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CS11 Final Exam Study Guide For Chapter 7-9: Chapter 8: Internet and The World

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CS11 Final Exam Study Guide for

Chapter 7-9
Chapter 7: Computer Networks
What is a computer network: a
collection of computers and
other hardware devices to
connect together to share
information, data, files, and other
Types of computer networks:
Topology: star-network, us-
network, and ash-network
!rchitecture: client-server
network, pier-to-pier network
"i#e: $!N, W!N, and other
types of network
%ow does data travel&
'ata transmission
characteristics: digital vs(
analog, parallel vs( serial,
synchronous vs(
asynchronous vs(
isochronous, simple) vs( half
duple) vs( duple)
Wired vs( wireless
Wired network transmission
media: twisted-pair cale,
coa)ial cale, fier-optic
Wireless network
transmission media: radio
signals, cellular radio
transmission, satellite
transmission and more
Network standards and
communication protocols
*thernet: most of the time
used with $!N with a star
Wi-.i /012(334
Wi5!6, 5oile Wi5!6 and
other Wi-.i protocols
7luetooth, 8ltra Wideand,
and other protocols for short-
range wireless connections
Networking hardware:
!daptor /network interface
card4: connects a +C to a
5odem: connects a
computer to another
computer or to a network
over telephone lines
9ther devices such as hu,
router, and ridges
Chapter 8: -nternet and the World
Wide We
*volution of -nternet
!rpanet to -nternet 2
World Wide We: a
service,resource over the
internet( The collection of all
we pages over the internet
-nternet community today:
-"+, -C+, !"+, infrastructure
companies, :
-nternet is not free, it is not
controlled y anyone, and
internet is not the WWW
%ow to set up to use the
"elect the hardware devices
'ecide the type of
connections: dial-up
connection /including
conventional dial-up, new
-"'N4, direct connections
/including T3-lines, cale,
'"$, satellite, and more4
"elect an -"+ /-nternet
"ervice +rovider4
"earching the -nternet
"earch site: a wesite
designed specifically to help
user find information on the
"earch engine: a software
program in con;unction with
a huge dataase of
information aout we pages
to search we pages
"earch strategies: keyword
search, directory search,
phrases search, 7oolean
operators, using multiple
search sites, and more
9ther online services: such as
<9-+, -nstant messaging,
discussion group, social
networking, online shopping and
investing, and more:(
Censorship and privacy issue
Censorship: affects all
countries that have -nternet
We rowsing privacy:
cookies, temporary internet
files, we-ugs, spyware and
adware, and more:(

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