Chapter-1 Introduction: 1.1 About The Project
Chapter-1 Introduction: 1.1 About The Project
Chapter-1 Introduction: 1.1 About The Project
The aim of the study was to develop a World Wide Web-based course feedback system serving both students and teachers. The system includes generation and analysis of course feedback pages, provision of feedback, and a summary. Student feedback system is developed for the engineering college students. Students give opinion about their faculty members and vice versa. The purpose of this feedback system is to gather information on learning experience as well as the about lecturer(s performance in the class. Student after login into the system, then only is possible to give feedback !e has to login with registration number not with the name. !e will give the feedback to the faculty member by sub"ect wise. !e has five options #xcellent, $ery good etc. and student has to select one of the five options about faculty in his feedback form. There is a different areas he has to cover individually while giving the feedback like voice strength, Teaching style, Sub"ect knowledge, %ehavior and Timing sense. Then !e has to submit his feedback with the system. Student can view the Semester results in this system. &dministrator module to avail the facilities college has to register with the system. 'ollege user has to append details of the courses offering and branches (###, 'S# etc . 'ollege has to provide %ranch name, %ranch 'ode, 'ourse (ame and no of Seats. 'ollege has to add )aculty members by sub"ect wise, and his* her full 'ontact details. They can view details of sub"ects by branch, 'ourse, +ear, Semester and regulation wise. 'ollege has to register the students in bulk then they will divide into sections. Student can view the details of results in way of promotion and demotion.
Features: This system is developed mainly for the purpose of students to give their feedback about their teachers Student can view his*her semester results and grades in this system. This system is developed for the exclusively for the engineering colleges students and lecturers. Student has to register as a group with a system , it will not accept if student registered individually. 'ollege can register with the system with branch and faculty details. Student has to login with the number not with the name.
The pro"ect is mainly divided into three modules. They are , . / Student module Staff module !ead of the departments module 0rincipal module
DESCRIPTION: ST12#(T 34215#6 The student will have the authorities on this as following6 , . / &dd 7uestions 1pdate 7uestions $iew 7uestions 8iving feedback about the lecturers
Add quest !"s: 9n this module the student or staff or !od:s can add 7uestions if he is interested to add another 7uestion to database to rate the lecturers. U#date quest !"s: 9n this module the student or staff or !od:s can update ;uestions. $ e% quest !"s: 9n this module students can view all 7uestions in the database to give feedback about the lecturers & ' "( )eed*a+, a*!ut t-e .e+turers: 9n this student can give feedback about the lecturer according to 7uestions given in the database STAFF MODULE: The staff will have the authorities on this as following6 , &dd 7uestions . / 1pdate 7uestions $iew 7uestions $iew report
Add quest !"s: 9n this module the student or staff or !od:s can add 7uestions if he is interested to add another 7uestion to database to rate the lecturers. U#date quest !"s: 9n this module the student or staff or !od:s can update 7uestions. $ e% quest !"s:
9n this module students can view all 7uestions in the database to give feedback about the lecturers $ e% re#!rt: &fter giving feedback by the students< lecturers, !od:s, principal can view report HOD MODULE: !od:s will have the authorities on this as following6 , &dd 7uestions - 1pdate 7uestions . / $iew 7uestions $iew report
Add quest !"s: 9n this module the student or staff or !od:s can add 7uestions if he is interested to add another 7uestion to database to rate the lecturers. U#date quest !"s: 9n this module the student or staff or !od:s can update 7uestions. $ e% quest !"s: 9n this module students can view all 7uestions in the database to give feedback about the lecturers $ e% re#!rt: &fter giving feedback by the students< lecturers, !od:s, principal can view report PRINCIPAL MODULE: 0rincipal will have the authorities on this as following6 , &dd 7uestions 1pdate 7uestions /
. /
Add quest !"s: 9n this module the student or staff or !od:s can add 7uestions if he is interested to add another 7uestion to database to rate the lecturers. U#date quest !"s: 9n this module the student or staff or !od:s can update 7uestions. $ e% quest !"s: 9n this module students can view all 7uestions in the database to give feedback about the lecturers $ e% re#!rt: &fter giving feedback by the students< lecturers, !od:s, principal can view report This feedback report was checked by the !od:s. !e can view overall grades and view the grades obtained to the lecturers and give this report to the principal and he can give counseling to the college staff. )inally principal and !od:s can organi=e the meeting and give instructions to the staff to improve the performance, communication to teach in a easier way.
