax Subroutine Descriptions ................................................................................ 237
17.2.2. Power Syntax Usage ........................................................................................................... 237
17.2.3. Power Syntax Subroutines .................................................................................................. 238 area(Location,Axis) ..................................................................................................... 238 areaAve(Variable,Location,Axis) .................................................................................. 238 areaInt(Variable,Location,Axis) ................................................................................... 238 ave(Variable,Location) ................................................................................................ 238 calcTurboVariables() ................................................................................................... 238 calculate(function,...) .................................................................................................. 238 calculateUnits(function,...) .......................................................................................... 238 collectTurboInfo() ...................................................................................................... 238 comfortFactors() ........................................................................................................ 238 compressorPerform(Location, Location, Location, Var, Args) ....................................... 239 compressorPerformTurbo() ...................................................................................... 239 copyFile(FromPath, ToPath) ...................................................................................... 239 count(Location) ....................................................................................................... 239 countTrue(Expression, Location) ............................................................................... 239 cpPolar(Location, Var, Arg, Var, Location, Arg) ............................................................. 239 evaluate(Expression) ................................................................................................ 239 evaluateInPreferred(Expression) ............................................................................... 240 exprExists(Expression) .............................................................................................. 240 fanNoiseDefault() ..................................................................................................... 240 fanNoise() ................................................................................................................ 240
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ANSYS CFX Reference Guide force(Location,Axis) ................................................................................................. 240 forceNorm(Location,Axis) ......................................................................................... 240 getBladeForceExpr() ................................................................................................. 240 getBladeTorqueExpr() .............................................................................................. 240 getCCLState() ........................................................................................................... 240 getChildrenByCategory(Category) ............................................................................ 241 getChildren(Object Name, Child Type) ...................................................................... 241 getExprOnLocators() ................................................................................................ 241 getExprString(Expression) ........................................................................................ 241 getExprVal(Expression) ............................................................................................. 241 getObjectName(Object Path) ................................................................................... 241 getParameterInfo(Object Name, Parameter Name, Info Type) ..................................... 241 getParameters() ....................................................................................................... 242 getTempDirectory() ................................................................................................. 242 getType() ................................................................................................................. 242 getValue(Object Name,Parameter Name) .................................................................. 242 Example .......................................................................................................... 242 getViewArea() .......................................................................................................... 242 isCategory(Object Name, Category) .......................................................................... 242 Length(Location) ..................................................................................................... 243 lengthAve(Variable,Location) ................................................................................... 243 lengthInt(Variable,Location) ..................................................................................... 243 liquidTurbPerformTurbo() ........................................................................................ 243 liquidTurbPerform() ................................................................................................. 243 massFlow(Location) ................................................................................................. 243 massFlowAve(Variable,Location) .............................................................................. 243 massFlowAveAbs(Variable,Location) ......................................................................... 243 massFlowInt(Variable,Location) ................................................................................ 244 maxVal(Variable,Location) ........................................................................................ 244 minVal(Variable,Location) ........................................................................................ 244 objectExists(Object Name) ....................................................................................... 244 probe(Variable,Location) .......................................................................................... 244 pumpPerform() ........................................................................................................ 244 pumpPerformTurbo() ............................................................................................... 244 range(Variable,Location) .......................................................................................... 244 reportError(String) ................................................................................................... 244 reportWarning(String) .............................................................................................. 245 showPkgs() .............................................................................................................. 245 showSubs(packageName) ........................................................................................ 245 showVars(packageName) ......................................................................................... 245 spawnAsyncProcess(command, arguments) ............................................................. 245 sum(Variable,Location) ............................................................................................ 245 torque(Location,Axis) ............................................................................................... 245 turbinePerform() ...................................................................................................... 245 turbinePerformTurbo() ............................................................................................. 245 verboseOn() ............................................................................................................. 246 volume(Location) ..................................................................................................... 246 volumeAve(Variable,Location) .................................................................................. 246 volumeInt(Variable,Location) ................................................................................... 246
18. Bibliography ...................................................................................................................................... 247
18.1. References 1-20 .......................................................................................................................... 247
18.2. References 21-40 ......................................................................................................................... 250


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ANSYS CFX Reference Guide

18.3. References 41-60 ......................................................................................................................... 253
18.4. References 61-80 ......................................................................................................................... 256
18.5. References 81-100 ....................................................................................................................... 259
18.6. References 101-120 ..................................................................................................................... 262
18.7. References 121-140 ..................................................................................................................... 264
18.8. References 141-160 ..................................................................................................................... 267
18.9. References 161-180 ..................................................................................................................... 270
18.10. References 181-200 ................................................................................................................... 273
18.11. References 201 ....................................................................................................................... 276
Glossary ................................................................................................................................................... 281
Index ........................................................................................................................................................ 299

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Chapter 1: CFX Launcher

This chapter describes the CFX Launcher in detail:
1.1.The Launcher Interface
1.2. Customizing the Launcher

1.1. The Launcher Interface

The layout of the CFX Launcher is shown below:

Figure 1.1 CFX Launcher

The CFX Launcher consists of a menu bar, a tool bar for launching applications, a working directory selector,
and an output window where messages are displayed. On Windows platforms, an icon to start Windows
Explorer in the working directory appears next to the directory selector.

1.1.1. Menu Bar

The CFX Launcher menus provide the following capabilities: File Menu

Saves the contents of the text output window and to close the launcher. Save As
Saves the contents of the output window to a file. Quit
Shuts down the launcher. Any programs already launched will continue to run.

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Chapter 1: CFX Launcher Edit Menu

Clears the text output window, finds text in the text output window and sets options for the launcher. Clear
Clears the output window. Find
Displays a dialog box where you can search the text in the output window. Options
Presents the Options dialog box, which enables you to change the appearance of the launcher. User Interface Style

You can choose any one of several user interface styles; each style is available on all platforms. For example,
choosing Windows will change the look and feel of the user interface to resemble that of a Windows application. You can select from Windows, Motif, SGI, Platinum, and CDE (Solaris) styles. Once you have selected
a style, click Apply to test. Application Font and Text Window Font

The button to the right of Application Font sets the font used anywhere outside the text output window.
The button to the right of Text Window Font applies only to the text output window. Clicking either of
these buttons opens the Select Font dialog box. CFX Menu

Enables you to launch CFX-Pre, CFX-Solver Manager, CFD-Post, and, if they are installed, other CFX products
(such as ANSYS TurboGrid). CFX-Pre
Runs CFX-Pre, with the working directory as specified in Working Directory Selector (p. 4). CFX-Solver Manager

Runs CFX-Solver Manager, with the working directory as specified in Working Directory Selector (p. 4). CFD-Post
Runs CFD-Post, in the current working directory as specified in Working Directory Selector (p. 4). Other CFX Applications

The launcher also searches for other CFX applications (for example, ANSYS TurboGrid) and provides a menu
entry to launch the application. If an application is not found, you can add it; for details, see Customizing
the Launcher (p. 5).

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1.1.1. Menu Bar Show Menu

Allows you to show system, installation and other information. Show Installation

Displays information about the version of CFX that you are running. Show All

Displays all of the available information, including information about your system, installation and variables. Show System

Displays information about the CFX installation and the system on which it is being run. Show Variables

Displays the values of all the environment variables that are used in CFX. Show Patches

Displays the output from the command cfx5info -patches. This provides information on patches that
have been installed after the initial installation of CFX. Tools Menu

Allows you to access license-management tools and a command line for running other CFX utilities. ANSYS License Manager

If ANSYS License Manager is installed, a menu entry to launch it appears in the Tools menu. Command Line

Starts a command window from which you can run any of the CFX commands via the command line interface.
The command line will be set up to run the correct version of CFX and the commands will be run in the
current working directory.
If you do not use the Tools > Command Line command to open a command window, then you will have
to either type the full path of the executable in each command, or explicitly set your operating system path
to include the <CFXROOT>/bin directory.
You may want to start components of CFX from the command line rather than by clicking the appropriate
button on the launcher for the following reasons:

CFX contains some utilities (for example, a parameter editor) that can be run only from the command

You may want to specify certain command line arguments when starting up a component so that it
starts up in a particular configuration.

If you are having problems with a component, you may be able to get a more detailed error message
by starting the component from the command line than you would get if you started the component

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Chapter 1: CFX Launcher

from the launcher. If you start a component from the command line, any error messages produced are
written to the command line window. Configure User Startup Files (UNIX only)

Information about creating startup files can be found in the installation documentation. Edit File

Opens a browser to edit the text file of your choice in a platform-native text editor. Which text editor is
called is controlled by the settings in <CFXROOT>/etc/launcher/shared.ccl. Edit Site-wide Configuration File

Opens the site-wide configuration file in a text editor. Which text editor is called is controlled by the settings
in <CFXROOT>/etc/launcher/CFX5.ccl. User Menu

The User menu is provided as an example. You can add your own applications to this menu, or create new
menus; for details, see Customizing the Launcher (p. 5). Help Menu

The Help menu enables you to view tutorials, user guides, and reference manuals online. For related information, see Accessing Help.

1.1.2. Tool Bar

The toolbar contains shortcuts to the main components of CFX, for example CFX-Pre, CFX-Solver Manager
and CFD-Post. Pressing any of the buttons will start up the component in the specified working directory.
The equivalent menu entries for launching the components also show a keyboard shortcut that can be used
to launch the component.

1.1.3. Working Directory Selector

While running CFX, all the files that are created will be stored in the working directory. To change the
working directory, you can do any of the following:

Type the directory name into the box and press Enter.

Click the down-arrow icon (

Click Browse

) next to the directory name. This displays a list of recently used directories.

to browse to the directory that you want.

1.1.4. Output Window

The output window is used to display information from commands in the Show menu. You can right-click
in the output window to show a shortcut menu with the following options:

Find: Displays a dialog box where you can enter text to search for in the output.

Select All: Selects all the text.

Copy Selection: Copies the selected text.

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1.2.1. CCL Structure

Save As: Saves the output to a file.

Clear: Clears the output window.

1.2. Customizing the Launcher

Many parts of the launcher are driven by CCL commands contained in configuration files. Some parts of the
launcher are not editable (such as the File, Edit and Help menus), but others parts allow you to edit existing
actions and create new ones (for example, launching your own application from the User menu). The following
sections outline the steps required to configure the launcher. The configuration files are located in the
<CFXROOT>/etc/launcher/ directory (where <CFXROOT> is the path to your installation of CFX). You
can open these files in any text editor, but you should not edit any of the configuration files provided by
CFX, other than the User.ccl configuration file.

1.2.1. CCL Structure

The configuration files contain CCL objects that control the appearance and behavior of menus and buttons
that appear in the launcher. There are three types of CCL objects: GROUP, APPLICATION and DIVIDER
objects. The fact that there are multiple configuration files is not important; applications in one file can refer
to groups in other files.
An example of how to add a menu item for the Windows calculator to the launcher is given in Example:
Adding the Windows Calculator (p. 8). GROUP
GROUP objects represent menus and toolbar groups in the launcher. Each new GROUP creates a new menu
and toolbar. Nothing will appear in the menu or toolbar until you add APPLICATION or DIVIDER objects
to the group. An example of a GROUP object is given below:
Position = 200
Menu Name = &CFX
Show In Toolbar = Yes
Show In Menu = Yes
Enabled = Yes

The group name is set after the colon. In this case, it is CFX This is the name that APPLICATION
and DIVIDER objects will refer to when you want to add them to this group. This name should be
different to all other GROUP objects.

Position refers to the position of the menu relative to others. The value should be an integer between
1 and 1000. Groups with a higher Position value, relative to other groups, will have their menu appear
further to the right in the menu bar. Referring to Figure 1.1 (p. 1), CFX has a lower position value than
the ANSYS group. The File and Edit menus are always the first two menus and the Help menu is always
the last menu.

The title of the menu is set under Menu Name (this menu has the title CFX). The optional ampersand
is placed before the letter that you want to have act as a menu accelerator (for example, Alt+C displays
the CFX menu). You must be careful not to use an existing menu accelerator.

The creation of the menu or toolbar can be toggled by setting the Show in Menu and Show in
Toolbar options to Yes or No respectively. For example, you may want to create a menu item but
not an associated toolbar icon.

Enabled sets whether the menu/toolbar is available for selection or is disabled. Set the option to No
to disable it.
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Chapter 1: CFX Launcher APPLICATION
APPLICATION objects create entries in the menus and toolbars that will launch an application or run a
process. Two examples are given below with an explanation for each parameter. The first example creates
a menu entry in the Tools menu that opens a command line window. The second example creates a menu
entry and toolbar button to start CFX-Solver Manager.
APPLICATION: Command Line 1
Position = 300
Group = Tools
Tool Tip = Start a window in which CFX commands can be run
Menu Item Name = Command Line
Command = <windir>\system32\cmd.exe
Arguments = /c start
Show In Toolbar = No
Show In Menu = Yes
Enabled = Yes
OS List = winnt
Position = 300
Group = CFX
Tool Tip = Launches ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager
Menu Item Name = CFX-&Solver Manager
Command = cfx5solve
Show In Toolbar = Yes
Show In Menu = Yes
Enabled = Yes
Toolbar Name = ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager
Icon = LaunchSolveIcon.xpm
Shortcut = CTRL+S

The application name is set after the colon, in the first example it is Command Line 1 This name
should be different to all other APPLICATION objects.

Position: sets the relative position of the menu entry. The value should be an integer between 1 and
1000. The higher the value, relative to other applications that have the same group, the further down
the menu or the further to the right in a toolbar the entry will appear. If you do not specify a position,
the object assumes a high position value (so it will appear at the bottom of a menu or at the right of
a group of buttons).

Group: sets the GROUP object to which this application belongs. The value must correspond to the
name that appears after GROUP: in an existing GROUP object. The menu and/or toolbar entry will not
be created if you do not specify a valid group name. The GROUP object does not have to be in the
same configuration file.

Tool Tip: displays a message when the mouse pointer is held over a toolbar button. In the Command
Line 1 example above, the Tool Tip entry is not used since a toolbar button is not created. This
parameter is optional.

Menu Item Name: sets the name of the entry that will appear in the menu. If you do not specify a
name, the name is set to the name of the APPLICATION: object. The optional ampersand is placed
before the letter that you want to have act as a menu accelerator (for example, alt+c then s will start
CFX-Solver Manager. Alt+c selects the CFX menu and s selects the entry from the menu). You must
be careful not to use an existing menu accelerator.

Command: contains the command to run the application. The path can be absolute (that is, use a forward
slash to begin the path on UNIX, or a drive letter on Windows). If an absolute path is not specified, a
relative path from <CFXROOT>/bin/ is assumed. If no command is specified, the menu item/toolbar
button will not appear in the CFX Launcher. The path and command are checked when the CFX
Launcher is started. If the path or command does not exist, the menu item/toolbar button will not appear

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1.2.1. CCL Structure

in the launcher. You may find it useful to include environment variables in a command path; for details,
see Including Environment Variables (p. 7).

Arguments: specifies any arguments that need to be passed to the application. The arguments are
appended to the value you entered for Command. You do not need to include this parameter as there
are no arguments to pass. You may find it useful to include environment variables in the arguments;
for details, see Including Environment Variables (p. 7).
Distinct arguments are space-separated. If you need to pass an argument that contains spaces (for example, a Windows file path) you should include that argument in double quotes, for example:
Arguments = C:\Documents and Settings\User arg2 arg3

Show In Toolbar: determines if a toolbar button is created for the application. This optional parameter has a default value of Yes.

Show In Menu: determines if a menu entry is created for the application. This optional parameter
has a default value of Yes.

Enabled: controls the menu entry and toolbar button. Set this parameter to No to disable the application. This optional parameter has a default value of Yes.

OS List is an optional parameter that enables you to set which operating system the application is
suitable for. If OS List is not supplied, the launcher will attempt to create the menu item and toolbar
button on all platforms.
For example, the command to open a command line window varies depending on the operating system.
In the Command Line 1 example above, the application only applies to Windows platforms. To complete
the OS coverage, the launcher configuration files contain more Command Line applications that apply
to different operating systems.
OS List can contain the following values: winnt (Windows, including Windows XP), aix (IBM), hpux,
(HP), hpux-ia64 (64-bit HP), solaris (Sun), linux, linux-ia64 (64-bit Linux).

Toolbar Name: sets the name that appears on the toolbar button. This parameter is optional (since
you may only want to show an icon).

Icon: specifies the icon to use on the toolbar button and in the menu item. The path can be absolute
(that is, use a forward slash to begin the path on UNIX, or a drive letter on Windows). If an absolute
path is not specified, a relative path from <CFXROOT>/etc/icons is assumed. The following file
formats are supported for icon image files: Portable Network Graphics (png), Pixel Maps (ppm, xpm)
and Bitmaps (bmp). Other icons used in the launcher are 32 pixels wide and 30 pixels high. This parameter is optional. If it is not included, an icon will not appear.

Shortcut: specifies the keyboard shortcut that can be pressed to launch the application. You must
be careful not to use a keyboard shortcut that is used by any other APPLICATION object. Including Environment Variables

In can be useful to use environment variables in the values for some parameters. You can specify an environment variable value in any parameter by including its name between the < > symbols. In the Command
Line 1 example above, <windir> is used in the Command parameter so that the command would work
on different versions of Windows. <windir> is replaced with the value held by the windir environment
variable. The Command and Argument parameters are the only parameters that are likely to benefit from
using environment variables. Environment variables included in the Arguments parameter are expanded
before they are passed to the application.

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Chapter 1: CFX Launcher DIVIDER
DIVIDER objects create a divider in a menu and/or toolbar (see the Tools menu for an example). An example
of the CCL for DIVIDER objects is shown below.
DIVIDER: Tools Divider 1
Position = 250
Group = Tools
OS List = winnt, aix, hpux, hpux-ia64, linux, linux-ia64, solaris

The Position, Group and OS List parameters are the same as those used in APPLICATION objects.
For details, see APPLICATION (p. 6).

1.2.2. Example: Adding the Windows Calculator

The following CCL is the minimum required to add the Windows calculator to the launcher:
GROUP: Windows Apps
Menu Name = Windows
Group = Windows Apps
Command = <windir>\system32\calc.exe
Toolbar Name = Calc

Although the parameter Toolbar Name is not strictly required, you would end up with a blank toolbar button
if it were not set.

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Chapter 2: Volume Mesh Import API

The Mesh Import Application Programming Interface (API) enables you to build a customized executable
that reads a 3-dimensional mesh from a 3rd-party mesh file into CFX-Pre and to extend the number of file
formats that CFX-Pre can understand and read beyond those supplied as part of the standard installation.
The communication between the executable and CFX-Pre is via a communications channel that is controlled
by use of routines in the API provided.
For details on using the Volume Mesh Import API, see User Import.
This chapter describes:
2.1. Valid Mesh Elements in CFX
2.2. Creating a Custom Mesh Import Executable for CFX-Pre
2.3. Details of the Mesh Import API
2.4. An Example of a Customized C Program for Importing Meshes into CFX-Pre
2.5. Import Programs

2.1. Valid Mesh Elements in CFX

The CFX-Solver technology works with unstructured meshes. This does not prohibit the use of structured
meshes. However a structured mesh will always be dealt with internally as an unstructured mesh.
The CFX-Solver can solve flows in any mesh comprising one or more of the following element types:

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Chapter 2: Volume Mesh Import API

You must write the program using the API to translate the mesh read from the 3rd-party file into a format
that can be processed by CFX-Pre.

2.2. Creating a Custom Mesh Import Executable for CFX-Pre

You can create your own customized program using the 'C' programming language or Fortran programming
language. A number of API functions are provided in a library supplied with the ANSYS CFX installation. For
details, see Details of the Mesh Import API (p. 12).
The installation contains a C source code example file that can be used as the basis of your custom executable.
This file, ImportTemplate.c, is provided in <CFXROOT>/examples/, and is listed in: An Example of a
Customized C Program for Importing Meshes into CFX-Pre (p. 26).
The basic structure of a program written to import a 3rd party mesh into CFX-Pre is as follows:

Inclusion of the cfxImport.h header file (for C programs and not Fortran programs).


Initialization for import with the cfxImportInit routine.


Definition of node data with cfxImportNode.


Definition of element data with cfxImportElement.


Optionally, definitions of 2D and 3D regions with either cfxImportRegion or the following three
functions: cfxImportBegReg, cfxImportAddReg, cfxImportEndReg


Data transfer with cfxImportDone.


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2.2.2. Linking Code with the Mesh Import API

The header files associated with the API are located in <CFXROOT>/include/. If you do not use the
header file cfxImport.h, the functionality of the routines contained within the API may not follow defined
After writing the program, you will need to compile the source code. For details, see Compiling Code with
the Mesh Import API (p. 11).
You will also need to link your routine with the API routine libraries. For details, see Linking Code with the
Mesh Import API (p. 11).
After a customized executable has been produced, it can be run in CFX-Pre. For details, see User Import.

2.2.1. Compiling Code with the Mesh Import API

Compilation of a customized executable must be performed using an appropriate compiler and compiler
The customized executable must also be linked with the provided mesh import API library and the provided
i/o library as detailed in Linking Code with the Mesh Import API (p. 11).

Windows users should note that custom mesh import programs must be compiled as multithreaded applications. Compiler Flags

The following compiler flags are necessary for successful compilation on the listed platforms:


hpux (pa-2)

+DS2.0W +DA2.0W



linux (32-bit)



<none>, but use icc compiler




-q64 (the linker may also need -b64)

2.2.2. Linking Code with the Mesh Import API

In order to build a customized import utility routine, it must be linked with several libraries. With the exception
of bufferoverflowu.lib, these libraries are located in <CFXROOT>/lib/<os>/:

libmeshimport.lib (on Windows), or libmeshimport.a (on UNIX/Linux)

libratlas_api.lib (on Windows), or libratlas_api.a (on UNIX/Linux)

libratlas.lib (on Windows), or libratlas.a (on UNIX/Linux)

libpgtapi.lib (on Windows), or libpgtapi.a (on UNIX/Linux)

libunits.lib (on Windows), or libunits.a (on UNIX/Linux)

libcclapilt.lib (on Windows), or libcclapilt.a (on UNIX/Linux)

Release 13.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


Chapter 2: Volume Mesh Import API

libio.lib (on Windows), or libio.a (on UNIX/Linux)

bufferoverflowu.lib (on Windows 64-bit) Linking a Customized C Mesh Import Executable on a UNIX Platform

On most UNIX systems you should be able to build the executable with the command:
cc myimport.c -I<CFXROOT>/include/ -o myimport -L<CFXROOT>/lib/<os> \
-lmeshimport -lratlas_api -lratlas -lpgtapi -lunits -lcclapilt -lio \
-lm -lc

Here, -lmeshimport, -lratlas_api, -lratlas, -lpgtapi, -lunits, -lcclapillt, and -lio

indicate the libraries mentioned above, while -lm and -lc are system libraries.
In this example, your own import program is named myimport.c and the executable file will be called
myimport. You should ensure that the libraries to which you are linking (which are in the path given after
-L) appear on the command line after the source file (or object file if you are just linking to an existing
object). Linking a Customized Fortran Mesh Import Executable on a UNIX Platform

The following is an example of how to build the executable on Linux, when the source code for the executable
is written in Fortran:
g77 myImport.F -L<install_dir>/lib/linux -lmeshimport -lratlas_api -lratlas \
-lpgtapi -lunits -lcclapilt -lio -o myImport.exe Linking a Customized Mesh Import Executable on a 32-bit Windows Platform

You can build the executables on 32-bit Windows systems that have Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express
Edition. An example command line follows:
cl /MD /I "C:\Program Files\Ansys Inc\v130\CFX\include" ImportTemplate.c
/link /libpath:"C:\Program Files\Ansys Inc\v130\CFX\lib\winnt" libcclapilt.lib
libio.lib libmeshimport.lib libunits.lib libpgtapi.lib libratlas_api.lib
libratlas.lib Linking a Customized Mesh Import Executable on a 64-bit Windows Platform

You can build the executables on 64-bit Windows systems that have Windows Server 2005 Platform SDK.
An example command line follows:
cl /MD /I C:\Program Files\Ansys Inc\v130\CFX\include ImportTemplate.c
/link /libpath:C:\Program Files\Ansys Inc\v130\CFX\lib\winnt-amd64 libcclapilt.lib libio.lib libmeshimport.lib libunits.lib libpgtapi.lib libratlas_api.lib libratlas.lib bufferoverflowu.lib

2.3. Details of the Mesh Import API

This section contains information about the functions that are used to write a customized import executable
in the Mesh Import API.
Before trying to use any of the routines listed in this section, it is highly recommended that you read Creating
a Custom Mesh Import Executable for CFX-Pre (p. 10).


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

2.3.1. Defined Constants

This section contains details of:

Defined Constants (p. 13)

Initialization Routines (p. 14)

Termination Routines (p. 15)

Error Handling Routines (p. 15)

Node Routines (p. 16)

Element Routines (p. 16)

Primitive Region Routines (p. 19)

Composite Regions Routines (p. 21)

Explicit Node Pairing (p. 21)

Fortran Interface (p. 22)

Unsupported Routines Previously Available in the API (p. 25)

In past releases of ANSYS CFX the API has defined IDs of nodes and elements as integers (int).
This release now uses a datatype ID_t to represent these quantities. This type is currently defined
as an unsigned integer (unsigned int). This allows a greater number of nodes and elements to
be imported than in the past.

2.3.1. Defined Constants

The following are defined in the header file cfxImport.h, which should be included in the import program. Element Types

There are currently 4 types of elements, which are identified by the number of nodes: Tetrahedrons (4 nodes),
pyramids (5 nodes), wedges or prisms (6 nodes), and hexahedrons (8 nodes). The element types may be
identified by the defined constants:



The element node ordering and local face numbering follow Patran Neutral file conventions for element
descriptions. Region Types

Regions may be defined in terms of nodes, faces or elements, based on the type argument to the cfxImportBegReg or cfxImportRegion routines. The three types are defined by the defined constants:
#define cfxImpREG_NODES
#define cfxImpREG_FACES
#define cfxImpREG_ELEMS


Node and Face regions define 2D regions of the imported mesh. Element regions define 3D regions of the
imported mesh.

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Chapter 2: Volume Mesh Import API

It is best to use face regions to define 2D regions of the mesh and element regions to define 3D regions of
the mesh.
Node regions will be automatically transformed into a face region by the import process. This transformation
requires the node IDs specified to define vertices of valid element faces. If no element faces can be constructed
from the defined node region the node region will be deleted.

Due to the limited topological information recoverable from a set of nodes it is not advisable to
define 2D regions internal to a 3D region using nodes. In this case it is advisable to use Face regions.
Node regions are specified by a list of node IDs.
Face regions are defined by a list of face IDs. These face IDs are a combination of an element ID and a local
face number in the element.

2.3.2. Initialization Routines

The following routines check and initialize the Import API. With the exception of cfxImportStatus the
first call to the Import API must be either cfxImportInit for communication with CFX, or cfxImportTest
for testing the import routine in stand-alone mode. cfxImportStatus
int cfxImportStatus ()

Returns 0 if descriptor is not opened and -1 if not opened for writing. In the normal case, 1 is returned if
opened for writing to CFX, and 2 if opened for writing to a file. cfxImportInit
void cfxImportInit ()

Performs initialization to begin communicating with CFX. This routine should be called early on in the import
program to let CFX know that data is to be sent. If not called within 60 seconds, CFX will terminate the import
process. If called and there is no connection with CFX, then the routine cfxImportTest("/dev/null")
(UNIX) or cfxImportTest("null") (Windows) will be called. This routine will be automatically called
by most of the API routines if not already called.
There is no return value for this routine. In the case of an error, cfxImportFatal will be called. cfxImportTest
int cfxImportTest (filename)
char *filename;

This routine allows testing of import program in isolation from CFX by writing data to a file filename instead
of attempting to write it to the CFX communication channel.
The routine will return the file descriptor of the output file or will terminate with a call to cfxImportFatal
on error.


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

2.3.4. Error Handling Routines

2.3.3. Termination Routines

With the exception of cfxImportTotals the last call to the Import API must always be cfxImportDone.
This function performs the final processing of the import data, and then transfers the data to CFX. cfxImportDone
long cfxImportDone ()

Indicate to the import API that all mesh data has been given and the API should now send the data to CFX.
Except for cfxImportTotals, this should be last call made to the API. Returns the total number of bytes
transferred to CFX by the import program. cfxImportTotals
long cfxImportTotals (counts)
size_t counts[cfxImpCNT_SIZE];

Get the total number of nodes, elements, regions and other useful information given to the mesh import
API by the program. This information is returned in the array counts, which should be of size at least
cfxImpCNT_SIZE (currently defined as 9). The values returned in counts may be indexed by the enum
list in cfxImport.h, which is:




unused nodes
duplicate nodes
tetrahedral elements
pyramid elements
wedge elements
hexahedral elements

The return value for the function is the total number of bytes of data sent to CFX or written to the test file
given when cfxImportTest was called.

2.3.4. Error Handling Routines

The first error handling routine allows the programmer to define an error callback function that is called
when a fatal error is generated by the API or explicitly by the programmers code.
The second routine performs a method for clean termination of the program, shutting down the program
and communication with ANSYS CFX. cfxImportError
void cfxImportError (callback)
void (*callback)(char *errmsg);

Define a user routine to be called before terminating due to a fatal error. callback is the applicationsupplied function to be called in the case of an error. The callback routine takes a single argument, errmsg,
which will be passed by cfxImportFatal and should be processed by the callback function as a brief
message describing the error that has occurred. If this function is not called or callback is not specified, then
the normal termination behavior of the mesh import API will be that the any fatal errors will write the error
message to stderr as well as being sent to CFX.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


Chapter 2: Volume Mesh Import API cfxImportFatal
void cfxImportFatal (errmsg)
char *errmsg;

Terminate with an error message, errmsg. This routine will send the message to CFX, shut down the communication channel or test file and call the user callback function (if specified by a call to cfxImportError).
There is no return from this call. The import program will terminate immediately after clean up tasks have
been performed.

2.3.5. Node Routines

These routines define the 3D coordinates of points in space(nodes) which will be used to define elements
or 2D regions which are to be imported to CFX. Each node has a unique identifier called a node ID. cfxImportNode
ID_t cfxImportNode (nodeid, x, y, z)
ID_t nodeid;
double x, y, z;

Define a node in the import API to be subsequently imported into CFX. The unique identifier of the node
is given by nodeid, and the coordinates of the node by x, y, and z.
Returns 0 if nodeid is invalid (less than 1), or nodeid is successfully defined. If a node with the same
identity has already been defined, the coordinate values will alter to the supplied values. cfxImportGetNode
ID_t cfxImportGetNode (nodeid, x, y, z)
ID_t nodeid;
double *x, *y, *z;

Get the coordinates for the node identified by nodeid and return the values in x, y, and z. Returns 0 if the
node has not been defined or the node ID for the node. cfxImportNodeList
ID_t * cfxImportNodeList ()

Returns an array of all node identifiers currently defined or NULL if no nodes have been defined. The first
entry in the array is the number of nodes currently defined.
The memory for the array returned is allocated using malloc by the routine, consequently it should be
destroyed when no longer required by calling free.

2.3.6. Element Routines

The following routines define the topology of elements (using node IDs) which are to be imported to CFX.
Also included here are routines which get the local face number and vertices of an element. cfxImportElement
ID_t cfxImportElement (elemid, elemtype, nodelist)
ID_t elemid, *nodelist; int elemtype;


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

2.3.6. Element Routines

Define a new element to be imported to CFX. The unique identifier of the element is given by elemid, the
element type by elemtype and the list of vertices by nodelist. If an element with the same ID has
already been defined, it will be replaced by the new element being defined.
Only volume elements are currently supported by CFX; these may be tetrahedrons (4 vertices), pyramids (5
vertices), prisms (6 vertices) or hexahedrons (8 vertices). elemtype is the number of vertices for the element.
The following defines are included in the header file, cfxImport.h for convenience:




tet element (4 nodes)

pyramid element (5 nodes)
wedge element (6 nodes)
hex element (8 nodes)


The list of vertices in nodelist refers to IDs of nodes which on termination of the import program by a
call to cfxImportDone must have been defined by calls to cfxImportNode. If this is not the case a fatal
error will be reported and the API will terminate.
The vertex ordering for the elements follows Patran Neutral File element conventions, and is shown in the
following figure.

The vertex ordering for the export API is different. For details, see cfxExportElementList (p. 57).
Returns 0 in the case of an elemid is invalid (less than 1) or an unsupported value is given by elemtype,
or elemid if the element is successfully defined. If the element already exists the vertices of the element
will be redefined.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


Chapter 2: Volume Mesh Import API cfxImportGetElement
ID_t cfxImportGetElement (elemid, nodelist)
ID_t elemid, nodelist[];

Get the node IDs for corresponding to the vertices of element identified by elemid and store in the array
nodelist. This array needs to be at least as large the number of vertices for the element (a size of 8 will
handle all possible element types).
Returns 0 if the element is not defined, or the element type (number of vertices). The node IDs will be
ordered in the order expected by cfxImportElement if the program was to redefine the element. cfxImportElementList
ID_t * cfxImportElementList ()

Returns an array of all the currently defined element IDs or NULL if no elements have been defined. The
first entry in the array is the number of elements.
The memory for the array returned is allocated using malloc by the routine, consequently it should be
destroyed when no longer required by calling free. cfxImportGetFace
ID_t cfxImportGetFace (elemid, facenum, nodelist)
ID_t elemid, nodelist[]; int facenum;

Gets the node IDs for the local facenumth face of the element identified by elemid.
The node IDs are returned in nodelist, which should be of at least of size 4. The nodes correspond to
the vertices of the face and are ordered counter-clockwise such that the normal for the face points away
from the element. The face numbers and associated node indices are modeled after Patran Neutral File elements, and are tabulated here:
Element Type








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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

2.3.7. Primitive Region Routines

Element Type



The face numbers and associated node indices are different when exporting elements. For details,
see cfxExportFaceNodes (p. 60).
Returns -1 if the element has not been defined, 0 if the face number is out of range, or the number of nodes
for the face (3 or 4): cfxImportFindFace
ID_t cfxImportFindFace (elemid, nnodes, nodeid)
ID_t elemid, nodeid[]; int nnodes;

Gets the local face number in element identified by elemid that contains all the nodes supplied by the
calling routine in nodeid. nnodes is the number of nodes for the face (3 or 4).
Returns -1 if the element is not found or nodeid is not supplied or nnodes is greater than 4 or less than
3. Returns 0 if there is no match, or the local face number (1 to 6) of the element.

2.3.7. Primitive Region Routines

The following routines allow for the specification of 2D regions as a group of nodes or faces, or a 3D region
as a group of elements. In the case of nodes and faces, only those which are define faces of valid imported
elements will be imported; others are ignored by CFX. cfxImportBegReg
int cfxImportBegReg (regname, regtype)
char *regname;
int regtype;

Initialize for the specification of a region. If a region is currently being defined, cfxImportEndReg will be
The name of the region is given by regname. If the region name is NULL, the name Unnamed Region
2D or Unnamed Region 3D, with a sequential integer appended, will be used. If a region named regname
has already been defined, then additional objects will be added to the previous region.
The type of region is given by regtype, which should be one of cfxImpREG_NODES, cfxImpREG_FACES
or cfxImpREG_ELEMS depending on whether the region is to be defined by nodes, faces or elements,
respectively. It is not currently possible to mix types in a region; doing so will cause the import API to terminate with an error message.
Returns the number of objects (node, faces or elements) currently in the region.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


Chapter 2: Volume Mesh Import API cfxImportAddReg
int cfxImportAddReg (numobjs, objlist)
int numobjs, *objlist;

Add IDs of objects being defined to the current region.

A region must be currently defined or reactivated by cfxImportBegReg or an error will occur, and the
API will terminate.
The number of objects to add is given by numobjs and the IDs of the objects are supplied in objlist.
The objects are interpreted as node IDs, face IDs, or element IDs, depending on the type of the region indicated when cfxImportBegReg was called.
On calling cfxImportDone, any node IDs , face IDs or element IDs specified in the object list must have
been defined by the appropriate routine or they will be removed from the region.
Returns the total number of objects in the current region after the object IDs have been added. cfxImportEndReg
int cfxImportEndReg ()

End the specification of the current region.

Returns the number of objects (nodes, faces or elements) in the region. cfxImportRegion
int cfxImportRegion (regname, regtype, numobjs, objlist)
char *regname;
int regtype, numobjs, *objlist;

Import a region named regname of type regtype. The number of objects to add to the region is given
by numobjs, and the list of object IDs by objlist. This routine combines calls to cfxImportBegReg,
cfxImportAddReg and cfxImportEndReg.
Returns the total number of objects in the region on termination of the routine. cfxImportRegionList
char ** cfxImportRegionList ()

Return a NULL terminated list of currently defined region names.

The memory for the array and each character string in the array returned is allocated using malloc by the
routine, consequently each array member and the array itself should be destroyed when no longer required
by calling free. cfxImportGetRegion
int * cfxImportGetRegion (regname)
char *regname;

Returns a list of objects in the region named regname, or NULL if the region does not exist. The first entry
in the returned list is the region type and the second entry is the number of object IDs.


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

2.3.9. Explicit Node Pairing

The memory for the array is allocated using malloc by the routine, consequently the array itself should be
destroyed when no longer required by calling free.

2.3.8. Composite Regions Routines

The following routines allow composite regions to be defined in terms of primitive regions or other composite
regions. cfxImportBegCompRegion
char *regionName;

Begin defining a composite region with the name regionName,

Returns -1 if a primitive region regionName is already defined or memory couldnt be allocated, or 0 if
successfully created. cfxImportAddCompRegComponents
int cfxImportAddCompRegComponents(componentCount,components)
int componentCount;
char **components;

Add a set of component region names specified in components to the composite region currently being
defined. componentCount specified how many components are specified in the components array,
Returns -1 if a composite region isnt being defined or insufficient memory is available to add the components
of the composite region, or 0 if the components were successfully added. cfxImportEndCompReg
int cfxImportEndCompReg()

Finish defining the current composite region.

Returns -1 if a composite region isnt currently being defined or 0 otherwise. cfxImportCompositeRegion
int cfxImportCompositeRegion(regionName, componentCount, components)
char *regionName, **components;
int componentCount;

Define a composite region named regionName with componentCount components supplied in character
array components.
Returns 0 if successful or -1 if an error occurred preventing the composite region being defined.

2.3.9. Explicit Node Pairing

The following routine provides a method for explicitly marking two nodes as being identical (or in the same
position in space). cfxImportMap
ID_t cfxImportMap (nodeid, mapid)
ID_t nodeid, mapid;

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Chapter 2: Volume Mesh Import API

Explicitly map the node identified by nodeid to the node identified by mapid.
On calling cfxImportDone the Mesh Import API will update regions and elements referencing the mapped
node to the node it is mapped to. This therefore reduces the total node count imported to CFX and eliminates
the duplicate nodes.
Duplicate nodes may also be removed by CFX if the appropriate options are selected in the CFX interface
and an appropriate tolerance set. For details, see Importing Meshes in the CFX-Pre User's Guide.

2.3.10. Fortran Interface

The following routines are callable from Fortran, and interface with the corresponding C routine. There are
currently no return values. cfxinit
call cfxinit

Interface to cfxImportInit. Initializes for import. cfxtest
CHARACTER*n filename
call cfxtest(filename)

Interface to cfxImportTest. filename is a CHARACTER*n value which gives the name of the file to
dump the output to. cfxunit
call cfxunit(units)

Interface to cfxImportUnits. Specify the units the mesh is specified in. cfxwarn
call cfxwarn(mesg)

Interface to cfxImportWarning. Emit a warning message mesg. cfxfatl
call cfxfatl(mesg)

Interface to cfxImportFatal. Emit a warning message mesg and terminate the program cleanly. cfxdone
call cfxdone

Interface to cfxImportDone. Terminates the program and transfers the data to CFX-Pre.


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

2.3.10. Fortran Interface cfxnode
INTEGER idnode
call cfxnode(idnode,x,y,z)

Interface to cfxImportNode. Imports a node with the specified coordinates. idnode is an INTEGER value
for the node ID, and x, y, and z are the DOUBLE PRECISION coordinates of the node. cfxnodg
INTEGER idnode
call cfxnodg(idnode,x,y,z)

Interface to cfxImportGetNode. Queries the current coordinates or a node referenced by idnode. idnode
is an INTEGER value for the node ID, and x, y, and z are the DOUBLE PRECISION coordinates of the node. cfxnods
INTEGER ids(*)
call cfxnods(ids)

Interface to cfxImportNodeList. Retrieves the list of all valid node IDs having been imported into the
API. ids is an INTEGER array that must be at least as large as the number of nodes currently imported. cfxelem
INTEGER idelem,itelem,nodes(*)
call cfxelem(idelem,itelem,nodes)

Interface to cfxImportElement. idelem is element ID, and itelem is the element type (number of
nodes - 4,5,6, or 8). Both are of type INTEGER. nodes is an array of INTEGER node IDs dimensioned of size
at least itelem. cfxeleg
INTEGER idelem,itelem,nodes(*)
call cfxeleg(idelem,itelem,nodes)

Interface to cfxImportGetElement. Queries the current node ids that define the vertices of the element
referenced by the id idelem. idelem is element ID, and itelem is the element type (number of nodes
- 4, 5, 6, or 8). Both are of type INTEGER. nodes is an array of INTEGER values that will contain the node IDs
on successful return. It should be dimensioned of size at least itelem. cfxeles
INTEGER ids(*)
call cfxeles(ids)

Interface to cfxImportElemList. Retrieves the list of all valid element IDs having been imported into
the API. ids is an INTEGER array that must be at least as large as the number of elements currently imported. cfxfacd
INTEGER eleid, elefc, id
call cfxfacd(eleid, elefc, id)

Interface to cfxImportFaceID. Defines a face id (id) in terms of an element ID (eleid) and local face
(elefc) of that element.
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Chapter 2: Volume Mesh Import API cfxface
INTEGER eleid, elefc, vtx(*)
INTEGER cfxface(eleid, elefc, vtx)

Interface to cfxImportGetFace. Returns the node IDs of the vertices defining a face located by the element
ID (eleid) and local face (elefc) of that element. cfxffac
INTEGER eleid, nvtx, vtx(*), elefc
call cfxffac(eleid, nvtx, vtx, elefc)

Interface to cfxImportFindFace. Returns the local face (elefc) of an element (eleid) which is defined
by the vertices (vtx). cfxregn
CHARACTER*n regname
INTEGER type,nobjs,objs(*)
call cfxregn(regname,type,nobjs,objs)

Interface to cfxImportRegion. Regname is a CHARACTER*n string defining the region name, type is an
INTEGER value specifying the type of region, either 1 for nodes, 2 for faces, or 3 for elements. nobjs is an
INTEGER value which gives the number of objects in the region, and objs is an INTEGER array of object IDs
dimensioned at least size nobjs. cfxregb
CHARACTER*n regname
call cfxregb(regname,type)

Interface to cfxImportBegReg. Start defining a new region or make an existing region of the same name
the current one if it already exists and is of the same type. regname is a CHARACTER*n string defining the
region name, type is an INTEGER value specifying the type of region, either 1 for nodes, 2 for faces, or 3 for
elements. cfxrega
INTEGER nobjs,objs(*)
call cfxrega(nobjs,objs)

Interface to cfxImportAddReg. Add the objects (objs) to the current region. nobjs is an INTEGER value
which gives the number of objects to add to the region, and objs is an INTEGER array of object IDs dimensioned at least size nobjs. cfxrege
call cfxrege()

Interface to cfxImportEndReg. Finish defining the current region (after the call there will be no current
region). cfxregs
CHARACTER*n regname
INTEGER numobj
call cfxregs(regname,numobj)


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

2.3.11. Unsupported Routines Previously Available in the API

Query how many objects (returned in numobj) are referenced by the region regname. regname is a
CHARACTER*n string specifying the region name. cfxregg
CHARACTER*n regname
INTEGER type, obj(*)
call cfxregg(regname, type, objs)

Get the type (type) and object IDs (objs) referenced by the region regname. regname is a CHARACTER*n
string specifying the region name. type is INTEGER and objs is an INTEGER array at least of the size returned
by cfxregs. cfxcmpb
CHARACTER*n regname
call cfxcmpb(regname)

Interface to cfxImportBegCompReg. Start defining a new composite region or make an existing composite
region of the same name as the current one if it already exists. regname is a CHARACTER*n string defining
the region name. cfxcmpa
CHARACTER*(n) regs
call cfxcmpa(nregs,regs)

Interface to cfxImportAddCompReg. Add the region names (regs) to the current composite region being
defined. nregs is an INTEGER value which gives the number of regions to add to the region, and regs is
a CHARACTER*(*) array of region names dimensioned at least size nregs. cfxcmpe
call cfxcmpe()

Interface to cfxImportEndCompReg. Finish defining the current composite region (after the call there
will be no current composite region).

2.3.11. Unsupported Routines Previously Available in the API

In ANSYS CFX 13.0 certain functionality available in previous releases is no longer supported. These routines
have been removed because they are directly implemented in CFX.
The following is a list of routines removed from the mesh import API:

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


Chapter 2: Volume Mesh Import API

2.4. An Example of a Customized C Program for Importing Meshes into

This example, ImportTemplate.c, can be found in <CFXROOT>/examples.
* ImportTemplate.c - Patran Neutral File Import
* reads packets 1 (nodes), 2 (elements) and 21 (named groups)
* and optionally packet 6 (loads), and sends data to TfC
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "cfxImport.h"
#include "getargs.h"
static char options[] = "vlF:";
static char *usgmsg[] = {
"usage : ImportTemplate.c [options] Patran_file",
= verbose output",
= process packet 6 - distributed loads",
/*---------- print_error ------------------------------------------* print error message and line number
static int lineno = 0;
static void print_error (
char *errmsg)
char *errmsg;
fprintf (stderr, "%s on line %d\n", errmsg, lineno);
/*---------- add_face ----------------------------------------------* add an element face to the region list
static void add_face (
int elemid, char *data)
elemid, data)
int elemid;
char *data;
int n, nnodes, nodes[8];
ID_t nodeid[8];
char errmsg[81];
/* check for node flags set */
for (nnodes = 0, n = 0; n < 8; n++) {
if ('1' == data[n])
nodes[nnodes++] = n;
/* if node flags set, use the node values */
if (nnodes) {
ID_t elemnodes[8];
int elemtype = cfxImportGetElement (elemid, elemnodes);
if (!elemtype) {
sprintf (errmsg,
"element %d not found for packet 6\n", elemid);
cfxImportFatal (errmsg);


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

2.4. An Example of a Customized C Program for Importing Meshes into CFX-Pre

for (n = 0; n < nnodes; n++) {
if (nodes[n] >= elemtype) {
sprintf (errmsg,
"invalid node flags for element %d\n", elemid);
cfxImportFatal (errmsg);
nodeid[n] = elemnodes[nodes[n]];
/* else get nodes from face number */
else {
int faceid = atoi (&data[8]);
nnodes = cfxImportGetFace (elemid, faceid, nodeid);
if (nnodes < 0) {
sprintf (errmsg,
"element %d not found for packet 6\n", elemid);
cfxImportFatal (errmsg);
if (0 == nnodes) {
sprintf (errmsg,
"invalid face number for element %d\n", elemid);
cfxImportFatal (errmsg);
cfxImportAddReg (nnodes, nodeid);
/*========== main ===================================================*/
#define getline()
{if (NULL == fgets (buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) \
cfxImportFatal ("premature EOF"); \
void main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
int n, packet, nlines;
int nnodes;
int elemid;
ID_t nodeid[8];
int lastid = -1, loadid;
int verbose = 0, do_loads = 0;
double xyz[3];
char *p, buffer[256];
char *testfile = NULL;
FILE *fp;
struct stat st;
if (argc < 2)
usage (usgmsg, NULL);
while ((n = getargs (argc, argv, options)) > 0) {
switch (n) {
case 'v':
verbose = 7;
case 'l':
do_loads = 1;
case 'F':
testfile = argarg;
if (argind >= argc)
usage (usgmsg, "filename not specified\n");
if (stat (argv[argind], &st)) {
fprintf (stderr, "can't stat <%s>\n", argv[argind]);
exit (1);
if (S_IFREG != (st.st_mode & S_IFMT)) {
fprintf (stderr, "<%s> is not a regular file\n", argv[argind]);
exit (1);
if (NULL == testfile)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


Chapter 2: Volume Mesh Import API

cfxImportInit ();
else {
if (verbose)
printf ("writing output to <%s>\n", testfile);
cfxImportTest (testfile);
if (NULL == (fp = fopen (argv[argind], "r"))) {
sprintf (buffer, "can't open <%s> for reading", argv[argind]);
cfxImportFatal (buffer);
if (verbose) {
printf ("reading Patran Neutral file from <%s>\n", argv[argind]);
fflush (stdout);
cfxImportError (print_error);
getline ();
/* header - packet 25 */
if ((packet = atoi (buffer)) == 25) {
getline ();
if (verbose)
fputs (buffer, stdout);
getline ();
packet = atoi (buffer);
/* summary - packet 26 */
if (packet == 26) {
getline ();
getline ();
packet = atoi (buffer);
/* get remaining packets */
while (packet != 99) {
/* node */
if (packet == 1) {
if (0 != (verbose & 4)) {
printf ("reading packet 01 (nodes)...\n");
fflush (stdout);
verbose &= 3;
*nodeid = atoi (&buffer[2]);
getline ();
p = buffer + 48;
for (n = 2; n >= 0; n--) {
*p = 0;
p -= 16;
xyz[n] = atof (p);
getline ();
cfxImportNode (*nodeid, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]);
/* element */
else if (packet == 2) {
if (0 != (verbose & 2)) {
printf ("reading packet 02 (elements)...\n");
fflush (stdout);
verbose &= 1;
elemid = atoi (&buffer[2]);
n = atoi (&buffer[10]);
nlines = atoi (&buffer[18]);
if (n == 5
n == 7
n == 8) {
cfxImpElemType_t typ;
getline ();
nnodes = n == 8 ? n : n-1;
if (nnodes == 4) {
typ = cfxELEM_TET;
} else if (nnodes == 5) {
typ = cfxELEM_PYR;
} else if (nnodes == 6) {
typ = cfxELEM_WDG;
} else if (nnodes == 8) {
typ = cfxELEM_HEX;


Release 13.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

2.4. An Example of a Customized C Program for Importing Meshes into CFX-Pre

} else {
cfxImportFatal("invalid number of nodes for element.");
for (n = 0; n < nnodes; n++) {
int tmp;
if (1 != fscanf (fp, "%d", &tmp)
tmp < 1) {
cfxImportFatal ("missing or invalid node ID");
} else {
nodeid[n] = (ID_t)tmp;
while (getc (fp) != '\n')
nlines -= 2;
cfxImportElement ((ID_t)elemid, typ, nodeid);
while (nlines-- > 0)
getline ();
/* distributed loads */
else if (packet == 6 && do_loads) {
elemid = atoi (&buffer[2]);
loadid = atoi (&buffer[10]);
nlines = atoi (&buffer[18]);
if (loadid != lastid) {
sprintf (buffer, "PatranLoad%d", loadid);
if (verbose) {
printf ("reading packet 06 (loads) as region <%s>...\n",
fflush (stdout);
cfxImportBegReg (buffer, cfxImpREG_NODES);
lastid = loadid;
getline ();
/* add if element load flag is set */
if ('1' == buffer[0])
add_face (elemid, &buffer[9]);
while (--nlines > 0)
getline ();
/* named component */
else if (packet == 21) {
int cnt, type, id;
elemid = atoi (&buffer[2]);
nnodes = atoi (&buffer[10]) / 2;
getline ();
/* strip leading and trailing spaces */
buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1] = 0;
p = buffer + strlen (buffer);
while (--p >= buffer && isspace(*p))
*++p = 0;
for (p = buffer; *p && isspace(*p); p++)
if (verbose) {
printf ("reading packet 21 (group) as region <%s>...\n", p);
fflush (stdout);
cfxImportBegReg (p, cfxImpREG_NODES);
/* currently only handle type 5 (nodes) in groups */
for (n = 0, cnt = 0; n < nnodes; n++) {
if (0 == (n % 5))
fscanf (fp, "%d%d", &type, &id);
if (5 == type) {
nodeid[cnt++] = id;
if (8 == cnt) {
cfxImportAddReg (8, nodeid);
cnt = 0;

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


Chapter 2: Volume Mesh Import API

while (getc (fp) != '\n')
if (cnt)
cfxImportAddReg (cnt, nodeid);
cfxImportEndReg ();
/* all others */
else {
nlines = atoi (&buffer[18]);
while (nlines--)
getline ();
if (NULL == fgets (buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp))
packet = atoi (buffer);
fclose (fp);
cfxImportError (NULL);
/* finish up and send the data */
if (verbose) {
printf ("transferring data...\n");
fflush (stdout);
cfxImportDone ();
/* print summary */
if (verbose) {
size_t stats[cfxImpCNT_SIZE];
long bytes;
static char *statname[] = {
"imported nodes
"imported elements ",
"imported regions ",
"unreferenced nodes",
"duplicate nodes
"tet elements
"pyramid elements ",
"wedge elements
"hex elements
"total bytes sent "
bytes = cfxImportTotals (stats);
putchar ('\n');
for (n = 0; n < 9; n++)
printf ("%s = %ld\n", statname[n], stats[n]);
printf ("%s = %ld\n", statname[9], bytes);
exit (0);

2.5. Import Programs

The following sections detail the standard import programs currently available within CFX-Pre and their
command line equivalents.
Information about importing meshes from the CFX-Pre interface is given in Importing Meshes in the CFXPre User's Guide.
If you want to use command line options that cannot be specified through the CFX-Pre User Interface, then
you may want to run these programs as user-defined mesh import programs. User Import details how to
run a mesh import program.
The executables are located in <CFXROOT>/bin/<os>.


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2.5.3. CFX-4

ANSYS (p. 31)

CFX Def/Res (p. 31)

CFX-4 (p. 31)

CFX-5.1 (p. 32)

CFX-TfC (p. 33)

CGNS (p. 34)


GridPro/az3000 (p. 35)

I-DEAS (p. 35)

ICEM CFX (p. 36)

PATRAN (p. 36)

NASTRAN (p. 36)

CFX-TASCflow (p. 36)

2.5.1. ANSYS
Imports an ANSYS file. The external import routine is ImportANSYS. Available options are:
-v Verbose output. Echo additional data to stdout during the import.
-E Import Elements of the same type as regions.
-A Import ANSA parts as regions.
-S Display a list of all supported element types.

2.5.2. CFX Def/Res

Imports the mesh from a CFX-Solver input or results file. The external import routine is ImportDef. Available
options are:
-v Verbose output. Echo additional data to stdout during the import.
-I Read mesh from the initial timestep in the file.
-L Read mesh from the last timestep in the file.
-T<timestep> Read mesh from the timestep specified (Transient files)

2.5.3. CFX-4
Imports a CFX-4 grid file. The external import routine is ImportCFX4.
Available options are:
-v Verbose output. Echo additional data to stdout during the import.
-C Read coordinates as being in cylindrical coordinates.

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Chapter 2: Volume Mesh Import API

-i Included interfaces in regions.
-3 Include USER3D and POROUS regions as 3D regions.
-c Import blocked-off conducting solid regions as 3D regions.
-l Include blocked-off solid regions as 3D regions.
-X Import axisymmetric problem with default values in geometry file.
-a <nk> Override the number of planes created in the k direction by nk (for example, split theta with nk
planes) for axisymmetric import.
-A <theta> Create a total sector of theta degrees for axisymmetric import.
-S Rename multiple symmetry planes with the same name to conform to CFX-Solver requirements (that is,
must lie in a plane).

2.5.4. CFX-5.1
Imports a CFX-5.1 results file. The external import routine is ImportCFX5.
Available options are:
-v Verbose output. Echo additional data to stdout during the import.
-f Input file is formatted.
-u Input file is unformatted (Fortran).
-M <machine type> Set the machine type in the case of a binary or unformatted file so that data conversion
may be done if needed. The default file format is 32-bit IEEE (Iris, Sun, HP, IBM). The currently recognized
machine types are:

IEEE - generic 32-bit IEEE machine.

BSIEEE - generic 32-bit byteswapped IEEE machine.

IBM - IBM 32-bit IEEE.

IRIS - Iris 32-bit IEEE.

HP - HP 32-bit IEEE.

SUN - Sun 32-bit IEEE.

ALPHA - Compaq Tru64 UNIX Alpha 64-bit byte-swapped IEEE.

DOS - DOS 16-bit byte-swapped IEEE.

Compaq Tru64 UNIX - Compaq Tru64 UNIX 32-bit byte-swapped IEEE.

CRAY - Cray 64-bit format.

CONVEX - native Convex floating point format.

Windows - 32-bit Windows.

The argument machine type is case insensitive, and only the first 2 characters are needed (any others are


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

2.5.5. CFX-TfC
-M <machine type> Set the machine type in the case of a binary or unformatted file so that data conversion
may be done if needed. The default file format is 32-bit IEEE (Iris, Sun, HP, IBM). The currently recognized
machine types are:

IEEE - generic 32-bit IEEE machine.

BSIEEE - generic 32-bit byteswapped IEEE machine.

IBM - IBM 32-bit IEEE.

IRIS - Iris 32-bit IEEE.

HP - HP 32-bit IEEE.

SUN - Sun 32-bit IEEE.

ALPHA - Compaq Tru64 UNIX Alpha 64-bit byte-swapped IEEE.

DOS - DOS 16-bit byte-swapped IEEE.

Compaq Tru64 UNIX - Compaq Tru64 UNIX 32-bit byte-swapped IEEE.

CRAY - Cray 64-bit format.

CONVEX - native Convex floating point format.

