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Leadership Practice

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The text discusses the differences between management and leadership and provides examples of both from a hotel management perspective.

Managers follow rules and focus on getting things done right while leaders follow their instincts, focus on the future and take responsibilities. Managers have employees while leaders have followers.

For management: organizing staff rota efficiently and organizing kitchen cleaning rota. For leadership: cross-training staff for future situations and questioning decisions to improve processes.

Diana Turea Learner Number: PO4356464

CMI Level 5: Management and

nit 5!"3
Leadership Pra#ti#e
Diana Turea
nit 5!"3: Leadership Pra#ti#e 1
Diana Turea Learner Number: PO4356464
CMI Level 5: Management and Leadership
Leadership Pra#ti#e
The information in this assignment is based around a 3 stars Hotel
(The Monterey), part of a Group of Hotels, The Morvan Hotels, one of
the leading group of hotels on the island. The aim of the hotel group
is to provide quality aommodation and servies in a friendly
environment, professionally run and of ourse to inrease profitability.
The group is managed by a board of diretors !ith eah hotel having
an onsite Manager. " am the General Manager here at the Monterey
leading a team of 33 staff members.
Tas# 1$
1.1."dentify the #ey differenes bet!een Management and %eadership$
&The personal spar# alled leadership is frequently the differene bet!een
average and great performane' (Mar# (ndreson, )*1*, p.+)
Managing and leading are t!o different !ays of organising people.
The leader uses passion !hile the manager uses formal methods.
They are not the same thing but they must go hand in hand for best
The differenes are highlighted in the table bello!$
,ollo! rules ,ollo! "nstints - (s#s .uestions
,ous on getting things done
,ous on getting the right things
/ide !ith safety /ide !ith ris#s
nit 5!"3: Leadership Pra#ti#e )
Diana Turea Learner Number: PO4356464
,ous on delivering today ,ous on artiulating tomorro!
Ta#e redit Ta#e responsibilities
Have employees Have follo!ers
0eat to hange 1reate hange
1ommuniate 2ersuade
Try to be heroes Ma#e heroes everyone around
1.). Ta#e ) e3amples from eah list providing pratial e3amples of effetive leadership
in ation and effetive management in ation in the running of a department$
"f " ta#e in onsideration an une3peted busy !ee#end in our
restaurant department " an highlight both effetive management and
effetive leadership. (s an effetive manager " !ould organise the
rota in suh a !ay that the restaurant is !ell overed staff !ise so !e
an provide the best ostumer servie, so " am fousing on delivering
no!. (s an effetive leader " !ould thin# to the future and arrange
ross training for our front of house staff for situations !here
une3peted busy days arise and they !ould then be able to help
(foussing on the future).
"n our #ithen department " an give e3amples of effiient
management and leadership. 4ur head hef sho!s effiient
management s#ills !hen organising the leaning rota for the #ithen
in suh a !ay that every day a different area is given attention and
the #ithen is al!ays lean and tidy. This !ay our hef is foused on
getting things done right. (s an effetive leader our hef doesn5t 6ust
aepts any deision ta#en but as#s questions.
%i#e for e3ample !hen a deision !as ta#en to #eep the 0oom
/ervie ,ood available for guests till 1).**am instead of 6ust follo!ing
the rules he as#ed !ay, #no!ing that after 1*.**pm it is really
unli#ely to get orders and it !ould have been a ost involved to #eep
nit 5!"3: Leadership Pra#ti#e 3
Diana Turea Learner Number: PO4356464
a hef on duty after that time. (s an alternative he suggested training
the bar staff on preparing some basi sand!ihes in ase there are
any food requests bet!een 1*.**pm and 1).**am.
1.3. 7isuss !hy is important for those !ith management responsibilities to be able to
use both leadership and management s#ills effetively$
"f in the past the manager oneption ould have been separated
then the leader one, on in this days eonomy, !here values omes
from #no!ledge of people and !here !or#ers are not seen as 6ust
mahines anymore, the ) onepts are not easily separated. "n our
days people don5t 6ust loo# at their managers to assign them tas#s
but to define them a purpose. (s managers !e must organi8e staff
not only to ma3imi8e effiieny, but to nurture s#ills, develop talent
and inspire results. 9oth the manager and the leader involve !or#ing
!ith people, influene them to ahieve effetive goals. "t is very
important for a manager to be able to use leadership s#ills !hen it
omes to influening a group of employees to meet goals the same
!ay that is really important for a leader to be able to use
management s#ills !hen it omes to planning, organising and
ontrolling staff.
