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Student Registration System SRS

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Design: Student Registration System

Date 07 December 2009

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Design: Student Registration System
Date 07 December 2009
Table of contents
Main Form
Sign $n
Student Registration
$m#ortant student data
Submitt to data base
Design: Student Registration System
Date 07 December 2009
ee Registration System
&'ec( student registraiton
Submitt to database
"ourse Registration
&'ec( student registration
)ossiblity o% &ourse registration
Submitt to data base
$ar%s &ntry
&'ec( &ourse Registration
E*tract course %rom course registration module
Enter Mar(s
Submitting to database
Design: Student Registration System
Date 07 December 2009
Re#orting %or eac' module
! o,erall re#ort o% student data
! E*am re#ort o% eac' student
)pdating and &diting
-#dating o% student data
-#dating o% Fee Registration Data
-#dating &ourse Registration
-#dating Mar(s
+dministrative and +ccess options
Design: Student Registration System
Date 07 December 2009
3eliverable orm
Team 4or%
Forms are t'e inter%ace ,ia 'ic' user interact it' system so it is more
im#ortant to design a user %riendly inter%ace/ 0o ac'ie,e t'is target e tried to
use suitable controls %or getting in#ut data %rom user/ !lso %orm ill get all t'e
im#ortant details %rom users/
Design: Student Registration System
Date 07 December 2009
$ain orm
$n main %orm t'ere are lin(s to access all t'e modules o% systems li(e
registration u#dating and deletion/ 0'is %orm ill be t'e MDi container2 entire
a##lication ill be close on closing t'is %orm and all t'e %orm ill o#en o,er t'is
%orm/ 0'e main %orm is di,ided in to %i,e ma3or menus/
0'e %ile menu contains t'e basic registration o#tions o%
t'e students including registration in student registration2
%ee registration and course registration/
0'e edit menu contains t'e u#dating and editing o#tion
o% student/ $n case user enter t'e rong ,alue %or
e*am#le a user enter rong name suc' as enter !il
instead o% !li2 it can be c'anged and u#dated by system/
0'is menu is concern it' out#uts and ,ie t'e data in
di%%erent #ros#ecti,e/ Suc' as i% a user ants to see t'e
student registration data2 o,erall re#ort2 mar( s'eet etc
t'en it can be ,ieed/ !ll re#orts can be #rinted
For t'e security reasons2 administration %ield ill only
access by administrator o% 'ead on institute/
!dministration menu contains t'e data about resetting
#assords o% users2 deleting or creating account o% a
#articular user etc/
$n case a user ants to (no 'o to o#erate or deal it'
a s#eci%ic control2 a com#lete 'el# ill be #ro,ided by
Design: Student Registration System
Date 07 December 2009
Main %orm o% system
SI67 I7
0o access t'e main %orm it is im#ortant to enter t'e username and
#assord/ 0'is is im#ortant so only ,alid user can enter t'e system/ $% user
%orget t'e #assord2 t'e lin( is gi,en on %orm by 'ic' user can rest its
#assord/ For resetting #assord user 'as to enter t'e security #'ase 'ic'
ill be #ro,ided by administrator/
Design: Student Registration System
Date 07 December 2009
Student Registration
5ne o% t'e (ey module/ For eac' student it is im#ortant to register in
t'is module only t'en it is #ossible %or user to access ot'er modules/
0'is module ill 'a,e %olloing ste#s
Important student data
0'e basic in%o o% student ill be #ro,ided by user to register
student/ 0'is module ill e*tract student name2 %at'er name2
Design: Student Registration System
Date 07 December 2009
date o% birt'2 education bac(ground etc/ 0'is data ill be use
in re#orting and ot'er module ill use t'is data %or di%%erent
,eri%ications suc' as class in 'ic' student is enrolled etc/
$nter%ace is im#ortant because t'e user interact it'
a##lication ,ia inter%ace/ ! inter%ace must be easy to
understand and use/ ! control ill use according to ty#e o%
in#ut %or e*am#le a calendar ill use %or date o% birt' and
te*tbo* %or entering name etc/
$t ill ma(e ensure t'at user must enter rite ty#e o% data
