Plan Specification Handout - 201408131253344639
Plan Specification Handout - 201408131253344639
Plan Specification Handout - 201408131253344639
17575 Peak Avenue Morgan Hill CA 95037 (408) 778-6480 Fax (408) 779-7236
Website Address:
a. Size: 8.5" x 11" (labeled Exhibit ____)
b. The following information shall be included on the plat:
Title block to read as follows:
Map Showing Rezoning Lands of ______________________________,
Being a part of Ordinance No. __________, New Series
Date, scale and preparer of plat
Legend and north arrow
Existing and proposed zoning boundary lines
All bearings, distances, lot numbers, and references used in the description including
point of beginning
Assessor’s Parcel Number
All roads and width of roads
All plans shall be clear, legible and accurately scaled
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The following represents the landscape submittal plans required for planning application
submittals. Your project must be designed comply with all guidelines of Chapter 18.73 and to
implement the project’s Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. Changes in landscape plans after
Design Review approval may require amendment to the Design Review Approval, which can add
cost and time to your project.
a. Scale: Engineering scale not to exceed 1”=10’. A smaller scale may be allowed with
prior staff approval. Smaller scale plans shall include details at 1”-10’ scale.
Name, address and phone number of applicant, architect, engineer and/or landscape
Graphic scale and north arrow
Property lines, streets, and street names
Location of all existing and proposed buildings, paved surfaces, hardscape, backflow
prevention devises, transformer and other utility connections, walls, fences, curbs and
Roof outlines including eve overhang
New trees, shrubs, ground covers, and turf areas within the developed landscape area
Location and type of all existing plant material: trees, shrubs and groundcover
Planting legend indicating all plant species by botanical name and common name,
spacing and quantities of each type of plant by container size
Percentage of turf
Planting specifications and details
Method of screening for backflow prevention devises, transformer and other utility
devises, trash enclosures
A planting legend that identifies plant varieties (botanical and common names), sizes,
quantities, location, and spacing
Location and elevation of mounding, if proposed
All residential projects shall provide the following:
o A typical front yard landscape plan shall be prepared for each floor plan
proposed. The Plan shall be at a 1”=10’ scale, and on a sheet size of 8.5” x
Note: Complete landscape plans which include designations of hydrozones, irrigation plans and
additional irrigation information is required with the building permit submittal. Additionally, a
Landscape Certificate and Compliance Form signed by a licensed professional will be required to
be submitted as part of the “building final” inspections stating that the landscaping has been
installed in compliance with the submitted plan and criteria of Section 18.73 of the Municipal
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a. Scale: No less than ¼”= 1’ (large projects no less than 1/8”= 1’ details. A smaller scale
may be allowed with prior staff approval)
b. Elevations shall be prepared to presentation drawing standards
c. Illustrative building elevations showing ALL sides of proposed (and existing if
applicable) building and structures
d. All elevations shall be unobstructed by other illustrations (trees, people, etc.)
e. The following information shall be included on the plans:
Name, address and phone number of the applicant, architect and/or engineer
Material types, dimensions and textures
Color Schemes
Location of building address
Shading, as applicable to give the elevations some graphic dimension
Roof top mechanical equipment screens
Include an existing grade to ridge dimension and a proposed grade to ridge
Painting plan indicating where each color of the proposed paint palette will be
used on the building
f. Provide cross-section of building with proposed grades. Cross sections shall include roof
screens and depiction of any roof top equipment to illustrate proposed methods of
g. Colored elevations are encouraged but not required
h. Detail of proposed trash enclosure and fencing
i. FOR PD’S ONLY: Where future development is unknown, typical illustrative building
elevations showing ALL SIDES OF A BUILDING SHALL BE PROVIDED. Illustrative
building elevations shall define the architectural theme or style to be utilized in the PD.
That theme or style shall be implemented by utilization of its predominant features (e.g.
Mediterranean style is characterized in part by use of arches, extended eaves and arcades
and use of stucco and barrel tile roofing). The illustrative building elevations shall also
indicate the level of architectural detailing and quality to be achieved. In addition to the
illustrative building elevations, details identifying typical architectural elements
(consistent with the defined architectural theme or style) shall be provided.
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Name, address and phone number of the applicant, architect and/or engineer
Legend, north arrow, scale, vicinity map
Contour grading
Maximum contour interval will be as follows:
Slope Less than 2% 2%-5% 5%-10% Over 10%
Interval 1’ 2’ 5’ 10’
Cross-sections at all property lines
Drainage and flood control facilities; size and type
Easements, property lines, rights-of ways
Separate cut and fill areas (quantity to be called out on plan)
Erosion control measures
Existing features within, and 100’ beyond the site boundaries (label to remain or to be
removed); natural ground, trees, structures, drainage courses, streets, trails, slopes,
wells, etc.
Shade pavement areas and slopes 20% or steeper
Streets, cross-sections (every 50 feet) improvements, right-of-way, etc.
Structures, footprints, pad and floor elevations, etc.
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a. Detailed elevation of public notice sign required by Section 18.02.085 of the Zoning
Ordinance. Said elevation shall include dimensions of the sign (*), required language
(**), color, size and letter style of sign copy, color and material of sign.
b. Site plan, showing exact location of required public notice sign.
c. Installation detail showing cross section through sign and installation information such as
specifications of hardware and materials.
* There are two sizes of public notice signs, 2’ x 3’ with a maximum overall height of 8’
for “minor “projects, and 4’ x 8’ with a maximum overall height of 8’ for “major” projects.
Minor projects consist of minor subdivisions of four or fewer parcels, and conditional use
permits and site and architectural reviews which do not involve the establishment of new
buildings on vacant sites. Major projects include subdivision of five or more new buildings on
vacant sites. Major projects include subdivision of five or more parcels, and conditional use
permits and site and architectural reviews which involve the establishment of new buildings on
vacant sites. Exceptions to the use of 4’ x 8’ signs, allowing for use of the smaller sign, may be
made by the Development Services Agency – Planning Division if it is not practicable to install a
large public notice/project identification sign.
** Up to 75% of the overall sign area must be used to provide a general description of the
project and the name of the project applicant. The public notice portion of the sign message must
constitute at least 25% of the overall sign area and notify the public of the nature of the proposed
project (e.g., the number of homes, size and type of commercial/industrial building, etc.), as well
as provide the following message:
“For more information about the proposed project, contact the City of Morgan Hill
Community Development Agency, Planning Division, 17575 Peak Avenue, Morgan Hill,
CA 95037,+ (408) 778-6480 and refer to File No. ___________.”
The file number is assigned to the application by the Planning Division at time of application