Windows - 32-bit Windows.

The argument machine type is case insensitive, and only the first 2 characters are needed (any others are

2.5.5. CFX-TfC
Imports a CFX-TfC 1.3 mesh file. The external import routine is ImportGEM.
Available options are:
-v Verbose output. Echo additional data to stdout during the import.
-f Input file is formatted.
-u Input file is unformatted (Fortran).
-r Read regions from BFI file.
-b <file> Use file as BFI file name instead of default name.
-M <machine type> Set the machine type in the case of a binary or unformatted file so that data conversion may be done if needed. The default file format is 32-bit IEEE (Iris, Sun, HP, IBM). The currently recognized
machine types are:

IEEE - generic 32-bit IEEE machine.

BSIEEE - generic 32-bit byteswapped IEEE machine.

IBM - IBM 32-bit IEEE.

IRIS - Iris 32-bit IEEE.

HP - HP 32-bit IEEE.

SUN - Sun 32-bit IEEE.

ALPHA - Compaq Tru64 UNIX Alpha 64-bit byte-swapped IEEE.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


Chapter 2: Volume Mesh Import API

DOS - DOS 16-bit byte-swapped IEEE.

Compaq Tru64 UNIX - Compaq Tru64 UNIX 32-bit byte-swapped IEEE.

CRAY - Cray 64-bit format.

CONVEX - native Convex floating point format.

Windows - 32-bit Windows.

The argument machine type is case insensitive, and only the first 2 characters are needed (any others are

2.5.6. CGNS
Imports a CGNS file The external import routine is ImportCGNS. Available options are:
-v Verbose output. Echo additional data to stdout during the import.
-b Read a grid from the specific CGNS base.
-B Read all CGNS bases. (default)
-c Read BOCO information as 2D regions.
-f Import Family Information as regions.
-E Import each Element Section as a separate region.
-I Import each side of a connection as a separate region.
-P Do not add the Zone name as a prefix to any region being defined. SplitCGNS.exe
The SplitCGNS.exe program will take a single CGNS file and split it into multiple files on a "file per
problem basis". The method for running this is:
SplitCGNS.exe [ -l ] <filename> <basename>

If the file contains two problems called "Pipe" and "Elbow", the import filter will only currently read "Pipe",
but using SplitCGNS will produce two files called basename_Pipe.cgns and basename_Elbow.cgns
each containing a single problem which can then be selected for import via the normal method.
Specifying the "-l" option "links" the part of the data in the original file to the created file using a relative
pathname. The created file does not therefore need to duplicate data.
The "-l" option should only be used if the original file and resulting files are going to be kept relative to
each other (that is, if when SplitCGNS was run the original file was in ../../example.cgns, it must always
remain in this position relative to the created files).


Imports ANSYS FLUENT msh and cas files. The external import routine is ImportFluent. The import
routine will read the mesh information from the .cas or .msh file.
Available command line options are:

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

2.5.9. I-DEAS
-v Verbose output. Echo additional data to stdout during the import.
-I Import interior boundary conditions.

2.5.8. GridPro/az3000
Imports a GridPro/az3000 grid and connectivity file from Program Development Corporation (PDC).
The external import routine is ImportPDC. The import routine will attempt to determine the connectivity
file associated with the grid file by appending the extension conn to the grid file name. If the file is not
found, then the grid file name extension will be replaced by conn and the new file checked for. If neither
of these are found, the import routine will look for a file named conn.tmp, and if found will use it. A
command line option (-c) is also available to explicitly name the connectivity file.
If a connectivity file is found, the interface information in the file will be used to eliminate the duplicate
nodes at block interfaces, and boundaries conditions will be imported as regions into CFX. If the boundary
condition is named in the connectivity file, then that name will be used for the region name, else the default
name UnnamedRegionX with the X replaced by a number will be used. If a connectivity file is not found,
or the command line option to ignore the connectivity file is given (-i), then only the grid file will be imported, resulting in duplicate nodes at the block interfaces. You may then want to eliminate these duplicate
nodes with the command line option (-d or -D).
Available options are:
-v Verbose output. Echo additional data to stdout during the import.
-i Ignore the connectivity file. Duplicate nodes will result and no regions will be imported.
-c <connfile> Set the name of the connectivity file associated with the grid file to connfile.
-p Include periodic boundary conditions as regions. These are not normally included in the import. Setting
this flag will result in these being imported as regions.
-q Read from the property file
-P <propfile> Set the name of the property file associated with the grid file to propfile.
-3 Import grid blocks as 3D regions

2.5.9. I-DEAS
Imports an I-DEAS Universal file from SDRC. The external import routine is ImportIDEAS. Reads datasets 781
and 2411 (nodes) as nodes, 780 and 2412 (elements) as elements, and nodes (type 7) from datasets 752 and
2417 (permanent groups) as regions. All other datasets are read, but not processed.
Available options are:
-v Verbose output. Echo additional data to stdout during the import.
-n Import nodes in a PERMANENT group as a 2D region.
-l Import elements in a PERMANENT group as a 3D region.
-f Import faces in a PERMANENT group as a 2D region.

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Chapter 2: Volume Mesh Import API

2.5.10. ICEM CFX

Imports a file written for CFX by ICEM Tetra. The external import routine is ImportICEM. Available options
-v Verbose output. Echo additional data to stdout during the import.
-P Read coordinate data from a binary file as double precision.

2.5.11. PATRAN
Imports a PATRAN Neutral file. The external import routine is ImportPatran. Reads packet 01 (nodes) as
nodes, packet 02 (elements) as elements, and nodes (type 5) from packet 21 (named groups) as regions. A
command line option is available to read packet 06 (loads) as regions also. All other packets are read, but
not processed.
Available options are:
-v Verbose output. Echo additional data to stdout during the import.
-l Import packet 06 (distributed loads) as regions. The regions will be assigned the name PatranLoadX
where the X is replaced by the load ID number.

2.5.12. NASTRAN
Imports a NASTRAN file. The external import routine is ImportMSC. Currently reads only nodes (GRID), tet
(CTETRA) and hex (CHEXA) elements.
Available options are:
-v Verbose output. Echo additional data to stdout during the import.
-l Import PLOAD4 datasets as 2D regions.
-s Import PSOLID datasets as 3D regions.

2.5.13. CFX-TASCflow
Imports TASCflow Version 2 files. The external import routine is ImportGRD. The import routine will read
the mesh information from the GRD file and automatically remove duplicate nodes where interfaces are
defined and are 1:1.
Available command line options are:
-v Verbose output. Echo additional data to stdout during the import.
-V More verbose output.
-i Ignore the blockoff file (BCF).
-c Ignore GCI file.
-o Old style 2.4 format.


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2.5.13. CFX-TASCflow
-b <file> Specifies bcf file which contains blocked-off regions (boundary condition information is ignored).
For details, see CFX-TASCflow Files in the CFX-Pre User's Guide.
-g <file> Specifies gci file to import. For details, see CFX-TASCflow Files in the CFX-Pre User's Guide.
-f Formatted (ASCII) GRD file.
-u Fortran unformatted GRD file.
-3 Import labelled 3D regions.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Chapter 3: Mesh and Results Export API

This document describes how to create a custom program for exporting mesh and results data. Information
on using such a program is given in Using a Customized Export Program.
This chapter describes:
3.1. Creating a Customized Export Program
3.2. Compiling Code with the Mesh and Results Export API
3.3. Linking Code with the Mesh and Results Export API
3.4. Details of the Mesh Export API

3.1. Creating a Customized Export Program

The mesh and results contained within an ANSYS CFX results file can be exported in many formats, ready
for input into post-processing software other than CFD-Post, MSC/PATRAN, EnSight and Fieldview. To do
this, you would write a customized export program that calls routines from the Export Application Programming Interface (API). However, this is recommended only for advanced users, because it involves at least
some knowledge of C or C++ programming language.
Once an export program has been created, it can be used by any number of users; so if other ANSYS CFX
users at a site regularly use a different post-processor, it may be worth contacting a system administrator
to find out if such a format has already been defined.
To define a new format, use the export API. The general steps to follow are:

Create a file that contains instructions needed to build the format in C.

This is most easily done by editing the template file provided (which is written in C). For details, see
An Example of an Export Program (p. 40).


Compile your C program.

For details, see Compiling Code with the Mesh and Results Export API (p. 51).


Link the C program into the CFX code.

For details, see Linking Code with the Mesh and Results Export API (p. 51).


Use the program.

For details, see Using a Customized Export Program.

Numerous keywords are required for development and use of custom export files. For details, see cfx5export
An example source routine can be used as the basis of a customized program; one is given in the next section.

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Chapter 3: Mesh and Results Export API

3.1.1. An Example of an Export Program

The following is an annotated listing of the C source code for a reasonably simple example of a customized
Export program. The full source code is available for use as a template and is located in CFX/examples/ExportTemplate.c, where CFX is the directory in which CFX is installed.
The example program is a reasonably simple example of an export program, which opens a CFX results file,
writes a geometry file (ignoring pyramid elements) and several files containing results. After the program
listing, a sample of the output produced is shown. File Header

The file header uses several #include entries. The first set includes standard header files.


The second set includes cfx5export header files.

#include "cfxExport.h"
#include "getargs.h"

Obtaining CFX-Mesh and Results Export API header files is described in more detail. For details, see Linking
Code with the Mesh and Results Export API (p. 51). Allowed Arguments

The definition of allowed arguments appears as:
static char options[] = "u:d:t:cif";

The following piece of code simply defines the message that is printed if the user enters incorrect options
to the program.
static char *usgmsg[] = {
"usage: ExportTemplate [options] res_file [basename]",
" options are:",
" -u<level>
= user level of interest",
" -d<domain>
= domain of interest (default is 0 - all the domains",
are combined into a single domain)",
" -t<timestep> = timestep of interest (if set to -1, all timesteps",
are exported)"
" -c
= use corrected boundary node data",
" -i
= include boundary node only data",
" -f
= get info on the res_file (No output is created)",
" <basename> is the base filename for Template file output.",
"If not specified, it defaults to res_file. The Template",
"geometry file will be written to <basename>.geom, the",
"results file to <basename>.res, and the variables to",
"<basename>.s## or <basename>.v## where ## is the variable",
"number and s indicates a scalar and v a vector.",
}; Main Program Initialization

As is standard, the variables argc and argv are the number of arguments and a pointer to the argument
list. The variable cfxCNT_SIZE and the types cfxNode and cfxElement are defined in the header file
cfxExport.h as are all variables and functions starting with the letters cfx. For details, see Mesh and


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

3.1.1. An Example of an Export Program

Results Export API (p. 39). The variables level, zone, alias, bndfix and bnddat are used for setting
the default values for the various parameters that can be set on the command line of the program.
void main (int argc, char *argv[])
char *pptr;
char baseFileName[256], fileName[256], errmsg[256];
int i, n, counts[cfxCNT_SIZE], dim, length, namelen;
int nnodes, nelems, nscalars, nvectors, nvalues;
int level = 1, zone = 0, alias = 1, bndfix = 0, bnddat = 0;
int timestep = -1, infoOnly = 0;
int ts, t, t1, t2;
int nTimeDig = 1;
/* number of digits in transient file suffix */
char zoneExt[256];
/* zone extension added to the base filename */
int isTimestep = 0;
float timeVal = 0.0; /* time value in the single timestep mode */
char *wildcard = { "******" }; /* used in transient file specification */
FILE *fp;
cfxNode *nodes;
cfxElement *elems;
float *var;

The variable cfxCNT_SIZE and the types cfxNode and cfxElement are defined in the header file
cfxExport.h as are all variables and functions starting with the letters cfx. For details, see Mesh and
Results Export API (p. 39). The variables level, zone, alias, bndfix and bnddat are used for setting
the default values for the various parameters that can be set on the command line of the program.
The following line prints an error message if there are not enough arguments to proceed.
if (argc < 2)
cfxUsage (usgmsg, NULL);

The following piece of code reads the specified options and assigns values to certain variables accordingly.
If an invalid or incomplete option is specified, then getargs prints an error message and the export program
while ((n = getargs (argc, argv, options)) > 0) {
switch (n) {
case u:
level = atoi (argarg);
case d:
zone = atoi (argarg);
case t:
timestep = atoi (argarg);
isTimestep = 1;
case c:
bndfix = 1;
case i:
bnddat = 1;
case f:
infoOnly = 1;

After this, the level variable contains the user level specified. All results are output if they are of this user
level or below it. The zone variable contains the domain number that you specified. The variable alias
determines whether the variables are referred to by their long names or short names. The default here is
for short names to be used because some post-processors need variable names to contain no spaces, but
you are encouraged to use long variable names wherever possible. The variable bndfix determines
whether the variables are exported with corrected boundary node values - if bndfix is set to 1, then corRelease 13.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
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Chapter 3: Mesh and Results Export API

rected values are used. Finally, bnddat determines whether variables that contain meaningful values only
on the boundary (such as Yplus) are exported or not; if bnddat is set to 1, then these variables are exported. Checking File Names

The following code checks to make sure that a CFX results file has been specified, and that it can be read
by the export program. If this is not the case, the export program exits.
/* CFX-5 results file */
if (argind >= argc)
cfxUsage (usgmsg, "CFX-5 results file not specified");
if (access (argv[argind], 0)) {
fprintf (stderr, "result file <%s> does not exist\n", argv[argind]);
exit (1);

The following code writes the basename specified to the character array baseFileName. If one was not
specified, then it defaults to the name of the results file specified. A basename name may be specified in
another directory (for example, ../template/output). However, later in the code this basename without the
preceding directory information is required (in this example output); and so the pointer pptr is assigned
to point to the first character of this name.
/* base file name */
if (argind + 1 < argc)
strcpy (baseFileName,
strcpy (baseFileName,
if (NULL != (pptr = strrchr
else if (NULL != (pptr =
pptr = baseFileName;

(baseFileName, /)))
strrchr (baseFileName, \\)))

The following code checks that the results file that will be produced by the export program will not overwrite
an existing results file.
/* dont overwrite results file */
sprintf (fileName, "%s.res", baseFileName);
if (0 == strcmp (argv[argind], fileName)) {
fprintf (stderr, "Template res file would overwrite CFX results file\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Need to select new Template output base file name\n");
exit (1);
} Opening the CFX Results File

The following code prints a message to the screen telling you that the program is reading the results file.
It then calls cfxExportInit, which must always be called before any of the other export routines. The
variable n is set to equal the number of zones in the results file. If the -f option has been selected, information about the results file will be displayed. The number of domains to be exported is also determined so
that the format of the exported file includes the appropriate suffix. Finally, a check is made to make sure
that the zone (if any) that you specified in the program options is a valid zone for this results file.
/* open CFX-5 results file */
printf ("\nreading CFX results from <%s>\n", argv[argind]);
n = cfxExportInit (argv[argind], NULL);
if (infoOnly) {
int nt;
printf("\n%d domains:\n", n);
for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
printf(" %d
%s\n", i, cfxExportZoneName(i));
nt = cfxExportTimestepCount();
printf("%d timesteps:\n", nt);


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

3.1.1. An Example of an Export Program

if(nt) {
for(i = 1; i <= nt; i++)
printf(" %d\n", cfxExportTimestepNumGet(i));
exit (0);
/* determine the zone suffix for the export files */
strcpy(zoneExt, "");
if(zone == 0) {
printf ("processing all domains\n");
cfxExportSetVarParams(bndfix, level);
else {
printf ("processing domain %d\n", zone);
if(n != 1) {
float f;
int nZoneDig = 0;
/* count number of digits needed to fit any zone number */
f = (float) n;
while((f /= 10) >= 1) nZoneDig++;
sprintf(zoneExt, "_d%*.*d", nZoneDig, nZoneDig, zone);
if (cfxExportZoneSet (zone, counts) < 0)
cfxExportFatal ("invalid zone number");

The following code is ignoring any pyramid elements (elements with 5 nodes) and decreases nelems by
the number of pyramid elements. It then checks to make sure that neither the number of nodes nor the
number of elements is zero; if so, the program exits with return code -1.
The first two lines focus on the number of nodes in the zone and the number of elements in the zone.
nnodes = cfxExportNodeCount();
nelems = cfxExportElementCount();
if (counts[cfxCNT_PYR]) {
printf ("%d pyramid elements found - they are being ignored\n",
nelems -= counts[cfxCNT_PYR];
if (!nnodes
cfxExportFatal ("no nodes and/or elements"); Timestep Setup

The following code determines whether all of the timesteps, a specific timestep or the final timestep (steadystate) have been selected for export.
if(isTimestep && timestep == -1 && !cfxExportTimestepCount()) {
isTimestep = 0;
if(isTimestep) {
int i;
float f;
if(timestep == -1) {
printf("processing all timesteps\n");
t1 = 1;
t2 = cfxExportTimestepCount() + 1;
else {
int isFound = 0;
printf("processing timestep %d\n", timestep);
for(i = 1; i <= cfxExportTimestepCount() + 1; i++)
if(cfxExportTimestepNumGet(i) == timestep) {
timeVal = cfxExportTimestepTimeGet(i);
t1 = t2 = i;
isFound = 1;
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Chapter 3: Mesh and Results Export API

if(!isFound) {
sprintf(errmsg, "\nTimestep %d not found. "
"Use -f to see the list of valid timesteps.\n", timestep);
cfxExportFatal (errmsg);
/* count number of digits needed to fit any timestep number */
f = (float) cfxExportTimestepCount();
while((f /= 10) >= 1) nTimeDig++;
else {
timeVal = cfxExportTimestepTimeGet(cfxExportTimestepCount() + 1);
timestep = cfxExportTimestepNumGet(cfxExportTimestepCount() + 1);
t1 = t2 = cfxExportTimestepCount() + 1;
} Geometry File Output

The following code opens the geometry file basename.geom, printing an error if it cant be opened for
any reason. A message is then displayed informing the user that the application is writing the geometry file.
/* Template geometry output */
sprintf (fileName, "%s.geom", baseFileName);
if (NULL == (fp = fopen (fileName, "w+"))) {
sprintf (errmsg, "cant open <%s> for output", fileName);
cfxExportFatal (errmsg);
printf ("writing Template Geometry file to <%s>\n", fileName);

The header of this file is shown after the program listing.

/* write header
fprintf( fp,
fprintf( fp,
fprintf( fp,
fprintf( fp,

"Template Geometry file exported from CFX\n");
" \n");
"node id given\n");
"element id off\n");

The following code writes first the word coordinates and the number of nodes that will be written. The
pointer nodes is initialized to point at the data for the first node and the node data is written into the geometry file. For each node, a node number is written, followed by the three coordinates of that node. Note
that n ranges between 0 and nnodes-1. This program adds 1 to each node number so that the nodes in
the geometry file are numbered between 1 and nnodes. When it has finished, the cfxExportNodeFree
routine frees the memory that was used to store the node data, and finally the word done is printed on
the screen to alert you that it has finished writing the node data.
/* write nodes */
fprintf( fp, "coordinates\n");
fprintf( fp, "%8d\n", nnodes );
nodes = cfxExportNodeList();
printf (" writing %d nodes ...", nnodes);
fflush (stdout);
for (n = 0; n < nnodes; n++, nodes++) {
fprintf( fp, "%8d %12.5e %12.5e %12.5e\n", n + 1, nodes->x,
nodes->y, nodes->z );
printf (" done\n");

Next, the data for each element must be written.

Firstly, some general information is written. Then the data for each element type is written in turn.
/* write elements */
fprintf( fp, "part 1\n" );
fprintf( fp, "volume elements\n");
printf (" writing %d elements...", nelems);
fflush (stdout);


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3.1.1. An Example of an Export Program

For tetrahedral elements, the word tetra4 is written to the file, followed by the number of tetrahedral
elements written.
/* tets */
fprintf( fp, "tetra4\n");
fprintf( fp, "%8d\n", counts[cfxCNT_TET] );

The following code is executed only if the number of tetrahedral elements is non-zero. Assuming this, elems
is set to point to the list of elements stored in the results file. The index n loops over all the elements. For
each element, the following step is carried out: If the element is a tetrahedron, then loop over its four vertices
and write their node numbers to the geometry file, then start a new line (ready for the next set of data).
The output produced can be seen in the examples of the exported files in the next section.
if (counts[cfxCNT_TET]) {
elems = cfxExportElementList();
for (n = 0; n < nelems; n++, elems++) {
if (cfxELEM_TET == elems->type) {
for (i = 0; i < elems->type; i++)
fprintf (fp, "%8d", elems->nodeid[i]);
putc (\n, fp);

For wedges (triangular prisms) and hexahedral elements, the same procedure is followed. However, there
is a slight difference in the way that the fprintf line is written for hexahedral elements. This is because
the order that the element nodes are written to the geometry file is different to the order in which they
were read from the results file. This may need to be done if a post-processor has a different convention for
node order than the one that the cfx5export node routines have. The order the nodes are written in will
affect which node is connected to which. The node ordering for exported elements is illustrated in cfxExportElementList (p. 57).
/* wedges */
fprintf( fp, "penta6\n");
fprintf( fp, "%8d\n", counts[cfxCNT_WDG] );
if (counts[cfxCNT_WDG]) {
elems = cfxExportElementList();
for (n = 0; n < nelems; n++, elems++) {
if (cfxELEM_WDG == elems->type) {
for (i = 0; i < elems->type; i++)
fprintf (fp, "%8d", elems->nodeid[i]);
putc (\n, fp);
/* hexes */
fprintf( fp, "hexa8\n");
fprintf( fp, "%8d\n", counts[cfxCNT_HEX] );
if (counts[cfxCNT_HEX]) {
elems = cfxExportElementList();
for (n = 0; n < nelems; n++, elems++) {
if (cfxELEM_HEX == elems->type)
fprintf (fp, "%8d%8d%8d%8d%8d%8d%8d%8d\n",
elems->nodeid[0], elems->nodeid[1],
elems->nodeid[3], elems->nodeid[2],
elems->nodeid[4], elems->nodeid[5],
elems->nodeid[7], elems->nodeid[6]);

Then the geometry file is closed and the memory occupied by the element data is freed.
printf (" done\n");
fclose (fp);

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Chapter 3: Mesh and Results Export API Template Results File

Despite its name, the Template results file does not contain any actual values of results. It simply contains
information about how many variables there are and in which file each is stored.
The first job is to make sure that there are some results for export. First, the code checks that there is a
nonzero number of variables that have the specified user level. Then it counts the number of scalar and
vector variables that will be exported. To be exported, a variable must:

Have a dimension of 1 (scalar variable) or 3 (vector variable) and,


Either be a variable with useful values everywhere in the zone or be a variable that has values only
on the boundaries (in which case it will be exported only if you asked to include boundary node only
data by specifying the option -i when starting the export program, which translated to setting
bnddat = 1 when the arguments were processed).

Review the cfxExportVariableSize routine if this logic is unclear. For details, see cfxExportVariableSize (p. 64).
Once results are identified, the code calculates the variable namelen, which is the length of the longest
variable name to be exported (the alias variable was set when processing the arguments passed to the
export program, and depends upon whether you wanted to use long names or short names). If there are
no vector or scalar variables to be exported, the export program exits.
/* output results file */
nscalars = nvectors = namelen = 0;
if ((nvalues = cfxExportVariableCount(level)) > 0) {
for (n = 1; n <= nvalues; n++) {
cfxExportVariableSize (n, &dim, &length, &i);
if ((1 != dim && 3 != dim)
(length != nnodes && length != bnddat))
if (1 == dim)
i = strlen (cfxExportVariableName (n, alias));
if (namelen < i)
namelen = i;
if (0 == (nscalars + nvectors)) {
cfxExportDone ();
exit (0);

The following code checks that the results file can be opened for writing to, and exits if not. The number
of scalar and vector variables are written to the file, followed by some numbers (which EnSight, for example,
requires) that are always the same for any export of this kind.
sprintf (fileName, "%s.res", baseFileName);
if (NULL == (fp = fopen (fileName, "w+"))) {
sprintf (errmsg, "cant open <%s> for writing", fileName);
cfxExportFatal (errmsg);
printf ("writing Template results file to <%s>\n", fileName);
fflush (stdout);
fprintf( fp, "%d %d 0\n", nscalars, nvectors );
fprintf( fp, "%d\n", t2 - t1 + 1 );
for(i = t1; i <= t2; i++) {
fprintf( fp, "%13.4e", cfxExportTimestepTimeGet(i));
if(!(i % 6)) fprintf( fp, "\n");
fprintf( fp, "\n");


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

3.1.1. An Example of an Export Program

if(isTimestep && t1 != t2)
fprintf( fp, "0 1\n");

Next, for each scalar variable, a line is written that contains the filename where the scalar will be written,
and then the name of the variable. Note that the filename is not the basename, but the basename with all
the directory structure (if any) stripped off the front. For details, see Checking File Names (p. 42). This is done
because these file will be written in the same directory as this Template results file, so there is no need for
directory information.
if ( nscalars ) {
for (n = 1; n <= nvalues; n++) {
cfxExportVariableSize (n, &dim, &length, &i);
if (1 == dim && (length == nnodes
length == bnddat))
fprintf (fp, "%s%s.s%2.2d %s\n", pptr, zoneExt,
n, cfxExportVariableName(n, alias));
else if(t1 == t2)
fprintf (fp, "%s%s_t%d.s%2.2d %s\n", pptr, zoneExt,
cfxExportTimestepNumGet(t1), n,
cfxExportVariableName(n, alias));
fprintf (fp, "%s%s_t%*.*s.s%2.2d %s\n", pptr, zoneExt,
nTimeDig, nTimeDig, wildcard, n,
cfxExportVariableName(n, alias));

The same information is then written for each vector variable and the Template results file is closed.
if ( nvectors ) {
for (n = 1; n <= nvalues; n++) {
cfxExportVariableSize (n, &dim, &length, &i);
if (3 == dim && (length == nnodes
length == bnddat))
fprintf (fp, "%s%s.v%2.2d %s\n", pptr, zoneExt,
n, cfxExportVariableName(n, alias));
else if(t1 == t2)
fprintf (fp, "%s%s_t%d.v%2.2d %s\n", pptr, zoneExt,
cfxExportTimestepNumGet(t1), n,
cfxExportVariableName(n, alias));
fprintf (fp, "%s%s_t%*.*s.v%2.2d %s\n", pptr, zoneExt,
nTimeDig, nTimeDig, wildcard, n,
cfxExportVariableName(n, alias));
fclose( fp ); Creating Files with Results for Each Variable

The results for each variable are written to separate files, called <basename>.s01, <basename>.s02,
<basename>.v03, for example. Each file with an extension containing a letter s contains a scalar variable,
and each with a v contains a vector variable. Which variable is written to each file is tabulated in the
Template results file that has just been written.
The following code reads the information for each variable, after you decide that it should be exported the logic is very similar to that used when counting the relevant variables when creating the Template results
file. The marked if loop executes if the variable needs to be exported. It checks to make sure that the
variable information can be read, and (assuming it can) then builds the filename and checks to see if it can
be opened. Continuing, it writes to the screen where it is putting the variable, and then loops through all
the values, writing them to the file, inserting a new line every six values. After each variable, the memory
used to store that variable is restored.

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Chapter 3: Mesh and Results Export API

After all the variable files have been written, the program calls the cfxExportDone routine, which close
the CFX results file, and frees up any remaining memory. This routine must be the last call to any of the API
routines. The program then exits.

This program makes no use of any of the region routines, which enable access to boundary
condition data, nor the volume routines that enable access to the subdomains that are defined
for a problem.

Region Routines (p. 59)

Volume Routines (p. 61)

/* output each timestep to a different file */
for(t = t1; t <= t2; t++) {
ts = cfxExportTimestepNumGet(t);
if(cfxExportTimestepSet(ts) < 0) {
/* build file name and open file */
sprintf( fileName, "%s%s.%c%2.2d", baseFileName, zoneExt,
1 == dim ? s : v, n);
else if(t1 == t2)
sprintf( fileName, "%s%s_t%d.%c%2.2d", baseFileName, zoneExt,
ts, 1 == dim ? s : v, n);
sprintf( fileName, "%s%s_t%*.*d.%c%2.2d", baseFileName, zoneExt,
nTimeDig, nTimeDig, t-1, 1 == dim ? s : v, n);
if (NULL == (fp = fopen (fileName, "w+"))) {
sprintf (errmsg, "cant open <%s> for writing\n", fileName);
cfxExportFatal (errmsg);
printf (" %-*s -> %s ...", namelen,
cfxExportVariableName(n, alias), fileName);
fflush (stdout);
fprintf( fp, "%s\n", cfxExportVariableName(n, alias));
length = nnodes * dim;
for ( i = 0; i < length; i++, var++ ) {
fprintf( fp, "%12.5e ", *var );
if ( i && 5 == (i % 6) )
putc (\n, fp);
if ( 0 != ( nvalues % 6 ) )
putc( \n, fp );
fclose( fp );
cfxExportVariableFree (n);
printf (" done\n");
} /* loop for each timestep */
exit (0);

3.1.2. Example of Output Produced

If the export program is correctly compiled and run, the following output is obtained. For details, see Using
a Customized Export Program.
In this example, the CFX results file contains three variables at user level 1: pressure, temperature and velocity.
This is in a file named file.res. No timesteps or domains were specified, and the basename was specified as
an example.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

3.1.2. Example of Output Produced

The following is displayed on screen:
reading CFX results from <file.res>
processing all domains
writing Template Geometry file to <example.geom>
writing 2365 nodes ... done
writing 11435 elements... done
writing Template results file to <example.res>
writing variable output files
-> example.s01 ... done
Temperature -> example.s02 ... done
-> example.v03 ... done

Five files are produced: the geometry file example.geom, the Template results file example.res, and
three variable files called example.s01, example.s02 and example.v03, which contain the results
for pressure, temperature and velocity, respectively. For details, see:

example.geom (p. 49)

example.res (p. 49)

example.s01 (p. 50) example.geom
The content of this file appears as:
Template Geometry file exported from CFX
node id given
element id off
1 2.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00
2-2.00000e+00-6.51683e-07 0.00000e+00
3 2.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 2.00000e+00
4-2.00000e+00-6.51683e-07 2.00000e+00
5 3.00000e+00 1.00000e+00 5.00000e-01
2362-1.13337e+00 2.18877e-01 4.02491e-01
2363-1.12115e+00-3.66598e-01 2.22610e-01
2364 1.36924e+00 4.78359e-01 1.22588e-01
2365-3.30703e-01 1.38487e+00 2.23515e+00
part 1
volume elements
0 example.res
The content of this file appears as:
2 1 0
0 1

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Chapter 3: Mesh and Results Export API

example.s01 Pressure
example.s02 Temperature
example.v03 Velocity example.s01
The content of this file appears as:
1.42748e+04 1.42621e+04 1.43425e+04 1.43350e+04 1.44118e+04 1.44777e+04
1.38639e+04 1.37352e+04 1.44130e+04 1.44755e+04 1.37733e+04 1.37626e+04
1.39092e+04 1.40699e+04 1.24139e+04 1.34786e+04 1.34859e+04 1.37959e+04

3.1.3. Source Code for getargs.c

The following code is the C code that defines the functions cfxUsage and getargs, both of which are
called by the example listing above. You do not need to include this code with your custom export program
(it is automatically linked in if you use the compiler as described in the next section).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "getargs.h"
/*---------- usage -------------------------------------------------* display usage message and exit
void cfxUsage (
char **usgmsg, char *errmsg)
usgmsg, errmsg)
char **usgmsg, *errmsg;
int n;
if (NULL != errmsg)
fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: %s\n", errmsg);
for (n = 0; NULL != usgmsg[n]; n++)
fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", usgmsg[n]);
exit (NULL != errmsg);
/*---------- getargs --------------------------------------------------* get option letter from argument vector or terminates on error
* this is similar to getopt()
int argind = 0; /* index into argv array */
char *argarg;
/* pointer to argument string */
int getargs (
int argc, char **argv, char *ostr)
argc, argv, ostr)
int argc;
char **argv, *ostr;
int argopt;
char *oli;
static char *place;
static int nextarg;
/* initialisation */
if (!argind)
nextarg = 1;
if (nextarg) { /* update scanning pointer */
nextarg = 0;
/* end of arguments */


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3.3. Linking Code with the Mesh and Results Export API
if (++argind >= argc
- != argv[argind][0])
return (0);
place = argarg = &argv[argind][1];
/* check for valid option */
if ((argopt = *place++) == :
(oli = strchr (ostr, argopt)) == NULL) {
fprintf (stderr, "invalid command line option `%c\n", argopt);
exit (1);
/* check for an argument */
if (*++oli != :) {
/* dont need argument */
argarg = NULL;
if (!*place)
nextarg = 1;
else {
/* need an argument */
if (!*place) {
if (++argind >= argc) {
fprintf (stderr, "missing argument for option `%c\n", argopt);
exit (1);
place = argv[argind];
argarg = place;
nextarg = 1;
return (argopt);
/* return option letter */

3.2. Compiling Code with the Mesh and Results Export API
Compilation of a customized executable must be performed using an appropriate compiler and compiler
The customized executable must also be linked with the provided Mesh and Results Export API library and
the provided i/o library as detailed in Linking Code with the Mesh and Results Export API (p. 51).

3.2.1. Compiler Flags

The following compiler flags are necessary for successful compilation on the listed platforms:


hpux (pa-2)

+DS2.0W +DA2.0W



linux (32 bit)



<none>, but use icc compiler




-q64 (the linker may also need -b64)

3.3. Linking Code with the Mesh and Results Export API
In order to build a customized export utility, it must be linked with several libraries. With the exception of
bufferoverflowu.lib, these libraries are located in <CFXROOT>/lib/<os>/:

libmeshexport.lib (on Windows), or libmeshexport.a (on UNIX/Linux)

libratlas_api.lib (on Windows), or libratlas_api.a (on UNIX/Linux)

libratlas.lib (on Windows), or libratlas.a (on UNIX/Linux)

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Chapter 3: Mesh and Results Export API

libpgtapi.lib (on Windows), or libpgtapi.a (on UNIX/Linux)

libunits.lib (on Windows), or libunits.a (on UNIX/Linux)

libcclapilt.lib (on Windows), or libcclapilt.a (on UNIX/Linux)

libio.lib (on Windows), or libio.a (on UNIX/Linux)

bufferoverflowu.lib (on Windows 64bit)

3.3.1. UNIX
On most UNIX systems, build the executable with the command:

cc export.c -o export.exe -I<CFXROOT>/include/ -L<CFXROOT>/lib/<OSDIR> -lmeshexport -lratlas_api -lratlas -lpgtapi -lcc

where <CFXROOT> is the directory in which CFX is installed and <OSDIR> is a directory name corresponding
to the architecture of the machine that you are running on (that is, one of solaris, hpux, hpux-ia64,
aix, linux, or linux-ia64). In this example, your own export program is named export.c and the
executable file will be called export.exe.
The compiler flags and required libraries may vary, depending on the compiler and the custom program.

3.3.2. Windows (32-bit)

You can build the executables on 32-bit Windows systems that have Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express
Edition. An example command line follows:
cl /MD /I "C:\Program Files\Ansys Inc\v130\CFX\include" ExportTemplate.c
/link /libpath:"C:\Program Files\Ansys Inc\v130\CFX\lib\winnt" libcclapilt.lib
libio.lib libmeshexport.lib libunits.lib libpgtapi.lib libratlas_api.lib

3.3.3. Windows (64-bit)

You can build the executables on 64-bit Windows systems that have Windows Server 2005 Platform SDK.
An example command line follows:
cl /MD /I C:\Program Files\Ansys Inc\v130\CFX\include ExportTemplate.c
/link /libpath:C:\Program Files\Ansys Inc\v130\CFX\lib\winnt-amd64 libcclapilt.lib libio.lib libmeshexport.lib libunits.lib libpgtapi.lib libratlas_api.lib libratlas.lib bufferoverflowu.lib

3.4. Details of the Mesh Export API

The full list of constants, data structures, types and functions available to the programmer are given in the
following sections:
3.4.1. Defined Constants and Structures
3.4.2. Initialization and Error Routines
3.4.3. Zone Routines
3.4.4. Node Routines
3.4.5. Element Routines
3.4.6. Region Routines
3.4.7. Face Routines
3.4.8. Volume Routines
3.4.9. Boundary Condition Routines

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

3.4.1. Defined Constants and Structures

3.4.10. Variable Routines

3.4.1. Defined Constants and Structures

The following constants and data structures are defined in the header file cfxExport.h, which should be
included in the export program. Element Types

CFX can use 4 types of element, which are identified by the number of nodes: tetrahedrons (4 nodes), pyramids (5 nodes), prisms/wedges (6 nodes), and hexahedrons (8 nodes). The element types are identified in
the Export API by the following constants:


8 Volume List Types

The Export API contains functions that enable the user to query how volumes are defined in the results file.
It is possible to request how a volume is defined in terms of nodes or elements. (For details, see Volume
Routines (p. 61).)
The following constants are defined in the header file and should be used as arguments to the Volume
#define cfxVOL_NODES 0
#define cfxVOL_ELEMS 1 Region List Types

The Export API contains functions that enable the user to query how regions are defined in the results file.
It is possible to request how a region is defined in terms of nodes or faces. (For details, see Region
Routines (p. 59).)
The following constants are defined in the header file and should be used as arguments to the Region
#define cfxREG_NODES 0
#define cfxREG_FACES 1

In the case of nodes, the global node number is returned, while in the case of faces, the returned value is
a combination of the global element number and local face number of the element. The following macros
are available to enable the user to extract the element and face number from the combined value:
#define cfxFACENUM(face) ((face) & 7)
#define cfxELEMNUM(face) ((face) >> 3) Count Entries

Two routines exist for initializing the Export API (see cfxExportInit (p. 54)) and requesting the totals of certain
quantities in a zone (see cfxExportZoneSet (p. 55)). The array returned from both of these routines requires
the following constants to be used by the calling program to reference the correct quantities.
enum cfxCounts {
cfxCNT_NODE = 0, /* number of nodes */
cfxCNT_ELEMENT, /* number of elements */
/* number of volumes */

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Chapter 3: Mesh and Results Export API

cfxCNT_REGION, /* number of regions */
cfxCNT_VARIABLE, /* number of variables */
cfxCNT_TET, /* number of tetrahedral elements */
cfxCNT_PYR, /* number of pyramid elements */
cfxCNT_WDG, /* number of wedge elements */
cfxCNT_HEX, /* number of hexahedral elements */
cfxCNT_SIZE /* size of count array */
}; Node Data Structure

Nodes are represented in the Export API using the following structure (note the change in data type of x, y
and z):
typedef struct cfxNode {
float x, y, z;
} cfxNode;

where x, y, and z are the coordinates of the node. A pointer to an array of these structures is returned by
cfxExportNodeList. For details, see cfxExportNodeList (p. 57). Element Data Structure

Elements are represented by the Export API using the following structure:
typedef struct cfxElement {
int type;
int *nodeid;
} cfxElement;

where type is the element type and nodeid is an array of node numbers that define the topology of the
element. A pointer to an array of these structures is returned by cfxExportElementList. For details,
see Element Types (p. 53) and cfxExportElementList (p. 57).

3.4.2. Initialization and Error Routines

The following routines open and close the CFX results file, initialize the Export API, and handle fatal error
processing. The first call to any of the API routines must be cfxExportInit and the last call should be
cfxExportDone. For details, see:

cfxExportInit (p. 54)

cfxExportDone (p. 54). cfxExportInit
int cfxExportInit (char *resfile, int counts[cfxCNT_SIZE])

Opens the CFX results file named resfile and initializes the Export API. This should be the first call made
to the API.
The routine returns the total number of zones. If the array counts is supplied to the routine (that is, it is
not NULL), the array is filled with values representing the total number of nodes, elements, volumes, regions
and variables for all the zones are returned in this array. cfxExportDone
void cfxExportDone ()


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3.4.3. Zone Routines

Closes the CFX results file and destroys any internal storage used by the API. This should be the final call
made to the Export API. cfxExportError
void cfxExportError (void (*callback) (char *errmsg))

Specify a callback function that will be executed when a fatal error is generated by a call to cfxImportFatal
(see cfxImportFatal (p. 16)). The argument, callback, is the function that will be called, it should take an argument that is the error message passed to cfxImportFatal. It is the responsibility of the function to terminate
the application if required. cfxExportFatal
void cfxExportFatal (char *errmsg)

Generate a fatal error message (errmsg) and close the ANSYS CFX results file. This routine also calls a callback
function, if one has been specified by cfxExportError (see cfxExportError (p. 55)). If no callback function
has been specified the function also terminates the application. There is no return from this call.

3.4.3. Zone Routines

A zone is defined as groups of nodes or faces that are located on the external boundaries of the domain.
The following routines provide functionality for returning the number of zones in the open CFX results file
specifying and requesting the current zone, and destroying any internal storage associated with a zone. All
other routines in the Export API refer to quantities in the current zone being accessed by the API. By default
the current zone is the global zone (a combination of all zones in the ANSYS CFX results file), but this can
be the current zone can be altered by making a call to cfxExportZoneSet (see cfxExportZoneSet (p. 55)).
Once this call has been made, any other function returns information about this zone until a subsequent
call is made. cfxExportZoneCount
int cfxExportZoneCount ()

Return the number of zones in the CFX results file. cfxExportZoneSet
int cfxExportZoneSet (int zone, int counts[cfxCNT_SIZE])

Set the current zone being accessed by the Export API.

The value of zone should be between 1 and the value returned by cfxExportZoneCount (see cfxExportZoneCount (p. 55)) or 0 if the global zone is to be accessed.
The function returns 0 if the value of zone is invalid or the value zone if setting of the zone was successful.
The argument counts can be passed as a NULL pointer. In this case no information is returned to the calling
function other than the return value mentioned above. If counts is specified it must be at least cfxCNT_SIZE
in size, not specifying an array large enough can result in errors. In the case when counts is supplied correctly
the total number of nodes, elements, volumes, regions and variables will be returned. cfxExportZoneGet
int cfxExportZoneGet ()

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Chapter 3: Mesh and Results Export API

Returns the current zone number. cfxExportZoneFree
void cfxExportZoneFree ()

While a zone is being accessed, internal storage is allocated, this storage should be deallocated when no
longer required. This can be done by calling cfxExportZoneFree or by calling cfxExportNodeFree,
cfxExportElementFree, cfxExportVolumeFree, cfxExportRegionFree and cfxExportVariableFree. Details on each of these routines is available; see:

cfxExportNodeFree (p. 57)

cfxExportElementFree (p. 58)

cfxExportVolumeFree (p. 62)

cfxExportRegionFree (p. 60)

cfxExportVariableFree (p. 65). cfxExportZoneIsRotating
int cfxExportZoneIsRotating(double rotationAxis[2][3], double *angularVelocity)

Query whether the current zone is rotating and describe axis and angular velocity of the rotation if applicable.
Returns 1 if the current zone is rotating and 0 if it is not; for the combined zone the return value is always
-1. If successful the rotation axis is returned in rotationAxis and the velocity in angularVelocity in
radians/second. cfxExportZoneMotionAction
int cfxExportZoneMotionAction(const int zone, const int flag)

Specify whether grid coordinates and variables should have the appropriate rotation applied to them if the
zone is rotating so that grid coordinates appear in their correct locations and velocities (for examples) take
this rotation into consideration. If cfxExportZoneList and cfxExportVariableList should return
rotated values, flag should be set to cfxMOTION_USE. The default behavior for a particular zone will be
used if cfxMOTION_IGNORE is specified or this function isn't called. If zone is not valid or flag is not cfxMOTION_USE, cfxMOTION_IGNORE the return value will be -1 otherwise 0 is returned.

3.4.4. Node Routines

Accessing nodes within the current zone (see cfxExportZoneSet (p. 55)) is performed by making calls to the
following functions.
It should be noted that the nodes for a zone are not loaded into the Export API until either cfxExportNodeList (see cfxExportNodeList (p. 57)) or cfxExportNodeGet (see cfxExportNodeGet (p. 57)) are called.
This reduces memory overheads in the API by not allocating space until required.
When access to nodes in the current zone is no longer required, a call to cfxExportNodeFree (see cfxExportNodeFree (p. 57)) should be made to deallocate any internal storage. cfxExportNodeCount
int cfxExportNodeCount ()

Query the number of nodes defined in the current zone.


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3.4.5. Element Routines cfxExportNodeList
cfxNode *cfxExportNodeList ()

Return a pointer to an array of cfxNode elements (see cfxnode (p. 23)) containing the coordinate values of
each node in the current zone. The first node in the zone is the first element of the array, the second the
second and so on.
The memory allocated to represent this information should be deallocated using cfxExportNodeFree
(see cfxExportNodeFree (p. 57)) when no longer required. cfxExportNodeGet
int cfxExportNodeGet (int nodeid, double *x, double *y, double *z)

Query the coordinates of a specific node in the current zone.

The index (nodeid) is specified between 1 and the number of nodes returned by cfxExportNodeCount
(see cfxExportNodeCount (p. 56)). If the value of nodeid is out of range the return value is 0 otherwise it is
nodeid. cfxExportNodeFree
void cfxExportNodeFree ()

Deallocate any internal storage allocated by the Export API after calls to cfxExportNodeList (see cfxExportNodeList (p. 57)) and cfxExportNodeGet (see cfxExportNodeGet (p. 57)) have been made in the current

3.4.5. Element Routines

Accessing elements within the current zone (see cfxExportZoneSet (p. 55)) is performed by making calls to
the following functions. It should be noted that the elements for a zone are not loaded into the Export API
until either cfxExportElementList (see cfxExportElementList (p. 57)) or cfxExportElementGet (see
cfxExportElementGet (p. 58)) are called. This reduces memory overheads in the API by not allocating space
until required.
When access to elements in the current zone is no longer required a call to cfxExportElementFree
(see cfxExportElementFree (p. 58)) should be made to deallocate any internal storage. cfxExportElementCount
int cfxExportElementCount ()

Query the number of elements defined in the current zone. cfxExportElementList
cfxElement *cfxExportElementList ()

Return a pointer to an array of cfxElement elements (see cfxelem (p. 23)) containing the type and vertices
of each element in the current zone. The first element in the zone is the first element of the array, the second
the second and so on.
The memory allocated to represent this information should be deallocated using cfxExportElementFree
(see cfxExportElementFree (p. 58)) when no longer required.
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Chapter 3: Mesh and Results Export API

The following diagrams show the order of the nodes and connections that ANSYS CFX uses for exporting

The vertex ordering for the import API is different. For details, see cfxImportElement (p. 16). cfxExportElementGet
int cfxExportElementGet (int elemid, int elemtype, int *nodelist)

Query the type and vertices of a specific element in the current zone.
The index (elemid) is specified between 1 and the number of elements returned by cfxExportElementCount (see cfxExportElementCount (p. 57)). If the value of elemid is out of range the return value is 0 otherwise
it is elemid.
The type of the element is returned in elemtype and the vertices defining the element in nodelist. Note that
nodelist must be large enough to hold the element number of vertices in the element (normally an array
of 8 integers is used as this allows space enough for all element types to be handled). cfxExportElementFree
void cfxExportElementFree ()

Deallocates any internal storage allocated by making calls to cfxExportElementList (see cfxExportElementList (p. 57)) or cfxExportElementGet (see cfxExportElementGet (p. 58)).


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3.4.6. Region Routines

3.4.6. Region Routines

Regions are groups of faces in an ANSYS CFX results file. Accessing regions within the current zone (see
cfxExportZoneSet (p. 55)) is performed by making calls to the following functions. It should be noted that
the region information is not loaded into the Export API until either cfxExportRegionList (see cfxExportRegionList (p. 59)) or cfxExportRegionGet (see cfxExportRegionGet (p. 59)) are called. This reduces
memory overheads in the API by not allocating space until required.
When access to region in the current zone is no longer required a call to cfxExportRegionFree (see
cfxExportRegionFree (p. 60)) should be made to deallocate any internal storage. cfxExportRegionCount
int cfxExportRegionCount ()

Query the number of regions defined in the current zone. cfxExportRegionSize
int cfxExportRegionSize (int regnum, int type)

Query the number of faces (if type is cfxREG_FACES) or nodes (if type is cfxREG_NODES) defined in the
region identified by regnum in the current zone.
The function returns the number of faces or nodes in the current zone or 0 if either regnum is out of range
or type is invalid. cfxExportRegionName
char *cfxExportRegionName (int regnum)

Query the name of the region in the current zone identifies by regnum.
The function returns the name of the region or NULL if the region number supplied is out of range. The
pointer returned points to static storage, which will be overwritten by the next call to cfxExportRegionName. cfxExportRegionList
int *cfxExportRegionList (int regnum, int type)

Query the nodes (type is cfxREG_NODES) or faces (cfxREG_FACES) that define a region. This function
returns a pointer to an array of node ids or face ids that define the region identified by regnum or NULL if
the region number is out of range or the type is not recognized. If type is specified as cfxREG_FACES, the
returned ids will represent faces. The element number and local element face number may be extracted
from each face id returned by using the macros cfxELEMNUM and cfxFACENUM. The node numbers for
the face may be obtained by calling cfxExportFaceNodes. For details, see cfxExportFaceNodes (p. 60). cfxExportRegionGet
int cfxExportRegionGet (int regnum, int type, int index, int *id)

Query the indexth element (type is cfxREG_ELEM) or indexth node (type is cfxREG_NODE) that defines
a the region regnum in the current zone.
If regnum is out of range or type is not recognized or index is out of range, 0 is returned.
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Chapter 3: Mesh and Results Export API

Otherwise id will contain the id of the appropriate node or face defining the region and the function will
return index.
If type is specified as cfxREG_FACES, the returned id will represent the identity of a face. The element
number and local element face number may be extracted from the id by using the macros cfxELEMNUM
and cfxFACENUM. cfxExportRegionFree
void cfxExportRegionFree (int regnum)

Deallocate any internal data storage associated with the region defined by regnum.

3.4.7. Face Routines

Faces are 2 dimensional (2D) units of mesh. Each global face ID is returned from cfxExportBoundaryList
(see cfxExportBoundaryList (p. 63)) or cfxExportRegionList (see cfxExportRegionList (p. 59)).
Within CFX faces are either represented as Triangles (three vertices) or Quadrilaterals (two vertices). Each
face in a CFX .res file will be parented by a single 3D element. The parent element of a face can be returned
by the cfxELEMNUM macro with the global face ID, and the local face of that element can be determined
by calling cfxFACENUM with the same global face ID cfxExportFaceNodes
int cfxExportFaceNodes (int faceid, int *nodes)

Requests the vertices for the face identified by faceid. The argument faceid should be constructed from
the element number and local face number using the following formula:
(element_number << 3) & local_face_number
Values returned from cfxExportRegionGet and cfxExportRegionList can be supplied directly to
this function.
The number of vertices defining the face are returned if faceid is valid, otherwise 0 is returned. The node
numbers are returned in the array nodes, which should be dimensioned to a minimum size of 4 in the
calling routine.
The face numbers and associated node indices are tabulated here:
Element Type






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3.4.8. Volume Routines

Element Type





The face numbers and associated node indices are different when importing elements. For details,
see cfxImportGetFace (p. 18).

3.4.8. Volume Routines

Volumes are groups of elements in an CFX results file. Accessing volumes within the current zone (see cfxExportZoneSet (p. 55)) is performed by making calls to the following functions. It should be noted that the
volume definitions for a zone are not loaded into the Export API until either cfxExportVolumeList (see
cfxExportVolumeList (p. 62)) or cfxExportVolumeGet (see cfxExportVolumeGet (p. 62)) are called. This
reduces memory overheads in the API by not allocating space until required.
When access to volume information in the current zone is no longer required a call to cfxExportVolumeFree (see cfxExportVolumeFree (p. 62)) should be made to deallocate any internal storage. cfxExportVolumeCount
int cfxExportVolumeCount ()

Query the number of volumes defined in the current zone. cfxExportVolumeSize
int cfxExportVolumeSize (int volnum, int type)

Query the number of nodes (if type is cfxVOL_NODES) or number of elements (if type is cfxVOL_ELEMS)
defining the volume indexed by volnum in the current zone. The return value will be 0 if volnum is out
of range or type is invalid. cfxExportVolumeName
char *cfxExportVolumeName (int volnum)

Query the name of the volume in the current zone indexed by volnum. Returns NULL if the volnum is out
of range.

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Chapter 3: Mesh and Results Export API

The returned pointer points to internal storage, which will be overwritten by the next call to
cfxExportVolumeName. cfxExportVolumeList
int *cfxExportVolumeList (int volnum, int type)

Query the nodes (type is cfxVOL_NODES) or elements (cfxVOL_ELEMS) that define a volume.
This function returns a pointer to an array of node ids or element ids that define the volume identified by
volnum or NULL if the volume number is out of range or the type is not recognized. cfxExportVolumeGet
int cfxExportVolumeGet (int volnum, int type, int index, int *id)

Query the [index]th element (type is cfxVOL_ELEM) or [index]th node (type is cfxVOL_NODE) that defines
a the volume volnum in the current zone.
If volnum is out of range or type is not recognized or index is out of range, 0 is returned.
Otherwise id will contain the id of the appropriate node or element in defining the volume and the function
will return index. cfxExportVolumeFree
void cfxExportVolumeFree (int volnum)

Deallocate any internal data storage associated with the volume defined by volnum.

3.4.9. Boundary Condition Routines

Boundary condition are located on groups of faces in an CFX results file. Accessing boundary condition
locations within the current zone (see cfxExportZoneSet (p. 55)) is performed by making calls to the following
functions. It should be noted that the boundary condition location information is not loaded into the Export
API until either cfxExportBoundaryList (see cfxExportBoundaryList (p. 63)) or cfxExportBoundaryGet
(see cfxExportBoundaryGet (p. 63)) are called. This reduces memory overheads in the API by not allocating
space until required. When access to regions in the current zone are no longer required a call to cfxExportBoundaryFree (see cfxExportBoundaryFree (p. 64)) should be made to deallocate any internal storage. cfxExportBoundaryCount
int cfxExportBoundaryCount ()

Query the number of boundary conditions defined in the current zone.

The function returns the number of boundary conditions in the current zone. cfxExportBoundaryName
const char *cfxExportBoundaryName (const int bcidx)

Query the name of the boundary condition in the current zone identified by bcidx.


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3.4.9. Boundary Condition Routines

The function returns the name of the boundary condition or NULL if the bcidx supplied is out of range.
The pointer returned points to static storage, which will be overwritten by the next call to cfxExportBoundaryName.

The following routines use bcidx which must lie between 1 and cfxExportBoundaryCount()
and use index which must lie between 1 and cfxExportBoundarySize (bcidx, type). cfxExportBoundaryType
const char *cfxExportBoundaryType (const int bcidx)

Query the type (for example, Inlet, Outlet etc.) of the boundary condition in the current zone identified by
The function returns the type of the boundary condition or NULL if the bcidx supplied is out of range.
The pointer returned points to static storage, which will be overwritten by the next call to cfxExportBoundaryType. cfxExportBoundarySize
int cfxExportBoundarySize (const int bcidx, const int type)

Query the number of faces (if type is cfxREG_FACES) or nodes (if type is cfxREG_NODES) defined in the
boundary condition identified by bcidx in the current zone.
The function returns the number of faces or nodes or 0 if either bcidx is out of range or type is invalid. cfxExportBoundaryList
int *cfxExportBoundaryList (const int bcidx, const int type)

Query the faces (if type is cfxREG_FACES) or nodes (if type is cfxREG_NODES) that define a boundary
This function returns a pointer to an array of node ids or face ids that define the location of the boundary
condition identified by bcidx or NULL if bcidx is out of range or the type is not recognized. If type is
specified as cfxREG_FACES, the returned ids will represent faces. The element number and local element
face number may be extracted from each face id returned by using the macros cfxELEMNUM and cfxFACENUM respectively. The node numbers for the face may be obtained by calling cfxExportFaceNodes.
For details, see cfxExportFaceNodes (p. 60).
The returned pointer points to static data which should be destroyed using cfxExportBoundaryFree.
Subsequent calls to cfxExportBoundaryList will overwrite the array. cfxExportBoundaryGet
int cfxExportBoundaryGet (const int bcidx, const int type, const int index, int *id)

Query the index'th face (type is cfxREG_FACES) or index'th node (type is cfxREG_NODES) that defines
the boundary condition location indexed by bcidx in the current zone. If bcidx is out of range or type is
not recognized or index is out of range (not between 1 and cfxExportBoundarySize), 0 is returned.
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Chapter 3: Mesh and Results Export API

Otherwise id will contain the identifier of the appropriate node or face defining the boundary condition
location and the function will return index.If type is specified as cfxREG_FACES, the returned id will
represent the identity of a face. The element number and local element face number may be extracted from
the id by using the macros cfxELEMNUM and cfxFACENUM respectively. cfxExportBoundaryFree
void cfxExportBoundaryFree (const int bcidx)

Deallocate any internal data storage associated with the boundary condition defined by bcidx.

3.4.10. Variable Routines

These routines access the variable data defined on the current zone as defined by cfxExportZoneSet.
For details, see cfxExportZoneSet (p. 55). The variable data arrays are not loaded into memory until either
cfxExportVariableList or cfxExportVariableGet are called, and remain in memory until cfxExportVariableFree is called. For details, see:

cfxExportVariableList (p. 65)

cfxExportVariableGet (p. 65)

cfxExportVariableFree (p. 65). cfxExportVariableCount
int cfxExportVariableCount(int usr_level)

Query the number of variables at interest level usr_level or below. If usr_level is 0, then the total
number of variables is returned. cfxExportVariableSize
int cfxExportVariableSize (int varnum, int *dimension, int *length, int *bdnflag)

Query the dimension, dimension, and length, length, for the variable identified by varnum, which should
be from 1 to the number of variables, returned by cfxExportVariableCount (cfxExportVariableCount (p. 64)). The length, length, will either be 1 or the same as the number of nodes returned by cfxExportNodeCount (see cfxExportNodeCount (p. 56)). If 1, then the variable has meaningful values only at
the boundary nodes, with a constant value in the interior.
The function also returns bdnflag which indicates if the variable contains corrected boundary node values
(1) or not (0).
The function returns varnum if successful, or 0 if the variable number is out of range. cfxExportVariableName
char *cfxExportVariableName (int varnum, int alias)

Query the name of the variable identified by varnum.

