A.M. No. 01-7-01-SC
A.M. No. 01-7-01-SC
A.M. No. 01-7-01-SC
A.M. No. 01-7-01-SC July 17, 2001
Acting on the Memorandum dated 18 June 2001 of the Committee on
the Revision of the Rules of Court to Draft the Rules on !Commerce
"a# $R%A% &o% 8'(2) submitting the Rules on lectronic vidence for this
Court*s consideration and approval+ the Court Resolved to APPR,-D
the same%
.he Rules on lectronic vidence shall appl/ to cases pending after
their effectivit/% .hese Rules shall ta0e effect on the first da/ of August
2001 follo#ing thier publication before the 20th of Jul/ in t#o
ne#spapers of general circulation in the Philippines
1'th Jul/ 2001%
Rule 1
Sec!o" 1. Scope. 1 2nless other#ise provided herein+ these Rules shall
appl/ #henever an electronic document or electronic data message+ as
defined in Rule 2 hereof+ is offered or used in evidence%
Sec!o" 2. Cases covered. 1 .hese Rules shall appl/ to all civil actions
and proceedings+ as #ell as 3uasi!4udicial and administrative cases%
Sec!o" #. Application of other rules on evidence. 1 5n all matters not
specificall/ covered b/ these Rules+ the Rules of Court and pertinent
provisions of statutes containing rules on evidence shall appl/%
Rule 2
Sec!o" 1. Definition of terms. 1 6or purposes of these Rules+ the
follo#ing terms are defined+ as follo#s7
8a9 :As/mmetric or public cr/ptos/stem: means a s/stem capable
of generating a secure 0e/ pair+ consisting of a private 0e/ for
creating a digital signature+ and a public 0e/ for verif/ing the digital
8b9 :;usiness records: include records of an/ business+ institution+
association+ profession+ occupation+ and calling of ever/ 0ind+
#hether or not conducted for profit+ or for legitimate or illegitimate
8c9 :Certificate: means an electronic document issued to support a
digital signature #hich purports to confirm the identit/ or other
significant characteristics of the person #ho holds a particular 0e/
8d9 :Computer: refers to an/ single or interconnected device or
apparatus+ #hich+ b/ electronic+ electro!mechanical or magnetic
impulse+ or b/ other means #ith the same function+ can receive+
record+ transmit+ store+ process+ correlate+ anal/<e+ pro4ect+
retrieve and=or produce information+ data+ te>t+ graphics+ figures+
voice+ video+ s/mbols or other modes of e>pression or perform an/
one or more of these functions%
8e9 :Digital signature: refers to an electronic signature consisting of
a transformation of an electronic document or an electronic data
message using an as/mmetric or public cr/ptos/stem such that a
person having the initial untransformed electronic document and
the signer*s public 0e/ can accuratel/ determine7
i% #hether the transformation #as created using the private
0e/ that corresponds to the signer*s public 0e/? and
ii% #hether the initial electronic document had been altered
after the transformation #as made%
8f9 :Digitall/ signed: refers to an electronic document or electronic
data message bearing a digital signature verified b/ the public 0e/
listed in a certificate%
8g9 :lectronic data message: refers to information generated+
sent+ received or stored b/ electronic+ optical or similar means%
8h9 :lectronic document: refers to information or the
representation of information+ data+ figures+ s/mbols or other
modes of #ritten e>pression+ described or ho#ever represented+
b/ #hich a right is established or an obligation e>tinguished+ or b/
#hich a fact ma/ be proved and affirmed+ #hich is received+
recorded+ transmitted+ stored+ processed+ retrieved or produced
electronicall/% 5t includes digitall/ signed documents and an/ print!
