THE SELECTION AND APPLICATION OF FIELD APPLIED EXTERNAL PIPEWORK COATINGS JULY 1994 J010 ( Rev 08/98) . CW5 J010 ( Rev 08/98) - i - CONTENTS Page FOREWORD iii BRIEF HISTORY iv INTRODUCTION 1 1. SCOPE 1 2. REFERENCES 2 3. DEFINITIONS 2 3.1 General 2 3.2 Miscellaneous 2 3.3 Mandatory and non-mandatory requirements 2 4. SAFETY AND WELFARE 2 4.1 Environmental protection 2 4.2 Statutory regulations 2 5. SURFACE PREPARATION 3 5.1 General 3 5.2 Existing pipe coatings 3 5.3 Exposed metal surfaces 3 6. SITE COATING TESTS 4 7. USE OF COLD APPLIED LAMINATE TAPE 4 8. RECOMMENDED FIELD APPLIED COATINGS FOR THE PROTECTION OF PIPEWORK AND FITTINGS 4 9. PREFERRED MATERIALS FOR ANTI-CORROSION PROTECTION OF WELDED JOINTS 4 10. SYSTEMS FOR OVERWRAPPING EXISTING PIPE COATINGS 4 11. SYSTEMS FOR COATING PARTIALLY EXPOSED PIPE 4 12. REPAIR COATINGS 5 12.1 Repair coatings for dry surfaces 5 12.2 Repair coatings for damp surfaces 5 13. BACKFILLING AND CONSOLIDATION 5 14. INFORMATION CONCERNING SUPPLIERS, PRODUCTS AND APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS 6 14.1 General 6 CW5 - ii - J010 ( Rev 08/98) Page 14.2 Guidance notes for cleaning procedures 6 14.3 Site test methods and values for field applied coatings 6 TABLES 1 Identification of product groups 7 2 Recommended field applied coatings for the protection of pipework and fittings 7 3 Preferred materials for protection of welded joints 8 4 Systems for overwrapping existing pipe coatings 8 5 Systems for coating partially exposed pipe 9 6 Repair systems for dry surfaces 9 7 Repair systems for damp surfaces 10 8 Site tests required by material group 10 FIGURES 1 Extent of coating for partially exposed pipe 5 APPENDICES A LIST OF REFERENCES 11 CW5 J010 ( Rev 08/98) - iii - FOREWORD This specification has been adopted by Transco and is an editorial revision of the former British Gas TransCo specification BGES/CW5. It reflects the identity and organizational structure of Transco - a part of BG plc. This Transco specification has been approved for use throughout Transco. Comments and queries regarding the technical content of this Transco specification should be directed to: Lead Engineer Transco Norgas House PO Box 1GB Killingworth Newcastle upon Tyne NE99 1GB Further copies of this Transco specification can be obtained from Dataform Print Management using the print requisition form G004 quoting the Form Number of this Transco engineering document (not the designation) and your cost code. Transco engineering documents are revised, when necessary, by the issue of new editions. Users should ensure that they are in possession of the latest edition by referring to the Transco Register of Engineering Documents available on the Transco Information Library. Compliance with this engineering document does not confer immunity from prosecution for breach of statutory or other legal obligations. Contractors and other users external to Transco should direct their requests for further copies of Transco engineering documents to the department or group responsible for the initial issue of their contract documentation. DISCLAIMER This engineering document is provided for use by Transco and such of its contractors as are obliged by the terms of their contracts to comply with this engineering document. Where this engineering document is used by any other party, it is the responsibility of that party to ensure that the engineering document is correctly applied. CW5 - iv - J010 ( Rev 08/98) BRIEF HISTORY First published as BG/PS/CW5 Amended issue published as BGES/CW5 December 1988 July 1994 BG plc 1994 This Transco specification is copyright and must not be reproduced in whole or in part by any means without the approval in writing of BG plc. CW5 J010 ( Rev 08/98) - 1 - CODE OF PRACTICE FOR THE SELECTION AND APPLICATION OF FIELD APPLIED EXTERNAL PIPEWORK COATINGS INTRODUCTION The majority of gas distribution and transmission metallic pipework and associated metallic fittings is buried and therefore needs to be protected against corrosion. Buried steel pipework systems are normally protected by a combination of protective coating and cathodic protection (CP) irrespective of the nature of the environment. The use of CP for iron systems is uncommon and reliance is normally placed upon imported backfill and/or additional protective coating measures where the situation demands. The bulk of distribution and transmission steel pipework for in ground use is purchased ready coated. However, transit damage could occur, maintenance repairs are required in service and a number of items such as pipe joints and components are left for treatment in the field. A wide range of factors should be considered before selection of appropriate materials and processes for coating and/or repair in the field. The factors to be taken into account include the following: a) Operating temperature. b) Type of primary coating (factory applied). c) Ground conditions. d) Type of labour available. e) Complexity of shape to be coated. f) Ambient conditions during application. There is a wide range of approved commercially available materials from which selection can be made to meet the particular requirements. 