The return value of the function is NULL if the variable number is out of range or the name of the variable.
The pointer returned points to static storage, which will be overwritten by the next call to cfxExportVariableName.


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3.4.10. Variable Routines

The argument alias indicates whether the short name (alias=0) or long name (alias=1) should be
returned. For example, the short and long names for the total temperature variable are TEMPTOT and Total
Temperature, respectively. cfxExportVariableList
float *cfxExportVariableList (int varnum, int correct)

Query the results data for a variable identified by varnum.

Returns NULL if the variable number is out of range or the variable data if successful.
The flag correct indicates whether to correct boundary node data (correct=1) or not (correct=0), assuming
that it exists.
The data is in the same order as the nodes returned from cfxExportNodeList (see cfxExportNodeList (p. 57)).
For multidimensional variables, the data is stored with dimension consecutive values for each node.
The storage for the data is created by the Export API when this function is called. When the data is no longer
required a call to cfxExportVariableFree (see cfxExportVariableFree (p. 65)) should be made by the
calling function. cfxExportVariableGet
int cfxExportVariableGet (int varnum, int correct, int index, float *value)

Request the values of the variable identified by varnum at the location given by index, which should be
from 1 to the length of the variable, inclusively.
The flag correct indicates whether to correct boundary node data (correct=1) or not (correct=0),
assuming that it exists.
The function returns index, or 0 if the location is out of range.
The values of the variable are returned in value which should be dimensioned at least as large as the dimension of the variable. cfxExportVariableFree
void cfxExportVariableFree (int varnum)

Deallocates the internal data storage for the variable identified by varnum for the current zone.

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Chapter 4: Remeshing Guide

Periodic remeshing is an important part of running analyses that involve significant mesh deformation.
Remeshing is often required simply to maintain acceptable mesh quality, as described in Discretization Errors
in the CFX-Solver Theory Guide and Measures of Mesh Quality in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
A schematic illustrating the integration of remeshing into the general simulation workflow is shown in the
figure below.

Figure 4.1 Integration of a Remeshing Loop into the General Simulation Workflow

As shown in Figure 4.1 (p. 67), in addition to the Preprocessing and Solution steps of the standard simulation
workflow, the remeshing loop includes three additional steps:

Data Extraction

Geometry Modification

Mesh Recreation.

In the context of remeshing, those steps are responsible for completing the following sub-steps;

Data Extraction: Extract any data needed to guide geometry modifications and mesh re-creation from
the most recent analysis results and monitor point values.

Geometry Re-Creation: Update the analysis geometry so that it conforms to that of the most recent
analysis results (that is, account for mesh deformation).

Mesh Re-Creation: Generate new mesh(es) that correspond to the updated geometry.
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Chapter 4: Remeshing Guide

Preprocessing: Insert the new mesh(es) into the analysis definition, and generate an updated CFXSolver Input File.

Solution: Interpolate the previously generated analysis results onto the new mesh, re-partition the mesh
if a parallel run mode is selected, and continue the solution process.

As described in Remeshing Tab in the CFX-Pre User's Guide, there are two options available for remeshing:
User Defined and ICEM CFD Replay. As outlined in the discussions that follow, the Preprocessing and
Solution steps (and their respective sub-steps) are automatically executed for both remeshing options. Although the remaining steps are automatically executed for the ICEM CFD Replay remeshing option, they
become the responsibility of a user defined external command for the User Defined remeshing option.

4.1. User Defined Remeshing

User Defined remeshing offers the greatest flexibility to customize the remeshing process. This comes at
the expense of requiring that the data extraction, and geometry and mesh re-creation steps are executed
by a user-specified external command, as illustrated in the figure below where the dashed line identifies
steps that must be executed by the user-specified External Command.

Figure 4.2 Schematic for User Defined remeshing

This remeshing option is ideally suited for users who have previously completed an in-house remeshing
solution involving scripts or varying degrees of manual user-intervention. When this option is used, the following steps are automatically executed:

Run the specified external command to generate a new mesh(es)

Insert the new mesh(es) into the analysis definition, and generate an updated CFX-Solver Input file

Interpolate the previously generated analysis results onto the new mesh, re-partition the mesh if a
parallel run mode is selected, and continue the solution process.

The following examples outline the use of the User Defined remeshing option:

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4.1.2. Remeshing with Automatic Geometry Extraction

Remeshing with Key-Frame Meshes (p. 69)

Remeshing with Automatic Geometry Extraction (p. 69).

4.1.1. Remeshing with Key-Frame Meshes

In some analyses involving mesh deformation, the motion of various boundaries and sub-domains is known
beforehand. Thus, the iteration or time step number at which unacceptable mesh quality will occur due to
mesh motion is also known. A sequence of key-frame meshes (of any mesh file type) corresponding to
these instances of poor mesh quality can consequently be generated and applied during the analysis.
Once the sequence of key-frame meshes has been generated, they should be placed in a location that will
be accessible during the analysis execution. The analysis definition is then modified to include one or more
control conditions that will interrupt the solver at the iteration or time step at which a key-frame mesh
should be inserted. A configuration is subsequently defined (unless this has already been done), and a
remeshing definition is created with the following settings:

Set Option to User Defined.

Set the Activation Condition(s) to the previously created interrupt control condition(s).

Set the Location to the mesh region that will be replaced.

Set the External Command to the command that will be used to generate the replacement mesh file.

Set the Replacement File to the name of the file that will be generated by the external command.

The External Command is typically a shell script or batch file that completes the following tasks:

Determine which key-frame mesh to use. This will require parsing the runs output file for the iteration
or time step number, or the actual simulation time. Output generated from the cfx5mondata executable
can also be parsed instead of the runs output file. For details, see Exporting Monitor Data from the
Command Line in the CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.

Copy the key-frame mesh to the path the specified by the Replacement File setting.

4.1.2. Remeshing with Automatic Geometry Extraction

In some analyses involving mesh deformation, the motion of various boundaries and sub-domains is not
known beforehand and the key-frame remeshing strategy presented above is not applicable. In these analyses,
geometrical information must be extracted from the most recent analysis results and applied in the
remeshing process.
In such cases, the analysis definition is modified to include one or more control conditions that will interrupt
the solver when, for example, mesh quality deteriorates significantly. A configuration is subsequently defined
(unless this has already been done), and a remeshing definition is created with the following settings:

Set Option to User Defined.

Set the Activation Condition(s) to the previously created interrupt control condition(s).

Set the Location to the mesh region that will be replaced.

Set the External Command to the command that will be used to generate the replacement mesh file.

Set the Replacement File to the name of the file that will be generated by the external command.

The External Command is typically a shell script or batch file that completes the following tasks:

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Chapter 4: Remeshing Guide

Extract geometry data from the most recent solution of the analysis, and either update or replace the
original geometry. This may be done using mesh-to-geometry conversion tools available in software
such as ANSYS ICEM CFD, or by extracting monitor point data values (for example, the Total Centroid
Displacement variable) using the cfx5mondata executable. For details, see Exporting Monitor Data
from the Command Line in the CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.

Create a replacement mesh file using the updated or newly generated geometry. This may be done in
any suitable mesh generation application.

Note that some mesh-to-geometry conversion tools are unable to extract the latest mesh coordinates from
the most recent CFX-Solver Results file. If this is the case, then introduce a call to CFX-Pre (within the External
Command) that executes a session file that simply loads the latest CFX-Solver Results file and writes a new
CFX-Solver Input file. That CFX-Solver Input file will contain the required, latest mesh coordinates.

4.2. ICEM CFD Replay Remeshing

ICEM CFD Replay remeshing provides a highly automated remeshing process that is ideally suited for users
of the ANSYS ICEM CFD mesh generation software and cases that involve translational mesh motion only
(that is, no rotation or general deformation). When this option is used, a master replay file is assembled from
other task-oriented replay files and submitted to the ANSYS ICEM CFD mesh generator for batch execution.
These replay files are illustrated in the figure below, along with the general process flow for this remeshing
option. The dashed line in the figure highlights components of the master replay file and identifies files and
steps that you can modify. Unless otherwise noted, files are contained in the <CFXROOT>/etc/Remeshing

Figure 4.3 Schematic for ICEM CFD Replay remeshing

When this option is used, the following steps are automatically executed:

Extract geometry and mesh control data and write them to the cfx_params.rpl replay file in the
run directory. The data includes:


Centroid displacements for boundaries that are included in ANSYS ICEM CFD Part Maps
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4.2.1. Steps to Set Up a Simulation Using ICEM CFD Replay Remeshing

Mesh control parameters (for example, ehgt and emax)

Scalar parameters.

Run (in batch) the ANSYS ICEM CFD mesh generation program using the master replay file. This master
replay file executes the following tasks:

Read the cfx_params.rpl file.

Load the reference geometry from the Geometry File identified in the Remesh definition.

Apply displacements (including scaling and any offsets) corresponding to all ANSYS ICEM CFD Part
Map definitions contained in the Remesh definition. This is done using the default geometry replay
file provided, or using the user defined replay file if specified in the ICEM CFD Geometry Control

Apply ICEM CFD Mesh Controls defined in the Remesh definition. This is done using the provided
controls, or using the user-defined replay file if specified in the ICEM CFD Mesh Control setting.

Load your Mesh Replay File, specified in the Remesh definition.

Export a new mesh for ANSYS CFX.

Insert the new mesh(es) into the analysis definition, and generate an updated CFX-Solver Input file.

Interpolate the previously generated analysis results onto the new mesh, re-partition the mesh if a
parallel run mode is selected, and continue the solution process.

You must create the reference Geometry File and the Mesh Replay File because these are specific to each
case. However, the generic default replay files (icemcfd_Remesh.rpl, icemcfd_GeomMod.rpl, and
icemcfd_MeshMod.rpl) used by this option are provided in the <CFXROOT>/etc/Remeshing directory.
These files may be edited to provide installation-wide changes to the ICEM CFD Replay remeshing behavior.
Alternatively, the geometry and mesh modification files may be copied and edited to provide case-specific

As indicated previously, only translational mesh motion is automatically handled by the ICEM
CFD Replay remeshing option. This is accomplished by applying the displacements of centroids
of boundaries in the ANSYS CFX analysis definition to parts in the ANSYS ICEM CFD geometry.
All other mesh motion (such as rotation about the centroid or another point, or general deformation) will not be applied, and an inconsistency in the analysis geometry before and after
remeshing will be introduced.

4.2.1. Steps to Set Up a Simulation Using ICEM CFD Replay Remeshing

The following discussion presents the three general steps required to setup a simulation using the ICEM
CFD Replay remeshing option.
The first step involves creating the reference Geometry File within the ANSYS ICEM CFD environment. If
the geometry was not created within that environment, use one of the File > Import Geometry options in
the ANSYS ICEM CFD environment. At this point, ensure that all required Parts (or Families) are defined and
named so that they can be referenced when completing the ICEM CFD Replay remeshing definition later in
CFX-Pre. Finally, store the geometry in the ICEM CFD native geometry file format (namely, a .tin file).
The second step involves generating the Mesh Replay File, again, from within the ANSYS ICEM CFD environment. Start with the previously created geometry loaded, and work sequentially through the mesh generation process until acceptable mesh controls have been specified. This may require fine tuning, which will
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Chapter 4: Remeshing Guide

involve the regeneration of your mesh after moving the geometry through its expected range of motion.
Once you are satisfied with the mesh control settings, purge the last mesh using File > Mesh > Close Mesh,
and reload the original reference geometry. Complete the following tasks to generate the required Mesh
Replay File:

Use File > Replay Scripts > Replay Control to begin recording the commands for the Mesh Replay
File. The Replay Control dialog is displayed.


Revisit all of the mesh related tabs and settings used to generate the mesh, clicking either the Apply
or OK to commit the settings into the Replay Control panel.


Generate the mesh.


In the Replay Control panel, clear the Record (after current) toggle and select Save to write the
settings to replay file.

You may also want to export the mesh that was (re)generated for use in the simulation definition (as in the
next step).
The third step involves defining the simulation within CFX-Pre. Complete the following tasks to prepare the

Start a new simulation and import the (previously generated) mesh.


Define expressions for the motion of the geometry (for example, see the expressions for the ball
movement in Fluid Structure Interaction and Mesh Deformation in the CFX Tutorials).

See also the discussion in Mesh Re-Initialization During Remeshing (p. 73).

Define the flow analysis including the definition of one or more solver interrupt controls, as described
in Interrupt Control in the CFX-Pre User's Guide, to identify the condition(s) under which solver execution
will be interrupted.


Define a configuration and complete the ICEM CFD Replay remeshing setup as described in ANSYS
ICEM CFD Replay Remeshing in the CFX-Pre User's Guide. The Geometry File and Mesh Replay File
created above are referenced here. Note also, that references to one or more of the previously defined
solver interrupt control conditions are required to activate remeshing.


Complete any execution controls for the simulation and either start the solver or write the CFX-Solver
Input file for later use.

4.3. Directory Structure and Files Used During Remeshing

CFX-Solver runs that include remeshing will have a slightly non-standard directory structure during execution.
For example, using a CFX-Solver input file named case.def, a directory structure similar to the following
will exist just after solution execution is interrupted and the second instance of remeshing begins:
4_full.trn res mon


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4.4.2. Software License Handling

The first instance of remeshing occurred when the solver was interrupted after the third time step. Following
this instance of remeshing, all CFX-Solver Results files (such as transient, backup, and remeshing) contained
in the run directory, case_001.dir, were moved into the final solution directory, case_001. The results
file written when the solver was interrupted before remeshing was renamed to 3_oldmesh.res. Any text
output to the console window during remeshing was redirected to the file named 3_remesh.out, which
is also placed in the final solution directory.
The second, and currently running, instance of remeshing began when the solver was interrupted after the
fifth time step. The results file written by the solver still has the generic name, res, and monitor data (contained in the mon file) has not yet been inserted into the results file.
Just after inserting the new mesh(es) into the analysis definition, the files contained in the final solution and
run directories change slightly. The results and console output files are renamed (to 5_oldmesh.res and
5_remesh.out, respectively) and moved from the run directory into the final solution directory. An automatically generated session file, meshUpdate.pre, is used by CFX-Pre to generate the updated the solver
input file, 5_newmesh.def, and each of these files are present in the run directory. These files are, however,
replaced or removed during the next instance of remeshing or when the analysis ends and the run directory
is deleted.

4.4. Additional Considerations

This section discusses additional considerations for remeshing.
4.4.1. Mesh Re-Initialization During Remeshing
4.4.2. Software License Handling

4.4.1. Mesh Re-Initialization During Remeshing

The following points are important to note during remeshing:

The total mesh displacement variable is relative to a specific mesh topology. Since the mesh topology
changes, this variable is reset each time remeshing occurs.

The new variable called total centroid displacement tracks the displacement of each
boundarys centroid since the beginning of the analysis (that is, relative to the original mesh).

The specified displacement based mesh motion is relative to the initial mesh and must therefore include
an offset to account for mesh re-initialization. The Mesh Initialisation Time variable corresponds
to the time at which mesh re-initialization last occurred. This can be used to evaluate the required offset
for time varying mesh displacement.

An example of the expressions used to evaluate an applied displacement that includes the required offset
to account for mesh re-initialization is given below. In this example, the applied displacement is evaluated
as the desired displacement minus the value of the desired displacement at the Mesh Initialisation
Disp Desired = 1[m]*0.5*(1-cos(2.[s^-1]*pi*t))
Disp Mesh ReInit = 1[m]*0.5*(1-cos(2.[s^-1]*pi*Mesh Initialisation Time ))
Disp Applied = Disp Desired - Disp Mesh ReInit

4.4.2. Software License Handling

Several software components (for example, CFX-Pre, the CFX-Solver, ANSYS ICEM CFD, and so on) are used
while executing steps in the overall remeshing process. Rather than holding all of these licenses for the entire
duration of the analysis, they are only checked out as required. Although this frees up the licenses for

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Chapter 4: Remeshing Guide

other users when remeshing is not executing, it also introduces the possibility that required licenses are not
available when they are needed for remeshing.
This model for software license handling may cause problems in multi-user environments, but work is underway to provide a broader range of handling options for future releases.


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Chapter 5: Reference Guide for Mesh Deformation and

Fluid-Structure Interaction
This guide is part of a series that provides advice for using CFX in specific engineering application areas. It
is aimed at users with little or moderate experience using CFX for applications involving Mesh Deformation
and/or Fluid Structure Interaction.
This guide describes:
5.1. Mesh Deformation
5.2. Fluid Structure Interaction

5.1. Mesh Deformation

Mesh deformation is an important part of executing simulations with changing domain geometry. In CFX,
this capability is available in fluid and solid domains. Motion can be specified on selected regions via CEL
or an external solver coupling (for example, ANSYS Multi-field MFX), or on all nodes in an entire domain via
a user-Fortran junction box routine.

5.1.1. Mesh Folding: Negative Sector and Element Volumes

It is not uncommon for the mesh to become folded (or tangled) during the mesh deformation process. When
this occurs, a message indicating the existence and location of either negative sector volumes or negative
(that is, topologically invalid) elements is written to the simulation output file. Notification of negative sector
volumes highlights the existence of non-convex mesh elements that still have a positive volume. Although
the existence of negative sector volumes is not a fatal condition, it does indicate that:

Mesh elements are only barely positive

Further mesh deformation is likely to yield elements with negative volumes, which is a fatal condition

Some of the most common causes for mesh folding during deformation are identified in the following sections.

5.1.2. Applying Large Displacements Gradually

In many simulations that require mesh deformation, the motion is known a priori. In these cases, the motion
can be applied gradually, by relating it to the iteration or timestep counters, to reduce the likelihood of
mesh folding. Mesh folding is often avoided with this strategy because the mesh displacement equations
are assembled using the updated meshes from each deformation step (that is, outer iteration or timestep).
In general, the desired total mesh deformation should be split up so that regions where motion is specified
move through less than approximately 5 adjacent elements per step.
In some simulations, the motion is not known a priori. Fluid Structure Interaction is an excellent example of
this. In these cases, mechanisms available for under-relaxing the displacements applied per deformation
step should be used. For details, see Solver Controls, External Coupling Tab in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.

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Chapter 5: Reference Guide for Mesh Deformation and Fluid-Structure Interaction

5.1.3. Consistency of Mesh Motion Specifications

Mesh motion options such as Specified Displacement may be applied on multiple boundary and
subdomain regions. Since the specified motion is applied directly to mesh nodes, rather than control volume
integration points, care is required to ensure that motion specified on adjacent regions is self-consistent.
For example, the motion specified on one moving wall should be reduced to zero for any nodes that are
shared with another stationary wall. If this is not done, then the motion applied to the shared nodes will be
either the moving or stationary condition, depending on which was applied last during the equation assembly
Folded meshes often result from the application of inconsistent motion specifications.

5.1.4. Solving the Mesh Displacement Equations and Updating Mesh Coordinates
During each outer iteration or timestep, the mesh displacement equations are solved to the specified convergence level and the resulting displacements are applied to update the mesh coordinates. This occurs
before proceeding to solve the general transport (for example, hydrodynamics, turbulence, etc.) equations.
Unlike other equation classes, the convergence level (that is, controls and criteria) applied to mesh displacement equations is unaffected by changes made to the basic settings for all other equations. The default
convergence controls and criteria for the mesh displacement equation are tabulated below, and are changed
by visiting the Mesh Displacement entry in the Equation Class Settings tab under Solver Control.


Maximum Number of Coefficient Loops

Minimum Number of Coefficient Loops

Residual Type


Residual Target


Mesh folding occurs and is detected when the displacements are used to update the mesh coordinates.
Folded meshes can occur if the displacement equations are incompletely solved. In this case, the unconverged
displacement solution field does not vary smoothly enough to ensure that adjacent mesh nodes move by
similar amounts.

5.1.5. Mesh Displacement vs. Total Mesh Displacement

A number of new variables become available when executing simulations with mesh deformation. Two of
these variables are Mesh Displacement and Total Mesh Displacement.
Mesh Displacement is the principal variable that is solved for by the mesh motion model (see Mesh
Deformation in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide). This variable represents the displacement relative to the
previous mesh locations. Conversely, Total Mesh Displacement is a derived quantity that represents
the displacement relative to the initial mesh.

5.1.6. Simulation Restart Behavior

The following table summarizes the behavior that occurs when simulations with (or without) mesh deformation are restarted with (or without) mesh deformation. With only the exception noted, the simulation type
(that is, steady state or transient) used for the initial or restart run does not affect behavior.


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5.2.1. Unidirectional (One-Way) FSI

Initial Simulation

Restart Simulation

Restart Behavior

No Deformation


Mesh from initial run serves

as initial mesh for restart run


No Deformation

Final mesh from initial run

serves as mesh for restart



Initial mesh from initial run

serves as initial mesh for restart runa

If the restart is a transient run with the initial time set to Value, then the final mesh from the initial run will serve as the initial mesh for the
restart simulation.

5.2. Fluid Structure Interaction

CFX provides the ability to solve, or take part in the solution of cases that involve the coupling of solution
fields in fluid and solid domains. This coupling is commonly referred to as Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI).
One example of FSI is the simulation of an internal combustion engine, which involves the solution of fluid
flow, conjugate heat transfer and combustion problems on deforming meshes.
In the discussion that follows, examples are presented to demonstrate the FSI capabilities using CFX by itself
or with other CAE packages like ANSYS Mechanical and ANSYS Multiphysics. These examples are grouped
according to the degree of coupling that must be maintained during the simulation in order to ensure that
accurate results are obtained.

5.2.1. Unidirectional (One-Way) FSI

In many FSI simulations, the coupling between the solution fields is predominantly unidirectional; a given
field may strongly affect, but not be affected by other fields. In CFX, there are a variety of strategies to efficiently execute such simulations. These strategies are identified in the following examples. Using CFX Only

One of the most useful examples of unidirectional FSI within CFX involves prescribed mesh deformation of
fluid or solid domains. This is possible using the CEL to specify the motion of sub-domains or domain
boundaries, or by reading a sequence of pre-defined meshes. Using CFX and the Mechanical Application

In many FSI simulations, the capabilities of additional solvers are required to compliment those of CFX. In
these circumstances, CFX provides tools to facilitate the import and export of solution data in a variety of
formats. Importing Data from the Mechanical Application Solver

The recommended method for importing boundary condition data from the Mechanical application into
CFX is via boundary profile data. For information about the creation and use of profile data files, refer to
Chapter 6, Unidirectional Load Transfer and Use Profile Data in the CFX-Pre User's Guide.

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Chapter 5: Reference Guide for Mesh Deformation and Fluid-Structure Interaction Export Data to Other ANSYS Software Products

Two methods exist for exporting data from CFX for use in other ANSYS software products. The first method
requires the use of the MFS variant of the ANSYS Multi-field solver and the second method does not.

For information about exporting mechanical and thermal surface data and thermal volumetric data for
use with the MFS solver, refer to Export to ANSYS Multi-field Solver Dialog Box in the CFX-Solver Manager
User's Guide. For information about using the exported results and the MFS Solver, refer to Chapter 3,
The ANSYS Multi-field (TM) Solver - MFS Single-Code Coupling.

For information about exporting mechanical and thermal surface data for general use, refer to Mechanical Import/Export Commands in the CFD-Post User's Guide. This method involves reading a Mechanical
Coded Database (CDB) file and interpolating CFX solution data onto the mesh contained in that file.
For more information about how these steps are automated in the Mechanical application, refer to the
Custom Systems discussion presented in the ANSYS Workbench help documentation. Mechanical Import/Export Example: One-Way FSI Data Transfer

You can perform one-way FSI operations manually (by exporting CDB files from the Mechanical APDL application, importing the surface in CFD-Post, and exporting the SFE commands).
To create a Mechanical load file using CFD-Post to transfer FSI data:

Load the fluids results file, from which you want to transfer results, into CFD-Post


Select File > Import > Import Mechanical CDB Surface. The Import Mechanical CDB Surface dialog


In the Import Mechanical CDB Surface dialog, either:

Select the CDB file that specifies the surface mesh of the solid object to which to transfer data.
Also select the Associated Boundary for the surface to map onto, and make other selections as

Select the XML document that provides all transfer information. Click OK, and the surface data is


Select File > Export > Export Mechanical Load File. The Export Mechanical Load File dialog appears.


In the Export Mechanical Load File dialog, select a filename to which to save the data. For the Location
parameter value, select the imported ANSYS mesh object. Under File Format select ANSYS Load
Commands (FSE or D). (Alternatively, you can select WB Simulation Input (XML) to get XML output.)
Also select the appropriate data to export: Normal Stress Vector, Tangential Stress Vector, Stress Vector,
Heat Transfer Coefficient, Heat Flux, or Temperature. Click Save, and the data file is created.

The one-way FSI data transfer described above is performed automatically when using the FSI: Fluid Flow
(CFX) > Static Structural custom system in ANSYS Workbench. For details, see the Workbench > Workbench
Help > System > Custom Systems > FSI: Fluid Flow (CFX) > Static Structural section in the ANSYS documentation. Using CFX and Other CAE Software

Solution data can be exported from CFX in a variety of general formats during or after execution of the CFXSolver. For information about the export of data in CGNS format during the execution of the solver, refer to
Export Results Tab in the CFX-Pre User's Guide. For information about the extraction and export of CGNS,
MSC Patran, FIELDVIEW, EnSight and custom data from CFX results files, refer to Generic Export Options in
the CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.


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5.2.2. Bidirectional (Two-Way) FSI

5.2.2. Bidirectional (Two-Way) FSI

In some simulations, there is a strong and potentially non-linear relationship between the fields that are
coupled in the Fluid Structure Interaction. Under these conditions, the ability to reach a converged solution
will likely require the use of bidirectional FSI. As for unidirectional interaction, examples are provided below
that demonstrate the variety of strategies to execute such simulations. Using CFX Only

Conjugate heat transfer is an example of bidirectional interaction that can be solved using the CFX-Solver
only. Using CFX and the Mechanical Application

Communicating data between and CFX and the Mechanical application is automated by the MFX branch of
the ANSYS Multi-field solver. In this branch of the ANSYS Multi-field solver, data is communicated between
the CFX and the Mechanical application field solvers through standard internet sockets using a custom clientserver communication protocol. This custom solution maximizes execution efficiency and robustness, and
greatly facilitates future extensibility.
Setup requires creation of the fluid and solid domain/physical models in the CFX-Pre and the Mechanical
application user interfaces, respectively, and the specification of coupling data transfers and controls in the
CFX-Pre user interface. Execution and run-time monitoring of the coupled simulation is performed from the
CFX-Solver Manager. Note that a dedicated MFX-ANSYS/CFX tab is also provided in the ANSYS Product
Launcher to begin execution of the coupled simulation (see General Procedure in the CFX-Solver Manager
User's Guide).
Refer to the following sections for more information:

Coupling CFX to an External Solver: ANSYS Multi-field Simulations in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide

Chapter 4, Multi-field Analysis Using Code Coupling.

Coupled simulations begin with the execution of the Mechanical application and CFX field solvers. The
Mechanical application solver acts as a coupling master process to which the CFX-Solver connects. Once
that connection is established, the solvers advance through a sequence of six pre-defined synchronization
points (SPs), as illustrated in Figure 5.1 (p. 80). At each of these SPs, each field solver gathers the data it requires from the other solver in order to advance to the next point.
The first three SPs are used to prepare the solvers for the calculation intensive solution process, which takes
place during the final three SPs. These final SPs define a sequence of coupling steps, each of which consists
of one or more stagger/coupling iterations. During every stagger iteration, each field solver gathers the data
it requires from the other solver, and solves its field equations for the current coupling step. Stagger iterations
are repeated until a maximum number of stagger iterations is reached or until the data transferred between
solvers and all field equations have converged. The latter guarantees an implicit solution of all fields for
each coupling step.

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Chapter 5: Reference Guide for Mesh Deformation and Fluid-Structure Interaction

Figure 5.1 Sequence of Synchronization Points


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5.2.2. Bidirectional (Two-Way) FSI Using CFX and Other CAE Software

Third party code-coupling software or proprietary interfaces provided by the CAE software vendors can also
be used in conjunction with CFX. Please contact those software providers and your CFX service representative
for more information.

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Chapter 6: CFX Best Practices Guide for Numerical Accuracy

This guide provides best practice guidelines for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation and documentation of the verification, validation, and demonstration test cases. It describes:

An Approach to Error Identification, Estimation and Validation (p. 83)

Definition of Errors in CFD Simulations (p. 84)

General Best Practice Guidelines (p. 93)

Selection and Evaluation of Experimental Data (p. 103)

This guide is aimed at users who have moderate or little experience using ANSYS CFX. It is part of a series
that provides advice for using ANSYS CFX in specific engineering application areas. The current guidelines
are adapted from Best Practice Guidelines developed for the nuclear reactor safety applications [143 (p. 268)].

6.1. An Approach to Error Identification, Estimation and Validation

An evaluation of CFD capabilities has to ensure that the different types of errors are identified and, as far
as possible, treated separately. It is known from single-phase studies that the quantification and documentation of modeling errors (as in turbulence models, et cetera) can be achieved only if the other major sources
of errors are reduced below an acceptable level. In an ideal world, this would mean, among other demands,
that solutions are provided for grids and with timesteps that are fine enough so that numerical errors can
be neglected. This is not a trivial task and the separation of errors cannot always be achieved. These difficulties
will be greatly increased by the inclusion of multi-phase physics and unsteady effects. Nevertheless, the
worst strategy would be to avoid the subject and to provide solutions on a single grid, with a single timestep,
and with other uncertainties in initial conditions and boundary conditions not evaluated. This would result
in solutions that would be of little use for the validation goals.
An essential quantity in the quality assurance procedure is the definition of target variables. They will mainly
be scalar (integral) quantities (for instance, forces, heat transfer rates, and maximum temperature) or onedimensional distributions, such as the wall heat transfer along a certain line. Convergence studies can be
based on these variables without a reference to the grid used in the simulation. They can also be used for
an asymptotic evaluation of convergence on unstructured meshes. Even more important, these quantities
are of immediate meaning to engineers and allow them to understand the uncertainty from a physical
standpoint. A danger of integral or local scalar quantities is that they might not be sensitive enough to detect
local changes in the solutions under grid refinement. This should be kept in mind during the analysis.
In order to tackle the problem, it is necessary to first define the different type of errors that can impact a
CFD simulation. It is then required that you list the most promising strategies in order to reduce or avoid
these errors. Based on these strategies, procedures have to be defined that can be used for the test case
It might be not possible to rigorously perform the error estimation and reduction procedures described in
the following sections for the complex demonstration cases. However, the best attempt should be made to
follow the principal ideas and to avoid single grid solutions without sensitivity studies. For these cases, it is
even more important to follow a stringent documentation procedure and to list the possible deficiencies
and uncertainties in the simulations.
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Chapter 6: CFX Best Practices Guide for Numerical Accuracy

The strategies for the reduction and evaluation of numerical errors have been developed for single-phase
flows. There is no principal difference between the single- and multi-phase flow formulations. They are both
based on (ensemble) averaged equations, and are mathematically similar. From a physical standpoint, there
are however significant additional challenges due to the presence of the different phases, besides the obviously higher demands on model formulation. One of the additional complication lies in the presence of
sharp interfaces between the phases, which require a higher degree of grid resolution than usually necessary
for single-phase flows. In addition, multi-phase flows have a higher affinity to physical instabilities that might
be suppressed on coarse grids, but appear under grid refinement. (This effect is sometimes also observed
in single-phase flows. An example is the blunt trailing edge of an airfoil, where extreme grid refinement will
eventually capture the vortex shedding of the mixing layer). It is to be kept in mind that the brute application
of procedures might not lead to the desired results. Also in these cases, the spirit behind the guidelines
should be followed and carried as far as possible.
Validation studies have to be based on experimental data. These data can introduce significant errors into
the comparison. It is therefore required to select the project test cases with attention to potential error
sources and experimental uncertainties. Definitions on the different types of test cases as well as on the requirements for the project are given in Selection and Evaluation of Experimental Data (p. 103).

6.2. Definition of Errors in CFD Simulations

CFD simulations have the following potential sources for errors or uncertainties:

Numerical Errors (p. 85)

Numerical errors result from the differences between the exact equations and the discretized equations
solved by the CFD code. For consistent discretization schemes, these errors can be reduced by an increased spatial grid density and/or by smaller timesteps.

Modeling Errors (p. 91)

Modeling errors result from the necessity to describe flow phenomena such as turbulence, combustion,
and multi-phase flows by empirical models. For turbulent flows, the necessity for using empirical models
derives from the excessive computational effort to solve the exact equations1 with a Direct Numerical
Simulation (DNS) approach. Turbulence models are therefore required to bridge the gap between the
real flow and the statistically averaged equations. Other examples are combustion models and models
for interpenetrating continua, for example, two-fluid models for two-phase flows.

User Errors (p. 92)

User errors result from incorrect use of CFD software and are usually a result of insufficient expertise
by the CFD user. Errors can be reduced or avoided by additional training and experience in combination
with high-quality project management and by provision and use of Best Practice Guidelines and associated

Application Uncertainties (p. 93)

Application uncertainties are related to insufficient information to define a CFD simulation. A typical
example is insufficient information on the boundary conditions.

Software Errors (p. 93).

Software errors are the result of an inconsistency between the documented equations and the actual
implementation in the CFD software. They are usually a result of programming errors.

The Navier-Stokes equations for single-phase, Newtonian fluids


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6.2.1. Numerical Errors

A more detailed definition of the different errors follows.

6.2.1. Numerical Errors

Numerical Errors are of the following types:

Solution Errors (p. 85)

Spatial Discretization Errors (p. 86)

Time Discretization Errors (p. 86)

Iteration Errors (p. 88)

Round-off Error (p. 88)

Solution Error Estimation (p. 88) Solution Errors

The most relevant errors from a practical standpoint are solution errors2. They are the difference between
the exact solution of the model equations and the numerical solution. The relative solution error can be
formally defined as:



Equation 61 (p. 85) is valid for every grid point for which the numerical solution exists. A global number
can be defined by applying suitable norms, as:



The goal of a numerical simulation is to reduce this error below an acceptable limit.
Obviously, this is not a straightforward task, as the exact solution is not known and the error can therefore
not be computed. Exceptions are simple test cases for code verification where an analytical solution is


Given a grid spacing , and the truncation error order of a consistent discretization scheme, , a Taylor
series can be written to express the exact solution as:

5A@2987 6 5432

In other words, the numerical solution converges towards the exact solution with the
spacing. Analogous definitions are available for time discretization errors.



10 )


power of the grid

Sometimes also called discretization errors

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Chapter 6: CFX Best Practices Guide for Numerical Accuracy Spatial Discretization Errors

Spatial discretization errors are the result of replacing the analytical derivatives or integrals in the exact
equations by numerical approximations that have a certain truncation error. The truncation error can be
obtained by inserting a Taylor series expansion of the numerical solution into the different terms of the
discretized equations:





$# "


is the
derivative of the exact solution at a given location. An example is a central difference
for a spatial derivative:







% '
% '




% '


A0 B




5 4321

97 6

5 4321

% '




This formulation has a truncation error of order 2 and is therefore second-order accurate. The overall truncation error order of the spatial discretization scheme is determined by the lowest order truncation error
after all terms have been discretized.



differencing of the convective terms yields truncation errors


term of Equation 65 (p. 86), the leading term is proportional to

In the

. First-order upwind

with leading term proportional to


ba `

. This term then contributes to the diffusion term (numerical/false diffusion), which is most dangerous
in 3D problems with grid lines not aligned to the flow direction. These schemes enhance the dissipation
property of the numerical algorithm (see for example, Ferziger and Peric [141 (p. 267)]) and are not desirable
in high-quality CFD simulations.
From a practical standpoint, it is important to understand that for a first-order method, the error is reduced
to 50% by a doubling of the grid resolution in each spatial direction. For a second-order method, it is reduced
to 25% for the same grid refinement. Time Discretization Errors

Time adds another dimension to a CFD simulation. The definition of time discretization errors is therefore
similar to the definition of the spatial discretization errors. The spatial discretization usually results in a system
of non-linear algebraic equations of the form:



The error in the time discretization can again be obtained by a Taylor series expansion of the numerical
formulation of this equation. With the example of a backward Euler integration:


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6.2.1. Numerical Errors


the discretization error is:

" !
  $  #!  & %

 & % ( '  )  & % (& '  & %  & % 


The error is therefore first-order for the time derivative.

in the right
An additional complication for implicit methods comes from the inclusion of the unknown
hand side of Equation 67 (p. 87). In order to benefit from an implicit method, a linearization of has to be

2 10

8 7 9 8 7 BA 6

@5 4

5 4
E @



The resulting discretized equation is therefore:





This constitutes an implicit formulation with first-order accuracy. A second-order time differencing is not
compatible with this linearization of the right hand side, as the linearization introduced a first-order error
. In order to be able to satisfy the implicit dependency of the right hand side on the time level +
more closely, inner iterations (or coefficient loops) are frequently introduced:




where an additional iteration over the index

u u


is carried out. This equation can be reformulated as:


u v



e d
e d
gf X f g f X Y

e d
e d
gf X f gf X `

e d
gf X W i a q prq i a

This equation can be converged completely (left hand side goes to zero) in in order to solve the original
exact implicit formulation given by Equation 67 (p. 87). It is obvious that it is not necessary to converge
the coefficient loop to zero, while the right hand side has a finite (first-order) error in
. It can be shown
that for a first-order time integration, one coefficient loop is consistent with the accuracy of the method. In
a case where a second-order accurate scheme is used in the time derivative, two coefficient loops will ensure

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Chapter 6: CFX Best Practices Guide for Numerical Accuracy

overall second-order accuracy of the method. Note, however, that this is correct only if the coefficient loops
are not under-relaxed in any way.
For explicit methods, no coefficient loops are required and the time discretization error is defined solely
from a Taylor series expansion. Iteration Errors

The iteration error is similar to the coefficient loop error described above. It occurs in a case where a steadystate solution is sought from an iterative method. In most CFD codes, the iteration is carried out via a
(pseudo-) timestepping scheme as given in this example, which also appears above:


Zero iteration error would mean that the left hand side is converged to zero, leading to the converged
= . However, in practical situations, the iterative process is stopped at a certain level, in
order to reduce the numerical effort. The difference between this solution and the fully converged solution
defines the iteration error.

The iteration error is usually quantified in terms of a residual or a residual norm. This can be the maximum
, for all grid points, or a root mean square of this quantity. In
absolute value of the right hand side,
most CFD methods, the residual is non-dimensionalized to allow for a comparison between different applications with different scaling. However, the non-dimensionalization is different for different CFD codes,
making general statements as to the required absolute level of residuals impractical. Typically, the quality
of a solution is measured by the overall reduction in the residual, compared to the level at the start of the

The iteration error should be controlled with the use of the target variables. The value of the target variable
can be plotted as a function of the convergence level. In case of iterative convergence, the target variable
should remain constant with the convergence level. It is desirable to display the target variable in the solver
monitor during the simulation. Round-off Error

Another numerical error is the round-off error. It results from the fact that a computer only solves the
equations with a finite number of digits (around 8 for single-precision and around 16 for double-precision).
Due to the limited number of digits, the computer cannot differentiate between numbers that are different
by an amount below the available accuracy. For flow simulations with large-scale differences (for instance,
extent of the domain vs. cell size), this can be a problem for single-precision simulations. Round-off errors
are often characterized by a random behavior of the numerical solution. Solution Error Estimation

The most practical method to obtain estimates for the solution error is systematic grid refinement or timestep
reduction. In the following, the equations for error estimation are given for grid refinement. The same process
can be used for timestep refinement.
If the asymptotic range of the convergence properties of the numerical method is reached, the difference
between solutions on successively refined grids can be used as an error estimator. This allows the application
of Richardson extrapolation to the solutions on the different grids (Roache [139 (p. 267)]). In the asymptotic
limit, the solution can be written as follows:

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6.2.1. Numerical Errors

In this formulation,


is the grid spacing (or a linear measure of it) and the

= +

are functions independent of

the grid spacing. The subscript, , refers to the current level of grid resolution. Solutions on different grids
are represented by different subscripts.

The assumption for the derivation of an error estimate is that the order of the numerical discretization is
known. This is usually the case. Assuming a second-order accurate method, the above expansion can be
written for two different grids:
# $

3 3
3' &

= +


" ! 

2 10)(

Neglecting higher-order terms, the unknown function


= +

can be eliminated from this equation. An estimate

for the exact solution is therefore:


8D 7

E 8D 7


C BA@9

The difference between the fine grid solution and the exact solution (defining the error) is therefore:





For an arbitrary order of accuracy, , of the underlying numerical scheme, the error is given by:

i hgfe

In order to build the difference between the solutions




p qd
sc rc

, it is required that the coarse and the fine

grid solution is available at the same location. In the case of a doubling of the grid density without a
movement of the coarse grid nodes, all information is available on the coarse grid nodes. The application
of the correction to the fine-grid solution requires an interpolation of the correction to the fine grid nodes
(Roache [139 (p. 267)]). In the case of a general grid refinement, the solutions are not available on the same
physical locations. An interpolation of the solution between the different grids is then required for a direct
error estimate. It has to be ensured that the interpolation error is lower than the solution error in order to
avoid a contamination of the estimate.
Richardson interpolation can also be applied to integral quantities (target variables), such as lift or drag
coefficients. In this case, no interpolation of the solution between grids is required.
Note that the above derivation is valid only if the underlying method has the same order of accuracy
everywhere in the domain and if the coarse grid is already in the asymptotic range (the error decreases with
the order of the numerical method). In addition, the method magnifies round-off and iteration errors.
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Chapter 6: CFX Best Practices Guide for Numerical Accuracy

The intention of the Richardson interpolation was originally to improve the solution on the fine grid. This
requires an interpolation of the correction to the fine grid and introduces additional inaccuracies into the
extrapolated solution, such as errors in the conservation properties of the solution. A more practical use of
the Richardson extrapolation is the determination of the relative solution error, :



An estimate,

, of this quantity can be derived from Equation 616 (p. 89):




It can be shown (Roache [139 (p. 267)]) that the exact relative error and the approximation are related by:

% %
% $# " !


Equation 620 (p. 90) can also be divided by the range of


the error to become infinite as


or another suitable quantity in order to prevent

goes to zero.

In order to arrive at a practical error estimator, the following definitions are proposed:
Field error:

@8 A 2 9 C 1 76543
C 1 B 1 10


Maximum error:





RMS error:

rp s b q u a ihgfc
u a t a ed c e d c `

Target variable error:


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6.2.2. Modeling Errors



where is the defined target variable (list, drag, heat transfer coefficient, maximum temperature, mass flow,
et cetera).
Similar error measures can be defined for derived variables, which can be specified for each test case. Typical examples would be the total mass flow, the pressure drop, or the overall heat transfer. This will be the
recommended strategy, as it avoids the interpolation of solutions between the coarse and the fine grid.
For unstructured meshes, the above considerations are valid only in cases of a global refinement of the
mesh. Otherwise, the solution error will not be reduced continuously across the domain. For unstructured
refinement the refinement level, , can be defined as follows:




is the number of grid points and




is the dimension of the problem.

It must be emphasized that these definitions do not impose an upper limit on the real error, but are estimates
for the evaluation of the quality of the numerical results. Limitations of the above error estimates are:

The solution has to be smooth

The truncation error order of the method has to be known

The solution has to be sufficiently converged in the iteration domain

The coarse grid solution has to be in the asymptotic range.

For three-dimensional simulations, the demand that the coarse grid solution be in the asymptotic range is
often hard to ensure. It is therefore required to compute the error for three different grid levels, to avoid
fortuitous results. If the solution is in the asymptotic range, the following indicator should be close to constant:

34332 10


6.2.2. Modeling Errors

In industrial CFD methods, numerous physical and chemical models are incorporated. Models are usually
applied to avoid the resolution of a large range of scales, which would result in excessive computing requirements.
The classical model used in almost all industrial CFD applications is a turbulence model. It is based on time
or ensemble averaging of the equations resulting in the so-called Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS)
equations. Due to the averaging procedure, information from the full Navier-Stokes equations is lost. It is
supplied back into the code by the turbulence model. The most widely used industrial models are twoequation models, such as the or models.

The statistical model approach reduces the resolution requirements in time and space by many orders of
magnitude, but requires the calibration of model coefficients for certain classes of flows against experimental

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Chapter 6: CFX Best Practices Guide for Numerical Accuracy

data. There is a wide variety of models that are introduced to reduce the resolution requirements for CFD
simulations, including:

Turbulence models

Multi-phase models

Combustion models

Radiation models.

In combustion models, the reduction can be both in terms of the chemical species and in terms of the turbulence-combustion interaction. In radiation, the reduction is typically in terms of the wavelength and/or
the directional information. For multi-phase flows, it is usually not possible to resolve a large number of individual bubbles or droplets. In this case, the equations are averaged over the different phases to produce
continuous distributions for each phase in space and time.
As all of these models are based on a reduction of the real physics to a reduced resolution, information
has to be introduced from outside the original equations. This is usually achieved by experimental calibration,
or by available DNS (p. 84) results.
Once a model has been selected, the accuracy of the simulation cannot be increased beyond the capabilities
of the model. This is the largest factor of uncertainty in CFD methods, as modeling errors can be of the order
of 100% or more. These large errors occur in cases where the CFD solution is very sensitive to the model
assumptions and where a model is applied outside its range of calibration.
Because of the complexity of industrial simulations, it cannot be ensured that the models available in a
given CFD code are suitable for a new application. While in most industrial codes a number of different
models are available, there is no a priori criterion as to the selection of the most appropriate one. Successful
model selection is largely based on the expertise and the knowledge of the CFD user.

6.2.3. User Errors

User errors result from the inadequate use of the resources available for a CFD simulation. The resources
are given by:

Problem description

Computing power

CFD software

Physical models in the software

Project time frame.

According to the ERCOFTAC Best Practice Guidelines [140 (p. 267)], some of the sources for user errors are:

Lack of experience

Lack of attention to detail or other mistakes.

Often, user errors are related to management errors when insufficient resources are assigned to a project,
or inexperienced users are given a too complex application. Typical user errors are:

Oversimplification of a given problem; for example, geometry, equation system, et cetera

Poor geometry and grid generation

Use of incorrect boundary conditions


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6.3.1. Avoiding User Errors

Selection of non-optimal physical models

Incorrect or inadequate solver parameters; for example, timestep, et cetera

Acceptance of non-converged solutions

Post-processing errors.

6.2.4. Application Uncertainties

Application uncertainties result from insufficient knowledge to carry out the simulation. This is in most cases
a lack of information on the boundary conditions or of the details of the geometry. A typical example is the
lack of detailed information at the inlet. A complete set of inlet boundary conditions is composed of inflow
profiles for all transported variables (momentum, energy, turbulence intensity, turbulence length scale,
volume fractions, et cetera). This information can be supplied from experiments or from a CFD simulation
of the upstream flow. In most industrial applications, this information is not known and bulk values are
given instead. In some cases, the detailed information can be obtained from a separate CFD simulation (for
instance a fully developed pipe inlet flow). In other cases, the boundaries can be moved far enough away
from the area of interest to minimize the influence of the required assumptions for the complete specification
of the boundary conditions.
Typical application uncertainties are:

Lack of boundary condition information

Insufficient information on the geometry

Uncertainty in experimental data for solution evaluation.

6.2.5. Software Errors

Software errors are defined as any inconsistency in the software package. This includes the code, its documentation, and the technical service support. Software errors occur when the information you have on the
equations to be solved by the software is different from the actual equations solved by the code. This difference can be a result of:

Coding errors (bugs)

Errors in the graphical user interface (GUI)

Documentation errors

Incorrect support information.

6.3. General Best Practice Guidelines

In order to reduce the numerical errors, it is necessary to have procedures for the estimation of the different
errors described in Definition of Errors in CFD Simulations (p. 84). The main goal is to reduce the solution error
to a minimum with given computer resources.

6.3.1. Avoiding User Errors

User errors are directly related to the expertise, the thoroughness, and the experience of the user. For a
given user, these errors can only be minimized by good project management and thorough interaction with
others. In case of inexperienced users, day-to-day interaction with a CFD expert/manager is required to avoid
major quality problems. A structured work plan with intermediate results is important for intermediate and
long-term projects.

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Chapter 6: CFX Best Practices Guide for Numerical Accuracy

A careful study of the CFD code documentation and other literature on the numerical methods as well as
the physical models is highly recommended. Furthermore, benchmark studies are recommended to enable
you to understand the capabilities and limitations of CFD methods. A comparison of different CFD methods
is desirable, but not always possible.

6.3.2. Geometry Generation

Before the grid generation can start, the geometry has to be created or imported from CAD-data. In both
cases, attention should be given to:

The use of a correct coordinate system

The use of the correct units

The use of geometrical simplification, for example, symmetry planes

Local details. In general, geometrical features with dimensions below the local mesh size (for example,
wall roughness or porous elements) are not included in the geometrical model. These should be incorporated through a suitable model.

In the case that the geometry is imported from CAD-data, the data should be checked beforehand. Frequently,
after the import of CAD-data, the CAD-data has to be adapted (cleaned) before it can be used for mesh
generation. It is essential for mesh generation to have closed volumes. The various CAD-data formats do
not always contain these closed volumes. Therefore, the CAD-data has to be altered in order to create the
closed volumes. It has to be ensured that these changes do not influence the flow to be computed.

6.3.3. Grid Generation

In a CFD analysis, the flow domain is subdivided in a large number of computational cells. All these computational cells together form the so-called mesh or grid. The number of cells in the mesh should be taken
sufficiently large, such that an adequate resolution is obtained for the representation of the geometry of
the flow domain and the expected flow phenomena in this domain.
A good mesh quality is essential for performing a good CFD analysis. Therefore, assessment of the mesh
quality before performing a large and complex CFD analysis is very important. Most of the mesh generators
and CFD solvers offer the possibility of checking the mesh on several cells or mesh parameters, such as aspect
ratio, internal angle, face warpage, right handiness, negative volumes, cracks, and tetrahedral quality. The
reader is referred to the user guides of the various mesh generators and CFD solvers for more information
on these cells and mesh parameters.
Recommendations for grid generation are:

Avoid high grid stretching ratios.

Aspect ratios should not be larger than 20 to 50 in regions away from the boundary.

Aspect ratios may be larger than that in unimportant regions.

Aspect ratios may, and should, be larger than that in the boundary layers. For well resolved
boundary layers at high Re numbers, the near-wall aspect ratios can be of the order of 105-106.

Avoid jumps in grid density.

Growth factors should be smaller than 1.3.

Avoid poor grid angles.

Avoid non-scalable grid topologies. Non-scalable topologies can occur in block-structured grids and are
characterized by a deterioration of grid quality under grid refinement.


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6.3.4. Model Selection and Application

Avoid non-orthogonal, for example, unstructured tetrahedral meshes, in (thin) boundary layers.

Use a finer and more regular grid in critical regions, for example, regions with high gradients or large
changes such as shocks.

Avoid the presence of arbitrary grid interfaces, mesh refinements, or changes in element types in critical
regions. An arbitrary grid interface occurs when there is no one-to-one correspondence between the
cell faces on both sides of a common interface, between adjacent mesh parts.

If possible, determine the size of the cells adjacent to wall boundaries where turbulence models are used,
before grid generation has started.
Numerical diffusion is high when computational cells are created that are not orthogonal to the fluid flow.
If possible, avoid computational cells that are not orthogonal to the fluid flow.
Judge the mesh quality by using the possibilities offered by the mesh generator. Most mesh generators offer
checks on mesh parameters, such as aspect ratio, internal angle, face warpage, right handiness, negative
volumes, cracks, and tetrahedral quality.
It should be demonstrated that the final result of the calculations is independent of the grid that is used.
This is usually done by comparison of the results of calculations on grids with different grid sizes.
Some CFD methods allow the application of grid adaptation procedures. In these methods, the grid is refined
in critical regions (high truncation errors, large solution gradients, et cetera). In these methods, the selection
of appropriate indicator functions for the adaptation is essential for the success of the simulations. They
should be based on the most important flow features to be computed.
As a general rule, any important shear layer in the flow (boundary layer, mixing layer, free jets, wakes, and
so on) should be resolved with at least 10 nodes normal to the layer. This is a very challenging requirement
that often requires the use of grids that are aligned with the shear layers.

6.3.4. Model Selection and Application

Modeling errors are the most difficult errors to avoid, as they cannot be reduced systematically. The most
important factor for the reduction of modeling errors is the quality of the models available in the CFD
package and the experience of the user. There is also a strong interaction between modeling errors and the
time and space resolution of the grid. The resolution has to be sufficient for the model selected for the application.
In principle, modeling errors can only be estimated in cases where the validation of the model is close to
the intended application. Model validation is essential for the level of confidence you can have in a CFD
simulation. It is therefore required that you gather all available information on the validation of the selected
model, both from the open literature and from the code developers (vendors). In case that CFD is to be
applied to a new field, it is recommended that you carry out additional validation studies, in order to gain
confidence that the physical models are adequate for the intended simulation.
If several modeling options are available in the code (as is usually the case for turbulence, combustion and
multi-phase flow models), it is recommended that you carry out the simulation with different models in order
to test the sensitivity of the application with respect to the model selection.
In case you have personal access to a modeling expert in the required area, it is recommended that you
interact with the model developer or expert to ensure the optimal selection and use of the model.

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Chapter 6: CFX Best Practices Guide for Numerical Accuracy Turbulence Models

There are different methods for the treatment of turbulent flows. The need for a model results from the inability of CFD simulations to fully resolve all time and length scales of a turbulent motion. In classical CFD
methods, the Navier-Stokes equations are usually time- or ensemble-averaged, reducing the resolution requirements by many orders of magnitude. The resulting equations are the RANS (p. 91) equations. Due to
the averaging procedure, information is lost, which is then fed back into the equations by a turbulence
The amount of information that has to be provided by the turbulence model can be reduced if the large
time and length scales of the turbulent motion are resolved. The equations for this so-called Large Eddy
Simulation (LES) method are usually filtered over the grid size of the computational cells. All scales smaller
than the resolution of the mesh are modeled and all scales larger than the cells are computed. This approach
is several orders of magnitude more expensive than a RANS (p. 91) simulation and is therefore not used
routinely in industrial flow simulations. It is most appropriate for free shear flows, as the length scales near
the solid walls are usually very small and require small cells even for the LES (p. 96) method.
RANS (p. 91) methods are the most widely used approach for CFD simulations of industrial flows. Early
methods, using algebraic formulations, have been largely replaced by more general transport equation
models, for both implementation and accuracy considerations. The use of algebraic models is not recommended for general flow simulations, due to their limitations in generality and their geometric restrictions.
The lowest level of turbulence models that offer sufficient generality and flexibility are two-equation models.
They are based on the description of the dominant length and time scale by two independent variables.
Models that are more complex have been developed and offer more general platforms for the inclusion of
physical effects. The most complex RANS (p. 91) model used in industrial CFD applications are Second Moment
Closure (SMC) models. Instead of two equations for the two main turbulent scales, this approach requires
the solution of seven transport equations for the independent Reynolds stresses and one length (or related)
The challenge for the user of a CFD method is to select the optimal model for the application at hand from
the models available in the CFD method. In most cases, it cannot be specified beforehand which model will
offer the highest accuracy. However, there are indications as to the range of applicability of different turbulence closures. This information can be obtained from validation studies carried out with the model.
In addition to the accuracy of the model, consideration has to be given to its numerical properties and the
required computer power. It is often observed that more complex models are less robust and require many
times more computing power than the additional number of equations would indicate. Frequently, the
complex models cannot be converged at all, or, in the worst case, the code becomes unstable and the
solution is lost.
It is not trivial to provide general rules and recommendations for the selection and use of turbulence models
for complex applications. Different CFD groups have given preference to different models for historical
reasons or personal experiences. Even turbulence experts cannot always agree as to which model offers the
best cost-performance ratio for a new application. One-equation Models

A number of one-equation turbulence models based on an equation for the eddy viscosity have been developed over the last years. Typical applications are:

Airplane- and wing flows

External automobile aerodynamics

Flow around ships.


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6.3.4. Model Selection and Application

These models have typically been optimized for aerodynamic flows and are not recommended as generalpurpose models. Two-equation Models

The two-equation models are the main-stand of industrial CFD simulations. They offer a good compromise
between complexity, accuracy and robustness. The most popular models are the standard model and different
versions of the model, see Wilcox [30 (p. 251)]. The standard model of Wilcox is the most well
known of the based models, but shows a severe free-stream dependency. It is therefore not recommended for general industrial flow simulations, as the results are strongly dependent on the user input. Alternative formulations are available, see for example, the Shear Stress Transport (SST) model, Menter
[9 (p. 248)].

An important weakness of standard two-equation models is that they are insensitive to streamline curvature
and system rotation. Particularly for swirling flows, this can lead to an over-prediction of turbulent mixing
and to a strong decay of the core vortex. There are curvature correction models available, but they have
not been generally validated for complex flows.
The standard two-equation models can also exhibit a strong build-up of turbulence in stagnation regions,
due to their modeling of the production terms. Several modifications are available to reduce this effect, for
instance by Kato and Launder [128 (p. 266)]. They should be used for flows around rods, blades, airfoils, et
cetera. Second Moment Closure (SMC) Models

SMC (p. 96) models are based on the solution of a transport equation for each of the independent Reynolds
stresses in combination with the - or the -equation. These models offer generally a wider modeling platform
and account for certain effects due to their exact form of the turbulent production terms. Some of these
models show the proper sensitivity to swirl and system rotation, which have to be modeled explicitly in a
two-equation framework. SMC (p. 96) models are also superior for flows in stagnation regions, where no
additional modifications are required.

