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Deformation Mechanisms in Cellulose Fibres, Paper and Wood

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J O U R N A L O F M A T E R I A L S S C I E N C E 3 6 (2 0 0 1 ) 3129 – 3135

Deformation mechanisms in cellulose

fibres, paper and wood
Materials Science Centre, UMIST/University of Manchester,
Grosvenor Street, Manchester, M1 7HS, UK
E-mail: robert.young@umist.ac.uk

The use of Raman spectroscopy in probing the deformation mechanisms of cellulose fibres
(regenerated and natural), and two natural cellulose composite systems (wood and paper)
is described. It is shown that during tensile deformation the 1095 cm−1 Raman band,
corresponding to the stretching of the cellulose ring structure, shifts towards a lower
wavenumber due to molecular deformation. By analysing a number of fibres with different
microstructures this shift is shown to be invaluable in understanding the micromechanisms
of deformation in these materials. Moreover, the rate of Raman band shift is shown to be
invariant with stress for all fibre types, consistent with a fibre microstructure based on a
modified series aggregate model. In the composite systems, such as wood and paper, it is
shown that the stress-induced Raman band shift in the cellulose gives an important insight
into their local deformation micromechanics.  C 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers

1. Introduction spectroscopy. In this work, a comparison between the

Raman spectroscopy is an invaluable method for eval- deformation of regenerated and natural cellulose fibres
uating changes that occur in a fibre structure subjected will be focussed upon.
to stress and strain. It allows the molecular deforma- Man-made, and natural composite systems of cellu-
tion mechanisms of the polymeric chains to be ex- lose are in widespread use as materials in the industrial
amined through the large stress-induced Raman band world; paper and wood being two examples. Wood
shifts that can occur during deformation. It has been can be considered to be a highly complex composite
applied successfully to study deformation processes material consisting of fibres, composed mainly of
for a wide variety of polymeric fibres [1]. It has been cellulose, embedded in a matrix of lignin and hemi-
found that the magnitude of the wavenumber shift of cellulose [6]. The fibres themselves are composite
the Raman-active bands in fibres subjected to stress structures consisting of several layers (Primary, S1 , S2
or strain depends on both the chemical structure of and S3 ), of which the middle layer (S2 ) is thought to
the polymer molecules, and the morphology and mi- dominate mechanically [6]. One previous investigation
crostructure of the fibres. In particular, the band shift has measured micro-mechanical strains within woody
rate per unit stress for the 1610 cm−1 Raman band for all materials, using Digital Image Correlation (DIC) to
aromatic main-chain polymeric fibres has been found to assess the local strain around defects in wood pulp
be −4 cm−1 /GPa. This has been interpreted as a demon- fibres [7]. The micromechanics of small sections of
stration that the molecules in such fibres are subjected wood have also been studied, and models applied
to a uniform stress deformation [1]. to understand the evolution of the Young’s modulus
The class of polymers based on cellulose include during axial straining [8]. However, little or no work
natural cellulose, regenerated cellulose, and chemical exists on following local strain within wood samples
derivatives of cellulose such as cellulose acetate and during deformation, and this work focuses on this
cellulose nitrate. Plants are made from natural cellulose area.
and this can be chemically modified in a regeneration Paper cannot strictly be classed as a composite mate-
process to produce fibres with very different mechani- rial as it is a fibrous network which does not reinforce a
cal properties. The crystal structure of natural cellulose matrix but relies on inter-fibre bonding and fibre stiff-
is known as cellulose I, and that of regenerated cel- ness for its strength. A number of models for its de-
lulose as cellulose II. Cellulose I is thought to have a formation have been proposed [9–11] and each relies
crystal structure wherein the chains in the unit cell are on assumptions about local fibre deformation within
in a parallel conformation [2], and in cellulose II they the sheet to describe its non-linear stress-strain curve.
are thought to be in anti-parallel conformation [3]. The This study reports the measurement of local fibre de-
deformation of natural [4] and regenerated cellulose fi- formation in pilot-machine made paper using Raman
bres [5] has previously been investigated using Raman spectroscopy.
∗ Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed.