'oming to the existing system the feedback is done by manual process. 9n the existing system students can give feedback about the lecturers by using paper and pen. %y this process. Student can give feedback in online system without waste his time in writing. &fter giving feedback 0apers are collected by the !od:s and calculate the overall grade for each sub"ect and each lecturer. &fter that those all grade report is viewed by the principal which is given by the !od:s. and giving counseling to college staff. So, the existing system is carries more time to do a piece of work for this reason The online system feedback is implemented. This is the ma"or advantage of the existing system for giving feedback about the 5ecturers and viewing report of lecturers. LIMITATIONS OF E1ISTIN& S0STEM & manual system has so many pitfalls. Some of them are The (ecessary data are stored in different documents and transactions are noted in it. Time consumption 3any files and paper works are maintained by the existing system. 1navailability of 7uick references There is no facility to know the validity of the data entered. ¬her problem is the lack of security The existing system does not implement the restriction for the user to access data. !ence estimating the performance of lecturers
!ere we aimed to design online web application for issuing the feedback about
the lecturers by students, this is named as student staff feedback system. Student Staff feed%ack System to provide feedback in a easy and 7uick manner to the college principal and !od:s. So we call it as Student Staff )eedback System which delivers via the student staff interface as online system which acting as a Service 0rovider. %y using this technology we can make fast feedback about the staff by students on time to head of departments as they referred in online system. This pro"ect has four kinds of users Student, Staff, !od:s, and 0rincipal. The student can give feedback in online system provided by college staff. )irst of staff can prepare 7uestions and add, update these 7uestions to the online system. &fter that it was viewed by the students and can give feedback about the lecturers. These feedback reports were checked by the !od:s. !e can view overall grades and view the grades obtained to the lecturers and give this report to the principal and he can give counseling to the college staff &s compared to the manual system, online system is very simple to use and also understand. H (-. (-ts: Saves your time 3anage the entire process in easy and 7uick way #nhance the staff 9mprove the issuing standards
2.1 Hard%are S#e+ ) +at !"
0rocessor6 0entium 9$. Speed6 ..A? 8!B. 0rimary 3emory6 ->? 3% C&3. !ard 2isk6 -8%.
5anguage used6 &S0.(#T, 3S-S;5 Server. 0latform 6 windows (T*3#*-AAA*D0 Tools used6 9nternet explorer, 3o=illa, )irefox.
application development and deployment into the highly distributed environment of the 9nternet. 9f you have used earlier versions of &S0 technology, you will immediately notice the improvements that &S0.(#T and Web )orms offers. )or example, you can develop Web )orms pages in any language that supports the .(#T )ramework. 9n addition, your code no longer needs to share the same file with your !TT0 text (although it can continue to do so if you prefer . Web )orms pages execute in native machine language because, like any other managed application, they take full advantage of the runtime. 9n contrast, unmanaged &S0 pages are always scripted and interpreted. &S0.(#T pages are faster, more functional, and easier to develop than unmanaged &S0 pages because they interact with the runtime like any managed application. The .(#T )ramework also provides a collection of classes and tools to aid in development and consumption of D35 Web services applications. D35 Web services are built on standards such as S4&0 (a remote procedure-call protocol , D35 (an extensible data format , and WS25 ( the Web Services 2escription 5anguage . The .(#T )ramework is built on these standards to promote interoperability with non3icrosoft solutions. )or example, the Web Services 2escription 5anguage tool included with the .(#T )ramework S2G can 7uery an D35 Web service published on the Web, parse its WS25 description, and produce 'H or $isual %asic source code that your application can use to become a client of the D35 Web service. The source code can create classes derived from classes in the class library that handle all the underlying communication using S4&0 and D35 parsing. <hough you can use the class library to consume D35 Web services directly, the Web Services 2escription 5anguage tool and the other tools contained in the S2G facilitate your development efforts with the .(#T )ramework. 9f you develop and publish your own D35 Web service, the .(#T )ramework provides a set of classes that conform to all the underlying communication standards, ,A
such as S4&0, WS25, and D35. 1sing those classes enables you to focus on the logic of your service, without concerning yourself with the communications infrastructure re7uired by distributed software development. )inally, like Web )orms pages in the managed environment, your D35 Web service will run with the speed of native machine language using the scalable communication of 99S. ACTI$E SER$ER PA&ES.NET &S0.(#T is a programming framework built on the common language runtime that can be used on a server to build powerful Web applications. &S0.(#T offers several important advantages over previous Web development models6 E"-a"+ed Per)!r5a"+e. &S0.(#T is compiled common language runtime code running on the server. 1nlike its interpreted predecessors, &S0.(#T can take advantage of early binding, "ust-in-time compilation, native optimi=ation, and caching services right out of the box. This amounts to dramatically better performance before you ever write a line of code. 4!r.d-C.ass T!!. Su##!rt. The &S0.(#T framework is complemented by a rich toolbox and designer in the $isual Studio integrated development environment. W+S9W+8 editing, drag-and-drop server controls, and automatic deployment are "ust a few of the features this powerful tool provides. P!%er a"d F.e6 * . t7. %ecause &S0.(#T is based on the common language runtime, the power and flexibility of that entire platform is available to Web application developers. The .(#T )ramework class library, 3essaging, and 2ata &ccess solutions are all seamlessly accessible from the Web. &S0.(#T is also language-independent, so you can choose the language that best applies to your application or partition your application across many languages. )urther, common language runtime interoperability