One of the weak points of the SMC (p. 96) closure is that the same scale equations are used as in the twoequation framework. As the scale equation is typically one of the main sources of uncertainty, it is found
that SMC (p. 96) models do not consistently produce superior results compared to the simpler models. In
addition, experience has shown that SMC (p. 96) models are often much harder to handle numerically. The
model can introduce a strong non-linearity into the CFD method, leading to numerical problems in many
SMC (p. 96) models are usually not started from a pre-specified initial condition, but from an already available
solution from a two-equation (or simpler) model. This reduces some of the numerical problems of the
SMC (p. 96) approach. In addition, it offers an important sensitivity study, as it allows quantifying the influence
of the turbulence model on the solution. It is therefore recommended that you fully converge the twoequation model solution and save it for a comparison with the SMC (p. 96) model solution. The difference
between the solutions is a measure of the influence of the turbulence model and therefore an indication of
the modeling uncertainty. This is possible only in steady state simulations. For unsteady flows, the models
usually have to be started from the initial condition. Large Eddy Simulation Models

LES (p. 96) models are based on the numerical resolution of the large turbulence scales and the modeling
of the small scales. LES (p. 96) is not yet a widely used industrial approach, due to the large cost of the required unsteady simulations. For certain classes of applications, LES (p. 96) will be applicable in the near
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Chapter 6: CFX Best Practices Guide for Numerical Accuracy

future. The most appropriate area will be free shear flows, where the large scales are of the order of the
solution domain (or only an order of magnitude smaller). For boundary layer flows, the resolution requirements
are much higher, as the near-wall turbulent length scales become much smaller. The internal flows (pipe
flows, channel flows) are in between, as they have a restricted domain in the wall normal direction, but small
scales have to be resolved in the other two directions.
LES (p. 96) simulations do not easily lend themselves to the application of grid refinement studies both in
the time and the space domain. The main reason is that the turbulence model adjusts itself to the resolution
of the grid. Two simulations on different grids are therefore not comparable by asymptotic expansion, as
they are based on different levels of the eddy viscosity and therefore on a different resolution of the turbulent
scales. From a theoretical standpoint, the problem can be avoided, if the LES (p. 96) model is not based on
the grid spacing, but on a pre-specified filter-width. This would allow reaching grid-independent LES (p. 96)
solutions above the DNS (p. 84) limit. However, LES (p. 96) is a very expensive method and systematic grid
and timestep studies are prohibitive even for a pre-specified filter. It is one of the disturbing facts that
LES (p. 96) does not lend itself naturally to quality assurance using classical methods. This property of the
LES (p. 96) also indicates that (non-linear) multigrid methods of convergence acceleration are not suitable
in this application.
On a more global level, the grid convergence can be tested using averaged quantities resulting from the
LES (p. 96) simulation. The averaged LES (p. 96) results can be analyzed in a similar way as RANS (p. 91)
solutions (at least qualitatively). Again, it is expensive to perform several LES (p. 96) simulations and grid
refinement will therefore be more the exception than the rule.
Due to the high computing requirements of LES (p. 96), modern developments in the turbulence models
focus on a combination of RANS (p. 91) and LES (p. 96) models. The goal is to cover the wall boundary layers
with RANS (p. 91) and to allow unsteady (LES (p. 96)-like) solutions in largely separated and unsteady flow
regions (for example, flow behind a building, or other blunt bodies). There are two alternatives of such
methods available in ANSYS CFX.
The first alternative is called Scale-Adaptive-Simulation (SAS) model (Menter and Egorov [130 (p. 266)],
[131 (p. 266)], [144 (p. 268)], [145 (p. 268)]). It is essentially an improved Unsteady RANS (URANS) method that
develops LES (p. 96)-like solutions in unstable flow regimes.
The second alternative is called Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) (Spalart [146 (p. 268)]), implemented in the
version of Strelets [58 (p. 255)]. The current recommendation is to use the SAS (p. 98) model, as it has less
grid sensitivity than the DES (p. 98) formulation. In case that SAS (p. 98) does not provide an unsteady
solution, the DES (p. 98) model should be applied. It should be noted that both model formulations require
small timesteps with a Courant number of CFL<1. You are encouraged to read the original references before
applying these models. Wall Boundary Conditions

There are generally three types of boundary conditions that can be applied to a RANS (p. 91) simulation:

Wall Function Boundary Conditions (p. 98)

Integration to the wall (low-Reynolds number formulation) (p. 99)

Mixed formulation (automatic near-wall treatment) (p. 99). Wall Function Boundary Conditions

Standard wall functions are based on the assumption that the first grid point off the wall (or the first integration point) is located in the universal law-of-the-wall or logarithmic region. Wall functions eliminate the
need to resolve the very thin viscous sublayer, leading to a reduction in the number of cells and to a more

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6.3.4. Model Selection and Application

moderate (and desirable) aspect ratio of the cells (ratio of the longest to the smallest side in a structured
grid). High aspect ratios can result in numerical problems due to round-off errors.
On the other hand, standard wall function formulations are difficult to handle, because you have to ensure
that the grid resolution near the wall satisfies the wall function requirements. If the grid becomes too coarse,
the resolution of the boundary layer is no longer ensured. If the resolution becomes too fine, the first grid
spacing can be too small to bridge the viscous sublayer. In this case, the logarithmic profile assumptions
are no longer satisfied. You have to ensure that both limits are not overstepped in the grid generation phase.
The lower limit on the grid resolution for standard wall functions is a severe detriment to a systematic grid
refinement process, as required by the best practice approach. In other words, instead of an improved accuracy of the solution with grid refinement, the solution will deteriorate from a certain level on, leading
eventually to a singularity of the numerical method. Standard wall functions are therefore not recommended
for systematic grid refinement studies. Recently, alternative formulations (scalable wall functions) have become
available, Menter and Esch [142 (p. 268)], which allow for a systematic grid refinement when using wall
functions. Integration to the wall (low-Reynolds number formulation)

The use of low-Reynolds (low-Re) number formulations of turbulence models for the integration of the
equations through the viscous sublayer is generally more accurate, as no additional assumptions are required
concerning the variation of the variables near the wall. On the downside, most low-Re extensions of turbulence
models are quite complex and can reduce the numerical performance or even destabilize the numerical
at all wall
method. In addition, classical low-Re models require a very fine near-wall resolution of
nodes. This is very hard to ensure for all walls of a complex industrial application. In the case that significantly
coarser grids are used, the wall shear stress and the wall heat transfer can be reduced significantly below
their correct values. Mixed formulation (automatic near-wall treatment)

In ANSYS CFX, hybrid methods are available for all -equation based turbulence models (automatic nearwall treatment), which automatically switch from a low-Re formulation to wall functions based on the grid
spacing you provide. These formulations provide the optimal boundary condition for a given grid. From a
best practice standpoint, they are the most desirable, as they allow for an accurate near-wall treatment over
a wide range of grid spacings. However, accurate boundary layer simulations do not depend only on the
near-wall spacing, but also require a minimum of at least 10 grid nodes inside the boundary layer. Recommendations for Model Selection

Avoid the use of classical wall functions, as they are inconsistent with grid refinement.

Avoid strict low-Re number formulations, unless it is ensured that all near-wall cells are within the resolution requirements of the formulation.

In combination with the model, use scalable wall functions. They can be applied to a range of
grids without immediate deterioration of the solution (default in ANSYS CFX).

For more accurate simulations, use an automatic wall treatment in combination with SST (p. 97) turbulence model (default in ANSYS CFX). Heat Transfer Models

The heat transfer formulation is strongly linked to the underlying turbulence model. For eddy viscosity
models, the heat transfer simulation is generally based on the analogy between heat and momentum
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Chapter 6: CFX Best Practices Guide for Numerical Accuracy

transfer. Given the eddy viscosity of the two-equation model, the heat transfer prediction is based on the
introduction of a molecular and a turbulent Prandtl number. The treatment of the energy equation is
therefore similar to the treatment of the momentum equations. No additional transport equations are required
for the turbulent heat transfer prediction. The boundary conditions are the same as for the momentum
equations and follow the same recommendations.
For SMC (p. 96) models, three additional transport equations must be solved for the turbulent heat transfer
vector in order to be consistent with the overall closure level. Only a few CFD methods offer this option. In
most cases, the heat transfer is computed from an eddy diffusivity with a constant turbulent Prandtl number. Multi-Phase Models

Multi-phase models are required in cases where more than one phase is involved in the simulation (phases
can also be non-miscible fluids). There is a wide variety of multi-phase flow scenarios, with the two extremes
of small-scale mixing of the phases or a total separation of the phases by a sharp interface.
Depending on the flow simulation, different types of models are available. The main distinction of the
models is given below.
Lagrange models solve a separate equation for individual particles, bubbles, or droplets in a surrounding
fluid. The method integrates the three-dimensional trajectories of the particles based on the forces acting
on them from the surrounding fluid and other sources. Turbulence is usually accounted for by a random
motion, superimposed on the trajectory.
Lagrange models are usually applied to flows with low particle (bubble) densities. In these flows, the interaction between the particles can usually be neglected, thereby reducing the complexity of the problem
The Euler-Euler formulation is based on the assumption of interpenetrating continua. A separate set of mass,
momentum, and energy conservation equations is solved for each phase. Interphase transfer terms have to
be modeled to account for the interaction of the phases. Euler-Euler methods can be applied to separated
and dispersed flows by changing the interface transfer model.
Additional models are required for flows with mass transfer between the phases (condensation, evaporation,
boiling). These models can be applied in the form of correlations for a large number of particles (bubbles)
in a given control volume, or directly at the interface between the resolved phase boundary.

6.3.5. Reduction of Application Uncertainties

Application uncertainties cannot always be avoided because the missing information can frequently not be
recovered. The uncertainty can be minimized by interaction with the supplier of the test case. The potential
uncertainties have to be documented before the start of the CFD application.
In the case that the assumptions have to be made concerning any input to a CFD analysis, they have to be
communicated to the partners in the project. Alternative assumptions have to be proposed and the sensitivity of the solution to these assumptions has to be evaluated by case studies (alteration of inflow profiles,
different locations for arbitrary boundary conditions, et cetera).
Recommendations are:

Identify all uncertainties in the numerical setup:


Geometry reduction
Boundary condition assumptions
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6.3.6. CFD Simulation

Arbitrary modeling assumptions, for example, bubble diameter, et cetera.

Perform a sensitivity analysis with at least two settings for each arbitrary parameter.

Document the sensitivity of the solution on the assumptions.

6.3.6. CFD Simulation

This section provides recommendations concerning the optimal application of a CFD method, once the grids
are available and the basic physical models have been defined. Target Variables

In order to monitor numerical errors, it is recommended that you define target variables. The convergence
of the numerical scheme can then be checked more easily and without interpolation between different grids.
You should select target variables that:

Are representative of the goals of the simulation.


Are sensitive to numerical treatment and resolution.

This criteria should help to avoid the use of measures that are insensitive to the resolution, such as
pressure-based variables in boundary layer simulations.


Can be computed with existing post-processing tools.


Can be computed inside the solver and displayed during run-time (optimal).

It is optimal if the variable can be computed during run-time and displayed as part of the convergence history.
This enables you to follow the development of the target variable during the iterative process. Minimizing Iteration Errors

A first indication of the convergence of the solution to steady state is the reduction in the residuals. Experience
shows, however, that different types of flows require different levels of residual reduction. For example, it
is found regularly that swirling flows can exhibit significant changes even if the residuals are reduced by
more than 5 - 6 orders of magnitude. Other flows are well converged with a reduction of only 3 - 4 orders.
In addition to the residual reduction, it is therefore required to monitor the solution during convergence
and to plot the pre-defined target quantities of the simulation as a function of the residual (or the iteration
number). A visual observation of the solution at different levels of convergence is recommended.
It is also recommended that you monitor the global balances of conserved variables, such as mass, momentum
and energy, vs. the iteration number.
Convergence is therefore monitored and ensured by the following steps:

Reduce residuals by a pre-specified level and provide residual plots.

Plot evolution of r.m.s. and maximum residual with iteration number.

Report global mass balance with iteration number.

Plot target variables as a function of iteration number or residual level.

Report target variables as a function of r.m.s. residual (table).

It is desirable to have the target variable written out at every timestep in order to display it during the
simulation run.
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Chapter 6: CFX Best Practices Guide for Numerical Accuracy

Depending on the numerical scheme, the recommendations may also be relevant to the iterative convergence
within the timestep loop for transient simulations. Minimizing Spatial Discretization Errors

Spatial discretization errors result from the numerical order of accuracy of the discretization scheme and
from the grid spacing. It is well known that only second- and higher-order space discretization methods are
able to produce high quality solutions on realistic grids. First-order methods should therefore be avoided
for high quality CFD simulations.
As the order of the scheme is usually given (mostly second-order), spatial discretization errors can be influenced only by the provision of an optimal grid. It is important for the quality of the solution and the applicability of the error estimation procedures defined in Solution Error Estimation (p. 88), that the coarse grid
already resolves the main features of the flow. This requires that the grid points are concentrated in areas
of large solution variation. For the reduction of spatial discretization errors, it is also important to provide a
high-quality numerical grid.
For grid convergence tests, the simulations are carried out for a minimum of three grids. The target quantities will be given as a function of the grid density. In addition, an error estimate based on the definition
given in Solution Error Estimation (p. 88) (Equation 625 (p. 91)) will be carried out. It is also recommended
that you compute the quantity given by Equation 627 (p. 91) to test the assumption of asymptotic convergence.
It is further recommended that the graphical comparison between the experiments and the simulations
show the grid influence for some selected examples. The following information should be provided:

Define target variable as given in Target Variables (p. 101).

Provide three (or more) grids using the same topology (or for unstructured meshes, a uniform refinement
over all cells).

Compute solution on these grids:

Ensure convergence of the target variable in the time- or iteration domain. See Iteration Errors (p. 88)
and Minimizing Iteration Errors (p. 101).

Compute target variables for these solutions.

Compute and report error measure for target variable(s) based on Equation 625 (p. 91).

Plot selected variables for the different grids in one picture.

Check if the solution is in the asymptotic range using Equation 627 (p. 91). Minimizing Time Discretization Errors

In order to reduce time integration errors for unsteady-state simulations, it is recommended that you use
at least a second-order-accurate time-discretization scheme. Usually, the relevant frequencies can be estimated
beforehand and the timestep can be adjusted to provide at least 10 - 20 steps for each period of the highest
relevant frequency. In case of unsteadiness due to a moving front, the timestep should be chosen as a
fraction of:


with the grid spacing


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and the front speed

6.4. Selection and Evaluation of Experimental Data

It should be noted that under strong grid and timestep refinement, sometimes flow features are resolved
that are not relevant for the simulation. An example is the (undesirable) resolution of the vortex shedding
at the trailing edge of an airfoil or a turbine blade in a RANS (p. 91) simulation for very fine grids and
timesteps. Another example is the gradual switch to a DNS (p. 84) for the simulation of free surface flows
with a Volume of Fluid (VOF) method (for example, drop formation, wave excitation for free surfaces, et
cetera). This is a difficult situation, as it usually means that no grid/timestep converged solution exists below
the DNS (p. 84) range, which can usually not be achieved.
In principle, the time dependency of the solution can be treated as another dimension of the problem with
the definitions in Solution Error Estimation (p. 88). However, a four-dimensional grid study would be very
demanding. It is therefore more practical to carry out the error estimation in the time domain separately
from the space discretization. Under the assumption that a sufficiently fine space discretization is available,
the error estimation in the time domain can be performed as a one-dimensional study.
Studies should be carried out with at least two and if possible three different timesteps for one given spatial
resolution. Again, the error estimators given in Solution Error Estimation (p. 88) (Equation 625 (p. 91)) can
be used, if is replaced by the timestep. The following information should be provided:

Unsteady target variables as a function of timestep (graphical representation)

Error estimate based on Equation 625 (p. 91) for (time averaged) target variables

Comparison with experimental data for different timesteps. Avoiding Round-Off Errors

Round-off errors are usually not a significant problem. They can occur for high-Reynolds number flows where
the boundary layer resolution can lead to very small cells near the wall. The number of digits of a single
precision simulation can be insufficient for such cases. The only way to avoid round-off errors with a given
CFD code is the use of a double precision version. In case of an erratic behavior of the CFD method, the use
of a double precision version is recommended.

6.3.7. Handling Software Errors

Software errors can be detected by verification studies. They are based on a systematic comparison of CFD
results with verified solutions (in the optimal case analytical solutions). It is the task of the software developer
to ensure the functionality of the software by systematic testing.
In most cases, pre-existing software will be used. It is assumed that all CFD packages have been sufficiently
tested to ensure that no software verification studies have to be carried out in the project (except for newly
developed modules). In case that two CFD packages give different results for the same application, using
the same physical models, the sources for these differences will have to be evaluated. In case of code errors,
they will be reported to the code developers and if possible removed.

6.4. Selection and Evaluation of Experimental Data

Because of the necessity to model many of the unresolved details of technical flows, it is necessary to assess
the accuracy of the CFD method with the help of experimental data. Experiments are required for the following tasks and purposes:

Verification of model implementation

Validation and calibration of statistical models

Demonstration of model capabilities.

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Chapter 6: CFX Best Practices Guide for Numerical Accuracy

There is no philosophical difference between the different types of test cases. The same test case can be
used for the different phases of model development, implementation, validation, and application, depending
on the status of the model and the suitability of the data.

6.4.1. Verification Experiments

The purpose of verification tests is to ensure the correct implementation of all numerical and physical
models in a CFD method. The best verification data would be the analytical solutions for simple cases that
allow testing all relevant implementation aspects of a CFD code and the models implemented. As analytical
solutions are not always available, simple experimental test cases are often used instead. Description
For CFD code verification, convergence can be tested against exact analytical solutions like:

Convection of disturbances by a given flow

Laminar Couette flow

Laminar channel flow.

For the verification of newly implemented models, verification can only in limited cases be based on analytical solutions. An example is the terminal rise velocity of a spherical bubble in a calm fluid.
In most other cases, simple experiments are used for the verification. It is recommended that you compute
the test cases given by the model developer in the original publication of the model, or other trustworthy
publications. Quite often experimental correlations can be applied, without the need for comparison with
one specific experiment. For instance for turbulence model verification, the most frequently used correlations
are those for flat plate boundary layers. Requirements
The only requirement for verification data is that they allow a judgement of the correct implementation of
the code and/or the models. This requires information from other sources concerning the performance of
the model for the test case. Strictly speaking, it is not required that the simulations are in good agreement
with the data, but that the differences between the simulations and the data are as expected.
The test suite for model verification must be diverse enough to check all aspects of the implementation. As
an example, a fully developed channel flow does not allow to test the correct implementation of the convective terms of a transport equation. The test suite should also allow testing the correct interaction of the
new model with existing other features of the software.
Software verification for physical models should be carried out in the same environment that the end-user
has available. Testing of the new features in an expert environment might miss some of error sources like
the GUI (p. 93).
Verification cases should be selected before the model is implemented. They must be considered an integral
part of the model implementation.

6.4.2. Validation Experiments

The purpose of validation tests is to check the quality of a statistical model for a given flow situation. Validation tests are the only method to ensure that a new model is applicable with confidence to certain types
of flows. The more validation tests a model passes with acceptable accuracy, the more generally it can be
applied to industrial flows. The goal of validation tests is to minimize and quantify modeling errors. Validation

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6.4.2. Validation Experiments

cases are often called building block experiments, as they test different aspects of a CFD code and its
physical models. The successful simulation of these building blocks is a pre-requisite for a complex industrial
flow simulation. Description
Examples of validation cases are flows with a high degree of information required to test the different aspects
of the model formulation. In an ideal case, a validation test case should be sufficiently complete to allow
for an improvement of the physical models it was designed to evaluate. Increasingly, validation data are
obtained from DNS (p. 84) studies. The main limitation here is in the low-Reynolds number and the limited
physical complexity of DNS (p. 84) data. Typically, validation cases are geometrically simple and often based
on two-dimensional or axi-symmetric geometries. Requirements
Validation cases are selected to be as close as possible to the intended application of the model. As an example, the validation of a turbulence model for a flat plate boundary layer does not ensure the applicability
of the model to flows with separation (as is known from the model). It is well accepted by the CFD
community and by model developers that no model (turbulence, multi-phase or other) will be able to cover
all applications with sufficient accuracy. This is the reason why there are always multiple models for each
application. The validation cases allow the CFD user to select the most appropriate model for the intended
type of application.

Test case selection requires that the main features of the CFD models that are to be tested be clearly identified. They must then be dominant in the validation case. Validation cases are often single physics cases,
but it will be more and more necessary to validate CFD methods for combined effects.
The requirements for validation cases are that there should be sufficient detail to be able to compute the
flow unambiguously and to evaluate the performance of the CFD method for a given target application.
Completeness of information is one of the most important requirements for a validation test case. This includes
all information required to run the simulation, like:


Boundary conditions

Initial conditions (for unsteady flows)

Physical effects involved.

While the first three demands are clearly necessary to be able to set up and run the simulation, the knowledge
of all physical effects taking place in the experiment is not always considered. However, it is crucial to have
a clear understanding of the overall flow in order to be able to judge the quality of a test case. Typical
questions are:

Is the flow steady-state or does it have a large-scale unsteadiness?

Is the flow two-dimensional (axi-symmetric, et cetera)?

Are all the relevant physical effects known (multi-phase, transition, et cetera)?

Have any corrections been applied to the data and are they appropriate?

Was there any measurement/wind or water tunnel interference?

Completeness of information is also essential for the comparison of the simulation results with the experimental data. A validation case should have sufficient detail to identify the sources for the discrepancies
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Chapter 6: CFX Best Practices Guide for Numerical Accuracy

between the simulations and the data. This is a vague statement and cannot always be ensured, but a validation experiment should provide more information than isolated point measurements. Profiles and distributions of variables at least in one space dimension should be available (possibly at different locations).
More desirable is the availability of field data in two-dimensional measuring planes including flow visualizations.
Completeness also relates to the non-dimensionalization of the data. Frequently the information provided
is not sufficient to reconstruct the data in the form required by the validation exercise.
In case that the data provided are not sufficient, the impact of the missing information has to be assessed.
Most crucial is the completeness of the data required to set up the simulation. In case of missing information,
the influence of this information deficit has to be assessed. Typical examples are incomplete inlet boundary
conditions. While the mean flow quantities are often provided, other information required by the method,
as profiles for turbulent length scales and volume fractions is frequently missing. The importance of this
deficit can be estimated by experience with similar flows and by sensitivity studies during the validation
Next to the completeness of the data, their quality is of primary importance for a successful validation exercise.
The quality of the data is mainly evaluated by error bounds provided by the experimentalists. Unfortunately,
most experiments still do not provide this information. Moreover, even if error estimates are available, they
cannot exclude systematic errors by the experimentalist.
In addition to error bounds, it is therefore desirable to have an overlap of experimental data that allow
testing the consistency of the measurements. Examples are the same data from different experimental
techniques. It is also a quality criterion when different experimental groups in different facilities have carried
out the same experiment. Consistency can also be judged from total balances, like mass, momentum and
energy conservation. Quality and consistency can frequently be checked if validation exercises have already
been carried out by other CFD groups, even if they used different models.
The availability of the data has to be considered before any CFD validation is carried out. This includes
questions of ownership. For most CFD code developers, data that cannot be shown publicly are much less
valuable than freely available experimental results.

6.4.3. Demonstration Experiments

The purpose of a demonstration exercise is to build confidence in the ability of a CFD method to simulate
complex flows. While validation studies have shown for a number of building block experiments that the
physical models can cover the basic aspects of the target application, the demonstration cases test the
ability of a method to predict combined effects, including geometrical complexity. Description
For an aerodynamic study, a typical hierarchy would be:

Verification - Flat plate

Validation - Airfoil or wing

Demonstration - Complete aircraft.

Similar hierarchies can be established for other industrial areas. Requirements
Typically, the detail of the experimental data is much lower than for verification or validation cases.

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6.4.3. Demonstration Experiments

Completeness of information to set up the test case is of similar importance as for validation cases and involves
the same aspects as listed below:


Boundary conditions

Initial conditions (for unsteady flows)

Physical effects involved.

Typically, the level of completeness of the data for demonstration cases is much lower than for validation
cases. It is therefore even more essential to identify the missing information and to carry out sensitivity
studies with respect to these data.
In terms of post-processing, demonstration cases often do not provide a high degree of detail. They are
usually not appropriate to identify specific weaknesses in the physical models or the CFD codes. Typically,
only the point data or global parameters, as efficiencies, are provided.
Even though the density of data is usually lower, the quality should satisfy the same criteria as for validation
cases. Error estimates are desirable and so are independent measurements.
Due to the limited amount of data available, the information is usually not sufficient to carry out consistency
The requirements in terms of availability/openness are usually lower than for validation cases, as the
demonstration applies usually to a smaller audience. A demonstration case might be carried out for a single
customer or one specific industrial sector. It has to be ensured, as in all cases, that the data can be shown
to the target audience of the simulation.

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Chapter 7: CFX Best Practices Guide for Cavitation

This guide is part of a series that provides advice for using CFX in specific engineering application areas. It
is aimed at users with moderate or little experience using CFX for applications involving cavitation.
This guide describes Liquid Pumps (p. 109).
Cavitation is the formation of vapor bubbles within a liquid where flow dynamics cause the local static
pressure to drop below the vapor pressure. The bubbles of vapor usually last a short time, collapsing when
they encounter higher pressure. Cavitation should not be confused with boiling. When a liquid boils, thermal
energy drives the local temperature to exceed the saturation temperature.
Cavitation is a concern in several application areas, including pumps, inducers, marine propellers, water
turbines, and fuel injectors. One of the major problems caused by cavitation is a loss of pressure rise across
a pump. Other problems include noise, vibration, and damage to metal components.
The next section discusses the effects of cavitation on the performance of liquid pumps.

7.1. Liquid Pumps

Water pumps must take in water and deliver it at a higher total pressure with an acceptable flow rate. Under
certain conditions, cavitation may occur on the low pressure side of the pump, causing a loss of pressure
rise and/or flow rate.
Both pump performance without cavitation and the affects of cavitation on performance will be discussed.

7.1.1. Pump Performance without Cavitation

As long as the static pressure remains sufficiently high everywhere in the system, cavitation will not occur.
In this case, for a given pump RPM, the pressure rise and flow rate are directly coupled, and can be plotted
in a pump performance diagram, as shown below.

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Chapter 7: CFX Best Practices Guide for Cavitation

Figure 7.1 Flow Rate vs Pressure Rise for a Liquid Pump

7.1.2. Pump Performance with Cavitation

If the inlet total pressure is below the critical value for a particular flow rate and RPM, cavitation will occur
causing the pressure rise to diminish. The following performance diagram shows the effect of cavitation on
pressure rise.

Figure 7.2 Cavitation Performance at Constant RPM and Flow Rate

NPSH is the Net Positive Suction Head, a quantity directly related to the inlet total pressure by the relation:


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7.1.4. Setup


where pT,inlet is the inlet total pressure, pv is the vapor pressure, is density, and g is the acceleration due
to gravity. As the inlet total pressure drops, so does the NPSH value, and the amount of cavitation increases.

To generate this diagram, RPM and flow rate are fixed, and the pressure rise is measured at progressively
lower inlet total pressures. For the part of the test where the inlet total pressure is sufficiently high to prevent
cavitation, the pressure rise across the pump is constant, equal to the amount predicted by the first performance diagram. This results in a horizontal trend in the performance curve as the inlet total pressure is dropped.
Since the pressure rise remains constant, the total pressure at the outlet drops by the same amount as at
the inlet. Using CFX software, a mass flow outlet boundary condition can be specified to fix the flow rate
while the inlet total pressure is varied.
When the inlet total pressure reaches a sufficiently low value, cavitation occurs. A further reduction in inlet
total pressure causes more cavitation, which almost always causes a large loss of pressure rise. In rare cases,
pressure rise can actually increase slightly with small amounts of cavitation. Even in such cases, however, a
further increase in cavitation causes a sudden loss of pressure rise. In the lab, the pressure rise will eventually
become insufficient to maintain the required flow rate. Using CFX software, the solution will eventually fail
to converge. Before this point, data should be collected with a sufficient resolution (sufficiently small changes
in inlet pressure) to resolve the part of the performance curve where the pressure starts to drop. The point
of cavitation is often marked by the NPSH at which the pressure rise has fallen by a few percent.

7.1.3. Procedure for Plotting Performance Curve


Set up a simulation with cavitation turned on and pressure levels set high enough to avoid levels of
cavitation that significantly affect pressure rise.
If you have trouble getting a converged solution, try running a simulation with cavitation turned off,
then use the result as an initial guess for a simulation with cavitation turned on.


Run the solver to obtain a solution.


Calculate the pressure rise across the pump and the NPSH value, then plot a point in the performance


Lower the pressure boundary condition by about 5% to 10%.


Repeat starting from step 2, using the previous solution as the initial guess, until cavitation has caused
a significant loss of pump head.

7.1.4. Setup
To facilitate setting up typical domain settings for the cavitation of water, you may load a single-domain
mesh, then run the template .ccl file:
This file should be examined in a text editor before using it so that you understand which settings it specifies.
For the domain fluids list, specify both a liquid and a vapor for the same material. In most cases, it is sufficient
to use a constant-density vapor.

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Chapter 7: CFX Best Practices Guide for Cavitation

Under Fluid Models for the domain, it is strongly recommended that you select Homogeneous Model
under Multiphase Options. You do not need to select Free Surface Model for the purpose of simulating
Under Fluid Pairs for the domain, select the fluid pair from the list and, for Mass Transfer, set Option to
Cavitation. Select the Rayleigh Plesset cavitation model or a User Defined Cavitation Model. For the
Rayleigh Plesset model, the Mean Diameter for cavitation bubbles represents the mean nucleation site
diameter and must be specified. The default value of 2e-06 m is a reasonable value in most cases. The Saturation Pressure must be defined unless the materials you have selected are the components of a homogeneous binary mixture. In the latter case, the saturation properties will already be defined in the mixture
definition, but you may still choose to override the Saturation Pressure by specifying it on the Fluid Pairs
When initializing the domain, set the volume fraction of vapor to zero and the volume fraction of liquid to
unity. These settings (represented by the Automatic setting for Volume Fraction) are used by default in
Set up the problem with one of the following boundary condition combinations:

Inlet total pressure and outlet mass flow (recommended)


Inlet velocity profile and outlet static pressure

The inlet boundary condition should specify that the volume fraction of vapor is zero.
Turbulence models should be chosen as usual (e.g., k-epsilon or SST). For turbulence induced cavitation,
consider using the DES model.
For advection scheme, use high resolution, or a specified blend factor of unity.
If editing a material, remember that the vapor pressure is on an absolute scale; it does not depend on the
specified reference pressure.
Cavitation models cannot be combined with other types of interphase mass transfer, such as thermal phase

7.1.5. Convergence Tips

If performing a single solution, initially turn off cavitation, then turn on cavitation and use the first set of
results as an initial guess.
If performing a series of simulations using one solution to initialize the next, solve the cases in order of decreasing pressure (i.e., approaching cavitation).

7.1.6. Post-Processing
A contour plot of volume fraction for the vapor can show where cavitation bubbles exist.
To calculate the inlet and outlet pressures, use the function calculator.


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Chapter 8: CFX Best Practices Guide for Combustion

This guide is part of a series that provides advice for using CFX in specific engineering application areas. It
is aimed at users with moderate or little experience using CFX for applications involving combustion.
This guide describes:

Gas Turbine Combustors (p. 113)

Combustion Modeling in HVAC cases (p. 115)

8.1. Gas Turbine Combustors

Gas turbines are widely used in stationary and aircraft applications. The combustor receives the working
fluid in a compressed state, burns fuel to increase its temperature, and passes it to the turbine. One of the
key design goals for the combustor is to achieve a stable combustion process. Another key design goal is
to minimize the emission of pollutants, particularly oxides of nitrogen.

8.1.1. Setup Steady State vs. Transient
Most simulations are steady-state, particularly for stationary gas turbines that operate at a constant load. Turbulence Model

The turbulence model is used in many applications, but the SST model should be considered for flows
with separated boundary layers, and the Reynolds Stress Model is the best choice for highly swirling flows. Reference Pressure

Because of the high inlet pressure, a reference pressure between 4 and 20 atmospheres is common, and
depends upon the type of simulation you are running. Combustion Model

The choice of combustion model depends of whether the fuel/oxidant combination is premixed. The following
table outlines some of the differences.
Premixed Combustion

Non-Premixed Combustion

Commonly used for recent stationary gas turbines

in power generation.

Typically used for flight engines because it is

easier to control variable operating conditions.

Combustion Models: EDM with product limiter and/or Combustion Models: EDM, FRC/EDM combined,
extinction submodels, FRC/EDM combined, Partially
Flamelet (and, for some cases, also the Premixed
Premixed (Turbulent Flame Speed Closure (TFC))

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Chapter 8: CFX Best Practices Guide for Combustion

Premixed Combustion

Non-Premixed Combustion

Note that the EDM model usually needs adjusting

for premixed combustion (for example, extinction by
temperature or by mixing/chemical time scales).
For the preliminary analysis of high speed turbulent flow, the Eddy Dissipation combustion model is a
sensible choice, but cannot simulate burning velocities or flame position.
The Laminar Flamelet model is applicable for turbulent flow with non-premixed combustion, and provides
a robust solution at a low computational expense for multi-step reactions. The Flamelet model uses a
chemistry library, meaning that only two additional transport equations are solved to calculate multiple
species. As a result, the Flamelet model is a very good choice for modeling the formation of various pollutants
during the combustion process. The Flamelet model predicts incomplete combustion to some extent (CO
in exhaust gas), which helps to predict reduction in temperature (unlike EDM).

8.1.2. Reactions
During the initial analysis of a combustor, the highest values of temperature and outgoing heat flux are
likely to be of primary concern. For this purpose, a single-step Eddy Dissipation reaction can be used. Such
a reaction is likely to overpredict the temperature, and will not predict emissions correctly, but can provide
a conservative indicator of the expected temperature levels.
Other reaction steps might then be added to the simulation to account for the formation of combustion
byproducts. Each reaction step has its own separate time scale. As a result, convergence can become very
difficult when a multi-step reaction contains more than about 5 steps.

8.1.3. Convergence Tips

The Equation Class Settings tab in CFX-Pre can be used to set different advection schemes and time scales
for each class of equation you are solving. For multi-step Eddy Dissipation reactions, convergence can be
improved by temporarily increasing the mass fraction time scale by a factor of about 5-10.
For the Eddy Dissipation Model, multistep convergence can be aided by first running a simplified single-step
simulation and using the results from the run as an initial values file for a multi-step run.
It is ok to restart a Flamelet model from a cold solution. You should avoid restarting with the Flamelet
model from an EDM solution. It is ok to restart an EDM case from a Flamelet model solution.
The High Resolution advection scheme is always recommended for combustion simulations because it is
bounded and prevents over/undershoots. Care must be taken, however, to provide a mesh of sufficient
quality to resolve most of the flow features. A very poor mesh will result in the scheme using a blend factor
close to zero (therefore not providing a solution as accurate as expected).
For simulations which include Finite Rate Chemistry, small temperature variations can result in large changes
in reaction rate. When a solution is converging, temperature values may change sufficiently to make the
solution unstable. To aid convergence, add a TEMPERATURE DAMPING CCL structure within a SOLVER
CONTROL block, as follows:
Option = Temperature Damping
Temperature Damping Limit = <Real number>
Under Relaxation Factor = <Real number>


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8.2.1. Setup

Depending on the location of the SOLVER CONTROL block, the temperature damping may be applied to a
particular domain or phase. Set the Temperature Damping Limit to 0 so that positive damping is always
applied. The Under Relaxation Factor can be set to multiply changes in temperature by a value
between 0 and 1. You should try a factor of 0.2 if you are having trouble converging a solution.

8.1.4. Post-Processing
Some of the most common plots to create in CFD-Post include:

Mass Fractions: fuel, O2, products, intermediate species (CO), pollutants (NO)

Turbulent Mixing Time Scale (Eddy Dissipation / Turbulent Kinetic Energy)

Reaction Rates
The variable "<my reaction>.Molar Reaction Rate" is available for every "Single Step" reaction (EDM, FRC
or combined model).

Plots of the turbulent Damkhler number (the ratio of the turbulent time scale to the chemical time

8.2. Combustion Modeling in HVAC cases

This section deals with the setup of combustion cases for HVAC simulations, where it is important to accurately
model the combustion process. Such processes are known as "combusting fire" simulations, as opposed to
"inert fire" simulations.
Using a combusting fire simulation is the most accurate way to model fires in all HVAC cases. It is particularly
important in cases when the fire is under-ventilated, or when the ventilation cannot be easily predicted. The
drawback is the additional computational expense involved in solving a full combustion model as part of
the main solution.

8.2.1. Setup
Most simulations are set up as transient. The choice of timestep is generally model dependent, but will
usually fall into the range 0.5 s to 2 s. The Total Energy heat transfer model should be selected to fully
model buoyancy.

When modeling buoyancy, it is very important to correctly specify the buoyancy reference density
when opening boundary conditions are used.
The RNG turbulence model is a good choice for combusting flows, with either no buoyancy terms in
equations or buoyancy terms in both the equations (with C3=1). The SST model is also reasonable, but may
not converge well for natural convection. The SSG model is accurate, but convergence may be very slow.

The most common fuels used are hydrocarbons such as methane, diesel and petroleum. Cellulosic materials,
plastics and wood are also used. The simulation will dictate the type of materials to use as a fuel.

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Chapter 8: CFX Best Practices Guide for Combustion

The Eddy Dissipation Model is widely used, combined with an Additional Variable for toxins. The flamelet
model is more rigorous, and is a better choice when the fire is under ventilated.

8.2.2. Convergence tips

Convergence can be slowed if care is not taken in the setup of buoyancy and openings.
The presence of an instantaneous fuel supply is sometimes not physical, and can slow convergence. In many
transient cases, the amount of fuel available can be controlled by using time-dependent expressions.

8.2.3. Post-processing
The most common parameters of interest in a combusting fire model are simulation-dependent, but will
usually include one of more of the following:


Products (including carbon monoxide and other toxins)


Wall Temperature

Wall convective and radiative heat fluxes


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Chapter 9: CFX Best Practices Guide for HVAC

This guide discusses best practices for setting up, solving, and post processing an HVAC simulation:
9.1. HVAC Simulations
9.2. Convergence Tips
This guide is part of a series that provides advice for using CFX in specific engineering application areas. It
is aimed at users with moderate or little experience using CFX for HVAC1 applications.

9.1. HVAC Simulations

HVAC studies range in scale from single components (such as a radiator) to large and complicated systems
(such as a climate control system for a large building).
Physical processes that are commonly modeled in HVAC simulations include:


Thermal radiation

Conjugate heat transfer (CHT) between fluids and solids.

Typical HVAC systems include the following components:

Heating/cooling units such as furnaces, heaters, air conditioners, and radiators



9.1.1. Setting Up HVAC Simulations

This section discusses how to set up various physical processes, CFD features, and components involved in
HVAC simulations. Buoyancy
Most HVAC cases involve flow that is affected by buoyancy. Buoyancy can be activated on the Basic Settings
tab of the Domain details view.
Two buoyancy models are available: Full and Boussinesq. These models are automatically selected according
to the properties of the selected fluid(s).

The Full buoyancy model is used if fluid density is a function of temperature and/or pressure (which
includes all ideal gases and real fluids). In this case, a Buoyancy Reference Density must be set as the
expected average density of the domain.
The Boussinesq model is used if fluid density is not a function of temperature or pressure. In this case,
a Buoyancy Reference Temperature must be set as the expected average temperature of the domain.

HVAC is a reference to Heating, Ventilation (or Ventilating), and Air Conditioning. Often, it is also used as a reference to refrigeration.
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Chapter 9: CFX Best Practices Guide for HVAC

When fluid properties are functions of pressure, the absolute pressure is used to evaluate them. The calculation of absolute pressure requires a Buoyancy Reference Location to be defined, preferably by specifying
When modeling fire, it is recommended that you choose a compressible fluid because density variations will
be significant. An incompressible fluid should be chosen only if density variations are small (a few percent
or less). Thermal Radiation

To set the radiation model for a fluid domain, visit the Fluid Models panel for that domain and set the following: Thermal Radiation Model

For HVAC studies, select either Monte Carlo or Discrete Transfer. If directed radiation is to be modeled,
Monte Carlo must be used. Spectral Model

Select either Gray or Multiband. Spectral bands are used to discretize the spectrum and should therefore
be able to adequately resolve all radiation quantities that depend on wavelength (or frequency or wave
number). For HVAC, two bands will usually suffice. Scattering Model

A scattering model should not be used if you are modeling clear air. The isotropic scattering model should
be used if you are modeling air that contains dust or fog.
To set up radiation for a solid domain, visit the Solid Models panel for that domain (each solid domain must
be set up separately). The only radiation model available for solid domains is Monte Carlo.

If any solid domain uses the Monte Carlo radiation model (that is, if it uses radiation at all), then
all fluid domains using a radiation model must use the Monte Carlo model.
The material used in a domain that transmits radiation has radiation properties that specify Absorption
Coefficient, Scattering Coefficient, and the Refractive Index. These properties may be edited in the Materials details view.

Radiation modeling cannot be used with Eulerian multiphase simulations.
Thermal radiation properties are specified on the Boundary Details panel for each boundary of a domain
that transmits radiation. For opaque surfaces, the properties that must be specified are: Emissivity and
Diffuse Fraction. For inlets, outlets, and openings, you may specify either the Local Temperature or an
External Blackbody Temperature.
The Monte Carlo and Discrete Transfer models allow radiation sources to be specified on the Sources panel
for any subdomain or wall boundary. For subdomains, radiation sources per unit volume are specified; for


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9.1.1. Setting Up HVAC Simulations

boundaries, radiation fluxes are specified. Radiation sources may be directed or isotropic. Multiple isotropic
sources and up to one directed source may be specified for any given wall boundary or subdomain.
Material properties related to radiation, thermal radiation properties for boundaries, and source strengths
can be specified as expressions that depend on one or more of the built-in variables: Wavelength in Vacuum
(or wavelo), Frequency (or freq), Wavenumber in Vacuum (or waveno).
A domain representing an opaque solid should not have a radiation model set. The boundaries of radiationtransmitting domains that interface with such a solid domain should be specified as opaque.
External windows of a room can be modeled as solid domains which interface with the room (air) domain;
they may also be modeled as an external boundary of the room domain. In either case, the exterior
boundary must be modeled as an opaque wall. A diffuse and a directed radiation source emitted from the
opaque surface can be used to simulate sunlight. In order to simulate the motion of the sun, the direction
vector for directed radiation can be specified by CEL expressions that depend on time (t). Radiation escaping
through a window can be modeled by specifying a non-zero emissivity (to cause radiation absorption) and

Specifying a heat transfer coefficient via a CEL expression that accounts for the thermal energy lost

Specifying a fixed wall temperature.

When using solid domains that transmit radiation, a spectral radiation model is recommended. If a simulation
contains no solid domains that transmit radiation, a gray radiation model can be used for rough calculations
but a spectral model should be used for more detailed modeling. CHT (Conjugate Heat Transfer) Domains

CHT domains are solid domains that model heat transfer. In CFX, all solid domains must model heat transfer,
and are therefore CHT domains. If you do not want to model heat transfer in a particular region, do not assign
the mesh for that region to any domain.
Boundaries between domains that model heat transfer have temperatures and thermal fluxes calculated
automatically, and should not have thermal boundary conditions specified. External boundaries (which can
represent solids that are not explicitly modeled) require the specification of a thermal boundary condition.
Boundary conditions other than thermal boundary conditions (for example, wall roughness) may be specified
on the boundaries of a fluid domain that interface with a solid domain.
Sources of thermal energy and/or radiation can be added to a subdomain of a CHT domain. Mesh Quality

Ensure that wall boundary layers have adequate mesh resolution. This is important regardless of the type
of wall heat transfer: adiabatic, specified temperature, specified heat flux, or heat transfer coefficient.
The mesh resolution in a boundary layer affects the prediction of convective heat transfer and the temperature gradient near the wall. For walls without a specified temperature, the temperature gradient near the
wall affects the calculated wall temperature and, consequently, the amount of radiation emitted (provided
that the emissivity of the wall is non-zero). Fans
Fans should be represented by momentum sources if they are embedded in the domain. Fans can also be
represented by an inlet or outlet boundary condition or both.
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Chapter 9: CFX Best Practices Guide for HVAC Thermostats
A Thermostat can be defined using a User Fortran routine. Refer to Air Conditioning Simulation in the CFX
Tutorials for details. Collections of Objects

If your HVAC simulation models a large number of people/equipment/items, consider volumetric sources of
heat, CO2, and resistances.

9.2. Convergence Tips

Buoyancy and coupling between the relevant equations often make convergence difficult. Smaller timesteps
may help convergence.


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Chapter 10: CFX Best Practices Guide for Multiphase

This guide is part of a series that provides advice for using CFX in specific engineering application areas. It
is aimed at users with moderate or little experience using CFX for applications involving multiphase flows.
In the context of CFX, a multiphase flow is a flow composed of more than one fluid. Each fluid may possess
its own flow field, or all fluids may share a common flow field. Unlike multicomponent flow1, the fluids are
not mixed on a microscopic scale; rather, they are mixed on a macroscopic scale, with a discernible interface
between the fluids. CFX includes a variety of multiphase models to allow the simulation of multiple fluid
streams, bubbles, droplets, and free surface flows.
This guide describes:

Bubble Columns (p. 121)

Mixing Vessels (p. 122)

Free Surface Applications (p. 122)

10.1. Bubble Columns

Bubble columns are tall gas-liquid contacting vessels and are often used in processes where gas absorption
is important (for example, bioreactors to dissolve oxygen in broths) and to limit the exposure of micro-organisms to excessive shear imparted by mechanically driven mixers. There are two types of bubble columns
in general use: airlift reactors that use a baffle to separate the riser and downcomer regions, and other
columns that do not use a baffle.

10.1.1. Setup
The choice of a steady state or transient simulation depends on the type of simulation you wish to analyze.
For example, an analysis using a steady-state simulation is often satisfactory for monitoring global quantities.
A transient simulation can be used to observe transient effects, such as recirculation zones.
Most bubble columns use two fluids: one continuous fluid and one dispersed fluid. The model is typically
used in the continuous fluid, and the dispersed phase zero equation is used for the dispersed phase.

Non-drag forces become less significant with increasing size of the bubble column. For smaller columns,
non-drag forces may be significant.
The Grace drag model is recommended, especially for modeling air/water.
A degassing boundary condition is generally employed at the top of the bubble column. The degassing
boundary behaves as an outlet boundary to the dispersed phase, but as a wall to the continuous phase.
A reasonable estimate of the time scale is given by a factor of the length of the domain divided by the velocity scale (for example, 0.5 * L/U).

Note that a fluid in a multiphase flow may be a multicomponent mixture.

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Chapter 10: CFX Best Practices Guide for Multiphase

10.1.2. Convergence Tips

Sometimes, physical instabilities (such as recirculation zones) can result in slow or stalled convergence. In
these cases, you can still obtain an indicator of convergence for a global quantity by creating a monitor
point at some point in the domain. As a result, you can determine whether values for selected global
quantities (such as gas hold-up) are meaningful.

10.1.3. Post-Processing
The main design objective for bubble columns is efficient mixing, which is strongly influenced by the dispersed
phase. Mixing efficiency can be measured in a number of ways. One example is to measure the gas hold-up
in the riser as a function of the superficial gas velocity. This would require solving for the gas volume fraction
for a number of simulations, each with a different mass flow rate of the dispersed phase at the sparger.
Another option would be to use the same input parameters, this time measuring the liquid velocity in the

10.2. Mixing Vessels

Mixing vessels are widely used in the chemical industry to optimize mixing and/or heat transfer between
fluids. Mixing must be efficient, precise and repeatable to ensure optimum product quality. Quantities of
interest may include mixing times, gas hold-up, power draw, local shear and strain rates, and solids distribution.
The application of Computational Fluid Dynamics to address these needs results in faster and lower cost
design through reduced experimentation, more reliable scale-up, and better understanding of the processes,
leading to higher yields and reduced waste.

10.2.1. Setup
Mixing vessels generally use two domains. The impeller domain is a small, rotating domain which encloses
the impeller. The rest of the tank is represented by a stationary domain. Different types of domain interfaces
are available for the connection between the stationary and the rotating domains. The recommended types

Frozen Rotor: faster but cruder

Transient: slower (transient analysis) but much more accurate

The choice of a steady state or transient simulation is dependent on the type of interface that exists between
the two domains. Where a Frozen Rotor interface is used, a steady state simulation is usually carried out.
Performing a transient simulation allows you to use the transient rotor/stator frame change model to account
for transient effects.
The initial guess for velocity can be set to zero in the relative frame for each domain.

10.3. Free Surface Applications

Free Surface flow refers to a multiphase situation where the fluids (commonly water and air) are separated
by a distinct resolvable interface. Such flows occur, for example, around the hull of a ship, or in a breaking

10.3.1. Setup
The choice of using a steady-state or transient simulation is problem-dependent. There are two models
available for free surface flow: homogeneous and inhomogeneous. The homogeneous model can be used

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10.3.2. Convergence Tips

when the interface between the two phases remains well defined and none of the dispersed phase becomes
entrained in the continuous phase. An example of homogeneous free surface flow is flow in an open channel.
A breaking wave is one example of an inhomogeneous flow case.
The same choice of turbulence model as for single phase simulations is appropriate. When using the inhomogeneous model, you should use the homogeneous turbulence option in CFX-Pre. The Buoyancy Reference
Density should be set to the density of the least dense fluid.
When setting boundary conditions, the volume fractions can be set up using step functions to set the liquid
height at each boundary. An outlet boundary having supercritical flow should use the Supercritical option
for Mass And Momentum. This requires that you set the relative pressure of the gas above the free surface
at the outlet.
For most free surface applications, the initial conditions can use step functions to set the volume fractions
of the phases as a function of height. The initial condition for pressure should be set to hydrostatic conditions
for the specified volume fraction initialization and the buoyancy reference density.
The timestep for free surface flows should be based on a L/U (Length/Velocity) scale. The length scale should
be a geometric length scale. The velocity scale should be the maximum of a representative flow velocity
and a buoyant velocity, which is given by:

In addition, it is sometimes helpful to reduce the timestep for the volume fraction equations by an order of
magnitude below that of the other equations.

10.3.2. Convergence Tips

The interface between the liquid and gas phase can sometimes become blurry. This could be due to physical
properties (such as a breaking wave or sloshing in a vessel). Where the dispersed phase becomes entrained
in the continuous phase, the inhomogeneous model is a better choice.
A technique to increase the mesh density in the region of a liquid-gas interface is to create a subdomain
which occupies the same region as the liquid (or gas) phase, and inflate the mesh in both directions from
the edge of the subdomain, as shown in Figure 10.1 (p. 124). The inflation layers can increase the resolution
in the region of the interface and enhance the results.

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Chapter 10: CFX Best Practices Guide for Multiphase

Figure 10.1 An exaggerated view of three inflation layers on each side of the uppermost
subdomain boundary surface.


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Chapter 11: CFX Best Practices Guide for Turbomachinery

Turbomachinery applications can generally be divided into three main categories: gas compressors and
turbines, liquid pumps and turbines, and fans and blowers. Each category is discussed in a separate section
This guide describes best practices for setting up simulations involving:
11.1. Gas Compressors and Turbines
11.2. Liquid Pumps and Turbines
11.3. Fans and Blowers
11.4. Frame Change Models
11.5. Domain Interface Setup
This guide is part of a series that provides advice for using CFX in specific engineering application areas. It
is aimed at users with moderate or little experience using CFX for applications involving turbomachinery.

11.1. Gas Compressors and Turbines

This section describes:

Setup for Simulations of Gas Compressors and Turbines (p. 125)

Convergence Tips (p. 125)

Post-Processing (p. 126)

11.1.1. Setup for Simulations of Gas Compressors and Turbines

Heat transfer and viscous work are involved, and can be modeled by using the Total Energy heat transfer
model and enabling the Viscous Work Term option in CFX-Pre.
The industry-standard turbulence model is widely used, and the Shear Stress Transport model is also
a good choice for these cases. When using the Shear Stress Transport model, ensure a resolution of the
boundary layer of more than 10 points. For details, see The k-omega and SST Models in the CFX-Solver
Modeling Guide.

A common boundary condition configuration is to specify the total pressure and total temperature at the
inlet and the mass flow at the outlet. Other configurations are also commonly used.

, where is the angular velocity of the
A good estimate of the timestep is within the region
rotating domain in radians per second. Selecting an automatic timestep will result in a timestep of

The second-order high-resolution advection scheme is generally recommended.

11.1.2. Convergence Tips

For high speed compressors where a specified mass flow outlet boundary condition is applied, the flow can
choke when the velocity approaches Mach 1, resulting in possible solver failure. A suggested workaround
to this problem is to run the simulation using a static pressure outlet, which is more stable.
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Chapter 11: CFX Best Practices Guide for Turbomachinery

If you have trouble converging a simulation involving real gases, try to obtain a solution first using an ideal
gas. Ideal gases are available in the real gas library.
If you have trouble converging a problem with many stages, you may find that solving for a reduced number
of stages can give you a better understanding of the physics, and may allow you to restart a multi-stage
problem with a better initial guess. You can also try ramping up boundary conditions and the RPM.
Low pressure ratio Gas compressors (1.1 or less) can be treated more like liquid pumps. For details, see Liquid
Pumps and Turbines (p. 127).

11.1.3. Post-Processing
CFD-Post offers a powerful array of post-processing tools for turbomachinery applications, including turbospecific plots and performance calculation macros. To use many of the Turbo Post tools, you must first initialize each domain by specifying the locations of turbo regions and instancing information.
The Turbo Calculator from the Turbo menu in CFD-Post allows you to perform calculations on the type of
application you are modeling. The macro prints a report in HTML showing a number of calculated variables,
including torque, head and flow coefficients, blade loading, and efficiency.
You can also create your own macros to customize post-processing using Power Syntax, which is based on
the Perl language.
The optimal performance characteristics can be determined by creating a curve of pressure ratio versus flow

Figure 11.1 Flow Rate vs Pressure Rise for a Gas Compressor

In Figure 11.1 (p. 126), Region 1 shows an area where a large change in mass flow rate represents a small
change in pressure rise. When modeling flow in this region, a mass flow rate specified outlet is better than
a pressure specified outlet. Region 2 shows an area where a small change in flow rate represents a large
pressure variation. This region is close to choking and a pressure-specified outlet is the best choice. For
details, see Convergence Tips (p. 125).


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11.2.3. Post-Processing
If a total pressure inlet boundary condition is used (recommended), it will also provide a useful starting point
for streamlines that are colored by total pressure during post-processing. The uniform total pressure distribution means lines will begin with a uniform color. It may be harder to visually resolve these pressure values
if an inlet velocity profile is used.
CFD-Post provides a performance macro for gas compressors and turbines.

11.2. Liquid Pumps and Turbines

This section describes:

Setup for Simulations of Liquid Pumps and Turbines (p. 127)

Convergence Tips (p. 127)

Post-Processing (p. 127)

11.2.1. Setup for Simulations of Liquid Pumps and Turbines

Heat transfer is not significant in most cases, so the heat transfer option can be set to None in CFX-Pre.
The and Shear Stress Transport models are appropriate choices for modeling turbulence. When using
the Shear Stress Transport model, ensure a resolution of the boundary layer of more than 10 points. For
details, see The k-epsilon Model in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.

When setting boundary conditions, a total pressure specified inlet and a mass flow outlet are a recommended
practice. The total pressure inlet condition is often more appropriate than the uniform velocity or massflow
inlet condition for cases that assume that the machine is drawing fluid directly from a static reservoir.

, where is the
As with gas compressors, a good estimate of the timestep is within the region
angular velocity of the rotating domain in radians per second. Selecting an automatic timestep will result
in a timestep of

The high-resolution advection scheme is recommended.

This document deals with obtaining solutions for cases without cavitation, but cavitation may be present.
For advice on how to deal with cavitation, see CFX Best Practices Guide for Cavitation (p. 109).

11.2.2. Convergence Tips

When only a poor initial guess is available, it may be helpful to first run with a specified mass flow inlet and
a static pressure outlet. The outlet pressure in this case is fairly arbitrary and is usually set at, or close to
zero to reduce round-off error. The specification of a mass flow inlet may be more robust. However, a mass
flow inlet assumes a uniform inlet velocity which may not be appropriate. Once the overall flow is established,
the boundary conditions may then be changed to total pressure at the inlet and mass flow at the outlet.

11.2.3. Post-Processing
If a total pressure inlet boundary condition is used (recommended where possible), it will also provide a
useful starting point for streamlines that are colored by total pressure during post-processing. The uniform
total pressure distribution means lines will begin with a uniform color. It may be harder to visually resolve
these pressure values if an inlet velocity profile is used.
CFD-Post provides a performance macro for liquid pumps and turbines.
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Chapter 11: CFX Best Practices Guide for Turbomachinery

11.3. Fans and Blowers

This section describes:

Setup for Simulations of Fans and Blowers (p. 128)

Convergence Tips (p. 128)

Post-Processing (p. 128)

11.3.1. Setup for Simulations of Fans and Blowers

Fans and blowers behave like liquid pumps, and require a similar model setup. The flow is generally modeled
as incompressible and isothermal. The fluid is typically air as a general fluid or as an ideal gas at a specified
temperature. The or SST model is used to model turbulence.