out or output+ readable b/ sight or other means+ #hich accuratel/
reflects the electronic data message or electronic document% 6or
purposes of these Rules+ the term :electronic document: ma/ be
used interchangeabl/ #ith :electronic data message:%
8i9 :lectronic 0e/: refers to a secret code #hich secures and
defends sensitive information that crosses over public channels
into a form decipherable onl/ #ith a matching electronic 0e/%
849 :lectronic signature: refers to an/ distinctive mar0+
characteristic and=or sound in electronic form+ representing the
identit/ of a person and attached to or logicall/ associated #ith the
electronic data message or electronic document or an/
methodolog/ or procedure emplo/ed or adopted b/ a person and
e>ecuted or adopted b/ such person #ith the intention of
authenticating+ signing or approving an electronic data message or
electronic document% 6or purposes of these Rules+ an electronic
signature includes digital signatures%
809 :phemeral electronic communication: refers to telephone
conversations+ te>t messages+ chatroom sessions+ streaming
audio+ streaming video+ and other electronic forms of
communication the evidence of #hich is not recorded or retained%
8l9 :5nformation and communication s/stem: refers to a s/stem for
generating+ sending+ receiving+ storing or other#ise processing
electronic data messages or electronic documents and includes
the computer s/stem or other similar devices b/ or in #hich data
are recorded or stored and an/ procedure related to the recording
or storage of electronic data messages or electronic documents%
8m9 :@e/ pair: in an as/mmetric cr/ptos/stem refers to the private
0e/ and its mathematicall/ related public 0e/ such that the latter
can verif/ the digital signature that the former creates%
8n9 :Private 0e/: refers to the 0e/ of a 0e/ pair used to create a
digital signature%
8o9 :Public 0e/: refers to the 0e/ of a 0e/ pair used to verif/ a
digital signature%
Sec!o" 2. Construction. 1 .hese Rules shall be liberall/ construed to
assist the parties in obtaining a 4ust+ e>peditious+ and ine>pensive
determination of cases%
.he interpretation of these Rules shall also ta0e into consideration the
international origin of Republic Act &o% 8'(2+ other#ise 0no#n as the
lectronic Commerce Act%
Rule #
Sec!o" 1. Electronic documents as functional equivalent of paper-
based documents. 1 Ahenever a rule of evidence refers to the term
#riting+ document+ record+ instrument+ memorandum or an/ other form of
#riting+ such term shall be deemed to include an electronic document as
defined in these Rules%
Sec!o" 2. Admissibility. 1 An electronic document is admissible in
evidence if it complies #ith the rules on admissibilit/ prescribed b/ the
Rules of Court and related la#s and is authenticated in the manner
prescribed b/ these Rules%
Sec!o" #. Privileged communication. 1 .he confidential character of a
privileged communication is not lost solel/ on the ground that it is in the
form of an electronic document%
Rule %
Sec!o" 1. Original of an electronic document. 1 An electronic document
shall be regarded as the e3uivalent of an original document under the
;est vidence Rule if it is a printout or output readable b/ sight or other
means+ sho#n to reflect the data accuratel/%
Sec!o" 2. Copies as equivalent of the originals. 1 Ahen a document is
in t#o or more copies e>ecuted at or about the same time #ith identical
contents+ or is a counterpart produced b/ the same impression as the
original+ or from the same matri>+ or b/ mechanical or electronic re!
recording+ or b/ chemical reproduction+ or b/ other e3uivalent
techni3ues #hich accuratel/ reproduces the original+ such copies or
duplicates shall be regarded as the e3uivalent of the original%
&ot#ithstanding the foregoing+ copies or duplicates shall not be
admissible to the same e>tent as the original if7
8a9 a genuine 3uestion is raised as to the authenticit/ of the
original? or
8b9 in the circumstances it #ould be un4ust or ine3uitable to admit
the cop/ in lieu of the original%
Rule '
Sec!o" 1. urden of proving authenticity. 1 .he person see0ing to
introduce an electronic document in an/ legal proceeding has the
burden of proving its authenticit/ in the manner provided in this Rule%
Sec!o" 2. !anner of authentication. 1 ;efore an/ private electronic
document offered as authentic is received in evidence+ its authenticit/
must be proved b/ an/ of the follo#ing means7
8a9 b/ evidence that it had been digitall/ signed b/ the person
purported to have signed the same?
