This document provides guidelines for the minimum standards and information requirements for development applications submitted to the local council. It includes 28 sections labeled A through Z that list the specific plans, reports, and documents required. These include requirements for survey plans, site plans, floor plans, elevations, statements of environmental effects, and more. The document advises applicants to consult with council staff to ensure their application is complete before submitting.
This document provides guidelines for the minimum standards and information requirements for development applications submitted to the local council. It includes 28 sections labeled A through Z that list the specific plans, reports, and documents required. These include requirements for survey plans, site plans, floor plans, elevations, statements of environmental effects, and more. The document advises applicants to consult with council staff to ensure their application is complete before submitting.
This document provides guidelines for the minimum standards and information requirements for development applications submitted to the local council. It includes 28 sections labeled A through Z that list the specific plans, reports, and documents required. These include requirements for survey plans, site plans, floor plans, elevations, statements of environmental effects, and more. The document advises applicants to consult with council staff to ensure their application is complete before submitting.
This document provides guidelines for the minimum standards and information requirements for development applications submitted to the local council. It includes 28 sections labeled A through Z that list the specific plans, reports, and documents required. These include requirements for survey plans, site plans, floor plans, elevations, statements of environmental effects, and more. The document advises applicants to consult with council staff to ensure their application is complete before submitting.
Owner: Planning and Environment - Statutory Planning Services Page 1 of 14
Last Revised: 01/07/2013
APPENDIX Minimum Standards and Explanation of Information Requirements for Development Applications
A Survey Plan ...................................................................................................................... 2 B Site Plan ........................................................................................................................... 2 C Site Analysis Plan ............................................................................................................ 3 D Floor Plans ....................................................................................................................... 3 E Elevations......................................................................................................................... 4 F Sections ........................................................................................................................... 4 G Statement of Environmental Effects ................................................................................ 4 H Waste Management Plan ................................................................................................ 5 I Soil and Water Management Plan .................................................................................. 5 J Notification Plans ............................................................................................................. 6 K BASIX Certificate ............................................................................................................. 6 L Schedule of Colours and Materials ................................................................................. 6 M Landscape Plans ............................................................................................................. 7 N Shadow Diagram ............................................................................................................. 7 O Heritage Impact Statement .............................................................................................. 8 P Stormwater Drainage Concept Plan ............................................................................... 8 Q Geo Technical Report ...................................................................................................... 9 R Disability Access Report .................................................................................................. 9 S Contamination Reports .................................................................................................... 9 T Acid Sulfate Soils Preliminary Assessment/Management Plan ..................................... 9 U Proposed & Existing Fire Safety Measures .................................................................. 10 V Integrated Development Special Requirements ........................................................... 10 W View Corridor Analysis .................................................................................................. 12 X Streetscape Character Analysis .................................................................................... 12 Y Street Numbering Plan or Schedule ............................................................................. 13 Z Electronic Version of all Plans and Documents Required ............................................ 13
Note: Please refer to the relevant checklist to see which of the above requirements applies to your particular project.
Owner: Planning and Environment Statutory Planning Services Page 2 of 14 Last Revised: 01/07/2013
A Survey Plan This plan should be prepared by a registered surveyor at a scale of either 1:100 (preferred) and 1:200 and show the exact location of existing buildings and other features on the site. It must be no more than 5 years old and include the following details:
Scale (either 1:100 (preferred) or 1:200 as appropriate) within the title block Date of survey within the title block Plan number (including any amendments) within the title block Plan title within the title block Address of the property within the title block Name of the Registered Surveyor who prepared the plans within the title block Boundary dimensions Site area North point (true solar north) Location of existing buildings, structures, and site features Topography (plans to accurately plot existing and proposed spot levels to Australian Height Datum to all corners of the site, and contours at 0.5 m intervals including that of adjoining properties where relevant.) Natural drainage of site All easements and rights of way (if any) Significant vegetation (indicating location, height spread, and species) Location, height, and use of any adjoining buildings or structures, such as swimming Pools Street features (immediately adjoining the property such as kerbs, crossings, pits, significant trees, telegraph poles, etc.).