Boundary conditions, turbulence models and choice of timestep are the same as for liquid pumps and turbines.

11.3.2. Convergence Tips

The use of the alternate rotation model is an important consideration when modeling fans and blowers.
Where long axisymmetric inlets exist, the absolute frame velocity has less swirl than the relative frame velocity.
Because the alternate rotation model solves for the absolute frame velocity, it can reduce numerical error
in such inlet sections. The model may introduce errors in the exit stream if the flow is highly swirling. Hence,
the length of the inlet and exit sections can be an important factor when choosing whether to implement
the model. The alternate rotation model is generally recommended, especially for axial fans. In most realistic
flow situations, this model reduces (or at least will not increase) numerical errors.
Air foil drag is significant and boundary layer friction is an important modeling issue for fans and blowers.
A good resolution of the boundary layer, requiring a high concentration of nodes close to the blade surfaces,
is therefore important. The Shear Stress Transport model can provide relatively accurate results where the
boundary layer is sufficiently resolved by the mesh.

11.3.3. Post-Processing
A similar postprocessing approach to pumps and turbines is also useful for fans and blowers. For details,
see Post-Processing (p. 127). See the following figure for a plot of flow rate vs pressure rise for a blower.


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11.4.2. Stage

11.4. Frame Change Models

When specifying domain interfaces in CFX-Pre, you must select the type of analysis that will be carried out
in the solver. The choices are:

Frozen Rotor (p. 129)

Stage (p. 129)

Transient Rotor-Stator (p. 130)

11.4.1. Frozen Rotor

The Frozen Rotor model treats the flow from one component to the next by changing the frame of reference
while maintaining the relative position of the components. Usually, periodicity is used to reduce the number
of components to a subset that has approximately the same pitch ratio as the full geometry. To account for
differences in pitch ratio between the subset and the full geometry, the flow passing through the interface
is scaled according to the net pitch ratio of the subsets.
The Frozen Rotor model must be used for non-axisymmetric flow domains, such as impeller/volute, turbine/draft tube, propeller/ship and scroll/volute cases. It can also be used for axial compressors and turbines.
The Frozen Rotor model has the advantages of being robust, using less computer resources than the other
frame change models, and being well suited for high blade counts. The drawbacks of the model include
inadequate prediction of physics for local flow values and sensitivity of the results to the relative position
of the rotor and stator for tightly coupled components.

11.4.2. Stage
The Stage model circumferentially averages the fluxes in bands and transmits the average fluxes to the
downstream component. Possible applications include axial turbines, compressors and pumps, as well as
fans and torque converters. The model is useful for large pitch ratios and still takes a relatively short time
to solve. The model is not suitable for applications with tight coupling of components and/or significant
wake interaction effects and may not accurately predict loading.

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Chapter 11: CFX Best Practices Guide for Turbomachinery

11.4.3. Transient Rotor-Stator

The Transient Rotor-Stator model takes into account all of the transient flow characteristics. A sliding interface
is used to allow a smooth rotation between components. As with the Frozen Rotor model, the Transient
Rotor-Stator model scales the flow from one component to the next in order to account for a non-unity net
pitch ratio. This model is robust and yields high accuracy predictions of loading. The drawbacks include high
computational cost and large amounts of storage required to hold the transient data.

11.5. Domain Interface Setup

The setup of domain interfaces is an important consideration when defining a problem. The following section
outlines some approved practices for use in turbomachinery applications.

11.5.1. General Considerations

Domain interfaces should typically be placed midway between the rotor and stator for turbomachinery

To avoid numerical errors, the aspect ratio of elements on the domain interface should be between
0.1:1 and 10:1, as measured by x/y in Figure 11.2 (p. 130).

Where circular domain interfaces exist, they must be axisymmetric in shape as shown in Figure 11.3 (p. 131).

Figure 11.2 Element Aspect Ratio at Domain Interface

11.5.2. Case 1: Impeller/Volute

A basic impeller/volute sketch is shown in Figure 11.3 (p. 131). The edge of the inner circle shows the maximum
extent of the impeller blades. A good practice here is to create the domain interface halfway across the
narrowest gap between the blade and volute wall. This usually occurs around the cut-off or tongue illustrated
in the diagram.


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11.5.4. Case 3: Blade Passage at or Close to the Edge of a Domain

Figure 11.3 Impeller/Volute

11.5.3. Case 2: Step Change Between Rotor and Stator

For the case shown, there is a step change in the passage height between the rotor and stator. A common
choice for placement of the interface would be choice 1. Care, however, should be taken with this setup,
since the non-overlap regions of the interface should be specified as walls. A better alternative may be to
use a domain interface upstream or downstream of the step change, at position 2 or position 3.

Figure 11.4 Possible Domain Interface Positions with Step Change in Passage Height

11.5.4. Case 3: Blade Passage at or Close to the Edge of a Domain

Figure 11.5 (p. 132) shows a blade which extends to the edge of the rotating domain. Although it is convenient
to place a domain interface at the blade edge (1), this can result in unrealistic results (The area of the interface
would be reduced on one side where the interface is displaced by the blade edge, resulting in an inaccurate
pitch change calculation. Also, in the case of a stage interface, the wake would be mixed out at the trailing

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Chapter 11: CFX Best Practices Guide for Turbomachinery

edge.) A better arrangement is to extend the rotating domain away from the blade edge. Domain Interfaces
can then be created at (2), (3), and (4).

Figure 11.5 Radial Compressor

11.5.5. Case 4: Impeller Leakage

A close-up view of part of Figure 11.5 (p. 132), which models flow leaking from a volute back into the impeller
region. To model the feature, you can use two domain interfaces (at positions 1 and 2), or a single domain
interface downstream of the leak (position 3).


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11.5.6. Case 5: Domain Interface Near Zone of Reversed Flow

Figure 11.6 Flow Leakage Through Gap Near Impeller Inlet

11.5.6. Case 5: Domain Interface Near Zone of Reversed Flow

Be wary of flow moving backwards across stage or frozen rotor interfaces. Because of the approximations
implied by these interfaces, flow moving upstream and downstream on the same interface will lead to unphysical results. Try relocating the interface to prevent this from occurring.
As an example, Figure 11.7 (p. 134) shows two blade rows of an axial machine with a frozen rotor interface
between them. The flow moves from left to right everywhere except in a small region just downstream of
the trailing edge of the first row of blades. In this case, the domain interface, shown as a dashed line, should
be located to the right of this region, as shown.

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Chapter 11: CFX Best Practices Guide for Turbomachinery

Figure 11.7 Domain Interface Between Blade Rows in an Axial Machine


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Chapter 12: CFX Command Language (CCL)

The CFX Command Language (CCL) is the internal communication and command language of ANSYS CFX.
It is a simple language that can be used to create objects or perform actions in the post-processor. All CCL
statements can be classified into one of three categories:

Object and parameter definitions, which are described in Object Creation and Deletion.

CCL actions, which are commands that perform a specific task (such as reading a session file) and which
are described in Command Actions in the CFD-Post User's Guide.

Power Syntax programming, which uses the Perl programming language to allow loops, logic, and
custom macros (subroutines). Power Syntax enables you to embed Perl commands into CCL to achieve
powerful quantitative post-processing. For details, see Power Syntax in ANSYS CFX (p. 233).

State files and session files contain object definitions in CCL. In addition, session files can also contain CCL
action commands. You can view and modify the CCL in these files by using a text editor.
For more information, see Object Creation and Deletion.

12.1. CFX Command Language (CCL) Syntax

The following topics will be discussed:

Basic Terminology (p. 135)

The Data Hierarchy (p. 136)

Simple Syntax Details (p. 136)

Case Sensitivity (p. 136)

CCL Names Definition (p. 137)

Indentation (p. 137)

End of Line Comment Character (p. 137)

Continuation Character (p. 137)

Named Objects (p. 137)

Singleton Objects (p. 137)

Parameters (p. 137)

Lists (p. 138)

Parameter Values (p. 138)

Escape Character (p. 139)

12.1.1. Basic Terminology

The following is an example of a CCL object that defines an isosurface.

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Chapter 12: CFX Command Language (CCL)

Variable = Pressure
Value = 15000 [Pa]
Color = 1,0,0
Transparency = 0.5

ISOSURFACE is an object type

Iso1 is an object name

Variable = Pressure is a parameter

Variable is a parameter name

Pressure is a parameter value

If the object type does not need a name, it is called a singleton object. Only one object of a given
singleton type can exist.

12.1.2. The Data Hierarchy

Data is entered via parameters. These are grouped into objects that are stored in a tree structure.
OBJECT1: object name
name1 = value
name2 = value

Objects and parameters may be placed in any order, provided that the information is set prior to being used
further down the file. If data is set in one place and modified in another, the latter definition overrides the
In CFD-Post, all object definitions are only one object level deep (that is, objects contain parameters, but
not other objects).

12.1.3. Simple Syntax Details

The following applies to any line that is not a Power Syntax or action line (that is, the line does not start
with a ! or >). Case Sensitivity

Everything in the file is sensitive to case.
Case sensitivity is not ideal for typing in many long parameter names, but it is essential for bringing the CFX
Expression Language (CEL) into CCL. This is because some names used to define CCL objects (such as Fluids,
Materials and Additional Variables) are used to construct corresponding CEL names.
For simplicity and consistency, the following is implemented:

Singletons and object types use upper case only.

Parameter names, and predefined object names, are mixed case. The CFX Expression Language tries to
follow the following conventions:


Major words start with an upper case letter, while minor words such as prepositions and conjunctions
are left in lower case (for example, Mass Flow in).
Case is preserved for familiar names (for variables k or r), or for abbreviation RNG.

User object names conventions can be chosen arbitrarily by you.

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12.1.3. Simple Syntax Details CCL Names Definition

Names of singletons, types of object, names of objects, and names of parameters all follow the same rules:

In simple syntax, a CCL name must be at least one character. This first character must be alphabetic;
there may be any number of subsequent characters and these can be alphabetic, numeric, space or

The effects of spaces in CCL names are:

Spaces appearing before or after a name are not considered to be part of the name.

Single spaces appearing inside a name are significant.

Multiple spaces and tabs appearing inside a name are treated as a single space. Indentation
Nothing in the file is sensitive to indentation, but indentation can be used for easier reading. End of Line Comment Character

The # character is used for this. Any text to the right of this character will be treated as comments. Any
characters may be used within comments. Continuation Character

If a line ends with the character \, the following line will be linked to the existing line. There is no restriction
on the number of continuation lines. Named Objects

A named object consists of an object type at the start of a line, followed by a : and an object name. Subsequent lines may define parameters and child objects associated with this object. The object definition is
terminated by the string END on a line by itself.
Object names must be unique within the given scope, and the name must not contain an underscore. Singleton Objects

A singleton object consists of an object type at the start of a line, followed by a :. Subsequent lines may
define parameters and child objects associated with this object. The object definition is terminated by the
string END on a line by itself.
The difference between a singleton object and a named object is that (after the data has been processed),
a singleton can appear just once as the child of a parent object. However, there may be several instances
of a named object of the same type defined with different names. Parameters
A parameter consists of a parameter name at the start of a line followed by an = character followed by a
parameter value. A parameter may belong to many different object types. For example, U Velocity =
1.0 [m/s] may belong to an initial value object and U Velocity = 2.0 [m/s] may belong to a
boundary condition object. Both refer to the same definition of U velocity in the rules file.

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Chapter 12: CFX Command Language (CCL) Lists
Lists are used within the context of parameter values and are comma separated. Parameter Values

All parameter values are initially handled as data of type String, and should first of all conform to the following
definition of allowed String values: String

Any characters can be used in a parameter value.

String values or other parameter type values are normally unquoted. If any quotes are present, they are
considered part of the value. Leading and trailing spaces are ignored. Internal spaces in parameter values
are preserved as given, although a given application is free to subsequently assume a space condensation
rule when using the data.

The characters $ and # have a special meaning. A string beginning with $ is evaluated as a Power
Syntax variable, even if it occurs within a simple syntax statement. This is useful for performing more
complex Power Syntax variable manipulation, and then using the result as part of a parameter or object
definition. The appearance of # anywhere in the CCL file denotes the start of a comment.

The characters such as [, ],{ and } are special only if used in conjunction with $. Following a $, such
characters terminate the preceding Perl variable name.

Other characters that might be special elsewhere in power syntax are escaped automatically when they
appear in parameter values. For example, @, % and & are escaped automatically (that is, you do not
need to precede these characters with the escape character \ when using them in parameter values).

Parameter values can contain commas, but if the string is processed as a List or part of a List then the
commas may be interpreted as separators (see below under List data types).

Some examples of valid parameter values using special characters in power syntax are:
Estimated cost = \$500
Title = Run\#1
Sys Command = "echo Starting up Stress solver ; fred.exe &"
Pressure = $myArray[4]
Option = $myHash{"foo"}
Fuel = C${numberCatoms}H${numberHatoms}

Parameter values for data types other than String will additionally conform to one of the following definitions. String List

A list of string items separated by commas. Items in a String List should not contain a comma unless contained
between parentheses. One exception can be made if the String List to be is interpreted as a Real List (see
below). Otherwise, each item in the String List follows the same rules as String data.
names = one, two, three, four Integer
Sequence of digits containing no spaces or commas. If a real is specified when an integer is needed, the
real is rounded to the nearest integer.


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12.1.3. Simple Syntax Details Integer List

List of integers, separated by commas. Real
A single-precision real number that may be specified in integer, floating point, or scientific format, followed
optionally by a dimension. Units use the same syntax as CEL.
Expressions are allowed to include commas inside function call argument lists.
Example usage:
a = 12.24
a = 1.224E01
a = 12.24 [m s^-1]

A real may also be specified as an expression such as:

a = myvel^2 + b
a = max(b,2.0) Real List

List of reals, comma separated. Note that all items in the list must have the same dimensions. Items that are
expressions may include commas inside function call argument lists, and the enclosed commas will be ignored
when the list is parsed into individual items. Example usage:
a = 1.0 [m/s], 2.0 [m/s], 3.0 [m/s], 2.0*myvel, 4.0 [cm/s]

The list syntax 5*2.0 to represent 5 entries of the value 2.0 is not supported within CCL and hence within
CFD-Post. Logical
Several forms are acceptable: YES, TRUE, 1 or ON are all equivalent; NO or FALSE or 0 or OFF are all equivalent; initial letter variants Y, T, N, F are accepted (O is not accepted for On/Off); all case variants are accepted. Logical strings are also case insensitive (YeS, nO). Logical List

List of logicals, separated by commas. Escape Character

The \ character to be used as an escape character, for example, to allow $ or # to be used in strings.

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Chapter 13: CFX Expression Language (CEL)

CFX Expression Language (CEL) is an interpreted, declarative language that has been developed to enable
CFX users to enhance their simulations without recourse to writing and linking separate external Fortran
You can use CEL expressions anywhere a value is required for input in ANSYS CFX.
CEL can be used to:

Define material properties that depend on other variables.

Specify complex boundary conditions.

Add terms to the solved equations.

You can also monitor the value of an expression during the solution using monitor points.

There is some CEL that works elsewhere in ANSYS CFX, but not in CFD-Post. Any expression created
in CFX-Pre and used as a Design Exploration output parameter could potentially cause fatal errors
during the Design Exploration run, so you should create all expressions for Design Exploration
output parameters in CFD-Post.
This chapter describes:
13.1. CEL Fundamentals
13.2. CEL Operators, Constants, and Expressions
13.3. CEL Examples
13.4. CEL Technical Details

13.1. CEL Fundamentals

The following topics will be discussed:

Values and Expressions (p. 141)

CFX Expression Language Statements (p. 142)

13.1.1. Values and Expressions

CEL can be used to generate both values and expressions. Values are dimensional (that is, with units) or dimensionless constants. The simplest type of definition is the dimensionless value, for example:
b = 3.743
You can also specify a value with units, for example:
g = 9.81 [m s^-2]
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Chapter 13: CFX Expression Language (CEL)

The dimensions of the quantities of interest for CFD calculations can be written in terms of mass, length,
time, temperature and angle. The concept of units is fundamental to the behavior of values and expressions.
Values can be used directly, or they can be used as part of an expression. For example, you can use an expression to add two values together:
<Expr_1> = <Value_1> + <Value_2>

In this example, you may want to predefine <Value_1> and <Value_2>, but this is not required. However,
in order to add two quantities together, they must have the same dimension; that is, it is meaningful to add
a quantity in inches to one expressed in meters, but it is not meaningful to add one expressed in kilograms
to one in square feet.
Expressions can also be functions of other (predefined) expressions:
<Expr_2> = <Expr_1> + <Value_3>

Units follow the conventions in the rest of CFX, in that a calculation has a set of solution units (by default,
SI units), and that any quantity can be defined either in terms of the solution units, or any other set of units
with the correct form.
An expression does not have its own units string, but if it references quantities that have dimensions, these
will determine the resulting units for the expression. For example, if an expression depends inversely on the
square of the x coordinate, then it has implied dimensions of length to the power -2. Using Locators in Expressions

A CFX simulation has physics areas and mesh areas; physics areas are boundaries while mesh areas are regions.
These two types of area can occupy completely different spaces in a simulation; however, there is no requirement that area names be unique between physics and mesh. This can lead to ambiguities when you use
these names in expressions.
To avoid these ambiguities, ANSYS CFX first checks to see if "@<locator>" is a physics name; if this is not
found, the name is checked in the list of mesh names. Thus if "in1" is both the name of a physics area and
the name of a mesh area, "@<locator>" is taken to indicate the physics area.
ANSYS CFX also has @REGION CEL syntax so that you can identify a named area as being a mesh area. Thus
to identify the mesh area in1, you would use the syntax:

Note that if <locator> does not appear as a physics name or a mesh name, the expression fails.

13.1.2. CFX Expression Language Statements

The CFX Expression Language is declarative. You declare the name and definition of the expression using
expression language statements. The statements must conform to a predefined syntax that is similar to
Fortran mathematical statements and to C statements for logical expressions.
The statement must consist of the following:

a number, optionally with associated units. This defines a constant. Constants without units are termed

for mathematical expressions, one or more references to mathematical constants, system variables, or
existing user variables, separated by + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication), / (division) and ^


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13.1.2. CFX Expression Language Statements

(exponentiation), with optional grouping of these by parentheses. The syntax rules for these expressions
are the same as those for conventional arithmetic.

for logical expressions involving relational operators, one or more references to mathematical constants
or results from mathematical expressions, separated by <= (is less than or equal to), < (is less than), ==
(is equal to), != (is not equal to), > (is greater than) and >= (is greater than or equal to) with optional
grouping of these by parentheses.

for logical expressions involving logical operators, one or more references to logical constants or results
from relational operations separated by ! (negation), && (logical AND) and || (logical OR), with optional
grouping by parentheses. Use of Constants

Constants do not need to be defined prior to being used in an expression. For example, you could choose
to evaluate the expression x + 5 [m]. Or, you could define a constant, b = 5 [m] and then create an
expression x + b.
The logical constants are false and true. Results of logical expressions are expressed as 0 and 1 (corresponding to false and true, respectively).
The use of constants may be of benefit in generating complicated expressions or if you have several expressions that use the same constants. Expression Syntax

All numbers are treated as real numbers.
The precedence of mathematical operators is as follows (from highest to lowest):

The power operator ^ as in x^y.

The unary minus or negation operator - as in -x.

Multiplication and division as in x*y/z.

Addition and subtraction as in x+y-z.

Please note that, as of ANSYS CFX 10.0, the precedence of mathematical operators has been made consistent
with standard programming languages such as Fortran and C. Therefore, the power operator, which previously
had lower precedence than unary minus, now has the highest precedence.
The precedence of logical and relational operators is as follows (from highest to lowest):

The negation operator ! as in !x.

The relational operators involving less than or greater than (<=, <, > and >=) as in x >= y.

The relational operator is equal to and is not equal to (== and !=) as in x != y.

The logical AND operator (&&) as in x && y.

The logical OR operator (||) as in x || y. Multiple-Line Expressions

It is often useful, particularly with complex expressions, to use more than one line when creating your expression. CFX allows you to use multiple lines to generate an expression, provided each line is separated by
an appropriate operator.
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Chapter 13: CFX Expression Language (CEL)

For example, you may have an equation, A + B/C, that consists of three complex terms, A, B, and C. In this
case, you could use three lines to simplify creating the expression:
A +
/ C

Note that the operator may be used at the end of a line (A +) or at the beginning of a line (/ C). You do not
need to enter the operator twice.
Once the expression has been created, it will appear in the Existing Definitions list box as if it were generated
on a single line (A + B/C).

13.2. CEL Operators, Constants, and Expressions

The following topics are discussed:

CEL Operators (p. 144)

Conditional if Statement (p. 145)

CEL Constants (p. 146)

Using Expressions (p. 146)

13.2.1. CEL Operators

CFX provides a range of mathematical, logical and operational operators as built-in functions to help you
create complex expressions using the Expression details view.

Table 13.1 CEL Operators


First Operands Dimensions [x]






Second Oper- Operands

ands Dimen- Values (Apsions [y]

Results Dimensions


















x^y (if y is a
simple, constant,
integer expression)





x^y (if y is any

simple, constant,





x^y (if y is not

simple & constant)







0 or 1




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13.2.2. Conditional if Statement


First Operands Dimensions [x]

Second Oper- Operands

ands Dimen- Values (Apsions [y]

Results Dimensions

x <= y



0 or 1





0 or 1





0 or 1


x >= y



0 or 1


x == y



0 or 1


x != y



0 or 1


x && y



0 or 1


x || y



0 or 1


For y < 0, x must be non-zero.

13.2.2. Conditional if Statement

CEL supports the conditional if statement using the following syntax:
if( cond_expr, true_expr, false_expr )

cond_expr: is the logical expression used as the conditional test

true_expr: is the mathematical expression used to determine the result if the conditional test is true.

false_expr : is the mathematical expression used to determine the result if the conditional test is

The expressions true_expr and false_expr are always evaluated independent of whether
the evaluation of cond_expr is true or false. As a consequence, a conditional statement
cannot be used to avoid division by zero as in if( x>0, 1/x, 1.0). In this case, when
x=0.0, a division by zero will still occur because the expression 1/x is evaluated independent
of whether x>0 is satisfied or not.

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Chapter 13: CFX Expression Language (CEL)

13.2.3. CEL Constants

Right-click in the Expression details view to access the following useful constants when developing expressions:

Table 13.2 CEL Constants




J K^-1 mol^-1

Universal Gas Constant: 8.314472





J K^-1



m s^-1



Constant: 2.7182817



Constant: 1.60217653E-19



m s^-2

Acceleration due to gravity: 9.8066502


N A^-2




Constant: 3.141592654





W m^-2 K^-4


13.2.4. Using Expressions

The interaction with CEL consists of two phases:

a definition phase, and,

a use phase.

The definition phase consists of creating a set of values and expressions of valid syntax. The purpose of the
Expression details view is to help you to do this. Use of Offset Temperature

When using temperature values in expressions, it is generally safer to use units of [K] only. When units are
used that posses an offset (for example, [C]), they are converted internally to [K]. For terms that have temperature to the power of unity, any unit conversion will include the offset between temperature scales.
However, in all other cases the offset is ignored since this is usually the most appropriate behavior. You
should therefore take care when specifying an expression involving non-unit powers of temperature. For
example, each of the expressions below is equivalent:


30 [C]
303.15 [K]
0 [C] + 30 [K]
273.15 [K] + 30 [K]

These are only equivalent because all units are to the power of unity and units other than [K] appear no
more than once in each expression. The following expression will not produce the expected result:
Temperature = 0 [C] + 30 [C]


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13.3.1. Example: Reynolds Number Dependent Viscosity

This is equivalent to 576.30 [K] because each value is converted to [K] and then summed. The two expression below are equivalent (as expected) because the offset in scales is ignored for non-unit powers of
Specific Heat = 4200 [J kg^-1 C^-1]
Specific Heat = 4200 [J kg^-1 K^-1]

13.3. CEL Examples

The following examples are included in this section:

Example: Reynolds Number Dependent Viscosity (p. 147)

Example: Feedback to Control Inlet Temperature (p. 148)

13.3.1. Example: Reynolds Number Dependent Viscosity

In this example it is assumed that some of the fluid properties, including the dynamic viscosity, are not
known. However the Reynolds number, inlet velocity and a length scale are known. The flow is compressible
and therefore the density is variable.
Given this information it is possible to calculate the fluid dynamic viscosity based on the Reynolds number.
The Reynolds number is given by:

where is density, U a velocity scale, L a length scale and the dynamic viscosity. The velocity scale is taken
as the inlet velocity, the length scale as the inlet width and the density is calculated as the average density
over the inlet area.
The LIBRARY section of the CCL (CFX Command Language) file appears as follows:
Re = 4.29E6 [ ]
Vel = 60 [m s^-1]
MATERIAL : Air Ideal Gas
Option = Pure Substance
Option = Ideal Gas
Molar Mass = 2.896E1 [kg kmol^-1]
Dynamic Viscosity = Visc
Specific Heat Capacity = 1.E3 [J kg^-1 K^-1]
Thermal Conductivity = 2.52E-2 [W m^-1 K^-1]

This shows that four CEL expressions have been created. The first three expressions define constant values
that are used in the Visc expression. The Visc expression calculates the dynamic viscosity based on the
equation for Reynolds number given above. Within the expression the function areaAve(density)@in
is used to evaluate the average density at the inlet.
The Visc expression can now be used to replace the value of Dynamic Viscosity in the MATERIAL
> PROPERTIES section.
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Chapter 13: CFX Expression Language (CEL)

13.3.2. Example: Feedback to Control Inlet Temperature

In this example a feedback loop is used to control the outlet temperature by varying the temperature at an
inlet. To illustrate the example consider the geometry shown below:

Figure 13.1 Temperature Feedback Loop

Fluid from a main and a side inlet enter at temperatures of 275 K and 375 K respectively. The temperature
of the fluid entering from the third inlet depends on the outlet temperature. When the outlet temperature
is greater than 325 K, the fluid from the third inlet is set to 275 K. When the outlet temperature is less than
325 K, the fluid from the third inlet is set to 375 K. In addition an expression is used to set the dynamic viscosity to be a linear function of temperature.
The LIBRARY section of the .ccl (CFX Command Language) file appears as follows. Note that the \ character indicates a line continuation in CCL.
MATERIAL: Water at STP Modified
Option = Pure Substance
Option = General Fluid
Density = 9.999E2 [kg m^-3]
Dynamic Viscosity = VisT
Specific Heat Capacity = 4.21E3 [J kg^-1 K^-1]
Thermal Conductivity = 5.69E-1 [W m^-1 K^-1]
END # MATERIAL Water at STP Modified
Tupper = 375.0 [ K ] # Upper temp.
Tlower = 275.0 [ K ] # Lower temp.
Visupper = 0.000545 [ N s m^-2 ] # Vis. at Tupper
Vislower = 0.0018 [ N s m^-2 ] # Vis. at Tlower
VisT = Vislower+(Visupper-Vislower)*(T-Tlower)/ \
# Vis.-Temp. relationship
Tout=areaAve(Water at STP Modified.T)@outlet
Tcontrol=Tlower*step((Tout-Tm)/1[K]) \

The first four expressions, Tupper, Tlower, Visupper and Vislower are simply constant values to
define temperature and viscosity values. The expression VisT produces a linear function for the dynamic
viscosity taking a value of Visupper at Tupper and a value of Vislower at Tlower. The expression Tm
sets the desired value of the outlet temperature. In this case it is set to a mean value of the two inlet temperatures.
Tout calculates the outlet temperature using the areaAve function.

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13.4. CEL Technical Details

Finally the expression Tcontrol is used to set the temperature of the third inlet. Two step functions are
used so that the temperature is equal to Tlower when Tout-Tm is positive (that is, the outlet temperature
is greater than Tm), and is equal to Tupper when Tout-Tm is positive.

13.3.3. Examples: Using Expressions in ANSYS CFD-Post

The first example is a single-valued expression that calculates the pressure drop through a pipe. The names
of inlet and outlet boundaries are inlet and outlet
Create a new expression named dp:
dp = massFlowAve(Pressure)@inlet massFlowAve(Pressure)@outlet

When you click Apply, the value is shown below the editor.

Alternatively, type the expression in a table cell and prefix with = sign. The cell displays the
result when you click outside of the cell.
The second example is a variable expression that plots the pressure coefficient variation on a surface or a

Click the Expressions tab, then right-click in the Expressions area and select New.


Create these three expressions:

RefPressure = 100000 [Pa]
dynHead = 0.5 * areaAve(Density)@inlet * areaAve(Velocity)@inlet^2
cpExp = (Pressure - RefPressure)/dynHead


Click the Variables tab, then right-click and select New.


Create a user variable defined by cpExp.


Select Insert > Location > Line and use the Details view to position the line in the simulation.
From the Details view Color tab, plot the user variable on a surface or a line (just as you would with
any other variable).

13.4. CEL Technical Details

CEL is a byte code compiled language. Compiled languages, such as Fortran, rely on a translation program
to convert them into the native machine language of the host platform. Interpreted languages are of two
types: the fully interpreted languages such as the UNIX C shell, and the byte code compiled languages such
as CEL. With byte codes, host machines are loaded with a client program (written in a compiled language
and compiled for that machine architecture) that interprets the byte stream. The advantage of the byte code
is that they can be the same on all host platforms, obviating the need for platform dependent codes.
Since the byte codes are interpreted, there is no need to re-link executable programs to perform a different
calculation. Furthermore, many of the problems encountered by writing and linking in separate routines,
for instance in C or Fortran, are averted, and the time taken to set up and debug complicated problems reduced considerably.

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Chapter 13: CFX Expression Language (CEL)

The link between CEL and the CFX-Solver is accomplished through an internal program called genicode.
Genicode generates intermediate code from your CEL definitions and writes to a file that is then interpreted
by the CFX-Solver during the solution process.


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Chapter 14: Functions in ANSYS CFX

This chapter describes predefined functions in ANSYS CFX:
14.1. CEL Mathematical Functions
14.2. Quantitative CEL Functions in ANSYS CFX
14.3. Functions Involving Coordinates
14.4. CEL Functions with Multiphase Flow
14.5. Quantitative Function List

14.1. CEL Mathematical Functions

The following mathematical functions are available for use with all CEL expressions.

In the Function column in the table below, [a] denotes any dimension of the first operand.

Table 14.1 Standard Mathematical CEL Functions


Operands Values

Results Dimensions

abs( [a] )



acos( [ ] )


asin( [ ] )


atan( [ ] )a



atan2( [a], [a] )[b]



besselJ( [ ], [ ] )b

besselY( [ ], [ ] )b


cos( [radians] )



cosh( [ ] )



exp( [ ] )





int([ ])

loge( [ ] )d


log10( [ ] )e


min( [a], [a] )



max( [a], [a] )



mod( [a], [a] )f



nint([ ])g



sin( [radians] )




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Chapter 14: Functions in ANSYS CFX


Operands Values

Results Dimensions

sinh( [ ] )



sqrt( [a] )




tan( [radians] )i



tanh( [ ] )



step( [ ] )

atan does not determine the quadrant of the result, but atan2 does.
The value of the first dimensionless operand n, also referred to as the order of the Bessel function, must be an integer (n=0, 1, 2, ....).The
second argument is a dimensionless real number.
The int() function truncates the dimensionless argument to its integer part.

int(1) = 1
int(2.5) = 2
int(-3.1) = -3
int(-4.8) = -4
The int() function requires a dimensionless argument but will not report an error if the argument of the function has a dimension of
radians or degrees.
ln(x) is valid as an alias for loge(x)
log(x) is valid as an alias for log10(x)
mod(x, y) returns the remainder on dividing x by y; the function is not defined for y = 0.
The nint function requires a dimensionless argument and is defined as:
int(x + 0.5) if x >= 0
int(x - 0.5) if x < 0
See the implementation of int( ) function in the table above.
nint(2.6) = 3
nint(2.5) = 3
nint(2.4) = 2
nint(1) = 1
nint(-1) = -1
nint(-2.4) = -2
nint(-2.5) = -3
nint(-2.6) = -3
Note that the nint() function will not report an error if the argument of the function has a dimension of radians or degrees.
step(x) is 0 for negative x, 1 for positive x and 0.5 for x=0. x must be dimensionless.
tan(x) is undefined for x=n /2, where n=1, 3, 5, ...

14.2. Quantitative CEL Functions in ANSYS CFX

CEL expressions can incorporate specialized functions that are useful in CFD calculations. All CEL functions
are described in Quantitative Function List (p. 156). For a description of the full CFX Expression Language, see
CFX Expression Language (CEL) (p. 141).

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14.2. Quantitative CEL Functions in ANSYS CFX

You must use consistent units when adding, subtracting, or comparing values.
There are some differences between CEL functions in CFX-Pre and CFX-Solver and those in CFDPost. For details, see below.
The syntax used for calling these functions when used within CEL expressions is:


Terms enclosed in square brackets [ ] are optional and terms in angle brackets < > should be replaced
with the required entry.

<Phase_Name>: specifies a valid name of a phase. The phase can be fluid, particle, solid, fluid pair, or
polydispersed fluid. For multi-phase cases in CFX-Pre, if the phase name is not specified in the <Operand>, then the phase name associated with the domain, subdomain, domain boundary, initialization
or function in which the operand is being evaluated will be used. For multi-phase cases in CFX-Pre, a
discussion of the handling of the phase name when it is not used to qualify (prepended to) <Function>
and/or <Operand> can be found in CEL Functions with Multiphase Flow (p. 155). For multi-phase cases
in CFD-Post, if the phase name is not specified then the bulk quantity (if available for the CFX-Solver
Results file) is used.

<Component_Name>: specifies a valid name of a component material, size group, or reaction

<Function>: specifies the CEL function to evaluate. See Quantitative Function List (p. 156). The function
can be further qualified by appending _Coordinate_Direction. In CFX-Pre, if the coordinate frame
is not specified (in _Coordinate_Direction ) then the function will use the coordinate frame associated with the object (such as for a material, domain, subdomain, domain boundary, source point,
monitor point, initialization, reference location or spark ignition object) in which it is being invoked.

<Coordinate_Direction>: specifies a particular coordinate direction. The syntax of the coordinate

direction is [x|y|z][_<Coordinate_Frame>] where the coordinate frame can be the global coordinate frame or any user defined coordinate frame. In CFD-Post, if the coordinate frame is not specified
then the global frame is used. See Coordinate Frame Command in the CFD-Post User's Guide, for discussion
of creating a coordinate frame in CFD-Post.

<Operand>: specifies the argument of the function (if required). The operand can be either a valid
mathematical CEL expression (only in CFD-Post) or specified using the following general variable syntax:

where <Comp_Name>, <Var_Name>, and <Var_Operator> represent <Component_Name>,

<Variable_Name>, and <Variable_Operator>, respectively.
In CFX-Pre the operand cannot be a CEL expression or any operand qualified by <Variable_Operator>. However, you can create an Additional Variable based on any expression and then use the Additional Variable as the operand. The operand always uses the conservative values unless the Boundcon
variable operator is specified (for details, see Data Acquisition Routines in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide).
For primitive or composite mesh regions, conservative values will be used even if the Boundcon variable
operator is specified.
The operand must be valid for the physical models being used over the entire location. For example,
if the location spans fluid and solid domains, then the operand cannot be Pressure.

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Chapter 14: Functions in ANSYS CFX

For some functions the operand must be left blank as in area()@Inlet.
In CFD-Post, difference variables created during case comparison are appended by .Difference.

<Variable_Name>: specifies the base name of the variable. You can use the short or long form for
variable names. In CFX-Pre the variable name can be further qualified by appending _<Coordinate_Direction>. This is useful for specifying a particular component of a vector or tensor, for example
Velocity_y_myLocalFrame. In CFX-Pre, if the variable name corresponds to that of a component
of a vector or a tensor and coordinate frame is not prescribed (as part of the coordinate direction) then
the global coordinate frame is used. An exception applies for the position vector x, y, z ( or r,theta,z)
components, which are always local, see Functions Involving Coordinates (p. 155).

<Variable_Operator> specifies the name of the variable operator. The syntax for specifying the
variable operator is [Gradient|Curl|Trnavg|Trnsdv|Trnmin|Trnmax|Boundcon|<Derived>]. All but the <Derived> operator are available in CFX-Pre and CFD-Post, provided they are
available in the CFX-Solver Results file. See Data Acquisition Routines in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
The <Derived> variable operator is available in CFD-Post, for example Absolute Helicity derived
for use with Vortex Cores, see Vortex Core Region in the CFD-Post User's Guide. In CFX-Pre the variable
operator can be further qualified by appending _<Coordinate_Direction>.

<Location>: specifies the location over which the function is to be applied. The syntax of location is:

The case syntax [Case:<Case_Name>.] is only available in CFD-Post and is used when multiple
cases are loaded to indicate the name of the desired case.
In CFX-Pre [<Location_Name>] must be a domain boundary, domain, subdomain, or, primitive or
composite mesh region. If the location name of a mesh region is the same as the name of a named
boundary, domain or subdomain, then the mesh location name must be prepended by REGION:. For
primitive or composite mesh regions, conservative values will be used even if the name of the mesh
region is the same as that of a named boundary.
In CFD-Post [<Location_Name>] can be any loaded or user-defined location (for example, a point,
domain boundary, plane, mesh region etc.). The syntax REGION:<Region Name> can also be used
in CFD-Post to refer to any mesh region. If a mesh region is present with the same name as, for example,
a domain boundary, then the mesh region is imported into CFD-Post with a Region suffix. For example,
if there is both a domain boundary and a mesh region called in1 in the CFX-Solver Results file, then
in CFD-Post the mesh region will appear in CFD-Post as in1 Region. The syntax in1 will refer to the
domain boundary, and either of in1 Region or REGION:in1 can be used to refer to the mesh region
as desired.

You cannot use a composite region that consists of a mixture of 2D and 3D regions.

Table 14.2 Examples of the Calling Syntax for an Expression


This results in the area-weighted average of

pressure on the boundary named Inlet.


This results in the area of a 2D mesh region

named myCompositeMeshRegion.

areaAve(Pressure - 10000 [Pa])@outlet

This syntax is appropriate only for CFD-Post.


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14.4. CEL Functions with Multiphase Flow

Water at RTP.force_z()@Default

14.3. Functions Involving Coordinates

The CEL variables x, y, z, r and theta, representing the local coordinates, cannot be used as the variable.
However, the variables xGlobal, yGlobal and zGlobal can be used. For example, the following is a
valid expression definition:

14.4. CEL Functions with Multiphase Flow

These functions are available in CFX-Pre and CFX-Solver without restrictions, and in CFD-Post with
the restriction that you cannot use short names.
If the function is fluid-specific, various behaviors are possible depending on the function type:

For massFlow and massFlowAve, if the phase name is not specified for the function, then the bulk
mass flows will be used. See cases 1 to 7 in the table below.

For other fluid-specific functions:

if a fluid-specific operand is specified and no fluid is specified for the function, then the fluid specified
for the operand will be assumed for the function as well. See case 8 in the table below.
if the function is specified and no fluid is specified for the operand, then the fluid specified for the
function will be assumed for the operand as well. See cases 7 and 9 in the table below.

If both the function or operand are fluid-specific, and a phase name is not given for either, the solver
will stop with an error. See case 10 in the table below.

Table 14.3 CEL Multiphase Examples


CEL Function - Multiphase



Bulk mass flow rate through inlet


Air mass flow rate through inlet


Bulk mass flow averaged pressure on inlet


Air mass flow averaged pressure on inlet

massFlowAve(Air.Volume Fraction)@inlet

Bulk mass flow averaged air volume fraction on



Air mass flow averaged air volume fraction on inlet

Air.massFlowAve(Volume Fraction)@inlet

Same as Air.massFlowAve(Air.Volume
Fraction)@ inlet

massInt(Air.Volume Fraction)@do- Same as Air.massInt(Air.Volume Fraction)@ domain1


Air.massInt(Volume Fraction)@do- Same as Air.massInt(Air.Volume Fraction)@ domain1

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Chapter 14: Functions in ANSYS CFX


CEL Function - Multiphase



massFlowAve(Volume Fraction)@in- Error because no fluid specified


14.5. Quantitative Function List

The available quantitative functions are outlined in the sections that follow.
In the table that follows, <Expression> in CFD-Post means any expression; however, in CFX-Pre and CFXSolver <Expression> means "Additional Variable Expression
The behavior of the functions in the table below depends on the type of <Location>. Typically:

on a domain the functions use vertex values for the operand,

on a subdomain the functions use element values for the operand,

on a boundary the functions use conservative values for the operand unless this is overriden by the
Boundcon variable operator in CFX-Pre,

on user locations in CFD-Post the functions use values interpolated from nodal values.

Table 14.4 CEL Functions in CFX-Pre/CFX-Solver and in CFD-Post

Function Name and Syntax
<required> [<optional>]



area( )

Area of a boundary or interface.


Supports @<Location>
See area (p. 160).
area_x[_<Coord Frame>]( )
area_y[_<Coord Frame>]( )
area_z[_<Coord Frame>]( )

The (signed) component of the normal area vector Alla

in the local x, y or z direction. The normal area
vectors are always directed out of the domain,
therefore you may obtain positive or negative areas
depending on the orientation of your domain and
the boundary you are operating on. The area of a
closed surface will always be zero.
Supports @<Location>


Area-weighted average of <Expression> on a



Supports @<Location>
See areaAve (p. 161).
areaAve_x[_<Coord Frame>]( )
areaAve_y[_<Coord Frame>]( )
areaAve_z[_<Coord Frame>]( )


The (signed) component of the normal area vector CFD-Post

weighted average in the local x, y or z direction. The
normal area vectors are always directed out of the
domain, therefore you may obtain positive or negative areas depending on the orientation of your
domain and the boundary you are operating on.
The area of a closed surface will always be zero.

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14.5. Quantitative Function List

Function Name and Syntax
<required> [<optional>]



Supports @<Location>

Area-weighted integral of <Expression> on a



The areaInt function projects the location onto

a plane normal to the specified direction (if the
direction is not set to None) and then performs the
calculation on the projected location (the direction
specification can also be None). The direction of
the normal vectors for the location is important and
will cancel out for surfaces such as closed surfaces.
Supports @<Location>
See areaInt (p. 162).
areaInt_x[_<Coord Frame>]( )
areaInt_y[_<Coord Frame>]( )
areaInt_z[_<Coord Frame>]( )

The (signed) component of the normal area vector

weighted integral in the local x, y or z direction. The
normal area vectors are always directed out of the
domain, therefore you may obtain positive or negative areas depending on the orientation of your
domain and the boundary you are operating on.
The area of a closed surface will always be zero.


Supports @<Location>

Arithmetic average of <Expression> over nodes

within a domain or subdomain.


Supports @<Location>
See ave (p. 163).
count( )

Counts the number of evaluation points (nodes) on All

the named region.
See count (p. 164).


Counts the number of nodes at which the logical

expression evaluates to true.


Supports @<Location>
See countTrue (p. 164).
force( )

The magnitude of the force vector on a boundary.


Supports [<Phase>.], @<Location>

See force (p. 165).
forceNorm [_<Axis>[_<Coord
Frame>]]( )

The length of the normalized force on a curve in

the specified direction.


Supports [<Phase>.], @<Location>

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Chapter 14: Functions in ANSYS CFX

Function Name and Syntax
<required> [<optional>]



See forceNorm (p. 166).

force_x[_<Coord Frame>]( )
force_y[_<Coord Frame>]( )
force_z[_<Coord Frame>]( )

The (signed) component of the force vector in the

local x, y or z direction.


Supports [<Phase>.], @<Location>

Similar to the subdomain variable, but allows a
specific 2D or 3D location to be given.

CFX-Pre, CFXSolver

Supports @<Location>
See inside (p. 166).

Length of a curve.


Supports @<Location>
See length (p. 167).

Length-weighted average.


Supports @<Location>
See lengthAve (p. 167).

Length-weighted integration.


Supports @<Location>
See lengthInt (p. 168).

The total mass within a domain or subdomain. This

is fluid-dependent.

CFX-Pre, CFXSolver

Supports @<Location>
See mass (p. 168).

Mass-weighted average of <Expression> on a domain or subdomain.

CFX-Pre, CFXSolver

Supports @<Location>
See massAve (p. 168).

Mass flow through a boundary.


Supports [<Phase>.], @<Location>

See massFlow (p. 168).

Mass flow weighted average of <Expression> on a

Supports [<Phase>.], @<Location>
See massFlowAve (p. 169).


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14.5. Quantitative Function List

Function Name and Syntax
<required> [<optional>]




Absolute mass flow weighted average of <Expression> on a boundary.


Supports [<Phase>.], @<Location>

See massFlowAveAbs (p. 170).

Mass flow weighted integration of <Expression> on All

a boundary.
Supports [<Phase>.], @<Location>
See massFlowInt (p. 172).


The mass-weighted integration of <Expression>

within a domain or subdomain.

CFX-Pre, CFXSolver

Supports @<Location>
See massInt (p. 173).

Maximum Value of <Expression> within a domain

or subdomain.


Supports @<Location>
See maxVal (p. 173).

Minimum Value of <Expression> within a domain

or subdomain.


Supports @<Location>
See minVal (p. 173).

Returns the value of the specified variable on the

specified Point locator.


Supports @<Location>
See probe (p. 174).

Returns the position/velocity/acceleration or orient- CFX-Pre, CFXation/angular velocity/angular acceleration (or axis Solver
components of these) of a rigid body object or immersed solid that is governed by a rigid body solution. These quantities are with respect to the global
coordinate frame.
See rbstate (p. 174).


RMS average of <Expression> within a 2D domain.

Supports @<Location>

CFX-Pre, CFXSolver

See rmsAve (p. 175).

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Chapter 14: Functions in ANSYS CFX

Function Name and Syntax
<required> [<optional>]




Sum of <Expression> over all domain or subdomain All

Supports @<Location>
See sum (p. 175).

torque( )

Magnitude of the torque vector on a boundary.


Supports [<Phase>.], @<Location>

See torque (p. 176).
torque_x[_<Coord Frame>]()
torque_y[_<Coord Frame>]()
torque_z[_<Coord Frame>]()
volume( )

The (signed) components of the torque vector about Alla

the local x, y, or z coordinate axis.
Supports [<Phase>.], @<Location>
The total volume of a domain or subdomain.


Supports @<Location>
See volume (p. 176).

Volume-weighted average of <var> on a domain.


Supports @<Location>
See volumeAve (p. 177).

Volume-weighted integration of <var> within a

domain or subdomain.


Supports @<Location>
See volumeInt (p. 177).

See the definition for [_<Coordinate_ Direction>]] in Quantitative CEL Functions in ANSYS CFX (p. 152)

14.5.1. area
The area function is used to calculate the area of a 2D locator.
area[_<Axis>[_<Coord Frame>] ]()@<Location>


<Axis> is x, y, or z

<Coord Frame> is the coordinate frame

<Location> is any 2D region (such as a boundary or interface).

An error is raised if the location specified is not a 2D object. If an axis is not specified, the total area of the
location is calculated.


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14.5.2. areaAve
area()@Isosurface1 calculates the total area of the location, and Isosurface1.area_y()@Isosurface1 calculates the projected area of Isosurface1 onto a plane normal to the Y-axis. Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate area, <Location>, [<Axis>]

The specification of an axis is optional. If an axis is not specified, the value held in the object will be used.
To calculate the total area of the location, the axis specification should be left blank (that is, type a comma
after the location specification).
>calculate area, myplane calculates the area of the locator myplane projected onto a plane normal
to the axis specification in the CALCULATOR object.
>calculate area, myplane, calculates the area of the locator myplane. Note that adding the comma
after myplane removes the axis specification. Tools > Function Calculator Example

The following example will calculate the total area of the locator Plane1:
Function: area, Location: Plane1.

14.5.2. areaAve
The areaAve function calculates the area-weighted average of an expression on a 2D location. The areaweighted average of a variable is the average value of the variable on a location when the mesh element
sizes are taken into account. Without the area weighting function, the average of all the nodal variable values
would be biased towards variable values in regions of high mesh density.
areaAve[_<Axis>[_<Coord Frame>] ](<Expression>)@<Location>


<Axis> is x, y, or z

<Coord Frame> is available in CFD-Post only

<Expression> is an expression

<Location> is any 2D region (such as a boundary or interface). An error is raised if the location specified
is not a 2D object.

To calculate the pressure coefficient Cp, use:

(Pressure - 1[bar])/(0.5*Density*(areaAve(Velocity)@inlet)^2)

You can create an expression using this, and then create a user variable using the expression. The user
variable can then be plotted on objects like any other variable. Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate areaAve, <Expression>, <Location>, <Axis> Tools > Function Calculator Examples

This example will calculate the average magnitude of Velocity on outlet.

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Chapter 14: Functions in ANSYS CFX

Function: areaAve, Location: outlet, Variable: Velocity.
Note that flow direction is not considered because the magnitude of a vector quantity at each node is

You can use the scalar components of Velocity (such as Velocity u) to include a directional sign.
This example will calculate the area-weighted average value of Velocity u, with negative values of
Velocity u replaced by zero. Note that this is not the average positive value because zero values
will contribute to the average.
Function: areaAve, Location: outlet, Variable: max(Velocity u, 0.0[m s^-1]).

14.5.3. areaInt
The areaInt function integrates a variable over the specified 2D location. To perform the integration over
the total face area, select the None option from the Axis drop-down menu. If a direction is selected, the
result is an integration over the projected area of each face onto a plane normal to that direction. Each point
on a location has an associated area which is stored as a vector and therefore has direction. By selecting a
direction in the function calculator, you are using only a single component of the vector in the areaweighting function. Because these components can be positive or negative, depending on the direction of
the normal on the location, it is possible for areas to cancel out. An example of this would be on a closed
surface where the projected area will always be zero (the results returned will not in general be exactly zero
because the variable values differ over the closed surface). On a flat surface, the normal vectors always point
in the same direction and never cancel out.
areaInt[_<Axis>[_<Coord Frame>] ](<Expression>)@<Location>


<Axis> is x, y, or z.
Axis is optional; if not specified the integration is performed over the total face area. If axis is specified,
then the integration is performed over the projected face area. A function description is available.

<Coord Frame> is the coordinate frame.

<Location> is any 2D region (such as a boundary or interface). An error is raised if the location specified
is not a 2D object.

areaInt_y_Frame2(Pressure)@boundary1 calculates the pressure force acting in the y-direction of

the coordinate frame Frame2 on the locator boundary1. This differs from a calculation using the force
function, which calculates the total force on a wall boundary (that is, viscous forces on the boundary are
included). Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate areaInt, <Expression>, <Location>, [<Axis>]

Axis is optional. If it is not specified, the value held in the object will be used. To perform the integration
over the total face area, the axis specification should be blank (that is, type a comma after the location
name). A function description is available in areaInt (p. 162). Tools > Function Calculator Examples


This example integrates Pressure over Plane 1. The returned result is the total pressure force acting
on Plane 1. The magnitude of each area vector is used and so the direction of the vectors is not
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14.5.4. ave
Function: areaInt, Location: Plane 1, Variable: Pressure, Direction: None

This example integrates Pressure over the projected area of Plane 1 onto a plane normal to the
X-axis. The result is the pressure force acting in the X-direction on Plane 1. This differs slightly from
using the force function to calculate the X-directional force on Plane 1. The force function includes
forces due to the advection of momentum when calculating the force on an internal arbitrary plane or
a non-wall boundary (inlets, etc.).
Function: areaInt, Location: Plane 1, Variable: Pressure, Direction: Global X.

14.5.4. ave
The ave function calculates the arithmetic average (the mean value) of a variable or expression on the
specified location. This is simply the sum of the values at each node on the location divided by the number
of nodes. Results will be biased towards areas of high nodal density on the location. To obtain a mesh independent result, you should use the lengthAve, areaAve, volumeAve or massFlowAve functions.


<var|Expression> is a variable or a logical expression

<Location> is any 3D region (such as a domain or subdomain).

The ave function can be used on point, 1D, 2D, and 3D locations.
ave(Yplus)@Default calculates the mean Yplus values from each node on the default walls. Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate ave, <var|Expression>, <Location>

To obtain a mesh-independent result, you should use the lengthAve, areaAve, volumeAve
or massFlowAve functions.
The average of a vector value is calculated as an average of its magnitudes, not the magnitude of component
averages. As an example, for velocity:




(142) Tools > Function Calculator Example

This example calculates the mean temperature at all nodes in the selected domain.

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Chapter 14: Functions in ANSYS CFX

Function: ave, Location: MainDomain, Variable: Temperature.

14.5.5. count
The count function returns the number of nodes on the specified location.


<Location> is valid for point, 1D, 2D, and 3D locations.

count()@Polyline1 returns the number of points on the specified polyline locator. Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate count, <Location> Tools > Function Calculator Example

This example returns the number of nodes in the specified domain.
Function: count, Location: MainDomain.

14.5.6. countTrue
The countTrue function returns the number of mesh nodes on the specified region that evaluate to true
where true means greater than or equal to 0.5. The countTrue function is valid for 1D, 2D, and 3D locations.

where <Expression> is:

In CFD-Post, an expression that contains the logical operators =, >, <, <=, or >=.

In CFX-Solver, an Additional Variable that you define. For example:

TemperatureLE = Temperature > 300[K]

countTrue(TemperatureLE)@Polyline1 returns the number of nodes on the specified polyline locator that evaluate to true. Tools > Command Editor Examples

In CFD-Post:
>calculate countTrue(Temperature > 300[K]), Domain1

In CFX-Solver:
>calculate countTrue(TemperatureLE), Domain1 Tools > Function Calculator Example

This example returns the number of nodes that evaluate to true in the specified domain.
Function: countTrue, Location: MainDomain, Expression: Temperature > 300[K].


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14.5.7. force

14.5.7. force
This function returns the force exerted by the fluid on the specified 2D locator in the specified direction.
[<Phase>.]force[_<Axis>[_<Coord Frame>] ]()@<Location>


[<Phase>.] is an optional prefix that is not required for single-phase flows. For details, see CEL
Functions with Multiphase Flow (p. 155).

<Axis> is x, y, or z

<Coord Frame> is the coordinate frame

<Location> is any 2D region (such as a boundary or interface).

Force calculations on boundaries require additional momentum flow data.

Water at RTP.force_x()@wall1 returns the total force in the x-direction acting on wall1 due to
the fluid Water at RTP.
The force on a boundary is calculated using momentum flow data from the results file, if it is available. The
result can be positive or negative, indicating the direction of the force. For non-boundary locators, an approximate force is always calculated.
CFD-Post calculates the approximate force as follows:

If the locator is a wall boundary, the force is equal to the pressure force.

For all other locators, the force is equal to the pressure force plus the mass flow force (due to the advection of momentum).

In all cases, if wall shear data exists in the results file, the viscous force is added to the calculated force.

The force function enables you to select the fluids to use when performing your calculation. The result
returned is the force on the locator due to that fluid/those fluids. Because the pressure force is the same at
each node irrespective of the choice of fluids, the only difference is in the viscous forces (on wall boundaries)
or the mass flow forces.
It is important to note that forces arising as a result of the reference pressure are not included in the force
calculation. You can include reference pressure effects in the force calculation in the CFX-Solver by setting
the expert parameter include pref in forces = t
It is also important to note that for rotating domains in a transient run, forces on wall boundaries in the
CFX-Solver are evaluated in the reference frame fixed to the initial domain orientation. These quantities are
not influenced by any rotation that might occur during a transient run or when a rotational offset is specified.
However, results for rotating domains in a transient run may be in the rotated position (depending on the
setting of Options in CFD-Post) when they are loaded into CFD-Post for post-processing. Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate force, <Location>, <Axis>, [<Phase>] Tools > Function Calculator Examples

This calculates the total force on the default wall boundaries in the x-direction. Pressure and viscous
forces are included.
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Chapter 14: Functions in ANSYS CFX

Function: force, Location: Default, Direction: Global X, Phase: All Fluids.

This calculates the forces on inlet1 due to pressure and the advection of momentum.
Function: force, Location: inlet1, Direction: Global X, Phase: Water at RTP.

14.5.8. forceNorm
Returns the per unit width force on a line in the direction of the specified axis. It is available only for a
polyline created by intersecting a locator on a boundary. Momentum data must also be available. The
magnitude of the value returned can be thought of as the force in the specified direction on a polyline, if
the polyline were 2D with a width of one unit.
[<Phase>.]forceNorm[_<Axis>[_<Coord Frame>] ]()@<Location>


[<Phase>.] is an optional prefix that is not required for single-phase flows. For details, see CEL
Functions with Multiphase Flow (p. 155).

<Axis> is x, y, or z

<Coord Frame> is available in CFD-Post only

<Location> is any 1D location. An error will be raised if the location specified is not one-dimensional.

forceNorm_y()@Polyline1 calculates the per unit width force in the y-direction on the selected polyline. Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate forceNorm, <Location>, <Axis>, [<Phase>] Tools > Function Calculator Example

The result from this calculation is force per unit width on Polyline1 in the x-direction.
Function: forceNorm, Location: Polyline1, Direction: Global X, Phase: All Fluids.

14.5.9. inside
The inside CEL function is essentially a step function variable, defined to be unity within a subdomain
and zero elsewhere. This is useful for describing different initial values or fluid properties in different regions
of the domain. It is similar to the CEL subdomain variable, but allows a specific 2D or 3D location to be
given. For example, 273 [K] * inside()@Subdomain 1 has a value of 273 [K] at points in Subdomain
1 and 0 [K] elsewhere. The location does not need to be a subdomain, but can be any 2D or 3D named subregion of the physical location on which the expression is evaluated. For immersed solids simulations, the
location can also be a specific immersed solid domain, and the inside function will be updated automatically
at the beginning of each time step.


