Studies On Regenerated Protein Fibers. Production Regenerated Fibroin Fiber by The Self-Dialyzing Wet Spinning Method
Studies On Regenerated Protein Fibers. Production Regenerated Fibroin Fiber by The Self-Dialyzing Wet Spinning Method
Studies On Regenerated Protein Fibers. Production Regenerated Fibroin Fiber by The Self-Dialyzing Wet Spinning Method
of Regenerated Silk Fibroin Fiber by the
Self-Dialyzing Wet Spinning Method
'Faculty of Textile Science, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Matsugasaki Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606, Japan; 'Shiga Prefectural
Junior College, Hassaka Hikone, Shiga 529, Japan; and 3 K a ~ h Junior
o College,
Chioin Higashiyarna-ku, Kyoto 605, Japan
The spinnable dope containing 20 wt % of silk fibroin dissolved in the MU solvent (e.g.,
LiBr * H 2 0 = 40 wt %, and EtOH : H 2 0 = 100 : 0 in volume) was spun into a coagulant and
subsequently drawn, to give the following results.
1. Methanol, ethanol, and isopropanol were a predominant coagulant for the dope,
and the coagulant containing 10% LiBr H20 is best.-
2. Spinnability depended upon the ratio of nozzle hole length to diameter (LID) and
was improved by increasing LID from 4 to 10. Coagulativity was not sufficient at
the SF concentration of 16%, but improved by raising it up to 20%. Drawability of
the spun filaments in water was improved at a temperature above 60°C.
3. The drawn fiber showed excellent mechanical properties, especially tensile toughness
when as-spun fiber was drawn in water at 61OC. An X-ray diffraction diagram of
the drawn fibers indicated their crystalline axes were partially oriented along the
fiber axis. 0 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Rating of Coagulativity
Preparation of Coagulant
Visual Inspection. The dope was coagulated in a se-
Ion-exchanged water was used, together with ries of coagulants in the manner described above.
ethanol, methanol, or isopropanol (Wako Junyaku The coagulated films were classified by inspection
Co., Ltd.), which were of the highest reagent grade. of their overall coagulativity as shown in Table I.
Lithium bromide was the industry grade (Wako A droplet of 10% SF solution (dope) on a prep-
Junyaku Co., Ltd.). These reagents were used alone aration glass was sandwiched with a cover glass, as
or blended a t varied ratios to provide the coagulant. shown in Figure 1. The dope was then gently pressed
to spread it around, and to make a thickness of 0.5
mm using the pulp spacer. The dope was dipped in
Formation of Sample Films the coagulant at 20°C for a specific time, then the
length of a coagulated portion was measured under
An appropriate amount of the concentrated SF so-
a microscope without removal from the coagulant.
lution was poured on a glass plate, and a knife was
used to spread the dope over the plate with the cau-
Mechanical Properties
tion not to involve any bubbles. After keeping the
plate horizontal to make a smooth surface of the A uniaxial tensile tester made by Iwamoto Seisak-
poured dope, the glass plate was immersed in a co- usho Co. Ltd. was used under the following condi-
agulant bath at 20°C to form a film. The fully co- tions: gauge length of specimens of 20 mm and close
agulated film was desalted and kept in a methanol head speed of 25 mm/min. The moisture content of
aqueous solution to prevent hardening and decaying. samples was regulated under standard conditions.
Table IA Results of Film Forming Test Coagulation boundary length Cover glass
Composition of Solvent:
EtOH/H20" ( V O ~%)
Agent 100/0 80/20 65/35 45/55
o/c o/c A/C
LiBr H20/EtOH,H20= 50/50 (wt %) constant. Bath tem-
six spin holes having a diameter (D)of 0.3
mm and a length ( L )of 0.6 4 mm. The throughput
0.5 -
perature, 20°C. Key: @, better; 0, good; A, bad; X, did not co- of the dope was 1 cm3/min, with the coagulation
agulate; A, contains small bubbles; B, a little swelling; C, effusion.