Note: If you wish to relocate or construct a new driveway from that shown on your Survey Plan, it is recommended that you complete a 'Driveway Construction and Ancillary Works in the Road Reserve application form' to ensure that Council will approve the chosen location for your driveway. B Site Plan This plan should be either 1:100 (preferred) or 1:200 in scale and include the following details:
Scale (either 1:100 (preferred) or 1:200 as appropriate) within the title block Date within the title block Plan number (including any amendments) within the title block Plan title within the title block Address of the property within the title block Applicants name within the title block Boundary dimensions Site area North point (true solar north) Proposed and existing buildings Setbacks to front, side and rear boundaries. Spot levels to Australian Height Datum All existing vegetation and in particular significant trees covered by Councils Tree Preservation Order and whether they will be removed or retained DA - Appendix
Owner: Planning and Environment Statutory Planning Services Page 3 of 14 Last Revised: 01/07/2013 Private and communal open space indicating paved areas and soft landscaped areas both existing and proposed Driveway entry and exit points (for large developments or where manoeuvrability is likely to be an issue driveways to parking areas must indicate turning circles to the Australian standard - for further information please see the RTA guide to Traffic Generating Development) Garbage storage areas designed in accordance with Councils minimum requirements (for further information please contact Councils Customer Service Centre). Letter boxes Existing or proposed rainwater tanks for non-potable use The location of window of any adjoining property C Site Analysis Plan This plan should be at a scale of 1:100 (preferred) or 1:200 as appropriate and include the following details:
Site street address Site dimensions Site area Easements, right of way, sewer mains North point (true solar north) Contours and spot levels Existing and proposed buildings on site with footprints dimensioned to boundaries Buildings on adjoining sites Existing vegetation Neighbours views and sunlight Items of heritage or significant streetscape features Existing and proposed pedestrian and vehicle access Potential noise sources Areas of potential overlooking Prevailing winds Fences/boundaries Written analysis of the constraints and opportunities of the site (as revealed by the site analysis plan) D Floor Plans This plan should be at a scale of 1:50/1:100 (preferred) or 1:200 as appropriate and include the following details:
Scale (1:50/1:100 (preferred) or 1:200 as appropriate) within the title block Date within the title block Plan number including any amendments within the title block Plan title within the title block Site address within the title block Applicants name within the title block Clear and fully dimensioned plans, coloured to show new work Layout, partitioning, room sizes and internal uses of each part of the buildings Location of windows and doors Levels of floors, terraces, etc to Australian Height Datum (AHD) Wall construction Spot levels of natural ground to AHD DA - Appendix
Owner: Planning and Environment Statutory Planning Services Page 4 of 14 Last Revised: 01/07/2013 Dimensions of exterior walls to all boundaries E Elevations This plan should be at a scale of 1:50/1:100 (preferred) or 1:200 as appropriate and include the following details:
Scale (1:50/1:100 (preferred) or 1:200 as appropriate) within the title block. Date within the title block. Plan number (include any amendments) within the title block. Plan title within the title block. Site address within the title block. Applicants name within the title block. Fully dimensioned elevations of all sides of the building or structure, and coloured to show new work. Indicate the outline of existing buildings. Clear indication of materials and finishes to be used in construction. Window sizes, sill heights and locations. Heights of eaves, ridge and floor levels to Australian Height Datum (AHD). Location of adjoining buildings in front and rear elevations indicating their address, ridge height, setback and other relevant features. F Sections This plan should be of a scale of 1:50/1:100 (preferred) or 1:200 as appropriate and include the following details:
Scale (1:50/1:100 (preferred) or 1:200 as appropriate) within the title block. Date within the title block. Plan number (include any amendments) within the title block. Plan title within the title block. Street address within the title block. Applicants name within the title block. At least two fully dimensioned sections, one of which being a long section. Section through significant level changes, such as under-croft areas and the like. Plans to show section line and location on the plan. Room names. Adequate representation of natural ground level to Australian Height Datum (AHD). Indication of areas of cut and/or fill. Show height or levels to AHD. G Statement of Environmental Effects This is a statement which addresses all potential environmental impacts that may or will emerge as a result of a proposed development. The statement should include the following information:
