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Def Stan 81-39

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Ministry of Defence

Defence Standard 81-39

Issue 4 Publication Date 1 July 2005

Packaging of Rubber Hoses, Plastics

Hoses, and Hose Assemblies

DEF STAN 81-39 Issue 4

Introduction................................................................................................................................................................ iv

Scope .............................................................................................................................................................. 1

Warning .......................................................................................................................................................... 1

Normative References................................................................................................................................... 1

Definitions ...................................................................................................................................................... 2

General ........................................................................................................................................................... 2

Level P Package (Equivalent to NATO Level 4).......................................................................................... 3

Level N Package (Equivalent to NATO Level 3).......................................................................................... 4

Level J Package (Equivalent to NATO Level 2) .......................................................................................... 5

Labelling ......................................................................................................................................................... 5


Recording of Package Production Data ...................................................................................................... 5

Annex A Production Data Sheet ............................................................................................................................... 6


DEF STAN 81-39 Issue 4

Amd No


Text Affected

Signature and Date

This standard is raised to Issue 4 to update its content.
This standard supersedes the following:
Def Stan 81-39/Issue 1 dated 20 May 1980
Def Stan 81-39/Issue 2 dated 16 January 1989
Def Stan 81-39/Issue 3 dated 12 September 1997
a. This standard provides requirements for the Packaging of Rubber Hoses, Plastics Hoses, and Hose
b. This standard has been produced on behalf of the Defence Material Standardization Committee
(DMSC) by the Defence Logistics Organisation, Defence Supply Chain, Corporate Technical Services,
Defence Packaging.
c. This standard has been agreed by the authorities concerned with its use and is intended to be used
whenever relevant in all future designs, contracts, orders etc. and whenever practicable by amendment
to those already in existence. If any difficulty arises which prevents application of the Defence Standard,
(Def Stan) the Directorate of Standardization (DStan) shall be informed so that a remedy may be sought.
d. Any enquiries regarding this standard in relation to an invitation to tender or a contract in which it is
incorporated are to be addressed to the responsible technical or supervising authority named in the
invitation to tender or contract.
e. Compliance with this Defence Standard shall not in itself relieve any person from any legal
obligations imposed upon them.
f. This standard has been devised solely for the use of the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and its
contractors in the execution of contracts for the MOD. To the extent permitted by law, the MOD hereby
excludes all liability whatsoever and howsoever arising (including, but without limitation, liability resulting
from negligence) for any loss or damage however caused when the standard is used for any other


DEF STAN 81-39 Issue 4

This is a Standard Family Specification (SFS) for the Packaging of Rubber Hoses, Plastics Hoses, and
Hose Assemblies. It is to be used in conjunction with the requirements of "Def Stan 81-41, Packaging of
Defence Materiel". Its use is normally implemented contractually within Ministry of Defence orders
requiring packaging, by the conditions of "DEFCON 129 Packaging (For Articles Other than Ammunition
and Explosives)".


DEF STAN 81-39 Issue 4

Packaging of Rubber Hoses, Plastics Hoses, and Hose



1.1 This Standard specifies the requirements for the packaging of rigid, flexible and pre-formed rubber
or plastics hose and hose assemblies to Military Levels P, N and J.

It is based on a Primary Packaged Quantity (PPQ) of one.


The following types of hose and hose assemblies are covered by this Standard:


Hydraulic and pneumatic


Chemical and gas (including clean air, airborne and diving apparatus oxygen breathing systems)




General purpose and miscellaneous.


The Ministry of Defence (MOD), like its contractors, is subject to both United Kingdom and European
laws regarding Health and Safety at Work, without exemption. All Defence Standards either directly or
indirectly invoke the use of processes and procedures that could be injurious to health if adequate
precautions are not taken. Defence Standards or their use in no way absolves users from complying with
statutory and legal requirements relating to Health and Safety at Work.

Normative References

3.1 The publications shown below are referred to in the text of this standard. Publications are grouped
and listed in alphanumeric order.
BS 3F 69

Specification for Packaging and Identification of Vulcanised Rubber Items

BS 5N 100-7

Aircraft Oxygen Systems and Equipment. Guide to Cleaning Labelling and Packaging

BS ISO 2230

Rubber products. Guidelines for storage

BS 4881

Specification for Polypropylene Film Cords, Lines and Twines

BS 6125

Specification for Natural Fibre Cords, Lines and Twines

Def Stan 75-2

Tape, Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive (Fabric)

Def Stan 75-3

Tape, Pressure-sensitive, Adhesive (Waterproof Transparent)

Def Stan 81-1

Fibreboard, Solid, Kraft-lined Chipboard

DEF STAN 81-39 Issue 4

Def Stan 81-9

Cartons, Fibreboard, Fixed Joint, Double-faced Corrugated

Def Stan 81-11

Cartons, Fibreboard, Fixed Joint, Kraft Lined Chipboard

Def Stan 81-15

Cartons and Boxes, Fibreboard

Def Stan 81-25

Tape, Pressure-sensitive Adhesive, (Water Resistant Fabric)

