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The Bridgeport Machines

Catalog C-138C
Milling Machines- Standard
Series I
The machi ne with a 40-year reputation
for prod ucti ve, dependable mi l ling,
drilling and boring operations . .. con -
sidered the wor ld's standard for manual
millers in machine shops and tool and
die shops. V-ram type construction per-
mits head movement wi t hout rechecking
squareness of spindle. Column, knee and
table have extra wide ways and taper
gibs for maximum ri gidity Broad range
of accessories for angle milling, dr i lling,
bor ing, shaping, slotting and flycutting .
Specifications: Table size 9 x 42 or 9
x 48 in. I Table travel. X-axis 30 or 36 in.
(manual), 26 or 32 in. (power), Y-axis 12 in.
I Quill travel . 5 in. I Knee travel. 16 1n. I
Throat. 6
1, to 18.1f, in. I Sp1ndl e motor. '12 ,
1 or 2 hp I Speed range 60 to 4200 rpm I
Workpiece capacity. 750 lbs.
Series II Special
Provides the heavier workhand ling ca-
pability of the Series II with the versatility
of the Series I .. . for tool rooms and
shops requirin g intermediate workpi ece
capacity. Extra wide sadd le and rectan-
gular ways for support of large table
wit h maximum stability and accuracy.
Hand crank and power table feed for
X-axis are standard as is the ai r-counter-
balanced kn ee. Leadscrews wit h 5-pitch
Acme threads are centered between
ways fo r optimum stabi li ty. Many ac -
cessori es and attachments complement
the performance capabi lity of this
Specifications: Table size. 11 x 58 in. I
Table travel. X-axis 32 in., Y-axis 15 in.
I Quill travel. 5 in. I Knee travel. 16 in. I
Throat . 6 to 24 in. I Sptndle motor. 2 hp 1
Speed range 60 to 4200 rpm I Workpiece
capacity. 1500 lbs.
Series II
Designed and bui lt to handle larger and
heavier workpieces at high metal removal
rates . The heavy-duty standard miller
for milling, dril ling and boring opera-
t ions. Infi nitely variable power feed fo r
X, Y & Z axes and rapid traverse of table,
saddle and knee are standard features.
Riser blocks and tal ler col umns are avai l -
able to accommodate higher workpieces.
Wide choice of accessories, attachments
and opt ions, including chrome plated
ways and power feed for quil l extend the
proven versatility of t his machine.
Specifications: Table size. 11 x 58 in. I
Table travel. X -axis 30 in , Y- axis 15 in.
I Quill travel. 5 in. I Knee travel. 16 in. I
Throat. 10% to 26% in. I Spindle motor.
4 hp I Speed range. 50 to 3500 rpm I
Workp1ece capacity. 1500 lbs.
Series I CNC
Specially designed, totally integrated
package of vert ical mi ll ing machi ne and
control dedicat ed to CNC. With a resolu -
tion of .001 in , t he control system fea-
tures multi-axes contour i ng th rough 3
axes l inear and 2 axes switchable plane
ci rcular interpolation. The Bridgeport
Operating System Software (BOSS) and
microcomputer with user-oriented editor ,
provide vast capabili ty wi th canned
cycles and repeti tive programming. Ad -
di tional features for red uced program-
ming eff ort are optional.
Specifications : Table s1ze. 76 , x 42 in. I
Table travel. X -ax1s 18 tn .. Y-axis 12 in.
I Owl! tra vel. 5 1n. Knee travel. 76 in. I
Throat. 6
, to 18 ' ' tn. Sptndle motor.
2 hp I Speed range. 60 to 4200 rpm I
Workpiece capac1ty. 300 lbs.
Series II NC
Designed for heavy-duty mi lling, drilling
and boring operat ions. Control syst em
features abil ity to read tapes in either
tab sequent ial or word address format.
permits shops to use tape from previous
Bridgeport NC machines . Also offered
with cutter diameter compensation and
CNC features for wider versatility. Can
be provided with multiple heads for the
most economical approach to produc-
tion work.
Specifications: Table size. 76% x 47 in. I
Table travel. X -axis 30 in, Y-ax1s 15 in.