1.:. "dentify some of the behavioural and s#ills hallenges raised by this onept$
&%eaders should stand out from the ro!d.' (;nda %ar#in, )**+, p.3<)
There are ertain qualities that influene a leader5s performane and
the reation to the hallenges as !ell.
"t is very important that a leader sho!s ommitment even if he
doesn5t ompletely agree !ith the organisation vie!s, that doesn5t
nit 5!"3: Leadership Pra#ti#e :
Diana Turea Learner Number: PO4356464
have to be passed on to staff as it !ill be harder to get the neessary
results after.
/elf motivation and enthusiasm it an be really ontagious in a team
and as leaders !e should be the ones that set the e3ample. (s ;dna
%ar#in says &don5t be the dar# loud that enters the offie every day' ( )**+,
p.3=) as the team !ill follo! the lead.
/elf ontrol is very important as suessful leaders an ontrol their
responses and reation and thin# first before they at. "f !e don5t
manage to auto ontrol in diffiult situations !e ris# of being seen
either to aggressive or la#ing onfidene and either !ay it !ill impat
negatively on our !or#.
There are many other s#ills that an affet our behaviour as leaders
li#e$ ompeteny, approahability, onsisteny, empathy, integrity.
( manager5s 6ob beomes harder and harder this days as is not
enough to have tehnial s#ills but soft s#ills as !ell. ( manager has
to be able to lead their team through hange, to mange operations
and implement strategies. The hallenge is to have the behaviour of a
leader !hih not every manger is born !ith. The ones that are not
born leaders need to !or# harder to!ard aquiring the neessary
s#ills for it. They have to not only get the 6ob done but inspire their
team to be produtive.
There are t!o aspets of leader behaviour. 4n one side !e have a
onern for people !here by this behaviour mutual trust and a t!o
!ays ommuniation is enouraged, and on the other side is a
onern for produtivity !hih is tas# orientated behaviour !here
managers !ill be highly diretive.
1.<. 1ompare and ontrast the differing demands of leadership and management and
disuss ) !or#ing e3amples of oasions !hen managers have to stri#e a balane
bet!een these demands in order to !or# effetively$
nit 5!"3: Leadership Pra#ti#e <
Diana Turea Learner Number: PO4356464
(ording to Hannagan ()**+, p.>:) managers have a &soial po!er'
over employees and this an be of different types$
? ;3pert po!er$ This is based on the leader5s s#ills and #no!ledge, if
he is an e3pert in a ertain field and this being reogni8ed by others
gives the leader the po!er of ma#ing deisions@
? 2ositional po!er A this is based on the position held in the
organi8ation and the employee !ould reogni8e the authority of the
? 0e!ord po!er ? this is based on leader5s ability to re!ord and is
highly supported by employees@
? 1oerive po!er A this is based on fear, punishment and treats, and
is onneted more to autorati leadership@
? 2ersonal po!er A is based on trust and respet and is needed to
influene people@
"n order to ma#e sure !e manage effetively !e al!ays have to find
the balane bet!een the po!ers and this is a lot based on the
situation as !ell.
Bhen our hotel !ent thro! hange, the management hanged, the
!ay some of the departments operated !as hanged (li#e reeption,
bar and restaurant) in order to ma#e sure !e get the best out of the
proess " had to find the balane bet!een the po!ers. 2ositional
po!er !as used to ma#e sure all the staff !as omplying !ith
regulations and as !ell to ma#e sure the ne! rules implemented
!ere follo!ed even if they didn5t li#e it. "t is not easy getting people to
aept hange after they !ere used to !or# in a ertain !ay and
personal po!er plaid an important role in the proess. "t ta#es time to
build trust and respet but one "5ve done that it !as a lot easier for
me to influene the team. (s !ell re!ording po!er !as used a lot as
"5ve started doing regular appraisals, introdued the employee of the
month re!ard, bonus shemes and that helped in gaining the staff
trust and respet too.
nit 5!"3: Leadership Pra#ti#e >
Diana Turea Learner Number: PO4356464
4ur hef in the #ithen, in his role of line manager uses a mi3ture of
the po!ers as !ell. Bhen he gets a ne! member of staff he uses his
e3pert oo#ing po!ers to evaluate the ne! member5s #no!ledge , he
uses personal po!er building a relationship based on trust and
respet and re!ording po!er !hen omes to passing him the
probation or not.