Def Stan 81-30

Paper, Wrapping, Waxed

Def Stan 81-41

Packaging of Defence Materiel

Part 2:


Part 5:

Production Processes

Part 6:

Package Markings

Def Stan 81-47

Tape, Pressure-sensitive Adhesive, (Heavy Duty, Waterproof Film)

Def Stan 81-48

Paper, Kraft Union

Def Stan 81-106 Board, Corrugated (Two-flute, Three-liner) Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3
Def Stan 81-107 Board, Corrugated (Three Flute, Four-Liner) Heavy Duty Grade
Def Stan 81-108 Fibreboard Corrugated Double Faced 'E' Flute
Def Stan 81-122 Polyethylene, Bubble Film for Packaging
Def Stan 81-126 Tape, Kraft Paper, Gummed, Types 1 and 2
Def Stan 93-116 Polyethylene (Low Density) Film for Packaging Types 1, 2 and 3
3.2 Reference in this Standard to any related documents means, in any invitation to tender or contract,
the edition and all amendments current at the date of such tender or contract, unless a specific edition is


For the purposes of this Defence Standard the definitions and abbreviations given in Def Stan 81-41
apply together with the following:

Plastics hose includes all thermoplastic materials.


Rubber hose includes hoses made of all rubber material types.

NOTE Both rubber and plastics hoses may contain textile, polymer or metallic reinforcement.


All packaging shall comply with the requirements of Def Stan 81-41.

5.2 This standard refers to production process numbers as detailed in Def Stan 81-41 (Part 5), e.g.

DEF STAN 81-39 Issue 4

5.3 Packaged items from a single vocabulary section or class group may be bulked together. In this
case the vocabulary section or class group shall be shown on the outer container.

All polyethylene film thicknesses are minima.


The choice of container shall conform with the limitations specified in Def Stan 81-41 (Part 2).

Level P Package (Equivalent to NATO Level 4)

NOTE All level P packages shall be overpacked in the cheapest commercial manner by the supplier for
ease of handling and safe delivery to the MOD store or depot.

Initial preparation

6.1.1 All hose and hose assemblies used for clean air, airborne oxygen breathing systems (see also
BS 5N 100-7) or diving apparatus oxygen breathing systems shall be cleaned externally in accordance
with process [C10] and internally by purging with clean, dry air or nitrogen, free from all lubricants.
6.1.2 All other hose and hose assemblies shall be cleaned internally and externally in accordance with
process [C10].
6.1.3 Immediately after cleaning, all open ends of the item shall be closed using either the
manufacturer's dust caps or plugs or by a covering of 125 m thick polyethylene film, Def Stan 93-116
Type 1 or 2, secured with tape, Def Stan 75-3.
In addition, for items exceeding 1000 mm in length the protected open ends of the item shall
be overwrapped in accordance with process [C49, 53.3.1(h)].
NOTE For clean air, airborne or diving apparatus oxygen breathing systems the overwrap shall be
polyethylene, bubble film, Def Stan 81-122 secured with tape, Def Stan 75-2 or Def Stan 75-3.

Hose & hose assemblies packaged in straight lengths

6.2.1 Whenever possible the prepared item shall be packaged in straight lengths in a relaxed
condition, free from tension, compression or any other deformation.
After initial preparation, the straight length shall be enclosed in a barrier constructed from
125 m thick polyethylene film, Def Stan 93-116 Type 2 in accordance with process [C44].
Any prepared items that are considered to be vulnerable to bending forces shall be attached
to a board, (see using a minimum of three equidistant bands of tape Def Stan 75-3 whose ends
shall overlap by a minimum of 50 mm.
The board shall be fibreboard, Def Stan 81-1 or corrugated fibreboard, Def Stan 81-106, Def
Stan 81-107 or Def Stan 81-108 with flutes running longitudinally. The board dimensions shall exceed
the prepared item by 25 mm in both directions.

Hose and hose assemblies packaged as a coil

6.3.1 When packaging the item as a straight length is not practical, the prepared item shall be coiled to
a minimum diameter of 20 times the outer diameter of the hose section. When coiling, care shall be
taken not to flatten, kink or twist the hose section.

DEF STAN 81-39 Issue 4


After initial preparation, to avoid rubber hoses adhering together whilst coiled they shall be either


treated in accordance with process [C35] or:


wrapped in accordance with process [C41], using only non-grease resisting materials.

6.3.3 The coiled items shall be secured either:

with a minimum of three bands of 25 mm wide tape, Def Stan 75-3, spaced equidistant around the
coil circumference with the tape ends overlapping by a minimum of 50 mm; using paper, Def Stan 81-30
interposed between the tape and the item or:
with a minimum of three equidistant spaced ties of natural fibre twine, BS 6125 or polypropylene
twine, BS 4881, placed around the coil circumference. The twine shall be applied with such tightness as
to not cut into the hose section it is applied to.
6.3.4 The cleaned and prepared item shall be enclosed in a barrier constructed from 125 m thick
polyethylene film, Def Stan 93-116 Type 2 in accordance with process [C44].