1. SCOPE 1.1 This Transco Engineering Specification* gives guidance on the surface preparation and the coating processes which are commercially available for field applied external coatings to pipework and gives guidance on their application. * Hereinafter referred to as this specification. 1.2 The coating processes are related to product groups which embrace materials of similar characteristics (see Table 1). For material specifications concerning fusion bonded epoxy powders and multi-component liquids, reference should be made to CW6: Part 1. For tapes and mastics, refer to CW2. 1.3 Selection of the appropriate material for a particular coating situation should be made by reference to Tables 2 to 7 inclusive. 1.4 Only materials and product names which have met the performance requirements of CW2, CW6 and listed in The Coatings Register and for which approval in writing has been given by Transco shall be used. Additions will be made from time to time to the information available in order to cover materials which are less widely used and new products which are considered to be of sufficient interest. 1.5 Supplements to CW5 are intended to augment information supplied by manufacturers/suppliers and are available as Application Instructions to all operatives, including those employed by contractors (see CW5 - 2 - J010 ( Rev 08/98) Appendix A). All Transco Application Instructions are prepared as separate pages, but form part of this specification and are available on request 2. REFERENCES This specification makes reference to the documents listed in Appendix A. Unless otherwise specified, the latest editions of the documents apply, including all addenda and revisions. 3. DEFINITIONS 3.1 General For the purposes of this specification the definitions given in 3.2 and 3.3 apply. 3.2 Miscellaneous Contractor: the person, firm or company with whom Transco enters into a contract to which this specification applies, including the Contractor's personal representatives, successors and permitted assigns. Engineer: the Engineer appointed from time to time by Transco and notified in writing to the Contractor to act as Engineer for the purposes of the contract. 3.3 Mandatory and non-mandatory requirements can: indicates a physical possibility. may: indicates an option which is not mandatory. must: indicates a requirement in law and in matters of health and safety. shall: indicates a Transco requirement. should: indicates a strong preference, but allows deviations exceptionally. will: indicates an intention by Transco to do something. 4. SAFETY AND WELFARE 4.1 Environmental protection All waste materials resulting from coating and wrapping operations must be properly disposed of in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (Duty of Care). When coating operations are being carried out in the vicinity of rivers, lakes or other water courses, special precautions may be necessary to prevent the possibility of pollution. Care must be taken to ensure such operations are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Water Resources Act 1991. 4.2 Statutory regulations All operations covered by this Code of Practice are subject to the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and other legislation as listed in IGE/SR/12, Appendix 1. The use and care of protective clothing and other safety aids shall comply with the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992. There is an obligation on the employer to ensure that all personnel are made fully aware of relevant safety aspects, including the dangers of toxic materials, in connection with their works. Attention is drawn to the Transco publication entitled Handbook on the Safe Handling of Substances in Use within the Gas Industry or, alternatively, The Computerised Information System for Substances in Use in CW5 J010 ( Rev 08/98) - 3 - Transco (CISSUB) database. All activities involving these substances shall have been subjected to an assessment under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 1988. Containers and any associated packaging must, where appropriate, be marked in accordance with the Classification, Packaging and Labelling of Dangerous Substances Regulations 1984. 