Tas# )$
).1 7esribe your understanding of !hat the role of a leader should be in the reation
and ommuniation of the organisation vision$
&Cour ob6etive as a leader is to ensure that Dision is seen to matter. Cou must
reate a Dision !hih is lear and motivating A and you must be seen to
advoate it tirelessly. ' (Mar# (nderson, )*1*, p.:+)
( leader should definitely be involved in the reation of the Dision as
it has to be based on personal believes and instint. 4nly this !ay the
leader an properly embrae the vision. 4ne reated it is very
important ho! is passed on. There is a high ris# that after the vision
!as reated is not ommuniated properly. 1ommuniation is the #ey
and is not effetive unless the staff buys into it. This selling proess it
an be done through staff meetings, ne!sletters, !ebsite and
informal onversations. 0epetition is very important in imprinting the
Dision in the team5s mind.
The Mission and vision are very important as they ommuniate the
organisation5s purpose to sta#eholders, inform strategy development
and from them !e an set measurable goals and ob6etives.
).). Ese both e3ternal and !or#ed based e3ample to provide an illustration of !here
priniple has !or#ed !ell and !here it has not !or#ed !ell$
"f !e ta#e as an e3ample my !or#ing plae, our organisation mission
is &Friendly Hotels, professionally run' and the values !e !or# by are
the follo!ing$
nit 5!"3: Leadership Pra#ti#e =
Diana Turea Learner Number: PO4356464
? 9est 2eople ? !e reruit and develop best people for the business,
!hih the have a &an do' attitude and provide best possible
ostumer servie@
? 0espet for the individual A !e treat everybody equally and value
the diversity and individual ontribution made by all members of our
? "ntegrity A !e are honest and !ant to inspire trust bet!een staff by
saying !hat !e mean.
? Gro! your o!n A !e onsider our staff the most important asset and
!e al!ays enourage them to gro! and develop themselves in their
Be do have the Mission statement on all our doumentation, in our
monthly ne!sletter, on the staff notie board, on the agenda of eah
meeting, on our !ebsite and it5s al!ays ommuniated to staff !ith
every single oasion (staff indutions, one to one meetings,
appraisals, investigation meetings, informal onversations, et..).
( good e3ample of ommuniating the vision (mission) is !hit every
single member of staff that has been developed internally. "5ve only
started !ith the ompany as reeptionist and been developed to the
role " hold today. "n the unit " !or# at the moment sine " am here "
am proud of have helped develop in their role a third of the staff
( bad !ay to ommuniate the vision it !ill be not to get the team to
understand it and buy into but fore it in.
9ad vision statements offer no diretion or inspiration and a good
e3ample here !ill be 1oa 1ola vision statement$
&Our vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides
every aspect of our business by describing what we need to
accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality growth'
nit 5!"3: Leadership Pra#ti#e +
Diana Turea Learner Number: PO4356464
The problem !e have here is that is to general and it an be used for
any business of beverage as the fat that it5s 1oa 1ola5s vision is
not even mentioned.
).3. Highlight the positive and negative points and suggesting reasons for suess and
( vision and the !ay are ommuniated !ill have a positive or
negative impat. The Dision should be$
? 2ersonal$ it has to be based on personal instint and believes as if
it5s not something that !e agree !ith and strongly believe it !ill be
hard to sell it to the team@
? 1lear and simple$ ideally it !ill be a short and lear phrase as
other!ise it !ill be harder for the team to understand it@
? tested$ if it5s initially tested on a small group to find out their reation
in order to find the best !ay to ommuniate it to the !hole team@
? 1ommuniation is planned and intensive$ !ays of ommuniating
are !ell planned (!ritten and verbal) and the repetition is very
important in ma#ing sure the team is buying in.
Tas# 3$
3.1. 7esribe the meaning of empo!erment, trust and ethial leadership in a !or#
&;mpo!erment is the proess of unleashing the po!er in people A their
#no!ledge, e3periene and motivation A and fousing that po!er to ahieve
positive outomes for the organisation' ( Fen 9lanhard. )**=, p. >+ )
;mpo!erment is the #ey of getting better results and it involves trust
not only in the staff member that !e empo!er but in our o!n instints
!hen !e do that too.
nit 5!"3: Leadership Pra#ti#e G
Diana Turea Learner Number: PO4356464
My restaurant team is empo!ered to solve ostumer omplains on
the spot and " feel that it benefits every one. "f in the past they used to
all the duty manager for every single omplaint, no! they an offer
different solutions li#e , hange the food, offer o omplimentary drin#
or do a refund if neessary, all options based on the situation at the
time. That benefits the guest as he is given a hoie straight a!ay,
the staff that feels onfident on dealing !ith omplains, #no!s !hat
the boundaries are and !hat is e3peted of them in that situation and
they gain e3periene and the management as is not ta#en a!ay from
doing something else.