Reference to all relevant statutory and non statutory (DCP) controls. Table of calculations showing compliance or otherwise with the relevant development standards. Planning justification for any non-compliance with non-statutory controls if applicable. DA - Appendix
Owner: Planning and Environment Statutory Planning Services Page 5 of 14 Last Revised: 01/07/2013 Objection to a statutory planning control under the provisions of Clause 4.6 of the Canada Bay Local Environment Plan 2008, where non-compliance is sought, if applicable. Details of the environmental impacts of the developments and how these impacts have been identified the following issues should be included where relevant: site description, details of any demolition, details of any removal or introduction of vegetation, details about waste production and removal, details on the potential impact of noise, overshadowing, overlooking, odour, the impact on utilities, impacts on soil and water management, impacts on traffic and parking, any potential non residential impact for relevant development and any other environmental impact this development might produce. Steps taken to mitigate any identified environmental impacts and to protect the environment generally. Matters required to be indicated by any guidelines issued by the Director of the Department of Planning. Address the planning principles established by the Land and Environment Court, where relevant. H Waste Management Plan This plan should include the following information:
Volume and type of waste to be generated How waste is to be stored and treated on site How residue is to be disposed of How recyclable materials will be separated and managed On-going management strategies I Soil and Water Management Plan A Soil and Water Management Plan is designed to control erosion and sedimentation on a building site from leaving the site and potentially polluting our waterways and affecting our drainage systems. This plan should include the following information:
North point Scale (1:100 (preferred) or 1:200 as appropriate) Date, plan number and title and name of person who prepared the plan Final ground levels Existing and/or proposed boundaries Location of stockpiles and secure chemical storage area (if required) Location of temporary and permanent Soil and Water Management Controls Vehicle access points during construction and their dimensions Location of all vegetation to be retained on the site and any protection measures required for such vegetation Location of all drains, downpipes, pits and watercourses
The following additional information should be provided for large development sites:
Details on the staging of works Location of any vegetation to be removed Integration with on site detention/infiltration
DA - Appendix
Owner: Planning and Environment Statutory Planning Services Page 6 of 14 Last Revised: 01/07/2013 It is the responsibility of the construction site manager to ensure that the soil and water management measure shown on the above plan are inspected and maintained on a dai ly basis.
J Notification Plans An A4 size reduction of the Site Plan, Floor Plans and Elevations is required for notification to neighbouring property owners and occupiers who may be affected by your proposal. All information on the plans must be clearly legible. K BASIX Certificate "BASIX Certificate" The Building Sustainability Index (BASIX) is a web-based planning tool designed to assess the potential performance of residential buildings against a range of sustainability indices.
A BASIX Certificate identifies the sustainability features required to be incorporated in the building design. These features may include sustainable design elements such as recycled water, rainwater tanks, AAA-rated showerheads and taps, native landscaping, heat pump or solar water heaters, gas space heaters, roof eaves/awnings and wall/ceiling insulation.
You need a BASIX Certificate when BASIX applies to the type of development for which you require approval. Commencement dates and details of types of development are at
The applicant is required to submit the BASIX Certificate with the Development Application or Complying Development Certificate application. The plans and specifications must also identify the BASIX commitments which will be checked by a professional building certifier during construction. Where submitted plans or specifications are inconsistent with the relevant BASIX Certificate, Council should require applicants to submit consistent applications before progressing the assessment process, either by amending plans / specifications or by submitting a new BASIX Certificate with commitments that match the rest of the application.
