Project Synopsis
Project Synopsis
Project Synopsis
Major project work using following technologies :> Core Java(front end),RMI and ms-access/ SQL (back end)
Submitted By:Aman Shukla (0842813404) Hariom Tripathi (0842813009) Puja Sadhwani ( 0842813418)
Information Technology B.Tech. 4th Year(7th-Semester)
Affiliated to UPTU
Session (2011 -- 2012)
Puja Sadhwani
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Introduction About The Project Objectives Technologies used. Hardware Interface. Software Interface Constraints. Future Enhancements
Introduction TO Project
COLLEGE ERP: We would like to introduce COLLEGE ERP as the best ERP Solution based on cutting edge technology of modern science. ERP has now become the backbone of every sphere of industries being in manufacturing unit, trading unit or the service arena. ERP as its name suggest is not only a software but also a planning tool that will suggest you the best way to do the same task in a better way. COLLEGE ERP Solutions is the best of its type of ERP and the specialty in this is that it is best suited for the working of University Colleges. It is made after extensive study of all the departments like Accounts, Fees, Office, Library etc of Colleges and is provided with the extract of everything, a college requires for their database handling, office management, department management and student/staff management. College ERP is a web based application that is totally designed to personalize services for Students, Teachers and Management and maintain common platform. Keeping and managing records of students, staffs and resources have always been a tedious and complicated job in University Colleges. Extra time and effort are wasted in performing the job. Management side need to go through different records (usually recorded in paper files) to manage and to track different human resources of colleges. This job always being a challenge and extra effort for the administrator (Here department in our campus).Students have to move to either department or to respective teachers to collect different resources like timetable, exam routines, notices , tutorials, assignment, messages, subject syllabus etc and much more. Similar case is with other staffs of colleges like notices, routines, notices, application, etc. These are only few problems related to resource planning in our university colleges.
Objectives:The main objectives of our projects are: Absolute control on college processes through 100 % automation Secure Admin Management system Maintain 24X7 availability Personalize Services for Students, Teachers and Management. Maintain common platform for Student, Teachers and Management Maintain easy command, control and improved communication. Simple and easy to implement and maintenance free environment. Build college dynamic portal Download and upload articles, result, date sheet, homework, assignment Send and receive feedbacks, notices Secure shared and personalized web based service. Manage students attendance Availability of real-time information.
Technologies used:-
This project is a web application that is developed in Java& SQL2008 as back end. Database Design (SQL2008) Input Design (Java Swing) RMI
Hardware Interface:-
-One Xeon /Dual /Single or Any Enterprise Class Server. -Proper Network between Server and Client Machines. -Min PIII Series with 128 MB RAM for Clients. -Printer and Scanner wherever required.
Constraints: User interface is only in English i.e. no other language option is available. User can login only with his assigned username and password i.e. no guest facility is available.
Feasibility Study
What are the users demonstrable needs? User needs a web-based system, which will remove all the above-mentioned Problems that, the user is facing. The user wants a web-based system, which will finding, modifying, adding, removing and generating the reports. How can the problem be redefined? We proposed our perception of the system, in accordance with the problems of existing system by making a full layout of the system on paper. We tallied the problems and needs by existing system and requirements. We were further updating in the layout in the basis of redefined the problems. In feasibility study phase we had undergone through various steps, which are described asunder: How feasible is the system proposed? This was analyzed by comparing the following factors with both the existing system and proposed system. Cost :The cost required in the proposed system is comparatively less to the existing system. Effort :Compared to the existing system the proposed system will provide a better working environment in which there will be ease of work and the effort required will be comparatively less than the existing system. Time :Also the time required generating a report or for doing any other work will be comparatively very less than in the existing system.
Record finding and updating will take less time than the existing system. Labour :In the existing system the number of staff required for completing the work is more easier while the new system will require quite less number of staff.
Specification Report
Local Net ERP Modules o Student Management System o Pre Application o Post Application o Student Attendance o Student Certificate Management o Staff Payroll Management o Staff Attendance Management o Fees Management o Account Management o Library Management o Inventory and Stock o Exam Management o Time Table o Visitor Tracking o Canteen o Scheduler/ Organizer o Administration o Student/ Staff Local Network o Library, Stock Catalog search and reservation o Email/ SMS Management o Other Personalize Services.
System Interface:Application would be a self-contained system. It will not access data of any other application nor will other application have access to its data.
INTERACTIONS WITHIN THE SYSTEM:Our designed database has following interactions with the system. Database Users: There are three types of database users Administrator: Administrator interaction has following sessions: Authentication: This session allows the administrator to enter the system by verifying the Id and password. User Deregistration: This session allows the administrator to deregister the limited users. Database management: The administrator is capable of handling the entire database. He is allowed to add categories, and modify the database. Teachers: Teacher interaction has following sessions: Authentication: This session allows the teachers to login to the teacher account by verifying the ID and password. Placement and removal of notices, assignment and tutorial: This session allows the teachers to place new notices, assignment and tutorials and delete those that are of no use. Keep students record: Teacher keeps the record of the student through marks, attendance, leave application etc. Communicate through messages: Teachers share their message via email. Students: Student interaction has following sessions:
Authentication: This session allows the student to login to the student by verifying the ID and password. View their profile and edit it. Viewing and submission of assignment and tutorial: This session allows the students to view and submit assignment and tutorials and delete those that are of no use. View records: Students can view records of attendance, progress report, exam schedule, subject syllabus, time table, calendar etc. Communicate through messages: Students share their message via email.
Communication Interface:The system should be accessed over LAN . For Clients to access application server the network should be running TCP/IP protocol.
Operations:Client Side:Interactive operations using options provided in the application, Example Data Entry generation and analyzing the account. Server Side:Database backup should be taken every day. In case of data base crash, last backup should be restored.
Software System Attributes:Usability:The links are provided for each account. The user is facilitated to view and make entries in the forms. Validations are provided in each field to avoid inconsistent or invalid entry in the databases. Some forms consists Hyper Links, which provides further details. Reports screen contains text boxes and drop down lists, so that reports can be produced. Security:Application will allow only valid users to access the system. Access to any application resource will depend upon users designation. There are two types of users namely Administrator and Student. Security is based upon the individual user ID and Password. Maintainability:The website will be up to date and provided to the user.
Availability:System will be available around the clock except for the time required for the back up of data. Portability:The application is developed in Core Java. It would be portable to other operating system provided .NET Framework is available for the OS. As the database is made in SQL Data Base, porting the database to another database server would require some development effort.
Acceptance Criteria:The software should meet the functional requirement and perform the functionality effectively and efficiently. A user-friendly interface with proper menus. Data transfer should be accurate and with in a reasonable amount of time keeping in mind the network traffic. The system should not allow entry of duplicate key values. System should have the ability to generate transactional Logs to avoid any accidental loss of data. Log file should also be generated.
Future Enhancement:As this is first project on database, so its not perfect from all the angles. For making this project a complete and practical, there is need of modifications to be made in it and some features to be added in it. Some of the future enhancements of our projects are listed below. Improving the managerial part in economic field like payroll, student fee etc. Including different field of college like library management, lab management, extra-curricular activities management etc. Including online admission of student and online examination.
Conclusions:After the completion of this project, we became familiar with database management system and learnt the different features required during developing
a pure database management project.. Finally our entire goal of developing this project was successfully achieved.