Ghana: Tamale City Profile
Ghana: Tamale City Profile
Ghana: Tamale City Profile
Copyright © United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), 2009
All rights reserved
This Tamale report and project was prepared and managed by Victoria Abankwa in Ghana
and Alain Grimard, Kerstin Sommer and Florence Kuria in Nairobi.
HS Number: HS/1215/09E
The designation employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do
not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the
United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of
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Excerpts from this publication may be reproduced without authorisation, on condition that
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Design and Layout: Florence Kuria
Table of contents
The annual urban other departments within the agency – the Urban
growth rate in Sub- Development Branch with the Urban Environment
Saharan Africa is almost Section, the Global Urban Observatory, the Shelter
5 percent, twice as high Branch, the Urban Governance Unit, the Gender Policy
as in Latin America Unit, the Environment Unit and the Training and
and Asia. It also has the Capacity Building Branch. This new corporate approach
world’s largest proportion is part of the Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme.
of urban residents living The implementation of the urban profiling was launched
in slums, which today thanks to contributions from the Governments of Italy,
are home to 72 percent Belgium and the Netherlands. Today, it is part of the
of urban Africa’s citizens Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme financed by
representing a total of the European Commission.
some 187 million people.
As more and more people The idea behind the urban profiling is to help
seek a better life in towns formulate urban poverty reduction policies at the local,
and cities, the urban slum population in Africa is national and regional levels through a rapid, participatory,
projected to double every 15 years in a process known cross cutting, holistic and action-orientated assessment
as the urbanization of poverty. African cities are thus of needs. It is also aimed at enhancing dialogue,
confronted in the new Millennium with the problem of awareness of opportunities and challenges aiming at
accommodating the rapidly growing urban populations identifying response mechanisms as a contribution to
in inclusive cities, providing them with adequate shelter the implementation of the MDGs.
and basic urban services, while ensuring environmental
sustainability, as well as enhancing economic growth The urban profiling addresses four main themes:
and development. governance, slums, gender and HIV/AIDS and
environment. It seeks to build a national profile, and
UN-HABITAT is the lead agency for implementation three settlements representing the capital or a large city,
of Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 7, Target a medium-sized city, and a small town. The profiles offer
10 (reducing by half the number of people without an overview of the urban situation in each participating
sustainable access to safe drinking water), and Target city through a series of interviews with key urban actors.
11 (achieving significant improvement in the lives of at This is followed by a city consultation where priorities are
least 100 million slum dwellers by 2020). agreed. City-level findings provide input for the national
profiling that is combined with a national assessment of
As part of our drive to address this crisis, UN- institutional, legislative, financial and overall enabling
HABITAT is working with the European Commission frameworks and response mechanisms. The profiles at
to support sustainable urban development in African, all levels result in supporting the formation of city and
Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries. Given the urgent national strategies and policy development. Additionally,
and diverse needs, the agency found it necessary to the profiling facilitates sub-regional analyses, strategies
develop a tool for rapid assessment to guide immediate, and common policies through identification of
mid and long-term interventions. In 2002, based on common needs and priorities at the sub-regional level.
the European Commission’s Consultative Guidelines This provides guidance to international external support
for Sustainable Urban Development Cooperation, UN- agencies in the development of their responses in the
HABITAT successfully implemented an Urban Sector form of capacity building tools.
Profile Study in Somalia for the first time. The Study
resulted in the identification and implementation of In Ghana, the profiling was undertaken under the
three major programmes with funding from a variety leadership of national and local authorities. This initiative
foreword -executive director
4 4
pollution and crime all problems that negatively affect
investments and economic development. A consensus
was reached on priority interventions in the form of
programme and project proposals to be implemented.
I wish to acknowledge the contributions of Mr.
Mohamed El Sioufi, who developed the urban profiling
concept, the programme manager Alain Grimard and
Kerstin Sommer who is coordinating its activities. I
also wish to cite those members of staff for their role
in helping produce this report. They include Alioune
Badiane, Adolphine Asimah, Ben Doe Doris Tetteh,
and Sylvester Gabianu.