I Owl/travel. 4 in. I Knee travel. 12 in. I
Throat. 10% to 26% in. I Spindle motor .
4 hp I Speed range 50 to 3500 rpm I
Workpiece capacity. 1000 lbs.
Series II CNC
High-capacity automatic milling machine
handles workpieces from a few ounces
to half a ton with speed and accuracy
System resol ution of .0005 in. assures
exceptional part surface finishes.
Bridgeport's microcomputer control in-
corporates the lat est state-of-t he-art
machining funct ions inc lud ing cutter
diameter compensati on , polar coordi-
nate programming, rotati on and scaling.
System's editor permits communication
back and forth with stored program
Operator can quic kly fi nd , change, add
or delete any part of a program ri ght
at the machine.
Specifications: Ta bl e size. 16'' x 47 in. I
Table travel. X-axis 30 in .. Y-axis 15 in.
I Quill travel. 5 in. I Knee travel . 13
1,& in. I
Throat dtstance. 15
/o tn. , Spindl e motor.
2 hp I Speed range 60 to 4200 rpm I
Workpiece capactty. 1000 lbs.
BTC II NC Machining Center
Intermediate in size. Designed for max-
imum uptime, repeatability and easy
operation in milling, boring, drilling and
tapping applications. Features 24-tool
random access storage carousel and
8-second tool change. Highly versatile
Bridgeport 3-axis linear and 2-axis
switchable plane ci rcular int erpol ation
cont rol system has capability of precise
machine operat ion. Two additional in -
dependent axes of motion, CNC capa-
bi lity and cutter diameter compensation
are options.
Specifications: Table size 16
/4 x 47 in. 1
Table travel. X-axis 30 in.; Y-axis 15 tn.
I Quill travel. 8 in. I Knee travel. 13
lt 6 in. I
Throat . 15 '/a in. I Spindle motor: 7'12 hp
I Speed range. 10 to 3600 rpm I Work-
piece capacity. 1000 lbs.
Duplicating Machines
All-purpose duplicating machine com-
bines the advanced multi mode traci ng
system with proven reliabil ity of the
Series I and Series II millers . Manual
Tracing mode has accurate penci l type
tracer, hand guided stylus Automat ic
Tracing mode provides peripheral or
i nside pocket milling including 3-dimen-
sional profiling. Automatic Die Sinking
mode reproduces molds , dies, cavities
and even goo walls with uniform feed rate
maintai ned over entire pattern. Multiple
head arrangements available. Machine
specificat ions are comparable to the
Series I and Series II mil lers.
Specifications: Milltng feedrates. manual
tractng 0 to 40 tpm, automatic tracing .5 to
40 tpm, automattc die sinktng .1 0 to 15
Complet ely automatic , programmed die
sinking machine with autor1atic shut-
down. Vertical, longitudin a, and cross
feeds are automatic and direction of feed
can be changed or reversed in t he cut.
A " pick feed" mechanism controls
amount and rate of pick feed. The ma-
chine can also be operated as a manual
miller with power feed. Multiple head ar-
rangements available. Machine specifi -
cations are comparable to the Series I
and Series II mil lers.
Specifications: Milling teedrate: .1 to 12
ipm, 9 ipm at 45 slope
3D A
Both a manual and automatic profi le- mil l-
i ng machine which performs 360 X & Y
axes and ful l 3-dimensional X, Y & Z
axes machining operations . Vertical an-
gu lar capability to 30 from hor izontal.
Can be operated as a 3-dimensional
manual tracer. In automatic mode no op-
erator is required. T-ram for multiple
heads is standard. Machine specifica-
t ions are comparable to the Series I
and Series II millers.
Specifications: Milling feedrate. manual
10 to 40 tpm, automatic 2 to 40 ipm
10 Series I
Single axis tracing machine used pri-
mar ily in die sinking, cavity and mold
making. Vertical feed provided by hy-
draulic knee cylinder while tracer stylus
is following template. Long itudinal and
cross feeds are manual. Produces ac-
curate duplication of master templates
without need for special operator skills.
Wil l not produce goo wal ls or provide
constant feed rate on contours. Available
with T-ram and mult iple heads. Dupli-
cating system is mount ed on a standard
Bridgeport Series I milling mach ine
which may be used as a regular miller
without removing the system Mac hine
specifications are comparable to the
Series I mil lers.