guarantees that your existing investment in '43-based development is preserved when migrating to &S0.(#T. S 5#. + t7. &S0.(#T makes it easy to perform common tasks, from simple form submission and client authentication to deployment and site configuration. )or example, the &S0.(#T page framework allows you to build user interfaces that cleanly separate application logic from presentation code and to handle events in a simple, $isual %asic like forms processing model. &dditionally, the common language runtime simplifies development, with managed code services such as automatic reference counting and garbage collection. Ma"a(ea* . t7. &S0.(#T employs a text-based, hierarchical configuration system, which simplifies applying settings to your server environment and Web applications. %ecause configuration information is stored as plain text, new settings may be applied without the aid of local administration tools. This I=ero local administrationI philosophy extends to deploying &S0.(#T )ramework applications as well. &n &S0.(#T )ramework application is deployed to a server simply by copying the necessary files to the server. (o server restart is re7uired, even to deploy or replace running compiled code. S+a.a* . t7 a"d A'a .a* . t7. &S0.(#T has been designed with scalability in mind, with features specifically tailored to improve performance in clustered and multiprocessor environments. )urther, processes are closely monitored and managed by the &S0.(#T runtime, so that if one misbehaves (leaks, deadlocks , a new process can be created in its place, which helps keep your application constantly available to handle re7uests. Cust!5 8a* . t7 a"d E6te"s * . t7. &S0.(#T delivers a well-factored
architecture that allows developers to Iplug-inI their code at the appropriate level. 9n fact, it is possible to extend or replace any subcomponent of the &S0.(#T runtime with your
own custom-written component. 9mplementing custom authentication or state services has never been easier. Se+ur t7. With built in Windows authentication and per-application
configuration, you can be assured that your applications are secure. LAN&UA&E SUPPORT The 3icrosoft .(#T 0latform currently offers built-in support for three languages6 'H, $isual %asic, and Java Script. 4HAT IS ASP.NET 4EB FORMS9 The &S0.(#T Web )orms page framework is a scalable common language runtime programming model that can be used on the server to dynamically generate Web pages. 9ntended as a logical evolution of &S0 (&S0.(#T provides syntax compatibility with existing pages , the &S0.(#T Web )orms framework has been specifically designed to address a number of key deficiencies in the previous model. 9n particular, it provides6 The ability to create and use reusable 19 controls that can encapsulate common functionality and thus reduce the amount of code that a page developer has to write. The ability for developers to cleanly structure their page logic in an orderly fashion (not Ispaghetti codeI . The ability for development tools to provide strong W+S9W+8 design support for pages (existing &S0 code is opa7ue to tools . &S0.(#T Web )orms pages are text files with an .aspx file name extension. They can be deployed throughout an 99S virtual root directory tree. When a browser client re7uests .aspx resources, the &S0.(#T runtime parses and compiles the target file into a .(#T )ramework class. This class can then be used to dynamically process incoming re7uests. ((ote that the .aspx file is compiled only the first time it is accessed< the compiled type instance is then reused across multiple re7uests . ,.
&n &S0.(#T page can be created simply by taking an existing !T35 file and changing its file name extension to .aspx (no modification of code is re7uired . )or example, the following sample demonstrates a simple !T35 page that collects a userKs name and category preference and then performs a form post back to the originating page when a button is clicked6 &S0.(#T provides syntax compatibility with existing &S0 pages. This includes support for LM MN code render blocks that can be intermixed with !T35 content within an .aspx file. These code blocks execute in a top-down manner at page render time. CODE-BEHIND 4EB FORMS &S0.(#T supports two methods of authoring dynamic pages. The first is the method shown in the preceding samples, where the page code is physically declared within the originating .aspx file. &n alternative approach--known as the code-behind method--enables the page code to be more cleanly separated from the !T35 content into an entirely separate file. INTRODUCTION TO ASP.NET SER$ER CONTROLS 9n addition to (or instead of using LM MN code blocks to program dynamic content, &S0.(#T page developers can use &S0.(#T server controls to program Web pages. Server controls are declared within an .aspx file using custom tags or intrinsic !T35 tags that contain a ru"at:;ser'er; attributes value. 9ntrinsic !T35 tags are handled by one of the controls in the S7ste5.4e*.UI.Ht5.C!"tr!.s namespace. &ny tag that doesnKt explicitly map to one of the controls is assigned the type of S7ste5.4e*.UI.Ht5.C!"tr!.s.Ht5.&e"er +C!"tr!.. Server controls automatically maintain any client-entered values between round trips to the server. This control state is not stored on the server (it is instead stored within ,/
an < "#ut t7#e:;- dde";= form field that is round-tripped between re7uests . (ote also that no client-side script is re7uired. 9n addition to supporting standard !T35 input controls, &S0.(#T enables developers to utili=e richer custom controls on their pages. )or example, the following sample demonstrates how the <as#:adr!tat!r= control can be used to dynamically display rotating ads on a page.
,. &S0.(#T Web )orms provide an easy and powerful way to build dynamic Web 19. -. &S0.(#T Web )orms pages can target any browser client (there are no script library or cookie re7uirements . .. &S0.(#T Web )orms pages provide syntax compatibility with existing &S0 pages. /. &S0.(#T server controls provide an easy way to encapsulate common functionality. >. &S0.(#T ships with /> built-in server controls. 2evelopers can also use controls built by third parties. ?. &S0.(#T server controls can automatically pro"ect both uplevel and downlevel !T35. @. &S0.(#T templates provide an easy way to customi=e the look and feel of list server controls. E. &S0.(#T validation controls provide an easy way to do declarative client or server data validation.
