Biology Report
Biology Report
Biology Report
Objective: To investigates the enzymatic effect of various materials in the
hydrogen peroxide solution.
Apparatus and Equipment: Beaker, boiling tubes, water bath (95C),
Bunsen burner, dropper pipette, test tube rack, white tile, knife, glass rod.
Materials: Fresh liver, potato cubes, hydrogen peroxide, manganese dioxide,
wood splints, parafilm
1. Six fresh empty boiling tubes were labelled with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and
stood in a test tube rack.
2. The provided liver was cut into three pieces using a knife.
3. One piece of liver was placed into tube 1.
4. The second piece of liver was placed into tube 2. Tube 2 was then
placed in the 95C water bath for 5 minutes.
5. Third piece of liver was placed into tube 3 and mashed using a glass
6. A potato cube was cut into same size as the liver and placed into tube
7. Two 0.5g portions of manganese dioxide powder was measured
using weighing balance. Each portion was poured into tube 5 and
tube 6 respectively.
8. Tube 6 was then boiled in the water bath for 5 minutes.
9. Tube 2 and tube 6 were then left to cool.
10. Next, 5cm of hydrogen peroxide was then quickly added into each
boiling tube and immediately covered with parafilm.
11. The boiling tubes were left aside for 20 minutes for the reacting
12. After 20 minutes, a glowing wooden splinter was inserted to each
boiling tube to test for the result. Observations were recorded.
Table 1:
Content with
5cm hydrogen
Observation before and after using wood
1 Fresh liver Before: Air bubbles were formed.
After: Air bubbles were disappeared. The glowing
wooden splinter rekindle normally.
2 Boiled liver
Before: No air bubbles were formed.
After: No reaction occur.
3 Pulped liver Before: A lot of air bubbles were formed.
After: The glowing wooden splinter rekindle
4 Potato cubes Before: Little air bubbles were formed on the
surface of solution.
After: The glowing wooden splinter rekindle with a
small flame.
5 Manganese
(untreated )
Before: No air bubbles formed. The solution was
After: The glowing wooden splinter rekindle
6 Boiled
dioxide (cooled
after heating )
Before: No air bubbles formed. The solution was
After: The glowing wooden splinter rekindle
The equation of the reaction is 2H2O2 2H2O + O2. Peroxisomes is the
organelle that involved in the experiment. Peroxisomes, sometimes called
micro bodies are generally small organelles found in animal and plant cells.
They can vary in size within the same organism. Peroxisomes contain enzyme
catalase. Catalase splits the molecules of the hydrogen peroxide compound into
water and oxygen. The reaction between hydrogen peroxide and catalase is
visible in the release of bubbles. These are the newly formed oxygen molecules
. being released by the reaction