Trusting our staff to ta#e good deisions !ill ma#e them feel valued
and they !ill !ant to prove themselves even more. " had a !aiter that
!as the best in the restaurant, providing good ostumer are and
servies but he never sho!ed any leadership s#ills. Bhen the
position of supervisor beame available and he sho!ed interest " !as
not sure if he !ill raise up to it, but after learly e3plaining my
e3petations and giving him trust he surprised everybody by gro!ing
into his ne! role.
&Trust is a t!o?!ay street$ your team members !on5t trust you unless you trust
them A and more trust is ertainly better then less.' (H. Feith Murninghan, )*1),
9ehaving ethially is doing !hat is morally right and in business it is
seen as good pratie. " believe " behave ethial !ith my staff by
being fare in all aspets, li#e treating everybody equal and giving
them the same opportunities.
Bhen " ma#e sure !e follo! the rules and regulations (!e have a
good Health I /afety poliy, follo! 1orporate /oial 0esponsibilities,
and !e are a!are of the impat our business has on the
environment? Green Tourism) this is another e3ample of ethial
nit 5!"3: Leadership Pra#ti#e 1*
Diana Turea Learner Number: PO4356464
3.) 2rovide one positive and one negative pratial e3ample on the impat these have
on organisational pratie$
( positive e3ample of trust and empo!erment it !ill be enouraging
the reeption team to deal !ith problems themselves, !hih helps the
guest5s satisfation that their problem !as dealt !ith promptly, busts
staff onfidene and inreases e3periene. Jo! " am not alled so
often !hen a guest needs to hange a room, guests are happier that
the get !hat they !ant or need straight a!ay and staff members are
paying more attention not to ma#e mista#es as they !ill have to
6ustify them diretly to our guests.
( negative e3ample !ill be !hen for e3ample the bar staff is
empo!ered to deal !ith the omplains in their department but !ithout
setting lear boundaries and they !ill start giving more and more
omplimentary drin#s 6ust to ma#e guests happy. There !ill be a
finanial loss, abuse of trust and it !ill end by loosing the trust they
!ere given.
Tas# :$
:.1 7esribe ) different theories of leadership styles and highlight the #ey differenes
bet!een them$
&(ll theories desribe the styles of leadership on the basis of !heatear the fous
of the leader is on the outome or the people' (;dna %ar#in, )**+, p. >=)
9ased on leader5s behaviour, different situations, !or# tas#s and
follo!ers !e have different leadership styles. T!o of these are the
theories of Transational and transformational leadership. (
Transational leader fouses on e3hanging one thing for another
!hile a transformational leader !ill motivate people to do better.
nit 5!"3: Leadership Pra#ti#e 11
Diana Turea Learner Number: PO4356464
"n the table bello! " point the #ey differenes bet!een the ) theories$
Transa#ti$nal Leadership Trans%$rmati$nal Leadership
0esponsive %eadership 2roative %eadership
Bor#s in line !ith the
organisational ulture
Bor#s to hange , to improve the
organisational ulture
Motivates the team by using their
self interests
Motivates the team by
enouraging them to put the
group interests first
4b6etives are ahieved through
re!ords and punishment set by
the leader
4b6etives are ahieved through
moral values and higher ideas
/tatus quo is maintained 1hallenge the status quo
:.). 2rovide an outline of t!o ontrasting !or#ing situations and in eah ase selet
!hih of the leadership styles you have previously desribed might be the best hoie
for the manager to use in order to try to ahieve a suessful outome for the
"n order to inrease our sales in bar and restaurant departments
!e5ve introdued a bonus sheme !here by the staff gets a
ommission of their sales if they reah the target. Transational
leadership is the best hoie in this proess as !e5ve set speifi
targets for the staff to reah and their results are re!arded based on
performane. Team members have their o!n interest in reahing the
target (being re!arded) and that !ill help inrease sales and
automatially impats positively on the organisation.
Bhen our hotel !as in the diffiult situation to be left !ithout a
general manager for over > months " !as ating as a (ssistant to
management and ontinued in that role for that period of time. "t !as
a hard time for the entire team and " li#e to thin# that " used
nit 5!"3: Leadership Pra#ti#e 1)
Diana Turea Learner Number: PO4356464
transformational leadership s#ills even !ithout #no!ing that at the
time. "5ve ontinued to do my 6ob and made sure neither the hotel and
its guests or the staff !ere affeted by the situation. " believe that by
being enthusiasti and motivating the team to prove that !e an still
ahieve good results !ithout our manager5s guidane "5ve built a
relation based on trust and respet !hih ultimately benefit the
organisation !hih didn5t suffer during that diffiult time, the team
ahieved grate results and "5ve proved myself !hih lead to being
offered the position of General Manager.