I would like to thank the Government of Ghana
through the Tamale Metropolitan Assembly, Ministry
of Information Service, Ministry of Local Government
and Rural Development, Ministry of Women and
Children Affairs, city mayors, local government officials,
authorities, and all those who have participated in and
supported this initiative and wish every success in its
implementation. I also look forward to supporting
further their efforts in the development of Tamale.
5 5
Executive summary
Overview Introduction
Tamale is the capital town of the Northern Region, The Urban Profiling is an accelerated and action-
one of ten in the country. It is located within the Guinea oriented urban assessment of needs and capacity-
Savannah belt. It is the fourth largest city in Ghana with building gaps at local and national levels. It is currently
a population of 293,881 comprising 146,979 males and being implemented in over 20 countries in Africa and
146,902 females and with a growth rate of 3.5%. The Arab States. The urban profiling uses a structured
size of Tamale is approximately 922km sq. The city approach where priority interventions are agreed
experiences severe hamattan winds in the dry season upon through consultative processes. It consists of
from November to January. The Metropolis is poorly three phases: (1) a rapid participatory urban profiling,
endowed with water bodies. The only water systems are at national and local levels, focusing on Governance,
a few seasonal streams, which dry up during the dry Slums, Gender, HIV/AIDS, and Environment, and
season. The other water bodies include dugouts and proposed interventions; (2) detailed priority proposals;
dams. The city attracts population from all over the and (3) project implementation. Urban Profiling in
northern region. Economic activities revolve around Ghana encompasses a national profile, as well as profiles
farming and trading. According to the GLSS4, the for Accra, Tamale, and Ho, each published as a separate
northern region is one of the three poorest regions in report. This is the Tamale report and it constitutes a
the country. Many International Non Governmental general background, a synthesis of the four themes –
Organizations operate in the northern region but few Governance, Slums, Gender and HIV/AIDS, and
of them work in Tamale. Environment –, and priority project proposals.
6 6
Under the decentralization programme of the Environment
country, the Governance system comprises of elected
members and government appointed members who As one of the fastest growing cities in the country,
form the Metropolitan Assembly, which is the highest Tamale is faced with daunting challenges in the
governing body of the city. The Metropolitan Chief management of both solid and liquid waste, water
Executive is the head of administration of the city. The shortages and congestion in the markets. Unauthorized
mechanism for engaging the public and stakeholders in development also contributes to environmental
decision-making for the Assembly is not very clear. degradation in Tamale. The city requires assistance in
procurement of sanitation facilities/equipment and
Slums enforcement of planning and building regulations.
in women than in men. The Assembly has established Environmental Sanitation Project, European Union,
a gender desk to take care of women issues particularly VIP etc.
education and action on HIV/AIDS. Under the poverty
reduction alleviation programmes, the Assembly
provides credit facilities to communities as counterpart
fund for the development of donor funded programmes
in deprived areas. More assistance should be given to
formation of micro-credit groups for women. Efforts
should be directed at girl child education.
The urban poor suffer form the lack of urban BEST PRACTICE CASE STUDY: SMALL TOWN
services particularly those in the deprived areas. They WATER SYSTEM FOR TAMALE
do not have adequate water supply, roads, drains and The Tamale Central Small Towns Water System consists
sanitation services.
of rehabilitation of water points such as wells and bore
holes executed by New Energy – a Non Governmental
Organization. Estimated duration of the project was
three months. The original shallow hand dug wells
Public transport popularly called ‘trotros’ and taxis were built in 1940 and drawn using rope and bucket.
are the main mode of transport for the city. A large After several years of operation and maintenance, the
number of people use bicycles and motorbikes in the well eventually caved in and became disused. The
city. major components of the project are as follows;
9 9
Development partners Private Sector: There are a lot of informal sector
operators in the city, however the formal private sector
Community Based Organizations (CBOs): There is not very much operational in the city. Consequently
are a number of voluntary organizations from the industrial activities are minimal in the city. The city
community, youth groups, schools and mosques. They administration is therefore very keen on attracting
are formed to respond to issues of sanitation, their own investment into the city.
welfare and mobilisation for community work.