Open marks signify translucent film. Solid marks signify white bath of methanol and the stretching bath of water
film. or methanol. The spinnable dopes were prepared by
dissolving 16 or 20% by weight of SF in MU solvents
Spinning Conditions
prepared by dissolving 40% by weight of LiBr H 2 0 -
in a mixture of EtOH and water, with the ratio of
A test apparatus as shown in Figure 2 was used for EtOH to H 2 0 being 100 : 0.
wet spinning for the dope samples. The dope ex-
truded through a nozzle was coagulated in a coag-
Table IB Results of Film Forming Test Inter- and lntracocoon DP of SF
Composition of Solvent: It is an established but questionable theory that
EtOH/H,O" (vol %) SF molecules are of varied molecular weight falling
Coagulation within a range of lo4to lo6, and the thickness of the
Agent 100/0 80/20 65/35 45/55 SF filament varies among the portions of each co-
coon4Note that SF is inevitably decomposed in the
course of preparation to determine the viscosity of
EtOH ./A ./A e/A,B A/A,B
i-PrOH @/A @/A,B A/A,B A/A,B diluted SF solutions in the solvents used conven-
HZO X X X X tionally. However, the MU solvent keeps the SF
MeOH/HzO (vol %) molecule in the solutions without degradation. We
97/3 O/A O/A O/A O/A employed the MU solvent to determine intrinsic vis-
95/5 O/A O/A O/A,C A/A,B,C cosity [ 711 of SF and to examine the variation of inter-
90/10 O/A O/C A/A,C A/A,C
85/15 A/C A/C a/c A/C
MeOH/LiBr HzO ( w t %) EX 1 : Nozzle
2 : Coagulation Bath
3 : First Roll (Double)
95/5 O/C O/B,C O/B O/B 4 : Drawing Balh
89/11 @/C @/C @/C @/C 5 : Second Roll (For Winding)
85/15 o/c o/c o/c o/c
'EtOH/H,O = 90/10 (vol %) constant. Bath temperature, d
2OOC. Key: Q, better; 0, good; A, bad; X, did not coagulate, A, 4 5
contains small bubbles; B, a little swelling; C, effusion. Open
marks signify translucent film. Solid marks signify white film. Figure 2 Spinning apparatus.
Inner Intermediate Outer Average Deviation
and intracocoons. Table I1 summarizes results of our aqueous solutions of inorganic salt. Both the alcohol
measurement. There is no or almost no difference in and lithium bromide in each MU solvent behave as
the viscosity-average degree of polymerization (DP) a good solvent in that SF molecules can fully ex-
between or in each of the cocoons that were produced tend.2,6On the contrary, water acts as a poor solvent
at the same time and the same area. in which SF molecules shrink when the solution of
SF dissolved in MU solvent is dialyzed by the tra-
ditional method: and the inorganic salt (i.e., lithium
Production of Regenerated Silk Fibroin Fiber
bromide) and alcohol are removed, thereby unde-
Coagulativity of the Concentrated Silk sirably rendering spherical the SF molecules that
Fibroin Solution had been in their extended state. Dialysis of such a
solution will thus produce an unsatisfactory dope
Coagulating Ability. Coagulation of SF aqueous so- for the spinning process. From this viewpoint, we
lution has been studied for many years, and, gen-
have sought a novel coagulation system from which
erally, saturated aqueous solutions of inorganic salts
SF molecules can coagulate in the extended state.
have been used in the so-called salting-out m e t h ~ d . ~
We had observed in our previous research that less
However, the solubility in water of SF is not high,
so that an aqueous solution of SF separates SF in a
than 30 wt ?6 of LiBr H 2 0 can never dissolve the
SF, at any ratio of alcohol/water in MU solvents.
gel state easily; SF molecules in aqueous solution We expected that such an MU solvent with low con-
cannot be presumed to be stable. Thus, it is unlikely tent of LiBr * H 2 0 could act as a favorable poor sol-
that the SF molecules would be salted out in their vent, which ensures the extended state of SF mol-
well-extended state. The MU solvents' are alcoholic-
50 100 150
Dipping Tim (sec)
Dip@ng Tim?(sec)
Figure 4 Effect of the ratio of C,H50H to H 2 0 (V loo/
Figure 3 The initial coagulation rate for the SF solution 0, A 95/5, 0 90/10, W 87/13) in the MU solvent
of MU solvents (LiBr H,O/ROH = 50/50) R, CH3H, CzH5 .
(LiBr H20/CZH50H= 50/50) on the initial coagulation
0, i-C3H70HA, at 27°C. rate in CH30H at 27°C.