<Location> is any 2D or 3D named sub-region of the physical location on which the expression is

<Location> can also be an immersed solid domain on which the expression is evaluated dynamically.


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14.5.11. lengthAve

The inside CEL function is not available in CFD-Post. Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate inside, <Location>

14.5.10. length
Computes the length of the specified line as the sum of the distances between the points making up the


<Location> is any 1D location. Specifying a 2D location will not produce an error; the sum of the
edge lengths from the elements in the locator will be returned.

length()@Polyline1 returns the length of the polyline. Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate length, <Location>

While using this function in Power Syntax, the leading character is capitalized to avoid confusion
with the Perl internal command length
. Tools > Function Calculator Example

This example calculates the length of a polyline.
Function: length, Location: Polyline1.

14.5.11. lengthAve
Computes the length-based average of the variable on the specified line. This is the 1D equivalent of the
areaAve function. The results is independent of the nodal distribution along the line because a weighting
function assigns a higher weighting to areas of sparse nodal density.


<Expression> is an expression

<Location> is any 1D or 2D location.

lengthAve(T)@Polyline1 calculates the average temperature on Polyline1 weighted by the distance

between each point (T is the system variable for temperature).

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Chapter 14: Functions in ANSYS CFX Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate lengthAve, <Expression>, <Location> Tools > Function Calculator Example

This calculates the average velocity on the location Polyline1 using a length-based weighting function
to account for the distribution of points along the line.
Function: lengthAve, Location: Polyline1, Variable: Velocity.

14.5.12. lengthInt
Computes the length-based integral of the variable on the specified line. This is the 1D equivalent of the
areaInt function.


<Expression> is an expression

<Location> is any 1D location. Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate lengthInt, <Expression>, <Location>.

14.5.13. mass


<Location> is any 3D region (such as a domain or subdomain). Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate mass, <Location>.

14.5.14. massAve


<var> is a variable

<Location> is any 3D region (such as a domain or subdomain). Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate massAve, <var>, <Location>.

14.5.15. massFlow
Computes the mass flow through the specified 2D location.


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14.5.16. massFlowAve

[<Phase>.] is an optional prefix that is not required for single-phase flows. For details, see CEL
Functions with Multiphase Flow (p. 155).

<Location> is any fluid surfaces (such as Inlets, Outlets, Openings and fluid-fluid interfaces).

Air at STP.massFlow()@DegassingOutlet calculates the mass flow of Air at STP through the
selected location.
For boundary locators:

The mass flow is calculated using mass flow data from the results file, if it is available. Otherwise, an
approximate mass flow is calculated.

For multiphase cases, the mass flow through a boundary on a GGI interface evaluated in CFD-Post is
an approximation to the 'exact' mass flow evaluated by the solver. This approximation vanishes as the
mesh is refined or as the volume fraction on the interface becomes uniform.

For non-boundary locators (that is, internal locators):

If the locator is an edge based locator (such as a cut plane or isosurface), the domain mass flow data
from the results file will be used.

In all other cases, an approximate mass flow is calculated.

The massFlow function enables you to select the fluids to use when performing your calculation. The result
returned is the mass flow of the selected fluids through the locator. Mass Flow Sign Convention

The mass flow through a surface is defined by
where is the velocity vector and is the surface
normal vector. By convention, the surface normal at a domain boundary is directed out of the domain.
Therefore, the mass flow is positive at an inlet boundary with the velocity directed into the domain. For
planes and surfaces that cut through a domain, the normal of the plane or surface is determined by from
the right-hand rule and the manner in which the plane or surface is constructed. For example, the surface
normal for a Z-X plane has the same sense and direction as the Y-axis. Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate massFlow, <Location>, [<Phase>] Tools > Function Calculator Example

This calculates the mass flow for all fluids in the domains through the location outlet2:
Function: massFlow, Location: outlet2, Phase: All Fluids.

14.5.16. massFlowAve
Computes the average of a variable/expression on the specified 2D location. The massFlowAve function
allows you to select the fluids to use when performing your calculation. The result returned is the average
variable value, evaluated according to the formula:

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Chapter 14: Functions in ANSYS CFX


where represents the variable/expression being averaged and represents the local mass flow (net local
mass flow if more than one fluid is selected). Each summation term is evaluated on, and corresponds to, a
node on the 2D locator. The mass flow for each term is derived from summing contributions from the surrounding solver integration points. As a result, the denominator evaluates to the conservative net mass flow
through the 2D locator.
In cases where there is significant flow, but little or no net flow through the 2D locator (as can happen with
recirculation), the denominator of the averaging formula becomes small, and the resulting average value
may become adversely affected. In such cases, the massFlowAveAbs (see massFlowAveAbs (p. 170)) function
is a viable alternative to the massFlowAve function.


[<Phase>.] is an optional prefix that is not required for single-phase flows. For details, see CEL
Functions with Multiphase Flow (p. 155).

<var|Expression> is a variable or expression

<Location> is any fluid surfaces (such as Inlets, Outlets, Openings and fluid-fluid interfaces). An error
is raised if the location specified is not 2D.

massFlowAve(Density)@Plane1 calculates the average density on Plane1 weighted by the mass

flow at each point on the location.
See the Advanced Mass Flow Considerations (p. 171) and Mass Flow Technical Note (p. 171) sections under
massFlowAveAbs (p. 170) for more information. Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate massFlowAve, <var|Expression>, <Location>, [<Phase>] Tools > Function Calculator Example

This example calculates the average velocity on Plane1 weighted by the mass flow for all fluids assigned
to each point on Plane1:
Function: massFlowAve, Location: Plane1, Variable: Velocity, Phase: All Fluids

14.5.17. massFlowAveAbs
This function is similar to the massFlowAve function (see massFlowAve (p. 169)), except that each local
mass flow value used in the averaging formula has the absolute function applied. That is:



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14.5.19. Mass Flow Technical Note

[<Phase>.] is an optional prefix that is not required for single-phase flows. For details, see CEL
Functions with Multiphase Flow (p. 155).

<var|Expression> is a variable or expression

<Location> is any fluid surfaces (such as Inlets, Outlets, Openings and fluid-fluid interfaces). An error
is raised if the location specified is not 2D.

massFlowAve(Density)@Plane1 calculates the average density on Plane1 weighted by the mass

flow at each point on the location.
In cases where there is significant flow, but little or no net flow through the 2D locator (as can happen with
recirculation), the massFlowAveAbs function is a viable alternative to the massFlowAve function (see
massFlowAve (p. 169)).

14.5.18. Advanced Mass Flow Considerations

Note that the massFlowAveAbs and massFlowAve functions provide the same result, and that the denominator evaluates to the net mass flow through the 2D locator, only when all of the flow passes through
the 2D locator in the same general direction (in other words, when there is no backflow). If there is any
backflow through the 2D locator, the denominator in the function for massFlowAveAbs evaluates to a
value of greater magnitude than the conservative net mass flow through the 2D locator (although this is
not necessarily harmful to the resulting average value).
The values of variables other than mass flow are stored at the mesh nodes and are applied to the locator
nodes by linear interpolation. For the mass flow variable, CFD-Post uses the integration point mass flow data
if it is available; otherwise, it will approximate mass flow values based on mesh node values of velocity (and
density, if available).

14.5.19. Mass Flow Technical Note

When integration point mass flow data is stored, backflow through the 2D locator may occur as an artifact
of how the mass flow data is applied to the locator nodes, even though there may be no actual backflow
(as evidenced by a vector plot on the locator). The figure below illustrates how this may occur.

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Chapter 14: Functions in ANSYS CFX

Figure 14.1 Backflow

In order to visualize this type of backflow through a locator, try making a contour plot of the variable Mass
Flow, setting a user defined Range from 0 to 1 and the # of Contours to 3. This will produce a contour
plot with two color bands: one for each general flow direction. This visualization technique works because
the method of applying integration-point mass-flow data to locator nodes is the same for all uses of the
mass flow variable involving a 2D locator (contour plots, massFlowAve, massFlowAveAbs, etc.).

14.5.20. massFlowInt
Integrates a variable over the specified 2D location. A weighting function is applied to the variable value at
each point based on the mass flow assigned to that point. You can also specify the fluid(s) used to calculate
the mass flow at each locator point.


[<Phase>.] is an optional prefix that is not required for single-phase flows. For details, see CEL
Functions with Multiphase Flow (p. 155).

<var|Expression> is a variable or expression

<Location> is any fluid surfaces (such as Inlets, Outlets, Openings and fluid-fluid interfaces). An error
is raised if the location specified is not 2D. Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate massFlowInt, <var|Expression>, <Location>, [<Phase>]


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14.5.23. minVal Tools > Function Calculator Example

This example integrates pressure over Plane1. The result is the pressure force acting on Plane1 weighted
by the mass flow assigned to each point on Plane1:
Function: massFlowInt, Location: Plane1, Variable: Pressure, Phase: All Fluids

14.5.21. massInt
The mass-weighted integration of a variable within a domain or subdomain.


<var> is a variable

<Location> is any 3D region (such as a domain or subdomain) Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate massInt, <var>, <Location>

14.5.22. maxVal
Returns the maximum value of the specified variable on the specified locator. You should create a User
Variable if you want to find the maximum value of an expression.


<var|Expression> is a variable or expression

<Location> in CFX-Solver is any 2D or 3D region (such as a domain or subdomain); in CFD-Post, Point

and 1D, 2D, and 3D locators can be specified. Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate maxVal, <var|Expression>, <Location> Tools > Function Calculator Example

This will return the maximum Yplus value on the default wall boundaries:
Function: maxVal, Location: Default, Variable: Yplus

14.5.23. minVal
Returns the minimum value of the specified variable on the specified locator. You should create a User
Variable if you want to find the minimum value of an expression.


<var|Expression> is a variable or expression

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Chapter 14: Functions in ANSYS CFX

<Location> in CFX-Solver is any 2D or 3D region (such as a domain or subdomain); in CFD-Post, Point

and 1D, 2D, and 3D locators can be specified. Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate minVal, <var|Expression>, <Location> Tools > Function Calculator Example

These settings will return the minimum temperature in the domain:
Function: minVal, Location: MainDomain, Variable: Temperature

14.5.24. probe
Returns the value of the specified variable on the specified Point object.


<var|Expression> is a variable or expression

<Location> is any point object (such as a Source Point or Cartesian Monitor Point).

This calculation should be performed only for point locators described by single points. Incorrect
solutions will be produced for multiple point locators. Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate probe, <Expression>, <Location> Tools > Function Calculator Example

This example returns the density value at Point1:
Function: probe, Location: Point1, Variable: Density

14.5.25. rbstate
Returns the value of the specified rigid body state variable, or axis component thereof, on the specified:

Rigid Body object (for a standard rigid body definition), or

Immersed Solid domain that is governed by a rigid body solution.

The rigid body state variables are:


Linear Velocity

Linear Acceleration

Euler Angle

Angular Velocity


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14.5.27. sum

Angular Acceleration



<rbvar> is a rigid body state variable.

<Axis> is X, Y, or Z.
For the Euler Angle rigid body state variable, an axis must be specified. For all of the other rigid
body state variables, the axis is optional. If you do not specify an axis, the magnitude of the vector is
returned. For example, if the variable is Position and you do not specify an axis, the distance from
the origin will be returned.

<Location> is any rigid body object or any immersed solid domain that is governed by a rigid body

Results are given with respect to the global coordinate frame (Coord 0). Expressions Details View Example

rbstate(Linear Velocity Z)@Buoy

14.5.26. rmsAve
Returns the RMS average of the specified variable within a domain.


<var> is a variable

<Location> is any 2D region (such as a domain or subdomain). Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate rmsAve, <var>, <Location>

14.5.27. sum
Computes the sum of the specified variable values at each point on the specified location.


<var|Expression> is a variable or expression

<Location> in CFX-Solver is any 3D region (such as a domain or subdomain); in CFD-Post, Point and
1D, 2D, and 3D locators can be specified. Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate sum, <var|Expression>, <Location>

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Chapter 14: Functions in ANSYS CFX Tools > Function Calculator Example

This example returns the sum of the finite volumes assigned to each node in the location SubDomain1. In
this case, this sums to the volume of the subdomain:
Function: sum, Location: SubDomain1, Variable: Volume of Finite Volume

14.5.28. torque
Returns the torque on a 2D locator about the specified axis. The force calculated during evaluation of the
torque function has the same behavior as the force function. For details, see force (p. 165). You can select
the fluids involved in the calculation.
[<Phase>.]torque_[<Axis>[_<Coord Frame>] ]()@<Location>


[<Phase>.] is an optional prefix that is not required for single-phase flows. For details, see CEL
Functions with Multiphase Flow (p. 155).

<Axis> is x, y, or z

<Coord Frame>

<Location> is any 2D region (such as a wall). If the location specified is not 2D, an error is raised. Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate torque, <Location>, <Axis>, [<Phase>] Tools > Function Calculator Example

This example calculates the torque on Plane1 about the z-axis due to all fluids in the domain.
Function: torque, Location: Plane1, Axis: Global Z, Phase: All Fluids

14.5.29. volume
Calculates the volume of a 3D location.


<Location> is any 3D region (such as a domain or subdomain). An error is raised if the location specified is not a 3D object. For details, see volume (p. 176). Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate volume, <Location> Tools > Function Calculator Example

This example returns the sum of the volumes of each mesh element included in the location Volume1.
Function: volume, Location: Volume1


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14.5.31. volumeInt

14.5.30. volumeAve
Calculates the volume-weighted average of an expression on a 3D location. This is the 3D equivalent of the
areaAve function. The volume-weighted average of a variable is the average value of the variable on a
location weighted by the volume assigned to each point on a location. Without the volume weighting
function, the average of all the nodal variable values would be biased towards values in regions of high
mesh density. The following example demonstrates use of the function.


<var|Expression> is a variable or expression

<Location> is any 3D region (such as a domain or subdomain). Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate volumeAve, <var|Expression>, <Location> Tools > Function Calculator Example

This example calculates the volume-weighted average value of density in the region enclosed by the location
Function: volumeAve, Location: Volume1, Variable: Density

14.5.31. volumeInt
Integrates the specified variable over the volume location. This is the 3D equivalent of the areaInt function.


<var|Expression> is a variable or expression

<Location> is any 3D region (such as a domain or subdomain). An error is raised if the location specified is not a 3D object.

For example, volumeInt(Density)@StaticMixer will calculate the total fluid mass in the domain

Because the Density variable represents the average density during the timestep rather than the
density at the end of the timestep, the volumeInt(Density) does not accurately give the
mass of fluid at the end of a timestep. Use the mass() function instead. Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate volumeInt, <var|Expression>, <Location> Tools > Function Calculator Example

This example calculates the integral of density (the total mass) in Volume1.
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Chapter 14: Functions in ANSYS CFX

Function: volumeInt, Location: Volume1, Variable: Density


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Chapter 15: Variables in ANSYS CFX

This chapter describes the variables available in ANSYS CFX:
15.1. Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values
15.2. List of Field Variables
15.3. Particle Variables Generated by the Solver
15.4. Miscellaneous Variables

15.1. Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values

The CFX-Solver calculates the solution to your CFD problem using polyhedral finite volumes surrounding
the vertices of the underlying mesh elements (hexahedrons, tetrahedrons, prisms, pyramids). Analytical
solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations exist for only the simplest of flows under ideal conditions. To obtain
solutions for real flows, a numerical approach must be adopted whereby the equations are replaced by algebraic approximations which may be solved using a numerical method.
The solution values on the boundary vertices, called conservative values, are the values obtained from solving
the conservation equations for the boundary control volumes. These values are not necessarily the same as
the specified boundary condition values, although the specified boundary value is used to close boundary
fluxes for the boundary control volume. For example, on a no-slip wall, the wall velocity is used to compute
the viscous force for the boundary face of the boundary control volume, but the resulting control volume
equation solution will not necessarily be the wall velocity. The conservative values are representative of the
boundary control volume, not the boundary itself. For visualization purposes, it is often useful to view the
specified boundary condition value for the boundary vertices rather than the conservative values. This is
especially true when the value of a conservative solution variable (such as pressure or temperature, for instance) is specified at a particular boundary condition. The specified boundary values are called hybrid values.
CFD-Post uses hybrid values by default for most variables. Hybrid values are obtained by overwriting the
conservative results on the boundary nodes produced by the CFX-Solver with values based on the specified
boundary conditions. This ensures, for example, that the velocity is displayed as zero on no-slip walls. For
quantitative calculations, the conservative values should normally be used because they are consistent with
the discrete solutions obtained by the solver. If you want to use these values in CFD-Post, you can select
them from the Variables Editor dialog box as described above. By default, CFD-Post uses conservative values
when the Calculate command is used.
The difference between hybrid and conservative values at wall boundaries can be demonstrated using the
following figure:

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Chapter 15: Variables in ANSYS CFX

Using velocity as an example, the velocity value calculated at a mesh node is based upon the average in
the control volume surrounding that node. For calculation purposes, the entire control volume is then assumed
to possess that velocity. At a boundary node, its surrounding control volume includes an area in the bulk
of the fluid (this area is highlighted around the boundary node marked 1). Hence, the conservative velocity
calculated at the wall node is not zero, but an average over the control volume adjacent to the boundary.
At a wall boundary node the difference between conservative and hybrid values can be illustrated by considering the case of the mass flow rate through the wall-adjacent control volume. If a zero velocity was enforced at the boundary node, then this would produce zero mass flow through the control volume, which
is clearly not correct.

15.1.1. Solid-Fluid Interface Variable Values Conservative Values at 1:1 Interface
At a solid-fluid 1:1 interface, duplicate nodes exist. The conservative value for the solid-side node is the
variable values averaged over the half on the control volume that lies inside the solid. The conservative
value for the fluid-side node is the variable values averaged over the half of the control volume that lies in
the fluid.
Consider the example of heat transfer from a hot solid to a cool fluid when advection dominates within the
fluid. If you create a plot across the solid-fluid interface using conservative values of temperature, then you
will see a sharp change in temperature across the interface. This is because values are interpolated from the
interface into the bulk of the solid domain using the value for the solid-side node at the interface, while
values are interpolated from the interface into the bulk of the fluid domain using the value for the fluid-side
node at the interface. This results in a temperature discontinuity at the interface. Hybrid Values at 1:1 Interface

When creating plots using hybrid variable values (the default in CFD-Post), the 1:1 interface is single valued
and takes the solid-side conservative value. You can therefore expect to see the same plot within the solid,
but the temperature profile between the interface and the first node in the fluid interpolates between the
solid-side interface value and the first fluid node value. In this case, a discontinuity does not exist because
all nodes are single valued.
Conservative values should be used for all quantitative calculations.


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15.2. List of Field Variables Conservative Values on a GGI Interface

At a GGI interface, the CFX Solver calculates both fluid-side and solid-side temperatures based on heat flux
conservation. These values are representative of the temperature within the half-control volumes around
the vertices on the interface. The fluid-side and solid-side temperatures are generally not equal. As a result,
a plot of conservative values of temperature will generally show a discontinuity across a GGI interface. Hybrid Values on a GGI Interface

At a GGI interface, the CFX Solver calculates a "surface temperature" based on a flux-conservation equation
for the 'control surfaces' that lie between the fluid side and the solid side. The surface temperature is usually
between the fluid-side and solid-side temperatures. Hybrid values of temperature on a GGI interface are set
equal to the surface temperature. As a result, there is no discontinuity in hybrid values of temperature across
a GGI interface.

15.2. List of Field Variables

This section contains a list of field variables that you may have defined in CFX-Pre or that are available for
viewing in CFD-Post and exporting to other files. Many variables are relevant only for specific physical
The information given in this section includes:

Long Variable Name: The name that you see in the user interface.

Short Variable Name: The name that must be used in CEL expressions.

Units: The default units for the variable. An empty entry [ ] indicates a dimensionless variable.

The entries in the Units columns are SI but could as easily be any other system of units.

In the Availability column:

A number represents the user level (1 indicates that the variable appears in default lists, 2 and 3
indicate that the variable appears in extended lists that you see when you click
). This number
is useful when using the CFX Export facility. For details, see File Export Utility in the CFX-Solver
Manager User's Guide. Note that the CFX-Solver may sometimes override the user-level setting depending on the physics of the problem. In these cases, the User Level may be different from that
shown in the tables that follow.

Boundary (B): A B in this column indicates that the variable contains only non-zero values on the
boundary of the model. See Boundary-Value-Only Variables in the CFD-Post User's Guide for more
Boundary-Value-Only Variables in the CFD-Post User's Guide describes the useful things that you can
do with variables that are defined only on the boundaries of the model.

A indicates the variable is available for mesh adaption

C indicates the variable is available in CEL

DT indicates the variable is available for data transfer to ANSYS

M indicates the variable is available for monitoring

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Chapter 15: Variables in ANSYS CFX

PR indicates the variable is available for particle results

R indicates the variable is available to be output to the results, transient results, and backup files

RA indicates the variable is available for radiation results

P indicates the variable is available for particle user-routine argument lists

TS indicates the variable is available for transient statistics

Definition: Defines the variable.

This is not a complete list of variables. Information on obtaining details on all variables is available in RULES
and VARIABLES Files in the CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.

Variables with names shown in bold text are not output to CFD-Post. However, some of these
variables can be output to CFD-Post by selecting them from the Extra Output Variables List on
the Results tab of the Solver > Output Control details view of CFX-Pre.

15.2.1. Common Variables Relevant for Most CFD Calculations

The following table contains a list of variables (with both long and short variable names) that can be used
when working with CFD calculations. For an explanation of the column headings, see List of Field Variables (p. 181).
Long Variable



Availab- Definition



[kg m^-3]




+ +

Dynamic Viscosity

A, C, M,
P, R, TS

For Fixed and Variable Composition Mixture,

the density is determined by a mass fraction
weighted harmonic average:

[kg m^1 s^-1]

A, C, M,
P, R, TS

Dynamic viscosity ( ), also called absolute viscosity,

is a measure of the resistance of a fluid to shearing
forces, and appears in the momentum equations.
Using an expression to set the dynamic viscosity
is possible. For details, see Non-Newtonian Flow
in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.

[m s^-1]

Velocity vector.

A, C, M,
P, R, TS
Velocity u

Velocity v

Velocity w


[m s^-1]

Components of velocity.

A, C, M,
P, R, TS

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15.2.1. Common Variables Relevant for Most CFD Calculations

Long Variable



Availab- Definition


[kg m^1 s^-2]

[kg m^1 s^-2]


CFX solves for the relative Static Pressure

(thermodynamic pressure)
in the flow field,

Static Pressure

A, C, M,
P, R, TS

Both Pressure and Total Pressure are

measured relative to the reference pressure that
you specified on the Domains panel in CFX-Pre.
Additionally, Pressure is the total normal stress,
which means that when using the k-e turbulence
model, Pressure is the thermodynamic pressure
plus the turbulent normal stress. Static Pressure is the thermodynamic pressure, in most
cases this is the same as Pressure. For details,
see Modified Pressure in the CFX-Solver Theory

and is related to Absolute Pressure




For details, see Scalable Wall Functions in the CFXSolver Theory Guide.


Volume of finite volume. For details, see Discretization of the Governing Equations in the CFX-Solver
Theory Guide.

Volume of Finite

X coordinate

The total pressure,

[kg m^1 s^-2]

A, C, M,
P, R, TS

C, DT,



Wall Shear


Total Pressure

, is defined as the pressure

that would exist at a point if the fluid was brought

instantaneously to rest such that the dynamic energy of the flow converted to pressure without
losses. The following three sections describe how
total pressure is computed for a pure component
material with constant density, ideal gas equation
of state and a general equation of state (CEL expression or RGP table). For details, see Scalable
Wall Functions in the CFX-Solver Theory Guide.

Cartesian coordinate components.

Y coordinate



Z coordinate



Kinematic Diffus- visckin


C, M, P,

Kinematic diffusivity describes how rapidly a scalar

quantity would move through the fluid in the absence of convection. For convection-dominated
flows, the kinematic diffusivity can have little effect
because convection processes dominate over diffusion processes.

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Chapter 15: Variables in ANSYS CFX

Long Variable



Availab- Definition

Shear Strain



Specific Heat
Capacity at Constant Pressure


Specific Heat
Capacity at


Thermal Conductivity


A, C, M,
[m^2 s^-2

[m^2 s^-2

[kg m s^3 K^-1]

For details see Non-Newtonian Flow in the CFXSolver Modeling Guide.

A, C, M,

For details, see Specific Heat Capacity in the CFXSolver Modeling Guide.

A, C, M,
P, R, TS

A, C, M,

Thermal conductivity, , is the property of a fluid

that characterizes its ability to transfer heat by
For details, see Thermal Conductivity in the CFXSolver Modeling Guide.


A, C,
DT, M,
P, R, TS

Total Temperature


Wall Heat Flux



A, C, M,
P, R, TS

[W m^-2]

C, DT,


Total Enthalpy



[W m^-2
[m^2 s^2]

C, R, TS

The total temperature is derived from the concept

of total enthalpy and is computed exactly the same
way as static temperature, except that total enthalpy is used in the property relationships. For
details, see Total Temperature in the CFX-Solver
Theory Guide.
A heat flux is specified across the wall boundary.
A positive value indicates heat flux into the domain. For multiphase cases, when the bulk heat
flux into both phases is set, this option is labeled
Wall Heat Flux instead of Heat Flux. When set on
a per fluid basis, this option is labelled Heat Flux.
For details, see Heat Transfer Coefficient and Wall
Heat Transfer Coefficient in the CFX-Solver Modeling

Wall Heat Transfer Coefficient

, is the thermodynamic
The static temperature,
temperature, and depends on the internal energy
of the fluid. In CFX, depending on the heat transfer
model you select, the flow solver calculates either
total or static enthalpy (corresponding to the total
or thermal energy equations). For details, see
Static Temperature in the CFX-Solver Theory Guide.


A, C, M,

For details, see Transport Equations in the CFXSolver Theory Guide.

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15.2.2. Variables Relevant for Turbulent Flows

Long Variable



Availab- Definition

Static Enthalpy


[m^2 s^2]

A, C, M,
P, R, TS

For details, see Static Enthalpy in the CFX-Solver

Theory Guide.

When a rotating frame of reference is used, all variables in the CFX-5 results file are relative to the rotating frame, unless specified as a Stn
Frame variable.

15.2.2. Variables Relevant for Turbulent Flows

The following table contains a list of variables (with both long and short variable names) that can be used
when working with turbulent flows. For an explanation of the column headings, see List of Field Variables (p. 181).
A B in the Type column indicates that the variable contains only non-zero values on the boundary of the
Long Variable Name

Short Variable Name


Availabil- Definition

Function for
DES model



Kinetic Energy


Eddy Dissipation


Eddy Frequency


Eddy Viscosity

eddy viscosity





C, M, R,



Controls blending between RANS and LES regimes

for the DES model

For details, see The k-epsilon Model in the CFXSolver Modeling Guide.

A, C, M,
P, R, TS

A, C, M,
P, R, TS

The rate at which the velocity fluctuations dissipate.

For details, see The k-epsilon Model in the CFXSolver Modeling Guide.

A, C, M,
P, R, TS

A, C, M,
P, R, TS

A, C, M,
P, R, TS

The eddy viscosity model proposes that turbulence consists of small eddies that are continuously
forming and dissipating, and in which the Reynolds
stresses are assumed to be proportional to mean
velocity gradients. For details, see Eddy Viscosity
Turbulence Models in the CFX-Solver Theory Guide.
This is a tensor quantity with six components. For
details, see Statistical Reynolds Stresses in the CFXSolver Modeling Guide and Reynolds Stress Turbulence Models in the CFX-Solver Theory Guide in the
ANSYS CFX documentation.

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Chapter 15: Variables in ANSYS CFX

Long Variable Name

Short Variable Name


Availabil- Definition

Stress uu

rsstat uu


Stress vv

rsstat vv


Stress ww

rsstat ww


Stress uv

rsstat uv

Stress uw

rsstat uw

Stress vw

rsstat vw


M, R

In LES runs, Reynolds Stress components are automatically generated using running statistics of the
instantaneous, transient velocity field. For details,
see Statistical Reynolds Stresses in the CFX-Solver
Modeling Guide.

M, R

M, R
M, R
M, R
M, R

Velocity Correl- uu
ation uu


Velocity Correl- vv
ation vv


Velocity Correl- ww
ation ww


Velocity Correl- uv
ation uv


Velocity Correl- uw
ation uw


Velocity Correl- vw
ation vw





C, M, R

C, M, R
C, M, R
C, M, R
C, M, R
C, M, R
C, R, TS

Solver Yplus



C, R, TS


For details, see Statistical Reynolds Stresses in the

CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.

A variable based on the distance from the wall to

the first node and the wall shear stress. For details,
see Solver Yplus and Yplus in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
A deprecated internal variable. For details, see
Solver Yplus and Yplus in the CFX-Solver Modeling

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15.2.5. Variables Relevant for Particle Tracking

15.2.3. Variables Relevant for Buoyant Flow

The following table contains a list of variables (with both long and short variable names) that can be used
when working with buoyant flows. For an explanation of the column headings, see List of Field Variables (p. 181).
Long Variable Name

Short Variable Name




Thermal Expansivity


[K^ -1]

For details, see Buoyancy in the CFX-Solver

Modeling Guide.

15.2.4. Variables Relevant for Compressible Flow

The following table contains a list of variables (with both long and short variable names) that can be used
when working with compressible flows.
Short Variable Name



Isobaric Compressibility





C, M, R
[m s^2 kg^2
C, M, R


Long Variable

Defines the rate of change of the system

volume with pressure.


A, C, M, R, TS

Shock Indicator

shock indicator




[m s^2 kg^2
C, M, R

A, C, M, R, TS

For details, see List of Symbols in the CFX-Solver

Theory Guide.
The variable takes a value of 0 away from a
shock and a value of 1 in the vicinity of a shock.
The extent to which a material reduces its
volume when it is subjected to compressive
stresses at a constant value of entropy.


Mach Number

15.2.5. Variables Relevant for Particle Tracking

The following table contains a list of variables (with both long and short variable names) that can be used
when working with compressible flows.

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Chapter 15: Variables in ANSYS CFX

Long Variable

Short Variable Name

Units User


Latent Heat



User-specified latent heat for phase pairs involving a

particle phase.

C, R, M

Particle Momentum


Particle Diameter

particle diameter


A, C, M, P,


Momentum source from particle phase to continuous


Diameter of a particle phase.

A, C, M, R

15.2.6.Variables Relevant for Calculations with a Rotating Frame of Reference

The following table contains a list of variables (with both long and short variable names) that can be used
when working with a rotating frame of reference. For an explanation of the column headings, see List of
Field Variables (p. 181).
Long Variable Name

Short Variable Name


Availabil- Definition

Total Pressure
in Stn Frame


[kg m^1 s^-2]

Total Enthalpy
in Stn Frame


[kg m^2 s^- 2

A, C, M,

Mach Number
in Stn Frame



Velocity in Stn


A, C, DT,
M, P, R,

where is the angular velocity, is the local

radius vector, and
is velocity in the stationary frame of reference. For details, see Rotating
Frame Quantities in the CFX-Solver Theory Guide.


Total Temperature in Stn



A, C, M,
P, R, TS

The velocity in the rotating frame of reference

is defined as:

A, C, M,

[m s^-1]

A, C, M,

15.2.7. Variables Relevant for Parallel Calculations

The following table contains a list of variables (with both long and short variable names) that can be used
when working with parallel calculations. For an explanation of the column headings, see List of Field Variables (p. 181).


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15.2.9. Variables Relevant for Multiphase Calculations

Long Variable Name

Short Variable Name




Real Partition


The partition that the node was in for the parallel run.

C, M, R

15.2.8. Variables Relevant for Multicomponent Calculations

The following table contains a list of variables (with both long and short variable names) that can be used
when working with multicomponent calculations. For an explanation of the column headings, see List of
Field Variables (p. 181).
Long Variable Name

Short Variable Name




Mass Fraction



The fraction of a component in a multicomponent

fluid by mass.

A, C, M,
P, R, TS
Mass Concentration



The concentration of a component.

A, C, M,
P, R, TS

15.2.9. Variables Relevant for Multiphase Calculations

The following table contains a list of variables (with both long and short variable names) that can be used
when working with multiphase calculations. For an explanation of the column headings, see List of Field
Variables (p. 181).
Long Variable Name

Short Variable Name




Area Density

area density


Interface area per unit volume for Eulerian multiphase fluid pairs.

Mass Transfer

ipmt rate

Volume Fraction


Volume Fraction


Drift Velocity

drift velocity




A, C, M, P,


A, C, M, R,


C, M, R, TS

Interface mass transfer rate for Eulerian multiphase

fluid pairs.
For details, see Volume Fraction in the CFX-Solver
Modeling Guide.

For details, see Volume Fraction in the CFX-Solver

Modeling Guide.

Velocity of an algebraic slip component relative

to the mixture.

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Chapter 15: Variables in ANSYS CFX

Long Variable Name

Short Variable Name




Slip Reynolds

slip Re


Reynolds number for Eulerian multiphase fluid


Slip Velocity



C, M, R, TS

Surface Tension Coefficient

surface tension coefficient

[N m^1]

Unclipped Interfacial Area


area density


Superficial Velocity


[m s^1]

Velocity of an algebraic slip component relative

to the continuous component.
Surface tension coefficient between fluids in a
fluid pair.

Similar to area density, but values are not clipped

to be non-zero.

A, C, M, R,

The Fluid.Volume Fraction multiplied by the Fluid.Velocity.

15.2.10. Variables Relevant for Radiation Calculations

The following table contains a list of variables (with both long and short variable names) that can be used
when working with radiation calculations. For an explanation of the column headings, see List of Field Variables (p. 181).
A B in the Type column indicates that the variable contains only non-zero values on the boundary of the
Long Variable Name

Short Variable Name




Wall Radiative
Heat Flux


[W m^2]


Wall Radiative Heat Flux represents the net radiative

energy flux leaving the boundary. It is computed
as the difference between the radiative emission
and the incoming radiative flux (Wall Irradiation

Wall Heat Flux


[W m^2]


[W m^2]


Wall Irradiation Flux



DT, R,

C, DT,

C, DT,

Wall Heat Flux is sum of the Wall Radiative Heat

Flux and the Wall Convective Heat Flux. For an
adiabatic wall, the sum should be zero.
Wall Irradiation Flux represents the incoming radiative flux. It is computed as the solid angle integral
of the incoming Radiative Intensity over a hemisphere on the boundary. For simulations using the
multiband model, the Wall Irradiation Flux for each
spectral band is also available for post-processing.

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15.2.12. Variables and Predefined Expressions Available in CEL Expressions

15.2.11. Variables for Total Enthalpies, Temperatures, and Pressures

The following table lists the names of the various total enthalpies, temperatures, and pressures when visualizing results in CFD-Post or for use in CEL expressions. For an explanation of the column headings, see List
of Field Variables (p. 181).
Long Variable

Short Variable




Total Enthalpy


[m^2 s^2]

A, C, M, R,

For details, see Transport Equations
in the CFX-Solver Theory Guide.



[m^2 s^2]

A, C, M, R,

Total Enthalpy in
Stn Frame


[m^2 s^2]

A, C, M, R,

Total Temperature
in Rel Frame



A, C, DT, M,
P, R, TS


Total Temperature



A, C, DT, M,
P, R, TS

Total Temperature
in Stn Frame



A, C, DT, M,
P, R, TS

%! $# !"!

Total Pressure in
Rel Frame


[kg m^1 s^-2]

A, C, M, P, R,

210) '(' &

Total Pressure


[kg m^1 s^-2]

A, C, M, P, R,

454 3

Total Pressure in
Stn Frame


[kg m^1 s^-2]

A, C, M, P, R,

A7 9 787 6

15.2.12. Variables and Predefined Expressions Available in CEL Expressions

The following is a table of the more common variables and predefined expressions that are available for
use with CEL when defining expressions. To view a complete list, open the Expressions workspace. For an
explanation of the column headings, see List of Field Variables (p. 181).
Many variables and expressions have a long and a short form (for example, Pressure or p).
Additional Variables and expressions are available in CFD-Post. For details, see CFX Expression Language
(CEL) in CFD-Post in the CFD-Post User's Guide.

Table 15.1 Common CEL Single-Value Variables and Predefined Expressions

Long Variable

Short Variable Name




Coupling Step



These single-value variables enable access

to timestep, timestep interval, and iteration number in CEL expressions. They may
be useful in setting parameters such as

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Chapter 15: Variables in ANSYS CFX

Long Variable

Short Variable Name




Iteration Number



the Physical Timescale via CEL expressions.

For details, see Timestep, Timestep Interval,
and Iteration Number Variables (p. 199).

Time Step


Current Iteration Number


Current Stagger Iteration


Current Time


Sequence Step












Time Step Size







Variables with names shown in bold text in the tables that follow are not output to CFD-Post.
However, some of these variables can be output to CFD-Post by selecting them from the Extra
Output Variables List on the Results tab of the Solver > Output Control details view in CFXPre.

Table 15.2 Common CEL Field Variables and Predefined Expressions

Long Variable

Short Variable Name




Axial Distance



Axial spatial location measured along the

locally-defined axis from the origin of the
latter. When the locally-defined axis happens to be the z-axis, z and aaxis are





C, M, R, TS

The property of a medium that describes

the amount of absorption of thermal radiation per unit path length within the medium. It can be interpreted as the inverse
of the mean free path that a photon will
travel before being absorbed (if the absorp-

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15.2.12. Variables and Predefined Expressions Available in CEL Expressions

Long Variable

Short Variable Name



tion coefficient does not vary along the

Boundary Distance

bnd distance


bnd scale

Contact Area


[AV name]

[AV name]

Thermal Expansivity







A, C, M, R,


C, M, R, TS


Additional Variable name



[kg m^-3]

A, C, M, R,

[kg m^-3]

A, C, M, P,

Eddy Dissipation


Eddy Viscosity

eddy viscosity


[m^2 s^-3]

A, C, M, P,


[kg m^-1


A, C, M, P,



Cartesian Coordinates


Kinetic Energy






[m^2 s^-2]

The position of each node as it was at the

start of the simulation (that is, the current
position with Total Mesh Displacement
subtracted). The individual components
are referred to as "Initial X", "Initial Y" and
"Initial Z".

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Chapter 15: Variables in ANSYS CFX

Long Variable

Short Variable Name




A, C, M, P,
Mach Number



A, C, M, R,

Mach Number
in Stn Frame


Mass Concentration


Mass Fraction



Mach Number in Stationary Frame

A, C, M, R,
[m^-3 kg]

Mass concentration of a component

A, C, M, P,

A, C, M, P,


Mass Fraction


Mean Particle

mean particle

A, C, M, R,

C, P

Mesh Displace- meshdisp



Mesh Expansion Factor

mesh exp fact


Mesh Initialisation Time


Mixture Fraction


Mixture Model Length


length scale


Mixture Fraction Variance



Molar Concentration



C, M, R, TS
C, M, R, TS


Ratio of largest to smallest sector volumes

for each control volume.


The displacement relative to the previous


Simulation time at which the mesh was

last re-initialized (most often due to interpolation that occurs as part of remeshing)

Mixture Fraction Mean

A, C, M, R,
A, C, M, R,
[m^-3 mol]

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15.2.12. Variables and Predefined Expressions Available in CEL Expressions

Long Variable

Short Variable Name




A, C, M, P,
Molar Fraction



A, C, M, P,

Molar Mass

[kg mol^-1]


C, P


Factor Minimum




C, M, R, TS
C, M, R, TS
C, M, R, TS

[kg m^1 s^-2]

Absolute Pressure




Distance from
local z axis



[kg m^1 s^-2]

A, C, M, R,



[kg s^-3]

A measure of the worst mesh orthogonality angle

A, C, M, P,



A non-dimensional measure of the average

mesh orthogonality

[kg m^1 s^-2]


A measure of the worst mesh orthogonality angle

The Reference Pressure is the absolute pressure datum from which all other
pressure values are taken. All relative
pressure specifications in CFX are relative
to the Reference Pressure. For details, see Setting a Reference Pressure in
the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.

Radial spatial location. =
details, see CEL Variables r and
theta (p. 198).


C, M, R, TS

A measure of the average mesh orthogonality angle


Angle Minimum




. For

Radial spatial location measured normal

to the locally-defined axis. When the locally-defined axis happens to be the z-axis,
r and raxis are identical.


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Chapter 15: Variables in ANSYS CFX

Long Variable

Short Variable Name



Incident Radiation


[kg s^-3]

Radiation Intensity


Refractive Index


Non dimensional radius



rs uu, rs vv,
rs ww, rs uv,
rs uw, rs vw

[m^2 s^-2]



[m^2 s^-2]



Soot Mass


Soot Nuclei
Specific Concentration




Local Speed
of Sound




C, DT, M, R,
[kg s^-3]

A, C, M, P,


C, R, TS

Radiative Emission. This is written to the

results file for Monte Carlo simulations as
Radiation Intensity.Normalized
Std Deviation.
A non-dimensional parameter defined as
the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum
to that in a material.



Non-dimensional radius (available only

when a rotating domain exists). For details,
see CEL Variable rNoDim (p. 199).

The six Reynolds Stress components

A, C, M, P,
M, R


C, M, R, TS


The six Statistical Reynolds Stress components

The property of a medium that describes

the amount of scattering of thermal radiation per unit path length for propagation
in the medium. It can be interpreted as
the inverse of the mean free path that a
photon will travel before undergoing
scattering (if the scattering coefficient
does not vary along the path).

A, C, M, R,


A, C, M, R,

[m^3 kg^1]

[m s^-1]

A, C, M, R,
C, M, R, TS

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15.2.12. Variables and Predefined Expressions Available in CEL Expressions

Long Variable

Short Variable Name







Subdomain variable (1.0 in subdomain, 0.0

elsewhere). For details, see CEL Variable
"subdomain" and CEL Function "inside" (p. 199).




inside variable (1.0 in subdomain, 0.0

elsewhere). For details, see CEL Variable
"subdomain" and CEL Function "inside" (p. 199).



Eddy Frequency


Angle around
local z axis


Total Mesh


Velocity u

Velocity v

Velocity w

Velocity in Stn
Frame u

velstn u

Velocity in Stn
Frame v


taxis is the angular spatial location measured around the locally-defined axis, when
the latter is defined by the Coordinate
Axis option. When the locally defined axis
is the z(/x/y)-axis, taxis is measured from
the x(/y/z)-axis, positive direction as per
right-hand rule.

A, C, M, P,




C, DT, M, R,

[m s^-1]

A, C, M, P,

[m s^-1]

velstn v

A, C, M, R,

velstn w

Angle, arctan(y/x). For details, see CEL

Variables r and theta (p. 198).
The total displacement relative to the initial mesh

Velocity in the x, y, and z coordinate directions

Velocity in Stationary Frame in the x, y,

and z coordinate directions

Velocity in Stn
Frame w
Volume Fraction


Volume Fraction



A, C, M, P,


A, C, M, R,

The variable <fluid>.Conservative

Volume Fraction should not usually
be used for post-processing.

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Chapter 15: Variables in ANSYS CFX

Long Variable

Short Variable Name





[m^2 s^-1]

Wall Distance

wall distance


A, C, M, P,

A, C, M, P,

Wall Scale

wall scale


M, R, TS System Variable Prefixes

In order to distinguish system variables of the different components and fluids in your CFX model, prefixes
are used. For example, if carbon dioxide is a material used in the fluid air, then some of the system variables
that you might expect to see are:

air.density - the density of air

air.viscosity - the viscosity of air

air.carbondioxide.mf - the mass fraction of carbon dioxide in air.

In a single phase simulation the fluid prefix may be omitted.

For multiphase cases a fluid prefix indicates a specific fluid; the absence of a prefix indicates a bulk or fluid
independent variable, such as pressure.
For porous solids, those variables that exist in the solid are prefixed by the name of the solid phase. CEL Variables r and theta

r is defined as the normal distance from the third axis with respect to the reference coordinate frame. theta
is defined as the angular rotation about the third axis with respect to the reference coordinate frame. For
details, see Coordinate Frames in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
The variables Radius and theta are available only when the rotational axis has been defined. The rotational axis can either be defined in the results file or in CFD-Post through the Initialization panel in the
Turbo workspace.


theta is expressed in radians and will have values between

and .

r and theta are particularly useful for describing radial distributions, for instance the velocity profile at
the inlet to a pipe.


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15.2.12. Variables and Predefined Expressions Available in CEL Expressions

Figure 15.1 r and theta with Respect to the Reference Coordinate Frame CEL Variable rNoDim

rNoDim is a dimensionless system variable that can be useful for rotating machinery applications. It is a
ratio of radii, defined to be zero at the minimum radius and unity at the maximum radius, so that in general:

where R is the radius of any point in the domain from the axis of rotation. rNoDim is only available for domains defined with a rotating frame of reference. CEL Variable "subdomain" and CEL Function "inside"

subdomain is essentially a step function variable, defined to be unity within a subdomain and zero elsewhere.
This is useful for describing different initial values or fluid properties in different regions of the domain. It
works in all subdomains but cannot be applied to specific subdomains (for example, an expression for
temperature in a subdomain could be 373*subdomain [K]).
The inside CEL function can be used in a similar way to the subdomain variable, but allows a specific
2D or 3D location to be given. For example, 273 [K] * inside()@Subdomain 1 has a value of 273
[K] at points in Subdomain 1 and 0 [K] elsewhere. Furthermore, the location can be any 2D or 3D named
sub-region of the physical location on which the expression is evaluated. The location can also be an immersed
solid domain. Timestep, Timestep Interval, and Iteration Number Variables

These variables allow access to timestep, timestep interval, and iteration number in CEL expressions. They
may be useful in setting parameters such as the Physical Timescale via CEL expressions.
In CFD-Post, sstep is the 'global' sequence time step. It is equivalent to the Step value in the Timestep
Selector in the CFD-Post User's Guide. Steady-State Runs

In steady-state runs, only aitern (or, equivalently atstep) and citern (or, equivalently ctstep) are of
use. citern gives the outer iteration number of the current run. The outer iteration number begins at 1

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Chapter 15: Variables in ANSYS CFX

for each run, irrespective of whether it is a restarted run. aitern gives the accumulated outer iteration
number, which accumulates across a restarted run. Transient Runs

In transient runs, atstep and ctstep are used for the accumulated and current timestep numbers of the
outer timestep loop. citern gives the current coefficient loop number within the current timestep. Thus,
citern will cycle between 1 and n for each timestep during a transient run, where n is the number of
coefficient loops. aitern is equivalent to citern for transient runs. ANSYS Multi-field Runs

For ANSYS Multi-field runs, cstagger and acplgstep are also available. cstagger gives the current
stagger iteration, which will cycle between 1 and n for each coupling step of the run. acplgstep gives
the accumulated coupling step. This gives the multi-field timestep number or "coupling step" number for
the run, and accumulates across a restarted run. For transient ANSYS Multi-field runs where the CFX timestep
is the same as the multi-field timestep, acplgstep is equivalent to atstep. Expression Names

Your CEL expression name can be any name that does not conflict with the name of a CFX system variable,
mathematical function, or an existing CEL expression. The RULES and VARIABLES files provide information
on valid options, variables, and dependencies. Both files are located in <CFXROOT>/etc/ and can be
viewed in any text editor. Scalar Expressions

A scalar expression is a real valued expression using predefined variables, user variables, and literal constants
(for example, 1.0). Note that literal constants have to be of the same dimension. Scalar expressions can include
the operators + - * / and ^ and several of the mathematical functions found in standard Fortran (for example,
sin() and exp()).
An expressions value is a real value and has specified dimensions (except where it is dimensionless - but
this is also a valid dimension setting).
For example, if t is time and L is a length then the result of L/t has the same dimensions as speed.
The + and - operators are only valid between expressions with the same dimensions and result in an expression of those dimensions.
The * and / operators combine the dimensions of their operands in the usual fashion. X^I, where I is an integer,
results in an expression whose dimensions are those of X to the power I. The trigonometric functions all
work in terms of an angle in radians and a dimensionless ratio. Expression Properties

There are three properties of expressions:

An expression is a simple expression if the only operations are +, -, *, / and there are no functions used
in the expression.

An expression is a constant expression if all the numbers in the expression are explicit (that is, they do
not depend on values from the solver).


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15.3. Particle Variables Generated by the Solver

An expression is an integer expression if all the numbers in the expression are integers and the result
of each function or operation is an integer.

For example (3+5)/2 is a simple, constant, integer expression. However, 2*(1/2) is not a constant integer
expression, since the result of 1/2 is 0.5, not an integer. Also 3.*4 is not a constant integer expression, since
3. is not an integer. Moreover 2^3 is not a simple, constant, integer expression, since ^ is not in the list (+,
-, *, /).
Expressions are evaluated at runtime and in single precision floating point arithmetic. Available and Unavailable Variables

CFX System Variables and user-defined expressions will be available or unavailable depending on the simulation you are performing and the expressions you want to create. In some circumstances, System Variables
are logically unavailable; for instance, time (t) is not available for steady-state simulations. In others, the
availability of a System Variable is not allowed for physical model reasons. For example, density can be a
function of pressure (p), temperature (T) and location (x, y, z), but no other system variables.
Information on how to find dependencies for all parameters is available in the RULES and VARIABLES files.
Both files are located in <CFXROOT>/etc/ and can be viewed in any text editor.
The expression definition can depend on any system variable. If, however, that expression depends on a
system variable that is unavailable for a particular context, then that expression will also be unavailable.

15.3. Particle Variables Generated by the Solver

This section describes the following types of particle variables that you may have defined in CFX-Pre or that
are available for viewing in CFD-Post and exporting to other files. Many variables are relevant only for specific physical models.

Particle Track Variables (p. 202)

Particle Field Variables (p. 204)

Particle Boundary Vertex Variables (p. 208)

Some variables are defined only on the boundaries of the model. When using these variables in CFD-Post,
there are a limited number of useful things that you can do with these. For details, see Boundary-Value-Only
Variables in the CFD-Post User's Guide.
The following information is given for particle variables described in this section:

Long Variable Name: The name that you see in the user interface.

Short Variable Name: The name that must be used in CEL expressions.

Units: The default units for the variable. An empty entry [ ] indicates a dimensionless variable.

The entries in the Units columns are SI but could as easily be any other system of units.

Type (User Level, Boundary)

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Chapter 15: Variables in ANSYS CFX

User Level: This number is useful when using the CFX Export facility. For details, see File Export Utility
in the CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide. Note that the CFX-Solver may sometimes override the user-level
setting depending on the physics of the problem. In these cases, the User Level may be different from
that shown in the table below.
Boundary (B): A B in this column indicates that the variable contains only non-zero values on the
boundary of the model. See Boundary-Value-Only Variables in the CFD-Post User's Guide for more details.
This section does not cover the complete list of variables. For information on obtaining details on all variables,
see RULES and VARIABLES Files in the CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.

Variables with names shown in bold text are not output to CFD-Post. However, some of these
variables can be output to CFD-Post by selecting them from the Extra Output Variables List on
the Results tab of the Solver > Output Control details view of CFX-Pre.

15.3.1. Particle Track Variables

Particle track variables are particle variables that are defined directly on each track. These variables are
defined on the particle positions for which track information is written to the results file. Direct access to
the particle track variables outside of CFD-Post is only possible if the raw track file is kept after a particle
Particle track variables can only be used in two ways: to color particle tracks in CFD-Post, and to be used as
input to Particle User Fortran. Particle track variables can be exported from CFD-Post along the particle

Particle track variables are not available for use in CEL expressions and general User Fortran, and
they also cannot be monitored during a simulation.
For Particle User Fortran, additional track variables can be specified in the argument list for the user routine,
which are not available in CFD-Post:
Long Variable Name

Short Variable Name




<Particle Type>.Mean
Particle Diameter

particle diameter


Particle diameter

<Particle Type>.Particle
Number Rate



<Particle Type>.Particle



<Particle Type>.Particle
Traveling Distance



Particle number rate


Simulation time



Distance along the particle track meas- 2

ured from the injection point

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15.3.1. Particle Track Variables

Long Variable Name

Short Variable Name




<Particle Type>.Particle
Traveling Time


Time measured from the time of injection of the particle. For steady-state
simulations only, this time is identical
to <Particle Type>.Particle Time.


<Particle Type>.Temperat- T


Particle temperature

<Particle Type>.Total
Particle Mass




Particle total mass


<Particle Type>.Velocity


Particle velocity


<Particle Type>.Velocity
<Particle Type>.Velocity


Particle velocity components in x, y,

and z-direction


<Particle Type>.Velocity
Long Variable Name

Short Variable Name



Particle Eotvos Number




Particle Morton Number




Particle Nusselt Number




Particle Ohnesorge Number




Particle Reynolds Number




Particle Weber Number a




Particle Slip Velocity


[m s^-1]


Particle Position




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Chapter 15: Variables in ANSYS CFX

Long Variable Name
Particle Impact Angle

Short Variable Name


particle impact angle



Note: The factors affecting the Weber number are particle diameter, particle slip velocity, fluid density, and surface tension.
Note: The impact angle is measured from the wall.

15.3.2. Droplet Breakup Variable

Long Variable Name



<Particle Type>.Particle Weber



Particle Weber number along track




15.3.3. Multi-component Particle Variable

Long Variable Name


<Particle Type>.<Particle Component>.Mass Fraction

Fraction of mass of a particular particle component

15.3.4. Particle Field Variables

Particle field variables are particle variables that are defined at the vertices of the fluid calculation. In contrast
to track variables, these variables can be used in the same way as standard Eulerian variables. This means
that particle field variables are available for use in CEL expressions and User Fortran, they can be monitored
during a simulation, and are available for general post-processing in CFD-Post. Additionally, particle field
variables can be used in the same way as particle track variables as input to particle User Fortran and for
coloring tracks. When used for coloring tracks, the field variables have to be interpolated onto the tracks,
and so this operation will be slower than coloring with a track variable.
The following particle variables are available as field variables: Particle Sources into the Coupled Fluid Phase

For fully-coupled particle simulations involving energy, momentum and mass transfer to the fluid phase,
the following variables are written to the results file:


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

15.3.4. Particle Field Variables

Long Variable Name

Short Variable Name



Particle Energy Source


[W m^-3]

A, C, M, P, R

Particle Energy Source Coefficient

Particle Momentum Source

Particle Momentum Source Coefficient

Total Particle Mass Source

Total Particle Mass Source Coefficient






[W m^-3 K^1]

[kg m^-2 s^2]

[kg m^-3 s^1]

A, C, M, P, R

A, C, M, P, R
A, C, M, P, R

[kg s^-1 m^3]

[kg s^-1 m^3]

A, C, M, P, R

A, C, M, P, R

For multi-component mass transfer, the following Additional Variables are available a:
Particle Mass Source


Particle Mass Source Coefficient


[kg s^-1 m^3]

[kg s^-1 m^3]

A, C, M, P, R

A, C, M, P, R

The variables for multi-component take the following form: <Particle Type>.<Particle Component>.<Variable Name>

Particle source terms are accumulated along the path of a particle through a control volume and stored at
the corresponding vertex. A smoothing procedure can be applied to the particle source terms, which may
help with convergence or grid independence. For details, see Particle Source Smoothing in the CFX-Solver
Modeling Guide. Particle Radiation Variables

Long Variable Name

Short Variable



Particle Radiative Emission


[W m^-3]

A, C, M, P, R

Particle Absorption Coefficient



A, C, M, P, R

Particles can also interact with the radiation field and either emit or absorb radiation.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


Chapter 15: Variables in ANSYS CFX Particle Vertex Variables

By default, particle vertex variables are not written to the results file, except for the Averaged Volume
Fraction. The other vertex variables can be written to the results file if they are selected from the Extra
Output Variables List in the Output Control section of CFX-Pre or if they are used in a monitor point, CEL
expression or in (Particle) User Fortran.
The following particle variables are available:
Long Variable Name

Short Variable



Averaged Velocity

averaged vel

[m s^-1]

A, C, M, P, PR,

Averaged Volume Fraction



A, C, M, P, PR,

Averaged Temperature

Averaged Mass Fraction

averaged temperature


averaged mf


A, C, M, P, PR,
A, C, M, P, PR,

Averaged Particle Time

averaged pttime


A, C, M, P, PR,

Averaged Mean Particle Diameter (D43)

averaged mean
particle diameter


Averaged Arithmetic Mean Particle Diameter


averaged arithmetic
mean particle diameter


Averaged Surface Mean Particle Diameter (D20)

averaged surface
mean particle diameter


averaged volume
mean particle diameter


averaged sauter
mean particle diameter


Averaged Volume Mean Particle Diameter (D30)

Averaged Sauter Mean Particle Diameter (D32)


A, C, M, P, PR,
A, C, M, P, PR,
A, C, M, P, PR,
A, C, M, P, PR,

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

A, C, M, P, PR,

15.3.4. Particle Field Variables

Long Variable Name

Short Variable



Averaged Mass Mean Particle Diameter (D43)

averaged mass
mean particle diameter


averaged particle
number rate


Averaged Particle Number Rate

A, C, M, P, PR,
A, C, M, P, PR,

For simulations with the particle wall film model activated, the following additional vertex variables
are available:
Averaged Volume Fraction Wall



A, C, M, P, PR,

Averaged Film Temperature

averaged film temperature


A, C, M, P, PR,

This variable takes the following form: <Particle Type>.<Particle Component>.<Variable Name>

The following are the formulae for particle vertex fields' size distributions:


%$ !