Donors: Being one of the three poorest regions of
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): There the country a lot of donors have been trying to push
is a proliferation of NGOs operating in the Tamale developments into Tamale and the region. These are
Metropolis. At the last inventory in early 2004 as many in the fields of sanitation, infrastructure and social
as sixty (60) were recorded. Unfortunately most of services.
them have their headquarters in Tamale but operate
outside the Metropolis. The few that operate within
the Metropolis do so in an uncoordinated manner.
This usually results in duplication of effort and spillage
of resources. In order to harmonize their efforts for
effective development the NGOs have now constituted
a quarterly review meeting (Consortium of NGOs) and
this is helping to facilitate discussions and consultation
within the Tamale Metropolitan Assembly.
TAMALE profile - background
GOVERNANCE and therefore a new assembly was not constituted. As a
result a 12 member Interim Management Committee
The mission statement of the Tamale Metropolitan (IMC) nominated by government has been put in place
Assembly states, “The Tamale Metropolitan Assembly until elections are held. The committee has 4 women
exists to enhance the quality of life of the people of members. The Chief Executive is the chairman. The
the Metropolis by facilitating the maintenance of law Interim Management Committee functions along
and order and mobilizing the physical and financial the same lines as the District Authority. The Interim
resources to provide quality socio-economic services Management Committee meets quarterly but can be
especially in education and health in collaboration convened for any emergency meeting. It was observed
with other development agencies and in conformity to that due to the scope of activity required of the Interim
broad national policies,” (Medium Term Development Management Committee emergency meetings have
Plan, TAMA 2003). This is a clear manifestation of become very frequent.
the Tamale Metropolitan Assembly acknowledgement
of its role in provision and the citizens right for access The Interim Management Committee is supported
to basic services. Consequently the provision of these by technical departments and administrative structures.
basic services has constituted a major component of the The categories are:
Tamale Metropolitan Assembly budget and programme
of action as contained in the various district budget and • Core department such as Central Administration,
action plans. Metropolitan Planning & Coordinating Unit,
Budget & Finance.
TAMALE profile - governance
• 13 decentralized departments.
• Central government departments and Agencies
The Tamale Metropolitan Assembly was established such as Department of Urban Roads, Ghana
by Legislative Instrument 1453. Membership of the Water Company Limited, Community Water and
Assembly comprises 52 elected and 30 appointed Sanitation Agency, and Environmental Protection
members including the Metropolitan Chief Executive Agency.
and two members of Parliament who have no voting
rights. It is the highest political and administrative • The 8 sub-committees of the Assembly.
authority in the Metropolis. At the sub metropolis level
Tamale Metropolitan Assembly has 11 Zonal Councils
and 91 Unit Committees. This was the structure of the
Tamale Metropolitan Assembly during the last District
Assembly session which ended in 2002, however due
to the state of emergency imposed on the Dagbon area
including the Metropolis, voting could not be conducted
1. Tamale Metropolitan Assembly Legislation, policy, budgeting, implementation coordination and supervision.
2. Metropolitan Chief Executive (MCE) Over development of Metropolis.
3. Central Administration Coordinate the activities of the departments administrative services to Metro-
politan Chief Executive.
3. Town & Country Planning Coordination uses and developments. Preparation of detailed planning
schemes, structure plan, detailed design of suburban centres. Secretariat of the
Accra Metropolitan Planning Committee.
4. Works Development and maintenance of public land properties, design and mainte-
nance of building projects premises/ house numbering, development of street
furniture and Terminals. Issuance of building permit, demolishes unauthorized
5. Environmental Management Food Hygiene and market sanitation. Disease, Vector and Pest Control. Envi-
ronmental Health Education. Premises Inspection for control of environmental
health hazards. Control of cemeteries. Health safety of keeping of animals.
Building Sanitation.
6. Education office Teaching and learning in schools; regulations and educational policies; infra-
structure and necessary logistics; sport development in schools.