Level N Package (Equivalent to NATO Level 3)

7.1 The Level N package shall be prepared the same as the Level P package in all respects except

for items packaged in straight lengths the procedure described in is not required.


the final barrier shall be 250 m thick polyethylene film Def Stan 93-116 Type 1 or 2.


The item within its barrier shall be located in a container as follows.

NOTE The internal dimensions of the container shall not exceed the dimensions of the prepared item by
20 mm in any direction.
7.2 All hose and hose assemblies up to 1000 mm long or which have a coil diameter of 300 mm
or less
7.2.1 The item shall be located centrally in a fibreboard container, Def Stan 81-15, style C or D (items
up to 10 kg mass) or Def Stan 81-9, or Def Stan 81-11, style 1 or 2.
7.2.2 The fibreboard container shall be lined, excess space filled with a material in accordance with
process [D3] and closed using tape, Def Stan 81-47 or Def Stan 81-126 Type 2 in accordance with
process [D16].
7.3 All hose and hose assemblies exceeding 1000 mm in length or whose coil diameter is
greater than 300 mm.

The item shall be located centrally in one of the following fibreboard containers as appropriate:

Hose and hose assemblies packaged straight shall be placed either in a container Def Stan 81-15,
style C or D (items up to 10 kg mass) or in a container Def Stan 81-9, style 3 (items exceeding 5 kg and
up to 40 kg mass) or in a container Def Stan 81-11, style 3 (items exceeding 10 kg and up to 55 kg
mass). Care shall be taken to insure that the dimensional limitations for the container are not exceeded.

DEF STAN 81-39 Issue 4

Coiled hose and hose assemblies shall be placed in a container, Def Stan 81-11, style 1 or 2 or
Def Stan 81-9, (style 1 or 2, class AM or AC).

As 7.2.2.

Level J Package (Equivalent to NATO Level 2)

The Level J package shall be prepared and located within a container the same as the Level N package
in all respects with the following exceptions:
The final barrier shall be 500 m thick polyethylene film, Def Stan 93-116 Type 1 or 2 in all
The fibreboard container shall be closed using tape, Def Stan 81-25 in accordance with process
[D16] in all instances.
The container shall be over-wrapped using kraft paper, Def Stan 81-48 in accordance with process
[C42, 46.3.3] and secured using tape, Def Stan 81-25 in all instances.



All labelling, (mandatory or not), required by Def Stan 81-41 Part 6 shall be applied.


Identification numbers, names and quantities shall be as stated in the contract or order.

9.3 Hose and hose assemblies used in clean air or oxygen breathing systems shall carry the Hazard
Information Label G 0752, "Do not contaminate with oil or grease".
9.4 Packages containing vulcanised rubber material used for military vehicle, naval or aerospace
purposes shall be marked as contractually defined in accordance with either BS 3F 69 or BS ISO 2230.

10 Recording of Package Production Data

It is recommended that users of this Standard retain the details of the package used for each specific
item of materiel for future reference. A typical proforma for this purpose is shown in annex A.

DEF STAN 81-39 Issue 4

Annex A Production Data Sheet

Item Reference No:

Item Name:

Makers Part No:

Level of Packaging:


Annex A

Method of Packaging in Accordance with Specification:




External Dimensions:


Gross Mass:


Internal Dimensions:

Additional Detail/Notes:


DEF STAN 81-39 Issue 4

Collation Page

Crown Copyright 2005

Copying Only as Agreed with DStan

Defence Standards are Published by and Obtainable from:

Defence Procurement Agency

An Executive Agency of The Ministry of Defence
UK Defence Standardization
Kentigern House
65 Brown Street

DStan Helpdesk

Tel 0141 224 2531/2

Fax 0141 224 2503
Internet e-mail enquiries@dstan.mod.uk

File Reference
The DStan file reference relating to work on this standard is D/DSTAN/81/39.
Contract Requirements
When Defence Standards are incorporated into contracts users are responsible for their correct
application and for complying with contractual and statutory requirements. Compliance with a
Defence Standard does not in itself confer immunity from legal obligations.
Revision of Defence Standards
Defence Standards are revised as necessary by an up issue or amendment. It is important that
users of Defence Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest issue or
amendment. Information on all Defence Standards is contained in Def Stan 00-00 Standards for
Defence Part 3 Index of Standards for Defence Procurement Section 4 'Index of Defence
Standards and Defence Specifications' published annually and supplemented regularly by
Standards in Defence News (SID News). Any person who, when making use of a Defence
Standard encounters an inaccuracy or ambiguity is requested to notify the UK Defence
Standardization (DStan) without delay on order that the matter may be investigated and
appropriate action taken.

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