:.3. ;3plain the reasons of your hoie highlighting the pratial values of the styles you
have seleted$
/ituational leadership it5s about adapting the leadership style based
on the tas# and the staff members involved. 7ifferent team members
require different management styles and different !ays to motivate
them in getting the best results possible. "t an be time onsuming
but re!arding in the same time.
The reason "5ve hosen the transational and transformational styles
is beause " thin# there are quite distintive and based on the
situation adopting the appropriate style an be really effetive.
Bhen trying to inrease sales the transational style is the best
beause staff reats quite fast and engages more !hen it omes to
having something to gain. "t gives higher hanes of reahing the
goal (sales target in this ase) in a timely manner !hih benefits both
the organisation and the staff member.
Bhen helping the team to outome a diffiult time transformational
leadership !as the best hoie as the team needed inspiration, a
positive model and enouragement to ma#e it through. " thin# gaining
their trust and respet !as easier by !or#ing alongside them and
enouraging them !ith every step. That proved to !or# really !ell
and it !as very pratial as not only !e5ve made it together thorough
a diffiult time but the relationship !e built it benefits the organisation
nit 5!"3: Leadership Pra#ti#e 13
Diana Turea Learner Number: PO4356464
on a long term as !e have a stable team, happy !ith !hat they are
doing, they feel valued and that transends in everything they do and
it5s highlighted in our very good omment forms, Trip (dvisor revie!s
and (( "nspetions revie!s.
:.:. 9y means of ) pratial e3amples, one e3ternal and one !or#ed based, disuss the
impat an individual5s personal energy , self?belief and ommitment an have on their
ledeship styles$
"f " ta#e as an e3ample a reent situation !here by !e had a really
busy Mother5s 7ay in our hotel, busier then usual and !ith quite a fe!
ne! staff members " believe that the !ay " behaved set the tone of
the team. The entire team !as stressed not being sure if !e !ill
manage to provide the high level of ostumer servie that !e are
proud of on suh a busy day under pressure. 4f ourse " !as a bit
stressed myself about it but "5ve made sure the team never so! that. "
!as al!ays positive about it enouraging the team helping them all
the time.
" do believe my personal energy influene them as "5ve tried to ma#e
them feel onfident as if not, if " !ould have sho!n doubts the team
!ould have been more nervous and automatially more e3posed to
ma#ing mista#es. My onfidene, positive energy and ommitment to
help the team all the !ay influened a 2ersuasive style " !ould say
and had a very good impat on the team.
( different e3ample !ill be of a friend of mine !hose manager is
#no!n as being very moody. "f he has a good day he omes to !or#
full of energy !here on a bad day he brings misery into the offie. My
friend says she tries to guess in !hat #ind of mood he !ill be loo#ing
out through the !indo! before he enters the offie so she an
prepare for !hat follo!s. This is an e3ample of ho! personal energy
nit 5!"3: Leadership Pra#ti#e 1:
Diana Turea Learner Number: PO4356464
and la# of ommitment to his role affets this manager5s leadership
:.<. Highlight both the positive benefits and the disadvantages of these fators in eah
senario used$
The benefits of the !ay "5ve influened the team on Mothers day is
that stress and pressure didn5t affeted the team in a negative !ay,
our guests !ere all happy as good ostumer servie !as delivered, it
!ould inrease the hanges of getting similar or higher numbers ne3t
year and !e no! have the onfidene to do it all over again. (s
disadvantages " !ould mention pressure !as still there and if not
proper manage it an affet our results.
"n the seond e3ample there are positive benefits only !hen the
leader manages to auto ontrol and doesn5t let his energy affet the
staff members as the negative side is that !or#ing on an unpleasant
environment !ill ma#e the staff ore e3posed to ma#e mista#es.
nit 5!"3: Leadership Pra#ti#e 1<
Diana Turea Learner Number: PO4356464
9right Hub ()*1*) How solid is your vision statement? At
(essed on 1
of (pril )*1:@
;nda %ar#in ()**+) ,Ready to ead, Great 9ritain, 2earson ;duation
Mar# (nderson ()*1*), !he eadership "ook, Great 9ritain , 2erson
Fen 9lanhard ()**=), eading at a higher level, 2erson ;duation@
1onrad %ashely ()**1), #mpowerment, 9utter!orth Heinemann
H. Feith Murninghan ()*1)), $o %othing, 2earson ;duation@
Tim Hannagan ()**+), &anagement 'oncepts and (ractices,
2earson ;duation@
nit 5!"3: Leadership Pra#ti#e 1>

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