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Subject: It Capstone Project: University of Education Lahore, D.G.Khan Campus

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University Of Education Lahore,D.G.

Khan Campus


Submitted To: Mr. Ghulam Yasin

Submitted By Muhammad Tauseef, Shamsher ali, Amir siddque,

Ahmad bilal

Program/Semester/Shift: BS-IT/5th / Evening

Project : Online school management system


Now a day, education is getting smarter with the influence of technology. Every passing day we
came across another new technology. Schools are now trying to reduce their manual work and are
upgrading to automated ones. Some of the schools started using ERP system for making their work
easier. The Online School Management System is somehow advanced and a complete model to
manage all the school activities.

The Online School management System are intellectual and user-friendly. It helps manage a huge
administration task along with data and records of teachers, staffs, students and their parents. The
schools are also looking forward to developing and adapting the school management
software which will help them in turning out to be the brand.

Advanced Online School Management Systems, Open source school management, PHP based
School Application, School Administration & Management software, school ERP, School
Management software, SMS.

The purpose of developing the SMS system of any organization is that to make easy to
management to store a large number of data/reports into the computer. It is difficult for any
management to store the large number of data manually or in papers. In that case when any user
wants to take information it is very difficult for management to provide information immediately.
It is very time consuming process. But by using computer it takes only few minutes/seconds..

School management system is intended to help the any institute that wants to store their students
and management records into the computer. It will store all the personal and academic information
of the students. It will also store the fee information of the students. Management will get
information of any student who studied/studying in this institute till now easily. This software will
also help the management to store their employees information including their personal
information and salary information. Payroll system is very important of any also store the results
of the students.

Now these days computer play an important role in any organization because computer can easily
manage the great number of data as compare to human. User can easily access data on right time in

This school has a great number of students. So it is difficult for the management to get information
about this institute on right time. When computer system play in this institute it will make easy to
manage and access data of this institute.
The School management system based upon the following objectives:

Record Keeping
The first objective of this system is to maintain the data of all the student and teacher in database.
It maintains the personal record as well as the academic record of the student. It maintains student
fee record and dues record. Teacher personal record and salary record are also store in the
software. SMS also manage class record, subject record, examination record.

Reports are the most important outputs of school management system (SMS). SMS create the
following reports.

SMS Results to parents

Through Website Online Result System

Via SMS Result Searching system

Auyomate pass and fail system

Customized Result Card

Notification System for Events

Class Wise Marks Sheet

Secure System

Results to Email

The supplementary requirements are part of software system specifications which covers the
non-functional requirements that the software system need to address.
There could be a long list based on the context of the system in scope like the scalability,
performance, no-of usurers supported etc.


System requirement consist of hardware and software requirement that given below:

Hardware Requirements

Processor : Any Pentium IV or compatible

RAM 1GB and Above
Harddisk 80GB and Above
Software Requirements.

Browser: Mozilla firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer
Front End: jsp/servelet
Back end: mysql Server

This chapter states the methodology used to reach the objectives of the project. The framework
in which software is designed, developed, and maintained is known as the Software
Development Life Cycle (SDLC). It shows the steps, phases, milestones, and evolution of the
software development process. There are many types of models used in software design and
development. Among them are the spiral models, rapid development model, Evolutionary model,
waterfall model, prototyping model, etc.
Prototyping Model has been used to develop this application. The Prototyping model is a
technique for quickly building a function but incomplete model of the information system. There
are several kinds of prototypes but they all intend to reduce risk by building a quick and dirty
replica or mockup of the intended system. It can be used to demonstrate technical feasibility
when the technical risk is high. It can also be used to better understand and elicit user
requirements. In either case, the goal is to reduce risk and limit costs by increasing understanding
of proposed solutions before committing more resources.

Prototype Model
Advantages of Prototyping
❖ Reduces development time.
❖ - Reduces development costs.
❖ - Requires user involvement.
❖ - Developers receive quantifiable user feedback.
❖ - Facilitate system implementation since users know what to expect.
❖ - Results in higher user satisfaction.
❖ - Exposes developers to potential future system enhancements.
The Process of Prototyping
Identify basic requirement: Determine basic requirements including the input and output
information desired. Details, such us security, can typically be ignored.
Develop initial prototype: The initial prototype is developed that includes only user interfaces.
Review: The customers, end-users, examine the prototype and provide feedback on additions or
Revise and enhancing the prototype: Using the feedback, both the specifications and the
prototype can be improved.
This method involves a series of iterations and refinement until the prototype product is a fully
working system, and the user is satisfied.
Reason of using Prototype Model
❖ Users are actively involved in the development.
❖ Since in this methodology a working model of the system is provided, the users get a better
understanding of the system being developed.
❖ Errors can be detected much earlier.
❖ Quicker user feedback is available leading to better solutions.
❖ - Missing functionality can be identified easily.
❖ - Confusing or difficult functions can be identified requirements validation, quick
implementation of incomplete, but functional application.

