1) This document outlines the design of a student registration system including modules for student registration, fee registration, course registration, marks entry, and reporting.
2) The main form provides links to each module and includes menus for file, edit, view, administration, and help. It requires a username and password for login.
3) The student registration module collects important student data, has a user-friendly interface, performs validations, and submits data to the database.
1) This document outlines the design of a student registration system including modules for student registration, fee registration, course registration, marks entry, and reporting.
2) The main form provides links to each module and includes menus for file, edit, view, administration, and help. It requires a username and password for login.
3) The student registration module collects important student data, has a user-friendly interface, performs validations, and submits data to the database.
1) This document outlines the design of a student registration system including modules for student registration, fee registration, course registration, marks entry, and reporting.
2) The main form provides links to each module and includes menus for file, edit, view, administration, and help. It requires a username and password for login.
3) The student registration module collects important student data, has a user-friendly interface, performs validations, and submits data to the database.
1) This document outlines the design of a student registration system including modules for student registration, fee registration, course registration, marks entry, and reporting.
2) The main form provides links to each module and includes menus for file, edit, view, administration, and help. It requires a username and password for login.
3) The student registration module collects important student data, has a user-friendly interface, performs validations, and submits data to the database.
This document is uploaded to scribe in the behalf of me and my loved one ad** Qazi. 1 Design: Student Registration System Date 07 December 2009 Table of contents Interface 1 Main Form File Edit Vie !dministration "el# Sign $n Student Registration 2 $m#ortant student data $nter%ace Validations Submitt to data base 2 Design: Student Registration System Date 07 December 2009 ee Registration System ! &'ec( student registraiton &alculations $nter%ace Validation Submitt to database "ourse Registration # &'ec( student registration )ossiblity o% &ourse registration Submitt to data base $ar%s &ntry ' &'ec( &ourse Registration E*tract course %rom course registration module Enter Mar(s Validation $nter%ace Submitting to database + Design: Student Registration System Date 07 December 2009 Reporting ( Re#orting %or eac' module ! o,erall re#ort o% student data ! E*am re#ort o% eac' student )pdating and &diting * -#dating o% student data -#dating o% Fee Registration Data -#dating &ourse Registration -#dating Mar(s +dministrative and +ccess options , S"-.& / .erformance 10 1ard2are 11 . Design: Student Registration System Date 07 December 2009 .latform 12 3eliverable orm 1! Team 4or% 1# "onclusion 1' Interface Forms are t'e inter%ace ,ia 'ic' user interact it' system so it is more im#ortant to design a user %riendly inter%ace/ 0o ac'ie,e t'is target e tried to use suitable controls %or getting in#ut data %rom user/ !lso %orm ill get all t'e im#ortant details %rom users/ 1 Design: Student Registration System Date 07 December 2009 $ain orm $n main %orm t'ere are lin(s to access all t'e modules o% systems li(e registration u#dating and deletion/ 0'is %orm ill be t'e MDi container2 entire a##lication ill be close on closing t'is %orm and all t'e %orm ill o#en o,er t'is %orm/ 0'e main %orm is di,ided in to %i,e ma3or menus/ ile &dit 5ie2 +dministration 1elp ile 0'e %ile menu contains t'e basic registration o#tions o% t'e students including registration in student registration2 %ee registration and course registration/ &dit 0'e edit menu contains t'e u#dating and editing o#tion o% student/ $n case user enter t'e rong ,alue %or e*am#le a user enter rong name suc' as enter !il instead o% !li2 it can be c'anged and u#dated by system/ 5ie2 0'is menu is concern it' out#uts and ,ie t'e data in di%%erent #ros#ecti,e/ Suc' as i% a user ants to see t'e student registration data2 o,erall re#ort2 mar( s'eet etc t'en it can be ,ieed/ !ll re#orts can be #rinted +dministration For t'e security reasons2 administration %ield ill only access by administrator o% 'ead on institute/ !dministration menu contains t'e data about resetting #assords o% users2 deleting or creating account o% a #articular user etc/ 1elp $n case a user ants to (no 'o to o#erate or deal it' a s#eci%ic control2 a com#lete 'el# ill be #ro,ided by system/ 4 Design: Student Registration System Date 07 December 2009 Main %orm o% system SI67 I7 0o access t'e main %orm it is im#ortant to enter t'e username and #assord/ 0'is is im#ortant so only ,alid user can enter t'e system/ $% user %orget t'e #assord2 t'e lin( is gi,en on %orm by 'ic' user can rest its #assord/ For resetting #assord user 'as to enter t'e security #'ase 'ic' ill be #ro,ided by administrator/ 7 Design: Student Registration System Date 07 December 2009 Student Registration 5ne o% t'e (ey module/ For eac' student it is im#ortant to register in t'is module only t'en it is #ossible %or user to access ot'er modules/ 0'is module ill 'a,e %olloing ste#s Important student data 0'e basic in%o o% student ill be #ro,ided by user to register student/ 0'is module ill e*tract student name2 %at'er name2 6 Design: Student Registration System Date 07 December 2009 date o% birt'2 education bac(ground etc/ 0'is data ill be use in re#orting and ot'er module ill use t'is data %or di%%erent ,eri%ications suc' as class in 'ic' student is enrolled etc/ Interface $nter%ace is im#ortant because t'e user interact it' a##lication ,ia inter%ace/ ! inter%ace must be easy to understand and use/ ! control ill use according to ty#e o% in#ut %or e*am#le a calendar ill use %or date o% birt' and te*tbo* %or entering name etc/ 5alidations $t ill ma(e ensure t'at user must enter rite ty#e o% data %or #articular entity/ 7ot' %orm le,el and control le,el ,alidation ill be a##lied/ Validation ill also be ensured by using ad,ance controls/ Submit to data base !t t'e time o% submitting a##lication ill #er%orm e*ce#tion 'andling2 and ill access database to submit data and %orm ill automatically close/ 9 Design: Student Registration System Date 07 December 2009 ee Registration System 0'e ne*t module is about %ee management o% all students/ !ll records ill be store in suc' a %as'ion so t'at it ill easy to #er%orm 3oints2 !bstraction and co'esions/ "hec% student registraiton 10 Design: Student Registration System Date 07 December 2009 0'e a##lication ill c'ec( t'e registration in student registration %irst and ill only allo user to #er%orm %ee registration i% and only i% student is register in student registration system/ $t is im#ortant to manage t'e #ro#er 'ierarc'y %or eac' student/ "alculations $t ill ma(e ensure to (ee# a##lication a#art %rom 'uman errors as muc' as it is #ossible/ Most o% calculation li(e dues ill automatically calculated/ 0'ere ill no mec'anism %or installments but i% any one cant #ay entire %ee2 'e can #ay some it ill manage by a##lication by itsel%/ Interface !n inter%ace must be easy to understand and use/ ! control ill use according to ty#e o% in#ut %or e*am#le a time and date o% submitting o% %ee ill automatically be entered in te*tbo* same as system time and te*tbo* %or entering %ee #aid or dues etc/ 5alidation $n case o% %ee dues ill be automatically be calculated and user ill unable to alter t'em/ !lso user can enter numeric data in %ee #aid2 total %ee te*t bo*es/ $t ill ma(e ensure t'at user must enter rite ty#e o% data %or #articular entity/ 7ot' %orm le,el and control le,el ,alidation ill be a##lied/ Validation ill also be ensured by using ad,ance controls/ Submit to database 11 Design: Student Registration System Date 07 December 2009 Data ill be submitted in database using registration number as #rimary (ey so it ill easy to e*tract data/ "ourse Registration !s t'e course registration is an im#ortant #art o% student registration system/ !lso %or eac' class in sc'ool t'ere are distinct courses or sub3ects 'ic' remain same o%ten but t'ere is #ossibility in c'anging t'e criteria2 in t'at case t'ere s'ould be some ay to add and remo,e 12 Design: Student Registration System Date 07 December 2009 course/ So it ill be t'e #art o% course registration module/ 0'e %olloing ste#s ill be %allo %or course registration "hec% student registration First t'e student registration ill be c'ec(ed so ma(e ensure t'at student is ,alid on domain o% sc'ool/ $% student is register in student registration only t'en t'is module is a,ailable %or student .ossibility of "ourse registration ! user can alter t'e course o% entire classes and can add and remo,e t'e courses/ !%ter managing t'e courses %or eac' class2 %or t'e user t'e course #lan ill automatically generated by a##lication according to class o% a #articular student/ Submit to data base Data ill add to database and ill be use %or mar(s entering/ )rimary (ey ill be class 'ic' ill uni8ue it' in sc'ool/ $ar%s &ntry -ser ill enter t'e mar(s %or eac' student and a##lication ill be able to manage record in ay to use data e%%iciently 'en needed/ "hec% "ourse Registration 1+ Design: Student Registration System Date 07 December 2009 !