C 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers 3129
2. Experimental procedure 2.3. Raman spectroscopy
2.1. Materials A Renishaw 1000 Raman Imaging Microscope was
Six different regenerated cellulose fibres were investi- used to record the spectra of fibre monofilaments. A
gated. Fibres (CA-CD) were produced by the viscose low power 25 mW He-Ne laser (633 nm) was em-
process, CE by an alternative solution spinning process ployed with an intensity of 1 mW when focussed on the
and CF produced by the NMMO (N -methylmorpholine monofilament. An infra-red laser (780 nm) was used for
N -oxide) process. Fibres CA-CE were provided by the wood and paper samples to overcome fluorescence.
Akzo Nobel and CF by Courtaulds (now merged The low power laser spot diameter was about 2 µm.
with Akzo Nobel as ACORDIS). The trade names of A highly-sensitive Peltier-cooled charge couple device
CA, CB, CC, CD, CE, and CF are Cordenka-EHM, (linked to a PC with Renishaw software) was used to
Cordenka-1840, Enka Viscose, Cordenka-700, Alter- record spectra. The spectra were curve fitted using a
native Cellulose and Lyocell respectively. mixed Lorentzian-Gaussian distribution function to de-
Steam exploded flax and field retted hemp fibres were termine the peak positions based on a mathematical
also examined. The steam exploded flax was produced algorithm [13].
as hackling tow and processed by FH, Reutlingen,
Denmark and the hemp was provided by the British
Fibre Federation, UK. Single fibres (5 mm in length) of 2.4. Raman deformation studies
the natural cellulose fibres were extracted from larger Cellulose fibres with a gauge length of 50 mm for
bundles by placing in hydrogen peroxide for 48 hrs. CA-CF and 5 mm for flax and hemp were fixed us-
This had the effect of bleaching the fibre, which re- ing cyanoacrylate adhesive on a tensile deformation rig
duced fluorescence under the Raman laser, and also that fitted directly onto the stage of the microscope.
assisted in releasing the fibres from the stems. The fibre axis was aligned parallel to the incident po-
Sections of Pinus radiata wood were also investi- larised laser beam to within ±5◦ . For the Raman de-
gated. The Pinus radiata samples used had a microfibril formation analysis, each straining increment required
angle of 13◦ , measured using small angle x-ray scatter- 150 s, which included 120 s for exposure and 30 s for
ing (SAXS) as described elsewhere [12]. The cotton pa- the focussing. The fibre stress was recorded using a
per studied had been produced on a pilot plant machine purpose-built rig, housing a load cell with a full-scale
in the Department of Paper Science, UMIST. load of 2N and Raman spectra were obtained during
The wood samples were sectioned into small sliv-
2.2. Single-fibre deformation ers, which were then secured onto PMMA beams with
Single fibres were tested using an Instron 1121 univer- adhesive. A strain gauge was attached to the beams
sal testing machine following recommendations given close to where Raman spectra were obtained. Samples
in ASTM D3379-75, at 23 ± 10 ◦ C and 50 ± 5% rela- were then deformed using a 4-point-bending rig, and the
tive humidity. The regenerated cellulose fibres (50 mm strain was recorded on a digital multi-meter. An expo-
gauge length) were tested at a strain rate of 0.166 %/s, sure time of 5 minutes, with 5 accumulations, was used
and the natural fibres at 0.333 %/s, and a full-scale load at each strain level. The paper samples were cut from a
of 1N was used. The diameters of the fibres were mea- sheet using a razor blade to dimensions of 15 × 5 mm
sured using a calibrated Phillips FEG-SEM with an ex- and glued to the straining rig. At each strain level the
citing voltage of 2 keV and these values are reported samples were exposed with the laser for 120 s.
in Table I. From these values, and assuming a circular
cross section, the cross-sectional areas were calculated
and thus the load could be converted to stress. Exam-
ples of SEM micrographs obtained for the fibres are 3. Results and discussion
shown in Fig. 1. For statistical reasons 30 natural fibres 3.1. Cellulose fibres deformation
were tested, whereas only 20 regenerated fibres were The stress-strain curves for Fibres CA-CF are shown in
required for the same significance. Fig. 2, along with those for flax and hemp fibres. The
regenerated cellulose fibres exhibit non-linear stress-
strain curves. Each regenerated fibre exhibits charac-
T A B L E I Mechanical properties of cellulose fibres, where df — teristic behaviour with an initially linear section, a
fibre diameter (30 measurements), E—Young’s Modulus, σf∗ —breaking knee at the yield point and an approximately linear
stress and εf∗ —breaking strain. Number of mechanical tests (CA-CF— increase after yielding. It is noted, however, that the
20, Flax and Hemp—30)
higher modulus fibres show more strain hardening. The
Fibre Sample df (µm) E (GPa) σf∗ (GPa) εf∗ (%) flax and hemp fibres, however, show near linear elastic
behaviour with some strain hardening apparent in the
CA Cordenka EHM 9.4 ± 0.2 32.2 ± 2.2 0.71 ± 0.12 3.9 ± 0.7 hemp fibre samples. The mechanical properties of the
CB Cordenka 1840 12.9 ± 0.3 16.9 ± 1.5 0.66 ± 0.08 12.7 ± 1.4
CC Enka Viscose 18.0 ± 0.7 9.4 ± 0.5 0.22 ± 0.05 17.2 ± 1.3
fibre samples are listed in Table I.
CD Cordenka 700 13.1 ± 1.3 20.0 ± 6.1 0.66 ± 0.01 10.7 ± 0.4 Typical Raman spectra for a regenerated and a natu-
CE Alternative ral cellulose fibre are shown in Fig. 3. For regenerated
cellulose 15.6 ± 1.1 30.6 ± 0.1 1.01 ± 0.07 4.9 ± 0.3 cellulose fibres there are peaks located at 1095 cm−1
CF Lyocell 12.3 ± 0.9 15.2 ± 2.9 0.54 ± 0.01 7.0 ± 0.3 and 895 cm−1 corresponding to the cellulose C−O ring
Flax Steam Exploded 17.1 ± 2.9 43.5 ± 4.2 0.27 ± 0.03 5.5 ± 0.4
Hemp Field Retted 31.2 ± 4.9 19.1 ± 4.3 0.27 ± 0.04 0.8 ± 0.1
stretching, and mixed modes (C−C−C, C−H−O) in-
cluding angle bending respectively [14]. However, in
Figure 1 SEM micrographs of (a) CA fibres and (b) steam exploded flax fibres.