8b9 b/ evidence that other appropriate securit/ procedures or
devices as ma/ be authori<ed b/ the Bupreme Court or b/ la# for
authentication of electronic documents #ere applied to the
document? or
8c9 b/ other evidence sho#ing its integrit/ and reliabilit/ to the
satisfaction of the 4udge%
Sec!o" #. Proof of electronicall/ notari<ed document% 1 A document
electronicall/ notari<ed in accordance #ith the rules promulgated b/ the
Bupreme Court shall be considered as a public document and proved as
a notarial document under the Rules of Court%
Rule )
Sec!o" 1. Electronic signature. 1 An electronic signature or a digital
signature authenticated in the manner prescribed hereunder is
admissible in evidence as the functional e3uivalent of the signature of a
person on a #ritten document%
Sec!o" 2. Authentication of electronic signatures. 1 An electronic
signature ma/ be authenticated in an/ of the follo#ing manner7
8a9 ;/ evidence that a method or process #as utili<ed to establish
a digital signature and verif/ the same?
8b9 ;/ an/ other means provided b/ la#? or
8c9 ;/ an/ other means satisfactor/ to the 4udge as establishing
the genuineness of the electronic signature%
Sec!o" #. Disputable presumptions relating to electronic signatures. 1
2pon the authentication of an electronic signature+ it shall be presumed
8a9 .he electronic signature is that of the person to #hom it
8b9 .he electronic signature #as affi>ed b/ that person #ith the
intention of authenticating or approving the electronic document to
#hich it is related or to indicate such person*s consent to the
transaction embodied therein? and
8c9 .he methods or processes utili<ed to affi> or verif/ the
electronic signature operated #ithout error or fault%
Sec!o" %. Disputable presumptions relating to digital signatures. 1
2pon the authentication of a digital signature+ it shall be presumed+ in
addition to those mentioned in the immediatel/ preceding section+ that7
8a9 .he information contained in a certificate is correct?
8b9 .he digital signature #as created during the operational period
of a certificate?
8c9 &o cause e>ists to render a certificate invalid or revocable?
8d9 .he message associated #ith a digital signature has not been
altered from the time it #as signed? and+
8e9 A certificate had been issued b/ the certification authorit/
indicated therein%
Rule 7
Sec!o" 1. "actors for assessing evidentiary #eight. 1 5n assessing the
evidentiar/ #eight of an electronic document+ the follo#ing factors ma/
be considered7
8a9 .he reliabilit/ of the manner or method in #hich it #as
generated+ stored or communicated+ including but not limited to
input and output procedures+ controls+ tests and chec0s for
accurac/ and reliabilit/ of the electronic data message or
document+ in the light of all the circumstances as #ell as an/
relevant agreement?
8b9 .he reliabilit/ of the manner in #hich its originator #as
8c9 .he integrit/ of the information and communication s/stem in
#hich it is recorded or stored+ including but not limited to the
hard#are and computer programs or soft#are used as #ell as
programming errors?
8d9 .he familiarit/ of the #itness or the person #ho made the entr/
#ith the communication and information s/stem?
8e9 .he nature and 3ualit/ of the information #hich #ent into the
communication and information s/stem upon #hich the electronic
data message or electronic document #as based? or
8f9 ,ther factors #hich the court ma/ consider as affecting the
accurac/ or integrit/ of the electronic document or electronic data
Sec!o" 2. $ntegrity of an information and communication system. 1 5n
an/ dispute involving the integrit/ of the information and communication
s/stem in #hich an electronic document or electronic data message is
recorded or stored+ the court ma/ consider+ among others+ the follo#ing
8a9 Ahether the information and communication s/stem or other
similar device #as operated in a manner that did not affect the
integrit/ of the electronic document+ and there are no other
reasonable grounds to doubt the integrit/ of the information and
communication s/stem?