Phases in prototype Mode

Phase 1:
Identify some requirements to begin with: Get lists of some major requirements which define
the need for the new system including the main input output information.
Phase 2:
Develop initial prototype: Develop a basic initial prototype which only has UI screens.
Phase 3:
Review the prototype: End users and SME’s work and examine the prototype and provide
feedback for improvements/enhancements
Phase 4:
Revise and enhance the prototype: Scope is changed based on feedback from end users and
the prototype is enhanced and refined to accommodate user feedback.
We used Prototyping Model as our methodology for developing this system, and we described
the advantages of prototyping, it’s process, it’s phases and reasons of using it’s model

This chapter explains the design and implementation phases of the system. It depicts the
class diagram, ER diagram and database schema the System. Moreover, the
implementation phase combines the requirements, design phase outputs, and process
them using the appropriate technologies.

Analyze Phase
During the analyze phase, we determine the requirement of the project and get in touch
how we can improve the school's performance, also we determine how implement the
school's need's to help them to get professional work.

Build A Prototype.
In this phase, the tools used in developing the prototype and the developed system are

Programming Tool
The system are developed using web development techniques (HTML5, CSS3,
JavaScript, JQuery) that let us design the system layout such as login form, tables, panels
and colors, then implement UI/UX element's such as : - Make the system ease to use. -
Make the system ease to learn.

Choose the website color's carefully to enhance user interfaces

Then, make the system dynamic using programming tools (PHP v7, MYSQL DBMS) it’s
let us store the user's information in database and view it through the WebPages using

Design Phase
During the design phase, the relationships between classes was designed and analyzed
using the class diagram. After that, the database schema was developed to illustrate the
mapping of the data.
Class Diagram
To illustrate the relationships and source code dependencies among classes, class diagram
was developed. In this context, the class defines the methods and variables in an object,
which is a specific entity in a program or the unit of code representing that entity.
Database Schema
A database schema is the skeleton structure that represents the logical view of the entire
database. It defines how the data is organized and how the relations among them are
associated. It formulates all the constraints that are to be applied on the data.The table
contains an ID and several different attributes related to different functions in the system.
Protocol control panel

This chapter explains the design and implementation phases of the system. It depicts the class
diagram, ER diagram and database schema the System. Moreover, the implementation phase
combines the requirements, design phase outputs, and process them using the appropriate
Analyze Phase
During the analyze phase, we determine the requirement of the project and get in touch how we
can improve the school's performance, also we determine how implement the school's need's to
help them to get professional work.
Build A Prototype
In this phase, the tools used in developing the prototype and the developed system are described.
Programming Tool
The system are developed using web development techniques (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript,
JQuery) that let us design the system layout such as login form, tables, panels and colors, then
implement UI/UX element's such as :
Make the system ease to use.
Make the system ease to learn.
Choose the website color's carefully to enhance user interfaces
Then, make the system dynamic using programming tools (PHP v7, MYSQL DBMS) it’s let us
store the user's information in database and view it through the WebPages using PHP v7 5.4
Design Phase
During the design phase, the relationships between classes was designed and analyzed using the
class diagram. After that, the database schema was developed to illustrate the mapping of the
Tool Selection
Selection of the appropriate software is most crucial stage of the development phase. The choice
of software tool should be done in keeping view of the problem faced in order to avoid heavy
loss of time and money. Tools used for any system development are:
1)Hardware 2) software

Hardware Requirements

Processor : Any Pentium IV or compatible

RAM 1GB and Above
Harddisk 80GB and Above
Software Requirements.
Browser: Mozilla firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer
Front End: jsp/servelet
Back end: mysql Server

Platform Selection
Microsoft platform is selected for the development of my system because of easy to use, reliable,
easily configurable ad vastly used and ease of availability of compatible software.
Selection of Tool
This scenario includes two important factors: -
First is to get experience in any tool and then develop project in that particular tool. Second
thing is to select the tool according to the requirements of the project and get expertise in that
tool. Keeping in mind all these things, the choice of programming language is the important and
definitely depends upon the problem on hand.
Many options are available but my choice is php because it is rapid tool for software
development and because it fulfills the necessities of my project.
Feature of PHP and MYSQL
PHP is an HTML –embedded scripting language. Much of its Syntax is borrowed from C, Java
and Perl with a couple of unique PHP –specific features thrown in. The goal of the language is to
allow web developers to write dynamically generated pages quickly. This is generally a good
definition of PHP. However, it is often easier to think of PHP in terms of what it can do for you.
PHP will allow you to.
• Reduce the time to create large websites.
• Create a customized user experience for visitor based on information that you have gathered
from them.
• Open up thousands of possibilities for online tools.
• Allow creation of shopping carts for e-commerce websites.