##lication ill c'ec( t'e student registration in registration module and i% student is register only t'en 'e ill enable to use mar(s entry module &8tract course from course registration module 0'e a##lication ill e*tract data %rom course module automatically according to class gi,en in registration module/ 5n enter t'e registration courses ill automatically be #ro,ided by a##lication/ &nter $ar%s $n %ront o% eac' course a te*tbo* ill be a,ailable to enter t'e obtain mar(s because total mar(s ill be t'ere in course module/ 5alidation 5nly ,alid data ill be alloed by a##lication in control/ Interface -ser ill 'a,e to enter t'e registration number o% t'e student and a##lication ill #ro,ide t'e course detail and total mar(s/ 0'is data ill e*tract %rom course registration 1. Design: Student Registration System Date 07 December 2009 Submitting to database Data ill store in data base2 e*ce#tion ill be 'andled/ 11 Design: Student Registration System Date 07 December 2009 Reporting Re#orting is t'e ay to s'o out#ut o% #articular searc' or s'o rele,ant data it' res#ect to di%%erent needs and teams/ &rystal re#orting is an #oer%ul tec'ni8ue to ac'ie,e t'is/ Re#orting ill be done as %allo Reporting for each module For eac' module re#ort is classi%ied in to classes 0'e re#ort o% #articular student 0'e re#ort containing t'e data o% all students o% a #articular module/ + overall report of student data 5,erall re#orting ill contain t'e brie% descri#tion o% #articular student %rom all modules/ $t ill sort o% introduction %rom student registration2 %ee status %rom %ee module and o,erall #osition and #ercentage %rom mar(s module/ 14 Design: Student Registration System Date 07 December 2009 + &8am report of each student $t ill 'a,e all descri#tion as t'ere in re#ort cards/ 17 Design: Student Registration System Date 07 December 2009 )pdating and &diting -#dating and editing are re8uiring correcting t'e in#ut in case o% 'uman error/ $t is also im#ortant %or %le*ibility o% #rogram/ For u#dating user need to enter t'e registration number all data ill be s'on to user and user can edit t'e data/ 5ur a##lication allo u#dating as %allo -#dating o% student data -#dating o% Fee Registration Data -#dating &ourse Registration -#dating Mar(s 16 Design: Student Registration System Date 07 December 2009 +dministrative and +ccess options 5nly administrator can access t'e tas( li(e resting user #assord2 creating ne account etc/ !nd eac' ty#e o% user t'ere are #ro#er rig'ts 19 Design: Student Registration System Date 07 December 2009 !dministrati,e Rig'ts include %olloing tas(s &reating 9e -sers Resetting )assords Deleting account "reating 7e2 )sers 5nly administrator ill able to create ne users so t'e menu s'ould be in #laced in administration so it can only b access by administrator/ Resetting .ass2ord $n cases user %orget #assard it can be reset by administrator2 3eleting account !dministrator can delete t'e account i% user lea,es t'e institute o% any ot'er case %or e*am#le t'e designation o% t'e user c'anges/ 20 Design: Student Registration System Date 07 December 2009 T&+$ 4-R9 $n t'e design all t'e members contributed e8ually/ Design %or eac' module is design by eac' member / $r%an :'an or(ed on Student Registration system and its u#dating/ 9auman :'alid or(ed on Student Fee Registration and its u#dating/ "usnain saleem and ;ulrai< mali( or(ed on course Registation and Mar(s entry and u#dating/ 7ecause bot' are interrelated to eac' ot'er so it is considered im#ortant to or( collecti,ely on t'ese domains/ =aad !li ill generate re#orts %or eac' module and o,erall re#orting/ !t t'e end entire team ill or( on #ro,iding rig'ts /r/t 3ob/ 21 Design: Student Registration System Date 07 December 2009 S"-.& 0'is a##lication ill %acilitate t'e sc'ool in all domains 'ic' ere described be%ore/ 0'is a##lication can be run o,er a standalone #ersonal com#uter or can be s'are on >!9 i% it is a,ailable in res#ecti,e sc'ool/ .erformance $n creating t'is design it is (e#t one %irst #riority t'at system must or( e%%iciently on t'e 'ardare and so%tare 'ic' is s#eci%ied and suggested/ 1ard2are 5ur a##lication is generic and it ill be %or almost e,ery ty#e o% sc'ools so e ill try to ma(e it com#atible to as lo as 'ardare re8uirements/ 5ur target is to run t'is a##lication at )entium 2 it' minimum 400M"< #rocessor and 126M7 R!M/ ?e ant to run a##lication on t'is s#eci%ication because it is a,ailable in all sc'ools/ .:+T&-R$ 0'is a##lication ill run o,er ?indos 2000@90@,ista/ ?e c'oose indos as #late %orm %or our a##lication because it is t'e idely using o#erating system in )a(istan/ 3eliverable form ?e ill deli,er t'e e*ecutable %orm o% a##lication and t'e source code ill not be #ro,ided to sta(e 'older/ "onclusion 22 Design: Student Registration System Date 07 December 2009 0'e design is design (ee#ing in ,ie t'e all needs o% user and are done according to re8uirements elaborated in #re,ious document 2+