S3L SER$ER -/>>? & database management, or 2%3S, gives the user access to their data and helps them transform the data into information. Such database management systems include d%ase, paradox, 93S, S;5 Server and S;5 Server. These systems allow users to create, update and extract information from their database. & database is a structured collection of data. 2ata refers to the characteristics of people, things and events. S;5 Server stores each data item in its own fields. 9n S;5 Server, the fields relating to a particular person, thing or event are bundled together to form a single complete unit of data, called a record (it can also be referred to as raw or an occurrence . #ach record is made up of a number of fields. (o two fields in a record can have the same field name. 2uring an S;5 Server 2atabase design pro"ect, the analysis of your business needs identifies all the fields or attributes of interest. 9f your business needs change over time, you define any additional fields or change the definition of existing fields. S3L SER$ER TABLES S;5 Server stores records relating to each other in a table. 2ifferent tables are created for the various groups of information. Celated tables are grouped together to form a database. PRIMAR0 @E0 #very table in S;5 Server has a field or a combination of fields that uni7uely identifies each record in the table. The 1ni7ue identifier is called the 0rimary Gey, or simply the Gey. The primary key provides the means to distinguish one record from all other in a table. 9t allows the user and the database system to identify, locate and refer to one particular record in the database.
RELATIONAL DATABASE Sometimes all the information of interest to a business operation can be stored in one table. S;5 Server makes it very easy to link the data in multiple tables. 3atching an employee to the department in which they work is one example. This is what makes S;5 Server a relational database management system, or C2%3S. 9t stores data in two or more tables and enables you to define relationships between the table and enables you to define relationships between the tables. FOREI&N @E0 When a field is one table matches the primary key of another field is referred to as a foreign key. & foreign key is a field or a group of fields in one table whose values match those of the primary key of another table. REFERENTIAL INTE&RIT0 (ot only does S;5 Server allow you to link multiple tables, it also maintains consistency between them. #nsuring that the data among related tables is correctly matched is referred to as maintaining referential integrity. DATA ABSTRACTION & ma"or purpose of a database system is to provide users with an abstract view of the data. This system hides certain details of how the data is stored and maintained. 2ata abstraction is divided into three levels. P-7s +a. .e'e.6 This is the lowest level of abstraction at which one describes how the data are actually stored. C!"+e#tua. Le'e.6 &t this level of database abstraction all the attributed and what data are actually stored is described and entries and relationship among them. $ e% .e'e.6 This is the highest level of abstraction at which one describes only part of the database.
AD$ANTA&ES OF RDBMS Cedundancy can be avoided 9nconsistency can be eliminated 2ata can be Shared Standards can be enforced Security restrictions ca be applied 9ntegrity can be maintained 'onflicting re7uirements can be balanced 2ata independence can be achieved.
DISAD$ANTA&ES OF DBMS & significant disadvantage of the 2%3S system is cost. 9n addition to the cost of purchasing of developing the software, the hardware has to be upgraded to allow for the extensive programs and the workspace re7uired for their execution and storage. While centrali=ation reduces duplication, the lack of duplication re7uires that the database be ade7uately backed up so that in case of failure the data can be recovered. FEATURES OF S3L SER$ER ARDBMS S;5 S#C$#C is one of the leading database management systems (2%3S because it is the only 2atabase that meets the uncompromising re7uirements of today:s most demanding information systems. )rom complex decision support systems (2SS to the most rigorous online transaction processing (45T0 application, even application that re7uire simultaneous 2SS and 45T0 access to the same critical data, S;5 Server leads the industry in both performance and capability. S;5 S#C$#C is a truly portable, distributed, and open 2%3S that delivers unmatched performance, continuous operation and support for every database. S;5 S#C$#C C2%3S is high performance fault tolerant 2%3S which is specially designed for online transactions processing and for handling large database application.
S;5 S#C$#C with transactions processing option offers two features which contribute to very high level of transaction processing throughput, which are The row level lock manager ENTERPRISE 4IDE DATA SHARIN& The unrivaled portability and connectivity of the S;5 S#C$#C 2%3S enables all the systems in the organi=ation to be linked into a singular, integrated computing resource. PORTABILIT0 S;5 S#C$#C is fully portable to more than EA distinct hardware and operating systems platforms, including 1(9D, 3S24S, 4S*-, 3acintosh and do=ens of proprietary platforms. This portability gives complete freedom to choose the database server platform that meets the system re7uirements. OPEN S0STEMS S;5 S#C$#C offers a leading implementation of industry Ostandard S;5. S;5 Server:s open architecture integrates S;5 S#C$#C and non OS;5 S#C$#C 2%3S with industry:s most comprehensive collection of tools, application, and third party software products S;5 Server:s 4pen architecture provides transparent access to data from other relational database and even non-relational database. DISTRIBUTED DATA SHARIN& S;5 Server:s networking and distributed database capabilities to access data stored on remote server with the same ease as if the information was stored on a single local computer. & single S;5 statement can access data at multiple sites. +ou can store data where system re7uirements such as performance, security or availability dictate. UNMATCHED PERFORMANCE The most advanced architecture in the industry allows the S;5 S#C$#C 2%3S to deliver unmatched performance. ,F
SOPHISTICATED CONCURRENC0 CONTROL Ceal World applications demand access to critical data. With most database Systems application becomes Pcontention boundQ O which performance is limited not by the '01 power or by disk 9*4, but user waiting on one another for data access. S;5 Server employs full, unrestricted row-level locking and contention free 7ueries to minimi=e and in many cases entirely eliminates contention wait times. NO IBO BOTTLENEC@S S;5 Server:s fast commit groups commit and deferred write technologies dramatically reduce disk 9*4 bottlenecks. While some database write whole data block to disk at commit time, S;5 Server commits transactions with at most se7uential log file on disk at commit time, 4n high throughput systems, one se7uential writes typically group commit multiple transactions. 2ata read by the transaction remains as shared memory so that other transactions may access that data without reading it again from disk. Since fast commits write all data necessary to the recovery to the log file, modified blocks are written back to the database independently of the transaction commit, when written from memory to disk.
