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Excelcad V1.5D - Vector-Based . Awaiting Graphical Worksheet Add-In

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ExcelCAD v1.5d - Vector-Based….

Awaiting Graphical Worksheet Add-In = Mess with these cells

Vehicle Specifications:

Wheelbase 107.0 in
Tire Diameter 38.50 in
CG Height 36.00 in
Weight 5,200 lb

Suspension Geometry:

Upper Links x y z Lower Links x y z

Frame End 32.00 18.00 29.00 in Frame End 49.00 4.00 24.50 in
Axle End 0.00 4.00 29.00 in Axle End 3.00 24.00 19.50 in
Vector 32.00 14.00 0.00 Vector 46.00 -20.00 5.00
Link Length 34.9285 in Length 50.4083 in
Unit Vector 0.9162 0.4008 0.0000 1.0000 Unit Vector 0.9125 -0.3968 0.0992 1.0000
Intercept -9.1429 4.0000 29.0000 in Intercept 58.2000 25.3043 19.1739 in
Roll Point -9.1429 0.0000 29.0000 in Roll Point 58.2000 0.0000 25.5000 in
Forces 5336.8421 2334.8684 0.0000 lb Forces -7673.4513 3336.2832 -834.0708 lb
Vert Slope 0.44 in/in Vert Slope -0.43 in/in
Hor Slope 0.00 in/in Hor Slope 0.11 in/in

Material Selection:

Upper Links Lower Links

Outside Diameter 1.375 in Outside Diameter 1.875 in
Wall Thickness 0.090 in Wall Thickness 0.188 in
Material Used Mild Steel (1018) Specs -> 29,000,000 Modulus of Elasticity (psi) Material Used Mild Steel (1018) Specs -> 29,000,000 Modulus of Elasticity (psi)
50,000 Yield Strength 50,000 Yield Strength
Rod End Rated Load 55,000 lb 0.2840 Density (in^3) Rod End Rated Load 55,000 lb 0.2840 Density (in^3)

Moment of Inertia 0.075 in^4 Moment of Inertia 0.359 in^4

Area 0.363 in^2 Area 0.996 in^2
Pyield 18,166 lb Pyield 49,819 lb
Pbuckling 17,680 lb Pbuckling 40,422 lb
Pbending 628 lb Pbending 1,519 lb

Link Length 34.93 in Link Length 50.41 in

Link Weight 3.60 lb Link Weight 14.26 lb
Link Force 5,825 lb ("+" because link is in tension) Link Force -8,409 lb ("-" because link is in compression)
F.S. Yield 3.12 (This is your link stretching) F.S. Yield 5.92 (This is your link compressing)
F.S. Buckling 3.04 (This is your link buckling under braking) F.S. Buckling 4.81 (This is your link buckling under acceleration)
FS Bending 0.24 (This calculation is somewhat irrelevant for an UPPER link) F.S. Bending 0.58 (This is your link bending over a rock w/ 1/2 the weight of your truck on it)
F.S. Rod End 9.44 (This is your rod end breaking) F.S. Rod End 6.54 (This is your rod end breaking)

Design Summary:

Anti-Squat 95.35 %
RC slope -0.05 in/in ("-" = roll understeer; "+" = roll oversteer)
RC Height 28.52 in
RC Angle -2.98 degrees ("-" = roll understeer; "+" = roll oversteer)
Created 2003.12.01
Instant Center X-Axis 90.40 in by
Instant Center Z-Axis 29.00 in Dan Barcroft
& Greg Blanchette
Tables for Other Worksheets - !!! DO NOT MODIFY !!!

Material Specifications:

Elastic Modulus Yield Density

(psi) Strength (Lbs/in^3)
Mild Steel (1018) 29,000,000 50,000 0.2840 Cold Drawn
Chromoly (4130)N 29,700,000 63,100 0.2840 Normalized
Chromoly (4130)T 29,700,000 110,000 0.2840 Water Quenched and Tempered
4340N 29,700,000 114,000 0.2840 Normalized
4340T 29,700,000 160,000 0.2840 Oil Quenched & Tempered
Alum 7075-T6 10,400,000 73,200 0.1020
Alum 2024-T6 10,500,000 50,000 0.1000
Titanium 6Al-4V 16,500,000 128,000 0.1600 6% Aluminum, 4% Vanadium
Revision Control History
Version Changes / Enhancements
1.5b Corrections to the roll center calculation.
Additional "unit" descriptors added.

1.5c Added more materials and properties to pulldown menus

Added calculation for link weight, based on length and material density
Fixed typo in cell D53
Deleted comment in C54
Revised wording in D44 to better explain FS Bending for upper link
Deleted comments in D23 and J23 (Dan's explanation of "symmetrical roll center")
Slight changes to column widths for consistency between "like" data columns
Minor Color changes and cell alignment changes to aid readability

1.5d Changed link weight calculations to use values already calculated.

Moved tables that were outside of normal viewing area.
Fixed typo in D48
Rearanged order
Added units to vector components
Changed the "created by" list to alphabetical order ;)
Added Comments to Input Values With Coordinates
Added Coordinate System Diagram Sheet



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