Online Course Synopsis
Online Course Synopsis
Online Course Synopsis
systems to computerised systems. Various systems viz. railway reservation, hospital management etc.
involving manual work have been automated efficiently. Student course registration process in colleges
involve filling registration forms manually, getting it signed by respective subject teachers, and then getting
the documents acknowledged from the concerned Advisors, College Deans and Accounts Officers
respectively. Finally the registration forms are submitted in the Administrative Branch. As is evident, this
process is very laborious and time consuming. An Online Student Course Registration System has been
developed to simplify the current manual procedure.This system has been developed using PHP, jQuery,
Apache and MySQL. The front-end is designed using PHP with excerpts of code written using jQuery and
back-end is designed and managed through MySQL. This system software is more secured, user-friendly and
less time-consuming.
PHP; MySQL; jQuery; Apache; Database; Database Management System; Front-end; Back-end
System may be defined as a layered structure that depicts how programs involved would interrelate and
communicate. In computers, System may also include actual programs, programming interfaces and tools for
managing the larger system. The term system may be used differently in different contexts, but more or less
the concept remains the same. Online student course registration system combines multiple systems to
construct a combined framework. This framework consists of multiple modules, which further contain
different systems along with the implementation of their defined constraints.
Basically, systems are implemented for facilitating complex manual processes and that is exactly what we
are trying to achieve. System is implemented as per user requirement such as a manufacturing concern may
install a plant for easing out manual processes. We have sought help from computer programming for
automation of manual registration system. With the introduction of computers, every aspect of our lives has
been revolutionized. When used judiciously, computers can help us save time, secure our personal
information, access the required information whenever and wherever required. Keeping all these positive
points in mind, we have developed an Online Student Course Registration System for easily managing the
semester registration process for the student in an institution. Ours is an advisory based system. In state
agricultural universities the course allocation is advisory based and more complicated. The courses are
assigned according to the skill set and industry requirements. Hence, in current scenario, automated system
is required for course registration of students.
The current research aims at reducing the workload all the entities involved in the registration procedure for
the students. The current manual system faces different challenges as to maintaining data of each student
manually. Hard copy registers are maintained currently to verify student details. From students’ point of view,
they have to fill the forms manually and then get them verified from concerned officials, which is a very time
consuming process. The objectives of this proposed web application system are:
Proposed System
The web application system consists of five modules in total, namely Admin, Masters, Transactions, Reports
and Utilities:
Admin Module
The administrative module is managed by the administrator. It is responsible for creating, managing,
authenticating and authorising different users and user types. Currently we have six user types i.e. Student,
Head of Department, Registrar, Accounts Officer, Dean and Faculty. Under the Admin module the
administrator can create and delete users and user types.
Masters Module
Masters Module manages database entries of all the master tables from the front-end. The Masters database
is more or less permanent and is modified only at session start. The Masters Module currently manages these
database tables namely: category, college, country, course, course-category, credit/non-credit, department,
designation, faculty, gender, qualification, quota, student, stream, Ug/Pg.
Transactions Module
Transactions Module facilitates the entries for Programme of Work and Student Registration from the front-
end of the web application. Programme of Work is created when a student is first enrolled with the college
and Registration is done at the beginning of every semester. Programme of Work contains details of all the
courses to be studied by the student during his/her degree. Registration caters to the courses a student has
to study during the current semester. The List of Registration courses is obtained from the Programme of
Work database.
Reports Module
Reports Module comprises of the final view of the entries made into the Admin, Masters and Transactions
Modules. The information depicted inside the Reports Module is not visible to everyone in order to maintain
data security, data integrity and consistency. The information is available according to the type of user
logged into the system. This module contains reports for all the Admin, Masters and Transaction modules.
Utilities menu contains two entries namely: Backup and Documentation. Backup offers options to Back up the
database tables in SQL format and can be saved in the root directory. As per need, the user can take back up
of some or all tables at any time. Documentation contains the project documentation prepared which
contains the detailed project system requirements, analysis and future scope of the system.
Feasibility Analysis
An online registration system was developed where a student can register himself. The registration form has
been designed to be user friendly and easy to fill and hence leads to saving of time and money as compared
to multiple forms filled manually by the students. The software development team ascertained the technical
feasibility of the project and concluded that the project can be undertaken with available technology and
resources. Although implementation phase might require hardware additions but currently the project is
technically feasible and should proceed further. The operational feasibility analysis acknowledged the
acceptability of the provided solution to the problem. This analysis verified that the new system will be
acceptable and adaptable to the new users. The economic feasibility study perceived that the project will
produce long term gains for the institution. The cost benefit analysis proved that benefits of the proposed
system undermine the costs involved, hence the system is worth implementing. The utility it provides to the
students for completing the registration process and the provision it provides to the faculty for managing the
database makes this project feasible to undertake.
While designing the web application portal a three tier architecture for application development was
followed. The presentation tier occupies the front end design of the application. It relates to every entity with
which the user interacts. It accepts user inputs and actions, and then sends this information to the data tier
through the application tier for further processing. The student course registration portal accepts input in the
form of student’s personal detail, student’s registration details, faculty details etc. The second tier is
application tier, it serves as an intermediary to the presentation tier and the data tier. It applies business
logic to the input received from the presentation tier. The business logic is applied combining the information
collected from upper and lower layers of the three tier architecture. When a student or a faculty member
asks for a report to be retrieved, on the basis of this command data is fetched from the database and the
required business logic is applied and finally a report is displayed to the user. The third and final tier is the
data tier which is concerned with the design of the database to be used with the web application. It is
concerned with maintaining central servers and its information. The data tier is kept independent of
application servers and business logic to promote data security. The database is developed using MySQL
keeping in mind the authenticity concerns of different users. All the necessary primary keys and access
controls are depicted with utmost care.