5. SURFACE PREPARATION 5.1 General The condition of the surface to which a coating is to be applied in the field will directly affect its performance. Surfaces to be considered are as follows: a) any existing pipe coating which is required to be overlapped; b) the surface of exposed metal to be coated. Details of the appropriate surface preparation and the procedures to be adopted are given in Application Instruction CA/13. 5.2 Existing pipe coatings Existing pipe coatings which are to be overlapped should be: a) checked for adhesion; b) assessed as to the appropriate removal method (see Application Instruction CA/13, Table 1); c) contoured to eliminate crevices or steps; d) checked for the most appropriate compatible material group; e) cleaned and primed where applicable in accordance with Application Instruction CA/13 and the particular group/material Application Instruction. 5.3 Exposed metal surfaces Two basic methods of surface preparation (cleaning) are available for metal surfaces. These are, in order of effectiveness: a) blast cleaning (conventional or recovery systems); b) wire brushing (mechanical or hand). The choice of method a) or b) above will be dictated by technical and environmental considerations, the type of coating to be used and by economic considerations related to the size of the project. For high pressure transmission pipelines and installations, the preferred method is blast cleaning. Other methods of surface preparation may be proposed by the Contractor as a variant for consideration by Transco. The degree of surface preparation is defined in Application Instruction CA/13, Table 2 against the chosen field coating group. Where general corrosion or mechanical damage has occurred, the Engineer will decide what action is required. CW5 - 4 - J010 ( Rev 08/98) 6. SITE COATING TESTS It is essential that field testing and inspections be carried out by competent persons on all completed site coatings. Varying levels of test should be used dependent upon the type of coating in question. The appropriate tests are specified in the relevant Application Instruction and summarized in Table 8. It is recognized that 100% holiday testing may not always be possible and, in such cases, its use should be left to the discretion of the Engineer. The various test methods and values required, where applicable, are detailed in Application Instruction CA/14. 7. USE OF COLD APPLIED LAMINATE TAPE 7.1 Generally, heavy duty cold applied laminate tapes are the preferred option. Where difficulty is experienced in the use of heavy duty cold applied laminate tapes (e.g. conforming to irregular shapes or on smaller diameter pipes), consideration should be given to the use of light duty cold applied laminate tapes. 7.2 Where soil loading/stressing conditions are anticipated (e.g. at elevated temperatures and in the presence of high shrinkage clay soil), consideration should be given to overwrapping with cold applied self adhesive wrapping tape in accordance with Application Instruction CA/1 and with reference to clause 13 on suitability of backfill. 8. RECOMMENDED FIELD APPLIED COATINGS FOR THE PROTECTION OF PIPEWORK AND FITTINGS The pipework and fittings given in Table 2 are divided into three groups with a preferred coating system identified. The alternative 1st and 2nd options are also identified in case site or operating conditions preclude the use of the preferred system. 9. PREFERRED MATERIALS FOR ANTI-CORROSION PROTECTION OF WELDED JOINTS The products given in Table 3 specify the preferred weld joint coating considered to be most compatible with the various types and combinations of field/factory applied coating. Where site or operating conditions preclude the use of the preferred product, options are given, where appropriate. 10. SYSTEMS FOR OVERWRAPPING EXISTING PIPE COATINGS When overcoating of existing factory/field applied coating is necessary, the preferred product is given in Table 4. Where site or operating conditions preclude the use of the preferred product, an alternative has been given. 11. SYSTEMS FOR COATING PARTIALLY EXPOSED PIPE Special consideration is necessary for pipework that will not be adequately protected by a cathodic protection (CP) system and where standard painting systems are not suitable (e.g. pipe risers). The preferred product is given in Table 5. Where site or operating conditions preclude the use of the preferred product, an alternative has been given. The existing coating should be removed and grit blasted to a minimum of 500 mm both above and below ground level. For pipes other than vertical, this measurement should be to the nearest surface of the pipe to above and below ground level (see Figure 1). CW5 J010 ( Rev 08/98) - 5 - FIGURE 1 - Extent of coating for partially exposed pipe 12. REPAIR COATINGS 12.1 Repair coatings for dry surfaces The main factory applied coating given in Table 6 will require repair when damaged. The preferred repair system is given in Table 6. Two further options are given for situations where the preferred method is precluded by site or operating conditions. 