C.1 Data).!% D a(ra5
& data flow diagram is graphical tool used to describe and analy=e movement of data through a system. These are the central tool and the basis from which the other components are developed. The transformation of data from input to output, through processed, may be described logically and independently of physical components associated with the system. These are known as the logical data flow diagrams. The physical data flow diagrams show the actual implements and movement of data between people, departments and workstations. & full description of a system actually consists of a set of data flow diagrams. 1sing two familiar notations +ourdon, 8ane and Sarson notation develops the data flow diagrams. #ach component in a 2)2 is labeled with a descriptive name. 0rocess is further identified with a number that will be used for identification purpose. The development of 2)2:S is done in several levels. #ach process in lower level diagrams can be broken down into a more detailed 2)2 in the next level. The lop-level diagram is often called context diagram. 9t consists a single process bit, which plays vital role in studying the current system. The process in the context level diagram is exploded into other process at the first level 2)2. The idea behind the explosion of a process into more process is that understanding at one level of detail is exploded into greater detail at the next level. This is done until further explosion is necessary and an ade7uate amount of detail is described for analyst to understand the process. 5arry 'onstantine first developed the 2)2 as a way of expressing system re7uirements in a graphical from, this lead to the modular design. & 2)2 is also known as a Pbubble 'hartQ has the purpose of clarifying system re7uirements and identifying ma"or transformations that will become programs in system design. So it is the starting point of the design to the lowest level of detail. & 2)2 consists of a series of bubbles "oined by data flows in the system. -,
DFD S0MBOLS: 9n the 2)2, there are four symbols ,. & s7uare defines a source(originator or destination of system data -. &n arrow identifies data flow. 9t is the pipeline through which the information flows .. & circle or a bubble represents a process that transforms incoming data flow into outgoing data flows. /. &n open rectangle is a data store, data at rest or a temporary repository of data
CONSTRUCTIN& A DFD: Several rules of thumb are used in drawing 2)2:S6 ,. 0rocess should be named and numbered for an easy reference. #ach name should be representative of the process. -. The direction of flow is from top to bottom and from left to right. 2ata traditionally flow from source to the destination although they may flow back to the source. 4ne way to indicate this is to draw long flow line back to a source. &n alternative way is to repeat the source symbol as a destination. Since it is used more than once in the 2)2 it is marked with a short diagonal. .. When a process is exploded into lower level details, they are numbered. /. The names of data stores and destinations are written in capital letters. 0rocess and dataflow names have the first letter of each work capitali=ed. --
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Student Feedback
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)eedback Ceport
Data*ase I"te(r t7
9t means that the database should be valid at all times and give the user the exact details, which he wants. The integrity of the database can be 7uestioned when there is more than one copy of the data. 9n such a case the data at all the places should be updated simultaneously so that the database gives the exact information whenever it is 7ueried. Thus the system satisfies the database integrity.
Data*ase I"de#e"de"+7
This ensures that the data is independent of the database. 9f this is ensured, then the application can be modified in the future without any change to the database. This change also does not affect the other application in the system. This change also does not affect the other application in the system. Similarly a change made to the database does not affect any programs if data independence is ensured. This database independency is satisfied by the system.
T-e $ar !us Data Ta*.es used " t- s #r!De+t are:TABLE NAME: 3UESTION INSERTION Pr 5ar7 @e7 : 3uest !"ID S. N! , F e.d Na5e ;uestion92 ;uestion Data t7#e (umber $archar S 8e ,A ,AA Des+r #t !" ;uestion (o ;uestion
T&%5# (&3#
Pr 5ar7 @e7 : R!.."! S. N! , . / > ? @ E F ,A ,, ,,. ,/ ,> F e.d "a5e Collno (ame &ddress 8ender 2ate of %irth 0hone (o 3obile 'ountry State 0incode !ighest ;ualification #-mail 92 1ser 92 0assword Ce Type 0assword Data t7#e $archar $archar $archar $archar 2atetime (umeric (umeric $archar $archar (umeric $archar $archar $archar $archar $archar S 8e ,A -A ,AA ,A E ,A ,A ,A -A ,A -A .A -A -A -A Collno Student (ame &ddress 8ender 2ate of %irth 0hone (o 3obile 'ountry State 0incode !ighest ;ualification #-mail 92 1ser 92 0assword Ce Type 0assword Des+r #t !"