Applicants can generate the BASIX Certificate only on the NSW Department of Planning' BASIX website: for more information, phone the BASIX Help Line on 1300 650 908. L Schedule of Colours and Materials This should indicate the colours and finishing of all materials used on the external faade of the proposed building/s. For relatively minor developments, drawings, brochures or swatches may be sufficient to indicate this information, while for larger scale developments a sample board may be necessary. The schedule should describe or show the following details:
The composition of the materials or colours The architectural features that will comprise the materials and colours The location of the materials and colours on the faade. DA - Appendix
Owner: Planning and Environment Statutory Planning Services Page 7 of 14 Last Revised: 01/07/2013 M Landscape Plans This plan should be at a scale of 1:100 (preferred) or 1:200 as appropriate, be consistent with other plans with respect to the height, size, and location of the buildings, and include the following information:
Scale within the title block. Date within the title block. Plan number within the title block. Plan title within the title block. Address of property within the title block. Applicants name within the title block. Existing significant trees showing their location, species, height, and spread, both on and adjacent to the site. It should also indicate whether they will be retained or removed. Details of all boundary and courtyard fencing and walls Details of proposed exterior lighting in plan and elevation The location of any additional planting to be carried out including species name (botanical and common), spread, height and other features. Plant species should be taken from Councils Tree List, which is located in the Comprehensive DCP. Details of plant numbers, pot size, and staking requirements Details of ongoing management and maintenance The location, dimensions and height of any water feature, or decorative feature. Existing and proposed ancillary structures, on the site including sheds, car parks and garbage bays, etc. Details of specific purpose of planting where relevant eg: privacy, perimeter treatments, shading, wind screening.
Note: You must refer to the landscaping clauses contained within the Part of the Canada Bay DCP that is relevant to your development type (e.g. houses, flat buildings, industrial). In addition you must also refer to Part 3.8 regarding the preservation of trees and vegetation. N Shadow Diagram This plan should be at a scale of 1:100 (preferred) or 1:200 as appropriate, must be drawn to true north (not magnetic north), and should include the following information:
Scale within the title block. Date within the title block. Plan number within the title block. Plan title within the title block. Address of property within the title block. Applicants name within the title block. North point - true solar north. Plan, elevation, and/or section drawings showing both proposed and existing shadows superimposed clearly indicating the area of increased shadow on adjacent land and the north facing windows of adjoining properties. Indication of the location and nature of shadows from existing and/or proposed fencing Location, dimensions, height and use of the rooms of the north facing windows of affected neighbours The shadows cast at 9.00 am, 12.00 noon, 3.00 pm, on 21 June. Where overshadowing is likely to be a significant issue, shadow diagrams should also be drawn to the equinox. DA - Appendix
Owner: Planning and Environment Statutory Planning Services Page 8 of 14 Last Revised: 01/07/2013 O Heritage Impact Statement This statement is a report which should include the following information:
Description of the significance of an Item, area or site. Description of the impact of a development proposal on that significance. Description of how the proposal will minimise negative impacts. Describes alternative development options that were considered before the preferred option was chosen and states why those alternatives were discounted.
P Stormwater Drainage Concept Plan This plan should be at a scale of 1:100 (preferred) or 1:200 as appropriate and must show at a minimum how stormwater is drained to a gutter, a pipe in the street or a piped drainage easement and should include the following information: Overland flow paths Location of required easements (if any) Existing surface contours (AHD values) Spot levels to AHD Proposed building locations and finished floor/surface contour levels (AHD values) General layout of the proposed drainage system including location of all downpipes, kerbs, channels, open drains, pits and pipes. Location and details of on site detention systems and internal piped systems Minimum pipe sizes Points of discharge Demonstration of compliance with Council's Specification for the Management of Stormwater Policy.
On Site Detention (OSD) Requirements: Required for all new dwellings (whether additional impervious area is being created or not) Required for all alterations and additions with an additional impervious area more than 50m 2 outside of the footprint of the existing building Location and details of the system are required A Geotechnical investigation and supporting calculations are required
Rainwater Reuse Rainwater tanks/reuse systems cannot be substituted for OSD except where a BASIX Certificate is provided which includes a component indicating a minimum rainwater volume requirement. Only the minimum volume can be used as an offset against any OSD requirements A rainwater tank must have an overflow and the stormwater concept plan must show where this will discharge to
Please Note: For more information refer to Council's Specification for the Management of Stormwater Policy which is available from the Development and Planning section of Council's website DA - Appendix
Owner: Planning and Environment Statutory Planning Services Page 9 of 14 Last Revised: 01/07/2013 Q Geo Technical Report This report should be prepared by a qualified geotechnical engineer and include the following information:
Proposed method of excavation Shoring or pile construction vibration emissions Any possible damage to adjoining/nearby premises Include recommendations of measures to prevent/minimise structural damage to nearby premises.