8b9 Ahether the electronic document #as recorded or stored b/ a
part/ to the proceedings #ith interest adverse to that of the part/
using it? or
8c9 Ahether the electronic document #as recorded or stored in the
usual and ordinar/ course of business b/ a person #ho is not a
part/ to the proceedings and #ho did not act under the control of
the part/ using it%
Rule ,
Sec!o" 1. $napplicability of the hearsay rule. 1 A memorandum+ report+
record or data compilation of acts+ events+ conditions+ opinions+ or
diagnoses+ made b/ electronic+ optical or other similar means at or near
the time of or from transmission or suppl/ of information b/ a person #ith
0no#ledge thereof+ and 0ept in the regular course or conduct of a
business activit/+ and such #as the regular practice to ma0e the
memorandum+ report+ record+ or data compilation b/ electronic+ optical or
similar means+ all of #hich are sho#n b/ the testimon/ of the custodian
or other 3ualified #itnesses+ is e>cepted from the rule on hearsa/
Sec!o" 2. Overcoming the presumption. 1 .he presumption provided
for in Bection 1 of this Rule ma/ be overcome b/ evidence of the
untrust#orthiness of the source of information or the method or
circumstances of the preparation+ transmission or storage thereof%
Rule .
Sec!o" 1. Affidavit evidence. 1 All matters relating to the admissibilit/
and evidentiar/ #eight of an electronic document ma/ be established b/
an affidavit stating facts of direct personal 0no#ledge of the affiant or
based on authentic records% .he affidavit must affirmativel/ sho# the
competence of the affiant to testif/ on the matters contained therein%
Sec!o" 2. Cross-e%amination of deponent. 1 .he affiant shall be made
to affirm the contents of the affidavit in open court and ma/ be cross!
e>amined as a matter of right b/ the adverse part/%
Rule 10
Sec!o" 1. Electronic testimony. 1 After summaril/ hearing the parties
pursuant to Rule ( of these Rules+ the court ma/ authori<e the
presentation of testimonial evidence b/ electronic means% ;efore so
authori<ing+ the court shall determine the necessit/ for such presentation
and prescribe terms and conditions as ma/ be necessar/ under the
circumstances+ including the protection of the rights of the parties and
#itnesses concerned%
Sec!o" 2. &ranscript of electronic testimony. 1 Ahen e>amination of a
#itness is done electronicall/+ the entire proceedings+ including the
3uestions and ans#ers+ shall be transcribed b/ a stenographer+
stenot/pist or other recorder authori<ed for the purpose+ #ho shall certif/
as correct the transcript done b/ him% .he transcript should reflect the
fact that the proceedings+ either in #hole or in part+ had been
electronicall/ recorded%
Sec!o" #. Storage of electronic evidence. 1 .he electronic evidence
and recording thereof as #ell as the stenographic notes shall form part
of the record of the case% Buch transcript and recording shall be deemed
prima facie evidence of such proceedings%
Rule 11
Sec!o" 1. Audio' video and similar evidence. 1 Audio+ photographic and
video evidence of events+ acts or transactions shall be admissible
provided it shall be sho#n+ presented or displa/ed to the court and shall
be identified+ e>plained or authenticated b/ the person #ho made the
recording or b/ some other person competent to testif/ on the accurac/
Sec!o" 2. Ephemeral electronic communications. 1 phemeral
electronic communications shall be proven b/ the testimon/ of a person
#ho #as a part/ to the same or has personal 0no#ledge thereof% 5n the
absence or unavailabilit/ of such #itnesses+ other competent evidence
ma/ be admitted%
A recording of the telephone conversation or ephemeral electronic
communication shall be covered b/ the immediatel/ preceding section%
5f the foregoing communications are recorded or embodied in an
electronic document+ then the provisions of Rule C shall appl/%
Rule 12
Sec!o" 1. Applicability to pending cases. 1 .hese Rules shall appl/ to
cases pending after their effectivit/%
Sec!o" 2. Effectivity. 1 .hese Rules shall ta0e effect on the first da/ of
August 2001 follo#ing their publication before the 20th of Jul/ 2001 in
t#o ne#spapers of general circulation in the Philippines%
Chief Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
8out of to#n on official business9
Associate Justice
8Bgd%9 ARTURO &. &UENA
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
8on leave9
Associate Justice