7. Disaster Prevention and Management Preparation of disaster management plan. Provision of relief, rehabilitation and
reconstruction after disaster.
8. Food and Agriculture Technical services, development of Agriculture. In flow and outflow of agricul-
tural produce.
9. Finance Collection and custody of revenue; processes and pays expenses incurred; com-
pel financial records; processes payroll; Advises on financial matters; researches
into changing trends of the market.
Resource mobilization Capacity building and training
District Assemblies Common Fund (DACF) finances • Re-organise the institutional structure and
about 45.5% of development projects and programmes, departments to respond to the problems of the
2.71% from non-governmental organizations; 51.79% Metropolises.
from other central government projects interventions
e.g. Urban Environmental Sanitation Project, European • Development and installation of a comprehensive
Union and Village Infrastructure Project. In 2003 database on all rateable, persons and properties:
Common Fund released to the Assembly was USD
256,061.36. Disbursement of District Assemblies - Establishment of an effective supervisory and
Common Fund focuses on education, health, water monitoring system.
and sanitation and micro enterprise support for poverty - Undertake training of revenue collectors.
alleviation programme.
- Organize public campaigns to adequately sensitize
Tamale Metropolitan Assembly’s locally generated communities of all the benefits of paying taxes.
revenue has improved over the past three years due to
high growth and 91.17% achievement of the yearly - Develop a contractual agreement (Memorandum
budget. The actual performance over the period has of Understanding) to be signed by all parties
increased from 36% to 350%. involved in any revenue collection contracted with
the Assembly.
SLUMS and shelter Capacity building and training
Majority of housing inTamale composes of compound • Training of Environmental Health Officers on health
houses constructed from mud and thatch. Central promotion strategies, prosecution and enforcement
Government and international bodies are normally of byelaws.
responsible for the preparation and implementation of
slum upgrading projects in the country. Consequently • Training of Water Management Committees.
the cities do not have strategies aimed at slum upgrading. Training in the appreciation of environmental
Cities should make a conscious effort to establish these problems and strategies to deal with them.
guidelines and strategies.
Regulatory framework
Tamale has a Master Plan since 1992. A number Best practice
of regulations exist for land use planning in the city. Small town water system for Tamale. Rehabilita-
These are the National Building Regulation (Legislative tion of an old well in the centre of Tamale by a Non
Instrument 1630), Town and Country Planning
Governmental Organization and the Assembly. The
Ordinance (CAP 84), the National Development
Planning Systems Law (Act 480), and the Local well is fitted with an electric pump and an over-
Government Law (Act 462), which are used in guiding head tank. It provides water throughout the year for
development planning and control. residents in central Tamale. Plans are far advanced
to replicate the project in other parts of Tamale.
Tenure systems
• Slum dwellers in Tamale have secure tenure but do
not have good infrastructure and services.
• Deprived areas are located on good lands.
• Nobody is evicted from slum areas.
• Poor people are priced out of the land market due to
high land cost.
Affirmative action for women has been high on the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs formulate
development agenda. The affirmative policy position policies on women; Women and Juvenile Unit for arrest
for women is upon the background that being a and prosecution of offences against women; Women
largely Moslem and traditional community women’s desk set up in all Assemblies; Ghana AIDS Commission
participation had been limited to domestic issues. for policy on HIV/AIDS; Law against Female Genital
Post-colonial times thus saw lower indices on women Mutilation.
education, participation in economic and political factors
lower than in the other southern regions of the country.
It is in this light that a number of gender sensitive RESOURCE MOBILIZATION
Non Governmental Organizations are operating in the
region. • Micro credit facilities for women groups; women
groups sponsored on forums to discuss HIV/AIDS.
• Ministry of Women and Children Affairs for policy
on women.
• Affirmative action for women.