History o PHP
PHP started as a quick Perl hack written by Rasmus Lerdorf in late 1994. Over the next two to
three year, it evolved into what we today known as PHP/F1 2.0. PHP /F1 started to get a lot of
users, but things didn’t start flying until Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans suddenly came along
with a new parser in the summer of 1997, leading t o PHP 3.0. PHP 3.0 defined the syntax and
semantics used in both versions 3 and 4.
PHP 4 Architecture
PHP has undergone major architectural changes since version 3 which are as follows:
The language parser itself has become a self-contained component called the Zend engine. PHP
function modules, now called PHP extensions, are also basically self-contained .There is Web
server abstraction layer called SAPI also has the advantage of increasing PHP 4 stability, in
addition to supporting multi-threaded Web server.
All of PHP’S functions are part of one of the layers. Most function such as the MYSQL support
is provided by an extension. Most extensions are optional. They can be linked into PHP at
compile time or built as dynamically loadable extensions that can be loaded on demand.
PHP Utilities
I have selected PHP because of the following reasons and utilities of PHP.
• Cross-platform.
• Most PHP code can be processed without alteration on computers running many different
operating systems. For example, a PHP script that runs on Linux generally also runs well on
• HTML-embedded
• PHP code can be written in files containing a mixture of PHP instruction and HTML code.
• Server-side.
• The PHP programs are run on a server-specially a web server.
• Web-scripting language.
• PHP programs run via a web browser.
We will cover this tutorial in easy steps to develop live demo of school
management system to cover some major funcitionalities like manage teachers,
students, classes, subjects, sections, students attendance etc. this is a very simple
school management systems for learning purpose and can be enchanced according
to requirement to develop a perfect advance level system. The download link is at
the end of tutorial to download complete project with database table

So lets start implementing school management with PHP and MYSQL.before we

begin, take a look on files structure foe example
 Index.php
 School.php: A class to hold school methods
 Dashboard.php
 Students.php
 Teacher.php
 Classes.php
 Subjects.php
 Attendance.php

This chapter illustrates the last two phase of the project the testing and evaluation phases. In the
testing phase, the performance testing and functionality testing performed. In addition, the
evaluation was performed through this steps School Manager, Teacher, Student, and Parent.
Two types of testing was performed to test the website and how it support mobile working.
These tests were mainly performance testing and functionality testing.
Performance Testing
The website was tested on Firefox browser using an online tool called GTMetrix, which
analyzes web pages according to different rules by giving each rule a weigh, and then evaluate
the score of each rule for the website. The rules tested by this tool is indicated in Table blew.

Functionality Testing
All functions in the application, database connection, forms used to enter data for submission,
editing, getting or deleting information from users were tested. Developers performed the test of
the website. Some functionality requirements were tested during the test:

Security Testing
Security was tested by pasting internal URL directly into browser address bar without login.
SQL injection SQL MAP tool was used to test all pages in website. Also when the user (Admin,
Teacher) need to edit marks or information to other user if he edit the id in URL the system will
redirect to logout page or home page. Ex: (student.php?userid=120110220) if the user try edit the
id number to access to other user information or other hacking.
Database Testing
Data consistency is very important. Data integrity and errors while editing, deleting, modifying
the forms or do any DB related functionality were checked. Moreover, the entire database
queries were checked to be executed correctly, data is retrieved correctly and even updated
Since the system has four users whose opinion about the system is very important, a sample of
student, teacher, parent, and school manager were consulted to evaluate the website.
Usability Evaluation
To evaluate the system based on the users (student, teacher, parent, admin).
End-Users' Evaluation

Fig :distribution of user kind

Fig:Distribution of the user

Fig: Distribution of user age

Users Evaluation
In this evaluation process, we go to the school in Rafah and distribute thirty questionnaires and
we get just 20 from it as shown blew (9 student, 6 teacher, 3 parent , 2 admin).

We have explain the testing and the evaluation phases for the project, also the functionality and
the performance testing , and the evaluation that has performed through School manager, teacher,
student and parent.

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