%or #articular entity/ 7ot' %orm le,el and control le,el
,alidation ill be a##lied/ Validation ill also be ensured by
using ad,ance controls/
Submit to data base
!t t'e time o% submitting a##lication ill #er%orm e*ce#tion
'andling2 and ill access database to submit data and %orm
ill automatically close/
Design: Student Registration System
Date 07 December 2009
ee Registration System
0'e ne*t module is about %ee management o% all students/ !ll
records ill be store in suc' a %as'ion so t'at it ill easy to
#er%orm 3oints2 !bstraction and co'esions/
"hec% student registraiton
Design: Student Registration System
Date 07 December 2009
0'e a##lication ill c'ec( t'e registration in student
registration %irst and ill only allo user to #er%orm %ee
registration i% and only i% student is register in student
registration system/ $t is im#ortant to manage t'e #ro#er
'ierarc'y %or eac' student/
$t ill ma(e ensure to (ee# a##lication a#art %rom 'uman
errors as muc' as it is #ossible/ Most o% calculation li(e dues
ill automatically calculated/ 0'ere ill no mec'anism %or
installments but i% any one cant #ay entire %ee2 'e can #ay
some it ill manage by a##lication by itsel%/
!n inter%ace must be easy to understand and use/ ! control
ill use according to ty#e o% in#ut %or e*am#le a time and
date o% submitting o% %ee ill automatically be entered in
te*tbo* same as system time and te*tbo* %or entering %ee
#aid or dues etc/
$n case o% %ee dues ill be automatically be calculated and
user ill unable to alter t'em/ !lso user can enter numeric
data in %ee #aid2 total %ee te*t bo*es/ $t ill ma(e ensure t'at
user must enter rite ty#e o% data %or #articular entity/ 7ot'
%orm le,el and control le,el ,alidation ill be a##lied/
Validation ill also be ensured by using ad,ance controls/
Submit to database
Design: Student Registration System
Date 07 December 2009
Data ill be submitted in database using registration number
as #rimary (ey so it ill easy to e*tract data/
"ourse Registration
!s t'e course registration is an im#ortant #art o% student registration
system/ !lso %or eac' class in sc'ool t'ere are distinct courses or
sub3ects 'ic' remain same o%ten but t'ere is #ossibility in c'anging
t'e criteria2 in t'at case t'ere s'ould be some ay to add and remo,e
Design: Student Registration System
Date 07 December 2009
course/ So it ill be t'e #art o% course registration module/ 0'e %olloing
ste#s ill be %allo %or course registration
"hec% student registration
First t'e student registration ill be c'ec(ed so ma(e ensure
t'at student is ,alid on domain o% sc'ool/ $% student is
register in student registration only t'en t'is module is
a,ailable %or student
.ossibility of "ourse registration
! user can alter t'e course o% entire classes and can add and
remo,e t'e courses/ !%ter managing t'e courses %or eac'
class2 %or t'e user t'e course #lan ill automatically
generated by a##lication according to class o% a #articular
Submit to data base
Data ill add to database and ill be use %or mar(s entering/
)rimary (ey ill be class 'ic' ill uni8ue it' in sc'ool/
$ar%s &ntry
-ser ill enter t'e mar(s %or eac' student and a##lication ill be able to
manage record in ay to use data e%%iciently 'en needed/
"hec% "ourse Registration
Design: Student Registration System
Date 07 December 2009
!##lication ill c'ec( t'e student registration in registration
module and i% student is register only t'en 'e ill enable to
use mar(s entry module
&8tract course from course registration
0'e a##lication ill e*tract data %rom course module
automatically according to class gi,en in registration
module/ 5n enter t'e registration courses ill automatically
be #ro,ided by a##lication/
&nter $ar%s
$n %ront o% eac' course a te*tbo* ill be a,ailable to enter
t'e obtain mar(s because total mar(s ill be t'ere in course
5nly ,alid data ill be alloed by a##lication in control/
-ser ill 'a,e to enter t'e registration number o% t'e
student and a##lication ill #ro,ide t'e course detail and total
mar(s/ 0'is data ill e*tract %rom course registration
Design: Student Registration System