• Women representation in decision-making
As one of the fastest growing cities in the country, The Assembly has the responsibility for waste
Tamale is faced with daunting challenges in the management. This is done through the Environmental
management of both solid and liquid waste. The Health Department. The Town and Country Planning
management of solid and liquid waste is the single Department has responsibility for planning and
greatest environmental problem facing the Metropolis. development control. Unfortunately these Departments
150 tonnes of solid are generated daily but the are not well resourced.
Assembly is only able to clear 7.5 tonnes a day. 80% of
the population depend on public toilets or other illegal
Proliferation of commercial and light industrial • Tamale Metropolitan Assembly budget for
activities within the residential areas is another environmental activity is too small.
environmental problem facing the township.
• Funding for sanitation comes only from central
Development control enforcement in the township government.
has been very weak and as a result small-scale commercial
activities find it relatively easy to locate on any available • No user charges for use of sanitation facilities.
space (road sides and reservation, open spaces and
TAMALE profile - environment
New properties in Low income levels. Projects (Danish Harsh national Effective Increasing
the Metropolis. Support for District Economic revenue the internally
Inadequate Assemblies Urban Conditions. collection generated
Existence of database. V, HIPC Fund, Social system. revenue by 70%.
viable markets. Investment Fund). Irregular release
Lack of motivation of District Tax education Establishing a
Private sector for revenue staff. Unexplored revenue Assembly awareness. comprehensive
participation sources. Common Fund. property register
in revenue Unwillingness to
and other tax
collection. pay tax.
rated entities.
Corruption of
revenue collectors.
Presence of Weak link Vibrant private and Incomplete local Community To improve
community between independent private government participation. communication
organizations Metropolitan press. system. between the As-
and traditional Assembly Community sembly and the
authorities. structures and mobilisation. public.
Availability of and community To adequately
internal and organizations. coordinate NGO
external audit activities in the
system. Over reliance district.
on central
government for
resources and
Project proposal Project proposal
Manpower and capacity governance
governance Develop Mechanisms for
N°1 building for core staff of Tamale N°2 Private Participation in Revenue
Metropolitan Assembly
LOCATION: Tamale Metropolitan Assembly Offices. LOCATION: Tamale Metropolitan Assembly and
Institute for Local Government Studies.
DURATION: 18 months.
DURATION: 12 months.
BENEFICIARIES: Senior Management Staff,
Technical Staff and Supporting Staff of: Central BENEFICIARIES: Tamale Metropolitan Assembly ,
Administration - Office of the Metro Coordinating Private Enterprise, Non Governmental Organizations.
Director, Metro Planning and Coordinating
Unit, Metropolitan Works Department and IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS: Tamale
Waste Management Department, and Finance Metropolitan Assembly and private enterprise,
and Budget Division Accountants. Non Governmental Organizations and
Community Based Organizations.
National Training Institutions, International Training ESTIMATED COST: USD 20,000
Institutions, Attachment with other cites with
proven administrative experience, Local Government BACKGROUND: With the decentralisation process,
Training School, and specialised Trainers (Subject the importance of locally generated revenue has
Matter Specialist to provide in-house training). become very crucial in funding projects. Ability of
Assemblies to generate revenue locally forms the
ESTIMATED COST: USD 100,000 basis for calculating their share of the Assemblies
Common Fund. At the same time there are several
BACKGROUND: Local Government system sources from which the Assembly can generate
is fairly new and staff is not well equipped to revenue. The Assembly relies on its revenue collection
handle the challenges of good governance. Local staff to undertake this task. Unfortunately Tamale
Governments make little provision for staff training Metropolitan Assembly has discovered that the officers
and improvement. In addition the other structures are incapable of collecting the revenue efficiently.
of the Assembly - the Assembly men and the Chief This is partly due to their educational background
Executive have very little training and experience and inability to be creative. The Assembly in recent
in governance and Metropolis management. times has recruited the services of private revenue
collectors. This has shown some improvement in
OBJECTIVES: To enhance efficiency revenue mobilisation. However the privatisation needs
of local governance structure in to be better organised and managed professionally
Tamale Metropolitan Assembly. in order to ensure proper contract procedures,
ACTIVITIES: (1) Local and international training accounting, supervision and monitoring.
for staff in areas of Development Planning, OBJECTIVES: To develop transparent structures
Budgeting and Accounting, Procurement, Project and mechanisms for public-private partnership that
project proposals - governance
Planning, Metropolis Engineering, Secretarial, Office would enhance metropolis revenue mobilisation.