Mass Mean Diameter

Sauter Mean Diameter

# #"
# #"

Volume Mean Diameter


Surface Mean Diameter


Arithmetic Mean Diameter Variable Calculations

Particle vertex variables are calculated using the following averaging procedure:

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


Chapter 15: Variables in ANSYS CFX



: Sum over all particles and time steps in a control volume

: Particle integration time step

: Particle number rate

: Particle mass

: Particle quantity

Slightly different averaging procedures apply to particle temperature and particle mass fractions:
Averaged Particle Temperature

!" ! !  !  
! !" ! !  !  



Averaged Mass Fraction
: Particle specific heat capacity

: Particle temperature

3 2 31 0 )
3 2 35 1 0 )

$% $#




89 7 6

: Mass of species c in the particle

Due to the discrete nature of particles, vertex variables may show an unsmooth spatial distribution, which
may lead to robustness problems. To reduce possible problems a smoothing option is available. For details,
see Vertex Variable Smoothing in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide. Particle Boundary Vertex Variables

Particle-boundary vertex variables are particle variables that are defined on the vertices of domain boundaries.
They are normalized with the face area of the corresponding boundary control volume.
You can use these variables to color boundaries and to compute average or integrated values of the corresponding particle quantities.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

15.3.4. Particle Field Variables

You cannot use these variables in CEL expressions or User Fortran, and you cannot monitor them during a
Long Variable Name



[kg m^-2 s^-1]

Available at inlet, outlet, openings and interfaces:

Mass Flow Density

B, R
Momentum Flow Density

[kg m^-1 s^-2]

B, R

Energy Flow Density

[kg s^-3]

B, R

Available at walls only:

Wall Stress

[kg m^-1 s^-2]

B, R

Wall Mass Flow Density

[kg m^-2 s^-1]

B, R

Erosion Rate Density

[kg m^-2 s^-1]

B, R

Available in transient runs:

Time Integrated Mass Flow Density

[kg m^-2]

B, R

Time Integrated Momentum Flow Density

[kg m^-1 s^-1]

Time Integrated Energy Flow Density

[kg s^-2]

B, R

Time Integrated Wall Mass Flow Density

[kg m^-2]

B, R

Time Integrated Erosion Rate Density

[kg m^-2]

B, R Particle RMS Variables

For some applications, it may be necessary to not only provide the mean values of particle quantities, but
also their standard deviation in the form of particle RMS variables. Similar to particle vertex variables, these
variables are also defined at the vertices of the fluid calculation. Particle RMS variables are available for use
in CEL expressions and User Fortran; they can be monitored during a simulation, and are available for general post-processing in CFD-Post. Additionally, particle RMS variables can be used in the same way as particle
track variables as input to particle User Fortran and for coloring tracks.

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Chapter 15: Variables in ANSYS CFX

By default, particle RMS variables are not written to the results file; unless, they have been explicitly requested
by the user (selected from the Extra Output Variables List in the Output Control section of CFX-Pre, usage
in a CEL expression or in User Fortran) or if the stochastic particle collision model is used in a simulation.
The following particle variables are available as field variables, particularly useful for simulations that use
the stochastic particle collision model:
Long Variable Name

Short Variable



RMS Velocity

rms velocity

[m s^-1]

A, C, M, P, PR, R

RMS Temperature

rms temperature


A, C, M, P, PR, R

RMS Mean Particle Diameter

rms mean particle


RMS Particle Number Rate


rms particle number [s^-1]


A, C, M, P, PR, R
A, C, M, P, PR, R Variable Calculations

Particle RMS variables are calculated using the following procedure:



: Instantaneous particle quantity

: Average particle quantity

: Fluctuating particle quantity

: Average of square of particle quantity

: Square of average of particle quantity

A smoothing option, as available for particle vertex variables, is available for particle RMS variables. For details,
see Vertex Variable Smoothing in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.

15.4. Miscellaneous Variables

Variable names in bold are not output to CFD-Post.
In the Availability column:


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

15.4. Miscellaneous Variables

A number represents the user level (1 indicates that the variable appears in default lists, 2 and 3 indicate
that the variable appears in extended lists that you see when you click

A indicates the variable is available for mesh adaption

C indicates the variable is available in CEL

DT indicates the variable is available for data transfer to ANSYS

M indicates the variable is available for monitoring

P indicates the variable is available for particle user routine argument lists

PR indicates the variable is available for particle results

R indicates the variable is available to be output to the results, transient results, and backup files

TS indicates the variable is available for transient statistics

Long Variable

Short Variable



Aspect Ratio

aspect ratio



C, M, R, TS




A, C, M, R, TS

Boundary Scale

bnd scale


C, M, R, TS

Burnt Absolute

burnt Tabs

Burnt Density

burnt density


Similar to wall scale,

this variable is used
for controlling mesh
stiffness near boundaries for moving
mesh problems.

A, C, M, R, TS

[kg m^-3]

A, C, M, R, TS

Clipped Pressure



M, R, TS

Conservative Size


Courant Number



Negative absolute
values clipped for

A, C, M, R, TS


C, M, R, TS

Cumulative Size


Current Density



A, C, M, R, TS
C, M, R, TS

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Chapter 15: Variables in ANSYS CFX

Long Variable

Short Variable



Dynamic Diffusiv- diffdyn


Electric Field


C, M, P, R, TS


C, M, R, TS
Electric Potential


C, M, R, TS

Electrical Conduct- conelec


Electrical Permittiv- permelec


Force Density


Equivalence Ratio


C, M, R, TS

C, M, R, TS


A, C, M, R, TS

External Magnetic


First Blending
Function for BSL
and SST model


Second Blending
Function for SST


Flame Surface


Specific Flame
Surface Density





M, R, TS


External magnetic induction field specified by the user.

C, M, R, TS


C, M, R, TS


A, C, M, R, TS
A, C, M, R, TS

Combustion with
flame surface density
Combustion with
flame surface density


Fuel Tracer



A, C, M, R, TS

Granular Temperat- grantemp

Group I Index



[m^2 s^-2]

Residual material
model or exhaust gas
recirculation (EGR)

A, C, M, R, TS


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

15.4. Miscellaneous Variables

Long Variable

Short Variable




Group J Index




Group I Diameter



Group J Diameter


Group I Mass



Group J Mass



Group I Lower

massi lower

Group J Lower

massj lower

Group I Upper

massi upper

Group J Upper

massj upper

Ignition Delay
Elapsed Fraction


Ignition Delay


Particle Integration Timestep

particle integration


Isentropic Compressibility


[m s^2 kg^-1]

Isentropic Compression Efficiency


Isentropic Expansion Efficiency



A, C, M, R, TS


A, C, M, R, TS


C, M, R

C, M, R, TS


C, M, R, TS

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Chapter 15: Variables in ANSYS CFX

Long Variable

Short Variable



Isentropic Total


Isentropic Static


Isobaric Compressibility


Isothermal Compressibility


LES Dynamic
Model Coefficient


Laminar Burning


Lighthill Stress

lighthill stress

Magnetic Induction


Magnetic Field



C, M, R, TS
C, M, R, TS

C, M, R
C, M, R

[m s^2 kg^-1]


A, C, M, P, R, TS

[m s^-1]

A, C, R, TS

A, C, M, R, TS

C, M, R, TS
C, M, R, TS

Magnetic Vector


Magnetic Permeability


External Magnetic


Mass Flux


C, M, R, TS
C, M, R, TS
C, M, R, TS

Mesh Diffusivity


[m^2 s^-1]

C, M, R, TS

Normal Area



Normal area vectors.


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

15.4. Miscellaneous Variables

Long Variable

Short Variable

Total Force Density


Total Pressure in
Rel Frame


Turbulent Burning


Mesh Velocity





A, C, M, P, R, TS
[m s^-1]

Based on relative
frame total enthalpy.

A, C, R, TS
C, M, R, TS

Mixture Fraction
Scalar Dissipation


Molar Reaction


Nonclipped Absolute Pressure


Nonclipped Density


Normal Vector



A, C, M, R, TS
C, R, TS
A, C, M, R, TS

[kg m^-3]



Nonclipped absolute
pressure for cavitation source. This is
written to the .res
file for all cases that
have cavitation.
Nonclipped density
for cavitation source


Factor Minimum




Angle Minimum




Particle Laplace


Particle Turbulent
Stokes Number



C, M, R, TS


C, M, R, TS
C, M, R, TS
C, M, R, TS




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Chapter 15: Variables in ANSYS CFX

Long Variable

Short Variable




Polytropic Compression Efficiency


Polytropic Expansion Efficiency


Polytropic Total


Polytropic Static


Reaction Progress



C, M, R, TS


C, M, R, TS
C, M, R, TS
C, M, R, TS


A, C, M, R, TS

Weighted Reaction Progress


Weighted Reaction Progress



Residual Products
Mass Fraction


Residual Products
Molar Fraction


Restitution Coefficient

restitution coefficient

Rotation Velocity



A, C, M, R, TS
A, C, R, TS


A, C, M, R, TS


A, C, M, R, TS


For premixed or partially premixed combustion.

For premixed or partially premixed combustion.
For premixed or partially premixed combustion.
Residual material
model or exhaust gas
recirculation (EGR)
Residual material
model or exhaust gas
recirculation (EGR)

C, M, R, TS
C, R, TS

Rotational Energy


Shear Velocity


C, R, TS

Size Fraction



A, C, M, R, TS

Solid Bulk Viscosity


solid bulk viscosity

[kg m^-1 s^-1] 3

C, M, R, TS

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

15.4. Miscellaneous Variables

Long Variable

Short Variable



Solid Pressure

solid pressure



A, C, M, R, TS

Solid Pressure

solid pressure

Solid Shear Viscos- solid shear viscosity

Static Entropy


C, M, R, TS

[kg m^-1 s^-1] 3

C, M, R, TS


A, C, M, P, R, TS

Temperature Variance


Time This Run


A, C, M, R, TS

Total Boundary


Total Density


C, DT, M, R, TS
[kg m^-3]

A, C, M, R

Total Density in
Stn Frame


Total Density in
Rel Frame


Total Force

[kg m^-3]


Total Density is the

density evaluated at
the Total Temperature and Total Pressure.

A, C, M, R

[kg m^-3]

A, C, M, R

Unburnt Absolute

unburnt Tabs

Unburnt Density

unburnt density


A, C, M, R, TS

[kg m^-3]

A, C, M, R, TS

Unburnt Thermal

unburnt cond

Unburnt Specific
Heat Capacity at
Constant Pressure

unburnt Cp

[W m^-1 K^-1] 2
A, C, M, R, TS
[J kg^-1 K^-1]

A, C, M, R, TS

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Chapter 15: Variables in ANSYS CFX

Long Variable

Short Variable



Volume Porosity




C, M, R, TS

Volume of Finite




C, R, TS
A, C, M, R, TS

Vorticity in Stn


Wall External Heat

Transfer Coefficient


Wall Adjacent


Wall Distance

wall distance

Note that Vorticity is

the same as Velocity.Curl.

A, C, M, R, TS

C, DT, R, TS


A, C, M, P, R, TS

Wall External


Wall Film Thickness

film thickness

Wall Heat Transfer



Wall Heat Flow





User-specified external wall temperature

for heat transfer
coefficient boundary

C, R
C, R, TS
C, DT, R, TS

Wall Normal Velocity


Wall Scale

wall scale

C, R, TS
R, M, TS

Wavelength in Vacuum


Wavenumber in




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15.4. Miscellaneous Variables

Long Variable

Short Variable



Droplet Number



Droplet Number



C, M, R, TS
C, M, R, TS

Dynamic Bulk Viscosity

dynamic bulk viscosity

Volume Fraction


Volume Fraction


Temperature Superheating


Temperature Subcooling


A, C, M, R, TS

A, C, M, R, TS


A, C, M, R, TS

Temperature above
Temperature below

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Chapter 16: ANSYS FLUENT Field Variables Listed by Category

By default, CFD-Post does not modify the variable names in the ANSYS FLUENT file. If you want to use all
of the embedded CFD-Post macros and calculation options, you need to convert variable names to CFX
types. You can convert the variable names to CFX variable names by selecting the Translate variable names
to CFX-Solver style names check box in the Edit > Options > Files menu. Translation is carried out according
to the tables that follow, which list the ANSYS FLUENT field variables and gives the equivalent ANSYS CFX
variable, where one exists. The variables are defined in Alphabetical Listing of Field Variables and Their
Definitions in the FLUENT User's Guide.
The following restrictions apply to marked variables:

available only for 2D flows


available only for 2D axisymmetric flows (with or without swirl)


available only for 2D axisymmetric swirl flows


available only for 3D flows


available only for broadband noise source models


node values available at boundaries


available only in the density-based solvers


available only for cell values (Node Values option turned off )


available only when the DES turbulence model is used


not available with full multicomponent diffusion


available only when the discrete ordinates radiation model is used


available only for coupled discrete phase calculations


available only when the discrete transfer radiation model is used


available only with the Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings acoustics model

available only for energy calculations


available only with the EDC model for turbulence-chemistry interaction


available also when the Eulerian multiphase model is used


available only with the enhanced wall treatment


available only if a granular phase is present


available only when the mixture contains water


available only when the ideal gas law is enabled for density


available only when one of the k-epsilon turbulence models is used


available only when one of the k-omega turbulence models is used


available only when the LES turbulence model is used


available only when the melting and solidification model is used


available only when the multiphase mixture model is used

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Chapter 16: ANSYS FLUENT Field Variables Listed by Category


available only for multiphase models


available only for NOx calculations


not available in parallel solvers


uses explicit node value function

available only in parallel solvers


available only when the P-1 radiation model is used


available only for non-premixed combustion calculations


available only for premixed combustion calculations


available only for partially premixed combustion calculations

available only when the Rosseland radiation model is used


available only for radiation heat transfer calculations


available only for finite-rate reactions


available only when the Reynolds stress turbulence model is used


available only when the surface-to-surface radiation model is used


available only when the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model is used


available only in the pressure-based solver


available only for species calculations


available only for surface reactions


available only when the solar model is used


available only for soot calculations


available only with data sampling for unsteady statistics


available only for stiff chemistry calculations

available only for turbulent flows


available only when a turbomachinery topology has been defined


available only when a user-defined memory is used


available only when a user-defined scalar is used

available only for viscous flows

Table 16.1 Pressure and Density Categories



CFX Variable


Static Pressure (bnv)


Pressure Coefficient

Pressure Coefficient

Dynamic Pressure

Dynamic Pressure

Absolute Pressure (bnv)

Absolute Pressure

Total Pressure (bnv)

Total Pressure in Stn Frame

Relative Total Pressure

Relative Total Pressure





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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Chapter 16: ANSYS FLUENT Field Variables Listed by Category



CFX Variable

Density All


Table 16.2 Velocity Category



CFX Variable


Velocity Magnitude (bnv)

Velocity in Stn Frame

X Velocity (bnv)

Velocity in Stn Frame u

Y Velocity (bnv)

Velocity in Stn Frame v

Z Velocity (3d, bnv)

Velocity in Stn Frame w

Swirl Velocity (2dasw, bnv)

Velocity Circumferential

Axial Velocity (2da or 3d)

Velocity Axial

Radial Velocity

Velocity Radial

Stream Function (2d)

Stream Function

Tangential Velocity

Velocity Circumferential

Mach Number (id)

Mach Number in Stn Frame

Relative Velocity Magnitude (bnv)


Relative X Velocity (bnv)

Velocity u

Relative Y Velocity (bnv)

Velocity v

Relative Z Velocity (3d, bnv)

Velocity w

Relative Axial Velocity (2da)

Velocity Axial

Relative Radial Velocity (2da)

Velocity Radial

Relative Swirl Velocity (2dasw, bnv)

Velocity Circumferential

Relative Tangential Velocity

Velocity Circumferential

Relative Mach Number (id)

Mach Number

Grid X-Velocity (nv)

Mesh Velocity X

Grid Y-Velocity (nv)

Mesh Velocity Y

Grid Z-Velocity (3d, nv)

Mesh Velocity Z

Velocity Angle

Velocity Angle

Relative Velocity Angle

Velocity Angle

Vorticity Magnitude (v)

Vorticity in Stn Frame

X-Vorticity (v, 3d)

Vorticity in Stn Frame X

Y-Vorticity (v, 3d)

Vorticity in Stn Frame Y

Z-Vorticity (v, 3d)

Vorticity in Stn Frame Z

Cell Reynolds Number (v)

Cell Reynolds Number

Preconditioning Reference Velocity (cpl)

Reference Velocity (Preconditioning)

Table 16.3 Temperature, Radiation, and Solidification/Melting Categories



CFX Variable


Static Temperature (e, bnv, nv)


Total Temperature (e, nv)

Total Temperature in Stn Frame

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Chapter 16: ANSYS FLUENT Field Variables Listed by Category


CFX Variable

Enthalpy (e, nv)

Static Enthalpy

Relative Total Temperature (e)

Total Temperature

Rothalpy (e, nv)


Fine Scale Temperature (edc, nv, e)

Fine Scale Temperature

Wall Temperature (Outer Surface) (e, v)

Wall Temperature Outer Surface

Wall Temperature (Inner Surface) (e, v)

Wall Temperature Inner Surface

Inner Wall Temperature

Inner Wall Temperature

Total Enthalpy (e)

Total Enthalpy in Stn Frame

Total Enthalpy Deviation (e)

Total Enthalpy Deviation

Entropy (e)

Static Entropy

Total Energy (e)

Total Energy in Stn Framea

Internal Energy (e)

Internal Energy

Absorption Coefficient (r, p1, do, or dtrm)

Absorption Coefficient

Scattering Coefficient (r, p1, or do)

Scattering Coefficient

Refractive Index (do)

Refractive Index

Radiation Temperature (p1 or do)

Radiation Temperature

Incident Radiation (p1 or do)



Incident Radiation

Incident Radiation (Band n) (do (non-gray)) <Band n>.Incident Radiation

Surface Cluster ID (s2s)
Liquid Fraction (melt)

<component>.Mass Fraction

Contact Resistivity (melt)

Contact Resistivity

X Pull Velocity (melt (if calculated))

Pull Velocity Xa

Y Pull Velocity (melt (if calculated))

Pull Velocity Ya

Z Pull Velocity (melt (if calculated), 3d)

Pull Velocity Za

Axial Pull Velocity (melt (if calculated), 2da)

Pull Velocity Axiala

Radial Pull Velocity (melt (if calculated),


Pull Velocity Radiala

Swirl Pull Velocity (melt (if calculated),



Surface Cluster ID

Pull Velocity Circumferentiala

ANSYS CFD-Post naming convention

Table 16.4 Turbulence Category



CFX Variable


Turbulent Kinetic Energy (k) (ke, kw, or rsm;

bnv, nv, or emm)

Turbulent Kinetic Energy

UU Reynolds Stress (rsm; emm)

Reynolds Stress uu

VV Reynolds Stress (rsm; emm)

Reynolds Stress vv

WW Reynolds Stress (rsm; emm)

Reynolds Stress ww

UV Reynolds Stress (rsm; emm)

Reynolds Stress uv


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Chapter 16: ANSYS FLUENT Field Variables Listed by Category



CFX Variable

UW Reynolds Stress (rsm, 3d; emm)

Reynolds Stress uw

VW Reynolds Stress (rsm, 3d; emm)

Reynolds Stress vw

Turbulence Intensity (ke, kw, or rsm)

Turbulence Intensity

Turbulent Dissipation Rate (Epsilon) (ke or

rsm; bnv, nv, or emm)

Turbulence Eddy Dissipation

Specific Dissipation Rate (Omega) (kw)

Turbulence Eddy Frequency

Production of k (ke, kw, or rsm; emm)

Turbulence Kinetic Energy Productiona

Modified Turbulent Viscosity (sa)

Eddy Viscosity (modified)

Turbulent Viscosity (sa, ke, kw, rsm, or des)

Eddy Viscosity

Effective Viscosity (sa, ke, kw, rsm, or des;


Effective Viscosity

Turbulent Viscosity Ratio (ke, kw, rsm, sa,

or des; emm)

Eddy Viscosity Ratio

Subgrid Kinetic Energy (les)

Kinetic Energy (subgrid)

Subgrid Turbulent Viscosity (les)

Eddy Viscosity (subgrid)

Subgrid Effective Viscosity (les)


Subgrid Turbulent Viscosity Ratio (les)

Eddy Viscosity Ratio (subgrid)

Subgrid Filter Length (les)


Effective Thermal Conductivity (t, e)

Effective Thermal Conductivity

Effective Prandtl Number (t, e)

Effective Prandtl Number

Wall Ystar (ke, kw, or rsm)


Wall Yplus (t)


Turbulent Reynolds Number (Re_y) (ke or

rsm; ewt)

Turbulent Reynolds Number

Relative Length Scale (DES) (des)

Relative Length Scale (DES)

Table 16.5 Species, Reactions, Pdf, and Premixed Combustion Categories



CFX Variable


Mass fraction of species-n (sp, pdf, or ppmx; <Species-n>.Mass Fraction

Mole fraction of species-n (sp, pdf, or ppmx) <Species-n>.Mole Fraction
Molar Concentration of species-n (sp, pdf,
or ppmx)

<Species-n>.Molar Concentration

Lam Diff Coef of species-n (sp, dil)

<Species-n>.Laminar Diffusion Coefficient

Eff Diff Coef of species-n (t, sp, dil)

<Species-n>.Effective Diffusion Diffusivity

Thermal Diff Coef of species-n (sp)

<Species-n>.Thermal Diffusion Coefficient

Enthalpy of species-n (sp)

<Species-n>.Static Enthalpy

species-n Source Term (rc, cpl)

<Species-n>.Source Terma

Surface Deposition Rate of species-n (sr)

<Species-n>.Surface Deposition Rate

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Chapter 16: ANSYS FLUENT Field Variables Listed by Category


<Species-n>.Surface Coveragea

Relative Humidity (sp, pdf, or ppmx; h2o)

Relative Humidity

Time Step Scale (sp, stcm)

Time Step Scale

Fine Scale Mass fraction of species-n (edc)

<Species-n>.Fine Scale Mass Fraction

Fine Scale Transfer Rate (edc)

Fine Scale Transfer Rate

1-Fine Scale Volume Fraction (edc)

1-Fine Scale Volume Fraction

Rate of Reaction-n (rc)

<Reaction-n>.Molar Reaction Rate

Arrhenius Rate of Reaction-n (rc)

<Reaction-n>.Molar Arrhenius Reaction


Turbulent Rate of Reaction-n (rc, t)

<Reaction-n>.Molar Turbulent Reaction


Mean Mixture Fraction (pdf or ppmx; nv)

Mean Fraction

Secondary Mean Mixture Fraction (pdf or

ppmx; nv)


CFX Variable

Surface Coverage of species-n (sr)



Secondary Mixture Fractiona

Mixture Fraction Variance (pdf or ppmx; nv) Mixture Fraction Variance

Secondary Mixture Fraction Variance (pdf
or ppmx; nv)
Fvar Prod (pdf or ppmx)

Fvar Prod

Fvar2 Prod (pdf or ppmx)


Scalar Dissipation (pdf or ppmx)

Scalar Dissipation

Progress Variable (pmx or ppmx; nv)

Reaction Progress

Damkohler Number (pmx or ppmx)

Damkohler Numbera

Stretch Factor (pmx or ppmx)

Stretch Factora

Turbulent Flame Speed (pmx or ppmx)

Turbulent Flame Speeda

Static Temperature (pmx or ppmx)


Product Formation Rate (pmx or ppmx)

Product Formation Ratea

Laminar Flame Speed (pmx or ppmx)

Laminar Flame Speeda

Critical Strain Rate (pmx or ppmx)

Critical Strain Ratea

Adiabatic Flame Temperature (pmx or


Adiabatic Flame Temperature

Unburnt Fuel Mass Fraction (pmx or ppmx)


Secondary Mixture Fraction Variancea

Unburnt Fuel Mass Fractiona

Table 16.6 NOx, Soot, and Unsteady Statistics Categories



CFX Variable


Mass fraction of NO (nox)

NO.Mass Fraction

Mass fraction of HCN (nox)

HCN.Mass Fraction

Mass fraction of NH3 (nox)

NH3.Mass Fraction

Mass fraction of N2O (nox)

N2O.Mass Fraction

Mole fraction of NO (nox)

NO.Molar Fraction

Mole fraction of HCN (nox)

HCN.Molar Fraction


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Chapter 16: ANSYS FLUENT Field Variables Listed by Category


NH3.Molar Fraction

Mole fraction of N2O (nox)

N2O.Molar Fraction

NO Density (nox)


HCN Density (nox)


NH3 Density (nox)


N2O Density (nox)


Variance of Temperature (nox)

Temperature Variance

Variance of Species (nox)

Species Variancea

Variance of Species 1 (nox)

Species 1 Variancea

Variance of Species 2 (nox)

Species 2 Variancea

Rate of NO (nox)

NO Source

Rate of Thermal NO (nox)

Thermal NO.Molar Reaction Rate

Rate of Prompt NO (nox)

Prompt NO.Molar Reaction Ratea

Rate of Fuel NO (nox)

Fuel NO.Molar Reaction Rate

Rate of N2OPath NO (nox)

N2OPath.Molar Reaction Rate

Rate of Reburn NO (nox)

Reburn NO.Molar Reaction Ratea

Rate of SNCR NO (nox)

SNCR NO.Molar Reaction Ratea

Rate of USER NO (nox)

User NO.Molar Reaction Rate

Mass fraction of soot (soot)

Soot Mass Fraction

Mass fraction of Nuclei (soot)

Soot Nuclei Specific Concentration

Mole fraction of soot (soot)

Soot Molar Fractiona

Soot Density (soot)


Rate of Soot (soot)

Soot Mass Sourcea

Rate of Nuclei (soot)

Unsteady Statistics...

CFX Variable

Mole fraction of NH3 (nox)



Soot Nuclei Sourcea

Mean quantity-n (stat)


RMS quantity-n (stat)



Table 16.7 Phases, Discrete Phase Model, Granular Pressure, and Granular Temperature


CFX Variable


Volume fraction (mp)

<phase>.Volume Fraction

Discrete Phase

DPM Mass Source (dpm)

<particle>.Particle Mass Source

DPM Erosion (dpm, cv)

<particle>.Particle Erosion Rate Density

DPM Accretion (dpm, cv)

<particle>.Particle Wall Mass Flow Densitya

DPM X Momentum Source (dpm)

<particle>.Particle Momentum Source X

DPM Y Momentum Source (dpm)

<particle>.Particle Momentum Source Y

DPM Z Momentum Source (dpm, 3d)

<particle>.Particle Momentum Source Z

DPM Swirl Momentum Source (dpm, 2dasw) <particle>.Particle Swirl Momentum Source
DPM Sensible Enthalpy Source (dpm, e)

<particle>.Particle Sensible Enthalpy Source

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Chapter 16: ANSYS FLUENT Field Variables Listed by Category



CFX Variable

DPM Enthalpy Source (dpm, e)

<particle>.Particle Energy Source

DPM Absorption Coefficient (dpm, rad)

<particle>.Particle Absorption Coefficient

DPM Emission (dpm, rad)

<particle>.Particle Radiative Emission

DPM Scattering (dpm, rad)

<particle>.Particle Radiative Scattering

DPM Burnout (dpm, sp, e)

Particle Burnout

DPM Evaporation/Devolatilization (dpm, sp, Particle Evaporation-Devolatilization

DPM Concentration (dpm)

<particle>.Volume Fraction

DPM species-n Source (dpm, sp, e)

<Species-n>.Particle Mass Source

Granular Pressure...

Granular Pressure (emm, gran)

<phase>.Granular Pressurea

Granular Temperature...

Granular Temperature (emm, gran)

<phase>.Granular Temperature

Table 16.8 Properties, Wall Fluxes, User Defined Scalars, and User Defined Memory Categories


CFX Variable


Molecular Viscosity (v)

Dynamic Viscosity

Diameter(mix, emm)

Mean Particle Diameter

Granular Conductivity (mix, emm, gran)

<phase>.Granular Conductivity

Thermal Conductivity (e, v)

Thermal Conductivity

Specific Heat (Cp) (e)

Specific Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure

Specific Heat Ratio (gamma) (id)

Specific Heat Ratioa

Gas Constant (R) (id)

R Gas Constant

Molecular Prandtl Number (e, v)

Prandtl Numbera

Mean Molecular Weight (seg, pdf)

Molar Massa

Sound Speed (id)

Local Speed of Sound

Wall Shear Stress (v, cv, emm)

Wall Shear

X-Wall Shear Stress (v, cv, emm)

Wall Shear X

Y-Wall Shear Stress (v, cv, emm)

Wall Shear Y

Z-Wall Shear Stress (v, 3d, cv, emm)

Wall Shear Z

Axial-Wall Shear Stress (2da, cv)

Wall Shear Axial

Radial-Wall Shear Stress (2da, cv)

Wall Shear Radial

Swirl-Wall Shear Stress (2dasw, cv)

Wall Shear Circumferential

Skin Friction Coefficient (v, cv, emm)

Skin Friction Coefficient

Total Surface Heat Flux (e, v, cv)

Wall Heat Flux

Radiation Heat Flux (rad, cv)

Wall Radiative Heat Flux

Solar Heat Flux (sol, cv)

Solar Heat Flux

Absorbed Radiation Flux (Band-n) (do,cv)

<Band-n>.Absorbed Radiation Flux

Absorbed Visible Solar Flux (sol, cv)

Absorbed Visible Solar Flux

Wall Fluxes...


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Chapter 16: ANSYS FLUENT Field Variables Listed by Category



CFX Variable

Absorbed IR Solar Flux (sol, cv)

Absorbed IR Solar Flux

Reflected Radiation Flux (Band-n) (do, cv)

<Band-n>.Reflected Radiation Flux

Reflected Visible Solar Flux (sol, cv)

Reflected Visible Solar Flux

Reflected IR Solar Flux (sol, cv)

Reflected IR Solar Flux

Transmitted Radiation Flux (Band-n) (do,


<Band-n>.Transmitted Radiation Flux

Transmitted Visible Solar Flux (sol, cv)

Transmitted Visible Solar Flux

Transmitted IR Solar Flux (sol, cv)

Transmitted IR Solar Flux

Beam Irradiation Flux (Band-n) (do, cv)

<Band-n>.Beam Irradiation Flux

Surface Incident Radiation (do, dtrm, or s2s; Surface Incident Radiation

Surface Heat Transfer Coef. (e, v, cv)

Surface Heat Transfer Coef.

Wall Func. Heat Tran. Coef. (e, v, cv)

Wall Func. Heat Tran. Coef.

Surface Nusselt Number (e, v, cv)

Surface Nusselt Number

Surface Stanton Number (e, v, cv)

Surface Stanton Number


Scalar-n (uds)


Diffusion Coef. of Scalar-n (uds)

<Scalar-n>.Diffusion Coefficient


User Memory n (udm)

User Defined Memory <n>

Table 16.9 Cell Info, Grid, and Adaption Categories



CFX Variable

Cell Info...

Cell Partition (np)

Cell Partition

Active Cell Partition (p)

Active Cell Partition

Stored Cell Partition (p)

Stored Cell Partition

Cell Id (p)

Cell Id

Cell Element Type

Cell Element Type

Cell Zone Type

Cell Zone Type

Cell Zone Index

Cell Zone Index

Partition Neighbors

Partition Neighbors

X-Coordinate (nv)

Y-Coordinate (nv)

Z-Coordinate (3d, nv)

Axial Coordinate (nv)

Axial Coordinate

Angular Coordinate (3d, nv)

Angular Coordinate

Abs. Angular Coordinate (3d, nv)

Absolute Angular Coordinate

Radial Coordinate (nv)

Radial Angular Coordinate


X Surface Area
Y Surface Area

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Chapter 16: ANSYS FLUENT Field Variables Listed by Category



CFX Variable

Z Surface Area (3d)

X Face Area

Face Area X

Y Face Area

Face Area Y

Z Face Area (3d)

Face Area Z

Cell Equiangle Skew

Cell Equiangle Skew

Cell Equivolume Skew

Cell Equivolume Skew

Cell Volume

Cell Volume

2D Cell Volume (2da)

2d Cell Volume

Cell Wall Distance

Cell Wall Distance

Face Handedness

Face Handedness

Face Squish Index

Face Squish Index

Cell Squish Index

Cell Squish Index

Table 16.10 Grid Category (Turbomachinery-Specific Variables) and Adaption Category



CFX Variable


Meridional Coordinate (nv, turbo)

Meridional Coordinate

Abs Meridional Coordinate (nv, turbo)

Abs Meridional Coordinate

Spanwise Coordinate (nv, turbo)

Spanwise Coordinate

Abs (H-C) Spanwise Coordinate (nv, turbo)

Abs (H-C) Spanwise Coordinate

Abs (C-H) Spanwise Coordinate (nv, turbo)

Abs (C-H) Spanwise Coordinate

Pitchwise Coordinate (nv, turbo)

Pitchwise Coordinate

Abs Pitchwise Coordinate (nv, turbo)

Abs Pitchwise Coordinate

Adaption Function

Adaption Function

Adaption Curvature

Adaption Curvature

Adaption Space Gradient

Adaption Space Gradient

Adaption Iso-Value

Adaption Iso-Value

Existing Value

Existing Value

Boundary Cell Distance

Boundary Cell Distance

Boundary Normal Distance

Boundary Normal Distance

Boundary Volume Distance (np)

Boundary Volume Distance

Cell Volume Change

Cell Volume Change

Cell Surface Area

Cell Surface Area

Cell Warpage

Cell Warpage

Cell Children

Cell Children

Cell Refine Level

Cell Refine Level


Table 16.11 Residuals Category



CFX Variable


Mass Imbalance (seg)

Mass Imbalance


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Chapter 16: ANSYS FLUENT Field Variables Listed by Category



CFX Variable

Pressure Residual (cpl)

Pressure Residual

X-Velocity Residual (cpl)

Residual u Velocity

Y-Velocity Residual (cpl)

Residual v Velocity

Z-Velocity Residual (cpl, 3d)

Residual w Velocity

Axial-Velocity Residual (cpl, 2da)

Residual Axial-Velocity

Radial-Velocity Residual (cpl, 2da)

Residual Radial-Velocity

Swirl-Velocity Residual (cpl, 2dasw)

Residual Circumferential-Velocity

Temperature Residual (cpl, e)

Residual Temperature

Species-n Residual (cpl, sp)


Time Step (cpl)

Time Step

Pressure Correction (cpl)

Pressure Correction

X-Velocity Correction (cpl)

u Velocity Correction

Y-Velocity Correction (cpl)

v Velocity Correction

Z-Velocity Correction (cpl, 3d)

w Velocity Correction

Axial-Velocity Correction (cpl, 2da)

Axial-Velocity Correction

Radial-Velocity Correction (cpl, 2da)

Radial-Velocity Correction

Swirl-Velocity Correction (cpl, 2dasw)

Circumferential-Velocity Correction

Temperature Correction (cpl, e)

Temperature Correction

Species-n Correction (cpl, sp)


Table 16.12 Derivatives Category



CFX Variable


Strain Rate (v)

Strain Rate





dZ-Velocity/dx (3d)


dAxial-Velocity/dx (2da)


dRadial-Velocity/dx (2da)


dSwirl-Velocity/dx (2dasw)


d species-n/dx (cpl, sp)






dZ-Velocity/dy (3d)


dAxial-Velocity/dy (2da)


dRadial-Velocity/dy (2da)


dSwirl-Velocity/dy (2dasw)


d species-n/dy (cpl, sp)


dX-Velocity/dz (3d)


dY-Velocity/dz (3d)


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Chapter 16: ANSYS FLUENT Field Variables Listed by Category



CFX Variable

dZ-Velocity/dz (3d)


d species-n/dz (cpl, sp, 3d)


dOmega/dx (2dasw)


dOmega/dy (2dasw)


dp-dX (seg)


dp-dY (seg)


dp-dZ (seg, 3d)


Table 16.13 Acoustics Category



CFX Variable


Surface dpdt RMS (fwh)

Surface dpdt RMS

Acoustic Power Level (dB) (bns)

Acoustic Power Level (dB)

Acoustic Power (bns)

Acoustic Power

Jet Acoustic Power Level (dB) (bns, 2da)

Jet Acoustic Power Level (dB)

Jet Acoustic Power (bns, 2da)

Jet Acoustic Power

Surface Acoustic Power Level (dB) (bns)

Surface Acoustic Power (bns)
Lilley's Self-Noise Source (bns)
Lilley's Shear-Noise Source (bns)

Lilley's Shear-Noise Source

Lilley's Total Noise Source (bns)

Lilley's Total Noise Source

LEE Self-Noise X-Source (bns)

LEE Self-Noise X-Source

LEE Shear-Noise X-Source (bns)

LEE Shear-Noise X-Source

LEE Total Noise X-Source (bns)

LEE Total Noise X-Source

LEE Self-Noise Y-Source (bns)

LEE Self-Noise Y-Source

LEE Shear-Noise Y-Source (bns)

LEE Shear-Noise Y-Source

LEE Total Noise Y-Source (bns)

LEE Total Noise Y-Source

LEE Self-Noise Z-Source (bns, 3d)

LEE Self-Noise Z-Source

LEE Shear-Noise Z-Source (bns, 3d)

LEE Shear-Noise Z-Source

LEE Total Noise Z-Source (bns, 3d)


Lilley's Self-Noise Source

LEE Total Noise Z-Source

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Chapter 17: Power Syntax in ANSYS CFX

Programming constructs can be used within CCL for advanced usage. Rather than invent a new language,
CCL takes advantage of the full range of capabilities and resources from an existing programming language,
Perl. Perl statements can be embedded in between lines of simple syntax, providing capabilities such as
loops, logic, and much, much more with any CCL input file.
Lines of Power Syntax are identified in a CCL file by an exclamation mark (!) at the start of each line. In
between Perl lines, simple syntax lines may refer to Perl variables and lists.
A wide range of additional functionality is made available to expert users with the use of Power Syntax including:


Logic and control structures

Lists and arrays

Subroutines with argument handling (useful for defining commonly re-used plots and procedures)

Basic I/O processing

System functions

Many other procedures (Object programming, World Wide Web access, simple embedded graphical
user interfaces).

Any of the above may be included in a CCL input file or CFD-Post Session file.

You should be wary when entering certain expressions because Power Syntax uses Perl mathem

atical operators. For example, in CEL, is represented as 2^2, but in Perl, it would be written
2**2. If you are unsure about the validity of an operator, you should check a Perl reference guide.
There are many good reference books on Perl. Two examples are Learning Perl (ISBN 1-56592-0422) and Programming Perl (ISBN 1-56592-149-6) from the OReilly series.
This chapter describes:
17.1. Examples of Power Syntax
17.2. Predefined Power Syntax Subroutines

17.1. Examples of Power Syntax

The following are some examples in which the versatility of power syntax is demonstrated. They become
steadily more complex in the later examples.
Some additional, more complex, examples of Power Syntax subroutines can be found by viewing the session
files used for the Macro Calculator. These are located in CFX/etc/. You can execute these subroutines
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Chapter 17: Power Syntax in ANSYS CFX

from the Command Editor dialog box the same as calling any other Power Syntax subroutine. The required
argument format is:
!cpPolar(<"BoundaryList">, <"SliceNormalAxis">,
<"SlicePosition">, <"PlotAxis">, <"InletLocation">,
!compressorPerform(<"InletLocation">, <"OutletLocation">,
<"BladeLocation">, <"MachineAxis">, <"RotationalSpeed">,
<"TipRadius">, <"NumBlades">, <"FluidGamma">)

These subroutines are loaded when CFD-Post is launched, so you do not need to execute the session files
before using the functions.
Additional information on these macro functions is available. For details, see Gas Compressor Performance
Macro and Cp Polar Plot Macro.
All arguments passed to subroutines should be enclosed in quotations, for example Plane 1 must be
passed as Plane 1 and Eddy Viscosity should be entered as Eddy Viscosity. Any legal CFX
Command Language characters that are illegal in Perl need to be enclosed in quotation marks.

17.1.1. Example 1: Print the Value of the Pressure Drop Through a Pipe

$Pin = massFlowAve("Pressure","inlet");
$Pout = massFlowAve("Pressure","outlet");
$dp = $Pin-$Pout;
print "The pressure drop is $dp\n";

17.1.2. Example 2: Using a for Loop

This example demonstrates using Power Syntax that wraps a for loop around some CCL Object definitions
to repetitively change the visibility on the outer boundaries.
# Make the outer boundaries gradually transparent in
# the specified number of steps.
!$numsteps = 10;
!for ($i=0; $i < $numsteps; $i++) {
! $trans = ($i+1)/$numsteps;
Visibility = 1
Transparency = $trans
Visibility = 1
Transparency = $trans
Visibility = 1


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17.1.4. Example 4: Creating a Complex Quantitative Subroutine

Transparency = $trans

The first line of Power Syntax simply defines a scalar variable called numsteps. Scalar variables (that is,
simple single-valued variables) begin with a $ symbol in Perl. The next line defines a for loop that increments
the variable i up to numsteps. Next, you determine the fraction you are along in the loop and assign it
to the variable trans. The object definitions then use trans to set their transparency and then repeat.
Note how Perl variables can be directly embedded into the object definitions. The final line of Power Syntax
(!}) closes the for loop.

17.1.3. Example 3: Creating a Simple Subroutine

The following example defines a simple subroutine to make two planes at specified locations. The subroutine
will be used in the next example.
!sub makePlanes {
Option = Point and Normal
Point = 0.09,0,-0.03
Normal = 1,0,0
Draw Lines = On
Line Color = 1,0,0
Color Mode = Variable
Color Variable = Pressure
Range = Local
Option = Point and Normal
Point = 0.08,-0.038,-0.0474
Normal = 1,0,0
Draw Faces = Off
Draw Lines = On
Line Color = 0,1,0

Although this subroutine is designed for use with the next example, you can execute it on its own by typing
!makePlanes(); in the Command Editor dialog box.

17.1.4. Example 4: Creating a Complex Quantitative Subroutine

This example is a complex quantitative subroutine that takes slices through the manifold geometry, as shown
below, compares the mass flow through the two sides of the initial branch, and computes the pressure drop
through to the four exit locations.

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Chapter 17: Power Syntax in ANSYS CFX

! sub manifoldCalcs{
# call the previously defined subroutine (Example 3) make the
# upstream and downstream cutting planes
! makePlanes();
# Bound the two planes so they each just cut one side of the branch.
Plane Bound = Circular
Bound Radius = 0.025
Plane Bound = Circular
Bound Radius = 0.025
# Calculate mass flow through each using the predefined
# 'evaluate' Power Syntax subroutine and output the results
! ($mass1, $mfunits) = evaluate( "massFlow()\@plane1" );
! ($mass2) = evaluate( "massFlow()\@plane2" );
! $sum = $mass1+$mass2;
! print "Mass flow through branch 1 = $mass1 [$mfunits]\n";
! print "Mass flow through branch 2 = $mass2 [$mfunits]\n";
! print "Total = $sum [$mfunits]\n";
# Now calculate pressure drops and mass flows through the exits
# calculate the average pressure at the inlet
!($Pin, $punits) = evaluate( "massFlowAve(Pressure)\@in1" );
# Set-up an array that holds the approximate X location of each
# of the 4 exits. We then loop over the array to move the outlet
# plane and re-do the pressure drop calculation at each exit.
! @Xlocs = (0.15,0.25,0.35,0.45);
! $sum = 0;
! for ($i=0;$i<4;$i++) {
Option = Point and Normal
Normal = 0,-1,-1
Point = $Xlocs[$i],-0.06,-0.2
Plane Bound = Circular
Bound Radius = 0.05
! ($Pout, $punits) = evaluate( "massFlowAve(Pressure)\@outlet" );
! ($massFl) = evaluate( "massFlow()\@outlet" );
! $sum += $massFl;
! $Dp = $Pin-$Pout;
! $ii = $i+1;
! print "At outlet \#$ii: Dp=$Dp [$punits], Mass Flow=$massFl [$mfunits]\n";
! } # end loop
! print "Total Mass Flow = $sum [$mfunits]\n";
!} # end subroutine


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17.2.2. Power Syntax Usage

After processing these commands to define the subroutine, you can execute it, in the same way as any
other subroutine, by typing !manifoldCalcs(); in the Command Editor dialog box.

17.2. Predefined Power Syntax Subroutines

CFD-Post provides predefined subroutines that add Power Syntax functionality. You can view a list of these
subroutines by entering !showSubs(); in the Command Editor dialog box. The list is printed to the
console window. The list shows all currently loaded subroutines, so it will include any custom subroutines
that you have processed in the Command Editor dialog box.
These subroutines provide access to the quantitative functionality of CFD-Post. Most of these routines provide
results in a single return value. For example, if the Perl variable $verbose = 1, then the result is also
printed to the screen. Information on the calculations performed by the subroutines is available. For details,
see Function Selection.
The following sections describe these predefined subroutines:

Power Syntax Subroutine Descriptions (p. 237)

Power Syntax Usage (p. 237)

Power Syntax Subroutines (p. 238)

17.2.1. Power Syntax Subroutine Descriptions

In the next section, each subroutine will appear in the following format:

Each of the subroutines contains an argument list (in brackets, separated by commas). If any argument
contains more than one word (for example, Plane 1), it must be within quotes. You should enclose all
arguments within quotes to avoid making possible syntax errors.
Each subroutine is preceded by its return value(s). For example:
real, string evaluate("Expression", "Locator")

will return two values, a real number and a string.

The return values will always be in the solution units of the CFX-Solver results file, even if you have changed
the display units in the Edit menu. This means that if you have a plot of temperature in degrees C on Plane
1, the area averaged value of temperature on Plane 1 returned by the areaAve command will still be
in degrees K.

17.2.2. Power Syntax Usage

All lines of power syntax must have an exclamation mark as the first character so that they are not treated
as CCL statements. The statements must also end with a semi-colon. The following is an example:
! $lengthVal = Length("Plane 1");
! print $lengthVal;
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Chapter 17: Power Syntax in ANSYS CFX

Some subroutines return more than one value. To store return values for a subroutine that returns two
variables (such as the evaluate function), you could use the following:
! ($value, $units) = evaluate("Expression 1");
! print "The value of Expression 1 is $value, and the units are $units";

17.2.3. Power Syntax Subroutines area(Location,Axis)
real area("Location", "Axis")

Returns the area of a 2D locator. For details, see area (p. 160). areaAve(Variable,Location,Axis)
real areaAve("Variable", "Location", "Axis")

Returns the area-weighted average of the variable at a 2D locator. For details, see areaAve (p. 161). areaInt(Variable,Location,Axis)
real areaInt("Variable", "Location", "Axis")

Returns the result of the variable integrated over the 2D location. For details, see areaInt (p. 162). ave(Variable,Location)
real ave("Variable", "Location")

Returns the arithmetic average of the variable at a location. For details, see ave (p. 163). calcTurboVariables()
void calcTurboVariables()

Calculates all 'extra' turbo variables. (Works only in turbo mode.) calculate(function,...)
void calculate(function,...)

Evaluates the named function with the supplied argument list, and returns the float result. The function
name is a required argument, which can be followed by a variable length list of arguments. calculateUnits(function,...)
string calculateUnits(function,...)

Evaluates the named function with the supplied argument list, and returns the value and units. collectTurboInfo()
This is an internal subroutine that is used only to initialize report templates. comfortFactors()
This is an internal subroutine that is used only to initialize report templates.


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

17.2.3. Power Syntax Subroutines compressorPerform(Location, Location, Location, Var, Args)

This is a special macro; for details, see Gas Compressor Performance Macro. For example:
compressorPerform("Inlet", "Outlet", "Blade", "X", 600, 0.03, 10, 1.2) compressorPerformTurbo()
This is an internal subroutine that is used only to initialize report templates. copyFile(FromPath, ToPath)

void copyFile("FromPath", "ToPath")

A utility function for copying files. count(Location)
real count("Location")

Returns the number of nodes on the location. For details, see count (p. 164). countTrue(Expression, Location)

real countTrue( "Expression", "Location" )

Returns the number of mesh nodes on the specified region that evaluate to true where true means
greater than or equal to 0.5. "Expression" should contain one of the logical operators =, >, <, <=, or >=.
The countTrue function is valid for 1D, 2D, and 3D locations. For details, see countTrue (p. 164). cpPolar(Location, Var, Arg, Var, Location, Arg)

This is a special macro; for details, see Cp Polar Plot Macro. For example:
cpPolar("Plane 1", "Y", 0.3, "X", "Inlet", 10000) evaluate(Expression)
real,string evaluate("Expression")

Returns the value of the expression and the units. Only one expression can be evaluated each time the
subroutine is executed. The main advantage of using evaluate is that it takes any CEL expression. This
means that you do not have to learn any other quantitative power syntax routines described in this section.
Also, evaluate will return the result units in addition to the value.
An example is:
evaluate("areaAve(Velocity v)\@Location 1")

In this case, another subroutine is evaluated. The evaluate command takes an any expression as the argument, or more precisely, any expression that resolves to a quantity. This means that you cannot use:

but you can use:

"2*minVal(Pressure)\@locator 1"

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Chapter 17: Power Syntax in ANSYS CFX

"100 [m]"

This is simply an alternative way of typing:

! $myVal = 2 * minVal("Pressure", "Location");

The reason that the @ is escaped calling evaluate() is to avoid Perl treating it as a special character. evaluateInPreferred(Expression)
real,string evaluateInPreferred("Expression")

Returns the value of the expression in your preferred units. Preferred units are the units of the data that CFDPost uses when information is displayed to you and are the default units when you enter information (as
contrasted with units of the data that are stored in results files). Use the Edit > Options > Common > Units
dialog to set your preferred units. exprExists(Expression)
bool exprExists("Expression")

Returns true if an expression with this name exists; false otherwise. fanNoiseDefault()
This is an internal subroutine that is used only to initialize report templates. fanNoise()
This is an internal subroutine that is used only to initialize report templates. force(Location,Axis)
real force("Location", "Axis")

Returns the force on a 2D locator. For details, see force (p. 165). forceNorm(Location,Axis)
real forceNorm("Location", "Axis")

Returns the per unit width force on a line in the direction of the specified axis. It is available only for a
polyline created by intersecting a locator on a boundary. For details, see forceNorm (p. 166). getBladeForceExpr()
This is an internal subroutine that is used only to initialize report templates. getBladeTorqueExpr()
This is an internal subroutine that is used only to initialize report templates. getCCLState()
This is an internal debugging call.


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

17.2.3. Power Syntax Subroutines getChildrenByCategory(Category)
SV* getChildrenByCategory("Category")

Returns the children of an object that belong to the specified category in a comma-separated list. Each object
type (for example, a PLANE) can have multiple categories associated with it such as "geometry", "surface",
and so on). Categories are specified in <CFXROOT>/etc/CFXPostRules.ccl.
For example, to get a comma-separated list of all surfaces in a state at the top level (that is, not sub-objects
of other objects):
! $surfaces = getChildrenByCategory("/", "surface" );

Use 'split ","' to convert the string into an array of strings. getChildren(Object Name, Child Type)

string getChildren("Object Name", "Child Type")

Returns the children of an object in a comma separated list. If Child Type is not an empty string, this
subroutine return only children of the specified type. getExprOnLocators()
This is an internal subroutine that is used only to initialize report templates. getExprString(Expression)
string getExprString("Expression")

Returns the value and the units of the expression in the form value units For example: 100 m
. getExprVal(Expression)
real getExprVal("Expression")

Returns only the "value" portion of the expression (units are not included). getObjectName(Object Path)

string getObjectName("Object Path")

Extracts the name of an object from its full path. For example:
!string = getObjectName("/USER SURFACE:User Surface 1")

returns "User Surface 1". This is the form needed for evaluating a CEL expression. getParameterInfo(Object Name, Parameter Name, Info Type)

string getParameterInfo("Object Name", "Parameter Name", "Info Type")

Returns the requested information for a parameter of an object. Object Name returns the name or path
of an object; "/" or an empty string specifies the root.Parameter Name returns the name of the parameter.
Info Type returns the type of data requested; this can be one of "type", "value", "default value", or "allowed
values". For example:
! $info = getParameterInfo("/USER DEFINED/POINT:Point 1", "Symbol Size", "default value");
! print "getParameterInfo returned=$info\n";

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Chapter 17: Power Syntax in ANSYS CFX

getParameterInfo returned=2.5 getParameters()
SV* getParameters("Object Name")

Returns the parameters of an object in a comma-separated list. Use 'split ","' to convert the string into
an array of strings. getTempDirectory()
string getTempDirectory()

Returns the temporary directory path. getType()
SV* getType("Object Name")

Returns the object type. getValue(Object Name,Parameter Name)

getValue("Object Name", "Parameter Name")

Takes a CCL object and parameter name and returns the value of the parameter.
Returns the value stored in Parameter Name. Example

Create a text object called Text 1.


In the Text String box, enter Here is a text string.


Click Apply to create the text object.


In the Command Editor dialog box, enter the following:

!string = getValue( "/TEXT:Text 1/TEXT ITEM: Text Item 1", "Text String");
! print $string;


Click Process, and the string will be printed to your terminal window.

The same procedure can be carried out for any object. getViewArea()
void getViewArea()

Calculates the area of the scene projected in the view direction. Returns the area and the units in an array
of strings. isCategory(Object Name, Category)

void isCategory("Object Name", "Category")


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

17.2.3. Power Syntax Subroutines

A return of 1 indicates that the object matches the passed category; 0 otherwise. Categories are specified
in the RULES file (typically found in <CFXROOT>/etc/.
For example, the following prints "Plane 1 is a surface":
! if( isCategory( "Plane 1", "surface" )) {
print "Plane 1 is a surface\n";
! } Length(Location)
real Length("Location")

Returns the length of a line locator. For details, see length (p. 167).

While using this function in Power Syntax the leading character is capitalized to avoid confusion
with the Perl internal command length. lengthAve(Variable,Location)
real lengthAve("Variable", "Location")

Returns the length-based average of the variable on the line locator. For details, see lengthAve (p. 167). lengthInt(Variable,Location)
real lengthInt("Variable", "Location")

Returns the length-based integral of the variable on the line locator. For details, see lengthInt (p. 168). liquidTurbPerformTurbo()
This is an internal subroutine that is used only to initialize report templates. liquidTurbPerform()
This is an internal subroutine that is used only to initialize report templates. massFlow(Location)
real massFlow("Location")

Returns the mass flow through the 2D locator. For details, see massFlow (p. 168). massFlowAve(Variable,Location)
real massFlowAve("Variable","Location")

Returns the average value of the variable, weighted by mass flow, through the 2D locator. For details, see
massFlowAve (p. 169). massFlowAveAbs(Variable,Location)
real massFlowAveAbs("Variable","Location")

Returns the absolute value of the massFlowAve. For details, see massFlowAve (p. 169).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


Chapter 17: Power Syntax in ANSYS CFX massFlowInt(Variable,Location)
real massFlowInt("Variable","Location")

Returns the integral of the variable, weighted by mass flow, over the 2D locator. For details, see massFlowInt (p. 172). maxVal(Variable,Location)
real maxVal("Variable","Location")

Returns the maximum value of the variable at the location. For details, see maxVal (p. 173). minVal(Variable,Location)
real minVal("Variable","Location")

Returns the minimum value of the variable at the location. For details, see minVal (p. 173). objectExists(Object Name)

bool objectExists("Object Name")

A return of 1 indicates that the object exists; 0 otherwise. probe(Variable,Location)
real probe("Variable","Location")

This calculation should only be performed for point locators described by single points. Incorrect
solutions will be produced for multiple point locators.
Returns the value of the variable at the point locator. For details, see probe (p. 174). pumpPerform()
This is an internal subroutine that is used only to initialize report templates. pumpPerformTurbo()
This is an internal subroutine that is used only to initialize report templates. range(Variable,Location)
(real, real) range("Variable","Location")

Returns the minimum and maximum values of the variable at the location. reportError(String)
void reportError("String")

Pops up an error dialog.


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

17.2.3. Power Syntax Subroutines reportWarning(String)
void reportWarning("String")

Pops up a warning dialog. showPkgs()
void showPkgs()

Prints to the console a list of packages available which may contain other variables or subroutines in Power
Syntax. showSubs(packageName)
void showSubs("packageName")

Prints to the console a list of the subroutines available in the specified package. If no package is specified,
CFD-Post is used by default. showVars(packageName)
void showVars("packageName")

Prints to the console a list of the Power Syntax variables and their current value defined in the specified
package. If no package is specified, CFD-Post is used by default. spawnAsyncProcess(command, arguments)

bool spawnAsyncProcess("command", "arguments")

Spawns a forked process. For example:

! spawnAsyncProcess("dir", "c:/");

Displays the contents of c:\ in the console window. sum(Variable,Location)
real sum("Variable","Location")

Returns the sum of the variable values at each point on the locator. For details, see sum (p. 175). torque(Location,Axis)
real torque("Location","Axis")

Returns the computed value of torque at the 2D locator about the specified axis. For details, see torque (p. 176). turbinePerform()
This is an internal subroutine that is used only to initialize report templates. turbinePerformTurbo()
This is an internal subroutine that is used only to initialize report templates.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


Chapter 17: Power Syntax in ANSYS CFX verboseOn()
bool verboseOn()

Returns 1 or 0 depending if the Perl variable $verbose is set to 1. volume(Location)
real volume("Location")

Returns the volume of a 3D locator. For details, see volume (p. 176). volumeAve(Variable,Location)
real volumeAve("Variable","Location")

Returns the average value of a variable over the 3D locator. For details, see volumeAve (p. 177). volumeInt(Variable,Location)
real volumeInt("Variable","Location")

Returns the integral of a variable over the 3D locator. For details, see volumeInt (p. 177).


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Chapter 18: Bibliography

This bibliography contains entries referenced in the ANSYS CFX documentation.