R Disability Access Report This report should be prepared by an appropriately qualified and experienced person, and should explain in detail how the proposed development meets the requirements/standards outlined in:
Councils Access DCP, The Building Code of Australia, The Australian Standards, and The Disability Discrimination Act 1992.
Note: On 1 May 2011, the Disability (Access to Premises - Buildings) Standards 2010 became effective. If Access is provided to the extent covered by this Standard, then such access cannot be viewed as unlawful under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. S Contamination Reports Where land is contaminated or potentially contaminated, the following information should be provided:
A report specifying the finding of a preliminary investigation of the land carried out by an Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) accredited person and in accordance with the Contaminated Land Planning Guidelines. If the findings of the preliminary investigation indicate contamination a, detailed investigation report as referred to in the Contaminated Land Planning Guidelines must be submitted, and carried out by a suitable qualified EPA accredited person. The investigation is to demonstrate that, if the land is contaminated, the land is suitable in its contaminated state (or will be suitable after remediation), for the purpose for which the development is proposed. If the land requires remediation to be made suitable for the purpose for which the development is proposed to be carried out, the method by which the land will be remediated to ensure the land will be suitable for the proposed use.
Please Note: For more information refer to Council's Contaminated Land Policy which is available from the Environment and Health section of Council's website T Acid Sulfate Soils Preliminary Assessment/Management Plan Acid sulphate soils are sediments and soils containing iron sulfates that are usually found in low-lying parts of coastal floodplains, rivers and creeks. If these soils remain underwater, they are stable and do not cause problems, however, if sulfates are exposed to oxygen by DA - Appendix
Owner: Planning and Environment Statutory Planning Services Page 10 of 14 Last Revised: 01/07/2013 disturbance of the soil or lowering of groundwater levels, sulphuric acid is generated and can cause environmental damage.
The Canada Bay Local Environmental Plan 2008 includes an Acid Sulfate Soils Map which shows 4 different Classes of land affected by Acid Sulfate Soil in the City of Canada Bay. These are identified as Classes 2, 3, 4 and 5. Depending on the Class of soil and the proposed works, you may be required to prepare a preliminary soil assessment report. This report must be prepared by a suitably qualified geotechnical engineer or equivalent and lodged with your development application. Such reports are required in the followi ng circumstances:- Class of Land Depth of Works Below Natural Ground Surface Depth Watertable Likely To Be Lowered Below Natural Ground Surface 2 Any Any 3 1 metre + 1 metre + 4 2 metres + 2 metres + 5 See ** Below See ** Below
** Works on Class 5 areas only require a preliminary soil assessment report if the work is carried out on land within 500 metres of an adjacent Class 2, 3 or 4 area where this adjacent area is below 5 metres Australian Height Datum (AHD) and where the works are likely to lower the watertable below 1 metre AHD.
If a preliminary report is prepared and reveals that an Acid Sulfate Soils Management Plan is required for the works, then such a plan should be prepared again by a suitably qualified geotechnical engineer or equivalent in accordance with the Acid Sulfate Soils Manual and submitted to Council with your development application.
Please refer to Clause 6.1 the Canada Bay LEP 2008 and the accompanying Acid Sulfate Soils Map for further information.