Management, etc. (2) Study tours and workshop
for management Level Staff for sensitization. ACTIVITIES: (1) Identify staff for the training.
(3) Conducting sensitization workshop for (2) Identify training Institute. (3) Provide
Assembly men and key community persons. (4) training in P3. (4) Workshop to sensitise private
Attachment programmes for Technical Heads. sector and interest them in P3. (5) Identify non-
traditional revenue sources of the Assembly
OUTPUTS: (1) Improved skills of Tamale
Metropolitan Assembly staff. (2) Simple operational OUTPUTS: (1) An effective mechanized system for
manuals. (3) Provision of basic office equipment. revenue collection and a transparent system for private
participation in revenue mobilization established.
of staff for training. (2) Selection of training PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: (1) Use
Institute. (3) Arrange for training. (4) Training. technical expertise to provide training using theory
(5) Workshops. (6) Design and procurement of and practical experience in P3. (2) Short project
Office operation manuals and equipment. work on P3. (3) Study tours. (4) Workshops.
and accessories. (2) Office equipment. (3) Vehicles. Computers. (2) Communication equipment.
Project proposal PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: (1) Prepare
governance Terms of Reference and select Consultants for the
N°3 Develop data base for landed project. (2) Purchase digital maps. (3)Purchase
property and business other hardware and software. (4)Undertake the
studies and prepare reports. (5) Train staff on the
utilisation of the results of the study. (6) Create
public awareness and education on the assignment.
LOCATION: Tamale Metropolitan Assembly.
Project proposal OUTPUT: System Participation platforms and systems
Establish a citizen participation PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: (1) Prepare terms
N°4 system for effective community of reference and select consultants for implementation.
participation in decision making and (2) Conduct interviews with citizens and city
planning processes officials. (3) Develop the appropriate systems for
participations based on interviews. (4) Develop a
database for keeping information on participation
LOCATION: Tamale Metropolitan Assembly (1) Photo copier machine. (2) Printer.
DURATION: 6 months (3) Computer. (4) Software.
Slums and shelter
High potential for ground Inadequate funds from Influence of District Pollution of water bodies.
water development. Government of Ghana and Assemblies Common Fund.
Assembly. High reliance on NGOs/
Existing institutions for Social Investment Fund/ Donors could lead to donor
water and sanitation Low capacity of the Ministry European Union Micro- fatigue.
delivery. of Environment Science and project.
Technology (MEST). Drought.
High communal spirit of Highly Indebted Poor
communities. Lack of improvement to Country fund.
Dalun head works.
Involvement of NGOs in Government policy on water
water delivery. Limited coverage of potable privatization.
water by Ghana Water
Company Limited. High communal spirit.
Inadequate sanitation
Management of facilities by
local communities.
Availability of service Services have not been Avenue to educate public Non-conformity to regula-
providers; electricity, water extended to all areas. to develop according to tions can contribute to slum
etc. planning schemes. creation in some areas.
Low levels of service provi-
Secured land. sion where they exist. Use of local building Inability to extend services
materials. due to lack of funds.
Available local materials Non-conformity to develop-
for construction. ment and building regula- Market for rentals. Slum development due to
tions. low level of services.
Availability of planning Serviced plots before
Young entrepreneurs
investing in housing.
Project proposal PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: A centrally
SLUMS AND coordinated effort to train master artisans (preferably
Programme to improve capacity for a Non Governmental Organization), who would then
N°1 urban housing upgrading train local construction workers in all specialities of
construction. Training fees would be worked into a
work and pay or an in-service programme. After the
LOCATION: Tamale. training basic working tools would be provided for
trainees to enable them start their own workshops
DURATION: On going. and probably train other trainees. The system
was used successfully under the United Nations
BENEFICIARIES: Youth particularly in Centre for Human Settlements programme on
housing and construction trades / Skill. “Strengthening Community Management Project”.