natural cellulose it was found that no peak occurred composite peak, and hence to locate its precise posi-
at the 895 cm−1 position. It has been reported that the tion, the region from 1080–1120 cm−1 was fitted using
Raman peak located at 895 cm−1 is more intense in 4 Lorentzian/Gaussian peaks to account for the shoul-
highly-crystalline cellulose II fibres, compared to Val- der peaks located at 1145 cm−1 and 1120 cm−1 .
onia ventricosa (cellulose I) [15]. For this reason, only Fig. 4 shows examples of shifts for the 1095 cm−1
the shift of the 1095 cm−1 peak was used for com- Raman peak for the high modulus CE fibre and for
parison between samples. This peak is also clearly a flax. This shift is thought to be due to deformation of

Figure 2 Typical stress strain curves of CA (Cordenka EHM), CB
(Cordenka 1840), CC (Enka Viscose), CD (Cordenka 700), CE
(Alternative cellulose) and CF (Lyocell) regenerated cellulose fibres and
Steam Exploded Flax and Field Retted Hemp fibres. These curves are
examples of the typical form of the stress-strain curves, not averages.

Figure 4 Strain induced Raman band shifts in the smoothed spectra for
the 1095 cm−1 peaks of (a) CE and (b) flax fibres.

and that different cellulose crystal structures (I & II)

have been investigated, the stress sensitivity of the Ra-
man band is found to be invariant (Table II). This is
Figure 3 Raman spectra of (a) regenerated cellulose, CA (b) natural best illustrated with reference to Fig. 5b where the lin-
cellulose, flax.
ear fits for the Raman band shifts against stress lie on
the same line. Because of this stress invariance, which
has been found for some other rigid-chain polymer fi-
the structural molecular backbone of cellulose as has bres such as aramids [16], it indicates that the shift is
been found with other polymer fibres [16]. controlled by stress. Also, based on this argument it is
The 1095 cm−1 peak was found to shift approxi- proposed that the deformation could be analysed using
mately linearly with strain for all fibres towards a lower a modified series structural model as has been reported
wavenumber with tensile strain, as can be seen from previously [5].
Fig. 5a. The strain sensitivities of the Raman bands for The sensitivity of the position of the Raman band to
the different fibres (mean of at least 3 sets of measure- strain for the cellulose fibres was found to be propor-
ments for the regenerated and 10 for the natural cellu- tional to the fibre modulus, E, as illustrated in Fig. 6.
lose) are summarised in Table II. Despite the very dif- This is also predicted by the series model and similar
ferent mechanical properties of the fibres, the fact that behaviour is also found for the 1610 cm−1 Raman band
the regeneration process is different for each fibre type, in aromatic polymer fibres [1]. The secant modulus was
used in Fig. 6 due to the fact that the fibres exhibit dif-
T A B L E I I Raman band shift sensitivities for cellulose fibres, where
ferent levels of strain hardening beyond the yield point
dν/dε and dν/dσ are the rates of Raman shift with strain and stress and hence the Young’s modulus has been found to not
respectively. Number tested (5 for CA-CF and 10 for flax and hemp) to give such a good correlation [5]. Better correlation
is found with the secant modulus because some fibres,
Fibre dν/dε (cm−1 /%) dν/dσ (cm−1 /GPa)
such as fibre CC, have more significantly different de-
CA −0.88 ± 0.05 −4.34 ± 0.30 formation beyond the yield point which is not taken
CB −0.22 ± 0.03 −3.94 ± 0.66 into account by using the initial modulus and therefore
CC −0.06 ± 0.02 −4.89 ± 2.09 this parameter is more indicative of overall behaviour.
CD −0.29 ± 0.04 −4.17 ± 0.21 If the shift of the Raman band position, ν, with strain
CE −0.74 ± 0.04 −3.53 ± 0.25
is proportional to the fibre modulus then we can write
CF −0.18 ± 0.03 −4.13 ± 0.77
Flax −1.22 ± 0.18 −3.38 ± 0.43 dν dσ
Hemp −1.29 ± 0.10 −4.07 ± 0.55 ∝E= (1)
dε dε
Figure 5 (a) Strain and (b) stress dependent Raman band shifts of the 1095 cm−1 peak.

which confirms that the shift of band position should

be proportional to stress (Fig. 5b).