TABLE NAME: STUDENT FEEDBAC@ FORM Pr 5ar7 @e7 : Sta))ID F!re (" @e7 : R!.."!E 3uest !" "! S. N! , . / > F e.d Na5e Staff92 Collno ;uestionno ;uestion &nswer Data t7#e $archar $archar (umber $archar $archar S 8e ,A ,A ,A ,AA ,A Collno ;uestion (o ;uestion &nswer $alue Des+r #t !" Staff92
INPUT STA&ES: The main input stages can be listed as below6 2ata recording 2ata transcription 2ata conversion 2ata verification 2ata control 2ata transmission 2ata validation 2ata correction
INPUT T0PES: 9t is necessary to determine the various types of inputs. 9nputs can be categori=ed as follows6 #xternal inputs, which are prime inputs for the system. 9nternal inputs, which are user communications with the system. 4perational, which are computer department:s communications to the systemR 9nteractive, which are inputs entered during a dialogue.
OUTPUT DEFINITION T-e !ut#uts s-!u.d *e de) "ed " ter5s !) t-e )!..!% "( #! "ts: Type of the output 'ontent of the output )ormat of the output 5ocation of the output )re7uency of the output $olume of the output Se7uence of the output 9t is not always desirable to print or display data as it is held on a computer. 9t should be decided as which form of the output is the most suitable. )or #xample Will decimal points need to be inserted Should leading =eros be suppressed.
Software testing is a critical element of software 7uality assurance and represents the ultimate review of specification, design and coding. 9n fact, testing is the one step in the software engineering process that could be viewed as destructive rather than constructive. & strategy for software testing integrates software test case design methods into a well-planned series of steps that result in the successful construction of software. Testing is the set of activities that can be planned in advance and conducted systematically. The underlying motivation of program testing is to affirm software 7uality with methods that can economically and effectively apply to both strategic to both large and small-scale systems. STRATE&IC APPROACH TO SOFT4ARE TESTIN& The software engineering process can be viewed as a spiral. 9nitially system engineering defines the role of software and leads to software re7uirement analysis where the information domain, functions, behavior, performance, constraints and validation criteria for software are established. 3oving inward along the spiral, we come to design and finally to coding. To develop computer software we spiral in along streamlines that decrease the level of abstraction on each turn. & strategy for software testing may also be viewed in the context of the spiral. 1nit testing begins at the vertex of the spiral and concentrates on each unit of the software as implemented in source code. Testing progress by moving outward along the spiral to integration testing, where the focus is on the design and the construction of the software architecture. Talking another turn on outward on the spiral we encounter validation testing where re7uirements established as part of software re7uirements analysis are validated against the software that has been constructed. )inally we arrive at system testing, where the software and other system elements are tested as a whole.
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34215# T#ST9(8
o!"onent Testing
S1%-S+ST#3 T#S9(8
User Testing
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UNIT TESTIN& 1nit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software design, the module. The unit testing we have is white box oriented and some modules the steps are conducted in parallel.
4HITE BO1 TESTIN& This type of testing ensures that &ll independent paths have been exercised at least once &ll logical decisions have been exercised on their true and false sides
&ll loops are executed at their boundaries and within their operational bounds &ll internal data structures have been exercised to assure their validity. To follow the concept of white box testing we have tested each form .we have
created independently to verify that 2ata flow is correct, &ll conditions are exercised to check their validity, &ll loops are executed on their boundaries.
BASIC PATH TESTIN& #stablished techni7ue of flow graph with 'yclomatic complexity was used to derive test cases for all the functions. The main steps in deriving test cases were6 1se the design of the code and draw correspondent flow graph. 2etermine the 'yclomatic complexity of resultant flow graph, using formula6 $(8 S#-(T- or $(8 S0T, or $(8 S(umber 4f Cegions Where $(8 is 'yclomatic complexity, # is the number of edges, ( is the number of flow graph nodes, 0 is the number of predicate nodes. 2etermine the basis of set of linearly independent paths.
CONDITIONAL TESTIN& 9n this part of the testing each of the conditions were tested to both true and false aspects. &nd all the resulting paths were tested. So that each path that may be generate on particular condition is traced to uncover any possible errors.
DATA FLO4 TESTIN& This type of testing selects the path of the program according to the location of definition and use of variables. This kind of testing was used only when some local variable were declared. The definition-use chain method was used in this type of testing. These were particularly useful in nested statements.
LOOP TESTIN& 9n this type of testing all the loops are tested to all the limits possible. The following exercise was adopted for all loops6 &ll the loops were tested at their limits, "ust above them and "ust below them. &ll the loops were skipped at least once. )or nested loops test the inner most loop first and then work outwards. )or concatenated loops the values of dependent loops were set with the help of connected loop. 1nstructured loops were resolved into nested loops or concatenated loops and tested as above. #ach unit has been separately tested by the development team itself and all the input have been validated.