Governmental Organizations, Master for the various professional disciplines to be trained
Artisans, Vocational training facilities. e.g. carpenters, masons, electrician and plumbers etc.
BACKGROUND: Some community upgrading
programmes have been undertaken in the Tamale
Metropolis. These have targeted the development of
infrastructure and utility services. Little attention
was paid to improvement in housing conditions.
Consequently housing quality has remained
fairly poor still giving the township an old and
dilapidated outlook. There is the increasing need
for maintenance of the housing stock to help stop
their deterioration. Housing conditions are poor
because of poor quality of materials used and the
poor level of skill and workmanship. New housing
development also shows signs of poor workmanship
in the design, organisation and construction.
There are a number of unskilled and unemployed
youth in the Metropolis who could be trained to
acquire skills in building construction. These will
form a core of skilled personnel to be employed
to undertake housing construction and housing
improvement projects in the Metropolis.
Project proposals - slums AND SHELTER
Project proposal OUTPUTS: (1) Improved access to house and public
SLUMS AND places. (2) Improved road condition. (3) Provision
Community upgrading of Ward K, I of community facilities like water supply, electricity
N°2 and I Extension and improved sanitation.(4) Flood abetment and
improved drainage.(5) Improvement in general
environmental profile.(6) Improvement in housing and
LOCATION: Tamale business environment. (7) Reduction in incidence in
occurrence of vector, water and faecal related diseases.
DURATION: 24 months
BENEFICIARIES: Residents of Ward land use maps/sector layout to determine boundaries
I and I Extension, and Ward K. of properties to provide title to land. The Assembly
structure for contracting bidding should be used
IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS: Tamale rather than putting in place alternative systems.
Metropolitan Assembly, Ministry of Local Government
and Rural Development, Consultants, Contractors etc.
BACKGROUND: Wards K, I, and I Extension are
located within the central part of Tamale. The three
communities have a population of 13,438 covering
an area of 265 acres. Although these communities
are in the centre of town they still exhibit rural
characteristics. Developments are haphazard and
access to homes is mostly non-existent or is along
narrow lanes. Where tracks exist they are ungraded
and highly eroded by storm water or domestic grey
water channels. By virtue of the location of Wards I
and I Extension close to Aboabo market, small-scale
commercial and cooking activities are predominant
and these also have serious negative impact on the
environment particularly in sanitation and waste
disposal. Flooding is perineal in the communities.
OBJECTIVES: (1)Provide access roads into the
communities. (2) Provide storm water and roadside
drains. (3) Improve on water supply and electricity
in the communities. (4) Provide sanitation facilities.
(5) Undertake improvement in housing.
Gender and HIV/aids
Ministry of Women and Limited funds. NGO willing to support girl Cultural practices on percep-
Children Affairs. child education. tion of women.
Non-functioning of sub-
Role models. structures. Programmes to encourage Little emphasis placed on
girl child education. the education of girls.
Gender desk in the High illiteracy rate.
Assembly. Presence of religious groups Urban drift.
High poverty level among to advice parents to educate
National Council women. their children.
on Women and
Development. High dropout rates for the Gender affirmative action.
girl child.
Women’s Groups.
Low girl-child enrolment at
Free Compulsory Universal basic and senior secondary
Basic Education. school levels.
Ministry of Women and Cultural practices ( Female Parent Teacher Association
Children Affairs. Genital Mutilation). Increase in HIV / AIDS.
/ School Management
Committees to protect the Unemployment / Under
Gender Desk of the As-
interest of children. employment among
Draft National Gender and
Children Policy.
Legislations on Conven-
tion on Elimination of all
forms of Discrimination
Against Women.