Please Note: This Clause of the Canada Bay LEP 2008 applies to works that involve the disturbance of more than 1 tonne of soil or works that are likely to lower the watertable only. U Proposed & Existing Fire Safety Measures When changing the use of a building or undertaking works to a building, a list of all existing and proposed fire safety measures for the building may be required to be submitted with your application. These include items such as fire extinguishers, fire exit signage, emergency lighting, etc. you will need the assistance of an appropriately qualified building consultant to assist in formulating the list as it will need to fully address the relevant requirements of the Building Code of Australia. V Integrated Development Special Requirements Integrated Development is development that, in order for it to be carried out, requires development consent from Council, and one or more of the following approvals:
ACT PROVISION APPROVAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Fisheries Management Act 1994 s144 aquaculture permit Cheque payable to NSW Department of Primary Industries DA - Appendix
Owner: Planning and Environment Statutory Planning Services Page 11 of 14 Last Revised: 01/07/2013 s201 permit to carry out dredging or reclamation work Cheque payable to NSW Department of Primary Industries s205 permit to cut, remove, damage or destroy marine vegetation on public water land or an aquaculture lease, or on the foreshore of any such land or lease Cheque payable to NSW Department of Primary Industries s219 permit to: (a) set a net, netting or other material, or (b) construct or alter a dam, floodgate, causeway or weir, or (c) otherwise create an obstruction across or within a bay, inlet, river or creek, or across or around a flat Cheque payable to NSW Department of Primary Industries Heritage Act 1977 s58 approval in respect of the doing or carrying out of an act, matter or thing referred to in s57(1) Cheque payable to Heritage Office Mine Subsidence Compensation Act 1961 s15 approval to alter or erect improvements within a mine subsidence district or to subdivide land therein Cheque payable to Mine Subsidence Board National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 s90 consent to knowingly destroy, deface or damage or knowingly cause or permit the destruction or defacement of or damage to, a relic or Aboriginal place Cheque payable to Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 ss43(a), 47, 55 environment protection licence to authorise carrying out of scheduled development work at any premises Cheque payable to Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW ss43(b), 48, 55 environment protection licence to authorise carrying out of scheduled activities at any premises (excluding any activity described as a 'waste activity' but including any activity described as a 'waste facility') Cheque payable to Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW ss43(d), 55, 122 environment protection licences to control carrying out of non-scheduled activities for the purposes of regulating water pollution resulting from the activity Cheque payable to Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW Roads Act 1993 s138 consent to: (a) erect a structure or carry out a work in, on or over a public road, or (b) dig up or disturb the surface of a public road, or (c) remove or interfere with a structure, work or tree on a public road, or (d) pump water into a public road from any land adjoining the road, or (e) connect a road (whether public or private) to a classified road Cheque payable to Roads and Traffic Authority Public roads in City of Canada Bay that this Act applies to: Bayswater Street, Concord Road, Crane Street, Fairlight Street, Gipps Street, DA - Appendix
Owner: Planning and Environment Statutory Planning Services Page 12 of 14 Last Revised: 01/07/2013 Great North Road, Leicester Avenue, Marlborough Street, Parramatta Road, Patterson Street, Queens Road, Ramsay Road, Victoria Road & Westbourne Street Water Management Act 2000 ss89, 90, 91 water use approval, water management work approval or activity approval under Part 3 of Chapter 3 Cheque payable to Department of Water and Energy
If you are unsure whether another approval is required, please consult the relevant agency. Similarly, if your proposal involves any of the above approvals, we strongly recommend that you consult with the agency concerned before you lodge your application.
Applications for Integrated Development will be referred to the relevant agency to obtain their 'general terms of approval'. These requirements will then be incorporated in the conditions of any development consent issued by Council.
When development is considered to be Integrated Development' and separate approvals/ permits are required from non-council bodies, the following additional items/information is required:
A cheque for $320 made payable as described in the additional information section of the table above; $140 to be paid to Council at the time of lodgement of the development application. This is in addition to any DA fees payable. An additional 2 sets of all documents submitted with the DA, including the application form. Documents are to be kept separate and clearly labelled with the name of the approval body in which they are to be referred. W View Corridor Analysis This analysis should be a photographic and/or elevational view analysis based on survey data prepared by a registered surveyor demonstrating the impact of the proposed first floor addition or two or more storey building on views currently available from potentially affected properties. X Streetscape Character Analysis The Streetscape Character Analysis (SCA) should comprise an analysis of the existing streetscape, consider the overall neighbourhood character and the potential impact of the development.
This plan should include the following details:
Site street address North point (true solar north) The subject property, as well as five (5) sites on either side of the subject site, on both sides of the street (22 sites in total). Where the site is a corner site, the SCA is to include the subject property, as well as three (3) sites either side of the primary DA - Appendix
Owner: Planning and Environment Statutory Planning Services Page 13 of 14 Last Revised: 01/07/2013 frontage of the subject property, on both sides of the street, and five (5) properties (on both sides of the street for the secondary frontage).
(Where this can not be achieved, due to the configuration of the corner, the SCA is to include the subject property and all dwellings (partially or wholly) within a radius of 75m (taken from the centre of the primary frontage)).