In recent times, there has been an increase in use of Web enabled transaction processing online. Many
organizations have adopted this technique for processing payments and selling products online, making
travel reservations etc. Online Student Course Registration System is based on the Web enabled transaction
processing model. The design flow of the web application starts with the student logging into the system and
selecting the courses one wants to opt. Then the system verifies the data again with the database and sends
it to the concerned advisors, dean and/or faculty. After the process is completed, a notification is sent to
Advisor, Dean, Registrar and Student. There are in total 23 tables in the database for managing student data
namely Category, Cnc, College, Country, Course, Crs_category, Department, Designation, Faculty, Gender,
Pow, Qualification, Quota, Registration, Stream, Student, Stu_reg_detail, Temp_course, Temp_reg, UG/PG,
User, Usertypes and Validations. These tables further contain multiple columns for storing information. The
database has been normalized which helps to maintain data integrity and prevents duplication of data.
Initially before pursuing the project a system flow was prepared in order to answer the following questions:
The front-end design of the web application is designed carefully for usage simplicity. There is a menu bar at
top of the page for navigation and the user can scroll through different pages with its help. The final product
of the registration system describes the student registration information in the format of the Yellow Form and
is depicted below in Figure 2:
The compiled project was tested thoroughly using different usage environments like different browsers,
Operating Systems, hardware components and different sets of data. The web application was found to be
working conveniently. However, latest versions of the browser, Operating System and hardware components
of the computer are recommended for best results.
Further, In future we would like to recommend certain valuable additions to the project. The most important
is allowing students to submit the fees online. This can be achieved using the services of an online payment
system portal. This addition would further reduce the student requiring, visiting the college premises
physically. It would completely automate the given system. Also, a system to digitally sign the documents
can also be implemented in future. This would enable the faculty and registrar to acknowledge the
documents more securely and reduce the security risk to valuable personal information. Entering student
grades at semester end is also recommended to be implemented in the future. Finally we can say that the
Online Student Course Registration System for Student is ready for implementation and will surely provide
the students and every entity associated with it a better experience. Although the project is complete and
ready for implementation there is always room for improvement. As this system depends upon computer
hardware, and with more and more student entries into the database there will be constant need to update
server storage. To make the system more secure, In future digital acknowledgement signatures and SSL
encryption can be implemented.
Implementing the Online Student Course Registration System, the registration procedure has been simplified.
Previously student had to go door to door in order to get the documents acknowledged from the concerned
officials whereas the currently developed system offers an efficient way to perform these operations. The
students can access the registration portal online either from a computer or a smart phone, and fill the
necessary information and submit it for further approval. This web application provides us with ease of
access, user friendliness and transparency. On the other hand, from organizations viewpoint, it helps in
maintaining transparency, data consistency, data accessibility and easy maintenance.
Implementation of the proposed system will reduce the workload of all those involved as the data can be
now managed with proper authentication and authorizations instead of being hard copied and accessible to
everyone. This system will largely save the precious time of Deans, Advisors and Accounts Officers, Instead
of explicitly signing every document; they just have to acknowledge entries online with the click of a mouse.
All the technologies i.e. PHP, Apache and MySQL used for current system design are open source and hence
freely available for download. PHP provides a strong platform for creating the visual front-end of the web
application and PHP combined with HTML provides a very flexible development environment. For the purpose
of fulfilling Web Server requirements XAMPP was used, which is again Open Source and is supported across
multiple platforms. In order to maintain visual consistency jQuery was used for simpler implementation of
certain features. For constant testing, analysis and execution needs, Firefox and Google Chrome web-
browsers were used. With a combination of all these technologies we were able to create a web application
environment that is efficient and consistent enough.
The primary objective of our research and development was to automate student course registration
procedure. It has been achieved successfully and the system is tested to be working efficiently. The student
enters his/her information during the beginning of the semester, the system verifies the data entered,
compares it to the previous semester entries in the database and forwards it to the concerned faculty. After
getting the nod from the faculty and respective officials the registration form is submitted to the
administrative staff of the college or university for further necessary action at their end.
Online application of the whole system helps easy access to the system anywhere. Physical presence of the
student is not required. The time taken for process completion is now largely reduced. After registration the
database is automatically updated at the end of process completion removing the hassle for department
officials who had to enter the data manually. As the database is managed through MySQL, data duplication is
eliminated and thereby reducing chances of error. Also data can be now be easily retrieved, edited and
printed whenever required. Authentication based access proves to be more secure than manual system. The
data is maintained on a central server and is distributed among different departments as per requirement
and copies of this database are maintained on backup servers. Also, database access is authorised and
cannot be viewed or edited by unauthorised personnel. So, this automated and computerised system is safe,
fast and user friendly.
The authors are indebted to the advisory members for their continuous guidance and monitoring and for
providing the opportunity to work on a live project inside the university data centre.
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