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Answer All Questions: P.S.R. Engineering College Sivakasi-626 140

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(An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)
PART B 3 x ! "ar# $ %& "ar#s
'x(lain the motorin) o(eration of a sin)le (hase fully *ontrolled *onverter fed se(arately ex*ited
+C motor in *ontinuous and dis*ontinuous modes ,ith steady state analysis and ,ave forms-
'x(lain the motorin) o(eration of a sin)le (hase semi *ontrolled *onverter fed se(arately ex*ited
+C motor in *ontinuous and dis*ontinuous modes ,ith steady state analysis and ,ave forms-

.ith *ir*uit and ,aveform ex(lain (rin*i(le of o(eration of three (hase *ontrolled *onverter in
free,heelin) o(eration-
'x(lain the three (hase full *onverter fed se(arately ex*ited +C motor for *ontinuous armature
*urrent o(eration ,ith *ir*uit and ,ave forms and o/tain ex(ression for (erforman*e (arameter-
+es*ri/e ,ith ,aveform (rin*i(le of ,or#in) of +C drive ,ith sin)le (hase dual *onverter-
A 0012, 341r(m, 011A se(arately ex*ited motor has an armature resistan*e of 1-145- Armature
is fed from a three (hase non6 *ir*ulatin) *urrent dual *onverter *onsistin) of fully *ontrolled
re*tifier A and B- Re*tifier A (rovides motorin) o(eration in the for,ard dire*tion and re*tifier
B in reverse dire*tion- 7ine volta)e of a* souse is %112- Cal*ulate firin) an)les of re*tifiers for
follo,in) assumin) *ontinuous *ondu*tion-(i) "otorin) o(eration at rated tor8ue and !11r(m,
(ii)-Re)enerative /ra#in) o(eration at rated tor8ue and !11r(m
A 0012, 011r(m, 4A se(arately ex*ited motor has an armature resistan*e and indu*tan*e of
-&5 and 30m9 res(e*tively- This motor is *ontrolled /y a sin)le (hase *ontrolled re*tifier ,ith
an a* sour*e volta)e of 0312, 419:- Identify the modes and *al*ulate develo(ed tor8ues for ;
$311 and s(eed $ %4r(m
A 0012, 411r(m, 41A se(arately ex*ited motor ,ith armature resistan*e of 1-45 is fed from a
three (hase fully *ontrolled re*tifier- Availa/le a* sour*e has a line volta)e of %%12, 419:- A
star6delta *onne*ted transformer is used to feed the armature so that motor terminal volta)e
e8uals rated volta)e ,hen *onverter firin) an)le is :ero- Cal*ulate transformer turns ratio-
+etermine the values of firin) an)le ,hen motor is runnin) at 011r(m and rated tor8ue-
Assume *ontinuous *ondu*tion-
The s(eed of a1 h(, 0312, 011 r(m se(arately ex*ited d* motor is *ontrolled /y a sin)le (hase
full *onverter- The rated motor armature *urrent is 3&A and the armature resistan*e is 1-35-The
a* su((ly volta)e is 0!12-The motor volta)e *onstant is <a = $1-&02>r(m- Assume that
suffi*ient indu*tan*e is (resent in the armature *ir*uit to ma#e the motor *urrent *ontinuous and
ri((le free- ?or a firin) an)le ; $311 and rated motor *urrent *al*ulate i) The s(eed of the motor-
ii)The motor tor8ue iii)-Po,er su((lied to the motor
'x(lain the motor (erforman*e (arameters and in(ut su((ly (erforman*e (arameters of @in)le
Phase +C +rives
Pro)rammeA "-'- Bran*h Po,er 'le*troni*s and +rives
A*ad- BearA 013601% Bear>@emester I Br> II @em
Course CodeA 12PE21 Course Came SOLID STATE DC DRIVES
"aximum "ar#sA !1 "ar#s +ate of Test 19.03.2014 +uration -31 hrs
Course Tutor(s)A "r-T-Balasu/ramanian- AP>'''
Answer All Questions
PART A ! x 0 "ar# $ 0 "ar#s
- .hat are the (erforman*e (arameters in three6(hase *onverter *ontrol of se(arately ex*ited +C
0- .hat is the use of free ,heelin) diodeD
3- .hat is the effe*t of *urrent ri((le in *ontinuous armature *urrent o(erationD
%- +ra, the s(eed tor8ue *hara*teristi*s of sin)le (hase fully *ontrolled re*tifier fed d* motor-
4- .hat are the advanta)es of three (hase drives over sin)le (hase drivesD
!- .hat is the (rin*i(le of varia/le fre8uen*y time ratio *ontrol strate)ies of +C driveD

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