A street context plan showing the subject site, neighbouring dwellings and the immediate street landscape and development. A streetscape elevation drawing at a scale of 1:200 Relevant photos with explanatory notes of the site as viewed from the street, it's adjoining neighbours and the immediate streetscape An analysis of the existing streetscape. This should focus on the positive and negative elements of the streetscape and locality. The key character elements that need to be analysed include the following: (i) The relationships between buildings and landscape in the immediate locality; (ii) The scale, height and built form character of buildings; (iii) The architectural character and dominant materials/finishes; (iv) The character of spaces between buildings including vehicular and pedestrian entries; (v) The typical roofscape and forms of roofs; (vi) The front setback treatment, fencing and front garden area characteristics Y Street Numbering Plan or Schedule This plan or schedule should indicate how a new dual occupancy, residential flat building/multi-unit development or factory unit proposal or similar development is to be numbered. The plan/schedule is also required for proposed strata and Torrens Title subdivisions.
Council's Street Numbering Policy should be consulted prior to preparing this plan or schedule.
The proposed numbering can be marked on 2 copies of the architectural or subdivision plans or submitted as a written schedule subject to this being a clear explanation of how the development is proposed to be numbered.
Z Electronic Version of all Plans and Documents Required Development Applications will not be accepted unless they are accompanied by electronic copies of all application forms, supporting documents and plans as required by the DA Checklist relevant to your particular type of development proposal. Council provides a scanning service for the fee of $526 if required The number of hard copies listed on the relevant Checklist will also still be required to be submitted but in addition to this all such documents and plans will also need to be submitted as an electronic version using a CD or USB or similar device. All electronic documents submitted with your application must satisfy the following criteria:- 1. PDF Format - All documents, plans, application forms etc must be submitted as separate PDF files for each document or plan or application form in accordance with Council's file naming protocol. Note: Documents, plans etc must not be submitted as a single combined PDF document. Security settings must not be applied to electronic documents, this includes passwords. DA - Appendix
Owner: Planning and Environment Statutory Planning Services Page 14 of 14 Last Revised: 01/07/2013 2. Documents - must be A4 formatted and optimised for minimum size (on-line publishing). Files larger than 4Mb should be broken up into logical parts and supplied as separate files. 3. Plans - must be to scale and rotated to landscape. 4. File Names - file naming conventions will apply to all electronic documents, including plans and application forms. File names are to match the document requirements listed in this DA Checklist, for example: Appendix A - Survey Plan, Appendix B - Site Plan etc. 5. Accuracy - electronic documents must be exact reproductions of the original hard copy documents or plans.
NOTE: Electronic Documents lodged with Council will be published on Council's DA Tracking Tool on our web page. Please ensure you read and complete Question 16 on the Development Application Form. Your electronic device will be returned to you once your application has been determined by Council.
FILE NAMING PROTOCOL (Example Only): Note: Always List Property Address First 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - A - Survey Plan 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - B - Site Plan 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - C - Site Analysis Plan 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - D - Floor Plans 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - E Elevations 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - F Sections 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - G - Statement of Environmental Effects 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - H - Waste Management Plan 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - I - Soil and Water Management Plan 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - J - A4 Notification Plan 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - K - BASIX Certificate 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - L - Schedule of Colours and Materials 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - M - Landscape Plan 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - N - Shadow Diagram in Plan Form 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - N - Shadow Diagram in Elevation and Section 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - O - Heritage Impact Statement 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - P - Stormwater Drainage Concept Plan 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - Q - Geo-Technical Report 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - R - Disability Access Report 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - S - Contamination Records 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - T - Acid Sulfate Soil Preliminary Site Investigation 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - U - Proposed and Existing Fire Safety Measures 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - V - Integrated Development Special Requirements 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - W - View Corridor Analysis 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - X - Streetscape Character Analysis 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - Y - Street Numbering Plan or Schedule 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne - Z - List of Plans and Documents contained on electronic device
Council Details Address: City of Canada Bay Civic Centre 1A Marlborough Street, Drummoyne NSW 2047 Locked Bag 1470, Drummoyne NSW 1470 Website: Email: Telephone: Fax: 9911 6555 9911 6550