Other Machines and Accessories
Adcock- Shipley 1 ES
Horizontal Milling Machine
A large working surface and a choice of
one manual, one power or two automatic
cycle machines distinguish these high
performance horizontal millers. The
manual machine has lever feed to the
table, screw feeds for cross traverse and
knee. Automatic cycle machines, one
mechanical, the other air-hydraulic suit
a wide range of job- lot and high produc-
tion requirements
Specifications: Table size. 8 x 30 in. I
Table travel. X-axts 13';, in , Y-axts 6 in.
I Vertical travel. 10 in. I Sptndle motor.
2 hp I Speed range 50 to 2500 rpm
2S Horizontal Milling Machine
Large metal removal capacity is com-
bined with exceptional accuracy over a
wide range of traverse speeds and feeds .
Offered in six versions for applications
ranging from tool room through high pro-
duction . The 18 spindle speeds and the
cut feed rates are in geometrical pro-
gression with power feed and rapid
traverse on all three axes.
Specifications: Table size. 13
/, x 54 in. 1
Table travel. X-axis 30 in. , Y-axis 10 in.
I Vertical travel. 17 in. I Spindle motor
7'12 hp I Speed range. 30 to 1500 rpm
2SV Milling Machine
Extends the range of the famous 2S Hor-
izontal Milling Machine. Good surface
finish, large metal removal rates and high
accuracy under all cutting conditions.
Incorporates such featu res as 3-axis
power feed with rapid traverse, automatic
self -rel ieving backlash eliminator, 4-
station turret depth control with dial
indicator and fine quill feed handwheel.
Specifications: Table size.13
f, x 54 tn. 1
Table travel. X-axis 30 in., Y-axis 10 in.
I Quill travel. 4 in. I Knee travel. 17 in. I
Throat. 15 in. I Spindle motor 7'/z hp I
Speed range 30 to 1500 rpm I Workpiece
capacity 1680 lbs.
Digital Readout System
For use on new and existing Bridgeport
Series I, Series II Standard and Series II
Special milling machines. System con-
sists of two transducers in sealed hous-
ings easily mounted alongside the ma-
chine ways. Lifetime solid state light
source and sensors. Absolute and incre-
mental positions are transmitted elec-
trically to display panel of control unit
which is inch/metric switchable. De-
signed and by Bridgeport.
Specifications: Input. 115V, 60Hz,
12 to 15 watts
True-Trace Tracing
Tracing attachments for tool room, engine
and turret lathes with 9 to 32 in. swings.
Easily instal led or removed. Consists of
tracer sri de assembly with tracer control,
template rail for holding master template
to be traced and hydraulic power supply.
Mounts on or iginal lathe compound.
Does not impair standard lathe opera-
tion. One low cost, single point tool can
increase production without need for ex-
pensive for m tools.
Bridgeport Accessories
Bridgeport attachments and accessories
extend the capabilities of Bridgeport
machines. A variety of milling, drilling
and boring heads are available for
special applications. They may replace
standard heads on machines or, like the
shaper, be mounted on the rear of the
Series I ram and on duplicators for mul-
tiple head machining. Right angle and
compound angle quill attachments can
accomplish jobs that normally require
special machinery. Coolant systems are
available to meet production needs with
simple installat ion and minimum main-
tenance. The company also offers a full
line of quality tools and tooling aids for
optimum performance with Bridgeport
and many other mi lling machines. Rotary
tables, precision vises and sine tables
are among the many workholding
devices available from Bridgeport to
position workpieces accurately.
In-plant training
Programs provided at Bridgeport are
thorough and complete. Typical courses
are in logic, computer programming, ap-
plication analysis and electronic
Facil ities are worldwide. Application
analysis and the services of the Bridge-
port dealer organization are as near as
your telephone.
Single source responsibility
Bridgeport's experienced engineers or
service personnel and a factory stock of
spare parts provide responsible support
for each dealer 's local service to you.

Bridgeport Machines Division of Textron Inc.
Bridgeport, CT 06606
479 20M P1int ed in U.S.A.

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