Tensile Young's
Sample Strength Fineness Density Strength Elongation Modulus
No. Strength Bath Ratio (den) (g/mL) (d/g) (760) (g/d)
1.45 3.0
15 25
25 35
- 100
- 25
the present case, this factor depends on the difference tent, the dope's adhesion to the nozzle surface was so
in LiBr H 2 0 concentration between the two MU good that some extruded filaments could not be spun.
solvents. Dilution of LiBr H 2 0 in the dope becomes We visually inspected the running state of those dope
more difficult with a decrease in the difference of con- streams near the nozzle holes, and found a phenom-
centration, and the coagulation is rendered less ex- enon that resembled the so-called "Barus" effect?
peditious. The indefinite contour of the film coagulated Our countermeasures were as follows: an increased
in the bath containing 13%or more of LiBr H 2 0con- ratio of L/D of nozzle holes, a reduced as-spun rate
tent is probably a result of such a phenomenon. for the dope, and a reduced dope viscosity? The re-
duction of as-spun rate did not improve the problems.
Spinnability Increasing the L / D ratio from 0.6/0.3 (=2) to 2.0/0.5
The spinnability of the solution of SF dissolved in (=4)seemed to be better. Therefore, we further raised
MU solvent is excellent. Therefore, we presumed that the L/D ratio up to 4.0/0.4 (=lo). As a result, the
a proper coagulant could make the regenerated SF sticking problem was remarkably improved.
i n t the
~ shape of fiber. From the result of a coagulation
test, an optimum coagulant is an MeOH solution of Drawability
LiBr H20and the concentration is below 11%.When Coagulated filament was drawn to make the filament
the concentration of LiBr H 2 0 is small, coagulation mechanically stronger by giving orientation to the
was early, and the fiber that was obtained is easy to SF molecules. The coagulated SF filament has duc-
take up. From these result, if methanol was employed tile properties, but becomes somewhat brittle after
as a coagulant, then SF dissolved in MU solvent could drying from this state. The brittleness after drying
be regenerated to form a good fiber, without dialyzing may be caused by poor orientation of SF molecules
the SF solution in advance as previously mentioned. along the fiber axis. We therefore drew the as-co-
We also applied methanol as a coagulant for the spin- agulated (as-spun) yarn under varied conditions to
ning of the dopes, which were prepared by dissolving produce filaments that have sufficient strength. The
SF at varied concentrations in the MU solvent, which drawing ratios given in Table I11 were maximum
was composed of 40% LiBr H 2 0dissolved in EtOH/ ratios for the respective conditions. The hotter the
H2n0 (EtOH/H20 = 100/0). water in the drawing bath, the more extensively the
as-coagulated (as-spun) yarns could be drawn.
Coagulativity of Extruded Dope Streams. A dope
containing 16 wt % SF did not show good coagula-
tivity. Presumably, retardation in phase separation Micro Structures and Physical Properties of the
of SF was caused in this case by a retarded mutual Regenerated Silk Fibroin Fiber
exchange of the solvent components between the dope X-Ray Diffraction
and the coagulant. To resolve this problem, we in-
creased the SF content in dope up to the SF content Figure 7 (a-d) shows wide angle X-ray diffraction dia-
of 20% by weight, and found that the coagulativity grams of the fibers produced in the described manner."
and spinnability of the extruded dope were improved. Deby-Sherrer rings, which appear in the photograph
of sample 1at 2 B = 20.7" and 24.8", are inherent in
Dope Sticking Problem to Nozzle Surface. Although undrawn fibers. The more intensive Deby-Sherrer ring
the coagulativity was improved by raising the SF con- at 2 6 = 20.7' indicates the so-called ''P structure."'o
(c) (a
Figure 7 The X-ray diffraction photography of the regenerated fiber of (a) SF (11,
(b) SF (2), (c) SF (31, and (d) SF (4).
Samples 2-4 also show similar Deby-Sherrer rings, significant difference was found between the drawing
but some intensive diffraction at 20.7' appears on the conditions.
equatorial. This means that crystallization oriented to
the fiber axis proceeds by drawing of as-spun fiber. Infrared Spectrum
Figure 8 shows the IR spectrum of Samples 1 and
4. As seen in Figure 8, broad absorption bands were
Table I11 shows the measured density. The drawing detected a t 1630-1660, 1530, and 1540 em-', which
of fibers slightly increased their density, though no were obviously caused by the amide-I group and
2. Coagulation length of the dope in a coagulant (Toyobo Co., Ltd.) for making many valuable suggestions
was measured in terms of coagulativity for the and for their help and cooperation.
concentrated SF solutions in MU solvent. It
was found that the leveled off coagulation
length was smallest when using methanol, and
the contour of the coagulated region was more REFERENCES
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We wish to express our gratitude to Dr. Prof. Tsuyoshi Received September 23, 1994
Kiyotsukuri, Dr. Naoto Tsutsumi, and for Dr. K. Yabuki Accepted August 5, 1995