3.2. Wood deformation

An example of a Raman spectrum for the wood is shown
in Fig. 7. It was found that well-defined spectra could
only be obtained for the wood samples when the laser
beam was focused on a cell wall rather than on a facing
plane as shown in the SEM micrograph, in Fig. 8. A
stronger signal was also recorded with the laser beam
polarised parallel to the cell wall and all measurements
were undertaken using this configuration.
The 1095 cm−1 Raman peak in the wood samples
Figure 6 Relationship between the magnitude of the strain-induced also shifted towards a lower wavenumber during tensile
Raman band shift rate and secant modulus of cellulose fibres (Dotted deformation. The mean Raman shift for the wood sam-
lines indicate the upper and lower 95% confidence bands. ples (7 tested) is reported in Fig. 9 and it is immediately
Figure 7 Raman spectrum of Pinus radiata wood.
Figure 9 The variation of Raman band shift with tensile strain obtained
using the four-point bending test for 7 different pine wood samples.
obvious that there is variability. This is thought to be
due to the fact that it is impossible to focus the laser spot
onto one particular layer (S1 , S2 or S3 ). Since the lay- 3.3. Paper deformation
ers differ in mechanical properties this variability could The Raman spectrum for the cotton paper is shown in
be quite marked. It is noted that the rates of band shift Fig. 10a and it can be seen that it is similar to that ob-
with strain for the flax and hemp fibres (−1.22 ± 0.18 tained for the natural cellulose fibre shown in Fig. 3.
and −1.29 ± 0.10 cm−1 /%) are of a similar order to the Stress induced Raman shifts were also observed with
wood samples (−1.14 ± 0.34 cm−1 /%). This suggests the paper samples. It was noted that fibres with a flat-
from the relationship in Equation 1 that, at a given level ter and wider cross section gave the best spectra. Also
of strain, the stress on the cellulose molecules is similar clearer Raman shifts, an example of which is reported
in the flax, hemp and wood materials. in Fig. 10b, were obtained for fibres of this type. This is
No shift occurred for the 1600 cm−1 band (Fig. 7) thought to be due to the fact that greater surface area is
corresponding to lignin [17] as has been reported else- available for inter-fibre bonding with these fibres, and
where [18]. This does not mean that the lignin is not strain applied to the sheet is more likely to be trans-
deformed. Lignin is a low modulus amorphous poly- ferred to these fibres.
mer [19] that acts as the matrix material in the wood The deformation of the paper samples, as reported
“composite” structure [20], and it is possible that no in Fig. 10b can be separated into three distinct
shift is seen in its characteristic peak because it is non- phases. Initially Raman band position of the fibre be-
load bearing. ing monitored within the sheet shifts approximately

Figure 8 An SEM micrograph of a specimen of wood showing the region in which the laser was focussed (arrow).

has shown that this effect is indicative of the stress in
the fibres. The invariance of the shift rate with stress,
no matter what supposed cellulose crystal structure or
specific mechanical property of the fibre confirms their
structures could be modelled using a modified series
aggregate model, as reported previously [1, 5]. This
technique has also been shown to be a useful tool in
analysing composite systems; namely paper and wood.
In particular it is found that the wood samples behave
like typical unidirectional composites, with the lignin
matrix bearing little load and the cellulose acting as the
reinforcement. In paper the deformation of single fibres
within the sheet can be followed and the processes of
fibre deformation and slippage identified.

This work was completed using funding via EPSRC
grant No. GR/M82219 and from the Thai government
(JS). The authors would also like to thank Dr. Bill
Sampson, Department of Paper Science, UMIST for
helpful discussions and the paper samples, Dr. Mau-
rits Northolt of ACORDIS for supplying regenerated
cellulose fibres (CA-CE) and to Emeritus Prof. K. M.
Entwistle for the wood samples.

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Raman spectroscopy is a powerful technique that can 18. J . S I R I C H A I S I T . Ph.D. Thesis, UMIST, UK, 2000.
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cellulosic materials. The shifts of the 1095 cm−1 band
in the cellulose spectrum gives information on the direct Received 25 September
molecular deformation of the material, and this work and accepted 23 November 2000


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