The term implementation has different meanings, ranging from the conversion of a basic application to a complete replacement of a computer system. The procedure however is virtually the same. 9mplementation is used here to mean the process of converting a new or a revised system design into an operational one. 'onversion is one aspect of implementation.
T-ere are t-ree t7#es !) 5#.e5e"tat !": ,. 9mplementation of a computer system to replace a manual system. The problems encountered are converting files, training users, creating accurate files, and verifying printouts for integrity. -. 9mplementation of a new computer system to replace an existing one. This is usually different conversion. 9f not properly planned, there can be many problems. .. 9mplementation of a modified application to replace an existing one, using the same computer. This type of conversion is relatively easy to handle, provided there are no ma"or changes in the files. P!st F 5#.e5e"tat !" re' e% & post O implementation review measures the system performance against predefined re7uirements. 1nlike system testing, this determines where the system fails so that the necessary ad"ustments can be making. & post O implementation review determines how well the system continuous to meet the performance specifications. 9t is after the fact O after design and conversion are complete. 9t also provides information to determine whether ma"or redesign is necessary.
&n analysis of a user training focus on two factors6 1ser capabilities and nature of the system being installed. 1sers range from the naUve to the highly sophisticated. 2evelopmental research provides interesting insights into how naUve computer users think about the first exposure to a new system. The approach it is concrete learners, learning how to use the system without trying to understand which abstract principles determine which function. The distinction between concrete and formal learning says much about what one aspect from train as in general can. Tasks that re7uire the user to follow a well-defined, concrete, step O by O step procedure re7uire limited problem solving. duration are basic and brief. There are several users O training aids available6 The user manual !elp screens 2ata dictionary This means that the training level and
9t has been a great pleasure for me to work on this exciting and challenging pro"ect. This pro"ect proved good for me as it provided practical knowledge of not only programming in &S0.(#T and 'H.(#T web based application and no some extent Windows &pplication and S;5 Server, but also about all handling procedure related with GO". "e Stude"t Feed*a+, S7ste5H. 9t also provides knowledge about the latest technology used in developing web enabled application and client server technology that will be great demand in future. This will provide better opportunities and guidance in future in developing pro"ects independently. BENEFITS: The pro"ect is identified by the merits of the system offered to the user. The merits of this pro"ect are as follows6 9t:s a web-enabled pro"ect. This pro"ect offers user to enter the data through simple and interactive forms. This is very helpful for the client to enter the desired information through so much simplicity. The user is mainly more concerned about the validity of the data, whatever he is entering. There are checks on every stages of any new creation, data entry or updation so that the user cannot enter the invalid data, which can create problems at later date. Sometimes the user finds in the later stages of using pro"ect that he needs to update some of the information that he entered earlier. There are options for him by which he can update the records. 3oreover there is restriction for his that he cannot change the primary data field. This keeps the validity of the data to longer extent. 1ser is provided the option of monitoring the records he entered earlier. !e can see the desired records with the variety of options provided by him.
This pro"ect is mainly concentrates on maintaining the Stock details on the company. 9n the pro"ect 0urchase and sales area is maintained to view the 'ustomers 2etails and the Supplier details are maintained for the easy planning of the process, 4ur successor may plan to add 8raphical Ceports for %illing like analysis 'harts to show more better visual of billing analysis The details for billing can be enhanced by detailed information of 9tem 0articulars. The System is entirely designed for Standalone System, so can be developed for )uture. Thus the newly developed system overcomes the drawbacks of existing System. 'onsidering chance that in future the need of the organi=ation may increase develops the software. 'oding is done in a way that when a change is made to the database table it can be easily incorporate in the code easily. &s the codes are effectively documented and the codes are made as reusable, the system is highly flexible to any future changes.
The system can provided clear information to the user and any change could be made in the system easily. The main possibility that can occur is the introduction of more information or field for the effective processing. ¬her possibility is the user may re7uire more data. The tables were created considering this possibility into mind. Since the system is developed in a structured manner, we can introduce new changes with slight modifications.