Project proposal Project proposal
HIV/AIDS Redevelopment of Tamale Central HIV/AIDS
N°1 N°2 Support for Girl Child Education
ACTIVITIES: (1) Assessment of existing OUTPUT: (1) Subsidies for school fee, provision of
infrastructure and services. (2) Design and costing school uniforms and provision of food rations for girls.
of rehabilitation package. (3) Seeking funding (2) Counselling for girls.(3) Counselling for parents
partner. (4) Construction of market in phases. and teachers. (4) Community awareness education
on affirmative action on girl child education.
OUTPUT: (1) Rehabilitated market complex.
(2) Formulation of contracts for private PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: The project
participation in the management of the market. will be implemented through the Assembly,
United Nations Children’s Fund, Local Non
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: As a capital Governmental Organizations, Community Based
investment project of the Assembly. Funding Organizations and the Ghana Education Service.
to be sourced by the Assembly from central
government and bilateral and multilateral sources. EQUIPMENT TO BE PROCURED:
No equipment required.
Contractor to use his equipment.
Project proposal OBJECTIVE: (1) Reduce the incidence of
GENDER violence against women. (2) Provide women the
HIV/AIDS Programme to prevent Violence against means of redress in cases of violence. (3) Sensitise
N°3 Women community to support women against cultural
practices that constitute violence against women.
project proposals - gender and hiv/aids
Presence of Waste Lack of sanitation vehicles. Willingness of private sector High cost involved in waste
Management Department. to participate in waste collection.
Inadequate facilities for use management.
Availability of land fill and by residents. High growth rate of
sewage treatment plant. NGOs involvement in population and in-migration
Garbage pile up at sanitation. will create load on facilities
National Sanitation Policy. collection points. (floating population).
Use of District Assemblies
Sanitation by-laws. Littering in the Common Fund and Highly Low maintenance culture
communities. Indebted Poor Countries can lead to constant
Fund. breakdown of vehicles and
Poor personal hygiene.
Landfill – Create
Inability to sanction
employment and income
Poor development control.
Manure from sewage plant.
High poverty levels.
Inadequate information
about the System.
Presence of Environmental High rate of fuel wood use Savanna Resources Seasonal flooding and
Protection Agency and for cooking. Management Center. drought.
Town and Country Planning
Department (TCPD). Choked drains. Savanna Biodiversity project. Soil erosion leading
Development Planning Sub- Poor drainage. National Policy on
Committee. desertification. Lack of awareness on
Inadequate disposal sites. horticultural activities.
Presence of Fire Service Radio station for public
Poor development control. education. Bush fires destroy vegetation
Department and nurseries.
and crops.
Haphazard development. Ghana National Fire Service
Traditional Conservation PROJECT PROPOSALS - environment
areas. Over grazing.
Congestion in markets. Savannah Agricultural
Existence of urban gardens. Research Institute - NGO
Limited market for
horticulture products. Trained Horticulturists.
Department of Parks and
Gardens. Illegal disposal sites. Environmental NGOs/Clubs
in Schools.
Unorganized informal
sector activities.
Project proposal Project proposal
N°1 Supply of sanitation equipment N°2 Redevelopment of Aboabo Market
OUTPUT: (1) Completion of abandoned market
stalls and ware houses. (2)Redevelopment of
dilapidated market sheds. (3) Reorganisation
and putting pavements on internal access and
circulation. (4) Provision of ancillary amenity
i.e. toilets, drainage, lorry park etc.
(1) Technical expertise in the preparation of project PROJECT PROPOSALS - environment
feasibility and investment prospectus. (2) Secure
funding partnerships. (3) Negotiate contract and
procurement processes. (4) Construction activities.
(5) Develop and design partnership with private sector
in areas of management, revenue collection etc.
Contractor to use his equipment.
Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development; 2002; Profile of Tamale Metropolitan Assembly
Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development; 2002; Tamale Medium Term Development Plan for Tamale;
2002 to 2004
Attendance List
Alioune Badiane, Director, Regional Office for Africa and the Arab States,
Alain Grimard, Programme Manager for PSUP and Focal Point for Ghana
Adolphine Asimah, Team Leader
Ben Doe, Team Member
Doris Tetteh, Team Member
Sylvester Gabianu, Team Member