Date 07 December 2009
Submitting to database
Data ill store in data base2 e*ce#tion ill be 'andled/
Design: Student Registration System
Date 07 December 2009
Re#orting is t'e ay to s'o out#ut o% #articular searc' or s'o
rele,ant data it' res#ect to di%%erent needs and teams/ &rystal
re#orting is an #oer%ul tec'ni8ue to ac'ie,e t'is/ Re#orting ill be
done as %allo
Reporting for each module
For eac' module re#ort is classi%ied in to classes
0'e re#ort o% #articular student
0'e re#ort containing t'e data o% all students o% a
#articular module/
+ overall report of student data
5,erall re#orting ill contain t'e brie% descri#tion o%
#articular student %rom all modules/ $t ill sort o% introduction
%rom student registration2 %ee status %rom %ee module and
o,erall #osition and #ercentage %rom mar(s module/
Design: Student Registration System
Date 07 December 2009
+ &8am report of each student
$t ill 'a,e all descri#tion as t'ere in re#ort cards/
Design: Student Registration System
Date 07 December 2009
)pdating and &diting
-#dating and editing are re8uiring correcting t'e in#ut in case o% 'uman
error/ $t is also im#ortant %or %le*ibility o% #rogram/ For u#dating user
need to enter t'e registration number all data ill be s'on to user and
user can edit t'e data/ 5ur a##lication allo u#dating as %allo
-#dating o% student data
-#dating o% Fee Registration Data
-#dating &ourse Registration
-#dating Mar(s
Design: Student Registration System
Date 07 December 2009
+dministrative and +ccess options
5nly administrator can access t'e tas( li(e resting user #assord2
creating ne account etc/ !nd eac' ty#e o% user t'ere are #ro#er rig'ts
Design: Student Registration System
Date 07 December 2009
!dministrati,e Rig'ts include %olloing tas(s
&reating 9e -sers
Resetting )assords
Deleting account
"reating 7e2 )sers
5nly administrator ill able to create ne
users so t'e menu s'ould be in #laced in
administration so it can only b access by
Resetting .ass2ord
$n cases user %orget #assard it can be reset
by administrator2
3eleting account
!dministrator can delete t'e account i% user
lea,es t'e institute o% any ot'er case %or
e*am#le t'e designation o% t'e user c'anges/
Design: Student Registration System
Date 07 December 2009
T&+$ 4-R9
$n t'e design all t'e members contributed e8ually/ Design %or eac' module is
design by eac' member / $r%an :'an or(ed on Student Registration system
and its u#dating/ 9auman :'alid or(ed on Student Fee Registration and its
u#dating/ "usnain saleem and ;ulrai< mali( or(ed on course Registation and
Mar(s entry and u#dating/ 7ecause bot' are interrelated to eac' ot'er so it is
considered im#ortant to or( collecti,ely on t'ese domains/ =aad !li ill
generate re#orts %or eac' module and o,erall re#orting/ !t t'e end entire
team ill or( on #ro,iding rig'ts /r/t 3ob/
Design: Student Registration System
Date 07 December 2009
0'is a##lication ill %acilitate t'e sc'ool in all domains 'ic' ere
described be%ore/ 0'is a##lication can be run o,er a standalone #ersonal
com#uter or can be s'are on >!9 i% it is a,ailable in res#ecti,e sc'ool/
$n creating t'is design it is (e#t one %irst #riority t'at system must or(
e%%iciently on t'e 'ardare and so%tare 'ic' is s#eci%ied and suggested/
5ur a##lication is generic and it ill be %or almost e,ery ty#e o% sc'ools
so e ill try to ma(e it com#atible to as lo as 'ardare re8uirements/ 5ur
target is to run t'is a##lication at )entium 2 it' minimum 400M"< #rocessor
and 126M7 R!M/ ?e ant to run a##lication on t'is s#eci%ication because it is
a,ailable in all sc'ools/
0'is a##lication ill run o,er ?indos 2000@90@,ista/ ?e c'oose
indos as #late %orm %or our a##lication because it is t'e idely using
o#erating system in )a(istan/
3eliverable form
?e ill deli,er t'e e*ecutable %orm o% a##lication and t'e source code
ill not be #ro,ided to sta(e 'older/
Design: Student Registration System
Date 07 December 2009
0'e design is design (ee#ing in ,ie t'e all needs o% user and are done
according to re8uirements elaborated in #re,ious document

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