FOR .NET INSTALLATION FOR DEPLO0MENT AND PAC@IN& ON SER$ER www.,> FOR S3L FOR ASP.NET &sp.(et ..> 1nleashed*net*7uickstart*aspplus**7uickstart*aspplus* www./*index.aspx Software #ngineering (Coger:s 0ressman
fig6 The above output screen shows the student staff feedback system home page
fig6 The above output screen shows the student staff feedback system for inserting 7uestions
fig6 The above output screen shows the student staff feedback system for viewing list of 7uestions
fig6 The above output screen shows the student staff feedback system for updating 7uestions
fig6 The above output screen shows the student staff feedback system for starting feedback system by students
fig6 The above output screen shows the student staff feedback system for starting feedback system by students
fig6 The above output screen shows the student staff feedback system for viewing final report about lecturers
try W String conn S 'onfiguration3anager.'onnectionStringsXI)eed%ack'onnectionString-IY.ToString( < S7l'onnection 'on S new S7l'onnection(conn < />
String class(ame S SessionXI'lass(ameIY.ToString( T IMI< String Str S IS#5#'T )acultyV3aster.)acultyV'ode, )acultyV3aster.)acultyV(ame, )acultyVSub"ect.Sub"ectV'ode, Sub"ectV3aster.Sub"ectVTitle )C43 )acultyV3aster 9((#C J49( )acultyVSub"ect 4( )acultyV3aster.)acultyV'ode S )acultyVSub"ect.)acultyV'ode 9((#C J49( Sub"ectV3aster 4( )acultyVSub"ect.Sub"ectV'ode S Sub"ectV3aster.Sub"ectV'ode I< S7l2ata&dapter &dpt S new S7l2ata&dapter(Str T IWhere )acultyVSub"ect.Sub"ectV'ode like KI T class(ame T IKI, 'on < &dpt.)ill(dt < String incompleted;uery S IS#5#'T 90&ddress,max(se7Vno as lastVse7Vno from 9ncompleted)eedback W!#C# (90&ddress S KI T Ce7uest.1ser!ost&ddress T IK group by 90&ddressI< S7l2ata&dapter incompleted&dpt S new S7l2ata&dapter(incompleted;uery, 'on < 2ataTable incompleted)eedback S new 2ataTable( < incompleted&dpt.)ill(incompleted)eedback < if (incompleted)eedback.Cows.'ount N A W i S 9nt.-.0arse(incompleted)eedback.CowsXAYXIlastVse7VnoIY.ToString( < Z
Cesponse.Cedirect(Iindex.aspxI < Z Z else W dtS (2ataTable SessionXIdtIY< iS(9nt.- SessionXIiIY< Z if (i L dt.Cows.'ount W String class(ame S SessionXI'lass(ameIY.ToString( < 5abel,.Text S IXI T (iT, T I of I T dt.Cows.'ount TIYI < )(ame.Text S dt.CowsXiYXI)acultyV(ameIY.ToString( < S(ame.Text S dt.CowsXiYXISub"ectVTitleIY.ToString( < Z else W string ip S Ce7uest.1ser!ost&ddress< String incomlete;uery S Idelete from 9ncompleted)eedback where 90&ddress S KI T ip T IKI< ;uestionS7l2ataSource.2elete'ommand S incomlete;uery< ;uestionS7l2ataSource.2elete( <
protected void %utton,V'lick(ob"ect sender, #vent&rgs e W flag S false< string inst S II< foreach (Cepeater9tem ri in Cepeater;uestion.9tems W 5abel ;Vid5abel S (5abel ri.'ontrolsX,Y< 5abel ;uetion S (5abel ri.'ontrolsX.Y< Cadio%utton 4ptionV, S (Cadio%utton ri.'ontrolsX>Y< Cadio%utton 4ptionV- S (Cadio%utton ri.'ontrolsX@Y< Cadio%utton 4ptionV. S (Cadio%utton ri.'ontrolsXFY< int ;Vid S 'onvert.To9nt.-(;Vid5abel.Text < String )eedback S null< if (4ptionV,.'hecked SS true W )eedback S I&I< Z else if (4ptionV-.'hecked SS true W )eedback S I%I< Z else if (4ptionV..'hecked SS true W )eedback S I'I< Z else W
Cesponse.Write(ILspan styleS[Icolor6 HffAAAA[IN0lease,)ill all ;uetionsRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRL*spanNI < flag S true< break< Z string ip S Ce7uest.1ser!ost&ddress< string st S 2ateTime.(ow.3onth T I*I T2ateTime.(ow.2ay TI*IT 2ateTime.(ow.+ear T I I T 2ateTime.(ow.!our TI6IT2ateTime.(ow.3inuteTI6IT 2ateTime.(ow.Second < inst TS I9(S#CT 9(T4 )eedbackStatus()acultyV'ode, Sub"ectV'ode, ;uestionV92, 8rade, 90&ddress, STime, 9ncompletedV92 (S#5#'T KI T dt.CowsXiY XI)acultyV'odeIY.ToString( T IK,KI T dt.CowsXiYXISub"ectV'odeIY.ToString( T IK,I T ;Vid T I,KI T )eedback T IK,KI T ip T IK,KI T st T IK, 92#(TV'1CC#(T(K9ncompleted)eedbackK 9dentity9nTable <I< Z if (flag SS false W iTT< string ip S Ce7uest.1ser!ost&ddress< string st S 2ateTime.(ow.3onth T I*I T 2ateTime.(ow.2ay T I*I T 2ateTime.(ow.+ear T I I T 2ateTime.(ow.!our T I6I T 2ateTime.(ow.3inute T I6I T 2ateTime.(ow.Second< String incomlete;uery S Iinsert into 9ncompleted)eedback (90&ddress,se7Vno,)illVTime values(KITipTIK,ITiTI,KITst TIK <I< ;uestionS7l2ataSource.9nsert'ommand S incomlete;uery T inst < ;uestionS7l2ataSource.9nsert( < SessionXIiIY S (9nt.- i< 0ageV5oad(sender, e < Z /F
protected void %utton,V'lick,(ob"ect sender, #vent&rgs e W try W iTT< SessionXIiIY S (9nt.- i< 0ageV5oad(sender, e < Z catch (#xception ex W Cesponse.Write(ex < Z