References 1-20 (p. 247)

References 21-40 (p. 250)

References 41-60 (p. 253)

References 61-80 (p. 256)

References 81-100 (p. 259)

References 101-120 (p. 262)

References 121-140 (p. 264)

References 141-160 (p. 267)

References 161-180 (p. 270)

References 181-200 (p. 273)

18.1. References 1-20

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Rhie, C.M. and Chow, W.L.,
A Numerical Study of the Turbulent Flow Past an Isolated Airfoil with Trailing Edge Separation
AIAA Paper 82-0998, 1982

Raw, M.J.,
A Coupled Algebraic Multigrid Method for the 3D Navier-Stokes Equations
10th GAMM Seminar, Kiel, 1994.

Launder, B.E., Reece, G.J. and Rodi, W.,

Release 13.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


Chapter 18: Bibliography

Progress in the developments of a Reynolds-stress turbulence closure
J. Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 68, pp.537-566, 1975.

Speziale, C.G., Sarkar, S. and Gatski, T.B.,
Modelling the pressure-strain correlation of turbulence: an invariant dynamical systems approach
J. Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 277, pp. 245-272, 1991.

Schiller, L. and Naumann, A.,
VDI Zeits, 77, p. 318, 1933.

Hughmark, G.A.,
AIChE J., 13 p. 1219, 1967.

Modest, M.,
Radiative Heat Transfer Second Edition
Academic Press, 2003.

Menter, F.R.,
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Grotjans, H. and Menter, F.R.,
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In K.D.Papailiou et al., editor, ECCOMAS 98 Proceedings of the Fourth European Computational
Fluid Dynamics Conference, pp. 1112-1117. John Wiley & Sons, 1998.

Wilcox, D.C.,
Multiscale model for turbulent flows


Release 13.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

18.1. References 1-20

In AIAA 24th Aerospace Sciences Meeting. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,

Menter, F.R.,
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Release 13.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


Chapter 18: Bibliography

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18.2. References 21-40

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NASA Technical Note, NASA TN D-4618.

Raw, M.J.,
Robustness of Coupled Algebraic Multigrid for the Navier-Stokes Equations


Release 13.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

18.2. References 21-40

AIAA 96-0297, 34th Aerospace and Sciences Meeting & Exhibit, January 15-18 1996, Reno,

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Wilcox, D.C.,
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A second-moment closure study of rotating channel flow
J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 183, pp. 63-75, 1987.

Menter, F. R.,

Release 13.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


Chapter 18: Bibliography



Eddy Viscosity Transport Equations and their Relation to the

NASA Technical Memorandum 108854, November 1994.

Menter, F. R.,

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Release 13.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

18.3. References 41-60

Hinze, J. O.,
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18.3. References 41-60

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


Chapter 18: Bibliography

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

18.3. References 41-60

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Release 13.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


Chapter 18: Bibliography

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18.4. References 61-80

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Aungier, R.H.,
Centrifugal Compressors: A strategy for Aerodynamic Design and Analysis


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

18.4. References 61-80

ASME Press, New York, 2000.

Westbrook, C.K., Dryer, F.L.,
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American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal, Vol. 14, p. 295. American Institute of
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Baker, J. L. L. and Chao, B. T.,
Release 13.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


Chapter 18: Bibliography

American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal, Vol. 11, p. 268. American Institute of
Chemical Engineers, 1965.

Hughmark, G. A.,
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"Numerical Simulation of Pneumatic Conveying in a Horizontal Pipe"
KONA Powder Science and Technology in Japan
No. 3, pp. 3851, 1985

Frank, Th.
"Parallele Algorithmen fr die numerische Simulation dreidimensionaler, disperser Mehrphasenstrmungen und deren Anwendung in der Verfahrenstechnik"
Doctorial Dissertation, Shaker Verlag, 2002

Sommerfeld, M.
"Numerical Simulation of the Particle Dispersion in Turbulent Flow: the Importance of Particle
Lift Forces and Particle/Wall Collision Models"
ASME Symposium on Numerical Methods for Multiphase Flows, Toronto, Canada
pp. 18, 1990

B. P. Leonard,
The ULTIMATE conservative difference scheme applied to unsteady one-dimensional advection,
Comp. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng.,


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

18.11. References 201

88:1774, 1991

Jasak, H.; Weller, H.G., Gosman, A.D.
High resolution NVD differencing scheme for arbitrarily unstructured meshes,
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 1999,
pp. 413 449.

Erdos, J.A.
Numerical Solution of Periodic Transonic Flow through a Fan Stage
AIAA Journal, 1977.
pp. 1559-1568.

Gerolymos G.A.
Analysis and Application of Chorochronic Periodicity in Turbomachinery Rotor/Stator Interaction Computations
Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2002.
pp. 1139-1152.

Giles, M.
Calculation of Unsteady Wake/Rotor Interaction
J. Propulsion, 1988.
pp. 356-362.

He, L.
An Euler Solution for Unsteady Flows Around Oscillating Blades
Transactions of the ASME, 1990.
pp. 714-722.

Apsley, D.D. and Leschziner, M.A.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


Chapter 18: Bibliography

A new low-reynolds-number nonlinear two-equation turbulence model for complex flows
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 19, pp. 209-222, 1998


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The directory in which CFD-Post is installed; for example: C:\Program

Files\ANSYS Inc\v130\CFD-Post\


The directory in which CFX is installed; for example: C:\Program

Files\ANSYS Inc\v130\CFX\

absolute pressure

The summation of solver pressure, reference pressure, and hydro-static pressure

(if a buoyant flow) in the cavitation model. The absolute pressure is clipped
to be no less than the vapor pressure of the fluid. It is used by the solver to
calculate pressure-dependent properties (such as density for compressible

absorption coefficient

A property of a medium that measures the amount of thermal radiation absorbed per unit length within the medium.

adaption criteria

The criteria that are used to determine where mesh adaption takes place.

adaption level

The degree that a mesh element has been refined during adaption. Each mesh
element has an adaption level. Each time an element is split into smaller elements, the new elements have an adaption level that is one greater than the
"parent" element. The maximum number of adaption levels is controlled to
prevent over-refinement.

adaption step

One loop of the adapt-solve cycle in the mesh adaption process.

Additional Variable

A non-reacting, scalar component. Additional Variables are used to model the

distribution of passive materials in the flow, such as smoke in air or dye in
Additional Variables are typically specified as concentrations.


The description of any system in which heat is prevented from crossing the
boundary of the system. You can set adiabatic boundary conditions for heat
transfer simulations in ANSYS CFX or in ANSYS FLUENT.

Advancing Front and Inflation (AFI)

The default meshing mode in CFX. The AFI mesher consists of a triangular
surface/tetrahedral volume mesh generator that uses the advancing front
method to discretize first the surface and then the volume into an unstructured
(irregular) mesh. Inflation can be applied to selected surfaces to produce
prismatic elements from the triangular surface mesh, which combine with
the tetrahedra to form a hybrid mesh.

all domains

In immersed-solids cases in CFD-Post, "all domains" refers to all of the domains

in the case excluding the immersed solid. This is done for backwards compatibility.

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Generally speaking, only the wireframe needs to keep track of both "all domains" and the immersed solid.
ASM (Algebraic Slip Model)

A mathematical form in which geometry may be represented, known as

parametric cubic.

aspect ratio

Also known as normalized shape ratio. A measure of how close to a regular

tetrahedron any tetrahedron is. The aspect ratio is 1 for a regular tetrahedron,
but gets smaller the flatter the tetrahedron gets. Used for judging how good
a mesh is.

backup file

An intermediate CFX-Solver Results file that can be manually generated during

the course of a solution from the CFX-Solver Manager interface by using the
Backup action button. Backup files should be generated if you suspect your
solution may be diverging and want to retain the intermediate solution from
which you can do a restart.

batch mode

A way to run some components of ANSYS CFX without needing to open

windows to control the process. When running in batch mode, a Viewer is
not provided and you cannot enter commands at a command prompt. Commands are issued via a CFD-Post session file (*.cse), the name of which is
specified when executing the command to start batch mode. The session file
can be created using a text editor, or, more easily, by recording a session
while running in line-interface or user-interface mode.

blend factor

A setting that controls the degree of first/second order blending for the advection terms in discrete finite volume equations.


A collection of surfaces that completely and unambiguously enclose a finite

volume. Modelers that create so-called B-Rep models create "bodies." This
term was coined to distinguish between the tri-parametric entities, known
herein as solids, and the shell-like representations produced by most CAD


A surface or edge that limits the extent of a space. A boundary can be internal
(the surface of a submerged porous material) or external (the surface of an

boundary condition

Physical conditions at the edges of a region of interest that you must specify
in order to completely describe a simulation.

buoyant flow

Flow that is driven wholly or partially by differences in fluid density. For fluids
where density is not a function of temperature, pressure, or Additional Variables, the Boussinesq approximation is employed. If density is a function of
one of these, then the Full Buoyancy model is employed.

CEL (CFX Expression Language)


A high level language used within CFX to develop expressions for use in your
simulations. CEL can be used to apply user-defined fluid property dependen-

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cies, boundary conditions, and initial values. Expressions can be developed
within CFX using the Expression Editor.
CFD (Computational Fluid

The science of predicting fluid flow, heat transfer, mass transfer (as in perspiration or dissolution), phase change (as in freezing or boiling), chemical reaction
(as in combustion), mechanical movement (as in fan rotation), stress or deformation of related solid structures (such as a mast bending in the wind),
and related phenomena by solving the mathematical equations that govern
these processes using a numerical algorithm on a computer.

CFX-Solver Input file

A file that contains the specification for the whole simulation, including the
geometry, surface mesh, boundary conditions, fluid properties, solver parameters and any initial values. It is created by CFX and used as input to CFXSolver.

CHT (Conjugate Heat


Heat transfer in a conducting solid.

clipping plane

A plane that is defined through the geometry of a model, in front of which

no geometry is drawn. This enables you to see parts of the geometry that
would normally be hidden.

command actions

Command actions are:

Statements in session files

Commands entered into the Tools > Command Editor dialog box

Commands entered in Line Interface mode.

All such actions must be preceded with the > symbol. These commands force
CFD-Post to undertake specific tasks, usually related to the input and output
of data from the system. See also Power Syntax (p. 291).

A substance containing one or more materials in a fixed composition. The

properties of a component are calculated from the mass fractions of the
constituent materials and are based on the materials forming an ideal mixture.

compressible flow

Flow in which the fluid volume changes in response to pressure change.

Compressible flow effects can be taken into consideration when the Mach
number (M) approaches approximately 0.2.

computational mesh

A collection of points representing the flow field where the equations of fluid
motion (and temperature, if relevant) are calculated.

control volume

The volume surrounding each node, defined by segments of the faces of the
elements associated with each node. The equations of fluid flow are solved
over each control volume.


A state of a solution that occurs when the change in residual values from one
iteration to the next are below defined limits.

corrected boundary node


Node values obtained by taking the results produced by CFX-Solver (called

"conservative values") and overwriting the results on the boundary nodes
with the specified boundary conditions.

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The values of some variables on the boundary nodes (that is, on the edges
of the geometry) are not precisely equal to the specified boundary conditions
when CFX-Solver finishes its calculations. For instance, the value of velocity
on a node on the wall will not be precisely zero, and the value of temperature
on an inlet may not be precisely the specified inlet temperature. For visualization purposes, it can be more helpful if the nodes at the boundary do contain
the specified boundary conditions and so "corrected boundary node values"
are used. Corrected boundary node values are obtained by taking the results
produced by CFX-Solver (called "conservative values") and overwriting the
results on the boundary nodes with the specified boundary conditions. This
will ensure the velocity is display as zero on no-slip walls and equal to the
specified inlet velocity on the inlet, for example.
coupled solver

A solver in which all of the hydrodynamic equations are solved simultaneously

as a single system. The advantages of a coupled solver are that it is faster
than a traditional solver and fewer iterations are required to obtain a converged solution. CFX-Solver is an example of a coupled solver.


A general vector valued function of a single parametric variable. In CFX, a line

is also a curve. By default, curves are displayed in yellow in ANSYS CFX.

default boundary condition

The boundary condition that is applied to all surfaces that have no boundary
condition explicitly set. Normally, this is set to the No Slip Adiabatic Wall
boundary condition, although you can change the type of default boundary
condition in CFX.

Detached Eddy Simulation


A model that covers the boundary layer by a RANS model and switches to a
LES model in detached regions.

Direct Numerical Simulation


A CFD simulation in which the Navier-Stokes equations are solved without

any turbulence model.


The equations of fluid flow cannot be solved directly. Discretization is the

process by which the differential equations are converted into a system of
algebraic equations, which relate the value of a variable in a control volume
to the value in neighboring control volumes.


Regions of fluid flow and/or heat transfer in CFX are called domains. Fluid
domains define a region of fluid flow, while solid domains are regions occupied
by conducting solids in which volumetric sources of energy can be specified.
The domain requires three specifications:

The physical nature of the flow. This determines the modeling of specific
features such as heat transfer or buoyancy.


The region defining the flow or conducting solid. A domain is formed

from one or more 3D primitives that constrain the region occupied by
the fluid and/or conducting solids.

The properties of the materials in the region.

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There can be many domains per model, with each domain defined by separate
3D primitives. Multidomain problems may be created from a single mesh if
it contains multiple 3D primitives or is from multiple meshes.
dynamic viscosity

Dynamic viscosity, also called absolute viscosity, is a measure of the resistance

of a fluid to shearing forces.

dynamical time

For advection dominated flows, this is an approximate timescale for the flow
to move through the Domain. Setting the physical time step (p. 291) size to
this value (or a fraction of it) can promote faster convergence.

eddy viscosity model

A turbulence model based on the assumption that Reynolds stresses are

proportional to mean velocity gradients and that the Reynolds stress contribution can be described by the addition of a turbulent component of viscosity.
An example of an eddy viscosity model is the k- model.


The edge entity describes the topological relationships for a curve. Adjacent
faces share at least one edge.


A property of an object that describes how much radiation it emits as compared to that of a black body at the same temperature.

expansion factor

The rate of growth of volume elements away from curved surfaces and the
rate of growth of surface elements away from curved boundaries. Expansion
factor is also used to specify the rate of mesh coarsening from a mesh control.

expression editor

An interactive, form-driven facility within CFX for developing expressions.

external flow

A flow field that is located outside of your geometry.


Face can have several meanings:

A solid face is a surface that exists as part of a solid. It is also known as

an implicit surface.

An element face is one side of a mesh element.

A boundary face is an element face that exists on the exterior boundary

of the domain.

Surfaces composed of edges that are connected to each other.


The program that administers ANSYS licensing.

flow boundaries

The surfaces bounding the flow field.

flow region

A volumetric space containing a fluid. Depending on the flow characteristics,

you may have a single, uninterrupted flow region, or several flow regions,
each exhibiting different characteristics.

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flow symmetry

Flow where the conditions of the flow entering and leaving one half of a
geometry are the same as the conditions of the flow entering and leaving
the other half of the geometry.


A substance that tends to flow and assumes the shape of its domain, such as
a gas in a duct or a liquid in a container.

free edges

Element edges belonging to only one element.

gas or liquid surface

A type of boundary that exhibits no friction and fluid cannot move through
it. Also called a symmetry boundary.

general fluid

A fluid whose properties may be generally prescribed in ANSYS CFX or ANSYS

FLUENT. Density and specific heat capacity for general fluids may depend on
pressure, temperature, and any Additional Variables.

global model tolerance

The minimum distance between two geometry entities below which CFX
considers them to be coincident. The default setting of global model tolerance,
defined in the template database, is normally .005 in whichever geometry
units you are working.

geometric symmetry

The state of a geometry where each half is a mirror of the other.


A named collection of geometric and mesh entities that can be posted for
display in viewports. The group's definition includes:

Group name

Group status (current/not current)

Group display attributes (modified under Display menu)

A list of the geometric and mesh entities that are members of the group.

hexahedral element

A mesh element with the same topology as a hexahedron, with six faces and
eight vertices.

home directory

The directory on all UNIX systems and some Windows NT systems where each
user stores all of their files, and where various setup files are stored.
However, on some Windows NT systems, users do not have an equivalent to
the UNIX home directory. In this case, the ANSYS CFX setup file cfx5rc can
be placed in c:\winnt\profiles\<user>\Application Data\ANSYS
CFX\<release>, where <user> is the user name on the machine. Other
files can be put into a directory set by the variable HOME.


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ideal gas

A fluid whose properties obey the ideal gas law. The density is automatically
computed using this relationship and a specified molecular weight.

IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) file

An ANSI standard formatted file used to exchange data among most commercial CAD systems. IGES files can be imported into CFX.

implicit geometry

Geometry that exists as part of some other entity. For example, the edges of
a surface are implicit curves.

import mesh

A meshing mode that enables import of volume meshes generated in one of

a number of external CFD packages. The volume mesh can contain hexahedral,
tetrahedral, prismatic, and pyramidal element types.

inactive region

A fluid or porous region where flow and (if relevant) temperatures are not
being calculated, or a solid region where temperatures are not being calculated. By default, inactive regions are hidden from view in the graphics window.

incompressible flow

Flow in which the density is constant throughout the domain.

incremental adaption

The method of mesh adaption used by CFX where an existing mesh is modified
to meet specified criteria. Incremental adaption is much faster than re-meshing;
however, the mesh quality is limited by that of the initial mesh.

inertial resistance coefficients

Mathematical terms used to define porous media resistance.

initial guess

The values of dependent variables at the start of a steady state simulation.

These can set explicitly, read from an existing solution, or given default values.

initial values

The values of dependent variables at the initial time of a transient simulation.

These can be either set explicitly, or read from an existing solution.

inlet boundary condition

A boundary condition (p. 282) for which the quantity of fluid flowing into the
flow domain is specified, for example, by setting the fluid velocity or mass
flow rate.


The process of copying an object and applying a positional transform to each

of the copies. For example, a row of turbine blades can be visualized by applying instancing to a single blade.

interior boundary

A boundary that enables flow to enter and exit. These types of boundaries
are useful to separate two distinct fluid regions from each other, or to separate
a porous region from a fluid region, when you still want flow to occur between
the two regions.

internal flow

Flow through the interior of your geometry, such as flow through a pipe.


The process of transferring a solution from a results file containing one mesh
onto a second file containing a different mesh.


The description of a process where there is no heat transfer and entropy is

held constant.
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A surface of constant value for a given variable.

A three-dimensional surface that defines a single magnitude of a flow variable
such as temperature, pressure, velocity, and so on.


A locator that consists of a collection of volume elements, all of which take

a value of a variable greater than a user-specified value.

JPEG file

A common graphics file type that is supported by CFD-Post output options.

k-epsilon turbulence model

A turbulence model (p. 296) based on the concept that turbulence consists of
small eddies that are continuously forming and dissipating. The k-epsilon
turbulence model solves two additional transport equations: one for turbulence
generation (k), and one for turbulence dissipation (epsilon).

kinematic diffusivity

A function of the fluid medium that describes how rapidly an Additional

Variable would move through the fluid in the absence of convection.

laminar flow

Flow that is dominated by viscous forces in the fluid, and characterized by

low Reynolds Number.
A flow field is laminar when the velocity distributions at various points
downstream of the fluid entrance are consistent with each other and the
fluid particles move in a parallel fashion to each other. The velocity distributions are effectively layers of fluid moving at different velocities relative to
each other.

Large Eddy Simulation

Model (LES)

The Large Eddy Simulation model decomposes flow variables into large and
small scale parts. This model solves for large-scale fluctuating motions and
uses sub-grid scale turbulence models for the small-scale motion.


A color key for any colored plot.

line interface mode

A mode in which you type the commands that would otherwise be issued by
the user interface. A viewer is provided that shows the geometry and the
objects created on the command line. Line interface mode differs from entering
commands in the Command Editor dialog box in that line interface action
commands are not preceded by a > symbol. Aside from that difference, all
commands that work for the Command Editor dialog box will also work in
line interface mode, providing the correct syntax is used.


A place or object upon which a plot can be drawn. Examples are planes and


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MAlt key (Meta key)

The MAlt key (or Meta key) is used to keyboard select menu items with the
use of mnemonics (the underscored letter in each menu label). By simultaneously pressing the MAlt key and a mnemonic is an alternative to using the
mouse to click a menu title. The MAlt key is different for different brands of
keyboards. Some examples of MAlt keys include the " " key for Sun Model
Type 4 keyboards, the "Compose Character" key for Tektronix keyboards, and
the Alt key on most keyboards for most Windows-based systems.

mass fraction

The ration of the mass of a fluid component to the total mass of the fluid.
Values for mass fraction range from 0 to 1.


A substance with specified properties, such as density and viscosity.


A term used in ANSYS FLUENT documentation that is equivalent to the ANSYS

CFX term constant streamwise location.


A collection of points representing the flow field where the equations of fluid
motion (and temperature, if relevant) are calculated.

mesh adaption

The process by which, once or more during a run, the mesh is selectively refined at various locations, depending on criteria that you can specify. As the
solution is calculated, the mesh can automatically be refined in locations
where solution variables are changed rapidly, in order to resolve the features
of the flow in these regions.
There are two general methods for performing mesh adaption. Incremental
adaption takes an existing mesh and modifies it to meet the adaption criteria.
The alternative is re-meshing, in which the whole geometry is re-meshed at
every adaption step according to the adaption criteria. In CFX, incremental
adaption is used because this is much faster; however, this imposes the limitation that the resulting mesh quality is limited by the quality of the initial

mesh control

A refinement of the surface and volume mesh in specific regions of the

model. Mesh controls can take the form of a point, line, or triangle.

meshing mode

The method you use to create your mesh of nodes and elements required for
analysis. There are two main meshing modes:

Advancing Front and Inflation (AFI) (p. 281)

import mesh (p. 287)

minimal results file

A file that contains only the results for selected variables, and no mesh. It can
be created only for transient calculations. It is useful when you are only interested in particular variables and want to minimize the size of the results for
the transient calculation.

multicomponent fluid

A fluid consisting of more than one component. The components are assumed
to be mixed at the molecular level, though the proportions of each component
may vary in space or time. The properties of a multicomponent fluid are dependent on the proportion of constituent components.
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Navier-Stokes equations

The fundamental equations of fluid flow and heat transfer, solved by CFXSolver. They are partial differential equations.

new model preferences

Preferential settings for your model that define the meshing mode (p. 289), the
geometry units, and the global model tolerance (p. 286).

node allocation parameter

A parameter that is used in mesh adaption (p. 289) to determine how many
nodes are added to the mesh in each adaption step (p. 281).

non-clipped absolute pressure

The summation of solver pressure, reference pressure, and hydro-static pressure

(if a buoyant flow). This pressure, used by the solver to calculate cavitation
sources, can be negative or positive.

non-Newtonian fluid

A fluid that does not follow a simple linear relationship between shear stress
and shear strain.


The direction perpendicular to the surface of a mesh element or geometry.

The positive direction is determined by the cross-product of the local parametric directions in the surface.

open area

The area in a porous region that is open to flow.


A graphics display system that is used on a number of different types of

computer operating systems.


A boundary condition where the fluid is constrained to flow only out of the

outline plot

A plot showing the outline of the geometry. By setting the edge angle to 0,
the surface mesh can be displayed over the whole geometry.

output file

A text file produced by CFX-Solver that details the history of a run. It is important to browse the output file when a run is finished to determine
whether the run has converged, and whether a restart is necessary.

parallel runs

Separate solutions of sections (partitions) of your CFD model, run on more

than one processor.

parametric equation

Any set of equations that express the coordinates of the points of a curve as
functions of one parameter, or express the coordinates of the points of a
surface as functions of two parameters, or express the coordinates of the
points of a solid as functions of three parameters.

parametric solids

Six-sided solids parameterized in three normalized directions. Parametric solids

are colored blue ANSYS CFX.


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parametric surfaces

Four sided surfaces parameterized in two normalized directions. Parametric

surfaces are colored green ANSYS CFX.

Particle-Particle Collision

A model in ANSYS CFX that takes inter-particle collisions and their effects on
the particle and gas phase into consideration.

periodic pair boundary


A boundary condition where the values on the first surface specified are
mapped to the second surface. The mapping can be done either by a translation or a rotation (if a rotating frame of reference is used).

physical time step

The time represented in each iteration of the solution.

pick list

The list processor interprets the contents of all selected data boxes. All selected
data boxes in CFX expect character strings as input. The character strings may
be supplied by the graphics system when you select an entity from a viewport,
or you can type or paste in the string directly. The character strings are called
"pick lists."


Any means of viewing the results in CFD-Post. Types of plots include vectors,
streamlines, and contour plots.


An ordered n-tuple, where n is the number of dimensions of the space in

which the point resides.

point probes

Points placed at specific locations in a computational domain where data can

be analyzed.


A locator that consists of user-defined points.


The component used to analyze and present the results of the simulation.
For ANSYS CFX, the post-processor is CFD-Post.

Power Syntax

The CFX Command Language (CCL) is the internal communication and command language of CFD-Post. It is a simple language that can be used to create
objects or perform actions in the post-processor. Power Syntax enables you
to embed Perl commands into CCL to achieve powerful quantitative postprocessing.
Power Syntax programming uses the Perl programming language to allow
loops, logic, and custom macros (subroutines). Lines of Power Syntax are
identified in a .ccl file by an exclamation mark (!) at the start of each line.
In between Perl lines, simple syntax lines may refer to Perl variables and lists.
For details, see Power Syntax in ANSYS CFX (p. 233).


The component used to create the input for the solver. For ANSYS CFX, the
pre-processor is CFX-Pre.


In the cavitation model, pressure is the same as solver pressure, but clipped
such that the absolute pressure is non-negative. It is used for post-processing

prism or prismatic element

A 3D mesh element shaped like a triangular prism (with six vertices). Sometimes known as a wedge element.

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PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine)

The environment that controls parallel processes.

PVMHosts file

The database file containing information about where ANSYS CFX, and consequently PVM, have been installed on each PVM node. It is consulted when
the Parallel Virtual Machine is started to determine where PVM is located on
each slave node.

pyramid element

A 3D mesh element that has five vertices.

reference coordinate frame

The coordinate frame in which the principal directions of X or Y or Z are taken.

X is taken in the local X of that frame, and so on. If the coordinate frame is a
non-rectangular coordinate frame, then the principal axes 1, 2, and 3 will be
used to define the X, Y, and Z directions, respectively. The default is CFX
global system (Coord 0).
For domains, boundary conditions, and initial values, the reference coordinate
frame is always treated as Cartesian, irrespective of coordinate frame type.


An area comprised of a fluid, a solid material, or a porous material.


The change in the value of certain variables from one iteration to the next.
The discretized Navier-Stokes equations (p. 290) are solved iteratively. The residual for each equation gives a measure of how far the latest solution is from
the solution in the previous iteration. A solution is considered to be converged
when the residuals are below a certain value.
CFX-Solver writes the residuals to the output file (p. 290) so that they can be
reviewed. ANSYS FLUENT allows residuals to be plotted during the solution

results file (CFX-Solver Results file)

A file produced by CFX-Solver that contains the full definition of the simulation
as well as the values of all variables throughout the flow domain and the
history of the run including residuals (p. 292). An CFX-Solver Results file can
be used as input to CFD-Post or as an input file to CFX-Solver, in order to
perform a restart.

Reynolds averaged NavierStokes (RANS) equations

Time-averaged equations of fluid motion that are primarily used with turbulent

Reynolds stress

The stress added to fluid flow due to the random fluctuations in fluid momentum in turbulent flows. When the Navier-Stokes equations (p. 290) are derived for time averaged turbulent flow to take into account the effect of these
fluctuations in velocity, the resulting equations have six stress terms that do
not appear in the laminar flow equations. These are known as Reynolds

Reynolds stress turbulence


A model that solves transport equations for the individual Reynolds stress
components. It is particularly appropriate where strong flow curvature, swirl,
and separation are present. Reynolds stress models in general tend to be less


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numerically robust than eddy viscosity models such as the k-epsilon turbulence
model (p. 288).
RNG k-epsilon turbulence

An alternative to the standard k-epsilon turbulence model (p. 288). It is based

on renormalization group analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations. The transport
equations for turbulence generation and dissipation are the same as those
for the standard k-epsilon model, but the model constants differ, and the
constant C1 is replaced by the function C1RNG.

Rotating Frame of Reference (RFR)

A coordinate system that rotates. ANSYS CFX and ANSYS FLUENT can solve
for fluid flow in a geometry that is rotating around an axis at a fixed angular


A process that requires the specification of the CFX-Solver input file (and an
initial values file, if necessary), and produces an output file and a results file
(if successful).

Sampling Plane

A locator that is planar and consists of equally-spaced points.

scalar variable

A variable that has only magnitude and not direction. Examples are temperature, pressure, speed (the magnitude of the velocity vector), and any component of a vector quantity.

Scale Adaptive Simulation

(SAS) model

A shear stress transport model used primarily for unsteady CFD simulations,
where steady-state simulations are not of sufficient accuracy and do not
properly describe the true nature of the physical phenomena. Cases that may
benefit from using the SAS-SST model include:

Unsteady flow behind a car or in the strong mixing behind blades and
baffles inside stirred chemical reactors

Unsteady cavitation inside a vortex core (fuel injection system) or a fluidstructure interaction (unsteady forces on bridges, wings, and so on).

For these problems and others, the SAS-SST model provides a more accurate
solution than URANS models, where steady-state simulations are not of sufficient accuracy and do not properly describe the true nature of the physical
Second Moment Closure

Models that use seven transport equations for the independent Reynolds
stresses and one length (or related) scale; other models use two equations
for the two main turbulent scales.

session file (CFX)

A file that contains the records of all the actions in each interactive CFX session. It has the extension .ses.

Shear Stress Transport (SST)

A based SST model that accounts for the transport of the turbulent
shear stress and gives highly accurate predictions of the onset and the amount
of flow separation under adverse pressure gradients.

singleton (CCL object)

A singleton object that consists of an object type at the start of a line, followed
by a : (colon). Subsequent lines may define parameters and child objects as-

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sociated with this object. The object definition is terminated by the string
END on a line by itself. The singleton object for a session file is declared like
Session Filename = <filename>.cse

The difference between a singleton object and a named object is that after
the data has been processed, a singleton can appear just once as the child
of a parent object. However, there may be several instances of a named object
of the same type defined with different names.
slice plane

A locator that is planar, and that consists of all the points that intersect the
plane and the mesh edges.


A material that does not flow when a force or stress is applied to it.
The general class of vector valued functions of three parametric variables.

solid sub-domain

A region of the fluid domain that is occupied by a conducting solid. ANSYS

CFX can model heat transfer in such a solid; this is known as CHT (Conjugate
Heat Transfer) (p. 283).


The component that solves the CFD problem, producing the required results.

solver pressure

The pressure calculated by solving conservative equations; it can be negative

or positive. In the .out file it is called Pressure.

spanwise coordinate

A term used in ANSYS FLUENT documentation that is equivalent to the ANSYS

CFX term constant span.

specific heat

The ratio of the amount of heat energy supplied to a substance to its corresponding change in temperature.

specific heat capacity

The amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a fixed mass
of a fluid by 1 K at constant pressure.

speed of sound

The velocity at which small amplitude pressure waves propagate through a


sphere volume

A locator that consists of a collection of volume elements that are contained

in or intersect a user-defined sphere.

state files

Files produced by CFD-Post that contain CCL commands. They differ from
session files in that only a snapshot of the current state is saved to a file. You
can also write your own state files using any text editor.

STP (Standard Temperature

and Pressure)

Defined as 0C (273.15 K) and 1 atm (1.013x105 Pa).

steady-state simulation

A simulation that is carried out to determine the flow after it has settled to
a steady state. Note that, even with time constant boundary conditions, some
flows do not have a steady-state solution.


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

stream plot

A plot that shows the streamlines of a flow. Stream plots can be shown as
lines, tubes, or ribbons.


The path that a small, neutrally-buoyant particle would take through the flow
domain, assuming the displayed solution to be steady state.


Regions comprising a solid or set of solids, within the region of bounding

solids for a fluid domain, that allow the prescription of momentum and energy
sources. They can be used to model regions of flow resistance and heat source.

subsonic flow

The movement of a fluid at a speed less than the speed of sound.

surface plot

A plot that colors a surface according to the values of a variable. Additionally,

you can choose to display contours.

symmetry-plane boundary

A boundary condition where all variables except velocity are mathematically

symmetric and there can be no diffusion or flow across the boundary. Velocity
parallel to the boundary is also symmetric and velocity normal to the
boundary is zero.

template fluid

One of a list of standard fluids with predefined properties that you can use
'as is', or use as a template to create a fluid with your own properties.

thermal conductivity

The property of a fluid that characterizes its ability to transfer heat by conduction.
A property of a substance that indicates its ability to transfer thermal energy
between adjacent portions of the substance.

thermal expansivity

The property of a fluid that describes how a fluid expands as the result of an
increase in temperature. Also known as the coefficient of thermal expansion,


The angular coordinate measured about the axis of rotation following the
right-hand rule. When looking along the positive direction of the axis of rotation, theta is increasing in the clockwise direction. Note that the theta coordinate in CFD-Post does not increase over 360, even for spiral geometries that
wrap to more than 360.


The shape, node, edge, and face numbering of an element.


Particles that follow a flow pathline. Used in viewing CFD results in order to
visualize the mechanics of the fluid flow.


Portions of a mesh that are the result of meshing geometry with two opposing
edges that have different mesh seeds. This produces an irregular mesh.

turbulence intensity

The ratio of the root-mean-square of the velocity fluctuations to the mean

flow velocity.
A turbulence intensity of 1% or less is generally considered low and turbulence
intensities greater than 10% are considered high. Ideally, you will have a good
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


estimate of the turbulence intensity at the inlet boundary from external,
measured data. For example, if you are simulating a wind-tunnel experiment,
the turbulence intensity in the free stream is usually available from the tunnel
characteristics. In modern low-turbulence wind tunnels, the free-stream turbulence intensity may be as low as 0.05%.
For internal flows, the turbulence intensity at the inlets is totally dependent
on the upstream history of the flow. If the flow upstream is under-developed
and undisturbed, you can use a low turbulence intensity. If the flow is fully
developed, the turbulence intensity may be as high as a few percent.
turbulence length scale

A physical quantity related to the size of the large eddies that contain the
energy in turbulent flows.
In fully-developed duct flows, the turbulence length scale is restricted by the
size of the duct, since the turbulent eddies cannot be larger than the duct.
An approximate relationship can be made between the turbulence length
scale and the physical size of the duct that, while not ideal, can be applied
to most situations.
If the turbulence derives its characteristic length from an obstacle in the flow,
such as a perforated plate, it is more appropriate to base the turbulence
length scale on the characteristic length of the obstacle rather than on the
duct size.

turbulence model

A model that predicts turbulent flow (p. 296). The available turbulence models
in ANSYS CFX are:

k-epsilon turbulence model (p. 288)

RNG k-epsilon turbulence model (p. 293)

Reynolds stress turbulence model (p. 292)

zero equation turbulence model (p. 298)

Turbulence models allow a steady state representation of (inherently unsteady)

turbulent flow to be obtained.

A flow field that is irregular and chaotic look. In turbulent flow, a fluid particle's
velocity changes dramatically at any given point in the flow field, in time,
direction, and magnitude, making computational analysis of the flow more

turbulent flow

Flow that is randomly unsteady over time. A characteristic of turbulent flow

is chaotic fluctuations in the local velocity.


A quantity such as temperature or velocity for which results have been calculated in a CFD calculation.
See also Additional Variable (p. 281).

vector plot


A plot that shows the direction of the flow at points in space, using arrows.
Optionally, the size of the arrows may show the magnitude of the velocity of
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

the flow at that point. The vectors may also be colored according to the value
of any variable.

A check of the model for validity and correctness.

viewer area

The area of ANSYS CFX that contains the 3D Viewer, Table Viewer, Chart
Viewer, Comment Viewer, and Report Viewer, which you access from tabs
at the bottom of the area.

viewport (CFX)

An assigned, named, graphics window definition, stored in the CFX database,

that can be used to display selected portions of a model's geometry, finite
elements, and analysis results. The viewport's definition includes:

The viewport name

The status of the viewport (posted or unposted; current or not current)

Viewport display attributes

A definition of the current view

A current group

A list of the posted groups for display

A graphics environment accessed from Display, Preference, and Group

menus that is common to all viewports.

There are the following types of CFX viewports:

current viewport
The viewport currently being displayed. The following actions can be
performed only on the current viewport:

Changing the view by using the View menu or mouse.

Posting titles and annotations by using the Display menu.

posted viewport
A viewport that has been selected for display.
target viewport
A viewport selected for a viewport modify action. Any viewport (including
the current viewport) can be selected as the target viewport.

The ratio of the tangential frictional force per unit area to the velocity gradient
perpendicular to the flow direction.

viscous resistance coefficients

A term to define porous media resistance.

Volume of Fluid (VOF)


A technique for tracking a fluid-fluid interface as it changes its topology.


A generic term describing a stationary boundary through which flow cannot


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workspace area

The area of CFX-Pre and CFD-Post that contains the Outline, Variables, Expressions, Calculators, and Turbo workspaces, which you access from the
tabs at the top of the area. Each workspace has a tree view at the top and
an editor at the bottom (which is often called the Details view).
See also "CFD-Post Graphical Interface".

y+ (YPLUS)

A non-dimensional parameter used to determine a specific distance from a

wall through the boundary layer to the center of the element at a wall

zero equation turbulence


A simple model that accounts for turbulence by using an algebraic equation

to calculate turbulence viscosity. This model is useful for obtaining quick, robust solutions for use as initial fields for simulations using more sophisticated
turbulence models.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

2D geometries
and validation cases, 104
trajectories of particles and Lagrange models, 100
3D grid problems
lines not aligned to flow, 86
3D simulations
and coarse grid solutions in the asymptotic range,

of boundary layer simulations, 99
round-off errors , 88
allowed arguments
in an export program, 40
analytical solutions
and software errors, 103
ANSYS FLUENT field variables, 221
application uncertainties
and numerical errors, 93
reduction of, 100
arbitrary grid interfaces
and grid generation, 94
area function, 160
area(Location,Axis) power syntax subroutine, 238
areaAve function, 161
areaAve(Variable,Location,Axis) power syntax subroutine, 238
areaInt function, 162
areaInt(Variable,Location,Axis) power syntax subroutine,
aspect ratio of cells
defined, 98
range and coarse grid solution, 88
range and error estimation, 88
automatic near-wall treatment
hybrid methods, 99
ave function, 163
ave(Variable,Location) power syntax subroutine, 238
axi-symmetric geometries
and validation cases, 104

backward Euler integration, 86
benchmark studies

and user errors, 93

references from ANSYS CFX documentation, 247
block-structured grids
and non-scalable topologies, 94
boundary conditions
and numerical error, 93
in user export, 48
boundary layer flows, 97
buoyant flow variables, 187

importing and checking geometry data, 94
calcTurboVariables() power syntax subroutine, 238
calculate() power syntax subroutine, 238
calculateUnits() power syntax subroutine, 238
and validation of statistical models, 103
of model coefficients and model capability, 91
Cartesian coordinate
variables, 183
CCL (CFX command language)
names definition, 137
overview, 135
syntax, 135
CEL (CFX expression language), 141
available system variables, 201
conditional statement, 145
constants, 143, 146
examples, 147
expression names, 200
expression properties, 200
expression syntax, 143
expressions, 141, 146
functions and constants, 144
fundamentals, 141
if statement, 145
introduction, 141
logical expressions, 142
logical operators, 144
mathematical expressions, 142
mathematical operators, 144
multiple-line expressions, 143
offset temperature, 146
operators and built-in functions, 144
relational operators, 144
scalar expressions, 200
statements, 142
technical details, 149
unavailable system variables, 201
units, 142

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


values - dimensionless, 141
variables, 191
CEL limitations
create Design Exploration expressions in CFD-Post,
CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)
difficulties in quantification of, 83
CFD methods
accuracy and experimental data, 103
CFD simulation
model selection and application, 95
installation root directory, 281
CFX command language (CCL)
names definition, 137
overview, 135
syntax, 135
CFX export
user-defined export routines, 39
CFX Launcher, 1
adding APPLICATION objects, 6
adding DIVIDER objects, 8
adding GROUP objects, 5
customizing, 5
interface, 1
using variables in APPLICATION objects, 7
CFX menu overview, 2
installation root directory, 281
coarse and fine grids
interpolation of, 88
coefficient loops
and time discretization error, 86
collectTurboInfo() power syntax subroutine, 238
comfortFactors() power syntax subroutine, 238
command line, 3
comment character in CCL syntax, 137
compressible flow variables, 187
compressorPerform() power syntax subroutine, 239
compressorPerformTurbo() power syntax subroutine,
computational cells
representation of geometry of the flow domain, 94
conditional statement, 145
conservative variable values, 179
constants in CEL, 143, 146
continuation character, in CCL syntax, 137
asymptotic evaluation on unstructured meshes, 83
plotting the value of the target variable, 88
copyFile() power syntax subroutine, 239
corrected boundary node values, 179


correlation for particles in multi-phase models, 100

count entries, 53
count function, 164
count(Location) power syntax subroutine, 239
countTrue function, 164
countTrue() power syntax subroutine, 239
cpPolar() power syntax subroutine, 239

data quality
and validation, 104
defined constants and structures, 53
demonstration experiments, 106
Detached Eddy Simulation (DES), 96
Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS), 84
double-precision round-off errors
See also single precision, 88

eddy viscosity, 97
and heat transfer models, 99
and one-equation models, 96
Edit menu overview, 2
data structure, 54
hexahedral, 58
prism, 58
pyramid, 58
routines, 57
tetrahedral, 58
types, 53
wedge, 58
element types (VMI), 9
enthalpy variables, 191
error separation
overview, 83
from differences between exact and discretized
equations, 84
from documentation, 84
from flow phenomena, turbulence, combustion,
multi-phase, 84
from inadequate use of CFD software, 84
from insufficient simulation information, 84
minimizing, 93
separation of, 83
Euler-Euler formulation
multi-phase models, 100
evaluate(Expression) power syntax subroutine, 239
evaluateInPreferred(Expression) power syntax subroutine, 240

Release 13.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

calculate area, 161
CEL, 147
feedback to control inlet temperature, 148
Reynolds number dependent viscosity, 147
experimental data
and numerical errors, 93
linking programs, 51
export program
allowed arguments in, 40
example, 40
file header, 40
geometry file output, 44
initialization of, 40
opening the results file , 42
output from, 48
results file, 47
specifying results file , 42
template results file, 46
timestep setup, 43
properties in CEL, 200
expression language, 141
constants, 146
expressions, 141
statements, 142
statements - multiple-line expressions, 143
statements - syntax, 143
units, 142
using, 146
values - dimensionless, 141
expression names
CEL, 200
expression syntax, 143
create in CFD-Post for Design Exploration, 141
in CEL, 146
exprExists() power syntax subroutine, 240
Richardson, 88

interpolation of, 88
fluid-structure interaction
introduction, 75
force function, 165
force(Location,Axis) power syntax subroutine, 240
forceNorm function, 166
forceNorm(Location,Axis) power syntax subroutine,240
free shear flow, 96
and Large Eddy Simulation models, 97
area, 160
areaAve, 161
areaInt, 162
ave, 163
count, 164
countTrue, 164
force, 165
forceNorm, 166
inside, 166
length, 167
lengthAve, 167
lengthInt, 168
mass, 168
massAve, 168
massFlow, 168
massFlowAve, 169
massFlowInt, 172
massInt, 173
maxVal, 173
minVal, 173
probe, 174
rbstate, 174
rmsAve, 175
sum, 175
torque, 176
volume, 176
volumeAve, 177
volumeInt, 177
functions and constants
CEL, 144

face warpage
and grid generation, 94
false diffusion, 86
fanNoise() power syntax subroutine, 240
fanNoiseDefault() power syntax subroutine, 240
field error, 88
file header
in an export program, 40
File menu overview, 1
fine and coarse grids

and numerical error, 93
geometry file output
from an export program, 44
geometry generation, 94
getBladeForceExpr() power syntax subroutine, 240
getBladeTorqueExpr() power syntax subroutine, 240
getCCLState() power syntax subroutine, 240
getChildren() power syntax subroutine, 241
getChildrenByCategory() power syntax subroutine,241

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


getExprOnLocators() power syntax subroutine, 241
getExprString() power syntax subroutine, 241
getExprVal() power syntax subroutine, 241
getObjectName() power syntax subroutine, 241
getParameterInfo() power syntax subroutine, 241
getParameters() power syntax subroutine, 242
getTempDirectory() power syntax subroutine, 242
getType() power syntax subroutine, 242
getValue(Object Name,Parameter Name) power syntax
subroutine, 242
getViewArea() power syntax subroutine, 242
recommendations for aspect ratio, density, angle,
topology, 94
refined for critical regions, 94
grid adaptation
and indicator functions, 94
grid problems
lines not aligned to flow, 86
grid refinement
and scalable wall functions, 98
grid refinement and time step reduction, 88
grid resolution
assessment of mesh parameters , 94
doubling of, 86
grid sensitivity
SAS model and DES formulation, 97

heat transfer models, 99
Help menu overview, 4
hexahedral element, 58
hybrid methods
for omega-equation based turbulence models, 98
hybrid variable values, 179

if statement, 145
in CCL syntax, 137
inflow profiles
and boundary conditions, 93
and inlet boundary conditions, 93
inside function, 166
internal flows, 97
of solution between grids and integral quantities,88
interpolation of error, 88
isCategory() power syntax subroutine, 242
coefficient loops and time discretization error, 86
iteration error

numerical, 88
quantified in terms of a residual, 88

model selection and scalable wall functions, 99
two equation model, 91
two equation model, 91

Lagrange models
multi-phase models, 100
laminar channel flow, 104
laminar Couette flow, 104
Large Eddy Simulation (LES), 96
launcher, 1
adding APPLICATION objects, 6
adding DIVIDER objects, 8
adding GROUP objects, 5
customizing, 5
interface, 1
Show menu, 3
using variables in APPLICATION objects, 7
law of the wall
and standard wall functions, 98
length function, 167
length scale
and turbulence models, 96
Length(Location) power syntax subroutine, 243
lengthAve function, 167
lengthAve(Variable,Location) power syntax subroutine,
lengthInt function, 168
lengthInt(Variable,Location) power syntax subroutine,
code into CFX, 51
export programs, 51
liquidTurbPerform() power syntax subroutine, 243
liquidTurbPerformTurbo() power syntax subroutine,
in CCL syntax, 138
logarithmic region
and standard wall functions, 98
logical expressions, 142
logical operators, 144
low-Reynolds (low-Re)
and wall boundary conditions, 99
low-Reynolds (low-Re) and DNS studies
validation cases, 104

Release 13.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


mass function, 168
mass transfer between phases
multi-phase models, 100
massAve function, 168
massFlow function, 168
massFlow(Location) power syntax subroutine, 243
massFlowAve function, 169
massFlowAve(Variable,Location) power syntax subroutine, 243
massFlowAveAbs function, 170
massFlowAveAbs() power syntax subroutine, 243
massFlowInt function, 172
massFlowInt(Variable,Location) power syntax subroutine, 244
massInt function, 173
mathematical expressions, 142
mathematical operators, 144
maximum error, 88
maxVal function, 173
maxVal(Variable,Location) power syntax subroutine,
Mechanical import/export example, 78
mesh resolution
See grid resolution, 94
convergence on unstructured , 83
minVal function, 173
minVal(Variable,Location) power syntax subroutine,
numerical errors, 91
combustion, 91
multi-phase, 91
radiation, 91
turbulence, 91
multi-field runs, 200
multi-phase models
Euler-Euler, 100
Lagrange, 100
multicomponent calculation variables, 189
multiple-line expressions, 143

named objects
in CCL syntax, 137
Navier-Stokes, 91
automatic treatment - hybrid methods, 99
resolution at wall nodes - low-Re models, 99
near-wall aspect ratio

grid generation, 94
near-wall length scales
and boundary layer flows, 97
negative volumes
and grid generation, 94
data structure, 54
routines, 56
non-miscible fluids
and multi-phase models, 100
non-orthogonal meshes, 94
numerical diffusion
due to non-orthogonal cells, 94
numerical diffusion term
false diffusion, 86
numerical errors
application uncertainties, 93
iteration, 88
modeling, 91
round-off, 88
software, 93
solution error estimation, 88
solutions, 85
spatial discretization, 86
time discretization, 86
user, 92

objectExists() power syntax subroutine, 244
offset temperature
in CEL, 146
one-equation turbulence model
and eddy viscosity, 96
operators and built-in functions
CEL, 144
Output window overview, 4

parallel calculation variables, 188
parameter values
in CCL syntax, 138
in CCL syntax, 137
particle tracking variables, 187
particle variables
list of all, 201
type - boundary vertex, 208
type - field, 204
type - particle sources into the coupled fluid phase,
type - radiation, 205
type - RMS, 209

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


type - track, 202
type - vertex, 206
multi-phase and unsteady effects, 83
plot target variables
as a function of the convergence level, 88
power syntax, 233
examples, 233
subroutines, 237
power syntax subroutines
area(Location,Axis), 238
areaAve(Variable,Location,Axis), 238
areaInt(Variable,Location,Axis), 238
ave(Variable,Location), 238
calcTurboVariables() , 238
calculate() , 238
calculateUnits() , 238
compressorPerform(), 239
copyFile(), 239
count(Location), 239
countTrue() , 239
cpPolar(), 239
evaluate(Expression), 239
evaluateInPreferred(Expression), 240
exprExists() , 240
force(Location,Axis), 240
forceNorm(Location,Axis), 240
getCCLState() , 240
getChildren() , 241
getChildrenByCategory() , 241
getExprOnLocators() , 241
getExprString() , 241
getExprVal() , 241
getObjectName() , 241
getParameterInfo() , 241
getParameters() , 242
getTempDirectory() , 242
getType() , 242
getValue(Object Name,Parameter Name), 242
getViewArea() , 242
isCategory() , 242
Length(Location), 243
lengthAve(Variable,Location), 243
lengthInt(Variable,Location), 243
massFlow(Location), 243
massFlowAve(Variable,Location), 243
massFlowAveAbs(Variable,Location), 243
massFlowInt(Variable,Location), 244
maxVal(Variable,Location), 244
minVal(Variable,Location), 244
objectExists() , 244
probe(Variable,Location), 244


range(Variable,Location), 244
showPkgs(), 245
showSubs(), 245
showVars(), 245
spawnAsyncProcess() , 245
sum(Variable,Location), 245
torque(Location,Axis), 245
verboseOn(), 246
volume(Locator), 246
volumeAve(Variable,Location), 246
volumeInt(Variable,Locator), 246
Prandtl number
and heat transfer models, 99
round-off errors, 88
prism element, 58
probe function, 174
probe(Variable,Location) power syntax subroutine,244
due to round-off errors, 98
grid lines not aligned to flow, 86
program initialization
in an export program, 40
project management
to reduce errors, 84
to reduce user errors, 93
pseudo time stepping scheme
and iteration error, 88
pumpPerform() power syntax subroutine, 244
pumpPerformTurbo() power syntax subroutine, 244
pyramid element, 58

of grid - checking the mesh parameters, 94
quality assurance
definition of target variables, 83
quality of numerical results
setting the estimates for evaluation, 88
quality of solution
measurement of overall reduction in the residual,88

radiation calculation variables, 190
random behavior of the numerical solution
round-off errors, 88
range(Variable,Location) power syntax subroutine,244
rbstate function, 174
grid and time step reduction, 88
relational operators, 144
remeshing, 67

Release 13.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

ICEM CFD replay, 70
user defined, 68
reportError() power syntax subroutine, 244
reportWarning() power syntax subroutine, 245
and iteration error, 88
results file
in an export program, 47
opening from an export program, 42
specifying in an export program, 42
Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS), 91
Reynolds stresses
and Second Moment Closure, 97
Richardson extrapolation, 88
determination of relative solution error, 88
Richardson interpolation
improves the solution on the fine grid, 88
rms error, 88
rmsAve function, 175
rotating frame of reference variables, 188
round-off error
numerical, 88
round-off errors
and wall functions, 98

scalable wall function
and boundary conditions, 98
scalar expressions
CEL, 200
scalar quantities
defining error types, 83
Scale Adaptive Simulation model(SAS), 96
Second Moment Closure (SMC), 96
selection of model
and modeling errors, 91
SAS model and DES formulation of grid, 97
to swirl and system rotation, 97
sensitivity analysis
to reduce application uncertainties, 100
sensitivity of the application
and model selection, 95
shear layer
grids that are aligned with, 94
Shear Stress Transport (SST), 96
and fine grids, 94
Show menu overview, 3
showPkgs() power syntax subroutine, 245
showSubs() power syntax subroutine, 245
showVars() power syntax subroutine, 245

single physics
validation cases, 104
single-phase Navier-Stokes equations, 84
single-precision round-off errors
See also double precision, 88
singleton objects
CCL syntax, 137
software errors
numerical, 93
software fixes
verification studies, 103
solid-fluid 1:1 interface
conservative values, 180
hybrid values, 180
solid-fluid GGI interface
conservative values, 181
hybrid values, 181
solid-fluid interface variables, 180
space and time
resolution of grid and modeling errors, 95
resolution requirements, 91
spatial discretization
and non-linear algebraic equations, 86
numerical errors, 86
truncation error, 86
spatial discretization errors
minimizing, 102
spawnAsyncProcess() power syntax subroutine, 245
stagnation regions
and Second Moment Closure models, 97
turbulence build-up and two-equation models, 97
statistical model
and resolution requirements, 91
testing the quality of, 104
validation and calibration, 103
steady-state runs, 199
streamline curvature
and two-equation models, 97
in user export, 48
subroutines, 237
sum function, 175
sum(Variable,Location) power syntax subroutine, 245
swirling flows
and residuals, 101
and two-equation models, 97
case sensitivity in CCL, 136
CCL parameters, 137
continuation character in CCL, 137
end of line comment character in CCL, 137
indentation in CCL, 137

Release 13.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


lists in CCL, 138
name objects in CCL, 137
parameter values in CCL, 138
singleton objects in CCL, 137
system information, 3
system variable prefixes, 198
system variables
available, 201
unavailable, 201

target variable error, 88
target variables
plotting as a function of iteration number, 101
to monitor numerical errors, 101
Taylor series
and time discretization error, 86
spatial discretization, 86
truncation error, 86
in CEL expressions, 146
temperature variables, 191
template results file
in an export program, 46
terminal rise velocity
in a calm fluid, 104
test case quality
and large-scale unsteadiness, 104
tetrahedral element, 58
time and space
resolution of grid and modeling errors, 95
resolution requirements, 91
time discretization
and inner iterations or coefficient loops, 86
numerical errors , 86
time discretization errors
minimizing, 102
time step
and target variables, 101
reducing errors, 84
unsteadiness due to a moving front, 102
time step reduction
and grid refinement, 88
timestep setup
in an export program, 43
Toolbar overview, 4
Tools menu overview, 3
torque function, 176
torque(Location,Axis) power syntax subroutine, 245
to reduce errors, 84

of particles and Lagrange models, 100

transient runs, 200
transport equation
and Second Moment Closure - two-equation model,
truncation error
and spatial discretization, 86
turbinePerform() power syntax subroutine, 245
turbinePerformTurbo() power syntax subroutine, 245
turbulence model
time or ensemble averaging of the equations, 91
turbulence models
gaps between real flow and statistically averaged
equations, 84
turbulent flow variables, 185
two-equation models
k-omega and Shear Stress Transport model, 97

and sensitivity analysis, 100
in CFD methods due to the accuracy of simulation,
physical standpoint of, 83
See also errors, 84
in CEL, 142
and quality of a test case, 104
Unsteady RANS (URANS), 96
user errors
numerical, 92
user level of variables, 181, 202
User menu overview, 4

and calibration of statistical models, 103
of a statistical model, 104
validation experiments, 104
acoustics, 232
adaption, 230
ANSYS FLUENT field, 221
boundary value only, 181, 202
Cartesian coordinates, 183
cell, 229
density, 222
derivatives, 231
for a rotating frame of reference, 188
for buoyant flows, 187
for compressible flows, 187

Release 13.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

for multicomponent calculations, 189
for multiphase calculations, 189
for parallel calculations, 188
for particle tracking, 187
for radiation calculations, 190
for total enthalpies, 191
for total pressures, 191
for total temperatures, 191
for turbulent flows, 185
granular pressure, 228
granular temperature, 228
grid, 229
grid (turbo), 230
hybrid and conservative values, 179
list of all, 181
long names, 181
NOx, 226
pdf, 226
phase model, 227
phases, 227
premixed combustion, 226
pressure, 222
properties, 228
radiation, 224
reactions, 226
residuals, 230
short names, 181, 201
solid-fluid interface, 180
soot, 227
species, 225
temperature, 223
turbulence, 224
unsteady statistics, 227
user level, 181, 202
user-defined memory, 229
user-defined scalars, 229
velocity, 223
wall fluxes, 228
variables for CEL Expressions, 191
verboseOn() power syntax subroutine, 246
verification experiments, 104
verification studies
to detect the software errors, 103
viscous sublayer
and aspect ratio of cells in standard wall functions,
and integration of the equations - low-Re models,
function, 176
volume fractions
missing information for validation cases, 104

volume mesh import (VMI)

custom - libraries, 11
Volume of Fluid (VOF) method, 102
volume(Locator) power syntax subroutine, 246
volumeAve function, 177
volumeAve(Variable,Location) power syntax subroutine,
volumeInt function, 177
volumeInt(Variable,Locator) power syntax subroutine,

wall functions
boundary condition, 98
using the classical - inconsistent with grid refinement,
wall heat transfer
for coarser grids, 99
one-dimensional distribution, 83
wall shear stress
for coarser grids, 99
wedge element, 58
working directory selector, 4

and accuracy of boundary layer simulations, 99
near-wall resolution required by low-Re models, 99

zone routines, 55

Release 13.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.



Release 13.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

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