12.2 Repair coatings for damp surfaces Repairs to coatings which are permanently damp require special products which are tolerant to surface moisture. Details of these systems related to the factory/field applied coatings are given in Table 7. However, in all cases, practical steps should be taken to ensure that the surface to be coated is as free from moisture as possible. 13. BACKFILLING AND CONSOLIDATION It is important that due care is taken during backfilling and consolidation to prevent damage to any coating. Imported backfill materials, such as sand, may be deemed necessary in any of the following circumstances: a) Where brushing mastics have been used. b) Where excessive soil stresses may be expected (e.g. in clay soils). c) Where stoney or rocky ground is present. (In these cases, the use of proprietary energy absorbent perforated plastics shields may also be considered). d) Where existing backfill material is deemed to be unsuitable. The additional overwrapping of cold applied laminate tapes with self-adhesive tapes may also be necessary as detailed in 7.2. CW5 - 6 - J010 ( Rev 08/98) 14. INFORMATION CONCERNING SUPPLIERS, PRODUCTS AND APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS 14.1 General The products used for field applied external pipe coatings, their suppliers and the reference number of the Application Instructions for the appropriate product groups are listed in The Coatings Register. The number allocated to each product group is also applied to the associated Application Instruction. All products should be obtained from an approved supplier and comply with CW2 or CW6: Part 1, as applicable. Particular attention should be taken of the manufacturer's instructions concerning the use of materials which contain toxic or hazardous substances. 14.2 Guidance notes for cleaning procedures General cleaning information relevant to Application Instructions CA/1 to CA/12 inclusive are contained in Application Instruction CA/13. 14.3 Site test methods and values for field applied coatings Information concerning tests, relevant to Application Instructions CA/1 to CA/4 inclusive and CA/6 to CA/11 inclusive are contained in Application Instruction CA/14. CW5 J010 ( Rev 08/98) - 7 - TABLE 1 - Identification of product groups TABLE 2 - Recommended field applied coatings for the protection of pipework and fittings CW5 - 8 - J010 ( Rev 08/98) CW5 J010 ( Rev 08/98) - 9 - TABLE 5 - Systems for coating partially exposed pipe CW5 - 10 - J010 ( Rev 08/98) CW5 J010 ( Rev 08/98) - 11 - APPENDIX A LIST OF REFERENCES This specification makes reference to the documents listed below (see clause 2). Statutes and Regulations Classification, Packaging and Labelling of Dangerous Substances Regulations 1984 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 1988 Environmental Protection Act 1990 (Duty of Care) Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 Water Resources Act 1991 Institution of Gas Engineers (IGE) publication IGE/SR/12 - Handling of methanol British Standard BS 7079 - Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products Transco specifications CW2 - Performance tests for the supply of cold applied wrapping tapes and tape systems CW6 - Technical specification for the external protection of steel line pipe and fittings using fusion bonded powder and associated coating systems: Part 1 - Requirements for coating materials and methods of test Part 2 - Factory applied coatings CW5 - CA/1 - Cold applied self adhesive overwrap tapes Supplements CA/2 - Light duty cold applied laminate tapes CA/3 - Heavy duty cold applied laminate tapes CA/4 - Grease based tapes CA/5 - Fillers CA/6 - Brushing mastics CA/7 - Shrinkable materials (sleeves, tapes, wraparound materials and repair patches) CA/8 - Fusion bonded epoxy powders CA/9 - Spray applied multi-component liquids CA/l0 - Brush/trowel applied multi-component liquids for dry surfaces CA/11 - Multi-component liquid repair materials CA/12 - Multi-component liquid coatings for damp surfaces CW5 - 12 - J010 ( Rev 08/98) CA/13 - Guidance notes for cleaning procedures CA/14 - Site test methods and values for field applied coatings Transco publications Handbook on the Safe Handling of Substances in Use within the Gas Industry The Coatings Register Transco data base Computerised Information System for Substances in Use in Transco (CISSUB).
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